Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, October 20, 1860, Image 4
TO A GRI OUL 'I'URISTS. SHADE Tunes—A correspondent of the Ger mntown Telegraph furnishes that journal with the following excellent article upon the subject of shade trees, which the editor, who is “ booked up” in sueh matters, fully endorses: The autumn is upon us, when we may take a. leisure moment and look round our homes for a. spot. to place a. shade tree. It may be safely assumed that farmers plant. too. few trees ab mt. their dwellings and out-buildlngs- I propose to offer a few brief notes ugon some planted ‘by myseif about my buildings and lawn. They are the results of my OWl} Expe rirnee. and may or may not agree "I”! the characters given the trees in the books. My location is upland, and soil a good loam with clay substratum. _ . Norway Maple—This 15 With me the finest of all deciduous shade trees. A round-hemled, densely-leaned, vigorous and healthy tree, with deep green foliage, one of the "first to come in leaf in the spring and among the last to drop in autumn, succeeded after a frost. by hues of the most. beautlful colors. It is for superior to the popular Silver Maple, which affords by no means so dense a. shade, and which is liable to breakage of limbs in every high wind. To make a. good shade tree of the silver maple, in the country, I think it. should have a. rich soil, inclined to moisture. and be liberall)r headed back. i _ Sugar Mafia—One of the chief beauties of this tree. '0 me, is in the very gracefulapmar ance it. presents with its straight. slim trunk, when surmounted by its dense. and regularly formed head of green. Rather slow in growth, late in putting out, but. in autumn with foliage of deep orange and red. Swamp JI‘TIPN——A native, and an very pretty tree on a lawn with its scarlet flowers‘und fruit, but liable wit-h me to persistent attacks of the borer. The Ashes are not favorites of mine. They are late in putting forth. among the first to drop their leaves, and liable to the borer. American C'lzemut.—A beautiful shade tram and, like the American Black Walnut, worthy of a place in the farmer’s yard, bath for shade and fruit. Paulonia Imperialis, of Japan. A few years since a rare tree, and one which has been greatly over-estimated. It is :1 rapid grower, closely allied in habit and iippem-anee lo the Catalpa. but becomes a. much larger tree.— Has a large leaf, with a light, blue flower of a peculiar and :n me disagreeable odor, but which I see the perfumers have taken hold of in New York, to extract a fashionable scent from.— Like the Catalpa. it. is late in putting out, and among the first to drop its leaves; accumulates much litter duringthe season, began ugly seed pod which hangs on the wholeycar, and wirhal presents during half Ihe year a bureau-med; desolatenppem-zmce at best. qufras.——Oue of the prettiest. of our-small native (revs—in truth 'one of the prettiest. of either native or fureigu small trees. The suck ers wli‘zeh it. is liable to throw up, and which have caused most. persons to object. to it, as a lawn Iree, 1 find are easily kept down. Ilene}; Locust—A tree of must rapid growlh, but with thiu foliage, and therefore a prior shade tree. WM; me it is :ery l‘uble to attacks of the lie-rer, throws up 1: great many suckers, and is apt, to luse its limb; in a high wind. Tali-u- i’qn'an—Slow of growth and difficult to transplant, hut. one of the noblest of our many name-looking American trees. In plant.- ing trees, a comma error we make is in plant them too near the house. or walk, or road, or fence, forgetting to allow for lllv growth of the tree in afler years. Of Eusrgruenr.—l have found the A’orway Spruce one ofthe most. hedihy, rapid-growing, and handsome trees. and never much our of plan: Whereircr planted. The Scotch Pine or Fin—i rapldly-growiug, rather coarse-looking tree, Inn. of very fine, dark hue after paSsiug its youthful dznys.——- With me it. is liable to lose some of its limbs after a heavy sleet or sunw. Being of coarse habit, it looks best at. a dist-mace from the lsouza'e or read. Sélvrr'Fir.—A fine ornamental tree with its horiznuml limbs and bright. silver foliage. Balsam. [fin—Very handsome. in its youth, but. with age, in cxpcscd p-Eaceth 10:93 its beauty. 11-wdoci; Spruce. 4—Perlmps 111 a mosthceutifu’l and gracei‘ui of all evergreens, but-not as great a favorite with me as the an'wn-y Spruce. Our books upon trcvs usuany speak or ever greens uhcu: a house as suggestive ofs:u2m-ss,~ and as more suitable. accempanimrms of 1129 sgud (ban of llli' young With me they are as emblematic of happiness and as fut! or phasu rable associnfions as the deuiduoua tree: while in winter lime [can find no (.bjeut in the lumi scape so agreeable for the eye to rest upon as a fine owl-green. I think the. value of trees to our surroundings, whether in the matter of henlm. Cnmforl or be». any. can scarcely be over-eszimated. Let. us learn our children to plant. trees, and to pmteut. and atlen'l to them, and they will the more love the homes which [ha-y surround; and when We. our-sch‘es have pasmdnway, will they more lave our mvmnries tur having culiivuicd in them so neeml and Sn beautiful a taste. THE BEST Cnunmns—Fall is perhaps the best lime vo set om young chem-y trees. 1!. is not, necessary that the soil should. be very for tile, and it, should not be enriched by slrong monures. A rmhcr low, moist. soil, we think is to be preferred; the trees after planting, should be Well staked. and the stakes should remain for at. lt'fiat- three years. Noltrec re quires support. so much as the. cherry, as in is liable to swag much by the wind, and become bruised, torn and weakened at, the surface of the grand. ' Few people corn for more than a half a dozen varieties of cherries. and that is enough when the right Sorts are selected. There is in this, as in all other fruit, :1 con siderable coutruriet y of opinion as to which are the best, Anal _lhis can be no cause of surpriSe, as the. 1013:11in and soil have much to do in raising the cherry to perfection and profit.— Perhaps for the greater portion of Pennsylva nia. Now JerSs-y, Delaware, Maryland, &c., the following vul‘iellcs, uhich We regard as :unnng the very bus-1., are well :ulap:ed, viz;——l:’urly Purple Quigna. Haydn/c6, Eur/y [Ric/Inland. (fur baking. pl‘vserrlug and dhonncvf’) Black Tur tariflila Black Eta/Ir, Elton, Bowman, and (Yo-3‘s Yl'ansparant. Here are eight. kinds. and if we were "0 drop a"? it WORM be the two lust. The Yeliuw Spanish, the Governor "70011, Osceola, &c., are not. generally adapted to our immedi— ate region. There a e many other varieties that are valuable and thought highly of by some, and may do well here. which it is not necessary to enumerate, as Ihe foregoing are quite sufficient to meet the wishes or 110 st of any moderate person, whet-her for private use or market-.-—Germtmtmm Telrflmph. ‘ DWARF Apt-Ln Tuna—Dwarf apple trees are fast. becoming favorites. Although tin-y will new-3r he so extensively rmployed for orch ards as dwarf pears, they will undoubtedly be freely brought inld gardens, where a. variety . is desired in a small space. Every season . . proves these trees to be what they have been - - sent out for. They are productive and ennily managed: the heads being low, they are easily sheltered and protected. it ni-cesséiry, during _ winter. Every part of the tree is immediately ' under the eye of the on t'ivator, by which he is able to Conn-01 perfectly tht-ir forms; and to ‘ deétroy any insects that. may attack them. $37 We ere aware that thé publini-kuow little if ‘ " ‘these uses, but. after seyerul y‘ear's thervation, :mahsive no‘ hesitation in testifying, to. their «$1116.. ' The treeszcan be planted six feet apart; , so thatguite a vegigty‘mny h." planted in almost. zsny gar en, nithpntecqnpylng much space. : 1 Like pefiga‘ggoyn-Lgn dwarf treesflthe fruit of .. .. dwarf apple tiessis'uéutlly larger and finer than the same 'vatietie'a gro‘Wn on standard 4reea. The best. age to transplant. the trees is at two years from the bud or graft, and. they willcun mence to bear the first year after transplant m . it the West, where fruit. is scarce and an immediate produce very desirable. and where. also, high windg are prevalent. and the changes of tempErature in the winter season are very suadeu, We think these trees might be planted to great admntage. And, indeed, we are aware that. the Western people have already com menced to plant them considerab]y,—-Genmc Farmer. LATE Saws- Wilma—A Kenlucky farmer writes the Louisville Courier that he thinks farmers in his section saw their wheat. too early, as early.sown wheat 13 more liable to injury from the Hessian fly. This is have, but with us lute sown wheat, ismox‘c liable to injury from Ihe midgc~and so we have. to steer between these two evils as much as possible. He states that for the last. five j'cnrs he has sown his wheat. after the 15m of October—last year from the 18th to the 28Ib—nud in all these years he has-never missed. a. good crop. Whlle his neighbors "were “complaining of fly. freezing out. and rust, he has escaped all, producing: from twenly to thirty-five bushels of good bright wheat- to the acre.” He sows with a drill. Bonn!) Coax Fun Hons AND‘TomL—Wm. Van Loom, writing to the Prairie Farmer, says that. he has practiced feeding boiled corn to his stock and hug“, and is “ satisfied that. he saves one-half his grain, and gains as much more in lime. ;” that. one bushel of corn on the cob, boiled, will produce as much pork us two fci raw, and in one-halfthe time. In one experi ment, he fed three bushc‘a of boiled corn, per day, to 27 hogs, for ten days. The average gain was two pounds pcrda-y. He then fed the same lot, of hogs on three bushels of raw corn per day for twcnly (lays; they gained only a. trifle over one pound per day. Such experi ments, continued for so short. a. time, are not relinble. film filailfi. "S"HE ONLY PREPARATION .5. THATHAS swoop THE Tun-'l‘ 01v YEAR-S, AND GROWS MORE AND #3911!) POPULAR EVERY DA ' . And testimonials. new, and almost without number, might he given from Indies and gentlemen in all grades of society, whose united testimony none. could resist. that 1' rot“. Wood’s lluir Restorative will restore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, in all its youthful buautv. BATTLE CREEK, Mich.. Dec. 21,1858. PROP. WOOD : Thee will: please accept a line to inform thee that the hair on my head fell off over twenty years ago, caused by u complicated chronic disease. attended with an eruption on the head. A continual course of sum-ring through life having reduced me to a slate of dependence, 1 'have not been üble to obtain stuff for cups, neither lime I been able to do them up, in consequence of which my head has suffered extremely from cold. This induced me ltd-pay Briggs & Hodges almost the lust cent. I had on earth for a. two do lair bottle of thy Iluir Restorative about the first of August last. I have faith fully fullowed the directions, and the bald spot is nm'.‘ covered with hair thick and black. though short: it is also coming in all own my head. Feeling confldentthuf" another large bottle would restore it entirely and par munently, I feel anxious to persevere in its use, and be ing destitut» 9f means 10 purchase any more, I would ask thee if thee wouldst not be willing to send me an ordei' on thine agents for a bottle; and receive to thyself thv scripture declurulion—“ the reward is to those who are kind to the widow and fatherlcss.” Thy friend, SUSANNAH KIRBY. Lxcoxicn, Noble Co , Indians, Feb. 5, 1859. l’nor. 0 .l. Woun: Dear Sin—ln the latter part of the year 1852. while attending the State and National Law School of the State of New Y‘d'k, my hair, from a cause unknown to mu, commenced fulliugofl' very rapidly, no that in the short space of six months, the whole up per port of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its covering, and much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part of my head shortly after became gray, so that you will not be surprised when I tell you that upon my return to the State of Indiana, my more casual acquaintances were not. so much at a loss to discover the cause 0- the chmgc in my appearance, as my more inti mate acquaintances were to recognize me at all. I at once made application to the most skillful physi cians in the country. but. receiving no assurance from them that my hair could again be restored, I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunmtfly. in the latter part of the your 1857, your Restorative 'Wils recommended to me by a. druggist, as being the most rs liable Hair Hemoratire in use. I tried one bottle, and. found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired efi'ect. Since thut time, I have used seven dol lars’ worth of your Restorative, and an 9. result, have a. rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can buy. An 8. mark of my gratitude for your isboi' and skill in the production ot‘so wonderful an article, I have recom mended its use ‘0 many of my friends nndncquuiutanoes, who, I am happv to inform you, are using it. with like efl'eet. Very respectfully. yours, A. M. LATTA, Aa'surney nu-i Counsellor at Lle. Depot 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealem through out the world. 0. J . \VUUD A: 00., Preprietorl, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. anl’i-dficwéim HA Ni! 8 0M H WOMEN TO THE LADIES HUNT’S “BLOOM OF R SES.?‘ :1. rich and delicate color for Ihe checks and lips, WILL NOT WASH UR RUB OFF, and when once applic-d remains durable for years. mailed free in bottled-3 for $l.OO. . HUNT’S “COURT TOILET PIN/DER," imparts a dazzl ng whiteness In the complexion, and is unlike uny thiug else used for this purpOse. mailed free fprso cents. UUNT’S ‘- BRITISH BALM." removes tau, flecklx‘fi, sunburn and all eruplions of the skin, mailed free for 50 cents lIUNT’S “IMPERIAL‘ POM AD E," for the hair, streurzthens and iuxpruvea its gruwlh. keeps it from lull ing 06'. an I warranted TO MAKE TH E HAIR. CURL, mailed free for $1 00. - IIUNT’S ‘- PEARL BEAUTIFIER,” for the teeth and gums, cleanses and white-m the teeth, hnrdousthe gums, purifies the bro-nth eflectuull)‘. PRES E R V ES THE TEETH AND PREVENTS TOOTH-ACRE, mailed free for $1 00. HUNT’S “ BRIDAL WREATH PERFUME,” ndouble extract of orange blossoms and ooh-311e, mailed free for $l.OO. Thi-I exquisite perfume was first usedby thePRINCESS ROYAL. 0F ENGLLN l), on her marriage. MESSRS “GA 'l' 3: 00 presented the PRINCESS with an elegant case of l’erfuumry. (in which all of the above articlea were included.) in handsome cutglnss with gold stoppers, valued at- $l5OO. particulars of which appeared in the public prints. All the above articles sent FREE by ex. p’ess lor $5.00. Cash cam either accompany the prder or be paid to the express agenton delivery of goods. HUNT 8:. 00., Pc'lfmmrs to the. Queen. REGENT STREET. Lamas, A5l: 707 SJXSOM STREET, The Trade supplied. PHILADELPHIA. sep‘l—dly otck . BUEHLER HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA. GEO. .l. BOLTON, Psopxucwn CARD. The above well known and long established Hotel is now undergoing a. thorough renovation: and being in a great degree newly furnished. under the proprietorship of Mr. Gamma J. Bum-us, who has been an inmate of the housu for the last three years, and is well known to its guests. Thankful for the liberal patronage which it has an. joyad, I cheerfully commend Mr. Bolton to the pubiia favm'. je'i d&wy WILLIAM BUBIILDB. (ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, I BRO ADVVAY, _ NEW YORK When completed, six years ago, the St. Nicholas was universally pronounced the most magnificent, conve nient, and thoroughly Organized establishmeht of the kind on this continent. ‘ What it was then, it remains today—without a rival in size, in sumptuousness, and in the general elements of comfort and enjoyment. The llotel has accommodations for ONE THOUSAND SIX HUN D 111: 9 GUESTS, including ONE HUNDRED COMPLETE S UITES OF A PA. R TMEN Ts for families. ‘sxx HUNDRED PERSONS m be comfortably seated at the tablesof its three public dining rooms, and nothing that modern art‘has devised for the conVenience and so cial gratification or the travehn‘g public hasheen omitted in its plan, or isneglected in its practical details. The early reputation of the house at home and abroad, derived from its magnitude. its Superb appointments, and its ham-like cum/ans and-luxuries, has been en: 'hnnced every year by the unwearied exertions of thd Proprietors; au24-d3m . TR‘EADWELL‘ WHITCOMB &, GO.- F]NE:CONDIMENTS-! !—E X T R A FRENCH MUSTARD, a choice variety of SALAD OILS, GAUGES and KBTGEUPS ofVevery delcripthnL ' mylo ‘ WM. nocx..J.. & co_ KELLER’S DRUG B'l URM is the place to and the belt usomnent or Pom Monmm. Bugitteas «Katha. DENTI S T R Y . THE UNDERSIGNED, DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY. Respectfully tenders his profeSSional services to the citizens of garrisbnrg and vicinity. ' OFF OR IN STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRAD Y HOUSE. sep2s-d&wtf B.M GILDEA, D. D.S. J B.HUTC‘HISON, . . ALDER DI A N . OFFICE: THIRD STREET, FOURTH DOOR ABO.VE ROI-ITH, m 7 HARRISBURG, PA. dam: “f w . HAY s , Ai‘TORNiEY-AI’R-LAW. O FF I G E, WALNU STREET, BETWEEN SECOND 55 THIRD, upb] lumusnunu, PA. _m___ [dly THEO. F. SCHEFFER, BOOK, 041 m A 175 JOB PRINTER, jails __ A 18 Market Street, Harrisburg, JAS.F.SHUNK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 01-1161: IN 1m: BUILDING OPPOSITE PROTHONOTARY’S OFFICE, jan'i] Harrisburg, Pa. [dly _ “I M. H. MILLER, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oflice corner of MARKET STREET and the SQUARE, (Wyeth’s,) second floor front. a)? Entrance on Elm-km: Square. n2l—lydflcw DR. 0. WEIUHEL, SURGEON AND OCULIST, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH STREET. He is now fully prepared to attend promptly to the duties of profession in all its branches. A LONG AND van? snacassrun flEnIOAL EXPERIENCE justifies him in promising full and ample satisfaction to all who may favor him with a. call, be tledisease Chronic or any other nature. ' mlB-dacwly T H 0 MAS C. MACDOWELL, _ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oflicc in Thin! Street, one Door West of His Residence, HARRISBURGI PA., Will attend to applications for Pensions and Patents in Washington City, I). 