LOUAL NEWS. TaanAmr PA-mxof u‘n Umox may be had at Jnok's Book Store,corner of Third and Market shoots. I=l=lllll PA-mmr AND Hanan—The Dun PA'rnmr Axn Umon can he had by Dauphin subscribers, every morning, at the periodical store of J. S. Flam. __._._.-—~v— couscrxon.—The carriers of the PA-nuo'r ARI) Umol beg leave to say that. they will, as usual, collect their dues this morning. ' Tn: Union Prayer Meeting will be bold in the Presbyterian Church, on Market Square, this after. noon, at 4:o’clock, as usual. Ovsrnns.—our western causins must be awful oyster gourmandizers. The Adams Express some times takes as high as three car loads, or twenty one tons a day through. There are now some fifty eshblisbments in Balzimoré engaged in putting up oysters for the western market. _ 351”“ Tm: MAYom—William Patterson (not the man who was assaulted) and Charles Neel, par ties in distress, were wendin g their way from New Orleans Vto‘ New York. They had the run of a freight train, and might have reached Philadel phia, but they become disgusted with the alumina. among, and took a. fancy to raposa for a night on the city feather beds, and bake the chances of get. ting sway. The Mayor gave them permission to areas their journey toward the can. Tn: (hum—Boating on the canal is still brisk i‘ho high water interfered with the passage of beats across the Clark’s Ferry dam for a few days, but all is right again. The Juniata. division will be closed on the 30th of this month; but between Clark’s Ferry and Columbia. it will be kept open until the 10th “December, or longer, if the weather will permit. The toils taken at the Collector’s of fice in this city are said to average $6,000 a. day, which in a large increase over any business ever done upon the canal since it was built. Ann-um Gunman—We are informed that our friend Gen. E. C. Williams is a candidate for Ad jutant General. It is understood that there are al ready six or eight candidates in the field, so that. the phone will not easily be captured, although Gen. Williams is eminently qualified to fill the po sition. The salary is rather small, and Adjutant General Wilson reeommended last winter that it should be raised; but the Opposition House and Senate took no action upon his recommendation.— This winter it. will probably receive a favorable consideration. Exrensxvn Snemne SALE.-—Tlle sheriff adver tises to sell, on the 215 i. inst..,a. large number of care, locomotives, and other-Jnovahlo property he longing to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.— Here is a rare chance for bargains, bnt'pnrnhasere will likely be required to move their property forthyigh from the real estate of the company, so they had better find a place to take their cars and locomotives, or they may be placed in a. similar prodiéament to the man who won the elephant. in a. raffle. ‘ Purchasers from abroad should assure themeelres that the sale is actually coming elf, or they might have their trip for nothing. One thing we do know, and thal is, that the business of the road will go on. I=l Is n rnn 1:“)le SnimnnL—There is a strong suspicion that. this beautiful and charming weather is in fact the. real, genuine Indian summer, such as we used to have in years gone by. It lacks some of the characteristics—the smoke and haze—and is a. little, just a. little, too cool for old-fashioned In dian-Summer weather; but just the thing for com- A'ort. our! pleasure, in-doors and out. Leaving the question as to genuinenc'ss for the philosophers versed in weather statistics and signs, we eongratulnte the farmers upon their extraordi nary facilities for closing the labors of the season— the poor upon the economy of warm weather over cold, in fuel, clothing, &e.-tho pleasure-seekers upon the splendid drives and amusements—end herd-working men generally, including newspaper editors and printers, on their ability to perambu late the streets of this city with comfort and enfety, as they mnyiglo while the walking remains at present. Whether it. is Indian Summer or not: the weather is good enough for all practical pur poses, and we believe everybody is satisfied with it. Stu-n Tneastznnnr-Henry D. Moore, of Phil adelphis, having been Mr. Slifer's only competitor last winter, for the nomination for State Tree. surer, was supposed to have a sure thing of it this winter, but doubtful things are supposed to he might; uncertain, and it is I. well 'aaeertained fact that “there is many a. slip ’twixt the cup and the lip.” We hear now of two additional candi datu, who will try their strength in the caucus— Mr. Baldwin; late Senator from Lancaster, and Mr. Freneie, late Speaker of the Senate. Each of these men have theirfriende, end there is a shrewd aus picion'eilont that a promineof Western support to Mr.‘ Francis had something to do with his with drawal from the contest, after being‘ fairly nomi nated for Senator in his district. Mr. Baldwin in not without his friends, so that the contest is al ready 1 triangular one, thus only in the day, and whit _it will reach _by January, there is, no anrmi-. sing; :It would be great ingratitude to leave Moore out in' the cold after the assuranoee. that have been given him. ‘ BlowpotTnns' Do In Pe-In this little city of Hur risburg,‘ there are a. large number of ' persons who never work, nor follow any other occupation than killing time. They are not known to have any in come, and they have never done anything to war zanl the belief that they have a pile laid away to fell heel; upon. They have not the purse of For tnnatus to dive into, neither huve they the Phi losopher‘s stone, which is supposed to have the power" of transmuting bar iron into double eagle"s.' In short,“uot to put too fine a. point upon it,” they have no visible means of support, and yet, strange to say, like Dives, they dress “in purple and fine linen,” and absolutely live on the fat of the land! It has been wisely said that one-half the world does not know how the other half lives—but "1““ We speak of this class, we can amend the saw by‘the square assertion that uuboc‘yrhkuows 110' they live eicept theulselves. _lt ie‘nn enignil. —-". mystery, deep and ‘uhfnthousahle—iieohapreé hen‘sihle to even those astute philosophers who have “1"“ ““59 and efl'eot a life-long study. WI ill-'9 1836th two score of yenrs, and during 1309!!!!