Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, October 20, 1860, Image 2
figs 31321115101 :32 fifluinn. SATURDAY MORNING, OCT. 20, 1860 .. 'BARRETT Bv. THOMAS C. MAcDOWELL. Pub lishers and Proprietors. Oonmnnicnfienswill not he published in the PATRIOT no UNIO‘S unless accompaniefl with the name of the uthor. S. M. PETTENGILL k (70., Advertising Agents, 119 Nassau street, New York. and 10 State street, Boston, are the Rgents for the PATIENT All) “mos, and the most influenfis! and large-“I “1‘0“- hflng newspapers in 1128 United stat es and Cavnadxxs I'M are authorized to contract for us at nurlawis: rates- F 0“ SALE. Amati-hand ADAMS Puss, platen 3925 by ‘36 inches, 111 good order; can be worked either by hand or steam "war. Terms moderate Inquire it his office. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. ‘ FOR PRESIDENT, ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 JOHN c. BRECKINRIDGE, 0E KENTUCKY. Iran. VICE PRE SIDENT, t \ ‘ JOSEPH LA Nb, 0 F ORE G 0 N . it it I‘m: Coxg'rnunos Asn rm: Eqmuu 0? mm auras! THESE um SYMBOLS 0F xvznmsnxa uxxux. nu- flmss'na mm mumsa cams 0y THE means.— J. o. numxmnmen. ' “ Inptead of breaking up the Union, we intend ‘0 mungthen am] to lengthen it.’-‘—J . G. BKEcmzmmcn. “ We know no section as distinct from the other; we know the Go ‘stitution and the States under it. and their tights Is guaranteed under that mtrument.“—Josxrn Inns. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS ancrons .u' LARGE. ‘BIOHARD VAUX, 6110‘ M. KEIM DIS‘I‘EICT ELECTOPQ ). hm). A. K - 3. ins. Onocxsrr, ‘ 3 ‘ 16. J 211 mg D. JAGKSOH‘ ;. J. G. Bxsxxzn ! 11' J" 3' Am”- i. G. W. JACO st: 3 I‘l. J. R. Dunn, G. 03331.33 KELLY i I‘9. H N Cluwronn, 7. 0. P. hugs, ‘ I "0’ J.B - L“, 8. Davin Scmix.. i 31. N. I HOWELL! 9. J. L. Lxcnrrzm': 5 7r" q ' P' ”New” 10. S. S. BARBER, . , 3:. LA‘ML'EL MARSHALL, 'll. T. H. WALKER g :1. W.Lunl 8001 i, 13. S. 8. Wlxcmzs-Em a 5"- B. D- Bums, 13' ern LAW—”I.I, , 2 .o. Gn'mzn Gannon. Speech of John Cessna. The following report of the remarks of 301 m Cnsmu before the Straight-mu Douglas Com ’mittee is taken from Kthe firms. and is worghy of preservation as an humble confession of weak— ness: Mr. Cessna responded in some lengthy remarks. The action of the Brockinridge flank, in falling luck upon the Reading ticket was prompted by a. desire to ruin Judge Douglas. They hoped ‘hkt the. stmight ticket would be retained‘ knowing that the friend: of Judge Dough: would be divi-‘ed between it and the Reading regular ticket. Then they would oanly decl me that the eompnnvive'y few 17 tes cast. fur the straight ticket con stituted Doualas’ entire strength in Pennsylvania. and claim the entire vote for the andingficket as indicative of Breckinridge strength. '1 he hopmi of Judge Douglas woilld be ruined by retaining the straight ticket. It had wheel-wed its purpose invocrcngtheWelsh-ites into snlnnias on The regular electors were bound in honor to support Douglas Ind Johnson. for in no historic case had an elector failed to represent the mshes of his con stitnents. The Straight-out Douglas Ticket With- dream, le. The Douglas Straight-out Committee met in Philadelphia on Thursday last, am} determined to withdraw the Straight—cut Douglas electoral ticket, and also recommended the Reading elec— toral ticket to the suyport. of: the Douglas men of the State- As the Demccx‘aiic State Como mittee has already recommended the Reading ticket as it was constituted by the State Con vention, without conditions or pledges, there is now only one ticket in the field claiming the support of Democrats. Untier these circum stances we can urge upon Democrats every where, without regard to Presidential prefer ences, to use their utmost exertions to have the full Democratic vote of the State polled in No vember. We do not. feel disposed to quarrel Willl the members of the Straight—out. Douglas Commit,- tee for the reasons assigned in their resolu tions and address for withdrawing the disor ganizing electoral ticket, new that. they have thought. proper to take the back track. They are perfectly welcome to extricate themselves from a disagreeable position with all the plan sibility and grace at their command. But it is (somewhat. diflicult to preserve a. respectful de gree of gravity while reading the excuses which this Committee have rendered to the public. The sum and substance of their apology is, that. their only object; in getting up an electoral ticket. in opposition to the one regularly consti ' tutedat Balding, was to induce the regular State Committee to hdhere to the Reading ticket un conditionally; and that they never wished the electors to be specifically pledged to vote for Douglas in the event. of their election, regard ing the resolutions of the Reading Convention as binding them to vote for Douglas and John son as the regular nominees of the Nntional Convention. Since the State Committee has rescinded the compromise resolutions, they are pet-f only satisfied. This is certainly drawing it very mild. The Straight-out. Committee might have saved themselves much trouble, and possibly the.Democ-ratic party from de feat, if they had made known their intentions several months ago. The sole object of the regular State Committee in proposing a, 001 m laromise, in view of the divisions existing in the Democratic party, was to concentrate the vore upon :1 single electoral ticket. Had the Committee been aware that the Douglas men would have been satisfied with the Reading ticket, pure and simple, WLthout specific pledges, We have no doubt. that it would have recommended that ticket. to the support of the party without a moment‘s hesitalion. The only reason why they did not, was because the Douglas men insisted upon the electors being all pledged to Vite for Douglas. If a return to the Readig ticket was the only object of the Douglas Committee, why did they insist. upon interrogating the ole-esters, and why' did they strike from Ihe list. all who would not answer unequivocally in favor of Douglas and John son '1 But Mr. John Cessns gives a, much better reason for viijlldrawing the Straight-out ticket, than the resolutions and address of the Com mittee. He expressed apprehensions that» if .fllia ticket was kept in the field it would get only an insignificant number of votes, and this Inn‘ld be taken gs an indication of Doug‘ae' strength, or rather weakness in Pennsylvania. 