Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, November 19, 1860, Image 3
LoaAL NEWS. Tan Dun rumor Asp Uxxox may be had at Jack’s Book Store, corner of Third and Markqt “nets. _ _. -_. rumor AND stox,—The DAILY Rumor Ayn Umox can be had by Dauphin subscribers, every morning, at the periodical store of J. S. Faun. _ ~ ....Hu... Tm: Lock Haven and Tyrone Railroad will be sold in Philadelphia on the 27th inst., at the suit of Samuel Brady, a contractor ,for the balance due on his work and expense in its present condition. Run Amara—A horse attached to a market wagon, while crossing the canal bridge, on Satur day morning, became frightened and ran away.— A little girl that was in the wagon was thrown out and somewhat. injured. Fan um HoLLmAYs.—Persons who contemplate going into mince pies will find an excellent article of mince meat at the store of John ankcm 5“ SEC ond street. Mr. L. manufactures it bimself,of the the best material, anti sells it cheap. Biron}: mu MA‘ron.-—-Thero was but one case before his honor on Saturday morning—u. solitary Wayfarer—n, revolving mendicant, who gave the name of Frederick Duukel. Lodged on one of the city feather beds camfertably, and was sent on his way. anulm or Manna—Some of the loading Re rublieans of Philadelphia held an informal meet-- ing on Thursday evening, to take into considera. tion the propriety of getting up n'tastimonial for John W. For-nay, for the substantial aid furnished that party during the late campaigns. Very ap propriate. FELL m A Fun—A boy, apparenny thirteen or fourteen years of age, fell in an epileptic fit at the corner of Third and Market streets, on Saturday morning. Much sympathy was felt for the lad, and Mr. Benford had him taken into his hotel, where he remained until he recovered. As the eanal boat “Elizabeth ,"of Newton Ham ilton, P 3,, on its way with other boats in the tow of a steamer, bound from Baltimore to Havre de Grace, last week, the Captain, Jesse Rice, was missed, and it is supposed he fell from the boat into the Bay and was drowned. He had in his posses sion the freight received by him in Baitimorefior his down load, supposed to be about $2OO, besides enmity papers belonging to the boating business. Convncrrosnnr AND BAKEBY.—-JOHN LACEEN respectfully informs the public that he has opened in Second street, next door to Bart’s Auction Store, where he will constantly keep on hand bread, cakes and pies, fresh from Hallock’a Bakery, and all kinds of confectionery. He also manufactures a superior article of sums MEAT, which he sells at 14 cents a pound, being much cheaper than fami lies can manufacture it in small quantities. 5-6: Gonna—The November term of the Quarter Sessions and Court of Common Pleas commences this morning. About the usual number of petty criminal cases will be tried—none of any impor tance, except the Dauphin homicide case. The rape case mentioned a day or two ago, will pro— bably be disposed of, as well as a. largo number of trifling assault and battery and fornication cases. The civil list is sizeable, but it is probably that the Court will get through with all the cases that can be reached previous to Thanksgiving Day. MANDAuns CAsrzv—T‘ue City Council sometime ago sued out. a. writ of preliminary mandamus against William H. Kepner, Mayor of the city, citing him to appear and show cause why aper— emptory mandamus should not issue compelling him to sign the city bonds. The writ is made re turnable to-day, when the controversy between the Mayor and the city must come to an end. We un derstand the Mayor has prepared his rejoinder, which fully explains all the points at issue, and tho reasons in exterior; which governed his actions in the premises. Tn BLAIR Conxn‘ BRIGADE—We hear it ru mored that the Blair county Brigade is making ar arrangements to attend the inauguration Governor of Cnrtin. If it does, we promise the people who may visit here on that occasion as fine a. military display as can he witnessed out of a city, providing the companies come with full ranks. The Brigade is composed of ten companies—four of infantry. two of cavalry, two of artillery, and their drill and military discipline is really a credit to the county. Of these companies, two belong to Tyrone, two to Alumna, and three to 'Hollidayshurg—the com bined population of which is six or seven thousand less than Harrisburg, where there is but one little company, and that so weak in the knees that there is a doubt as to whether it will ever parade again. Should the Van Tries Cornet Band, of Halli dayshnrg, accompany the Brigade, we promise the lovers of music who may assemble here a rare treat, for few in the State equalit, and none excel it. Enorzrmxr or A Wan-r: Wonu Wire A van . We gave a brief account of the arrival of a. black man and white woman in the Cumberland Valley train on Friday morning, whom the oificere were ordered to arrest, by a. telegraphic dispatch received from Chemheuburg. The facts in the case have been developed. Near Hageretown, Md., resides on old gentle man named Furney, who is highly respectable and wealthy. Some years ago his daughter married a man named Fonz, against her father’s protest. - She lived with Foltz for some years, and had four chil dren. Letter-1y heabnsed her to such an extent that she abandoned him and went to her father’s house. Her father compelled her to go back. She then packed up a. quantity of efiecte and induced a. negro, the property of her hrother-in-lew, to steal I. horse and wagon, in which the two went to He.- geretown, stopping at difi‘erent places. Mrs. Foltz bought two tickets, and also a unit of clothes for the negro. They got into the ants, and reached this place, where they would have been arrested, but, as wa sated en Saturday, for fear of a. rescue by the ne groes congregated at the depot, who had evidently got wind or the affair. The nature of the charge was not exactly known, but it was evident that the negro was a slave, from the fact that when the woman atePPed “P 0“ the platform of the Philadei phi: (33"; a full s'l“ 0‘ gray clothing, such as is usually worn by 513 V“ dmpped from the place of concealment—under lhc “ovum-’2 skim! In Phil adelphia they were promptly arrested. By the next trait: oflicers arrived, and at 11 o’clock they Muted for Baltimore, before Passmom Williamson or M’Kim know any thing about it, 01‘ had time to fine out p ’tabeaa co’Tw' Tue negro was a. very ill-winged fellow. and the woman passnbiy fair, so that many were charitable enough to suppose that she only took him alongto aid her in her flight, withoutany criminal intent. But this supposition was dissipated by the fact that she had with her many articles for housekeep ing, and when first arrested she declared that she was not I; white woman, and the negro in her com- Pally “'3B her husband. Mr. Fumey, her father, was in this city on Saturday,’and apparently heart-broken at the un natural conduct of his daughter. The latter wif] be taken home, and the negro will in all proba— bility be sent to a cotton plantation in the far South. Mlunin'.—A day or two ago, while speculating upon the probable cause of on entire absence of military Mdor in our city, an old soldier who was present, suggested that one company did not con tain ofiicers enough. “Just you gut up a corn— pnny,” said he, “consisting entirely of captains and lieutenants, and my word for it, you will have a most formidable one. I joined three different new companies at different timefo 3"” "f Which ever held a meeting after the election for officers was held. Among tho aspirants were one man for cap tain who was cross—eyed—anotber who was so how. legged that he could not have stopped a pig in a, narrow “IR-y’alld nthird who sum-red so had that it took him six scmnds to say ‘Yes!’ Among the lieutenant aspirants were several who could not road,nnd some who had noverseen a military com pany! I toll you, sir, it. is astonishing how many are born to command. Look at your own little company here—very pretty to look at, what there is of it, and very well drilled, but. tho high-pri vates dislike their position so inuoh that they wear the stripes of the lieutenants in the regular army, instead of the regulation strips to distinguish them from the oflieors.” A great deal of truth. Apropos to this, we give the follmving: A volunteer rifle company, in England, lately met; to choose nfiicers. A suggestion was made that all the gentlemen desirous of becoming ofli cers, should retire during the election, when, to the general astonizhmenl, it was found that only three members of the company were left to proceed with business. The three gentlemen, however, did not flinch from their duty. and those who had retired were in due time summoned back to the meeting. They were then in formed thutlhv meet ing had felt great difficulty about the selection, be cause the claims of all who had left. the room were so conspicuous, it seemed invidious to take one in preference to another. Under these circumstances, the meeting had adopted the most obvious and sat isfactory way of escaping the difficulty, by electing themselves to fill the three vacant. posts. How To SECURE fluorescence—To secure in dependence, the practice of simple economy is all that is necessary. Economy requires neither superior courage nor eminent virtue ; it is satisfied with ordinary energy, and the capacity of ordinary minds. Economy, at the bottom, is but the spirit of order applied in the administration of domestic affairs: in means, management, regularity, pru dence, and the avoidance of waste. The spirit of economy was expressed hv our Divine Master in these words,“ Gather up the fragments that. re main, so that nothing may he lost.” His omnipo tence did not disdain the small things of life; and even while revealing his infinite power to the mul titude, he taught the pregnant lesson of carefulness of which all stand so much in need Economy also means the power of resisting present gratifica. tion for the purpose of securing a. {more good ; and in this light it represents the ascendancy of reason over the animal instincts. It is altogether dif ferent from pennriousness ; for it is economyvthat can always best afi'ord to be generous. It does not make money an idol, but regards it as as a useful agent. As Dean Swift observes, “we must carry money in the head, not in the heart.” Economy may be styled the daughter of Prudence,lhe sister of Temperance. and the mother of Liberty. It is eminently conservative of character, dnmestiehap pincss. and social well-being. It alleys irritation, and produces content. It makes men lovers of public order and security. It deprives the ngitntur of his stock in trade by removing sufi'ering, and renders his appeal to class-hatred (lumpamtively innocuous. When workmen by their industry and frugality have secured their own independence. they will cease to regard the sight, of others’ Well being in the light if a wrong inflicted on them selves ; and it. will no longer be possible to make political capital out of their imaginary woes. Tumsmanumx 0F Sums—How OLD Run) WAS Convsnran.—The New York cal-respondent. of a. Western paper tells the following story for the benefit of some hard cases : He says he once knew a man by the name of Reed, commonly known as "Old Reed.” Reed was quite notorious in his way. and his religious belief was, that after death he should re—«ppear in the form of an animal; and thought. he Would be a. horse. Now “Old Reed” was is hard man,aod was not in the habit of treating his family as areligious man should. One day after his wil‘e‘hud sufi‘ered his abuse as long as humanity could endure, she concluded to give him a brief talking to—to tomb him upon his religious belief. So,resulurely seal ing herself by his side, and looking him full in the face, while a. teardrop glistenod in her eye—for she was serious, and thought perhaps he was nor rec: in his faith—she commenced: “ Reed, I wish to have a serious talk with you; I have something to say to you, and you nuts! hear it. 1' have a duty to perform. and I shall do it, and then, if you are miserable hereafter, it will not. be my fault. You believe, Reed,tha.t when you die you will turn into some animal, and you think you will has. horse.