THE GOIN'S OF JAPAN. =CM The Columbia. South Gmrolim’an publishes an sflicle on the Coins of Japan. from the pen of the Aasayer of me North Carolina. Mint. We cas “ All opponunity 5135 been recently :ztfortle-l no examine a quantity of Japugese coins, both gold and silver. of difi‘erent values, by the cour tesy of a gentleman cniineetell with the house of Bail, Black .‘4. Company, in New York, where large oval eo'mmgs of gold and itzehus of sil ver. cost- in moulds and duly impressed for gen eral distribution. present an earlier type of coinage than our own: though conducted by difi'erem, processes. each proposes to perform the same important otiice. for trade. . "Exertions were made at. the mint of the United SL‘MeS in Philadelphia, to satisfy 'the :gecinl demands of the Japanese envoys with regard to the examination and (incision of the exact. Values of their coins compared with those of other commercial countries. while we have ‘ been oflered by them seine means to compre‘ ‘ hand an eastern plan for money accounts—l None ofthe Japanese ambassadors sent to this 13 country were instructed in the arts of coinawc, but were directed to have assays made of entire eoixm, possessing little faith in processes con ducted upon so small a scale :is we confide in from modern experience. The chief men would give us: information with regard to their own practises in mintnge. nor whether their nrtizans user! mineral acids or not; but after the. affair was satisfactorily over, they stated to the uni cers of the min: that, although, the standards arokeixt secret in Japan, they aim to malie‘ their gold equal to 273-thousunrlths fine, (i. c. 57.3 per cent. of pure. metal.) So they know something about assaying. In order to accom modate the envoys and fulfil the special in structions by which they acted, the nssayer at. the mint made preparations to ascertain the exact, amount of fine gel-j or fine silver in each piece of coin separately, and for that purpose used large eupels for the assay of Whole coins, as the Japanese urged: while at the some time he put. some of our own coins through the some clumsy process. Strange to them, in all 'in stances the result pruned the same as by the ordinary and more easy trial of a smaller por tion (the half of a French gramme} : the fact being assured, by constant experience in me tallurgical manipulations, that any portion of r—t coin or bar of well melted metal coninius exactly the same proportions throughout its mass. The exceptions in this are i-su-e and well understood. “By a. fanciful belief in the power of num bers, or from. some practical advantages in ex changes. severui eastern nations, instead ofdi-. riding their standard by two, have. subdivided the siiver ounce by three: so that the silver rupee of India, and the silver itzehu of Japan are found very nearly of the same value as forty cents of our money. preeisely equivalent in value to one-third of the. commercial ounce avoirdupois of uncoinetl hut purified silver.— The proportions enli-etl uroirdoyois by us are well known throng-inn: China, as welins in all the inland (mule of Asia and Airing. Such close relation: between ancient. and modern ratios in weight become highly important in our tr‘tde with eastern nations. By proper ind equitable :nljnstment, the standard of the United States may be manic. to regulate their unions emrtncirs without the. incessant (le, -.«’i"'.!':fi3lt t.-;x_~:;pel.:‘.i':c~ly M'epared coins, which n m gun-mils. for Witt! of one cozzinzon standard for :i‘lfifilt‘ul reference and ailjnstment. ‘- The whole 5:. sh z-; !_i' tut-milk: rnluntiun de pends noon weights, 2:5 measureset'quauiiiies, '1_I!1-‘_lilt‘3, and prrf;=::.ion'~x Equal weights of the gracious turn-ii: :i‘ the fame standard of {rarity or finrn:z~‘.- are cquim'itnl in value every where through-. 511 the commercial world. Their mornanfiir worth does not (ti-pend upon innnu fa. Lure or C3lfl:L‘-,5C. which affords :m undoubted ezonrenienee fur the {t-‘fipln in the ordinary payments :‘tzui irz‘insuezizms of 2151112. Yet. the V'lili'li of go‘sd :uni sin-er are intrinsic. and it has sometimes heen found that bars of time gold hour =l. prciiaiainz above coins for exportatiun, on account of fixeilities in transient-ration, and cuicnlations n: 2 distant max-hat. "The iiniitczi intercourse of the Japanese ‘ hitherto wit \ foreigners may have caused the.! intrude-cum: of cct‘[:.lfl aim-rations in their i ordinary proportions in central :1 _conu‘noted trade \"liil tic-Elam. ‘l': oi:- eoius are now found l very much deteriorated in quality from the {53.1.1 standard oi fineness common among enst- ‘ era: nations: it‘eing eumiaosed mostly of equal part-n of iize metal and alloy. The Japanese eerzninly unu‘erssuuil the art of presenting a nag-:3,- tine surface t.) coins of inferior qualities. by :: prucew Cilllsa "pickling; well known ‘ among workers in irrrcions metals. 1 -- “'9;- must ascertain smnething more of the i 513.14.33.33 character of sh:~i.=- mmmerc—ial relations with swingers before its tail decide the cauScs which have led to obvious changes in their can‘t-24:5 within :aliinisel period, tot-Ihe values in iln- gold and silver coins of Japan htn‘e certainly undergone some. recent» alteration.— varrt i‘ one point of high importance which seems wanting in modern Japanese currency— the orjuslmen: of n fixai commercial propor— tion between gold and silver pieces. -- The Tuliv which (after warrant-iota of dif ferz-nt proporiions) was decided upon for the maetire of the mint of the United States, was 13113.! ofthenvoirdupois ot‘Spnin, 10 to 1 ; which is found also to prevail throughout the com-r meme/and exchanges of the vast. empire of China. Some irregularities, either by intention or accident, have been admitted into the propor tion of lll‘! value of silver to gold, which new expose the J npnnese to great loss in exchnngos, and have oblige-l than: to place restrictions upon the exportation of gold.” Esausn l’nonxcmmsms.—lt were worth like while of one curious in such mauers to collect, the provincialisms current in New Eng land, and supposed to be halite here. We find ace-asienal noie made of most of them as pecu luarizies in Europe. “Notes and Queries” quotes the word “gllmptifin,” signifying acute— ness, as “still in use in the South of Scotland.” It is :2iil in use in Massachusetts, and was the trial: cf an excellent lecture by W. W. Clayp, 3x2. 01 the Evening Gazette. “Bug" is said by Ihe same authority, to be used in Lincolnshire in: “grand.“ “lie is very Lug of it.” Now who has not heard Yankees use the yhmse “big bugs?” “Daisy.” in Lincolnshire means e}:— celicm. “She is a a'azlwy lass to work."—— “Tim's the daisy” is a common exclamation ,ams-Azg the Yankee bugs, or was so when we were on? "f“ them. The list of supposed “Yankeexsm': ‘ might be indefinitely extended: §-'Blld almost in every case the provincialisms of '{gew England, and of other pans of the United ' 'ta‘ies as well, would be found to be, no: ’7 Americanisms, bun impel-led. Some few, and those among. the quaintest. however, are origi ml, and have grown out of incidents, accidents or situations peculiar to the New World, and its new exigencies and custcms. A Pm“. Flour STOPI’EE’ BY A Wmiax.——- The (N. Y.) Times says: “A difficulty occurred at. a ball given on Wednesday night. between two men named J. Wheeler and Jack Brunn, which culminated in a challenge to a. fisiic combat, in accordance with the rules of the London prize ring. Yes terday, about. two o’clock, the panics left. in carriages, accompanied by anumber of friends, for the scene of conflict, Which had been chosen on the Postenkm plank mad, about three miles from the city. The fight was begun in regular and approved fashion, and had progressed to the sixth round, when an unexpected interrlip lion occurred in, the arrival of a sister of Bram, who came in a carriage, rushed between the gopbatams, and, throwing her arms around lgbrother, put a stop to the melee. The hikers, shame-faced by the arrival of the 'o'” ~ scattered and left the field. So far .5 fight progressed, Wheeler was the worst Mmgone of his eyes was closed, and he I“ We bad!y bruised about the head and Mvmu some talk of a second meeting ummfi; Wm” mm: Guild. i r HE ONLY PREPARATION i run ms ‘ STOUD THE TEST OF YE ABS, AND GROWS MORE ALEJAMORE POPULAR EVERY . Y! Al)“ tE'SlilllODlnlS, new, and almost without number, might be 81 Yen from ladies and gentlemen in all grades 0f HOGiGIY: whon‘e lull-Gd testimony none could resist, gatgl’rng.x:fi: Haxrtlfleaiorotive will restore the hold 1 .. 'serre e ir‘. ‘ .- in all iis youthful baauty. a o! the youth to old age, BATTLE CREEK, Mic-11., Dec. 2], 1853. ‘ PRO? . WOOD : 'l‘heu wilt please accept:- 3 line to inform .1108 that the han‘ on n}; head fell off over twenty years “5‘5 mused by'a complicated chronic disease, attended “*1! 3m eruption on the 1101111. A continual course of eufi‘enng through life hm ing reduced me to a. state of degendence, I have not been able to obtain stuff for crept, neither have I been able to do them up, in consequence 0f _nglch my head has suti'erud extremely from cold. This induced me to pay Briggs & Hodges almost the last cent I had on earth for a. two dollar bottle of thy Huir Restorative about the first of August last. .1 have faith fully followed the directions, and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black. though short; it is also coming in all over my head. Feeling confident that another large bottle would restore it. entirely and per manently, I feel anxious to persevere in its use, and be ing destitute of means to purchase any more, I would ask thee if then \vonldet not be. willing to send me on order on thine agents {or a bottle, and receive to thyself the scripture declaration—“ the reward is to those who are kind to the u idow um! father-less.” 1 Th; friend, SUSANNAH KIRBY. Liner-7121:, Noble Co , Indiana, Feb. 5, 1559. Peer. 0. J. Woo»: Dear Sim—ln the latter part of the yam-1852, while attending the State and National Law School of the State of New York, my hair, from a cause unknown to me, commenced falling off very rapidly, I so that in the short space of six months, the whole up per part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft: of its covering, and much of the remmning portion upon the side and back part of my head shortly after became grey, so thnt you will not be surprised when I tell you that upon my return to the Stole of Indiana, my more casual acquaintances were no: so much at a. loss to discover the cause of the change in my appearance, as my more inti mate acquaintances were to recognize me at all. I at mm: nmdo application to the most skillful physi cians in the country, but, receiving no assurance from them that my hair could again be restored, I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part of the year 1857, your Restorative was . recommended to me by a druggisb. as being- the most re liable Hair Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired effect. Since that time, I have used sewn (lol lnrr.’ worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can buy. As a. mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of so wonderful unurticle, I have recom mended its use to many of my friends and acquaintances who, I z-m happy to inform you, are using it with like ell‘ect. Vex-y respectfully, yours, A. M. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot 4;: Broadway, and sold. by all dealers through out the world. 0. ;. WOOD £5 00., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New Yark, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. aul?-d&,w3xu E1i373é"6”31"'1¥3 " 'iV’TJE—EF TO THE LADIES [NEXT-'5 “121.0031 0F BUSES,” a. rich and delicate color for the cheeks and lips, WILL NOT WASH 01!, EYE OFF, and when once applied runmins durable for years. mni IL-d {ran in bottles for $l.OO. ‘ HU‘NT’S ‘ COURT TOILET pownnngr imparts 9. dazzling whiteness tn the complexion: and is unlike any thing elsemfcd for this purpose. mailed free for 50 cents. BENT'S “ BRITISH BALM,” remove: tan, freckles, sunburn and all eruptions of the skin, mailed free for 50 HUNT’S “IMPERIAL POM A D E,” for the hair, strengthens and improves its grow‘h. keeps it from (all ing 011‘. and warranted TO MAKE THE HAIR CURL, mailed free fur $l.OO. HUNT-'5 ‘- PEARL BHAUT‘IFIER,” for the teeth and gums, cleanses and \vhitens the teeth, hardens the gums, purifies the breath efi‘ectually, PRESE RV E S THE TEngoAKD PREVENTS TOOTH-ACRE, mailed free for 1. . . HI‘NT’F =‘ BRIDAL‘VREATH PERFUME,” adouble extggct of orange blossoms and cologne, mailed free for $l. . This (‘xqui‘iivc perfume was first used by thePRINCESS ROYAL. OF ENGLAND. on her marriage. MESSRS. HUET .5: CO. presented the PRINCESS with an elegant case of Perfumery. (in which all of the above articles were included.) in handsome cut-glass with gold stoppers, valued at $l5OO, particulars of which apyeared in the public prints. All the above articles sent FREE by ex press tor $5.00. Cash can either accompany the order or be paid to the vxprcss agent on delivery of goods. HUNT 6t. 00., chfumers tn the Queen, Rum-:5": S-nucm'. Laxpox, ASL) 70? Sgnson 51113313 The Trade supplied. Pinninuu-uu. sopJ—dly 4:30th5. UNITED STATES HOTEL, scum EAST 001 mm or 1111: AND 1| A {nil-2T mums; ADJOI‘SING THE PENN S YLVAJX 1A RA] L- ROAD DEPOT. PHIL ADELPHIA. The undersigned would respectfully inform the Public that he has taken the above Hotel. formerly knnwn as ‘- THE MAN-5103’ HOUSE,” whiCh he has refitted and newly furnished throughout. The Eooms are spacious and cmnmofiious. and furnished “‘i Lh every convenience to be found in the best Ilofiels in the city. The 2UNITED STATES” is admirablylocated for the convenience of travelers, being under the same roof thh the Pennsylvanian. Railroad Depot, and thus saving both hack hire and porter-age of baggage. No pains will be spared to render the -- UNITED STATES ” u pleasant and ugrccable residence to all who may favor it with their patronage. Charges moderate. 9922—4341va H. )‘V. KANAG A 1 Proprintar. B if 19; E L ENE. 11 ARKET SQUARE‘ HARRISBURG, PA. GEO. .I. BOLTON, Pam-airman. CARD. The ahmc vie-ll known and long established 110th is now undergoing a thornugh renovation: and. being in a great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorship of Mr. GEORGE J. Bonus, who has been em inmate of the house for the last three years; and is well known in its guests. Thankful for the libersl patronage which it has on jnyed, I cheerfully commend Mr. Bolton to the public favor. _ie7-dazwy WILLIAM BUEHLIER. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, BRGiDVVAY, NEW Yulzli When completed, six years ago, the St. Nicholas was universally pronounced the most magnificent, conve nieM:= and thoroughly organized establishment of the, kind on this continent. What it was then, it remains today—without a firm! in size, in sumptuousncss, and in the general element: of comfort and enjoyment. The Hotel has accommodations for ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED GUESTS, including ONE HUNDRED COMPLETE SUITES ,OF .4 PA R TMENTS for families. SIX. HUNDRED PERSON S can be comfortably seated at the tables of its three publicdining moms, and nothing that modern art‘has devised for the convenience and so ci a 1 gratificution of the traveling public has beau omitted in its plan, or is neglected in it; prucfical details. The early reputation of the house ai home and abroad, derived from its magnitude, its superb appointments, and its home-like cumfurls and lurmics, has been env hanced every year by the unwearied exertions of the I’rnprietnrs. MEL—ll3m TREADWELL, WHITCOMB A: 00. RO U L AMATION .——-Whereas, the Honorable Jam: J .PEARSON, President of the Court of Common Pleas in the Twelfth Judicial District, con sisting of the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin, and the 11011. A. O. Ems-rm and Hon. FELIX NISSLE‘I; Associ ute J mlges in Dauphin county, having issued their pre celrt. bearing date the 15th _day of October, 18607 to me direéted. for holding a. Court of Oyet and Tel-miner and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Harrisburg, for the County of Dauphin, and to com. mence on the. 3d Monday qf Nommbcr, being the 19th 11335 "j: NOll mber. 1860, and to continue two Weeks. . home;- is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Jua tlcefi 01' the Peace, and Constables of the said county of 13341111111“.- that they be then and there in their proper per§ons_. at 10 9’cloek in the forenoon of said day: with the“ ”001115: Inquisition. examinationfifind then-own Teme““{”“¢'~‘": to do those things which to their oifice nppefttunn to he done, and those who are bound in re ngllz'mcei' ‘5O ”0399““ against the prisoners that are or shall be m the J all_of Dauphin county, be then and thege to prosecute against them as shall be just. bxven u'nder my hand at Harrisburg the 15th day of Octuber‘ m the year of nut Lgm 1860 and in the eighty—third year of the independefice of: the United f States. J_ M. EYSTER, 1 SHERIFF’S OFFICE, Shenfi‘. Harrisburg, October 15, 1860. g JUST RECEIVED! INK FOUNTAIN! INK FOUNTAIN! A very ingenious attachment to any metallic pen b which one dip of ink is sufficient to write a. roolq’cay pa” Foraale at scurmms BOOKSTORE. ’ “'9 No. 18 Market Qt FF ’ ' segamwmw w the place to DRIED APPLES AND DRIED outlgEAcm m “1° by W. noon, m, a co, DENTIS T It Y . THE UNDERSIGNED, DOCT OR 0F DENTAL SURGERY. Respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity. OFFICE IN STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE B R A D Y [[o USE. sep2s—d&wtf B. M GILDEA, D. D. S. J B. HUTCHISON, ' . ALI)ER M A N . 0 F F I G I'} : 11mm STREET, 1:01.!me Imm: new xozm, jyl? HARRISBURG», PA. dam? ‘N W . O ATTORHlFJIIJfrzilrl‘fi-LAVI'. 0 r ; WALNU STREET, wwwmm’sncoxn & THIRD, ”'5l FAE‘EE'PPE‘LYA' . . W); THEO. F. SCHEFFER, BOOK, CARD AND JOB PRINTER, 19L. “-18 W???§s§9§zl§§§®3¥s: JAS.F.SHUNK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ort‘ml‘. IN THE BUILDING OPPOSITE PROTHONOTAIEY‘S OFFICE, jan7] M. H. ~ ATTORNEY AT LA W . Office comer of MARKET STREET and the SQUARE, _ (Wyeth’s,) second floor front 11? Entrance on Market Square DR. 0. WEICHEL, _ M__ £93?" ..i" .1“. IL? 3.1113153 : He nwo fly pmpred o attend promptly to the duties of profession in all its branches. A. LONG ASH VERY SUCCESSFUL MEDICAL EXPERIENG! justifies him in promising full and ample satisfaction to all who may favor him with a. call, be the disease Chronic or any other nature. ml3-d&wly THOMAS C. MACDOWELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Third Street, one Door West of His Residence, HARRISIURG, PA., Wii! attend to appliéations for Pensions and Patents in Washington City, ID. 0., and will practice in the Court of Claims in said city. By an arrangement with responsible parties in Washington City, he is enabled to assure all whe may entrust their applications, either for Pensions or Patents, to him, that they will be faithfully and properly attended to. on the most resonable terms. k? 1 . A J. 1 3 I ‘ H ‘l ‘I ’l‘ 3. ) ATTORNEY AT LA‘V, Will practice before the Dauphin, Nortnumberland and Perry County Courts. Prompt attention given to the collection of claims All kindsof conveyancing executed with dispatch. Land surveys made at shortest notice. due'l-dly IKE—13"“? 552? sa—zln Respectfully infurxml. the citinens- of Harrisburg and vicinity that he is ready at all times to TUNE AND REPAIR PIA-SO FORTES, ORG-ANS, and Musical In— struments of all descriptions. Mr. Ptaszyfk is recom— mended by the leading Musical Manufactories of New York, as well as other cities of the United Staten. All orders left at Mr. WM. KNOCHE'S Music Store, Market street, or Barr’s Hotel, will be promptly and faithfully attended to. neat—sly , . SUCCESSOK T 0 [l. 3. LOl2, mum-m A!!! 7,;sasg‘§§_3‘_9vNDEß, 108 MARKET 313., HARRISBURG. BRASS CASTINGS, of every description, made to order. American manufactured Lead and Iron Pipes of mu sizes. Hydmnts of every description made and repaired. Hot and Cold Water Baths, Shower Baths, Water Closets, Cistern Pumps, Lead Collins and Lead work of every descripiion (tone at the shortest notice, on thfi most reauonablc term. factoryand Engine war): in general. All orders bhan‘s {nny received and punctually attended to. 7 The highest price in cash given for old Copper, Bursa, Lead and Spelter. mylS—dtf J 0. MOLl‘ z, ' l ENGINEER, LIAGHINIST AND STEAM FITTER, Na. 6, North S1115]: st._, between _Vf’aiamz and Market, Harrisburg, Pa. Machinery of every description made and repaired. Brass Cocks of 2.11- sizas, and a large assortment of Gas Fittings aonstautly on hand . All work done in this establishment will be under his own supervision, and warranted to give satisfaction. 1327?} FE ,: octlT—d& WM finaimgfi «Katha. HAYS, H‘E’EE’ETs3}3‘_l_W_, MILLER, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH. STREET MILLERSBUBG , DA :39an 00 ux'rY. PA I’ARKHILL, 0e 26. RELIGIOUS BOOK STORE, TRACT AND SUNBAY SCHOOL DEPOSITOH Y, E. s. GERMA, 27 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE CHESNUT, . HARRISBURG, PA. . _ Depot for the saleot‘ Stereoodysssfiterooscopic Views, Music and Musical Instruments. Also, subscriptions taken for religious pgbli cations. Mao-fly J AGOB P. BARRI‘NGER, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL :UVD HOUSE PAINTER. No. 47 Sam“ Tam» STREET . H (AT I:o?l72n'm' OARRIGE PAGTOKY,) Karrriaburg, Pa. 1“? Plain and Ornamentalsigns, in Gflt and Siiwrgot— up with newness and deapatch. Paper Vanished, and all orders promptly attended. to. Give me n can. Bapt‘l-dtf FRANKLIN HOUSE, BALTIMORE, MD This pleasant and conuundiaus Hotel has been tho roughly re-fitted and res-furnished. It is pleasantly situated on North-West corner of Howard and Franklin streets, a. few doors west of the Northern Central Bail wuy Depot. Every attentinn pnid to the comfort of his guests. o}. LEISENRING, Proprietor, jela‘rtf (Late of Selins Grove, I’s.) finttli fippfimtiuug. B A N K NOT I C E.—Notlce lS hereby given, that file undersigned have formed an A 550- ciation, and prepm'Ed and executed a Certificate, for the purpose of establishing a. Bank of lune, Discount and Deposit), under the provisions of the act entitled “An act. to establish a. system of Free Banking in Pennsyl. vania, and to secure the public against loss from 111501. vent Banks,” approved the 3181: day of March, A . D. 1860, said Bank to be called THE DOWNINGTOWN BANK. to be located in Duwniugcowu, to consist of n Capitm Stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, in shares of Fifty DOl. lam-s each, with the privilege of increasing the same to any amount not exceeding in all Three Hundred Thou sand Dollars. ‘ _ _ _ Charles Dawning, . j David Shelmire, J ohn W’ebster, _ “'Elliam Rogers, \Villiam Edge, ‘ J. K. Eshelmau, Richard D. \Vclls, ‘ Samuel Ring-wait“ J. P. Bnugh, Stopheu Blatchfoni September 3, 1363 «509174153: . r - ~ v . . BAN 1x N 0T I C 13.—1‘4 once 18 herebv given that an Association has been farmed and 1. certificate prepared for the purpose of estublishiuw a Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposits. under the, prom sions of the act eptitled “An act to estubltsh a system of Free Banking in Pennsylvania, and to secure the pub lic against loss from Insolvent Banks,"appruved the 3131 day of March, 186011.13)“:st Bunk to be called ‘- T'm: Bethlehem Bank,” and to be located in the borough cf Bethlehem. in the county of Northampton, with a cum. tul Stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars. in shares of Filly Dollars each, with the privilege of increasing the mid Stock to Tm: Hundred Thuusuud. Dollars. 31125-4511] B A NIX N O TI C E .—Notlce IS hereby given, that an asiuciation has: been formed and a certificate prepared, [or the purpose of establishing a Bank of iesue, discounfi and (lii-pus“, under the provisions of the act, entitled “An Act to ustsblish a. system of free banking in 1’ ennaylvzuin, and to secure the puhli 0 against lass by insolvent bunks.” approved the thirty-first (1.1:, 01 March, 1860. The said Bank to be Icalled the '-- FR}: E BANK,” and to be Muted in the city of Phila‘lfilphia, and to consist of a. mflpit’ll stock of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS: in shares of fifty dollars each with the privilege of increasing the'samu to any amuuni not exceeding in all one million of dollars. jfl-tlflm XTENSION OF BANK CHARTER, Notice is hereby given that “ The Farmers: am! Mechanics! Bank of Enston.” a Bank of Discount and Deposite located in the borough of Benton, Non-thump, ton couniy, Penusyhaniufi having a. capital of Fom— Hun. dred Thousand Dollum, vull apply t_o the next Legislature of Pennsylvania for a. renewal of Its charter for fifteen years from the expiration of its present charter, with its piment capital stock, ppwum and privilege-. 3, and without any alteration in or Increase of the same. P. S. MIGHLEB, ‘Px-esident. M’E. FORMAN, Cushion J93D-d6m AN K NO T I C E.—Notxce ls hereby given that an Association has been formed and a Certificate prepared for the purpofle of establishing a Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposite, under the profi_ sinus. of the not entitled “ An_act to establish a System of free banking in Pennsylvania, and to secure the pumi 1: against 1055 {mm insolvent bfmks,” approved the 31% day of March, 1860. The and Bank to. be called the “ State Bank." and to be located in the city of PhiladeL Phil, and to éonsist of a Capital Stock of Fifty Thousand ”all“, in shares of Fifty Dollars each, With-the mm, lego of increasing the same to my amountnpt exceeding m all One Million of pollen. Jew-dang: Qfin fionsektepcrs. .. " ‘s' 313’an ’3l % //"sinle “\ o¢‘\ // I$ '4O» G'Q\\‘ \ 'l b’ ”I“ ”as 0 N «5’ ECONOMY: xsx\ r‘ / “/3 ,L.. r. a? m mwmm gfi‘ ~a . . {J9I Save the Pieces !' ‘z As accidents will harm-n, war; in well-rcgulatedfami tics, it is very desigable to have some cheap and conve nient way for repmring Furniture, Toys, Crockery, kc. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household onn afford to be Without it. It is always ready and upto the stick ing point. There is no longer a necessity for limping chairs, splintered veneers, headless dolls, and broken cradles. It is just the article for cone, shell, and other ornamental work, so popular with ladies of refinement and taste. This admirable preparation is used cold, being chemi cally held In solution, and possessing all the valuable qualities of the best cabinet-mukers’ Glue. It may be used in the place of ordinary mucilage, being vastly more adhesive. “USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE 7’ N. 13.—A Brush accompanies each bootle. Pric€,2s cents. V WHOLESALE Dram-r, NO. 48 CEDAR swam,an You: QM= tdly Put up for Dealers in Gases containing Four, Eight, and Twelve 'Dozen—a beautiful Lithographic Show-ond accompanying each package. 13A single bottle of SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE will save tun times its cost annually to every household .9} _ . Sold by 11.1 prominent Stationers, Druggista, Hardware and Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Fancy Stores. Country merchants should make a. note of SPALD ING’S PREPARED GLU B, when making up their list. It will stand any climate. {ebll-l—dflcwly n2l—lydkw - - 1 ‘ DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANCE COMPANY. GEETCE, S. E. COR. HtIIRD AND H’ALNUT STS' PHILA DELPHIA. Incorporated 1535. [daring Insurance on vowels, cargo and freight, to all parts of mg world. ‘ Inland [Manama on goods by rivers, canals, lake-s and laud carriage to B.l] parts of the Union. . Fire Insurancs on merchandize generally, and on stoma, Welling houses, &c. Assam of the Company, November}, 1358, 3595,80425'1-100 doilara. ‘ The Board of Eiruumrs have thin rlgydeclared n Dividend of Six Per Cent. in Cash, on the Original Capital Stock, and Si: Per Cent. on the Scrip of the) Company, payable on 3:25! after lst pmximo. They have also declared a Scrip Dividend of Twanty-Five Be: Cent. on the Original Stock, and on the Earned Pre miums for the year ending October 31, 1858, Certificates for which will he issued to the parties entitled to the name, m; md after the first of December next. Preaméie mm Resolulliun adopted. by the Hoard. thmas, The. increased means of the Company arisimg (mm Profits, and which willbo derived from the increased Capital Stock under the late amendments to the Act of In corporation, render the further continuance of the Guarani toe Capital unnecessary; therefore be it— Resohved, That the Guarantee Capital be discontinued, and the Notes representing the some he delivered up to the makers thereof. as soon as the Risks taken duringthe period embraced in said N otea shall have determineu. . D I B E G 'l‘ 0 R s '. William Martin, Edmund A. Sander, Theo. Funding, Jon R. Penrose, John 0. Davis, szr’es Troquair, William Eyre, Jr. James 0. Hand, Wm. 0. Ludwig, Joseph 11. Seal, Dr. B. M. Huston, Gaol}. Leiper, Hugh Graig, Charles Kelly, Bam’l. E. Stokes, J. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, Ed. Burlington, E. Jones Brooke, Spencer M’llvaine, Thomasc. Hand, Robert Burton, Jacob P . Jones, Jan. B. M'Farl’d. Joshua P. Eyre, Jno. B. Sample, D. 'l'. Morgan, . J . T. Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, Pres-idem. THOMAS 0. HAND, Vice Pruidmt. HENRY LYLBUBN, Secretary. The undersigned, as Agent for the above Company, is prepared to make lnauranrzea on all descriptions of proper ty, on the most liberal terms. qctl .Iymw WM. BUEIILEB. NOVELTIES. RECEIVED AT SGHEFFER’S BOOKSTQRE. Chinese Tumbler, ' Deceptive Tumblers, Watch Boxes—lmitation Pack of Cards, Whistling Balloons, Movesble Animals, Do. Men. Magnetic Fishes, Do. Ducks, .2 Do. Turtles! ~ DO. Ships, Magnets, - Compassess of all- sizes, "3 temps for marking Linen, &c., at 38 cents. Cards Cases, Needle Threaders, a. very useful article for Ladies at 20 cents. - - Porcelain Slates and Pencils. Hair Brushes, Lead Pencils in Boxes, Gum Balls of every size and quality and prices. ‘ Paint Boxes, Brushes, Lead Pencil Sharpeners ~ Finger Rings, Globes, Key Rings, Pocket Pieces, Pen Knives, China Ornamentf, with Ink Stands, &c.,,attachcd. Parallel Rulers, Pen Wipers, Send Boxes, Pen Racks. Microscopes of difierent sizes. Magneto-Electric Machine. China. Marbles of all sizes and prices. Glass “ “ “ Common “ Spalfling’s Prepared Glue, a. useful article in every family, Upto'nls H H u (C (5 Mathematical Instruments of difl‘crent styles. Violin, Guitar and Banjo Strings. ' Magic Wafers, or Electricity Illustrated, price 15 Mills a box. Magic Duplicating and Impression Paper. Kaleidigcopes and Multiplying Glasses. Dominoes of all sizes, qualities and prices. Pocket Ink Stands “ “ H Cork Screws, suitable for carrying in Vest, Pocket. Puzzles. Mirrors, Dice, Perfumery. Colored Crayons. Chalk dol' *- Papier Msche Work Boxes. 4: :1. Writing Desk and Portfolio. 317F91- saie at SCHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, Inez-30 No. 18 Market Street. EXTRACTSI EXTRACTSU WOODSWORTH &: BUNNEL’S SUPERIOR FLAVOHIA’G EXTRACTS OF 13$.ng ALMOND, NECT ARISE. PINE APPLE. STRAWBERRY, ROSE, LEMON A :m VANILLA; Just received and for sale by 3929 WM. DOCK. 33., a; co THE Annual Meeting of' the Stockholders of the Tuckahoe and Mt. Plensant P. R. Co. will be held m. Brant’s Ci fr 11““ mm”? "m“ 5”” "t :0 °’°‘°°"’ ‘_ M. [oczgdlwzfij WM. COLDER, JR.y l'res’t. ARAFFINE CANDLES ! 11-—Made of PURE PARAFFINE, a material obtained from GOAL, combining the ILLUMINATINQ- properties and chemical constituents of GB?! TINY W 1“ “and all cfi mates, give a clear and brillmnt hght and burn 'l‘“ p“ Gnu. longer than Wax, Sperm M an! 0‘11” candle in the market. For sale by WM- DOCK, 111-, max-17 80h M FINE CONDIMENTS ! !—E X T R A OILFRENOH legiTfigbfifiggcefzmeta of 35%,“) S, s 0 very eacr’ ‘ . mm “WES 3‘" WM. DOCK. m, #66?" HENRY C. SPALDING 6:. 00., _ Box No. 3,600. New York flfnsummc. November 10, 1358 fflimfianmna. filemml. HELMBOLDqs GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HELMBOLWB menu for the Eh I HIELMBOLD’S BUCHU for the mag-gs. ELLMBOLD’S 317 mm rol- the Gmrgl HELMBOLD’S 817 mm to, the mom; HELMEOLDK; Even“ for Nervousneés HELMBOLD’S BUCEU for Loss or Mam-cry HELMBOLD’S menu for Dimness of View}, HELMBOLD’S BUCHU rot Dlmcult amtmnw' HELMBOLD’B worm for Weak Nerves. 5‘ HELMBOLD’S BUOHU for General Debility. HELMBULD'S BUG-EU for Universal Lnssitudm HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Horror‘ol' Digem‘ HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Nizht Eveutg. HELMBOLD’B BUGHU lor W‘kel'ulness. HELM BOL D’s BUGFIU for Drynwss of the Skin. HELMBOLD’S RUOHU for Eruptions. HELMBOI.D’S BUOHU for Pain in the 3361‘- HELMBUID’S BUGHU for Heaviness of the Eyelidsmith Temporary Sufl'usion and Loss of Sight. HELMBOLD’S BUUHU for Mobility and Restlessuess,with Want of Attention and Horror of Soaiety. A HELMBOLD’B BUCHU for Obslmctionfl. . HELMBOLD’S BUOHU for Excessea arising from Indul- cretion, and all Diseases of FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES, FEM ALES, FBMALES. TAKE NO MORE PILLS, TAKE NO MORE PILLS, THEY ARE OF NO AVAIL, THEY ARE OF NO AVAIL. Use HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU for all com plaints incident to the sex. N 0 FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT! TAKE NO MORE BALSAM or Injuriuus and Unpleasant Mediciml tor Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. Use lIELMBOLD‘S EXTRACT BUCHU for Excessea arising from habit-s indn‘ Pd in BY Yung AND OLD, Am] f 0: diseases: arising from Habits of D»ssipation. Ihe move: all impropvr discharges, and will restore the patient in a short time toa state of Health and Purity. Use HELMBOLD‘S EXTRACT 3130110 for Diseases and Afi'ectxons of the most Dism {€squ Character. Use HELMBOLD S EXTRACT BUCHU for all Alice-- tions and Diseases 01‘ me URINARY ORGAKS, ' Whether gxisting in MALE 0R FEMALE, From whatever muse originating, and no matter of HUW LONG STANDING. All of the above diseases and symptom= admit of the same treatmfpfiLand may originate {s’o“}. jiggspme cause. READ! READ I HELMBOLDm man is 2452,4116. pleasant in taste and. odor. but immediate 11: its acfion. ‘ . _ Personally appeal-rd before me, an Alderman of the (3in of Philadelphia, H. T HELMBOLD, Chemist, who, being duly SWOI‘D, does say, that his preparation contains no Nar cutie, Mercury, or injurious drug, but is purely Vegetable. H. 'l‘. HELM BOLD, Sole Manufacturer. 3‘70” and sub~cribed before me, this 23d day of Novem— ber, 1854- WM. P. IIIBBARD: Alderman. dl'L'SrSlfze $1 per buttlc, or an: .or $O, dehvered to anyad A TRIAL COSTS BUT A DOLLAR—TRY IT, And be convinced of its eficacy. And it is accompanim by reliable and responsible certificates from Professors oi Mvdical Colleges, Clergymen and others. Prepared by H. T HELMEOLD, Fraction! and Analyzical Qhemgst,‘ 194 South Truth Street: below Che-smut,_Phjlmfl’jl‘hm NEOLSSARY CAUTION —-Sho:fld unprinciph-d Dealers try t_o palm 011‘ number article, which ‘pays a better pmfit and IS worth'ess, ' ASK FOR HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT B'CCU'C. TAKE NO OTHER CERES GUARANTEED. Said by JOHN WYETH, 'Dxuggist, corner of Market and Second strut“, Harrisl‘vurg, AND ALL DR "6‘ GISTS E VER S'WHEBE CUT THIS OUT—SEND OR CALL FOR IT, AND AVOID EXPO): UR}; AND DEPOSITION. nul3-d&w3m AN aperient and Stumachic preparation of IRON puri. fied of Oxygen and Carbon by combustion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest Medical Autherifies: hub in Europe and the; United States, and prescribed in their practice. , The experience of thousands daily moves that no pre— paration of Iron can be compared with it. Impurities of the blood, deprpssion of vital energy, pale and otherwise sick!y complexions, indicate its necessity in almost every conceivable case. _ lunoxiousin all maladies in which it has been tried, it has proved ahsolutely curative in ouch of the following complaints, viz: In Dnmmrr, Nnnvous Arrncrmxs, Enlcu'non, Drs- Persu, Consurniox, DIARRHCF‘A, Drsnmnnr, Isorrrux'r CONSUMPTION. Scuor‘unons Tusskcumsis, SALT Baum, Mlsmnxsrnmrlos,er£s, Cnnonosm. Liven Commune, Cnnomc Rumours, Bnnuxu'xsn, Ixrexmmnxr Fevnns, Pmpnns on THE FACE, &c. In cases of GENERAL Dnorurr, whether the result of acute disease, or of the continued diminution of nervous and muscular: energy from chronic complaints, one trial of this restorative has proved successful to an extent which no dC-scriplion or written attestation would render credible. Invalids so long bed—ridden as to have bewrne forgotten in their own neighborhoods, have suddenly re-appeured in the busy world as if just returned from protractud travel in a. distant land. Some very signal instances of this kind are attested of female Sufferers. emaciated victims of apparent mazasmus, sanguineous exhaustion,‘critical changes. and that complication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which the physician has no name. In NERVOUS Armenians of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men, the operation of this preparation of iron must necessarily be salutary, for, unlike the old oxides, it is vigorously tonic, without being exciting and overheating; and gently, regularly apterient, own in the most obstinate cases of costivem-ss, without ever beiugn gastric purgative, or inflicting a disagreeable sensation. It is this latter property. among others, which makes it so remarkably effectual and permanentn rmuedyfnr Piles, upon which it also appears to exert a distinct and Specific action. by dispersing the local tendency which forms them. In DYE-PEPSIA, innumcmble as are itscauses, a single box of these Chulybeate Pills has often snfilcod for the most habitual cases, including the attendant Costa-mess. 1n unchecked DunnnmA, even when advanced to Drsux rant, confirmed, emaciating, and apparently malignant the effects have been equally decisive and astonishing. In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength, debilitating cough, and remiticnt hectic, which generally indicate IN crrmxr CONSUMPTION, this remedy has allayed the alarm or friends and physicians, in several very gratifying and interesting instances‘ In Scuorcnoos TUBERCULOSIS, this medicated iron has had far more than the good elfect ot‘ the most cautiously balanced preparations of iodine, without any of their well known liabilities.- p The attention of females cannot be too confidentlyinvited to this remedy and restorative, in the cases peculiarly af fecting them. InlßuEm'rst, both chronic and inflammatory—in the latter, however, more decided ly—it has been invariably we!) reported, both as alleviating pain and reducing the swal lsngs and stiffness of the joints and muscles. In Imumxmnm annus it must necessarily Na :1 great remedy and energetic restorative, and its progress in the new settlements of the West, will probably be one of high renown and usefulness. Na remedyhas ever been disccvered in the whole history of medicine,whicll exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorativa effects. Good appetite, complete digestion, rapid acquisition of- strength, with an unusual disposnion for active and cheerful exercise, immediately follow its nae. Put up in neat flat metal boxes containing 50 pills, price 50 cents per box ; for sale by drugists and dealers. Will be sent free to any address on receipt of the price. All letters, orders, etc., should be addressed to R. B. LOCKE 3:. 00., General Agents. my23-d&wly 20 Cedar Street, New York. _ A'N' 0 1), HOW LOST, HOW RESTORE D. - Just Published, in a Sealed Em'elnps, A LECTURE ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURE OF SPERMATORRHOEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervousuess and Involuntary Emissions, producing Int-potency , Consumption and Mental and Physical Debility. . B.Y 808. J. OULVERWELL. M. D . The important fact that the awful consequences of self abuse may be elfectually removed withoutmternal medicines or the dangerous applieations of caustics, instruments, medicated bougies, and other empirical devices, is here clearly demonstrated, and me entirely new and highly auceessl'ul treatment, as adopted by the celebrated author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly, and at the least possinle cost, there by avoiding all the advertisvd nostmms of tho day The Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands, Sentnnder seal to any address, post paid, on the receipt of two vantage stamps, by addressing Dr. CHAS. J. C, KLINE, 480 First Avenue, New York, Post Box 4,586. anIQ-rflnvly L A b" T'“—NME_TV”§T! 1 DR. SWOPE’S TONIC FOR FEVER AND AGUE, wan cure the most obstinate case “IN TWEN ' 301:}: HOURS,’_’ I}. is also a preventative for was; are mane to nus disease. This celebrated TONIC re. moves al‘l Flattulency, regain-ms the BOWCIS. purifies thé 21110231351135 a tune to thf: ngeshve Organs, and creates Sole Agent for the town and Dauphin county is WM LOB FFLER, appointed by me. nus-(l3m VHESN UT GROVE WHISKEY.—-The purest Spirit ever cfi‘ared the American public, pon aassing none of the poisoning qualities inherent in the Whiskey in common use. All persons desirous of using this Whiskey may rest as nwed or its purity. Pmunumu, Jan.2oth, 1858. Dun Sm :—We have carefully examined the sample 01 “Obesnut Grow Whiskey,” lefi with us a few days since, and find it to contain little or none of the poisonous nub- Itanca known as fusil oil Yours respectfully, BOOTH, GARRETT an OAMAO, Analytical Chemism To Can”): Y:“T?H’AJ‘.t _H _ b . Fox-nae con la in WI! May 20-!y y 39 Wrgl. DOCK, In. READ 1 JUL“) 17 DR. SWOPE mama. LOEFFLER W m- PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST AND CHEMISJ‘ 003. 40; AND MARKET 3155'. Haring purchued the Drug Store of Maura. HOLMAN a 00., I beg leave 0 can the attention or the public toiial‘ wen stockedmrug Store. My goods will flu" ’3O 10'9“? to be genuine, reliable, and 9f the- first quality. My “penance in the Drug business, acquired principally by “’3'“ng through the European Cuntincnt. will not fti to give Satisfaction to every one MY STOCK CONSISTS 0F Dmgl, Ohmicaln, Perfumery, Soaps, Began, Tobacco, Burning Fluid, Alcohol and Canzphene, Fresh Ground Spices, Corks, Schgss, Brushes, Pomad as, Toilet Paints, Combs, Port Monaies and Purses, Horse and Cattle Powders, D PATENT MEDICINES which will be sold but not recommended as I canno guarantee : cure in any came Besides the above named articles, I. have a very large Mu sortment of other miscellaneous articies; which the publi is invited to come and examine The attention of Invalids, Physicians. Clergymen: scientific men, and the public generally 7 is respectfully solicited to the merits of this chemical preparation, con: mining IRON, SULPHUR, AND PHOSPHOROUS, and which is identical in its composition with the Hmnqtrf: Glabule, or red blood. In all diseases accompanied wrtn DEBIL I T Y , pztlc countenance and nervous derangement. analyses 05 the blood Show a. deficiency oftho rod globules. Ruddy complexion and a. rosy tint ol' the skin, is always indica tive of henlth; while a pale, wax-like skin and counte n:mce,-—-which evinces a deficiency of the red globules,——_ accompanies a. diseased organism. Preparations of IRON have been given for the purpose of supplying the red glo bules, butwe contend that IRON alone, SULPHUR clone. or I’IIOSI’HOROUS alone, will not moot the deficienCy in every case, but that a. judicious combination of all these elements is necessary to restore the blood to its normal standard. This point, never before attained, has been reached in the BLOOD FOOD, and its discovery ranks as one of the most scientific and important of the ago. Its effects in CONSUMPTION arc to soften the cough, brace the nerves, strengthen the system, allay the prostrnting night sweats, increase the physical and mental energy, enrich the blood by restoring the locking red globules, increase the appetite, restore the color, and clothe the skeleton frame with flesh. The BLOOD FOOD will be found a. specific in all CHRONIC DISEASES of the THROAT or LUNG S, such as Asthma, Eronclxiais, Coughs, &C~ Public fipeakers and singers will find it of grant utility in clearing and strengthening the vocal organs. In Dyspepsia, Li oer [ZomrlaintsJ Drapsy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Scrafula, Gravel, St. Vl - Dance, Fever and. Ague, dun, its efliciencyis marked and instantaneous. In no class of discnsea, however, are the beneficial effects of this remedy so conspicuous as in those harl'assing FEMALE COMPLAINTS , to which the gentler sex are liable, and which tend to wards Consumption, such as suppressed ordifiicult .Meu siruazian. Green Sickness, Whites, &c., especially when these complaints are accompanied with putt-mess, udingy hue or pullor of the skin, depression of spirits, liability, palpitation, want of appetite, and nervous prostration. We have the utmost confidence in recommending the B_LOOD FOOD to all who may be conscious of a. loss of Vitality or energy; and to those whose mental or bodily powers are prostratcd through oce-r-usr, either of the unnd or body, and we deem it our duty to say that in all cases of'lVeakness and Emaciazwn, and in all diseases of the kidneys or Bladder, this preparation has a. claim upon the attention of sufferers which cannot be overv cctnnmted. A faithful trial will be found the most co:- vmcmg proof in regard to its efficacy that could be askt'd. for.. With the above remarks, and with the numerous testunoninls we have in its favor. we ollcr the “ BLOOD FOOl)” .to the consideration of 'the afllicted, knov’infi that it In ll be acknowledged as pre-emincnt over all other 111391!“ruiil)us,.patcnt or uflicinal, in point of usefulness. “TWINS gn‘mg the Theory upon which this remfliy iil founded. also certificates of rcnmrkuble cures. .vill b 0 sent tree when desired. We forward the BLOOV FOOD to any part of the United States or Cumulus upon receipt of price—sl per bottle, $5 for Sir. bottles, Bo dlrefnl in all cases to tuke none but that having our fuc-dmile sig nnture upon the wrappor. None othi‘r is gen iue. Prepared only by CHURCH d: DUOUNT: NO. 4(9 Blosdwny, new YOIk, And sold by them, and by all ruspectal-vié mggiflts- For sale by c. A. BANNVAHT, 0‘ K. KELLER and D W. GPOSS 6:. 00‘, Harrisburg. rent-COWMLWM/ THE BLOOD! PUB I F Y ‘MOFFAT’S _ VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS ,AN D , . PHGENIX BITTERS. The high and envied celebrity whieh _lliese pre-emi nent Medicines have acquind for their invaluable 21h cacy in all the Diseases which tlwy pmfrr-s to cure, hm! renderrd the usual practice ul'pufling not 0313' unneces sary, but unworthy of them‘ ‘ ‘ IN ALL CASES _ 0f Asthma, Acute and Chronic Rheumatism, Ailections of the Bladder and Kidneys. BILIOUS FEVEBS AND LIVER CO)I?LAINTE, . In the South and West, where these diseases prevails they will be found invaluable. Planters. farmers an . oihera, “ho uuce use these Medicines, will never after} wards be without them. , BI LIOUS CHOLIC. SEROUS LOOSENESS. FILES, COS TIVENESS, COLDS AND COUGHS, CHOLIC, CORRUPT RUMORS, nßOPsmg. ' DYSPEPSIA.——NO person with this distressmg (inseam, should delay using these Medicines immediately. . Erumious of the Skin, Erysipelas, Flatulency. annn AND Anna—For this scourge of the Western country these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicinesleave the system sun ject to a. return of the disease; a. cure by these medi cines is permanent. Try' them. Be satisfied. and be cured. Foumnss 0F 0031121331102; GENERAL DEBILITY, GOUT, GIDDINESS, GRA'VEL, Headaches of every kind, Inward Fever, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Impure Blood, J anndice, Loss of Appetite. lilnnccmu. Disnlsns.-Never fails to eradicate en tirely all the efi'ects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparation of Sursaparilla. NIGHT SWEATS. NERVOUS DEBILITY, NERVOUS COMPLAINTS OF ALL KINDS, ORGANIC AFFECTIONS. PILES.—The original proprietor of these Medicine was cured of Piles, of thirty-five years’ standing, by the‘ the use of these Life Medicines alone. PAIRS in the Head, Side, Back, Limbs, Joints and! Organs. g RHEUMJTIS3I.— Those affected with this terrible dis ' ease, will be sure of relief by the Lite Medicines. Rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy, Salt Rheum Swellings. - SCEOFULA, or Kxxe’s £311.71?! iis worst forms. Ulcer of every description. Wululs of all kinds are effectually expelled by those Medicines. Parents will do well tn administer them whinever their existence is nuspected. Relief will he nor um. . ' THE LIFE PILLS AND PIIEENIX BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, And thus remove all disease from the system. ”EMBED AND sou) 2y DB. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, 335 Broadway, corner of Anthuny street, New York. {LT—’For sale by 3.11 Drugg—Zsh. j)’l7-d&wly HUMPHBEY’S SPECIFIC _ HOME OR4 TlllO REMEDIES, for Sale at KELLER’B Drug Store, 1102'! > . 7. 91 Market Street; w FOUNDED 1552. CHARTERED 1654. , L O 0 A TE D ORLER 0F BALTIMORE AND CHARLES STREETS , EAL Tllll ORE, BID. » The Largest. Most Elegantly Furnished, and popular lommercml College in the United State's. Designed, "111'9831! for Young Men desiring to obtain a Taonoycn’ {Manon Busmnss EDUCATION in the shortest poasxbll txme and at the least expense. _ :& _Large and Beautifully Ornamented Cfrcnlar, cot talmng upwards of SIX SQUARE FEET: With Swami! or PENMANBHIP, and a Large Engraflng {She flneptot‘ the kind ever made in this country) represen [Define Interia: View or the College: with catalogue statxqgtefms, kc. , will be sent to Every Young Man on SPPh‘W-tlml, In“ or (human. ~ _ Wrte immediate] and you will réceiv bx return mail. Adfiress, e the pack“, Jfin2s-dly] E. K. LOSIER, BALTIMORE, MD 7 ’ S DRUG STOR ' " ‘ nglflfm of Thoma Flower-1?] ‘8 the “a“ Chamoin and Sheep Bkiiu attilly E 63