0 , and will practice in the Court ol Claims in said city. By an arrangement with responsible parties in Waxhingtou City, he is vnablerl to assure all whx may entrust their applications, either for Pensions or Patents, to him, that they will be faithfully and properly attemdvd to. on the most resemble terms. . :33 P. AUCHMUTX, o .1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILLERSBURG, Dwrum omm“, PA . Will practice before the Dauphin, Northumbetlaud and Perry County Com-ts. Prompt attention given to the collection of claims Allkindsof con‘yancingexeuuted withdispatch. Land surveys made :1 hortesb notice. decZ—dly JUHN-PTASZYK Respectfully informs the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity that he is ready at all times to TUNE AND REPAIR PIANO FORTES, ORGANS, and Musical In struments of all descriptions. Mr. Ptmzyk is recom mended by the leading Musical Manufagtories of New York, as well as other cities of the Unittd Sta-fies. All orders left at Mr. WM. KNO'GHEFS Music Store, Mnrket street, or Herr?s Hotel; will be promptly and faithfully attended to . ' no4—dly “fin. PARKHILL, SUCCESSOR Ti) H. S. 110'”, PLUMBER AND BRASS I‘OUNDER, 108 MARKET ST., HARRISBURG. ? BRASS CASTING-S, of every description; made to order. American manufactured Lead and Iron Pipas of all sizes. Hydrants of every description made and repiired. Hot and Cold Water Baths, Showex~ Baths, Water Qlosata, Gistern Pumps, Lead Cofiins and Lead work of every description Jone at. the shortest notice, on tim- most reasonable terms. Factory and Engine work in general. All orders thank» fully received and punctually attended to. The highest price in cash given for old Copper, Brass, land and Spelter. mle-dtf J o. MOL T z, a ENGINEERJIACHINET AND STEAM BITTER, No. 6, North Sixth at? between Wainm and Market, Harrisburg, Pa. Machinery of every drsfifiption made and repaired. Brass Cocks of all sizes, and a large assortment of Gas Fittings constantly on hand . All work done in this establishment Will-b 8 under his own glamrvision, and warranted to gift: satisfaction. 00‘ RELIGIOUS BOOK STORE, TRACT AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPOSITORY, E. S. GERMAN, 27 SOUTH SEUGND STREET, ABO\’E\CHESNDT, HARRISBURG, PA. Depot for the sale of Stereoscopes,SteredscopicViews, Music and Musical Instruments. Alsofisubacriptiona taken for religious pubhcatioua. _.,, , 1:030:12; JACOB 1). BARRINGER,‘ SI EN, ORNAMENTJiL AND H 0 USE PAINTER- No. 4? SOUTH THIRD Strum. . (AT BUYER’S CARRIAGE FACTORYQ Barrrisburg, Pm. ~ if? Plain and Ornamental Signs, in Gilt and Silvangot up with neatnvsa and despatch. Paper Vurnisher}, and ad: prdera promptly attended to. Give me a can. septT-dti FRANKLIN HOUSE, BALTIMORE, MD This pleasant and commudious Hotel has been tho roughly re-fitted and re-furnished. It. is pleasantly situated on N «nth-Wed corner of Howard and Franklin streets. a few doors west of the Northern Central Buil way Depot. Every attention paid to the comfort of his guvsts. G. LEISENBING, Proprietor, jexur (Late of Selius Grove, Pa.) ifianli fippfimfisug. B A N K N 0 1‘ I C E.—Notlce 1s hereby given, that the undersigned have formed an Asso~ cintion, and prepared and executed aCertificate, for the purpose of establishing a Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposite.’ under the provisions of the act entitled “ An act to establish a. system of Free Banking in Pennsyl vania. and to secure the public against loss from Insol vent Banks,” approved the $15!: day of March, A D. 1860. said Bank to be ched THE DOWNINGTUWN BANK, to be located in Downingtnwn, to consist of n Capital Stock 0' Fifty Thousand Dollars, in shares of Fifty Dol lars each, with the privilege of increasing the same to any amount not exceeding in all Three Hundred Thou sand Dullam. Charlvs Downing, ? David Shelmiro, John Webster, William Rogers, William Edge, E J. K. ushering»; Richunl D. \Vells, | Samuel Riugwaltg.‘ J. P. Imugh, _ Stephen Blutchfm-d. 553 September 3, 1860 —scpl7-(16Iu BA N K N UTI C 19.—Notice IS hereby given that an Association has been Formed and a. certificate prepared for the purpose of establishing a Bank of Lsuc. Discount and Depusite under the provi siom: of the nut entitled “An act to establish a. system of Free Banking in Pennsylvania. and 1.0 secure the pub lic against loss from Inso‘lvent Bmxl{a,”appmved the 31“. any of March. 1360. The suit! Bunk 7.0 be called “ The Bethlehem Bank," and tn be Inc ted in the bnrough of Bethlehem. in the county of Northampton, with a Capi tal Stock of Fifty Tlmusnnd Dollars. in shares of Fifty Dollars each, with the privilege of increasing the. said Stock to 'l‘wa Hundred Thousand Dollars. 31125-4le B A N K N U ’l‘ l C E .—Notlcels hereby given, that an association has been formed and 11 certificate pre;.;u'cd, for the purpose of establishing 1. Bank uf issue, discount and deposit, under the provisions of the act,‘entitled “An Act to estsblxs'n a system of free bunki ng in Pennsylvaniu, and to secure the public against loss by insolvent banks,” approved the thirty-first day at March, 1860. The said Bank to be callnd the “ FREE BANK," and to be located in the city of Philadelphia, and to consist of a. capital stock of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, in shares of fifty dollars each, with the privilege of innrensing the same to anymnnum not exceeding in all one million of dollars. jy’Z-dGm v X'l ENbIHN OF BANK CHARTER Notice is hereby given that “ The Farmer-5’ and Mechanics’ Bank of Enston,” a. Bank of Diacbunt and Deposit», located in the borough of Elston, Northamp— ton county, Pennsylvania, lmvxng a capital of Four Hun dred Thousand Dollars, will apply to the next Legislature of Pennsylvania’for a. renewal of its charter for fifteen years, from the expiration of its present charter, with its present capital Itock, powers and privileges, and without any alterapion in or increase of the same. . l’. S. MICHLER, President. M’E. FORMAN, Gusher. ' je3o-d6m B A N K N ”T 10 E--Notlce is hereby given that an Association has been formed and a cmmmt" Velma“ 'o' “19 purpose of establishing a Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposite,'uuder the provi sions of the not entitled “ An act to establish a system of free bankingin [feunsylvunim and to Bucure the public against loss from Insolvent bankg"! approved the 31“ [day of March, 1860. ,The aaidjank to be, called the 6; State Bank,” any! to be located in the city of Philnde]. phia., md to conunt of 9 Capital Shock of Fm; Thousand Dollars. in share: of fifty Dollar: each, wit; the privi. legs of incre’ngng thesame to anyamountnotexceoding in all One Mxllmn of Dollars. jeggdomfi @n finnsckecpem. ‘ m, 23%,. r" % _y-’ r; 1m 3 G /.§s//.{>3 QQ). y ./' ' ' FE/gyzconomm "39 a (£l5? mmmm 1; f 6 <1 . 0 "' \J: Save the Pieces! ': As ace-Menu will happen wen in well-regulatedfam-i -lies, it is verydesirable to have ‘some cheap and conve nient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, kc. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can aflord to be without it. It is always ready and upto thestick— ing point. There is no longer a. necessity for limping chairs, splintered veneers, headless dolls, and broken cradles It is just the article for cone, shell, and other orgntmeftal work, so popular with ladies of refinement an as e. This admirable preparation is used cold, being chemi (tally held in solution, nod possessing all the valuable quahties of the best cabinet-makera’ Glue. It may be used in the place of ordinary mucilage, being vastly more adhesive. “USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE 9’ ' N. B.— B -' V V V cents. A rush accompauea each boot-le. Price, 25 WHOLESALE Dupe-r, No. 48 CEDAR 31mm, New You HENRY C. SPALDING- &: 00., Box NO. 3,600. New York Address Put up for Dealers in Gases containing Four, Eight, and Twelve Dozen—a beautiful Lithographic Show-Card accompanying each package. 513’ A single bottle of SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times its cost annually to every household ‘5“ Sold by all prominent Stationers, Dmggista, Hardware and Furniture Dealers. Grocers, and Fancy Stones. Country merchants should make a note of SPALD ING’S PREPARED GLUE, when making up their list. It will stand any climate. ' febl4-d&wly finanmmz. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY 11V summun COMPANY. 0171:7015, 5. 001:. “mt/J AND WALNUT .525 PHILIADEZLI'HIA. _ Incorporated 1835. Manna Insuranca on vessels, cargo and freight, to a! parts of the world. ' Inlmzd Insurancz on goods by avers, canals, lakes am land_ carriage to all parts: of tbe_Union. Firs Insurance on merchandize generally, and on stoma. mellxng houses, e‘zc. Asuetu of the company; .Novemberl, 1858, 3698,80420-Im lollara. , November 10, 11553. The Board of Directors have this day declared a. Divxdenu of Six Per Gent in Canh, on the Origins.) Capital Stock md Six Per Dent. on the Scrip o! the Company, payable or “3d after ls! proxima They have also declared a Scrip Dividend ofTwenty-Fivr z'er Cent on the Original stuck,and on the Earned "re alums for the yea:- ending Octnber 31 1858, Certificatesl‘a: which will he issued to the _mrtius entitled to the same, 0: mt] after the first of December m-xt‘ Pnamea an" Racial-inn mln'pred by the Baum. “Menu, The increased means of the Company swish ~. from Profits, and which will be derived from the Increase: Capital stock under the late amendmvnta to the Act of [u eorpumtion, render the further mutiuuance of the (imam: (:60 Capital unuecuflsm'y; thurefore be it— Resalmd, That the Guarantee capital be- diacoutinuen. and the Notes repreflenting the same be delivemd up to the makers theruef. as soon as the Risks taken during the parlor embraced inaaid Notes shall have determinea. DIRECTORS: William Martin, Edmund A. Sander, Theo. Paulding, lon R. Fem-one, John C Davis, James ’l‘mquair, William Eyre, Jr. J amt-:50. Hand, Wm. c. Ludwig.- Joseph H. Seal, Dr. R. M. (lunch, Game. Leipar, Hugh Graig Charles Kelly, Bam’l. E. Shaken. J . ll'. Peniaton, Henry. Slann, Ed. Burlington, E. Jones Brooke, Spencer M’llvaS-ae, Thomasu. Hand, Robert Burma, JucobP. Jones, Jas. B M’F‘arl’d. loslmaP. Eyre, Jno. 15. Sample, D. T. Morgan. .1 . 'l' hagan. WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS 0. HAND, Vic: President HENRY LYLHURN, Seuetmy. The undersigned, an Agent for the above Company, i! prepared to make insurances on all descriptions of proper ty, on the most lvberal terms can Ivdlvw WM. RUHHLER iiiiarciianwus. s 1 ’ I\‘ g“ #3 1: “" A?“ zézfiv -' 4 “1» HM“: igfizgfl. 4I" [3’ pg "1'... . ""“fik: @,. wND 0 R R "ix «$52» ‘gyfi‘g "7' Al DEA E '/J’? gang? 41,1040 1 PL”, R firi’déi‘a 953*; W» -9.., We 4P 1' ’ i';,_;;..x':;+_‘g‘.: by} —§ V,.~.5.§;,_;.‘r’3:fi,}, II "‘1? (ha ['9 51"} ’\\ KW: fill-5% 41:“:L'rsdfis .f,’ A ; w s 90’ r ' 5% Egghi ’fi.v~ii”aé”e,a gig/fl it . . _ "1'; :3 ‘gg‘é‘gfl _;-“:;:.-‘-:s%-‘...Q “7-4: ' /' l-‘i 333 ' sl;°"¥2;§“sm“= .‘ r J' “I 1‘ r\_¢‘;l3:uz~<;£ «:41 VMM“ '3' [s‘s F? I”: A“; If H")? I" $1.3, r‘a'rfi‘j ’ P“ I; “I ‘3‘] am TW‘Eiw x if E; FEE ~ ‘“ ~ ‘5 _' .t. >.; mgr-v . ’i-E‘ /" 5L @233» 5&3? N E 3'3: .. $3,233“ éfié’ ' Elf—ssl4! :- .' L 1”! 1.."--‘.-13‘-“ " "1' > :“fi‘” ‘fi I . falfigaf'i -:-’6*535 r 3” “" W" H ’1 ”£33"';§é‘.i:.»§‘srg'gllT;:é—T“{7l7%sz3;; "' 31‘ 1w“) ’ .e"x'Z’i’E"—-;i‘*":;_ ‘. ~. ‘ ~;ix{:;~. w.“ x’W ‘“ fiw a “£23: N U V E L ’l‘ I E S . RECEIVED AT SC'HEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, Chi 1853 'l‘umbier, Dmeptive Tumblers, Watch Boxes—lmitation Pan}: of Cards, Whistling Balloons, Moveable Animals, [l3O. Men. Magnetic Fishes, Do. Ducks, LDo. Turtlea‘ Do: Ships, Magnets, Compassess of all sizea, '52 tamps for marking Linen 7 &c., at 38 cents. Cards Cases, ’ Needle Threaders, 1:. very useful article for Ladies at 20 cents. Porcelain Slates and Pencils. ‘ Hair Brushes. Lend Pencils in Boxes, G-um Balls of every size and quality and prices. Paint, Boxes, Brushes. Lead Pencil Sharpeners,Finger Rings. Globes. Key Rings. Pocket Pieces, Pen Knives, China Ornmnentf, with Ink Stands. 850., attached. Parallel Rulers. l-‘en Wipers, Sand Boxes, Pen Racks. Microscnpes of different sizes. Magneto-Electric Machine. China Marbles of all sizes and pricey. (3,1358 i i K‘ S‘ Common “ Spulding’s Prepared Glue, a. useful article in every family, ' Uptonis (i H K! (t (l Mathematical Instruments of different styles. Violin. Guitar and Benuo Strings Magic Wafers, or Electricity. Illustrated, price 75 cents n. box. Magic Duplicating and Impression Paper. Keleidiscopes and Multiplying Glasses Dominoes uf all sizes, qualities and prices. - Pocket Inksmnds “ “ “ Cork Screws. auitable for carrying in Veal. Pocket. Puzzles. Mirrors, Dice, Perfumery. Colored Crayons. Chalk do ' Papier Mocha Work Boxes. “ “ Writing Desk and Portfolio. flj’Fnr solo at, SGHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, - murao No. 18 Market Street. ~ . ELTRAGTS! EXTRAGTSH WOODSWORTH :51: BUNNEL’S SUPERIOR FLAVORING EXMACTS BITTER ALMOND, NECTARINE, PINE APPLE, STRAWBERRY, BOSE, LEMON AND VANILLA, Just receives! and for sale by je29 WM. DOCK. JIL. a; CO JUST RECEIVED! INK FOUNTAIN! INK FOUNTAIN! A very ingenious attgchment to Any-metallic pen, by which one dip of ink lfl sufficient to write a foulacap page. Fox-51198.11 SCBEFFEB’S BOOKSTORE, up!) ' No. 18 Murket st PA RAFFIN 1*) CAN DLEh ! I !--Made of PURE PARAFFINE. a material obtained from COAL, combining the ILLUMIN A'I‘ING properties and chemical constituents of Gun. They will ltnnd all cli mates. give a. clear and brilliant light and burn 1‘“ run Guru . longer than Wax, Sperm or any other candle in the mullet. For ads by Wu. DOCK. _J11.., marl? ' 8010 Agent for Harrisburg. SCHEFFER’S Bookstore is thd place to buy Gold relax—warranted illchiml. HELDIBOLD’S GENU [NE PREPARATIONS. HELMB OLD’S BUCHU for the Bladder. fl ELMBULD’S BUCHU for the Kidneys. HELM BOLU’B BUCHU for the Gravel. HELMBOLD’B BUUHU for the Dropsy. HELM HOLD’S BUGHU for Nervousness. H P LMBULD’BI BUCHU for [was of Memory. HELM BOLD’S BUGHU for Dimnenfl of Vision. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Dlflicult Brufliiug. H FLMBOLD’S BUCHU for Weak nerves. HELM BOLD’S BUCHU For General Debility. H LLM BUL D's l‘UnflU for Universal I‘ussitudg, HELMBOLD’S BUCHU I'm- Hun‘or 0! Disease. HELMBOLD’s BUCHU For Night 5'31t3. HELM BOLD’s BUGHU ‘or W .kemlneaa. Emmi BOL D’s BUG nU r. r Drynnss of the Skin. HELMBULD’S "UCHU for Eruptions. HILLMBOIID’S BUCHU for Pain in the Back. _ HELMB‘ LD’S BUUHU for Heavinesa of the Eyelids, with Temporary sulfa-ion Ind Loss of Sight. HELMBUL D‘s BUUHU for Mobility and Restleasnesa,with ' Wnnt of Atrention and Horror of Society. HEL‘WROLD’S BUCHU for Obstructions. BELMBOLD’S bUOHU for Excesses arising from Indis crvtion, and all Disease: of FEMALE~, FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES. TAKE NU MORE I ILLS, TAKE NO MORE FILES, THEY ARE 0!? N 0 AVAIL, 7 _ THEY AM) OE no AVAIL. Use HELMROLD’S EXTRACT BUUHU for all com plaints incident to the sax. NU FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT X TAKE NO MORE BALSA \l or Injuripm and Undeaszmt Medmim- or Unpleasant and Dav g. mug Diseases. Use HELMBOLD’S ”(PEACE BL’GEU for Excesses arising frum Inuit! indu‘g‘d in ' _ By YuUNG mp 01m, _ _ And rm dis9ases «rig-u: lrom Habits of D Sniprltinn. It re mun-s all impropv r disch ages, and w: ll restore the-patient in a shoxt tima- ton state or Hvalth and Purlty. Use HEINBOLD‘S EXTRACT BUCHU for Diseases and Afl'nctnors of the most. Dmm Bali!!! Ch-rncter. Use HELMBULD S EXTRACT BUGHU for a” Affec» tions and Diseases of the URINARY ORGAXS, Whether existingin _ . A _ _ _ ' MALE 01: FEMALE, From nhntever c-mue originating, and no matter (of Huw lAIN} STNDINH All of the above diseues and symp'om- a‘mit of the same treatment, and m‘ y origiua't- l'rmn me‘game cause. BEAD! READ! HELMBULD’S BUGU is svll'c,an'd pleasant in taste and odor. hutimmefliafo m us act‘nn. Personallv appear. d bpfore me, an A‘derman of the Oily of Philahlphiu, H. 'l‘ HnLMuOLD, Cnemist. who, being du‘y sworn, does say, that. his prep‘lmtion co-vtnins no Nar cutic, Meucury. or iujmious dung, but is purely Vegetable. ’ H. 'l‘. HELVIMOLU. Sole M- nufac uxer. Sworn and sub cribed bd'ore me, this 214 d day of bovem -1501",]564 WM. P U FBBABD, Ahlernmu. d Price $1 per home, or six for $5, dcuivercd to any ad ross. A TRIAL COSTS 8171‘ A DOLLAR—TRY 111‘, And be cowinm-d of its eflicacv. And it is acrompmio’d 0 y fellabl“ and responsib'e catificntes from Profebaors of hidiual Colleges, Llex-gymen and o'hers. Prepared by H. 'l‘ HELMRULD, Pmr'icaland Ana'y ica! Chvmist. 104 San?!) Tenth Svnet helou Cm a nut, l’hnlaurjphia. NEG: SSAILY CAUTION -—shou‘d unpr neipl d Heaters try to palm off nnolhur article, which pays a butter pm!“ and is wu‘th rss, ASK FUR HELMBPLWS FX’I'RACT BUCHU TAKE Nu u’l‘uEß CUR E‘ GUARANTEED. Sr M by JOHN WYETH, Dlugg‘bt, corner of Market and Second svru-tn, Hams! mg. AN I! .4 LL 11mm GIST.t FVERYIK’HERE. CUT TBZS UUT—SFND OR CALL FOR IT, ! A2l, AVOID EXPUEULIE AND IMPOSITION “If!!! d I‘- m AK aperient and Stomachic preparation of IRON pnri fivd of Oxygen and Carbon by combustion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest Medi-al Authorities, boxh in Europe and the United States, and prescribed in mail practice. ' 'l‘le experience of thousands daily proves that no prP pnmiion of Iron can be eompared wizh it. Impurities of the blood. duprussion of vital energy, pale and o'her“ ise si ‘kly complaining: indiute its necessity in almost every cuncv'vable ~. arse. Innoxiousin all maladies in which it has been tried, it has prove-l nrsolumly curative in each of the following c-ompluinls, viz : [N Damn". Nnnvons AFFECTIONS, Emcu'rxon. DYS PEPsu. Communion, Dirnnmm. brawn-my, Inclpmm CUNSUMP‘I‘ ON. ScmFuLous TUBERCULOSIS. Su'r llusuu, M unassmnumu. WHITES,CHLOROSIS. LIVER 00er 151-5, Cnmmzc Humcurs, Riv-minim,lmxnmrnnrflhvans. l’mpus 02: THE FACE, £lO. In c: ses of GENERAL Dianna", whnther the result of ncntu dire sa_ or of the continued diminution of nvrvnus .nd musculvvr en. rgy Lam chronic can p'ninis one trial of this restorative has pruned successful to an extent which nu deucviu ion or “'l‘lttrn nth-stuliou Wuul ' render crteu'ible [nv lids 30 Im gbudr ridden us in have In camo- forgottm in [Mir 0.. n nrighl o hoods. have suddenly rte-appeared in the. busy norm as i just r< lumen from protra' ted travel in a Hist-m? Innd. Some vn-ry signal instam es 0! this kind are attested of fenml— Surf-arm's. vmaciuted victims nf 'lppan‘eut mmnsmus. sanguinbous exhauslion. critical changps. and that coma lic mint! 0' nvrvous and dynx-eutic uvvrsion to air and exert-ivy for whit-h the pll} sin-inn has no mama In vancs 4FFEOTKUAS 6t 35,“ kinds. and for reasons familiar to meriit-al men. the operation of this p-epntation 0! iron must necrsanri'y hr snlntnry, 'lor. unlikr the old oxides, iI is vigorously tunic, without bring exciling and uvt-rhvarlug; and gently. regularly apvlivm, «v: n in the most obstinllte mam-a of coaliveurss. Without ever hringa gistriu purg tire, or inflicting n disagrm able warat‘on. It in this I. {tr-r property. amo‘ golhern, “'ll ch makes it H 0 remarkably efil-ctu-zl and ps-rmanentn rl'meiiy lor Pl 7: 5., upon which it also appears to ex: rt 9, distinct and 8; milk: action. by dispersing «he loculwualem-y which forms thrm In Drsrnrsu, lunumwrnb e as are ilscamsrfi, a single box of tin-Se I has]! eat.- Pi.ls bun of'en sullired for Ihe moat. hzlbitu l csae-, in eluding the attendant Punk-mess ln unch can-d maximum, even when advances to Dism 1m“, couflvmed, ennn iating. snd nppan-nfly malignant the ~ [l'- cla h Ive been qully di 0 sin: and Ilstonirhina. L. the lac .l pains, hiss of flesh and strangth. debilitating cough, and remitlenl hectic, which genvrallyinilicatr IN cl- MM (.‘ONSUMP'I‘IMN, this remvdy has allnyed thr alarm 03‘ friends and physicians, in several very gratifying and interesting instannrs. In Fckol-‘L'Luus TI nnncvmsm, this medicateri iron has had fir inure tin-n the good effect of the most cauliously balanced pl epara'ions ox. iodine, without any of their well known liabilities. The attention of females cannot be Vuo‘confldently invifcd to this remedy and rastmati'ue, in the cases pecan-ally 3f fectiug them. In liurnmm‘am both chronic and inflammatory—in the 1:11: er, however, moreficc dedly—il has beehiuvariahl; well repnned, bad: as alleviafiug pain and reducing the swel lsngs and at-ffness of the joints and muscles. In lmanmnnm FEVEKS it was: necersurily ie a great remedy and en- rgetic rvstorutive, and its progress in me new settlemvnvs of ti 9 West, will probably be one ofhng'n renown and um‘ulnrns. No remeuy has ever bevn discovered in the whole Emory of medicine, whi‘h kxerls such prompt. | appy. and lully restorative rt‘fvc's. Goo-I up; e ire. complete digestzon, rapid arquismou of shength, milb nn 11l usu-Ii fiisposmnn for active and cheerful (Axum-€59, Immu-diutvly fullou its uRr. Put up in neat Hm metal huxes. cumming 50 pills, price 50 vents ps-r box; 'or Sale by drugg‘sls and ueule-s. Wll] b 0 sun: I'm-u to any address on re mm. of the price. All letters, orders, elc , nhoul-I be Hddrvfisvd m R. B. LOCKE A: 00., General Agents. mv‘23-dfl'wlv ‘2O Cedar Stree'. New York. MANHOOD, HOW LOST, HOW RESTORE I). Just Published, in a N'mled anlnpt, A LEPTUHE ON THE NATURE. TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURE 0F SPERMATFIRBHOEA, ur Srminnl “Haiku-HS, Smw' [Xe-ldllty, Nervnusnusn anal Invo'un'arg amiss (map a lucing lmpoteuc) , Consumption and Mental and uhy-iual Del-ilzty. - MY HOB. J OULVERWELL. M, D. The impnr unt {Act that lhv awful cuus~ quences of 84‘”— a! use may he ufl‘wuully remuvad With: at “Rental medicines at th-- d lager-ma applications of caurt cs‘ iuaruumeutu. mumcnted hnuxuen, and nthur emvirical duviv'en, is hrre elem-y dvmox-st «led. and the entire _v new and highly nucu 33ml treatment. as adoptvd by Ihe ce'eln'ntrd vu' nor, t‘ul-y epr-ined, by meann of whi h every one is enahluu to can himself [wrl't-‘etly, and at lhelum-t [.O‘Si-Ilr cunt, there by availing all the advertis d~uosnums of the day The Lgctun‘ will prnvk a [man In thous nrds and tlu-uwmds Fentunder Sva‘ to any address, rust paid. on 'he receipt «f two tws'ngv stamps, by addrvssiug Dr. CHAS J . C. KMNE. 48“ First Avenue, New York, Post Box 4,586. an") {Haw}! . ‘ _'- L b‘ ' " 7 “171"”'WMS"'1”‘§"! DR. SWOPE’S TONIC FOR PEVER AND AGUE, Will cure the mom! obstinate case “ IN TWENTY FOUR HOURS,” It is also a. preventative for such as are liable to this disease. This ce'Pbi-utud TONIC re moves all Flutulency, regulates the anvls, purifies the Blood, gives a. tone to the Digestive Organs, and creates an appetile. Sula Agent for the town and Dan hin count ‘ L 0 EFFLER, appointed‘by mu. .1) yls WM ami-d3un ( ‘HESNUT GROVE W Hlb‘KEY.—The ”wont-ea! Epigighevar offered the American public pop m . . _ , 1 ‘ la $421123: mu: poisoning «animus-inherent in thy All persons desirous of min this Whisk - cured of its purity. g . 95’ may ten an. ' . Pmm:l.mu,'lan. Dun Sim—We have carefully ex’umined tfigtznlzafigl 1 mm“ m- n- - "ma-:02, 111 con mi aux-non ' - Italics mnumu'x oil ’ ' 9;“ u“ ”‘”"°”'“h' Yours mroctfnlly, _ ' . 30°13: Gmxwrwmw, “39%“; ‘3‘"0“: h. ‘ : {flung-u (flu-must": or e y con]: Agént in Rumba Ml] 20-! Wrgl. DOCK.- h. MAD: READ! DR. SW OPE filthiml. LOEFFLER, W K. PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST AND cmmsg 0016. 4th AND MARKET STE. Having purchlscd the Drug Store of Messrs. HOLMAK an 00., I beg leave oan the attention of the public to m, well Itocked Drug Store. My good! will always be mm to be genuine, reliable, and at the first quality. m expenencein the Drug business, acquired pn'ndpaly by traveling through the European Continent. will not (an '0 give satisfaction to every one. MY STOCK 4 CONSISTS 0F Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery? 808 W; \ 3633“, Tobacco, Bunting Fluid? Aleuhoi and (Samplzene, Fresh Gronnd Spices, Corkl, Spousa- Brushes, Pomdes, Toilc! Paints Combs, Port Menzies and Purses, Home and Cattle Powders, PATENT MEDICINES, which will be sold but not recommended, as I cannot guarapme a. cure'in any can Besides the above named articles, I have a very large an sortment of other mincellaneoua articles, which the put-u is invited to come and examine I’M—fT-f;_.,}.2;_;'.1;”;”..‘:“~ —~ ’ - Vi‘ifi‘fi’kxflr :u‘fl“ V :1“. Jam. "' u:'> 53:5: t" i' 1, :r 5- i " "‘l‘” $' g‘ 24 .‘ [1 ,_. -:M «v: ‘ V I??? 5 9?: Ikg 1-. Ara. , ..fl'aiiiwo": 3“ 3f" m! .- yumjw , , 'M" ”f" > T.“ «xiv-xv! .- ~v-A..,;-_«. u“ """' , /#’” » wig}. It must be obvious not only to you, but to every attgn tive and int! lligent person, that the first diseases of ll}- fants m-ise chiefly from a disordered condition of thfll‘ ham-ls, and in this connection, we present to your nohco for the alleviation and cure or these .diseuscs, a remedy known as DR. EATON’S INFANVTILE CORDIAL. Prepare-i from a. formulaused by Dr. Eaton with remarka bl— success during Sr-verul years’ practice, we know itlto be a. m. at reliable and emcacious remedy for infantrlc complaints, and one triul aluue will convince you of m: “pecan-w over every other preparation at the kind. 1! is pa liculurly recommended ' FUI‘. CHILDREN TEETHING._ And at this period of infantile lire. whq-n your anxious hearts are pained by witnessing the sull'erings of your little ones, it will be found invaluable in Sciftmz'ng {he Gums, Reducing Inflammation, and Relieving all Pam. FOR DISEASES ATTENDING TELTHING, such 38_ Diarrhcza, Dysenlery. Griping I'll the Ban-:13. Acidity of the Stomach. Wmd. Colic, and Cold In, the Head,we con. fidently other this as a. certain relief and cure in every case when given in time. In will invariably regulate the stomach and bowels, and its importance in this re spect can hardly be estimated. IN CONVULSIONS, from which mare infanta'are mid to die than from nny other disease, the little sufferer is relieved instantane ously. as if by magic; and in thisdruad complaint alone, itq intrinsic value is such that it. has been recommended from one family 10 mother. until the name uf DR. EA TON’S INFANTILE CORDIAL has become “familiar as u househuld word.” We now ask your attention to a subject of vital interest. to yours-If. as well Is to your sufl'frjng child. DR. EATON ’5 INFAN TILE COBDIAL con auls ‘ NO MORPHINE 0R OPIA'I-lyi ofany kind, or qfwhateter nature, 1? ajact which we areful/y warranted in : tuning cannot be Ara id 0} any otlwr preparationfur infantile diseases, at this tim'é bq‘qre the public. 4:13 We find that throughout the lcountry Mothers are becoming convinced of this truth, and u!‘ the sad and blighting consequences which are wrtain to result from the use of narcotics dISEDiSPd in the form of quieting rexm dies; thuir continued administration being invariably followed by stupefacflon. and constipatlon of the bowels, ending oftentimrs in convulsions. Herein DR. LA'I'ON ’S INFAN TILE CORDIAL diflbm from every olher remedy. I t DOES NOT GONSTIPATE the bowels; neither does it. act by deadening the sensi» bilitiea of your chil mm, but naturally. through its rare medicinal qualities, by removing all puin and cause of disease. We earnestly recommend you, therefore. to lose no time in procuring a bottle, that you any ha e at hand u rcmcdy which will never fail to relitvc your childln time of need. It is ficrfectly harmhm‘, and mm: m.— jure the most Ilslimle 'injum. ‘ Take none but DR. EA-TON ‘8 IN FANTXLE POBDIAL. This you can 'rcly upon. Price 25 (:l ms per bottle. Prepared only by CIJLRLH it DUPONT, No. 5109 Broadway, Lew York, And sold by them, and by 'ull reap. cmfilé Dmggisls. For sale lny C. A . BABNVART, U. K. KELLER and D W. GROSS it (20., Harrisburg. IcLfi-euwdizwly BURL}? x '11”; 151,001)! MOFFAT’S' VEGETABLE Lil'E PILLS A N D PHGNIX Bl’l‘hTEßS. The high and envied celebrity Much these prewmt nent Medicines lave acqnind In their invuluul-le em. cucy in 111] the Diseurrs \\ hich 1h: y pmlua tu ture, bnfi render- a the usual practice of pumng not only tmnece» smy, but unworthy of them. , IN ALL CASES _ Of Asthma, Acute and t hrunir lihemnatism', Afi'ectmne of the Bladder mud Kidneys. ‘ BJLJOL'S FLVBI-S AhD LIVER CDIIIPLAIINTS,_ In the nuuth and Went, nhwu these diseuaea‘pt‘evml. they will be found imaluulde. Planters, farmers and where, who once use these Machines: will never after wards be withnut them. V 311.1013?“ CIIOLIC.FI-IROUS LOOSENESSJILESSOS» TIVLNESS, COLDB ARI) CUI (JHS, l DULIC, ‘ LUBhUI‘T BEMUMS. lltUl’blLS. Dvsnrsu.——l\‘u person with this didtgening disease, should dulny using these Medicines lmlm‘dlntely. Eruptions of the Sln in, Eryeipelas, h‘lutuh ucy. Fun-m AND AGUE.-—-For this ncuurge ol‘ the Western country these Mudicinesuill he fvund a. safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system sub— ject to a return of the diEQEBE; a cum by these medi cines is permanent. Try them. Be satisfied. and be cure-2!. . Foumass or Commst— ' G'EAERAL DEBILITY, GOUT, GIDDINESS, GRAVLL, Headaches of every kind, Inward Fever, Inflammatory Rheumatism, lmpure blood. Jaundice, Loss of Appetite. thcmuu. DlSEAbEs.—Never Imls bu eradicate en tirely all the etl'ects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the must powerful preparation of Sursupnrillu. NIGHT SWEATS. NERVOUS DEBlLl'l'Y, NERVOUS COMPLAIATS OF ALL KINDS. OBGANIO . AFFLCTIULS. Pxnws —Thc original pruprietor of these Medicine was cured of Piles, of thirty-five years’ standing, by the t the use of these Life Medicmra alone. ‘ 0 PAIRS in the Bend, Side, Back, Limbs, Joints and ; rguns. Rnsumursm.—Those afl‘ected with this terrible dis ease. will be surv oi relief by the Lite ML'dlL‘illeS. Rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy, Suit Rheum Swelling-s. ‘ . Sen-mum, or KmG-‘s EVIL,in its worst forms. Ulcer of every descripti‘un. “fungus of an kinds are cflectnally expélled .by them Mediviuus. Parents will do Well to administer them whenever their exiatence is suspected. Relief will be certain. Tlll9 LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTEBS PURIFY THE BLOOD, And thus remove all disease from the system. ' PREPARED AS!) §OLu u , DR. WILLJA MB. MUFFAT, 335 Broadway, corner of Anthony street, Nchoxk. 13’ For sale by all Druggisls. Mil-dimly H UMPHREY’S - 7 M" SPECIFIC . . HOME OPA. TE] 0 REMEDIES, for Sale at KELLER’; Drug Store, In??? 91 Market Street F ./ \Q‘E, ' 13$ “,A {3‘ ' ’ ‘ FOUNDED 1852 . LOOATE 17 , . 011 an OF BALTIMORE AND CHARLESSTREETS, BALTIMDRE: MD. ' The Largest. Most ElesnnflxFPmlßhM- “d'PODUIII' lommercinl College in the pmted stgtu. , Designed Inpflmsly for Young Men dean-mg: tn' obtain-a 'l'aonoucu Plum-m“, Busmnss Enuouxou m .thevlhogmtfipoaub]. time Mid at the leastgzgngnsg. ' , ‘ A Bar 9 and Beautifully Ornnmdnted‘iclrininr, eon mining Epwardfl or 51x SQUARE. EEETaJIth Bmm. 0". ngu‘fisflll’! and_ a Large Engravinfithe finest of the kind aver mum-hr this country) repnma ingthb In tel-lo: View nfthe College, with Catalggugfitutlnglerms, Ice. will be sent to Every Young Man on afiplicn'tion, In; ...-Vennnall. ed 1: 1. d i 1‘13““ -“ riteimm in. e yam you wi receive Mae-.- :7 return mail. Address, ‘ ‘ 5' " “amok-[B° jan2s-dly] E. K. 12081311: BALfilidll. Mn. K ELLEB’S Dfi UG Sana-mm“? PM” to bl" Balm of Thousand Flowfig,ml [ac-cg; KELLER’S DRUG STORE place to find anything in :1. way of Peflhmory. Chamois and Sheep Skim. Raley CHARTERED 1854.