— Now, if you Keep on your present course, and con tinue to neglect and abuse your family, squander ing your money for drink, and at the gaming table, when you die you will turn into some old twelve shilling horse, and some dirty clam peddler will get you,aud you will be hard worked and half starved, and I shall see you every day before a rickety old wagon filled with clams. Such will be your eternity ! But now, Heed, it. needn’: be so ; your future may be a. bright, as happy one. If you will reform and turn right about. and become a. better man—he kind and affectionate to your fam ily, and treat them as a‘ Christian should, why, when you die,yon willturn into ufive hundred dol lar horse, and some West End buck will get hold of you, and give you a bushel of oats a day, rub you down with pea. straw, and have you docked and your tail net up 1” He says "Old Reed” was straighlwny converted—was reformed—and is pa.- tiently waiting for death to introduce him to his coveted horse heaven—where are ouly“shellroads” and “two-forty” sags with “pricked” tails. Pun-m. Arum —We find the following, in which the names of several former residents o'l‘this city appears, in a letter to the Pittsburg Dispatch, dated St. Paul, Nov. 12th : On Saturday last, 10th inst, Wm. 0. Gray com mitted suicide by jumping 00' the bridge connecting St. Paul with Dakota county, some ninety-five feet distance. Mr. Gray has been an operator in stocks, notes, bonds,city and county scrip, since I have known him, some four or five yearsmnd none stood fairer in the ealimatiun of rhecummuni:y up to the hour of his dealh. On Saturday morning he at tempted to negotiate five $5OO bonds of Ramsey county. Mr. John H. M’Allister,a capitaiist from Harrisburg. Was the person to whom they were ofi'ered, and upun examination they proved to he forgeries. When about being arrested, he managed to lock the ofiieer within his office and escaped The oificer broke through a glass door, gave chase, and came up to him just. as the unfortunate man jumped into the river. A few struggles, and Wm. 0. Gray was no more. The body has not been re covered as yet—4 p. m. this day. ‘ Since his death some $B,OOO worth of Ramsey county bonds have turned up, negotiated by him, equally worthless, besides quite a number of sums ranging from $l,OOO down to $lOO got. under false pretenses—making an aggregate of defsucutions to the amount of (probably) some $15.00!). Mr. Gray was single, about twenty-eight,and the manner d cause of his death have shocked the whole cdfimnnity. DAUPRIN Cuuxn' BIBLE Summit—Tire mph versary of the Dauphin County Bible Secrecy 'mll be held at. Millersburg to-morxow (TuesdaY) “”91“ noon and evening. - These meetings are growing in interest and Im penance. The one held last year at B'MWW‘B W 33 largely attended by delegates from the auxm— ary sunehiL-a in varinus parts of the 0011““; ”_"d exertqd n_ralumry influence upon the cummuhny in which n was held and upon the interests of we Bible cause throughout the county. ‘ Any memhrr ofthe Harrisburg Bible Society wh" can make it convenient. to attend chin mveting. W” plane to take the noon traih for Millersburg. upon arriving at which place they will be ourdially m»)- oomed and hoapitably entertained. If demrnua uf returning home the sum ' they can do so .by the lure train. 6 lugbt ' Gamma A. HAY, Sec’y. Wan APPLES Ann MADE oF._ln an average condition, 100 ins. of fresh apples contain nbnuz3.2 lbs of fiber, “.2 lbs, uf glumen, {an and "93,0.16 of cnssein, 1.4 of albumen 3 1 of dextriuo, 8 S of sugar, 0.3 of malic acid, 82.66 of water. Besides these, the apple contains a small quantity of tannic and gallic acid, most in the russets. To theae acids apples owe their uslringcncy of taste, and >the blackening of iron or steel instruments used tn cut them. The per centage of arh in the apple is small,yeb is rich in phosphoric and euiphuric acids, potash and soda. Music! MUSIC !-—To be sold—a. decided bargain .._a. fine toned music box—plays eight familiar tunes—bux Sulid rosewood, splendidly inlaid.— Can be seen every evening at Breyer’s Green Bay Saloon, Market. street, under Ehy's building—who is authorized to sell it. Also, a family slercnsctmc, with a great variety of stereoscopic pictures, for sale cheap, as nbove. smkw’f Womn lixowmc.—-—'l‘hzu Brownom A: Sam, 00r ner of Market and Second streets, sell linen hand kerchiels at 6.}. worth 121: cents; Chonil scarfs at 25 cts., worth double ; gent's pure linen handker chiefs, 25 cts.. worth 50 cenzs; splendid levy coli cues at. 10 cents ; hemp carpet, 20 cts., worth 31; half wool carpet at. 25, worth 374-; all wool, 50;.56, worth 62% and 75 cents; a great assortment. of gloves and Hosiery; flnor ail cloth at 371Ea44, Worth 50362 cte. Blonds, Nubias, children’s hoods, mus lins, «50., £50., &c.; and, best of all, double Bruche shawls at only $7.00, worth $l4 00. All these and many ether bargains to _ln had at Brownold’s cheap corner, Market and Second streets, Wyeth’é build ing, opposite Jones House. nofi-dZwT NEW Goons! NEW GuoDrs l—Having returned from New York, I have received now a large lot. of goods, all of which I bought at auction. One hun— dred pieces of beautiful Set Flower De Laines, the best quality, which generally sells for 25 cents, at. 20 cents; 50' pieces Unbleached Muslin, the beat in town, at 10 cents; 150 pieces of Cassinetts, Sati— netts and Gassimeres, from 25 cents up to $1 25 a. yard; 25 pieces of White Flannel,cotton mixed, at 15 cents; 25. dozen of White Merino Stockings at 15 cents ; 50 dozen of Gent’s Wool Socks, 20 cents npair; 10 dozen Gent’s All-Linen Pocket Hand kerchiefs with Colored Borders, very fine, 31 cents; good Merino Underahirts and Drawers, at 65 and 75 cents a. piece. Alot of beautiful Traveling Buskehs. Bcsn Calicoes, 10 cents, warranted fast. colors. Please call at Lawr’s, at the old stand of John Rhonda, Esq., d—‘canscd If. SPEUIAL N 0 ’I'IC’ES. H ELMBOLD‘S GENUINE PREPARATION Cures Gra vel. B a. liar. Drusy.K:du , Afl'ctiuua High: (DLWD’a “WP [maniac]. fox-Hera}; ind D-mlits. e Eufl'eters. HBLWIL L 1’: (innuiue Preparatinn fol-714055 of Power, [mm of Memo-'y. HELVIBOLT) s Genuine P eparutinn for Difficulty of Br. alb my, Gguezal W aan-su. Hummxmn's ailing" Preparation for Weak Nerves, lion-o.- of Uexth. Tremhling. HEIMB ‘LD-‘S Grin-mine 9:17 rrafixvn for Night Swoats, (lulu “Ho-tr. Dimuens 0' Vision HI- 12h.“ BOL "H h‘anuiu Prvpnmtiun for Lunguut. Uni- Vrrsul la us-itude of the Muscular avatem. [1_FLBIBOI40::G;EE:19 Pmpmfian for PER Comm:- mnce and Eruptions. HELM MLI) S G nnina Prenanlion for Pains in tae “ark Hratlacna, Sick stomach. Faun ad wrtisement handed _ HELMBOLD’d EXTRACT BUCHU :11 another at man. ' now-Mum FEVER AND AGUE, AND ALL FEVEns are cured by perseverance with BRANDRETH‘S PILLS, which takes all poisons, of whatever nature they may be, from the circulation. Mr. John Y. Knight. Supervisor of New Castle, Weat— chcster county. New York, says. November. 1858: “I wars. two vests ago, attnc ed with fever and ngue, which, notwithstanding the best medical advice, cun tinucd to sorely amict me for six 'edious months; I re calm yell-w as saffron. and redueei to siiin and bone. Medicine and physicians were abandoned in despair As an experiment, 1 a' ncluded to try a single dose of six of Brandreth’s Universe-l VEgetuble Pills, on an empty stomach. early in the morning. The first dose seemed to arouse all the latent energies of my exhausted frmne. I feared the wossl—theil' purgative effect. was difl‘erent from anything I had ever used or heard of. At length this efl‘ect ceased, and I seemed lighter and breathed freer. That evening I was indeed sensibly better and slept. soundly all night. The next day I followed the same course, and contiuu -d to take‘the pills in this way about three w--ekn when I found myself entirely cured. My health has been surprisingly good ever since.” Sold. prlcn 26 cents, at No. '294 Canal street. New York, and by all Druggists. Also, by GEO. E. BELL, corner of Second and Chestnut streets, Harrisburg, and by all respectnblo dealers in medicines. noB-d&wlm THE JAPANESE. THE GREAT E ‘STERN, H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, DE JOINVILLE. May come _anrl go and b 0 FORGOTTEN, But the lustre, the ebony blackness. the rich browns, the natural appearanc~, .thegensation of pride and pleasure, produced by the upphcatmn of that harmless preparation, CHISTAUORO'S EXC ELSIOR H AI R DYE, ‘ Will unquestionably be gratefully ‘ BEMEMBERED By all who use it, inasmuch as “A THING HF BEAUTY IS A JO.Y FORE VER.” Prepared No. 6 Antor Hnuse, New York. Sold every where, and applied by all Hair Dressers. nos-asuvlm Mothers, read this. The following is an extract from a. letter written by a. pastor of the Baptist Church to the szmal and Messenger, Cincinnati, Ohio, Ind speaks volumes in favor of that world-renowned medicine—Mus. WINS Law’s Soornma Sump FOR CHILDREN Tun-rams : ‘- We see 'nn advertisement in yo r columns of Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup. Now we never said a. word in fuvor of a patent medicine before in our life, but we feel compelled to any to your readers, that this is no humbug—wn HAVE mm!) H, AND Imm 1':- To BE ALL 11' cums. It. is. probably, one of' the most successful medicines of the day, because it is one of the best. And those of your readers who have babies can’t. do better than to lay in a supply. sep29~d&Wly I=l Dr. Brunon’s Concentrated Remedies. No l TH ll‘. GREAT REVIVER‘ speedily eradicate“ all the evil efli-cts of SELF“. Anus», as has: of Memory. Shortness of Bn-ath, Giddinuss, Palpitufion of the Heart. Dimnesa of Vision, or anv constitutional derangementfi of the system, brungh} on by the unrestrained indulgence of 1113 passions. Acts alike on either set. Price One Dollar. No 2 THE BALM will cure in from two to eight dau'm any case Of G‘UNORRHG! l. is wi thont laam nr smell‘ and reg-rims no restriction of action or diet. For either sex. Price Una Doll u- No. 3. ‘1"! E TIER!" will cure in the shortest possible time. am ease of GLEHT, awn aft-9r all other Remedio have failed Ln produce the desired effect. No taste orsmell, Prme One. Dollar. No. 4 T'HI) PUNITER is the only Remedy that will really cute strictures o? the Ure’hra.‘ Nu mam-1- of how low: handing or msglected the case may be. Price One Dhllal. No. 6. THE SnuUTOB will cure. any case of GRAVEL, permanently and speedily remove all afliictiona or the Madder and Kidneys Price Ime Dolhr. Nu 6 Fun P \KTU!UI.A‘RS SEE CIRCULAR. No. 7 THE AMARIN will cure the Wh tee radical", and In a much ahnrter timu than Ihey can by rumowd by any nthor trnatmnnt. In fat-1., in the only remedy that will Barfly col-met this disorder Pleasant '0 take. Price (me J at. No, 8. 'l‘m: omnu'rm. PAH'N [.5 are cumin. safeand speedy in nrouucing M ENfl’RUA‘I‘ION, or correcting any lrn‘gnlarilies of the mnnthly periods Prico Two Dollvm. No 9. FOB PARTIHULARS REE GIRCULA“. . Either J’emedy aunt free by mail on I'Fcaipt 9? the priée annr led. I'lucluae postage ntamu 3nd gc-t :1 Circular Geneml Depot North—Em vomar of 3 ml: Avrnue and CallfiWhill fill-not Private 06169 401 York Avenue, Phila. delphia. Pa For sale in Harrisburg only by G A. BANNVART. when (‘irculals containing valuable informal: en, with full 118- acr ptiona 0f eat-. 