“ ‘11“ film We have hammered away at ”anal“? and 3"” i‘ h“ kept us busy to make “$.99“? #13.“- Whene‘erhusiness mi; tempura- \ rily checked, we were panic~strieken, and'sneaked‘ § 05' 16151:, ,th‘p grocer, Chucks. the butcher, and ‘ Don‘ghhssdgjhehsker, like a man guilty of gem ‘ mfiifilidddénay, to ask, them for their wares “on time?" Now, whit we went; is to gum against any euoh- emergency. In short, we "at the re ceipt, and we are willing to pay _for it. “ How to live well" without following any occupation.”— Whnt a. taking title. Come down, some of you:— Give us the full particulars. We covets. life of in dolent ease,just for variety ; for, if the fellows who are in that line, ma saunter about bot-rooms. reading rooms, and the sunny side of the streets,- do not enjoy themselves, then we place a false es tingle upon life, end if convinced of this feet, we shnll 1" ready to etelaim, in the language of the Pmphet‘, that “all is vanity and vention of' spirit”: 5 ' i Tm: Posr Ormcn Adam—ln our notice some days since of the candidates for the ‘o'fli'ce of Post master in this oity,we did not do fulljuetioe to the claims of Mr. Ahraheni Freaner, one of the most prominent among them, and therefore allude to the subject again. There is a singular parallelism in the history 'of the lives (if 'Abraham‘Ft-eaner and the President elect, Abraham Lincoln. The nalno of Mr- Freaner’s grandfather was Abram”! 3““ '° was Mr. Lincoln’s. Mr. Freaner was named after his grandfather, and 'so was Mr. Lincoln- In ”'l3 life Mr. Frenner “ mauled rails” for a living as well as Mr. Lincoln, and ”cent” they both ha‘ve done their boat at "‘ mauling Democrats.” It is true that Mr. Frenner never Captained a flat boat, but we feel confident from his commanding energy o’chamcter, that he would have done so had 1).; men on the banks of the Ohio or “ Big Muddy.” Mr. Freaner and Mr. Lincoln both com menced life poor and nnfriended, and by their per severance and industry have acquired busts .of friends, and worked their way up to independence and high position. Their occupation in late life has run in difl'ereut channels, but it Would not per. haps he difiicnlt to prove that Mr. Freaner has made himself most useful to his countrymen ; for while Mr. Lincoln has been delving into the ab strnse mysteries of the law. and shaking up the dry bones ofpau bipeds for the benefit of the pre rent generation, Mr. Frenner has been devoting his powers to agricultural chemistry; and grinding up the dry bones of defunct quadrupeds for the general benefit of the agricultural interests of his country. _ Now as these qualifications—according to our Republican friends—constitute Mr. Lincoln’s pecu liar fitness for the high poeition of President of the United States, they would certainly qualify Mr. Ereaner in an eminent degree for the position of Postmaster of the city of Harrisburg,and as we cannot for a. moment entertain the idea that Mr. Lincoln will ignore the qualifications that recom— mended him to the sum-ages of his party, we look upon the appointment of Mr. Freaner as certain. Fmsr Farms—Yesterday morning Mayor Kep ner received a dispatch from Chambershurg, re questing him to have a black man and a white wo men, then on the Cumberland Valley train due here at 11 o’clock, arrested and detained, together with their baggage. The dispatch came from on authentic source, but whut they were charged with was not specifiel. It is altogether likely that it was an elopement—at least not likely to he a. slave case from that locality. By some means or other it leaked out that an arrest of a. black man and white woman was to be made, and when the train arrived, a. large number of negrees had assembled at the depot. The Chief of Police and the Mayor both were there, and they saw and recognized a big buck negro as black as the shades of night, in company with a. passable looking white woman; but the menacing attitude of the derkiee, their crowding upon the parties, and mysterious whis perings, satisfied the Chief that. the arrest. would be met by a. determined effort on the part of the negroes to rescue. .Has it come to this, that all laws are to he set at. defiance by negroes? Has the’election of Lincoln so emboldened them that they are to be exempt. from all arrests ? Verily we have fallen upon evil times, if these are a. foreman: of the resales arising from dragging the nigger into politics.. The Chief accompanied the train to Philadelphia upon which the loving pair tool: passage, and it is more than likely that by this time he has them secured. WATCH PansmTATwN—The brick wnrk of the extensive buildings of the Pennsylvania Railroad Conipany being about completed, the brick masons met '35 gross’ tavern last evening. and presented the Foreman, Mr. JAMES KELSO, with a fine gold lever watch. The presentatian was made on be half of the bricklayers by William Bell. The gift was a. surprise to Mr. KOl5O, who said, in substance : Gentleman and fellow-workmen, this is indeed a. surprise, which has almost deprived me of the power of speaking, but not uffeeling. lam deeply grateful for [his token of your esteem, and shall always cherish the motives which prempted it.