(My: flaunt & fiElnion. __ ...; ___ FRIDAY MORNING, NOV. ‘23. 1860 OEARRETT is 'rfioaiKS-méffiLcnbwmnL Pub- ushers and Eropfietors Communicationswill not be published inthe Puma? AID Umox unless accompanied with the name or the «that. ‘ - _ s. M. PETTENGILL a: co.. Advemsing Agents, 119 Nassau street. New York, and 10 State street” Boston, nre~the Agents for the I‘ATPIOT Ll? Umox, and the must influential and large“ cucu lltmg newspapers in the United St:.tes and Canada; , They are authorized to contract for us at until-10533 TIMES FOR. SALE. " , . Aaacond-hand Angus Passsmlatefl 09:4 by 25 “when, 1. good (mien-{can be worked “EH-l" r by .hand or steam pond. Terms moderate Inquire “t Hus oflice. l-‘jrst Fruits. The following statement of the consequences of the election of Lxxcom‘, which we take from the Journal of Cummcrce, is a significant com mentm‘y upon the assurances so lavishiy given by ttheput-licans before the election, that their success would restore quiet to the country and quicken all industrial operations so as to fur nish ample employment to the laboring clas- Stormers or Bcsmsss.—Owing to the partial suspen sion of orders from the South, the small receipts ol‘ cash from that quarter, and the prevailing distrust and un rertainty as to the future, manufacturing opemtions have been susyanded or greatly reduced by many large houses, thereby throwing numerous persons out of 01m ploymont. One clothing establishment which we might name, has discharged 11000 hands; 1!. hut estab lishment has discharged near 31,000; a. snddlery firm 111: reduced its force about 500; and curtailment is very general At Newark especially, the crisis is severely felt, on account of their exteusn‘e— conccfions with the Southern trade. Should there he no improvement, much sull'ering must ensue among the laboring classes. It appears singular at first sight, that thus far, houses in the Western business are. the largest sufferers; but it is inevitable that all cluses of traders miter from the unveiling panic, unless we except the manufacturers of lire-arms. It would probably be no exaggeration to estimate the number of persons thrown out of employ ment since election day, at 25,009; a large proportion of whom are young women. The Duty of Democrats. Before the Presidential election the Demo erotic party warned the people that the success of the Republican party upon its sectional basis would be disastrous to the material interests of the country, and dangerous to the stability of the Union. This warning voice was nnheeded by those who were either so intent upon secu ring the spoils of office that they would not stop to think, or who regarded the threatening as pect of the South as part of a game to frighten them from acting out- their honest convictions. Since all the evils foreshadowed by the Demo— cratic press is upon us—oommeroial prostration and imminent danger of secession and civil war, there is not a Democrat in the country who does not feel satisfied to be ranked with that. courageous minority who resisted the elec tion of Ln'cou'. Defeated though we are, We would rather at this moment. belong to the Democratic party, and have the satisfaction of knowing that. the responsihility for the present, troubles cannot. be placed to our account, than to belong to the victorious Republican party and bear a share of its fearful load of respon sibility; for it has plunged the conntr§r into difficulties, not. unwittingly, hut. in spite of sol emn and repeated warnings that the success of a purely sectional party must necessarily pro duce counteracting sectional agitation, and a consequent strain upon the bond of union. When a. party is defeated in ajust cause it is not. crushed and annihilated. The heme erotic party must, in time, emerge from the clouds and darkneSs' that. have enveloped it for a season. The moment. that the people learn the truth that. the defeat of the Democratic party is productive of trouble and disaster to the country, in all its interests, that moment they will learn to repent that they ever listened to the clamor of the Republicans and contribu ted to the success of that party. This impor tant. lesson is already being taught in a way that. cannot, be misunderstood. The election of a Republican President has impaired confi dence, alienated the South from the North, un settled commercisl relations, deprived Northern manufacturers of their Southern customers, and thrown thousands of men, dependent upon these establishments for support, out of em ployment at the beginning of winter. This is not the entertainment to which the Republi cans invited the people as the fruit of their success. Instead of abundant employment and high wages, and a. glorlous time generally, which was promised to follow close upon the triumph of the party of Freedom, we have alarming civil commotions, stagnation in busi ness of all kinds. and the prospect. ahead of deeper distress. And this, 1.00, at a time when everything material contributes to make apros perous and active season. The existing difii— oulties are not due to short crops, or over-tra ding, or to any of the ordinary causes of com mercial distress, but solely and exclusively to the irritations created by the sweeping success of the sectional Republican party. If the present difiiculty should be happily quieted—which God grant—it is apparent that the domination of the Republican party must be of short continuance. One term of Republican rule will satisfy the people, and the Union will never again be subjected to another such trial. The country will be ready, after the expiration of Lincoln’s term of ofice, to reinstate the Democratic party in power, provided that party behaves with prudence and uses the proper means to regain popular favor. ' Some of these means we have already indi cated, and we would not have Democrats to lose sight of them; for we cannot begin to repair the damage done to the Democratic party at too early 3 day. The most important of these agencies is the press. Attend to the circula tion of sound Democratic newspapers, in order to counteract the influence of the Republican papers that are spread over the Whole land.— This should be attended to quietly and indus trionsly, without delay, as the surest means of building up the influence of the party. It is also necessary that the Democratic party shoula place itself in a. position to take advan tage of the mistakes and blunders of the Ile publicans. By this we mean that we must cease quarrelling among ourselves if we expect ‘0 make an! impression upon the enemy.— There will be some uneasy agitators in our ranks constantly raking up the ashes of old controversies, and if we head them the party Will be k9lli: constantly in hot water. We should regard the late bitter fight concerning Presidential candidates as fought out, exhaust.- ed, terminated; and every man as an enemy Who thrusts it upon us for mischievous and fac tious purposes. Let. the dead bury their (lead. We can’t dragoon each other into endorsing one side or the other, but. we can agree to for get controversy, and. make common cause against the Republicans, and so place the party in a. position to lake advantage of the mistakes and nmlefactions of the common enemy. We must hold them up to the strict performance of the many obligations they assumed during the campaign, and Show the people how they were cheated into the support of a party whose only influence is evil: and if (his is properly accom— plished, as there are sure 10 be proper oppor tunities. public confidence must necessarily be withdrawn from the Repubiicau party and given once more to the Democratic party. Senator Trumbull’s Springfield Speech The Republican celebration at Springfield, Illinois. the home of Ann-nun LINCOLN, the President elect, come off on the 20th instant, according to appointment. Mr. LINCOLN made a. short speech, developing nothing concerning his future policy, except what might. be inferred from a general expression of fraternal feeling towards all American citizens? The speech of the day, however, was delivered by Senator Tnunnenn, and is regarded as foreshadowing, to some extent, the opinions entertained by Mr. errom. )Ir. TBIFDIBULL is certainly one of the nhlest, and probably the most moderate among the leaders of the Republican party. In the Senate his hearing is such as to command attention and respect. :\8 :t debater he exhi bits fertility and power {and in point of gen—' eral capacity he may be ranked as second only to Mr. SEWAm) among the Republican leaders in the Senate. Mr. Tmmncu. was a leading Democrat in Illinois up to the year 1354, when the repeal of the Missouri Compromise cd'rried him, along with many other free soil Democrats. into the Republican party. With his character for moderation and Democratic antecedents we anticipated that Mr. Tnnmwmfs semi-official exposition of the Lumen: policy Would be‘freo from ultraism's. and those asperitios which have already produced so much mischief; and in the main our anticipations are realized.— Some of Mr. Tnnnn 11.1.75 declarations are col cnlated to have a soothing influence. He says, doubtless atl'visedly, that “ Mr. meom, al “ though the candidate of the Republican “party, as Chief Magistrate, will neither he “ long to that or any other party. When in “augurated he will be the President of the “ country, and the whole country.” A noble ambition ; but. a. path which, if followed, must inevitably destroy theliepublican organization, for the reason that Republicanism, as at present constituted, could not exist a day after depart.- ing from that sectional anti-slaveryism which constitutes its sole power. Mr. LINCOLN will find, before he ispomfortnhly warm in the Pros idential chair, that Republicanism and patriot ism are so far incompat-cblo that. he must re nounce one or the other, and if he determines to be the President ot‘ the whole country he must cease to be the leader of a. sectional-party. Mr. Tm'mzom. then proceeds to interpret the Republican victory—J: We have gained,” says he, “a. decision of the people in favor of a Pen “ cine Railroad—o Homestead policy-—n. judi “ cions Tariff—the admission into the Union of ,“Knnsas as a Free State—4L reform in the “financial department, of the Government—— “ and, more imparmnt thziu all, the verdict of fithc people—the sour-ea of power, and from “ whose decision there is no appeal—filmy the "Constitution is‘not a slavery-eytendivs in f; Ff‘n‘nlpllla Xv nun“, ”D; ca {3..-u“, 46015038 will “now be made.” And this is all he has to show for plunging the country into all this turmoil and peril ~— There is not one of these projects that has ever been controverted, except that of subject— ing the decisions of the Supreme Court to pop nlur control, which is an absurdity. No one opposes the construction of a. Pacific railroad at the proper time, or :1. Homestead policy, or ajudirz‘ous Tariff, (mind he does not. saypratcctiee Tarifl,) or'the admission of Kansas into the Union, or a. reform in the financial department, of the Government; but all of us are notable to see how reform in the public finances is to be accomplished by expending millions upon millions upon a. Pacific railroad and giving away the Public Lands. Possibly Mr. Trum nvLL knows how the expenses of Government may be increased and the finances reformed at the same time, but we must. confess our inabil ity to understand how it can‘he done. Exrnxstvn Puncnnsrs or Wan Mml'nons ‘ FOR. Tlll Scorn—Those Republican editors, ‘ preachers and lecturers who think that the in- ‘ dignation of the South is best put down by ridi- ‘ sole, and who, therefore, lavish theresonrces of ‘ their bulfoonrey upon every reported attempt of ‘ a Southern State to arm their citizens for, an 3 impending conflict, will find in the following ‘ facts more evidence that the South is in ear nest, and that the calamities of disunion, which ‘ they would laugh away with their ill-timed ‘ jests, are actually imminent- ‘ On Tuesday there arrived by the steamer 3 City of Hartford, from Hartford, 180 cases of l Sharp’s patent carbines, containing 10 pieces each, making in all arms for 1,800 men, and 40 cases conical halls, each containing 1,000 bul lets, or 40,000 cartridges in the aggregate—- These arms and ammunition were ordered by telegraph from the Governor of Georgia, and will be sent to Savannah by the next steamer. The same factory has also received orders from Alabama for 1,000 stands of the same death dealing Weapons. Cooper & Pond. of this city, receive from twenty to fifty orders daily from South Caro line, Alabama and Georgia—and people who suppose that the South is not a paying cus tomer may be astonished to know that their busi ness transactions in this line are strictly on a. cash basis. Cash within thirty days is their invariable rule. Most of the orders are for rifles and Navy revolvers, though Cooper & Pond supply an immense number of flint lock muskets. They lately sent twenty gun oar riages to Georgia, and have done a brisk busi ness in all kinds of small arms and ammuni tion with all the principal Southern States. Another large house in this city has filled ‘ orders for about 5,000 stand of muskets of the United States pattern, and has sold large quan tities of artillery swords and army pistols. Its ‘ orders come from all the Southern States; but. ‘ mainly from those in which secession is re garded as the only remedy for Southern grie vnnces. A third extensive establishment has supplied an immense number of Colt’s revolvers and rifles to Georgia, principally to Columbus. All the wholesale houses and agencies in the city have been hard pressed to supply the orders for every imaginable species of weapon. To the above list may be added Ameg’s Mmufgc. turing 00., which has furnished Georgia with cannon and with 300 artillery swm-ds and has done a large miscellaneous business with all the aggrieved States. The Southern States, living until I‘9oentlyin peace and happiness under the roof-tree of a common Union, have neglected the establish—l ment of firearm factories within their own borders. During the past year, Virginia first recognized the necessity of starting a State armory, and appropriated $lOO,OOO for the ‘ work. Some commencement has already been made on it, but it is certain that the Armory will not be completed within one year, and in the mean time she must depend'on the North. Various statements have been circulated about the present armament of Virginia. It is be lieved that she can, as asserted, bring 25,000 men into the field, but the tremendous batteries of rifled cannon Which have been said to belong to her do not exist. We understand, from good authority, that she has but one rifled cannon. Indeed, in the matter of heavy ordnance. oil the Southern States appear to be far behind the North. > South Carolina, is (he only Southern State which has an armory of her own. It. has been in operation some years, and turns out good work, though at a. cost not less probably than that of the same class of arms in the Nol‘l-h.—~ Journal of Commerce. ‘ Pummsn 1n Gnmr Drums—Among the recent items of intelligence from England, perhaps not the least agreeable is one pertain— ing to pugilism. It is well known that John Bull has long considered ring fighting a national pastime, and has not only defended it as u healthful recreation, but encouraged it as conducive to physical development and manly courage. Thus smiled upon from the begin ning, the practice spreads and the fun “ grew fast and furious,” until “bull fights” became almost as frequent in England as in Spain.— The bullies filled the country with slang and swagger. The science of fisticutl‘s was erected into an idol which itwas intended other nations should bow down to and worship. The nations new and wondered; but one of them, it is‘ claimed, was so presumptuous as to strike down the idol. The client was much like that which would result from removing the queen from a bee—hive. The “ pugs” rallied in swarms, and with many imprecations insisted that the image was still there, and that they were as zealous devotees as ever. The British people at first joined loudly in the clamor, but have since, apparently, become ashamed of the whole affair. They” have discovered, wonderful to relate, that the question of pugilisnl, like many others, has two sides, and that the considere tion of one of them has been almost totally neglected. Having burned their fingers, they have hopped around to a position from which they get an entirely new view. “Why,” says the Englishmen, rendered respectable and serious by misfortune, “look at the morality of the thing!” Precisely so; and when this class not only thrives on the debasement of public morals, but in many cases draws its wealth from the public purse, he may add with equal force, “look at the cost of the thing!” The London papers protest with virtuous in dignmion that the “sport” has so degenerated in its attendant. associations, that a “gentle man” can no longer witness a “mill,” either with comfort to himself, or snt‘et y to his personal property. The ungrateful pugilists, who owe their freedom from arrest, and what little fame they may. have acquired, to the generous sup port and countenance of a few nobleman and other wealthy patrons, have so far forgotten themselves as to league with light-fingered gentry for the purpose of picking said noble men’s pockets on every convenient occasion.— Now picking the pockets of an English lord is equivalent to jerking the toil of the British lien; for the nobleman is an excrescence of the body politic. Accordingly, nnwonted vigilance is excited, and the offenders are threatened with nbandonment to the terrors of the law Lest vengeance should descend too unexpectedly, they are to be allowed a short period for re pentance, and one more trial for reform. “By this thread-hung all their hopes and fears.— Bcil’r L7s}? announced that the final test would be submitted on the 6th of November. At that time two of these characters were to pummel each other for the Championship. and unless the utmost decorum waspreserved by the spec tators, there was to be an end of prin-cfighting. So the patrons of the ring have decreed. It is to be hoped that the bruiecrs exhibited ‘ their colors as freely on the (sth of November as ‘ on any other day. It would he a pity not to 1 give their intelligent pahUUS a fair view ofthe 1 working of the system.—-Joumal of Commerce: ‘ 'i‘nmnmxt: Ixmnxsr _u‘ A THEATRE.—-On Tuesday evening, during the performance of' Toyleur’s “ Lessons for Husbands,” at the St. Louis Theatre, one of the favorite pieces of the Florenees, a most pleasing little incident oc currei, which brought. down the house, and for a. few moments prevented the actors from proceeding with the play. In the scene where Mrs. Florence appears as the sailor boy, she danced a naval hornpipe, holding in her bond the star Spangled banner. As she concluded, she tossed the flag to Mr. 1". He caught it, and spreading it. carefully out, counting, audi bly, the thirty-lhrce stars; then throwing up his hands, exclaimed, with deep feeling, “ Thank God, they are all there.” The attitude and earnestness of the speaker, and the pecu liar force of the remark, passer] like an electric shock through the audience, and the house rose en masse and applauded most vociferously. Russm AND AUB:rmA.-—We read in :5 Warsaw letter: ” It, is curious to observe the feeling of hatred whieh exists here towards Austria.“ The same feeling exists in Germany. When the Czar left St. Potorsburg for Warsaw he is reported to have said to his aids-de-cnmp, so as to counterbalance the bad impression caused by the news of the intended interview with the Emperor of Austria, ‘Gentlcmen, it has been said that I have spontaneously invited the Emperor of Austria. to Warsaw—it is not so;— The Emperor Francis Joseph requested me to meet him in that city, and I confined myself to the reply that I should be happy to receive him.’ I cannot vouch for the' truth of the anecdote, but, at all events, it. faithfully rep resents the feeling of the Russian army towards Austria." Tm: WAR or Rucns Button—The New York World of the 19th inst“, states that a negro, named Charles Sanderson, was brought before Justice Walsh, on Saturday, charged by J. J. Lewis, a. conductor on one of the Sixth avenue cars, with assault and battery. From the tes timony it appears that the negro had entered one of the cars especially set apart. for white people. and taken a. seat. The conductor re quested him to get. out upon the pltntform.—— This the negro refused to do, and added that he was just as good as any of the white trash in the car. Upon the conductor taking hold of him to eject. him, he struck him a violent blow on the head. When brought up before Justice Walsh the accused stated that he was in a hurry, and could not wait for the “ colored” car. He was committed for examination. Gommncs or um Wound—«M. Vemrd do Sninte-Anne, a short. time ago, sent a paper to the French Academy, on a project for estab lishing a. belt of electric telegraphs all round the world. We find, from an interview with the author, that the trade of England with the East amounts to 2,724,000,000 francs per annum ; that of France with the same, to 403,- 300,000 francs; of Holland, to 295,222,000 francs; of Russia, to 150,000,000 frames; of the Hanse Towns, to 14,199,000 frames; of Spain and Portugal, to 15,875,000 francs; of Belgium and Switzerland, to 48,726,000 francs; of North America, Eastand West, 3,001,610,000 francs; and, lastly, of South America and the West Indies, to 1,530,723.000 francs. .THE VINTAGE IN Fume—Sad news to the ynne drinkers. The vintage throughout France is declared to be a “lamentable” one. At Bordeaux the wine will be bad. except that which the lowar classes consume. In cham pagne all will be bad. In Burgundy things are melancholy, but proprieotrs are trying the aid of sugar—a hearing with small comfort in it. Cognac gives wine sorely deficient in'alco -1101, which deficency will not suit. the rocky metropolis of brandy. Rousaillon and St. Emilian are said to be capable of better things; but Orleans is again unlucky. And the Rhine and the Mosellc are swollen by the tears of the proprietors, whose wine will be “scarcely drinkable.” ‘ GENERAL NE WB. SUSPENSION or Srnem PAYMEsTs.———The banks of Baltimore having resolved upon the suspension of_ specie payments, in view of 'the prevailing agitation, the purpose will go into effect this morning. The proceeding itself will not be regarded as any additional cause of excitement, and will probably be temporary, as a. settled policy prevails in political affairs. Those who have heretofore derided the South, and treated lightly both the provocation to which it. has been exposed and its results, will realize the fact that. the mere suspension of trade with the North and the concentration by the South of her interests within her own ter ritm‘y, has caused already 9. very serious em barrassment in the monetory elfoirs of the North. These indications prove that the strength is with the South and in her I'CSOM'CGS; and identified with the South the interests of our citizens will be secure, and our position at once honorable and prosperous.——l}all. Sun, Nov. 22. ' Movmmsrs or U. S. ’l'noors.—A large number of U. S. soldiers are about to soil from New York for California, to join the first regi ment of infantry. They will be oflicered as follows: Lieut. Col. Merchant, will be in com mand, assisted by Captains ll’hitilesy and Davidson, Lieuts. McKee, Baker, Worth and Riley, sixth infantry; Licnt. Quattlebaum, ninth infantry, and Assistant Surgeon Short. 0n the arrival of the recruits at San Francisco Lieut. COl. Merchant will resume command of the third artillery at. the Prosidio, when Lieut. Col. Nauman will repair to Fort Vancouver, W. T., to command the Artillery School of Proc tice. On his arrival there the headquarters of the fourth infantry will be removed to Fort Dallas. Disrnsssmc. Occunnuxen—Mrs. lienry Mil ler, residing one mile from Middleburg, near the PennSylvnnio. line, took one day last Week, through mistake, on over-dose of tincture col chicum, supposing it to be some hitters. She was soon after seized with alarming collapse, violent action of the stomach and limbs, when the services of several physicians were called in, but all to no purpose, the fatal drug had done its work, and the lady expired after the most. intense suifering. This should serve as a warning to those in the habit of taking this drug (popular in rheumatism) without. the ad vice of the regular physician—Haycrslotm (Mat) Harald. . Possum A SLAVE IX Cannon—At the close of the services in Plymouth church, Brooklyn, N. Y., last Sunday evening, the Rev. H. W. Beecher called upon the congregation to make up the sum of $BOO, the balance of the price of a mulatto girl, named Louisa, then present, who had been purchased from servitude in Maryland by Mr. Seibold, of Washington, D. 0., for $1,200, of which sum $4OO had been already paid. The amount of $5ll was then collected, and Mr. W. 11. Sage gave his name for the remainder. Mr. John B. Gough, the temperance lecturer, gave the girl fifty dollars to pay her expenses to Washington city. A Yournrun RIVAL or BL(ILDL\'.——A boy named Charles Alfred, 16 years old. astonished the people of Marietta, Ohio, last Tuesday, by walking a rope, a la Blondin, stretched from the top of the National House to apolc erected near Brennan’s Hall at an altitude of about 70 feet. He not only did this, but. he walked it. backwards, stood upon his head on the rope. and walked twice the whole length of the rope by torchlight in the evening. One of the lar gest crowds ever seen in Marietta witnessed the Performance. A Form Swsuowsn in' A Cow.-—)lr. .7? Francis Johnson, of this county, while slough— tering a cow for beef, a few days since, found sticking through her upper stomach, and firmly fixed in the gristly part of the brisket, a. large horn-handle dining fork. lthad evidently been swallowed some months before, and what is re markable, she is reported to have been very fat and thrifty, up to the time she was killed. The presumption is that, in the effort of the stomach to (lignharse the fork, the tires were forced. through its substance and into‘the seen where it was found—Maciayon (GIL) Visitor. Turner or Comnuo Persons IN Coxsncrt- CUT.———on Friday, the Connecticut Supreme Court of Errors decided the ease of the quad roon Stoddard, of Norwich, in his favor. Some of his property had been sold to pay taxes. He therefore brought a suit against the town of Norwich to recover the amount, claiming to be a colored person within the meaning of the statute which exempts property of colored per sons from taxation. The claim was sustained by the Court. Mn. Ross WmAxs GAINS A Sulr.—Theiui-' portant case brought by Mr. Ross Winaus be fore the United States Circuit Court at New York, to recover for an infringement of a. pat ent, alleged to have been secured by him for the construction of a. variable exhaustin steam engines, and which it was claimed, caused a great saving of steam in its use us a motive power, was on Saturday last decided in his favor. DEATH or AN EMPRESS DOWAGER.-—The Em press Dowager of Russia is (lead. This is the widow of the great Emperor Nicholas, whose death in the spring of 1858, while Russia was involved in her desperate war with the allied powors, made such a. sensation. She was a (laughter of King Frederick William 111 of Prussia, and a sister of the present King nnd the Prince Regent of that Kingdom. VOTED IT Bowen—lt is stated that the pro position for a. Provisional Government in J ef ferson Territory, at the base of the Rocky Mountains, was voted down in Denver City.— The movement originated, like that of Arizona. in their inefficient protection by the Federal. Government, both as against the Indians, and the evil'edesigned persons congregated at the mines. HEAVY DAMAGES. ——~Alderman Russell. ofNeW York, has recovered from ex-Aldermsn Wilson, of that city, for an .assault. committed upon him a few months ago, damages to the amount of $5,000. It thus appears it is a costly business to assault a New York alderman. Tm: APPLE TRADE—The Syracuge (N. Y) Journal says that at one time on Tuesday af— ternoon last, there were in view from the weighlook in that city, no less than thirteen canal boats loaded with apples, in barrels des— tined for the Eastern: markets. TIIE PRESIDENT’S Mussum.-~lt is stated that President Buchanan’s message will be printed and forwarded to the leading cities, so that it can be distributed immediately on the receipt of the notice, by telegraph, of its presentation to Congress. A Sonmnnx Manon—Mrs. Saruh R. Cobb received at. a late fair in Georgia, the premium of a silver goblet for five handsomely embroi dered shirts, worked by herself. She is the Hon. Howell Cobb’s mother- _ A Doumrm. Communism—One of Henry Ward Beehcer’s lady admirers says he has the front face of a. lion and the profile of a. sheep, which may he considered complimentary or not. 13mm! T 0 PETER RICHINfls.—At Richmond on Saturday night Mr. Peter Richings, while perhrming at the theatre, fell, injuring him~ self badly” The performance wfis‘suspended. Michael Stricklcr, :ged 24 years, was killed last week by the accidental discharge of his gun, in Spring Garden township, York county, 1’“. Abraham Darliugton of Willistown, Dela— ware county, Pm, committefl suicide a. few days ego by taking arsenic. Thanksgiving in Texas and Nebraska on the 29th inst. The Republican “Wigwam” in Philadelphit', has been sold at auction for $2lO. Dr. J. J. David, adentist, resident of Atlanta, Ga") committed suicide last week. Senator Latham arrived by the. overland route at. New Orleans on Saturday. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH The Georgia Legislature. MILLEDGEVILLE, Nov. 22 (391'. Brown sent. to the Legislature to-day, 3. 3990131 message, In view of the election of 1411100111, and to promote and unite the senti menzt 0f "the Slate, he incidentally advised the Legislature to elect the Presidential Electors of the State on Saturday. The recommendation was adopted. IL I}. Rhett, I'}. I'luflin, and General Pillow, were invited to seats on the floor of the Senate. Ex-Governor McDonald is lying quite feeble at, Marietta, and could not go to Milledgeville to vote as a Breckinridge elector, if the Legis lature selects hiin. ‘ It is probable that the Legislature will take a recess after the let of December—some think sine die—others to a. fixed time. The adjourn ment may be subject to a call of the Governor. Important Letter of Gov. Lctcher. Rlclnmxn, Vn., Nov. 213. The Enquirer publishes an important letter from Gov. Letcher, in repiy to a. letter from John S. Brisbin, of Pennsylvania, ridiculing secession, and stating that two hundred Vir ginians had offered him their command in the event of disnnion, etc. The Governor, in re p'ly, administers a severe rebuke to Northern” nullification, and shows that thisdemliction on the part. of the North is the prime cause of the present trouble. He advises them to correct public sentiment at home, and discharge their constitutional obligations. He indicates his determination to defend the State, and stand as mediator—armed mediator. if necessary—— between the Southern States and their assail ants, come from what quarter they may. The letter creates quite a sensation here. More Trouble in Kansas. St. LOUIS, Nov. 22 Trouble is once more rife in Kansas. A band of so-called “reguiators” have hung several persons, and threatened t 9 postpone the gov ernment land sales. Montgomery, theirieadcr, has a force of five hundred men. The me naced interference with the L". S. land is re— garded as a pretext, and the real object. is said to be an attack on the “abolition missionaries.” Montgomery has a force of probably 500 men, with plenty of arms, ammunition and other material aid, and from time to time warlike supplies have been received by him from the North. —.—.__+.N—__ Suspension) of Specie Payments. PHILADELPHIA, Nov :32. The banks of this city suspended specie pay ments at one o'clock to-day. ' . WAsmxc'mx, D. (3., Nov. 22, The banks of this city have suspendefi syecie payments. The suspensionhas not caused any panic here. chuzuoxp, Nov. 22. All the Richmond and l’etcrsburg banks have suspended apecie payments. Levee to Gov. Banks. A complimentary levee was given to Gover nor Banks and lady last evening by the citizens of Walthnm, irrespective of party. The Gav ernor was presented with a service of silver plate, and Mrs. Banks received a valuable gold Watch. . _._...__ . M “Minute Men.” NORFOLK, \'A., Nov. 2:3 The “Minute Men” held an adjourned meet ing: last night. Strong resolutions urging resistance to Northern aggression were passed. Three cheers wore given for “the man who hung John Brown.” Cockadea are plentiful on the streets to-L‘my. .._, ._ .. Destructive Fire at Albany, (:21. A fire at Albany, on the 18th, destroyed Shniv’a carriage repository; Hil), Might? .‘l‘v Marshall’s carriage shop; and two brick stores occupid by Gross S; Bridenhflck. The amount of 7055 over insurance was 313,04)”. The fire was! me work of an incenklim‘y. ~ ._,_..._ -._ From Washing ton . \‘n’Asrnxc'rox, Nov. 21!. The father of General Walbridge, of ch York, died this morning, after suffering an ill ness of several Weeks. ._-_+..._ Frost at Auguslatua. AUGUSTA, (3A., Nov. 2‘2 -\ killing frost. occurred this morning. SPEUIAL N 0 TI OEB. _. _ 4. _ __ _ liELMBOLD‘S GENUINE PREPARATION Cures Gra- Y°[2_B'“”d£‘l2FlS-Kz. E3l?§_§§3?l€FF:_‘___. ETIELM _-OLD’S Genuine Preparation for Nervous and Dehilitated Sufl'erers. ' Hlll. nßuLfiiffififié-‘fiéha’rafiéfi {in} Lhish‘of Power, Loss of Memory. _ HELMBOLD’S Genuine Preparatm Wrmmex or Breathmnr, General Wcakness. , HELMBOLD’S Genuine Preparation for Weak—Nerves} Horror of Death, Tremhiing. _ ___ fiifmn‘iffis-fienuina PreparatfiE-IFRWg—ht Swen}, Cold Feet, Dimueas of Vision. fii‘fitfimonfi’s Genuine l'reparagisn fez—{Languon [TEE—- vernal Lasaitude of the Muscular vtgfifi HELSIBOLD'Bfienuine Preparation for FaTlTJ—Connte name and Eruptions. HELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparation for Pain! in the Back. Headache, Sick Stomach. ifi’See advarfisement handed HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU in another cclumn FEVER AND AGUE, AND ALL FEVERS are cured by perseverance with BRANDRETH’S PILLS, which takes all poisons, of whatever nature they may be, from the circulation. Mr. John I'. Height, Supervisor of New Castle, West chester county, New York, says, November. 1858 : H I was, two years ago, attacked with fever and ague, which, notwithstanding the best medical advice, con tinued. to sorely nfllict me for six tedious months; I be came yellow as snil’ron, and reduced to skin and bone. Medicine and ph sicisns were abandoned in despair. As an experiment, {concluded to try a single dose of six of Brnndreth’s Universal Vegetable Pills, on an empty stomach, early in the morning. The first dose seemed to arouse. all the latent energies of my exhausted frame. I feared the worst—their purgutive effect wns different from anything I had ever used or heard of. At length this effect ceased. and I seemed lighter and breathed freer. That evening I 'was indeed sensibly better and slept soundly all night. The next day I followen the same course, and continuDd to take the pills in this way about three weeks, when I found myself entirely cured. My health has been surprisingly good ever since." Sold, price 25 cents, at N 0.2” Canal street. New York, and by all Druggists. Also, by GEO. H. BELL, corner or Second and Chestnut streets, Harrisburg, and by a.“ respectable dealers in medicines. noS-dézwlm \VE call the attention of our readers to an Itticle ldvertised in another Column, called BLOOD FOOD. It in an entirely new discovery; and must not be confounded with any of the numerous patent medi‘ nines of the day. It is noon yon rnn noon, already prepared for absorption; pleasant to the taste and natu ral in action, and what one gains he retains. Let all those, then, who are sutfering from poverty, impurity or deficiency of bloodgnd consequently with some chronic disease or ailment, take of this BLoon Poor: and be re stored to health. We notice that our druggista have received a. supply of this article. and also of tire world renowned Dr. EATON’S In mnrn CORDIAL, winch erery mother should have. It contains no pnrngoric or opiate of any kind whatever and of course must be invaluable for all infantile complaints. It will may all pain, and Soften the gums in process of teething, and at the some time regulate the bowels. Let all mothers and nurses, who have endured anxious days and sleepless nights, ‘procnre a supply and be at once relieved. 15’ San advertisement. nul’l—clkwmn New fihnmfigmmutg. A PPLES.—-—A lot, of fin TER AP PLES for sue by n. K. mnsons, Agent, no 23—d3ti“ 110 Mark“ Ihaat. qITUATION WANTED—For a little, L motherless girl. healthy, intelligent, and about ten years of gg9.,lnqhire of DABIUS AYE-ES, Fourth street, oppogite the Bethel Church. goZl-dSt WM“ _-7 _ " UOKW HEAT FLO U li.-.-400 Sucks of Extra. New Hailed BUOKWHEAT FLPUR, fom Wyoming Valley. for sale, wholesale and retall, by Mao-stab ' M __fl__fl____Eßl 5 11.93331511- MUSIC ! MUSIC !—-—To be sold_a .de .ded bargain—a flue toned music.baz_ph “a. h: familiar tunes—box sollq romawooai Splendid” iilni.‘lB__ Can be seen ev~ ry evemng at Breyervg an” Buy 5% loan, Market street, under Rhytbfilding—who innu— thorizad 'to Bell ‘3' A 150,... f‘lmil?! Stereoscapc. with a. 5"“ "nety of S‘EIWSWPW Pictures, for sale cheap. as above' 3020-2t* TH E GLOB E; ”‘ 1'1“: OFFICIALPAPEROF CONGRESS I runuss now my annual Prospectus at '2“ num- GLOBE. and THE _Coxrmassmmn (hon: AND Ann-nu. m remind subserlhers, and inform those who maydesir. to subscribe, that Congress will meet on the ant Mon day of next December, whnn I shall resume publishim. the abovemnmed papcrs. They have Imm published sl. long, that must pgblic men know their character, am: therefore I deem 1t needless to give a. minute account n'.' the kind of matter they will contain. THE. DAILY G LOB! will contain a report of the Debuta in both branches of Congress as taken down by “pone” equal, at least, to any corps of short-hand writers: in 1115.: or in any other country. A majority of them will, each, be able to report, w. rban'm, ten thousand words an hour. while the average number of words spoke-:1 Lay fluent speakers rarely exceeds seven thousand the hundrevf words an hour. When the debates ofa dag-do not malt.- more than forty-live columns, they will appear in Th-‘r Daily Globe of the Item morning, which will contain also, the news of the day, together with such editoriu ‘ articles as may be suggested by passing events. Tm: Coucnsssxomn Gman min Arrrxmx will cm:- tain u. report of nll the Debates in Congress. revised by the speakers, the Messages of the 1’ resident. or the Uni» ted States, the A ununl Reports of the Heads of the ‘t-Ix ocutive Duportmcnts,thc Laws passed (luring the sessioz». and copious indexes to all. They will he printer! on :. double royal sheet, in book form, royal quarto 16,19,630; number containing; sixteen fingers. The whole will mat:- it. is believed, at least 2,000 yuges. This is acknowledge. to be the cheapest work ever sold in any country, whethcu a reprint or printed from manuscript copy, taking fa (mm the average number of words it contains The coming session will, without doubt, be an um. sunlly interesting ono,].ue<-.tluse the dehatea will, in = great mensurc, be upon tne [mitt-,3- of the President elect nnd The Globe will be, as It has} been for many year— past, the only source from wluch lull debates of Congre;- can be obtained. . BOSTON, Nov. 22 AI?GUSTA, Nov. 22 11014 dkwsm TEE Coxcussswxn. (‘ll.an Axn Arnxmx pllss In“ through the mails of the United States, as will, be sea. by reading the following Joint Resolution passed by Con gross the 6th of August, 1852: . Joint. Resolulion providing for the distribution of flat Laws of Congress and the Debates thereon. With a. view to the cheap circulation of the law; in Congress and the debates contributing to the true into.- pretation thereof, and to main: free the communicatiaw between the representative and constituent bodies : Be it resolved by the Senate mu) Hausa «Represent: lives of the United Slam of _l diffifll in Congress assay bled, That from and after Iheprcsent session of (‘ongrena the. CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE up Arrasmx, which (-0.. min the laws and the debates thereon, shall pass fro. through the mails so long as the same shall be publishm. by order of Congress: Provided, That. nothing hen-i: shall be construed to authorize the circulation of 13,-. Dun! (31,012]: free of postage. Al'vuovm), August G, 1832. TERMS. For a copy of Tm: DAILY GLOBE, for founmonths SSA.“ For 1 copy of Tm: Commassmfiu.GLona mm Al’- I-zxmx, during the session 8 9' For 2 copies ditto, when ordered at the some time 5.6-; No attention will be paid to any order unless the mom} accompany it. Bunk notes, current in the section of the country when a. subscriber resides, will be received at, par. The whub or any part of :1. Subscription may be remitted in postag stamps, which is meferuble to any currency, except 201 k or silver. JOHN G. RIVES ' WAsmxc'rox, October 18, 1850. no-‘Zidii‘ MPORTANT 'l‘o EVERY DISEASED MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD DR. STEWART, Physician (In Chmnic Diseases, is pm: manently located in Harrisburg. and can already refe. to many cases which he has curred after they hm been treated without benefit by the old system. He can Mir. refer to hundreds of such cures in different portions (:5 the United States and Canada. He pays particular attention to Afl'ectionn of the Lung: and Throat, in which class or cnmpmints his treatment is NEW and will sneezed when: there seems to he no hop" Qf recovery. . Dr. S. has been wonderfully successful in Disease 0' the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys.l\'erves,allforms of Fema‘lr Complaints, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Scrofulu.‘ Epilepsy. and Afl‘ections of the Eye and Ear. A candid opinion given in regard to cnrnbiiity. Tex-mi moderate. Ofl‘xce at the Buehlcr House. near the ladies' entrance. Hours 0 :1. m. to 6p, 121. Letters should be addressed to DB. J . STEWART. novl-L-deSc W i 4 'RUI’J.‘.-——'J W 0 ul-ks are now laymg on 111:,- rivex-, between me two bridges, loaded with a. great variety of apples from the upper North Branch~for salv on reasonable terms. Among the varieties are SPITW ENHERGS. RUSSE’I‘S, GREENING S FALL PIPPINE, lERMAIKS, GILLIFLUWERS: & It: kc. no]? CABINET WAREHOUSE. ‘ .1 AM ES 1:. 50 YD 5; SON, 39 SOUTH SECOND STREET, CABINET MAKERS AND UND FR'I'AEEBE. A large variety of ZYEYYE-A-TETE SOFAS, ARR! 11 ND PABLO}: CHAIRS, 3L4 RIFLE TOP TILE}. Eu". 1} UHE'I UH, BEDSTEADS, WA SH—STANDS. }l.i 7' HAI'KS, &0. Call and examine our stock and price-s. as We can sun as low 11.: can be bought in the State. Holmium BOOTS AND-SHOES JACKSON d: 00 Have opened a float and Shoe Siure at No. 93,2; MM:— KET STREET. comm: of Fourth, where they keep cou stantly on hand u full and varied assortment of the BEST CITY MADE SHOES. Having been engaged in the SHOE UPPER BUSL NESS in this city for more than a year, they are pru» pared to make ALL KINDS OF FANCY SHOES to order, at short notice. or the best materials, and war ranted to give satisfacliun every way. ifi‘l’lease call and examine my assortment before purchasing elsewhere. ilj‘Rcmember the place—.l the [1101743111] GUN AND BLASTING POWDER ' JAMESM. WHEELER. HARRISBURG, PA.. . .4 GENT 1701:.4LL POWDER AND F’L'Sli MASUIABI‘ERED 37 I. E. DUPONT DE NEMOURS & 00., WILMING TON, DELAWARE. 13' A In: e supply always on hand. For saie at run nu fncturer’s pgces. Magazine two miles below town it? Orders received 31: Warehouse ~ . COTTAG E FUENI’I‘U RE. 111 Chamber Suits, containing DRESSING BUREA U, BED STEAD, W’ASH-STAND, TABLE, FOUR CHAIRS, and a. I: OCKING CHAIR, from $23 to $4O a suit. BUREAUS AND BEDSTEADS from $4.50 to $10.50, and other articles at equally low figures at the War-=- looms of JAMES B. new a; son, nolfi-dlm 29 South Second street. CANE SEAT CHAIRS.——The largest and best variety, fifty difl‘etent styles and pattern. from $6 to 518 35:21:. Also, TUCKER’S SEEING BED B OTTOISI, the but in use—only 56—» JAMES R. BOYD & SON’S, 29 South Second street, next to Bell’s Store). nolß-dlm NEW DRUG » V A3l) PRESCRIPTION 51012}; WILLIAM W. ARMSTRONG}, Practical Draggist and Chemist, would inform the citizens of Harrisburg that he has leased the store room recently occupied by Dr. Kimbe] I, and is now prepared to furnish those who feel disposed to patronize him with pure and unadulterated Drugs and Medicines, such as canbe reliednpon. Having had several years experience in the Drug and Prescrip tion busineafi, he most respectfully solicits ,a share oL' Physicians’ Prescription business. He has also a large and varied assortment of Perfumery Stationery, ace,— Also, all of the most popular Patené Medicines of the day; also, Tobacco, Cigars, Snufi‘, Sr c.. ofthe boot brands; also, Alcohol, Turpentine, Burning Fluid, Cos! Oil, kc. In fact everything usually kept in a well—otooked drug; store. nolC—dlm. REMOVAL. - JOIIN W. GLOVEB, MERCHANT TAILOR, Has removed to 60 MARKET STREET. Where he will be pleased to see :11 hi! friem‘l . 001.84“! M ESBRS. OHIGKERING 5,: ,CO. . HAVE AGAIN OBTAINED THE GOLD MEDAL! AT THE MECIIAN ICS’ FAIR, BOSTON. HELD TBB PRBGEDING WEEK, ‘ -« V 0 VER SIXTY COMPETI 270135 .I b ijerogfn for the cmcxnmxe runes. at Imm. $333?" Hm“ ‘wf’tfimcflys MUSIC STORE. JUST RECEIVED! _,_.__ nu: FOUNTAIN! INK lonuumr A very ingenious attachment_to any mgtsllic pen, by which one dip or ink is aufilcxent to wnte a toolscap pngo. young at scnmvwn’s Booxs'ronn, up!) ' No. 18 Market .1, XTRA SUGAR - < - E 11?“ receivedby CUBED HAMB— ANTED—S33OO pounds OLD COP “0141px” >,a - e EAGLE "OBIS. ‘3o}; Market street, sign of GOLDEN BOOT. uol7 w. DOCK, .13., a; co