Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, November 20, 1860, Image 1
RATES OF ADVERTISLNG. I'm line. or less comma or more Ihan four, commute 331199 «mud/n ... ""3025 One . onvda “80.6: “ ans-gar. -.. LOO ' “I; ’one veil.» 1.2! " um month" . 2.00 “ one month. .. B.IK “ three monflm. 8.00 If throw months. 6M “ ammoniumw . 4.00 H nix months... B.o' 0 mp 2. ... . 6.00 ' “ one year..-.. [O.OO IB' 3.3 mm notions inserted in tho LOCAL woman or baton W and deatlu, nu cams PER u“ for «a imprison l'o nonhuman other: advertising by the van ya...) u. u will be altered. m?- "'u numberorinsenious mm bedesignatod on the amen. jg- umngenm Imm will be inserted at the lam stall an ngnhr advertisements. $011155, Entat'wnery, 85:. WCHUUL BUUKS.——b‘chool Dneuwm, Tmn, Parana, Scholars, and othen,m auto! School 8008:, actual Stationery, (he. will find I complete M? an I. u. POLLOGK a: sdms 3001: 31011:, Market dam, Warm-5, comm-hing in put the follow ! "mum—Menum’a, Parker’s, Cobb’s Angell’a SPEMJNG BOOKs.—Me6ulfay’a, Cobb’s, Webster’s. Ma’s, Byerly’a. Whigs ‘ ENGLISH GRAMMA .-—Bullion’a, Smith-”a. WOO 5 W's Meuwi‘h a, ‘l‘uthill‘a, Kurt’s, Wells’ . s 163.133 _éfimmw’a, Davenport’s, mam W" 9mm. Willard’a, Goodrich’s, Pinnook’s. Golml‘h’nnd M’s. ”Emma—amws staddurd’a Emerson‘s. Pm,” 3°59": Golhm’s, Smith in} Duke’s, bavne’u. www.4mnmns, Davie-‘5, Dara, Bay’s. O'l'lONARYS.—Walxor’a $62100], Gobp’a, Walker, Womater’a Oompmhunsivs, Wercuster'a Puma-y, Web ster‘s PM. Webster’s mgh School. Webster’s Gum-to, Mom. - NATURAL PEILOEOPEIRB.—43omstuct’s, Vader’s. Britt’s 'l'be shove with a. great variety of others can 4‘ any has be found at my atom. Also, a complete mason meatoi School Stationery, embracing in_ the whc lo a com place new: for school purposes. Any book not in the Rtors. pm a one an]! n'otioe - E— Donntry larch-ants «991 m at «ml-mam rates. AIAN AOB John Baal- and Son’s Alumnae «o:- asle a! l. M. POLLOGK dc sows BOOK tfl'flfifi. Harriuburz ll”? Wholesale and Retail. my] {.UST RECEIVED fiGHEFFBB’S BOOKSTORE, iDAHANJ‘INE SLfl TES 0! VARIOUS SIZES AND PRICES, Which, {or beauty sad use, cannot be excelird. BEHEMBER THE PLACE SGHEFPER‘S BOOKSTORE, NO. 18 MARKET STREET BOOK AUCTIUN BEN F. FRENCH Will apply his old friends and customers with the inflow-lug Room: at Auction prices: Paulie who“, 10 “213., complete, 4 illustrations 52-}. 33pm Expedition, 3 “215., complete, illustrated and aluminum, $l2. Bunny’s Expedition, 2 vols., complete, illustrated illnmiumd, $lO. Congressional Globe, $1 60 par vnlume Waverly Navels, complete, 12 vols., cloth, $lO. “ “ “ 27 vola.,halfcalf.s34; 3.1., in. ac. All of the above Books I will deliver in Harrisburg meat chute. . Base 1“. FRENCH, 278 Pennsylvmla Avenue, Washington. D. O. ten—w NEW BOOKS! JUST RECEIVED “SEAL AN” SAY,” by tho author of “Wide, Wide World," ~‘ Dolltu'a and Cents," ace. " HISTORY OF METHODISM,”by A.Steveun, LBJ). For nah at SCHEFFERS’ BOOK‘TORE. 31:9 No. 18 Mark; at. lUST RECEIVED, A LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSOBTMENT 0F BIGHZY GILT AND ORNAMENTAL WINDOW CURTAINS, PAPER BLINDS, 03' various Designs and Colors, for 8 cents, TESSUE PAPER AND GUT FLY PAPER, .~‘~* (mm M’WKSTUR WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER” Just received, our Spring Stock of WALL PAPER, BORDERS, FIRE SCREENS, «m, Axe [his the largest snd best. selectedmortment in the city, ranging in price {mm six (6) cent: up to one (1011er and aquanrter ($1 .25.) A: we purchase 191?! low for cub. we are prepared to 50“ 3‘BB 10" K's-WE, i not lower, than can be had eke. Whats. if purchasers will call and exnmiue, we feel confident that we can please them in respect to price E. M POLLOGK an SON; Below Jonas’ House. Market Square 3nd qwdi Iy 82.3 LETTE R, CAP, NUTEI P .PEKS Pena, Holéers, Pencils, Envelopes, Sealing Wax, of the boa: quality, at low prices, direct from the mamb fsczories, st max-30 SCHEE'FER’S CHEAP BOOKSTORE LAW BOOKS ! LAW 80. )lSn‘ ! I—A 314 nm! assortment of LAW BOOKS, all the State 3990 mm Standm-d Elementary Works, with many of the old English Reports, scarce and rare, together with a large assortment of second-hand Law Books, at very low prices, at the (me price Bookstore of E M. POLLOGK &. SON, Market Square, Harrisburg. coyl filistcllauwua. AN ARRIVAL 0E NEW‘GOODS APPROPRIATE T 0 THE SEASON! SILK LINEN PAPER 11st FANS” FANS!!! MOTHER A5l) SPLEEDID LOT OF sPLIL‘ED FISHING RODS! mm Flies Gut and Hair Snood: Grass Lines, Silk and Hair P 133911 Lines, and a genmraf assortment of FISHING TACKLE! A Gun- VAEIRIY or WALKING CANES! Well we will man as cheap as the cheapest! sum Head Loaded 'Bword Hickory Enhcy Canal! canes! Canes! Canes! Canes! KELLEB’B DRUG ANDI'ANCY STORE, no. 9] mum Brant, ‘ Bmm: side, one door east of Fourth street jés B J. HARRIS, I WORKER. IN TIN, SHEET IRON, AND METALLIC ROOFING, B‘2.de Street, below Chestnut, HARRISBURG, PA. 1.: pupal-ea to]!!! orders for my article in his branch 01 business; and if not on hand, he will mks to order on short notice. > . METALLIC ROOHNG, of Tin or Galvanized