— Beneath the rays of a. hot summer’s sun we have stood side by side, until the structure was reared, and the work finished. We are now about to part, and many of us may never meet in this world again, but I shall ever have a kind remembranpe of my fellow-workmen, who have so highly oom plimented me. Again I thank you, and hope you may all live long, have plenty of work, and enjoy all the blessings of life.” I At the corrolusion the party spent a. short time in social enjoyment, and discussing their future prospec tB. Tun Choctaw Nation seems to he a moilel com munity. All lands, it is said, are held in common, and eeeh Indian, of those connected with him by affinity or consanguinity, settles down , and no one is allotted to come nearer than n quarter of a. mile of this enclosure; and that is his olaim, and he is protected in his possession by the laws of the no tion, as though it were his in fee simple. Mer chants, mechanics, professional men, machinists, m., are allowed to live there by permit from the council, but no one is allowed to produce anything more than is necessity for the use of himself and his family outside of his trade sir-profession. Not a drop of spiritons‘liqnors is allowed to-be given away, or transported through the nation ; and 'all that is found by the Vofiioer is poured out; and if found in any wagon, witer-ei-a’fu, or on horseback, the whole establishment is confiscated to the use of the nation. , Jncxsox & Co.—We ml] the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Jackson a; 00., fashionable fabricators of fixings fur the the an.: (lei-standings. J when is a skillful workman, and is especially au fail in ladies’ work, such as kid boots, 3mm, wedding shoes, £9. We have pa tronized him‘to some extent, and have found every thing he make: neat and. durable, and as cheap‘as eén be had anywhere. ‘ . ' SALE or Gm Pnopsnrv.—The brick house and the lot, the property of the late Mrs. Bard, located in! Third street, west of Locust, was sold on Thurs day evening, for s3,ooo—Abrabam Freaner, Esq" banning the patch-Ber. MUSIC ! MUSIC !-—To be sold—a deaided bargain —a. fine toned music box-piays eight familiar tunes—box solid rosewood, splendidly inlaid.— Gan be seen every evening at Breyer’a Gl‘een Bay. Saloon, Market street, under Eby’a building—VlM is authorized to sell it. Also, a family atereoocope, nith a. great uri'ety‘of stereoscopic pictures, far sale che'ap, as shove. ’ ambit Wom'n Kuowme.——That Brownold & San, cor not of Market and Second streets, sell linen hand. ketchiefs ssls}, worth 121‘ cents; Chenil scoffs at 25 cts., worth double ; goat’s pure linen handker chiefs, 25 ots., worth 50 cents; splendid levy cali eoes at 10 cents ; hemp carpet, 20 m., worth 31; half wool carpet e: 25, worth 37%; all wool, 50a56, "m“ ”i and 75 con“; u. great assortment of 510'?! and Hosiery; floor all cloth at 3711::144, worth 50362 cts. BhudflfNubias, children‘s hoods, mus line. “’0 to” 39-; and, Best. of all, 'douhl'e: Bruche shards it 0|”! $lOO. worth $l4 on. All manna many other bal'gnins to be had at Browubld’s‘éheub corner,'Merkqt gm! Second streets, Wyetb’s‘bnild i3B9 opirds'i'te Jones House. nofi-dwa ‘ BAUER Kmuw LUNCH at the Exchange restau rant to day, at 10 o’clock. A .; ‘ CHARLES. Dm-xs, Proprietor. an Goons! an Goonsl—aning returned from Nm'v York, I have received now a‘large lot 0f goods, all of which I bougnt at. auction. One bun dred pieces of beautiful Set Flower De Lainos, the best» quality, which generally sells for 25 cents, at 20 cents ; :30 pieces Unbleached Muslin, the best in town, at 10 cents; 150 pieces of Cassiuetts, Sati nctts and Cnssimercs, from 25 cents up to 31-25 9' yard; 25 pieces of White Flannel, cotton mixed, at 15 cents; 25 dozen of White Merino Stockings at 15 cents; 50 dozen of Gent’s Wool Socks, 20 acute a. pair; 10 duzen Gent’s AlLL'men Pocket Huntl kcrchiefs with Colored Borders, very fine, 31 cents; goo-. 1 Merino Undersbirts and Drawers, at 65 and 75 cents a place. A lot ofbeaut-ifu] Traveling Baskets. Best Calico-33,10 cents, warranted fast colors. Please call at mer’s, at. the ma stand of John Rhoads, Esq., deceased. if. SPECIAL N 0 TIUES. ——-+-,-—- HELMBOLD‘S GENUINE PREPARATION Clues Gra vel.‘B a'dur. Droysy, Kidny Afl‘:t:_t_i£9_§._“_NWW‘” HELL! OLD’S Gmuiue Prcpamtion for Nervous and Dnhilitated Sufierera. HELMBML vs Genuine Preparatinn for Loss of Power, Lou of Memory. » FIEL‘IBOLD’S Genuine Preparation for Dillieulty of Braath Im, General Weakness. HELVIB’UJD'S Genuine Praparation for Weak Nerves, _ Horror_of Death, Trembling. . HELMB'ILD‘S Genuine Premrntion for Night Sweats, 001:! Feet, Dinmexs of' Vision. HhLLMBOLD’B Genuine Preparatisn for Languor,Uni- Val-3a! Lasnitnde of the Muscular System. HELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparation for Pallid Counte naace and Eruptions. ‘ . HELMBOLD S Gmujne Prepxmnion for Pains in the Bark. Hradacbe, Sick Stomach. {Face advnrtisement beaded HELMBOLD’B EXTRACT BUCHU in another column. nol4-ddcw3m FEVER. AND AGUE, AND ALL FEVERS are cured by perseverance with BRANDBETII’S PILLS, which takes all poisons, of whatever nature they may behfrom the circulation. Mr. John Y. Knight, Supervisor of New Castle, Wd'st chester county. New York, says, November. 1868 : “ I was. two years sgo, uttnc ed with fever and agile, which, notwithstanding the best medical advice, con tinued to sorely nm‘ct me for six tedious months; I he cam- yellow as sefion, and reduced to skin and bone. Medicine and physicians were abandoned in despair. As an experiment, I cnncluded to try a. single dose of six of Brandreth’s Universal Vegetable Pills, on an empty stomach, early in the morning. The first dose seemed to arouse all the latent energies of my exhausted frame. I feared the worst—their purgative effect was difl’eront from anything I had ever used or heard of. At length this efl‘ect ceased, and I seemed lighter and breathed freer. That evening I was indeed sensibly better and slept soundly all night The next day I followed me same course, and continued to take the pills in this way about three Weeks when I found mysell‘emirely cured. My health has been surprisingly good ever since.” Sold, price 25 cents, at No. 294 Canal street. New York, and by all Druggists. Also, by (mo. 11. BELL, corner of Second and Chestnut streets, Harrisburg, and by all respectnhle dealers in medicines. nos-dctwlm if?! WARRANTED IN ALL CASES If]: DR. HARv E 1% GHRONO THERMAL FEM", PILLS. For the prevention and Cure ofall those diniculth-‘s to which the female syutem is peeulia: ly liable arismg from STOPI'AGN OF NATURE} 0R OBSI‘RUQTION. A These Pulls- va- naun been known to fail wk 11 the dive-nous have been. stnrtlv fallnw-d, and they are pevgfectly .mf In take by the moat delimit». 