111'. Cessna is a shrewd politician. and as such sees'the necessity of hiding the Weakness of Douglas from those who have been made lo be lieve in his amazing strength. We give him credit for his sagncity. As before remarked. however, we will not quarrel with these gentlemen for doing it good thing, or seek to deprive them of any excuses for their misconduct. We are gratified to find an tribulation has brought repentance, and M shay have at last been brought to see it: virtue of adhering to the regular crganizntion of the party. This is satisfactory, as far as it goes. But, we shall not rest wholly satisfied that. all is right until We hear from the “member of the National Executive Committee for Pennsylva nia.” AS he occupies the position of guardian over the interests of Mr. Douglas in Pennsyl— vania. it is incumbent upon him to see that. those interests are not sacrificed by “compro mise with traitors.” We await. in breathless suspense to learn whether the action of the Committee is liable to that objection. What Shall We All Get? It would [k curious and instructive it" the expectations of the prominent. Republicans of this State should be revealed to the public inspection. How are all these patriots to be. compensated for their exertions in behalf of Lincoln and Curtin? How many regard a Cabinet appointment. or a foreign mission as the least recognition of their services that Lincoln can venture to offer, in case he becomes Presi dent? It is a melancholy fact thatwe can’tall be accommodated with Cabinet- places, foreign appointments and fat oilices, and that some who did and suffered immensely in the cause will be compelled to be satisfied with an approving conscience as their only reward—which is well enough in its way, but not exactly the sort of food to satisfy the cravings of hungry patriots. In the first place, there is ALEX. K. M‘Can-i. Chairman of the Republican Committee, to be provided for, and provided for handsomely. lie is not- the man to be put oil with crumbs. He must have a whole pie to himself. After or ganizing the State and contributing so much to the election of Carlin. he has accumulated a large amount of political merit. thatit. would he a. shame to overlook—and not only shameful but dangerous. His name has already been suggested as a sort of {color for two ofiices by the Chambersburg Transcrwt, but we hope that he will not insist upon having both. The Transcrio! thinks that he would make a splendid United States Senator, and a very efficient. Secretary of the Commonwealth. If it had only thrown in a Cabinet office and a foreign mission l the effect would have still been more bewilder ing to other aspirants for position; but. it seems to be generally understood that Mr. M’Clure asks nothing more than to be elected to the United States Senate, and that he will magnan imously decline all other ofiices. . But Wilmot, and M’Micharl, and Pollock, and Mann, and Iteeder, and Stevens, and some two or three dozen more, think that they ought to he Senators, or something else equally hon: orable and comfortable. It ’don’t appear to them exactly fair that. the old soldiers should he overslaughed for a dashing young blade like M’C-lure. Wilmot can boast of the northern counties that, he revolutionized ; M’Michael of his exertions against Fosrnn in the North American, and of his success in convincing the conservatives of Philadelphia that. Lincoln was a very moderate man, not at all inclined to Abolitionismj. Reeder can point. to his wounds incurred in the Kansas wars, and Stevens to his long and consistent Abolition record. If the ‘ Chairman of the State Committee can beat up against this army of rivals, and carry oil” the prize in the face of their opposition, he will prove himself the most able and sngncious general of the campaign. Already there are indications that the struggle for the office of Senator will be long and earnest, and that the man who wins will hare to fight hard for it. It, is painful to think that so many hopes and 'patriotic aspirations nre destined to be blighted within the next twelvemouth; but multitudes must be disappointed when ‘ofiices are few and applicants many. Such is the fat-e of war and politics. The Insolence of Funaticism. Car}. Shurtz (one of the skirts of Nessus on the back of Mockßepubficanism) in a speech at. Utica, New York, on Monday, represented John Brown as a teacher of Virginia, and his bloody instruclions as their first lesson in Re pubficanism. This is a part of his insolcnt strain ,: But Southern men must have learned something from the events of the past few years. They mus‘ have learned that the northernmost slave States are not quite no reliable as they have supposed—they must have learned that. the Northern Ya: kees, the blue-bellied Yankees as they call them 7 fine men of 1776. will fight 110va if need he-nnd that there is a. great -eolumn of Germans and S ‘nudimwians, who can hund'e.n muska’, who stand ready to aid them. (Three cheers for the Germans ) But you can calm your warlike enthusiasm The South will never come. Let them brag of dissolu tion and war as much nslthev will. Brnggwdocio and poltrnonery were ever clnse bed-fellows. But what will Ihe Southmns do when Lincoln is elected and inaugurlted '.’ They will talk. We shall be over whelmed with brilliant Exclamationa and agonizing elm. quence, and (lire foreboding: of evil to follow; but they Wnn’l be nice ahuut fixing the lime when these fearful things are to happen. This {irade against American citizens as “polu'oons,” comes with bad grace from one who, according to his own confession, has‘ given personal illuslraiiou that “ Bragggdocio and Polu‘nonory are close bed-fellows." Mr. Samuel Stern, an adopted citixsn of German birth, now of Boston, was one of the leaders of the German movement of 1843, in which, also, Shurlz figured. He challenges the latter to a discussion from which h- (uni ting “bruggaéocio to pollrconcry”) shrinks. But- in his letter he gives an insight into the value of such weak heads and hem-ts and strong months as Shurtz: Having “been an eye-witness and an ackn- in the epoch of 1848 and 1810, I have leilrned unnugh in be he 1: a. conservative, when-as Iwas at that time a revolutiunint. I aunelione Land suprorted the l't‘vn‘ulin“ because it. WM an attempt of the penple to Sll‘ikc ror 11msu nights and libertivs Inf which they were deprived by a, s‘lstgm of absolute monm-chism and sham ennstituti ‘nuliim. In Min-h, 1848 the German people gained their lihertis:: and rights. The representatives of German knowleriqv, science, liter-stark, jurisprud-‘nc' . and statesmnnship, “We delegated to form a. united Germany—a Germany Within" Austria. no Prussia. no Bavaria. no 8 Ixnni I, but a. “nip-d Germany. Did they realize the n‘inhvs of the people? I sat in tlrnt famous ca‘hvdrn] (St lulul’s Kirchv) during the exmteuce of that Parlimumt; I sat in the Roman Saul (Kc-ysersaal) during the whulP "x -istence of the Committee of Fifty; I sat in the “ Vnr Parliament." 0h! could I assemble all the vicfims of the crazy managvment with which you ufiiieted the good peupie of (i rmany, cnuld I gwth‘sr Hw- thousands of pn'rints here. I would shuw them that the wry men who destroy-c 4 every hope of cnnslifutional liberty in the fat. erlaml have already commenced the same work of destruction here. When. i" 1343, the Kings were prnstmte in the dust; when the army—the childrs-n of the people—wore almost “"011 OV3! t 0 the mpulnr caus.‘ what did you (I mean Y 0“? "M'FJ Md all “lose nnw swarl i gin this ronntry and “1““ “if-'ll “"1"“! andinfluencvdo‘.’ Sir. in<te~ud of consnli-lafing the distrautrd elements of Gormanv into 11. Confederacy of Snverei‘m States. you “Ide ablmt theindep ‘ndencn- uf Italy and Penna ..."; all the ms'ions of thewurld, while you neglected you’r own ufi'airs. The army was insulted—the ‘ army must he nhnlishvd ;y and, instead of nmilingyourselfnf [he f3-\"|raMc pnsitinn, and ntri ing quickly, -on sat in th“ Frankfurter Pun-lin mvnt and made lnug speechsa till the mnumm gave way, and you and allot us went agaiuiuto Egyptian dark ness. H “in! wasted the time foraction. Bnd 112- _ mess and dennair at home. you come. hithfir imagflffe people of- this countrv wi'h your grand dogmas and th >— cries; to rvpeat precisely the same exploded up”; mm“ sud absurdities. When ynur own house WlB nn fir- in stead of running to the resnue nfitn inmvmlr. you Soul:dxld the big trumpet of a ‘unin-rml rrpubliv: ;‘ ‘wa must free Poland; ‘ we must the Itatv.’ ‘ all the world must be free.’ Surh were [our mum-nus shouts. But ynur own haunt-s were burn: d tn the foundation. your wives and your children were Ina-du- I'm - elem. while Palm"! 1; ye‘ enslaved: and Italy is freed-not tyy your aid,but by her own exertions, unaided by Frank furter Parliaments and German doctors and philosophers. “Instead of tha— orizing; instead c-f talking about - sneialinm and com munism,’ and a div nion of propprty‘ the Italians have acted, and therein lies “:0 secret of their success. ludiana—Rebublicanism Roasflng Lower. The Repubiican majori'y of 15,000 or more is fast dwindlingdown. The Indianapolis Sen tinel of the 15th gives official returns for Gov ernor from 4.0 counties, and unofficial from 12 more. The result. is a majority of 1,305 for Lane, Republican, over Hendricks, Democrat. If the remaining connéies Show :1 corresponding increase, Lane’s majority in Hie State, 3935 the Sentinel, “ will be about 6,000.” The Congressional delegation stands as be— fore, viz : 4 Democrats and 7 Republicans. The Senate stands—Democrats 22, Republi cans 28. House—« Democrats 4], Republicans 57. doubli’ul 2. The Smalim‘l expresses a confi dent belief that, Linco‘m will not. carry the State at. the l’resi-‘ieminl election. It reasons thus: The Republican State ticket gum considerable Breck— inrhlge vote and n numerous lie-ll and Fn‘crettv vote, nei'h’er of which it is probable will go for Lincoln. In addition, a, great many Breckinridge men (lid not vote for State omcers. These facts Show adenine-d anti-Lin coln majority in Indiana. It is fair to calculate that Cnl. Lime received twenfy thousand Bell and Everett and llreckinridge votes which Will not be cast for the Republican candidate for the Presidency. Subtractthese voles from the vote given for the Republican candidate for Governor, and it leaves Lincoln six thousand in the minority, and demonstrates that the Democraticelecto ral ticket. can succeed. We esiimate the entire vote of the State at 252,000, of which Lane rPceivcd 29,000 and Hendricks 123,000. 01' the entire vat-e say there are 30,000 who will tote for either 8911 21ml Everett, nr Breckinridgo, if elector-1L! tickets are continund in the mid for those candidates. What will these figures then show? Vote for Lane for Governor. . . .. . . . . . . . .. 129,000 Deduct Br“ and Everett and Breckinridgc 7 ‘‘ _ votes Lincoln’s vnfe............._...._, 109:000 Vote for Hendrick’s.. . . .. . .. . . . .4 . . .- .. .128,000 Deduct for BI eckinridge votes. .. . ... . . . . 10,000 Vote for Demncmfic electoral tickctJl‘JfiDO 113.000 Hell and Everett vote. . . . ‘ - . . . . . 1.5.000 Breckinridgc vote.- .- ._ . . . . . . . . . 15,000 Total The Breckinridge vote will be increased considenibly above this estimate by the addition of those who did not mm for either candidate for Governor. We believe tlmt the electoral ticket nominated at the J'th of Jenmry Convention can be carried at the Pre sidential election, if the same effort is made by the De mocracy that there was at the State election. .If the Democracy can get out, the same vnte that they did then we nee no reason why thvy fihould not succeed. CURIOUS Wm. 01' A SOUTHERN PI..L\‘TER.——- Afi‘eclion for a dog:-'l‘he following extraordi nary star}; is in circulnlieu. Au aged gentle man, a. planter in one of lhe Southern States, has just died, leaving a. fortune of $lOO,OOO, which is to be disposed of accoroding to the provisions of his will, and that document is as follows: “I hequenth all my effects to the children of my brother, on the following conditions: De sirous of marking my sense of the service which my Newfoundland dog rendered me in saving my life one day when l was drowning, and wishing also to provide for my housekeeper, I appoint. my said housekeeper nurse. tutor and mother to my dog. My natural ht-irs shall, on this account, pay to her, out of my entire for tune, a daily sum in the following manner: The daily payment. shall continue so long as the dog shall live, but not one second longer. During the first year after my tic-cease, or for so much of it as the dog shall live, my house keeper shall receive $5 a. day; the second year she shall receive. $lO adny; the third yearsls; and so on, until the death of the dog. In the course of the month in which the dog shall die, there shall he paid to my housekeeper for every day of the dog’s existence $125 On the day of his death she shall he paid per hour of the dog’s life, $25“. In the lest hour of his life she shall receive for every minute that he lives, $375; and. for every second of the last minute, $5OO. My notary 53 charged with superinten ding the carrying out, of my will.” This eccentric gentlemen appears to have entertained for his dog sentiments similar to Byron’s. What, the heirs will think or do we cannot say, but. we shall be much surprised if (haldog lives many hours longer. Supposing him to die at 59 minutes and 59 seconds after 5 o‘cloekron the 30th tiny of the month, the sum to he paid to the housekeeper will he 2 30 days. at $125, $3,750; 1] honre, at $250, $3.750; 59 minutes. at $375. $22,125; 59 sec onds, at $5OO, $29,500—558,1‘25. ROMANTIC MARRIAGE In New Jnnsnr—An Inconstant Bride.—-Two young ladies of Highls town, Mercer county, had been wooed and so for won by a pair of ardent suitors as to have named the day, and the spot, when and where they would surrender hearts and hands. On Sunday last. at Puinceton. the silver coNs were to have been tied, and the tender vows sealed; but, alas! forthe mutability of earthly hopes, one of the fair ones, whose afl'ections Cupid had forgotten to label “not transferable,” had so for lost sight of all former promises as to allow a new attachment. to spring up in her bosom, and, on the wedding morning, when the first: suitor called to claim his bride, he found she had already gone. with her new lover to the very spot where she was to have been joined to him in the holy state of matrimony. Forthwith he started in pursuit of the fugitives, and. arriving before the service of the clergy man had been rendered, the disappointed bride groom took his inconstant one aside, and represented the injustice of her treatment..— 80 moving was the appeal that, the fair one at length consented to marry according to origi nal agreement. The proud spirit of the man rose within him, and he spurned the otfer with contemgyt, refusing to take to his arms the hearth-es creature who had broken her vows, and preferred another before him. The daunt— less heroine, determined. to be a bride at. all hazards, immediately returned to her lover. who waited with trembling anxiety the resqlt of the interview, and, without risking further delay, was married to him on the spot.~l‘t’n.r:- (tr/c Evening Journal. Susmcmvs ()Hamcnns m TUE Sovwm—M BI nneltsville. S. 0.. on the 10th inst., a father and son, named Hirehinga, the father an En glishman, weroarrestcd on suspicion ofheingin centfinry chal‘uclel‘s. The populace Were about to hang him to the nearest- troe. but it was de creed best to try them by ajury of citizens. In their trunks were found an inrnice from Ihe H m'lford Fire-arms Cmnpany, for $5OO wmth of guns, revolvers, bowie-knives, cartridges. caps, 83:: , which had beén shipped to Floral College. N. (L, by exprpsa. Annther invdce from the same house for $9OO worth of piszols and holsters was found. An abolitionist. named Bagley, near Union lown, Perry county, Ah]... was apprehvndeclon the night of the 15! October, on a public road. and whipped by individuals in disguise, for having uttered the following language in the presenre of u respecmhle citizen : - “ If the Union IS dissolvc-d and a civil fwnl' ensues. I will be damned if I do nut 20 Narth. slmuidc-r my musket and fightagaiuat the Siulh; there is no one hc-re that. I care it damn mom. any way, except my wife. and I can very con veniently carry her with me. My folks are all North. and I will he damned to h—El if I IlOn'l. fight. against the South as long as ,there is any necessity for it ” Af-orwnrds n public moefing of the citizens of Uniomown Was held, and the chmstisemeni oangley Cordially arprowd. The Rochester, N. Y., Union of a late date gives the particulars of an elop¢~ment in tbal place, the. truants beinga Mrs. Jane M’L'lughé lin and a. boatman named John Finnegan. Thé former also carried 00' all the gold and silvel ware in the lame. he~ides helping herself H nver $3,000. whit-h her husband had deposited. in one of the banks, and papers m-cessury {of the possrssion of cpnaiderable landed primer: . Finmgan is a married man. It is snpposv Ihe parties have gone to Australia, where :11 woman has mo daughters. - . LATEST BY TELEGRAPH Destructive Fire in Philadelpoia. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 19 This morning about five o’clock the large five-storied structure known as the Franklin Buildings, located immediately in the rear of Franklin Hall, Sixth street. below Arch, was destroyed by fire. The fourth story. in which the flames originated, was occupied by Duncan White, baukbinder. The entire stock of work on hand was ruined by: fire and water, invol ving :1 loss to Mr. White of about $2,500. E. C. & J. Biddle, Charles Desilve, and other publishers, had work in the hands of Mr. White, which was destroyed or badly damaged. The fire spread to the bookhindery of Charles H. Marot, on the fifth floor, which sustained some loss from water. , The third floor was occupied by Wm. S. Young. general joh printer. Mr. Young's es tablishment was deluged with water. Several religious newspapers and periodicals are pub lished here, and the fire will interfere seri ously with the issue of some of these papers. The forms of the Christian Instructor and tho Uonlimntal Journal, were knocked into pi, and printed sheets were destroyed. A considerable portion of the edition of the l’resbyfarian Quar terly Review were destroyed. Mr. Young can form no estimate of his loss. Smith B'. Peters, stereotype printers, occupied the second floor. They had a number of valu able works on hand, which were ruined by water. They estimate their loss at. from $2,000 to $3,000. The building belongs to Huling & Cowperth wait. Theloss to buldiug, stocks, machinery, &c., roughly estimated at from $lO,OOO to $15,000, is entirely covered by insurance. The fire was the result of accident. 20,000 A Gala Day in Baltimore. BALTIMORE, Oct. 19 , The anniversary of the Battle ot‘Yorktown is being celebrated to-day, and the Druid Hill Park inaugurated. There is a large turnout of the military and the various civicussocintions, and the public school children are being con veyed to the Park grounds by thousands. The weather is rather threatening, yet- there are prospects of a large gathering. The Corn Exchange and Stock Board have adjourned over to-day. There will consequently be little or no business trnnsactcd. 252,000 Special Elections in Virginia. ' RICHMOND, Oct. 19. Elections were held in this State yesterday to fill vacancies in the State Senate. In the Eighth district Gen. Cox (Douglasite) is ahead as far as heard from. Dickinson (Breckinride,) in Pryor’s dish‘ict, is elected. The Twentieth districtis not. heard from. For the House of Delegates, Crump is elected over Campbell, from Amelia and Narawa-y counties —9. Whig- gain. In Patrick and Flavuna coun— ties the Breckinridge delegates are elected. 1101:. Henry W. Hilliard, of Alabama, is now addressing :1 large crowd of the great defeated on the subject of union or disunion. -«....-.. Death of an old Philadelphia Merchant. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 19. Thomas Richards, an old and esteemed mer chant of this city, died suddenly yesterday, at the moment when his friends were about. cele brating his golden wedding. and marriage of his daughter. He was in his eighty-first year and quite infirm, and somewhat excited in au t‘icipalion of the day’s festivities. PHILADELI‘HIA, on. Is. Flour is firm ; superfine 3.537%. extras $6, and fancv 56.2537. Rye Flour $4.25. and mum Meal $3 50. What active; white sl.4snlfifl, and red 51 380.1 41. Rye 80¢. Corn: yellow 72L, 72,148.73 c. Oats 35c. Whisky z2}§c., 233.23% 0. BALTIMORE, Oct. 19. Flour steady. Wheat active and ndvancvd 3:15 cents Sales at. $1.331“ .42 fnr P.9d, and $1 45M 70 for White Com steady; Mixed 651167 cents. Whisky dull at $35 0 NH? Your, Oct 19. Flour heavy; salt-5 nf 13,000 bands at $5 1433.5 45; fnr State 55 8585 95; Ohio and Sqn‘hern unmanned.— Whent dvclined 1:129“ ; sale: of 60,000 bushels at $1 2821, 1030 for Milwaukio Club. Corn firm; 40.000 .bushels anld at flange. Provisions dull. Whisky dull at 2434 c. G E NEEfi—EE WS It. is rumored, in well-informed circles, that his Honor, Mayor Wood, 'of New York is en gaged to be married to a lady of fortune. in Ihnt city. 'lhé lady is decisive in her choice. but. her friends are disposed to withhold their approbation, unless Mr. Wood will promi-e to retire from politics at the close of his present. mayoralty term. Mr. Wood has very properly declined being 'influenced by any other coun sels than those of his future partner. Mrs. Ezekiel Deyo, of Rondout, N. Y., rc tiring to her room alone last Friday night, saw the foot of a. men under the bed. A second glance confirmed the fact that there was a men under the bed. and she left the room for the purpose ,of giving the alarm, when the thief sprang from his hiding place, and in his haste to escape jumped through a. window, carrying the frame and sash along with him. One thousand men are employed in the United States in the manufacture of sewing machine needles. and the profits on them amount to nenrly $BOO,OOO a. year. Since the introduction of the sewing machine, the sale of spool cotton has increased to the extent of more than a. million and a half annually. During a trial for assaiilt. at Passoic, last. Week, counsel asked the complainant how hard the accused shook him. In explanation, he was seized by the witness, and the breath almost shaken from his body, producing a very satis factory impression. Miss Harriet Hosmer roached St. Louis on Saturday last. Her errand is to gather mate rial and data to enable her tn execute the sta tue of Hon. Thomas H. Benton, which the Missouri Legislature commissioned her to un dertake. ‘ By a strange vicissitude, General Chung. who was shot. for invading 009 m Riva. suffered his execution at the fool. of the very monument precled to his honor, in the Plum at. Puma Arenas. for his many services to the country. On Sunday night-of last. week. a. negro. in ntlempling to escape with some stolen bacon, (the owner being in pursuit,)jumped down a precipice thirty fret high and was instantly killed. in Lynchhurg, Va. Pofafo rot is dn'nz serious ‘injury in the neighborhood of Buffalo, New York. Some farmers have lost. almoat their whole crop. In Worcester county. Mnss.. there are considera ble losses from the same cause. Tm: TEA TRADE.—Dul‘ing the year ending April 30. 1860, there were expnrled From China to the United Sta-tea 31,661,426 pounds of tpa. The pxport to Grant Britain For the same period amnunted to 713.416.0512 pounds. A man near Alexandria. Va., had an extra ordinary escape from death; he fol! tn the bot tom of’ :1 WP“ 100 fret (‘l’ cp, burying 11‘!!! head and shoulders in the mud‘ Henna not much hurt. “The ugliest h‘ndrg,” said Jerrold. “have [hair momenvs of pleasure. Now. if I were a. grave digger or evpn a. hangmnn, there an: snmP penph- I could work for with a great deal of enjoyment. Isaac V. Fowler. Esq., late postmaster of New York city. was to leave Havana on the 15Ih, in the steamer La Union, for Vera Cruz, on his wnylo Mexico. An lowa favmer. who failed to sell his land last spring at. $2O per act-u netted $23 pfl' acre, from the prolific crop he has just. har vested. ‘ “WHAT’S IN A NAME!”-—-At a place‘called Poverty Bar. near San Andreas, in California, two minors in a fortnight, took out ninety pounds of gnld. A dentist named Murrill was ridden out of the town of Rnolnille. Conn.. on a. rail. Inst week. for alleged familiarity with female pa.- tients. The Markets. C211111111:1 Speaking of ginseng, the St. Paul Times says: “Every hour and huge that comes down the Minnesota river discharges heaps of this valu able article on our levee for shipment. The large Slipplies that, are constantly being brought into our city from other quarters, also. almost, astonish the natives. It. is estimated that at least twenty-five tons of ginseng have been exported from our State this fall.” AWARN ”‘0 VOICE—4I'I“: Hon. Charles Jarvis, Of Maine, long a member of Congress and a veteran in politics, Mid an octogenarian in years. in aletter to the N. Y. Journal of (Jam. mcrce, expresses the liveliest apprehension over the warfare the North is propofing against the institutions of the South. Mrs. S. Brown, of Milford, Ohio, rushes into print. to state that, a. quack dentist. hos extracted eleven teeth from her mouth by some new im provement. Mrs. M‘Neil, of Dayton, testifies to nine out, of Mr month, by the some process. Navigation ought to be benefited by the remo val of so many Ohio songs. RESIGNATION—Hon. Israel Washhurn, who has been elected Governor of Maine. has re signed his seat in Congress, to take effect on the first of January. The vacancy will be filled by special election, probably on the (lay of the Presidential election. The editorof the Homer (111.) Journal having received a present ot‘a gallon of molasses. com pliments the article as “ free from that green ish taste which n. majority of the Chinese cane molasses has.” “ Greenish taste” is good. Ajealous wife was only prevented commit ting suicide by jumping out. of a. third-story window. at AIL-any, on Wednesday, by her hus band catchingher penicoats, and with the help of neighbors hauling her in.“ The Ohio Statesman says that fourteen thou sand negroes voted the Republican ticket in Ohio this fall, undgr the decision 6f Judge Brinker hofl'. Mrs. Millard Fillmore has contributed $5O ‘to the Lady Elgiu relief fund. SPE‘C'iLei‘iWé‘i'R'Es. WARRANTED PURELY VEGETABLE.— All the ingredients of Buxnnsrn's PILLS are purgative, and not in conjunction to open, detach, dissolve, cleanse, cool, heal, and so carry out of the body whatever injures it. By being digested like the food, they enter into and mix with the blood to search out and remove all bad humors. Theydissolve all unnatural mllections, cleanse the blood, and cure tubercles, ulcers, &c., let them be in what part of the system they may They injure no part of the body. They carry any no'hing that is good They only remove what is bad. They assist nature, agree wilh it. act with it, and always do their work well, Their use has saved many a valuable life. Sold. price 25 cents, at N 0.294 Canal street. New York and by all Druggiste. Also, by GEO. H. BELL, corner of Second and Chestnut streets, Harrisburg. and by all respectable dealers in medicines. oetQ-dkwlm THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY—SIT James Clarke’s Celebrated Female Pills, Perzu'ed from a. prescrip ion of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Pb) sician Extraordi nary lo the Queen. This inValuable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and flange ous disease-s to which the female constitution is Suhjrct. It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructiuna, and a. arr-6“ y cure may be relied on. T 0 MARRIPD LADIES it is peculiarly united. It will in a short time bring on the monthly {mind with regularity . Each bottle, price Una 01 at. bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain. to prevent counterl'eits. Tans: PILLS saonLn Km- 3: him mr “mils Dunno rm: FIRS'I' THREE M 'NTHS a! Hammer. AS was! um sum: To BRING on MISOABRIAGE, Bur AT AKY OIHLB TIIE may am: Sun. In allcz-ses of Nervous and Splnal Afiectinnfl, Pain in the Buck and Limbs, ratiguo on slight. n-xertiun, P ~lpitation of the [1 east, Hysterics and Whips, thvse Pills will . fl‘ovt a cure whs-n all other means have failed. and although a pow er"ul remedy, do not cuntuin rm. calomel, antimony, or an} thing hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be- carefully prearrvvd. N . [SP-$1 .0!‘ and 6 postage stamps enclosnd to any nu thofized Agent, wll insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by return mail. . For sale by 0. A. Baa-yum, Harrisburg. jy'hdamy \VE call the attention of our readers to an article advertised in another column, celled BLOOD F 001). It is an entirely new discovery. and must not be confounded with any of the numerous patent medi cines of the day. It is soon son was 31.001), already prepared for absorption; pleasant to the taste and natu ral in action, and what one gains he retains. Let all these, then. who are snfi'ering from poverty, impurity or deficiency of blood, and consequently with some chronic disease or ailment, take of this BLOOD FOO9 and he re stored to health. We notice that our druggists have received a supply of this article. and also of the world renowned Dr.‘E~'mN’s INF um“ ConnuL, which every mother should have. It contains no pnmgoricor npinte of any kind whatever. and 0‘ course must be invalunble for all infantile complaints. It will allay all pain, and soften the gums in process of teething, and at the same time regulate the bowels Let all mothers and nurses, who have endured anxious days and sleepless nights, procure a supply and be at once relieved. 113‘ See advertisement. auli-d&w3m HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT 0|" BUGHU! for Disease: of the “ladder. Kidnev, Gram-I, Dropsy, Jno., 6m. HELMBULD’S Extract of Buchu for Brent and Deli cate Diseases. HELMBOLD’S Extract of Buchn for Nervqns and De bilituted sunburn. HELMHULD’S Extra-ct nf Pnchu for Loss of Memory, Loss of Power, Dzmnvss of Vision, Difiicuny of Breathing, Weak Nerves and Universal Lassituue of the muscula system. BELMBOLD’R Extract of Buchu for all distressing ail m Ins—Obstructions, lrregularitles, Excess in married life, or early indisc—eti us, &0., and all (linens-a of the sexual organs. whether existing in Mule or Female, from whatever cause thvy m y ham; originated, and no matter of how long standiyz. . - ' . HELMHULWS Extract of Bur-bu is Bleasmt in its taste and odor. and immediate in ucfion. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for five dolls". deliverpd to any address. Deuot, 104 Bmm: Tenth Street, l-‘hiiadulphia. Sold by JOHN WYETH, Druggist, corner of Market and Seccnd streets, Harn'sbmg. ‘ suls-d&.w3m MRS. W'INSLUWZ An experienced name and female physician, has a. South» iug Syrup for children teethinz, which greatly facilitatr the process of teething by softening the gums, reducing ap iuflzmmationuwill allay atl pain, and is sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it mothers, it will give rent to yourselves, and relief and health to your infants. Per 'aetly cafe in all team. See advertisement in another col umn. gug19,1559-d.\:wly I'm-m the Independent, New York. July 28, 1859. (hum—Our advertising columns contain some testi monies to the value of a new article known as “Spald ing’s Prepared Glue,” useful tn housekeepers furmending furniture. It. is prepared with chemicals. hy which it is kept in “he proper condition for immediate use, the chemicals evaporating as soon as it is applied. leaving the glue to harden . We run assure our waders that. this article has the excellent phrenological quality of “large udhesiveness.” For sale by C. A. BAXNVABT, No. 2 Jones’ Row auT-dam'lm _ ..+_*_ Mnthers. read this. The following is an extract from a. letter written by a. pastor of the Baptist. Church to the Jvurnal and n'lrssengwr, Cincinnati, Ohio. and spanks vnlumPs in favor of that wnrld-N‘nownvd medivine—Mns. Wms, LOW’N Sum-also SYRUP FOR CIHLDREN 'l‘zn'mmo: “We see an mivertisement in yn :- columns nf Mra. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, Nww we never said a. word in favor of a putnnt medicine hefura in mn- life. bat we feel compelled to any to your rende-F, that this is no humbug—wa HAVE TRIED 11', AND xxow 11‘ 'ru 3!: ALL 11' CLAIMS. It is. prnbnbly. me of the most. successful medicinos of the tiny. because it is 0119 of the best. And those of your readers who have babies can‘t do bvtter than to lay in a. supply. sep29-d&.wly Dr. Brnlmn’s Concentrated Remedies. No 1 THE GREAT RIIIVIVER. spvedily eradicamfi all the evil «fibers of SELF AHUSE, an Luna of Mummy, Shortness of Bu-ath. Gid-‘linusn, Palrfta'ion of Ihu Heart, Dimnesn of Vis‘nn, or an‘v conmitutinnul v‘ernlmen‘er-tn «.f the systum, bruugh’ nu by a“. unrestrainvd indulgenc» of the marsh-us. Ac‘s ahka nn ei'her vex Prieb (In.- Doll", No 2. THE BALM will cure in from fwo to eughtdayn, any case of GUNONRH‘E A . in wi that-t lash: nr amen. and requiruu no restriction of action or din-. 6. For either sex. Price (Ine llollar. No. 3. THE 'l‘li'Rmß will cure in the slam-tent pmaihle time. am «am: of GLE - 'l', own affl-r all other ervd-en have failed to prnduce the derail-ed effect. No taste or smell. l‘rme "m- Dollar. No. 4 THE PUNITER is ”I! only Remedy that will really cure Stricmres of the Ule‘hm Nu maltvr of how Inns: ‘tnnding or neglecwd the car-e may be. Price One Dnllar. Nu. 5. THE SOLUTOR wil‘ cure any can of GRAVEL, pemnuenfly zmd :pvedih- remuve all mil-lions of the Bladder and Kidneyn. Price I’ne Doll-Ir NH 01 VHF P \ R'l‘ll‘Ul Ans PE” I IPOULAR. No. 7 TV]! AMARIN w-ll cunt Ihr Wll tos radfmllv, and in a much shut-tn fin"! than 'hey can hr run and by any nth»: trva‘mpnt. In fat-t. in tha- nn'yvemedy that ml: Baa‘llly com-ct this disorder Pleasant Io tale Price Una 0 ar. No 8. THE ORIENTAMPAFTVLS are cal-Vain, parent] spendy in Imv'ucinz MENS'RUA'I‘ lON. or corwmm any Irrfigulafi’ies of thel mnv-thly per-0d: Prira- 'l‘,vo Donn-n, No 9. FOR PARTII‘ULAHF SEE FIHI'ULAR. Either Remedy want from bv mail on wceipt at the price unmxod. Eunluwa ”mt-me ntam -m d gr: a flip ulnr Gflneml Depot North-Mast «nrnor pf ‘ orh Avrnue and mun-mm Street Private 0511:9401 York Avenue, Philn. dnl‘phil. P 8 Formh in flnrr‘a‘wwouly bye A. BANNVART, 1n“... f‘ircn‘arg containing valuah‘o informant 91:. lith ml] da acr ptionu or with case, will b» denim-rm m"! on appli cation. Address ‘DR H‘L‘IXBRUL‘oN mil-db P. o. no: 99. mem, in. IMPOR'I ANT T 0 FEMALES DR OHEESEMAN'S Pl L 9. The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain 1n GOTchting all irrezu< leritles. painful menstmmtion. removing an 01,3 th tions, whether from cold or otherwise, baadnche, pain in the side, pallilitetion of the heart. Whites, all net vous efl'ections, ysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, 61.0., disturbed sleep, which arise from imam“). tion of nature. DR. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS was the commencement of a. new era in the treatment of those irregularities and obstructions which have con signed so mnny thousands of the young, the henntiful, and the beloved to a. PREMATURE anus. No femalecan enjoy good health unless she is regular. and whenever an obstruction tekes place the general health begin: in decline. DR. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS are the most efl‘ectual remedy ever known for all com plaints peculiar to Females. To all classes they are in. valuable. indusmg , with certainty. mrinrh‘ml regularity _ They are known to thousands, who have used them at different periods, throughout the country, having the “motion of some of the most eminent Physicians in il’merv'cu. ' Elm-isn't directions, stating when, and when they, Should not be used, accompany each box—the Price Om» 0011‘" Gash box, containing forty Pills. .11 Valuable Pamphlet, to be had free, of the Agents . Pm“ "J“ '1?! mail, promptly, by enclosing price to flu» General Agent. Sold by druggista generally. R. B. HUTCHINGS, Genera] Agent, H 01:! in Hurrifilml' 1) 0 Al4]? ”mafia? ew York. decl ’59-d&wly gy ' ‘ ANN ' ’ 1 DR. VALPFAU b CANKERINE—Fnr the almost immediate cure of CANKER in the MOI”? THROAT nr STOMACH. resulting from SCARLA'I‘IN 0" TYPI‘IUS FEVERS, or any o'her caunp_.SOßE NIP. PLES, ULOERATED GUMS. CUTS. BURNS. BRON. CHIAL AFFECTION, SORES of all kinds, IMPUB]: BREATH, fine. It is the best purifier for the breath of anything ever offered to the public. To whiten and preserve the teeth, apply with sin-nah ;. it will instantly remove all tartar and other foreign sub. stances and leave the teeth as white and clear In: pearls. It is entir ly free from acids and all poisonous sub sistence, and can be used upon an infant with perfect as. vt . It {s a valuable article for every family to have in the house. as itwill remove pai 'I from cuts and burnsquicker than anything known This medicine in need an a wash or gargle. We will warrant it to give satisfaction in every case. Price 25 cents per battle. Principal Wholesale Depot, CONRAD FOX, 81, Bar clay BL, N. Y. . . Sold in Harrisburg, wholesale and retail, by D. W. GROSS 8; CO , G. W. REILY, 0. K. KELLER. J. WYETH and G. W. MILES. eeplo New fibncflisemmm. BRANT’S HALL! GEORGE CHRISTY’S MINST R E L S ! UNDER THE IMMEDIATE PERSONAL SUPERVI SION 0F GEORGE CHRISTY, Whose experience of over eighteen years in the profes sion, and p rformance for the Inst twelve yearn in the city of New York, before the elite"! that metropolis, are a. gnu-ant ee for the excellence of the entertainments he submits for public approval. He and his MAMMOTH COMPANY WILL APPEAR FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY! ON TUESDAY EVENING, OFTOBER 23,. AT BRANT’S lIALL. THE ORIGINAL _ GEORGE CHRISTY, IN HIS INIMITABLE ENTERTATNMENT,‘ COMPRISING THE PRINCIPAL GEMS 01= ETHIOPIAN ’ MINSTRELSY! The best seats reserved for ladies, and ladies with gentlemen. Tickets ”6 cents. Doors 0119!: at 'l o’clock.to com mence at 794. GEO. D. HALE, Agent. oct2o-dtd DH! F. D AP PLES AND DRIED PEACHES for sale by octl9 WM.PQCK, JB_ ]ONE‘S’ STORE, AS USUAL! . .7 Just recvived, and recrviv‘ug. at JONES‘ STORE. Mar ket Street Harrisburg. amnst beautiful Mm k uf all kinds of DRY GOODS from Philadelphia and N w ank. which will I)» sold (71 apfor (“ash Buyers will do themselves justice by calling Ca. pevs< Oil-cloth, Blankets. Rum; Matting, am. Just receiving, Clouka, Arnhinn Style Talman. &c. ocl9 lmdiF. DYOTTVILLE GLASS WORKS, PIIILADELPHIA, mum-mom“ CARBOYS. DEMIJOHNS, WINE, PORTER, MINERAL WATER, PICKLE AND' PRESERVE BOTTLES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 11. n. a; a. w. nnxxnng - 21 South Front. new, Philadelphia oc] 9-dly PROPOSALS FOR GRADING RIDGE ROAD SEALED PROPOSALS will be received In fl:-~ nmce of the WW Council, in Harrishnv'g, nmil SATURDAY, the 20'): day of OCTOBER, inst" "or grading Ridgo Road, ucvording to the profile exhibited in said oflice, the ground to hr depositrd at such places as the Com. mittee may deem expedient. All pa. n entn to be made to the contractors in bonds of the city of Harrisburg By order of the Street. Committees of 1111- PH“: and Sixth wards. A. Ko RLM‘K, J. 0. MARTIN, J. R. BROOKE, Committee. octl'l-dtd FIREMENS’ AND CITIZESS.’ GRAND DRESS BALL, FOR THE BENEFIT or '1'!!! FRIENDSHIP FIRE COMPANY’S, NO. 1, STEAMER, TO BE GIVEN A! BRANT’S CITY HALL ON THE EVENING 0F OCTOBI R 25, 1860. fiTicketn $1 00—40 he had of the Manager: and at the principal Hotels P. S.—F:remen are requested to attend equippgd. HANAGERS: G. Earnest, S. 3. (him, 11. Schlayer, Wm. Haehulen, CF. Manny, . H. M'Gowan‘ D. E. Rad-r . L. Weaver, W Weaver, Geo.V Cor], 11. leey, J Berri r, J. Bu khnrt, J. Green, 0. MacDowell, Wm. Lescure. FLOUR mum“ B. C. Shnfi‘er Assxsnx'ra octls J. P. Ritner. UP TOW N! PATENT WEIGHGARTS For the convenience of mv numernud uptown eusfmn ers. I have. estuhlished‘ in connn cH-vn w Ih mynld yard, a Brunch Cunl Yarn! oppnsite North tit-rem. in a line with the Pernsylvxinin canal, havingthr office furmerly oat-u -pied by Mr R. Harris. where m mnmers of Coal in that do nity and Verb: k town can rec‘ ive their ‘ on] by the PATENT WEIGH CARTS. WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE FOR HAULING, And in any quantity they may desire, as low as can be pun rhased anywhere. FIVE THOUSAND TONS COAL 0N HAND, Of LYKENS VALLEY and WILKESBARRE. all sizes. IL7” Wr'lling to maintain fair prices, but unwilling to ' e under-sold by any prunes. flj‘All Coal forked up and delivPrfl clean and free from all impuri ien. and the [use "fiche mined. Ordnm received u? eifher Yard till he nrnmpllyaued' and all Coal deliv- red by t e Pat-n! Wrigh Fans. Coal sold by Box”, Car load, single, half or third of tons, and by the bushel. JAMES M. WHEELER Harrisburg, October 13, 186 .—octls REMOVAL JOHN W. GLOVER, MERCHANT TAILOR, Has removed'to ' so MARKET STREET, Where he will be pleased to see all his friends octS-dtf ‘ I P RO(7 L A MATlON.—Whore=-s. the' Honorable JOHN J. PEARSON. President of the Com-t of Common Pleas in the Twelfth Judicial District, mn sistiug of the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin Ind the Hon. A. 0. 11133113 and Hon. FELIX Nißßl-E' “Inci ate Jndgen in Dauphin county, having iuued tth pro. cept, hearing date the 16th day of Onwb- r. 1860. to In.- directed. for holding a Court of Dyer and Terminer ami- Genen' Jail Delivery and Quarter Smninn- of the Pence at Harrisburg. for the county of Dauphin- and t“ 00m mence on life 34 Monday qf Nut-ember. being the 19:). day qf Nut-ember. 1860. and to continm- two weal. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cnromr, Jul times of the Peace, and constables of the maid county of Dauphin, that they be than and there in their proper persons. at 10 o’clock in the forennonror add any. with“ their records, inquisitinns, exuminntinnand their-Mm remembrances. to do those things which to their once appertains to be done. and those who u-e bound In re cognizanceu to prosegnte ugamnt the prisoners that an) or shall be in the Jul of Dauphin county, be thin and there to prosecute against them u all-ll be just. given under my hand at Harrisburg the ran. «by of October. in the year of our Lord. 1860. Ind in the eighty—third year of the independence of the United Slit“. J. 11. EYI'I'IB, _ 35,0118. Saturn’s Omen. V _ v Hamburg, Octuher 16, 1860. , coin-3&1!“ ,4k CO J Long