11 case, will be delivered gratis. vn WP“- cation. Address 178. ”:er BRUNON, myLdly P. 0. Box 994 Philadelphia; Pa. WE call the attention of our readers to an article advertised in another column, “119 d BLOOD FOOD. It is an entirely new discovery. Ind must not be canfounded with any of the numerous patent mudi. nines or the tiny. [t is FOOD rO3 rm: noon, already prepared for absurption; pleasant to the taste and natu ral in action, and what one gains he retains. Let all than, thenV who are suffering from pnvprtY, Impurity or deficiency 0f blood. and consequently wtth some chronic dieeaar or ailment, take of this BLoou Foo» end we re stured to health. We notice that our druggifite have received a supply _of this article. and also of the world renowned Dr. It 103’s lunungn CORDIAL, which nvery mother ehuuld have. It contnms no Pfiragoricor npintv of any kind whatever, and of couree must he invaluable for all infantile complaints. \lt wll} allay all pain, and éoften the gum: in process of teething, and at the enun time regulate that bowels Let all mothers and nurses. who lune endured anxious day: and. elm-pleas nights. prucnre a supply and hr- ut once relieved. 117’ See advertisement. aul7-ddzw3m migccllancous. 'l‘nn Amman-nos or LANGUAGIS.—There is agrowing “We“! in this age to appropriate the most expressive "Urdu of other 12' nguagea, and alter a. while to inconvora“ 3‘lo " into our own thus the word Cephalic, which is from the Greek, signifymg ”for the head,” in now becom in: popularized in connection with Mr. Spalding’s great Headache remedy. but it will soon he used in n more gen e?!“ Way, and the word Cephalic will become as common 05 Electmtvpe and many others whose distinction as for eigu WDrds has been worn away by ommon usage until they 580111 “native and to the manor born." ’ardly Realized. Hi ’ad ‘ll ‘(zrrihle ’eadache this hartemoon, hand I stupprd in“ ”19 hanrzthecaries hand says hi to the man. “Can you ““39 “1°- 0“ vn ’eadache?” “Does it hache ’ani," says ’9 “Hexcredingly,” say: hi, hand upon that ’e gave me 9' 009113110 Pill, hand ’pon me ’om-r it cured me so quick that 1 7mil)? realized 1 ’ad ’95 an ’endmhe. 113‘ {humans is the favorite sign by which nature makes known any dn‘infion Whatever from the natural state of the bmi . and viewed in this light it may he looked on as a sa egu “a intended to give notice of disease “hid: might therwise escape attenlion, till too late to hv reme died; and it~ indications should never be neglect- do Henri - aches may be classified under two names,viz : Symptoma tic and [diopnthis Symptomatic Ileadnehe is exueedingly common and s the precursor or a grew variety of disenses, among Which are Apoplexy, Gout, Rhaumntism and all febri‘e diseases. In its nervous form it is sympathetic of diseasu of the stomach constituting sick headache, of he patic disuse ccnstimt n 2 bilious headache, of worms, constipation uni other disorders of the bowels, as well as renal and uterina affections. Diseases of the heal-tare very erquen‘tly ttended with H' m aches; Anaemia and Net on. are also affertions which frequently occasirn headache.— I-liouathic Headache is also very oommon, being usually (1 BtingiNhod by the name of nervous headache, sometimes courinz on suddenly in 5. Mint» of apparently Found health and PlOB'J'atng at once the mental and physieal energies, and in oth r instanues it comes on slowly, hemmed by de pnssion of spirits or acerbitynf temper. In mostinstan cos the pain is in the front of the head, r-ver one or both eyes. anu sometime»U prov: king vomiting; under this class may also be named Nearing-m. - For the ne.-meat. of either class of H eaeache Ihe Ce phalic Pills have been found a sure andsafe remedy, relie ving ‘he most acute pains In a few minutes, and byits subtle power eradicating \he diseases of which Headache is the unerriug Index. BRIDGET —-Missus wants you to send her a box of up halin mus, no, a. bottle of Prepared Plll:——anX’m think ing that's notjust it. naithm ; but perhaps y ”I be anther Raw-wing what it -s. Ye see she's nigh dead and gnne with :he not Headache, and wants 30m; more of that same as relaived her before Druggist _uVo must mean Spalding’s Cephalic Pills. Bridgzt.—Uch' sure nnw and you’ve sea it.here’sthe quarthwrand giv me the kills and dont be all day about it althex. Constipation on Costiveness. No one of the “mm ills flesh is heir to” is so prevalent, so 1m 1e “flier-Ft!)- d, and so much n—b-‘Pcted as (:o fineness. Uften adjusting in carelesmass or sedentary hahits; it is regard-M as n B“th dimmer of t 0 little consequence to excite anxiety, while in reality it -s the precursor and cumpsnion of man) 0 the mt-su fatal and dangerous dis esseu, and unless early eradicated It will hringlhe rufl'erer to an untimely grave Among the lighter evils of which castnvsm-ss is t= e usual :ittrnd nt sn- Heads. he, Polic, Rheumatism, Foul ureath, Piles and others of I lie nature whil a. long Irun ol fr gh'ful difll'asafl such sh Malignant Favers, lib-'sses. D sentery, Di rrhoen, Dyspepsia, Apn plexy, Epilepsy Paralysis, H. ates 1, Ilyp mhondriasis, Melancholy and Ins unity. first. indicate th- ir prespnce in the system by this alumni): snnptomv Not un requently the d seam-n names originate in Pansfipation, but take on an indepennent existence an-s the pause is «floated in an uin'ly stage From a“ thew cnns'demt‘ons It follows that the disorder shoulu recci . e immediate an trntiou when eve. it occurs and no person should neglect to get a. box of Cepualiu Pills on th first appuvatancc of them-mi laint, us theirt mrly u a will expel the insid-ous approaches of disease and dzstruy this dangerous foe to human life. A Real Blessing. ‘ Physician—Web. Mrs. Jones. how is that headache? Mrs J'. nus-Alone ! uoutnr. all gone E 1h» pill you sent cured mu in just. twanty Inmates and I wish yo would send more an that. I van have them handy. Physician .—YOn can get them at any Dmggiats. Call for ”rphalic Pills, I find they never fail, and I recommend tlmm in ail cases of Hea- ache V Mrs. Janos—l SL-ln sen: for abox directlv, and shall tell av]. my sufi'ering friends fo they are a rail blessing. Twsxwv MILLIONS 0:! Donna: Sunn.——Mr. Spalding has so a two million-s of bottirs 1' ms calebmtud Prepared Glue an i- is estimated that each bnttl saves a! Jeart ten uulhn worth of broken fuxnltu e, thus makmg an aggro }; -t9 0' tw nly millions o uolluxs reclaimed from to al loss uy this valuable invention Ewing made his bl -6 a household word, he nnw proposes to do the world still gran-er serrlcc by curinu all the aching hen H with his ()ephalic Pills and if they are as goml as his Glue, Head aches will soon vanish away like snow in July. a]? “van Exox'nzunx’r. and the mental care and anxipty inmdwnt 10 t' a clone attention to husiness 0- study, are :~mung the name out causes 0! Nervnus Headache. The disnrdered date of mind and body incident to thisdi-tress ins c..mpla.int is a. fatal blow Io all enurgy and snub-tinn ~11 own by this d.sorder can alWuys oblaiu speedy rel'ef from theme distressing attacks by using one 01 the Cephalic Pullq wnenever the symptoms appeur It quit-ts the over tasked b ain, and aouthresthe strained and j tring nerves, and relast the tension of the s'omach which always :10» companies‘and agaavates the disordered condition of the brain. FAc'r‘woa'm xxowma —Spalding’s CRDhalic Pills are a rennin cure lor tick Headache, Bilious Headache, Nervous Headache, Costiveneaa and General Debi my. GREAT Discount—Among the most important of all the grant Int-died dismveriea of thid age man be considered the s atrm of vaccination for protection from Small Pox, the C--phmie Pill for relief of He dache, and the use of Quinine for the prevention of Favors. either of which in a sure specific. whose benefits will be eXperienced by But faring humanity long alter their diacoverers are forgotten. 313’"!!! you ever have the Sick Hondache? Do you remember the throbbing temples, Ihr favored brtw, the In. thing and disgust at the sight of food? How totally unfit you were 1’ t pleasure, conversation or may One or the ‘ epbalnc Pills would have relieved you from all tbs suffering Which you then experienced For this nan ther purposes yap should always have a box of them on hand to use a» occasron requires. Mia/z Oée’z’gu Baa%e - NervouSHe‘adache «:11; em of» vkmdfi Egg? “(993113), By the use of these Pills the periodic attacks of NM vouq or Sic/c Headache may be prevented ; and if taken at the v ommencement of an attack immediaxe relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. The)? Bvlflflm fail in removing the Nausea and Hand achg fa which females are no subject. The! “'3‘ 89": th upon the bowels,— removing Codi-ve ncss. ‘ For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Femalen, and an pyraons of sedentary habits,they'are valuable as a. Lalatwa, in‘prming the appetite, giving (one and vigor t x the digestive org me, and tutoring the natural elasticity and at enmh of this whole system. _ ’l‘hv (MPB ALlc PILLS are the ten“: of lung invest?- g .tion and caretully conducted experiments, Inning heen in us“ mm! yearn, during which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and aufl‘eriug'from Hem 4:119, whet}: er originating in the nan-ous Bysmln 01' fi-um a deranged state of the stomach. They He entirely vegetable in their composition, Ind may ‘ 8 when ".t all times with pertect a—fety without mn kiUß a“) “hflflge of diet. and the absence of any dua gneabte taste nude” it easy to admmistar tham 10 cnildren. 't BEWK EOF COUNTERFEITS! . The genuine have rm signatures of Hem-y C. Spaldins 0" each Lox. ' ‘= Sold by Druggiatu mm other dealers in Medicines. A Box will he Ben l-y'mail prepaid on receipt of the PRICE ' WENTY-FIVE CENTS. All orders 3110111 I e addressed to ~ Ina, BY 0.31%“ DING, 4s emu}: STREET, NEW YORK. nol4-dkwy. 3. M 1131125 of Emmi. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROA D EM FIVE TRAINS DAILY T 0 85 FRflM PHILADELPHIA. The Bridge at Conewago having been reJmilt7 the Passenger Trainsof the Pennaylvaniullailroad Company win resume their former route. 011 and after MONDAY, OCTOBER 1511!, 1860, they will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : EASTWABD THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves HarrEsbux-g at, 1.15 3., m ,and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.10 n. m . FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 6.15 5.. m., every day except Monday, arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.00 a. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.00 p m., ar rives at West Philadelphia at 5.00 p. in. These Trains make close connection at Philadelphia with the New York Lines. MT. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, NOll, leaves 6.50 a. m., Mt. Joy at 8.02, and connects at Lancaster at 8 50 with LANCASTER TRAIN, arriving at West Phila dclphin. at 12.10 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves at at 3.50 p. m., Columbia. at. 5.15, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9 05 p m. _ MT. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN: No. 2 leaves at 4.00 p. m., Mt. Joy at 5.11, connects with HARRIS. BUBG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN East at Dillervilld at 5.40, arriving at West Philadelphia at 9.05 p. m. WESTWARD THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.45 p. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 2.55 a. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m.J at. rives at Harrisburg at 12.50 p. m. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.50 a. m ~ arrives at Harrisburg at 4.00 p. m. MT. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. I,loaves Lancaster on arrival of MAIL TRAIN West, at 11.04 a. m. , leaves Mt. Joy at 11.42, and arrives at Harrisburg at 1.00 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.001). 111., Columbia at 6.10, and arrives at Harrisburg at 7.35 p. m. MT. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves Lancaster, on the arrival of LANCASTER TRAIN West, at 1.54 p. m., Mt. Joy at 8.30, and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.42 p. m. . Passengers leaving Philadelphia. at 4.00 p. m . , on LAN CASTER TRAIN, connect at Lancaster with MT. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN No. ‘2, at 7.54, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.24 p. m SAMUEL D. YOUNG, octh-dtf Supt. East. Div. Penn’a Railroad. NEW AIR légNE ROUTE NE‘V YORK. _;W:, ~,W, Pfiifli‘; - n ~ 3 », r ‘ uu-fiO— fig Mm Tu“ ¥ ‘ _ r_ >_ _ u-w-rs . u- u -. .» ?‘*-..= Shortest in Distance and Quiekest in Time BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OF NEW YORK AND HARRISBURG, SEM READING, ALLENTGWN AND EISTON} ”MORNING EXPRESS, West, leaves New York at 6 a. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 12.-15 noon, only 6% hours between the two cities. MAIL LINE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and at five: at Harrisburg at. 8.30 p. m. MORNING MAIL LINE, East, leaves Harrisburg in 8.00 a. m , arriving at New York at 4.30 p. m. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE, East, leaves Harris. burg at 1.15 p. m., arriving at New York at 9.00 p. m. Connections are made at Harrisburg at 1 .00 p. m. with the Passenger Trains in each direction on the Pennsylva nia, Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Railroads All Trains connect at Reading with Trains for Potts. ville and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Manet Chunk, Eamon, 6w. No change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between New York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 a. In. Line from New York or the 1.15 p. m. from Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery and speed, comfort and accom modation, this Route presents superior inducements to the traveling public. Fare between New York and Harrisburg, FIVE Donuns . For Tickets and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, jel ___. ' Harrisburg [B6O. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY F 21-424»er 7.5%: “‘1 fifygg‘r" :1 ' fl :"nf-lp!‘ .“_3.J§ e—fiii—PC‘J‘: Wff’i‘dvl-vn‘ N O T l 0 E. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON AND AFTER. 5 U NDA Y, MAY 27th, 1860, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will leave Harrisbufg as follows : G UIN G SOU TH . , EXPRESS TRAIN will leave at...... . . .140 a. m ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave at.. 7 30 a. m EMAIL TRAIN wi111eaveat.......... . .. 1.00 p.lll GOING NORTH. MAIL TRAIN will leave an... .....‘M . . . 1.20 p. m EXPRESS TRAIN will leave at. . . . . ... . . “9.32 p. m The only trains leaving Harrisburg on Sunday will he the EXPRESS TRAIN at 1.40 a. m., going South, and the EXPRESS TRAIN at 9.32 p. m., going North. For further information apply at the oflice, in Penn sylvania Railroad Depot. JOHN W. HALL, Agent. Harrisburg, May 26, 1860.—my28 PHILADELS’HIA AV READING RAILROAD, SUMMER ARRANG EMENT. ON AND AFTER MAY 28, 1360, TWO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG DAILY, (Sundays e:eepted,) at 8.00 A. M., and 1.15 P, M., for Philadelphia, arriving there at 1 .23 'l’. M . , and 6.15 P. M. RETURNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA at 8.00 AM. and 8.30 P.M.,arriving at Harrisburg at 12 45 noon and 8.30 P. M. FARES:——To Philadelphia, No. 1 Cars, 83.25; No. 2, (in sauna train) $2.70. PARKE—To Beading $1.60 and $l.BO. At Reading iconnoct with trains for Pottsvilie, Miners ville, Tannin, Outawissa, be. FOUR TRAINS LEAVE READING FOR PHILADEL PHIA DAILY, at 6 A. m., 10.45 A. m., 12.30 noon and 3.43 P. M. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOB READING- at .6 . 01., 1.00 P. m., 3.30 P. M., and 5.00 P. M. lAßES:—Beading to Philadelphia, $1.75 and $1.45. THE MORNING TRAIN_ FROM HARRISBURG 00N~ NECTB AT READING with up train for Wilkasbure Pittaton and Scranton. l‘or through tickets and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, my‘zidtf , ‘ » General Agent. PHILADELPHIA A N n READING RAILROAD REDUCTION OF PASSENGER FARES: ON AND AFTER MONDAY, “mu. 2, 1860 CODIMUTATION TICKETS: With 26 Can one will be issued between any 1’0““! desired, good (For ths holder and any mam?“ of his family, in any Passenger tmin,and at any tune—at 25 per cent. below the regular fares. Parties having occasion to use the Road frequently on business or pleasure, will find “I“ “o'9 arrangement convenient and ewnomical; 5" Four 9335938" trains run daily each way between Refidmgfind Philm‘ielphin, and Two Trains daily between Rendmg‘ POttGVllle and Harrisburg. On Sundays, only one box-mug train Down and one afternoon train UP, runs betyean Pottsville and Philadelphia, and no Passenger tram on the Lebanon Valley Branch Railroad- For the above Txckets, or any Information relating thereto, apply to 5- _Brndford, Ram, Treuurer Philadel. phia. to the raspectxve Ticket Agents on the iine, or to G. A. NICOLLS, Genenl Sup’t, March 27, 1860.—mnr28-dtf H A T O H 8; C 0. , SHIP AGENTS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 133 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, DEALEBSIN FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, COTTON, WINES AND LIQUORS: TOBAUGO AND CIGARS. novfl-dfim' , ‘M ANTED—S,OOO pounds OLD COP PER, for which we will pay .the very highest manila: Iprice in cash, at the EAGLE WORKS. no In BERHNGTON HERRTNG ! 0676”“ received by WM. DOCK, Im, 6; CO SANFORD’S LIVER INVIGURATDR, NEVER DEBILI TATES T is compounded entirely (rum Gums, and In I become an established fact, I Standard MedicmaJnm and approved by all that. sorted to with confidence it is recommended It has cured thousandal who had given up all hopes unsolicited certificates in . The dose must be adapted Individual taking it. and to Mtgenuy on thabowels. Let the dictate-‘9 of your use of the LIVEfi IN will cure Liver (tank, lacksfl) yspepsi a, Summer_ 1; o m— r'nnro may: Sour C 0 Hi v eness, the]. ra Mon-bus, Cholera lence, Jnnndicc, es, and may be used nuc ry, Family Medi-‘ H E A D A C H E, ( a twenty minutes, i i spoonful! are taken tack. H All who_ use ii are} in its favor. I 9.] MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE 115719 OBA'L‘OB, AND SWALLOW BUTH TUGETHE‘B. Price One Dollar Rcr 3939,39. —— LLB!) SANF 0 R D S BATHARMPILLS. Pure Vegetable Extracts, Cases, 4132' Tight, and 202' The Family Cnthar-l ' active Cathartic, which ”1 his practice more than‘ The constantly inc-ream; who have long used the tion which all axpreasin induced me to placa- them The Profession well know act nuditferent portions, 3| Tho FEM [LY (:A-l with due reference to this; D commanded from a uric-i Extracts. which act alike H manta” canal and are E" cases W!) are a dathartic is rangementsofflie m Pain: in the Back ness, Pain and Son- 4 body, from sudden cold,‘ glected, end in a long Appetite. a Creeping m over thr body, Rest wamm 13 ml Hm), all E" EASES, Worms In Chilv: tism,agrent PURIFIEB' diaeaaesm which flesh it; mention intbia advertise Price Three Dimes. The Liver‘ Invigoratov and Family Cathartia Pills m retailed by Dmg?m generally, and sold whnlaeaia by the Trade in all the any towns S. ‘l‘. “7 SANFORD, M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor. 208 Broad“), N. Y. iy7-d&wly )‘1 mm _M J’Nlfi CHILDREfi “ M H 44“, MRS. WINSIADW, An experienced Nursn and FA le-o Physician, present: to me attention of mothers, he: soo'rume SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. which greatly facilitates the proves: of teething, by softening the gums, ryducing all infiammafiuu—wifl allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action. and is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. Wei ave put up and Huld Ihin article for t-wr ten years. 311110.11“ SAY, 1N CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH 01 in what we have never bee-n able to say of any other medi cine—NEVEß HAS [l‘ FAILED. IN A SINGLE IN STANU‘“, TO EFFECT A CURE. when timely used. Never did we know an in tance o) dissatisfaction by any one who used it. On We contrary, a.” urcdelighted with its operations, and speak in terms of commendation of its magical effects and medical Virlfllcn We apenk in this matter “WHAT ”E D 0 KNOW.” after ha y ars' experience, AND PLEDGE “UR h NPL’TA'I'IUN PM! THE FULFILLMENT OF WHAT WE HERE DE CLARE. In almost Pvery insfance when: me infant. is suffering from pain and exhaustion. relin will be- found in fifteen or twenty minutes alter the syrup in adminis tered. 1860 This valuable preparation is the prescription of 0-13 of the most EXPERIENUI- D and SKI LLEUL NURSES in New En land, and has been used with NEVER: FAIL ING 811501985 in MOSANDS on CASES It not only relic-(ea thr. child fmm min, but invigo rates the atrtmach and bum-in, correrts acidity. and gives tone and energy to the whola system. It will al most instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS AND WIND GOLIO, and overcome convulsions, which, if not npeedily reme died, and in death. We believe it the BEST and Sl] REST REMEDY IN THE WORLD. in an car-vs of DYSEN— TERY and DIARRHGA 1N CHILDREN, whether it arisen from teething, or from any mher cause. We would say to every mother ‘- ho hau- a. - hild shfi‘érhfiu from ME of the foregoing complaints—DO NUT LET YOUR PH J UDICES, NOP. THE PBEJ EDI!) ES 01" OTBEBS,smfl between you and your Bufl'vring child, and the reliel am: will be SURE—yes, ABSOLUTELY SURE—to follow the use of this medicine, if timely uncd. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. Nona genuine union the fac-simile o CURTIS k PERKINS, Now York, is on the outnidv wrapprr. Sold by Druggints throughout the world. ancxmL OFFICE, 13 CE 4m Srnu. NEW Your. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. aep29-d&wly IT WILL PAY YOU READ THIS. IT ‘VILL PAY YOU OBSERVE WHAT I SAY !! IT WILL PAY YOU HARRISBURG ! ! ! TO SEE AND MAKE YOUR PURCHASES FROM THE LARGE, HANDSOME AND FASHIOI‘ ABLE STOCK 0F READY MADE CLOTHING. CLOTH, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS KNOWN ARGADE,WO. 3 JONES BOW. AVAILING MYSELF OF THE ADVANTAGES WHICH READY CASH PRESENTS, I OFFER ALI: GOODS AT 10 PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSES. CHAS. S. SEGELBAUM. P. S.——-I[AVING SECURED A FIRST RATE CUTTER AND TAILOR, I AM NOW READY TO MAKE CLOTHING TO ORDER IN THE MOST- FASHIONA BLE STYLE. eetfi-d4m FOl. the genuine 1M Lula \a‘usTARD g: to " 7 KELLEB’S DRUG STORE. ELLEH S DB U(1 b'l UH r is one plade in find the be“ assortment of Pun: Mnu'nama ' ' ‘- ELLEB’S DRUG STUlflu’ is nhe piaoc A to buy Balm of Thousand Flown. filebimi. ‘ have used mud is new re in all thadiseamfomhich within the lat two yam of relic-I'. as the numerous my possvasion show. ito the tempammentof 1.2 m used in such quantities as judgment guide you in the VIGOHJaTOR, and it plniizza, Hill! us A!- Chronic Diarrhoea. ‘p l u i n 7. 5, ”name. Stomach, ll bins! ic, Choiera, Chok l nfanzum, l" l nul- Female W ea II I: ll cenafnlly an an Ordimy vino. It will cure SICK thousamh can testify.) in two or three I‘s:- lat mmmenoement of It . H :> giving the]: million; FA MIL? COMPOUNDED FROM md put up in Glass '1! keep an any climate. tic PILL is s gentle an! {the proprietor has used in twenty yearn ling demand from thou PILLS, and the satiatio regurd to their use ha within the reach of J! that difl'eront Cit-hum! of the bowels. THAB'I'IC PILL MI, we" established fact, been ty of “18 purest Veéeubla on every part of o .3.- good and sale in all needed such u 1)... Stomach, Sleepineu, and being, native-- lieu over the who]. which frnqm-ntly if as coat» or Fever, Loss of Sensation of Cold lessneu, Human, a! INFLAMMATOR'E‘ DES“ dren 0! Adults. SEN-1",:- ,Of the 81.00.?) 317: n. 7, ‘heir, too numerous to meat. Dose. 3to 8, TO TO FOR. A VISIT I‘o NOW EXPOSED AT THE WELD I WARRANT A FIT ERgNO SALE