'l‘O MARRIED LADI Es th ,3, are particularly recom~ mended, as ch y prevent difilculties and restore nature, no matter from What cause the olestructinn may arise. A few days in most vanes ml produce the desired efl' ct; and although so powerful. yet nu injury Will evar result from their use. lint: those who are pregnant shoal: not um them. as they bur- an rfl'rct contrary ‘0 na‘ are. Pamphlels detailing tue r virtm-sm‘ith num - mus certificates from Well knx-Wn physicians and apotllcc;~ries, can be had on applic :- tien to the agenf, who wil bend the Pills. if (haired, by mail, post—paid, to any address, on receipt of the money 50le in boxes cont iuingvsixty pills. hy all the principal drugglsts and dual-. 15, and by DYOTT & 00., whalesale agnnts, North Secnnd aluet, Philadelphia. nov2—enddsuvly ___A-.+-4..__. A NE W BEM E D Y Superseding Ccn EBS, Our NBA, GM‘SELES, or any compound that has «var h:- 1: hereto the pe ple. It has been used by ONE HUNDRE I) PHYSICIANS, In their priva‘e pmct‘ue, with entire succel-s, in all cases. B ELL’S SP ECIFIU PILLS, For diseases ofa pr um; 11 -ture; a - um -isfrzquent'y per fwmsd m a wave, and entire c -nfideuce may be placed in "mm. This lemledy is a unwly discovered specific, mom active and speedy in its: effects thnn Gubyhs or Copaxba alone. The pills are ha f the rim: of Capsules. and never nausente the atmuach, or impregnatuthe breath. Six dozen pi la in a. box—prim one dollar, and will be sent by mail, pm -paiu, by t 9 agent. on receipt of the money. Sold by 101 l the principal drugg-sts and dealers, and by DYDTT‘ & 00., Wholemle agents, North Second street, l'hiladelybia. nbvß-eodddcwly - THE JAPANESE, THE GREAT E STERN. H. E. H. THE PRINCE OF \VALES DE JOINVILLE. May come and go and be FORGOTTEN, But the lustre. the ebony blackness, the rich browns, the natural appearanc~. the sensation of pride and pleasure, produced by the application of that harmless preparation, CRISTADORO’S EXCELSIOE HA I R DY E , Will unquestionably be gratefully: REMEM B E B E D By all who use it, inasmuch as “A THING 0F BEA UTY 1324 JOY FOREVER.” Prepared No. 6 Astor House, New York. Sold every where, and applied by all Hair Dressers. qu-dBswlm Mothers, _read this, The foilowing in Q 1: extract from a. leittex written by a pastor of the Baptist Church to the Joann-til and Messenger, Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in favor of that. wiirld-g-enowned medicine—‘Mns, WINE 'Ljow’s Sum-mm Sunni EO3 Gunman TRETEIHG :. . '“We see an advertisement in yo_ 1: 901‘:th of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. New we never said a wprd in favor of a. patent. medicine before in our life,- butwre feel compelled to say to your readers, thdtthisjs no numbing—ln: um: TRIED 11', AND KNOW 11- To 3): ALL IT ‘cLAms. It is, prohably, one of the most successful medicines of the day, because it is one of the best. And those of your readers who have babies can’t do better than to lay in a supply. eep29-ddcwly I=l Dr. Brumm’s Concentrated Remedies. No 1. THE GREAT REVIVER. speedily eradicate-I all the evil efii-ctn of SELEAHUSE, ml Loss of Memory, Shortness of Bmmh, Giddinuss, Palpltueion ol‘ the Heart, Dimnesn of Vision, or any constitutional dammementa of the systnm, brough‘ on by the unreatraim-d indulgence of the pusaiona. Acts alvkeon either sex. Price One Dollar. No. 2. THE BALM will cum in from two to eight days, any case M GONOHRBGA, is wi Ihout taste or smell, and tequims no matriction of action or dlec. For either sex. Price One Dollar. . No. 3. THE TERER will cure in the shortest possible time. am case of GLEET, even after all other Remedie lmve lailed to produce the desired afloat. No taste or smell. Price One Dolhr. . ~ . . No. 4 THE PUNITEB is the only Remedy thgt win really cute strictures of the Ure'hra. No mam-r of how lung evading or nogle the case may be. Price One 'OO at. . No. 5. THE SOLUTOR will'cun any case of GRAVEL, permanently and apaedily remove all afflictions of the "ladder and Kidneys Price ”no Doll-4r. No. II F‘OK PA RTICUIJABS SEE CIRCULAR. No. 1 THE AMAKIN will cure the Wh tee radically, und in a much shnrmr time than Ihey can In- 'r-n-ofied b any ufllPr trpavmant. In fact, is the only remedy hunt wily: malllly correct this disorder. Pleasant to take Price One DO “I'. . - No. 8. THE ORIENTAL PASTILS ire certain. safe and apnedy in urndueinz MENfiTRUATION, or con-eating may Imgularilies of the monthly periods. Prim 'l‘no Donn-I. N 0 9 FOR PAB’I‘IUULARH “Eli 01H! lULAR. Eithur Remedy sun! free by mail on rs-ceipr nv' the price minded. Euclnse vantage stamp and get a Human. Gvnerfl Depot North-Ilia“ (-ornpr of '\ or); Awnue and flmmwhfll Street. Prints Ofiice 401 York Avenue, Phill dnlphil. Pa For Hale in Hurilbnrg only we A. BANNVAR'I‘. where Circu‘lll's containing valunlflo informal: en. with full de sar ptions of each case, will be dental-ed gratin: on appli “vmn. Addrels DR FELIX BRUNON ‘ aux-m r. 0. Box 99. Philadelphia, 1%. - WE call the attentlon of; our readers to an article advertised in “nth" column, called BLOOD FOOD. It is an entirely new discovery. and must not be confounded with any of the numerous pliant medi cines of flu! day. It is non row-run noon, already prepared for absorption; pleasant in the. mgte Ind natu- I'll in action, and Whntpne gain: he ratings. Let 1“ those, than, who we sullen-lug from pnvprty. Impurity _or deficiency'of bland, and eonséqneutly With fimno'chronic disease or ailment, take of this ”LOO” FOOD find he .re stnréd té‘hedth. We _notica that our drnrgiats have mcqivrq a. nnpuly of ma article. and also of the w'orld‘ "nowued Dn. Baron’s In: mugs 0mg»: A‘L,‘ curl-101l "“3 mother should have. It contain: no Immgoncur npinte' 'of any; kind :whgteyer, and m ‘courfv mnflt he lnvalmme‘ for nll infantile complaints. It WI” allay ll“ pain, and none!) the gums in process of tvethiug; and at the same time regulat'g nae bn'wela.