TU A (flu (JULTUIflb'Z 35’. thvmusc Roots—Root crops are now be come a matter of necessity on every well-cou dncmd farm, where it it: desired that the soil should be :uneliaruted, and tho slock carried creditahly thruugh the winter. mm a few hints on harves‘iug them may not. he uui 0! place at this time. (Innate—This crop requires to he taken up before a hard frost. occurs, as the roots eerily freeze, and soon (leuzn' if once lrozen. Ilun :1 plough as deeply as possible on one side of a row of'-carrots: this will clear away the earth: and they can then be easily pulled hy hand, topped, and thrown into heaps to dry tor a day or two. and then stored min-)- in the cellar 01' root. house. . ‘ Parmips.——This crop is host. 30 110161} in me ground ‘ll winter, it" me land is. not. liable to be saturated with too much moisture. They are improved in flavor then-by. and can be taken up in the spring as soon as the frost leaves the soil, and fed to the stock as wanted. Beets and [langdlfi—ThPSC crops are nsunll y pulled by hand, and are best prrserred in ctr cnlar pits in the. ground where the soil is dry. The: are very liub e loheat, and as :1 preventa tive plate a. large sheaf of dry straw in the centre of each pit, and pile the roots around it. leaving the {up sticking out ot the pit to l‘uciii late the escape of the foul gases thrown oil by the roots. Beets are best led in early \‘rtuter ; mangvis about February. i’hmips.——Swedvs, Yellow Abel-«locus, and most. of the hybrid turnips, acquire the largest portion of their bulb grown in the autumn, and continne to enlarge in size until very, col-I wen. her and severe frosts occur. As soon as the top leaves become wilted by the host, it is about time to harvest. Lhenx. The whitt- varie ties. finch as the Globe, Norfolk, (ne., are. IllOl‘l' susoepnhle to the efi‘ecis of frost, and rrquire to be taken up and house-:1 somewhat earlier. These latter are the varieties usually grown in Great. Britain, where the frost. being seldom gavel-e enough to seriously injure them. they remain in the ground through the winter, the sheep being penned in small lot-s on the turnip field, nd removed from one spotto anotherttll all the turnips are eaten oil' I will give the most expeditious mode of taking up turnips. ts practiced here. Have a. hoe made with a long blade. not more. than four or five inches wide, and Very strong and sharp. The operator walks in the furrow between two drills, and cuts 011‘ the turnip mp at one blow, and then strikes the hue into the. soil at. the Siam the drill just below the hum of the turnip. severing it oil‘ the lapvrnol, and with n. sltght pull on the handle the turnip rolls into the furrow. By taking two retrs at a dmv, loft and right, every two drills when drawn occupy one furrow. In this way an expert man can take up half an acre, of turnips per day A slower but-neuter method is to pull up the imipe'by hand, cut oil the top and tap rout. wiihasharp knife, drop the turnips of four drills into one furrow, leaving the leaves in the oulsi ie furrow. In cold. wet. Weather, this method renders the. workman liable to suffer from chilhlains in his fingers. Let the turnips lie on the field in heaps for a. few days to dry and sweat. a little before s'oring then). It is important. that turnips should not become frozen after they are taken out of the ground. and when hard frosts are anticipated at night; they should either be stored at- once, or covered during the night with straw, potato or buckwheat. lumlm. Even the turnip leaw-s an the ground may be forked orcrlhcm, provi ded they are not too wet. Where, from the want of a root house or cel lar, it. becomes necessary to store the turnips on the ground, there are two methods of pru endure, either-of which may be advantageously adopted One is, to put. them in circular heaps of fifty bushels cash, on the highest. and driest spots on the field where they are grown, cover them with earth, without. straw, to the depth of one foot—the earth thrown on the heap be ing so dug out around it, as to leave a. ditch to drain oil the surface water and prevent it is om getting underneath the turnips. The earth may he piled a little thicker at the junction of the slope with the leYel ground. This is a very convenient. mode of storing turnips, as one. heap can be opened at a time. and the contents re moved to the burn or uuttle stalls during the coldest. weather in winter, and a little freezing then does not. hurt them if used before they thaw out again. The other plan. and one often adopted, is to draw the turnips to a clean piece of swat-d ground near the farm yard, and pile them on the surface in long, narrowridges—sag; six feet wide at the bottom, and the sales curried up It:- an apex like a roof. at Ute height at four feet from titegrnuml. These-are then covered with earth the earn:- as before described. but. to pre vent the turnips from decaying from the heat evolved by them, holes four inches in dinmelt‘r should he left. at every five iOBl. along Ihe. apex of the ridge. These hol. s can be stuffed. with a wisp of straw in very severe cold wentlwr, or when a snow or rain storm is anticipated, cure being taken to remove them «gain in a few days. The length of these ridges is immaterial, or several may be built alongside of ouch other. The 'uruipfi are taken out, as wan-ed lroru one end of the ridge, and that. end kept closed up when not in use. by a. bunrh of straw or some green pine houghs. ‘ J. M., Hamilton, C. W., October, lS‘iU.—Ruml .New Yorker. Cum: ornm Gm”: DISEASE BY lxocum max—A correspondent of the London Times writes from Paris, October 28th : Col. De Golberg, of the'Thirty~eighilx Regi— mam of Infantry, has addressed the following letter to the Prefect 0f the Gironde, explaining the method he has discovered to preserve vines from the oidium, by inoculation of the stocks with the wasted matter of the disease: “ I had the hem r, three months since, to re ceive :1 visit from several members of the Ag ricultural Society of the department of the Gi ronde. who wished to ascertain from me my methud of vaccinating the vine. At this mO~ ment the sap of the vine is beginning to cease. I have'chesen this period to explain the result. of the incisions in which I had placed one or two seeds of the diseased grape. I vaccinated ten vine awe-ks within a. period 6f 3 month; the four which were vaccinated at. the com mencement of Ihe malady produced remarkable results. and I wish to explain these results to the members of the Agricultural Society who honored 1m: with a visit. The fouuwing are the results: The font stocks first vaccinated completely cured the grapes which they here, and a claimmy mam-rims formed in the {um-i0? of the incisions; the others subsequently vac— cinated have produced less suecesaful resuhs a small quantity only of clnmmy matter “Wing; been nuanced, which leads me to believe lhat the vaccination should be performed as soon as the disease appears. One stock which wan “0L vaccinated lost. every one of it's grapes. AllO. flier stock did not produce any ciammy matter in the incision, and a. portion nf the grapes ton: d. D 1: Gonnene.” MESSRS. c HIUKERING & 00‘. HAVE AGAIN OBTAINED THE GOLD' NI E'DAL! AT THE . MECHANICS’ FAIR, BOSTON, ' 11an um rnzcznmdwnx, OVER SIA'TY C’OMPEI’I T 0138! 1' t}! Y ' ' “zirgiogémnfiketesggigx mun. G PIAL OS, at Harms oe23-tf , W. KNOCBE’S LIUSIC STORE. JUST RECEIVED! nix rounum: INK FOUNTAIN! A very ingenioul attachmentfo any metallic pen, by which one dip of 1111: is anflicxent to write a foolscap ”a. For sale at BCHH'FEB’S BOOKSTORE, apll ND- 18 Market at LY K ENS VALLEY NUT COAL— For Sale A! TWO DOLLARS fl]: 2015!. a}? All Coal delivered by PA TENT WEIGHCA R 15 JAMES M. WHEEL KR. 313’0031 delivered from both yards. n 01? filiatcllauwus. Tm: AauLflAmnlox or Luccmzs.—'l‘here is a glowing thunency in this age to appropriate the most expmssim wordu or other Ihnguage', and aftera while to in or "rate them into 0'" 0W ‘; thus tha Word Cephalic, Whifih is 101:: the Greek. Signifying "fo. the ..e "ii” is now becom ing .0 - Idli'ml u I'. nnectim. with Mr. a‘pxhéug’a great Imminent: remedy, but It Will soon m.- use! in -- more son and way and the word Uephali: will ode» -m as co‘nuon a~ Elecuutyye and many utuo 5 whose distinction as lor eign words has been worn away by ouLnou “5336 until they Seem “native a. to the manor horn.“ 'ardly Realized Hi 7MI ’ll ’erriblo’eadache this hnt'ternaou, hand I 326])de into ‘he hapothecaries hand says hi to‘tbc man. “Can you hum me of ‘n ‘eadacue 2" “Does it hache ’anl," says ’ev “qu.“ e-lingly,” any- hi, I: md upon than ’9 gave me a Cephalxc Pill, hand ’30:: me ’onu-It cured me so qmck that 1 Rally mlized 1 ’ad ’4l:] an ’end who. WEI-muons us the favorite sign by which nature nukes known any deviation whutuver from tue natural stain of the bra? . and viewed iatl-is light"- IluY "0 looked on as a. 51 cguard intended to give notice of disease win: )1 might - then-wise rscnpc attentiun, till too late to b name divd; nnd itw indicatio-‘s should never be neglect (1. Head . gem-s may he cin~sified under two names, viz : Symptoma tic and [diopnhic Symptumatiu ‘leadache is ex'wedingly (mmmondnd the procurxor 0' a greal variety of diseases, among which are ApnplL'xy, flout, flhtumnbism cnd all feb:i‘e diam-Mas. [n It- nervous form ‘t is sympithutic of 'iiscas': If the stomach constituting sibk headache. of he— patic dise. as cunstilut m bilims hen lac/m, of warms, caustipmon anl olhardisordms of tue bowels as wrll as renal and utrriue “factions. Discnsés of the harm 0 very Irfluueuuy ttended witull- a; ash»; A mmiaund plet- on are al-o am; tions which frequently occasiw n hen-lacks.— Idiopathic H which: is '4lso very common, being usually «1 mic guishvd by the mum oi ncruuus headache, sometimes can in': on suddenly in a. btat» of nppa'eutly round health an! pros rating at once the menu! ml uhmicul energies, and in uth r initanms it comes on slowly, heralded by de pr saiou of apiuils or :Loetbity 0" hamper. In most Insuzn cm? the pain is in the frunfi of the bead, . vcr wue or both eyes. and sometimss pxov king vomiting ,- nndcr this class may 4150 he ml net: N urnlgm. For the treatmen: of either (2’: ss of Hfadfl' he 111 a Cn fiuuia. Pills have been found a sure and sat. remedy, relie— ving he mnst acute pains m a few minutes, and by its subtle pnwer eiadicativ:g the dimes or which Headache is the unerriug max. I ' Bnmum —\lissus wants: you t) send her In box of Cep— hal-n 1 an, no, a, trims-"I” ”negated P |l~s—-huc I’m think— ing fl: ‘3 i nut ms: it ndtho' 3 bat uerh~m< y 5:1 5e alther hn wing what in 'B. Ya see suek nigh dead and g' 119 with he m: . H mingle, and Wants sum.- morc of that name as remind her tun-ford Drusgrsz - ~ on mud: n: mu Spaldxufls Ceolzabc Pills. 50‘:ng - 'ch ‘ sure mm and you‘ve sad it. here’s the qu- th ran-1 giv me Um kills and that be all day about. it aithm . - Constipation or Costiveuess No one of thn “mam ills flush ishuirlo” is so prevnlant, no M 1:: un er~to- «.1, and 50 muck-Ln .._dputea HSUO financss ”flea ("Linnling in rare:- 5- m-.~s orscuuutnry Lat-it» ; it in l'l‘gdl‘d" an n Sllgll' Ilium-let of t -u little. 1: nmqwnue to ”who unxSe-ty. wlulc in reali-y it‘s true precursor and crmpnuiuu nt' mum o the ml-st falal and d ngurous d a care , and unless early eradicated I! wil bring :hn “tram t-n an untimely grave Ara-mg the fighter evils of whi 11 cast. Vr -3- mt e usurl httrnd nt arr Heafla'he, I olic, Kheumat am, Foul swath, Pilui and a-thers of! Re- nature. wbil .n lung ‘l'» no' fr gh'fll .l-su-asen such aa Malignant Powers, =b -ss 8. D sentery, DI rrhmal, Hyspcpma, Ap - ple ty, Epil‘psj Paralysm. ll star , HVp ‘suonuridms, “e‘zmcholy and Insnnity. first indicate ch ir prom ncv in the ~ystem by m s aha-min svmptom Nut un rrquvntly the d scan-u numeu ov'ginate in "onstipatiou, but mm: on an indepenvlentexisto-nse 111-ens the muse i- end cated in an "arly stage [fr-urn ml: the“ carnnlderat'on's It follows that manhunt-Jar .s'wul-z receive immediate a‘t-mtiou when eve.- it orcurs and no person should nPglert to got a box of Cepualic Pills am th first appuamnce of the c'-m-«luint. ...: their t-mrly u a will expel the insid‘ous approachcs (f diaeznse and. dcstmy th‘s dangerous fa». to human life. Alfie“ Blessing. Pitysirinm—Well, Mrs. Jones, how is than huaduche ? Mrs Imus-diam: 1 Humor an gouu! =h- pill you sent cured and in just twenty m-uutes and I wish yo. would send more no that [ «an lune them handy. Physician.——- You can get them at any Drugfista. Call fnr fln-p'mlic Pi'ls, I find they never fail, and. I recommend them in a. l cases of Ilsa ache "lrlrs. J» "as —-l s ral sen for a box directlv. anv'l _Bhall tell all my sufiering friends f 0 they are a rat! blessmg. wax'rv Munoss ox! Unnuns Swath—4ll'. Spalding has do I] turn minlvun ‘of b ntt as I" His celebratwd Prepared Glue an" i' is cstim net that each bottlr saves at least ten doll-n worth of broken furu-twe, thus nmkmg an aggre g-le a UV my tilillinufl o dollas reciaimed lrom to a! loss by tnis Humble invention Ihviug made his who a householi word, in; um propuses to do the world still gl‘uAto-l'ser‘md by curi-u all me ach‘nz he‘ s with his Cephaiic Finn and if they are as gnu-:1 as his G-lu-J, Head aches wills-1m \muishnwu like. snow ill-July. ‘ 11:,“ “was exam-13mm, .ml the mcamlc-erc and auxh-ty incnleut to t.c clues uttemiol to business 0 study, are ‘munz the Hume on: (mm—'s or Nerwms Ucadach A. The disarm-ml ~L4Le of mini uni body incidunt tn thisdi-trusfl m._; c [uplaint is a fun! blow to all enurgv and 4m!) tinn . 11 ct I's m t I'fii ll sur let em aEnys ohxaiu sp eu-dv rel'ef from these “Awash: , ducks hyus‘ng one 0A 'he o."leme pll 4 W.II'D“V“X' Lam symptoms appear It quits the (lvel' tasked I) :Lin. and suav- ‘3 the stvainod and j rring‘ norm-s, and re! Ix-s the Wusiuu at the s?om-»:ch whiu 1 always ac cnmpanius and. :3; water; he. disordered con-linen ut‘ the brain. FACT “'oth xx‘pmxn - ‘bmdiugk Gnu | an: 9mg are a v'artqiu cure ior Hick II e-ulzcue, Rilloua II -. zducue, rccrvous Ileaduchr: Gaiiwuness and HG eml'ueb liiy. Gun 0153 Nam- ——V\-uuu; the most immrttnt of all t 1:; ext In «lie 0 d s m.- :ries oz'thitagn mm b: considered the # st m of“ vaccéultin-I To: nmtcction H‘um Sm all Pox, the C 11h uic l'ill fr reiieF of He dtcha. and t :9. use of Q=lixrne for (In: prevents-Hi r)" Raver. either uf which is u sure 5 .01: 1:. whose benefits will he exparzenced bv fill"- fering im‘muity long,r a. Lzr :ueirdiscovarcrs are ibrgottun. film) you ever have thn Sick llavlac‘ue? Do you reumnher the throbbing temples, m {'everevl hr w, the In thing anl disgust at thu sag-n: of Fond? II m 7 totally unfit you were f r pl-easum, convmsxtinu or atudy flu: or‘ that ephaluu Pills voul‘ hwe relieve-l you from all (1:: stiff—ring whinh yn - than experience! F 11‘ mid and (flu-r purpnses you should a'w 13's have a box. of them on [meal to use a; occasion requires. §Q§E§9g Q 2965?” maize Nervous Headache 411 am a; 1:1116‘3: Hgaflaxehe, By the use of these Pills Ihe periodic attacker-f N". mus of Sick Headache may be prevented;; and if taken at the rommencement of an attack immediate wliéf‘ tram pain and aicknesa will be obtained. They ne.]dom fail in removing the Nausea uni Head. tube to which females fire no subject. They act gently upon the bowels,— removing Caslive- EMI For Liluary Mm, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxative, improving the appetite, giViDE 1"“ “I" rigor to the digestive org-ma. and reatoring the natural elasticity and strength of the Whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the resu‘t of bug iPVesti gntiou and carelull‘y conducted experiments, having rec-In in “36 man-years, during which time they have prevented “"3 ”“9“" a “5‘ amount 0f pain and suffering from lleadaizhe, whether oxigimtimgin the ncwous system or from a deranged etate of the stomach. They are emit-31y “gamble in their compogifion’ and mp, hevtaken at all times with perlect I‘l'ety without ma.- king any change of diet, and the abseme of any dud. greeabln taste renders it: any la Ada-unis," them to children. BEWARE on cousmnvnns. The genuine have live s‘gnatures of Hem- c. . each hox. J I B}»!de on Sold by Druggists and all other dealm - M - A Box will be sent by mail Unpaid 0n ::c9i;4:121::;.e PRICE TWENTY-FIVE GENTS. All order! should he addressed to . ‘ HENRY c. snunma, 4B CEDAR. STREET ‘ noli»d&wy. _ ' REW yon" 13115111299 «Imm. DENTI S T R Y . THE UNDERSIGNED, DOCTOR 0F DENTAL SURGERY. Respectfully tenders his professional services to “the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity. OFFICE IN STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. sep2s.d&wtf_ B.M GILDEA,D.D.S. DR. 0. WEICHEL, SURGEON AND OCULIST, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH STREET. He is now fully prepared to attend promptly to the duties of profession in all its branches. A LONG AND VERY SUCCESSFUL Amman. EIIERIENGE justifies him in promising full and ample satisfaction to all who may favor him with a. call, be the disease Chronic or any other nature. nus-dandy AIT W TT I HAYS, ATTOR.NEY-A{T-LA“. o FF I 0 E, WALNU STREET, BETWEEN SECOND 37 THIRD, 31.15] HARRISBURG, rs. (My THEO. F. SCHEFFER, 1200 K, 0.42:1) Afi JOB PRINTER, 51113 No. 18 Market Street, Elan-swibuig , WM. H. MILLEii, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office corner of MARKET STREET and tha SQUARE, (Wyoth’s,) second floor front. if?l?"‘?EECE’P_BE§EP£‘l‘EEE>;..___ __I‘PILU‘W' S P. AUOHMUTY, a - ' ATTORNEY AT LAVV, MILLERSBURG, Dwrnmcouxn‘, PA Will practice before the Dauphin, Nurthmhcrlund md Perry County Courts. . ’ Prompt attention given to the collection of claims All kinds of couveyancingexecutad with dispatch. Land surveys made at shortest notice. ‘ dec2-dly WTi—l ti A n 1 I: L , SUGGEESOB TO li. 5- LITE, PLUMBER AND MASS‘UNDEH, 108 MARKET ST., naltglgnvm} BRASS CASTINGS. of every description, made to order. American manufactured Lead and Iron Pipes of all sizes Ely-drama ot‘every description made and repaired. Hotund Cold Water Baths, Shower Baths, Water Closets, Cistem Pumps, Lead Coflius and Leaq work of every (inscription done at, the shortest notice, on the most reasonable terms Factory and Engine work in geneml. All orders thunk fully renewed and punctually attended to. The highest price in cash given for old Copper, Brass. Lon-'1 and Smelter. rsylS-dtx' I 0. MOLT Z, J. _ ' BNGINEERJIACHINIST AND STEAM FI'I‘TBIE, No, 6, North. Sixth 5%., between Wainu: and Mark“, ‘ H.lln'iqlugrg, Pa. . Machinery of every d- scription made and repaired. Bras: flocks of all sizes, and a large assortment of Gas Fitting.- eonsmntlz on hand. ' All work done in this establishment wil! be under his uwu superviaian, and warranted to give satiafaciicn. cm 26 RELXTfiéfiE"I3OSi? S‘i‘b Rll TRACT AND S UNDJ Y S 0110 0L DEPOSI 1'0}; Y, E. S. GERIVIA.N, 27 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE GEES-NUT, A nAnmssußG, PA. _ _ Depot forthe sale af Stereoscopes,Stereoscupic Views, Music and Musical Instruments. Also, subscriptions taken for religious publications. noBO-d)‘ FRANKLIN HOUSE, BALTIMORE, MD This pleasant and commodiuus Hotel has been tho roughly re-fitted and re-furnished. It is pleasantly situafed on North-West corner of Howard and Franklin streets. a few doors west of the Northern Central Rail way Depot. Every attention paid to the comfort of his guests. G. LEISENRIN G, Proprietor, jel2—tf (Late of Selina Grove, Pa.) flank ”Applimiimw. B A N K N O I‘ I C 19.—Notice IS hereby given, that the undersigned have formed an Asso ciation, and prepared and executed a. Certificate, for the purpose of establishing a, Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposite, under the provisions of the Mt entitled “An act, to establish a. system of Free Banking in Pennsyl vania, and tn deem-e the public ughiuat'loua from Insol vent Bnnks," nppru ved the Shit day of March, A D. 156‘), Said Bank to bu called THE DOWNINGTUWN BANK. to be located in Downingtown, to consist; of a. Capital Stock 0" Fifty Thuusund Dollars, in shares of Fifty Dol lars each, with the privilege of increasing the same to any amount not exceeding in all Three Hundred Thou sand Dollars. Charin—s Downing, } David Shelmire, John Webster, : William Rogers, William Edge, ; J. K Eshelman, Richard D. Wells: 3 Sumnel Ringwali, J. l'. HrLugh, l Stephen Blalchfm-Lii September 3, ISSO ~50p17-dfixn i'? AN K N OTI U i‘).——R OtICC IS hereby ? given that an Association bus been formed and a. certificate prepared for the purpose of establishing a. Bank of lame. Discount and Depuaite under the pruvi sinus nf the not entiuvd “An act to (‘fs’tflbltfih a system of Free Banfiing in Pennsylvania. and to secure thl' pub. lic against loss from Insolvent Bunk:,”appruved “103131: day of {march 1860. The said Hank to be called ~- The Bethlehem Bank,” and to be loc ted in the bnruugh of Bethlehem, in the county of Northampton, with u. Cupi tal Stock of Fifty Thousand Doilztrs. in shares of Fifty Dollars each, with the privilege of increasing the said Stank to Two Hundred Thuusund Dollars. nu‘lé-dfim 7 ‘ . . B A N Is. N O T I (‘1 E .—Notlcc IS hereby given; that; an association has been formed and a certificate prepared, for the purpose of establishing a. Bank of issue, discount and deposit, under the provisions of the not, entitled “An Act. to estsbhsh a. system of free banking in Pennsylvania, and tosecu re thepublic figninst loss hy insolvent banks," approved the thirl._v-tirs.dayol March, 1860. The said Bank to be called the “min: :2 BANK,” and to be located in the city of l'hilsulglphisi, and to consist of a capital stock of ON E HUN RED THOUSAND DOLLARS, in shares of fifty dollar each, with the privilege of increasing the same to any :mouni not exceeding in all one million of dollars. jy’lfifim EX’J‘ENSIUN OF BANK CHAR/1193 Notice is hereby given that “ The Karma fl and Mcohmies’ Bank of Euston,“ a. Bank of Discount and Deposite, located in the borough of Huston, Norimmp ton county, Pennsylvania, having». capital of Foul Hun dred Thousand Dollars, will apply to the next Legigature of Pennsylvania fol-n renewal of its charter for ftncu years, from the expiration of its present chm-tel, with its present capital stock, powers and privilcg :, and without any alteration in or increase of the sum I*. s. MIGHLEB, Prei T M’E. FORMAN, Gashiar. je3o-d B ANK NUT 1 G E.—Notice 1:3 hweby given that an Association has been formed and a Certificate prepared for the purpose of establia ing a Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposite, under the rovi sions of the not entitled “An act ‘to establish a. stem of free banking in Pennsylvania, and to secure the üblic against loss from insolvent banks,” approved t 3lst day of March, 1860.‘ The said Bank to be calld the “State Bank," and to be located in the city of P ladel phia, and to consist of 1:. Capital Sto'ek of Fifty 'l‘h usand Dollars, in shares of Fifty Dollars each, with th privi lege of increasing the same to anyamountnot ex, ceding in all One Million of Dollars j929d6m=fi ,5” WI. S. mum: is? / I’Al’E’ 1" ‘ Ha?” ’ UPHOLSTERING, C. F. VOLLMER In prepared to do all kinds of work in the UPHOLSTERING BUSINESS_ articular utfention to MAKING AND Yin N 531;}; warms. MAKING Ayn BEPAIRIM? 3131?: TIMSSES, REPAIRING FUltM’l‘ynE, ML. am, He can be round at all times at lus ne.-nuance, in the renr or the William Tell House, corner of Raspberry and Black berry alleys. 35.11.2941, 5—K” KELLER’S DRUG STORE is mm, to buy Domenic Medicine.) ‘ 'I‘HE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE new OF YEARS, AND GROWS MORE AN§A¥9RE POPULAR EVERY And testimoninlS, 118‘? ' and almost without number. might he given from ladies and gentlemen in all grades of society, «host‘s united testimony none could resist, that Prof. Wood‘s Hair Restoration will restore the bold and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, in all its youthful beauty. Burn: Gums. Mich, Dec. 21, 1858. PROF. Woon : Thee wilt please accept a. line to inform thee that the ha" 011 my head full oil" over twenty yours ago, caused by} complicated chronic disease. attended with an eruptwn 0}: the head. A continual course of suffering through life having reduced me to a state of dopondencci I have not been able to obtain stufi‘ for cops, neither have I been able to do them up, in consequence of which “‘l' head has suffered extremely from cold. This induced me to pay Briggs & Hodges almost the lust cent I had on earth for a. two dollar bottle of thy liuir Restorative about the firstof August last. [ have faith fully followed the directions, and the bald spot 18 nor! covered with hair thick and black. though short; it is also coming in all orer my hood. Fooling confident that another large bottle would restore it entirely and per— manently, I feel anxious to persevere in its use,“ and be ing destitute of means to purchase any more. I would ask thee if then Wouidit not be willing to send me an order on thine agents for u butt-Iv, and mature to thyself the scripture declaration—“the reward is to those who are kind to the widow nud fatherlcss.” Thy friendl SUSA NKAH KIRBY. Llooxmn, Noble Co . Indiana, Feb 5, 1559. I'EOF. 0_ .l. Wool): Dear Sin—ln the latter part of tho rem-1852, while attending the State and National ww’schnol or the smm of New York, my hair, from a cause unknown to mv. commenced failing on very rapidly, so that in the short space of six months, the whole up per port of my scalp was almost entirely bereft; of its covering, and much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part of my hood shortly after became gray, so thut you will not be surprised when I tell you that upon my return to the State of Indiana, my more casual acquaintances were not so much at a. loss to discover the cause 0' the change in my appearance. as my more iuu mute ocquuiutuucos were: to recognize roe at. all. I at once made applicui‘ion to the must skillful phySi ciuns in the country. but. receiving no assurance from them that my hair could again be restored, I was forced to becomo reconcile-d to my info, until, fortunately, in the latter part of the year 1857, your Restorative was recommended to me by a druggisa, as being the most re liable flair Restorative in use I tried one bottle, and found to my grout sutisfuction that it was producing the desired effect. Since that time, I huva used seven dol lurc’ worth of your Restorative, and us a result, Lara a. rich cool: of very soft black hair, which no money can buy. As a. mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production ol‘su wonderful an article, I have recom mended its use r 0 muny‘of my friends and acquaintances, who, I am happy to inlorm you, arc using it with likc eliect. Very respectfully, yours, AM, LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at. Law. DEW)t “144 131””de ‘ and Sold by all dealers through out the world. 0. J. WOOD A: 00., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New Yorkl and 114 Blal‘kut Street, Sb. Louis, fiIO. And sold by all good Druggists and Funny Gonda Dealers. aniT—dJLu'Sm £lll N J) S 0 M Isl W 0 M EN HUN'P’S “BLOOM 05‘ [1 ans,” 3 rich and. delicate color for the cheeks and lips, WILL NOT WASH 0R RUB OFF, and when nnce applied rcmuiua durable for years. mailed free in bottles for $l.OO. HUN’i"S “COURT TOILET PHWDER,"_ imparts a dazzling whitenesa to the complexion, and is unlike any— thing else used for [his purpose. mailed fl'Cl' [ol'so cents. [IUNT’S “ BRITISH BALM," removes tan. fiCCIeS, sunburn and all eruptions of the skin, mulled free for 50 cents. HUNT’S “IMPERIAL POMADE,” for the hair, strengthens and improves its gmwth. keeps it from lull ing off. an: warrant-ed TO MAKE THE HAIR, CURL, mailed free for $1 00. . HUNT’S “ PEARL BEAUTIFIER,” for the teeth and gums, cleanses and whitena the teeth, hardeusfihe gums, purifies the breath effectually. 1’ RE 8 E R'V E S THE {TEflg‘gDAND PREVENTS TOOTH-ACRE, mailed free or 8 4 . HUNT’S “ BRIDALWREATH PERFUME,” adouble gxt-guct of orange blossoms and colugne, mailed free for 1. 0. This exquisite perfume was first usedhy the PRINCESS ROYAL. OF ENGLAND. on her marriage. MESSRS HURT & CO presented the PRINCESS with an elegant case of Perfumery, (in which all of the above articles were included .) in handsome cutgluss with gold stoppers, valued at $l5OO, particulars of which appeared in the public prints. All the above articles sent FREE by ex press for 35.00. 01:11 can either accompany the order or be paid to the express agent on delivery of goods. HUNT a; 00., Pczfumers tn the Quem. Runes! Swen-r, Lennon, AND 707 Smsom 31mm, The Trade supplied. PHILADELPHIA. sep4~dly ' .42 m \“x ‘ , 4--:“‘\~':" 4‘13 k'x‘v Qg9s ‘* 0 f ‘93? 4.3;» _/-¢»-‘ ‘2l\ \\ 1,3,; (writ, ' ’h‘\ QM / a? ’13.? amnomyzfis -\ W, :w .4 «wdmlgillglufim; 1 fi'\ :0 I L/Z‘v‘ Q‘. - 2 ‘32?" .. Law: the Pieces! 'u..- Afiaccz’defifls will lmmmn, cam in was’E-rcgui’amlfrmii (£55, 11. is very desirable to have some cheap and conve nieut way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, £2O SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it. It is always ready and up to the. stick ing point. There is no longer a. necessity for limping chairs, splintered veneers, headless dolls; and broken cradles It i; just the artiela fur cone, shell, and other ornamental work, an popular with ladies of refinement and taste. This admirable preparation is used ccld, being chemi cally held in solution, and possessing all the valuable quahtiea of the best cabinet-mnkers’ Glue. It. may be used in the place of ordinary mucilaga, being vastly more adhesive. “USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE ” N. 13.—A Brush accompuem'u cachbo'ua. Price, 25 cent-1. WHOLESALE Duo-r, No. 48 CEDAR STREET, NEW Yam: Address Put up for Dealers in Cases containinv Four, Eight, and Twelve Dozen—a beautiful Lithograpiiic Show-oard accompanying each package. 113’ A single bottle of SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times its cost. annually to every household Ig} Sold by 31 prominent Stationers, Druggists, Hardware and Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Fancy Stores. Country merchants should make a. note of SPALD ING’S PREPARED GLUE, when making up their list. It will stand any climate. ' - feblM&,wl_v DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANCE COMPANY. ' OFFICE, S. E. 00R. 7HIRD AND WALNUTSTS PHILA DELPHIA. . Incorporated 1835. Marina Insurance on mussels, cargo and freight, to all parts of the world. Inland Insurance. on goods by avers, canals, lakes and [and carriage to all parts of the Union. Fin Ins_uran¢e on merchandize generally, and on atom. dwelling houses, I'm. Assets of the Cempany, Novembetl, 1858, 869850420400 dollars. ' ' Nevembe: 10, 1353. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Dividend of Six Per Cent in Cash, on the Original Capital Stnck. and Six Per Cent. on the Scrip of the Company, payable 0:} and after 151 proximo > < _ . They have 81m) declared a Scrip Dividend of'l‘wenterive Ber Cent. on the Original Stock,and on the Earned Pre miums for the year ending‘October 31; 1858, Certtfluutes for which will be issuad to the gal-ties entitled to the same, on Ind after the first of December next. ’W‘fi 05%.: f"‘/' g '/i i 3‘: fl 1; if 7 3 I}; :2 If Preamble and Resolution adopted by the Board. Mums, The increased means of the Company arising from Profits, and which will be derived fiom the Increased Capital Stock under the late amendments to the Act of In. corporation, render the further continuance of the Gnaran tee Capital unnecessary; therefore be it— Resolmd, That the Guarantee Capital be diacnntinued, and the Notes representing the name be delivered up to the makers thereof. as noon an the Riskstaken duringthe perioj embraced insaid Notes shall have determined. ' D l R In} G 'l‘ 0 R 8 : William Martin, Edmun-l A. Sender, Theo. Paulding, Jon R. Penman, John C Davis, James Traquair, William Eyre, Jr. James o.lmm), Wm. G. Ludwig, Joseph B. Seal, Dr. R. M. Huston, Gaul-l. Luipsi, Hugh Graig Charles Kelly, Sam’l. E. Stokes, J. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, Ed. Darlington, 8. Jones Brooke, Spencer M’llvaine, Thematic. Hand, Robert Bnrfnn, Jacob P. Jones, Jan. B. M’Farl‘d. Joshua P. Eyre, Jno. B. Sample, D. 'l'. Morgan, J. T Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS 0. HAND, Vin Pnsiduu. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. MI | \t-.\\h‘ 3's}; [s29 :- 'l, .35 V : § I i: . i ‘auas The undersigned, an Agent for .1119 above Company, I: prepared to make Insurances on all description of proper ty, on the most liberal terms. 0°“ 'l.Vd&w WM. BUEHLEB. M O T I G E .-—'.[lle undersngned havmg 1 opened an English and Classical School for Boys in the Lecture. Room of what was formerly called the “Unitefl Brethren Church" on Front, betVeen Walnut and Locust streets, is prepared to receive pupils and instruct than] in the branches usually taught in schools of thut charncter. The number of pupils is limited to twenty-five. For information with regard to terms, Bcm. apply to Rev. Mr. Bonmson and Rev. Mr. CATTELL, or personally to [om-um] JAMES B. KING. ELI): «flailtt. TOTHE LADIES €9O fiangckceperfi. HENRY C. SPAImTNG (c 00.. Box No. 3,600. New York linsnrame. filebiml. ‘7‘ ";.-.v"~‘.~*-' 1W3”! “3? w ' 1529;....¢-\2‘2?'—4%§<‘l.J}.~§4r4a ‘ ’z‘igfléj-f 9’}; ‘7l" 3‘15"" "“‘r‘r. };f'!ila'-?:: -'”‘:.'»1::‘:‘§I!‘: "flag/N -‘ - -‘ .» ' =:, V ’WL 3,4; "\M-«B'EAIIP q "\VE‘ It!“ ‘.‘ ' 1' "",:-":j'~’..~‘- “{3‘.” '2 ‘.‘ :' CH -. 1.953109} 4 I L til“- :" if. . ‘ ‘ '_ "n 7 ',‘J.,x “./..' Ti‘ '53 «l®.'h.‘- ’4 ' ‘ 31,59 ‘ his". ‘— mt}, ~:i;;Z‘1.":)" ’1'::~' “V- «. r -- '1 ~./ 1‘ ,_-_ 2" .‘ ‘. 21“ "P "IL LSfiQTRH v 5”: .Li '- t”r A: r,‘ . ‘5.”- '- ,- -‘- log, "'4" ”32"" “1" ’ ' »:' v'z'fiwm_«-,.::..-.':ly,—i "" 60, “093:5 .zsia::3.:!:»é.l-1 _:V ’( :w‘i‘hl' w w’ A! upnriant and Stomachic preparation of IRON puri (in). of Oxygen and Carbon by combusuon in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highpst Medi all Authorities, hath in Europe and the United States, and prescribed in their practice. The- experience of thousands daily proves that no pre parntion of Iron can be comm-red with in. Impurities of the blood, d‘eprvssion of vital energy, pale and otherwise Bick'y complexions. indic‘nto its nucee‘sity in almost every conceivaple 1:358. . _ _ Innoxiousiu all rmlnclics in which it has been tried, it has moved atmlutely curutive in each of the following compluinls, viz: [N DEBILH‘Y. NERVOUS Anzcnoxs, Emcu'nox, D'rs- PEPSXA. CoNsTIPA-rmx. DI ”mm. I‘vsrm'my, mamas? Goxsrmrrnux. Sent rcLoUs Twancmoms. SAI 1v Rmzml, Mmuausmm'rmw. Vl'nuEs,CnLouosxs. Magnum-“l3l's, Gamma ummcm‘s, ”I'll-:VMA'NSM,IN'IERMIITEXTFEVEBS, PIMPLES or: Tm: PAGE, 8w; ' In cases uf angml. DnruLny, whutlmr the result of acutu diced-13, or of the continued diminution of BFTVOUS and muscular eu> rgy flom chronic co-v painls. one trial of this restorative has pruved successful to an extent which no descrip ion or written attrstation wuul" render-credible luv-lids so lm-g bpd ridden as to have I» come forgotten in their own m-ighho hoods. have Huddnnly re.:nppeax'ed in the busy world as i just rwturnen from pmtm led travel in a. distal)? land. Some very signal instant-ea 0' this kind are attestvd of femalv Sufi'en-rs. rmaciated Victims of 'epParent mamsmus, sax-guim-nus exhaustion. critical changes. and ,that coim'licitinn 0' marvous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which the physician has no name. In Nunvnus “.Fi-‘RCTXO-NS oI all kin-ls. and For res-sons familiar to medical men. the operation of this preparation 0| iron must urm-ssariiy bi- mania”, 'or. uniikv the old oxides, i 1 is vigorously tonic, without bring exciting and overheating; and gently. reguimiy ape-rie-m, em 11 in the most ob~tinute cases of cosiiveuvss Witimut ever being a gastric purgxtivo, or inflicting :idlslugm able -unsa.tion. It is this lumr property. among others, which mukon it an remarkably eil‘uciual and pvrma-uunta remedy for Piles. upon which it also appears to exvrt a distinct and specific action. by dispersing rhe loclil tenniem-y which Forms them. ' In DYSPEI’SL‘, innumvruh ens are. itscauaes, a single box of these (Ehniyltoatr i‘iiln has: ofven with-ed for 1119 most. liubitu -l case-x, ivciuding the ttenduu‘: "031.505.719.95 in “Dell“flfled Dnmma-u, even when admnced to DYSBN ”my, confirmed, emm-iniing‘ m: «ppnl'enfly malignant the "meta hzme hven equilly de msiw and aswnishiugi In the 100 ii pains, loss of flesh 4nd sm-ngth, debilitating cough, and minivan! lwczii , which gem mily indicatr Is czrnm'r Coxswain-ms. this rpm-11y has 31124333] the alarm or friuuds and physicians, in several very gratifying and interesting iusmnvrs. In Fcuorvmus Tr BEECULOEIS, this ml‘dicntcd irnu has had i' -r mnre thm the good rffem of the. mania cautiously baiancvd prepum’iona ox iodine. without any of their We.” known liabilities The :uttentv-u nffomal-xscnunot he too confidentlyinvi’ed m this rmncdy an») rasjmmfrc, in in': cams peculimlj hf mating them In Rurcmnxm hath chronic and infltzmmatory~in the lat er, I swam-r, moredo-u flvdiy—il has bneninvuriahi} well reported, bo‘h as uilert-xfing pain and reducing the swel- Inugs mzl‘v stiffiu-ss of the joints and muscles. in ism-mm“? m‘ Remus it @231 neumsux‘ily I’9 it grant remedy and an rgefic wstomtive, and its. prngress in the now svtneinnms of the West, will probably be one of high renown nuu‘ usrl'ulm—ss. . _ No remedy ms ever be. n diaccverefl in the whole history of merlieina,wlxinh exams such prumpt. happy. and fully rc-smmtive e-fi‘ucls. Lin-3:5 up; e iEu. complete digestion, mpid acquisition or atrcngm, uizh an m nsmi diallosniun "or active and cim‘rful exorcise, nmmvdiati‘iy follow its use. Put up in man flaJ metal baxesvontmning 60 pills, $3756? 50 cents per box; 'o‘: Sale by druggists and dealers. Will be 39)“ free to any address on re 'Hipt of the price. All letters, orders, en: , uhoul- be addressud to R. B. LOCKE & 00., General Agents. my‘zs-dkwly 20 Cedar Street, New York. m 4%? w ‘g’gfi‘gfi A SUPERLATWE gowlcmwmng, $3.." 1\ (£5: flwfia WEEQRATINQ WWW. TO THE CITIZENS OF NEW JERSEY AND 'PENNS YL VA N 1.4 APOTHECRIES. PRUGGISTS, GROCERS AND PRIVATE wonnzrs mm: comma BRANDY. ’ wolgms pun}: MADEIRA. 511 mm AND PORT WIN .. ' WOLFE’S PURE JAMAICA AND ST‘. CROIX R 1731 WOLFE‘S PURE SCOTCH AND IRISH WHIEKY. ALL IN BOTTLES. I beg leave to call the attention of the citizens of the Umtod States to the above WIXES and Lerozs, im ported by UDome “'nu‘la. uf New ank. whose name in. familiar in every part of this country for the purity of his celebrated Scamp“! Saturn's. Mr. Wong, in hia letter to me, speakiyg of the purity of his Wars and onuons,s:lys: “I will stake my repulafiun as a man, my standing as a merchant of thirty years’ resi dence in the City of. New York, that. all the Bxuxm’ and VVIKRS which I bottle anl pure as imported, and of the best quality. and can be relied upon by every purchaser 3’ Every bottle has the proprietor’s name on the. wax. and a me simile of his signaturé‘ on the certificate. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine for themsfilves. For sale at RETAIL by all Apothecaries and Grocers in Philaylelphia. ' GEORGE II ASHTON, NO4 832 Market. street, Philadelphia, ' Sole Agent for Philadelphia Read the follmvin: from the New York Courier: Exonmous BUSINESS FOR ONE New Yuan MERCHANT.— We are happy In inform our fellow-citizens that there is one place in our city where the physician, aputln-cury, and country merchant, can go and purahuse pure Wines and Liquars. as pure as imported, and of the best quality. We. do not intend to give an elaborate description of this merchant’s extensive business. although it will well re pay any stranger or citizen to visit. Unouuo WOLEE‘S extensive warehouse, Nos. 18, 20 and 22, Beaver street, and NO5 17, 19 and 21, Marl-:etfield street Ills stock of Schnapps on hand ready for shipment could not have been less than thirty thousand cases; the Brandy, some ten thousand cuties—Vintage; of 1836 to 1856; and ten thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, some very old and equal to any in this country. He also had three large cellars, filled with Brandy, Wines, ace, in malts, under Custom-House key, ready for bottling: Mr. WOLFE-’5 sales of Schnapps last year amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand down, and we hope in less than two years he mfiy be equally successl‘ «Ith his Brandios and Wines. His business merits the patronage of ev'ery lover of his species. Private families who Wish pure Wines and Li on; for median] use should send their orders direct “$1- Wouns, until every Apothecary in the land make up their minds to discard the poisonous stud" from their shelves, and replace it. with Won-'x’s pure szs and LlQuons. We understand Mr. WOLFE, for the accommodation of small déalers in the country, puts up assorted cases of Wines and Liquors. Such a. man, and such a merchant, should he sustained against his tens of thousands of op po'nenta in the United States, who sell nothing but imi tntions, ruinous alike to human health and happiness. For sale by G. K. kELLER, Druggxsl, sole 33- M: for Harrmhurg. aepéd‘kwfim M A NHOOD, HOW LOST, HOW RESTORE I). Just Published, in. a Smlsd h‘u’vslm-ra, A LECTURE ON THE NATURE. TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURE OF SPERMA'I‘ORRHOEA, m- Seminal Wenkness, Suxua‘ Dnhility, Nerwusnesa and Involuntary “miss-(ma. producing Impumney, Consumption and Mental and Physical Deuility. RY ROB. J. CULVERWELL, M. D. The imporrant fact that the awful consequences of MH— abuse may he «effwcluaily removed with: nuuternalmedicines 0r this dangerous appliaalinnn of CHEL‘th/S. instruments, medimted bangles, and nthnr eml'irical devices, is [were cleur‘y don-ionstt'uted. and the entire _v new and highly nucwmful tremmput, as adopted by the celebrated swhor, quy explained, by means of which eh-ry me is enabled to cure himself pvrl'cctly, and at the leum‘ pominle cost, there by avoiding all the adveflis: d nostlums of the day The Lecture will pmw a boon to Ilmusmrds and thouunuds min. under seal to any address, past will. on 'he receipt of two nas'apzq- mumps, by addressing Dr. CHAS J. 0. KIJNE, 430 First Avenue, New York, Post Box 4,536. an‘lfl-dikcwlv ' AVANA ORANGES ! l! ' A prime lot just received hy' oc3o. WM. DOCK, JR., & Co T)RTED FARE-D PEAU H ES, Dried UNPARED .PEACIIES, Driad nuns, Dried BLACKBERRIES, just. received by othß. WM. DOCK, JR., & co, m-_“‘—*"“\‘ 'I‘OY-BUUKS of an endless variéty, for 1:11» n'i'lllmmunt and instruction of our little ones, 'a SUREFF‘ER’F Rnnkstm'e. Hu .w PHEEY’S ”“ SPECIFIC HOMEOPA THJ 0 REMEDIES, for sale at KELLER’S Drug Store, n 027 W 9l_M.u-ket Street ~ "K— -QMOKE ! SMOKE I I SM’ }KE ! I !—ls L not nhjvctionnblp when from a. CIGAR purchased at KELLER’S DRUG STORE. 91 Market atreet. 39pm M“ ' Emu GUNDIMENTS 1 z—Efi‘fi'x FRENCH MUSTARD, A choice variety of SALAD OILS swans and “reams of every ae-cripfion myio V wu. pools, m. a; co. FABIILIES itlebical. W ' LOEFFLER PB’ACTIGAL PHARMACEUTFSI AND CHEM!“ 0012. 4:]: AND Hagar 5m Having purchased the Drug Store of Messrs. ROI-MAN a; 00., I beg leave 0 can mo attention (if the pnhllc hn; well stockml Drug Store. My goods win man be fund to be unable, ramble, and 6f the amt gummy. My oxpenencc in the Drug Maine-m, winked my!!! I” traveling through me European Continent, lii! not ta to give mtizfacticn to every one MY STOCK. CONSISTS 0F Dray, Chemicals, Parana-r5, £OOl3. Began, Tobacco, Burning fluid, Alcohol sad Gamma“, Fret): Group-J Spica-. 5, Corks, Sponges, Brush-n, anaa ea, Toilet. Paints Omnbn, t‘ort Monica and I‘m-m. Horse «an-3 Cattle Pardon, PATENT MEDICINES which wiil be 50L) but: net recommend?! I: I can guarantee a cure in any case Bani-ms the aha-m named snide-s 3 I have a. very large as sartmemt of other miscellaneous nudes, which the pub! is invited to come and examine. The attention of Invalida, Physicians, Clergymcn, scient. fic men, and the public generally, is reapectfixil; snliuited tn the uxeri ts of this chemical preparation, con taining IRON, SULPHUR, AND L‘UO ~I?MORUU8, Ind. which is identicnl in its eempmsition with the Hemahc G.’cbulc, or red blood. In all diaeascs accompanied with DEBII. l T Y , pale countenance and nervous derangement. analysed of the blend SHOW a. deficiency uf the red globules Buddy cumplexiun and v. rosy lint of the skin, is always indica— tive of health ; while a. pale, wax-like akin 3nd eunnte nence,~ which cvinuen a deficiency of the red globuleab— uccon‘ipnn ins a d iseased organism . Preparations of [R N have bven giwn for the purposenf supplying the red glo‘ bales, but we contend that IRON alone, 61] LPHIJR alone. or PHOSPHORUUS Illune, will not meet. the deficiency in every case, but. that a. judicious combination of all these elements is necessary to restore the hloud' to its normal atnndnrd . This point, never before attained, hufl been reached in the BLOOD FOOD, und its discovery ranks as one of the most. scientific and important of the age. Its eifecls is CONSUMPTION are to soften thv cough, brace tho: nerves, strengthen the syntem. allay the prostratiug night sweats, increase the physical and mental energy, emi ch the bl ad by tutoring the lacking red globules, increase the appetite, restore the color, and cluthr the skeleton frame will! flesh. The BLOOD F 001) will be round a specific in all CHRONIC DISEASES of the Tll k OAT m- LUNGS, such as Auhma, Bronchitis, Cong/Is, &c. Public speakers and aingerfl will find it. of great utili t}- in clearing and strengthening the vocal organs. In ltyspeysia, Live? Comrlainif, Drorsy, Epilcpsy, Paralysis, Scr‘y‘ula Grant, St. Vl - Dance Fever and Aguc. &.c., its efficiency is marked and instan£aneuum In no class of diseases, howevar, the the beneficial clients of this remedy so conspicuous as is those harms-sing FEMALE COMPLAINTS to which the. gentler sex are liable, and which tend to wards Consumption, such as an; pressed or dillicult Men struation. hrccn Sickmss, Whites, $lO., especially when hese complaints are uccomyn nied with pfilfllepe‘ a‘dangy hue or pillar of the skin, depression of spirits, dehilityj palpitation‘ want of appetite, and nervous prostration. We have the utmost. confidence in recommending the BLOOD FOOD to all who may be conscious of a. loss of vitality or energy; and to than: wh. so mental or bodily powers are prostrated through overuse, either of the mind or body and we doom it our duty to say that in all cases of H’eaimgss and Emaciatwn‘ and in all 115995898 of the Kidneys or Bladder, this preparation has a claim upon the. attention of sulierers which cannot be over estimated. A faithful-trial will be found the moat con vincing proof in regard to its efficacy that. could be asked for. With the above remarks, and with the numerous testimonials we have in its favor, we ofi'er the “BLOOD FOOD” to the consideration of the afflicted, knowing that it will be acknowledged as pre—eminent over all othEL‘ preparations, patont or ollicinal, in point of ulefulneaa. Circulars giving the Theory upon which this remedy ill founded, also certificates of remarkable cures, will be sent. free when desired. We forward the BLOOD FOOD to any part of the United flat-es or Canadian upon receipt of price—:sl per bottle 55 for six bottles. Be careful in all cases to take none inn; that having our l‘nc-aiiuile slg« nature upon the wrapper. Emu: other is genuine. Prepared only by x ith- H a DUPUNT, Sc. i=9 Shouting) , New» York, And su'd by them, and by a“ vrspecta‘ ".1 Drusgmta. For (In!!! I)’ U A, “3.55 VALT, C. K. KELLLH and X} W. GROSS fr. CO.. Harrisburg. leofl-cowdawly PURIF}: ’l‘lih BLOUDI. MOEFAI'S ' - - ~ ‘5 < V EGETABLE LEE: E; FELL-SI A N D PHOENIX BITTHRS. The high and envied celebrity “'hl‘lll these pre-em! nent Medicines have acquired for Ihli!‘ invaluable elli (may in all file Diseases which they pxol‘uss to cure, ha» runder- d the usual practice of puflmg not only “11110025 sury, but unworthy of them. IN ALL CASES of Asthma. Acute and (:hmnic Rhumuliiam, Afiections of the Bladder and Kidneys. BILIOUS FEVEBS AND LIVER COMPLAINTS, ' In the South and West, where these diseases prOTqu, they will be found invaluable. i‘lnnmrs, farmers and callers who once use these Medicine-s, will never after wards lie without them. 311.1005 cnoslc.srzsous Loosnsnss,PlLss, 005- TIVENNS; COLDS AND COl one, CIiOLIC, CORRUPT HUMORS. LROPSIES. DYSPBPSM.—Nu person with this distressing disease. should delay using these Medicines imnwdlswly. Eruptions ol' the Skin, Erysipelas, Flntnleucy. FEVER AND AGUE.—For this scourge of the Western country these Medicines will he found a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system sub— ject to a. return of the disease; a. euro by these medi cines is permanent. . Try them. Be satisfied. and be cured. Poussnss or Connsxma— GENERAL DBBILITY, GOUT, GIDDINEBB, Gnnvn‘n, Hesdnchcs of every kind, Inwsrd Fever, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Impure blood, Janndice, Loss of Appetite. Mascunun masons—Never fails to eradicate en tirely all the clients of Mercury infinitely sooner than the most. powerful preparation oi, Sursnparilla. NIGHT SWEATS, NERVOUS DEBILITY. NERVOUS COMPLAIATB 01‘ ALL KINDS. ORGANIC ‘ AFFECTIONS. Puss—The original proprietor of these Medicine was cured of Piles, of thirty-five years’ standing, by the the use of these Life Medicines alone. PAIRS in the Head, Side, Back, Limbs, Joints and Organs. Bunnnsnsn— Those affected wiLh this terrible dis case. will be aun- ol relief by the Lite Medicines. ' Rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy, sue Rhona Swellings. San. pro“, or Kmo‘s EVIL, In its worst forms. Ulcer of every description. Worms of all kinrls are effectually expelled by those Medicines. Parents will do_well to administer them whenever their existence is suspected. Relief will be certain. THE LIFE PILLF: AND 1311051 e BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, And thus remove all disease from the system. V PREPARED AND sow BY _DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, 330 Broadway corner of Anthony street, New York. a? For sale 'by all Druggists. jle-dacwly W __ Y‘E %’ 6&5 g» FUUN BED 185;: CHARTERED 1854. L O C A TE 1) ORNER 0F BALTIMORE AND CHARLES STREETS, BALTIMORE, MD. I" The Largest, Mast Elegantly Furnished. and POP“ d lommerciul College in the United Stay“. T 139518“?! Inpruusly for Young Men desiring to obtmn 1;: fonopgl 'E‘RAG‘HOAL Busmnss Enuomoxin "195“" “3 pom ’ time and at the least ex ease. A huge and liuuutiffily autism”??? ngfi‘glu’ con. taining upwards of SIX SQUARL Fl‘gl‘a ,:1 fl Pym?! 0r Psuuusuxpmnd aluugt‘l‘l'"3”""’s£-t eu" 2 ° kind ever made ih this countryll'epn‘sg; 3:1: 113:; 11;" v'th Cu at as“ . s -9 xzrrbzzzz: so°gza2rm on mum. Mffiggfiedmfly and you will receive the package ”7 ”tn“ "‘“il' Addéesfi’ LOSIER. BAH-mom: Mn. jn_n2s-dlyl H-“ v ‘IfI‘UMI.\UUH BRUADTOP COAL for Blnckamiths’ use. A superior article f“- sale a; 533.00 per um or 12).; cents per bushel. All 0011 delivered by Patent “’eigh Carts. no]? JAMES M. WHEELER, ELLER’S DB UG STORE is the place l‘_ to "nu anything in :1. way at Perfiunery, KELLER’S aU6 STORE is the plus to buy Baku of Thom“ flown. Chamois and Eheep Kim artifiv
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers