Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, November 13, 1860, Image 2

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    my: s3ll"th Kc ‘(Hnim
lishers and Proprietors;
Commutionswin not be published in the I'.”an
m UIIOX unless accompanied with the Imm: of the
_ s. M. PETTEsbILL & (70.,
Advertising Agents, 119 Nassau street, New York, and
10 Elite street, Boston, are the Agents for the PATRIOT
AID Union, and the most influential and largest- circu
“ting newspapers in the United States and Csnadas.
no: no authorized to contract for us at our laws" rules
F 0 3 SAL E. _
Lacuna-ham! Aunts Puss, Plateu 3.034 by flfilncheg,
II good ordar; can be wfi’kcd with“ 5.7 3m“ 6“ Steam
power. Terms moderate Inquire at ““3 oflice.
Cabiet Speculations.
The newspa‘pers are busy fixing up Mr. Lin
coln’s Cabinet, for him. As is usual after the
election of a new President, 311 sorts of rumors
are afloat with regard to the policy he intends
to pursue; but for the most part they are mere
rumorswilhont any more substantial foundation
than!" the imagination of those manufacturing
them. The New York fifbwzs gives the Inflow
ing as the composiiien of the new Cabinet, upon
the authority of a Springfiel-i paper, lan! at. the
same time discredits its authority :
38mm of 5tate..............W. H. Seward.
Secretary of War............._ 121'. Blair, Jr
Secretary of the Nuy....... . ..H. .W. Davis.
Secretary of the Treasury... . ..J‘ Sherman.
Secretary of the Interior.......Johu Hickman
Postmaster-General . .. . . . . . . . . .H. Etheridge.
Attomey—Genenl... . . .. . .... . .‘S. T. Logan.
It is very well to speculate upon the proba
bility of Lixcomi’s selecting such men as Sm?-
m, Bum, SHERMAL‘, DAVIS and menun as
his constituzionsl advisers, but the Senate will
have something to say with regard to the com
position of the Cabinet—and not. one of these
men could pass the ordeal of the conservative
majority in that body. If Mr. meonx con
sults his own comfort he will not try the ex
periment of gluing extreme men in his Cabinet.
If he sincerely desires to alloy the sgitalionin
the country, and lo convince the South that he
does not meditate any assault upon their con
stitutional rights, he must from the commence
ment of his Administration cut t he whole Seward
school of agitators and select. his advisers from
‘mong Lhc moderate men of his party-ofwhom
there are a number in every‘Northern State.
Mr. Lincoln is supposed to be a man of ordinary
sagacity—somc of his‘supporters say a con
servative of the Henry Clay school. If this is
the case, he will not be inclined to rush into
difiouitics at the out start of his Administration,
by attempting a course of policy which cannot
be successful. The Senate must be consulted
as to the composition of the new Cabinet, and
if meomz is a. wise man he will not venture
upon the experiment of nominating men who
are sure to be rejected, and thus be compelled
to select his Cabinet oflicers from among a class
of men who are not his first choice. Making a
virtue of necessity, the wiser course would be
to appoint men to his Cabinet who can be con
firmed by the Senate. ..
Movements at the South.
The news from the South continues to be of
an exciting character. Senator Cnnsum‘, of
South Carolina, notified the Legislature, now
in session, that he had resigned his seat in the
United States Senate. It 15 also stated that
Mr. Toonns has resigned : and it is supposed
that. the example of these Senators will be fol
lowed by others who favor the secession move
ment. TheLogislature of South Carolina passed
11l not providing for the election of delegates to
a State Convention on the 6th of Dacember, to
assemble on the 17th, for the purpose of deter
mining what course the State will take in the
present emergency. The bill originally pro
vided for calling the State Convention in Janu
ary, but as the Legislature is entirely under the
control of the secessionist-s, and their object is
to precipitate disunion before cool judgment
takes the place of passion, the shortest time
poesibie for the assembling of the Convention
was allowed.
The Legislature of Georgia determined, after
Wile discuss-ion= not to proceed immediately to
the election of a United States Senator in the
place of Mr. Ivsnsox, whose term expires on
the 4th of March next, because such proceed
ing would be taken as an intimation that Geor
gia intended to remain in the Union after the
inauguration of the Lincoln Administration.—
A bill was under consideration which, in ac
cordance with the recommendation of the Go
vernor, proposes to tax all articles manufac
tured in States nullifying the Fugitive Slave law.
Pennsylvania is enumerated among the list. of
nullifying States, which is a mistake, as this
State has no law upon her statute books in
tending to obstruct the execution of the Fugi
tive Slave low. Such a. law as the Legislature
of Georgia proposes to enact by way of retali
ation would, unquestionably, be in violation of
the Federal Constitution. This is not denied;
but the Georgians say that the precedent they
intend to follow has already been set by the
Northern States that have passed unconstitu
tional laws to prevent the execution of the con
stitutional provision for the rendition of fugi
tive slaves. As two wrongs never yet -made a.
right, we do not see the force of this reason
ing; but we do see how the mouths of the Re
publicans, who have enacted and are now up
holding those nullification laws, are effectually
9510.51,“ from Obiefling to the course which
Georgie proposes to pursue. Let the Northern
States which have passed personal liberty bills
clear their own skirts of the stain of nuilifica
tion, and then they will be in a. position to re
ln-oye Southern States for reserting to “noon.
stitutionsl means of defence.
Too Knowing by Far.
The most marvellouSly knowing set of fol
lows in the world are the Washington eorres~
pendent: of the New York papers, who impart
to the public daily intelligence of the precise
state of the President’s mind concerning the
troubles at the South. How these enterprising
correspondents manage to discover exactly what
the President is thinking about, and when he
he is calm, and when agitated, is very myste
rious; but itis clear that they know all about
his mental exercises. One d3} We are reliably
informed that the President has finally made
up his mind not to resist secession, but to use
all the power at his command against nullifica
tion. Just as we are trying to comprehend
what this means, and settling down into the
conviction that it must he true, because given
uponthe most unquestionable authority, am).
the! one 01' these well-informed ccmspcadcnts
plunges us again into doubt when he says—" It
“ is reliably stal ed that the President has deter
“mined to enforce every federal law in the
“ 5011111; 1101‘ Will he, as has been hinted, re
“cOgnize any distinction as existing between
“nullification and secession.” This ought to
settle the matter. Our reliable informant talks
as if he knew all about it, and had either ob
tained his information by moons of a private
illifl‘ViEW, at. which the President opened his
own mind, in the strictest confidence, or also
was upon the moslintimnte terms with the Pre
sident’s valet, to whom great men always cou
fide their secrets. But even this information,
furnished by the porrespondent of the World,
is liable to a certain degree of painful sus
picion; for the equally well-informed corres
pondent of lhe'Trz‘lmne uflirms unhositatingly
that. “the President is still in doubt what to
“do. He is apprehensive of troubles in the
“ South, but does not know how to meet them.
“ His feelings are with the South= but he is
“ afraid to assist them openly.”
This is an entirely difi‘erent account, of the
condition of the President. Which of these
equally rcliablqsmtements shall we accept E’—
The wisest course is to come to the conclu
srou lhat these correspondents know nothing
whatever about what they write, and that their
prczended information is furnished in pursu
ance of a contract to get up a. certain amount
of gossip daily for the amusement of the pub
lic, who prefer false news to no news at nll.-—-
Those enterprising correspondents are abso
lutely ignorant about what they write. They
have no better means of ascertaining what
steps the President intends to take in case of
serious troubles at the South than we have;
and we undertake to say that the President
will not shrink from the discharge of his duty
in maintaining the laws against any attempt. to
violate them, no matter how disagreeable the
conseqtzonoes may be. The insinuations so
freely indulged in by his enemies, that he has,
or will, encourage the Southern States to secede
or to nullify the laws, are entirely gratuitous
and unfounded, and will be proved so in the
What Ought the South to Do 2
1n appealing to our citizens, before the elec
tion, to render such a. verdict in that great
contest as we believed would preserve the
Union and the Constitution in their integrity,
we freely expressed our apprehensions of dan
ger in the event of a difl'crent result. The
crowning calamity, which the South has ap
prehended—the election of a President upon
the issues and devoted to the principles advo
cated by the Republican party—has fallen
upon them and upon the nation. It is yet too
early to understand the real sentiments and
intentions of the Southern people under this
decision. Telegraphic accounts of excited
feeling and action in afew Stat-es reach us, but
it is possible they are to be regarded as the
outbursts of the first feeling of indignation at
Northern action, rat-her than as the deliberate
declaration of the immediate future policy of
the States in question. '
t In the first place, says the Albany Argus, the
Republicans will only have possession of the
Executive Department, with Congress and Ju
diciary against them. The majority in both
Senate and House will be so decisive as to edec
tually prevent the passage of any laws giving
effect to any offensive theories of Republican
ism. The South, therefore, is safe from ag
gression, so for as ofi‘ensivo legislation is con
cerned—mere strongly fortified even, than
under the present Congress. It is also safe
against Mr. Seward’s threatened rc-organiza
tion of the Supreme Court against it. That
body can only be changed, by filling such va
cancies as may occur by death or resignation,
and the Senate can exercise u. check upon
filling those improperly.
The only increased danger, therefore, to the 1
South, is from the Executive. What can the
President do? How can he invade Southern
interests, fenced in as he will be, by opposition
in the co-ordinate branches of the government?
What power has he to strike a single blow
against Southern rights 2 We know of nothing
that he can do or leave undone, materially af
fecting questions of pending interests to the
South, unless it be to refuse to execute faith
fully the Fugitive Slave law. We are aware
that his party has plundered to the Abolition
feeling against obedience to this obligation of
the law and the Constitution, and has passed
State laws nullifying and arresting it, so far as
such laws can. But Mr. Lincoln in the Presi—
dential chair, clothed with the responsibilities
of that position, is in a very different situation
from your irrepressible agitatiors on the stump
or in the Legislative Assembly, and he dare
not refuse to execute the Fugitive Slave law.
The curses of the present and future genera
tions would brand him as a perjured traitor,
and the Constitutional process of impeachment
would expel him from the Presidential office,
should he thus refuse obedience to the law and
the Constitution. Moreover, it is only due to
truth to say, that there is no reason to believe
that Mr. .Lincoln will be disposed to shrink
from the performance of that duty—as it is
well known that he stands publicly pledged, by
his speeches in the Illinois campaign, to the.
execution of the Fugitive Slave law.
No—we beg leave to suggest to our Southern
brethren, that the accession of Republicanism
to the power and responsibilities of the gov
ment—unless rash and violent action at the South
shall supply it. with vitality—will be the certain
death of it. Its impotency to accomplish a
tithe of what it has threatened and promised
will reveal its hypocrisy and false pretences,
and disgust its more rabid supporters, and they
will drop it and turn their backs upon it. Mr.
Lincoln, as a. matter of absolute necessity, when
once in ofiice, must become conservative—must
execute the laws and obey the Constitution—
and this course will disappoint the fanaticism,
which has animated his Party and elevated him,
and Republicanism will be stricken down within
a laingle year, :13 By paralysis. 7' We say ”"3
will be the case, if our Southern brethren will look
at the matter in the light of philosopily and com
mon sense and wait a little, in quiet and repose,
for the progress of events. If they will do this,
we at. the North will be able to take care (If
Republicanism, and in another short year, the
crisis will have passed, fanaticism will have
burned out and a healthful reaction will give
renewed life and vigor to the body politic. But
if unwise and rash counsels should prevail in
some of the Southern States—if premature ac
tion for separate State protection should occur
nn'l secession from the Union, or even serious
demonstrations in that direction, be attempted,
this might furnish sufiicient excitement. and
outwerd Pressure to hold the Republican party
together and continue this hated struggle. Its
only bond of union is the slavery excitement,
which will quiet at the South, and Lincoln“ in
the Presidential chair, impotent to accomplish
anything which fanaticism has anticipated as
the fruits of victory, will prove a rope of sand,
and the discordant materials, of which this
political organization is composed, will fall to
pieces and repel each other.
Such—we, who have sympathized with them
and fought for their constitutional rights, say
to Southern men—arc our dispassionate views
of the present crisis and of the action and pol
icy which wisdom and patriotism demand. We
ask for them the calm consideration which be
comes the occasion. Southern men owe it to
themselves and their own bench—saying noth—
ing about courtesy to their hosts of true friends
at. the North—to act in this emergency with
dignity and deliberation.
Asmm‘an MASDAMUS.__T/ze County Commis
sioners Odercrl to Levy Another Rail-road Tax.—
In the Supreme Court yesterday Judge Wood
ward delivered an opinion in the case of the
Commonwealth vs. the Commissioners of Al
legheny county—application for a. mandamus
compelling the respondents to make provision
for the interest due on the bonds issued by the
county to the Chortiers Valley railroad. The
case was argued at length at a recent sitting of
Ihe ooiirt in this city; it is only yesterday that
its decision in the matter was made known
The opinion is a well written paper. The
decree of 'the court is, however, against the
commissioners, and they will now have to levy
the tax as ordered, or run the risk of being
puished for contempt as before.———l"£ttsburg
HORRIBLE lllunnrin.-—.-1 Mam Saul-rated ll'z'llz.
li’hz’skg/ and set on Fin—A horrible afi'air has
just come to light in California. Some time
since George Wilson and two of his “friends”
got. drunk at Reed’s Rancho. Marion county;
his “ friends.” not so much the worse for liquor,
“ amused” themselves with soaking the clothes
of' Wilson with whisky, and to make sure of
their project, they poured a considerable quan
tity down his neck, in order to thorougly soak
his shirt with the liquid, after which they set
fire to the clothes of the wretched man. He
remained there abandoned without a charitable
hand to offer him a glass of water during his
long agonies. Warrants have been issued for
the arrest of the murderers.
A dwarf named Paul Drake, 25 years old,
got drunk in a saloon at Columbus, Ohio, and
was placed on the counter as a show. The poor
fellow’s head being heavier than his body, he
tumbled off, fractured his skull, and died in a.
few hours. '
Mr. Henry Koous, an aged citizen of York,
Pa.., died suddenly on Saturday night last. in an
oyster saloon in that place. The deceased was
a. member of a companyithat marched from York
county to the defence of Baltimore, in the war
of 1814.
Mr. S. Howard, 9. colored man from New
Bedford, Ma>s.. has improved a machine for
sewing hose, with which he is successfully
manufacturing hydraulic hose in California,
by which he will realize a fortune.
Miss Davenport, who married Col. Lander in
San Francisco recently, brought her husband
the snug little (lower of $75,000. It will ena
ble him to overlook any liltle peculiarities of
temper that she may possess.
They have a mountain in Oregon, which the
settlers believe to be amass of silver, and Worth
at. a. low calculation $16G,600,000,000. Claims
are 100 feet front, and run to the top of the
Asorunn Boavs Bum—The young wife of
a. wealthy old pawnbroker at. Philadelphia,
tried unsuccn-ssfully, on Wednesday night, to
palm of a spurious infant, borrowed from the
almshnuse, on her husband.
A body, recently exhumed at Croton. N. Y.,
which has been buried 25 years, was found
completely petrified. and every femur? perfect.
The steamship North American, from Liver
pool on November let via. Queeustown on the
2d, arrived at ibis port. last evening. The re
port is confirmed that France interfered to pre.
vent the bombardment of Gaeta by Sardinian
vessels. Lord Dundonald is dead.
Sun: or TnAnn.—Breadstufl‘s are quiet but
steady. Provisions quiet. ‘
The Cunard steamship company announce
the re-commencement of the fortnightly screw
line to New York on Tuesday, November 27th.
The steamship Etna, of that line, has been
Eamon—Formidable naval preparations are
going on, and some writers construe the recent
council of war at St. Cloud as a palpable indi
cation of an eventual campaign. The Emperor
on the Blst reviewed 20,000 men near Paris,
bivouneking. and all the proceedings of areguo
lar campaign well represented. a
Prince Metternich and Baron Hubner were
received by the Emperor on the 28th. Very
active warlike preparations are going forward
in France, but the Minister of Foreign Affairs
has pronounced against France taking part in
any new conflict between Sardinia and Austria.
Prince Metternich had explained to the French
government the present policy of Austria. The
Internal reforms would be carried out in all
sincerity, and as regards external matters, she
will maintain her line of defensive policy.—
Her present armaments and concentration of
troops in Venetia are for no other object than
repelling any attack. Austria; considers the
assembling of in Congress useless, unless the
Great Powers agree beforehand on a common
Harms—On the 27th the Sardinian fleet
cannonaded the Royalists near Gaeta. The
French Admiral dispatched a frigate to stop the
firin . '
Thge Sardinian Admiral then retired and re
turned to Naples, expressing regret at the con
duct of the French. ‘
There has been no information received as to
Victor Emmanuel’s visit to Naples.
It. is denied that Austria. had informed the
European Cabinets of her intention to send her
ultimatim to’ Turin. 0n the contrary, she has
reiterated her assurance of a purely defensive
meroor. Bneansrurr Manner—Messrs.
Wakefield & Nash, Richardson B'. Spence, and
others report flour dull; it opened with quota.-
tions barely maintained, but ciosed firmer.—
American, 303.@325. Wheat quiet, but firm;
red western, lls. 6d.@l2s. 4d,; Southern, 125-
6d.@135.; white, 135. 9d.@l4s. Corn quiet
and closing firm; mixchßS. 9d.@393_; yel
-10W,'391.@395. 6d. ;_ white, 405.6945;
Tun WARSAW MEETING ——The German jour
nals are unanimous in pronouncing thequ-saw
meeting a failure.
Count Reichberg has given an explaination
to the Diplomatic Corps relative to the Warsaw
meeting. Austria put the following questions
to Russia :——-‘Vill your government, recognize
the facts which have been or may be accom
plished in Italy? Should Austria be attacked
by Sardinia and the latter supported by another
great power, what would be your attitude in
the event of another war, and its being trans
ferred to German territory?
The answers are not given, but Count Reich
berg stated that Austria was about to issue a.
cirealar note to its representatives abroad giv
ing the "guns. . -
QUEBEC, November 12.
SPAlN.—Marshall O’Donnell. in the Spanish
Cortez, reiterated that. Spain had resolved to
remain neutral in afi'airs in Italy. He‘also pro
tested against the doubts expreSSed of the loy—
alty of Napoleon towards the Spanish govern
ment. '
GREAT BR’lraxx.—Admiml Napier is aeri
ously il].
NEW YORK, Nov. 12.
The steamer Bremen, from Bremen and South.
ampt-on, has arrived, bringing Liverpool (Lites
cf Wednesday Oct. 815 m. lircndsiufi'a were
quiet and provisions continued steady.
Loxnox, Oct. 31.—Consols are quoted at 93),.
The manchester advices are favorable, the mar
ket closed firm.
LIVERPOOL, Oct. 31.—-—Flour dull and quota.
(ions are badly maintained. Wheat. quiet- and
prices firm. Corn quiet but. firm.' Provisions
quiet, priqes steady. Sugar buoyant. Cotfee
quiet. Rice firm. Spirits of Turpentine firm,
at. 345. 6d. @- 355. Rosin steady, at 55. fill. an.
ss. 6d. "
Gannon. NBWS.—-—There is much speculation
in the English papers in relation to the abrupt
termination of the Warsaw Conference. The
London Timer: insists that it was owing to the
impossibility of agreement upon ihe many an
tagonistic elemenls in the Conference.
The Neapolitan royalist-S made another at
tack on Garibaldi’s truops between Tcsano and
Sepa, and were defeated with loss and many
prisoners. Victor Emmanuel had arrived at
Sepa and had an interview with Garibaldi. Ar—
rangements had been made for a grand 811:] de—
cisive battle. Austria explains the cause of
her immense arrangements as being only pre
parations to repel aggressions.
Special mean-r “Tie Cabinet.
fi’AsnmaTow, Nov. 12
- On the arrival of the news of the resignation
of Senators Toombs and Chesnut, great con
sternation fell upon the Administration, and a
special meeting of the Cabinet was immediately
convened, which remained. in session until a.
late hour on Saturday night. Intellingence
reached here about the same lime that Jeffer
son Davis, of Mississippi, had written to the
efi‘eot that he would cease to be a member of
the United States Senate at the close of the
present term.
The example of Senators Toombs and Ches
nut resigning their seats in the Senate, will
probably be followed by Mr. Iverson. of Geor—
gia. Brown, of Mississippi. Slideil. of Louisano,
Johnson,ot' Arkansas, Clay,“ Alabama, and
Nicholson, of Tennessee. This will give the
President elect, upon his inauguration, a clean
majority in the Senate to confirm all his oy
‘ The Union men of the South are delighted at
the prospect ofthe resignation of the Disunion
ist Senators, inasmuch as they will now proceed
to organize a. great Union party, and sweep the
South—filling the vacated seats with firm
friends of the Constitution and the laws. John
Forsyth, of Alabama, James Gardner, of Geor
gia, Col. Perry, of South Carolina, 001. Wm. H.
Polk, of Tennessee, and Miles Taylor, of Lou
isiana, are named in connection with'the pro
bable election of Union Sena-tors, in the place
of those who have resigned or may resign.
The Emigration Westward.
ATcmsox, Kansas, Nov. 10
The Champion of this city publishes a state
ment of the number of trains which have out
fitted at this placé, this season, for the gold
region, Utah, and the forts on the plains.—
Ninety trains, composed of 1,773. wagons.
employing 2,020 men, 693 mu'nes, and 18,117
oxen, carrying 8300:883 pounds of merchan
dize, have gone out. This amount is double
that of any previous year.
Aflgairs in Virginia—The Election.
.thnmoxn, Nov. 12.
The afl‘airs in the South attract much atten
tion here. The people are calmly awaiting the
issue. Meetings will probably be held in the
difi‘erent counties before the Legislature meets,
for the expression of public opinion. The vote
of the State has not yet been ascertained. Both
the Bell and Breekinridge, parties figure out
majorities. Several counties have not been
heard from.
Resignation of 'l'oombs and Chesnm.
COLUMBIA. S. 0., Nov. 12.,-
Senator Toombs. of Georgia, and Cbesnutf of
South Carolina, have resigned. The Senate
has passed a. bill calling 9. Convention to take
into consideration measures of secession. The
election of delegates will be held 03 the Bth of
January, and the Convention will mew on the
Mr. Breckim'idge Against Secession.
This morning’s Comnwrcial says that Mr.
Breckinridge has determined 'lO make a trip to
the cotton States, and address his fellow-citi
zens, urging them to abide in the Union.
Missouri for Bell.
ST. Lotus, Nov. 12.
Mr. Bell carries this State by from five to
seven thousand majority.
sz fihncrtisemmta.
AT BRANT’S H“--. ____, .
Upon which occasion he will be assisted by
AARON JONES, of London,
and NED PRICE, of Boston.
The arrangements will be conducted upon the. most
unexceptionahle Principles, and will be found in every
respect worthy o the patronage of the elite It is the
intention of the management of the Festival to present
as nearly as possible, the INTERNATIONALOON'I‘EST
between Messrs. SAYERS end HEENAN, at Fsrnbo
rough, Englnnd, April 17 . In which the principals will
the knights and champions of the 24 feet space.
The object of this Fete, independent of conferring n
well—merited compliment to the recipient of the ovation,
is to allow that portion of the community who have never
seen a struggle for superiority of acience or strength
between opponents an opportunity of witnessing the
modus operandi incident to such events. void of the un
pleasant features that too often are attendant upon a.
personal encounter.
the some costume and display the same colors (It rec
simile of the handkerchief is given sbove,) as were em
ployed at the meeting in England..
All the movements and preliminary arrangements, and
the entire mnnegementnn both sides wiIIFAITHFULLV
in England on the 17th of Aprillust,withthe real colors,
Besides this interesting portrayal ofthe Greet National
Battle, Mr. Keenan will sustain the onset of thesevenl
eminent professors in n series of Sparring Scenes of e
chaste and scientific character.
The performances will he enlivened by an EXCEL
To give additional eclst to this most imposing and
novel entertainment, an engagement has been efl'ected
whose astonishing feats of strength = re the wonder of
both the OLD A D NEW WORLD. and acknowledged
by all who have witnessed his mireculouswxercises, to
be the $1305 GEST MAN IN THE WORLD!
The most eifectivemensures have been made to secure
good order by the management.
139qu open at 1, commencing at 8.
.Tickets 50 cents. .
Reserved Front Seats for Lakes and Gentlemen ac
companyiug them. - non—Mt
ocZBJuBt received by WM. DOCK, J IL, 56 00
EX T A Sugar Cured‘ Hams,
For sale by [claim] WM. DOO5, .13., 6a 09
59"“:- mum.E 1:: the name and by the authorit
mwf the Commonwealth of Prnns 1y
\m.._........n.'§ vania, WILLIAM F. PACKEF. (soer
nor of the said Commonwealth: ’
Williams, In and by an act of the General
Assembly of this Commonwealth, passed the
second day of July. A. D. one thousand eight
hundred and thirty-nine, entitled “An Act rc- I
lating to the elections of this Commonwealth,”
it is made the duty of the Governor, on the
receipt of the returns of the election of the
members of the House of Representatives of
the United States by the Secretary of the Com- ‘
monwoalth, to declare by Proclamation the
names of the persons so returned as elected in
the respective Districts.
And ll’lzcrcas, The returns of the General
Election, held on Tuesday, the ninth day of
October last, in and for the several Districts, for
members to serve in the House of Representa
tives of the Congress of the United States for
the term of two years from and after the fourth
day of March next, have been received in the
ethos of the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
agreeably to the provisions of the above recited
act, whereby it appears that in the Second
District, composed of certain portions of the
city‘ of Philadelphia. Edward Joy Morris has
been duly elected; in the Third District, com
posed ot‘ Kensington and the Northern Liberties
of the county of Philadelphia, John P. Verree
has been duly elected ; in the Fourth District,
composed of Spring Garden, Penn District,
North Penn, Kingsessing, West Philadelphia,
Blockley, Richmond, Unincorporated Northern
Liberties, Bridesburg and Aramingo, in the
county of Philadelphia, William D. Kelley
has been duly elected; in the Fifth District,
composed of Montgomery county and Bristol
township, Upper and Lower Germantown, Up
per and Lower Manayunk, Frankford, Rox
borough, Byhcrry, Lower Dublin, White Hall,
Oxford and Moreland, in the county of Phila
delphia, William Morris Davis has been duly
elected; in the Sixth District, composed of the
counties of Chester and Delaware, John Hick
man has been duly elected ; in the Seventh Dis
trict, composed of the counties of Bucks and
Lchigh, Thomas B. Cooper has been duly
elected; in the Eighth District, composed of
the county of Berks, Sydenham E. Ancona
has been duly elected; in the Ninth Dis
trict, composed of the county of Lancas
ter, Thaddeus Stevens has been duly elected;
in the Tenth District, composed of the
1 counties of Lebanon, Dauphin, Snyder and
l Union, and the township of Lower Mabanoy,
in the county of Northumberland, John W. Kil
linger has been duly elected; in the Eleventh
District, composed ofthe counties of' Schuyl
kill and Northumberland, except Lower Maha
noy township, James H. Campbell has been
duly elected ; in the Twelfth District, composed
' of the counties of Montour, Columbia, Luzerne
and Wyoming, George W. Scranton has been
duly elected ; in the Thirteenth District, com
posed of the counties of Northampton, Monroe,
Carbon, Pike and Wayne, Ifhillip Johnson has
been duly elected ; in tlrQrSFourtecnth District,
composed of the counties of Susquehanna,
Bradford and Tioga, Galusha A. Grow has been
duly elected; in the Fifteenth District, com
posed of the counties of Sullivan, Lycoming,
Clinton, Centre, Mifilin and Potter, James T.
. Hale has been duly elected; in the Sixteenth
{ District, composed of the counties of York,
l Cumberland and Perry, Joseph Bailey has been
1' duly elected 3, in the'Seventeenth District, com
posed of the counties of Adams, Franklin, Ful
ton, Bedford and J uniata, Edward M’Pherson
has been duly elected ; in the Eightéenth
District, composed of the counties of Somerset,
Cambria, Blair and Huntingdon, Samuel 8.
Blair has been duly elected; in the Nineteenth
1 District, composed of the counties of West
moreland, Armstrong and Indiana, John Covodc
has been duly elected; in the Twentieth Dis
trict, composed of the counties of Fayette,
Greene and Washington, Jesse Lazcar has been
duly elected; in the Twenty-first District, com
posed of the county of Allegheny, except that
part which lies northeast of the Ohio and north
west of the Allegheny, James K. Moorhead has
i been duly elected; in the Twenty-second Dis
: trict, composed of Butler county and that part
of Allegheny counly not included in the
Twenty-first District, Robert M’Knight has
‘» been duly elected; in the Twenty-third Dis
] trict, composed of the counties of Beaver, Law
rence and Mercer. John W. Wallace has been
I duly elected; in the Twenty-fourth District,
; composed of the counties of Venango, Warren,
‘ M’Kean, Clear-field, J ctferson, nEorest, Elk and
, Clarion, John Patton has been duly elected;
' in the Twenty-fifth District, composed of the
counties of Erie and Crawford, Elijah Babbitt
1 has been duly elected. _
‘ And Whereas, Certain returns have been re
? oeived at the office of the Secretary of the Com
. monwcalth of the votes cast in the First Con
, gressional District for Member of Congress,
l certifying that at the election aforesaid John
. M. Butler received eight thousand five hundred
and eighty-one votes, William E. Lehman re
} ceived eight thousand three hundred an eighty
-three votes, and Edward King received two
i thousand and fifty-seven votes :
And Whereas, It has been judicially ascer
tained that said returns include a false, forged
and fabricated return of the votes cast in the
Fourth Ward part of the First Congressional
District: ,
And Whereas, The return judge from the said
Fourth ward has been duly convicted in the
Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and
for the city and county of Philadelphia for the
criminal substitution of said false, forged and
fabricated return, in lieu of the true and correct
one 2
And Whereas, By ,the true returns, certified
from the Prothonotary’a ofice' of the Court. of
Common Pleas in and for the city and county
of Philapelphia, it appears that at the election
aforesaid William E. Lehman received eight,
thousand five hundred and fifty nine votes, John
M. Butler received eight thousand four hundred
and twenty-seveh votes, and Edward King re
ceived two thousand and forty-four votes:
And whereas, It thus appears from the true and
genuine returns, that William E. Lehman was
duly chosen at. the election aforesgid a member
of the House of Representatives of the United
States for the First Congressional District,
composed of Soulhwark, Moynmensing, P 35-
sayunk, in the county of Philadelphia, and"
Cedar, Lombard, Spruce and New Market
wards, in the city of Philadelphia:
Now rrwnrronn, I have issued this Procla
mation, hereby publishing and declaring that
William E. Lehman. Edward Joy Merrie. John
P. Verrec, William D. Kelley, William Morris
Davis, John Hickman, Thomas B. Cooper, Sy
denham E. Ancona, Thaddeus Stevens, John-
W. Killinger, James H. Campbell, George W.
Semmon, Philip'Johnson, Galushu A. Giow,
James T. Hale, J oaeph Bailey, Edward M’Pher
son, Samuel S. Blair, John Covode, Jesse La—
: 105““ J"mes K. Moorhead, Robert M’Kuight.
i Job“ W. Wallace, John Patzon and Elijah Bah
} bi“ have been returned as duly elected in the
. several diSU‘ictß before mentioned as Reprc~
5011“! th in the Cougress of the United States .
fol' the term 0f ”’0 years, to commence from
and alter the fourth day of March next.
‘ Giien under my Hand and the are,“ Seal of
the State at Harrisburg, this eighth day of
November, in Ihe year of our Lord one thou..
sand eight hundred and sixty, and of the
Commonwealth the eighty-fifth.
By the Governor,
WM. M. Hmsrax,
Secretary of the Commonwetzi-tk
nAnmsano Bus,
‘ Nov 8' 1880, ;
THE Directors of this Bank declared to
day adividend of five per cent. for the last six months
~pa§3béeton demand. J. W. WEIR, Cashier.
no - 3 .
DRIED BEEF—A 11 extra lot of DRIED
, BEEP just received by
~no9 Wu. noon, 3:, as 00.
H A T 0 H 85 C O. ,
CRANBERRIES—A very Superior 7
' ac [oct26.] WM. noon, :3, a 00's
G 0 L I) M E I) A L,l
HELD ml mmcnnmo Win,
Wareronm for the CHICKERIfiG PIANOS, at Harris
burg. at 92 Market. street,
K ELLER’S DRUG STORE is the place
_ to find anlhniz in 1:]. way of Perfumery.
WEDDING and Visiting Cards, at
scmnnms Bookstore.
Just received! and receiving, at JONES' STORE, Mar
ket Street, Hamslmrg, amost beautiful Stock of all kinds
of DRY GOODS from Philadelphia and New York, which
will be sold Ulnar-for Cash Buyer: will do themaolvefl
justice by ca Hing Gan-pets, Oil-cloth, Blankets, Bun
Matting, am. Just receiving, Clonks, Arabian Style
Taurus. kc. ocl9-Imdi‘.
‘ N 7 ANTED—S,OOO pounds OLD COP
, PER, for which we will pay the vo‘yvy highest
markfglprice in cash, at the EAGLE 03KB.
1101 In
, A prime lot just reeeived by
0030. WM. DOCK, 33., 5:. Co
R E M 0 V A L.
Has removed to
Where he will be pleased to see all his friends.
BLAOKB ‘ ' dby
none. Exams, mt rem?» DOCK, .12., a; 00,
HUMPH a E Y ’ s
1101:1qu TlllO REMEDIES,
[01:31: at KELLEB‘E gmnfm‘
OY-BOOKS of an endless v '
. anety, f 0!"
KELLER-’8 DRUG STORE is the place
to buy Domestic Medicines