MISUELLANI Tn Pmscn’s STAKE—A PECUDIABLY FRI-mull Smut—:l (”Gris journal [2115 the following story, which, If not, A fact, is an excellent fable: I was Milking une- dump evening in {he gar dens of 1 German Elm-sari}. when my :Mtcnthm was attracted by several whim marble. stnlues, which seemed to be shivering in the sixrill night 311'. “What. haw- ymi Chum, 1:01;? things half aiuzxd. “in be ;-::t nut. tint-n: in the cold. whom vnn ""th I'u i-r slat-ring C(HEfDl‘lfll‘ll‘.‘ in amusenm?" In..- snuswt‘i’ waijzs! n'emlfiiug on their 19319 lips when the gardcuu' came by {uni} imcrx'upzcd them; so I put the tguwticn in him. 7"?" 'flnner was? :1 Gezman; cesssqucnfl‘y a philosopher. nu... “Mars-Aug" he replied. 4‘ :Li.» I- :1 world of vicissuu’de. One must (10 what unt- uan, not what one wishes, lam-e holuw. 'l‘huse statues once sxood in dxe museum 01' :1 prince of the Germanic Confederation : Hit-3: Were not. carved to be set out of doors 1;. case?) the rheunmiism in the gardens 0? a Hug-aw! ; but no me knows. win" his desfiny ;my in‘. T, myse-H', for ex— ample—" -- qu, yam-self. may revive the fate in? the statues, and L j’=i'€3‘tl'vezi one day in :; museum: but you have nu: told me how they 9mm: here." “That. is; what! Wusjust geing m «In. Mou sier knows lira: all the German primers- great and little. filsgwcially the human cum to this wateringplm‘: and stake ilielr smiley at :hc roule:te-tah!-.-. All of them are not. lien»:— chil-JS. and this one I spoke of Inst fim-in after florin till he ‘uzui nothing left, Then he wanted to play on credit. He applied to the bunk. “‘I am a. prince.’ he said, ‘a 50-;thng prince. by the grace of Gad and 11:: {mug of Vienna. 1 have nu :meieni. castle in wins on the top of a. rock, am} a mam-m cinema: on a plain.’ “How many Roz-ins. have 3611 in gun- ki-c-s'xetf.” “ None at all; but I have ribbaus 01' nnmer~ ous orders. (loublehmflcd eagles and silver falcons. and numerous“ other heraléic animals, which I ham: 2. right to display on 21‘; ceremo nial occasions. I am colonel, too, of a. regi ment, s'amewherc. I don’t know cam-21 y where it. is a: present. They say the Cid imz'z: miszd a. large. sum of money on his handsome mous tache, and these certainly are worth as much as lhv- nmst rennwued mousmchein the world.” The bank laughed, and would have laughed still, 1L rths. Wneu the prince Surldcniy recoL lecled that. hesbcs {he :ufimahc' (:9 his coat- of firms he had half a. dozen sumac: in his mu seum, and. could estimate the vsfitu: of its con tents; so the when received :3, Mg: of florius on this security, and (-.z'e eight. days were pasacd they war: swep: in the grueu pi: cf the. rou lette name, which had uh-cady swuiluwud up the ducmi treasury. The prince paid his deb-:5 like an hunora‘nle man; amd ah .z. is aha: reason why you are the statues hem.“ The nvxt day has walking: again in the garden, in the bright smashing, between twa' rows of orange trees, which ‘Luuizci very thri ving and beautiful in their green boxes, carved to imitate a. Swiss manage.” “Munsieur is admlrlug the orange trees,” eaidthe gardener, who was watching: me through the foliage. “ there is another (.1‘ fly.» vicisé‘r nudes of fortune." "Like the. statues ‘3‘: " Preciiuiy, they camcfcmn xhe same source. The prince waa walking in. this garden the day after his 1035., playing with the hestai'red rib ban over himiwumer, when he met the propri etor of the Kursaal.” ‘ " This i§ a very fine gnrdw." 3:0 said :0 him, " but. there I:—: one thing waning.” “ You mean statues. Ll 3, {hanks to your Highness, we Shall have these here.‘_' “No, no : that is an em aefi’air. 1 have filly fine orange: trees, which wc-gxhl look very Well in from. of your windows.” " Fifty? They would be wan]: ten thousand fun-ins.” “ Any fine orange trees wauifi be worth that; but. these are not ordinary trees. The}; are [he very ones at. which Mignon was looking when she 935:! '0 William Mahler: “ Knowost firm the land where orange and myrtle Are emblems of deeds that are done in their ciizue 3“ You have [mud of Miguuu’é tong “ok, certainly ; wk: has nm? In compli ment, to Mignon, theu,l suppose I must give five Ihuusaud flurius more." ‘ “But. may a moment; we must; be honora— bie. I supp use I ought to u-Elyou that I have an infdlihle secret, by whisk I can break the bank the next. time i tie: down to the a'oukuc table.” “ If your Highness: Li‘, an infaflibh: secret, that, 0! course, makes :i. difference.” “I summse um; that. yen will doiuut five thanSansi flaring.“ "On the. unitary, I will add fire: that WEI! make twenty thousand :er Um hwy.” “ Tue prim-:2 tried his iufhlliblc- aces-e: : and the orange ll‘C-xS. in consequence, came :0 take their piace mail the swim-s.” Exxon-. 1. C? THE Rename or COLSMDUS.— 1:. ix emu-d from Havana that the remains of Christophe-r Columbur, the discoverer of [he New World, are again to be removed to a new and splendid cemelry soon to be opened near that cixy. They are to be. deposited in a. siln-r urn, upgn which will be inscribed, in leuers 0! gold, the mosz remarkable events of his great enterprise. 3. bronze statue is also to be erected over them, representing the great. discoverer in the attitude of revealing the grand miseiou of his wonderml life. Columbus die‘l Ascension Joy, tire: 20th of May, 15:36, in about. the seventieih year of his age. His obsequics were celebrated with great, pomp no Valladotlid, and his body deposited in the caflin of San Francisco. Thence, seven years aficr, in the year 1513, it was removed to the Can-thusian monastery of Seville, where was likewise deposited the body of his son Diego. ; Twentytizrec years after, in the year-1536, me ‘ bodies of Irouz (he Admiral and his son were removed. wiah appropriate pomp and ceremo nies, to the New World he had disc-owned, and interrc-l in LL»;- principal chapel of the city of San Domingo. ll ispamuln. There they remained undisturbed for the periud 'of 250 years. In the year i 785, however, at. the cluae of the war betWecn France and Spain. all the Spanish pos sessions in (he Island ut‘ Hispaniula were ceded to Frauec, whereupon :i requec‘t was preferred to the French Goya-nor (.0 have the remains of Columbus removed to Cuba. The request. was granted. and on the 20m of Decemhvr, 1795), the vault in the cathedral of Sun Domingo was, for the fia'et iizuo in nearly three hundred years, opened. “Within.“ says the record of the event, “were i‘uund tiic fragments of a leader) coffin, :1 1911359? of Mums, and. a. quantity ot mould, c\'id€:nu:{.lh€ relu‘ailis 4.,f a, human body" These W 8?!) (13.114tu Bollhc‘iul and put. fun) a case of gilded lead. ahotn half-an 011 in length and breadilz, and a third In.hmgm, Secured by an iron lock, the key of which was dl‘nvel‘ed to the Archbibhop. The case was enclosediu a gofin, Gavan-<1 with black velvet, and antl menled with lace and fringe of gold. ‘ After appropriate funeral chremonies, the body was taken on board theflup {32m Imrmzo and taken to Havana, where It. arrived on the 15th of J anuary, 1796. it was wound in the most solemn manner with all the honors- given to a. sovereigu- On arriving at the mole, the remains were met. by the Governor of the Island, accompanied by his genera!s and roili tary stafi’. The coffin was then conveyeu be» tween lines of soldiery which lined the streels to the obelisk, in the Place d’Armes, where it. was received in a hearse prepared for the pur pose. Here the remains were fax-molly deliv ered to the Governor and Captain General of the Island, the key given up to him. the onfiin opened and examined, and the safe trans porta tion of its contents authenticated. The ceremony concluded. the solemn rites for the dead were perlormed by the Arohbishop. and the remains. of' the great discoverer were again deposited m the wall. on the right FI-Ie of the grand'altar of the Cathedral of Havnnn, where they have ever~ since remained, the obJeez of reverence to all mlWl‘B of the Island. \ (vibe @oilct. "HE UN L Y PREPARATION 1 THAT HAS ‘ su'om) THE TEST: OF YE ARS, AND (snows my}; ANI;JA¥?RE.POPULAIL muggy And trstimouia-IS, new, and almost without number, might he given frum ladies and gentlemen in all grapes of society. whose united testimony hone could rays“ that Prof. Wood’s uni:- Restorative will restore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, in all its youthful beauty. " I 1 / 4 dd I’ ' I, BATTLE Charm, Mic-h. Dec. 21,1858. thug.“ oon : Thee wilt please accept. a line to inform a at the hair on my lll'ilfl full off over twenty years ago, caused by a complicateJ chronic disease. attended tit-h on eruption on the head. A continual course of mliemug “H'Ullgh lil‘r having n-ducoll me to a. state of dependence, I have not been able to obtain stufi' for cups, “0-“ th have I been nbluto do them up. in consequenw 0f fvhxclx my head has sull‘crcxl extremely from cold. Tlns induct-d me to pay Briggs .r Hodges almost the last cant I had on earth for a. two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about tho first of August last. I have faith fully followed the directions. and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black. though short; it is also coming in all over my head. Fueling confident that anothwr large. bottle would restore it entirely and per— manently, I feel anxious to persevere in its use, and be ing destitute sf means to purchase any more__. I would ask thee if thee \roulllht not be willing- to semi me on order on thine agents for a bottle, and receive to thyself the scripture declm’utiun—“ the reward is to those who are kind to the uidmv null l‘mhcrlrs-s.” Thy fricnd. SUSA NNAH KIREY. Luzoszrzqunble Cn , Indiana, Feb. 5, 1859. Poor. 0, J. Wool); Dmr Sim—ln Ihr.- lattm- part of the year-1852. while attending the State and National Law School of the State of New ank, my hair. from :1 cause unknown to me, cmamenced falling ofi' very rapidly, so that in the short space of six months, the whole up per part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its covering. and much of the rcnlmnuxg portion upon the side and haul: not: of my head rhortly after became gray, so that you will But be surprised whenf tell you that upon my: return (-0 the State of Indinmg my more casual acquaintances wrrc not so much at a. loss to discover the cause of the change in my appearance, as my more inti— mate acquaintances were to recognize me at all. I at once umdt: application to the most skillful phyfii— ciuns in the couuiry. but. rewiring no assurance from them that my hair could again he restore-1, I was forced to become reconcilvd to my fate. untii. fortunately, in the latter puri- of the year 1357,'ynur Restorative was recommended to no byu. (lruggist-ms bring the most te liable [lair Reatorativr in use I triud one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that in'/us producing the desired eflcct. Since that; time, I have used seven dol luvrs’ worth of your Restorative, and. as u msult, have a rich com, of wry soft black hair, which no money can buy. v 115 3 mark uf my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production ofa'o wonderful uuariicl-e, I have recom mended its use 90 many of my friendsmu! acquaintances, who, 1 am happy iu inform you: live using it with like eff-2:3. Very respectfully, yours, A. M. LATTA, 7 Atbémey an»! Cnunsefiur at 14:13.52 Dc-pnt {it Brown-(ax, and sold by 3.21 dwiurs through (mi 129.- world. 0. 3. WOOD «it 00., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market. Street, St. Louis, 310. And “on by “11 good Di‘uggists nip} Fancy Goods Dealers. :LulT-décwzim EF'NTS‘TJTBETT— WET—£l76.35 TO TH}: LADIES. HUNT»? “BLOOM OF R 535.” a rich and deliczttc color for the cheeks and lips, WILL NOT \V.\S.H UR RUB OFF, and when once applied remains durable for 31er. mailed free in bottles i’ur $l.OO. [IUNT‘S “COURT TOILET POWDER,” imparts a, dazztang whiteness to the complexion, and is unlike any thing else used for this purpose. mailed free foréfi (writs. ULNT-‘S ‘- BRITISH BALMJ‘ removes tau, llecklcs, sunburn and all eruptiuns of the skin, mailed free for 520 cents. - HUNT'rS “IMPERIAL I?!) )1 ADE,” for the hair, Strengthens and impmvvs its gmwth. keeps it from lull iug off. and warranted TO MAKE THE HAIR CURL, mailed free for $l.OO. HUNT’S “ PEARL BEAUTIFIER,” for the. teeth and gums, cleanses and whitens the teeth, harduus the guma, purifies the breath effectually. PRES .E I}. V E S 'l‘ [I m TEETH AND PB. EVENTS TOOTH—ACRE, mailed free for $l.OO. EUN’FS “ BRIDAL WREATH PERFUME.” adonhle sits-act of 011 mg; blossoms and cologne:7 maiied free for . 0. . Thifi exquisite perfume was first used by the PRINCESS ROYAL. OF ENGLAND, 01: her marriage. MESSRS HURT & 00. presented the PRINCESS with an elegant case of Perfumery, (in which all of the above articles were included.) in handsome cutglass with gold stoppera, valued at $l5OO, particulars of which appeared in the public prints. All the above articles sent FREE by ex press for $51.00. Cash can either accompany the order or be paid. to the express agent on delivery of goods. HUN 1' & 00., Plrfnmzrs to the Quecn, Bums“ STREET. lumuux, .nm 707 Sussex STREET, The Trade supplied. _ PHILADELPHIA. sew—dl}- UNITED S’l‘A'l'jfiiil-lOTEL, scum 1351‘ column UV 111'»! no MARKET 523 mm. AUJUIXIXG 'l‘lil-l PENNSYLVAS l.\ .R.‘..l ix ROAD Di’ll’O'l‘, PHIL aDELPIEIfi. Thx‘ undersigned would regiwetr‘u'ih' inform the Prflzlic that he has taken the above Hot-:1, Formerly known as ‘- THE MANSION HOUSE,” which he has refined and newly I'uruiahud throughcun. ' The Rooms are spas-ii). 115 and cmnmndions, and furnishfsdv With uvcry cmn'euicnco to Ir;- found in 1m: best Hotels 111 the city. The “ L'N [TED STAT ES" is admirably locatud for the convenience of Inin'lel's: being undeg‘thcszmxe roufmlh the Prunsylvani4 Railroad Depot, and thus saving both buck hire and pururage of bxgguge. No pains will be spared to render the -‘ UNITED STATES" awn-mm and agreeable x-u-éhu-rc to all who _may favor it. with their patrounge Chew-gmmozierute.‘ ocfiz-dSm-A'h' . H. W. KANAGL Pruprietor. B E 3': L 'S-i R.H i.) U 1:1; l A .‘d K 3:2 '1" S Q 13 A 1; .19 , H .nuu SM; HG. PA. GEL). .l . HOLTOX, BEL-humor: Tmx about well known and long csn‘dished Date) is now undergoing a thorough renovation, and being in a great dcgrea- newly furnished, under the proprietorshi}. of Mr. GEOKQE J. Homvx, who lm-u been an inmate 0! the buuse for the l:st lhree years, and is well known to its guests. Thankful fur the liberal patronage which it has en. joyea‘, I cheerfully cmnmuns] Mr. Bolton to the puma favor. ju? (1:55“? ‘WILLIAM BUBBLE“. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, une (\nthxx', NEW YORK When completcd, six years ago, the St. Sic-hula: mm universally pronounced the most magnificent, conve nient, and thoroughly organized establishment of the kind on this continent. What it was then, it remains today—without a rival I'7l size, in sumptuousnsss, and in the general elements of comfortand enjoyment. ' The Hotel has accommodations for ONE THOUSAND 51X HUNDRED GUESTS, including ONE H UNDRED COMPLETE S L’ITES 01" .4 PA 1: TM EN TS for families. SIX HUNDRED PERSONS can he comfoi'tablyseated at the tables of its three public dining rooms, and nothing that modern art‘has devised for the convenience and so cial gratification of the travelmg public has been omitted in its plan, or is neglected in its practical details. The early reputation of tho house an home and abroad, derived from its magnitude, its superb appointments, and its home-like. comfurzs and luxuries, has been en hanced every year by the unwearied exertions of the Proprietors. 0&u24-dam TREADWHLL, WHITCOMB (1: GO. P BO U L AMA l‘li lN.——W hel‘eus, the Honorable Juan J. Pmnsux, President of the Court of Common Pleas in the Twelfth Judicial District, con. sisting of the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin .tmd the Hon. A. 0. Hmsran and Hon. Fuux NISSLEY AssocL ate Judges in Dauphin county, having issued th-ir pre cept, hearing date the 15th day of Octubrr, 1880, to ma directed, for holding a Court of Dyer and Terminer and General J ail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Harrisburg, for the county of Dauphin, and to 00m. mence on the 3!! Monday of November, being the 19": (lay of November, 1860, and Lo‘continue two weeks. Notice is therefore heruby given to the Coroner, Jus 1i can of thu Peace}. and Constables of the said county oi Dauphin, that théy be then and there in their proper portions, at 10 o’clock in the forenoun of said day, with their records, inquisitiona, examinations,und theiruwn remombranceu, to do those things which to their office appugtuins to he done, and those who are bound in te cogmzances to profiecute against the prisoners that are or film“ be in the Jail of Dauphin county, be then and mg?“ Pl'usecute ngainsc them as shall be just. 0 1:319“ “PM“ My hand at Harrisburg the lfilh'day or eyrhtvexfi‘imd the yegu of our Lord. 1860. and m the i’ slam;- r yen: ox the independence of the United ‘ J. M. EYSTER2 , .Susmn’s OFFICE, l Shenfl'. Harrisburg, October 15‘ 1350‘ ““7433“,“. -]PflOLSTERING-, _ , C. F. VOLLMER 15 prepared to do all kinds of work in the UPHOLSTEIfiING BUSINESS. rticulm- attention to MAKINC‘ ANI) p Y Efififiacmvm. MA_KING A 131) népumkg $1131? 'I‘RASSES, REPAIIEIM; FURhI’l‘UnE. &c.. 4“.” He can be found at all “men at. hia rufiidence. in the re,“ "f the Willi 1m Tell House, corner of Raspberry and Black berry alleys. 391129.41, .._—E. ‘. ....“ ELLER’S DRUG STORE Is the place to find the belt mortment or Pom Moan-lea. 53mm. CARD; flue-111255 «llama. D F N T I s 'l‘ R’Y. THE UNDERSIGNED, DOCTOR 0F DENTAL SURGERY. Respectfully tenders his professional services to tho citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity. OFFICE IN STA-TE STREET, OPPOSITE THE ER AD Y HO USE. sepfifi-dknlffl ___fi__#_&.l\~l. GILDEA, I), 1)_ S. E=IIMM A T T 9 R N :JEFIAET - L A W. o - . .1 3, WALNU STREET, BETWEEN SECOND & THIRD. JPQ--. __JELME‘EEG: 15;. _._ _V ..___ [ll,-i; THEO. F. SCHEFFER, 396 E, CARD AND JOB P 1313713. jaus No. 18 Market Strert. Harrisburg. JAS. F. SHUNK, ATTORNEY AT LAVV, OFFICE Ix Tm: BUImeG OPPOSITE rnoa‘noxomnt’s OFFICE 1:513:11" w‘7 flarriabu-rg, Pa. [dly DR. 0. WE [GI-lEL, ‘ 531,“ G 1‘10}? A 5 12' I?..9_C__U_’_t' S 'l‘ a RESIDENCE 11m!) NEAR NORTH STREET BL; now fully prepared to attend promptly the duties of professmu in all its branches. A 1.056 mm van? SUCCESSFUL MEDICAL nxyagmxcg justifies him in promising full and ample satisfaction to all who nmyfzwm- him with a call, be the disease Chronic or any other nature. mlB-d&wly “TM. 11. MILLEEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW'. Office corner of MARKET STREET and the SQUARE, (Wyct‘n’a,) second floor front. 15“ Entrance rm Market Square. n2l-Iydkw T H 0 MA S O. MACD 0 WELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Third Street, one Door ‘West of His Residence, HARRISBURG, PA., Will attend to applications for Penfiona and Patents :1: Washington City, D. o‘, and will practice in the Court of Claims in Enid city. By an arrangement withvresponuibla parties in Washington City, be is enable.) toassure all wk“ may entrust their applications, either for Pensions 0‘: Fat-ants, in him, that they will be laxthfuliy and properly attended :0. m: the most renewable terms. g P.AUUHMUTY, k 3. A'I‘TORNEY AT LAVV, MILLERS BURG, Diurmx COUNTY. 1‘ A Wiu practice before the Dauphin, Norihumberluud and Perry County Courts. Prompt attention given to the collection of claims Allkindsof conveyancingcxecutod withdispa-toh. Land surveys made at shortest notice. den-2413' TEE—I‘3WEEK‘S—Eff? W fienpucfl‘ully informs the enigma of Harrisburg and vicinity that he is ready at all times to TUNE AND REPAIR PIANO FORTES, ORGANS, and Musical In struments of all descriptions. Mr. Ptuszyk is recom— mended by bhu [ml-ding Musical Manufacturies of New York, as well as other cities of the United States. £l.ll orders left, at Mr. WM. KNOCHE’S Music Store, Market street, or Hen-’3 Hotel, will be promptly and faithfully attended to. no—l—dly =f-f Lu. P A it 13 H 1 L L , ‘i' i‘ 5535053393 T 0 :5. :5. mm, PL U3ll} ER AND E 5 1%. ASS F 0 UNDE {C , 1051 MARK ET SIM, HARRISBURG. BRASS OASTHu'I-l-S, of every description, mafia. to order. American manufactured Lead and Iron Pipes of all sizes. Hydrants ot'every description made and repaired. Hot and Col-:1 Water Baths', Shows-.- Batha, Water Closets, Gistern Pumps, Lead Coffins and Lead work of every description done a". the shorwst notice, on the most reasonable terms. Factory and Engine work in general. All orders thank fully received and punctualiy attended to. The highesn price in cash given for 01:1 Copper, Brass, bead and Spelter. mylS-dtt‘ J u. m 0 L ’l‘ z, o ERGINEER, MACHINIST AND STEAM FITTEB, No. C», North Sta]; at.) between Waiuut and IVlleraz, Harnsburg, Pa. Machinery of every dx-Ectiptian made and repaired. Bragg Cocks 9f :11 sizes, and 8 large assortment of Gas Fittings constantly on hand. All work done in this establishment ,will be under his own fine-”mom, and warranted to give satisfaction. 0c 3. i 2 ELIGIOUS- 13 001 i STORE TRACT AND 5 UNDJH!’ SCHOOL lIEPOSIS'T'OK ‘l', E. S. GERBiAN, ‘3? SOUTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE UHESNUT HARRISBURG, PA Doput for the 33.10 of Sturuoscopes, Stereuscopic Vie W 5, Music and Musical Instrumenm. Also, subscriptions taken for religious publications. no3o~dy gfiGOB P.‘ B'AEIBINGER, Slum; ORMMEA'TAL 359.0 HG USE PAINTER. ' $2.47 Sena lunar: Emu-I'. {:‘z‘ 1' BUYER ’5 UARBI AG Pi FACTORY) Harrrisburg, l’a. £53“ Plain and, Ornamentalsigm, in Giit and Silvetgot up with neatms; and daspxtzh. I".ng r Vai'nished, and all uni-21': promptly altendud it}. Give me. 2). can. scptT-di’f 1;: 1k . N K 1 .1 2\ F J. 0 U :3 E J BALTIMORE. MD This pleasant and commndieus Hetel has been the roughly re-fittpd and re-furnished. It is pleasantly situuied on Nnrth-We>t corner of Howard and Franklin streets. a few doors west of the Northern Central Rail— way Depot. Every attention paid to the comfort of his G. LEISENRING, Proprietor, (Late of Selins Grove, Pa.) gqesta . Jew-tr flank fippfimtimtfi. F A N K N 0 T 1 C E.—¢No‘tlce IS hereby 1‘ given, that the undersigned have formed an Asso ciation, and prepared and executed a Certificate, for the purpose of establishing P. Bnnk of Issue, Discount and Depuaite, under the provisions of the net, entitled “ An act to establish a. system of Free Banking in Pennsyl vania, and to secure the public. against loss from Insol vent Banks,” approved the inst clay of March, A D. 1850, said Bank to bu culled THE DOWNINGTUWN BANK to be located in Downingtown, to consist of a. Capital Stock 0‘ Fifty Thuusnnd Dollars, in shines of Fifty Dol- Inrs each, with the privilegerof increasing the same to any‘aniount not exceeding in all Three Hundred Thuur and Dollars. Qharls Downing John Webster, W_illiam Edge, nicnuru D.W'tll3, J. P. Baugh, September 3, 1860.—gem? . ‘ . . HAN li N OTI U 19.—N once 13 hereby 1 given that an. Association has been formed and a certificate prepared for the purpose of establishing a. Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposite under the provi sinus of the net entitled “An act to establtsh a. system of Free Banking in Pennsylvania, and to secure the pub lic against loss from Insolvent Banks,”approved theSlst any of Dim-ch. 1860. The said Bank to he‘called “ The Bethlehem Brsuk," and to be 100-ted in the borough (If Bethlehem, in the county of Northampton, with a. Capi tal Stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, in shares of nifty Dollars each, with the privilege of increasing the said Stock to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. au2s-dfim B A N K N U 'l‘ I C E .—Not-Ice IS hereby given, that an association lma been formed and fl certificate prepared, for the purpose of Establishing L Bank of issue, discount and deposit, under the provisions of the act, entitled “An Act to estsbhsh a system of free banking in Pounfiylvaniu, and to new re the public against loss by insolvent bunks,” approved the thirtyfirgt day 0! March, 1360. The said Bank to be called the “FREE BANK,” and to be .locazted in the city of Philadelphia, and to consist, of a. capital stock of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, in shares of fifty dollars each with the privilege of innreasing the same to any nmounl not exceeding in all one million of dollars‘ 5343.56") ‘XIENC'II )N HF BANK CHARTER Notice is hereby given that “ The Farmers: and Mechanics’ Bank of Huston,” a. Bank of Discount and Deponiw, located in the borough of Enslou, Northamp ton county. Pennsylvania, havinga capital of Ram. nun dred Thousand Dullars, willapply' t_o the next Legislature of Pennsylvania fora renewal of Its charter for fifteen yéars, from the expiration of its present charter, with its present capital stock, powers 'and PriVileges and without. any altergtion in or increase of the flame. ’ _ P. S. MICHLER, President. M’E. FORMAN, CBSbIEI‘. jeSO-dfim B A N K N n T l G Ill—Notice IS hereby given that an Aasqgiatinn has been formed and a certificate prepared for the purpose of establishing a Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposite, under the provi. sinus of the act. entitled h An act to establish a. system of free bankingin Pvnnsylvuuiafind to Suture the public against loss from insolvent blinks,” approved the 315; day nf March, 1860. The said Bank to be called the .- state Bunk," and to be located in the city or Philadel phia. and to consiutof a. CapitalStnck of Fifty Thousand banana. in shares of Fifty Dollars each, with the privi lege of increasing the same to anyamount nutexceeding in all One Million of Dollars. je29-dßufi‘ qMOKE ' SMOKE z 1. SM! \KE 2 . 1.1; \ nnt objectionable when from a. CIGAR purchased at KELLER’S DRUG STORE-l. 91 Market street. 391,19 F() R the genuine ENG LISH MUSTARD go to KELLEB’S DRUG STORE. 1 David Shelmire. § William Rogers, ' J. K. Eshelman, Samuel Ringwult. Stephen Blntchfol'd -d6lu V who fljuuackcepcra. / R n/ Brep;\_ /'1 $%//(slme \ a "‘x /'~ I‘2o ng \ \ / "133’ P? be \ Q\ [W 4; ECONOMY! m ”2‘ I‘m/g o J 110, Yl)\s2'4‘3 3%” Dmpamm. "‘3“: (D 2 i I, I'HOROUB, out! which is identical in its composition with the Hamazif. (flab-Ids, or red blood. In all diseases accompanied with DEBIL l. T Y , pale. countenance and nervous derangement, analyses of the blood show a. deficiency of the red globules. Ruddy Complexion and a rosy tint of the skin, in always indium tive of health ; while a pale, wax-like 'rkin and counte nunco,—which evinces a. deficiency of the red globules,— nccompnnirs adi sewed organism. Preparations of IRON have been givw for the purposeof supplying the red glo bules, but we contend that 11-ION alone, 5U IiPIIUR alone, 01' PEOSI‘HORUUS alone, will not meet. the deficiency in every case, but that a judicious combination of all these elements is neceSa-ury to restore the blood to its normal standard. This point, never hoiore attained, has been reneht-d in the BLOOD FOOD, and in discovery ranks as one of tho most scientific and important of the ago. Its effects in CONSUMPTION are to soften the cough, brace the nerves, strengthen the sy-tem, alloy the prostruting night. swoon, increase the physical and mental energy, enrich the hlmd by restoring the lacking red globules, increase the appetite, restore the color, and clothe the skeleton frame with flesh. The BLOOD FOOD will be found a. specific in all CHRONIC DISEASES of the TH BOAT or LUNGS, such as Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, &c. Public Speakers and. singprfi will Lind it of great utility in clearing and strengthening the vocal organs. In Dyspepsia, Liwr Complamlé} .Dropsy, Epithpsy, Paralysix, Scrqfula. Gravel, St. Vl - Dance, Fem and Agua. 8: c., its efiiciency is marked and instantaneous. In no class of diaenses, however, are the beneficial ell'ects of this remedy so conspicuous as in those hurrassing FEMALE COMPLAINTS to which the gentler sex are liable, and which tend to wards Consumption, such an an; pressed or difficult Men- Mutation. (Imm Sickness, Whit”, &c., ESDL‘CIau) vrhen these comiilalnta are. accompanied with paleneaa, a dingy hue or pal or of the skin, depression of spirits, debility, palpitation, want of appetite, and nervous prostration. We have the utmost. confidence in recommending the BLOOD FOOD lo nil who may be conscious of a loan of vitality oronorgy; and to there win no mental or bodin powers are px-ostmted through over-use, either of the mind or body, and we deem it our duty to any that in nll Eases of Weakness and Eitxariaczon, and in all diseases of the Kidneys or Blurldtr, this preparation has a claim upon the attention of sum-rem which cannot be over— estimated. A faithful trial w ill be found the most con rinsing proof in regard to its: efiicnry that could be asked for. With the above remarks, and with the numerous testimonials we have in its favor. we offer the “BLOOD FOOD” to the consideration of tho nfllicted, knowing that it will he .1 clinowlcdged us pre-emiuent over all other preparations, patent or uliicinul, in point of usefulness. Circulars giving the Theory upon which this remedy in founded, also certificates of i'nnmrkzwle cures, will be sent free when desired. “‘2 forward the BLOOD F 001) to any part of the United States or Canmlas upon receipt of price—sl per hoLtle, $5 for six homes. Be careful in all canes to take none but that having ourlhc-aimile Big nnture upon the wrapper. Kane otlu-r is genuine. Prepared only by LhUht l-l 5L DUEUNT, NO. 4| 9 B-oauwu), New AYork, And sold by them, and by a}! n-slemr) Jé Druggibts. Fm- snle Iy U A. BAIK‘NVALT, C. K. KELLER and I) W. GROSS 6: 00., Harxiebmg. lanfi-eowdétwly PURIFX’ THE BLOOD! VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS ARI) PHOENIX BITTERS. Tim high and envied celebrity which these [me-em: nent Medicines have acquired ['ol- their invaluable em cncy in all the Diseases which they pmfess to cure, has rcnderv d the usual practice of putting not only unneces‘ any, but unworthy uf them. IN ALL CASES 0f Asthma, Acute and Chronic Rhemuntism, “factions uf thu “ladder and Kidneys. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. In the South and West, where these diseases prevail, they will be found inmluable. Planters. farmers and when; who once use these Medicines, will never after wards 3e wiihout them. A _ muons CHOLIC. unions LOOSENESS,PILEB,COE— TIVENESS, COLDB AND COLGHS, 01101110, CORRUPT BUMORS. DROPSIES. Dysrxrsu.——No perao mththis dish-casing disease, should rileluy using these Medicines immmdiate y. Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelnn, Flatulency. Emma AND AGUE.——For this scourge of the Western country these Medicines will be found a. safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the systemaub. ject to a return of the disease; a cure by these medi cines is permanent. Try them. Be satisfied. and be cured. FOULNESS 0F COMPLExxos— . . GENERAL DEBILITN, GOUT, GIDDINESB, GRAVEL, Headaches of every kind, Inward Fever, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Impnre Blood, J aundicc, Loss of Appetite. Mancunul. DlSEAsEs.—Never falls tn eradicate on. tirely all the eflecta of Mercury infinitely sooner than the most. powerful prupuration 011 Sarsapmlla. NIGHT SWEATS, NERVOUS DEIiILITY, NERVOUS COMPLAIBTS OF ALL KINDS. ORGANIC AFFECTIONS. Pll.ms.—'l‘he original proprietor of these Medicine was cured of Piles, of thirty-five yam-5’ standing, by the the use of these Life Medicines alane. PAIRS in the Head, Side, Back, Limbs, Joints and Organ. , . linsaxnxsu.— Thane atfected with this terrible dis ease. will be sure 01 relief by the Lite Medicines. lids]; of Diana 9 Lhu HEad 'LySurv, 8m Rimm- Bwellings. Samara”, or 313015 }}v:L,iu its worst forms. Ulcer of every description. ' Worms of a.“ kinda am efiectually expelled by the!!! Medicines. Parents will do well to administer them whenever their exiltonoe is suspected. Relief will be commit. THE LIFE PILLR AND PHCEKIX BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, And thus remove all disease from the system. PREPARED Azin SOLD 31' V DR. WILLA». m B. MOFFAT, 336 Broadway, comer of Authuny street, New York. it? Fm- cnln In: an Drurzuists. jyl'l-d&wly @7033 m\\\ P M 112$ AL 9' FOUR DEB 1562 LOCATED ORNEB or HALTmREAND CABLES STREETS: BALTIMORE,IIID. m The Largest. Most Elegantly Furnished, and For?!“ lommercial College in the United States. D 9532“: Izpressly for Young Men desiring to obtain a T:°:nihl. Pmuncn Bgsmnss Enuonwxin thesharm P timo and at t e least expense. _ A Large and Beautifully Ornume‘fl?’d %‘;;§?;6lmnl raining upwards of SIX scum: “flake finest of m. on PENMANSBIP.aud a. Large Eng'i'V‘gfigih the Interior kind ever muml in thiucountl’y) ”’"rm tat' 3 terms fie View of the College. wit?l 0335103“ 3 ligation ’pil'.’ will be nut to Every “3“"; M“ on app ' nlfifiggfifiinediatcl? "'1" I“ “in "mm "m ”an“ by return mail. Addww’ BALTIMORE MD _ian2s.dly'| s. K. LOSIER. ,7," . i ELLLBE Ul. U 8 STORE is In hlw Rnlm n QTnmnd P‘l‘lflfl' the place ATSF‘OR SALE. 0 M rapgm JAMES M wnnngg .\-\ Yum: rMfiD-JEES PLUMS: N terms by («26] _WM.Doox,u,&oo, Chamois and Sheep Skin! an/67 CHARTERED 1854 .