Iron, constantly on hand. Also, fin and Sheet-Iron Ware, Spouting, kc. ‘ He hopes, by strict attention to the wants of his cuto men, to merit and receive a generous share of public pat mm‘ . . . Every promise strictly fulfilled. flail-1113] ' B. J. HARRIS, Second Street. below flhestnut FIS H I ! MACKEREL, (Nos. 1, 2 511.12%:1e ) ‘A f 7*: 5a crior. EBA-D. (Hess and very finu») )( V y P HERRING-, (extra. large.) COD FISH. smo ‘ nmmme t n- b _ Boom-cu HEREINEFD ’03:: m 13 y) SARDINES AND ANCHOVIES. of the above we ha e Slnckervl in whole, half. quarter “a eighty MllB Hurting in whole and half bus. The entxm lot new—mum rnou um FISHERIES, and will sell them at the hymn. market rates. ”1:14 . WM. DOCK, JIL, & CO. \\ ~ ‘ AMILY BI BL tub, from 135 to $lO, strong and handsome" Wm}, printed on good paper, with elegant ole-1‘ ”'7 ”PE, sold at Ich3l MHKFFER'“ Cheap Boo]; hm, ”RANBERB m- . 053%: received byIES A sl’Llnnm) LOT or. ' ' FOR a superior and cheap TABLE or SALAD OIL go to KELLER’S Imam“. THE Fruit Growers’ Handbook—by WARlNG.wholesale Ind retail at thl SOHEII'FEB'B Bookstore. SPERM CAN DLES.—-A large supply .33 “mm by WM. noon. 1:. co. F You are want of a. Dentifi'ice go to KILLIB'B, 91, 11mm. ta halt a. aqua-o. Tan lino. a square MEI FISH!!! WM. DOGK‘ Jim, It. (10 , _ 34-:- ‘7-3‘5" _; . “53;. $35; :2 3,. “'99 «\2 “~in 5.23% ___ L :93 ,gx, 4:3" . .“w-i_._ 3151-?“ - %;-‘3 4*. i‘r-‘V':.‘r4‘»._ —~ g' »b: .2 A \~ , “=44 . 52):;‘393‘ ,2“ 1 I H] Whuéfl“? ~ . {sagas} '-=~' -,‘2‘M¢tm,‘:‘sf’ ' ’l‘" iz‘ " ' sl,ng 6%; v‘ 7, ~l‘. '; £2 » ' -‘ -.,- -g-'r;i:'f wafwd '. “‘“- "h 7/ I 223.2! -’ aria f—U f 4%.- ,‘h :--2 $4 ’TP%§!=C%SHJ ..2 i» ‘ C 1" - .1, , r 2. —.-.- M“. . ~ . "56:57.? , .l‘ I,_ A l" 'Fk‘ up; " ' I: - v 2 > i _ , V , ‘U 2‘ f 2 a2;:2 : ‘- 2; w h.‘ v. '.’?'l'».-‘-‘ ,_ ' “I‘. 2‘ 2‘ . ‘ ngp. “L. . ~ 17‘s. 4‘ . _ '& .'_ “’.‘T‘rr~“‘:§§~f~- z 1., ‘ ’ VOL. 3. finer!) fitnbles. CITY'L'IVERY STABLES, l ,6 BLACKBERRY ALLEY, fl {IN THE 8 BAR 0F HE RR’S HOTEL. The undauigned has re-com-nen ed the L I FE R Y SU INEn‘S in his NEW AND SPACIOUS STABLES, located as above. with a. large and mri: d atack of HORSES, CARRIAGES AND'OMNIB USES, Which he will hire at moderate rates. ocuadiy r. K. swm'rz. FRANK A. MURRAY chsasor (a Wm. Pant-kill, ”VERY 85 EXCHANGE STABLE THIRD STREET BELOW MARKET. >2 2:12-: u ‘~:> “7», ‘w 1‘ -l ‘ ATEM ' 5%; k ' “.r in‘?» _ : I : HAVING pun-chum] the Suki-eat ofJ. Q. Adams 11 the .nuhlishment. and nude large additions to the stock. we Kndotfligued is prepared a; «ccummodnto the public with fUPMflOR HORSES for Saddle or Ourin pnrposgs,__and with qvory variety of VEHICLES of the meat and mom \pprovul styles, on rommable terms. {’IJMSURE PARTIES will beaceommodated with'Om dbuasel at short notice. Gan-lg” and Omnibnsaea, for funeral unnasmnn, will be unish . accompanied by wreful and obhging driven}. flu Inviks m inapuctinu of his stuck, satin-fled that it is uny equal to that of any other ustahlinhmum or the tint! u town. FRANK A. MURRAY BRANCH STABLE The undersigned has opened a branch of his “Liveryand Exchange Stable" in the buildings lately occupied by A. W. “in'. in Fourth street, opposite the Barthel, where he a prepared to accommodate the public with Horses and Vehxclua, at all times. on renmnabln terms. His stock is urge and yzu-ied, and will recommend ital-. 11”. Anlfl-rltf FRANK A MURRAY. filimumtcuua. "AKE NOTICE! That we have recently added to our already f all stock - 0 F SEG A R 8 LA NORMATIE, KARI KARI, ' EL MONO, LA BAR-ANA. OF PERFUMERY For: 13!: HANDKERORIEF : TURKISH ESSENCE, _ ODOR. 0F MUSE. LUUIN’S ESSENCE BOUQUET. Fox: um Hun: . EAU LCSTRALE cmsufllzmn POMATUM, MYRTLE AND VIOLET POMATUM. For: mm Conunxwx: TALO 0F VENICE, . ROSE LEAF POWDER, NEW MOWN HAY POWDER, BLANG DE PERLES. 0 F SOA P S Ram’s Fxxnsr moss ROSE, BENZOIN, UPPER TEN, VIOLET. NE W MOWN HAY, JOCKEY CLUB. Having the largest stock and best assortment of Toilet Articles. we fancy that we are better able thanonr com petimrs to get up a. complete Toilet Set at any price de sired. Call and see. Always on hum-1, SERIES“ Stock of 08 USS MED {- CINES, CHEMICAL \‘, Ant: , consequent 011 our re» (wiring almost daily additions thereto. KELLER’S DRUG AND FANCY STORE, 9] Market Streat, two dom-s East of Fourth Street, Reps South side. 1 PHOENIX FOUNDRY. J. J. OSLER. w. F. 031.351. JOHN J. OS LEE 5:. BROT HER, (5800238038 10 JAMES M. an.) FOUNDERS AND DIACHINISTS, Comer Pennsylvania Railroad and State Street, HARRISBURG, PA {HILL HEARING, IRON FENCES: RAILROAD AND CANAL WORK, - ax» ALL nascmrndxs OF IRON CASTING‘S 0N HAND OR MADE TO ORDER. MACHINE WORK In REPAIRING mommy ATTENDED T 0 PATTERNS MADE TO ORDER. We have a large and complete assortment of Pattern: to select from. an?) JUST RECEIVED! 'A FULL ASSO-RTMENT lOE' HUMPHHEY’S HUMEUPATHIB SPECIFICS! we wanna ma xxvrrr: mm ' ATTENTION OF THE AFFLIGTED! For sale at SOHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, ap9‘__ , .4 No. 18 Market M: VVE OFiFER TO A New not of LADIES’ PUBSES, Of Beautiful Styles, substantially innate A Splendid Assortment of GENTLEMEN’S WALLETSJ A New and Elegant Perfume, KNIGHTS TEMPLARB’ BOQUET, Put up in Out Glass Engraved Bottles. A Complete Assortment of ~ HANDKEROHIEF PERFUMBS, 0f the bent Manufacture. A very Handsome Variety of POWDER PUFF BOXES. KELLER’S DRUG STORE, 5y31 91 Market street STABLISHED IN 1810. FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. J & W. JONES, No 432 N. Front Street, abava Gal— lowhill, Philadelphia, dye SILKS, WUOLEN AND FANCY 600.05 of every deseriptinn. Their superior style of Dyeing Ladies’ and Gentleman’s Garments is widely known. Grape and Merino Shawls dyed the most brilliant or plain colors. Cmp- and Merino Shawls cleaned to look like new—also, Gentleman’s apparel. Curtains, 530., cleaned or re-dyed. {l3’ Call and look at our work before going else— where. . sepll-dam CHOICE SAUCES! WORCESTERSHIRE. _ LUCKNOW CHUTNY, CONTINENTAL, SOYER’S SULTANA , ATHENIEUM, ‘ LONDON CLUB, SIR ROBERT PEEL, IN DIA SOY, . MEA’DING SAUCE, ENGLISH PEPPER SAUCE. For 81113! by WM. max, .13., 86 co. my DYOTTVILLE GLASS WORKS, ' PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURE CARP-OYB, DEMIJOHNS, WINE, PORTER, MINERAL WATER, pIcKLE AND PRESERVE BOTTLES or EVER! nascmpnon. 11.13. & G. W. BENNERS, ole-dly 21 Snuth Front steret, Philadelpnia, INSTB. UCTION IN MUSIC. 1. W. WEBER, nephew and taught by 23:9 we]! re fem-beted In“, F. W. Weber, of Harrisburg, 15 prepared CORE!“ lessons in music upon the PIANO, VIOLIN “ Lo_, VIOLIN and FLUTE. _He will give lessons M: l residence, corner of Locust street And River alley or at the homes of pupils. au2s-dBm SCHEFFER’S Bookstore ia-the place to buy Gold Penn—wmmtod HA HR ISBU HG. PA., TU,ESDAY_‘Nb‘Vm‘fiEh'é'W'i—SEO To THE FUELIC! 3 J 0 H N TIL L ' s ‘ c o A L. Y A n n , > SOUTH SECOND STREET, BELOW PRATT’S ROLLING MILL, HARRISBURG, PA., Where he has constantly on hand LYKBNS VALLEY BROKEN. EGG, STOVE AND NUT GOAL. 3 1. s o , WILKESBARRE STEAM BOAT, BROKEN, STOVE AND NUT COAL, ALL OF THE BEST QUALITY. It will be delivered to consumers clean, um! full weight warranted. fl"? CONSUMERS GIVE! Mr: Li CALL FOR YOUR WINTER SUPPLY. 11:? Orders left at my house, in Walnut street, near Fifth; or at meaker’s, North street; J. L. Speel‘s, Market Square; Wm. Bostick’s, corner of Second and South streets, and John Lingie’s, Second and Mulberry streets, will receive prompt attention. jyla—dtim 7W" , JOHN TILL. COAL! COALH OM}? mm; IN TOWN THAT 1112121112331 COALBYTHE PATENT WEIGH CARTS! NOW IS THE TIM'L‘ For every family to get in their supply of 003.1 for the winter—weighed 9.: "hit dom- by the Patent Weigh Carts. The accurimy (J theme Carts 110 one disputes. and they never get. out. of ordvr, as is frequently tho case of the Piafifotm Scales; besides, the consumer has the satisfaction of paving rim weight of his Coal at his own house I have a large supply of Can! 0:. hand, an“; S. M CORE LYKENB YAMIEY 6‘04“: :13 Sizes. LYKEXS VALLEY. WILK ESBARRE do BITUMINOUS BROAD TOP do. All Goal of the best quality mined, and delivered free! from all impurities, at the lowest rates, ‘by the boat or car load, single, half or third of tons, and by the bushel, JAMES M. WHEELER. Harrisburg, September 24. 1880—30 pr COAL! GOAL” COAL!!! NOW IS YOUR TIEiB TO GET uLuANCOAL! FULL WEIGHT AND NOTHING SHORT O F IT! Thankful to my friends and customers for their liberal patronage, [ would inform them and the public generally, that. I am fully prepumd, on short notice, 1; . supply them with all kinds of ' SUPERIOR COAL OF ALL SIZES. FREE FROM SLATE, AND CAREFULLY SCREENED, AT .13 LOW A FIGURE AS FAIR DEALING WILL AFFORD! Although my Coal is not weighed in SELF-WHGBING GAIL-rs, mm 15 wsxcnsn 0N SCALES ACOURATELY TESTED 31' um Smum'ov Wmams um Musml-s. and con emuers may rest assured that they will be fairly and honestly dealt with. I sell nothing but the 'very best article, and no mixing. Also, HICKORY, OAK and PINE WOOD always on hand. sepi-d3m GEO. P. Wll-ISTLING._ U 1’ T U W‘ N ! ‘ PATENT WEIGII CARTS. Fur the convenience of my numerous up town cusfmn era, I have established. in connvctinn w th my old yard, 3. Branch Coal Yur-l oppmite North street. in a. line with the Pennsylvania canal, halving the ofiice formerly occu pied by Mr IL. Harris. where consumers of Coal in that Vicinity and Vet-lickumwn can recvive their final by the PATENT WEIG H CARTS, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE FOR HA ULING, And in any quantity they may (leak-e, as law as can be 1311‘ chased anzlwlmre. FIVE TllO USAND TONS COAL 0N HAND, Of LYKENS VALLEY and WILKESBARRE, all sizes. 31:? Willing to maintain fair 1:75:55, but unwilling to he mm‘erxold by any pames. flj’All Coal forked up Mid deliverei clean and free from all impurities, and the bust article mined. Orders received at either Yard will by prompt]; filled, nd all Coal deliv- red by the Patent Weigh Carts. Coal sold by Boat, 03.: lead, single, half or third of tens, 11an by the bushel. ‘ JAMES M. WHEELER Harrisburg October 13. 156).-—uctls filehiml. ' HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBULD—‘S HELMBO LD’S HELMBOLI ”S H ELMBULD’S ll ELMBOLDI‘S HELM H" LD’S \ HELMB‘I ILD’S H ELMBOI.D’S H ELMBOLD’S HELM HOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD-‘s 3 Extract Buchn, Extract Bnnhu, 1 Exam-t Buchu, Extract Buchu, ;1 Extrmt Buchu, Extract Bur-bu, ‘ Extract Buc‘m, Extract Buchu, | 1m m Buchu, Extract Buchu, 1 Extract Buc m, Extract Bncau, ‘ Extract Buchn, Extract Buchu, 1 FOR SECRET AN“ D ELII‘ATE l ISORDEIES. \ FOB fiEnRET AND UEIJCATE DISORDERS. ‘ FO5 SEIFR ET A.\ D D L‘LICATE DIS!) RD FRS. ‘ FOR sEflR ET AN" DEL IGATE DIS/7R "ERS. ‘ EUR SE01! ET AND I) r LII 'ATE DISORDERS. i FOR SECRET A D DELICATE DIS'IRDEA'S. ‘ FOR SECRET AU) 1) ELICATE DISORDERS. A Positive and specific nemeay. A Posivvo and "pacific Remedy“ ' A Positive and Specific Remedy" A Positive and Specific Remedy. . A Positive and Specific Remedy. A Past ive and Specific Remedy. ‘ A Positive and Specific Remedy. FOR DISEASES IJF TH]! BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPS)", BLA II DER, GRA VEL, KIDNEYS, DROP-3}], BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPS], BLADDER, GKAVEL, KIUNEYS, DROPS', BLAUDER, GRA VEL, KIDNI' YS, DROPS , BL JIIDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPS , BLADDER, GRA VEL, KIDNEYS. DROPS ’, ORGANIC WEAKNESS. ' ' ORGANIC WEAKNESS‘, . . ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEARNESS, 'OBGAR'O WIMKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNEES, I And all Diseases :f Sezuaa omm". ‘ _ And a'l Dis uses Qf smm” wrgans, I And all Divan; of Sexual Organs, Ami all Diseases of Sexual O2gans, - Ami all Diseases of Sexual Organs, I And all Uismsrs of Swan! Organs, ARISING mum ) Excesses, Expozurae, an! Impmdenciee in mm Excesses Exposures, and Impmdencxea in Life; $ Excessee, Exposure-, and Impmdencies in Life { Excess-we, Ex.o arcs, and Imprudencies in Life Excnssges3 Exuosuree, and Imprndencies in Life Excuses, EXpoam-ee, and_lmprudenciea in Lil‘ _ From whatever w se originatnog,and whether uxist’ng 1n MALE OR FEMALE. Female-s, take no more Pans .' They are of no avfil for Complains incidmv to the sex. Use .- EXTRACT BUCHU. ' Kdmboli’s Extract Buchu isa Medicine which 1‘ per fectly pleasant in its TiSTE AND ODOR, Butimmediam in its action. giving warm: and Vgor to 1119 Frame, Bloom to the Pallid Gneek, and restor? g the patient to a pemct state of , g HFAL’PH AND PURITY. v i Helmbold’s Extract Buchu Is prapned accorfling ‘l9 Pharmacy and. Chemistry, and 15 pr- 5- ribed and lined by THE MOST EMI.\'ENT PHY‘ICIANS- Delay no longer. Pr :cure the remedy at onceJ Priue 31 pH‘ mum, at six for $5. , ‘ Ihpol 104 Santa Tenth street_ Philadelphia. ,‘ BEWARE OF UNPRINGIPLED DEALQIIS ’ Trying to palm 01f their own or other articles oLBUOHU on the reputa. inn übtaiued by _ ' “ELM nouns EXTRACT BUCHD, ' Th; Olicinal and only Genuine. ;‘ a desire to run on ma ' MERIT or arm ARTIIYLE.’ ‘ Their’sis worthlesm —-is sold at mu: . 4:28 mfelzzld 00m ‘'o 0 tl ' mile 0a! [D u Imam as, c "fiflfigiéfi'flf-mflmm P , Ask for HELMBOLD‘B EXTRACT BUGHU. Take no when _ M! by JOHN WYETH. Drum“, corner or Market and Second streets Harrisburg, AND ALL mumcusz's EVERYWHERE. no“ dkwam. .- Boat. ~ g or do 4 ' " Sewing filuthincs. TUE GRUVEH (is BAKER _NOISE L I} S S '1 1 1 " _BA'MILY SLWIAG MACHINE 15 mp 1“! mpvvrseding all othgra for family use. The 00031.!) Loon-Sfl'rafl format] by this anhineia fuund £3353“, nglyhuue [whichlfurvilvcs the wash-tub on him; - suntvr"l neemetl l able for Fu?nlly§e3§§§ a any a p r an n yvn u READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY “Mrs. JEFFERSON Duns, presents her omnpliments to Grover 5: Baker. and tnkvs pleasure in raying that she has used one of their Machine» for twa years, Ind finds it still in god ordrr, mains a. beautiful stitch, and duos easily )York of shy immu— Washington, D a. “It. Is a. beautiful thing, and puts every both into an excitement of good humor. Wore la. Catholic, I would izmist upon Saints Gruverk Baker having an eternal holiday in commumurazinn of their good deeds for hu mmlity.”—(‘assius M. («‘lay. “My Wife has had one of Grovor & Baker’s Family Sewing Machines for Home time, and I mu satisfied it is one at the bust. labor-swung umchincs that, has been in wanted. I take much pleasure in recommending it to the Dammit—J. Li. .HflTTLALGUUflTfl-m‘ of Temwww “0n the rucunxmondntiou of» friend, I procured, some months Binoc. one of your Family Sewing Machines. My family has bush uncut. successful in in; use, fronts: tile start, “than: any trouble or dimculty whateverm Its nmnnggcment. My wife says it is a. ‘l'alni 1y hie!!ling,’u.nd mold not. he imlucud to dispense with its line—in all of which I moat heartily concur.”—Jamcs Podock, Ez iiowmor of i‘mmsylumm. . “The undersigned, ULERa‘nu-m of various denomina firms. having purchased and used in our families GRO VES. (x: BAKEIFS CELEBRATE-D HAMILY DE‘VING =SIAUHINE, take plemure in recommending it. as on m strument fully combining tho essentials of a good um chiuo Its beautiful simplicity, also of mauagmnunt, and the strength and onubicxty of its stitch, unite to render it a machine unsurpassed by any in the market, and one which we feel contide'n't will give satisfaction to all who may purchase and one it.” Rev. W P. STRICKLAND, Eew’Yox-k. ,Rev.E. P. Rmmfikr‘, D. D., Albany, N. Y. Rev. W. B. SI’RAU-UE, D. D _. Albany, N. Y. Rev. JOHN Ckuss. 3.2 m uum, Md. Rev. JOHN M'URUN, D. D., Bani-note, Md, licv. h A. UROUKER, Norm-k, Va. Rut. JOHN PARIS. Nut-lbw. VP. Rev. C. liA-NKEL, B D., Charleston, 5!. 1..‘. Rev. G. A LUYAI., Churleslonfi 0. Rev. B. l! ROSE. Mobile, Ala. Rev. A. A. PORTER, Sci-”: 3, Al 3. Prof. W. D. \\ ILSON, D. D., Geneva, N. 3'. Rev. W, H. CURRY, A M” Gem-ya. N Y. Rev. I. TLRNBULL HAUKUS, D. D., Schenectady, N. Y. Rev. B. W GIIIDLAW, A. 31., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rev. W. PERKINS. Cincinnati, Ohio. Prof. I. I. MoELIU-JNNY. D D., Grommet, Ohio. Rev. ENs'rmN momma-:11, Cambridgo'City, Iml. IMVJUSEPM ELURIDUE, Norfolk, Conn. Rev. OSMOND U. BAKER, Binlmp ot‘M. H. Cfinrqb, Concord, N. H. . O F [s‘ I O E S . 495Brua=1way, New York; 13 Summer Street, Boston; 730 Chestnut sheet, Phihuiulphiu; 131 linl‘izuorcmrcez, Bnltimnru; 249 King Strut-5:, Charleston; 11 UampStreet, New Orleuns; 124 North Fourth atreuz,St. LDDIS§ 55 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati; 17] Superior Street, Cleveland; and all the principal cities and towns in the United States. 1E? SEND FOR .4 CIRCL’LARfi acpZS—d&.=ly ioteig. U mum aw ATLS .xW‘L, 593 m EAST CORNER m: 1171: AND HARRY?! sznmxs. ADJ DIN-1‘)" G TH. E PENN S ‘l’ L VAN IA R AIL ROAI) DEPOT, PHIL &DELPHIA¢ The undersigned wmflrl respzch‘ully inform the Public that he has tnhvn the übovu Hotel, formerly known as “ THE MANSION HOUSE,” which he has refitted and newly furnished throughnut. The Rooms are spacious and commudious, and furnished with every convenience to be found in the best Hotels in the cit " The ZED? (TED STA TB5” is- m! mimbly [coated for the convenience of travelers, being under the mune roof wzth the Pennsylvania finilmud Depot, and thus sawing both him}: hire and portal-«se of baggage. No pains will be spared tn render the -‘ UNITED STATBPS" a-pleasaut and agreeable residence to all who may favor it with their patronage Charges Ina-imam. ocflZ-clllmwly H. W. KANAGA, Proprisatnr. B U 19 u 3,. E .i-a » fl {177513, I’JAFLKL‘T SQUARE, lIAEEIEBUBG. PA. GEO. J . BOLTON, Fit-JI'IUEIUR CAB” The above well known and long rstfllished Hotel in new undergoing a. t-horlmgh renovation: and being in a great degsee newly fumiafimi, under the praprietcrxhh. of Mr. Gamma J ‘ BOLTON, who has been an inmate of the house for mu last three years, and is we“ Known to its guests. Thankful for the lihemi patronage which it has (in. joyed, I cheerfully csmmmd ML Bolton to the public favor. je'u' dfizwy ‘VILLL‘LM BUEHLER. S'Ei‘iWN-I GETS EEG—l755‘, 888 A DW’AY, NE W YORK When Completed, six yuan ago, the St. Nicholas was universally pronounced‘ the most magnificent, conve nient, and thoroughly nrgmaized establishment of the kind on this continent. What it was then, it remains tu-day—wimouz a rival in. size, in sumpluausilcss, and in the general elements of comfort and enjoyment. The Hotel has accommodations for ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED GUESTS, including ONE H (INDEED COMPLETE S UITE'S 0F .4 P. 4 R TME NTS for families. SIX HUNDRED PERSONS can he comfortablyseated at the tablesch its three publicdining rooms, and nothing that modern art‘has dm-ised for the convenience and so cial gratification of the traveling public has been omitted in its plan, or is neglected in its practical details. The early reputation of the house at home and abroad, derived from its magnitude, its superb appointments, and its home-like comforts and Immies, has been en hanced ever:- year by the unwearied exertionspf up: Propiators. au244l3m' TREADWELL. wun'conm «I'. co faV'é‘éiiéwéfifiufiéiii”‘ FUR S :‘x Lb) UH. LUSH 'l‘-—Un very favor able terms, a commodions BRICK HOUSE on Wu! nut street. near Second. Pousession to be given on the first of April next. Inquire of Dr. JAMES) FLEMING, Second street, above W uluut. Harrisburg, November 9, 188').——n09-dzf FlO3. 3‘ AL E—A J ighr. Spring One _ Horse WAGON. Apply at Patterson’s Store, Broad street, West Harrisburg. ocßl-dtt' RARE ()HA 3; CE EUR. 1 N V ESMEN ’l‘. ' ‘5; __- l “’73.; $2 In E; A I.- E OI? VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF HARRISBURG. {fiat well-known and valuable hotel property known 9.3 B “SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE,” nnw in “1!: Occupancy of'-“Wm. Mucherman. situate on the east. end of Market street, and immedintely opposite tvhß l’unnsylmnm Railroad Depot, will be ufl‘cred at PRIVATE SALE until the 4th ul‘ December next, and if 110.! Sold before that time, will be put. up at Public Auctgon on that any _'l‘hls is the most desirable propertyin the city of Bar naburg for hotel business. Its praximit} to the Penn sylvamu Railroad Depot, and the depot of all the rail roads cwntrm‘ng an. Harrisburg, makes it more convenient and uccusmble m the traveling public than any other Hotel in the city. . Further infill-marina in regard to this property and M t 0 311* terms of sale. may be lmd by applying to WM [l. MILLER, Attornvy-at—Law, North corner Market Square, ( W yeth’s Building) second ‘ story from. uth-ddcwla ] 1V Ul‘lUm '.I.‘U SPE-(ULATUKS! VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALT“. _ A numbn- of large size flUILmNG LOTS, adjomfllg thq Round House and Work Shrlps of the peuusylwmm Railroad Company, will be sold low and on reasonable .termn. Apply to ..u29-d6m JOHN W. HALL. CRANBEHHIES—A very Fuperior lot It [oct26.] WM. BOOK, .13.. la 00’s @Qc :fiatriut & Winn. TUESDAY MORNING. NOV. 20, 1860 THE DESERTER—ANEUDOTE 01" NA . POLEON. From the London Court Journal .In the yeur Its-. 19. he: re films was; sergeant. in the tweith regimem. of the line. then quar tered in, SLmshurg. lie was a native of lath half-savage. halticivilizcd par! of Burgundy known under the name of Morvzm, and his comrades ever spoke of him as a “tough ous tomer.” Always the first. and last. to fire, he had the reputation of liking huti'wo things in the world—Lilo smell of powder and the whist ling of bullets. Now, one day our fi-imd Pierre took it into his head to address :1. letter to his colonel, in which Ie applied for leave of nbsm-nco to go and see his aged muthvr, who was dangerously ill. He ad le n that his father. being seventy eight years of age. and sufi'rring under a par nlylic affection, could not be ofnny use in nurse lendng the poor woman. and he pledged him self to return as anon as the heaith of his mother should heresiorcd. The Colonel’s reply to Piei-re’s application was, “that as the regiment might at any mo ment be ordered to take the field, no leave of abscence could he uhtnined.” Pierre I’iiiois aubmiiied.. A forming-ht elapse-1, ml 11l n a. second letter was received by the Colonel, in .which Pierre informed him that his mother had died without theconsolmiun of giving her last. blessing to her only child, and in which he again Soliciteel leave of ab scenco. saying that. “he cunlil not state his reason forthis inquest—4: W 259. family secret,” hm csrneétiy implnring the Coloneinot to deny him this favor. Pierre's Seennd leilor was B'3 little anoccssl‘ul as the firse. The poor fcilow’s captain merely said: “ Pierre, (he Cohnel has received your lot tar: he is sorry for the death of your old mother, but he cannot. gmm Ihe have of absence you require, as the regiment leaves fitrasbm-g :o marrow.” “ Ah! The regimont leaves Strnshurg; and for what phoe, may I ask you ‘2” said Pierre. “ For Austrian,” rpplivd hiq officer. “We are to see Vie-nun, my brave Piwis; We are lo fight. the Austrians. Is not. that good news for you 2 You will he in your elemeut, my fine fellow.” Pierre I’itois m-ade no reply; he seemed lost. in deep thought. The Cnpmincaugkl his hand, and, shaking it. heartiiy. said:— “Why do you um. spvau, man? Are you draf {Lo-tiny ? lam telling that, in less than a week, you are it) have the. pleasure of o. set-tn will) the Austrians}, and you havenot one wofd of thanks for the good news; nay, I verily believe you have not hmu'd me." “ [1261‘ ed. Captain. I have heard every word, and I thank you will: a!) my heart, for your news, which I consider very good.” “ I though: you would,” said the ofiicer. “ But, Captain, there is no chance of obtain ing the leave of absence?” “ Are you mac] ‘E” was the repiy. “Leave of absence the wry day before taking the field ‘2” “I never thought of that,” said Pierre.——- “.We are, lhen, on thepoint of taking the field, and at such a. time, I suppose. leave is never given ‘2” “It is never over. asked.” H It. is quite right—it, is never even asked.»- Ir. would have the appearance of cowardice.— Well, then, I will not. press it any more; I will try to get. on without it.” ‘ -‘ And will do mu,” rep'ied the Captain. . The nrxt d=y me twain?) regiment entered 1 Grrmarzy, and the non-« Pierre Pitois dzscr- i ted ! ' Three months after, when the Lwalfzh regi ment, having n-npcd in the field of battle an abundant harvest of glory. was making its tri umplml entry in“) Smashurg, Pivrre Pizois was iguomiuiously drugged back to his cams by a. brigade of gens d’mvrze‘s. A com-t martial is im mediately rsaklez‘i Pierre I’itois accused of having, deserted at. the very moment when his regiment was to meet the enemy face to face. The court. prevented a singular spec!ac!e.- On the one side 2359:! forth the accuser who cried: “ Pierre Pifoia, you, one ofthe bravest. man in the army; you, on whose breast. the star of honor sot glitters; you, who never incurred either punishment or even censure from your oficcrs ; you could not have quitted your regi— ment—quintet] in almost on the eve of battle—— without some powerful motive to impel you! This motive the court demands of you; for it would gladly have i“. in its power, if not. to no quit you—which it ought, not, perhaps, either to do or to desire—at. least. to recommend you to the Emperor’s mercy.” On the other side stood the accused, Iwho an. swered : “ I have deserted without any reason, with oof. any moeive; Ido not repent. Ifit were to do again, I would do it. again. I deserve death— pass sentence.” And then came some witnesses who depsscd: “ Pierre Pimis is a. closet-tar. We know it is a, fact but. we do not. believe R.” And others averred " Pierre Pitois is mad ; the court cannot eon demn a madman. He must be sentenced then, not to death, but to the lunatic asylum.” This alternative had very nearly been adopted, for there was not one person in the com-t who did not consider the desertion of Pierre Pitoia as one of those singular occurrences beyond the range ‘of human possibiliries, which, while every one is forced to admit as a fact, no one can account for orcomprellend. The accused, however, pleaded guilty most positiVely, and was most pertinacious in his demand for the just penalty of the law to be inflicted on him. He 50 boldly and fearlessly avowed his crime, continually repeating that he did not regreL it, that at length his firmness assumed the character of a bravado, and left no room for 3 clemency. Sentence of (Ion!!! was therefore pronounced. ' . Pierre Pixels heard his sentence read will the most unflinching gaze. They warmly urged him to plead for mercy, but he liefused. A‘s every one guessed the: a: me bo.tom 9F thxs affair Ihere was some strange mystery, 11- W‘IS determined that the execuiion of Pierre should be delayed. . . . , He was carried back to 1.115 nnhtm'y pmson, and it was announce-d to hxm that, as a. mark of special favor, be had three days given him to press for pnrdofl- He shrugged his shoul ders and DWI" "0 ”PW- In the midle of the night on which was to daWn the day mm! for ihe execution, the door of Picrro's dunge'on turned softly (in its hinges, and a aubaltern officer advanced lo the side of the camphcd in which Ihe-condemned was tran quilly “Wing. "I!” fl‘ter gazing on him some time in stleuce, awoke him. ‘Pierrfr opened his eyes, and staring about um, Bind: “ The hour. then, is at last come." “No, Pierre,” ruplied the ofiicer, yet thu- hour, but it will soon come.” . w “Andth do you want with me until the“ ‘ “Dost than not knnw ma, Pierre? No mat— ter; I know thee well. I saw thee at Auster~ litz, and bravely didst thou bear thyself. From that day, Pierre, I have had for thee a regard no less warm than sincere. Yesterday, on my BY 0. BéRRETT 62: co.‘ nu: Dun? Puma: um Dim: will be served to Ili :cnbera reaidingin the Borough [or an own run In: plume to the Carrier Mail rubacribon. I'OIII n 0..- V-ARS I’ll ANN“. Tu: WEEKLY will he published u neretotore,lonl- Mekly during the session of the Lugislxnnra,nnd once I neck the remainder of than”, l’or two datum: Inad mnoe, or three dollars at the expirauon of the you. Connected with this establishment. is An extent" 10]! OFFICE containing 1 vayiety of plain and (my type, unequalled by any establishment in the lnterlorot the State. for which the patrons; of the public ll lo licltad. NO 697 arrival at Strashurg, I learned thy crime tad coudemnntuon. I have prevailed on the jail-tr, who is a, relation of mine, to allow me to see thee. And now that. I have come, I would any to thee: Pierre, it is (men a. sad thought. for a man about to die, that he has not, a frtend near him lo whom he might. open his hear}, and intrust with some sacred commission to dis charge when he should he no more. If show will, uncepl me, I will be to thee that. friend.” “I thank you, comrade,” replied Pierre. “Why ! hast thou [Willing to any to me 1" “Nothing." “What! not one word of adieu Lo thy sweet heart ?—Io thy siswr ‘2” "A sweetheart? a, sister? I never had either '2” ' “To thy father ?" “He is no more. Two months ago he died in my arms." ”Thy mother then '2” “My mo'bvrl"-said Pierre, whose who suddenly and tmally changed, repented—"my mulher! Ah, comrade, du um utter that nuns, for l have never heard that name—l have never said it. in mx henrt—wilhom.fu»eliug melted like a chtld; and «wen now, methiuks, if I were to Speak on her—"m” ' “Wham then ‘s‘” “The tears would come—and tears do not become a. mum. 5* *‘ * Tears!” continued he. "tears, when I have but a. few hours to live! Ah! there would not. be much courage in that!“ ‘ "Thou art too stern. comrade. Ithink‘l haw, lenk Gud, as much courage as other peopie; and yet 1 Valid not be ashamed of wmpiug, were] in speak of my mother." “Are you serious ?" said Pierre, eagerly seizing the officer’s band. “ You. a. man and ~ a soldier. and not. ashamed to wevp?” h ‘vVhen spraking or my mother ? Certainly not. My mother. is so good, so kind. Rho loves me much. and I. too, love her dearly.” “She lives you? and you love her. 011! then I may. indeed, tell you all. My heart is fun—it. must; have wen: ; and, however strange my feelings appear to ynu. I am sure youwill nor laugh at. Ihum. Liswn,lhvn: for what you saidjust. HUW is quite true. A man is glad, when about to die, to have a heart. imo which he can pour on! Ins own. Will you listen to me, and not. laugh at me '3” “Surely I will listen, Pierre. A dying man must eVur exuile compasaioume Iympathy.” ' ’ “ You must. knuw that since I came into this world, I never low. d but one being—that. being was my mother. But her I loved as none loved “with all that. was in me of life and energy.— Whlle. yet. a babe. I used to read her eyes, as she. read. mine; I guessed her thoughts, and she knew mine. She was the heart cf my heart. and I the heart. of hers. I have never had either sweetheart or wife; I never had a. friend ; my mother was everything to me. Well, I was summoned I.” take up arms; and when they told me I must lewc bar, in u. paroxyam of deSpuir I declared they might. drag me limb from limb, bu! never should they take me from her alive. With one word rpoken in her holy fortitude and strong courage, she changed my whole purpose. ‘6 ‘ Pierre,’ said she, ‘ you must go—it is my wish.’ “ I lint-li. before her, and I said, ‘ I will go, mother.’ “‘Piorre,’ she added, ‘thou hast. been a good son, and I thank God for it; but the duties of r. son are not. the only oneaa. man has to fulfil. Every citizen owes himself to his country ; it calls thee—ohey 1 Thou art going to be a. aoluiox‘. From this moment thy life is no longer thine own; it is thy country’s If iIS intertrats demand it, 133' it down cheerfully. If it be Ihe will of God that thou shouldst uie lwfm‘e me, 1 should weep for thee my heart’s tears; but. I Would gay, “He gave, and He has taken away, blessed be the name ol’theLord !" Go. DOW, and if than love thy mother, do (by duty.’ on! how precious those holy words! I have never forgonen them. ‘Do thy duty,’ she raid. Now, the duty of a soldier was alwnys, and in all things, to obey; and in all filings! and always, 1 obeyed. 1! was to go straight forward—4o face danger without hesi tation—wilhout second lhought; and I went snmizrln forward—faced danger Without hesi— union—without a second thought. Those who saw mo xhus, as ii Were, seek to meet. the bul lets, said, ‘Thcro is a. brave fellow!’ They might. have homer said, ‘ There is a man who loves his mother!’ “ One day a letter brought. mo the tidings that she was ill—~32}? om; poor mother .'—l longed to go to her. I asked leave of absence; in was not. granted. I remembered her last words —‘ If thou love thy mot-her, do thy duty.’ I submitted. A little after, I heard that she was dead. 011! than my senses forsook me; at. any risk I determined to travel to the coun- try. W hence proceeded so ardent, so impetu ans a desire to see once more uplucc where my mother had just died? I will tell you; nudas you have a mother, and as she loves you, am! as yea. love her, you will understand me. “ We peasants of Mormn are a simple and confiding race. We have not received the in struction, nor attained the knowledge that they r have in the cities; but we have our beliefs, ‘ which the townsfolk call superstitions. What matters the name? Be they superstitions or beliefs, we have them, and clever Would be the man that could uproot them. Now, one of the“! beliefs to which we cling the most, is that which attributes to the first flower that blows in the grave mould, such a. virtue that he who gathers it is certain of never forgetting the dead, end of never being forgotten by them. Belief, how dear, how sweet? With it, death has. no ter rors; for death, without forgetting, or being forgotten, is but a sweet sleep, but calm repose after a long toil. That flower—l panted to see it bud—l pantod to gatherit! I abandoned my post and vyent on my way. After ten days of long and weary march, [ reached my mother’s grave. The earth seemed yet fresh—no flower appeared. I Waited. Six weeks elapsed, and then one lovely morning I saw a. little blue flower—‘forget~me-not.’ As 1 plucked it, I shed glad tears, for methought that little flower was my mother’s soul ; that, she had felt that I was near. and that, under the form of that flower, she had given herself to my heart once more. “There was nothing now to detain me inllhe country, for my father had soon followed my mother to the grave, and I had plucked my precious flower; what more did I want? Ire membered my mother's charge : ‘Do thy duty P I sought the gens d’armes, and I said: ‘I am a. deserter—arress me.’ 4 4 * And nowlam to die; and if, as you assure me, I have in you a friend, I die without regret,’ for you will do for me the only service I'reqmre. The flower which, at the risk of my life, I plucked from the grave, is here, in a little case next to my heart. Promise me that you will see that. they do not take it from me. It is the link which unites mo to my mother; and if I thought it would be broken—oh! I should not have the courage to die. 9“ * * Say do you promise to do what I ask of you ?” “I promise,” said the oflicer. . . “Your hand, dear air, then I may press IHO my heart. You are very kind to [110; find if the Almighty God were iq his omnipotence t‘o give me my life a second time, I would devote 1t “ it is not to you.” ' The friends parted. ' The next day had dawned. They arrived at PUBLIBHED EVERY MO'HNING, BUNDAYS excaprna,