MISUELLA N 1 A Wuwmc m Com-m: Bnemzirs‘ WNW.— A gentleman in Montgomery, Alabama, is re sponsible fer the following. main-h will be ap preci3ted by the-sctho lmudlc our fibrous sta ple: It may not. be generally known, but to an» dersmnd the following scene the reader must know, 1.11:1“.GC principa! telegraphic correspon dence in the crasnmu'cial world is carried on in cyphcr; and she better to prevent mistakes, are plainest. and. in some macs, the ewretest. sounding wax-(l3in our language are usml for this purpose. A few days ago a dispatch of this sort. was received at the oflice of one of our large cotton brokers. after business hours, and sens up home. which it reached before him, and was duly conned over by his wife. Now, we don‘t wish ta cast any insinuations on fe male mxrinsity : but to a woman a. telegram is certainly“ object of interest. Nutshemselves receivmg :hem (awry day on almost trivial subjects 33 we do, {hey him: :11: Eda: it is always a. life or death (mic. Thus. thnugln our mt‘c-n- {casket-‘5 young wife: “He has just~ returned from New York: something is the. matter." The envelope was torn ut‘: and her (—39 gizmces war it. Oh! Oh ! 0h! 0!: 3 scream after Ken-um. until she fuiuls. {a makes her mother: “Winn! on earth is the matter. Charlotte?" “Ch! Oh ! Oh!" The old iady :95 the dispzfich and a‘tempts to take it. But he with that mysxqry iu woman’s nature, “which rush-=5 he:- more iavcly its grief, she grasps 'hc farm} Writing, and hides from 3111, even 5:: mether, her cause of sorrow. Faint ing fiz : fter fit fdlluw, and smelling salts and vinegar .‘are in requisitiiau. A bout this stage (If the proceeding, in walks Monsieur :heßrcker, his poor little wife without 9. word of reproach, handed him the dispatch, “hich waq as follows: “Your darling—sick—Saint- N ichc-his—send LOUD—true lave—ozfly—Mwy. “New York, Scymm‘oer, ’60.“ ’ 0!: reading which he only luugiwd. and with his book of the cypiiei' uphiucai to her satis factisn what he ne.-mt. The transitition of it, we have not room to give here. as each word is an entire sentence. It's fist being signed, and Mary being the 1:13: wean}, 6063 look a little ariminal to a, young wife Vs'hGS'.) hus’oand has just returned from New Yuri". We have no Jeu‘nf his dispntrhgs hemaé‘lai: sit! remain in— violable. The explanation m‘g‘ui. have satisfied Char lotte. but. for ourselves, we are a. little dubious. 10., is. to say the lcaaj; of is, I‘:flii€£‘ a sixrgular kind of cypher. THE Noun-2:1; un- L.Asfiu.‘.<:..s.—Tl!9 least ?dmned are aware that {acre are many law images in the Wotifi, but (he. iii-mu} uumwer is 13T0buh!y beyund xhe Lin-mus of ordinary people. The geOgmphcz'. Babi: eri-unertued eight. hum dreé and slxiy, which :m- entitled to be consid ered as distinct language. and five thousand which may he regar 10G 32: diaiectfl. Adeluug. smother mademx writvr 0:; this subject. rackons up three thou-32ml and fizzy/{imp languages. and. (52196.13 exizztiag, and which have exiSLed. Evan after we have unawsrti either of those m—z we num‘u-r afiangxuges, we must acknowledge ihe csisumcc <3l" almust. infinize minor diversi éics; fur almost. crfii‘y grtfinct: has :5 tongue max-e m- lvss [menu-:2; :zzavr‘i this we may well he‘dvu‘: #9 by the (ruse 1 £3r.=;:gllcul€ the wax-1d at 7T}? 1: is Fifi lisz'i’ {have 11.21: linlc islands, "bi: (I‘LflL’j‘ in {‘36- SUE“: Sui, the ill— ,aria (Zn rm: knew each ether.— OE CEIII _ _ r .: t :E-igm. Lundm? :32] sixty «iisxizma km ;‘zagcs eunmcmmé 1 12:214. tiny-slurs belong m fiat-gape, one hf-Ssxit'cti “Li-'3 {mu-tern 10 Africa, um: hundred :m-‘E ta:e=z;i3-xi:t's:é‘ :0 Asia, four 3.2321353} and scvnirt: 5'3. Anxn‘im, one hundred :1 3.: sen-flees. ":3 Gaunfim, 32; which term he v!i.§tingzzish3u tho my mimics? of island's sirezctflng haFw—xrr: lirniustau 3w}. Smith Ame rim. fif viz:- {’031'219‘5. NBGBOES. STRIGHHISE mg» Mun- DER.—-:1 currespoudeut of the. B:§EEW‘:I‘K(S. 0.,‘3 Swish)". writes: as (GER-ass: “1 send you am ex tract I'mm u lcuer received receutiy from :1 719523: renting living in Cathie parish, 1.1:. The. tee-(spin of your dis-itiK-E. :11 and izrcmzd MIL-n --iaie. wiil by abic m (-111 :0 mifid {he advent (sf {Chis ‘iiot'kwcfld.’xsumu eight urfniu: 559213 put : “Old Bax-sm. LLI- fauna :1 take cf stryc-huiue is his barn-a its: day: :ang. Upon examination one of the ?araczz‘:~ “...!uk‘ acknowledged that Dr. Buckwecd. :1 dczsziac and fiaiflibf preachur, wise had been siemfing zli Fax-saw Lee’s, gave hit: the botzlc, :m-letaiii him to Stine 73' :1. zfu' w'u‘fz’fisléz-z {:2s} f,’ TEFL“) ff-z'.’ (fr? [lt-€6l “'i'im of: é'fifilGW 3:19 It: garish immfi'iiiliely, and further infi‘gi‘lgzztiam ée‘ef w the «Mower; 01‘ u. shirt is (hia mm: uggrnc‘s possession mafimé ‘LGclzwt («if A yew: of men immedi ately put. ufi' after this; man. caught him in fiaicéfimchea, 257:3. Enough: hi ,g, has}; to .‘Summ- r Grove fur trial. flex: day if. was reported that be had 121211;: his escape; but 1 heard some say ycslcrdxg he Emf‘cr aura-d until his neck was £3“;an an :a. Dinah-jack Kin—{r}. h. in the opinion «2f 3 ELK-d many (hay. that. was the way be es aqvcd. Dr. Lac-karat} Was: a Northern man, amt Eire}, he says, in [12.-$3233 audit] this sze abgsul. h a years." flux: FOP. 112:; 371213 me I! ng.—-A \ch ‘icru Mitsouri cumemperary tells the following : 011 Tuesday last, news came (0 this city that 2 mm was seen hanging between Independence uné Maxwell‘s Landing. The Coroner was ‘ptémpfly notified cf the fact, and he, in the disuharge of his duty, as promptly repaired to the scene; but to‘his surprise found the man alive, kicking and Walking about as ot-htr men do. with no rope around his neck—where (he roye ought to be. He (the Coroner) made some inquir'mo‘ about the victim, and the old woman—that is, Mrs. Ellicott, the wife of the huxgg man—replied that he was cut. down, but uoi dead; and further remarked, that it was about the 1% time he had attempted to hang himself and hadn’t. yet succeeded, but. she’d be teetntully darned if he mighzn’t hang the next. time until he was dead; that she would never out the cord again Lu let him breathe easy.— We understand that Ellicot-I. is in the habit of hangiqg himself every time he has a. family jar, ami ailhough he has made so many altempts has never: yet. got without sight of the house, whgée. his wife would never faii Io let. him down before his Wind shortened. Smn‘amn Cass or I’maonmo BY A litrz.—~A remarkable case. of attemyted murder by poison, has occurred lately, as we learn from the Bur— lington Free: Press, :11 Montpelier, Vt. A little child ofth Hon. C. W. Williard, while drink ifig his milk. was seized with vomiting. The milk was examined and found to contain corro— sive sablimamt nough to kill n. dozen men. The wondek‘was. 3:14: could have done it—for the servams, 3 girl am! an Irish boy named John 30231188,- Were consiéercd truatv, and were boih exéeedingly fond of the ma. Finally. sua picion fell upon Roakes, who confessed that. he put: the poison in the cup, simply from hatred to the servant girl, with whom he had some {final quarrel, and on whom he hoped. the 511:- picio‘fi of committing the. crime would fall. He was' immediately arraigned before the courtiiu session M the time, pleaded guilty. an; Was sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment. meum ELEPHANTS.—OId Rowe keeps; :1 hotel‘ in the Northern part of the State of New York, which. he boasted, was the best in “those parts,” where, as he used to say. youjcould get anything that was ever made to eat. One day in c'omea‘a Yankee. sends his horse around to the stable, and stepping up to the bar. asked 01d Bowc What he could have for dinner.— “Any'thing. sir,” guys Old Rowe, “anything, from a. pickled elephant to a canary-bird’s tongue.” “Wa’nl,” says the Yankee, eyeing old Rowe. “I guess I’ll take a. piece of pickled elephhnt.” Out hustled Rowe into the dining room, leaving 0m- Yankkee nonplussed at. his gravity. Presently he comes back again.— “Well, air, we’ve got em. but you’ll have to tnke i whole one, ’cauae we never cut, 'em_"_ The Yankee thought he would have some coi fish end potatoes. Qbe «flaunt. ‘ THE ONLY BWAIIUN ‘ _ > TKATHAS STOOD THE TEST OF YE ABS, AND snows moan ANg‘ggnE POPULAR EVERY And testimonials, new, and almost without number mightfie given from ladies and gentlemen in all grade; of society, whose uugte-i testimony none could resist thgt Prof. Wgod’s Hairgesgoratiw will refltore the mm; on gray. nu preserve e air in all its youthful beauty. of the ”“th t° °m “3‘“ BATTLE 01mm: Mich . Dec 2] 1858. hPIIOE. WOOD: 'l‘hoe will: pleasé accept a line to inform t 66} at the hair on ruy head fell 0!? over twenty years Eli“; ““1594 11V} complicated chronic disease. attended “'1“! gm eruption 0}! the head. A continual course of sufl'e'r‘ung through life baring reduced me to a state of deptdence, I have not been able to obtain stufl' for cups, 119“ 9! home I been able to do them up, in consequence 0f $l3lOll my head has sulfa-red extremely from cold. Tins Induced main {my Briggs & Hodges almost the lust cent I hnd on earth for a. two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about the first of August last. I have faith. fully followed the directions. and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black, though nhort; “is also coming in all over my head. Feeling confident that another large bottle would restore it entirely and per— }nanently, I feel anxious to persevere in its use, nnd be. mg destitute of means to purchase any more. I would ask thee if thou wouldst not be willing to send me an order on thine agents for a bottle, and receive to thyself the scriyinrcdeclamtion—fi the reward is to those who am kin-d to the widow and l‘ubhcrlcrs.” ‘l‘hy friend, EUSA NNAII KIRBY. LIEDRIER, Is‘ohle Co , Indiana, Feb. 5, 1559. PEQF. O J. W 001): Dear Sin—ln the latter part of the year 1852. while attending the State and National Law School of the State of New Yurk, my hair, from a cuuae unknown to mt), common cod falling-«AI very rapidly, so that in the short space of six months, the whole up per part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its covering. and much of the rcmmmng pox-tion upon the side and back part of my head shortly after became gray, so that you will not be surprised when I tell you that upon my return to the. State of Indiana, my more casual acquaintances were not so much at a. loss to discover the cause of the change in my appearance, as my more inti mate acquaintance-2i Wei-o lo recognize me at all. I at once made applicatiun 10 thus most skillful phyfii ciuus in the country. but. receiving no imam-3mm from them that my hair could again be restored, I was fnrced to become n-couciled to my fate, until. fortunately, in the latter part 02’ the year 1557, your Restorative was recommended to me Ir}; 3. drug-glint, as being the most re liable Hui: Hesioratlre in use I tried one bottle, and [Hand ‘0 my great satisfaction that “was producing the nit-sired efl‘cct. Sincu that. time, I have used seven (lol hu-s’ worth of your Restorafiive, and as a result. have n {3611 coat of very soft black hair, which no money mm uy. As 8. mark of my gratitude far your labs:- and Skill in the production of so wonderful em article, I have recom mended its use '0 many of my friends and ucquninhmces, who, I am hay-gnu to inl‘nrm you, are using it with like aflcct. Very respectfully. yours, A. M. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot 44-1 Broadway, and said by all dealers through out the world. 0. J. “'UUD 5:; 0-0.. Preprieturn, 444 Broadway, New York, and 113'r Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. And acid by a.“ good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. uul'T-dkwiim A NJ S 0 31 11 IV M E TO THE LADIES IKCNT‘S “BLOOM 0F [1 SE3.” :1 rich and'delicate color for the cheeks and lips, WILL NOT WASH UR RUB OFF, and when nnue applied renm‘ius durable fur: _x'surs. main-d free in bniilus I‘m-$l.OO. HUNT’S “GOURT TOILET POWDER,” imparts a dazzlug whiteness _tn the complexion, and is unlike any thing 0139 usrd far this purpose. main-d free form) cents. [I UNTS " BRITISH IsALM." removes tan. freckles, sunburn and all eruptions of the skin, mailed frcc for 50 cents. ’ XIUNT’S “IMPERIAL ['OMADE,” for the hair, strengthens and. .impnm-w. its growth. keeps it from tall— ing 03'. mm warranted TO MAKE THE HAIR CURL, umiled {rep for $1 00. 1| UNT’S ‘-' PEA RI. BEA UTIFIER,” for the teeth and gums, cleanses and whim-m the teeth, burdens the gums, purifies the lan-at]: A-fi‘nactually, PR E 5 I'2 RV E 5 Tu I‘L 'fl‘Elél'l‘ll AND PREVENTS TOOTH-ACRE, mailed. free or .100. HUNT’S “ BRIDAL “'REATH PERFUME,“ “double extract of orange blossoms and culugne, mniied {me for $l.OO. Thin exquisite perfume was first used by the PRINCESS ROYAL. 0E EXGLAND. on her marriage: MESSRS HURT 8., 00 presented the PRINCESS with an elegant cine of Perfumery. (in which all of the above articles were included.) in handsome cut glass “i th gold stoppers, valued at $l5OO, particulars of which appeured in the public prints. All the above article»; sent FREE by ex press [or $5.00. Cash can either accompany the order or be [mid to the express agent on delivery of goods. HUNT & 00., Perfumars to the Quem, Bxaan S'nu-zm', Losses, ASH 707 SASSOM STREET, The Trude supplied. PHILADELPHIA. sum-(fly £50195. U NITED S'i’ATLS W'” sown EAST Cozsxn 03 1113 um MARKET STREETS. ADJOIN 124 G THE I’ENXSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD DEPOT, 1.3337111: A'ADEKAPI-lIA. The undersigned would roppuutfuny iul‘ovm thal’ulflie that. he has takvu the a‘nm‘e Hutuly formerly known as “- THE MANSION HOUSE.” which he hug refitted and newh‘ furnished throughout. The. Rocrus are spacious and coman inns, and furnished ‘ri Lb every convuuieuw to be found in the best Hotelsin the city The “UN [TED STATES” is admimhk located for the convenience of traveli‘rn, being under the same roufmbh the Pennsylvania. Railroad Depot, {uni thus saving hozh ha 1»: hire and. porter-age of btggage. So pains will be spared tn render the “UNITED STA TEE" n pleasant and ugrevnblu residence to all who may um: i: with their put-ronag!‘ Charges made-rate. ems—damn H. \y. KANMJA, Pmpri-Rnr B {E 5;”- IE LE R H, G U 5?. E_, 3.11:33'1‘ SQUARE, HARRISBURG. PA. (I'so. .1 . BOLTON , onszzzmeg CARD. The above well known and long established Hotel is now undergoing a. tharuuglx renovation: and being in a great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorahip of Mr. 8:20:63 .1. Bumox, whn has been an inmate oi the house for the last three years, and is well known to its guests. Thankful fer the liberal patronage which it has en joyed, I cheerfully commezid Mr. Bolton to the public favor. _ie7 dazwy WILLIAM BUEHLER. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL: a: I:94;an 3.1!, NEW YORK When completed, six years ago, the St. Nicholas was universally pronounced the most magnificeuthcbnve ujent, 11ml thoroughly organized establishment of the kind on this continent. Wlfiu: it was then, it remains today—with out a. rim-at in size, in sumptuousncss, and in the general elements of comfort and enjoyment. The Hokl has accommodations for ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED GUESTS, including ONE H’UIVDRED COJIIPLETL‘ S UITES OF .4 PA R TME NTS for families. 'SIX HUNDRED PERSONS can be comfortablyseated at the tables of its three public dining rooms, and nothing that modern art‘has devised for the convenience and so cial gratification of the traveling public has been omitted in its plan, or is neglected jn its practical detuila. The early reputation of the house at home and abroad, derived from its magnitude, its superb appointments, and its home-like comforts and luxuries, has been err harmed every year by the unwearied exertions of the Proprietors. 31124413121 TREADWELL. WHITCOMB & CO. ‘ ‘ I! l PATEN.T WEIGII CART-8' For the convenience of my numeruus up town custmn ers. I have established. in connection w 1211 my 0111 yard, a. Branch Goal Yard apposite North street. in a. line with the Pennsylvania. canal, having the office formerly occu pied by Mr IL Harris. where consumers of Coal in tint vicinity and Verbekdowu can receive their Coal by the PATENT WEIGH OARTS, WITHOUT EXfRA CHARGE FOR HAULING, And in any quantity they may desire, as low as can be pl“ chased anywhere. r> FIVE THOUSAND TONS COAL ON HAND, 0f LYKENS VALLEY and WIPKESHAERE, all sizes. {l3’ Willing to maintain fazr prises, but unwilling to he underxold by any parties. . flj’All Coal forked up and deliver-cl clean and free from all impurities, and the best article mined. Ord-rs received at either Yard will be promptly filled, ml all emu delivn red by t e Pam-n: Weigh Carts. Cunl sold by Boat, Car load, single, half or third of tons, and by the bushel. JAMES M. WHEELER. _ Harrisburg, October 13, 1861.—0ct15 INSTRUCTION IN MUSI C. F. W. WEBER, nephew and taught by the well re membered late F. W. Weber, of Harrisburg, is prep'fld to give lessons in music upon the PIANO, VIOLIN CELLO, VIOLIN and FLUTE. He will give lessons at his residence, corner of Locust street and River alley or at the hnmes of pupils. an2s-dGm JUST RECEIVED! INK FOUNTAIN! INK FOUNTAIN! A very ingenious attachment to any metaflic pen by which one dip of ink is sufficient to Write a fools’cap page. For sale at SCHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE up!) No. 18 Market ’st DRIED APPLES AND DRIED PEACHES for sale by com) “711- DOOR; JIM a; co. Businwa alarm DENTISTRY. THE UNDERSIGNED, DOCTOR 0F DENTAL SURGERY. Respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizen- of Harrisburg and vicinity. _OFFICE IN STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE B R A D Y HO USE. sgp2s.d&wzf .‘_ .- B. MZGILDEA, D. I). S. “I 'W. 11 A Y s, A'i‘TORNBY-Ag'r-LAW'. o F F I c E, WALNU STREET, BETWEEN SECOND & THIRD .2259}. W _ WWM‘Zfl.-W_,_ ('11! ’ THEO. F. SCHEFFEB, 3001:, 0.41120 .4stl3 JOB PRINTER, inns A 18 Market Sweat. Hrrisbm-g. JAS. F. SHUNK, ATTOB.NEY AT LAW, on-xca xx 5-3;: BUILDING OPPOSITE PROTHONOTARY’E OFFICE, 339,9.“ > , Hamstmrg, Pa. [my DR. 0. WEwHEL, 1 SURGEIJN AND 0011!. 181‘, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH STREET. He is now fully preparud to attend promptly to the duties of professwn in all its branches. A LONG AND VERY SUCCESSFUL MEDICAL EXPERIENCE justifies him in prmuising full and ample satisfaction to all who may fm‘nr him with a. call, hi! the disease Chronic or any other nature. mIS-dn‘zwly ‘VM. H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LA'VV. Office comer cf MARKET STREET and the SQUARE, (Wyeth’sa second floor front. 15' iKntramiefln Market Square. ___92l-Iyd2u T H 0 M A S G. MACD 0 WELL, ATTGR/K‘EY AT LAW, (mice in Third Sitreet, one Door West of His Residence, ~ HARRISBURG, PA., Wiil attend to applications for Pensions and [’a-tenta :u Washington City, D. 0 , am! win practice in the Com-e, of Claims in Mid city. 5:; an arrangement with responsible parties in Washington City, he is unable-d to assure all «he may entrust their applications, eiflm: for Pensions or Pumas, to him, that they wit! be [mtbfnfly and properly amended to. Im the most rmmnnhis- harms. , g P.AUUHMUTY, k}: ‘ ATTO RNEY AT LAVJ, MILLEBSBURG ,DAE'PEINCOUSTY, PA. Will practice before the Dauphin, Northumberlnnd and Perry County Courts. Prompt attention given to the collection of ciaims Allkinduof conveyancing executed with dispatch. Land surveys made at shortest notice. . dual-fly JOHN PTASZYK Respectfully informs the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity that he is ready at ".11 Limes to TUNE AND REPAIR PIANO FOB-TBS, ORG-ANS, and Musical In— struments of all description. Mr. Ptaszyk is recom mended by the leading Musical Manufactorieh of New York, as well ag other cities of the United States. All orders left at Mr. WM. KNOGHE’S Music Store, Market street, or Hen-3s Hotel, will be promptly and faithfully attended to. nui—dly V“; 31. B A R K 3.1 L- L, ’ areassam: m E. .5: 1.133, . PLUM}! ER AND ERASS FOUI‘EDEH, 1.08 MARL‘UH‘ 5'12, HAHRIsBURG' muss OASI‘INHS, of every description, made tn order. (xmericzm manufactured Lead and Iron Pipes of all sizes Hydranm of every description Ina-ii! and repaired. Hot and Cold Water Baths, Shownr Baths, Water manta. Gistum Pumps, Lead Ccflius and head war}: of every dcscriptiuza done at the shoriest notice, on the most reasonable aux-ms Factory and Engine work in general. All orders thunk (any received and pnnctuuily attended to. The highest price in cash given for old Copper, Brass, head and dpelwr. mylE—d‘tf c. MULTZ, 19 7 ENGINEER, MACHINIBT AND STEAM i‘l’l‘l‘lfiil, fv'o. 6, Nani: Sixth 512., between Wain-u! 1221.5! Marian, . Hurrisgbqrg, g’a. _ _ Machinery of every ‘tracription mania! and repaired. Brae:- Gocka of all sizes, and a large assortment of Ga: Fitting.» constantly on hand. All work tone in this establishment wili be under bi:- ewn s‘lépervision, and warranted to give satisfaction. 0: ‘4“ RELIGIOUS BOOK. STORE. TRACT AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPOSITORY, 13’. S. GEHR’IAN, '27 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE CHESNUT, autmszuua. PA. Depot for the sale of Stereoscc-pea,Stcrcoscupic Views, Music and Musical Instruments. Also, subscriptions taken for religious publicatioua. HOBO-fly I A(3 0 L’- I’. BABR 1 N G E R, (Z SIGN, ORNA MENTAL 11.-T I) HOUSE PAINTER. No. 4': 3055'}? Tum: Snags-r, (AT BUYER 7% UARRI AG]; FACTORY” Harrriaburg, Pa. . 113‘ Main and Ornamental signs, in (El-i}! and Silvetgm up with neatn- M and despatcb. Paper Varnished, auzd ul! orders pmmnfly attended to. (jute me a call. ieyfi-(m‘ FRAN Imm HOUSE, BALTIMORE, MD This pleasant and cmumndious Hotel bus been the roughly re-fiMt—d and re-furnished. It. is plea-.suully sitqmed on Nnrth-We.~t corner of Howard and Franklin streets. 1:. few doors west of the Northern Oeutml Kail way Depot. Every attention paid to the comfort of his guests. G. LEISENRING, Pruprietor, jel2-tf (Late) of Selins Grove, Pa.) fiuuk fippiiufiianfi. B AN K NOT 1 G E.—-Notlce is hereby given, that the undersigned have. formed an Assu ciution, and prepared and executed a. Genificum, for the purpuse of establishing a. Bank of Issue, Discount and Depusite, under the provisions of the am. entitled “ An act to establish a. system of Free Banking in Pennsyl vania. and to secure the public against loss from Insol vent. Banks,” approved the3lst day of March, A D. 1860. said Bank to be called THE DOWNINGTUWN BANK, to be located in Downingtuwn, to consist of a Capital Stock 0" Fifty Thuusund Dollars, in film-ms of Fifty Dol lars each, with the privilege of increasing the same to any amount not exceeding in all Three Hundred Thou and Dollars. Churlrs Downing, John Webster, William Edge, Richard D. Wells, J . l’ . Bangh, September 3, 1360 —sepl I lAN K 1V OTI U E.—Notlce Is hereby I} given that an Association has been formed and a. certificate prepared for the purpose of establishing a Bank of harm. Discount and Depusite under the prnvi Sious of the act entitled “An act: to entabltsh a system of Free Banking in Pennsylvania: and to secure the pub lic against loss from Insolvent Bunks,”uppruved nhe3lst day of March‘ 1860. The said Bank to be called h The Bethlehem Bank,” and to be lots ted in the burough of Bethlehem, in the county at" Northampton. with a. Unpl tal Stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, in shares of Fifty Dollars each, with the privilege of increasing the auid Stock to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. 211125416111 B A N K N 0 'l‘ I U E .—Notlcels hereby given, that an association has been formed and a certificate prepared, for the purpose of establishing L Bank of ilsue, discount and deposit, under the provigions of the act, entitled “An Act. to establish a system of free bankiugin l’euusylvania, and to secure thepublic against loss by insolvent banks,” approved tho thirty—first day 01 March, 1860. The said Bank to be called the “ FKE. BANK," and to be located in the city of Philadelphia, and to consist of a. capital stock of 0N E HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, in shares of fifty dong“ each, with the privilege of increasing the same to any amount not exceeding in all one million of dollars. SyZ-dflm EX'I ENb‘ll )N OF BANK CHAR-1 EB Notice is hereby given that “ The Farmers: and Mechanics’ Bank of Easton,” :3. Bank of Discount and Deposite, located in the borough of Eaatou, Northamp ton county" Pennsylvania, hoviuga capital of Four Hun dred Thousand Dullors, willupply to the next, Logiglnture of Pennsylvania for a renewal of its charter for lift-pen years, from the expiration of its present charter, wnh its present capital stock, powers and privileges and without any alteration in or increase of the some, , P. 8. MICHLER, President. M’E. FORMAN, Cashier. jello-dam BA N K N i l'l‘ [U 13.—Nance IS hereby given that an Association has been formed and I Certificate preparo-d for the purpose of establishing a Bank of Issue, Discount and anoaito, under the provi sions of the act entitled ‘| An act to establish a. system of free bankingin' Pennsylvania, and to sm-ure the public against. loss from insolvent. blinks,” approved the 313 i day uf Much, 1860. ”The and Bank to be called the “ State Bank," and to be located in the city of Philadel phia, and to consist of a. Capital Stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, in shures of Fifty Dollars each, with the privi— lege of increasing the same to any amount not-exceeding in all One Million of Dollars. 3829415111,);- QMUKE! SMOKE ! z swmm ! i_l3 K not objectionable when from I CIGAR purchased at KELLER’S DRUG STORE. 91 Market street. nepl9 Forum: genuine ENGLISH M 1181‘ ‘0 to KELLEB’B DRUG STORE. I David shelmix-e, William Rogers, J. K. Eshelmun, Samuel Ringwalt, Stephen Blu‘chfom 7-d6m, Qflm fiouatkecpcrs. ,/ ”V \\ l/l ‘ ‘5 age}. \ I' ¢% /rglme '\\ a? '5" K? 43% '3' §EGONomI% a £1 0:7 105.1:me6me \% E“, ‘ fl . . o.‘ 3 Save the Pieces! '3 As accidents will happen, even in well-regulatedfami tics, it is very desnzaple to have some cheap and conve nient way for repmnng Furniture, Toys, Crockery. ace. SPALDIN G’S PREPARED GLUE meets all such_emergencies, and no household can 11mm to be without It. It is always ready and up to theatick— “l3 point. _ There in no longer a nocensity for limping chairs, splnnfell'cd veneers, headless dolls, and broken cradles It Is Just the article for cone, shell, and other ornamental work, so popular with ladies of refinement And taste. This admirable preparation in used _ . cold be cally geld In summon, and possessing Ml. thingvfifig'filie gggéltifstglfothi: heat fcahinet-mukers’ Glue It my be p ace 0 ordinz. mucilu . more “mafia. ry go, being vastly “USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE ” N. 12.—A Brush aucompaenis enchbootle. Price, 26 cents. ' WuomsAu-i DENT, No. 48 men smear, NEW YORK HENRY 0. SPALDING it, 00., Box No. 3,600. New York Addrcy3 Put up for Dealers in Case: containing Four, Eight. and Twelve Dozen—a beautiful Lithographic Show—Gard acwmpanying each package. if? A single bottle of SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times its cost annually to every household ({3} Sold by Ill] prominent Stationers, Dragging, Hardware and Furniture Dealerfi‘ Grocers, and Funny Stores. Country merchants should make a. note of SPALD ING’S PREPARED GLUE, when making up their list. It will stand any climate. fobl4-ddbwly $115511 mute. i ‘E-LA WARE M LI PUAL Liz-1F ETY LN } SUBARL‘L: com K’ANY‘ OFFICE, 8.1-3 001:. 7 [1112.12 ARI.) nummnr saws. PEILR DELPHIA Incawommd 1335. Mar-inc Insurance: 0:. veasels. mugc and freight; Cu 31% 41min of the wurid. Inland Insurance on goods by rfisrfi, canals, lakaa am; «and carriuue to a“ an!!! of the Union. Fire Insurance. on merchandim generally, and on stares, men‘ng houses, are. Assets of the Campauy, It'avembrrl, 15-53. 8695.86420-100 mum. . November 10. 15.68 The sum of Erectors have this day; declares! a. Divxdenu 3f Six Pas-Com in (lamb, on the Original Capital Stark, ml Six Per Cent. on the Scrip of the Company, Daynble m» mu after 13: pmzinm They have also deulzred a Scrip Dividend nt‘Tweaty-é‘iv: for Gent on the Original Stockmnd on rim Earned I'm miuma for the year ending October 31 18x38, Certificates {"01 which will he ißsued to the gas-ties entitled to theaame. (-.z‘ md after the first of December next Pnamals mm Hmaiutiun Jammy! 034 she Hoard. Whenas, The increase-:1 meunfi of the Company ariaim iron: Profits, and which will he durived From the lncrcmivc’ capital much under the [ates amendmsma to the Act of [n eorpumtiun, rendur my further cuntinuance of the Human me Capital nunvcesanryythurefore be it,— Resm’vcd, Than the Guarantee Capital (39 dissonfinuen. wd the Notes re-prusenting the same In: uleiivered up to the vuukena thereof. as soon as the Riskstaken dudngthe perk):l imbracad inanid 2%an shall have determinism D l R E 0 'l‘ 0 R 23.: uVimazu Martin, Eumund A. Sander, Theo. Paulding, lan R. Paurcae, John C Davis, James Trxquait: Wiiliam Eyre, Jr. James 0. Hand, Wu. C. Ludwig 10mph H. Seal, Dr. R. M. Hustun, Gaol}. Leipe»7 Hugh Graig Ohm-lea Kelly, Eam’l. E. Stokeh J. F. Peniaton, Henry Sloan, Ed. Burlington, [-1. Jones'krooke, Spencer M’livaine, Thoma“). Hana Rabert Burton, Jacob PJanen, Jast M’Fm‘l’d Joshua .E‘. Eyre, Jno. 15. Sample, I). T. Morgan, J. 1‘ Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS 0. HAND, Vice Pruédsu: HENRY LYLBURN . Secretary. The nndersxgned, an Agent for the shave Company, i: pupa-ed to make [muranees on all desefiptiam: of proper ty, on the moat luberal karma, , 7 A octl lvd& w fiiiaieiiancuua ...,\ 3 .3" "[11:16; W‘kxxvh . ,1! P t SILIFIf‘u‘“ 33-: [1” 41 1; 12‘ ER in, 33 ~33!" 33133 H / 333333;“ 3? 45' Q E [- 3.5 23:. X‘— .3-. fig; 31; w I) 013.41, v R 31'3" '~ 33 3 3‘2 All "" 3... 9.133333 gifix fifififis‘fiffffo‘hun‘l‘wdcs ' ~15"? :- 5333-33433'3 34.3...” “Ere, |a 3.333333” "333.5533, égfli-‘S; “3%, {s3, ”7-3314 G: 33"" ‘3}? "- ‘““'E+."-‘7y17'.:"".:.' . 3. - .t-fuw ‘2 ‘s' 5‘36 2 fig? 373.51 ”1211451. "5513.; L; '33. "“34"" 'v’-~::‘"L:"-:J:<""%r“73.-. . i {35 E ":"I “‘3. A ' “3333“ 3"" ’ i 3" 3'? iii" .3," «3135; 33.1“?" "P’; ..3 ii If 31¢“? . ..u“ ' 33' ' ‘:;;~3~’.: 35533 "’l‘ .f 5 33:3 $333 3.3 <l. . 3. 33.337333. 3 ; 3 Elf/3‘ fig 'l;‘Zz’q§\:§‘::‘-?%3ig _i ‘ $1533, 3‘\j'-““", 3’31"»:43‘37 F; fin§l3£¢mfi 15'“ £33? '.‘3‘:=.~. . :33 L‘~‘ 53' 3‘33 ..., , 33:33:31.. 34 "'33 “3 .V. 's‘: ~ ~.~__.3-.:.; I": 7 s“‘T""'.’:' ‘ 3.1" ”irsj— '2 . 'UVELTIES RECEIVED AT SCI-lEI'FER’S BOOKSTORE, Chinese Tumbler, Deceptive Tumblers, Watch Boxes—lmitation Pack of Cards, Whistling Balloons, Moveable Animals, DO. ' Man. Magnetic Fishes, DO. Ducks, I Do. Turtlefi Do. Ships, Magnets, - Compassesa of all sizes, f, amps for marking Linen, &c., at 38 can“. Cards Cases, Needle Threaders, a. very useful article for leios at 20 cents. Porcelain Slate: and Pencils. Hair Brushes. Lead Pencils in Boxes, Gnu BL!“ of every size and quality and prices. Paint Boxes, Brushes. Lead Pencil Sharpeners, Finger Rings. Globes. Key Rings, Pocket Pieces, Pan Knives, China Ornsinentt‘, with Ink Stands, km, attached. Parallel Rulers. Pen Wipers, Sand Boxes, Pen Racks. Microscopes of different sizes. Mngnvtn-la‘lectric Machine. China. Marbles of all sizes and prices. Glm H H ‘6 Common “ Spnlding’s Prepared Glue, a. useful article in every family, Upton’s u H H u u Mathematical Instruments of different styles. Violin. Guitar and Baum Strings . Magic Wafers, or Electricity Illustrated, price 75 cents a box. Magic Duplicating and Impression Paper. Kaleidiscopes and Multiplying Glasses. Dominoes of all sizes, qualities and prices. Pocket lnli Stands ~‘ “ . H Cork Screws. suitable for carrying in You Pocket. Puzzles. Mirrors, Dice, Perfumery. Colored Crayons. Chalk do Papier Macho Work Boxes. “ “ Writing Desk and Portfolio. gfi’For solo at SCHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, max-30 No. 18 Market Street. EXTB‘AOTS! EXTRACTSH woonswon'rn 5; BUNNluns SUPERIOR FLAVORING EXTRACTS BITTER ALMOND, NECTA IHNE. PINE APPLE, STRAWBERRY, . ROSE, . ' LEMON Ann VANILLAJ Just received and for gale by jezfl WM. Doom-am. in 00 A HAF FIN E CANDLES ! I !-—Made of PURE PA 11-AFII‘INE. a material obtained from COAL, combining the ILLUMINATING properties and chemical constituents of Gas. They will stand all oil. mates. give a clear Imd brilliant light and burn 1's)! Hm CENT. longer than Wax, Sperm or any other candle ln’the market. For ads by WM. DOCK, 13., marl't Sole Agent for Harrisburg. HO ! BOYS AND GIRLS ! BALLS ! Look to your interest. You can buy Bat and P Balls for five cents, at “I” 0025 KELLER’S Drug Store. LYKENS VALLEY NUT COAT..— 1.3:; rgcfia'iged. Z {all gummy“) : M. 0038 vanxs A ‘ . on V mar? 00 JAMES M. WHEELER HELMBOLD’S . GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for the Bladder. H film [it 'LD7S BUCHU for the Kidneys. HELMBULU’S BUOHU for the Gravel. BELMBOLD’S BUGHU for the Dropsy. High!“ ISOLD’S BUCHU for Nervousness. Hi LMBolm’s BUCHU for Loss of Memory. HELM How’s BUUHU {or Dimneas of Vision. HELMBOLD‘S BUCHU for Difficult Brmthing. HELMBOLDZS BFGHU fur Weak Dawes. HELM BOLD;S BUGHU for General Debility. H ELMB' 'LD 5 BUGHU for Univeruul Lusaitudrs. BELMBOLD’S BUG ll'U fer Hurrur m Din-am. HELMBIILD’S BUCHU for Night Swe ’ta. HELMBOLD‘S BUCHU lot W kerulne-s. HELM 80L D’S BUC‘IU fur Drynass or the Skin. HELMB' ‘LD’S "-UCHU for Eruptions. ' HhLMBOID’S BUOHU for Pain in the Buck. HELMBv LD’S BUCHU fo}- Heavinuss of the Eyelids, with Temporary Sufl‘usxon md Lees of Sight. BELMBOL D’S BUUHU for Mobility and Restlessneaa,with Want of Attention and Horrqr of Bouiety. HELMROI.D’S BUG EU for Obstructmnsl. HELLIBOLIFS BUCBU for Excesses arming from India. oration, and all Dimes of ‘ FEMALES, FEMAL ES, FEMALIL‘S, FEMALES,‘ FEMALES, FEMALES. TAKE N 0 moan PILLS, TAKE NO MORE PILLS, . THEY ARE 0]? N 0 AVAIL, THEY ARE OF NO AVAIL. U5O HELMROLD’S EXTRACT BUCEIU for 311 com plaints inuiuient 10 the Hex. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT I - TAKE NO MORE BALSAM or Injurious and Unpleasant Medium? or Unpleasant and Dahgrl‘ulls Disuams. Use [IELMBOLD’S EXTRACT 1513081] for Excesses arising from habits indulged in BY YUUNG AND OLD, And (‘0: diseases arising from Habits of D ssipntion. It re moves all impropur dig-barges, and will mum-e the patient in a short time to a slate of Health an“ Purity. Use HELMBOLD‘S EXTRACT BUCHU for Diaunscs and Afi‘eutmhs of the most Dintrrssiug Character. Use HELMBOLD S EXTRACT BUCHU I'm all Afiegv tions and DiseaSea or me URINARY ORGANS, Whether cxistEng in ' MALE 03 FEMALE, From v inatever muse originating, :mg‘go zmtier of now LOG STKNmK-u. _ All of the above diseases and Lympmm- album of the smm: lruutnwntkand may orig-inau- from the game came. hm?) '2. ,Rm'n : “Run: READ z HELMBOLD’S} BUCHU is Safe, and pleasantin tasteund Mgr. but [mm-«Hat. m itx action. PL-r§rrn..lly m.,-pear. d before me, an .‘Udermnu of the ()in of Plum}! lphia, H. T HELMBOLD, Chemist, who, being (in'; sworn, dues my, that,hisprep.:raliuu Contains no Nur cutxc, Mercury, or injurious drug, but is purely VL‘gutablH. ‘ 121. 'l‘. UELMISULD. SIM: M- uul'uc'uxel'. bworp and sub cribud before um, this: 23:51 day of Novem berqS-‘A- Wu. P. muuAHD, Alderman. (1 Price $1 per bottle, or six for :35, deii‘rered to any ad r6ss. A TRIAL COSTS BUT A DOLLAR—TRY IT, And be convinced of its efficacy. And it is acrompmivd ny reliable and responsible certificates from mecShel’S of Mrdical Colleges. (.Jergymen and u'hcm. Prepared- by ' H. T 111-11.33 ROLD. Pmaficaland Ana’y xczd Chemiht: 1!” South Teuih Street below Chm} nut, Philmufiphia. NECLSSABY CAUTION —-Shou’d unprnciplfl Healer: “'3' I0PM!) ol!‘ another article, which pay” a better pram and is wurr‘h e 53. A 351 Fur; HELMBGLD’S EXTRACT BECH‘C _ , TAKE no 01mm. - CUP-ES GUARANTEED. sth! by JOHN WYE’IH, Druggm, corneref M arka'at and Swami sin km, Harnsbnrg. . V 4 Nl‘ ALL “I" (JG GISTS FT I'Eln‘ YWHENE CUT TIilS OUT—SEND or: can; Mn: 11'. ‘ AND AVOID EXYUHSKE AND IMPOEITIUN 'u‘lF‘: «18' «Run As aperient and Stnmnchic pmpuration of IRON puri fied of Oxygen and Carbon by combustinn in Hydmgen. Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authorities, both in wnrnne and the United States, and prescribed in their practice. Tm- experience of thousands daily proves that no pre natamon of Iron can be compared will! it. Impurities of the blood, depression of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly comnlexians:= indicate its necessity in almost every conceivable case. WM. BUEHLER. Innoxions in all maladies in which it, has been tried, it has proved absolutely curative in each of the following complaints, viz: Ix Dzmurr, Noni-ous Armenians, Mullen-non. DYE pnPsu, CONSTIPA‘HON, Dmnxnau, Drsnsrnxv, Isctmnn-r Consmp'ron, Scum-111.0% Tnnnncvnosrs. SAL-r RnEEM, DIISSIENSI‘RUATION, Wnl'rzs, CHLOROSIS. LIVER Compursrs, Unxoxlo tinnmcnrs, (inrnm'msn, Imnnmnnm-annns, Pmnns on nine PAGE, &0. In cases of GENERAL Dnnim'rr, whr‘ther the result of‘ «calm dircafio, or of the continued diminution of’ nPrruns and muscular entry from chronic complainm. one trial 02' this restorative has proved successful to an extent which no di‘ficrip ion or written attestation would render cmniiblo. invalids so long bedridden as to have in comp forgoltwu in their own m-ighhohmxis‘ hnve suddenly rib-appeared in the busy world as i- just returned from protravted travel in a distant land. Some very signal instanves oi this kind are ilttflfitFLl of female. Sufferers, mandated victims of apparent mmnsmus, snugnmeous exhaustion, critical changer-1. and that complication oi‘ nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air smd exercise for whini- the physician has no name. In Nnnmns AFFnCl‘lon‘s of all kinds, and for reasons familiarity medical men, the operation of thin prepannion oi iron must necessarily be salutary, tor, unlikr the. old oxides, it is vigorously tonic, without being exciting and overheating; and gently, regularly nperiem, l-VH) in the most chitinutc case» of costivom-ss. without ever beluga. gastric pnrgative, or inflicting a dlsngrok-uhle sensat'on. [t is this latter proyorty. among others, which makes it so remarkably effectual and permunenta remedy ior Piles, upon which it also appears to exert a distinct and Specific action. by dispersing the loci-. 1 tendency which fmmnythem. In Drsrnrsu, innumerable as are itncannes, a single box of these Chalyheata Pills has oflen sufiised for the most habitual case-fl, including the attendant l'osz-i'vemss in unchacked Dunno-IA, even when advanced to Dyan: may, confirmed, emaciating, 9nd apparently malignant the r-fl'ecls have been equally decisive and aslnuirhillg. In the local pains, loss of lit-sh and strength, debilitating cough, and remitrent hectic, which generally indicate IN olrmsr Coxswxr‘rmx, this remedy has allayed the alarm of friends and physicians, in several very gratiffing and interesting instances. In Panoramas TUBERCULOSIS, this inediczztud iron has had far more than the good efl'ect of the most cautiously balanced preparations of iodine, without any or their well miown liabilities. The attantinn of females cannot be too confidently invited to this remedy and restorative, in the cases peculiarly at ibcting them In Rmuumsm, both chronic and inflammatory—in the lab er, however, more decided ly—it has been invariably well reported, both as alleviating pain and reducing the swel~ [Bugs and stiffness of the joints and muscles. In Inmuwmm' vamns it mum: necessarily be a great remedy and energetic restorative, and its progress in the new settlements of the West, will probably be one of high renown and usefulness. No remedy has ever been dieccvcmd in the whole history of medicine,which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative efl'ucts. Good appetite, complete digestion, rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual diapomtion for active and cheerful exercise, immediately foflow its new. Put up in neat flat metal boxeav-ontmning 60 pilla, price 50 cents per box 5 for sale by druggists and dealers. Will be sent free to any address on receipt of the price. All letters, orders, etc., should be addressed to R. B. LOCKE v 5: 00., General Agents. my23—dsswly 20 Cedar Street, New York. X ANHOOD HOW LOST, HOW RESTORE I). Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope, A LECTURE ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND ‘iADICAIA CURE 0F SPEBMATORREOEA, or Seminal Weakness, Ss-xusl Debflity, Nervousneas and Involuntary amiss'onfl, producing Impotency , Consumption and Mental and Physical Debility. BY 808. J. CULVERWELL. M. D. The important fact that the awful consequences of self ahuse may be efiecmally removed withoutmternaj medicines or the dangerous upplicatiuus of caustica, instruments. medicated bougiea, and other empirical devices, is here clean-7y demonstrated, and the entirely new and hi hly :uc-Hssful treatment, as adopted by the celebrated auiior, fully explained, by means of whioh every one is enable-d to aura himself perfectly and at the least possiule cost, there< by avoiding all the aéverfisfll nostrums of the day The Lecture will prove a. boon to thousands and thousands 2‘ Sent under seal to any address, post paid, on the receipt nf two postage stamps, by addressing Dr. CHAS J. U. KLINE, 480 Fiiat Avenue, New York, Post Box 4,586. smi9-d& wly LATEST NE-WS!!! TONIC FOR FEVER AND AGUE, Will cure the most obstinate case “ IN TWENTY FOUR HOURS,” It is also a. preventative for such as are liable to this disease. This celebrated TONIC re moves Ml Flatnlency, regulates the Bowels, purities the Blood, gives u. tune to the Digestive Organs, and creates an appetite. Sole Agent for the town and Dauphin county is WM. LOFIFFIER, appointed by me. nuS-dihn DR. SWOPE. CHESNUT GROVE WHISKEY.—The purest Spirit ever offered the American public. pos waning none of the poisoning qualities inherent in the Whiskey in common use. _ .. _ ' All vex-sons desirous of using this Whiskey may rest u nlued of its purity. PnlLlnmLPfllA, Jan.2oth, 1858. OMB SIM—We have awfully examined the sample of ‘Oheanut Grove Whiskey,” left with us a. few days since, :nd and it to contain little 0:- none of the paisonons sub. stuns known as fusil oil ‘ -- ‘ ‘ I ‘ Yours respectfully, BOOTH, GARRETT. a: OAMAG. ”$3“??? finlglong- Analytzcal Chemism ruae y on y ntin Hamish! May 20., “Si, DOCK, J]. filcfluul. DR. SWOI’E’S filehiml. LOEFFLER w M. PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST AND CHEMISu’ con. 4m AND MARKET gm Having purchased the Drug Share a! Menu. HOLMAN t 00., I beg leave oum me sswnfion of the public h In: wen stocked Drug Store. My gruxfs will always be taunt to be genuine, reliable, and of the first quilt]. My oxpenenee in the Drug guinea, awaited principally by traveling through the Eumpoan Continent, will not {ai to give satisfaction to every one MY STOCK COKEISTS 0F Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes-3', agape, Susan, romeo/a, Burning fluid, Alcohol and CnmpL-cnc, Fl’i‘Eh 9:9:sz Spices, Cork-. 1, Spongm, Brushes, Humane, Tonal Paints Combs: Port Monaiea and hunt, Horst; and 7151.330 Panic”, PATENT MEDIGIA‘ES which will be 591:! but not revumtmfled an I canno guarantee a cure: in my cum Besides the atom: ua-mei xii-Sci, z 733 w r. Yew: large «I sortment of othér mincrmmeom uxzirtte)‘, «Lick the pubii is invited to come and examine r ‘ . ‘ .‘--r'rll:‘22-‘Jiji‘-s'} _Eeléfmggm .3 . I,2»ng NE ' if” ,"" "($73" . ' 11W, .555;- 'ss???}ra‘g t; 731,3? :5:- s33sW§§ 27% Ea: : ‘ 2.194033». 3 - x: 1% ‘ggugsmw-wéma; 5 ,‘ 73f , . N’fl‘flfifi :" \ The attention of I’m-alias, Physicians. Clergymem sricnt fic men, and the public generally, is rcspootfully sulici‘u‘fl m the m'H‘its of this uhemicnl preparation, con taining may, SULPHUR, AND mm I’HOBOUS, and whirh is iaiunticnl in its annpusilion with the Hematic Glabulc, or nrl blood. In all diavuaon accompunied with 1) E B 1 L 1 T 1' , pale countonunce and nervous derangement. analyses of the blood show a. deficiency of the red globules. Ruddy cmuplvxion and u rosy tint, of the skin, is always indica tive of hmlth: while a pale, wax-like hkil‘l and co“ntl’.‘-« {lmam—Which evincea n deficiency of the uni gown-s.- uccompauies mlisvusl-d orgauinm‘ Prcpurafiunn of IRON have been given for the purpoaeof supplying the red glu bulcs, lmtwe contend that. IRON Muue, SULPHUR alone. or l’llDSl’UOle‘S alone, will not meet the deficiency in every case, but that. a judicious combination of all these elements is necessary to restore the blood to its normal standard. This point, never befnrc attained, has been reached in the BLOOD F 001); and it“ discovery ranks us one of 019. mugt seiuntifie and imyurtaut of the age. In en‘ects in CONSUMPTION are to soften tho cough, brace lha: morn-:1. strengthen the Hyatum. alloy the prostrnting night sweats. increase the physical and mental energy, enrich the. bi ad by restoring the lacking red globules, incri‘nse flu.- appetite, restore the color, and clothe the skeleton frame with flesh. The BLOOD FOOD will be found a specific in all CHRONIC DISEASES of the THROAT or LUNGS, such :18 Asthma, Bronchitis, Conghs, a: 0. Public speakers and lingers will find it. of great utility in clearing and strengthepiug the vocal organs. In Dyspepsia, Lit-er (Implant rs, Dropsy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Scrlgfula Growl, St. Vi tus’ Dance, Fever and Aguc. 655.. ‘13:! efficiency is marked and instantaneous. In no class of disenaea, however, are the beneficial ull'ects of this remedy so conupicuoufi as in those hurl-Main]; FEMALE COMPLAINTS to which the gentler sex are Mable, and which tend to wards Consumption, such as am pressed or dailicult Illu smmt-ion. limu Sicknuss, Wham, (ne., erapecmll) when these complaints are accompanied with paleneas, a dingy hue or pullor of the skin, depression or npmta, nobility, alpimtion, want. of sppeti‘lo, 3nd nervous profit-non. {Ve have the utmost confidence in recommending the BLOOD F 001) to all who may in: 'conncious of a load of vitality m- enorgy; and to those wh so mental or bodily powm‘s are prostrated through overuse, either oi: the mind or body and we deem it our duty to say that In all cases of Weakness and Emma-imam, and in all diuenses of the Kidneys or Bladder, this prepunlion has a claim upon the attention of sufferers which cannot be over estimated. A faithful trial will he found the most con vincing proof in regard. to its eflicacy thnt could be asked for. With the above remarks, and with the numerous testimoniulfl we have in its favor, we offer the “BLOOD FOOD” to the consideration of the ”flicked7 knowing that.“ will be wknowledged an pro-eminent over all other preparations, patent or ufiicinul, in point of usefulness. Circulars giving the Theory upon which this remedy is founded, 9.150 certificates of remarkable cures. will he sent freo when desired. We forward the BLOOD FOOD to any part. of the United Slates or Canadssupon receipt of price—sl per luottlo $6 for six hxlulea. lie careful in all cases to take none hat that having our t‘ac-simile sig nature upon the wrapper. 310 - othrr is genuine. Prepared only by l‘lthl U at DUEUNT, No. 4* 9 medwm , New .York, And 50k! by {Lang mail by a?! rep: ecsal :a Druggiats. For sale by C. A. BAENVAR-T, C. K. KELLER and D W. GROSS .3: C 0... finn‘hbmg. iuL-E—tomiawly PURIFY THE. BLOOD! > M 0 1m ‘l‘ ’ s VEGETZEELE BEFE FEELS AND PHI'ENIX BITTEBS. The high and envied celebrity which these pre-emi non: Medicines have acquired for their invaluable elli cncy in all the Diseases which they profess to cure, has render: d the usual practice of pulling not only unneces sary, but unworthy of them. IN ALL CASES 0f Asth a, Acute and Chronic Rheumatism, Afleqtiona of the fidder und Kidneys. ‘ BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COMPLAINTS, In the South and Went, where those diseased prevail, they will he found invaluable. Planters, farmers and others, who once use these Medicines, will never after wards be without them. BILIOUS CEOLIO. 9141110118 LOOSENESBJILES: GOS— TIVENESS, COLDS AND 001 (His, CHOLIO, CORRUPT BUMORS. DROPSIES. Drsrnrsu.—No person with this distressing disease, should delay using these Medicines immediately. Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelas, Flatulency. ansn AND AGun.—For this scourge of the Western country these Medicineswill he found a. safe. speedy nod certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system sub ject to a return of the disease ; a. cure by these medi cines is permanent. Try them. Be satisfied. and be cured. Fonnsass or Connexion— GENERAL DEBILITY, GOUT, GIDDINESB, GRAVEL, Headaches of every kind, Inward Fever, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Inipnre Blood. Jnundice, Loss of Appetite. Mrsccnun DISEASEs.—Never fails to urldicate on tirely all the efi'ects of Mercury infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparation oi! Sarsupurilla. NIGHT SWEATS, NERVOUS DEBILITY. NERVOUS COMPLAINTS OF ALL KINDS. ORGANIC AFFECTIONS. Pious—Tho original proprietor of these Medicine was cured of Piles, of thirty-five years’ standing, by the the use of these Life Medicines alone. PAINB in tho Head,.Side, Back, Limbs, Joints and Organs. Bnnuxarxaa.—Thoss affected with this terrible dis case. will be sure of relief by the Lilo Medicines. Rush of Blood to the Bend. Scurvy, Salt Rheum Swellings. ' _ SGROFULA, or Kino’s EVIL, in its worst forms. Ulcer of every description. ' Worms of all kinds are efiectually expelled by then Medicines. Parents will do well to administer them whenever their existence is suspected. Belief will be certain. . THE LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, - And thus remove nil disenfie from the system. rnsrsnsn AND sou: 1:! DR. WILLIAM B. M OFFAT, 336 Broadway corner of Anthony street, New York. gr? l‘nr unlr‘ lw all nrrmsrists. jyl'l-ddcwly m /" g \h ‘ lin A ‘ I►!~'' FOUN D 131) 1852 LOCATED GENE)! 0F BALTIMORE AND CHARLES STREETS, BALTIMORE, MD. The Largest, Moat Elegantly Furnished. tad Popular lommercia] College in the United States. Designed nzpresaly for Young Men desiring to obtain a. Tnononon Pmowwu. Busmmss Enncuxou in theahortéat possible time and at the least expense. A Large. and Beautifully Ornamented Circular, eon tnining upwards of SIX SQUARE FEET, with Small“! or Punusmr. and aLurge Engraving the [inertial-"10 kind ever made in this country) risprenengingche mud“ View of the College, with Catalogue manner”, “u will be sent to Every Young M“ m, appuuhonfl'nn or Canon. ' Wrte méuedintely and you will receive the package t§;:;'::lnl;3ufl. “fig? LOSEER, BAL'HMORE. Mn. i/ ELLERTS—JEBES'J‘URE is the place x 3“ kuv Balm m’ *""Y‘?.T.flfl:fl+_ O A.T 3‘75?) R s A L F. by Lie-29] JAMES M WHEELER bW YHBK SEED! EFS PLUMS! 3mm by [oczo] ._Wl~l.Docx,n.,aco. EMI :1 mi Sheep brine. anley E 63 CHARTERED 185-1.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers