Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, November 03, 1860, Image 2

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    Me $1111:th 1% fifiniun.
o‘. 3mm! a: THOMAS mmcbowmn. Pub
lishers and Proprietors.
communicationswill not be published in the Puma:-
m leox unless accompanied with the name or the
8: RI. PETTENGILL «A: (30.,
litertiaing Agents, 119 Nassau strut. New York, and
10 311159 street, Boston, are the Agents for the PAT-810!
m Union, and the most influential and largest encu
ltting newspapers in the United States and Cnnndas
they are authorized to contract for us at ourlmvest rates
___,_,, , _
Ascend-hand Alum Pnspissfllten 39); by 26 inches,
In good order; can be worked either by fund or stem
power. Terms moderate Inquire at tlns ofi‘nce.
91' OB.EG 0 N .
1‘ 3? Tu: Coxs'n-unxos AKD 1m: EQUALITY or '1'!!!
Burns ! THESE ARE SYMBOLS or vanusrma uxmx.
lan! TEES! 33 mm: nALqua cmzs or rm: PEOPLE.—
“ Instead of breaking up the Union, we intend to.
mWhen and to lengthen it.”—-J. 0. 32805151111363.
“ e know no section as distinct from the other; we
know the Constitution and the States under it, and their
rights as guaranteed under that instrument.”——Josxrn
hum. . .
Demoeratic Electoral Ticket.
The following is the regular Democratic elec
toral ticket formed by the Reading Convent-ion.
As there are spurious tickets in circulation,
Democrats should be careful to compare their
tickets with this before voting:
“The Jubilee Coming!”
Wentworth, the Republican Mayor of Chicago,
and editor of the Democrat of that place, thus
hails the election of Lincoln :
“We see the day of jubilee coming, when millions of
enmnehised slaves shall rend the heavens with their
shouts ; and all this under the farms of the Constitution,
andwuh the States of the Union kept compacted to
gether.” _
He don’]: tell us, however, what shall be done
with the enfranchiaed slaves. after the great act
shall have been accomplished by Lincoln’s
election. '
Col. Calms in his Boston speech said:
Let Boston be represented, as of old, by men of Whig
antecedents and Whig principles. (Cheer-s.) Let Mas
sachusetts be true to her ancient faith, and you will find
Pennsylvania in active sympathy with you in all your
interests in the next government of the nation.
Bnnnmt, and other aspirants for the United
States Senate, who were formerly Democrats,
please to take notice that. the Governor elect of
Pennsylvania. looks with special favor upon
men of Whig antecedents, and be warned in time
that they can expect no encouragement. from
his administration?
Linculn and the Fugitive Slave Law.
The following was telegraphed from Wash
ington to one of the New York papers:
“Wm. L. Hodge, of this city, Assistant secretary of
the Treasury under Fillmore, has received a. letter from
Thus. Cox-win, who has just visited Lincoln, assuring
him, on the authority of Lincoln, that if elected he will
enforce the fugitive slave law everywhere throughout
the non- slu-veholding States.” _
This assertion is-preposterons on the face of
it. In fulfilling such an intention, Lincoln
would tear the Republican yarty to fragments.
In no respect has the general government met
with fiercer opposition than when attempting
to conform to those provisions of ‘ the Con
stitution relating to fugitive. slaves which are
ascentially embodied in the fugitive slave law.
Ohio, Massachusetts, and some other States,
are:already, for all practical purposes, in a state
of open rebellion in regard to this subject, and
a Republican administration could not alter the
Is It So?
' The report is current that Mr. Lincoln has
prefiareda circular letter to be printed in case
of his election by a. majority of the people of
the Northern States, assuring the South of his
conservatism and respect for their rights, of
his intention to call to his councils Southern
men, (the names of Wm. C. Rives of Virginia,
John J. Crittenden of Kentucky, ex-Governor
Morehead and John Bell, five been mentioned,)
andto‘exclude therefrom the leaders of his
party, such as Seward, Sumner, Wilson, &e.
Ifsuch is Mr. Lincoln’s intention, why does
he not make it known now, and not. wait until
after the 6th of November? If it is his pur-
POBO *0 ignore Seward and his associates, out
of deference to the South. now is the time. to
say so. Sueh a statement after the election
would have no influence, and would be treated
with the contempt that treachery always brings.
Fortune, however magnificent, is never re
spected that is obtained under false pretences.
“ Let'it Come Now.”
The atmosphere of Boston seems to have had
a damaging efi'ect upon the conservatism of Mr.
Cnrtin, the Governor elect of Pennsylvania, for
we find'him advocating a speedy dissolution of
the Union. Like Gov. Banks, who presided at
the meeting, he is in favor of “letting the Union
slide,” 'in a certain contingency. Listen to
this :
If it is so, that the people, electing a President dis.
solve the Union, let it come now. (Prolonged cheering.)
[A person in the audience here cried out, '- So say we,
all of us,” which called forth shouts of laughter.]
That was a Very funny sentiment, calculated
$0 provoke “ shouts of laughter,” wasn’t it. ‘!
The morriment of the Boat-on Republicans at
the bare suggestion that the dissolution might
be near at hand, was quite characteristic of a.
set of men who have done more, by their ex
trenie conduct, to weaken the bonds of union,
by planting distrust of Northern fidelity in the
minds of the Southern people, than all the fire.
esters in existence. But what do the people
of Pennsylvania think of theirfiovernor elect,
who professed So much devotion to the Union
while soliciting their sufirages, expressing the
hope that. if dissolution is ever to come, thmit
my' come flow: 3’ For our part, We (rust that if
dissolution is ever to overtake this government,
it. will not some now; and that it will continue
to exist, for many, many years, said that Mr.
Cumin and his Boston friends will be disap~
pointed in their expectations.
THE 01:131.); IN H 7321:
racemnumx m: VICTOR EMMANUEL
_ __+,,.___. ' -
To (lzc People of Southern Italy .-
At a. solemn moment. for the national history
and for the destinies of the country I address
my words to. you, people of Southern Italy,
who, having in my name changed the State,
send me deputations of every class of citizens,
magistrates and representatives of your mu
nicipal bodies, asking to be restored to order,
blessed with freedom, and united with my king
dom. I will tell you by what thought I am
guided, and what is my consciousness of the
duties which a man placed by Providence on an
Italian throne ought to fulfil.
I ascended the throne after a great national
calamity. My father gave me a lofty example
by abdicating the crown to save his own dig—
nity and the freedom of his people. Charles
Albert fell sword in hand, and died in exile.
His death associated more and more the desti—
nies of my family with those of the Italian
people, who for so many centuries have given
to all foreign lands the bones of their exiles
as a pledge for restoring the inheritance of
every nation placed by God within the same
boundaries, and joined together by the bond
of a common language. 1 educated myself by
that example, and the memory of my father
was my guiding star. I could never hesitate
in my choice between a crown and a word I
had given. I strengthened freedom in an
epoch not very favorable to freedom, and I
wished that, as it developed itself, it should
take root in the manners of the people, for I
could never harbor any jealousy or suspicion
of ‘what was clear to my people.
By preserving freedom in Piedmont I reli
giously respected the heritage which the pro
phetic mind of my august fatherhad bequeathed
to all Italians. By representative franchise,
i by popular education, by the freedom of trade
\ and industry, I endeavored to increase the
l well—being of my people. I wished that the
1 Catholic religion should be respected, but also
‘i that every man should be free in the sanctuary of
: his aim condition; and, by strengthening civil
authority, I openly resistcddhat obstinate and
‘ scheming faction which boasts to be the only
friend and guardian of the Throne, but which
aims at ruling in the name of Kings, and
placed between the Sovereign and the people
the barrier of its intolerant passions.
This system of Government could not be
without effect on the rest of Italy. The con—
corcl between the Sovereign and the people in
the purpose of national independence and of
civil and political liberty, the Parliamentary
tribune and _the free Press, and the army, which ‘
had preserved its military traditions under the ‘
tri-color, raised Piedmont to the rank of stand- l
ard~bearer and arm of Italy. The strength 1
of my monarchy was not the result of the arts l
of a clandestine policy, but. of the open in
fluence of ideas and of public opinion. I was
thus enabled to maintain in that part of the
Italian people 'which was united under my
socptre, the notion of a national leadership,
(cgemouia,) whence was to spring the concor—
dant harmony of the severed provinces in one
single nation.
Italy was able to understand my conception
when she beheld my soldiers sent into the
fields of the Crimea beside the troops of the
two great Western Powers. I wished thereby
to acquire for Italy the right of participating
in all acts concerning the interests of Europe.
At the Congress of Paris my Ambassadors were
able to speak for the first time to Europe of
your Suffer-lugs. It became clear to all men
how the preponderance of Austria in Italy was
injurious to the balance of power in Europe,
and what dangers beset the independence and
freedom of Europe so long as the rest of the
Peninsula was subject to foreign influence.
My magnamimous ally, the Emperor Napo
leon 111., felt that the Italian cause was worthy
of the great nation he rules. A righteous war
inaugurated the new destinies of our country. 1
The Italian soldiers fought nobly beside the
unconqured legions of France. The volun— ‘
teers hasteniugfrom all Italian provinces, from
all Italian families, under the Cross of Savoy,
showed that all Italy had invested me with the
right of speaking and fighting in her name.
Policy put. an end to the war, but not to its ef
fects, which went on with their development,
following the unswerving logic of events and of
popular movement. ‘
Had I been actuated by that ambition which
is ascribed to my family by those who do not
consider the nature of the times, I could have
been satisfied with the acquisition of Lombardy;
but I had shed the blood of my soldiers, not. for
myself, but for Itoiy.‘ I had called the Italians
to arms. SeVeral Italian provinces had changed
their form of government to join in the war of
Independence-a. war opposed to their Princes.
After the peace of Villafranca those provinces
asked my protection against the threatened
restoration of their former Governments. If
the events of Central Italy were the consequence
of the war to which we had called the people,
-if the system of foreign intervention was for
ever to be banished from Italy, I had a duty to
recognize; and to uphold the right. of those
people legally and freely to utter their vote.—
I withdrew my Government—they made an
orderly Government; I withdraw my troops—
they organized regular forces, and, vieing with
each other in unanimity and civil virtues, they
rose to so high a reputation and strength, that
nothing but the overbearing violence of foreign
arms could have subdued them. Thanks to the
wisdom of the Central Italian people, the mon—
archical idea constantly gained strength, and
monarchy gave a moral guidance to that peace
ful popular movement. Thus did Italy rise in
the estimation of civilized notions, and it be- .
came clear to all Europe that the Italians were ‘
fit for self-government. 3
When I accepted the annexation I knew not 3
what European difficulties Iwas about to meet; ‘
but I could not. break the word I had given to 1
the Italians in my war proclamation. Those l
who would charge me with imprudencc should
calmly consider what. would become of Italy on ‘
the day in which monarchy should appear pow- l
erless to satisfy the want, of a national recon- l
stitution. The annexation did not. change the l
substance of the national movement, but it
assumed new forms. By accepting from the
popular .right those fine and noble provinces, I
must loyally recognize the application of that
principle, nor could I measure it by the rule of
my private feeling! and interests. In support 1
of that principle, I, for the good of Italy, made ‘
the sacrifice which cost my heart the dearest; 1
Irenouuced two most. noble provinces of the ‘
kingdom of my ancestors. ‘
I have always given those Italian Princes
who wished to be my enemies sincere counsels‘
resolving, however, that if those counsels were
vein, 1 would meet the danger to which their
blindness Would have exposed the throne by
accepting the will of‘ Italy.‘ It was in vain
that I offered to the Grand Duke of Tuscany
alliance before the war; in vain that, after the
peace. I offered the High Pontifl‘, in whom I
‘ venerate the head of the religion of my fathers
‘ apd of _ my pearly, to take upon myself the
l Vicar-ship of Umbria and the Marches. It was
' t that if th P ,- - ‘
evxden _ use tonnces, which were
only restrained by the arms of forei n hire—
lings, did not. obtain the security of “it civil
ized government which I proposed. the would
sooner or later break into revolution. yNeither
will I recall the counsels given for man cars
by the Powers to King Ferdinand of Niiflis _
The judgment which was pronounced agaihst,
his Government at. the Paris Congress naturally
prepared the people for a change, if the outcry
ofpublic opinion and the efi‘orts of diplomacy
proved to be of no avail. I offered the young
successor Of that. King an alliaan for the war
of independence. But there also I found souls
closed against all Italian feelings, minds dark.
. ened by passion and obstinacy. It was natural
that the events in Northern and Central Italy
should arouse men’s minds in the South. In
Sicily the excitement ,broke out into an open
insurrection. A fight began for freedom in
Sicily, when a brave warrior, devoted to Italy
and to me—Gen. Garibaldi—sailed to its aid.
They were Italians. Could I, ought I, to have
prevented them? The fall of the Government
of Naples strengthened in my heart the convic
tion that Kings and Governments should build
their thrones on the love and esteem of the peo
ple. The new Government in the Two Sieilies
was inaugurated in my name. But some of its
acts caused apprehension lest it should not in
every respect well interpret that policy which
is represented by my name. It was feared
throughout Italy that under the shade of a
glorious popularity, of a long-tried honesty, a
faction should muster which was ready to sac
rifice‘the forthcoming triumph of the national
cause to the chimeras of its ambitious fanati~
cism. All- Italians turned to me. that I might
avert this danger. It was my duty to do so,
because in the present. emergency it would be
no moderation, no wisdom, but weakness and
imprudence. not to take with a strong hand
the direction of that national movement, for
which lam responsible before Europe. 1 have
sent my soldiers into the Marches and Umbriu,
and scattereathat ill-sorted mob of people of
all nations and tongues which had gathered
there as a new, strange phase of foreign inter
vention, and the worst of all. I have pro—
claimed Italy for the It'alians; and will never
allow Italy to become the nest of cosmopolitan
sects, assembling there to hatch reactionary
plots, or to further the objects of universal
People of Southern Italy !—-—My troops march
into your country to strengthen public order.
I do not come to impose my will upon you, but
to see that yours is respected. You will be
called freely to manifest it. May the vote
you will deposit in the urn be inspired by that
Providence which protects a. righteous cause!
Whatever may be the course of events, 1 tran
quilly await the judgment of civilized Europe,
because I am convinced that I have fulfilled my
duties as a King and an Italian. My policy
may not, perhaps, he used to reconcile in Eu
rope the progress of the people with the sta
bility of mouarchies. I know that. in Italy I
close the era of revolutions.
Given in Aucona, this 9th of October, 1860.
Correspondence of the Boston Traveler
BEIBUT, SYRIA, Sept. 2,1860
The character of the Christians of Syria. is
so low, mean and despicable that were it not
for the fact that they belong to the common
brotherhood of man and are now great suf
ferers, they would receive but little sympathy
from those who know them well. They are
entirely deficient in what is called in civilized
countries, a sense of honor—and are so deceitful,
treacherous and ignoble that they furnish the
best. evidence in the world of the natural de-'
pravity of the human heart, and the inadequacy
of. their forms of religion and their religious
teachings for the work of civilizing and Chris
tianizing the people. The people are dread
fully Priest—ridden, while they detest and de
spise their Priests. The Bible is kept from all
but the Protestant sect, which is very small,
not numbering in all Syria and Palestine more
than one thousand men, women and children,
and the Greeks, Greek Catholics, Marouitcs,
Jesuits, are all quarrcling among each other
and among themselves. The Greeks and the
Greek Catholics have been known to unite with
the Druses in waging warfare against the Ma.-
ronites and are their most uncompromising
foes. Among themselves they have mo peace.
The leader in the anti-Bishop party in Tyre
is Mr. Akkaad, tse American Consular Agent,
and under the pr tection of the American flag
he is invulnerable to all the spiritual fnlmina
tions of the Church. The United States Consul
at Beirut has been beseiged by the Bishop and
his party to interfere in the matter. and break
down‘lhe opposition of his subordinate, but.
his answer is uniformly the same: “If you
have any criminal charges to bring against the
Consular Agent, I will examine them, but the
American Government, which protects all reli
gious alike in the United States, willnot inter
fere in matters of conscience and church disci
pline in Syria. The officers and agents of the
American government are not questioned or
influenced concerning their religious opinions.”
The Patriarch of the Georgian party has been
to Egypt to collect funds for the poor of Syria,
but. he furnishes relief only to those who adopt.
his calender and obey his will. Others retain
all their collections, and furnish relief 'to no
one; One priest still has sixty thousand piss
tres intended for distribution. and his people
make loud complaints against his avarice and
dishonesty. The priests who went to America
a. few years ago to collect funds for schools and
hospitals, have also defrauded the people, who
have now lost confidence in them almost en
Many Christians of Damascus are now selling
their souls to the devil by giving Turks and
Arabs of that city certificates of good character,
knowing full well that they murdered many of
their brethren. They do this for money, and
thus rob justice of 1101- due and screen the guilty
from punishment.
The Christians of Sidon who witnessed. the
massacre of their relatives and friends, and
who have since been constituted agents for the
Turkish Government, to pay out the daily al
lowance to the podr refugees from Hasbeyia
and Rasheyis, have just been detected in an
attempt to rob them of one-fourth of the scanty
allowance provided by the Moslem authorities
for the purpose of keeping them alive! There
is little in such a character to arouse sympathy
or excite brotherly regard. Christian mission
aries are nowhere more needed than among the
somalled Christians of Syria, for never, in my
opinion, has the term of Christian been so mis
applied as to the people of the Holy Land.
Mr. Consul Brant, of Damascus, writes. “ The
local, authorities continue to supply a. little
money and bread, but the supply will not suf
fice; when the cold and damp weather arrives.
tiring and warm bedding and clothing must
then be added. Already sickness is extending,
and there being no medical assistance for the
sufferers, a great mortality may be anticipated.
In short, the prospect‘f the approaching win
ter is sufficiently gloomy, and dearness of
bread will, I fear, be added to the other cause
of sufl'ering.”
In View of this state ofthings, Messrs. John
son nnd Moore, of the Anglo-American commit
tee, will urge the British Syrian Relief Fund to
send outs. medical corps at once, with all neces
sary medicines, nurses and hospital stores for
the relief of the Damuscenes, and meanwhile
such medical aid as can be spared from Beirut
will be sent immediately.
The American and European ladies of this
city are very busy in making up clothes for the
naked and sick, and their appeal for materials
is loud, pressing and worthy of the aid and
sympathy of the humane and benevolent every
FICIAL 1s Human—4 correspondence from
Pesth, Hungary, writes that. during his recent
oflieiai tour through Hungary, General Bene
deck, ,the imperial governor, had a. good occa
sion to see unmistakable signs of the spirit
reigning in that country. Having arrived at,
Nagy Koeros, and visited the public institutions
of that city he invited a, certain number of
persons to dinner. When the desert came on,
one’of those guests, giving him an ancient.
batileaxe, said. “General, I give you as a keep
sake that ancient weapon; it. is one of those
which ware used by the tetanus Black Regiment
of our heroic King Maihias Kbrvinus,-when it
stormed Vienna and expelled. the Emperor
Ferdinand 111. of Hapsburg.” _The General
made a‘bow as if he did not. understand the
allusion, and accepted the gift with thanks.
From California and South America.
The steamship Northern Light has arrived
from Aspinwall. Her California advices have
been anticipated. The U. S. sloops of war
Lancaster and St. Marny were at Panama, and
the steamship Brooklyn and storeship Falmouth
at Aspfnwall, on the 25th ult.
Advices are received from Valparaiso to the
2d, and Cullao to the 15th of October. The
steamer Moses Taylor had touched there. The
ultimatum of the American Government had
been rejected by Peru, so far as the Lizzie
Thompson, Georgiana. and the Victoria. claims
are concerned. This refusal would compel the
American minister to demand his passport.
The ship Lucy M. Hale was partially burned
on the sth ult, at Callao.
A frightful accident occurred on the 10th
ult.., in the dry dock at San Lorenz, involving
the entire loss of the Peruvian frigate 0:111:10,
formerly the Auperimac, and great loss of life.
The frigate was being docked, with all her crew
on board. when some staunchions of the dock
gave way, causing the vessel to pitch over,
when she rapidly filled with water and sunk.—
A great number of people were below, inclu
ding men, women and children, and the sick in
the hospital, all of whom perished.
All the particulars of the disaster were not
known at the latest date, but it was believed
that the number of killed would reach 150.
The number of t the wounded, with broken
heads, arms and legs, was very great. The
Callao was a. 44 gun frigate, built at Blackwell,
England, six years ago. The deck was also
damaged and rendered useless. .
Bomvm.—The revolution in Bolivia has been
suppressed. Several oflicers were shot.
NloAnAeUA.—Advices from Nicaragua. state
that the news of Walker’s capture reached there
on the 30th of September, causing much rejoi~
cing. Martinez was again at the head of affairs.
Mr. Dimotry was pressing the government for
the appointment of a. convention to settle
American claims, but unsuccessfully. Marti
nez. however, had consented to call a. meeting
of' Congress on the 15th of December, so that
the ratification of the Lamar-Yeledon treaty
might be effected within the time expected.
Mr. V anderbilt had made the Government an
offer for the transit, but it was not accepted.
Advices from Guayaquil state that Flores was
disbanding his forces, but that the Peruvian
President, Castillo, still maintained a hostile
attitude, and was seeking permission from his
Congress to declare war again with Ecuador. .
The U. S. steamship Narroganset left 0511 an
on the Bth ult. for Panama.
t A diflieulty had arisen at Panama between
I the United Stat es and British naval forces, ow
; ing to the arrest of an American officer and
American citizen, for refusing to respond to
the challenge of a British guard which had
been stationed in the streets since the recent
‘disturbance. Communications had passed be
t Ween flag oflicer Montgomery and the British
commander, in relation to the matter, but the
result was not known.
A fresh alarm occurred at Panama on the
night of the 22nd, in consequence of the report
that Tacho was coming With aparty of negroes
to sack the city. The troops were under arms
all night. Nothing hafipened, but new rumors
were hourly created and circulated and the city
was kept in a state of excitement.
Terrible Afi'ray.
ALBANY, N. Y., Nov. 2.
John Percy, a lawyer, was shot and mortally
wounded last night by John Crawfield. the
keeper of a porter house, whose premises Percy
had entered, and commenced an assault on
Crawfield by throwing s_nutf is his eyes and
beating him With ahickory cane.
Steamboat Explosion-“ Thirty Persons
Killed and Forty or Fifty Scald‘ed.
The steamer H. R. M. Hill, from Memphis to
New Orleans, exploded on Wednesday night.
Thirty persons were killed, and forty or fifty
badly seamed.
The Markets.
annAnanmA, Nov. 9..
Flour dull; superfine ss.sz, extra. 355375915, extra
family $6.125, and fancy 562611615. Bye Flour $425,
and Corn Meal $3.50. Wheat unchanged; red $1.325,
1.35 and $1 3731.38, and White $1.40a1.41 and $1.55. Rye
743.750. and 78a800. Corn; yellow 71 }4 3.7 2c. and white
7 3}; c. Oats 3453355 . Cloverseed $6815.12}; and $6.25
per 64 lbs. Timothy 52.50&2.62}.§ and llaxseed $1.62 per
bushel. Whisky 22584230
NEW YORK, Nov. 2.
Flour advanced 5c , the market closing heavy; sales
of 8,600 bbls. at 5530:1535 for State, $5.75a5.80 for
Ohio; Southern unchanged. Wheat steady; sales of
50,000 bushels. Corn firm; sales of 20,C00 bushels at
700. Provisions dull. Whisk dull at 21% e. Receipts
of Flour 16,059 bbls.; Whenz, 100,953 bushels; Corn
24,746 bushels. ‘ __ A
Flour firmer; Howard street and Ohio $5.50, City
mills held at the same price. Wheat firm at 513031.37
for red and 31.451156 for white. Corn steady; yellow
66a68¢., white 68373 c. Provisions quiet at $19.75. Lard
13c. Coffee firm ; Bio 14).;a15g. Whisky 210.
From early yesterday morning up to 10
o’clock, a. dark spot. could be seen on the sun
by. the naked eye, apparently covering one
twenty-fifth portion of its disc. At twelve
o’clock it could be seen through a piece of
smoked glass, but appeared considerably smal
ler than it did in the morning. Such a phe
nomenon, as far as known, has never before
been experienced by the naked eye, and we
would be pleased if some learned gentleman
would throw light. on the subject. This spot
which in the morning was seen in the upper
portion of the right lower quarter of the sun.
late in the evening could be seen in the extreme
upper portion of the left lower quarter, thus
changing its position—Selma. (Ala.) Reporter,
Smoomn ACCIDENT.—On the morning of the
13th ult., s_ome negroes, passing along the
road between Decatur-ville and Perryville, Ten
nessee, found by the road side the dead body
of J efl'erson Kelly, who, with his - wife, had
camped by a tree the night before, and lighted
anfire _which had burned the tree so that it fell,
instantly killing Kelly and breaking both legs
of his wife. The woman was still alive, and
properly taken care of. The tree lay across
the bodies of both, and had to be lifted bodily
up before they could be extricated. The poor
woman had called for help for several hours,
in vain, but it is thought she will recover. .
faom the scene of the late insurrection in Flor
ida state that the troubles are over, and that
peace again reigns in the disturbed district.—
The supremacy of the law has been vindicated.
The parties accused, as a general thing, sub
mitted to the authorities. Seventeen have been
committed on a charge of murder, ten for as
sault with intent to kill, and a large number
were required to find security to keep the
peace. Thirty-three were committed on a
charge of conspiracy. The citizen soldiers con
ducted themselves in an admirable manner.
It has been discovered that the rock oil
found in such large quantities in Western
Pennsylvania is a better article for tunnel-3’ use
than all other kinds. ,
Isaac C. Degaplaine, 9, New York millionaire
16:13 been nommated as the fusion‘candidate fox"
on _ . . .
cratugress 1n the Bth dxstrlct. He Is a. Demo-
Over 26,000 voters have been registered in
Boston'this year, against 16,000 in 1856, when
the highest vote ever cast in that city was
given. I .
Job 11‘. Scott, of New Madrid, Mo., was
“gang-g- ted” in Memphis, Tenn, on the night
ofthg'g; 3d ult., and robbed of $BOO.
M 1 Bowen, editor of the Lake City (Elm)
11139159 em Press, committed suicide on the
18th:i_n t.
J oh; R. Hamilton, of Smyrna, Del., has been
convic _d of murder in the second degree for
killing ' Jife.
1 EW 10111:, Nov., 2
A MODERN Puornnr.-—Jacob Greenwood, 79
year of age, writes from Starkville, Gm, that.
he has for three years possessed the ken of
prophecy, and that the arcane. of coming events
are freely and unreservedly presented to his
mind. His pretensions will, of course. excite
ridicule, but in attestation of their truth, he
says he predicted the recent affair at Truxillo,
the fires in Texas, and the political fusion in
New York; and now he is willing to stake the
reputation of his profession upon the prediction
that the fusion ticket of New York will carry
the largest vote in the coming election, and Gen.
Garibaldi will not survive the first of January,
DEPARTURE or Missrommms.—A party of
missionaries embarked for India. from Boston
on Tuesday, in the Ship Sea King, Capt. Barker.
For the Ueylon Mission, under care of the
American board, there were Nathan Ward, M.
D., and. wife, Rev. John C. Smith and wife,
Rev. J . A. Bates and wife; and for the Metho
dist. Mission in India, under the patronage of
the Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. Mr.
Jackson and wife, Rev. Mr. Hauser and wife,
Rev. Mr. Messmore and Miss. Hauser. Inter
esting services were held on board the vessel,
in which Bishop Baker, Rev. Dr. Haven and
Rev. Mr. Merrill participated.
ANOTHER OIL Exmrnmnxn—The Bucyrus
(Ohio) Journal says that they have got up an
oil excitement in that region. The oil has been
discovered in Jackson, Vernon and Sandnsky
townships of Crawford county, and' efforts are
being made in several places to strike the re
servoir beneath, by digging deep into the earth.
One well, six miles from Crestline, is now
yielding oil in paying quantities.
Rm'mun' J onxson’s Orxxmx or‘CALIFonNLA.
A letter has been received in Washington, from
the Hon. Reverdy Johnson, which represents
the Presidential canvass in California as very
excited, and gives the State to Douglas by 10,000
The last Thursday (2961:) of November will
be the common Thanksgiving Day this year.
It has already been officially named in New
York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Maine,
Connecticut, New Hampshire, Michigan, Ohio,
Indiana. and lowa.
At the last. meeting of the “ Boston Society
for Medical Improvement,” Dr. Jackson said
the practice of opium-eating was exceedingly
common in om- countrytowns, and this opinion
was confirmed by other physicians present.
The drying up of a. creek disclosed a. valu
able coal bed in Clinton, Douglas county,
Kansas, and a bed of pearl clams. from which
400 pearls have been taken, some of them quite
valuable. '
Somebodyihas poisoned a pet dog of Senator
Seward, and the Black Republican presses are
denouncing the act in unmeasured terms as
another Southern outrage.
A slave in Charleston, S. 0., has earned by
over-work, in the last five years, $3,500, but.
refuses to buy his liberty, preferring to live in
Bee-Cultivators in Europe are beginning to
make use of chloroform to render the bees quiet.
and tractable at the moment of removing the
honey from their hives.
There was frost in Houston, Texas, on the
14th ult., heavier than was ever seen before the
middle of November.
All the ingredients of BRANDBETE’S PILLS are pnrgative,
and act in conjunctionto open, detach, dissolve, cleanse,
cool, heal, and so carry out of the body whatever injures
it. By being digested like the food, they enter into and
mix with the blood to search out and remove all bad
humo'rs. They dissolve all unnatural collections, cleanse
the blood, and cure tubercles, ulcers, km, let them be
in what part of the system they may. They injure no
part of the ”body. They carry away nothing that is good
They only remove what: is bad, They asaise nature,
agree with it, not with it, and always do their workwell.
Their use has saved many a. valuable life.
Sold, price 25 cents, at No. 294 Canal street. New York
and by all Druggists. Also, by GEO. H. BELL, corner
of Second and Chestnut streets, Harrisburg, and by all
respectable dealers in medicines. oct9~d&wlm
almost immediate cure of GANKEB. in the MOUTH,
or TYPHUS FEVERS, or any other cause—SOßE NIP
BREATH, &:c.
It is the best purifier for the breath of anything ever
ofl'ex-ed t 9 the public.
To whiten and preserve the teeth, apply with abrnsh;
it will instantly remove all tartar and other foreignsub
stances and leave the teeth as white and clenr'as pearls.
It is entirely free from acids and all poisonous sub
stgnces, and can be used upon an infant with perfect
sa. etv.
It is a. valuable article for everyfnmily to have in the
house, as itwifl remove pain from cuts and burns quicker
than anything known. This medicine is used as a. wash
or gal-$l 9. We will warrant it to give satisfaction in
every case. Price 25 cents per bottle.
Principal Wholesale Depot, CONRAD FOX, 81, Bar
clay st, N. Y.
Sold in Harrisburg, wholesale and retail, by I). W.
GROSS do 00., G. W‘ REILY, C. K. KELLER. J.
WYETH und G'- W. MILES. seplo
Dr. Brunon’s Concentrated Remedies.
No. I. THE GREAT REVIVER. speedily aradieatos all
the evil efl‘octs of SELF—ABUSE, as Luss of Memory,
Shortness of Breath, Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heart,
Dimness of Vision, or any constitutional derangements of
the system, brought on by the unrestrained indulgence of
the passions , Acts alike on either sex. Price One Dollar.
No. 2. THE BALM will cure in from two to eight days,
any case of GONOBRECEA, is without taste or smell, and
requires no restriction of action or diet. For either sex.
Price One Dollar.
No. 3. THE TEREB will cure in the shortest possible
time, any case of GLEE’I‘, even after all other Bemediea
have failed to produce the desired effect. No taste or smell.
Price One Dollar.
No. 4. THE PUNITEE is the only Remedy that will
really cure strictures of the Urethra. No matter of how
lonfi standing or neglected the case may be. Price One
Do HI. 7 , , 7 '
No. 5. THE SOLUTOR will cure any case of G—RAVEL,
permanently and speedily remove all nfliictions of the
Bladder and Kidneys. Price One Dollar.
No. 'I. THE AMARIN will cure ,the Whites radically,
end in a much shorter time than they can be removed by
any other treatment. In fact, is the onlyremedy that will
reallllay correct this disorder. Pleasant to take. Price One
Do I'. .
No. 8. THE ORIENTAL PASTILS are certain, safe and
speedy in producing MENSTRUATION, or correcting any
Irregulan'ties of the monthly periods. Price Two Dollars.
Either Remedy sent free by mail on receipt of the price
annexed. Enclose postage stamp and gay a Circular.
General Depot North—Last corner of York Avenue and
Gallowhill Street. Private Oflice 401 York Avenue, Philn.
delphia, Pa.
For lulu in Harrisburg only by G . A. BANNVART. where
Circulars containing valuable information, with full de
scription of each case, will be delivered gratis. on ..ppli.
cation. Address DR. FELIX BRUNON,
myl-dly ' P. 0. Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa.
An experienced nurse and female physician, has a South
ing Iyrup for children teething, which greatly facilitate
the process of teething by softening the gums, reducing as
inflnmnntion—will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate
the bowels. bepend upen lt mothers, it will give rent to
yourselves, and relief and health to your infants. Per
ectly safe in all canal. See advertisement in another col
nnm. - eu319,1859-d&wly
The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the
result of u long and extensive practice. They are mild
in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregu—
larities, painful menstruation, removing all obstruc
tions, whether from _cold or otherwise, headache pain
in the side, palliitation of the heart, whites, all ner
vous infections, ylsterics, fatigue, pain in the back and
limbs, m., distur ed sleep, which arise from interrup
tion of nature. ’
was the commencement of a new era in the treatment
of those irregularities and obstruction which have co'n
signed l 0 many thousands of the young, the beautiful,
and the beloved to a. rnnuuunn muvn. No female can
enjoy good health unless she is regular, and whenever
an obstruction takes place the general health begins to
decline. ' ‘
are the most effectual remedy ever known for :11 com.
plaints peculiar to Females. _To all clasp: they are in.
valuable, imiuc'ing, with certamty, penadwal regularizg ,
They are known to thousands, who have used them .1;
diaerent periodsfihroughont the .country, having the
sanction of some of the most awn-mam Physician: in
Ea: any directions, stating taken, and when, flu
shout; M, be used, acgolppany eaeh_box—the Prica an:
Dollar each box, canmmmgforty Puts.
A valuable Pamphlet, to be had free, of the Agent!-
Pilla sent by mail, promptly, by enclosing [mice to the
General Agent. Sold by drugguts generally.
nsß. EUTOHINGS, General Agent:
14 Broadway, New York
Sold in Harrisburg by O. A. BAKNVABTI '
decl ’59-dkwly
WE call the attentlon of our readers to
an article advertised in another column, called 131,001)
FOOD. It is an entirely new discovery, and must not
be confounded witlitsny of the numerous patent medil
nines or the ds . is roan '01! run nLoon, 9.lmm
prepared for abiorption; pleasant to the taete and mm:
ml in action, and what one game he retains. Let all
those, then, who are sufl'ermg from povertygmpurity of
deficiency of blood, and consequently vnth some chronic
disease or ailment, take of this BLOOD FOOD and be re
stored to health. We notice that our druggists have
received a supply of this article. and also of the world
renowned Dr. Enon’s INFANTIFB ConnuL, which every
mother should have. It contains no paragoric or opiate
of any kind whatever, and of courge must be invaluable
for all infnntile complaints. It 17111 allay all pain, and
soften the gums in process of teething, and at the game
time regulate the bowels. Let all mothers and nurses,
who have endured anxious days rind sleepless nights,
procure a. supply and be at once relieved. ’
$1? $OB advertisement. curl-dd: w3m
James Clarke’s Oglebrated Female Pills, Prepared from a
prescrip'ion of Sir J. Clarke; M. D., Physician Extraordz.
nary to the Queen.
This inValuahle medicine is unfailing in the (-me of all
those painful and dangemus diseases to which the female
constitution is suhjx-ct. It moderates all excess and re
moves all obstructions and a. speedy cure may be relied on.
it is peculiarly suited. It will in a short time bring on
the monthly perind with regularity.
Each bottle, price One Doltar, bears the Government
Stamp of Great Britain. to prevent aounterfeits.
Tm: FIRST THREE MONTHS or Buccaneer. AS was: Am!
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Afi'ectionn, Pain in the
Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Pnlyitutiou of
the Heart, Hysterical and Whites, these Pills will ”Test a.
cure when all other means have failed, and although a. pow
erful remedy, do not contain iron, calomal, antimony, or
anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet around each package,
which should be carefully preserved.
N. 13.—551,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au
thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing over 50
pills, by return mail.
For sale by 0. A. Human, Harrisburg. jfl-dawly
__...__+‘ _
HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT 0F BUGHU ! for Diseases ot'
the Bladder. Kidney, Gravel, Drop-Hy. 6m, 6w.
HELMBOLD-‘S Extract of Buehu for Secret and Deli
cate Diseases.
HELMBOLD’S Extract of Buchu for Nervous and De.
bilitated sufferers.
HELMBOLD’S Extract of Ruchu for Loss of Memory.
Loss of Power, Dimneas of Vision, Difliculty of Breathing;
Weak Nerves and Universal Lassitude of the muscular
HELMBOLD’S Extract of Buchu for an distressing ail
monts—Obstructiona, Irregularities, Excess in married
life, or early indiserefisns, Jim, and all diseases of the
sexual organs. whether existing in Male or Female, from
whatever cause they may have originated, and no matter
of how long standing.
HELMBOLD’S Extract of But-bu is nleasqnt in its taste
and odor. and immediate in action. Price $1 per bottle,
or six bottles for five dollar“, delivered to any address.
Depot, 104 South Tenth Street, Pbihdelphia.
Sold by JOHN WYETH, Draggist, comer of Market and
Second streets, Harrisburg. anIS-dfl-WSm
from the Independent, New York, July 28, 1859.
GLUE.—-oLu' advertising columns contain some testi
monies to the value of a. new article known as “Spam
iug’s Prepared Glue,” useful to housekeepers fol-mending
furniture. It is prepared with chemicals, by which it is
kept in the proper condition for immediate use, the
chemicals evaporating as soon as it is: applied, leaving
the glue to harden. We can assure our readers that this
article has the excellent phi-analogical quality of ‘ ‘Jarge
For sale by G. A. wannr, No. 2 Jonas’ Row
...-.. .-..-.“
Mothers, read this. “
The following is an extract from a. letter written by
a. pastor of the Baptist Church to the Journal and
Messenger, Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in
favor of that’world-reixowned medicine—MßS. WINS
Law’s Soo'mma Srnvr roe CHILDREN TBE'HHNG:
‘~' We see an advertisement in your columns of Mrs.
Winslow’s Soothingr Syrup. Now we never said a. word
in favor of a. patent medicine before in our life, but we
feel compelled to say to your readers, that this is no
humbug—wn HAVE rnmn IT, AND now 1': To In ALIA n
cums. It is, probably, one of the most successful
medicines of the day, because it is one of the best. And
those of your readers who have babies can’t do better
than to lay in a. supply. sep29-d&wly
New ’Ahncrtifiemeuts.
OARDING.—A number of Gentlemen
can be accommodated with good Boarding at Mrs.
SANDERS’, Locust street, between Second and Third.
OR RED! T.—A ‘Large Room In the
Brick Buildingon Market street, below Fifth. Has
been used the last five years for an ‘ 'Odd Fellowa’ Image ."
Apply to [noV2-6bcfi‘] J . R. 1131’.
PER, for which we will pay the very highest
market price in cash, at the EAGLE WORKS.
F O R S A L E—A Light Spring One-
Horse WAGON. Apply at Patterson’s Store, Broad
street, West Harrisburg. ocSI-dtf
A prime lot just received ”by
oc3o. . WM. DOCK, JR , & Co
M“ ~
MACHINE SEWlNG.——Machine Sew
ing done in the best manner, promptly and on the
most reasonable terms. Inquire at HOLMAN’S, four
doors above Market in Fourth street, or .two doors from
the Bethel Church. , ocSO—Gt’lP
For sale by [oc26] “VII. DOCK, Jn., & CO.
062611151; received by WM. DOCK, Jim, '3 CO
XT RA Sugar Cured Hams,
For sale by [01.1%.], WM. DOCK, 111., &Co
BLACKBERRIES, just received by
‘ cows. WM. DOCK, Jn.,&00,
CRANBERBIES—rA very Superior lot
' at [oct26.] WM. DOCK, JIL, & CO’S
V O T I C E .—The underagned havmg
1 Opened an English and Classical School for Boys in
the Lecture Room of what was formerly called the
u United Brethren Church,” on Front, between Walnut
and Locust streets, is prepared to receive pupils and
instruct then: in the branches usually taught in schools
of that character. The number of pupils in limited to
For information with regard to terms, £56., apply to
Rev. Mr. Ronmsox and Rev. Mr. UATTELL, or personally
to [ocZS-dtt] JAMES B. KING.
G 0 L I) ‘ M E D A L 2
HELD m 2 pucnnmo WEEK,
Wureroom for the CHICKERING PIANOS, M; Harris
burg. at 92 Market street,
Is prepared to do all kinds of work in the
Pays particular attention to MAKING AND PUTTING
can be found at all times at his residence, in the ram- of
the William Tell House, corner of Raspberry Ind Black.
berry alleys. lepZQ—dly
REMO v A L. 7
Has removed to
Where he will be pleased to see all his friends
Just received and receiv-Zu at JO ES! To3l}, Mur
ket Street, Harrisburg, smostgfieautifilzvl Stofk oral! kiPd-i
of DRY GOODS from Philadelphia and New York, which
grill be sold Cheap for Cash. Buyers will do themselves
#3:? by? Hing- Oarpets, Oil-cloth, ”This-‘3’ 1:125.
a. m c. nut ' ' n n an e
Talmufsgc. recexvmg, Clan : 00194de
g r. w. wnnnn, nephe‘? “‘1 "“3.“ b’ m"u "'
numbered late F. W- Weber, of Harrisburg, is prepared
to give leséons in music upon the PIANO, VIOLIN
CELLO, VIOLIN and FLUTE. He will give lesson; At
his residence, aqmel‘ of Locust street and River alley
Or at the h 011189 of pnpxla. SIZE-(1611:
Wiglgmtsmw cm,
K ELLER’S DRUG STORE is the place
or, buy Domestic Medicinal ,
K ELLER’S DRUG STORE is the plan
7 to and the belt assortment of Pom Mommies.
KELLER’S DRUG STORE is the place
to ‘ind anything in t). way of Permmry.