RATES OF ADVERTISING. four lines or lan constitute half a sauna. Ten [ln or more than to“, mltiwte a square. Haifa..onoday_ wawzé One 51., onodaymsOJ; “ one we“. -.. 1.00 5 “ one week“... 1.25 n ong month” . 2.110 “ one manth. ... 3,00 “ three months. 3.06 “ thmmomhu. 5.09 “ sixmnnths~ . 4.00 H nix months... 3,0: u “Hyena... . 5.00 “ menu.“ 10.00 F Baxinfisfi notices inuxhed in the man. oonm, or more ”mange: Ind :lllafllfl, rum ass-rs Pin 1.1 x: fox-each mam-tion l‘o merchantsand other: advertising by the you Eben! ta. )8 will be olferod. ‘ JLT" The numborofinsenwns must beduigmtodon ta. 'm lung" “manual bo' ted mum... Imm I ‘32: mmvertisemenu. Bonita, Eltationcrg, BM. CHOOL BOOKS.—School Dueotora, Tankers, Parental, Scholars, and others, in In")! School Books, School Shtionery, &u., will and A complete “Ointment at E. H. I’ome & SON’S 300 K 81‘0“, kin-bet Bqnue, Harrisburg, comprising in pad the follow. in;—— ' . mm._ueemroyu, Parker’s, Cobb’s, Angel?- IPELLING BOOKS.-—Moflnlfey’l, Oobh’n, Webster“, 10’s, Brl’. Combs. , - mamas GRAMAM.—Bnllion’ Smith’s, Wood awning“): ,ruthiu’n,aawa,"wmaa . BlBS—érimahnw’l, Davenport’s, Pmsg’a,’ Wll - Willard’l, Web’s, Pinnack’s, Goldmtth "Dd czar... AEITHMETIO’B...GragnIema, Stoddard“, Emerson‘s, Pike’s, Rose’s, Oolhu-n'u, Smith and Duke’s, Davie'u. B fill’mr-Gmeflefi’u. DEVI'B’S: ”‘s'"! Bay’s, n a. ‘ DlOHOfimYfi.—Wuker’s School, Ooblg’a, Walker, Womestar’l comprehensive, Wstuester’s Primary, Web sterPn Primary, Webswr'n High School, Webster’s Qurto, Academic. NATURAL PHILOSOPEIES.—Comtock’s, Parker’s Swift’s. The shave with 3 great variety of others can a{ my time be found at my store. Also, a complete assort meat of School Stationery, embracing in the Inn lo A com pzeto outfit for school purposes. Any book not in the store. procured a one day: nation. 15' Country Merchants anpplimi ‘t wholesale rites. ALMANAGB 401 m Bauer and Son’s Almanac lot 91.19:! x. M. POLLOOK a; SON’S BOOK STORE, Hurriaburg. 1:? Wholesale and Retail. my! JUST RECEIVED SCHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, éDAMANTINE SLJZTES OF VARIOUS SIZES AND PRICES, Which, for bounty and use. cannot be excelled. REMEMBER THE PLACE,E SCHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, NO. 18 MARKET STREET BOOK AUCTION. BEN F. FRENCH Will aupyly his old friends and customers with the following Books at Auction‘prices : gimme Railroad, 10 "915., complete, 4 illustrations Japan Expedition, 3 vols., complete, llluntmtad and illuminated, $l2. Emery’s Expedition, 2 vols., complete, illustrated inuminatea, :10. congressional Globe 7 $1 50 per volume. Waverly Novel; complete, 12 vols‘.‘cloth, $lO. “ “ “ 2?vols.,halfcalf.s3l; UL, & c. , kc. All of the above Books I will deliver in Harrisburg free of charge. BEN F. FRENCH, 278 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. 0. febfi-dtf N E W B 0 0 K S ! 308 T RECEIVED “SEAL AND SAY,” by the author of “Wide, Wide World " “ Dollars mad Cents," 6w. unism‘onr or METHODISM,”byA.SteWnn, nub. Ppr sale at SOHEFFEBS’ BOOKSTORE, € 3179 No. 18 fluke at. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF ’ RIGHLY GILT AND ORNAJIENTAL WINDOW CURTAINS, PAPER BLINDS, Of various Designs and Colors, for 8 cents, I TISSUE PAPER AND OUT FLY PAPER, 77.8% [myfl] SCHKFFER’S BOQKSTO'RE. \N I ALL PAk’ER! WALL PAPER 1 ! Just received, our Spring Stock of WALL PAPER, BORDERS, FIRE SCREENS, &c., lee. Itis the largest and best selected ussortmentin the city, ranging in price from six (6) cent: up to one dollar and nquarter ($1.%.) As we purchase very low for cash, we are prepared to sell at as low rates, if not lower, than can he had else. where. 1f purchasers will call and examine, we feel confident that we can please them in respect to price and quality. I'}. m POLLOGK a: SON, spa Below Jones" House. Market Square. LE TTE R, GAP, NOTE PAPERS. Pena, Holders, Pencils, Envelopes, Sealing Wax, of ‘ the beat quality, at low prices, direct from the mum factories, at max-30 SCHEFFER’S CHEAP BOOKSTORE LAW BOOKS 1 LAW BOOKS I I—A general assortment of LAW BOOKS, all the State Reports and Standard Elementary Works, with many of the old English Reports, scarce and run, together with a huge sssortment of second-hand Law Books, at very low prices, at the one price Bookstore (31' E. M. POLLOCK & SON, Market Square, Harrisburg. I= fil'iszcllanmus. A N A ti. B. l V A L 0 F N E 1V G 0 0 D S APPROPRIATE T 0 THE SEASON! SILK LINEN PAPER FANS! FANS” FANS!!!_ ' morass AXD suxxnw LOT (m- SPLIL‘ED FISHING- RODS! Tmut Flies, Gut and Hair Snoods, Grass Linea, Silk and Hair Plaited Lines, and a general assortment of FISHING TACKLE! A Gun VARIETY os' WALKING CAKES! Which we will sell as cheap as the cheapest! Silver Hand Loaded Sword Hickory Fancy Omen! Canes! Canes! Canes! Canes! EELLERIS DRUG» AND lANOY STORE, . no. 91 nan-r 51-3321, South side, one door east of Fourth street je9. B J . HARR I S , I WORKER IN TIN, SHEET IROE, AND METALLIC ROOFING, §econd Street, below G'lteatnut, HARRISBURG, PA. ls prepared to £ll orders for any article in hie branch 0! business; aniif not on hand? he will make to order on short notice. . METALLIC ROOFING, of Tin or Galvanized Iron, constantly on hand. Also, Tin and Bheet~ Iron Ware, Spawning, (kc. lie hopes, by strict attention to the wants of his cum. mars, to merit and receive a generous share of public pat ! . DE Every promise strictly fulfilled. K B. J. HARRIS, _‘lm'l-dlyj Second Street. below Chestnut. FIS H l E ILOKEREL, (Nos. 1, 2 gnigihh ) A ' vet su erior. BRAD, (Mesa and very fine.) I ( y p HEBRING, ( extra large.) GOD FISH SMOKE HEBRING extra. Di b . scorer! Immune. D ’ ( g y ) SARDINEB AND ANCHOVIEB. 0f the “me we hare Mackerel in whole, hm. quarter "1 eighty bblfi Herring in whole and half bbls. The Entire 10‘ “EV—mum- rnux TEE “mamas, and win sou them at the 1(1qu market rates. 801114 WM. nocx, 13., & co. FAMILY BdgoBLIIEE’ frmn 1% to $lO, ban me y and . fimmzthl new type. room :1: “a?“ ”n 8004 Piper, m soHEFI-‘Emg Chan) Book hm. CRANBERRIES! ll—A Sumo“, 1m 03:3 received by FOR a superior and cheap TABLE 0,. SALAD 011. goto KELLER'S mum aroma. THE Fruit Growers’ Handbook—by WARNS—wholesale and retail :t _lmhal ‘ so H wrrsws Boole-unre- SPERM CANDLES.——-A large huppb' 9:3: "mm 1” WM. noon. 13.. a; co. 3°“ Ire in Wink of a Dentifi'ice go to nmn'sm, mm. FISH!!! WM. DOCK. 33.. 8c 00 iv A “a V ,“ . a: “l ‘. “ "’»._“ ’-..‘=§:.—. ~45; _“énfifi’ f: l: ' . fig“; '-.j;‘i ll [.l IJHjW-g‘fi'éfi? 43.43; : A—W:_—- .:.:‘g».;;-,_...:" M ' ’ VOL. 3. flincry Eitablw. ClTan/ERY STABLE 8, fl BLACKBERRY ALLEY, fl IN THE RE‘IR 0F HERE ’5 HOTEL. The undersigned has re-commenced the L I V)? R Y BU‘INESS in his NEW AND SPACIOUS STABLES, located as above. with a large and varied stock of HORSES, CARRIAGES AND OMNIB USES, Which he will hire at moderate rates. octl-dly F. K. SWARTZ. FRAN‘K A. MD RRAY Successor to Wm. Pnrlaln'll, LIVERY &. EXCHANGE STABLE THIRD STREET BELOW MARKET. ‘ Ave w ' 55754; . \ _E "qr-r 4» - Q HAVING purchased the intoresb of J . 0,. Adams I: the establishment, and made large additions to the stock, the undersigned is prepared to afiommodate the public ’with SUPERIOR HORSES for Sale or Carriage purposes, and with every variety of VEHICLES of the latest and most «pproved styles, on reasonable terms. PLEASURE PARTIES will be accOmrnodated with 0m cibnssas st short notice. Ouriggsl and Omnibusms, for funeral occasions, will he ’urnish , accompanied by careful and obliging drivers: He invites an inspection of his stuck, satisfied that It is in“! equal to that of any other establishment of the kind in town. FRANK A. MURRAY BRANCH STABLE The undersigned has opened a. branch of his “Livery and Exchange Stable” in the buildings I:".er occupied by A. W. Barr. in Fourth street, opposite the Bethe], where he as prepared to accommodate the public with Horses and Vehicles, at all times, on reasonable terms. His stock is large and varied, and will recommend itself. nnlfi-dlf - FRANK A. MURRAY. mistellaueaus. TAKE NOTICE! That we have recently added to our already full stock 0 F SE G A 1%. S LA NORMATIS ' n’ARI KARI. EL MONO, LA BANANA . OF PERFUMERY Pm: me HANDKRRGBIEF: QUBKISH ESSENCE, ODOR OF MC SK, q ' LUBIN’S ESSENCE BOUQUET. Fox. rm: Ham: ; EAU LUSTRALE, _ CBYSTALIZED POMATUM, ' MYRTLE AND VIOLET POMA'BUM. For: 1m: Comnmxmx : TALC 0F VENICE, . ROSE LEAF POWDER, ‘ HEW MOWN HAY POWDER, ' BLANG DB PERLES. 0 F SOA P S BAZHS’S FIRES! MOSS ROSE, 1 BENZOIN, UPPER TEN, VIOLET,‘ Nl.“ MOWN HAY. JOGKEY CLUB. Having the largest stock and best assortment of Toilet Articles, we fancy that we are better able than our com petitots to get up a complete Toilet Set at any price de sired. Call and see. Always on; hand, uFRESH Stock of DRUGS, MED I’- CINES, CHEMICALS, 65c , consequent or om- te cBiving almost daily additions thereto. KELLER’S DRUG- AND FANCY STORE, 91 Market Street, two doors East of Fourth Street, sepfi South side. PHOENIX FOUNDRY. J.:.osz.ca. W.F.OBLER. JOHN .7. OS LER &, BROT HE R, (5110015550115 To JAMES I|. BAY.) FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, Corner Pmnsylmm‘a Railroad and State Street, HARRISBURG, PA. MILL GEAR ING, IRON FENCES, RAILROAD AND CANAL WORK, AND ALL nascmrnoxs or IRON CASTINGS ON HAND 0R MADE I‘o ORDER. MACHINE WORK AND - REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PATTERNS MADE TO ORDER. We have a. large and complete assortment of Patterns to select from. 31122 JUST RECEIVED! A FULL ASSORTMENT OF HUMPHHEY’S HDMEUPATHIC SPECIFIES TO WHICH wa mum 1'31: ‘ ATTENTION OF THE AFFLICTED! For sale at SCHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, 51:97 , No. 18 Market at W•E OFFER TO CUSTOIVIERS ANew Lot of LADIES’ PURSES, 01‘ Beautiful Styles, substantially made A Splendid Assortment of GENTLEMEN’S WALLETS A New and Elegant Perfume, KNIGHTS TEMPLARS’ BOQUET, Put up in Out Glass Engraved Bottles. A Complete Assortment of HANDKERCHIEF PEBFUMES, 0f the best Manufacture A very Handsome Variety of POWDE§R PUFF BOXES. ', KELLER’S DRUG STORE, ‘z_ 91 Market street E 5113 ESTABLISSHED IN 1810. FANCY -DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. J. k. W. JONES, No‘. 432 N. Front Street, above Onl lowhill, Philadelphia, dye SILKS, WOOLEN AND FANCY GOODS of every description. Their superior style of Dyeing Lndie'a’ and Gentleman’s Garments is widely known. Grape and Merino Shawls dyed the molt brilliant or plain colors. Grape and Merino Shawls clenned to look like new—also, Gentleman’s apparel. Curtains, &c., cleaned or re-dyed. 1]? Call and look at our work before going else where. sepll-dSm “] HOLESA’LE GROCERY! The subscribers are daily receiving GOODS from New York, Philadelphieand Baltimore.which they are selling to Country Merchants at wry small prqfits. Orders filled promptly, and satisfaction guaranteed. We have a. large supply of the following articles :.. COFFEE, TOBACCO, SUGAR, HAMS, . BYE-UPS, BACON, TEA= great variety; FISH, STARCII, SALT, CHEESE, TAR &. 01L, SOAP, WHITE LEAD,| SPICES, GLASS, POWDER & SHOT, I_OAKUM &: PITCH, noun, - PLASTER, CORN a; OATS, CEMENT, CLOVERSEED, . COAL. Also, a. large assortment of BAR IRON, NAILS, and RAILROAD SPIKES. ' EBY & KUNKEL. Harrisburg, August 6. 1860.—su’i-d3m C 0 0 P E Rm égi?: in the market, just rewiwdurgggasagz bu SGHEFFER’S Bookstore is the place to buy Gold Pens—_warmnmd KELLER’S DUG STORE is the place to buy Pntent Medic ine- HARRISBURE, m., TUESDAYTEWEMBEfi‘ETiéEfif TO THE PUBLIC! J 0 H N TIL L ’ S C 0 A' L Y A R B , [SOUTKjSEGOND STREET, BELOW PRATT’S ROL~L ING MILL, HARRISBURG, PA., > ' ‘Where he has constantly on hand LYKENS VALLEY BROKEN, EGG, STOVE AND NUT COAL. ALs o , WILKESBARRE STEAMBOAT, BROKEN : STOVE AND NUT COAL, ALL OF THE BEST QUALITY. It will be delivered to consumers clean, and full weight warranted. {l7’ CONSUMERS GIVE ME A CALL FOR YOUR WINTER SUPPLY. {IT Orders left at. my house, in Walnut street, near Fifth; or at Brubaker’a, North street; I. L. Speel’s, Market Square; Wm. Bostick’s, cerner of Second and South streets, and John Lingle’s, Second and Mulberr; streets, will receive prompt attention. jym—dGm JOHN TILL. C OA L! C 0 A Lil ONLY YARD IN TOWN TIIAT DILII’ERS] COALBYTHE PATENT WEIGH CARTSI N 01? IS THE TI.ME'. For every family to get in their supply of Can] for the winter—weighed at their door by the Patént Weigh Carts. The accuracy qf these Gav-is no one disputes, and they never get out. of order, as is frequently the case of the Platform Scales; besides, the consumer km; {he satisfaction of proving the weight of his Coulw: ‘ln’s own house I have a. large supply of Coal on hand, cotlzf‘ ~15; nf SJM- 00.75 LYKENS VALLEY COAL all sizes. -. LYKENS VALLEY WILKESBARRE BITUMINOUS BROAD TOP do All Goal of the best quality mined, and delivered like from all impurities, at the lowest rates, by the buff: or can load, single, half or third of tons, and by the ”“5“" _ JAMES M. wnunmi. Harrisburg, September 24. 1860.—5ep25 COAL! COAL” COALm _ NOW IS YOUR TIME \I TO GET'GLEAN COAL!‘i FULL WEIGHT AND NOTHING SHORT 0F 17'! Thankful to my friendsand customers for _their libefal patronage, I would inform them and the pubhc generally, that I am fully preyared, on short notice, to supply thuu with all kinds'of _ SUPERIOR GOAL 0]? ALL SIZES. FREE FROM SLATE, AND CAREFULLY SCREENED, AT AS Low A ' 3 FIGURE AS FAIR DEALING WILL AFFORD! Although my Coal is not weighed in SELr-Wmcrmtc CA 1115, BUT IS waxmmn ox SCALES ACGUIIATELY rssnn nr mm SEALER or WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. and can sumo" may rest assured that they will be fairly and honestly dealt with. I sell nothing but the very best article, a‘ud no mixing. Al4O, HICKORY, OAK and PINE WOOD always on hand. Sept—d 3“: GEO. P. wws'rmN-G-. COAL! COALE! GOAL!!! The subscriber is prepared at all times to deliver to the citizens of Harrisburg the different kinds and sizes of LYKENS VALLEY, PINE GROVE AND WILKES BARBE GOAL, weighed on the CITY “LEIGH CART at the consumer’s door, and full weight guaranteed Prices as low as at any regular yard in the city. Orders left at his ofiice, corner Fourth and Market streets, or dropped in the Post-ofiice, will be promptly attended to. aull-dSm DAVID M’GORMICK. COAL! WOOD” POWDER! !! JAMES M. WHEELER, 1) nAI. I: 1: I N HARD AND 5011‘ coax; OAK, HICKORY AND PENE WOOD CORN, OATS, kO. AGENT FOR - DUPONT’S CELEBRATE!) POWDER! ILT? All Goal delivered clean, and weighed at con) sumer’a door. by the Patent Weigh. Carts. The reputa. tion of these Scales is so well established that I believe no person doubts their correctness. If any do. theyan-a at liberty to test them in any way, and if the Coal falls short ten pounds they can have the Coal. ‘ ' 3029 J AMES M. WHEELER. Sewing- ,filathiuw. THE GROVER & B_AKE}R NOISELESS " FAMILY SEWING MACHINE is rapidly superseding all others for family use. The DounLe Locx-Srrrcu formed by this Machine is to ‘id to be the only one which survives the wash-tub on as ‘ seams, and, therefore, the only one permanently v u ‘ able for Family Sewing. - inEAD THE FOLLOWING TESTIMON : “Mrs. Jsrrnnsoa DAVIS, presents her compliments 0 Grover d: Baker, and takes pleasure in saying that s a has used one of their Machines for two years, and iii 3 it still in good order, makes a beautiful stitch, amid a easily work of any kind.”—lVashington, D C. “It is a. beautiful thing, and puts everybody into n excitement of good humor. Were I a Catholic, lum (i inHist upon Saints Grover 5c Baker having an eter 1 holiday in commemoration of their good deed: for - mamty."—Cassms M. way. “My wife has had one of Grover d: Baker’s Fain y Sewing Machines for some time, and I am satisfied i in one of the beat labor-saving machines that has been - vented. I take much pleasure in recommending it ‘o the public.”—l. G. Harris, Governor q“ Tenneisce. “On the recommendation ofa friend, I procured, so e months since, one of your Family Sewing Machines. y family has been most successful in its use, from t 0 start, without any trouble or difficulty whatever in management. My wife says it is a ‘family blessing,’ u. d could not be induced to dispense with its use—in all 1‘ which I most heartily concur.”—James Pollack, - Governor of Permsylcanm. “The undersigned, Unknowns of various denomin - tions. having purchased and used in our families GR - VER & BAKER’S CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWIN MACHINE, take pleasure in recommending it as an i - strument fully combining the essentials of a good in - i chine. Its beautiful simplicity, ease of manageme , 1 and the strength and elasticity of its stitch, unite render it a. machine unsurpassed by any in the marke , and one which we feel confident will give satisfaction all who may purchase and use it.” Rev. W P. STRICKLAND, New York. RBv.E. I’. RODGERS, D. D., Albany, N. Y. KEV. W. B. SPRAGUE, D. D., Albany, N. Y. I nor. JOHN CROSS, Baltimore, Md. l Rev. JOHN M’CRON, D. D., Baltimore, Md. Rev. w A. cnoexna, Norfolk, v». ' Rev. JOHN PARIS, Norfolk, Va 1 Rev. C. lIANKEL, D 1)., Charleston, S. c. I, Rev. 0. A LOYAL, Charleston, S. 0. Rev. B. B. ROSS, Mobile, Ala. ‘ Rev. A. A. PORTER, Selina, Ala. Prof. W. D. WILSON, D. D., Geneva, N. Y. 1 Rev. W. H. CURRY, A. M,. Geneva. N Y. i Rev. INTIEIRNBULL BAGKUS, n. D., Schenectady? Rev. B. W. CHIDLAW, A. IL, Cincinnati, Ohio. 5 Roy. W. PERKINS, Cincinnati, Ohio. i Prof. I. I. MeELHENNY. D. D., Gambier _Ohio_ ( Rev. EINSTEIN moaoovon, Cambridge éity, Ind. ‘- ReVJOSEPH ELDRIDGE, Norfolk, Conn. ' Rev. OSMOND C. BAKER, Bishop of M. E. Church Concord, N. H. OFFICES 495 Broadway, New York; 18 Summer Strget, Boston ‘ 730 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia; 181 BaltimoreStx-eet, Baltimore; 249 King Street, Charleston; 11 (lamp Street, New Orleans; 124 North Fourth street, at. . Louis; 58 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati ;.I_7l Superxor Streetq Cleveland; and all the principal when and towns in the, United States. -’ FSEND FOR A GIREULAR‘QE aep2B-d&wly teal. d 0 “ (‘ (10. ~ I” \ '. (“210 L'Euutmxtarfi. ARMY SUPP'I'Ln-s—LEMHE Axmv Gun-moo AND Bowman OFFICE, g ‘ PHILADELPHIA, October 2'l, 1860. SEALED PROPOSALS are inri led, and will be received , at this oflice until 12 o’clock. M, of Mondny, the num teenth of November next, for furnishing, by contract, Leather of the best quality and kind, as herninafterspe cifled; to he delivered at the U. 8. Army Clothing and Equipage Depot, (Schuylkill Arsenul,) in quantities as may be rvquircil, ' 5,000,3 ides of Wax upper Leather, oak tanned, from -sla.nzhter hides, shaved, per squoro foot. 1002000 pounds of Solo Leather, oak tanned, from Bucnos Ayr'es or La. Plato. Hides, per pound. 7,000 pounds Welt Leather, oak tanned, from slaughter hides, per pound. 1,000 Sides, Black Bridle Leather, on}: tanned, from slaughter hides, shaved, per square foot . 100 Sides Russet Bridle Leather, of the same kind and description, per square foot. 1:500 foot of Vimr Leather, jnpunned on both sides— onc black the other green—per square foot. 200 feet of China Strap Leather, japnnned black on the grain sidr, per square foot. 100 skins of Gout Morocco, heavy Tumpico, black kid finish, each. 900 Skins Sheep Morocco, black, each. 1w Buck Skins, dressed yellow. each. 1,600 pounds Split Leather, finished without blocking, per pound. I,sool'cet Stock Leather, dressed by the Morocco pro cess, usual thickness, per square foot. Samples of the quality of the above cam be examined at thia oilicc. l'rnposals will be received for each kind of Leather separately; and for any portion of the Upper, Sole, Well: and Block Bridle Leather, not less than oneJourth of the quantity. Contracts will be awarded to the lowest responsible hidd~r who shall furnish the requisite security for the performance thereof. . The privilege is reserved by the United States of in creasing thc quantity from one-fourth to one-half, at any time prior to the completion of the contract, by giving the contractor thirty rlays’ notice of such dc ircd in— crease; and of rejecting an} proposal which ma; be con» sidered extravagant. ‘ Bidders will state in their proposals their place of busi ness, with the names, address and responsibility of two 1 persons olTercd as security, with the acknowledgments ‘ of said persons that they will be such security, or will be 1 responsible that good security be furnished in case acorn l tract is obtained ‘ Forms of proposals and gum-rarity will be furnished ‘ upon application to this oflico, and none will be consid- ‘ ercd that do not conform thereto. ‘ Deliveries to commence on the tenth do)? of December, l and to be continued in semi-monthly proportions until l the quantity contracted for be delivered, by the first of 1 March, 1861. It is to be distinctlv understood that contracts a“) not transferable without the consent of the proper author ity ; and that any sale, assignment or transfer, without such consent having been obtained: (except under a pro cess of long) will be regarded as on abandonment of the contract, and the contractor and his securities will be held responsible for all loss or damage to the United States which may ariso therefrom. Payments will be made on each delivery. Ten per cent of the amount of eachdelivery will be retained until the contract shall he completed, which will be forfeited to the United States in care of defnlcntion' on the part of the contractor in fulfilling the contract. Proposals will be cudorsod “Proposals for furnishing Army Supplies," and he addressed to Can. CHARLES THOMAS, A. Q. M. (i'en’l U. 8. Army. oct3o—tuthrstN 17 BEE; UNITED STATES HOTEL, SOUTH EAST consul: or 11TH AND MARKET STREETB. * ADJOINLXG THE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ‘ ROAD DEPOT, PHIL ADELPI-‘IIA. The untlereigned would respectfully inform the Public that he has taken the above Hotel, formerly known as “ THE MANSION HOUSE,” which he has refitted and newly furnished throughout. The Rooms are spacious and commodious, and furnished with every convenience to be found in the beat Motels in the city. The “UNITED ST AT E 3" is admirably located for the convenience of travelers, being under the amne roof with the Pcnnaylwmin Railroad Depot, sud thus saving both hack hire and porterage of baggage. Nu pains will be spared to render the “ UNITED STATES” a pleasant and agreeable residence to all who may favor it wi ch their patronage. Clmrgesmodemte. 0c22-d3mwly H . W. KANAGA, Pmprietox‘. BUEHLER HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA. GEO. J. BOLTON, szpsxxma CARD. The above well known and long established Hotel is now undergoing a thorough renovation, and bging in a great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorship of Mr. (2‘:onch J. BOLTON, who has been an inmate of the house for the last three years, and is well known to its guests. ~ Thankful for the liberal patronage which it has en joyed, I cheerfully commend Mr. Bolton to the public favor. je7-d&wy WILLIAM BUEHLER. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, BROADWAY, ~ NEW YORK When completed, six years ago, the St. Nicholas was universally pronounced the most magnificent, conve nient, and thoroughly organized establishment or the kind on this continent. What it was then, it remains today—without a rival in size, in sumptuousness, and in the general elements of comfort and enjoyment. The Hotel has accommodations for ONE THOUSAND 31X HUNDRED GUESTS, including ONE H (INDEED COMPLETE SUITES OF AP A R TMENTS for families. 7 SIX HUNDRED PERSONS can be comfortably seated at the tables of its three publicdining rooms, and nothing that modern nrt‘has devised for the convenience and so cial gratification of the traveling public has been omitted in its plan, or is neglected in its practical details. The early reputation of the house at home and abroad, derived from its magnitude, its superb appointments, and its home-15kg comforts and luxuries, has been en: hanced every year by the unwem-ied exertions of the Proprietors. 5112-14131!) > TREADWELL, WHITCOMB do 00 I I P T O W N E . PATENT WEIG’H mum's. For the convenience of my numerous up town custom— ers, I have established. in connection WAth my old yard, 3. Brunch Coal Yard opposite North street, in a line with the Pennsylvania canal, having the oflice formerly occu pied by Mr. R. Harris. where consumers of 00:11 in that vicinity and Verbeketown can receive their 00:11 by the .PATENT WEIGH CARTS, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE FOR HA ULING, And in any quantity they may desire, as low as can be purchased anywhere. It} FIVE THOUSAND TONS COAL ON lIAND, 0f LYKENS VALLEY and WILKESBARRE7 all sizes. a? Wdting to maintain fair pricus, but unwilling to be 'undcrsatd by any 11mins. {EV-“All Coal forked up and delivered clean and free fmm nll Impurities, and the best article mined. Order! received at either Yard will be promptly filled, nd all Coal delinred by the Patent Weigh Carts. 00:11 50141 by Boat, Car loud, single, half or third of tons, and by the bushel. _ . JAMES M. WHEELER. HarrlßbUrg, October 13, 1860.—0ct15 GHOICE SAUCES! WORCESTERSHIRE‘ LUCKNOW CHUTNY, CONTINENTAL, SOYER’S SULTANA, ATHENJEUM, LONDON CLUB. SIR. ROBERT PEEL, INDIA SOY, READING SAUCE, ENGLISH PEPPER SAUCE. For 511136 by WM. DOCK, .13., A: 00. my DYOTTVILLE GLASS WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURE CARBOYS, DEMIJOHNS, WINE. PORTER, MINERAL WATER, PICKLE AND PRESERVE BOTTLES 05' EVERY DESCRIPTION. H. B. as a. W. 131:1~:'M:ll$¥ ocl9-dly 27 South Front stat-at, Philadelphia-- OY-BOOKS of an endless variety: for the amusement and instruction of our little om, s BOHIIIB’BWN. figs fifiatrint 62 fianhm TUESDAY MORNING, NOV. 6, 1860 THE HANDSOME MAN. Mr. Ferdinand Fitzroy was one of those models of perfection of which a. human father and mother can produce but a. single example— Mr. Ferdinand Fitzroy was therefore an only son. He was such an amazing favorite with both his parents that they resolved to ruin him; accordingly, he was exceedingly spoi ed. never annoyed by the sight of a. book, and had as much plum cake as he could eat. Happy would it have been for Mr. Ferdinand Fitzroy could he always have eaten plum cake, and remained a. child. A most beautiful creature was Mr. Ferdinand Fitzroy! such eyes-—sueh hair—such teeth— such a. figure—such manners, too—and such an irresistible way of tying his neck~cloth ! When he was nhout sixteen, a crabbed old uncle represented to his parents the propriety of teaching Mr. Ferdinand Fitzroy to read and write. Though not without some diflicully, he convinced them—for he was exacedingly rich, and riches in. an uncle are wonderful arguments respecting the nature of a nephew whose pa rents have nothing to leave him. So our hero was sent to school. He was naturally a very sharp, clever boy; and he came on surprisingly in hi: learning. The sehoolmaster‘s Wife liked handsome children. “What a. genius will Master Ferdinand Fitzroy be, if you take pains Wit-h him 3” said she to her husband. "Pooh, my dear, it is no use to take pains with him.” "And why, love?” “Because he is a great deal too handsome ever to be a. scholar.“ “And thuL’a true enough, my dear !” said the sohoolmnster‘s Wife. So, because he was too handsome to be a scholar, Mr. Ferdinand Fitzroy remained Line leg of the fourth form. They took our hero from school. ‘ “What profession shall he follow '2” said his mother. - “My first cousin is the Lord Chancellor,” said his father; “let. him go to the but.” The Lord Chancellor dined there that day. Mr. Ft-rdinand Fitzroy was introduced to him. His lordship was 'a little, rough-faced, beetle browul, hard-featured man, who thought beauty and idleness the same thing—and a. parchment skin the legitimate complexion for a. lawyer. “Send him‘to the her,” said he; “no, no, that; will never do—seud him into the army, he is mueh too handsome to become a lawyer.” “And that’s true enough my lord,” said the mother. So they bought hererdiuand Fitzroy a. cornetcy in the -—-—- regiment of dragoons. Things are not learned by inspiration. Mr. Ferdmand Fitzroy had never ridden at. school, except when he was hoisted ; he was, therefore, a very indifferent horseman ; they sent him to the riding school, and everybody laughed at him» “He is an ass E” said Cornet Horsephiz, who was very ugly. “ A horrid puppy!” said Lieutenant St. Squ'mtem, who was still uglier. “If he does not ride better, he will disgrace the regiment,” said Captain Rimlhate, who was very good lookmg. “If he does not ride bet ter, We will cut him,” said Captain En-rdrill, was a wonderful martineb. “ I say, Mr. Bump enWell, (to the riding master,) make that youngster ride less like a. miller’s sack.” “ Pooh, sir, he will never ride better." “And why will he not ?” “Bless you, Colonel, he is a great deal too handsome for a cavalry officer.” “ True,’f said Colnet Horsephiz. “Very true,” said Lieutenant St. Squintem. “We must cut him,” said the Colonel. And Mr. Feminand Fitzoy was accordingly out. O'ur hero was a youth of susceptibility—he quitted the - regiment, and challenged the Colonel. The Colonel was killed. ‘5 What a terrible blaokgunrd is Mr. Ferdinand Fitoroy,” said the Colonel’s relations. “Very true,” said the world. The parents were in despair. They were not rich; but our hero was an only son, and they sponged hard upon the crubbed old uncle. “He is very clever,” said they both, “and may do yet.”— So they borrowed some thousands from the uncle, and bought. his beautiful nephew meat in Pnrlinmenh Mr. Ferdinand Fitzroy was ambitious, and desirous of retrieving his character. He fagged like a dragon, conned pamphlets and reviews, and made notes on the English Constitution. He rose up to speak. " What a. handsome fellow,” whispered one member.- “Ah, a eoxcomb,” said. (mother. “ Never do fora speaker,” said a third, very audibly. And the gentlemen on the opposite benches sneered and hatred! Discouraged by his reception, Mr. Ferdinand Fitzroy grew" 9. little embarrassed. “ Told you so,” said one of his neighbors. ' “Fairly broke down,” said another. “ Too fond of his hair to have anything in his head,” said'a third, who was considered a wit. " Hear-! hear!” cried the gentlemen on the opposite benches. Mr. Ferdinand Fitzroy sat down—he had not shone; but, in justice, he had not failed. Many a first-rate speaker had begun worse. and many a country member had been declared a. phoenix of promise upon half his merit. “ Your Adon ises never make orators,” said a crack speaker with o. wiry nose. “ Nor a man of business either,” added the chairman of a commmittee, with a face like a kangaroo’s. ' - “Poor devil!” said the civilest of the set. “ He’s ndeuced deal too handsome fora-speaker. By Jove, he’s going to speak again! this will never do 3 we must cough him down.” ’ And 311'. Ferdinand Fitzroy was accordingly coughed own. Our hero was now seven or eight. and twenty, handsomer than ever, and the udamlion of all the 3'oqu ladies atAlmack’s. “We have 110- Lhing to leave you,” said the p:chnt_S, who had long spen: their fortune. and M)" live’dvon the credit of having once enjoyed It. "1 on are the handsomest man in London ; 3'o“ must. marry an heiress.” _ . “ I will,” said Mr. Ferdinand Fltzroy. Miss Helen Convolvu}u3 was a. charming young lady, With a. bare hp and six thousand a. year. To Miss Helen Convolvulus- then our hero paid his {deI‘cSSGS- Heaven! what an uproar‘her 11213210198 made about the matter.— “ Eflgy to see his Intentions,” Said one; u a handsome fortune hunter, who wants to make the best of lus Person !” ~ a another. that, handsmne does,” gays u He was turned out of the army, and mur dered his colonel,” said a third. “He can admire none but himself,” said a. fourth. Kl taught” you perpetually Jealous," said a. “ Spend your fortune,” said a. sixth. “ And break vour heart,” said a seventh. Miss Helen Co'nvolvulus was prudent and wary. She saw a great deal ofjustice in what. was said; and was aufi'lciently comented with PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, BY 0. BARRETT 86 CO. rm.- szu PATEIO‘I' um Usmn will he served to sub. scribes-s reaidingin the Borough lor six onus-s us. was ply‘ble to the Carrier. Msil subscribers, I'OIII not.- can PER Axxnu. THE WHEEL! will be published an heratofon,umi. vastly during the aasaion of the Leginlature nndonco n week the remainder of the your, for tum «£ol,!er in lA— nmce, or tines dollars at the expiration of the year. Connectcsd with this establishment is an external" 108 OFFICE containing satiety of plain And [may typel unequalled by anyeatabliahment in the lnterlorol the State, for which the patronage of the pnblicil lo licited. Nosi liberty and six thousand a year, not to be highly impatient for a husband; but our hero ine haul no aversion to a lover; especially to so handsome a lover as Mr. Ferdinand Fitzroy. Accoulingly, she neither accepted not discar ded him; but kept. him on hope, and suffered him to get into debt with his tailor and his couchmaker, on the strength of becoming Mr. Fitzroy Convolvulus. Time went on, and ex cuses and delays were easily found ; however, our hero was sanguine, and so were his parents. A breakfast at Chiswick and a. fever curried of the latter, within one Week of each other; but not. till they had blessed Mr. Ferdinand Fitzroy, and rejoiced that they had left him so well provided for. Now, then, our hero depended solely upon the crubhcd old uncle and Miss Helen Convolvulus ;—the former, though a. haronct and a. snrtirist, was a banker and a man of' business :—-he looked very disumtet‘ully at the Hyperion curls and white teeth of Mr. Ferdinand Fitzroy. “If I make you my heir," said he, “I expect you will continue the bank.” “Certainly, sir.” said the nephew. “Ilumph l" grunted the uncle, “a pretty fenow for a banker 2” Debtors grew pressing to Mr. Ferdinand Fitzroy, and Mr. Ferdinand Fitzroy grew press ing to Miss Helen Convolvulus. “ Itis 9. dan gerous thing,” said she, timidly, “ to marry 9. man so ndmiredawill you always be faithful!" “By heaven 2” cried her lover. “ Heigho !” sighed Miss Helen Convolvulus, and Lord Rufus Pumilion entering, the con versation was changed. But, the day of the marriage was fixed; and Mr. Ferdinand Fitz~ my bought a new curricle. By Apollo! how handsome he looked in it! A month before me wedding-day the uncle died. Miss Helen Convolvulus was. qui‘m tender in her condo lences—“ Cheer up, my Ferdinand,” said she, “ fur your sake Ihtwe discarded Lord Rufus Pumilion I” “ Adorable condescension I" cried our hero; “but Lord Rufus Pumilion is only four feet two, and has hair like a. peony." _ “ All men are not so handsome as Mr. Ferdi nand Fitzroy l” was the reply. Away goes our hero to be present at the opening of his uncle’s will. "I leave," said. the lestator (who, we have before said, was a. bit of a- satirist), “my share of the bank, and the whole of my fortune, legacies cxcepied, to (here Mr. Ferdinand Fitzroy wiped his beauti ful eyes with a. csmhrio handkerchief, exqui sitely brads) my natural son, John Spriggs, an industrious, pains-taking youth, who will do credit to the bank. I did once intend to have made my nephew, Ferdinand, my heir; but so curling a. head can have no talent for accounts. I want my successor to be a man of business, not beauty; and Mr. Ferdinand Fitzroy is a great. deal too handsome for a banker; his good looks will no doubt, win him any heiress in town. Meanwhile, l leave him, to buy a droo sing-case, a. thousand pounds!” “A thousand devils!" said Mr. Ferdinand Fitzroy, banging out of the room. He flew to his mistress. She was not at. home. “ Lies,” says the Italian proverb, ”have short legs ;" but truths, it‘they are at all unpleasant, have terrible long ones! The next day Mr. Ferdi nand Fitzroy received a most obliging note of dismissal. “I wish you every happinessfl’ said Miss Helen Convolvulus, in conclusion, “but. my friends are right; you are much too handsome for a husband.” And the week after, Miss Helen Convolvulus became Lady Rufus Pumi liou. ‘ “ Alas, sir!” said the bailifl’, as a day or two after the dissolution of Parliament he was jog ging along with Mr. Ferdinand Fitzroy, in a. hackfley-coach bound to the Bench. “Alas! sir, whatapity it is to take so handsome a gentleman to prison !” BRITISH Comm“. Govnmvons Is Canon AND Suns—Our colonies have forty-six gov ernors and thirty-six bishops. They are dis tributed thus:-—ln North Americavre have seven governors and nine bishops; in the West Indies, seventeen governors and five bishops; in the Australian Colonigs and New Zululand, seven gevernors and twelve bishops; in Africa, and. Mediterranean possessions, nine governors and six bishops; and in Eastern Colonies, Falkland Islands, and Heligolnnd, six governors and four bishops. There are five bishops in New Zenland, a greater number than in India, which country and the lonian Islands are not included in this and other returns relating 10' “colonies.” The salaries of the governors of our colonies amount together to about £130,000. Among them Victorinis the golden governorship; the salary is £lO,OOO a. year. The governors of Canada, New South Wnlcs and, Ceylon have £7,000 a year; of the Mauritius, £6,000; of Jamaica, the Cape, Hang-Kong and Gibraltar, £5,000; the other salaries are lower, and shade down to £5OO. The incomes of the bishops are much less than the sums just named; the high est is that of the Bishop of Barbadoes—£2,soo a. year. Their incomes are almost all provided either from colonial funds or the interest of money voluntary contributed in this country, and placed at the service of the Church for this purpose; but seven—the bishops of Quebec, Newfoundland, Jamaica, Kingston, Barbadoes. Antigua. and Guiana—have annual grants from the imperial exchequer.—-London‘ Illustrated News. - Ax Usuuuem Drsn.-A gentleman named Campbell, and his family, lived in .3 remote native district of Bengal. One morning afish~ ermnn appeared at the bungolow With 6533 f 0 sell. They were round, white eggs, the me of a tennis ball, and the fisherman declared them to be lurtles’ eggs. They were purchased, and, being quite a novel production, the family were desirous of testing their newly purchased dPllcaCiCS, and the servant was directed to boil half a. dozen of them‘ for breakfast. They were. in part, eaten by the family, when a. fearful nausea. pervaded the whole of them.— Thc eggs were in consequence at once discarded as inedible. Mr. Campbell, however, from motives of curiosity, procured a capacious car dreu gumlhh (shallow dish,) in which he de posited the ova, spreading a quantity of clean, dry send over the some. The vessel in ques tion was afterward placed on the flat roofing of the house, exposed to solar heat. In the course of three weeks after this event he as cended the ladder and took a. survey of his in culmtory stock. when, to his surprise, and 110 less disgust, he beheld a swarm ot‘large. loath some lizards crawling about the stuccoed roof. The fact at once Occurred to him that the eggs he had eaten were those of on aligator. Funny Fern winds up her letter to the N. Y. Ledger about her summer visit to the lakes wit-h the following whisper to landlords gen erally: “First, Don’t always fasten the looking~ glass in a lady’s bed-room in the very darkest corner, or attach it to some lumbering piece of furnilure incapable of being moved. save by an earthquake. Secondly, Give ladies four bed-pillows instead of two, until geese yigld more feathers. Thirdly, Banish forever, With other tortues of the Inquisition, that infernal ‘gong’ (excuse the expression !) which has had so much to do in filling Our Lunatic Asylum.” A lar e uamity of oranges have b_een shipped tiis qseason at Nassau to the Unlted States. SUNDAYS EXCEPTflD, =l=
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