RATES OF ADVERTISING. Your lines or m comm-um half a square. Ten [incl 01: more than (out, Wai‘uitnte a square. fifla}..onedsy.. .. ”$6.25 one «3., onedaywfljt “ one wees. ," 1.00 “ one week...“ 1.2: 5‘ one month. . 2.00 “ one month. ._ 3.0!. “ fines munlhe. $.91) “ three months. 5.00 “ six momma.— . 4.00 H :1: months... 8.0" u one yeah... . 5.00 H one year...“ 10.00 at" Business nafieea inserted in the wen. comma. or heron marriages um deaths, an: cam-a mm mm for em incl-ion to merchmtsand others advertising by the you fibula! 3e. as will be min-ed. 17 The nunberofinmtfioafi mas: be designated on 111. inanimate. at? Wages :nd Deaths will be imrted at the um um I 8 regular adrertimmenta. 5300155, Entattnnerg, 85:. ICHOOL BOOKS—School Dueotora, mam, Parents, Scholars, and omen, in want 01 School Books, School Stationery, 550. will find I. complete lam: at n. 190 me a some 3001; moan, aim-ht Square, Harrisburg, comprising in put the follow 228' READERS.-Mc(}umy’a, Parker’s, 00kb,: Anqeu’a SPELLING BOOKfi.—MeGllfiey’fl, Cobb’s, Webfier’la Tom, Byerly’s. Oombry’s‘ ENGLISH GBAMMARS.—Bnllion’n Smith’s, Wood bridgc‘a Monteifhs,hthiu’s,liart’s',h’ellnt . 313551381er rimshmv‘s, Davenport’s, Emsg‘aa. W“ son’s. Willard‘a, Goodrieh’s, Pinnook’n, b‘oldamxth's and 0113’:- . ABleTlG’B.—Gmnlenf’s, stoddard’l, E‘T‘lfimn‘h l‘ike'uéflose’s, Oolbutn'a, Smith and Duke’n. Dane 15. ’ AL EBBS.—-Gmnlonfia, 9mm, 031'“, 3“ '* ' ’l. %HGNHE.,Wa:Xeru-. Ecbool, Cobb’s, Walker, Woman's comprehensive, Wereesfiet’s Primary, Web— ster’s Primary. Webster’s Hugh School. Wehater’s Quatto. Am. ,_ - NATURAL PHILGSOPHIRa.-.Gomstock’a Parker‘e, Swin’a. The above with a gmt variety of otters cm a! any has be found at an atom. Also, a couple“; unsort mm nf School Stmouery, embracing in the I?!“ la a com pzeea outfit for when! purposes Any book-not in the atom Emmi w our. thy: notice. 33' country Merchants supplied at. wholesale “tel. hLHANAGS —-John Baa: uni Son’s Almanac tor sale Ii 12. M. POLLOOK a; SON’S BOOK STORE, Harrisburg :4? Wholesale and Retail. , myl ‘i‘us'rg RECELVED I ' .4 2" ‘ SCHEFPER’E BOOKSTORE, -1 DA MAN TINE SLJE TES 0F VfiJEIOUS SIZES AND PRICES, Whisk, Eur twenty 33% use, cannot be excelled; BEHEMBSP. THE PLACE, SCHI'FFER‘S BOOKSTORE, xO. 18 MARKET swung. mm_ BOOK AUCTION BB N F . FREN C II will supply his old friands and customers with the following Books at Auction prices : Pacific Railroad, 10 vols., complete, 4 illustrations sm. Japan kxlmfltion, 3 VOL‘L, complete, illustrated and illuminated, $l2. Emery’s Expedition, 2 vols., complete, illustrated ‘ illuminamd, $lO. congressional Globe, 31 59 per volume leerly Novels, complete, 12 VOlB., cloth, $lO. “ “ “ 217015.,hnlfcalf. $34; km, &a. he. Ail of the above Books I will deliver in Harrisburg free of charge. BEN F. FRENCH, 218 Pennsylvania Avenae, Washington, D. c. felt-(1t: 7 N E W BOOKS! - JUST RECEIVED “an“. AND SAY,” by the author of “Wide, Wide Wotld," “Dollars and Cents," Jae. “ HISTORY OF mTKODISM,”by Lawton, LBJ). Far 3310 as SCHEFFEBS’ BOOKSTORE, 11:9 No. 18 Max-kc: at. JUST RECEIVED, 5 LARGE AND SPLEXDID ASSORTMEST 0F RIGHLY GILT AND ORNAMENTAL WINDOW CURTAINS, PAPER BLINDS, 0! various Designs 11ml Colors, fore cents, TISSUE PAPER AND CUT FLY PAPER, A! , [my24] SCHEEFER’S BOOKSTORE. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPERI! Just received, our Epring Stock of WALL PAPER, BORDERS, FIRE SCREENS, 61.0., &.c. It is the largest and beat selectedasaortment in the city, rungiugin price Eran: six (6) cents up to one dollar and nqunrter ($1 .25.) As we purchaaa vel? low for mush, we are prepared to sell at as low ratesfi not lower, than can ba had else. where. If purchasers will call and examine, we feel mnfident that we can please them in respect to price “Equality. E. M POLLOGK Jr, SON, up?! Below Jones‘ House. Market Square. LETT E R, CAP, \‘UTE P ‘ PERS. Pens, Holders, Pencils, Envelopes, Sealing Wax, of the beat quality,at low prices. direct from the manu factories, at - W3O SGHEFFER-‘S CHEAP BOOKSTORE ‘3' AW BOOKS I LAW BOOK-3‘ ! !—A .1 gunernl assortment of LAW BOOKS, all the State napalm and Standard Elelnenfiary Works, wi Lb many of the old English Reports, scarce and rare, together with a large unortment of second-hum! Law Books, at very m prices, at u» mu- pn‘cc-Baakstnre of E M. POLLOGK & SON, myfl Market Square, Harrisburg. filiatcilcmeuua. A. AkfiiVAL 0F NEW GOODS APPROPRIATE T 0 THE SEASON! SILK LINE‘N PAPER FANS! FANS” FANS!!! ANOTHER mm SPLEEDID LOT or SPLIGED FISHING RODS! Imut‘Pliea, Gut and Hair Snoods, Grass Linea, Silk all Eair Plaited Lines, and a. general assortment of FISHING TACKLE! A GREAT YAEXE'IY 0F WALJKINGCANES! Which we will sell as cheap as the cheapest! Silva: Hem Loaded Sword Hickory Fancy (lanes! Canes: canes! Canes! Canes! KELLEB’S DRUG AND FANCY STORE, no. 91 Innis-r 513:“, South ado. one door east of Fourth street 309 - is , J. HARRIS, WORKER IN TIN, SHEET IRON, AND METALLIC ROOFING, Swami Street, below Chestnut, HARRISB URG, PA. .19 prepmrl to fill orders for any article in his branch oi hsinesa; and if not on hand, he will nuke to order on short notice. M ETALLIG ROOFING, of Tin or Galvanised Iron, omtsntly on hand. Also, Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, Spouting, ace. He hopes, by strict attention to the mint: of his cuto nmra, to merit and receive a generous share of public pat mange. l 5? livery promise strictly fulfilled. B. J. HARRIS, Second Street. below Chestnut. F I S II I l flan? any] HACKER“, (Nos. 1, 2 and 3.) SALMON, (very superior.) SHAD. (Mess and very fine.) HERRING, (extra large.) COD FISH SMOKED HER NG extra. Di b . scorcu nmmmcn RI ‘ ( gy ) SARDINES AND ANCHOVIES. of the above we have'Alaukex-el in whole, half. quarter and eighth bblflv Ilerung in whme and half bbls. The entire lot new—Dumm- mum um Hamming, and vi“ sell them at the lowest market rates. waif—lw "’" ’ V 1 x . V FAMILY BI Bth, from lip‘ to $lO strung and. hmdmmely bound) printed on ~ , with elegant clear new type, 301‘ I“ 500 d paper, mch3l SOHEFFER’H Cheap umph“ CRANBERBIES I ! l—A Smmmm LOl - received by not FOR. a superior and cheap TABLE 01. SALAD OIL go to mums DRUG swan; THE Fruit Growers’ Handbook—by WARlNG—wholesda andretail at mum scum-m ms Bookstorfl. SIERM. CANDLES.—-A ' large supply '33; raceued by WM. DOCK. 58.. k 00. IF you are in want of a. Dentifi'ice go to mum’s, 91, Market n. _—.-—- FISH!!! WM. DOCK. JIL. a 00 ; .12? "3%? /,_.____l. ' 5 O - %=;+\ \;=; ,- .réé __ +41%». I; g: ‘* fr 1 L Jiifi f‘3 ‘ll":“:‘%’V'i£*~"nr ' ,Jaffa‘éiwéz'afiwéhh i' 1" ‘53; ~ v“; “I‘. . *»-.:3»5.: MN“ -‘ ”f,“ rig, *. i- ‘., -{'._ .3 :4“; _;. ._;;y;:' ‘l, L“;I"‘-'-'~7i'§35ii‘ > ~ 1‘ i ~75?" "f? , 3'7! - f’fé‘ii- 5 u »A---—7__;._.__._ > ELL/- “-k 'H ”1“); ‘ “_‘———_7 ”N‘V'§{E¥;:*"-fi'r:i‘--—m .' ' 11 _::_—.;::_Z:;:_.:‘_‘_ ' VOL. 3 Einm) Stable/'3. L-ITY LIVERY STABLES, fl nucxnnnny ALLEY, fl Luv THE REAR 0F HERE’S HOTEL. The undersigned has re—commam-ed the L I VE R Y BU" INESS in his NEW AND SPACIOUS STABLEB, located as above. with a. large and val-L d stock of HORSES, CARRIAGES AND OMNIB USES, which he will hire at moderate rates. . octl3-diy F. K. SWAR’I‘Z. FRANK A. MU EBAY! Successor to Wm. Pavkhill, ‘ uvmu’ a EXCHANGE STABLE ‘ THIRD STREET BELOW MARKET. ‘ {4l vi». firm) ' ' "“4 ;' 13 NE‘%’ * 'l? '«r-w’ ' 1' hAvmu pnmhued tho-interest ofJ. Q. Adm: n the Istabliahment. and mada large udditiona to the stock. the lndefligned is prepared to accommodate the public with it]? ERIOB HORSES for Saddle or Carriage purposes, and vith every variety of VEHICLES of the am: and most \ppl'O'Pd styles, on reasonable terms. PLEASU RE PARTIES will be accommodated with Om iibusses at short notice. Oar-rings: and Omnibussea, for funeral occasions, will be nrnisbod. accompanied by careful and obliging drivers. Ha invites an inspection of his steels, satinfiedfihnt i}; is nlly equal to that of any oiher establishment or the mm 11 ton. FRANK A. MURRAY BRANCH STABLE The undersigned has opened a branch of his“ Livery and Exchange- Stable" in ihe buildings lately occupied by A. W. Barr. in Fourth street, oppuuihe the Bethel, where he a prepared to accommodate the public with Horses and Vehicles, at all times, on reznsnnslble terms. His stock is urge and varied. and will recommend itself. “116-th FRANK Av MURRAY. filigcellauwug. TA K E NOTI G E! That we ham recently added to our already full stock OFSEG A B. S LA NORMATIS, KARI KARI, - EL MONO, LA BANANA. OF PERFUMERY For: um HANDKEchIEF: TURKISH ESSENCE, ODOR 0E MUSK, LUBIN’S ESSENCE BOUQUET. For. rm: mun: ' - EAU LUSTRALE . CBYSTAEIZED PODIATUM, MYRTLE AND'VIOLE'L‘ POMAI‘UM. Eon 7m: Coxnsxxon : TALC 0F VENICE, ROSE LEAF POWDER, ~ NEW MOWN HAY POWDER, BLANC DE PERLBS. 0 F SOA P S Bum-‘3 P 123351 MOSS ROSE, BENZOIN, UPPER TEN, VIOLET. NEW MOWN HAY, JOCKEY CLUB. Having the largest stock and best assortment of Toilet Articles, we fancy that we are better able than our com petitors to get up a complete Toilet Set at any price de sired. Call and sea. Always on hand, a FRESH 5100!: of DR (765 MED L CINES, CHEMICALS, kc , consequent 0!1 our re ceiving almost daily additions thereto. KELLEB’S DRUG AND FANCY STORE. 91 Market Street, two doors East of Fourth Street, naps South side. PHOENIX FOUNDRY. J. .v. 03mm. w. F. 09131:. , JOHN J. OSLER & BROTHER, (succussons To I.lmm; :1. my.) FOUNDEHS ALI) DIACHINISTS, Comer Pennsylvania Railroad and State Szrcsl, HARRISBURG, PA. MILL HEARING, IRON FENCES, R.HI.RO.ID AND CANAL WORK, gum ALL Dzscmrnoxs or IRON CASTINGS' 0N HAND OB MADE TO ORDER. MACHINE WORK AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED 'l‘o. PATTERNS MA DE TO ORDER. We have a large and complete amsortmcnt of Patterns to select from. 7 iuii’. JUST RECEIVED! HUMFHHEY’S HOMEUPATHIC SPECIFICS‘ to wmcn wr: mvm: ma ATTENTION OF THE AFFLIGTED! For sale at SCHEFFER’S BOOKS’I‘CDRE7 “7 E OFFER TO C I} S 'l‘ 0 111 E R S A New Lot of LADIES’ PURSES, of Beautiful Styles, substantially made A Splendid Assortment of GENTLEMEN’S WALLETS. A New and Elegant Perfume, KNIGHTS TEMPLARS’ BOQUET, Put up in Out Glass Engraved Bottles. A Complete Assortment of HANDKERCHIEF PERFUMES, 0f the best Manufncture. A very Handsome Variety of POWDER PUFF BOXES. KELLEB’S DRUG STORE, ijl 91 Market street ESTABLISHED IN 1810 FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. J BL W. JONES, No 432 N. Front Street, above Cal lowhill, Philadelphia, dye SILKS, WOOLEN AND FANCY GOODS of every description. Tneir supetior style of Dyeing Ladies? and Gentleman’s Garments is widely knuwn‘ Cape and Merino Shuwin dyed the most brilliant or plain colors. Grape and Merino Shawls cleaned to look like new—also. Gentlemen’a apparel. Curtains, 81.0., clone: or res-dyed. {l3' Call and look at. our work before going else where. sepll-dSm CHOICE SAUGES! WORCESTERSHIRE. LUGKNOW CHUTNY, CONTINENTAL, SOYBR‘S SULTANA, ATHENZEUM, LONDON CLUB, SIR ROBERT PEEL, INDIA SOY, READING SAUCE, ENGLISH PEPPER SAUC E. For sale by WM. DOCK, IL, 8:. CO. 111le DYOTTVILLE GLASS VVUI’LKS, PHILADELPHIA, umuucrnnz CARBOYS, DEMIJOHNS, WINE, PORTER, MINERAL WATER, PICKLE AND PRESERVE BOTTLES OF EVERY nascmrnox. H. 13.8; G. W. BENNERS, OGIQ-dly 27 South Front steret, Philadelphia, INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. " - W. WEBER, nephew and taught by the well :9. numbered late I". W. Weber, of Harrisburg. is prepared ‘0 5"” ”“098 in music upon the PIANO, VIOLIN GELLO, VIOLIN and FLUTE. no will give lonsunn It his residence, comer of Locust street and River alley or It the homes of pupils. nu2s-d6m HEFFER’S B ' SC“, Gold Panhwurgggfore 18 the Place I’o HARRTS'IEIEFPA., SATURDAY, NOVMBER 24, 1860. TO THE PUBLIC! JOHN TILL'S C 0 A [1 Y A R. D, SOUTH 33001“) STREET, BELOW PRATT’S ROLLING MILL, HARRISBURG, PA., Where he has constantly on hand LYKBNS VALLEY BROKEN, EGG, STOVE AND WILKESBARBE STEAMBOAT, BROKEN, STOVE ALL OF THE BEST QUALITY. It will be delivered to consumers clean, and full weight warranted flj’ CONSUMERS GIVE ME A CALi FOR YOUR WINTER SUPPLY. 11? Orders left at my house, in Walnut street, near Fifth; or at Brnbakcr’s, North street; I . L. Spears, Market Square; Wm. Bostick’s, come: of Second and South streets, and 3 01m Lingle’s, Second and Mulberry streets, will receive prompt attention jylS-dem COA L : ONLY YARD IN TOWN THC-1T DELIVERSE COALBYTKE PATENT WEIGII CABTS! For Every family to get in their supply of Coal fur the winter—weighed at’thvir door by the Patent ll’eigfi Carts. The accuracy of these: Carts no one disputes. and they never got out of order, as is frequently the case of the Platform Scales; besides, the consumer has the satisfaction of proving the weight of his Gaul at his own house. ‘ I have a Eat-g 9 supply 01"le 9n hand, cn--:.l:.“ng of S. M. COFS LYKENS VALLEY COAL all sizes. LYKENS VALLEY . do , “ “ WILKESBAERE ‘ ' do. - " BITUMINOUS BROAD TOP do All Coal of me best: quality mined, and delivered free from a.“ impurities, nt‘tbe lowest rates, by the boa-t or car load, single, half or third of tons, and by the bfishcl. JAMES M. WHEELER. Harrisburg, September 24. 1860.—5ep25 ‘ COAL! COALH COAL!!! TO GE , CLL A '0 ()AL'__ FULL WEIGHT AND NOTHING SHORT 0 F IT.’ Thankful to my friends and customers for their liberal patronage, I would inform them and the public generally, that I am fully prepared, on short notion, tn supply them with all kinds of $ll FEM-{OR GOAL 0!? ALL SIZES. FREE FROM SLATE, AND CAREFULLY SCREENED, FIGURE 'AS FAIR DEALING WILL AFFORD! Although my Coal is not weighed in SELF