MISUELLANY. An ELEPHANT Baa—The following Frenchy anecdote is translated fox- the Boston Sum-day Evening Gazette: At the last fair at. Tarascou there were of course assembled a troupe of gymnasts, jug glers, accrobats, and a. multitude of manage ries, in one of which was an Asiatic elephant remarkable for the largeness of his ears. His owner called him Kinuki II Among the acrobatic troupe was :2. maker of red balloons, recently so popular in En gland and America. He traveled with the Show, and sulucml a couple of sons from the pockets of many a patron of it by selling him a balloon. A countryman stopped one day before the menagerie Lent, and enticed by a Painted representation of the elephant. paid his money to see him. .lslonished at his size. be asked the balloon man as he went out: “Does that, beast. bring forth young, or lay eggs ‘5” _ Without a moment’s hesimfmn, the mounte bank replied: “ He lays eggs." " I thought so.” «s And if you wish one: to afford you the happiness of possessing, under your own roof. an individual of his species. for a franc I xvii! guarantee that you shall carry home what 110 one else in the country possesses." 1'1135;1-eenhorn did not hesitte to offer his mom-3:. and the accrobat presented ared bal- low "Behold the egg I had the honor toipro miss you. It is one. franc only—and only for you, biacnuse the Jard‘iu dos Flames at Paris buys all my elephants eggs at six francs apiece, for the Algerine expeditions, where they use all the elephants they can find for the Wle' against India. I chose the lightest egg I could find for you, that you might not. wait too long for it to hatch.— Its mother having already sat upon it many days, it will sufliee you to wrap it up in wool and lay it in a. dry place, to obtain, without ex pense and without effort, the magnificent Asi atic product. which it contains 3” “ Astonishing ! but how in regard to suckliing him 2” “ Easy enough. No consequence what quad reped nourishes him. Lacking a. cow, :1. sow, or even a goat, you can bring him up yourself on turtle soup ” ~ ‘ - The countryman departed, charmed with his prize. and it) keep it as safe-1y as possible. wrapped it. in a. blue comm handkerchief which he had bought, at the fair for his wife. But in spite of all the care of which the egg that bore Kiouki II was the object, it was written in the Book of Destiny that its proprietor should nut see it. hatched under his roof. Some little distance frnm the village where our countryman resided runs a stream. Ho approached it for the purpose cf imbibing the clear water. For the purpose of making a cup with his hands. he deposited his precious bur— den on the ground. He drank freely of the water, then rising, turned to his eiephzmt’s egg. He looked to the right. and to the left. but. no egg ! He looks above him, sees the egg rising higher—higher—and carrying with it!) is wife’s handkerchief. He halicved that. the c7s-gnhant was about to be hatched, anxlil was m-. long after the egg was out of sight that he returned home crest fauerz. His Wife :I:de him where the hand kerclziei‘was he had promised to bring her.— Then he narrated the rntirc adventure. The good woman opened her eyes and ears, and seeing her husband's grief um uuly at the loss of the elephant, but of the handkerchief, ex claimed: 2 “ Content yum'ieli', hus‘émus‘x ; 111 be content with my Mack handkerchief, and Pm glad to knowthe poor baby hasn‘t gone off Without. swaddling clothes!” ' ‘ BART HQUAKE 11v SrnmarlELD.—Two memor able events occurred in Springfield on Wednes day, namely, the passage of the Prince of Wales through the town, and the passage of an earth quake under it. A few minuxes before sh o’clock in the. momiugnvhile the wriler of this was lying in his bed. supine and Wide nwukr, there came a. gentle, Vibratory luctiun of the bed, from west to east, apparcmly. The mot-ion was so unusual :15 :o nth-act Mum-dime atten tioz‘x, and to excite curiusiiy to learn the cause. I: was not. like thejar which would he caused by a heavy walk in an :nljuiuing rcum; but seemed like the-result. oi‘ :1 übmtury power, ap plied horizontally 10 aka whale house. This passed away, and was succeeded at? briefintcr~ vszls by three or four similar shocks, which sometimes began and samedmes ended with :1 kind of Lremulous thrill. As nearly smm: can remember. ii was the fifth shock which declared the genuine earthquake. and settled the ques tion. Windows and downs responded to the vibraxiau in all parts of the lwuse. and left no douh: 39 to the character of the phenomena.— In the min! story of the Republican Block, a gentleman Was 50 much startled that he ran to the win-Jaw to see what could be the matter.— Earthquakes are very tart visits-rs in this lazi— tudc. The earthquake extended own- :ill the North ern part. ot‘New England and through Canada. At. Boston and vicinity. it seems to have been lighter than here; at. Manchester, ‘5. IL, about; the game; while at Sam, Mo, there was aloud report, a. perceptible rocking of buildings with the. ringing of the bells. lt- grow in severity as it. extended up the Connecticut. Valley; we hear of it. through Vermont. at. Barton, St. Johnsbury, Normfield, Woodstock, Windsor and Littleton. At. Burton, fastened doors were unlocked and the church bells rung by it. and at. Northficld a. church~spire was shaken out of its propriety, and left. standing obliquely. The Connecticut. Albany and New York papers do not mention the phenomenon as obscrvvd in those actiona—Sjpringflcld qublz’cun, IS/h. REAHISG CiIILDRES.—I. Children should not go to schoo’l until six years old. 2. Should not, learn at home during that, time more than the alphabet. rcligisus teachings excepted. 3. Saould be. fed with plain :übsmmia-lfuud. at. regular intervals of not lcss than fa ur hours. 4. Shaun not 1:1: a‘ilowed to eat, anything Within two hours if bed-Lime. _5. show have noxhing for supper but a. single cup o't Walz‘li’l drink, such as very weak tea of some kiwi, orcambric tea or Warm milk ‘ and wait-I', with fine «lice of cold bread and butter—nothing else. 6. Should gleep in separate beds‘ on hair mannxsses. Without caps, feet first well warmed by the fire, or rubbed with the hands Imm perfectly dry; extra covering on the lower limbs, but little on the body. 7. Should be compelled to be out of mung for the‘ greater part of daylight, from after breakfast till half an‘hour before sun-dowu‘ unless in damp, raw weather, when they should not be allowed to go outside the door. 8. Never limit a. healthy child as to sleeping or eating, except at supper; but compel regu larity as to both ; it is of great importance. 9. Never compel a. child to sit. still, nor in terfere with its enjoyment, as long as it is not actually injurious to person or to property, or against good morals. 10. Never threaten achild ; it is cruel, unjust and dangerous. What you have to do, do it, and be done with it. 11. Never speak harshly or angrily, bu}. mildly, kindly, and when really neetied, firmly —no more. 12. By all 11168115, arrange it so that. the last words betiveen you and your children at bed time, especially the younger ones, shall be words of urimixed lovingness and affection.— mm mm; Of Health. It. is said that an arrangement has been made between I.lM;'Supel'inteudany9tP Police and the Duke of Newcastle, for the’ ,bxchange of de tectiyes employed on tho Nay quk 9nd_London ponqey - " "2:535 ' in: mm. Tun: ONLY PM; PARA H THAT BLA-S _ STOOD THE TEST OF YE ABS, AND GROWs MORE “1511;?“ POPULAR EVERY And testimonials, new. and almost without number, might be given from lamina and gentlemen in all grades of society. \yhosp united testimony none could resist that Prol. W ood'a Hair Restorative will restore the bold and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, in all its youthful beauty. BATTLE CREEK, Mich, Dec. 21, 1858. PROF . Woon : Thee wilt please accept in. line to inform thee that the hair on my head fell off over twenty years “51', caused by a complicated chronic disease, attended With {ln eruption on the head. A continual course of suitor-mg through life having reduced me to a state of dependence, I have not been able to obtain stuff for caps, neither have I been able to do them up, in consequence 0f y‘hich my head has suffered extremely from cold. The induced me to pay Briggs & Hodges almost the last cent I had on earth for a. two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about the first of August last. I have. faith fully followed the directions, and the bold spot is now covered with hair thick and black, though short; it is also coming in all over my head. Feeling confident that another large bottle would restore it entirely and per manently, I feel anxious to persevere in its use, and be ing destitute of means to purchase any more, I would ask thee if thee wouldst not be willing to send me an order on thine agents for a bottle, and receive to thyself the scripture declaration—“ the reward is to those who are kind to the widow and father-less.” Thy friend, SUSANNAII KIRBY. Lrooxmn, Noble 00., Indiana, Feb. 5, 1859. PROF. 0, J. Woon: Dear S-ir:~—ln the latter part of the year 1852, while attending the State and National Law School of the State of New York, my hair, from a cause unknown to me, commenced falling of! very rapidly, so that in the short space of six months, the whole up per part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its covering, and much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part of my head shortly after became gray, so that you will not be surprised when I tell you that upon my return to the State of Indiana, my more casual acquaintances were not so much at a. loss to discover the cause of the change in my appearance, as my more inti mate acquaintances were to recognize me at all. I at once made appli cation to the most skillful physi cians in the country, but, receiving no assurance from them that my hair could again be restored, I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part of the year 1857, your Restorative was recommended. to me by a. druggist, as being the most re liable }luir Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired ell‘ect. Since that time, I have used seven dol lnrs’ worth of your Restorative, and as a. result, have a. rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can buy. As a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production ofso wonderful an article, I have recom mended its use foumny of my friends and acquaintances, who, I am happy to inform you, are using it with like effect. Very respectfully, yours, A. M. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through out the World. - 0. J. WOOD &. 00., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists-and Fancy Goods Dealers ' aan-dch3m H A NJ) 3 0 31 E wo M 15% TO THE LADIES HUNT-‘5 "BLOOM OF R SES,” :1 rich and delicate color for tha ChEBkS and lips, WILL NOT WASH 0R RUB OFF, and when once applied remains durable for years. mailed free in bottles for $l.OO. HUNT’S “COURT TOILET POWDER,” imparts a dazzling whiteness to the complexion, and is unlike uny thiug else use-l far this purpose, mulled free for 50 cents. HUNT’S -" BRITISH BALM,” removes tun, freckles, sunburn and all eruptions of the skin, mulled free for 50 cents. HUNT’S “IMPERIAL I‘OMADE,” for the hflix‘, Strengthens and. improves its growth. keeps it from 18.11— ing off, and warranted TO MAKE THE HAIR CURL, mailed free for $l.OO. lIUNT’S “ PEARL BEAUTIFIEP‘i” for the teeth and gums, cleanses and whitens the teeth, hardeus the gums, purifies the breath effectually, PRESER V E S THE lE‘l‘El'S'l'il‘JOloAlVl) PREVENTS TOOTH-ACRE, mailed free or ‘ . . HUNT’S “BRIDAL WRBATH PERFUME,” udoublo extract of orange blossoms and (:olugne.= mailed free for $l.OO. This exquisite perfume was first used by the PRINCESS ROYAL, OF ENGLAND. on her marriage. MESSRS. HUNT & 00. presented the PRINCESS with an elegant case of Perfumery, (in which all of the. above articles were included,) in handsome cutgluss with gold stoppers, valued at $l5OO, particulars of which appeared in the public prints. All the above articles sent FREE by ex press for $5.00. Cash can either accompany the order or be paid to the express agent on delivery of goods. ' HUNT & 00., - Pr-Igfumcrs to the. Queen, Rx-zrmxr Srnsm, Lox nox, ASD 707 Susou Sums-r, The Trade supplied sep4~dly > iljotclg. BUEuLEn HUUD‘E, MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA. GEO. J. BOLTON; Pnormmun CARD. Th;- übuve well known (Lu-'1 long established Hotel is now unde’rgoing a thorough renovation, and being in a great degree newly furnishml, under the proprietorship of Mr. GEORGE J. BOLTux, Who has been an inmate of the house for the last three years, and is well known to its guests. Thankful fur the liberal patronage which it has en joyed, I cheerfully commend Mr. Bolton to the public favor. je7-dé‘cwy WILLIAM BUEEILEIL ST NICHOLAS HOTEL, Briefinway, ' ‘ NEW YORK When completed, six years ago, the St. Nicholas was universally pronounced the most magnificent, conve nient, and thoroughly organized establishment uf the kind on this continent. What it was then, it remains today—without IL rival in sizp, in. sumrlucumeess, and in the. general elements of comfort and enjoyment. The Hotel has accommodations for ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED GUESTS, including ONE H UNDRED COEIPLETE SUITES OF APA H TM'E NTS for families. ' SIX HUNDRED PERSONS can be comfortably seated at the tablesof its three publicdi uiug rooms, and nothing that modern art‘lms devised for the convenience and so. cial gratification of the traveling public has been omitted in its plan, or is neglected in its practical details. The early reputation of the house at home and abroad, derived from its magnitude, its superb appointments, and its home-like comforts and luxuries, has been en hanced every year by the unweatied exe’rtions of the Proprietnrs. ‘ . all24—d3m TRBADWELL. “’HITCOMT} a: CO ItEMOV AL JO H X W . G L 0 V E li, MERCHAN ’l‘ TAI LOB; 11:15 rcmovec‘i to 60 MARKET STR‘EET, Where he will be pleased to see all his friends omS-dtf I; P 'i‘ 0 W N 2 l . —_ PATENTWEIGHCARTS. For the convenience of my numerous uptown custom ers. I have established. in connection “nth my old yard, 11 Branch Goal Yard opposite North street, in a. line with the Pennsylvanin. canal, having the office formerly occn. pied by Mr. R. Harris. where consumers of Coal in that \icinizy and Verbeketown can recvive their Coal by the PATENT WEIG H CARTS. W'ITIIO UT EXTRA UPIARH TC FOR .HA ULING', And in any quantity they may desire, as low as can he purchased anywhenz. . FIVE 1:431!) US.II§"D TONS COAL 0N lIAND, 0f LYKEN§ VALLEY and WILKESBARRB, all sizes. 113’ Wizlmg to mmmain fair pricns, but unwilling to In: undercut by an 11 parties. _ {FAR Coal forked up and (11-liverel clean and free from all impurities, and the best article mined. Orders received at either Yard will be promptly filled, and all Coal delivered by tue Patent Weigh Cans. Coal sold by Boat, Car load, single, half or third of tons, and by the bushel. JAMES M. WHEELER. Harrisburg, October 13, 136 ’.—octls 1.) R U U L AMAIIUN.—W hereus, . the Hunorahle Jonas J. Pssnsox, President of the Court of Qummun Pleas in the Twelfth Judicial District, con sxshng of the counties ofiLebanon and Dauphin , and the Hon. A. 0411231311 and Hon. FELIX NISSLEY. Associ ate :“gegc’? 1“ Dauphin county, having issued their pre g‘fl’ ’t darfmizfilate the 15th day of October, 1860, to me (£31231 ’Jn‘i’f DOEWE a. Court. of Oyer and Terminer and t H . e "“7 and Quarter Sessions of the Peace 3 armsbuzg, for the County of Dauphin, and to cum mence on t e 3“ MW'ia-y (f November being the 190; day of Noumber, 1860, and to continue’two weeks . Nance 18 therefore hereby gin" to the Coroner ' J“. txces of the Peace, and (Turntable,l of the said coufit of Dauphln,that they bethen and ‘here . the’ my 1‘ persons, at 10 o’cloplf {n the forenoon at!“ 'd at p Pf): then- rewards, anmsxtmns, examirmtiomsle ay: ‘7" rememhrmces, to do those things which and then-own appertmns to be done, and those who mum" pflico cogninnces to proseeute against the prism“, “d In re— or shall be m the Jul of Dauphin county {:t‘ha‘ 3" there to prosecute against them as shall he justhen “‘1 Given under my hand at Harrisburg the 15“" d October, in the year of our Lord. 1860, and i 3y of eighty-third year of the independence of the {I‘D-1‘“ stntes. J. M. Hang“ ”5 SEBBH‘F’S Osman, Harrisburg, October 10, 1860.; KELLER’S STORFis the place to find the belt assortment of Forte Mounties. D E N T I S' T R Y . THE UNDERSIGNED, DOCTOR__ 0F DENTAL SURGERY. Respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity. OFFICE IN STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRAD Y HOUSE. sep2s-d&wtf 13.151 GILDEA, D. D. S. J B.HUTCHISON, a A L D E R M A N - OFFI C E : mum sum-r, I-‘omvm noon ABOVE KORTH, jyl7 HARRISBURG, PA. d3m23¢= W w. HA Y a," A'i‘TORIIWAIT-LAW. '.OFF I C E, ' WALNU STREET, BETWEEN SECOND «S: THIRD, _3Ps].___7 ~___nf§!"s"“°’ 331‘ _ ~ 7_ , I 113; THEO. F. SCHEFFER, B 0011', OAR D AJVD JOB PRINTER, Lea_..._Ne~_l§£az§9lBt_ms M‘Efiw flfi JAS.F.SHUNK, ATTORND AT LAW, BUILDING OPPOSITE PROTHONOTARY’S OFFICE, jan’i] "__A_Harl:isburg, I’m. --.. ___,[_‘3l_y E.MILLER, w M. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oflice corner of MARKET STREET and the SQUARE, n (Wyeth’s,) second floor front. , - 113’ Entrance on Market Square R. C. WEIGHEJJ, SURGEON AND OGUL IST, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH STREET. Be is now fully prepared to attend promptly to the duties of profession in all its branches. ALONG AND VERY suconssnn. MEDICAL Exrznmxca justifies him in promising full and ample satisfaction to all who may favor him with a. call; be the disease Chronic or any other nature. mIS-dskwly TH OM A S C. MACD OWELL, ATTORNEY AT Lll W, Office in Third Street, one Door West of His Residence, HARRISBURG, PA., Will attend to applications for Pensions and Patents in Washington City, D. 0., and will practice in the Court of Claims in said cit-y. By an arrangement with responsible parties in Washington City, he is Pnabled m assure all whe may entrust their applications, either for Pensions or Patents, to him, that they will be faithfully and properly attended to. on the most resonable terms. 3 P.AUCHMUTY, ’ o ATTORNEY AT LAVV, MILLERSBURGJAm-mx COUNTY, I'4. Will practice before the Dauphin, Northumberland and Perry County Courts. Prompt attention given to the collection of claims All kinds of conveyancing executed with dispatch. Land surveys made at shortest notice. dec2—dly JOHN PTASZYK Respe‘ctfully informs the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity that he is ready at all times to TUNE AND REPAIR PIANO FORTES, ORGANS and Musical In— struments of all descriptions. Mr. Ptaszyk is recom mended by the lending Musical Ma-nufactories of New York, as well as other cities of the United States. All orders left at Mr. WM. KNOOHE’S Music Store, Market street, or Hen-’3 Hotel, will be promptly and faithfully attended to. noA-dly v‘] M. PARK HILL, 81100155503 TO K. S. LUTZ, PLUMBER AND [mass FOUNDER, ms MARKET sun, HARBISBUBG. BRASS CASTINGS, of every description, made to order. American manufactured Lead and Iron Pipes of all sizes Hydrant: ofevery description made and repaired. Hot and Cold Water Baths, Shower Baths, Water closets, Cistern Pumps, Lead Coffins and Lead work of every description done at the shortest notice, on the moat raasonuble terms Factory and Engine work in general. All orders thank fully received and punctunlly attended to. The highest price in cash given for old Copper, Bugs, Lead and Spelter. mylS-dti PHILADELPHIA J c. MoL T z, _ D ENGINEER, MAOHINIS'J.‘ AND STEAM FITTEB, No. 0, North Sixth at, between Wainut and Mark", Harrisburg, Pa. Machinery of every «1' acription made and repaired. Brass flocks of all sizes, and a large nasal-uncut of Gas Fittings constantly on hand . All work done in this establishment will be under his own supervision, and warranted to give satisfaction. 0:226 ' V tiELI GIU US 15 00K STORE, TRACT AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPOSITOHY, 27 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE GEESNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. Depot for the sale of Stereoscopes,Stereoscnpic Vicws‘ Music and Musical Instruments. Also, subscriptioné taken for religious publications. noilO-dy J AOOl3 P. BARRINGER‘ SIGN, ORNAMENTAL AND HOUSE PAINTER. No. 47 Scum Txxnn STREET. (AT BOYEB’S UARRI AGE FACTORY” Harrrisbnrg, Pa. {5" Plain and ornnmental§igns, in Gilt and Silver-got up with neatnsss and despaj/cb. Paper Varnis‘ned, and 221' orders promptly attended to. Give ma 9. can. nepfl—d‘xf E73l37"iES'ilEF’EJl—f‘é3%;’, “A This pleasant and commodious Hotel has been tho roughly rootitterl and re-l‘urnished. It is pleasantly situated on North-West corner of [lowa-rd and Franklin streets, n. few doors west of the Northern Central Rail way Depot. Every attention paid to the comfort of his guests. 6-. LEISENRING, Proprietor, jam—if (Late of Selius Grove, Pa.) -, . . . B A Nlx N O i‘ I C E.—-Notlce lS hereby given, that the undersigned have formed an Asso ciation, and prepared and executed a Certificate, for the purpose of establishing a. Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposits, under the provisions of the act entitlvd “ An act to establish a. system of Free Banking in Pennsyl vania, and to secure the public against loss from Insol vent Banks," approved the first any of March. A 11.1860. suid Bank to be called THE DOWNINGTIIWN HANK. to be located in Downingtnwn, to consist of a. Capital Stock o‘,‘ Fifty Thousand Dollars. in shares of Fifty Dol lars each, with the privilege of increasing the same to any amount not exceeding in all Three Hundred Thun— sand Dollars‘ Gharlva Dawning. ? David Shehnire, John Webster, ' ‘ William Rogers. “'illium Edge, 3 J. K. Eshelmau2 Richard D. “'ellv:7 i Samuel Ringwnl! J. J. I‘. Haugh, ‘ Stephen Hintchl'um. - September 3, 1660 —sepl'i.—dfim - BAN K N UT .1 (d ld.—Notlcc IS hereby! given that an Associnfiou has been '"m-med and '35 certificate prepared fur the purpose of efitnblishing .1 Bank of I HUW LUNG STANDING. All of the above diseases nd symptom: admit of the same treatment, and nny originate from the s_zune cause. {‘EAID.’ READ : °mmn ! READ! HELMBDLD’S BUGUié safe, and pleémt'in taste and odor. butimxnsdiau In Its action. Penfiomlly appears-d before me, an Mam-mun of the 01‘); Of Philaddphia, H. 'l‘ HELM BOL I), Chemist, who, being duly sworn, does say, that his prcpualion contains no Nar cotic: Mercury. or injurious chug, but is purely Vegetable. 11. 'l'. HELMBOLD. Sole Mt-nnl‘aczurer. Sworn :md subrcribed before me, this 23d day ofNovcm her. 1854 ‘ WM. P NIBBARD, Alderman. d Prick: $1 per bottle. or six for 3:), defined to any ad ress. A TRIAL COSTSABUT A DOLLAR—TRY IT, And be convinced of its efficacy. And it is accompanied l'uy reliable and responsible cz—rtificates from Professors of MPdiCfll Colleges, clergyman and others. Prepared by [l. 'l‘ HELMBOLD. Pmnticnl and Analyjcal Chemist. 104 South Tenth Streeti below Chrsmut, Philadejphia. NECK‘ SSARY CAUTION —-Shnuhl unprincipln d Dealers try to pah‘n olf anolher article, which pays a better pus-fl! and is wurth‘ess, ASK FOR iIELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU , 7 , TAKE NO OTHER 01mm HUARATEED ’ Snld by JOHN WYET,Druggist, coruex of ism-m and Second streets, Harrisburg. A’IIALL unrznezsz's EVERYWHERE. CUT arms OUT—SEND “CALI; FOR IT, ' ’ AND AVOID Exrosmm AND IMPOSITION flulfi-d&W3II) AN aperient and Slomuchic preparation of IRON puri fied of Oxygen and Carbon by combustion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest Mediral Authorities, both in Europe and the United States, and prescribed in their practice. Thevexperience or thousands daily proves that no pre paration of Iron can be compared with it. Impurities of the mend. depression of vital energy, pale and otherwise nix-kw complexions, indicate its necessity in almost every conceivable case. Innoxious in all maladies'in which it has been tried, it has proved absolutely curative in each of the following compluims, viz: In Doom". NERVOUS Arum-loss, Emma-non. Dr's enrsu, CONSTIPATION. Dr-nnnou. Drsmz'rnnv, Inomnu'r CONSUMPTION. Scncrnnons Tunsncnnoms, gun-r minim, Mlsmsxs’l‘nmrxox.Wm'ruS,CnLouosts. bn'sr. COMPLAINTS, Cunoruc HEAnAcmts, Runum'nsm,lx-rnnmrrxxrh‘i-zvnns. Burns 0:: run FACE, &:o In cases of Gamma. Dnom'n', whether the result of acute disease, or of the continued diminution of nervous and muscular eu- rgy from chronic complaints, one trial of this restorative has proved successful to an extent which no descrip ion or written attestation would rend er credible. Inva lids so long bod ridden as to have ht come forgotten in their own uei'ghho- hoods. have suddenly re-zxppeared in the busy world as it just rrturned from protracted trnvel in a. distant land. Some very signal instances of this kind are attested of female Butler-era. emaciated victims of apparent mzmismus, sanguineous exhaustion, critical changes, and that com: lication a! nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which the physician has no name. In Nn-uvous Arrrzc'rroxs of all kinds. and for reasons familiar to medical men, the operation of this preparation ol iron must necessarily be saluturv, for. unlike the old oxides, it is vigorously tonic, without being exciting and overheating; and gently, regularly lparient, ewn in the most obrtiuate cases of cosliveness without ever heingu g islric purgative, or inflicting a dis: BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COMPLAINTS, In the South and West, where these diseases prevail‘ they will be fuund invaluable. Planters. farmers and others, who once use these Medicines, win never after wards be wiihnut them. muons 0110on,swovswoswnssmxms,cos- TIVENESS, cows 3NI) CULGHS, cnomc, 7 CORRUPT HUMORS. nnovsms. Drsrspsu.——No person with this distressin§ disease, should delay using these Medicines immediate y. Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipulns, Flntulency. Fsvsn AND Aqua—For this scourge of the Western country these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other Incdicines leave the system sub ject to a. return of the disease; a cum by these medi cines is permanent. Try them. Be "satisfied, and be cured. ' Fouwrss or Coxnnxrox— GENERAL DEBILITY, GOU'I‘, GIDDINESS, GRAVEL, Headaches of every kind, Inward Fever, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Impure Blood, J aundice, Loss of Appetite. Mancvnux. menus—Never fails to eradicate en tirely all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparation of Sarsapurillu. NIGHT S“'EATS. NERVOUS DEBILITY, NERVOUS COMPLAIA TS OF ALL KINDS. ORGANIC AFFECTIONS. PILES.—Th@ original proprietor of these Medicine was cured of Piles, of thirty-five years’ standing, by the the use 21f th 959 Life Medicines alone. PAIXS in the Head, Side, Buck, Limbs, Joints and Orgaurs. RHEUMATISM.—- Those mffccted with this terrible die ense, will be sure 01 relief by the Lile Medicines. Rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy, Salt Rheum Swellings. SCRUFULA, anxxG‘s £71141: its worst. forms. Ulcer of every description. Womxs of all kinds are efiectually expelled by the“ Medicines. Parents will do well to administer them whenever their existence is suspected. Relief will he car all]. THE LIFE PILLS A-D PHOENIX BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, And thus rumove all disease from the system. manna» AND sou) BY DR. TVILLIA M B. M OFFAT, 365 Broadway, comer of Anthony street, New York. Ffur sale by 1111 Druggism. jyl’l-dSawly UMPHR E Y ’ S SPECIFIC II 01311? 023.1 Tlll 0 REMEDIES, for sale at - ' KELLER-‘5 Drug Store, 11027 91 Market. Street Al oor c i o, To- rly• FOUNDED 1852 CHARTERED 1854. f: . L 0 GA TE 1) OBNER OF BALTIMORE AND CHARLES STREETS, EAL TIMORE, MD. The Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished, and Popnlal' lommercinl College in the United states. Designed nzpressly for Young Men desiring to obtain a Tnokoucur anuaAL BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest possible time and at the least expense. A Large and Beautifully ornamentEd Circular, con taining upwards of SIX SQUARE FEET, mth BRIOIMESI or PENIARBEIP, and 3 Large 1111ng 113$th finest of t_ha kind ever made in this country) repreaen ingthe Interior View of the College, with Catalogue stathgternu 150., will be sent to Every Young Man on apphcntionfi'nl or vggfififigwaimiy and you will raceive the pachgo by return mail. Address, 58.112541; E. K. nglhlm. BALTIMORE, Mn. K ELLER’ S DRUG STORE is the place to buy Balm of Thousand Flowers. . . KELLER’S DRUG STORE is thephog to find anything in th 1713 of .Pefl'nmery, ‘ Chamois and Sheep sun. aul6y