- Let all mothers Ind num‘m, whu “give: enduredgmxjnus dnya and nlevplens night-B: pr.-.-: e u, iu'pply and be at once relieved. 1F Boa-Mverfiloment. Inl‘l-dlchm fittsmllanznug; Tua‘ Ammmu‘lon or Lmou'Aafla.—There is a growing tendency in this age to ”momma the most explcflfii" words of other languager, and after a. while to in finial-ate them into 0}“ own; than the word Cephalic, which is from the Greek, signirymg "for the head," is now becom ihg Popularized in cannectinn with' Mr. Spald‘ing’s great Headache remedy. lint it will soon be used in a more gfln' eral Way, and the wind Cephalic Wiu become as common ‘l9 Electron!» and many other-s whose distinction as for cign words has been worn away if vommon usage until they seem “native and to the manor born.” . ’ardly Realized. Hi ’R’l ’ll ’cl'l‘ible ’eadache fit. is hnftemoon , hand I sieppP'd into the hip! theearies hum! my; hi to 11m man, “Canyon 119858 um 0" n ’eudncbe 1" “Does it hache ’ard,” says ’0- “Hucredingly,” sayu hi, h and upon that ’0 gave me' 3'- Cepbahc Pin, band ’p_on mu ’onrr it cured me. 59 qu‘ck that I ’: rdly reamed 1 ’2l:] had an ’endwhe. ii? Runner: is the favorite sign by \vhiuh nature makes knownlany deviation whatever from the nsmul state of the bmi . and viewed in this light it may be looked on as a sa'egnhrd intended to give notice of disease whit ll might ‘ thcrw‘fxe escape attention, till too late to be reme died; and it- ihdications should neverbc neglect: d. Head. aches may be éln-sified under two names, viz : Symptoma tic and Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache is exmedingly common and same precursor o- a gram variety of diseases, among whichiare A pcplexy, emit 7 Rh. umat’sm and all febfi‘e diseases. In its nervous fem: it is symrs‘lhefic of disease. of theistomach constituting sic]: headache, of he patic diseise honstitut ng biliuus headache, of worms, constipetion a‘u other disorders of the bowels, as well as - renal and uterine «feelions. Diseases of the heart ave very . l‘requeotly attinded'with Hsac‘aches; Anaemia and plot on are also afiections which frequently occasirn headache.— laioyathic {leidache is also very common, being usually distinguished hy the name of nervous headache, sometimes coming on sudflenly in a. Etate of apparently sound health and proszmtmg at once the mental and physical energies, and in oth: in'stanees it comes on slowly, hexélded by da prsssion of sphits or acerbity of temper. In most ioslan ces the pain is‘jn the front of the head, over one or both eyes, and somefi mes prom king vomiting ; under this class may also be named Neuraigm. For the trestment of either class of Headache the Ge : phelic Pills hive been found a sure aodsnfe remedy, relie ‘ wing Ihe most Acute pains in a few minutes, and byils subtle power eredicniiog the diseases of which Headache is the unerriog index. BRIDGET —Missns wants you to send her a box of Cep— halic mus, no a bottle of Prepared Pals—but l’m think ing that’s not Just it nailher ; but perhaps yr ’ll be alther knowing what "2 Is. Ye see She’li nigh dead and gone with 1119 sick Headache, and wants mm: more of that same as relaived hér before . . D_gmlst -—Vuo must mean Spalding’s Cephalic Pills. Bridget —ocll ' sure now and you’ve sad it.bore’sths qua-that and y'v me the rifle and dont be all day about i! ait er. . . Constipation or Costiveness. No one of the “mans ills flesh is hail-m” is so prevalent, so litlle understmd, and so much neglected as 00 tivenessv Often originating in carelesx-neas or sedentary habits; it is regal-dad as a. slight disorder ol‘ 1: -0 little conivquence to excite anxiety. while in reality it is the precursor and companion of many 0 the most fatal and dangerous d!- eaa-es, and unless early eradicated It will bring xhe rufferor to an untimely grave Among the lighter evils of which costxvem an in tr e “sud art-rm! at an: Heada’no, I olic, BheumatEsm, Foul Breath, Piles and others of 1 k 9 nutnre whil a lung Imm of fr gh‘ful disc-asses such an Malignant Frvers, Ab‘rflfles, D sontery, I): "hora. Hyspepsm, Apn plexy, Epilupay Paralysis, Hx start-1, va vuhondriaflls, Melancholy and Ins-nity. first indicate th ir presence in the system by 111 s aim-mm Svn‘ptom. Not In: requently the d season nameu cumin-ale in t‘onstipation, but mka on an independent existrnee nless the c-anse in mediated in an early atfige Frum all these cunn-demt’ons it follows that thedisortler aliuulu receive immediate a=t~ntiou when eve: it occurs and no person shoulu nc-glm-t to get a box or Cepualiu Pills on th first app~ataucu of Sheet-nu laint, as their t=mvly n e wil' expel the insidvous approaches cf disease and aastroy th s nan-gerons for. to human lifn. A Real Blessin g. Physician—Wd , Mrs. Jones. how is that headachu? Mrs J.-nes—Gone ! uautnr. ah gone! in" pill you sent cure-d. m» in just twanty m-nutes and I wish yo» would send more an that I can have men: handy. - Physiciml.—-You can get them at uni Dmnista. Call ff“ Urphulic Piils, I find may Ina-er rail, anulrucommend them in ail cases of Hem arbe hrs. June: —I anall sen for nbox direcxlv, and sha tell all my sufl'ermg niem's f 0 they are a nu! blessing. Twcsrv Mm lONS or lsonuns SAu:D.——Mr. Spalding has no u tw-I mitlroun of b'rttEx-s f his celebrated Pljepned (Hue an i! is estimated fl-at each hnttl. saws a! leuttten unllnn worth at“ hroken fuvn tu-e, thus making an aggre g due 0' tw my millions 0' dollars reclaimed Item to al 105: by this valuable invention 110ng made his ulue a household word, he nn-w proposes to do the world still groan-r service by curinu i" the ach‘ng hen a with his Cephalic Bills and if they are as gond as his Glue, Head aches wiil soun Vanish away like nuow in July. :13'0vsn ESOITEMEN'I‘. «In! tho- mental one and anxivty incldunt 1o ti o elm-e intention to business or study, are among the nnme on! caustk‘fi 0! Banana Headachv. The disordered slate of mind und body incident to thisdirlx—exs in; cumplajnt is a fatal blow to all energy andamblt'um flu era-a by tnis d.sorder can always oblain spvedy rebel from thele distressinr altacks hy usiilg one cl Ihe Cephalic Pilh wmnever the symptoms appear It quit-ts the oven tasked b ain, and amine: the strained and j rring nexvea, and relaxes the tension or the stomach which always ac cnmpanies and agmwatca the disordered condilion of the brain. me woma xxownxa —r pauding’s Cephalic Pills are a. cert-gin cure tor hick Headache, Biliuus Headache, Nervous Hendache, Costiveness and General Debility. GREAT DISCOVERY.-—Among the most important of 31-1 the great medicd dlswveries of thin age may ha considered the on than of vaccination for protection [tom Small Pox, the C-phaiic Pill for relietf of Hecdnche, and the mg of Quinine for thy prevention or“ Pavel-a. either of which is a sure I; acme. ivhose benefits will bevexpelfienced by suf fering humanity long utter main-discovers“; are forgotten. flj’lun you‘ ever have the Sick Headache? Do you remember the throbbing templea, Ihr fevered bnrw, the 11; -thing and disgust at the‘ Sight of food? How totally unfit you were, i 1' pleasure, communion or athdy _ (Inn of the "epbahc‘l’ills would have relieved you from allths sufi‘ering which yo‘n _thenvexperi need For‘ thin and-.ther purposes yo}: should always haw e a box ofthem onhnnd to use a occagmn requires. $592; Q§sg¢UßEGé® - Nervausflieaidaehe CURE . flea (Meme. B! the “50 of these fills the periodic stunts of Na vous or Sick Headache may be prevented ; and if taken at the rommeucemen‘f'of an'afta'c}: immediate relicf from pain and sickness will‘bb obtained. They “ldr‘m [ml in removing the Nauua am] Head. ache to which femalen are an snh‘ect. They act gently upon the boweln,-.removing Canine mas. For Liffimry Men, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of udaumry habits, they are valuable as a LflJ amu- in‘protinz the aypeme, giving can: and vigor t .the dii’afislim organs, and rertodng the nntuml elasticity and at'enx‘h of ihe whole system. The CEPHALIO PILLS are the result or long investi gation and rarelully animated experiments, having been in as» many years, duringwhichtimo llzeyhaveprevented and relieved a up amount of pain and “firing tion: Headachfig 'heth er originating in the antenna cyst-m or from a deranged stain of the stomach. They Ira enlirely Vegetkble in their composition, end in Ihe taken t all times with pérlect axlety without ina hing any change of diet, and flu absence of any dua greeable taste renders it easy to admitting: them to children. _ ‘ BEWARE OF COUNTEBGEITB! x ' The genuinfi have fin signatures of Henry 0. Emmi)?!“ _each (20!- , ‘ ' ' ' ‘i ‘ ' . ingogiwfigyggfltq phgrgli jams: dam}! hi Médz‘giieé ,7 he lent _hy mail jryqpai‘d 'ol:quth bf “19 : PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; All orders sboul-nbeyidrenedfiorv - . 3 "t ‘ HENRY (LEBALDING, - ' 4B CELL-tn STREET, NEW YORK. nali-d-kwy. 113 mg of flame]. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. gag“ FIVE TRAINS MII-Y 'l‘o & FROM PHILADELPHIA. The Bridge at Conewago having been re-bnilt, the Passenger Trainsof the Pennsylvania. Railroad Company will resume their former route. 0n and after MONDAY, OCTOBER 15m, 1880, they will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg ”a Philadelphia as follows : EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN loaves Harrisburg at 1.15 a. m , and arrives utWest Philadelphia at 5.10:. m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 6.15 n. m., every day except Monday, arrives at West Philadelphia a: 10.00 a. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.00 p. m., ar rives at West Philadelphia. at 5.00 p. in. These Trains make close connection at Phiindelphin with the New York Lines. MT. JOY ACCORDIODATION TRAIN, No. 1,-199388 6.50 n. m., Mt. Jay at 8.02, and connects ”Lancaster at. 8 50 with LANCASTER TRAIN, arriving at West Philap delphia. at 12.10 p. m. : HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves at l at 3.50 p. m., Columbia. at 5.15, and arrives at West 1 Philadelphia. at 9 05 p. m. 1 MT . JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves at 4.001;. 111., Mt. Jay at 5.11, connects with HARRIS. 1 BUEG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN East at Dillerville 1 at 5.40, arriving at West Philadelphia at 9.05 p. m. . WESTWABD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.45 p. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 2.55 a. m. MAIL TRAIN leuves Philadelphia at 7.30 n. m., ar rives at Harrisburg at 12.50 p. m. _ FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia tit 11.50 a. . m., arrives at Harrisburg at 4.00 p. m. ' MT. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. l,leavss Lancaster on arrival of MAIL TRAIN West, at 11.04 a. m., leaves Mt. Joy at 11.42, and arrives at Harrisburg at 1.00 p. In. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.00 p. m. , Columbia. at 6.10, and arrives at Harrisburg at 7.35 p. 111. MT. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves Lancaster, on the arrival of- LANCASTER TRAINWest, at 1.54 p. m., Mt. Joy at 8.30, and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.42 p. m. . Passengers leaving Philadelphiaat 4.0011. In ~ on LAN CASTER TRAIN, connect at Lancaster with MT. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN No. 2, at 7.54, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.24 p. m SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. East. Div. Puim’a Railyaml octlfi-dtf NEW AIR LINE ROUTE I‘o . NEW YORK. ‘ qVW. €4.15: - ‘ " ._‘n ’ ' 5-. no» » - - ““5232: m ‘=“""““- a=== maxi-7m W V 'T-ET ‘ WISE" 425‘s}; Shortest in Distance and Quickest in Time BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OF NEW YORK AN]; HARRISBURG , V A READING, ALLENTBWN AND EATON} MORNING EXPRESS, West, leaves New York n: e a. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 12.45 noon, onty 63; hours between the two cities. MAIL LINE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and a: rives at Harrisburg at 8.30 p. m. MORNING- MAIL LINE, East, leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m , arriving at New York It 4.30 p. m. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE, East, leaves Harris burg at 1.15 p. m., arriving at New York at 9.00 p. m. Connections are made at Harrisburg at 1.001;. m. with the Passenger Trains in each direction on the Pennaylvsr nin, Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Railroad: All Trains connect at Reading with Trains for Pottn ville and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Mane!) Chunk, Easton, kc. N a change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between New York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 a. In. Line from New York or the 1.15 p. m. {mm Harrisburg. For beauty of gunnery and speed, comfort and accom modntion, this Route presents superior inducements to the traveling public‘ EarebetwcenNewYorkandllan-isburg,van Donn-ma. For Ticket-s and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, jel Harrisburg. 1860. NOTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. -i:%=:=x_as- ‘2‘?““7‘ll - T N O T I C E. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER 3UND A Y, MA Y 27th, 1560, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will lam-a Harrisbug-g gs follows : G UING SO UTE. EXPRESS TRAIN will leave at... ....... £1.40 a. m ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will have at. .730 a. to EMAIL TRAIN wi111eaveat.......... .. 1.00 11.111 G OING NORTH. MAIL TRAIN will leave at... ”-..4 . . . 1.20 p. m EXPRESS TRAIN will leave at... ...... ~9.32 p. m The only trains leaving Harrisburg on Sunday will be the EXPRESS TRAIN at 1.40 a. 13., going South, and the EXPRESS TRAIN at 9.82 p. m. going-North. For further information apply at {the allies, in Penn sylvania Railroad Depot. JOHN W. HALL, Agent. Harrisburg, May 26, 1860.—my28 - PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD, SUMMER ARRANG EHEN'T. ON AND AFTER MAY 28, 1860, TWO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG DAILY, (Sundays exocptedg at 8.00 A. m., and 1.15 P. M., for Philadelphia, arrivingthere at l .25 P. M.,and 6.15 P. M. ' RETURNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA at 8 .00 A5ll. ml 8.30 P.M.,m-iving st Harrisburg at 12 45 noon and 3.39 P. M. , I'ABES:-—To Philadelphin,'No. 1 Gus, 83.25; No. 2, (in am: train) $2.70. FARE-S :—To Bending $l6O and $1.30. M: Beadinzgconnoct with trains for romvsszo, Minam villa, Tun-nus, Catarina. Gm. FOUR QRAINI LEAVE READING FOB PHILADEL- P-EIA DAILY, at 6 A. m., 10.45 A. m., 12.30 noon and 8.43 P. M. _ _ LEAVE PHILADELPHfA FOB [LEADING gt .o‘ . n.,1.00 P. m., 3.30 P. LL, and 5.00111. . [AMSz—Reading to Philadelphia, $1.15 and $1.46. THE MORNING TRAIN FROM HARRISBURG 008- mcc'r‘s u name with up train for Wilmbma Pittman um! Scranton. lo: through tickets and other information apply to ' J. J. CLYDE, ny24-dtf Genera.) Agent. PHILADELPHIA ' A z: n READING R‘AILROAD. REDUCTIOX OF PASSENGER FABES, ON AND AFTER MONDAY, APRIL 9s 1530 COMM UTATI 0N TICKETS, With U Courting, will‘be issued between an! P 015?! desired, good or the holder and my member of ‘11? family, in any Possenger train,gnd tit-an! “me—3" 2“ per gent. below the 'r'egulsr fares. 1 Parties ha'ving occapion to use the Bond frequent J 013 busines‘so'r'pleasure, will find the above manzzmem convenient and economical; as Four Pisfielifar run. run daily ench way between Reid”: M ,1! Mlelphh. and Tiv’o Trainé daily between RowinszP°tWVluo,.md Hal-damn . 0n sundays. 01“! 011" m°".““gt"i“'39'n and one agorn'ooh train UPJW’B b°‘!’°¢“l’°¢.¢“i.llenn3. nonhuman, and no Pmense‘ “F“ 0" “‘0 “haven Volley Bran'ch Railiond- V ‘ . ' ‘ For the above Tickets. or in! Information «outing. thereto; apply to s. Bragggtfiigéfiauwrfhiudfi ' active .‘ v . :. D' 0- inc or plan.» the map G. A. NICOL‘LS, Genus! 3“,!“- Much 21, lsmrmms-W’ H m H 8; >0 0., SUI-1‘ AGENTS . km,” , ' COMMISSIONMERCHANTS, 133 WALNUT; 311 nm, pnmms'npfm . , > V pnpqnqm. . ' FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE. COTTON, W'IEES’_AND LIKQUO‘RS, TOBAaoo- AND 61101123. novflfifigh _ V. V ~ WANTED—S,OOO pounds QLD» 00-83 ' “BER; fO, hick. I ears-ll a. “an 'yery hig' o marlififme’m‘zagu, it its” p ham: 'WORKs. '99....‘1‘17'mm §.BURL‘INGTON HERRING ! . , «Just received by WM. DOCK, .13., J; 00 0c? _ SANFORD'S LIVER INVIGURATOR, NEVER DEBILITATES 'l.‘ is compounded entirely from Gums, Ind in I become an established fact, I standard Medicme,known and a raid by 3.1] that ' have usedig'nndia nowza sortedp 1:0 with confidence m lin mthndiseaseafomhich it is recommended It has cured thousands who had given up 1111110993 unsolicited certificates in The dose must be adapted individual taking it, and ‘0 mt gently on thebowelfl- Let the dictates of your us}: or We LIVER IN' Ind cure Liver Com-5 ‘PCkSSDYfipeysifly‘ Summer (I 0 !fl-« {I'D-I‘o psv, Sour L 0 at l v “1055,11!0n ra Morbus, (Iholera' lence, Jnundicc,l es, and may he used sue-- ry, Family Medi-g HEADACHE, ( a i twenty minutes, i f j spoonfuls are iakeu \ tack. ‘ All who use it are H in its favor. I Q MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH wrm '_ nm e ORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH Toan‘g‘gfifls. Pncc One Dollar per Bottle. ——- ALSO SANFORD'S mum BA'THART COMPOUND]: Pure Vegetableflxtracta, 'aml put up in, Gian Gases, Air Tight, and wall keep many clgmate. The Family Cathar-‘~ " tic Pll4. in a gentle M 35 active Oathartic, which m Itho prapnetorhmuedm his practice more than‘ H twonty yoga. ~- , The «Instantly incl-ea“ ing demand shun than. who have long used the, '4 PlLLwnd the 83W tion which all express inl- reg-uni their use .hll induced me to place than k; within the mall-of nil . The Profession weuknovfl that ' dlfl‘uent- {hung-t,” a“ °" Fww‘fl?‘ °‘ fimn‘e-mn .... The A 1 ‘ - - with due 13931109 to tlgis‘ C :ellfeagabliahed $3,503 _oom and mom I vme- y o a purest - Exam“, whiolh actualiko H on can, ”gun at gig: ‘3l; tax can an are on a In a m msflynma dathnrticis B seeded, such u D... lan3eme n I. I fir 1211': m 510312011. Sleéphéeu, - Pains in the ac an o m 0: ve neu, Pain and Sore- 4 [11653 over t’he wjulo '3"%3“2'Ea‘?fidef “€33; {o'fifi‘ififiiifibiififfi aggpetitma Creeping m Sensation 'O7! Cold over the body, Ren- lesmen, Ramona», 91 mm“ xx mm! Hg“), 9]] B .INFLAMMATUR} ’ ”to. IgASES, Worms :1: Chll- than or ggpsfzkh-‘o f»- ham, agleat-EURIFIEE, fl :orfho 3.4 \N 33'.) ..., diseasesto wmch flesh 13‘ iheur, too numerous to mention in this advertise- 0 meat. Dose, Ito 3. Price Three Dimes. _ ‘ The Liver Invigorator and Family Cathy-fie Pm: m retailed by Druggiats generally, and sold whohaaia by the Txade in all the large towns. S. 'l‘. W SANFORD, M. 1)., Manufacturer and Pmpriemr, 208 Broadway. 11. I'. ifl-dJnvly Vina—A 1. ‘-3?:">'.-'f ‘ ,y 'lan mes. wmsmw, An experienced Nurse and Female Physician, prawn“ to the attention of mothers, her SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. which greatly facilitates the process of teething, a softening the gums, reducing all inflammation—w nllay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action. and [a SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Degend upon it mothers: it will give rest to yourselves, an RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS We have put up and mid this article for uvvr ten years, and CAN SAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, what we have never been able to say or any other medi cine—NEVEß HAS [T FAILED, IN A SINGLE IN STAHCF, TO EFFECT A CURE. when timely used. Never did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by In one who used it. On the contrary, all are delighted wit: its operations, and speak in terms of commendation 0" its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak in this matter “WHAT WE DO KNOW,” after ten y- mi experience, AND PLEDGE OUR REPETA'I‘ION FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF WHAT WE HERE IDE CLARE. In almost. every instance when the infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in gamer: or twenty minutes after the syrup is adminis ter . 1860 This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and has been used with NEVER RAIL ING SUCCESS in T HOUSANDS 0F BABES. It not only relieves the child. from pain, but invigo rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity. and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It. will ol most instantly relieve GEIPING IN THE BOWELS. AND WIND COLIC, and overcome convulsions, which, if not speedily remo died, end in death. We believe it tbeBEST and Sl‘ REST REMEDY IN THE WORLD, in all case-a of DYSEN TERY and DIARREGIA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething,or from any other course. We would my to every mother who has a. child suffering from on of the foregoing complaints—Do NOT LET YOUR PB; JUDIGES, NOR. THE PBEJUDIGES 0F OTHERS,SM between you and your aufierinfizchild, and the teller th.‘ will be SURE—yea, ABSOLUT LY SURE—m follow fix. use of this medicine, if timely used. Full direction: for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unload the foo-simile of CURTIS 8;. PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. ancxun OFFICE, 13 Conn-Bun“. New You. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. seflQ-ddcwly IT WILL PAY YOU READ THIS. IT WILL PAY You flBSERVE WHAT I SAY” IT WILL PAY YOU HARRISBURG! ! ! TO SEE AND MAKE YOUR. PURCHASES FROM THE LARGE, HANDSOME AND FASHIONABLE STOCK OF READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTH, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS AND GENIS' FURNISHING GOODS KNOWN ARCADEFO. 3 JONES BOW. AVAILING MYSELF OF THE ADVANTAGES WHICH READY CASE PRESENTS, I OFFER ALL GOODS AT 10 PER GEN T. CHEAPER CHAS. S. SEGELBAUM.‘ P. s._mvme_ SECURED A FIRST'R‘ATE CUTTER AND TAILOR, I AM How READY TO MAKE GLOIHING TO ORDER IN THE MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE- eot6-d4m FOR me genuine ENGLISH NUT gr ta 2 V‘ ~- ‘ xnwms DRUG among-... Kfimm’s Duuu mum; is the 'plin 10‘ find the be“ assortment of‘ 901'“ Mon'mieafi 1;! KELLER’S MUG STORE is the plain to buy Balm of Thousand Flowery. filchiml. within the last two yeua of relief, as the numerous my possnssion show. to the temperament“ um used in such quantities In judgmw‘. guide you in the. VIGDKATOB, Ind is plnims, Billi In Ar- Chronic film-thou. {11:15)}?5, Dynento- Stomach, fl bin-l ic, Chulem, Chole- Iniantum, F 1 111- Femnle W cakneg— cesefnni an an Ordinl cine. I wincnre 8161 thousands can testify ) in two or three i‘eam at commemzyent of It Til . b giving their tmimplv C PILLS, D FROM TO T 0 FOR A VISIT I‘o NOW EXPOSED AT THE WELL I WARRANT A FIT ammo any.