Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, November 02, 1860, Image 2

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    @912 3mm 62: Winn.
O. BARRETT & moms c. MAoDOWiLL. Pub
lisher: md Proprietors. -
“municatlonswfll not be published in the Puma!
A!» Union unless accompanied with the name of the
S. M. PETTENGILL, 55 00.,
Advertising Agents, 119 Nassau street, New York, and
10 State street, Boston, are'the Agents for the Pumow
”I"! Unox, and the mdst influential and largest circu
htlng newspapers in the United States and Canadas
they are authorized to contract for us at aux-lowest mtg:
Lacuna-hand Aunts PRESS p-Itcn 39,51 by 26 inches,
In good order; can be worked either by _hand or steam
lower. Terms moderate Inquire at thls ofiice.
nnrlofiii‘i'lifioiiifi'xc NOMINATIONS.
0 F 08. I'] ("r 01“ .
1% il= Tm: Goxsn'm'rxox Asp um EQUALITY or TEE
Bums .' THESE ARE smons or EvnnLAs-rme U‘SION.
lan! runs: n: in: BALLYING cnms OF THE noun.—
“Instead of breaking up the Union, we intend to
Itrengthen and to lengthen it.”——J. C. Bnncxrxmncs.
“We know no section as distinct from the other; we
know the Constitution and the States under it, and their
rights as guaranteed under that instrument’L-Jqsmrn
Democratic Electoral Ticket.
The following is the regular Democratic elec
{oral ticket formed by the Reading Convention.
As there are spurious tickets in circulation,
Democrats should be careful to compare their
tickets with this before voting :
Sectionalism—Lincoln the Candidate of a
Sectional Minority.
The Republicans profess to see great danger
from throwing the election into the House of
Representatives. The only danger from such
an event would be the defeat of LINCOLN, which,
however gelling to sectionalism, would be grati
fying to every national men in the country who
loves the whole Union better than any part of
If Lincoln should obtain a. majority of elec- ‘
total votes on TueS'lay next, he will become
the President. not only of one section of the
Union, but also of a minority of the voters of
the country. If a President of the United
States was to be chosen by a- direct vote of the
people, there would not now be the most remote
prospect of Lincoln’s election. The citizens
of the Southern States will vote against him in
3 solid body; while in the North he will have
arrayed against him a very large minority of
the people. In the aggregate, the sum-ages of
the citizens of the United States will be against
him. It is not likely that. he can obtain the
votes of more than one-third of the whole peo
ple; and yet under the forms of the Constitu
tion he may be elected President of the United
For this reason, there is no form of govern
ment upon earth where sectionalism is more to
he dreaded, and more dangerous in its consc
quences, than in these United States. It is
possible for a. minority of the people to choose
I President in defiance of the wishes of the
majority, who will administer the government
contrary to their interests and wishes.
This evil was foreseen by the founders of
the government, who warned the people against
the growth of sectional parties. Parties or
ganized upon any other basis did not occasion
apprehension, because, when difi‘used over
every section of the country, they created a
bond of union rather than antagonism and con
sequent weakness ; but a party confined to one
section of the country, and deriving its strength
and vigor from opposition to the interests of
another section, was one of the calamities
against which Washington solemnly warned his
countrymen in his Farewell Address. This he
{oresaw as the rock upon which this Union
might split; and huddle been aprophet he could
nothave described with more accuracy this sec
tional Republican party.
Is it surprising that the Southern States,
whose interests are defied by the Republican
party, should murmur at the inauguration of
an administration obtaining power by reason
of its hostility to rights which they deem sa
cred? Can any man wonder that the Southern
States should feel as if they were outside of the
government when a President is set over them ‘
ngainst whom they unanimously protest ? ‘
Suppose for one moment that the case was
reversed ; that the united South had a majority
of the electoral votes; that. they should com
bine to elect a President pledged to the dis“.
sion of slavery throughout all the States—and
that the North opposed and protested against
this policy of forcing upon them a sectional
ruler. Would we say that it was all right ‘2—
Would we submit without a murmur to South—
ern aggression? 0n the contrary, would not
we seek to secure our rights against the threat- ‘
ened danger. and earnestly-protest against such
a perversion of the spirit of the Constitution?
Would we not look upon the election of a sec
tional President, by a minority of the people,
as an outrage, aud'would we not- be agitated
and excited as much as the South now is?
Talk about the danger of throwing the elec
tion of President into the House! The mo
ment that is accomplished the danger is past.
{the people wouldthen feel assured that no see
tional candidate could possibly be elected, and
flat whether Breckinridge, Douglas or Bell be
me President, he would have the support of
Northern and Southern men, and administer
the government upon national principles.
Am ran GABIBALDI—An agent of Garibaldi
has arrived inJamaica, endeavoring to obtain
Subscriptions to the work of Italian independ—
ence. There is much feeling in 'favor of the
Liberator, and the movement is general
throughout the Islam].
From the Baltimore Exchange.
The star ot‘Garibuldi is once more in the as
cendont. He has not only cost himself loose
from all afi‘ilintion with the Mezzinian faction,
but he has gloriously retrieved his partial de
feat at Caserta by a. signal victory on the banks
of the Volturno. Capua, indeed, still holds
out, and the port of Gaeta, which is silo occu
pied by the loyalists, continues to offer to the
fugitive King an outlet of escape Whenever his
posltion becomes nolonger tenable. The offen
sive movement by which he sought. to recover
possession of his Capital was wisely planned
and ably executed. The loyalists were thirty
thousand strong, whilst. the entire force of the
Goribaldians did not. number more than fifteen
thousand; and of these. as the event proved,
the Sicilian and Neapolitan recruits Were not
to be depended upon. ‘* They made a. great
deal of noise,” says an eye-witness, “ but they
showed but little stomach for fighting.” The
positions held by the troops of the Liberator
were also week when compared with those
around Caplla. If these were forced there was
nothing to prevent the young King from re-en
tering Naples in triumph.
5 For several hours after the battle commenced
the fortunes of the day were in his favor. The
' Garibaldians were driven from the heights they
; occupied; a battery defending one of [he most
‘ important. points was captured and spiked, and
but for the personal daring of Garibaldi, and
the extraordinary exertions which were made
by his chief officers, the courage of his troops
would have given way under the tremendous
fire to which they were exposed, and the con
stant reinforcements that the enemy received
from Capua. The reserves on both sides were
brought into action, and so closely was the
battle contested, that there were times when it
seemed almost impossible to prevent the Nea
politans from hearing down all opposition. As
it was, the final result of the conflict amounted
to nothing more, on the part of the Garibaldi
ans, than the re-capture of the positions which
they had lost early in the day. The N eapoli—
tans, though driven back, had evidently not yet
lost all hope of success, for the next mprning
they made a desperate attack upon Caserta, the
head-quarters of Garibaldi—captured by sur
prise the barracks and some adjacent houses,
and might have succeeded in holding the town
and in clearing the road to Naples had not the
Piedmontese troops in garrison at Naples
promptly respomlccl to the call of Garibaldi.
The arrival by rail of these fresh and well
disciplined soldiers, speedily changedthe aspect
of afi'airs. In a. brief space of time the ~Nea
politans were routed. A part of them flying in
the direction of Madaloni were attacked and
scattered by the volunteers who held that post
under Bixio, and some prisoners were made.—
Five hundred others surrendered to the Pied
montese, and two battalions whilst retreating
eastwardly towards the river were intercepted
by the Brigade Saulis and captured almost to a
man. The remainder being out oil” from
returning to Capua took to the mountains. A
diversion in favor of the latter was attempted
the following day, but met with no success.—
So that of the five thousand men who surprised
and nearly carried Caserta on the morning of
the 2d of October, not more than afew hundred
succeeded in rte-entering Capua. As three
thousand Neapolitans are reported to have been
placed 11.07.? du combat in the battle of Volturno,
they must have lost in that engagement and
in those of the two subsequent day, including
the twenty-five hundred prisoners taken by the
Garibaldians and the troops dispersed among
the mountains, not far short. of eight thou—
sand men. Yet, in spite of all these losses,
the Neapolitans are so strongly fortified within
their lines at Capua, that Garibaldi has found
it necessary to call upon Sardinia for assist
ance. '
It is, perhaps, a fortunate circumstance for
Italy that the Dictator has received this tem
porary check in his career of conquest. He
has learned, by the reverse which he sustained
at Caserta on the 19th of September, and by
the loss of the strong position at Cajazzo—
which he has not been able to recover—and
still more by the changing fortunes of the bat
tle of Volturno—so hardly contested and finally
won with so much difliculty—how dangerous it
is to place implicit reliance upon mere valor
and enthusiasm, when opposed by troops supe
rior in numbers; by no means deficient in con
rage and tenacity of purpose, and altogether
better disciplined than his own. The lesson
has not been thrown away. He has accepted
—perhaps reluctantly, but loyally neverthe
less—the more prudent and circumspect policy
of Csvour. He has consented to abandon his
own cherished scheme of assaulting Austria in
her Venetian strongholds, and of humiliating
‘ the Roman Pontifl' by battering down the gates
of Rome. He has done even more than this.
He has yielded to the wishes of the Italian
population for immediate annexation to Sar
dinia, and by inviting Victor Emmanuel to repair
in person to Naples, for the purpose of taking
charge of the affairs of that Kingdom, he has
‘ virtually surrendered his authority as Dictator
to the monarch in whose name he has so nobly
fought the battle of Constitutional liberty.
With the re-establishment of a complete accord
between Garibaldi and the Sardinian Govern
ment, all doubts as to the future of Italy may
he said to have been dispelled.
Count Cavour has triumphed, but the tri
umph of the great soldier of Liberty has not
been less signal, for he has achieved a conquest
over himself, and at the height of his power
has subordinated his own prejudices to the will
of his King and to the good of his country.
The volunteers and the troops of Sardinia will,
henceforth, fight shoulder to shoulder, if more
fighting is yet. to be done. Cialdini is already
on the march from the Roman frontier to co
operate With the Garibaldians in the reduction
of Capua; but the battle of Volturno must
have admonished Francis 11. that his last
stake has been played and lost, and that any
further attempt to defend a position which is
now threatened on all sides would result in a
wanton sacrifice of life. Victor Emmanual has ‘
already entered Naples. Ten days ago the
Sicilians were called upon to register their
votes for or against annexation to Piedmont,
and the only territories now remaining, which
are not embraced within the present scope of
the Italian movement, are Venetia, and that
portion of the Papal States which is known as
“ The Patrimony of St. Peter.” For these,
Cavour is content to wait, and he has confi
dently intimated that he will not have to wait
LETTER FROM Mn. BBchlxninaE.—~The Ma
rion (Alan) Commonwealth contains the follow—
ing letter from Mr. Breckinridge in correction
of certain statements respecting his recent trip
in the mountain region of Kentucky:
LEXINGTON, (Ky.,) Oct. 15.
a Sir :-—lu answer to your letter of
the-”(gthpsngtant, I have to say that I have not
been making stump speeches in Kentucky, and
do not intend to do so. My speech at Ash-lend,
on the sth-of September, is the only pohtlcal
address I have made. Misrepresentauons of
me have been persisted in so unjustly, after
corrections made, that I have ceased to notice
them; but I thank you for the friendly mter—
est which prompted your letter.
"Yours, Very truly,
“JOHN C. Baecxmnman.”
The sanctum of the editor’ohd‘proprietor of
the lluntsman’s Echo, a sheet. printed in Ne
braska, presents sometimes stranue sights
“Last week,” the editor says, “ “110:1 two 09.
casions, from our office, we witnessaa the play
ful pranks of several antelope, and again a.
sprightly red fox came up near the enclosure,
but. cut and run when Towser came in Sight; 3
nice race they had, and both made time, but
reynard the best. A week ago two grimy
bears and three large wolves hove in sight.
and played round on the prairie at a safe dis
tance; the same chaps, probably, that made a,
tender meal from a good~sized calf of ours
that had been running out. The buffalo have
taken our caution, and for two weeks have not
troubled us.” ‘
Rmmnxnnnn SUICIDE IN Pants—A very
singular suicide recently occurred in Paris, ac
cording to a correspondent of a New York pa
per ; the victim being a lady in comfortable
circumstances, and arrived at the ripe age of
seventy-three years! A nephew of this old
lady, employed in a business establishment. in
the quarter of Montmartre, received, by the
post, a letter conceived in the following terms:
“ My dear nephew: When you receive this
letter i shall have ceased to exist! Atmy age
to commit suicide seems a singular idea, 1 ad
mit. I have passed my seventy-third birth—
day, and 1 have always been happy. But I
feel that the hand of infirmity is about. to be
laid upon me, and I wish to avoid it. Of what
use to me would be a few remaining years of
life if they are to he passed in wretched bodily
sufferings? You are my only relative and
universal legatee. l’ropriety will doubtless
induce you to shed a tear for me, but confess
frankly that you will not profoundly regret my
demise. It will place you in possession of a
snug fortune, and give your family a comfort
able position.
“All my affairs are in order, and you will
find the papers in the hand of my notary.—
The only obligations I desire to impose upon
you are these: First, not to sell my house, but
to retain it for yourself and descendants. Sec
ond, to publish, in my name, two volumes,
one of poetry and the other a novel, of which
lam the author. You will find the manuscripts
in my desk. If you cannot obtaiu'a publisher,
print. them at your own cost. lam sure you
will not hesitate to make this trifling sacri
fice to my memory, and you will be grate
ful to me for thus permitting you to enjoy my
heritage some time sooner than you had ex
pected. . You see lam a good hearted creature.
Show yourself worthy of so kind an aunt.”
The recipient of this extraordinary docu—
ment immediately hastened to his aunt's resi
dence, and found that the old lady had as
phyxiated herself by means of the fumes of
» EDITORIAL CONFLICT—High Words and Df7‘lf3.
Two editors recently indulged in a fight at Sa—
vannah (Md) The origin of the difficulty was
polities. The Savannah Plaindealer of Satur
day, 20th inst, was severe and bitter in its
remarks towards the editor of the Democrat,
and early in the morning Mr. Whitaker, the
editor of the Plaz'na’ealer, filled his arms with
mail matter and started for the post ofiice.—
Some obstruction in the doorway of the post
office caused him to look in at the window of
the post ofliee, and while so doing, and when
loaded down with mail matter, Mr. Weich made
an assault upon him from behind. Whitaker
was somewhat surprised, being ignorant of the
presence of his antagonist, and did not know
who his assailant was until he had been struck
two or three times, when he turned upon
Weleh. Whitaker dropped his mail upon the
pavement and drew a. pistol, but owing to his
proximity andhis antagonist being on his back,
he was unable to use it. Welch got hold of
the pistol and endeavored to wrest it from
Whitaker, when the barrel broke loose from
the stock. Whitaker then drew a. dirk knife,
with a backward stroke struck the point of the
weapon upon the upper‘front button of Mr.
Welch’s pantaloons. The bystanders quickly
interfered before Whitaker had time to knife
his opponent. Mr. Welch certainly narrowly
escaped with his life, for had the knife pene
trated his abdomen, where Whitaker seems to
have aimed it, it would have been a fatal and
sad blow.
the Cushion of am. Editor's Chain—Now that, Mr.
Thackeray has got a magazine, says the Lon
don Critic, he is determined that nothing he has
done shall be wasted. The “Roundabout Pa
per” is, undoubtedly, the best of the editor’s
contributions, because the freshest and most
suited to the feelings of the moment. In the
present one he dwells upon the griefs of editor
ship. “The Thorns in the Cushion” of the
editor’s chair. There is the sad pleading letter
begging for employment for charity’s sake, and
accompanying the weak effusions that are quite
useless. What editor has not received such,
and has not been compelled to return the inev
itable answer? Now you see what I mean by
a thorn. Here is the case put with true female
logic: “I am poor; lam good; lam ill; I
work hard; I have a sick mother and hungry
brothers and sisters dependent on me. You can
help us if you will.” And then I look at the
paper, with the thousandth part of afaint hope
that it may be suitable, and I find it won’t do;
and I knew it wouldn’t do; and why is this
poor lady to appeal to my pity, and bring her
poor little ones kneeling to my bedside, and
calling for bread, which I can give them if I
choose 2 N 0 day passes but that argument ad
vizisericordiam is used. Day and night that sad
voice is crying out- for help. Thrice it appealed
to me yesterday. Twice this morning it cried
to me ; and, I have no doubt, when I go to get
my hat, I shall find it, with its piteons face and
its pale family about it, waiting for me in the
hall. One of the immense advantages which
women have over our sex is, that they actually
like to read these letters. Like letters? oh,
mercy on us! Before I was an editor I did not
like the postman much—but now?
The New York Express of Monday evening
saysz—“The once gay and gallant ‘Beau Hick
man.’ who figured so conspicuously in Wash
ington City for many years, noted particularly
for his politeness to members of Congress and
others who would pay handsomely for being
shown the elephant of Washington and various
others cities to which he might be invited to
accompany political celebrities, was arrested
last Monday morning by detective Wilson,
charged with having perpetrated some confi
dence swindle on a gentleman living about
Abingdon Square. The particulars of the
transaction ware not ascertained by our reporter
up to 12 o’clock, the officers up to that time
being absent in search ot‘ the complainant.
Beau was taken to police headquarters and de
tained to await further progress in the case.
During the absence of the officers arresting
him, Beau was very anixous to go to the
Metropolitan Hotel to call on some gentleman
from Washington, whom he wished to aid in
extricating him from his present difficulties;
but he was not allowed to depart. Hickman,
evidently, is now on the wane, as his personal
appearance fails to indicate him to be in the
full tide of success.
.Sournnnn DISCRIMINATION Aonrns'r Nonrn
nun IxsnnAncn Commune—A large number of
insurance companies of the North have estab
lished agencies in this city and throughout the
South, which, for years past, have been doing a
large business. We are pleased to learn that
some of our leading mercantile houses have de.
termined tochange their insurers. 0n yester.
day a. firm that has $25,000 insured in four cam
ponies located at Hartford, Conn., one of the
policies having expired, took out a, new policy
in a. Southern insurance company. They have
determined, as soon as their policies expire,
which will be within a few days, to insure al
together in Southern companies. We under
stand there are agencies of six or seven relia
ble Southern insurance companies in this city,
and one English company, so that there win
he no necessity for continuing to enrich the cue.
mies of our institutions. The Hartford com
panies have become wealthy by doing an im
mense Southern business—Columbia (S. 0.)
DEATH 01‘ “ OLD J on. SWEENEY‘”—The origi.
nal banjoist, “ Old Joe Sweeney,” died at the
late residence of his father, in Appomatmx
county, Va., on the 27th ult., at about the age
0f forty-five years. He had tgaveled exten-
Sively in Europe and almost. enm-ely over the
United States, and enjoyed probably a. greater
rePutation than any other man as a. banjoist,
1”“ng been the first white man to introduce
the banjo to the public.
FATHER POINT, November 1.
The Steamer Bohemian has passed here, with
Liverpool dates of Thursday, the 18th 1111;.
Italian afi‘airs are unchanged.
lermroon, Oct. 18th.—Cotton has an ad
vancing tendency. All descriptions of bread
stufi's have ‘also advanced. Provisions are
The steamship Bohemian’s datesby telegraph
via. Queenstown, are to Friday noon. When
she left Liverpool there was'grent rejoicing,
consequent on the opening of a splendid free
library, presented to the town by William
Business was generally suspended.
The Queen had returned to Windsor Castle
from her viSit to her daughter, with recovered
The Times’ Paris correspondent says th'e de
parture of the Pope’s nuncio from Rome was
considered a. forerunner of the pope’s quitting
Rome. The same authority says that seldom
has the spirit of hostility been so general in
the Church of France, never so boldly dis
The pastoral circulars, allocutions andiser
mons all denounce, and all but implore, divine
vengeance on the invaders of the Papal States,
and by implication on the Emperor. The whole
prelocy has been aroused throughout the coun
The Paris bourse was firm.
Advices from Italy say that as soon as the
annexation of Naples and Sicily to Sardinia is
proclaimed, Garibaldi will resign his political
power and assume the functions of Commander
in—Chief of the land and sea forces of Southern
It was reported in Berlin that Russia. had
recalled its Ambassadors from Turin and given
the Sardinian Ambassador at St. Petersburg his
It. was reported that 14,000 Piedmontesc
troops had reached N nples. They will proceed
to Cuserto, to join the troops about. entering the
Roman frontier. .
ST JOHNS, N. F. Nov. L—The Cunard stesm~
ship Europa. passed Cape Race this morning,
and being intercepted by the news boat of the
Assouiated Press Liverpool advices of Saturday,
the 20ih ult., have been obtained.
The steamship Persia. arrived at. Liverpool
on the 20th.
The departure of the Russian Embassy from
Turin is oflicially announced.
LIVERPOOL, Oct. 20,—Breudstufi's are buoy
ant, and all qualities have .slightly advanced.
Flour firm and 6d.@ls. higher. Wheat buoy
ant, and I@2d. higher. Corn has an advancing
tendency, and holders demand higher prices.
Mixed 37@,375. 6d. '
Lennon MONEY Mann—Consols 93-22 for
money, and 93 for account.
Politics in Alabama.
Moxmommx’, Alan, Nov. ]
The Breckinridge and Bell parties are held
ing separate meetings this evening. They are
both largely attended. The speakers at the
Democratic meeting are urging resistance in
case of Lincoln’s election.
Nebraska. Election
Later and full returns from Nebraska elect
Mr. Daily, the Republican candidate for dele
gate to Congress, by one hundred and eleven
The London 001 m: Journal says:—A divorce
case, under peculiar circumstances, is likely to
attract public attention. A lady, belonging to
a. distinguished family, long hesitated between
two eligible suitors; she at length selected one
of them and was married, but soon fancied she
made a. wrong selection, and eloped with her
rejected suitor. Proceedings were instituted,
and she was among the first to avail herself of
Sir Cresswell Cresswell’s process of “Freedom
made Easy,” by marrying her guilty partner;
but she seems scarcely to know her own mind,
for she has since re-eloped with her first hus
band. Casuists are puzzled as to which she
may be disposed to like best.
The Portland Advertiser tells a story of one
of the sailors of the Brilish squadron who (le
serted from his vessel. It seems that twelve
years ago, he left his home in Maine, and
while in England got drunk and was “ pressed”
on board of a. John Bull frigate. His plea.
that he was an American only caused a closer
watch over him, and for twelve years he has
been an,English man-of-War’s man. Happen
ing to recognize a townsman who was visiting
the squadron he revealed himself, through his
aid procured a. disguise and safely deserted by
passing from the ship as one of the visitors.
It is a. pretty story, but is it true?
TRAGEDY IN Bosrox.-—ln Boston on Tuesday
afternoon J. G. Hernandez, n. Spaniard, pedlar
of fancy goods, fired two pistol shots at Miss
Fanny May, who had been employed as his
bookkeeper, and afterwards he fired a shotinto
his own body. Miss May was slightly
wounded; Hernandez, it-is Supposed, mortally.
He has a wife and children. The supposed
cause of the tragedy is unrequited and jeal
ous attachment toward Miss May, who is a
respectable and handsome young woman.
Ixrnmous FRAUD on FEMALES—A Despicable
‘ Scoundrel.—A day or two since a New York
‘ sharper landed in Philadelphia, and hired a
room at No. 213 Union street. He then adver
tised in the Ledger for young ladies to learn a
business which would pay from $7 to $lO per
week. Quite a number of females answered
the advertisement, and were told that they
must pay $lO each. This all except ten or
twelve of then declined. The latter paid over
the funds and were told to call next day. They
did so, and found the sharper had vanished
during the night.
. A “ Srnone-annn” Wanna—Mrs. l).
Lydia Sayer Hasbrouck, of Orange county, N.
Y., who insists that a woman should not be
taxed unless she is allowed to vote, has thought
to shame the collector out of his demand by
ofi‘ering towork out her road tax. The doctress,
having somewhat passed the bloom of youth,
made no impression upon the oficial, and
therefore, instead of paying under protest, as
some of her sisters do, she went upon the road
and drove a cart. 2
1 Tan DEATH or GEN. CLARK—Brent Briga
dier Gen. Clark, Commander of the Department
of California, who died in San Frandisco on
the 17th inst, of chronic diarrhoea, has served
in the U. S. army since 1812, was through the
war in Mexico, and was promoted to the dis
tinguished position occupied at the time of his
'death for meritorious conduct at the seige of
Vera. Cruz. .
THE ORIGIx.—-Torchlight processions were
'designed more than two thousupd years ago.‘
See 1 Maccabees, iv. 22, wherein account is
given of the high priest: Jason, who escorted
Kidg Aniiochus into Jerusalem “ with torch
light. and great shoutings.” Jason lived in the
fourth century B. C.
Butler, a slave belonging to the estate of Dr.
James Higgins, in Montgomery county, Md.,
and who ran away in 1,856, was arrested a. few
days ago in Washington city, where he has
ever since resided under the name of Charles
Smith. He had married there and passed him
self of as free.
Tm: KANSAS Surrnnnns.—Bishop Potter,
of Pennsylvania, has issued a. pastoral letter to
the ministers and memlers of the Protestant
Episcopal Church in his diocese, laying before
them the condition of the starving people of
Kansas, and recommending that individual
and congregational ofi‘erings he made for the
relief of the suffering.
A large quantity of sorghum is being grown
in North Carolina this season.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 1
No. 7. THE AMABIN will' cure the Whites radically,
md in a much Shogter time than they can be removed by
any other treatment. In fact, is the only remedy that will
really correct this disorder. Pleasant to take. Price One
No. 8. THE ORIENTAL PASTILS are certain, safe and
speedy in producing MENSTRUATION, or correctin any
Irregularities of the monthly periods. Price Two Doflara.
Either Remedy sent free by mail on receipt of the price
annexed. Enclose postage stamp and get a Circular.
General Depot North—East corner of York Avenue and
Callowhill Street. Private OMce 401 York Avenue, Phila.
dolphin, Pa.
For sale in Bari-burg only'by O. A. BANNVART, where
circulars containing valuable informatien, with full de.
“ripfiona of each case, will be delivered gratis. on appli.
cation. N Address DR. DELI BRUNON
”1411: p. 0. Box 99, Philadelphia, in.
An experienced nurse and female physician, has e Booth
ing Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitate
the process of teething by softening the gums, reduci as
inflammation—will allay all pain, and in sure to rengnte
the bowels. Depend upon it mothere, it will give real: to
yourselves, and relief and health to your infants. Per
ectly safe in all easel. See advertisement in another col
umu. ' “319,1859-1182171]
The combination of in redlents in t): ‘
fesultpf a. long- aud exteisive pmctic:e‘.es;‘l’l?¢:;l 33:: 213:;
in 3:11.61]? operation, and certain in correcting all irre
Ignace, painful menstruration, removing all obst gu-
Imons, wpether from _cold or otherwise headache mic
m the aide, palpntatxon of the heart ’whites all pm 11
Poussaflfigtusnis; hlsglancs, fatigue, pail’! in the ’backlfilla
m-5 ' '
tgon o’f natiu'a. ur sleep, which arms from interrup-
was the commencement of a new era in the treatment
of those irregularities and obstructions which have con
signed so many thousands of the young, the beautiful,
and the beloved to a PREMATURE GRAVE. Nofemale can
enjoy good health unless she is regular, and whenever
an obstruction takes place the general health begins to
are the most efiectunl remedy ever known for all com
plaints peculiar to Females. To all classes they are in
valuable, inducing, wizh certainty, periodical regularity.
They are known to thousands, who have used 'them at
different periods, throughout the country, having the
sanction of some of the most eminent Physicians in
America. .
Explicit dincn'ons, stating when, and when they
should not be used, acgorppany each_bux——the Price Om
Dollar each bar, contammg forty Palls:
A valuable Pamphlet, 1.0 be had free, of the Agents.
Pills mm by mail Wampzzy, by enclosing price to the
General Agent. gold by drugg'xsts generally.
11.. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent,
14 Broadway, New York.
Sold in Harrisburg by 0. A' BANNVART
decI ’59-d&wly
PosrorrmE Alanna—Maryland and Penn
leam‘a.—At Dunkirk, Calvert county, Md.,
Charles H. Johnson is appointed postmaster,
Vlce David P. Smith, declined. The office at
Qumcy, Franklin county, Pa., is rte—established
and Band Wertz appointed postmaster. Wm.
W. FTGDCh is appointed postmaster at Eagle
Foundry. Huntingdon County, Pa.., Vice Nathan
G. Horton, resigned.
TAKIXG THE VElL.—Fifty-fivc young ladies
took the white veil on let ult., at the Convent
of the Sisters of Notl‘e Dame, Milwaukic, “’53.,
and eighteen the black veil on the Bth, in the
some establishment.
Aarnes, a, leading merchant and well-known
citizen of Plymouth, Mass, committed suicide
on Mondoy by drowning. Cause, mmtal de
Annexe—The population of Arkansas is
likely to exceed 500,000, and she will pl‘obttbly
be entitled to four, if not five Representatives
in Congress. She now sends but two.
Everett men and Democrats have fused on mem
bers of Congress in the third, fourth, fifth and
seventh congressional districts.
of slaves who have escaped from the counties
of Bourbon and Fayette, Ky., within the last
month, is estimated at $16,000. '
The family of Mr. Faulkner, the American
Minister, has returned to Paris from Switzer
land and gave their first dinner and reception
on the 9th ult.
SORROWS come soon enough without despon
dency; it does a. man no good to carry around
a. lightning rod to attract trouble.
The Bell and Everett vote in Ohio, at the late
election, was a. little over 8,000. In 1856 Fill
more had over 28,000.
For the prevention and Cure of all those difiicultics towhich
the female system is peculiarly liable, arising from
These Pills have never been. known to fail whe n the
dirertions have been strictly followed, and they are
perfectly sofa in lake by the most delicate.
'l.‘o MARRIED LADIES they are particularly recom
mended, as they prevent dimculties, and restore nature,
no matter from what cause the obstruction may arise. A
few days in most cases will produce the desired afloat; and
although so powerful, yet no injury will ever result fxom
their use. But those who are pmghant should not use
them. as they have an efieot contrary to nature. Pamphlets
detailing their virtues, with numerous certificates from Well
known physicians and apotheoaries, can be had on applica
tion to the agent, who will send the Pills, if desired, by
mail, post-paid, to any address, on receipt of the moneys
Sold in boxes cont lining sixty pills, by all the principal
druggists and dealers, and by DYOTT &. 00., wholesale
agents, North Second str‘ et, Philadelphia.
Superseding Cunans, Comma, CAPSULES, ox- any compnund
that bug ever been before the puple. It has been used by
In their private practice, with entire success, in all cases
For diseases of a. private nature ; a rare isfrequently p 27-
fomzed in a week, and entire confidence may be placed in
them. This remedy is a. newly discovered specific, more
active and speedy in its effects than Cubebs or Copmba
alone. The pills are half the size of Capsules, and never
nauseate the stomach, or impregnate the breath. Six dr. zen
pills in a. box—price one dollar, and will be sent by mail,
post-paid, by the agent, on receipt of the money.
Sold by all the principal druggists and dealers, and by
DYOTT & 00., wholesale agmts, North Second street,
Philadelphia. 0 nov2-eodddbwly
All the ingredients of Bnnxonern’s PILLS are purgative,
and act in conjunction to open, detach, dissolve, cleanse,
cool, heal, and so carry out of the body whatever injures
it. By being digested like the food, they enter into and
mix with the blood to search out and remove all bad
humor-s. They dissolve all unnatural collections, cleanse
the blood, and cure tubercles, ulcers, &c., let them he
in what part of the system they may. They injure no
part of the body. They carry away nothing that is good.
They only remove What is bad. They assist nature,
agree with it, act with it, and always do their workwell.
Their use has saved many a. valuable life.
Sold, price 25 cents, at No. 294 Canal street. New York
and by all Druggiats. Also, by GEO. 11. BELL, corner
of Second and Chestnut streets, Harrisburg, end by all
respectable dealers in medicines. oct9—d&wlm
almost immediate cure of CANKER in the MOUTH,
or TYPHUS FEVERS, or any other cause—soll.ll} NIP
It is the best purifier for the breath of anything ever
offered to the public.
To whiten and preserve the teeth, apply with abrush;
it will instantly remove all tartar and other foreign sub
stances and leave the teeth as white and clear as pearls.
It is entirely free from acids and all poisonous sub
stgnces, and can be used upon an infant with perfect
as. uty.
It is a. valuable article for every family to have in the
house, as itwill remove pain from cuts and burnsquicker
than anything known. This medicine is used as a. wash
or gargle. We will warrant it to give satisfaction in
every case. Price 25 cents per bottle.
lpfilrfipfll Z‘Vholesale Depot, CONRAD FOX, 81, Bar
cay s . N. .
Sold in autism-5,? wholesale and retail, by D. W.
(moss an 00., G. . REILY, 0. K. KELLER, J.
WYETH and G. W. MILES. seplo
Dr. Bruonn’s Concentrated Remedies.
No. I. THE GREAT REVIVER. speedily eradicates all
the evil effects of BELLABUSE, as Loss of Memory,
Shortness of Breath, Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heart,
Dimness of Vision,.or any constitutional derangements of
the system, brought on by the unrestrained indulgence of
ihe passions. Acts alike on either sex. Price One Dollar.
NO. 2. THE BALM will cure in from two to eight due,
any case of GONORBBOEA, is without taste or smell, and
requires no restriction of action or dies. For either sex.
Price One Dollar.
.No. 3. THE TEREB will cure in the shortest possible
time, any case of GLEET, even after all other Remedim
have failed to produce the desired efl‘ect. No taste or smell.
Price One Dollar.
No. 4. THE PUNITER is the only Remedy that will
really cure strictures of the Urethra. No matter of how
long standing or neglected the case may be. Price One
DOl ar. , _ _ ,
No. 5. THE SOLUTOR will cure any case of GRAVEL,
permanently and speedily remove all afilictions of the
Bladder and Kidneys. Price One Dollar.
WE call the attentlon of our readers to
an article advertised in another _colnmn, called BLOOD
FOOD. It is an entirely new discovery, and must not
be confounded with any of the numerous patent medi
cines of the day. It is noon non ma moon, already
prepared for absorption; pleasant to the teete and natu
ral in action, and what one game he retains. Let all
those, then, who are sufl'ermg from poverty, Impurity 0r
deficiency of blood, and consequently wnth some chronic
disease or ailment, take of _this BLOOD FOOD and be re.
stored to health. We notice that our druggiats have
received a. supply of this article, and also of the world
renowned Dr. Enwox’s Ixnmm CoRDuL, which every
mother should have. It contains no paragoricor opiate
of any kind whatever, and of courge must be invaluable
for all infantile complaints. It Will allay all pain, and
soften the gums in process of teething, and at the Same
time regulate the bowels. Let all mothers and nurses,
who have endured anxious days and sleepless nights,
procure a. supply and be at once relieved.
IL7? See advertisement. aul’i-ddzw3m
James Ciarke’s Celebrated Female Pills, Elie-pared from a
prescrip'ion of Sir J . Clarke; M. D., Physxclan Baum-(1:-
nary _to'the Queen.
This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cule of all
those painful and dangezons diseases to which the female
constitution is snhjcct. It moderates all excess and re—
moves all obstructions, and a. speedy cure may be relied on.
itis peculiarly suited. It. will in a short time bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government
Stamp of Great Britain. to prevent counterfeits.
THE FIRST THREE MONTHS or anmxcy, AS mm? mm
3mm TO 31mm on Mlsonmues, EDT A! ANY on!“ nun
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affection, Pain in the
Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of
the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills willefi'ect a
cure when all other means have failed, and although a pow
erful remedy, do not contain iron, calome], antimony, or
anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet around each package,
which should be carefully preserved.
N. 13.—51430 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au
thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing over 50
pills, by return mail.
For sale by G. A. BAxxum', Harrisburg. jy'l-dawly
the Bladder, Kidney, Gravel, Dropsy, Jun, 6w.
HELMBOLD’S Extract of Buchn for Secret and Deli
cate Diseases.
HELMBOLD’S Extract of Buchu for Nervous and De
bilitated sufl'ererfi.
HELMBOLD’S Extract of Buchu for Loss of Memory,
Loss of Power, Dimness of Vision, Difficulty of Breathing,
Weak Nerves and Universal Laesitude of the muscular
S S .m.
yHELMBOLIZNS Extract of Buchu for all distressing ail—
mente-Obstructione, Irregulafities, Exeese in married
life, or early indiscretions, 6am, and all diseases of the
sexual organs. whether existing in Male or Female, from
whatever cause they may have originated, and no matter
of how long standing.
HELMBOLD’S Extract of Bncbu is pleasant in its taste
and odor, and immediate in action. Price $1 per bottle,
or six bottles for five dollars, delivered to any address.
Depot, 104 South Tenth Street, Pbiladelphis.
Sold by JOHN WYETH, Druggist, corner of Market and
Second streets, Harrisburg. aul3-dkw3m
from the Independent, New York, July 28, 1859.
GLUE.—Our advertising columns contain some $O5“
monies to the value of a. new article known as “ Bpald
ing’s Prepared Glue,” useful to housekeepers for-mending
furniture. It is prepared with chemicals, by which it is
kept in the proper condition for immediate use, the
chemicals evaporating as soon as it is applied, leaving
the glue to harden. We can assure our readers that this
article has the excellent phrenological quality of “large
For sale by c. A. BAXNVART, No. 2 Jones’ Row
Mothers, read this.
The following is an extract from a. letter written by
a. pastor of the Baptist Church to the Journal and.
Messenger, Cincinnati, Ohio, and. speaks volumes in
favor of that world-renowned medicine—MßS. WINS
Low’s Soornmo Srnur son CHILDREN Tsmnma:
“ We see an advertisement in your columns of Mrs.
Winslow’s Soothing Syrup. New we never said a. word
in fawor of a patent. medicine before in our life, but we
feel compelled to say to your readers, that this is no
humbug_wn mve rmen 11‘, AND xsow rr wo an ALL 11-
CLAIMS. It is, probably, one of the most successful
medicines of the day, because it is one of the best. And
those of your readers who have babies can’t do better
than to my in a supply. sep29-ddzwly
Ncm fihnmiseu‘wntg.
BOARDIN G.—-A number of Gentlemen
can be accommodated with good Boarding at Mrs.
SANDEBS’, Locust street, between Second and Third.
nO2-2td. __A
FOR BEN T.—A Large Room in the
Brick Building on Market street, below Fifth. Has
been used the last five years foran “Odd Fellows’ Lodge.”
Apply to [nov2—6td9?] J. R. EBY.
PER, for which we will pay the very highest
market Iprice in cash, at the EAGLE WORKS.
nol-d m
F 0 R s A L E_A Light Spring One—
Horsc WAGON. Apply at Patterson’s Store, Broad
street, West Harrisburg. oc3l-dtf
A prime lot just received by
oc3o. WM. DOCK, JR ,6; Co
ing done in the best manner, promptly and on the
most reasonable terms. Inquire at HOLMAN’S, four
doors above Market in Fourth street, or two doors from
the Bethe] Church. oc3o-6t’!‘
For sale by [0026] WM. DOCK, Jn.,&CO.
oczfiJust received by WM. DOCK, JIL, &CO
E XT R A Sugar Cured Hams,
For sale by [001126.] WM. DOCK, 111., 65 Go
BLACKBERRIES, just received by
oct'ZG. WM. DOCK, 3., & CO,
CRANBERBIES—A very Superior lot
,‘ at [oct26.] WM. DOCK, In, a; 00’s
V O T I C E .—The underSJgned havmg
L opened an English and Classical School for Boys in
the Lecture Room of what was formerly called the
“ United Brethren Church,” on Front, between Walnut
and Locust streets, is prepared to receive pupils and
instruct them in the branches usually taught 111 schools
of that character. The number of pupils is limited to
twentyfiive. _ _
Forinformation with regard to terms, Jno., apply to
Rev. Mr. ROBINSON and Rev. Mr. CATTELL, or personally
to [0025-dti] JAMES B. KING.
G 0 L I) M E l) A L 2
nun m: Pnncsmna wmm, ‘
Wareroom for the CHICKERING PIANOS, at Harris
burg‘ at 92 Market street,
C . F . VOLL M E R
In prepared to do all kinds of work in the
Pays particular attention to MAKING AND PUTTING
can be found at all times at his residence, in the rear of
the William Tell House, corner of Raspberry and Bleek
berry alleys. BBpZQ-dly
REMO v A L '
Has removed to
Where he will be pleased to see all his friends.
Just received, and receiving, at JONES’ STORE. Mar
ket Street, Harrisburg, a most beautiful Stock orall‘kinds
of mu: GOODS from Philadelphia. and New York, which
will be sold Cheap for Cash. Buyer; will do themselves
{trace by falling. ISarpettz, oil—cloth, Blankets, 1833519:
A a ing, 0.. us receivin Cloalis Arabim 3
Talmu. kc. ~ g, ’ 00.19-Ide
F. W. WEBER, nephew and tpnght by tye well re.
mempered late 13'. W. Weber orHfl-rrisburg, 13 prepared
to give lessons in music a?” the 1315?“), VIOLIN.
CELLo, VIOLIN and FLUTE' He wlll gwe lessons at
his residence, corner of Locust street and River alley
or at the homes of pupils. su2s-dflm
ED and '- - a
Kgfiffifin 2333121 STORE is the place
KELLER’S DRUG STORE is the place
to find the beat assortment of Porto Monnaiea.
KELLER’S DRUG STORE is the place
to find anything in tl. way of Perfumery.