RATES OF ADVERTISING. lOU linen or less consti - or more than four, cox-Imm 1131311 903°031~ .... $0.25 One m., on daymsofl -- one week. .... 1.00 “ one week...— 1.2!; if one month._ . 2,09 “ one month. ... 8.00.: f: three months. 8.00 “ threemonths. 5.00 ‘f dzmontha- . 4.00 . “ six months... 5.0“ “ One yeah... . 5.00! “ one yen-....- 10.00 31:? Business noticesinsexted in thé LOCAL comm, or paints marriggeg snd deaths, firs 0251‘s :23 us: for each 1939:6201: to merchantamnd Whats advertising by they." manna. n will beolferui. in' The numbexofinsortiona mus: be designutedon tho QMWL i? Mani-gen and Death! will be inserted at tho sun. at“ .5 W advertisements. alts, fitafiuncrg, 851:. 1011001: BOOKS—School Duectora, Teachers, Parents, Scholars, and othen,in "mat School Books, School Stationery, km. will find 3 complete mortment at E. M. POLLOGK «l: BON’S BOOK STORE, Market Sqnue, Harrisburg, comprising in part the follow- I)! ~— fmADEßS.—Mcflumy’a, Parker’s, Cobb’s, Angell’n gramme BOOKS.—McGufi‘ey7l, Cobb’s, Webster’s, fonts, Byarly’a. Oombry’a. ENGLISH GBAMMAHS.~Bumon’|wsmlmzl, Wood bridge’a, Monteith a, Tuthill’l, Hart’s, any. HlSTORlES—érimshaw’l, Davenport’s, Frost-‘3, wn. son’s, Wilhrd’s, Goodrich’l, Pinnouk’a, Goldamit-‘li’b and C‘xark’a. ARlTEMETlG’S.—Greenletf’e Stodd 1 ‘ ' Piko‘aéltoee’e, Oolbnrn's, Smith aim 11:11:32? $5352?” 5’ 21$; ,Pm.4meflwa, Dafie’a, Day’s, Ray’ls ‘ manoxmm—wmem school cow: “MM: ‘ Wages-term Comprehensive, Worceute’r’a Primgry W‘b' ‘ my; mum-y, mum's Hzgh School, Webster’s (3mm, 1 Academic. NATURAL PHILOSOPHIES.—~Gamutock’I, Parker’s ‘ Swim. The 1110's with a great variety of other“ an 3% ‘ any time he found at my stare. Also, a oomplote mort ment of School Stationery, embracing in the Wm ‘8 a 00m ph” outfit for meal pnrpOSES- Any book not ill the store. procured \t one days notice. ‘ 13'3- coantry Merchants supplied at wholesale nus. 3 L!!! N AO3 ._Jolm Bam' end Son’s Almanac tor sale ai n. u. muons a: sows soox STORE, Hminhnrg. 1(3- Wholeaale and Retail. myl FEET'RECEIVED SSHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, {EAMANTINE 813.5 TES {93 VARIOUS SIZES AND PRICES, Winch, for beauty and use, cannot be excelled. EEH‘EMBER THE PLACE ECSEFFER‘S BOOKSTORE, NO. 18 MARKET STEE’I‘ 3730 K AUCTION. BEN F. FRENCH ‘ Will supply his old friemls and customers with the following Books at Auction primes: ,Pacific Railroad, 10 vols., complete, 4 illustrations 5:4. Jay“ Expedition, 3 vols., complete, illustrated and illuminated, $l2. Emery’s Expeditlon, 2 vols. , complete, illustrated illuminated, $lO. Congressional Globe, 51 50 per volume. Waverly Novels, complete, 12 vols, cloth, $lO. " “ “ 2717015.,11911'0311', $34; £12., {Wu an. All of the above Books I will deliver in Harrisburg free of change. BEN F. FRENCH, 278 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, I). 0. few-at! N E W B 0 0 K S I JUST RECEIVED “SEAL A!!!) SAY,” by the author of “Wide, Wide World ” “ Dollars and Gents,” Sac. “ HfBTDRY OF METHODIEM,”byA.Btevens, LLJD. For sale at WHEH‘ERS’ BOOKSTORE, sp! No. 18 Marks st- lUST RECEIVED, A LARGE AND SPLESDID ASSORTMENT OF RICHLY GILT AND ORNAMENTAL WINDOW CURTAINS, PAPER BLINDS, Of unions Designs and Colors, for 8 cents, TISSUE PAPER AND 0171‘ FLY PAPER, 33 ~ [11112917~_ scumuws BOOKSTORE, ALL PAYER! WALL PAPER T Just received, our Spring Stock of WALL PAPER, BORDERS, FIRE SCREENS, 833., fine. Itis the largest and heat mleeted assortment. inthe city, ranging in price from six (0) cents B]: to one dollar and squatter ($1.25,) As we perch“? vex-y low for cash, we are prepared to sell at as low rates, if not lower, than can 113 had else where. If purchasers will call and examine, we feel confident that we csn please them in respect to price and quality. E. M POLLOCK a SON, zips Below Jones’ House, Market Square. LE TT ER, CAP, NOTE PAPERS, Pena, Holders, Pencils, Envelopes, Sealing Wax, of the he“ quality, at low prices, direct from the manu factories, me man SOHEFFER’S CHEAP BOOKSTORE LAW BOOKS ! LAW BOOKS ! l—A general assortment of LAW BOOKS, 8.11 the State Reports and Standard Elementary Works, with many of the old English Reports, sauna and! rare, together with a. large assortment of second-hand Law Books, at very low prices, at 31;: one price Bookstore of ‘ 1:. M. POLLOGK It. EON, myS Market Square, Hurisburg. filisttllmunnfi. AN' ARRIVAL 0F NEW G—OODS APPROPRIATE 'l‘@ THE SEASON! SILK LINEN PArEn FANS! FANS}: FANS!!! JOIKBR ASD SPLENDID LOT OF srnrnn FISHING naps: front Flies GM: and Hair Snoods, Grass Lines, Silk and Hair Plaiied Lines, and a general assortment of FISHING TACKLE! A can.“ VARIETY or WALKING CANE S! Which we will so“ as cheap as the cheapest! Silver lieu]. Loaded Sword Hickory fancy Omen! Canes: Canes! Canes! Canes! SELLEE'S DRUG AND FANGY STORE, xO. 91 unnu- sun-r, South side, one door east of Fourth street je9 B. J. HARRIS, WORKER IN TIN, SHEET IRON, AND METALLIC ROOFING, Second Street, below Chestnut, HARRISBURG, PA. 1: mm to an ozders for any arfiele in his bunch o! m; “(Hf not on hand,» 1111 We‘ll) order on short notice. ’ METALLIC ROOHNG, of Tin or Galvanized Iron, constantly on land. Also, Thl and Sheet-Iron Wm, Sponting, kc. Kc hopes, by strict attention to the vents of his custo mere, no merit end receive a. generous elm-e of public pat :On . ‘ 1%.: Every promiEß strictly fulfilled. . B. J. HAW, jan'l-dly] Second Street, below Chestnut. F S HACKEREL, (Nos. 1, 2 and 3.) SALMON, (very superior.) SHAD, (Mess and very fine.) BERRINQ, (extra. large.) COD FISH. _ suplmn HERRING, (extra. Digby.) tCOTCII HEBRING. ' SARDINES AND ANOHOVIES. 0f Elle above we have Mackerel in whole, half. quarter and 9‘81“le bbls Herring in wh'ole and half bus. _'l'he entu-e lot new—DIRECT I 303! um nsmuuns, and ml! 8811 ‘hem at the lowest market rates. mpl} , WM. DOCK, 311., k. 00. FAMILY BIBLES, from 1&3 to $lO, sheen; and handsomely bound, printed on £OO5 PIP”) mu eXegant clear new type, sold it w] SGEEFFER’S Cheap Book «taro. CRANBERRIES '. l 1 jun received by out“) 7 -7 B. a superior and cheap TABLE 01' I; saw 011' 9° N KELLER’S DRUG 310 nm. THE Fruit Grbwem’ Handbook_ WABlNG—wholeule anagram-t 3' nehal SGHEH‘JIR’S Boom". SPERM GANDLES.——A large supply inatteoeived by :A, 7 WM.DOGK.J:..&OO. IF you are in want of a. Dentifiice go to MW, 91, mm It. to half a square. Ten linen . Haunts. IKEI mar 2 FISH!!! -—A SPLENDID LOT _. nook'nu a; co ...~ ‘ I!!! ..... s='- 51%. i—a‘ H--_ . a; x '. ‘iHae-r’ v' » _. ‘ A 9% , - wA%-.(‘slt;&-lE;W' 51-34%" 1:“ , —‘;,-' ,1; >. «i {I l I F Hr - 'Zfi'allflf‘ ' ,‘h ”"37 :L'.“L’a"s::;-i’—xé ‘ fif‘f—ggffhmm ' : Efiéfifi‘gzgig "‘ '— _ __vzz’ 45ng a" ,: ~ w 'r -‘ .1 J 1 f? A «m V_A<,..—.-r-- -~"-““‘—_‘—‘_'-‘~"4~~—~————~—-’_——:M~A——-—--—---—’—““‘——“';Z".‘:Z:L::ZT_;L':Z;L’:Z§‘ ’l'::'.‘".:: ."t: in V's-7m m .. u VOL. 3. Einm) Stablw. UITY LIVERY STABLES, fl BLACKBERRY ALLEY, fl IN THE REAR 0F HER-R ’S HOTEL. The undersigned has re—coxymenccd the L I Vl5 R 1" BUSINESS in his NEW ARI) SPACIOUS STABLES, located as above. with a. large and varied stock of HORSES, CABRIAGES AND OJINIB USES, Which he will hire at moderate mten. ocus-dly ~ W ~ F. K. SWARTZ. FRANK A. MU EBAY Succassor to Wm. Paikh-ill, LIVEBY &. EXCHANGE STABLE THIRD STREET BELOW MARKET. "L -L-::.- 97% . ‘ 555;. 5.3; " ‘~ Ll: '«Nfi’ ' T!‘ g' HAVING purchased the interest of J. Q. Adam! I: the establishment, and made large additions to the stock, the undersigned is prepared to accommodate the public with summon HORSES for Saddle or Oarrlafia purposes, and with every variety of VEHICLES of the test uld most approved styles, on reasonable terms. PLEASURE PARTIES will he emommodated with On: uibusses at short notice . Carriages and Omnibueses, for funeral occasions, will be furnish , accompanied by careful and obliging drivers. He invites an inspection of his stock, satisfied that it is fully equal to that or any other establishment or the kind in town. FRANK A. MURRAY BRANCH STABLE The undersigned has opened a. branch of his “Livery and Exchange Stable” in the buildings lately occupied by A. W. Barr. in Fourth street, opposite the Bethel, where he I: prepared to accommodate the public with Horses and Vehicles, at all times, on reasonable terms. His stock is large and varied, and will recommend itself. anlfi-dtt‘ FRANK A. MURRAY. filisrellaucoufi. 7' . TAIxE NOTICE! That we have recently added to our already full stock OFSEG A B. S LA NORMATIS, KARI KARI, EL MONO, ‘ Lt»: BANANA. 0F PEREUMERY Fm: 'nm Itmnancmm‘: TURKISH ESSENCE, ODOR 0F MUSK. LUBIN’S ESSENCE BOUQUET. FOR THE HAIR: EAT! LUSTRALE, - CBYSTALIZJ-ID POMATUM, MYRTLE AND VIOLET POMATUM. For. nu: 0015?“: me : TALC 0F VENICE, - ROSE LEAF POWDER, NEW MOWN HAY POWDER, BLANC DE PERLES. O F SOA P S BAZIE’S Pxxssr MOSS ROSE, BENZOIN, UPPER TEN, VIOLET, . NEW MOWN HAY, ‘ JOGKEY CLUB. Having the largest stock and best assortment of Toilet Article», We fancy that we are better able than our com petitors to get up a complete Toilet Set at any price de sired. 08.11 and see. Always on hand, a FRESH Stock of DR UGS, IIIEDI CINES, CHEIIIICALS, dzc , consequent of our re ceiving almost daily additions thereto. KELLER’S DRUG AND FANCY STORE, 91 Market Street, two doors East of Fourth Street, new South side. PHOENIX_~§OUNDBY J. J. osmu. w. I‘. 05mm. JOHN J. OSLER IS: BROTHER, (successons 10 JAMES I. my.) FOUNDERS AND DIACHINISTS, Corner Pannsyl-va-n'ia Railroad and State Street, HARRISBURG, PA . flI‘ILL GEARING, IRON FENCES, RAILROAD AND CANAL W'OIEK, AND ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF IRON CASTINGS 0)? HAND OR MADE TO ORDER. MACHINE WORK AND E_PIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED I‘o PATTBRKS MADE TO ORDER We have a. large and complete assortment of Patterns to select from. uu22 JUST RECEIVED! A FULL ASSORTMENT OF HUMPHBEY’S HUMEDPATHIB SPECIFICSfi I'D W'HIDE WE INVITE TEE ATTENTION OF THE AFFECTED! For 5:11 at e SCHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, 111 "A _— No. 18 Market st CUSTOMERS A New Lot of LADIES' PURSES, , 0! Beautiful Styles, substantially made ' A Splendid Assortment of GENTLEMEN’S WALLETS . A New and Elegant Perfume, KNIGHTS TEMPLARS’ BOQUET, I’m: up in Out Glass Engraved Bottles. ' A Complete Assortfiient of , HANDKERGHIEF PERFUMES , Of the best Manufacture. _ A very Handsome Variety of POWDER PUFF BOXES. ‘ KELLER’S