RATES OF ADVERTISING. Ion: lines or less constitute half a square. Ten line or more than font, constitute u. square, unkindoneday, ..... $0.25 One sq., one duywsflét “ (mural... - 1.00 H onewnek...» 1.26 “ one month- . 2.00 “ one month. ... 3.00 " fines months. 3.00 “ three months. 5.00 “ 5%: mafia. . 4.00 “ six months... 8.0" “ one you-.... . 5.00 “ one yuan."— 10.00 33‘ Bushes: notices inserted in the 1.00.“. comm, or 59m Megan and deaths, n n: cum-s mm mm: forum insertion I'o merchantsnnd others Invertising by theyeu fibhlh. as will be ofl'ered . 1D- The numberofinsertions must be deaignntod on tho dumpement. .. _ ifi' gammpentha mu be Inserted It the um. nm as regular adrerhaemenu. 3390155, Eitatiumtrg, 85:. ”YGHOOL BOOKS—School Duectora, b Teachers, Parents, Scholars, and others, in want of School Books, School Stationery, km, will find a complete “Box-talent at E. M. POLLOGK dc SON’S BOOK STORE, Market Square, Harrisburg, comprising in part the follow xn finADEES.—Mc6ufiey’s, Parker's, Cobb’s. Angen’n arnuua BOOKS.—-Mcfinfley’l, Cobb’s, Webster's, man’s, Byerly’n. Oomhry’l. ENGLISH GRAMMARS.—-Bullion’lwfimith’s, Wood bug’s, Montefl-héu, Tutllll’a, Hart’s, 0113’. TOMES. rimshaw’s, Davenport’s, Frost’s, Wil< gun’s. Willanl’s, Goodrich’s, Pinnook’s, Boldamith’a and Clark’s. _ARITEMETIO’S.—GmnIeaf’s, Btoddnd’s Emerson-‘5; Pike’s Rose’s, Oolhnrn’l, Smith md Duke's, inviu’a. pf’iumFareenlews, Imm, Day's, Ray’s, m n. ‘DIGTIONAEYa.—Wnkor’s School, cow's, Walkers Worcester’fl Comprehensive, Worcester’s Primaryd Web ster’s Primary, Webster-‘5 Elgh school: Wabmr" unto, Academe. NATURAL PElLOSOPHlES.—quatoc‘l’ly Parker’s: Swift’s. The above with a grant variety of other: can at my time he found at my mm. “’3‘.” ‘ ”mph“ “50“" ment or School Stationary, embracing 1n the wl1( to a com pinto outfit fur school purpories. Any book not In the More. notice. P 10533033: $313113th supplied at wholesale rates. MANAGS..JoIm Barr and Son’s Almanac lor sale a! l. M. POLLOOK st SON’S BOOK STORE, Harrisburg. {T Wholesale and Retail. mil fir-ET RECEIVED A T SCHEFFBR‘S BOOKSTORE, ADAMAN TINE SLfl TES OF VARIOUS SIZES AND PRICEa , which, for beauty and use, cannot be excelled. REMEMBER THE PLACE, SCHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, NO. 18 MARKET STREET. fl BOOK AUCTION. BEN F Will lupply his bid friends and. customers with the following Books at Auction prices: sagacifie Railroud, 10 volt, complete, 4 illustrations Japan Expedition; 3 7015., complete, illustrated and illuminated, $l2. Emery’e Expedition, 2 vols. , ‘complete, illustrated illuminated, $lO. Congressional Globe, $1 50 per volume. Waverly Novels, complete, 12 volt, cloth, $lO. a? " “ 211013.,ha1fva1f,534; Jno., u. c. All of the above Books I will deliver in Harrisburg free of charge. BEN F. FRENCH, 278 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. 0. febfl-dtf NEW BOOKS! JUST RECEIVED “ SEAL AND SAY," by the‘authur of “Wide, Wide World ” “Donna-s and Gents,” aw. “ KIIS‘IORY OE METHODISM,"by A. Stevens, LLJ). For sale 31: SCEEFFEBS’ BOOKSTORE, ups ' No. 18 Marina st. JUST RECEIVED, ‘ A LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSOBTMENT OF RICELY GILT AND ORNAMENTAL WINDOW CURTAINS, PAPER. BLINDS, 0f various Designs and 001028;“)! 8 cents, TISSUE PAPER AND CUT FLY PAPER, 5.: [my24] SGHEFFEB’S BOOKSTORE. ‘ NALL PAPER! WALL PAPER :1 Just received, our Spring Stock of WALL PAPER, BORDERS, FIRE SCREENS, km, Ate. Itis the largest and best selected assortment in the city, magi us in price item six (6) cent: up to one dollar and a quarter ($1.26.) As we _pux-chuae very low for cash, we are prepared to sell 3t as low mtes, if not lower, than can be had else. where. [f purchasers will call and examine, we feel ponfidont that we can please them in respect to price and quality. E. M POLLOCK A: SON, ap3 Below Jones’ House. Market Squats. LETT E R, CAP, NOTE PA PERS. Pens, Holders, Pencils. Envelopes, Sealing Wax, of the best quafity, at low prices, direct from the manu— facforiea, at max-30 SOHEFFER’S CHEAP BOOKSTORE W ‘ LAW 800 Kb I LAW BOUKa 1 !—A general assortment of LAW BOOKS, all the State Report: and Standard Elementary Works, with many of the old English Reports, scarce and run, together with a large mason-tumult of second-hand Law Books, at very 10w prices, at the one price Bookstore of ‘ E. M. POLLOCK k SON, Market Square; Harrisburg. anyie ' vifilwtelluneuug. AN ARRIVAL 015‘ NEW (£OOll5 APPROPRIATE T 0 THE SEASON! SILK LINEN PAPER nuns: FANSBE FANS!!! “OTEBB LSD SPLIXDID not or SPLICED FISHING RODS! Trout- Flies, Gut and Hair Snoods, Guns Lines, Silk and Hair Plaited Lines, and a general assortment of FISHING TACKLE! ' A mnn-r vuxmr or WALKING GANES! Which we will call :3 cheap as the cheapest! Silver Hand Loaded Sword Hickory Fancy canes! Cones! Canes! Canes! Glues! KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY STORE, no. 91 lIABKE'I smear, South side, one door est of Fourth gtreot je9 D - D J. HARRIS, . WORKER m TIN, SHEET IRON, AND METALLIC ROOFING, second Streetlbelow Chestnut, HARRISBURG, PA. :a prepaid to fill orders for my article in his branch 0! W; mdif not on hand, he will make to order on short notiee. ’ _ METALLIC ROOFING, of Tm or Galvanized Iron, may on hind. ' Also, Tin Ind Sheet-Iron Ware; Spanning, kc. He hopes, by strict attention to the wants of his custo mer-e, to merit and receive a generous share of public pat lounge. 5] T Ever remiss strict} fulfilled. y p y B. J. mama, Second Street. below Chestnut. I‘m-“L F IS H ! ! MACKEREL, (Nos. 1, 2 and 3.) SALMON, (very superior.) SHAD, (Hess and very fine.) HERRING, (extra large.) GOD FISH. SMOKED HERRIXG, (extra. Digby.) SCOTCH HEBRING. SARDINES AND ANOHOVIES. or the nbove we hate Magkerel in whole, half. quarter find Eighth bhla Herring In whom and half bbls. The entire lot new—blazer mom was “5355185, Md will sell them at the lowest market rates. 861114 WM. DOCK, .15., a; 0L FAMILY BIBLES, from’ 125 to $lO, smug and handsomely bound, printmd on 500:! paper, (in: elegant clear new type, sold at nohxl SOHEFFER’S Cheap Boob-hrs. CfiuéNBERRIES! ! l—A SPLE. “it“ renewed by 7mm Lom OR a superior 'and F SALAD on. go to oheal’ TABLE 'Ol. flyvs DRUG STORE, lI‘IHE Fruit Growers’ Ha __ n WARlRG—wholesalenndretailnt dbOOk by mchal SCH EFFER’S “(,oka SPERM CANDLES—A large supply just received by nepls wu. hoax. .13.. & co. IF you are in wait of' a. Dentifrice go to mum, pl. Market at. FRENCH FIS H!!! _WM. nocx. .13., 55 co .W. . . _.. ."flf >532: V: r"- . 3% :D‘fififi ' :3 \ K . ~'—« [:3 .‘"~:.,F.~: ..-: - E “‘s’” |'l 11‘1“; r . w?" . . : "-{§§ [Em mm “ .75.: " 1.5. ’‘ . . ‘iduigfial-v: ,‘r393L [ . Vl,; -_,*j'\ar-___ _. . - . ,fii'fi' 7%???” ;'lf:':'~-‘-‘ . 'i $.2; .w l ‘ 5 f ' ‘ > “5:, - _ : .g: ..g - —" 3'7: 3 h " :_ ‘I - -. : -... . 47”}; _ ‘‘. » 'l‘ in, m.,].f' ";. I . . -» . '1" ~ . ".":.:‘iaiki:“"‘ l’gnifi"? g' VOL. 3. flinm) Stablcs. CITY LIVERY STABLES, fl BLACKBERRY ALLEY: fl IN THE REAR 0F HERE'S HOTEL‘. The undersigned has re-commenz-ed the L I V}: R Y BUSINESS in his NEW AND SPACIOUS STABLES. located as übova. with a large and varied stock of ‘ HORSES, UARRIAGL‘S AND DMNIB USES, Which he will hire at moderate rates. octl3-dl)’ 7 7,, 7 , 7 , , F. K. swarm. FRANK A. MU EBAY Successor to Wm. Parkhill, “may a. ExpnANGE STABLE THIRD STREET BELOW MARKET. 'l‘} A,_ , I ”flail r.“ in .. 5.. Viv-vi» = I .- , - x HM» ’ .‘ HAVING purchased the interest of.) .Q. Adams I! the establishment, and made large additions to the stock, the undersigned is prepared to accommodate the public with SUPER OB HORSES for Saddle or Corrine: purposes, and with every variety of VEHICLES of the test and most approved styles on reasonable terms. PLEASURE {’ABTIES will be accommodated with 0111 olbussea at short notice. if Carriages and Omnibnsses, hr funeral occasions, will be furnished, accompanied by careful and obliging drivers. Re invites an inspection of his stock, satisfied that it is Fully equal to that of any other establishment of the kind in town. FRANK A. MURRAY BRANCH STABLE The undersigned has opened a branch of his “Livery and hchsnge Stable” in the buildings lately occupied by A. W. Barr, in Fourth street, opposite the Bothel, where he is prepared w accommodate the public with Horses and Vehicles, at all times, on reasonable terms. Elie stock is large and varied, and will recommend itself. sols-«hf FRANK A. MURRAY. filigteilaueons. TAKE NOTICE! That we have recently added to our already full stock OFSE G A R S Li NORMATIB, ' - DIARI KARI, . EL MONO, LA BANASA - 0F; PERFUMERY For: wan Haxnxnncmm : TURKISH ESSENCE, - ' ODOR 0F MUSE. LUBIN’S ESSENCE BOUQUET. Fox: TEE Hun: - EAU LUSTRALE, CRYSTALIZED POMATUM, MYRTLE AND VIOLET I‘OSIATCM. FOR THE Gomnsxzos : TALL} 0F VENICE. ROSE LEAF POWDER, NEW MOWN HAY POWDER, BLANO DE PERLES. ’ O F SOA P S BAzrx’s FIXEST V ' MOSS ROSE, BENZOIN, UPPER TEN, . VIOLET, NEW MOWN HAY, - J OCKEY CLUB. Having the largest stock and best assortment of Toilet Articles, we fancy that we are better able than our com petitors to get up a. complete Toilet Set at any price de sired. Call and see. Always on hand, a FRESH Stock of DR UGS, MEDI CINES, CHEM'ICALS, kc , consequent of our re ceiving almost daily addition: thereto. KELLER’S DRUG AND FANCY STORE 7 91 Market Street, two doors East of Fourth Street, seps South side. PHENIFOUNDRI. ENZEMMI JOHN J. OSLER 8: BROTHER, (successoas TO Mums u. BAY.) FOUNBERS AND MACHINISTS, Comer Pennsylvania Railroad and Stats Street, HARRISBURG, PA. lIIILL GEARING, IRON FENCES, RAILROAD AND CANAL WORK, , IN!) ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF IRON CASTINGS OK HARD OR MADE TO ORDER. MACHINE “'ORK AND REPAIRING- PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PATTERNS MADE TO ORDER. Wé have a. large and complete assortment of Patterns to select from. 31122 JUST RECEIVED! A. FULL ASSORTMENT or HUMPHREY’S HOMEUPATHIC SPECIHBS! I‘D WHICH WE INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE AFFLIGTED! For sale at SCHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, 13:9 7,W 7; fl , , 77.1118 Marketst ‘ N I E O F F E R T O ‘ C II S T .0 M E R S A New Lot of . LADIES’ PURSES, 0f Beautiful Styles, substantially nmde' A. Splendid Assortment of GENTLEMEN’S WALLETS. A New and Elegant Perfume, KNIGHTS TEMPLABB’ BOQUET. Put up in Out Glass Engraved Bottles. A Complete Assortment of HANDKEBCHIEF P EBFUMES, or the mast Manufacture. A very Handsome Variety of POWDER PUFF BOXES. KELLER’S DRUG- STORE, 5’31 91 Market street: ESTABLISHED IN 1810 FNCY DYEINGESABISHMET. J & W. JONES, No. 432 N. Front Street, above Cal lowhill, Philadelphia, dye SILKS, WUOLEN AND FANCY GOODS of every description. Their superior style of Dyeing Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Garments is widely known. Grape and Merino Shawls dyed the most brilliant or plain colors. Crap» and Merino Shawls cloned to look like new—also. Gentlemen’s apparel. Curtains, &c., cleaned or re-dyed. moan and. look at our work before going else where. sepll-dSm “7 HOLESALE. GROCERY! The anhecribers are daily receiving (goons from New York, Philadelphieand Baltimore. which they are selling to Country Merchants at «my small yrofizs. Orders filled promptly, and satisfaction guaranteed. We have a. large supply or the following articles :, COFFEE, , TOBACCO, SUGAR, RAMS, SYRUPB, BACON, TEA, great variety; FISH, STAROH, SALT, CHEESE, TAR 5: OIL, SOAP, WHITE LEADJ SPIGES, GLASS, POWDER. 5:. SHOT, LOAKL'M & PITCH, FLOUR, PLASTER, CORN a OATS, CEMENT, ULDVERSEED, GOAL. Also, a. large assortment of BAR IRON, NAILS, and RAILROAD SPIRES. - EBY & KUNKEL. Harrisburg, August 6. 1860.—au7-d3m U 0 0P E R’s GELATLN 19.—The; best ”tingle in the market, just received and for side in marM— f WM. DOCK Jl. SGHEFFER’S Bookstore is the nlace to buy Gold Pens—warranted , KELLER’S DRUG STORE is the place to buy Putent Medic inc! HARRISBURG, PA.,WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14,1860; TO THE PUBLIC! CfiAL YARD, BELOWEPRATT’S ROLLING lIIILL, LYKENS VALLEY BROKEN, EGG, STOVE AND WILKESBARRE STEAMBOAT, BROKEN, STOVE It will be delivered to consumers clean, and full weight warranted. -. IE? CONSUMERS GIVE ME A CALL FOR YOUR WINTER SUPPLY. {l3" Orders left at my house, in Walnut street, near Fifth; or at Brubaker’s, North street; J. L. Speel’s, Market Square; Wm._ Bostick’s, corner of Second and South sheets, and John Liugle’s, Sucoxia and Mulberry streets, will receive prompt uttexition jyl3—(l6m COAL!COAL!I ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT DELIVERSJ GOAL BY THE PATENT WEIGII CARTS! NOW IS THE TIME For every family to get in their supply of Coal for the Wintcrvweighed at their door by the Patent lVaz‘gh Carts. The accuracy qf these Carts nq mu; disputcs', and they never got out of order, (L 5 is frEquently the case of the Platform Scales; besides, the consumer has the. satisfaction of proving the weight of his Gan] at his own house. I have a. large supply of Coal on hand, co‘~;2;f=ug of S. M. 00.78 LYKENS VALLEY GOAL all sizes. WILKESBARRE do. ~ " BITUMINOUS BROAD TOP do All 0031 of the best quality mined, and delivered free from all impurities, at the lowest rates, by the boat 01' cm: lead, single, half or third of tons, and by the bushel. - JAMES M. WHEELER. Harrisburg, September 24‘ 1860.—4ep25 COAL! COALH COAL!!! NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET CLEAN COAL! FULL WEIGHT AND NOTHING SHORT OF IT! Thankful to my friends and customers for their liberal patronage, I would inform them and the public generally, that I am fully prepared, on short notice, to supply them with all kinds of SUPERIOR COAL OF ALL SIZES. FREE FROM SLATE, AND CAREFULLY SCREENED, AT AS LOW A FIGURE AS FAIR DEALING WILL AFFORD! Although my Coal is not weighed in SELr-Wammxa GARTH, mm 13 wmonnn ox Seuss accvaA-rnur “sum 31 Tna‘..Sunmn on WEIGHTS AED Mzésums, a‘nd con msgfiflwnfiwgamméwr—Esgft‘ga‘rl article, and no mixing. Also, HICKORY, OAK and PINE WOOD always on hand. sep4~d3m GEO. P. WIESTLING. W. P. 051.31! COALIGOALI! COAL!!! The subscriber is prepared at all time! to deliver to the citizens of Harrisburg the different kinds and sizes of LYKENS VALLEY, PINE GROVE AND WILKES BARR]: COAL, weighed oq the CI TY WEI 6-H CART at the consumer’s door, and full weight guaranteed Prices as low as at any regular yard in the city. Orders left at his oflicc, corner Fourth and Market streets, or dropped in the Post-omen, will be promptly attended to. null-dam DAVID M’CORMICK. COAL! WUODH PU w DEM 1: JAMES M. WHEELER, DEA L E R I N HARD AIND SOFT coALf, OAK, HICKORY ‘AND PIfiNE WOOD CORN, OATS, BLO. AGENT FOR DUPONT’S CELEB RATED POWDER! 1):? All Coal delivered clean, and weighed at con sumer’s door. by the Paton-I Weigh Carts. The reputa tion of these Scales is so well established that I believe no person doubts their correctness. If any do, they are at liberty to test them in any way, and if the (303.1 falls short ten pounds they can have the Goal. - 5029 J AMES M. WHEELER. TJ P TOW NI PATENT WEIGHGARTS For the convenience of my numerous up town custom ers, I have established, in connection wah my old yard, a. Branch Goal Yard opposite North street, in a line with the Pennsylvania canal, having the office formerly occu pied by Mr. R. Harris. where consumers of Coal in that vicinity and Verbeketown can receive their Coal by the PATENT WEIGE CARTS, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE FOR HA ULING, And in any quantity they truly desire, as low as can be purchased anywhere. ' ‘ a FIVE THOUSAND TONS COAL 0N HAND, LYKENS VALLEX end WILKESBARRE, all sizes. a? Willing to maintain fair prices, but unwilling to be undersold by any partus. FA“ Coal forked up and delivered clean and free from all impurities, andfihe best article mined. Orders received at either Yard will be promptly filled, nd all Goal delivered by the Patent I'Vaigh Carts. Coal gold by Boat, eu- load, single, half at third of tom, and by the bushel ' ‘ JAMES M. WHEELER Harrisburg, October 13, 1860.—0ct16 CHOICE SAUCES! WORCESTERSHIRE. LUCKNOW CHUTNY, CONTINENTAL, SOYER’S SUI/LANA, ATHENIEUM, LONDON CLUB, - SIR ROBERT PEEL, INDIA SOY, . REA DING SAUCE, ENGLISH PEPPER SAUCE. For sale by WM. DOCK, Jn., & 00. mle DYOTTVILLE GLASS WORKS, PHILADELPHiA, MANUFACTURE CARBOYS, DEMIJOHNS, WINE, PORTER, MINERAL WATER, PIGKLE AND PRESER r 1; BOTTLES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. - 11. B. k. G. w. BENNERS, ole—dly 27 South Front stereg Philadelphia. ' ' 1 INSTRUCTION 1N MUbIC. F. W. WEBER, nephew and taught by the well re membered late F. W. Weber, of Harrisburg, is prepared to give lessons in music upon the PIANO, VIOLIN OELLO, VIOLIN and FLUTE. He will give lessons at his residence, corner of Locust street and River alley or at the homes of pupils. an2s-dfim JUST RECEIVED! A very ingenious attachment to any metallic pan, by Which one dip of ink is sufficient to Write 3. [0015031) page. For sale at SCHEFFEB’S BOOKSTORE, ‘Pfi No. 18 Market at FINE CONDIMENTS ! I—E X T R A FRENCH MUSTARD, a. choice variety of SALAD OILS, SAUCES and KETCHUPS 0“ every description. 111le vim. DOCK. .13.. a; 00. DRI ED APPLES AND 131 nm) octlfifimmflis for sale by W“- DOOR, .13., & CO. anal. JOHN TILL'S {SOUTHJSECDND srnmu‘, HARRISBURG, PA., Where he has constantly on hand NUT COAL ALSO, AND NUT GOAL, ALL OF THE BEST QUALITY INK FOUNTAIN! INK FOUNTAIN! liJublit flunk fining. BY the President. 91‘ the United States. IN pursurance of law, T, JAMES BU— , CHANAN, President of the United States of America, do hereby declare and makekuown that public sales will be held at the undermentioned land offices, in the State of lOWA, at the periods he einal‘ter designated to wit: At the hind office at, Fon'r Dona“, commencing: on Mon- JM’. um }9thduy of November next, for the disposal of the [yubhc lands, heretofore unoftered, situated within the (allowing townships uqd parts of townships, viz: North aft/m base line and'wgst nfthe fifth principal me- lidimi. Sections 1,3, 5,7, 9,11, 13, 15,17,129. 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, and :55, of township 9:); sections 1,3, 5,7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, and 3:), of township 95,- secfiuns 1,3, 5,7, 9, 11. 13. 15, 17. 19, 21: 23, 25. 27, 29, 31, 33, and 35, of township 96; sections 1, 3,5, 7,9, 11. 13, 15, 17,19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, and 35, of township 97; sections 1, 3. 5,7, 9, 11, 1:}, 15, 17T 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, :9, 31, 33,3116. 35, of township 98, of range 27. Sections 1,3, 5. 7. 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19. 21, 23, 25, 27, 29., 3] , 313-, and 3:). 01' townshipflfl; sectimm 1,3, 5. 7, U. 11, 13, 15. .17, 19, 21. 2.3. 25, 27, 29, 31. 33, and 35, or township 94; sections 1,3. 5, 7:9, 11,13, 15, 17,19 21, ‘l3, 25. 27, 29, in, 33, 21111135, of township 95 ; sections 1, 3, 5,7,ii,11.1::.,15,17, 19, 21, 23. 25, 27, 29, 31. 33, and 35, of township 96; sections 1,3, 5,7, 9. 11, 13, 15, 17, I‘3, '21., ‘l3, ‘2.) :57, 29, 31, 33, and 35, of township 97; sec tions 1, :3. 5. 7,9, 11,13, 15, 17, 19, 21, ‘23, 25, 27, 29, 51,33, and 37,-, of township 98; sectinns 1, 3. 5-, 7,9, 11, 13,15,131“ 31,23,215, 27, 29, 31, 33, and 35,01‘ town ;‘ship 99, of range 28. Sections 1,3, 5,7, 9, 11, 13, 15,17, 19, 21, 23, 23, ‘l7, 29, 31, 33, and 3.5, of township 93; sections 1,3, 5,7, 9. 11,13, 15,17,19, 21, 2:3, 25, 27, 29, 31, 3:1, 1121:1535,“ township 94; sections], 3,5, 7,9, 1.1. 13. 15. 17,19, 21 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, and 35. of township 95; Hectious 1, i 3 5,7, 0,11, 13, 15,17, 19, 21, 2:3, 25, 27, 29, 31, 3'3, and 1 35, of township 96; sections 1,3, 5, 7. 9, 11, 13, 15), 17, 19, 21, 23. 25. 27,29, 3]. 33, and 33, of township 97; sec- “ tions 1,3, 5, 'l', 9, 11. 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, '23, 2:”), 27, 29. 31, 33, and 3>, of township 98; sections 1,3. 5,7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 83, 11111135. 01 thnship 99, of range 29. ’ Sections 1,3, 5. 7,9, 11, 13, 15,1119, 2‘], 23, 25. 27, 29, 31. 33, nod 35, of township 93; sections 1,3, :3, 7,9, 11, ' 13, 15, 17 19, 21, 23, 25, 27', 29, 31,33, 2111(131, of township 94; sections 1. 3 5. 7,9, 11: 13, 15,17,121 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, and 35, of township 95; sections 1,3, z», 7,9, 11,13. 13, 17,19, 21, 21), 2). 27,29, 53-1, 'l'! 2112:1115, of township 96; sections I', 3, :‘~, '7, 9, 11, 13,15, 17,19, ‘2l, 23,223, 17,29,131, 33,:tn1135, ol'townshipU‘l ; sections 1,3, 5, '7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 11', 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29: 31, 33, and 35, of township 98; auctions 1,3, 5. 7,9, 11,13, 1:), 17, 19, 2 , 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, and 35, oftuwnshipbi‘i; soutions l, 3. 5,7, 9, 11, 13,15. 17,19,21. 23, 25, '27, 29, 31, 313, and 35, of township 100, ofrzuige 30. Sectionsl, 3 5,7, 9, 11, 13, 1:-, 17, 19. 21, ‘23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, and 35, of township 9:}; svctions 1,3, 5,7, 9, ‘ 11,13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 3:5, and 35, of ‘ township 94:; sections 1, 3. 5,7, '3, 11. 13, 1.), 1?, 19, Z], , 23, 25: 9.7, 9.9, 81. 33, and 3:]. of township 95; sections 1, ‘ 3, v, 7,9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 2], 23,25, 27, 29, 31,33, and :55, ‘ of township 96; sections 1,3, 5, 'l', 9, 11. 13, I's, 17, 19, § 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, and 35. oftownship 97; sections 1 1,3, 6, 7 9,11, 18, 15, 17, 19. 21. 23, 25,27,211,31,33, and i 35, of township 98; .sections 1,3, 5,7, 9, 11, 13, 15,17,111, 21,323, 25, 21, 29, 31, 33,:11111 85, oi‘tbwnship 99 ; sections 1,3, 5, '7, 9, 11, 13, la, 17, 19. 21, 23, 25, 27, '29, 31, 33, and 35, of township 100, 01' range 31. Sections; 1,3, o, 7,9, 11, 13,13, 1319, 21,23, 25,27, 29, 3], '55, and {if}, or township 93; sections 1,3, 5,7, 9. 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 2b, 27, 29, 31, 33, and 35, of township 94; sections 1, 3,6, 7,9, I], 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 3], 3?», and 35. of township 95; sections 1, 3,5, 7,9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, ‘23, 25, 27, 29, 31. 33, and 35, of township 96; sections 1,3, 5,7, 9, 11, 13, 15,17, 19, 21,-23, 25, 27,29, 31. 33, and 35, of township 9? ; sec‘ tions 1,3, 5,7, 9, 11. 13,15,17,19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, and :45, of township 98; sections 1,3., 5,7., 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, ‘25, 27, 29, 31. 33, and 35, 01' township 99; sections 1,3, 5,7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25,27, 29, 31, 33, and 35, of township 100, of range 32. Sections], 3,5, 7,9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 21, 23, ‘25, 21, 29. 31, 33, and 35, 01 township 94; township 95; sections 1. 3,5, 7,9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27,29,31, 33, and 35, oftownship 9o; sections 1,3, 5,7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, , 19, 21, 23, 25,27, 29, 31 33, nudss, oftownshinT; sec . tious 1, 3 5,7, 9, 11. 13,15,17, 19, 21, 2:3, 25. 27, :29, 31, ‘ 33, and 35, of township UH ; sections 1,3, 5,7, 9, 11, 13, ' 15,17,19,21, 23, 25, 27, 29, :51, 33, and 35, of t.~mrnship 99; ficotionr:l,3, 5, ’7, 9,11, 137 15, 11', 19, 21, 23, 25, 2'l, 29, 31, 33, and 3 >_. of township 100, of range 33. . ,M. thelnndffiuegfi.slslll£Qijrn commencing on Mon "day, M‘Aflth ‘ fly oi z'ovam ‘0: 11131:, {mt-1n: mspoaal'm’ the public lands, heretofore unoti‘ered, situated within the following townships and path: of townships, viz : North, oft/w base line and west Qf the fifth prim-1p!!! 1715- J OHN TILL Sections 1.3, 5,7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29,31, 33, and 35, of township 9); sections 1. 3., 5,7, 9, 11,13, 16,17, la, 21, 2:3, 25, 27, 29, 3:, 3s, and 35,1» tOWlxr’hip 96; sections 1,3, 5,7, 9, 11, 13, 5, 17, 19, 2], 23, '25, 27, 29, 31. 33, and $5, of township 97; township 98; sections 1,3, 6,7, 9, 11,13. )5, 17, 19, 21,23, ‘25, 27, 29, 31, 33, and 23.5, ot’lowuship 99; sections 1,3, 5“), 7,9, 11, 13, 16, 17,19, 21, 23, 25, 27, '29, 31, 31.2, and 35, of township 100, of muse 34. Townships 98, 99, and 100, of range 3:3 Township 98. of range 36. Townships 98, 99, anti 100, of range 37‘ Townships 98.99, and 100, of range 38. Townships {lBt 99, and 100, of range 39. ‘ Townships 98, 91»), and 100, of range 4|). Townships 9‘.) and 100, of range 41. Townships 99 and 1005 of range 42. Townships 99 and 100, of range 43. Townships 99 and 100, of range 4—L. Townships 99 and 100, of range 4:5. Townships 99 and 100, of range 46. Townships 99 and 100, arrange 47. Townships 99 Mn] :00, of range 48. Townships 99 and 100, of range 49. Lands appropriated by law for the use of schools,mili tnry and other purposes, together with the “swamp and overflowed lands.“ will be excluded from the miles. The offering of the above lands will be commenced on the days appointed, and will proceed in the order in which they are advertised until the whole shall have been otl‘ered, and the xules thus closed; but no sale shall be kept open longer than two weeks, and no private en try of any of the binds will be admitted. until after the expiration of the two weeks. ' Given undermy hand, at the city of Washington, this fourteenth day of August, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred nnd sixty. By the President: ‘ .105. S. WILSON, Commissioner of the General Land Office NOTICE TO PBE-EMI’TION CLAIMANTS Every person entitled to the right of pre-emption to any of the lands withm the townships and parts of town ships above mentioned is required to establish the same to the satisfaction of the register and receiver of the proper land oflice, and make payment therefor as soon as practicable After seeing this notice, and before the day appointed for the commencement of the public sales of the lands embracing the tract claimed; otherwise such claim will be forfeited. Now.—~Under the regulations of the department, as heretofore and now existing, no payment can he made for advertising proclamations except to such publishers as are gleefully authorized to publish by the Commis sioner of the General Land Ofiieu. scplQ-lawmw. [No. 667.} By the President of the United States. For the Sale qf‘ Vafuable. Lands £32. Ihelate New Yorkln- , ‘ (Mair. Rascrw, Kansas. IN pursuance of law, I , J AMES BU CHANAN, President ef the United States of America, do hex-clay declare and make known that public sales will be held at. the under-mm tanned land oflices in the Ten-i -tory of Kansas, at the periods hereinafter designated, to wit: ' At the Land Office at FORT Scorncammencing on Mon day, the 3d day of D-cember next, fur the (HSpDSaJ of such or the public lands not conned by individual Indian locu liuus as are rim-mud within me followiug :owmhips and [Hum n townships in the late reserve above manlioued for th; New York India-us, viz: South qftha base Hm and east qfthe sia'tlx. principal me ridian, and in the townships and parts qf townshxps falling wit/tin mid reserve. ‘l‘lw lr‘u It: or [htwuls iu sh: parts of townships 23,24, 25 and ‘26‘ of range 25. The tracts“: parcels in the purt of township 23, in town- Sh'PS ‘24 and 25. and in the part 0-” 26, aft-mg:- 24 The tracts ur p week! in lhu part ol'_township 23, in towu~ ships 24 and 25, and in the part OHS, uf muue %. ’l‘ue tmctn or parcels in the p tr of township 23, in town ships 24 and 25 and ‘n Ihe p.ut of 26. of range 22. 'L'h- tracts ur puma!» in Hm pmtnf tmvnahlpw, in WWI» Elfin-i 21mm 26‘ and in the. part. uI 967 or range 21. ’_' he tract” or porcelsiu the purl o! township 23, in town- Ship-'5 24 and 25, xudin the p «rt of 26 of rm e 21!. (“It tracts or parcel»: in the patio! tovlu:hiu'£3,intown— -313105 24 and 2' and in the part 0f 26, 0f rung- 19. Tliu I'. cm or- pzu‘co-l- iu the. part of xowushyp 23,iu town -8113])824 and 25. and in the part 0' 2%, of huge 18 :l‘hu tr was ur parcels In tue pal t of township 23, in town slupg 21am 2b. undiu the pan 1:1'26, ul‘ rungeyl’l' Al the Ln- d Uflice at For” Econ. commencing on Mon— day, the 17:. any or Drmmbt‘r next, lor the diapogal of such of the public lands not covered by individual ludinn locations u are situatvd within the fol oniag IDWD"I)ipS and parts of townships in the late reserve above mentioned for New Yurk lndun s, viz: South of the base line and M.” of thr sixth. printipalvpe ritlian, and in the townships and parts of towns/up: falling within said “save. ‘ Th 3 trac‘so ‘ paces In the p utot‘ ‘0 vnship 23, in town- ‘ ships 24 and 25, and in the pm or 26. of range as . 1 The tract}! 0 ' pare-vols nu the purl: of township 23, In mwa- ‘ Ships 24 and 25, and in the putov 26 uf mugu I's _ _ 1 The tracts ur pare-ls in the part of township 3"! m town 1 Ships 24 and 25. and in the 1m: 0 26, oft-n 5? Mi ‘, _ '1 he that: or parce sin the part at township 23: V“ 3"“ ‘ shipe 24 and 25, and in the pm of 20, 0] msg 1 - _ LNO. 665.] rid'inn JAMES BUCHANAN 308. S. WILSON. Commissioner of the General Land Oflice The tracts or parcels in the part or township 23. in town ships 24 and 25, and in the part of 26, of range 12_ 'l‘ he tracts or parcels in the part of township 23, in town ships 24 and 25, and in the part of 26, of range 11. The trac's orparcels in the part of townshipza, in town ships 24 and 25. and in the pan or 26, of range 10. The tracts or parcels in the part of township 2‘3, in town ships 24 and 25, and in the part of 26, of range 9. The tracts or p week! in the parts or townships 23, 24, 25 and 26. of range 8. Lands appropriated by law for the use of schools, milita ry, Indian and other purposes, will be excluded from the sales, together with the tracts covered by individual In dian locations, descriptive lists of which have been fur nished the loan! officers. The oll‘uring of the above lands will be commenced _on thr days appointed, and will proaeed in the order in which they are advertisml until the whole shall have been oficred and the sxlcs thus closed; but no sale shall be kept npen longer than two weeks, and no private entry of any of the land; will be permitted until a!t.er the expiration of the two wee s. Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, this 21st day of August, Anne Domini one thousand ezght bun dred and sixty By the President : JO5 8. “11.50:, Commission: of the General Land Olfice NOTICE TO PRE-BMPTION GLAIMANTS Every person enti'led to the right nf pxe omption to any of the lands within the townships and parts of town ships above enumerated is requireu to establish the same m be satisfaction of the register and receiver of the land uflice, and make payment therefor as soon as prac ticable. after seeiugihisnotice, and before the day appointed ior the commencement of the public sales of the lands emf bra ingthe tract claimed; otherwise, such claim will be fox - (cited. ~ JOB 8. WILSON. Commissioner of the General Land Oflice NOTE.~Unfler the regulations of the dspartment, as herrtot'ore and now rxinling, no payment can be made for ad vertising proclamations except to such publishers as are specially authm‘ized to publish by the Commissioner of the General Land Office. scplQ-lawl‘zw _ ii£i¥T§flflfi€ " Y‘ 0 U READ THIS. ET \VILL PAY YOU His eyes were knocked info imitation of peeled onions, his nose split like a. squashed crab apple, and mixed up so miscellaneously Willi his mammoth moustache, that it was dfli cult to tell which side of his head his mouth was on. As soon as he found himself at lib arty, the unhappy man mizzled, and the mud flew on" his coat-tail and the heels of his boots with the sunbeam splatter of a. mud— covered sulky wheel in a slate of frantic circulation. The irrascible Fritz watched him till he was out. of sight, and then nervously scratching his head, shook his fist at. his wife, and in thun~ daring tonés exclaimed: “ I gits trunk for you, mat-am: I trinks all do lager in town; I trinks hireshcnwaser; I trinks Sohannisber gar; I winks every dings. matem, and gets so trunk as never was. Tuyvel! dunder, ya! ya. i” and he plunged rapidly through the mud, and when last. seen by our informant, was in a condition of that speechless good feeling so peculiarly illustrative of the healthy effects of lager, and the sedative results that arise from its frequent. imbibilion.——-Petersbu7;q ( Va.) Ez- NOW EXPOSED AT THE WELL I Imu- GB'SERVE WHAT I SAY H IT WILL PAY YOU FOR A VISIT TO HARRISBURG! I ! TO SEE AND MAKE YOUR. PURCHASES FROM THE LARGE, HANDSOME AND FASHIO NABLE STOCK OF READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTH, CASSIMERES, VES TINGS AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS KNOWN ARCADE, NO. 3 JONES ROW. AVAILING MYSELF OF THE ADVANTAGES WHICH READY ‘ CASH PRESENTEI OFFER ALL GOODS AT 10 PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSES. CHAS. S. SEGELBAUM. P. S.-HAYIN G SECURED A FIRST RATEECUTTER AND TAILOR, I AM NOW READY TO MAKE CLOTHING TO ORDER- IN THE MOST FASIIIONABLE STYLE I WARRAKT A FIT ORCKO SALE. oetg-d4m HATCH 6.; 00., SHIP AGEN'ijs Am: COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 138 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, DEALEBSIX FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, COTTON, WINES AND LIQUORS, TOBACCO AND C'IGA.RS. novfi-dfim (‘RANBERBIES—A very Superior lot 7 [oct26.] W, WM. DOC-K, JIL, a: 00‘s NI ESSRS. C HICKERING 85 CO. HAVE AGA IN OBTAINED THE G 0 L I) M E D A L 2 ' AT THE MECIIANICS’ FAIR, BOSTON, HELD THE PRECEDING WEEK, 0 FEB. SIXTY COMPETITORS.’ __ ‘ Wax-Broom for the CHICKEBING PIANOS, at Hun-ris burg. at 92 Market street, M 23.“ W. KNOCHE’S-MUSIC STORE. I< ELLER’S DRUG STORE is the place to ‘ind anything in '6l. way of Perfumery. DRIED BEEF—An extra lot of DRIED “03313111" just received by '1 JONES’ SPORE, AS USUALI Just received! and ggceis‘ghg, 8.9 JONES, STORE,_M&I‘A kßt Street. Harrisburg, xunost beautiful Stock of all kinds of DRY GOODS from Philadelphia and New York, which will be sold Chvap for Cash Buyers will do themselves justice by an lling. Carpets, Oil-cloth, Blankets, Rugs, Matting, (kc. Just receiving, Cloaks, Arabian Style Talmaa. Bw. - oclll-lmd’3\" . ‘ N 7 ANTED—S,OOO pounds OLD COP } PER, for which we will pay the very highOEt market price in cash, at the BAG LE WORKS ‘ nol-dlm » , _ H AVANA ORANGES I 1 ! ‘A ‘ It ' . - db 61:30. prune 0 Juat recdvewfi'. DOCEEE: & Do RE MOVAL ' JOHN w. GLOVE“; ' _ MERCHANT TAILOR, Has removed to 60 MARKET STREET, Where he will be pleased to see all his friend . acts-dtf RIED PARED PEACHES, Dried unpmusl? EEAOHES, Dried APPLES, Brim BLACKBERRILS, Just. received I», news. WM. DOCK, .15., so 00, #"7 ,7 H , IOY-BOOKS of an endless variety, for me amusement and instruction of our little ones, a sonEFFER’S Bnnkstm-e. HU MPHREY’S SPECIFIC . ‘ HOME OPA TH] U REMEDIE b, {or sale at . KELLER’S Drug Store, : mm 7 4 91 Mum Street KELLER’S‘BR-UG STORE is the place - ‘to buy Doméutl'c‘fledicinu ”N 62375: JAMES BUCHANAN Eta EE .COLLHY CIBBER.—Colley Gibber, in spite of his occupancy of a. niche in Pope’s Dunciad, was one of the most popular play writers of his day. His rank as poet, however. was not of the high est, whatever argument may be furnished by his twenty-seven years incumbency of tha Lnureateship, with its salary of £2OO a year and a. pipa of Canary. He became a dramatic writer, at first to gain the means of supporting himself, and afterwards assayed to strut as an actor upon the stage, with very discouraging EVE-AWQK. 111., a: 00. I results. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. SUNDAYS nxcnnmn, BY 0. BARRETT 66 CO. I= nu: DAILY PATRIOT AND Umox will be served to sub len‘bers residing in the Borough to: sm cums man I'll! pueblo to the Carrier. Mail mbscribera, lon DUI.- uns nu umux. Tu W lEKLY will be published an heretofore, non!- weekly during the session of the Legislature,andono¢ I week the remainder of the yen:,for two dollars in ad- Vance, or three dollars at the expirationof the your. Connected with this establishment is an extend" 10]! OFFICE containing a variety of plain and fang typo, unequalied by any establishment in the interior of the State, for which the patrons-a of the public [I 10- licited. 3M2 fiatri’nt 1% Winn. W. ._ _‘_ . - WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOV. 14, 1860 Palm Is A Sum—Lager to the-Rescuc.-—The peaceful ocean of mud that washes the southern boundary of our city, was violently agitateq, on yesterday, by the denouemcnt of an atfau' of the hcuxt, o'f‘the most intense and chivalrous character. Fritz Klamerbach, an honest. young German, having recently wedded a. fair area.- ture “to the mamor horn,” thus forming an individual alliance between America. and the Fatherland, invented the hoard of seven years experience in making apparel for the human form, in a pleasant. cottage. in which he placed his happy bride. The joys of wedded life rolled on uninterruptedly for Several months, when one day an old acquaintance ofthe bliss ful couple dropped in, and made himself‘agl’eeflL able enuugh to the lady to excite the ire of the faithful Fritz. Fritz pondered, when the 01-1 acquaintance left, what todo, and voted within himself new the feasibility of a, row, coming to the ferocious conclusion that Johannes Rhimbummer was one very big rascal and should be magnificently Whipped if ever he spoke to the virtuous Mrs. Agnes Klemex‘bnch, again. Mr. Rhimbummer did not appear again untilycsterday morning, when, with a delightful smile and voluptuous swagger, he sailed into the suburban cottage. and rushed into the arms of Agnes. He didnot dream that Fritz was on hand, haying encoun tered the worthy husband some distance down town only a. few moments before, and when he sank into the bosom of his adored, thejealous Fritz waded into him from behind, dragged him into the street, and wollopcd him in the mud. Strange to say, the detected Rhimbummer, stung to the gizzard with his guilt, took it all patiently and wiped his head: ' “ Aeh! dundorwetter!“ That was all he said Aawumnox is THE OLDER Turn—The in cisions were performed with a red hot knife, that the divided vessels, seated and charred by the contact, might become plugged, and so be prevented from bleeding. (Albucasis, 11th century.)- Efi’cefive for film instant, the force of the circulation quickly overpowered the slender obstruction, and fatal hemorrhage. sooner or later, took place. Yet. this plan con tinued in vogue down to the discqvery of the ligature in the 16th century, and was practiced even later in Germany by the celebrated Hil danus (1641;) although he subscqucntly adop ted the new method. According to another fashion, the surgeon, after making a. tedious division of the. flesh down to the bone, with studied endeavor not to divide the arteries uuiil the last. moment, reiied on nppiicntions of red hot ivons,_or of some etyptic fluid, usually a powerful acid or astringent, to arrest the bleeding. If these were not, successfui, a vessel of boiling pitch was at hand, ready prepared into which the bleeding stump was plunged. Between Seylla and Charybdis the patient rarely escaped with life; either he died from loss of blood in a few hours or less, or, if the dreadful remedies auo~ ceeded, he anrvivcd a day or IWO to die offever of exhaustion. After an earlier method, that of Guido di Gaulieo (1363), a. bandage of plaster was made to encircle the member so tightly that mortifi cation attacked all the’parts below, which then, after the lapse of months, dropped of, a horri— bly loathsome and offensive moss. Another Surgeon, Botulli, (1580,) invented a machine to sever the limb in oinstanc by a singie stroke; and it was not uncommon ntthis period to effect the same purpose by the hatchet, or by a pow erful mallet and chisel. It. is to Ambrose Pare, the great. french surgeon, who flourished in the 16th century, that we owe the application of the ligature (used long before in ' ordinary wounds) to the bleeding arteries in amputa tion. His first play, “Love‘s Last Shirt, or The Fool in Fashion," met. with great. success. Per forming the part. of Sir Novelty Fashion him self, Cibber was warmly applauded both as author and actor. Crittics agree that""l‘he Careless Husband" is our author’s best produc tion as a literary performance. His “Con. juror,” however, is said to have brought. him a. larger share of fame and profit. than any of his other dramatic compositions. In 1730, Cibber retired upon his pension as Laureate; seldom thereafter appearing on the stage, except. when his presence was necessary to strengthen the cast of some particular play. On these occasions he received filtl'y guineas per night, a sufficiently liberal remuneration to prove that he was still a favorite with the hubitues of the play house. In 1746 he pub lished his “Apology for his Life,” by which-he gained, it. is said, 3:11.500. To Cibber, ihe good natured mun par excellence, life’s dcclivity was of a. gradual and easy descent. His dnys were lengthened out, amid surroundings of ease aim! comfort, to the year 1757, when one morning in December, at his lodgingsin Islington, after having cheerfully spoken to a servant three hours before, at, nine o’clock he was found a corpse, having probably expired in his sleep. Rummy) Owwms m Couaumss.aflon. Erastus Corning, president of the New York Central, and Chauncey Hibbnrd, superintend rnt of the same road, were both elected to Con gress on the 6th inst., in New York State.‘ the former by about six hundred majority and the latter by four hundred. On Thursday the result, was celebrated at. Buffalo by a grand illu‘mi nation of the Central depot and the large bulld ing of the American and United States Express Companies
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers