Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, October 25, 1860, Image 2

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    Qt sslll:th & fifininu.
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Ofimmmr é mantis}: ’MAoDOWELL. Pub—
fishers and Proprietors
Oomuimtionswill not be published in the PATRIOT
m Uixox unless accompanied with the name of the
Ilthor. -
Adverfising Agents, 119 Nassau street. New York, and
10 State street, Boston, are-the Agents for the Puma!
All) Umox, and the most influential and largest circu
llting newspapers in the United states and Canada:
Ihe, are xnthorized to contract for n 5 9.1 onrlmvest mics.
, -+’ -
Assam! h a A FOR 541.13 E
-an mus Pnnssma en 39 b 2 ‘
in good order; can be' worked either by3l€alzi 211-2311”,
pier. Terms moderate Inquire at this oflice. emu
0 F ORE G 0 N .
* =l3 Tm; Coxsrucnox AND ms EQUALITY or us
L3l mass m: THE nanuxxc CRIES 0F TEE PEOPLE.—
“ Instead of breaking up the Union, we intend to
“regimen and to lengthen inf—J. c. Buscxxsnmca.
“ 0 know novsection as distinct from the other; we
know the Constitution and the States under it. and their
Eights as guaranteed under that instrumentEL-Joszrn
21.201035 AT LARGE.
msnucr ELECTOBS.
1. him. A. Sam-ER, ’ ; 14. Isuc REcxHow,
2. WM. 0. Pursxsox, i 15. Gamma I). JACKSOS.
3. 105. 0300x2113 3 16. J. A. An,
4. J. G. Bnnxxnn, ; 17. J. B. BANNER,
6. G. W. JAco BY. S 18. J. R. CRAWFORD,
6. CHARLES KELLY, g 19. H. N. LEE.
7. 0. P. Slums, ; 20. J. B. HOWELL,
8. DAVID SCKALL, 21. N. P. Farrnxnux.
9. J. L. Lxcmxnn- ; 22. SmuEL MARSHALL,
10. S. 8. Human, ' g 23. Wanna 3001:,
11. T. H. WALKER, _ 24. B. 1). anux,
12. S. S. Wlxcnssmn, 5 25. GArLox-m Gunman.
16. Josnrn Lnnmcn, i
“'ill the South Resist?
The following letter from a Georgian to the
Journal of C’vmmcrrr: is written evidently without
any intention of threatening or frightening the
North, and withal in a tone so calm that. it
should be read by every Northern man. While
we cannot concur in many of the reasons ad
vanced in justification of immediate resistance,
in case of Lincoln’s election, we are not blind
to the indications of danger that the South will
resort. to defensive measures. This danger in
far more imminent than Northern men dare to
realize. Revolution and civil war may over
take us while. we are reposing in fatal security.
The reality of the danger cannot be contro
vex-ted by the smears of the Republican press
whenever this subject is mentioned; but this
tone of reckless levity displays :1 deep-seated
sectional animosity which tends to increase
It. is agreed by this writer that it. would he l
the height. of madness to delay action until
Republicanism had absorbed all the powers of
the government, so as to render resistance on
the part of the South futile. This idea- proceeds
npon the supposition that the Republican party
will remian a compact organization, advancing
steadily to the practical realization of the ultra.
Abolition doctrines promulgated by its leaders
—that the object. of the party is to render the
South powerless in the government and fi
nally to abolish slavery in the States. But
this view strikes us as erroneous, from the
fact that the Republican party is composed of
dissimilar elements= which will war with each
other as soon as the patronage of the govern—
ment is distributed; and this internal conflict
will deprive it of power to push forward any of
its aggressive measures: and finally compel it
to assume some new and less dangerous shape,
or expose it to the assaults of the conservative
parties of the country. It appears to us not.
only probable but the next thing-to certain that
Republicanism will culminate and decline as
rapidly asit has risen, if the South will con
sent to unite with the conservatives of the
North in resisting its measures within the lim
its of the Constitution. The following is the
communication :
' AEGIISTA,GE., Oct. 19.
To the Editors of the Journal of Commerce:
The result of the late elections in Pennsylvania, Ohio
and Indian: have made a. profound impression upon the
Southern mind. Whilst we generally believed that
Lincoln would be elected, yet some faint hope was in
dulged by man} that Pennsylvania, at least, would come
to the rescue of the Constitution and the Union. This
hope has been dissipated. und now Lincoln’s election is
universally conceded. We have ceased to discuss the
relative merits of Bell, or Breckinridge, 01' Douglas.-
All feel and admit that the success of either of these
gentlemen would only postpone for a shorttime the grim];
issue which the people of the South have to meet. How
should they meet it is now the problem which mostly
engrosses the public mind. The only remedy we have
over hen-d luggcsted in resistance, at an y and every haz
ard. Those who oppose this suggest no other remedy
for the impending evil. .
The suggestion has been thrown out by some of our
Northern friends, that Lincoln will probably be in a
minority in the next Congress, and will, therefore, be
powerless for harm. But this suggestion makes little
impression, for we well know that by the new apportion
ment the Republican party will gain largely, whilst the
Sent]; will become weaker- “"2 also know that the
Senate is rapidly becomingnbolitionized—Bigler, Pugh,
Fitch and Lane must give place, on the next 4111 March,
to four Republicans. In the meanwhile. all the free
States, through government patronage, and the steady
growth of anti-slavery sentiment, (fostered as it would
be by Southern submission) will become more and more
hostile to our institutions. It is argued by our people
that it would be the height of madness to delay action
until Republicanism had absorde all the powers of the
government, and rendered all resistance to their destruc
tive policy futile.
It is said generally at the North, and by some few of
the South, that resistance is imnroper, because Lincoln
will be elected under all the prop‘cr Constitutional forms,
This fact seems to have very little weight with our peo
ple. We know that the Constitution provides for its
own amendment, when three-fourths of the States shall
concur. The addition of a. few um". two States will
constitute the majority necessary to oholish Slavery
throughout the land. Does any one but u demented Aba
litionist believe, for a moment, that such umuncudment
would not be utterly subversive of the spirit of the Con.
stitution, and justify resistance ? So we deem Mr. Lin
coln’s election, though in accordance with Constitu
lions] forms, uviulntiou of the spirit of the Corlhtitu~
tion, because the pnr‘y which he leads avows purposes
which are utterly subversive of that sacred instrument.
suppose that the Senate should refuse to ratify any nom—
ination made by Lincoln, or the House of Representa
tives refuse to vote any supplies, would they not keep
within the letter of the Constitution ? yet what u howl
would go up, and justly, to", from the Republican (jump.
So. then, a. compliance with the forms of law may be so
managed as to ptOTe utterly subversive of all the ends
for which government is established
It is a mistake, quite common in the North, to sup
pose that all the disunionists are for llreckinridge ; and
the quiet submission of the South is argued from this
fact. Bell meny Douglas men, are equally hostile to
Lincoln’s clec'ion. and in proportion to numbers, are
equally determined upon resistant“. What the State
0: Georgia. will do in the cunt or Lincoln‘s election,
we are not now prepared to say ; but men who are
usually WBll posted in our State political matters, say
she will undoubtedly resist. Our L“gisl:\ture meetson
the first Monday in November. and will doubtless call u
convention to detprmiue upon her course. Alalmnm. has
My proVlded for such u. contingellcy,and will doubt
less be foliou'ed by MiSSISSHIDi, Texas. Florida. and
probably other States. The North may rest assured
a“: South Carolina Will prommly secede, if one other
State will join. In all probability, she will do no, if
necessary, alone. If she should secede. nothing short
of divine interposition can prevent further secessiuns~
and if any attempt is made to coerce her, all the ‘= cog.
mu States” will certainly follow. It IS a. fact worth
remembering that no man in Georgia: would venture,
except in private way, 1:0 WEEK‘S! fioercwn; and ninety
nine of every hundred of our citizens, whatever they
might think of the policy of her course, would not
stand by, and see her subdued by federal pourer. .
The Republican presses may hug the delusxonjo the) r
souls tint the South will submllt to Ith: establishmflnt
f, 'r t and their tincip 9‘: .u no 5“” 9" 9
:unmgnpgag to-morroug: so sure, Will the election of
Lineoln be followed by consequenqes "111011 “[1 apps!
the hem-ts of those who have precipitated these disaster:
by their reckless nt'tfimllf to dent-0y our property, and
subjugate us to their m_ll. Mr. Lincoln, on his elec
tion, may issue his pl’omlsed manifesto to the South, if
he pleases; but the “personal liberty” bills standing
in the statute books of the States where his party is in
power. and the Plum of fine and peniteniim‘y imprison
ment. hold overfhe Southem man who shall endeavor
to re-yapfiure his fugitive slave in accordance with his
constitutional right: are quite suflicient to show our
people 311111: no promises or oaths can bind the leaders of
I}? may not be amiss to notice one grave error into
xt-lnch the Republicans have. fallen. They wish to be
lieve—and possibly mum of then: dD—that in the event
of an attempt- to separate from the North, they would
find allies in our nou-slaveholding eitizgis. Never a
Wider mistake. Nowhere in the United ates will the
Republican attempts to establish negro equality meet
With a. more deadly hostility than in the South, among
our non-sluvoholding citizens. The ideal. is perfectly
abhorrent to them—and mark iho prediction—in the
struggle which will soon begin, the men who falter will
not he found among our poorer citizens.
Whilst we believe here that the public sentiment of
the North has been so. thoroughly abolitionized that it
is vain longer to look even for jnslice. yet our hearts
overflow with love for those. noble spirits who are stri
ving, vainly we fenr. to breast the storm of Northern fa
naticism. Should the bonds now binding us be severed.
among the regrets which must follow, not the least- will
he. that we are sefinruted from them.
Can Lincoln be Defeated '2
Our-impression, since the result of the election
in this State, has been that the chances of
defeating the election of LINCOLN were almost.
hopeless : and we have not hesitated to express
that conviction, believing that. it was better to
prepare for the worst than to hold out any
delusire expectations. We cannot concur in
the policy of affecting a confidence we do not
feel, for the purpose of bringing out the vote.
Such a course is not only' attended with a cer
tain degree of personal degradation, but it has
a. tendency to impair the confidence of the
readers of a newspaper in its sincerity, and to
detract. from the force of honest convictions.
But while. the election of Lincoln has appeared
to us highly probable, we are not entirely with
out. a, reasonable hope that these gloomy antici
potions may not be fulfilled ; and we would not.
have any Democrat relax his efforts to secure
the defeat of the Republican party. It would
add immeasurably to our regret if, after the 1
election, it should turn out. that, Lincoln only 1
carried this State by a few thousands, and that ‘
he might have been defeated with proper efforts. ‘
Democrats should always have the courage to l
labor for the right, and to deserve success if ‘
they cannot command it. Perhaps our pros- ‘
trating defeat in this State has led us to take
too gloomy a view of the prospect. We observe
with pleasure that the Pennsylvania election‘
has not. dampened ti‘e ardor of the Democrats
and Union men of the State of New York, and
that they are laboring zealously in the good
cause, with high hopes of administering to the
Republican party a fatal check. We should try
to strengthen their hands in this work. We can
do better than to stand by as mere spectators
of the conflict in that State. We are no longer
in the van of the battle—hut we can encourage
those that are by our sympathy ; and, above
all, by our zeal in the cause of union against
Lincoln. To win the battle in New York there
must be a thorough union of all the conserva
tive elements _: and union in Pennsylvania tends
to content a closer union in New York. In order
to show our readers how gallantly the true men
of New York are contesting the field with the
enemy, we publish the following encouraging
article from the Journal of Conn/Mire, a news
paper that is not in the habit of manufacturing
spurious enthusiasm for political effect :
WHAT IS Wursn I'o Exsnm: LISCOI.S’S Dunn—An
erroneous impression appears to have. taken possession
of the minds of many anti-Lincoln men in and out of
this State, respecting the chances for carrying New
York against Lincoln at the November election. The
divisions and difl'erences among the anti-Lincoln men,
in the early part of the campaign, led to the belief that
the State was lost; and themi‘dre. in all the estimates
and calculations upon the Presidential question. the
thirty-five votes of New York have been set down in
favor of the “mil-splitting” candidate. ' This will never
do. The chances in this state are by no means so des
perate as many have supposed; and we beg leave to as
sure our readers, that it is entirely possible to prevent
its electoral vote from being mat for the Republican
The impression: which gained possession of the public
mind in the early stages of the campaign, were natural
enough under the circumstances. but are by no means
justified at the present time. Then, the anti-Lincoln
men had separate tickets in the field. and their olforts
were quite as much against each other as against the
common enemy.' Now, this entire strength is concen
trated upon one. electoral lirket. The Republicans never
had a majority of the vote of New York State, and if
proper exen ions are made, they will not have a majority
in this election. They are positively and unquestiona
bly in a minority of all the votes in the State. The
only question is, shall the vote be brought out, so as to
secure a. full expression of the sentiments of the electors.
If this can be. done, New York will rule for the Union.
ticket, and Lincoln will be defeated. ‘
The Tribune, whose senior editor has been perambu
lnting the State, making Lincoln harangues, sums up
his obst-rvations in the extravagant estimate of 70,000
for Lincoln North and West of Albany N 0 such result
is probable. But taking his own est-himlefar that section.
tgfllw Statewet Lincoln mu be beaten by thousands. The
majority against Fremont in the counties excepted from
Greeley’s estimate was about eighty thousand; and even
if the Northern and Wrstern counties give Lincoln
70.000, which we by no means believe, the combined
vote against him in New York city and the island and
river counties will be such as to consign him to an igno
minious defeat. The only doubt about the result in
New York is: whether a- full vote shall be polled. Thut
done, and the Republicans will be‘defeuted, and the
country saved from the calamity of their politiculdomi
nation for four years to come.
What we want, then, to ensure success. is faith. and
works. Let the anti—Lincoln man at the "State believe
in the possibility of success, and act accordingly. This,
and this only: is required to srwe the country from the
worst evils which e-m befall it. Let us quit. wrangling
and go to work. There is but 11 fortnight left for ac
tion, but. rim} is quite sufficient to achieve a victory
more lit-inhuman any recorded in our politiCul annals.
Let such 0!: ctions as Brady’s State ticket be re
moved, and a. concentration of alert upon the electoral
and State tickets be made, with a determination to
march up to Albany with enough majority to annihi
late the boasted 70,000 of the Republicans, and a few
thousand to spare. And then let the Union nxen North
and West of Albany prove the falsity of Republican
estimates, by reducmg Lincoln’s majority in their sec
tion to one-half the figures so ostentatiously paraded in
his behalf. What say the anti-Lincoln men of Central
andWestcm New York 1' Will they meet us even—their
minority to be no greater than our majority .’
A Incest) School. For}: IN LormoN.—-ThOLon
don Star describes a very interesting gathering
of about. three thousand seven hundred children
connected with various Ragged Schools of the
northeast. of London.‘which receptly took place
at Peterslmm Park, Richmond, by the kind per
mission of her Majesty’s Commissioners of
Woods and Forests. The whole of the. chil
dren, with about one hundred and fifty tench
ers, were conveyed to the spot by special trams
of the Southwestern and North London Rail
ways. A variety-otl games and amusements
were provided. which the fineness of the (lay
allowed the children to participate in. Sixteen
large baskets of apples, in the course ofthe day,
were distributed, and the eagerness with which
the childreu- sought to obtain them. occastoned
much Inerriment. to the friends and spectators.
Large marquees were erected for the accommo~
«lotion of visitors. Several fine balloons were
let, ofl‘, and at intervals the boys’ hand of the
East London Reformatm-y, under the direction
of Mr. Laylnnd, and the hand of the Lambeth
Ragged School, under the direClion of Mr.
Miller, played some selected pieces 0f music.
Athfour “I the allot-noon, at 3 given signal, the
children assembled for tea. and seating them
selves upon the gmes in circles, did ample jus
tice to the abundant. supplies of cake bread
and butter. and ten. Soon after five, the chil
dren lcft_t.he park in perfect order {'ol- the rail
way station, prepartor'y to their return home,
after having spent, a most pleasant and happy
day. The whole of‘the expense was defrayed
by the committee ofthe Ragged School Union,
Joseph Payne, Esq, barrister-at-law; Mr-Gcnt,
Secretary of theßagged School Union, and sew
ernl other gentlemen. were present, and took
part in the proceedings.
The Countess of St. Germané, wife of the
Earl of St. Germans, attached to the suite of
the Prince of Wales, is a grand-daughter of
Lord Cornwallis, who commanded Ih. British
troons at. Yorktown.
THE Gnonr or A GOOD LAUGH.—AfIer all,
what a capital, kindly. honest, jolly, glorious
thing a good laugh is! what a. febrifuge! what
an exerciser of evil spirts 5 Better than to walk
before breakfast, or a. nap after dinner. How it
shuts the mouth of malice, and opens the brow
of kindness!
Whetherit discovers the gums of infancy or
age, the grinders of folly,ort-he pearls of beauty;
whether it racks the sides or deforms the coun
tenance of vulgarity, or dimples the visage, or
mositens the eye ofrefinement- in all its phases,
and all faces, center-Ling , relaxing, overwhelm
ing, convulsing. throwing the human counte
nance into something approximate to Billy But
ion’s transformation; under every circumstance,
and everywhere a laugh is :1 glourious thing.
Like -" a thing of beauty,” it is a. “ joy for
ever.” There is no remorse in it. It leaves no
sting—except in the sides, and that. goes ofl“.
Even a» single unparticipnted laugh is a great
affair to witness. But. it is seldom single.
It. is mote infectious than scarlet. fever. You can
not gravely contemplate a laugh. if there is
one laugher and one witness, there are forth
with two laughers, and so on. The convulsion
is propagated like sound. “'lmt a. thing it, is
when it becomes epidemicw—JMHM Unit-crazy
A (ilzmzmAN
The shock of earthquake on the 113th inst.., was
very violent at Quebec. In many cases men.
women and children rushed from itheir dwel
lings in great terror—the plaster of ceilings
was shaken down and the jointings of wooden
buildings opened The Quebec Gazette says :
“ At. the Martello towers, on the plains, the
effect was very great, old soldiers resident in
them stating that. the shock exceeded in inten
sity those experienced by them in the East and
West Indies. At Beauport Asylum all the in
mates that could ran out of the building, while
those who had not such opportunities ran
shrieking through the wards and corridors. In
several rooms the plaster was shaken down, and
strong joints were forced open by the motion
given to the building. It is also reported that
the lighthouse at L’islet has been partially
fractured by the shock. At Lorette, doors
were shaken from their places, and crockery in
cupboards smashed to pieces. At Point Levi
the motion of the earth was violently felt, and
fear and terror prevailed everywhere. On the
river, too, the trembling, vibratory motion was
communicated to' the shipping.”
A Mrs’remons OurnAGH—Ayoung ladywho
had been attending a. religous meeting at Ober
lin on Sunday eveningmras knocked down in one
of the principal streets, about seven o’clock in
the evening, as she was going to her residence.
The assault was committed by a. man, who, for
the purpose of making sure of his object, used
a large club. The screams of the young lady
reached the ears of some of the residents of the
neighborhood, who immediately proceeded to
the place. They found a. lady’s glove upon the
sidewalk, with spots of blood,‘ but neither the
perpetrator of the outrage nor the young lady
were to be seen. Being unable to make any
discoveries, and the excitement increasing as
the intelligence spread from one to another, the
alarm bells were rung about 11 o’clock at night,
in order to call out the citizens generally. The
object was so for successful as to bring out. a.
brother ofthe young lady upon whom the us
sault. was committed. He stated that. his sister
was knocked down, as mentioned, buthad been
enabled to rests-h home. Who the wreteh was,
or what. was his object, no one could divine.
lloumnm: BUTCHERY or A LADY AND Two
Cuannes.—Tho Chicago Press and Tribune
states that the wife and two lime daughters of
George W. Orendorf, who lives 0n the Dehwan
prairie, about. six miles from Delavan, Taxe
well county, 11]., were murdered on me 10th
inst, during his absence. On examination it
was found that the fiendish crime had been
committed with the back part of an axe, with
repeated blows. Nine wounds were found
upon Mrs. Orendorf, seven of which were con
sidered sufficient to produce death, if dealt
singly. The youngest. child was much man
gled about the head; the eldest seemed to have
made its escape from the house, and was caught
in the yard and stricken down with a club. All
the drawers where valuables were likely to be
kept had been opened, and from $3O to $4O
and a Colt’s revolver taken. A young man who
had lived in the neighborhood but a~short time,
is suspected. He has ’eu to flight.
How To GET THROUGH A Cnom).—“Please
make way for me, gentlemen!” exclaimed a.
stout, burly old man, as he was striving to
effect a. passage through a. crOwd in front of
the Revere, Thursday evening. “Please make
way! I’m after a doctor!” “Who’s sick?”
inquired an incredulous individual. ‘ ‘My wife,
sir,” said thestout man, and he added some
thingin nwhisper that (whatever it might have
been) indueed the incredulous individual to
incontinently draw to one side, and as the
cabalistic whisper was passed from one to
another, a. path for the stout man was gradu
ally made. “It’s all very Well,” grutfly ob
served a wiry little man, as he rather unwillingly
gave way; "it’s all very well I dare say, but
she hadn’t. no right to take a time like this,
any way !” .
A MODEL Towxsmr.—ln Lewis township,
Clay county, Indiana, they have a. sort of fare
taste of the millenium. It has within its limits
one hundred and seventy families, all white,
except. one, and they keep dark about. it.—
There are in it. one hundred and sixty-five
voeers, and,‘ during the last twenty years, there
has never been :1 fight nor a quarrel at any
election held in the township. It contains
seven school-houses, seven road districts, seven
bachelors and seven large men ; three pair of
twin boys, three fiddlers, three carpentezs,
three noetoflices, three crazy men and three
over 7:3 years old. There is not a lawyer, doc
tor or loafer in it, nor a grocery nor pauper——
A better, friendlier, happier population is not
to be found in the State.
' NEGRO Vouns 1N.0H10.-——The Georgetown “
(Brown County) Argus says that “a negro of ‘
that place, fearing that public sentimentwould ‘
not allow him to vote at the polls there, started 1
011’ for Ripley on the morning of the election,
where he knew his Abolition friends would al
low his vote, and he returned in the evening,
boasting that he had voted, together with
twenty-one other mulattoes! Mr. Lewis Fried.-1
Iy, one of the judges of election at Ripley,
said he saw some ten mulattoes vote there, and
he objected to their voting, but. was overruled
by the other two judges.”
A SIXGULAR Begum—A citizen of Berlin,
Prussia, a man in comfortable circumstanceS, is
periodically attacked with a desire to knock 01f
hats. lle afterwards makes up the loss to the
astonished victim of this strange fancy by the
payment of three thulcrs. According to the
calculation of his family in the past year he has
been obliged to make good the loss of two hun
dred and sixty-seven hats. AL 9. recent musi
cal festival fifty-three hats were sacrificed to
this curious frenzy. and for the evening’s en—
tertainment he paid a. hundred and fifty—nine
thalcrs. '
OUTI-AYS OF THE Prawn—The Prince of
Wales left $l5O to be distributed among the ser
vants of the Revere House, in Boston. It is
stated that a draft on Barings for £2,000 repaid
the entertainment afforded the Prince and his
suite at the Revere House, a. like sum having
been paid at. the Continental, in Philadelphia,
and Fifth Avcuuq Hotel, In New York. The
Prince also paid $1,300 for the use of the
steamer Daniel Drew, on the trip from New
York to West. Point.
A Rorrrx Confirm—The Vicksburg (Miss.)
Whit] states that a portion of the great. Atlantic
telegraph cable, which was brought there to be
laid across the Mississippi, was found to be ut
terly Worthless, and therefore could not be
used. A new cable was ordered from New
York. .
ST. JOHNS, N. F., Oct. 24
The following are the latest dispatches by the
steamship City of Washington, the transmis
sion of which was prevented last night by the
wires being ut of order:
Lennon, Thursday, Oct. 11. The Piedmon
tese troops have entered the Neapolitan Terri
tory and a. portion assisted the Garibaldians in
the battle at Volt-urno. Mazzini has left Na
Tm; BATTLE or VOLrlrnxo.—The battle of
Volturno commenced by 30,000 Neapolitans at
tacking the G'aribaldiaus during a thick mist.
The attacking force carried some of the posi
tions, driving back the Garibaldians, whose
number was less than half. Garibaldi then
went forth with revolver in hand, anda despe
rate fight. ensued, lasting eight hours. and end
ing in the route of the Neapolitans. The losses
on both sides have been already stated.
The German brigade was out. OE and driven
into the mountains, and the royalists made a
sortie to rescue them, but. were repulsed. The
King of Naples and his brothers were Present
at the battle.
Rumors prevailed-that Copua had surrendered,
and also that the bombardment had ceased, but
neither have been confirmed. The line of posts
aboutVolturno are still strongly protected, and
the Neapolitans are prepared to defend their
Girabaldi has called on King Victor Emma
nuel to go to Xaples and send him a reinforcement
of 14,000.
It is reported that the three great powers
have protested against the I’iedmontese army
entering the Neapolitan Territory.
COMMERCIAL—The circulars report flour dull
and 6d. lower. Wheat dull and l@2d. lower.
Provisions dull. Sugar firm. Coffee quiet,
Rosin firm at. 59. 3d.@ss. 6d. Turpentine spirits
dull at 313. Gd.@3ls. 9d. >
money market is unchanged, although there is
an increased demand. Consols 03. American
stocks—lllinois Central 18@185- per cent. dis
count. N. Y. Central R. R. 81. Pennsylvania.
Central R. R. ~10.
___., A_,__wv_
Sailing of the Africa.
NEW YORK, Oct. 2-]
The royal mail steamship Africa sailed for
Liverpool t.o-day with $14,000 in specie, and
70 passengers, including the Marquis and Mar
ohioness De Chandos, and Miss Hasmer the
sculpt-or. ' .
LEE, MASS., Oct. 24
The boiler of I’latin.& Smith’s paper mill ex
ploded this morning, fatally injuring a man
named Jno. Dutcher. The damage by fire and
the explosion amounted to $6,000. The same
building was destroyed last June.
F.._.,_.M ..._‘._
Sinking of g; Steamer.
The Memphis steamer Fred., Irom Memphis
to Cincinnati, with a. thousand bales of cotton,
sunk in island number ten. The boat is a. total
loss. ‘
Mn. Yuan AM) THE VICE Phenomena—-
The proposition to put. Mr. Yancey up for Vice
President- on the Douglas ticket having been
attributed to George N. Sanders, that. gentle
man‘publishes a letter, in which he says he
made the proposition or remark casually and
Without. previous thought, and that it. “was
only responsive to the spirit. of goood-humored
raillery which prevailed” at the table of the
gentlemen in whose house he and several others,
of difi'orent political sentimenls, were invited
to a private dinner. He had no idea, until
recently, that, any one considered his remark
to have been anything more than a joke.
THE Uncons—The fabulous unicorn has
been found by a traveler. He says: It exists
in the interior of the Thihet in India, where it
is well known to the inhabitants. It is the
same as the unicorn of Scriptures, and is men
tioned by ancient writers. It is said to be
about the size of the horse, and extremely wild.
It is seldom ever caught. They have a. horn
projecting out from their forehead. They go
in herds and are to be met with on the borders
of the Great Desert.
Recently on the coast of Cuba a. Spanish man
of-war steamer threw a. shot across the bow of
the United States vessel Crusader, when Capt.
Mafiitt replied by firing ditto, hoisting his
colors and steaming down, with his men at
quarters, demanding what he meant? It was
a. mistake. The Crusader looked something
like the City of Norfolk, the slaver, and hence
the misapprehension.
It should be remembered that the Constition
of the State of Ohio restricts the right of suf
frage to white citizens of the United States, and
that every negro vote is a plain violation of the
law. We think it probable that more negroea
voted in, Ohio for Judge Brinkerhofl‘ than he
has a. majority over Smith. We hear more or
less of their voting in almost every poll. White
men are rapidly losing the government of Ohio!
A New York paper deseribes a new ploughing
machine, by which it is said that three furrows,
each a. foot wide and a. foot deep, are not. only
turned over, but thoroughly stirred up and
pulverized, the operation being something like
worming a. screw through the soil in so rapid
a. manner that it keeps the earth flying around
in a. circle, and that of the three diggers mixing
through the earth
FUNERAL 01' Con. Lunsnnm—On the 18th
inst.., the funeral of Col. Lumsden, who perished
in the Lady Elgin, took place at New Orleans,
and was ntfended by a military company, the
Masons, Odd Fellows, Typhogmphicnl Society,
and a. large number of "prpminent citizens.—
Rev. Dr. Hedges, of the Episcopal church, was
the ofiiciating clergyman.
POPULATION or Ohio—lt. appears from the
new census that the State of' Ohio has now a
population of 2,343,982, which is an increase
of 363,714 since 1850. This is better than the
first, reports had led us to expect, though not
up to the expectations subsequently formed by
the people of Ohio. Their State seems to have
lost. much of its progressive spirit.
THE Imrmsonnn Funnusrnm—Coi. Rudler,
Walker’s second in command in Honduras,
addressed a letter to Co]. Martinez, commander
of Truxillo, thanking him for the friendship
evinced for him during his confinement and
trial in that city. He was shortly afterwards
marched off to the interiorto serve out his sen
A MAGxu-‘ICBNT Dmvm—Thc inhabitants of
Paris are to be gratified with another magni
ficent promenade. The Emperor has given
orders for the construction of a road around
Paris, within the fortifications. It. will be
twenty miles long, and one hundred and twenty
feet wide. The footpaths willbe bordered with
Dlprnnn.lA.—l'hi's disease is prevailing to a.
frightful extent in Western New York. Mr.
Van Cami) of the Lyons Press Mr. Sentell ot‘
the Waterloo Observer, Mr. Collins of the
Rochester Democrat: and Mr. Parker of the
Geneva. Gazette, have each followed to the
grave in child stricken down by this terrible
malady. -
A TIMI‘LE or llmnx.—The Spencer House,
in Cincinnati, Ohio, Inst Saturday night. con
tained no less than nine brides, with their
grooms. Two oflhe couples were from Ken
tucky, two from Tennessee,.one from Arkan
sas, one from Ohio, one from Louisiana, one
from Missouri, and one from Mississippi.
The post of honor in a. procession in which
there are carriages is the right of the back
seat in the leading carriage. The fact- may be
worth remembering, as many fail to recognize
the distinguished guest in whose honor n mili
tary and civil display is made. '
A Bleum TOURNAMENT.—-Phelan and Col
lender, the billiard players, are about to in
nugumte a. billiard tournament in New York
city, and offer a splendidly gold mounted bil
liax‘d cue as the Prize. to be played for. The
tournament Will continue eight, days.
PROSECUTION ron Sum-IND on SmmAn—Some
of the barber's in Bangor, Me., still continue to
shave people on Sunday, and the anti-Sunday
shaving barbers still continue to prosecule
them. The court, imposes a. fine of $5 and
costs, and the defendants appeal.
in New .York having a. prescription for quinine,
put up morphine in mistake, and killed a. child
in consequence. He has been held to bail in
$l,OOO to answer a. charge of manslaughLer.
Ku.l.m).——Dr. Scott Jones, a wealthy farmer,
near Winston, N. C., was shot and killed last.
week, by Lewis Juscore, one of his tenants, M
the house of the latter, whither he had gone
to notify him to quit. The murderer was ar
FATAL Rnsux.T.——A letter from Macon, Mis~
sissippi, states that Mr. Perkins, who was
wounded in a. duel near New Orleans, with Dr.
l’oimlexter, some weeks ago, has died from his
wounds. The parties were brothers-in-law.
RICH JMEN IN ST. Loms.—-—The richest man in
St. Louis is James H. Lucas. banker, worth, it
is said, $5,000,000. I’eter Lindell’s estate is
put down at $4,000,000, and that- of Benoist,
banker, at $1,500,000.
The oldest postmaster in file United Staies
who has never been out of office since the. date
of his appoiniment, is John Billing, at. Trenton,
Oneida county, N. Y. His appointment. was
made on June 19, 1805.
“A little son of George L. Emcrich, of York
county, Pa" died on the 11th inst., from eating
“ night-shade,” a poisonous vegetable plant.
011 Saturday night the store of J. J. M. Sell
man, in Frederick, Md., was entered and
robbed of $2,000 worth of jewelry, silks, m d
other articles. ’
. At the residence of B. F. Etter, 15:1,, on the 18th
inst, by Rev‘ Charles A. Ray, RICHARD Fox, Esq., of
Hummelstown, and Miss Ansumn Hutton, nf Han
313170711 be FIE'EB.
All the ingredients of BBAHDRETB’S PILLS are purgatire,
and act in conjunction to Open, detach, dissolve, cleanse,
cool, heal, and so carry out of the body whatever injures
it. By being digested like the food, they enter into and
mix with the blood to search out and remove all bad
honors. They dissolve all unnatural collections, cleanse
the blood, and cure tubercles, ulcers, &c., let them be
in what part of the system they may. They injure no
part of the body. They carryaway nothing that is good.
They only remove what is bad. They assist nature,
agree with it, act with it, and always dotheir work well.
Their use has saved many a. valuable life.
Sold, pri ca 25 cents, at No. 294 Canal street. New York
and by all Druggists. Also, by G-EO. H. BELL, corner
of Second and Chestnut streets, Harrisburg, and by all
respectable dealers in medicines. oct9—d&,wlm
W E call the attentlon of our readers to
nn'nrticle advertised in another column, called BLOOD
FOOD. It is an entirely new discovery, and must not
be confounded with any of the numerous patent medi
cines of the day. It is £001) non my; BLOOD, already
prepared for absorption; pleasant to the taste and natu
ral in action, and what one gains he retains. Let all
those, then. who are sufiering from poverty, impurity or
deficiency of blood,end consequentlywith some chronic
disease or ailment, take of this BLOoD F 001) and be re
stored to health. We notice that our druggists have
received a. supply of this article, and also of the world
renowned Dr. Enox’s INFAN’HFE Connut, which every
mother should have. It contains no paragoric or opiate
of any kind whatever, and of Course must be invaluable
for all infantile complaints. It will allay all pain, and
soften the gum: in process of teething, and at the same
time regulate the bowels. Let all mothers and nurses,
who have endured anxious! days and sleepless nights,
procure a. supply and be at once relieved.
a]? See advertisement. aul7-d&w3m
the Bladder. Kidney, Gravel, Dropsy. ($6., ace.
EELMBOLD’S Extract of Buchu for Secret and Deli—
cate Diseases.
HELMBOLFB Extract of Bucbu for Nervous and De
bilitated sufferers.
HELMBOLD’S Extract of Buchu for Loss of Memory,
Loss of Power: Dimness of Visinn, Diflicnlty of Breathing,
W 313 Nerves and Universal Lussitude of the muscular
E ~ 31'“.
yBELMBOLD’S Extract of Bach: for all distressing ail
mpnts—Obstructions, lrregularities, LXCCES in married
life, or early indiscretions, &c.. and all diseases of the
sexual organs‘ whether existing in Male or Female, from
whatever cause they may have originated, and no matter
of how lon standing.
HELMBgLD’S Extract of Buchn is pleasant ill its taste
and odor. and immediate in action. Price $1 per bottle,
or six bottles for five dollarq, delivered to any address.
Depot, 10-: South Tenth Street, Philadelphia.
Sold by JOHN WYETH, Druggist, corner of Market and
Second streets, Harrisburg. ans-domain
from the Independent, New York, July 28, 1859.
GLUE—Our advertising columns contain some testi
monies to the value of a. new article known as “Spald
ing’s Prepared Glue,” useful to housekeepers for mending
furniture. It is prepared with chemicals, by which it is
kept in the proper condition for immediate use, the
chemicals evaporating as soon as it is applied, leaving
the glue to harden. We can assure our readers that this
article has the excellent phi-analogical quality of “large
For sale by 0. A. BAHNVABI‘, No. 2 Jones’ Row
an7~d&wlm '
.__,_. ...._..._.__
An experienced nurse and female physician, has a Sooth
ing Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitate
the process of teething by softening the gums, :eduging as
inflamnation—will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate
the bowels. Depend upen it mothers, it will give rest to
yourselves, and relief nnd health to your infants. Per
ectly safe in 11.1ch05. See advertisement in another col
umn. ' aug19,1859-d&wly
The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the
result of a. long and extensive practice. They are mild
in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregu
larities, painful menstruation, removing all obstruc.
tions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain
in the side, palpitation of tho heart, whites, all ner
vous affections, hybsterics, fatigue, pain in the hack and
limbs, &c., distur ed sleep, which arise from interrup
tion of nature.
was the commencement. of a. new era. in the treatment
of those irregularities and obstructions which have con
signed so many thousands of the young, the beautiful,
and the beloved to a PREMATURE GRAVE. No female can
enjoy good health unless she is regular. and whenever
3n instruction takes place the general health begins to
ac me.
are the most effectual remedy ever known for all com
plaints peculiar to Females. To all classes they are in.
valuable, inducmg, with certainty, periodical regularity.
They are known to thousands, who have used them at
different periods, throughout the country, having the
sanction of some of the most eminent Physicians in
Explicit directions, stating when, and 1c): m they
should not be used, accompany each box—the Price One
Dollar each boar, conmiwingfnny Pills.
A valuable Pamphlet, to be had free, of the Agents.
Pills sent by mail mamptlg, by enclosing price to tho
General Agent. 501 d by druggiats generally.
R. B. HUTGHINGS, General Agent,
' 14 Broadway, New York.
Sold in Harrisburg by G. A. BANNVART.
deal ’59-dkwly
Dr. Brunn-‘s Concentrated Remedies.
No. I. THE GREAT BEVIVEB, speedily eradicatea all
the evil efiects of SELF—ABUSE, ax Loss of Memory,
Shortness of Beeatli, Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heart,
Dimnesn of Vision, or any constitutional derangements of
the aysgem, brought on by the uni-entrained indulgence of
the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Price One Dollar.
No. 2. THE BALM will cure in from two to eight dun,
any case of GONORREIEA. is without taste or smell, and
requirPa no restriction of action or diev. for either sex.
Price One Dollar.
No. 3. THE TEREB will cure in the shortest possible
time, any case of GLEET, even after all other lie-medic!
have failed to produce the desired effect. No taste orsmell.
Price One Dollar.
No. 4. THE PUNITER is the only Remedy that will
really cute Strictures ottha Ureflz ra. No matter of how
llsznlg standing or neglected the case may be. Price One
a lar.
No. 5: THE SOLUTOR will cure any case of GRAVEL,
permanently and speedily remove all afliiclions of the
Bladder and Kidneys. Price One Dollar.
No. 7‘ THE AMARIN will cure the Wlutea radxcally,
and in a much shorter time than they can be removed by
my other treatment. In fact, is the onlylemedy that will
liexxilily correct this disorder. Pleasant to take. him One
0 ar.
No. 8. THE ORIENTAL PASTILS are certain, safe and
speedy in producing MENS'I‘RUATION, or correcting any
Irregulan‘fies of the monthly periods. Price Two Dollars.
Either Remedy sent free by mail on receipt of the price
mnexed. Enclose postage stamp and get a Circular.
General Depot North—East corner of York Avenue and
Gallowhill Street. Private Office 401 York Avenue, Phila—
delphia, Pa.
_For sale in Harrisburg (“fly by GA A. BANNVART, where
Cujculara containing valuable informtien, with ml :19-
scr'ptlona of each use, will be delivered gratis. en appli
cation. Addreaa DR. FELIX BRUNON:
myl-ily r. 0. Box 99, Philadelplfl’: Pa.
Mothers, read this.
The following in an extract from a letter Written bv
a pastor of the Baptist Church to the Journal (in?!
Messenger, Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks Volumes in
favor of that world-renowned medicine—Mus. Wm:
Low’s Soc-misc Sump mm CHILDREN Tux-mm:
"We see an adverlimnnrent. in your columns of Mm.
Winslow’s Soothing Syrup. Now we never said a. word
in favor of a. patent medicine hlzfnm in our life, but wr
feel compelled to my to your readers, that this is no
humbug—wa nun: TINED IT, AND mm" H To 3: ALL [l'
'GLAIMS. It is, probably, one of the most successful
medicines: of the day, because it in one of thebest. And
those of your readers who have babies can’t do better
than to lay in a. supply. zepZ?-d&wly
James Clarke’s Celebrated Female Pills, prepared from a.
Prescription of Sir J. Clarke: M. D., Physician Extraordi-
Da ry to the Queen.
Thin invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cute cf all
thoslfipainful and dangerous diseases to which the female
c‘lllsl’vltulion is subject. It moderates all excess and re
mowa all obstructions, and a. spred y cure may be relied on.
I‘ls Pe’m‘hrly suited. It will in a short time bring on
me‘monthly Period with regularity.
: Lack bottle, price One Dollar, hears the Government
..tamp Pf Great Britain. to prevent coun‘erl'eits.
Till-1:5 KILLS sx‘mrw NOT mi: TAKEN my FEMALES mmnm
THE FIRSI THRLE MHN'I‘HS or Puscmxcr, as run A“
sum: To BRING 0“ Miscunucx, mn- AT my own: Imm
In all c:-Ses of Nervous and Spinal Afiectionu, Pain in the
Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of
the flea) t, Hysteiics and Whites: those Pins will e East a
cure when all other means have tailed. and although a pow
erful remedy, do not contain iron. calomel, antimony, or
anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet around each package,
which should be carefully preserved.
N. 13.—931,00 and 6 postage stamps enclris-zd to any au
thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing over 50
pills, by return mail.
For sale by C. A. BANKVART, Harrisburg. ij—dawly
almost immediate cure of CANKER in the MOUTH,
or TYPHUS FEVERS, or any other cause—SUßE NIP
It is the best purifier for the breath of anything ever
ofl‘ered to the public.
To whiten and preserve the teeth, apply with m'brush;
it. will instantly remove all tartar and other foreign sub
stances and leave the teeth as white and clear as pearls.
It is entirely free from acids and all poisonous Hub~
ststgntces, and can be used upon an infant with perfect
as. o y.
It is a valuable article for every family to have in the
house, as itwill remove pain from cuts and burnsquicker
than anything known. This medicine is used as a. was]:
or gargle. We will warrant it to give satisfaction in
every case. Price 25 cents per bottle.
Principal Wholesale Depot, CONRAD FOX, 81, Bar
clay st, N. Y.
Sold in Harrisburg, wholesale and retail, by D. W.
WYETH and G. W. MILES. seplO
Nan fihncfiigsmmtg.
ALL PERSONS are forbid giving Chris
tian Schwitzer any kind of liquor, or they will be
dealt with according to law. . __> _ _ ~ _ ,
on Third above North street. Possefisx‘on given on
the first of November. Apply to JOHN OENSLAGEB.
at Hummel fir. 00.55 Shoe Store, Market street.
FOR SALE.—-—A W'heeler 3:. Wilson
SEWING MACHINE, but little not]. will'beusld at
North street. east of the Capitol
a. bargain.
STORY BRICK HOUSE,‘vrith five Rooms and
Kitchen, Lot and Fruit Trees, in South street, near
Third. Rent $7.50 per month. Also. a. large BRICK
HOUSE and Stable, with Garden, in Wormleysburg.~—
Rent $BO per year. Inquire of
Pine street, near Third
Harrisburg, October 24, ISGO.—nc2s-d3t=‘*
N 0 T I C E .—'lhe undemgned havxng
L opened an English and Classical School for Boys in
the Lecture Room of what was formerly called the
‘- United Brethren Church,” on Frontybetween Walnut
and Locust streets, is prepared to receive pupils and
instruct them in the branches usually taught in schools
of that character. The number of pupils is limited to
For information with regard to terms, &c., apply to
Mr. JAS. R. Pmm, on Chestnut street, or personally to
ocZfi-dtf JAMES B. KING.
HELD 11m pnncsmxo WEEK,
Wareronm for the CHICKERING I‘IAN OS, at Harris
burg. at 92 Market street,
AUDITOR’S NOTlCE—Whereas, the
undersigned was appointed an auditor by the Court
af Common Pleas of Dauphin county, in the matter of
the account of J OIIN A. STEELEY, assignee of Peter
Sheets.of Derry township, in said county,which, together
with the exceptions thereto filed, was referred to him as
auditor. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested
therein, that he will attend to the duties or his appoint--
ment at his oflice in the city of Harrisburg, on MON
DAY, the 12th day of November, 1860, at 10 value]; A.
M. of said day. JOHN H. BRIGGS, Auditor.
octl6~dst . '
\ 1 '
A UDITOR’S N OTICL.——W bereas, the
undersigned was appointed an Auditor by the or
phans’ Court of Dauphin county, on the exceptions filed
to the account of George Landis. Christian Lnndis Ind
John Balsbaugh. executors of the estate of Christian
Landis, late of Berry township, in said county, deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested therein.
that he will attend to the duties of his appointment at
his office in the city of Harrisburg, on THURSDAY, the
Bth day of November, A. D. 1860, at 10 o’clock A. M. on
said day. JOHN H. BRIGGS, Auditor.
octlfi-dfit ~
NOTICE—The undersxgned has been
appointed an Auditor to distribute the money arising
from the sale of the Real Estate of John Casey among
the creditors, and will meet the creditors for that por
pole at his oflice in Harrisburg on SATURDAY, October
20th, between the hours of 10 a. 11).: and 4 p. m., where
those interestgd- may attend .
oth—law3t J. MCCORMICK, Lt, Audilnr.
Just received, and receiving, at JONES’ STORE. Mar
ket Street, Harrisburg. a most beautiful Stock ofall kinds
of DRY GOODS from Philadelphia and New York, which
will be sold Chmpfar Cash. Buyers will do themselves
justice by calling. Carpets. Oil-cloth, Blankets, Rugs,
Matting, 1!: e. Just receiving, Cloaks, Arabian Style
Talmas. &c. 00194de
The undersigned would respect-fully inform the Public
that he has taken the above Hotel. formerly known as
“ THE MANSION HOUSE,” which he has refitted and
newly furnished throughout.
The Rooms are spacious and mmmodious, and furnished
with every convenience to be found in the beat Hotels in
the city.
The “UNITED STATES” is admirablyloented for the
convenience of travelers, being under the same roof with
the Pennsylvania Railro‘ad Depot, and thus saving both
hack hire and porterage of baggage. No pains will be
spared to render the “ UNITED STATES" npleasnnt and
agreeable residence to all who may favor it with their
patronage. Charges moderate.
0c22-d3mwly ' H. W. KANAGA, Proprietor.
H. B. 8.: G. W. BENNERE;
27 South Front, stem-t, Philadell’m“
{FTickets 51.00.20 be had of the Managers and at
the principal Hotels. ‘ .
P, s,-j‘nremen are requested to attend eqlnpped,
6-. Earnest, S. S. Child, H. Schlnyer,
Wm. Hnehnlen, C. F. Manny, 11. M’Gownn,
1). E. Rudy. L. Weaver, W. Weaver,
Gen. V. 001‘], 'II. Fraley, J. Ben-in,
J. Bulkhal't, J. Green, C. Mac Dowel!
Wm. Leacure. ‘
n. c. Shnfi'er
”215 J. P. Bitner,
KELLER’S DRU Gr STORE is the place
so buy Domestic Medieiuca
J. Long, dtd