DRUG STORE, 'jy3l ' 91 Market street ESTABLISHED IN 1810. FANGY' DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. J 8: W. JONES, No. 432 N. Front Street, shove Cal— lowhill, Philadelphia, dye sILKs, WOOLEN AND FANCY GOODS of every description. Their superior style of Dyeing Ladies’ and Gentleman’s Garments is widely known. Grape and Merino Shawls dyed the most brilliant or plain colors. Grape and Merino Shawls cleaned to look like new—also, G-entlemen’a apparel. Curtains Jno., cleaned or re-giyed. a? 03.11 and. look at our work before going else where. A sepll-darh CHOICE SAUCES! WORCESTERSHIRE. , LUGKNOW onu'rmr, CONTINENTAL, SOYEB’S SULTANA, ATHENEUM, LONDON CLUB. SIR ROBERT PEEL, INDIA SOY, READING SAUCE, ENGLISH PEPPER SAUCE. For 3:36 by WM. DOCK, 13., 5:. CO. my DYOTTVILLE GLASS WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, umuuelnnn CARBOYS, DEMIJOHNS, . WINE, PORTER, MINERAL ,WATER, PIGKLE AND PRESERVE BOTTLES . or IVER! nuscnx‘pnox. 11. B. k G. W. BENNERS, ole-dly 2'! South Front stexet, Philadelphia. INSTRUO TION IN MUSI C. I'. W. WEBER, nephew and taught by the well re membered late F. W. Weber, of Harrisburg, is prepared to give lessons in music upon the PIANO, VIOLIN. CELLO, VIOLIN sud FLUTE. He will give lessons at his residence, corner of Locust street and River alley 0r 3% the homes of pupils. ”125416111 SGHEFFER’S Bbokstore in the place to buy Gold Penn—lmm HARRISBURG, ix, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1860. Coal. TO THE PUBLLL JOHN TIL'L'S CflAL YARD, SOUTH SECOND STREET. BELOW PRATT’S ROLLING MILL, HARRISBURG, PA., Where he has constantly on 113}qu LYKENS VALLEY BROKEN, EGG, STOVE AND NUT GOAL “.30, WILKESBARRB STEAMBOAT, BROKEN, STOVE AND NUT COAL, ALL OF THE BEST QUALITY. It will be delivered to consumers clean, and full weight warrantmi. {l}? CONSUMERS GIVE ME A CALL FOP. YOUR WINTER SUPPLY. ‘ 11? Orders left at my house, in Walnut street, near Fifth; or at Brubnkct’s, North street; I. L. Spec-I’s, Markat Square; Wm. Bostick’s, corner or second and South streets, and I aim Lingle’s, Second and Mulberry streets, will receive prompt attention jyl3~d6m COALECOALH ONLY YARD IN TO WN THAT DELIVERS} COAL BY THE PATENT WEIGII CARTS! NOW IS THE TIIIIE A For every family to get in their supply of Coal for the winter—weighed at their door by the Palcm li'a'igh Carts. The accuracy (5)“ these Carts no (medixpmes, and they never get out of order, as is frequently the case of the Platform Scales; besides: the consume-1‘ 1111:: the satisfaction of proving the weight of his Coal at his own house. ' I have a. large supply of Coal on hand, on“ .I..f‘ug of S. M. CO.’S LYKENS VALLEY 00A L all sizes. LYKENS VALLEY do . u H BITUMINOUS BROAD I'o2 du. ’ All Goal of the best quality mined, and delivered free from all impurities, at the lowest mtes, by the boat or car load, single,lmlf 01- third of tons, and by the bushel. JAMES M. WHEELER. Harrisburg, September 24. 18.60—5ep25 COAL! COAL}! COAL!!! NOW’ IS YOUR TIME TO GET CLEAN COAL! FULL WEIGHT AND NOTHING SHOE 1' OF IT! Thankful to my friends and customers for their liberal patronage, I would inform them and the public generally, that I am fully prepared, on short notice, to supply them with 8.11 kinds of SUPERIOR COAL OF ALL SIZES. Imm: FROM SLATE, AND CAREFULLY SCREENED, u AS LOW A FIGURE As FAIR DEALING WILL AFFORD! Although my Coal is not weighed. in SELF-WEIGKI‘SG (hurts, my? [a waxcnnn ox SCALES ACCURATELY TESTED BY mu SEALER m: WEIGHTS Asa MEASURES, and con sumers may rest assured that they will be fairly and honestly dealt with. I sell nothing but the very best article, and no mixing. ‘ AIEU, HICKORY, OAK and. PIN}! WOOD always on hand, sep-l—dflm GEO. P. “'IESTLING. U 1? ~ .T ,__O.. _WHHNJ- . . l PATENT IVEIGII CA 1" TS. For the convenience of my numerous uptown custom are, I have established, in connection \"lth my old yard, 11 Branch 0031 Yard opposite North street, in a. line with the Pennsylvania. canal, havingtlns office formerly occu pied by Mr. R. Harris. where consumers of 0031 in that vicinity and Verbeketown can receive their 00:11 by the PATENT WEIGE CAB’L‘S. WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE «FOR HA ULING. And in any quantity they may desire, as low as can ha purchased anywhrre. FIVE THOUSAND TONS COAL 03’ HA YD, 0f LYKENS VALLEY and WILKESBARRH, all bizes. 15’ Willing to maintainfuir prices; but unwilling to be Hilda-sold by any partws. WA“ Coal forked up and delivered clean and free from all impurities, and the best article mined. Orders received at eitlwr Yard will he promptlyfillcd, m 1 all Coal delivu-ed by the Patent Weigh Cam. 0011 sold by Boat, Cur load, single, half or third of tons, and by the bushel. ' JAMES M. WHEELER. Harrisburg, October 13. 1860.