Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, November 20, 1860, Image 2

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    the place of execution, and already had the
{val sen'ence been read. when the low murmur
that ran through the ranks changed into almost
dufening shouts:
"The Emperor! the Emperor! Longlive the
He appeared, dismounted from his horse ;
and then, with his short, quick stop, he walked
up to Ihe condemned.
. “Pierre,” said he to him. . Pierre gazed at,
Inn, and made an effort. to .peak, butnsudden
agupor seemed to overwhelm him. “ Pierre.”
copfipned the Emperor, “remember your own
words of last. night. God gin-s thee life a
second time ; devote it; not to me, Inn. to France 3
She, too, is a kind mother! Love her as thou
dids't thy first-thim- own.”
Hethen turned to depart, and greeting shouts
of admiring love followed him till he was out of
Some years after this, a. Captain of the Old
Guards fl-ll mortally Wounded on the field of
Amid the din of batik, he was heard to shout
in his death pangs :
“ Limg live the Emperor: France forever 3
My Mother! My Mother E”
It was Pierre Pitais!
@Qe :fiatrint as 3311 mm
_._..+ ...A;-»_
lishers and Proprietors.
Domaimtionswill not he published in the Puma!
m Duo! unless accompanied with the name of the
s. M. FET‘I‘ENGILL & (30.,
Advertising Agents, 119 Nassau'atreat, New York, and
ID We street, Boston, are the Agents for the PATRIOT
an limos, sad the most influential and largest circu
lating newspapers in the United Sta-tea and Canaan
nor are authorized to contract for us at our lowest rates
A wound-hm! Ann‘s Passe, platen 39:4 by 26111131193,
In good order; can he worked either by hand or steam
power. Terms moderate Inquire at this office.
Bow ready are those who have brought evil
upon themselves or a. community. to charge the
«use of that evil upon olhers, rather than to
by it. at their own doors, where it rightfully
belongs. This is very fully illustrated by the
Repuhlicans at the present time, who are en
deavoring to throw all the responsibility of the
Ind and alarming state of things at the South
upon those conservative papers which have, in
season and out. of season. endeavored to coun
teract. the bunefnl influences of the John
Brownism, inflammatory speeches and unjust.
legislation of the Republican party, and which
have by earnest. appeals to the patriotism of the
people, strivvn to prevent the result. which is
causing so much anxiety in every part of the
land. Thus they endeavor to skulk behind the
charge of sedition in those whose only crime
is the lore of their whole “country, however
bounded.” Was there ever anything more mean
and cowardly than this? Did it ever occur to
them. that the tree is judged by its fruits. If
the Republicans in their legislation, pass laws
which violates a solemn compect—nnllifics a.
law of Congress—places the State Government.
in antagonism to the Federal Government——
tramplcs under foot rights guaranteed by our
fathers, making it. a. lumen offence for a citizen
to assist. in enforcing or seeking redress under
a United States law—if such is the product of
Republicanism in those State Governments
which have been under their control, what. Wlll
be the fruit, is it. not. a. natural question to ask,
produced when they have the wider field of the
National Government to operate in? [s it not
natural that. our Southern friends should be
somewhat excited; with such precedents before
them—though there is nothing to fear from the
Republicans for two years to come, at least—ms
their President will come into power flanked
with Union men? If the Republicans wish to
escape from the charge of seclinnnlism, let them
at once repeal their Personal Liberty hills; let
them retrace their steps of nullifiration, and
place those states in harmony with the Consti
tution of the United States, and do equal jus—
tice to the South as well as the North. Let. them
do this, and we shall have an earnest- of that
good will and good feeling which they are now
so ready to proclaim. and which should ever
characterize every part of this glorious Union.
Let the Republicans first remove the beam that
is in their own eye, that they may see more
clearly the mote that is in their brother’s eye.
The Republicans and the Country.
The language of the Black Republican press,
the portion of it, that. comprehends the critical
state of the country, is a. Sign that its party
dare not. attempt. to apply the abominable soc
tionnlism which it used to get power. The
New York Timcsavers that Linroln “ will not.
fail to take into his coimcil men who were
arrayed against him during the late exciting
canvass ;” and names in the list John Bell as
one probably who will be selected; and itavers
aha, that for the President to recommend the
Wilma: Proviso now, "would be an unnecessary.
impracticable and ofi'ensive measure!” That
did for one day. ‘
But now we have something more : the Al
bany [carnal labors to clear Thurlow Weed of
the responsibility of recommending the Helper
Book! ! This paper says:
Now that South Carolina, and the “ Fire-enters“ of
other Southern status, threaten to dissolve the Union,
IQ hue insti uted a ri id personal inquiry into our
our}: courts and conduct towards the South This in
can“?l ruulh it} a "ouvicfiun that. with one excupzion,
we ‘ave no‘. In thought, word, or deed, wronged our
brethron of the alave State-n,
We read "10 lie I” . o -k, hsstily, soon after its pub
lication. It ms the Wurk of a. Southern man—anative
and resident of Noryh “nrolinn. It. contrasted the 3d
vantages with the disadvantages of slavery. proving, n!
wethought, flint “'9 PTOFWH'F of N- rth Carolina was
retarded ruther that pro "oh-_d by slavery, When asked,
therefore, to aim in the pubhcn ion or 2. 1815;: edition of
._u Comp ml." weymtributed $lOO
At Washington i D
'5 H Com d". n tambber last we fix
a]: : pen contamcd the Laliowigéstézzm “d that
' . :1: man.-
l. Thorough organization and independent political
“fig: on Ill—”met of non-Ilaveholdang whites of the
Son .
2 Inelixibility of niaveholdrs—never another vote to
the tmflicker in human flesh,
.3. No eo-opemtiuu with plaveholders in politics—no
{worship with them in religion—no Ifiliation with
them in loci-4t}.
4. No pztnvnuga to smveholding merchants—no guest.
3].)! in mveaweiting hotels—nu tees to slavehulning mm.
”.._‘m, empluymt-nt of slaveholding physicians—no
nudience of sfavelmldiug pxrauns.
5. Nomeognition'of pro-slavery men, except as ruf
fima, outlets and criminals.
These recommendations are repugnant to, and in con.
[flat with our prim-ipleg, sentiments and sympathies.
While those principwn, sentiments and nymplthies are
all in ruvor f freedn u. they revolt :1: such modes of
1111318. We h'Wr never opposed, or thought of oppo<
sing 3137!}?! by any}: manna; norhave we ever cherished,
or intentionally given countenance to, such a spirit.
'Ygi-ilyflhe work goes bravely on. The New
Int-k Times shivevs ‘he chief plank in the
01:18:30 platform, and the Albany Journal re
nudistes .he chief instrumentalit. of L' ’-
deofion. y Incoln s
Well may the Albany Journal now now that
these " I ec.-mm-3m’,ations are repugnant to, and
in ’Conflict wi‘h, our principles!” Mischief
has don» its wnrk! The storm is raised! Still
herg is-more bapking down. lt is good to see
repentance. It is abom. time for the Massachu
setts Republicans, who subscribed money to
circulate this same book, to Clear their skirts
of the disunion business. What have our mem
bers 0f Congress who recommended this book
to say on this subject ‘3 Do they mean to brave
it out? There are their names appended to a.
‘rccommcndation precisely similar to that of
Thurlow Weed! It never has been denied that
these were real signatures, or that some of
them subscribed money 10 circulatethis infa
mous thing. Is not similar acknowledgment.
due to the public sentiment. here? The soener
these architects of ruin take the hack track—-
and take it they must—the hetter it will be for
themselves and for the country.
191:0}! 2111‘} ARC/10 REGIONS.
The following letter is the first official antel
ligence received from the expedition of C. F.
Hall, which sailed from the United States Insn
May, in Search of further relics of Sir John
Franklin, or any surviving members of his
Ancrwluoioxs,nonsense-no. g
GREENLAND, July 17,1860.
Ham'y Grilmcll, 13511., New York:
DEAR. Sm: So you see I am within the “Fri
gid Zone,” the re;ions where have been my
hopes—my very soul for years. What, hop
pier, prauder period of one’s life than when
navigating waters almost sacred by the historic
names of Frobi~hcn Davis, Hudson, Bylat, Baf
fin, Fox, Swainc, Ross, Parry, Franklin and
Kane! You must know that now I am at home
—at least. within the circle where I hope to be
for some time to come, say till the momentous
object for which I am here shall be fully ac
complished. '
I regret to inform you that my noble friend
and companion. “Cudlorgo,” who was ‘present
at the meeting of your Geographical Society,
evening of March 6th, is no more. His earthly
heart now rests beneath the ocean’s wove; his
spirit has returned to God. This noble speci~
men of the Esquimaux died Sunday morning,
July lst. His last words Were: “ Teik-ko-sik
he 2’ Toik-ko~sik~kn ?” “Do you sea ice? Do
you sea ice l” llis prayer was that he might.
arrive home and once more look upon his na
tive land—«its mountains—its snow—its ices—
upon his wile and his little ones—he would
then ask no more of earth. 7
On leaving Labrador coast, we sailed several
days without seeing ice. “Cudlargo” would
often ask if we snw ice, thinking if so, he must
be near to his home. He died lat. 63 deg. N.,
when near the coast. of Greenland. Prepara
tions of _e suitable nature Were made for his
burial in the sea. A “burial at sea.” was al
ways ihnught by me to he of greater interest.
than any other. I have wiinesswl such, and I
must, say that. never did I participate more de
vonlly in what I consider the most. solemmscene
of my life. There. before us, was the “sheeted
dead,” lying amid-ships, on the gang-W: y
board, all in readiness for burial. The .whole
ship’s comp 113', save a solitary man at. the
wheel, had assembled in solemn, sorrowful
silence around our departed friend, to pay our
last. respects to him. The time that. had been
set. for services now arrived. By the request
of Captain Buddingmn. who was bound by
strong ties to "Cndlargo," I hmi consented to
take an active part in these services. 1, Ihrre»
fore, proceeded to make such remarks as were
deemed proper for the occasion. These were
succeeded by in) reading pew-{ions of appropri~
ate exhnrlmions from the “ Masonic Manuel,”
alter which I read a prayer from the same ex
cellent work. In this all seemed deeply, sol
emnly interested. During ihese services. the
breezes of heaven were waning us Oil—silently
and speedily on lo the Norlh. At. a given
signal from the captain, standing at. my right,
the man m. the wheel lufled the ship into the
wind and deadeucd her headway. A short.
pause. and down inio the deep grave—lhe abyss
of ihe ocean—sunk Ihe morn-. 1 part of "Cud
largo,” the noble Esquimnux, who wasrcturxr
in; to his unial lurid, \vnen overlnken hy death.
An hour al’xer ihe “George Henry” had been
given to the leading wind, I turned'my eyes
back to the grave of hCudlargo;”—:i. snow
while monument, mountain size, and of God‘s
own fashioning, was over it.
Our voyage thus for has been attended with
calms, fogs and head-winds, t-hue prolonging
it to thirty-nine days. The usual time may be
set down at. from twenty—live to thirty. We
arrived here in Holsteinherg Harbor on the
morning of July 7th. The Rescue. of your first
expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, in
1850, arrived midnight. of July 11th. The
George Henry and Rescue parted company the
36 night, out, during a. heavy wind: but. Hol
eleinberg being the appointed rendezvous each
vessel made its course direci here.
My health is enuellem—hener than ever. I
enjoy mySelf beyond measure.
In this connection, I must speak to you of
the co~operution I receive from Captain Bud
diugton, who has the command of both the
George Henry and R:scue. If I could have
had the choice out of ten Ihousand mph—excel
lent navigators in the waters of the North, and
Withal a good and true man, I could not. have
selected a. better one than Capt. Sidney J. Bud
dington. The house of Mes-rs. Williams 5;
Haven, whose generosity in behalf of my voy
age to the North should ever he remembered,
know well that their inlerests in the George
Henry and Rescue are in the hands of one of
the most. careful seamen that comes hereto the
Arctic Seas.
It. gives me pleasure, also, to communicate
respeeliug the attention and hospitality ex
tended to me by Governor Elberg, of Holstein
herg ’
‘V He, in company with the European ladies of
' Holsteinherg, have spent several hours on board
the George Henry, and in nothing do they seem
more interested than in examining the records
or the first and second Grinuell Expeditions of
18:50—’51 and 1853—’54—-’55. as written and il
- by the lavmrmetl Kane. llappilny
had these volumes with me. The Governor
was also interested in the work of Capt. (now
Sir) F. L. M’Clintock.. At. a. tea party given
by the Go vernor on the evening of July 10th, I
was invited to give a. general statement of the
accomplishmrms by M'Clintoek, in his last
voyage here to the Arctic Regions. All were
much amazed with the jovialncss of Gov. El~
berg, in reading before the whole company
present, M’Cliutock’s account. of his gift. of
some coals to “the priest’s wife who was blue
with cold.” “The priest’s wife,” Mrs. Klrl‘,
wa‘s one of the party, and seemed to enjoy the
joke quite as well as any of no.”
I must take the only copy of McClintock I
have with 'me, as there are many smtememsin
it that. I wish to investigate personally, when ‘
on King William’s Land next year. (D. V.)
I have visited various mountains of Green- Q
land during our stay here, and know of no part. ‘
of the world where there is better opportunity
I'9? the Geologist to investigate the stratifica
tlon ot the earth’s crust than herein the North.
B? the "3', Gov. Ethel-g has presented me with
nomerons Bpemmens of fossil fish from North
51:20!“ 1:110”, the only place where they can be
0 'lll_e - Mr.“ McCht-tuck says they are in
teresting as hetng of Unknown 'geolngicttl dute.
Belore me. on the lab] ' -
. . . . eln my cabin where I
tun writing this, is a. beautiful boquetuf Arctic
flowers, In great variety, Btnt me b several
young ESquimnux ladies of Holst. .Yb I
am astonished at the profusenesg eif‘Nex-g, ’
productions here. ' 0 ature s
Lnst, Saturday. accompanied b -
mmlx Adam Beck. Ihe Inlerpretcz‘ Llieolfiisqgilr
John Ross, I leuk a hip to..\lountCunniu h
. . g um.
0n ”mug at the foot. ofihe peak cane-I
“Woman’s Hand,” Adam Was fearful to go
further up We were then higher up than any
"118 has ever been bv-fore—so the Holsteillbvr
gels say—but. l {lofi'ed everything. SflVe wh,"
mod.-sty would bud me retam. (a “anan’s
1100.1" was about,) and up, up! I went to a,
fearful height. Just as I resclzed the top—or
rather as its top was within a grasp—a. chasm
intervenpd, and I was obliged to return; though
I spt-nt an hour up there. drinking in the
mighty views around me. I counted five hnn
dred peaks of mountains. saw lakGS, rivers,
Davies’ Straits, hundreds of islands, bays, Hol
steinberg, 82¢, 8:0.
July ISlll.—-—lt. is intended that we leavehere
at. the earliest moment. Yesterday, by the as
sistance of Governm- Elberg and Capt. Bud
dingtou. I purchased an excellent team of sledge
dogs. Next winter will [ind me halesquimaux‘
ldoubt not. (Jam. Buddinglon intends finding
good quarters fur the George Henry, then p» o
ceeding with me through Frohisheij’s Straits
and Fox Uhannel—circumslanccs will decide
as to penetrating also Bcpu‘fic Buy. Ishall
gain muah practical information this winter,
July 23:], 1860-—-1 o'clock, A. M.—A fresh
breeze now prevails. We are off for the west.
side of Davies’ Straits. Yours as ever,
Tm: DAxcnn or DItUBLI-l Wlmmxos.—Mikc
Martin and Arthur McDonald, 'Wojol‘ly chums
nnd beanm friends, porters togethernn a. New
York house, n ere in the habit, about six months
ago, of going to a oertnin restaurant 111 Fulton
street, New York. regularly eVery day to dine.
At this house were employed two of Erin’s
lovely daughters, sisters, named Catharine and
Ellen Shelliton, in the capacity of waiters.—
Mnrtin and McDonald hccame. enamored, and
daily sat together at the same-table. and were
waited upon by the same fair hands. It is
unnecessary to go through the details of the
courtship; suffice it to note that the arrange
ments were made for o. douhlc wedding to cnme
of on Saturday night last. at the house of Pat.-
rick Shognessy, in North Second street, Wil
liamshurg. The guests were invited. an extra.
quantity of whisky was laid in, the priest was
notified, the bridesmaids were in readiness, Pat
himself was glorious, and the bride-s and bride
grooms were arrayed in fine splendor, and bore
countenanccs radiant with joy and anticipated
happiness. The priest, put on his gowu. the
cvremony was read over. the vows Were repcted,
the two couples Were pronounced men and
wives. From that time on all was jollity till
midnight. By this time most of the company
had become rather tipsy, and the newly-made
brides became sleepy. The bridesmaids ac
cordingly conducted them to their separate
bridal chambers, which had been prepared in
Pat Shognessy’s house, where the newly-wed
ded pairs were to board for the future. After
several more imbihations Michael begun to feel
sleepy and, besides, fell: somewhat anxious to
know how his wife rested in her new quarters.
So he thought. he would go to bed. As soon as
he could he stole army from his companions and
went softly up stairs to his room. Disrobing
hastily, he bounced into bed. but was startled
and surprised by a. female voice from under the
bedclothes. “Och! ye Ihaif. ye thaif, go away
wid yer!” continued in an indefinite number of
screams and cxclnmntinns. Mike soon found
he was in the wrong room, that it was not. his
Ellen hut Kate, whose cries hnd startled him.
Ellen, in another room. heard the crit-s ot' flute,
and from sympathy screamed also at the top of
her voice. In the meantime Arthur thought to
retire, hut in daing so he also got into the
wrong room. The womm shrieked at the tops
of their mines, the men rushed frantically to
each other’s rooms in dishubillc. each swore at
the other, and accused him of n-mghty actions,
the folks down stairs came up and mixed in the
melee. and an irrepressihle conflict. between all
parties raged most furiously. and in all proba
bility wenhl have endured until the present
time had not a c uple of police officers stepped
in nnd ended the matter by carrying off the two
bride-grooms. Poor fellows! The first night.
oi their married lieves had to be spent in the
cells instead of the bridal chambrrs, and to
GOIIPO‘O and comfort each other 'he two brides
tucked into one bed. (:11 Monthly all convernt-d
appeared before Justice Colnhan. when the
ahove story being told and corroborated, mutual
cxplunati-ns and apologies followed, and the
happy couples were allowed to depart to enjoy
their honeymoon.—N. I’. Paper.
Ax Anummn I’MtTn‘Ensuu', AND EQUALLY
AMI'BLI-I DISSOLUTIOS.—A angular fact is re
lated of' two Citizens of' Sonthhridge, Mass, by
the Wehsmr Times. who ham- joimly nwm—d and
ocuupied a farm in that iown for sixteen years.
hm. have lately dissolved partnership. During
the whole of this period no accounts of any
kind have been kept by either of Ihe par-lies.
Both individuals were men of family, occupy
ing dili'ervnt portions of the same house, and
when either wished lo use cash he went to the
drawer in which i- was kept. and took it, no
account. being kept, in a. single instance. Yet.
in all these sixteen years, nm a Word of fun]!
was spoken; no ill-feeling. jealousy or suspi
cion was shown. and perxect barman y sue-listed
between the parties to the Guy of their separa
tion. The final dissolution in business was
occasioned by the mnrriage of a member of one
of the families. when it was thought. the house
might, not. be able to contain “ the consequen
ces ;” so (me party raised the vnlue of one half
the premises in cash, paid it. over. to the retiring
parlner, who quiet/y left. We believe [.his to
be an unparalleled case of honesty and confi
dence. ‘
Dnrnxcns on THE Acs'rnmx FRolenn.—The
Revue (lanternpomine, in an article copied into
the Maniteur de la Flotlc, gives a remarkable
account of extensive military preparatianv that
have been made by Austria. on the frontiers of
Venitin. At Venice. an Island covered with
cannon has risen in the Grand Canal, and new
works hive bven constructed at the Lido and
Malghem, At. Verona, means have bee-n found
to cover the heights round the town with but.-
lerrics and forts. In the plain towards Mantno,
and the Lake of Garth, either new fortresses
have been raised. or those already in existence
strengthened. It is not an exaggeration to any
that Verona can now protect an army of 100,-
000 men. In a single year, Peschiera has
become a. second Verona; it has now a. double
girdle of detached forts. A steam fleet rides
at. anchor in the harbor. The writer had not
seen Mautua, or chnano, but, from all he had
heard it appeared that the defences of the Po
had been no more neglected than those of the
Twice Slolen.—-Lnst night the clothing store of
Hupgood 5; 00., No. 52 Washington street, was
broken into and robhod of about. $6OO in
money, and clothing to the value of some $3OO
or $4OO. The enlrance was efi‘ected through
several doors and windows. Once inside the
store, the burglars proceeded to force the draw
ers of the desks, by tearing ofl" the fronts of
the drawers with soqu stout instrumt-nls. In
one of the drawers they found the key of the
safe, which they opened. and from which they
tank $6OO in monuy. Of this money $297 was
stolen lrom Mr. Farr, one of the firm, a. few
weeks ago. by a woman employed about. the
store, and was returned y-rsmrdny by the ofli
cer who arrested her, and by him pl ced in the
safe, as a. secure place of deposit. The baluuce
was receipts from yestvrduy‘s sales—floaton
Evening Traveler, Nov 14.
C'onfession of Guilt.—We mentioned in Septem
her that a. young man named Robert Collins
Ind bs-vn arrested at. Grenada, Miss., where
he was emplnyed, for robbing the ofice of the
Adams'Expreea Company at that: place of a.
large sum of mamey. Last Thursday he was
tried at. Cofi‘eeville, the county seat, on the
charge. Three indic-tmeuts were preferred
against him, to which he plead guihy and was
remanded to jail wivhout sentence. He will
doubtlesshe sent. to the. penitentiary for a long
term—Louisville Journal.
The station house at Crvsnine, Ohio, W-‘IS de
strayed by fire Friday afternoon. The Pitts?
purg, Fort Wayne and Chicago railroad’a loss
18 $15,000; Bollefonminé— and Indianapolis
road, $500; American Expresa Company, $500;
Telegraph Company, $l5O. . I
DEATH FROM Sncxmo A Pen—Mr. Francis
Bellringer, who for some time past has been
an assistant in the establishment of Mr. Hun
nington, Brighton, had an unfortunate habit of
sucking the P 9“ with which he had been wri
ting, and WW. it is almost certain, was the
cause of his life being so suddenly and unex
pectedly brought to a close. Afew days since.
while using the toothhruah. he inflicted a
slight wound on his lower lip. On Saturday
morning. the 18th ult., symptoms of rryripelas
manifested themselves. He died on Fridny af
ternoon, his fatal malady having- been induced
by the poisononsink which he had sucked from
the pen penetrating the slight abrasion on his
lip—English Journal.
NEGATIVE BELIEFS.——A few weeks ago there
was a. “ Convention” ofinfidels held in the city
of New York. There seems to have been one
very sensible delegate among the numher...
I-Ie arose to ask “ whether the Convention could
not. contrive something besides negrlh'ons. Did
they not believe something. and should they not.
thertfore, express what they did believe}. The
Convention had ruled out all religions. which
was a. very easy thing; but what would they
substitute in the pleas: of religion ‘2” But this
n inquirer for truth” could not get the Conven
tion to make any statement of positive dom
THE CHRISTIAN SucrAr.ls'rs.-—lu an article on
Robert Owen, the Westminiszer Review for Oc—
tober mentions the "Christian Socialists.” a.
sect, which has obtained recently a foothold in
the United States, as “an abnormal growth of
these latter days,” and adds : “ The Christian
Socialists are otherwise termed Muscular Chris
tians. The Professor of History at Cambridge.
and Mr. Hughes (the author of ‘ Tom Brown’s
School Days at Rugby.’) are the chief prnphets
of the sect. Theiriu’eal is the pious and strong—
one who praises God and can walk a thousand
miles in a, thousand hours.”
Murmur m IsmA.—The London journals con
tain particulars of a. recent mutiny in the Dutch
East, India. army. This army consists of about.
20,000 men. of which less than one-third are
Europeans. It may be doubted. says the cor
respondent, whether Europe ever before sent.
into the East an army so thoroughly demoral»
ized. The Dutchmen belonging to these forces
are well enough, but they do not. form more
than one-fourth even of the European troupe.
the remainder being: drawn from the dregs of
every army in Europe. The plot was discl-v
-cred, and upwards of thirty of the mngleaders
TURNED or AT LAsr.——lt is said the first pm
posal of Mr. Lincoln’s name for the Presiden
tial nomination. in any public journal, was
made by a. correspondent. of the Cincinnati
Gazette, and publiShcd in the columns of that
paper on the 10th of November. 1858. The
writer recommended Abraham Lincoln for
President. and John I’. Kennedy, of Maryland,
for Vice President.
VERACIOUS S'ronr or A Vomxcrous Snanx.~——
A shark caught near Port Jackson. Fla., car
ried the following curious miscellany in his
capacious stomach : Half a ham, sereral logs of
mutton. hindquarters of a pig, head and fore
legs of a. bull dog. with a. rope round his neck.
a quantity of horse-flesh. a piece of sucking,
and a ship’s scraper. No wonder that. twelve
gallant; of oil were obtained tram his liver!
(Ireland) Star alleges that the exodus still con
tinuvs: "Even at this late period of the season
the ‘exndus’ is scarcely a whit abated. The
rush is still outward, and America sea-ms to he
the chief destination of those leaving the enun
try. The stream of emigration via Liverpool
still continues to flow almost as rapidly as in
June or July.”
The Committee of Arrangements of the re
ception of the Prince of Wales at Richmond
have published a card. pronouncing the state
ment. of the London Times and the New York
Times sheer fabrications, with regard to alleged
indignities shown the royal parties in that city.
They allege that the correspondent of the
London Journal was in Baltimore at the time
of the Prince’s visit. to Richmond.
Tm: ILLINOIS SEXATE —The liepuhlicnns
have marle a narrow escape in Illinois. IL was
necessary for them to carry the Sangamnn
Senatorial District, or the Senate would have
been against them. The following is the oili
cial vote. Sangamon and Morgan counties,
J uyne, Republican 6.035. M’Cennell, Democrat,
6,ooB—Juyne’s majority 7.
TRUE Test—One evening, we are told, after
a. weary march through the desert, Mohammad ‘
was camping with his followers, and overheard
one of them saying, ” I will loose my camel and
comm-t. it to God ;” on which Mohammad took
it up. “Friend, tic thy camel, and commit it
to God”—tha.t is, do whatever is thine to do,
and leave the issue with God.
mnrly conductor on a' street. car in Chicago,
Illinois. fell from a freight car :1; Peru, Illinois.
on the Chicngo and Rock Island railroad, on
the night. of the Bth inst., and was instantly
killed. '
G'AL'r’s STATUE 0F Jnrrnnsom—A letter from
Paris slates that this work of art, for the Uni
versity of Virginia, was, at that writing, (Sept.
24.) boxed up and put on board of ship for the
United States. ‘
NAVAL—The slmp of war Levant, Com'r
Hunt, sailed from Hilo to Panama an the 18th
of September. The U. S. steamer Hartford,
Capt. Lounders, and Saginaw, Com’r Schenck,
were at. Shanghae Sept. 4.
THE CHICAGO Zoun’ns.—-—Col. Ellsworth; of
Chicago Zounve‘notoriety, is engaged in pre
paring an elpgaut diploma. for presentation
to the various companies that entertained the
Zuuaves 9&1 their recent tour.
Tm: GREAT EASTERK.+The directors of the
Great Ship Company have effected an assurance
of £1- 0,000 upon the Great Eastern, at. the
rate of 53 per cent. for the six months during
which she will lie at Milford Haven.
A Dunn Cancun—Thomas Armstrong
has been convxcted in Alabama. of sending a
challenge to fight a duel. The penalty is two
yefirs in the penitentiary. A new trial, how—
ever, has been granted.
SAVING-0F BnnATH.—When the French Em
press at table speaks to any one not. close to
her‘, she has her words repeated by an aid de
cnmp, or chamberlain, who stands close by
fismsxan.—Ernest Meyer, convicted in
Prince George county, Va., 9f the murder of
Richard Washington, has beeh sentenced to
18 years in the penitentiary.
Marvin V. Brandy, convicted of opening
letters in the United States mail, at. Savannah,
Ga.,‘l_ma been Sentenced to ten years’ imprison~
mam; '
Lidut. Morton has not as yet been mpointed
engineer of the Waish‘ngton aqueduct, in the
place of Captain Benhnm, as stated.
The. Capt. Wiison testimonial fund raised in
the city of New York amounts to $7.176; Ilns
is for the rescue of the Connaught passengers.
The: literary societies of Amherst College
have elected-Daniel S. Dickinson of New York.
orator for thenext commencement. ’
The board of supervisors of Genesee county,
N. Y., Have elected Miss Hattie Smith clerk of
the b aid.
A young lady, writing as enthusiastically as
young Indies generally do, portrays Garibalui
as a. “ d'gar old weather-beaten angel.”
Randall Clark Was fined atvtbe late term of
the cirq'uit court of Lowndes county, Aim,
$l.OOO f 9- nol. feeding his slaves Well.
Governor Wise has been invited to visit
Madison Court, House, Va‘, and make a Speech
on the “crisis.” '
Marlborough House, London, is being con
verled into a. residence for the Prince of Wales.
Governor Brown. of Gebrgia, is reported as
a man of strong religious feelings. ,
Hon. Lewis Cnss, JP-n ht" ,Uni'ed Std-98
Minister at ane. returned to Ins old home 1n
Detroit. on Saturday.
Mr. Hnbbs, the celebrated lock-make“ “b 9
has passvd some eight. years-in London, has
arriv- (1 at Boston.
The census rgtums show that Virginia will
have three addnional representatives in Con
The" New Hampshire Poisoning Case.
PORTSMOUTH. N. 11.. Nov. 19.
The trial of R. S.. Richardson and Sarah Ann
Henlys, for pniyoning the husband of the lut
ter, has been concluded. _ _
The woman was anquitted while-Rxchardsqn
WES. sentenced to thirty years impnsonment m
the State Prison.
___ V ......“
Burning of a Steamer.
The séeamcr Pacific. hence to OI‘IPMJS’ "”5
burned at Uniontown lastuight. Captain Lam
was lost. The remaining officers, crew and
passengers were saved.
A Southern (‘ongressmau Resigns.
COLUMDA, S. C , Nov. 18
The Hon. Milledge L. Bonbam has rPsier‘d
his positinn us memwr of‘ the House of Repre
sentatives from this State.
Monetary Affairs in New York.
The money market is tight and unsettled,
and stor-ks are lower, and there is quite a. panic
at the Board. . -
SPE 01A L N 0 T 1 OEB
An expefiencad nurse and female physician, has n Sooth
ing Syrup for children taething, which greatly facilitat
the process of teething by softening the gums. reducin as
inflnmnation—will allay as! pain, and il lure to regain?
the howela. Depend upnn it mothers, it will give rest to
ynursalves, and relief and health to your mfamn Per
ectly safe in all can“ SM advertisement in another col
umn. anngJfifiQ-dkwly
ham the Independent, New York, July 28, 1859.
GLun.—our advertising columns contain some testi
monies to the value of a. new article known as “Spald
ing’s Prepared Glue,”useful to housekeepers for mending
furniture. It is prepared with chemicnln. by which it is
kept in the proper condition for immudinu: use, the
chemicals evnpnrltinz a.- lonn as i 1 is applied. leaving
the glue to harden . We ran assure nur waders that this
article has the excenent phrenological quality of “large
adhesiveness 7’
For sale by 0. A. BANSVAR‘I', No. 2 Jones’ Row
The combination of ingredients in these Pills are th.
result of a long and extensive practice They are mild
in their operation. and certain in correcting all irregu
larities‘ pninful menatrumtion. removing all obs’truc
tions. whether from cold or otherwise. headache pain
in the aide. palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner.
mus nfl‘ectio‘ns, hysterica. fatigue, Latin in the back snd
limbs, &c., diatm‘hed aieep, which arise from interrup
_Lion of nature.
was the commencement of a. new era. in the treatmem
of those irregularities and obstructions which have con
signed so many thounnnds of the younz.the beautiful.
and the beloved to u PREMATURE GRAVE. Nofemaie car
enjoy good health unless she is regular. and whenevev
2n tibutruction takes place thu general health begins t!
ec ine.
are the most effectual remedy ever known for all com
plaints pecunar to Females. To all classes they are in
valuable, indwmg, will: rertainty, per-iodimtl regular-£23,
They are known to thousands, whn have used them 31
difl'flrout perioda, throughout this country, having the
Hunction of flame of the mast eminent Physic-fans 1,1,,
Explicit directions, stating when, and when #153,
should not be used, accompany each lynx—the Price On.
Dollm vac/I burr, nonmiuingfirrzy Pills.
A valua'ble Pamphlet. to be had free. of the Agents
Pills sent by mas-fl. ll’ramlltly, by enclosing price in tho
General Again. Sold by druggists generally.
R. B. HU’I‘GHINGS. General Agent,
14 Brnndway, New ’Ym-k
Sold in Harrisburg by C. A. BANNVART.
dacl ’s9—d&wly
THE GRFAT hmmsn Rnlrmn—er
James Clarke‘s I‘elehratorl Female- PiHs, ..eral-ed from a
prescrip'ion of Sir J. Clarke. M. D , Physician Emmott}:
naryto the Quovn. _ _ . __ _ _
This inVquahle medicine is unfailing in th. cum of :1
thorn- painful and dzmge ous “148394! to wh-rh 1h? D's-mal
cuusmuuun h xuhju-ca. I! mum-mm ull excess and re
moves all obstrucfiuns, and 9. sp ‘e-Iy cure may be relied on
‘m mum-1) LADIES
itis peculiarly suitvd It will in a short time bring on
the. monthly peril-d with rvgulsu'ily
Each bottlu, prlm- 0m- Dol nr. bears the Government
Ptamp of Great Britain. to prevent counter-wits
sum: TI) 31mm 03 stuuxnucn, 1251' AT my on]. n nus
Tr m nu: sass.
In all c Sus of Nervous and Sp-nal Afl'flcfionfi, Pain 11: the
Bank nnfl Limbs, ratiguP on slight rxm‘finn, P lpitatlou o:
the newt, Mysteries and Whiu-B, tlwse Pills wilu flour, a
cure who-u all other means have failed. and although apow
erl'ul remedy, do not c'lntuin rm. calomel, antimony, or
an} thing hurtful to the cnnstitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet around each package,
which slmuld be carefully pwsv-rwd.
N B.—s],o: and 6 postage stamps encloSu-d to any au
thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, cunmining over 50
pills, by return mail;
For sale by C. A. B‘Nxvuw, Harrisburg. jy7-dawly
For the prevention and ”are of all those difficulties to which
the t‘omalr- syntam a peculiar ly iable ariamg fmm
The” Pill-v h- 1: 11m” been known to fail wk 1: the
din: tums have been strmly fallrmr‘d, and they are
grevfectly mf '0 ill/:9 by Ihr most delimit».
T 0 MARRIED LADIES thuy are particularly recum-
Int-lulled,»~ th y r-reve t nifiiculzie's and restore nature.
no matter from tht causathe oL-structinn mwy arise A
few days in most vases wll produce the denired ell ct; and
vlthouah so powerful yet no injury wil' wrr result 01-- In
their use. But than» who are pregnant ghoul not 11 5
them us they luv-- an vl‘fuct contrary :0 na. ure. Pamphlets
detailing tne :- virtuva. with num uroun cert. Beaten from well
lrnuwn physicians and apothecaries, can he had on up. [lca-
Lien to me :sgew, wbn will Hand the Pills. If draw-entry
mail, post-maid. to any address, on newly of the money
Sold in boxes cont-i..ing sixty pills. hy a" the principol
drugznsta and (10-all- rs, and by DYU’I’T (K; 00 , wholesale
ag—nts, North Secnnd sir. ct, Philadelphia.
Snperseding Ctn was, CHI'AIBA, CAPSULES, or any compound
that bus rver hem belore the per ple. It has been used by
In their priva’e practice, win: entire sncceps, in all cases.
For diseases of a pnvate nature ; a. nu: isfnquent 3] per
farmed 1a: a tuna, and entire ccvufiaence ..uay be placed in
them. This lemady is a n-awly d-scuvalud npa-uifiu, mom
active and speedy in its efi'ects than Cuh~hs or Copuuba
alone The pills are ha I this siza of Capsultsv am] nnvet
nauseate the stomach, or impregnate the. breath. Six (1 zen
pi la n u box—pricu one dollar, and will be sent by mail.
pow-paid, by t :e agent, on receipt of the urn y.
Sold by all the principal druggists and dem- ru, and by
DYUTT‘ & 00., wholes-‘l9 agents, North Sac-Ind fire-4t,
l'hilmlelphin. navß-eod &wly
New flhnmfitiat‘mcms.
UGKWH EAT Fll )W “.._-400 Sucks
of Extra. New Eu led BI CKWHEAT‘FLOUR, fmn
Wyoming Valley, for sale, wholesale and ratail. by
1.102062% KEY .31 KUN KEL.
NI “>lO 3 MUSIC !-——To be sol -——a de
' cided bargain—a fine toned mus-i: box—plays night
familmr tunes—box solid rosewood, splf-ndidly inlaid .—4
Can be seen an ry evening at Breyer’s Green Ray 8»..-
loonl Market street. under Eby’s building—who is an
thorized to sell it Also. flfa-mily stereoscope. with a.
great variety of stereoscopic pictures, for sale cheap, as
above. uo2o-. t=k
Will be sold it public out-cry, at th" EUROPEAN
HOTEL. in the city of Harrisburg. nu WEiINu~.SDAY
EVEN IN”. the sth day of December. at has] -put six
o’clock, the following described propo-rty. sit-iate nu
thfi north side of Second street, betwevn'anuat and
Pine strueta, to wit: Two Two-Story RHIUR I-WEL.
L‘NG- HOUSES. with back buildings and LOT OF
GROUND tn each. The one Lot extrnds hack (me hun
dmd and fifty-seven feet six inches; the other one 1191:-
dred and forty-seven feet six niches m it two feet wxda
filer. Said pru’per-tv owned by Mrs. muck. and occupied
by James R, Black and Mrs Gnu-berry, will he anld. t_he
whole together, or separately. For further inlorlmmon
inquire of the undersikner‘
Te‘ ms made known the evening of the sale.
1102043 BERBYHILL & ECKELS, Attorneys.
29 5011111 SECOND STREET, ~
A 1” a variety of TETE-AJETE s n:- '
AND'Pi'RLOR CHAIRS, MaFBLF To?» "r 4325?!
.3 UREAUS. BEDSTEADS, mls.l-r.~s-»Mrm "H.
RACKs,-&c. Call and examine our stat-k and ”,5” a:
"$3532“ low as can be bought i 3? the an“. . J
an YORK. Nov 19
Booms A'ND snoms
JACKSON .1; on;
Have opened a. Boot and Shoe Store at No. cog MA It
KET STREET, corner of Foul-m, where they hep con
stanfly on hand a full and varied uaortment or the
Having been engaged in the SHOE UPPER mu
NESS in this city for more than a. year, they are pr;
pared to make ALL KINDS OF FANCY SHOES 1n
order, at short notice of the best materials, and wmu.
ranted to give satisfaction every way.
{FPlease call and examine my assortment berm-,3
purchasing elsewhere.
{Enemember the place—9o}; Market street, Sign m
the Lylidirp] > GOLDEN BOOT.
”j- A large Rupp‘yulwavs on hand For sale atmauw
facturer’s prlces ‘Magazine two miles below town.
Fol-(101‘s received at Warehonfie. 1:017
l' R' IT__.'l wo mks are now Inylng on the
river. thwecn the two bri'lgPS- landed with a. grenL
variety of npplva from thv npperNonlganch_far Salt:
on reasonablv terms Among the mn-llh-a are SPITZ—
I’ERMAINS, G I (LlFLO‘VFvlfingEfLé'fL‘ _ 7011019
Conmssmxnns’ Ourcs, Dauphin County, Pa.”
HARRISBURG. Novvmber o. 1860. 5
The Board ofr‘ounty Commissioners Will receive sealed
proposals until Eo’clock, p. m., of-Wednrsdny. November
Zlat. fox: Furnishing, De‘ivering and Erecting- 3 Cast
Iron Fence around the lot of the new Court House on
the sides bounded by both alleys. including two Singles
and one Double Gate. The said Fence to he of the pat
tern and dimensions agreeing in every pal-t cular with
that of the New School Pres!) tin-inn Church of Hank
burg, Pa. JOHN S MUSSEB.
Commmmnm .
QUARIEI‘. Bass, just received by
11016 W. DOCK, In, (c CO.
(iOT'l AG E FUR N I'l‘U RV. m Chamber
Al Suits, containing DRESSING BUREAU. BED
and a ROCKING CHAI R, from $23 to $4O a. suit
BUI‘EAI‘S AND BEDBTEAIIS from 5450 (:03510570,
and OH er articles at equally lnw figures. at the War.»
nolG-dlm 29 South Second Street.
CA N E ’ E \T “H ‘lRS.——’? h". latgcsu
and best variety, fifty different styles and pattern
from $6 tIIS‘IS usot Also, TUCKER'S SPRING BED
BOTTOAI, the best in use—only $6..“
29 South Second street. next to Bell‘s Smnu
’ X-R \ ST’GAR (3! BED HAP/IS»-
r . 1% ust received by
\. E W DRU G ,'
WILLIAM W ARMSTRONG, Practical Druggist anu‘
Ghvmist, would info In the citizens of Harrirhurg that
he has leased the More room rrcently occupied by Dr.
Ki-uhel , and is now prepared to furnish those who feel
dispua d to patronize him with pure and unadulterated
Drugs and Mrdix-ines, such as can be relied upon. Having
had sewrul yearn experience in the Drug and Prescrip
t. on business. he must respectfully solicits a. share of
Physicians’ Prescription business He has also 3 lug“
and vari- d assortment of Perfumery. Stationery‘ ken—-
Also, all of the most popular Patent Medicine: of the
day ; also, Tobacco. Cigars, Snuff, 6w .oftlne best brands;
also, Alcohol. Turpentine. Burnin Fluid, Coal Oil, 550.
In fact everything usually kept. in a. wellvstocked drug
store. now-dim.
1 M P 0 if
DR. Srmux'r. Physician fnr Chronic Diseaaea, is per
manently located in Harrisburg. and «an nlrendy refer
to many cases Which he has cured after they had been
treated without benefit by Ihe old system. He ran al5l,
refer tn hundreds of such cures in different portions o‘a'
the United States and Canada.
He pay: particular nt’eution tn Afl'evtionn of‘ the Lungs;
and Throat. in which cla-ss of complaints his treatment
1‘ a saw and will succeed whaei-e there seems to be no hope
qf recnrcry.
Dr 8‘ has been wonderfu‘ly successful in Diaeaae m
the Storm ch. Liver. Kidneys. Nerves. all forms of Femflll"
Complaints. Rheumatism. Neurnlgnjcmmla, Epilepsy,
and Affection; of then Eye and Ear.
A candid opi ion given in regnrd to mutability. Terms
mademte. Office at the Buehler House. neu- tho Indies'
entrance. Hours 9a.m.t06 p. m. Letters should bn
addressed to DR. J. STEWART.
W'here he will be pleased to see all his ftienfi .
octS-dtf , .
MESSRS. emuKERIN- 5.: (xi
mam: 'nn; mzcnnma WEEK,
Wareroom for the CHICKERING PIANOS, cf: Han-is
burg, at 92 Market street,
A very ingenious attachment to any metallic 1p921, by
which one dip of ink is suflicient to write] oohcap
page. For sale at SCHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE,
up!) No. 18 nlu-ket at
- AND Barnum or PIANOS. MEDODEONB. km,
8m Orders in future must be lflft M: WM. KNOOHE’S
MY'SIC STORE, 92 Market atreet. or at BUEHLER’S
HUT EL All nrdm left It the above-named plma'win
meet. with prompt _mtention
First class PMNOS for salo‘
KELLER’S DRUG STORE is the place
_ to buy Patent Medic inun
PEACHES for sale by __ .. > >
Dh [ED BEEF—An extra lot of' DRIED
BEEP just received by
”9 ~ W 3mm”! ‘5 ‘3O--
K ELLER’S DB UG B’.“ )RE is the place
to NW Rah" nf 'l‘hnusami Inn's-rt:
k ‘ Storage received at warehouse of '
no]? __V “V w , JAMES M WHIRLFE“
I'm- Snle u TWO nouns man won.
{l3’ All Coal dolivcnd by PATFN'T WEIGHC'ARTS
ifi‘Coal delivered from both yards. 1101'!
k’ ELLER’S DRUG S'l‘l DH E is the place
. fr i'ivl unvfh‘uvin fl mm M I’m-mum"
104 MARKET “mung. '
Where am - y dc’lcription of I adiea’ and Gentleman’s
Gar vents, Piece Hoods, &,c., are Dyed, 010 mm “a
finished in the bent manner Ind at the shut-tom: notico.
nO6 dam]! DODGE an 00.. Proprimn,
w. 130011.53” dc co
«3le y
wu. menu, do 00