—0ct15 filehital. HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S H ELMBOLD’S H ELMBO LD’S lIELMBOLD’S HELMBOL' ’S HELMBOLD’S _ HELD! L3O 143’s HELM BOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOI.D’S HELMBOLD’S lIELRIBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Exmnt Buck“, Extract Buchn, Extract Buchu, Extract Buolm, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buclm, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buclm, Extract Buchu, Extract Bachu, FOR- SECRET AND DELICATE lIISORD ERS. FOR SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS FOR SECRET AND DRLICATE DISORDERS EUR SEGR ET AND DELICATE DISORIIERS FOR SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS FOR SECRET Ai‘l) DELICATE DISORDERS FOR SECRET AND DELIGATE DISORDERS A Positive and Specific Bombay. A Positive and Specific Remedy. A Positive and Specific Bnmedy' A Positive and Specific Remedy. A Positive and Schifio Remedy. A. Poaiiive and Specific Remedy. A Positive and Specific Remedy. FOR DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, GRAVEL; KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEY-S, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPfiY; BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS. DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNSSS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEA“ 8113.8, ORGAN‘U WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESB‘ ' And all Diseases of Swan: Organ-t, And all Dismses qf Sexual Organs, And all Diseases of Sexual Otgmzs, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, Ami all Dismsas of Sexual Organs, ' - ARISING FROM Excuses, Expumres, un'l Impmdencios in Life. Excesaefl, Exposures, and Impmdencies in Life. L‘xcesses, Exposure-, and Imprudencies in Life. Excesses,Exro=ul-es, and Immudencies in Life. Excvaaes, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life. Excuses, Exponurcn, _and_lmprunencies in Life. . From whatever nag-np'qgigg‘agi‘ggwnd whether existing in MALu'bR FEMALE Females. take no more 91113! They are of no avail for Complaints incirlv-nr m hensex _Use EXTRACT BUUHU Helmhold’a Extract Buchu is u Madicine which is pm:- fecfly pleasant m its TASTE AND ODOR, - But immediate in its action. giving Health and Vigor to the Frame, Bloom to the Pallid Check, and restoring the patient to a. perfect state of HEALTH AND PURITY. Helmhold’s Extract Buctm is I‘deer according to Pharmacy and Chemistry, audis pro-scribed and used by > THE MOST EBIIA‘ENT PHYSICIANS. Delay ho longer. Procure the remedy at once. Price 31 1191' bottle, or six for $5. D.,pot 104 South Tenth street, Philadelphia. BEWARE OF UNPBINOIPLED DEALR Trying to palm ofi' tflair own or other articles of BUCHD on the repufa» ion Attained by HELMBOLD’B EXTRACT BUGHU, The Oligilflll and only Genuine. We desire m run on tha MERIT OF (911 R ARTICLE! gqnirvm skinless _is sdld nt much-1935 rates and com‘ mmmons, consequently paying a. much better profit. WE DEFY 00 “PETITION! Ask for HELMBDLD'B EXTRACT BUOKU. Take no other. Sold by JOHN WYETH, Dmggilt, corner of Market and Second streets Harrisburg. AND 411:- DR 11001515 EVERYWHERE. non daw3m. for Sale 82: (to Rent. FOR SALE OR RENT—On very favor nble terms, .1 commodious BRICK HOUSE on Wlll nut street. ncnr Second. Possession to be given on the first of April next. Inquire of Dr. JADIES FLEMING, Second street. above Walnut. Ilarrisburg,'lxovembcr 9' 1360.~n09-dtf “F 0 R S A L E—A Light Spring One, Horse WAGON. Apply at Patterson’s Store, Bi‘oatl street, Wt‘Sf- Harrisburg. 002314“? RARE CHAN GE FOR- IN VESMENT. S A L E O F VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF HARRISBURG. {lt'lfiat well-known and valuable hotel property known as e “SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE,” nnw in the occupancy of Wm. Muchcrman, situate on the ens-f ond of Market street, and immediately opposite the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, will be ofi‘ered at PRIVATE SALE until the 4th of December mxt, find if nut sold before that time, will be put up at Public Aunt-ion on that day. This is the most desirable property in the city of Har rEsbnrg fnx‘ lmtel business. Its proximity to the l‘em’l sylvania. Ruin-mid Dcpnt, and the depofi of all the rail romls ccntru-ifig at Harrisburg, makes it. more convenient and “CCCSoi‘Jlfl 'to the traveling public than any other 110th in the city. Further iufin‘mation in regard to this property and as to the terms of sale, may be had by applying to _ “’3l. 11. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law, berth corner Market Square; (Wyeth-‘3 Building,) second story front. oct-‘J-d&wts JOHN TILL NOTICE TO SPEUULATURS ! VALL‘ABLE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE! A number -of large size BUILDING LOTS, adjoining the Round House and Work Shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, will be sold low and on reasonable terms. Apply to MED-cw“: JOHN W. HAL. NOTICE—A parochial residence being about to be erected with St. Patrick’s Church, the BUY. [3. EDI-her nfl‘urs for Sale the place wherein he re sidns. Appfimtion to Rev P.I[AIIERM Major BRADY. May 3, 1850.—my4-I.lt-f FOR R “NT—A Commodious 'J‘wo-Story DWELLING HOUSE, (in Second street. below Pine) with wide Hall, large Back Building, Marble Mantels in Parlors, Gas in six rooms, all the rooms just pa-pered and painted. The second story divided into seven rooms. one of which is a Bath. This, in connection with the fact thatjhe houSe has just been placed in the most thorough repair, makes it one of the moss desirable houses in the city. Enquire of E. M. POLLOCK, 51,19 Market Square, Harrisburg. FOR‘SALE—A Vacant Lot of Ground, ‘ situated in the borough of Harrisburg, adjoining the corner lot of the uorthwust cnrner of Second and State streets. The lot has a; front of 56 feet. For particulars enquire of [janZO-dtl'] 11'. C. \VILLIAMS. FO R B- E N T—Two BRICK TWO— srom: HOUSES on Pine street: between Second and Third; also, Mrs. Cli-ne’s COTTAGE and several FRAME HOUSES. Enquire of MRS. MURRAY, janl‘f-dtf] Corner of Second and Pine streets. F 0 B. SA L E—One Teamster’s Wagon, two Coal Carts, one large Curt, suitable for farming purposes. Apply to mylS ' JAMES M. WHEELER. THE GROVER A“. BAKER _NOISII L E S S 1 , 1 w ~ 1* AMILY SEWING MACHINE , is fipidly superseaing all others for family use. The Donn“: LOCK—STITCH formed by this Machine is found ”gang“ mug/one which. aunyiges the wash-tub on his-5‘ 91mm, any-I, gmmfuru» n£)y mm. uni-unmfillth' Hill-1:. able for l auuly Sowmg. ~ ‘ .RBAD THE FOLLOW IN G TESTIMONY: [ “Mrs. Jlirrmzsos DAVIS, presents her compliments to ‘ Grover J; Baker, and takes plunsuro in saying that she i has used one of their Machines for two years, and finds i it still in good order, mnkes a. beautiful stitch, and does ‘ easily work of any kiod.”-——Wus!iington, I) C. “It is a. beautiful thing, and puts everybody into an excitement ofgood humor. 'Were I .1. CntholicJ would insist upon Saints Grover 5:, Baker having an oternul holidny in commemoration of their good deeds for hu manity.”——Cassins 81. Clay. “My wife has had one of Grover A: Baker’s Family Sewing: Machines for some time, and I am. satisfied it is one of the best labor-saving: machines that has been in~ vented. I take much pleasure in recommending it to the public.-"——l. G. Harris, Governor of'Tennee-ree. - “0n the recommendation of a. friend, I procured, some months since, one or your Family Sewing Machines. My family has been most successful in its use. from the start, without any trouble or difficulty whatever in its management. My wife says it is n ‘fnmily blessingfiancl 1 could not be induced to flisponsn with 11:: use—in all of . which I most heartily coucur.”-—Jixlnes Pollock, L.c- 3 Govt/m or of' Pennsylvania. “The undersigned, Cmnonmx of various denomina tions. having purchased and used in our families GRO VER 6:. BAKER-‘5 CELEBRATE!) FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, take pleasure in recommending“ as an in strument fully combining the essentials of a. good ma.- chine. ILs beautiful simplicity, ease of management, and the; strength and. elasticity of its stitch, unite to render it a. machine unsurparsoti by any in the market, and one which we feel confident will give solisi‘aetion to all who may purchase and use it.” Rev. W P. STRICKLAND, New York. Rev.E. I'. RODGERS, D. 1)., Albany, N. l'. Rev. W. B. SPRAGUE, D. D., Albany, N. Y. Rev. JOHN CROSS. Baltimore, Md. Rev. JOHN M’GBO’N, D. 1)., Baltimore, 3111. RO7. W A. CROCKER, Norfolk, V 9,. } Rev. JOHN PARIS, Norfolk, Va. REY. 0. HANKBII, B D., Charleston, S. 0. Rev. o'. A, LOYAL, Charleston, 8. 0. Rev. B. B. ROSS, Mobile, Ala. Rev. A. A. PORTER.¥ Selma, Ala. Prof. W. 1). WILSOA, D. D., Geneva, N. Y. Rev. W. H. CURRY, A. M,, Geneva, N. Y. Rev. lIiTIIIIRNBULL BAGKUS, D. D., Schenectady, 1 Rev. B. W. CHIDLAW, A. 11., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rev. W. PERKINS, Cincinnati, Ohio. Prof. I. I. MoELHENNY, D. D., Gambler, Ohio. Rev. ENSTEIN MORBOUGII, Cambridge City, Ind. Rev.JOSEPH ELDRIDGE, Norfolk, Conn. Rev. OSMOND 0. BAKER, Bishop ofM'. L. Church, Coward, N. 11. 495 Broadway, New York; 18 Summer Street, Boston; 730 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ; 151 Baltimorestreet, Baltimore; 249 King Street, Charleston ; 11 Camp Street New Orleans; 124 North Fourth Street, St. Louis; 53 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati; 111 Superior Street, Cleveland; and all the principal cities and towns in the United States. 1L? SEND FOll A cmc ULAR a; sepZß-dfizwly V ALL WORK PROMISED IN ‘. m V @fl. y W 3 STEAM DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, BETIVEEN FOURTH AND FIFTI‘I, HARRISBURG, PA., Where every description of Ladies’ and Gentleman’s: Ggrments, Piece Goods, &c., are Dyed, cleansed, and fimshed in the best manner and at. the shortest notice. noG-dkwly DODGE A; 00., Proprietors. JUST RECEIVED! INK FOUNTAIN! INK FOUNTAIN! A. very ingenious attachment to any metallic pen, by wind: one dip of ink is sufilcient to write a. fools“? p3£°« For sale at SCHEI-‘FER’S BOOKSTORE, 11129 No. 18 Market at DRIED APPLES AND DRIED ocflgEAGHES for sale by WH. DOCK, IL, 5‘ CO. Eisming film'hinsfi. OFFICES flaming. ONE WEEK! 104. PENNSYLVANIA 104 MAnKE'm STREET, @132 aaatrint 1% fiflninn. FRIDAY MORNING, NOV. 1&3, 1800 'l‘llE NEH’ COMEDY ___“...mm {From the Boston Post.) Not long since we. favored our readers with extracts from :1 dramatic poem, soon to 1m given to the public.— The composition is as tragic in its catastrophe as any production of even Shakspcmrc’s mighty pen. We hasten to lay before our snbscriburs a second specimen, which we venture to assert they never saw surpassed, eitherin truth to nature or in tragic strength and solcmnity.- Here it. is: [-C/Juvrlex Summins Mars, his brow me/lg’flflfit’, his hair dishevvellnij ‘ GIL—Now an: the skies which heretofore have smiled On my pretences, murky grown and black! And when I strive to think when: I do stand, My brain reels hid-*ous and my senses swim ! . My friend, my Burlingame. oh, where art thou ‘.' Spilt! (loomed! defeutml! ‘(;an it be indeed? Is Appleton, the silent mun. preferred 2 Ye Gods! and in it so? Wlmmiu ([0 I'l Summins. the filuqnent, the tong-11y one. . What-Bin do I an rise: uhovu my friend That I too may not so hultlung aside r Oli, hearth and Heavens ! Words and Lhnnghls I 301 i (Since this is llup'rcpnntlL extempom) To express the terrors which now ruck my heart .’ Oh, can it be, I did not; bend enough . To Royal Higlmcsses and Newcastles! Surely the peuplc saw me talk with them 1 Surely they EMF me violate nll rulos ' 01' modesty, and nudge him by the clhmv .' Surely they saw me make him turn his head E’cn in the very midst; of inn-many! , And yet they spill Ihnyuuth I (lid liefrienfl: 1‘ 1w youth I spoke fur: wmtc far: Why is ihi-g 2 l’erchnnce !- confun'lun !-:iyc, poi-chance ’Lis known How ribs nnd lmckx wm-v hr'niscai by my alliance Whnn t 0 the. Mus-c: Hall I forced my way! Surely, those victims felt n-z-t pain, but lwnor. To have n statesman’n- elbows run them through! A Haley/lan’s elbows? Aj‘, indeed, l «in A. statesman! Ulunrly I have pmvcd it oft. Have I. not made, my, cwcnty lengthy S1W:I:bc:~r~. Uni-orally writ! and tilled With stern Abuse 0! Southern guntlmnen, before. the Senate 3 “'11:“ is n statesman, than, if I be. not .’ Whnt’s that! Nu—yes—nn. can it he? 1!. is 1 The smmd of English flattery i 7 the air! [l'oircs in tile (ii-7.] Enter Burly, injured victim! Sum and sharp, ambition packed himl llnlu and Dana. both hue kicked him, A pplotun hun badly licked hi m, Warning gift to fiummins! [B‘s {:frrm: (mm? $101057.) Srn.——l’.urliugmnel God he praised! l WW3}: fur that: lint be nutnlmvncnst {—_wlnct, man. lift. thine eyes, And lool: misfortune stun‘dfunb in the face 1 ll.—- Oh, Summins, Summins! here’s a. pretty go! I’m not. v:lecterl,anui-:v.tl my tears! The North End bosom arid in and dry, And. now my time is mum-1 and I an: killed 2 Oh, what am 1 to do ‘3 . ‘ SL=.\t.—. An Embassy! Ax, tense grant. Linc-31:1, till he send thee i'nrm To‘jlnglmd, France, Sardinia. liuyti, Noun: 2 13.—But blow it all, the Senate want confirm me! S—Olr, yes, they shall; am 1 nut. in the Senate ? lt—[Asidrj—Oh, linmhng! [.lllamlj—Uuum, you know as well as 1.. What. bosh that in l—and mm’". I greatly [car Lincoln wont use the Lag-rag 01‘ his pm; To make Ambassadors. S.—[Aside] He‘s no such fnul A s I duljmlge him . [A lowly-Nay, my Burlingnme: You did buth-sl; yuur muulcsty now spanks. 8.-—Sunnnin=, attend! I feel um. Spil‘ltflf prophesy [.49l‘d2].~('l,'he firsiiinmin myll in) now strongupou me. llcwarc my dl.'c-.~.<ll‘u'- Me! I charge thee, Charles, lhumm my fate! Fur if it made mt: was}; “L‘Will adrflr. thy pun: bruins! [Charles l'flll'fl‘fiJ Aye, audit: them! I. see the people: rising in their might Ami kicking thee nduwn the State. House stepl: ! Summing: I charge that, (ling away ambition! .V-nu‘xm nm; the: uni-(Elly.- {1...—. ._ , 'S.3-‘-flSobbiug] : V 011, Anson, mum-5 > u- _ must. him-m". onl',’ tq 219 land; , . ' ' ITm mid unl‘fil’cfifil—‘L'L S.——~ Dead 2 ‘ Ay, as Julius 0:”:an AIM mm I fiftl‘ll them Tram tho ntlmrworl—l, To culllvntz} the guns. of Chm-£ll,- .' I that (fun now his late in save my lifn Frum the sleep ruin of n peuple‘s .... laugh, 1f anything, sth. charity will do it. [Sinks into h'u- 50,11]; .1 §.wfli€(ol‘t‘r.§ (I‘lflfflgf! ml. 1L: Aimppuuruacc q," (1m:- get-I Chm-lay, ho}?! ‘Lis time you tlisnppc-are-L If you did comv to tall: such flash to me! Your “charity” would sink me out uf sight! 7'l‘would make me fifth-mm ham-later again! 11.“.2 I-lorrou ! What is this? Oh, mercy, mercy ! I sink! I perish! Burlingsmo, help! help‘t My legs are burning oll‘! Uh, Dun-1.! Andrew! Hurling S—[A sou-mi like: an capladiug Ham!” heard, and Sunmzins is swallowr—ll up.] [Dana and Andrew Tux/2 infra»: oppnxz'lc sides] DAxA—I heard the voice of Summins cull, As the? am earthquake shook him [— AXDlt‘rm‘-—;\lcthuught I too o’urhmwcl him lulu] As if :L toothache ton}: him 1— ]).——l saw 11. pair of hands, just there-{pains} - Above the sod, like hism! A.——-But surely, earth would never dark The mighty Charles to imprison! D.——l[ere is his caneflnd here his hat, And whatis this within? Ar-Jfit’s 506 l A sper ch. by all that‘s fiat, Begun as they all begin! [h’cuus]——“South! Slavery! Fh‘wlmndud! “'0“ I" . I'ool‘ fallow, he’s a. gainer! ID.—Andy, ’tis well! for doubtless, he’d Have got us in a. corner! A.—-l{ush ! not so loud! I think with you 2 Elk—Good! Let’s be off; we‘ve much to do, I’m sure, you’ll own, you never knew A statesman much forlornur! [EI-cunt dancing.) [Burlmgamc-‘s ghost riscs.) Must nut this globe split in ten million pieces To hear the treachery of these pigmy ingmtcrs! Dims. has slain mu—fso—conditi on hard {—— thist‘mc forth I neur will speak word! [END or ser Aer.) ’ [Sinks again former .] A Fluxcnn VII-1W or MA'rulMoxr.—You’re going to enter into the matrimonial state, are you, Mr. Brown? And you think you’re coming into possession of an angel? Yes, but angels cost money. Did it. ever oc cur to you what on expensive article your fashionable young wife was likely to prove? Bless your unsophisticated soul! you’ve no more idea. of it than you have of the price of onions, or the market value of a wash-tub.— You’ll find our. one day, however—to your grief. Two or three stout Irish girls'to wait. on her—- :1. French maid to arrange her hair—fifty dol lar silks and camel’s heir shawls to make her female friends envious, and halfq dozen bon- ‘ nets per annual—white kid gloves and silver card cescs—otto of roses and bouquet holders —-why, you deluded young man. she‘ll throw money out with her ringed and lilywhite fingers faster, by the bushel, than you can shovel it. in with a spade! You don't believe it? Let us make a rough estimate. then. of what. she will cost in full promenade costume : Bonnet. (:1. love of a thing, the “ sweetest“) white chip, and such ohm-gain) fifteen dollars. India. shawl, (of course you won’t be 311011 e brute as to expect your wife to wear common ‘ cashmere or brochehjust like the butcher’s better half) only seventy-five, the cheapest thing in New York ! Dress. 11“ Flew“ “0““93‘1 silk, forty—five dollar's, including the trim‘ mings and the poorly-paid 191 W? 0f the hollow oheeked dress-maker ; Valenciennee comm-g and l sleeves, at twenty-fire; cunning 111-tie heeled goiter boots, three; $10793, onc_; Etruscan bracelet, fifty, (you expect your info to dress like other women. don’t you? and everybody has Etruscan bracelets ;) brooch and earrings in Italian cameo, thirty; enameled watch and chain, sevean'fi‘fß; card case, twenty ; a. “duck" of Chantilly ,Vail, ton; embroidered handkerchief, Elgllt‘; lace parasol, lined with lavender silk, ten; crinoline, three. and other “belongings.” loco—edged and sumptuously decorated, about ten, as near as a body can venture to guess. Now, all this is an exceed ingly moderate assessment; there are probably as many who exceed it as fall shore of it. How much do you suppose it amounts to. my good Mr. Brown? Well, your angel, in the simple matter of plumage for this one occasion, costs you not far from four hundred dollars. Yes, Y“ may open your eyes and twirl ybur mus- PUBLISHED EVERY MORE-IN G, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED, BY 0. BARRETT 66 CO. 's‘"! Dana Pn-mor as» Exxon: will be smed to nab. acnbcrs residingin the Borough lot axx cum-s PER 17“! pawhle to the Carrier Mail subscribers, mm: M uns Hm ANNUX. 'l‘ml WEEKLY will be published as heretofore, Hemi veekly during the sesul'on of the Legislnuture,nnd once a. week the remainder of the year, for two dollars in ad. vance, or three dollars at the expiration of the year. Connected with this establishment is an extend" 108 OFFICE containing avariety of plain and flaw type. unequalled by any establishment inthe inter-Ker o! the State, for which the patronage or the public in so licited . NO 66. tuches in that incredulous sort. of way. Do you suppose we. don’t know all about it? Yes, and when the bills come in, you will remember our words of warning I You’re doing a remark ably foolish thing when you marry one of these camelinja-ponica.divinities, white-handed, helpless, and knowing just about. as much of real life, every day life, as a canary brid might be eXPected to understand. If we were a man, we Should as soon think of marrying a frail hot house plant, as one of these delicate sprigs of the ornamenm]. Give us the :Ipplo—mossom type 0f woman—- sunny, cheerful and useful—-somelhing equal to every emergency, frmu washing day to a. Fifth avenue xoircc~smnething that under stands the handling of :x. braom, and knows what, the kitchen poker is made for, and can calculate to a nicity the (‘Xflut amount of mince mmt. requisite in :1- model pimbeside liking a. bit of fun as well as the next, woman, and pOB - a pretty weakness for lively books and spicy newspapers. That‘s the :uticlc for our money. A wife who would- select. gingham instead of silk, when she went shopping, and freshen up her old bonnet with abunch 01' satin violets and a. new ribbon, instead of paying an extrava gant, price for the iatost I'm-is fooleries—not because she hadn’t- a. woman’s natural penchant for such things, but because, she wanted to save money—because her liitlc head was full of schemes some day to contribute something to ward releasing her husband from the bondage and drudgery of desk or counter! Do you sup pose the value of such a wife can be counted in gold pieces ‘l’ Let. your satin I‘ode doll sweep contemptuougiy push her on Broadway, Mr. Brown—time will prove which is the best in sh-ument. Only, before you purchase the useless jew eled toy, think twice {shunt it. Ask yourself soberly and was 311:1ny : “ What is the price ‘5” and “Can I afford it; ‘3'" or it. may be the (lear cfit‘. bargain you ever made in your life.—~L{/‘n [llusrratcm LAST Horas or 'rnu ENGLISH oer HATER. While Do Quince); was on his death-bod and a few days before he died. there came to him a letter from an old school—follow who had not soon him since they parted, more than sixty years before, 33 boys at the school-house porch. 11. was u farewell from all old man who loved him in his childhood, and who could not die without. telling him that. he was still xe membered as lho dear companion of his youth. Full of affection, the letter reminded the dying man of the happy days they had spent together as school-fellows, and expressed a wish that he would replv to his old child friend. De Quincey sent a. loving message ; his hand was to weak to write, and. afew mornings afterwards, he was carried to his. resting-place in the Edin burgh church—yard. , I have learned a few particulars of the last days of the "Opium enter“ from those who loved him, and who closed his eyes. When they sent. for the kind physician who ”attended him through his final illness, he received him with that. gracious, winning manner for which he was so rcmarkablc,.oml briefly expressed the nature of his inllisposilion. Then he con vcrscd very clearly and eloquently on other topics, and seemed cheerfully resigned. Du ring the next. foiiowing three or four days he grew better, and those about him were con slantly reminded of passages in his published wrliipg;.rbfififil‘mvritteu of Jenni. are incidental to persons who have' passed the ullollcd span of human life, recurred at. inter vals. He read, however, constantly, and al ways without. the aid of spectacles, although his age ind already curried him to nearly seventy-five. When he become fatigued with holding the book, one of his daughters read, to him; but he. always manifoonzd Lilc ntmooz solioilrudc lest. he should give Ironble to those who ministered round his bed. One of xhc last volumes he ever looked over was Allibone’s Dio‘lionury. The mention of himself in its pages seemed to give him plca~ sure, and led him to speak of the manner his writings had been received in America. Wit-h tranquil composure and :1. serene spirit, he now began to set his house in order for that depar ture which he felt. was nigh at. hand. Conr~ teous expressions of‘ gratitude constantly fell from his lips to those who waited on him, as he lay feeble in body but. with all 'his fine intellect undimmcd. Wool-. 5 went on and he grew weaker. V Shortly before he (li-2:1, he seemed filled with a “ holy calm delight,” and W2lB often heard speaking to those who had gone before him. Always helmd shown through life great in terest in little children, and now, with extreme fondness, he talked of young people he had loved in years gone by. On Wednesday morn in'g, the'hh of December, he blessedhis eldcst. 1 daughter, who ‘came to his bedside from a (1i!!- ! tam. panpf the country. Then, turning lo i th ose who stood around with touching sweetness of tone, he said “ thank you,” and these were his last wcrds on earth. HIGH Lin: 0:: A. NOVEL Scum—Herman Bualon, residing at No. 93 Third avenue, was arrested this morning by oflicer Cummings, of the lower police court, on a warrant. issued by Justice Welsh. The complainant is James D. Dovoes, of No. 1285 Broadway. He states that about the 30th of May last Bunion visited him and made a purchase of about $6O worth of goods. He represented himself as ußussian oflieiul, Comptroller of the Imperial Revenue, resident in the United States. He stated that. he had at command about $550,000, and that his business in this country was to purchase goods: He stated that he was not acquainted with the English language, and want-ed to em p‘oy an agent. Mr. Dovoe “"318 lnduc‘id. to accept this service. Bunion also engaged the services of an at torney, at a salary of $25,000 to transact. his legal business, and a. private secretary for $6,000. lie also made ejourney to Washington, where, as he represented, he had an interview with the Russian Ambassador. Mr.])ovoe had no fault to find with the servioe, except that when his salary become due the “Comptroller“ paid him with drafts which were regularly dishonored. He finally had an interview with M. Bunion, who finul‘y acknowledged that he held no such rank or position as he had repre sented. in short he only belonged to the Order of Chevaliers of Industry. Mr. Devoe accordingly repaired to Justice Welsh, who issued a. warrant. and M. Baalon was brought this morning before Justice Kelly. who committed him for examination—X. I'. Post of Tuesday" even-Eng. ' ‘ Tm: WASHING-rum FAMLLY.—-—Sinyular C'oz'n ¢idcnce,—Col. Lewis W. Washington, of Jefier son county, Vn., was married on the 6th inst. to Ella. M., daughter of Geo. W. Bascett, Esq., of Hanover county, Va. In this marriage a. singular coincidence occurs, the groom being the great-grandson of two brothers of General. Washington, and the bride the great-grand daughter of the only sister of Gen. Washington, and also gram.- grand-daughter of the sister of Mrs. General Washington. . Ex—Senator Pratt, of Maryland, has had an. interview with Secretary Cass, touching the Provriety 0f calling a. convention of all she States, for the purpose of denoupqiflg 300233101! and making conciliatory proposxuons.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers