fifiatellanmua. FRANK A. MU EBAY Successor to I'Vm. Paflchiu, “VERY a. EXCHANGE STABLE THIRD STREET BEIpW MARKET. HAVING purchued the interest of I. Q. Adaml n the ambliuhmem. Ind nude large additions to the flask, {he llldarlignvd is prepared to accommodate the public With IUPIflIIOB HORSES for Saddle or Onrriafi purposes, and with every variety «VEHICLES of the teat Ind most quit-« Ivor? styles. on reasonable terms. PLEASURE PARTIES will be accommodated with 0m aim. at short notice. earl-ages and Omnibmes, for annual Won, will-b 0 finish . accompanied by cmtfll and obhging driven. He invitesan inspection of his stock, satisfied that it is all} equal to that of“; other establishment of the kind in Fon- FRANK A. MURRAY. BRANcH STABLE The “demignmipas opened a branch of his “Livery and .Ilch-ngu Stable” m the building: 1312er occupied by A. W. Barr. in Fourth Streetmpposite the Bethel, where he in prep-mad ID flew-Immune the public with Horses and Veludeli, at 3.lmm“. on reasonable terms. “is stock is urge and varied, Ind will recommend itself. mlfi-dfl' ‘ FRANK A. MURRAY. TAKE NOTICE! ihst we have recently added to our already full stock 0 F SEGr A R S LA NORMATIS, KARI KARL 7 7d“ m. MONO, . LA BANANA 0F PERFUMERY lon rm; HANDKERGmr : TURKISH ESSENCE, ODOR 0F MUSE, LUBIN’S ESSENCE BOUQUET lon 1m; Ham: EAU LUSTRALE, CRYSTALIZED POMATUM, MYRTLE AND VIOLET POMATUM. Yon m CoflPLl-IIIOX: TA”) 0.? VENICE, ROSE LEAF POWDER. NEW MOWN HAY POWDER, BLANG DE PERLES O F SOA P S mzxs‘s FINES! 11053 ROSE, BENZOIN, UrrER TEN, VIOLET. NEW MOWN HAY, » JUCKEY CLUB. Having the largest stock and best assortment of Toilet Articles. we fancy Hut we are hetter able than our com petitors to ge-t up a complete Toilet Set at any price de sired. Call and see. Always on lun' u FRESH. Stock of DR UGS, MED {- CINES, mil-. 2111! fAL-V, ‘tc , consequent of our re ceiving almost. daily addit'mus theretn. KgLLER‘S DRUG AND FANCY STORE. 9] Market. Street, two dam-s East of Fourth Street, ae . - South side. ' PHOENIX FOUNDRY J. J. 081.83 J OHN J. OSLER & BROTHER, (succsssons I‘o Jams n. Bun) FOUND HRS Ah I) DIACH INISI‘§, COWT Pennsylvania Railroad and State Street, HARRISBURG, PA. ‘ HILL GEARUVG, IRON FENCES, gunman) AND CANAL WORK, A!!!) ALL DESCRIPTIONS 03' IRON CASTINGS 0N HAND 0R MADE I‘o ORDER. uAcmNs wonx AN IeLvIRIxG PROMPTLY ATTENDED T 0 PATTERNS MADE TO ORDER. We have a. large and complete assortment of Patterns to select from. ' ~ 7 , @1122.“ JUST RECEIVED! ‘ A FULL 35301“ an on .HUMPHREY’S HUMEBPATHIG SPECIFIES'! I'o "ICE WE IKYITI TEE ATTENTION OF THE AFFLIGTED! for sale at SCHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, 2.119 ~ No. 18 Market 5:1“ AN ARRIVAL OF N E W G 0 0 l) S APPROPRIATE TO THE SEASON! SILK LINEN PAPER FANS! FANSES FANS!!! gum-mm As» spLuxnm LOT or SPLICED FISHING RODS! Trout Elks. Gan. and Hair Saunas, Grass Linea, Silk mad Hair Plaitcd Lines, uni a general assortment of FISHING TACKLE! A GREAT VARIETY or WALKING CASES! Which we will sell as cheap as the cneapest! Silver Head Loaded Sword Hickory Fancy Canes! canes! Canes! Canes! Canes! KELLER’S DRUG AND FANCY STORE, so. 91 maul- stun, Snuth-u'de, one door east of Fourth street j 69. INSTRUCTION 1N MUSIC F. W. WEBER, nephew and taught by the well re membered law 1". W . Weberl of Harrisburg, is prepared to give less-ms in music upnn the PIANO, VIOLIN CELLO, VIOLIN and FLUTE. He will give lessuns at hi: residence, earner of Locust street and River alley or u. the homes of pupils. nu2s-d6m B J. HARRIS, WORKER IN TIN, , SHEET IRON, AND METALLIC ROOFING, Bmm! Sheet, below Uheamut, HARRISBURG, PA. 15 prom-‘1 to all orders for any artiula in his branch at business; and if not on hand, he will make to order on short notice. M ETALLIL‘ ROOFING, of Tin or Galvanized Iron, «nanny on hand. Mao, Tin and sheet-Iron Ware, Spanning, am. He hopes, by strict attention to the wants of his custo mers, to merit and «naive a. generous share of public pat lounge. 11:? Every promise strictly fulfilled. B. J. mums, Second Street. below Chestnut. jaw—w ii i I 8 E I ! ! MACKEREL, (Nos. 1, 2 and 3 ) . , SALMON, (very superior.) SKA", (Hess and very fine ) HERRING, (extra large.) COD FISH. SMOKED HEERING, (extra. Digby.) SCOTCH 111-JRRING. , m _ _»__ ...,;-_A..__._ SARDINES AND ANCIIOVIES. 0f the above: we ha e Alaskan-l in whale. half. quarter ind "ighm I»th Herring in who «5 and half hbls. ' 1 he l‘u‘il'e ht "em—mum FRUM 1m; nsusmas, and will ‘l‘“ them at the lowest, market rates. sap“ WM. won, J 1: , k co. r . . ‘ 31A [5 “N «'3: TOY Blane Mange, M‘nutc l'u'lding, Baked Padding, Boiled Custard Mock Cream. lee “new". Pies, Cakes, ‘3'...- ’ The MAIZENA is one of the most Whulcsmne. nutri tious aucl agreeable articles If Food in tho: whulé range of rarilmceuus sulmtaucefi, and is an mun-mu." addition to the national hill of fate. It umy be clinku‘l 3., all the forms xxnvuuiumul above. and many more which gum] houggu’ivl'fl will readily discover. uis umuuruumwd frmu the Chuicelit white Suutlu‘rn Corn, and put up in pnund patckugea. with directions fur nae. The wutur used in the prucessuf production is obtained from untu. ml in quite free from the inururil‘ies Lhm .lwnyxmnmluiuntontremns gathered from hill-uidesnud flowing an the earth‘s surface. for longdismnws. “cum.- in. whiten-m IL is a chuiue item for dessert. and the sick-mum, being quite equal to the best Bermuda Arrow Bum. For sale by my'M ""\IPIY LIQUOR. B A R It E L S.——A L mm“ lot, all in good condition. fur axle by sepls WM. EEK. .13., J; C_(_).__ SM! ‘KE ' SMOKE ! ! SM KE ! ‘ !—.1.- nut uhj-rctinnnble when from n CIGAR purchased at KELLEB’S DRUG STOKE. 91 Market street. sep 9 CHEFFE ’ - S May Imm v...§.§.§s’,§fmr° '3 “b“ 'Dlaue no .0“ a superior and cheap 'l'Abhh or SALAD 01]. go to KELLER’S DRUG swam-1 R" N p} LL A S ! ! Y—A very rare and dulicate Fryit for Tam, Sauce. ML. «kc. Just ra ieived and fogmle by WM. DOCK, J n . 6L CO. OATS FOR SALE by , [s°29] nuns M wnsmmm I I". LLY GLASSES AND PR E. o SERVING JARS.-A lago and: of All qualities, atyleu and sizes, just received snd for unis law by jyls WM. DOCK, 33., 6:00 W. P. OSLBE FISH!!! WM DOCK. JR &CO Insurance. Y DELAW ARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANCE COMPANY. OFFIGE, 3- E. COR. IHIRD AND WALNUTSTS PEILA DELPHIA. . Incorporated 1835. Manna Insurance on vessels, cargo and freight, to w pm of the work}. Inland Immune: on goods by nrers, canola, lakes and land «triage to all parts of ihe Union. Fin Insurance on mamhnndize generally, and on stores, iwelling houses, kc. {s9l3 of the Company, November], 1858, 8698,80420-100 o u. The Board of Directors have this daydeclued n Dividend of Six Per Cent. in Cash on the Original Capital Stock, and Six Par Gent. on the s’orip of the Company, payable on sud :fter let proximo. ‘ They have 3130 declared n Scrip Dividend of’l'wentyJ'ivc fer Gent. on the Original Stock, and on the Earned Pre mium for the year ending October 31, 1858, Certificates for which will be issued to the parties entitled to the lune, on and after the first of December next. ' Preamble am Resolution adopted by the Board. Whereas, The increased means of the Company arising from Profits, and which will be derived from the Increased Capital Stock under the lets amendments to the Act of In corporation, render the further continuance of the Gum-en bee Capitol unnecessary; therefore be it— Resolved, That the Guarantee Capital be discontinued, end the Notes representing the same he delivered up to the makers thereof. as soon as the Rieketaken duringthe period embraced lnseid Notes shall have determine. D I B B G 'l' O R s : William Martin, Edmund A. Sender, Theo. ramming, I on R. Penrose, John C. Davis, James 'l‘nqneir, William Eyre, Jr. JemesO. Bend, Wm. G. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. R. M. Huston, Geofi. helper, Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, Bem’l. E. Stokes, J. P. Peeiston Henry Sloan, Ed. Darlington, (1. Jones Brooke, Spencer M’llveine, Thomas 0. Hand, Robert Burton, JacobP. Jones, Jae. B. M’Farl’d, Joshua P. Eyre, Jno. B. Semple, D. 'l‘. Morgan, J . '1" Logan. ' WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS 0. HAND, Vice President. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. The underexgned, as Agent for the above Company, is around to make Insurances on all descriptions of proper ty, on the most liberal terms. octl 'lvdfi'w WM. HUEHLRR. mm: 61mm ’I‘HE ONLY PREPARATION STOOD THE TES 0F YEARS, AND GROWS MORE AN§A¥£JRE POPULAR EVERY And testimonials, new and almost without number, might l-e given from ladies and gentlemen in all grades of society, whose united testimony none could resist that Prof. Wood’s Hair Restarntivc will restore the bold and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, in all its youthful beauty. Bum-Le Cures, Mich, Dec. 21,1858. Poor . Woon : Thee wilt please accept a line to inform thee that the hair on my head fell at? over twenty years ago, caused by a complicated chronic disease. attended with an eruption on the head. A continual course of enduring through life having reduced me to a state of dependence, 1 have not been able to obtain stdfl‘ for caps, neither have I been able to do them up, in consequence of which my head has suffered extremely from cold. This induced me to pay Briggs & Hodges almost the lust cent I had on earth for a. two doxlar bottle of thy Heir Restorative about the first of August last. I have fai th l‘ully followed the directions, and the bald spot is now covered \vi'h hair thick and black. though short; it is also coming in all over my head. Feeling confidentthat another large bottle would restore it entirely and per manently, I feel anxious- to persevere in its use, and be ing destitute of menus to purchase any more, I would ask thee if thee wouldst not be willing to send me an order on thine agents for a bottle, and receive to thyself the scripture declurstiou—“ the rewurd is to those who are kind to the widow and fatherless.” . Thy friend, SUSANNAH KIRBY. Incomes, Noble Co , Indiana, Feb. 5, 1859. Pnor. 0_ J. Wooo: Dear Sin—4n the latter part of the year 1852, while attending the State and National Law School of the State of New York, my hair, from a cause unknown to me, commenced falling 011‘ very rapidly, so that in the short space of six months, the whole up— per part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its covering, and much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part of my head shortly after became gray, so that you will not be surprised when I tell you that upon my ramp to the State of Indiana, my more casual acquaintances were not so muehat a. loss to discover the cause of the change in my appearance, as my more inti mate acquaintances were to recognize me at all. I at once made application to the most skillful physi cians in the country, but, receiving no assurance from them that my hair could ogeinbc restored, I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part of the year 1857, your Restorative was recommended to me by a druggist, as being the most re liable Hair Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great. satisfaction that it was producing the desired effect. Since that time, I have used seven dol lars’ worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can u . is a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of so wonderful an article, I have recom -1 mended its use to many of my friends and acquaintances, who, I am happy to inform you, are using it with like effect: Very respectfully, yours, A. M. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through out the world. O. J. WOOD dc 00., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. - And sold by 9.11 good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. aulT-d&w3m HANDSOME WOMEN TO THE LADIES HUNT’S “BLOOM 0F RUSES,” a rich and delicate color for the cheeks and lips, WILL NOT WASH OB RUB OFF, and when once applied remains durable for years. mailed free in bottles for $l.OO. HUNT’S “COURT TOILET POWDER,” imparts a. dazzling whiteness to the complexion, and is unlike any thing else used for this purpose, mailedfree forso cents. HUNT’S ‘- BRITISH BALM,” removes tan, freckles, sunburn and all eruptions of the skin, mailed free for 50 cents. HUNT’S “IMPERIAL P OMADE,” for the hair, strengthens and improves its growth, keeps it from lall ing OE. and warranted TO MAKE THE HAIR. CURL, mailed free for $l.OO. > HUNT’S ‘-' PEARL BEAUTIFIER,” for the teeth and gums, cleanses and whitens the teeth, burdens the gums, purifies the h‘reuth effectually, PRESE RV 118 THE TEETH AND PREVENTS TOOTH-ACRE, mailed free for 1.00. HUN T’S “BRIDAL WREATI-I PERFUME,” adou‘ule extract. of orange blossoms and colugne, mailed free for $1.00: . _ _ . . ‘> _ This exquisite perfume was first used by the PRINCESS ROYAL, 0F ENGL AND, on her marriage. MESSRS HURT «1: 00. presented the PRINCESS with an elegant case of Perfumery, (in which all of the above articles were in cluded,) in handsome cutglasg-with gold stoppers, valued at $1.500, particulars of whifi: appeared in_ the public prints. All the above articles-sent FREE by ex press tor $5.00. Gash can either accompany the order or be paid to the express agent on delivery of goods. HUNT k 00., Perfume” to the Queen, liners-r STREET, LONDOS, up 707 Smson Sums-r, The Trade supplied‘ PHILADELPHIA. sepl-dly fjotels. BUEHLER HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA. GEO. J. BOLTON, Pnopnxaron. CARD. The above well known and long established Hotel in now nnder'going a thorough renovation, and being in a great degree newly furnished, under the propri etorshi p of Mr. GEORGE J. Bouox, who has been an inmate of the house for the last three years, and is well known to its guests. Thankful for the liberal patronage which it has en joyed, I cheerfully commend Mr. Bolton to the public furor. je7 d&wy WILLIAM BUEHLER. ST. NICHOLAS HOTJflL, BROADWAY, NEW YORK When completed, six years ago, the St. Nicholas was universally pronounced the most magnificent, conve nient, and thoroughly organized establishment of the kind on this continent. . What it was then, it remnins today—without a rival in size, in sumptuousness, and in the general elements of comfort and enjoyment. The Hotel baa accommodations for ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED GUESTS, including ONE HUNDRED COMPLETE SUITES OF A PAR TMENTS for families. ‘ SIX HUNDRED PERSONS can be comfortably seated at the tables of its three public dining rooms, and nothing that modern ért‘has devised for the convenience and so cial gratification of the traveling public has been omitted in its plum, or is neglected in its practical details. T'he early rePututiou uf the house at home and abroad, derived from Its magnitude, m superb appointments, and its home-lilac comforts and luxuries, haw been 911' hunced every year by the unwearied exertions of the Proprietors. auzmsm TREADWELL. ercou’n 8:. co. LYKENS VALLEY NUT COAL.— Juat received. afull supply of s_ M. 00.) VALLEY NUT COAL. For sale by 8 “KENS m" It wanmn K ELLER’S DRUG STORE is the ’ to: find the but numrtmnnf of Part? Mummies. \IV E [TE BRANDY I—For preserving. A very superior article on hand and for sale by 59]) 10 WM. DOCK. JIL. & 00. DRIED TONGUES l—Large and fine, for me by [5.227] wu. nocx, JR. DENTI S T R Y . THE UNDERSIGNED, DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY. Respectfully tenders his professional services tothe citizens of Hurrisburg and vicinity. OFFICE IN STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. sep2s-d&wtf B. M GILDEA, I). D. S. J B. HUTGHISON, o A L I) E R M A N . ' OFFICE: ' THIRD STREET, FOURTH DOO3 ABOVE NORTH, jyl? ,4 HARRISBURG, PA. dim?“l November 10, _1358 W W . HAY s , A'i‘ToRNEY-Arr-LAW. O FF I C E, WALNU STREET, BETWEEN SECOND & THIRD, apfi] nnmsauao, n. *2? [dly THEO. F. SCHEFFER, BOOK, 0.4120426 JOB PRINTER, janS ~ No. 18 Maket Street. Harrisburg. JAS. F. SHUNK, " ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE 12! TH]! BUILDING OPPOSITE PROTHONOTARY’S OFFICE, jan'l] Harrisburg, Pa. [fly ‘ WM. H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Onice corner of MARKET STREET and the SQUARE (Wyeth’s,) second floor front. 113" Entrance on Market Square. n2l-Iydkw DR. 0. WEIUHEL, SURGEON AND OCUI.IST, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH STREET. He is ‘now fully prepared to attend promptly to the duties of profession in all its branches. A LONG AND VERY suoczssrm. Human. EXPERIENCE justifies him in promising full and ample satisfaction to a.“ who may favor him wich a. can, be the disease Chronic or any other nature. 11118-sz wly T H 0 M A S C. MAcD 0 WELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oflice in Third Street, one Door West of His Residence, HARRISBURG, PA., Will attend to applications for Pensions and Patents in Washington City, D. c , and will practice in the Court of Claims "in said city. By an arrangement with responsible parties in Washington City. he is enabled to assure all My. may entrust their applications, either for Pensions or Patents, to him, that they will be unthfnily and properly attended to. an the most remnahle terms. S P.AUOHMUTI, o ATTORNEY AT LAW, * MILLERSBURG, Dwmm COUNTY, PA. Will practice before the Dauphin, Northumberland and Perry County Courts. Prompt attention given to the collection of claims Allkindsof conveyancing execmted with dispatch. Land surveys made at shortest notice. dec‘l—dly JOHN PTASZYK Respectfully informs the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity that he is ready at all times to TUNE AND REPAIR PIANO FORTES, ORGANS, and Musical In struments of all descriptions. Mt. Ptnszyk is recom mended by the leading Musical Manul’uctories of Naw York, as well as other cities of the United States. All orders left at Mr. WM. KNOCHE’S Music Store Market. street, or Hetr’s Hotel, will be promptly anti faithfully attended to . nn4-dly WM. PARKHILL, \ SUCCESSOR TO K. B. LU'I'Z, PLUMBER AND muss . FOUNDER, 108 MARKET 812, HARRISBURG. BRASS CASTINGS, of every duscriptiou, madeto order. American manufactured Lend and Iron Pipe: of all sizes. Hydrants ofevery description made and repaired. Hot and Cold Water Baths, Shower Bathe, Water Closets, Cintern Pumps, Lead Coffins and Lead work of every description done at the shortest notice, on the most reasonable toms. Factory and Engine work in general. All orders thank fully received and punctnaily attended to. r The highest price in cash given for 01:! Copper, Brass, Lead and Spelter. mylS-dfl' J c. MoL T z, ENGINEER, MACHINL‘ST AND STEAM FITTER, No. 6, North Sixth SL, batman Walnut and Mafia“, Harrisburg, Pa. Machinery of every d‘ acription made and repaired. Brass (locks of all sizes, and a large assortment of Gul‘ittingn constantly on hand . All work done in this establishment will be under his own sfllépervision, and warranted to give satisfaction. 00 R Effafofifié E 66 K "S T 6 iii); TRACT AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPOSITORY, E. S. GERMAN, 2'! SOUTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE CHESNUT, ‘ HARRISBURG, n. Depot for the sale of Stereoscopos,StereoscopicViawa, Music and Musical Instruments. Also, subscriptions taken for religious publications. 110304” JACOB P. BARRINGER, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL AND HOUSE PAINTER. Mo. 47 Sou-r 3 Tam!) Suns-r, (AT BUYER’S U ARR] AGE FAGfiORYg Harrrisburg, Pa." {F Plain and Ornamental signs, in Gilt and Silver,got up with neutnran and .despatch. Paper Vanished, and all orders promptly attended to. Give me a can. eept'l-dtf FRANKLIN HOUSE, This pleasant and commndious Hotel has been the roughly re-fltted and re-t‘urnished. It is pleasantly situated on North-West corner of Howard and Franklin streets, a few doors west of the Northern Central Rail way Depot. Every attention pub! to Ihe comfort of his guests. G. LEISENRING, Proprietor, 'jelZ-tf (Late of Selina Grove, Pa.) , . . B A N K NO I‘ I C 13.—Notice lS hereby given, that the undersigned have formed an Asso ciation, and prepared and executed a Certificate, for the purpose of establishing a. Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposits, under the provisions of the not entitled “An net to establish :1. system of Free Banking in Pennsyl vania, and to secure the public against loss from Insol vent Banks,” approve-d the3lst clay of March. A D. 1860, said Bank to be called THE DOWNINGTuWN BANK, to be located in Downingtnwu, to cnnuist of a. Capital Stock 0" Fifty Thu-usuud Dollars, in shares of Fifty Dul lars each. with the privilege of increasing the same to any amount not exceeding in all Three Hundred Th0!!- sand Dollars. Charlrg Downing, B AN K N o’l‘ I O E.—‘-Not-Ice is hereby given that an Associ‘utiou has been "armed and a certificate prepared for the purpose of establishing a Bank of I-sue. Discount and Deposite under the pruvi sions of the not entitled .“An Ich to esmbltsh u system of Free Banking in Pennsylvania. and to secure the pub lic against loss from Insolvent Banks,“upprnved theßlst day of March. 1860. The suit)! Batik to be called h The Bethlehem Bank,” and to be loc ted in the borough of Bethlehem. in the county of Northampton, with u Cupi tul Stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars. in shares of Fifty Dollars each, with the privilege of increasing the Said Stock to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. au2s-Ll6m B A NK NO T I (3 E .—No‘tlce IS hereby given, that an nssocintion has been formed afld a certificate preyured, fur the purpose of establishing i. Bank of issue, discount. and depusit. under the provisions of the not, entitled “An Act to estsblish a. system of free bankingin Pennsylvani», and tnsecure. the. public against loss by insolvent banks,” approved the thirty—first day ul March. 1860. The said Bank to be cullud the ‘- FKEr: BANK,” and to be located in the city of Philadelphia, and to consist of a capitvd stock of 0N l.) “UN ”RED THOUSAND DOLLARS, in shares of fifty dollars each, with the privilege of increasing the same to any amount not exceeding in MI one million of dqllau-a. ij-dGm FX'I'ENbIIUN OF BANK (IHAH’I EB. J Notice is hereby given that “The Furmers’ and Mechanics’ Bunk of Easton,” a Bank of Discount and Deposite, located in the bumth ol‘ mutton. Northmnp. ton county. Pennsylvania, huvinga. mpitnl of your Hun dred Thousand Dullars, willupply to the nexthegisln'ure of Pennsylvania. for u. renewal of«its;chnrter for fiftuqn years, from the expiration 01‘ its present 'chnrter, with its present. capital stock, powers agar] privileges, and Without any alteration in or increase of the mung. P. S. MICHLER, President. jo3fl dfim B A N I{ N 1 )T l C [ll—Notice is hereby given that an Assorintion hMFheen fnnm-d and a certificate prepnwd for the purpose or enmhlifihinz a Bank of Issue, Discount and Dflposte. undu- the prnvi aions of the not entitled ‘- An act t) Bfltflhlish a syafem of free bankingin Pennsylvania, andbo ant-me the public against loss from insolvent bunkn,” approved the 31“ day of March, 1860. The‘ mid Ba k- to he called the u Sta.“ Bank,” and to be located in he ci'y of Philadel phia, and to consist of a. Capital Stnm of Fifty 'l'hnumnd Dullara, in sharesinf Fifty ”OHM! mph, with the privi. logo of increasing the same to any ampnntnot. unending in 2.11 One Million of Dollars. ' jeZS-dfinfi " Busimga alums. BALTIMORE, MD 33am: ’Applimtimw. 3 David Shelmire, E William Rogers, ' J. K. Eshelmun, ' Samuel Ringwalt. Stephen Blatchford 7-d6m John Webster, William Edge, Richard D. Wells, J. P. linugh, September 3, 1860 —-scpl M’E. FORMAN, Cashier Qbo fljuusckeepem. » Prep ./~ / ¢o%'@ 31.94; “s? ‘9 @Qb '3 _§Bconomz Gum €- * 35.5; WWW “@- a: <1 . o “ ' : Save the Pieces! ': A: accidents will happen even in well-regulatedfami. lies, it is vary desirnble to luvs some cheap and conve nient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, &c. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergenciegand no household cen aflord to be without it. It is always ready and upto the stick ing point. There is no longer a necessity for limping chairs, splintered veneers, headless dolls, and broken cradles It is just the article for cone, shell, and other omemetntel work, so popular with ladies of refinement and tea e. This admirable preparation Is used cold, being chem!- cally held in solution, and possessing all the valuable qualities of the best cabinet-mnkers’ Glue. It may be used in the place of ordinary mucilsge, being vastly more adhesive. “USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE " N. 13.—A Brush accompanies each bonus. Price, 25 cents. WHOLESALE DEPOT, No. 48 Oman STREET, an Yam: HENRY C. SPALDING Jr. 00., Box No. 3,600. New York Address Put up for Dealers in Cases containing Four, Eight, and Twelve Dozen—a beautiful Lithographic Show-Card accompanying each package. w A single bottle of SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times its cost annually to every household 14:} Sold by 3.1 prominent Stutionere,Druggiste, Hardware and Furniture Dealers. Grocers, and Fancy Stores. Country merchants should make a note of SPAM)- ING’S PREPARED GLUE, when making up their list. It will stand any climate. febl4-QBLwly . fiiigreiianeoufi. NOVEL T I E S . RECEIVED AT SCHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, Chinese Tumbler, ~ > Deceptive Tumblers, Watch Boxes—lmitation Pack of Cards. Whistling Balloons, Moveable Animals, [l3O. Man, Magnetic Fishes, Do. Ducks iDo. Tux-hes Do. Ships, Magnets, Compassess of all sizes, ' l'tsmps for marking Linen, &c., at 38 cents. ' Cards Cases, Needle Threaders, a very useful article for Ladies at 20 cents. Porcelain Slates and Pencils. Heir Brushes. Lead Pencils in Boxes, Gum Balls of every size and quality and prices. Paint Boxes, Brushes, Lead Pencil Sharpeners. Finger Rings, Globes, Key Rings, Pocket Pieces, Pen Knives, China Ornamentf, with Ink Stands, &c.. attached. Parallel Rulers, Pen Wipers, Sand Boxes, Pen Backs. Microscopes of difierent sizes. Magneto-Electric Machine. $3l: China. Marbles of all sizes and prices. _ Glass (5 u in Common “ Spslding’s Prepared Glue, a. useful article in every family, Uptonis ‘: u is es n ‘ Mathematical Instruments of difi‘eront styles. Violin, Guitar and Bamo Strings ' Magic Wafers, or Electricity Illustrated, price 75 cents a. box. Magic Duplicating and Impression Paper. Kaleidiscnpes sud Multiplying Glasses Dominoes of all sizes, qualities and prices. Pocket Ink Stands *‘ “ u Cork Screws, suitable for carrying in Vest Pocket. Puzzles, Mirrors, Dice, Perfumery. Colored Crayons. Chalk do Papier Macho Work Boxes. u 3‘ Writing Desk and Portfolio. {ITEM sale at SCHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE. mer3o No. 18 Market Street. EXTRACTB2‘EXTRAOTSH woonswon'rn a; BUNNEL’S SUPERIOR FLAVORING EXTRACTS OP - BITTER ALMOND, NECTARIN'E. PINE APPLE, STRAWBERRY, - ROSE, LEMON AND VANILLA. Just received and for sale by jeEQ WM. DOCK. 1n... dc CO JUST RECEIVED! INK FOUNTAIN! INK FOUNTAIN! A very ingenious attachment to any metallic pen, by which one dip of ink is sulflcient to write a. foolscnp page. Forsale at BCHEEFER’S BOOKSTORE, ap9 No. 18 Market at PURE R 1 E WH’ FKV. FIVE YEARS OLD AND GUARANTEED STRICTLY PURE—We will sell this lot (by the bu ml) at an unusually low price to close out. We invite Hotel Keepers and others to can and examine or take samples. an? WM DOCK, 311., k (10,. . GLASSES SUGAR— A Small but L‘ very superim- lot, suitable for preserving. for sale by [je2l] WM. DOCK, “1., 5L CO. CHOICE SAUCES! WORCESTERSHIRE. LUCKNOW CH UTNY, CONTINENTAL, SOYLR’S 5U L'I‘ANA, ATH 314 mm, LON DUN CLUB. _ SIR. ROBERT PEEL, INDIA SOY, READING SAUCE, ENGLISH PEPPER SAUCE. For sale by WM. DOCK, ML, 5; CO. :11le ' “ LAW BOOKS ! LAW 80l )KS ! !——-A general assortment of LAW BOOKS, all the State Repurts and Smudard Elemeumry Works, with many of the uld English Reports, xcm—ce Imd rare, together with a large assortment of second-hand Law Books, M; very low prices, at the one price Bunkxwre qf - . E M. I'OLLOOK &. SON, myS . Market. Square, Harrisburg. “I HITE BRANDY ! I—FUR PRE SERVING. Warranted strictly pure. Just received and for sale by WM DUCK. Jr. KEHOSHYE, UK. COAL OlL.——Fur sale by WM DUCK,“- KELLE R’S DRUG STORE is the place to buy Dnmpntic Medicines ‘N 7 EDDING and Visiting Cards, .mn vuvvmu "murmur SPANISH “LIVES! ! F—A FRESH SUP PLY just received and for sale by the quart. or in but} ties. [mm] WM. 9001;. m. it. co ‘ . PA HAFFINI'.‘ "A NDLlfi.‘ lll—Made uf PURE PARAFFINE. n mntprinl ohtulnwd from GOAL. cnmhinlng the ILLUMIN A'I‘ING prnpurtien and chemical conntitnelltn of Gun. They will ntnnd all cli. mum. give a clear and brilliant lizht and ham TEN run CENT. lnnger than Wax, Spam- or Iny other candle in the market. For mule by WM. DOCK. JIL, murl7 Bole Agent for Harrisburg. INDIA RUBBER, HORN, Bl I FFALO and Shell Combs, st the Jones Bow Drug Store. lilehiml. HELJ‘IBOLD’S GEN!) [NE PREPARATIONS. HELMB OLD’S BUCHU for the Bladder. BEL“ BULD'S BUOHU rol- ma Kidneys. HULMHUIIU’E ”UCHU for the Gnvul. HELMBOL D’S BUUHU for the Dropay. HELM HOLD'S BUUHU for Nervousneau. H! LMBUhD’K" BUGHU for [man of Memory. HELM BOLD’S BUGHU t 0: Din-mess of Vision. HELMROLD’S BUGHU for D-flieult Breathing. HELM BOLD’S BUCHU for Weak nerves. HELMBOLD’B BUCHU 'ur Genenfl Debility. H LLM BI IL D's RU“ EU for Univerm-l Lufibitude. EELMBOLD’S BUOHU fer Hul'rul' ol Dipeue, HBLMBDLD’S BUOHU for Night. Snails. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU 'or W kemine‘a. HEIMBOL D’B BUGFU r r [Hymns of the Skin. HELMBULD’S «11030 [or Eruptions. HELMBOIID‘S BUOHU for Pun in the Back. EELMB- LD’S 300311 for Huanm-ss of the Eyelids, with Temporary Eufinrion 4nd Lora of Sight. . HELMBHLD’S BUUBU for Mobility and Restlesfineu,thh Want of At'ention and Horror of Society. HELMROLD’S ”001111 to: Übstructioua. j HELMBOLD’S bUUHU for Ewen-sea arising from Indil : orrtion , and all Di'euen of i FEMALE‘, FEMAMS, FEMALES, FEM A LES, FW“ ALES, FLMALES. TAKE No thls‘. ”Lbs, TAKE NO MORE PILLS, THEY ARE OF NO AVAIL, ' THEY ARE OF M) AVAIL. Use BELMP-OLD’S EXTRACT BUUHU for all como plainta incident Io the uvx. NU FAMILY SHUULD BE WITHOUT IT! TAKE NO MORE BALSA \! or Injuriuua and Umleasant Mediuinv or Unplmnu nhmd Dav g- runs I'iisafiea. . Use HELMBOLD’S *XI'RACL‘ BL’CHU for Excesaen arising from habitfl indu'gvd in BY YuUNG AND OLD, And f 0: diseases exismg tram Hahxts ul' D snipafion. It I'B mun-a all impropc r disch age-s, and w." rel-tore the patient in a shun timu ton and? of Hralth and Purity. UFe ”EL VIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUOHU for Diseases and Afiectiors of the moat Dmtr saint; Ch such-r. Use HELMBULD s EXTRACT BUCHU for all Afloc» tiona and Diseases. of the U BINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in MALE 0R FEMALE, From whatever came originating, and no matter of HM? LUNG STANDING. All of the above diseases nud symp‘omr fruit of the same treatms'nt, and m ~_v origiua'u I‘rmn pige‘same cause. nEAD! READ! MAD: MAD: HELMBOLD’S BECHU is Bulfrfl, and pleasmt in taste and odor. but. immedinfr 11: mt action. 7 Personal” appear» (1 before me, an A'derman of the City of I’hilalrlpbia. H. T HLLMBOLD, Chemist, who, being dn'y sworn, does any, that his prep mnion contains no Nar cutie, Melcm-y. or iujuu'ous drug, but is purely Vé'getable. H. ’l‘. HELHBOLU. Sole M- nul’ac'uver. fiwnru and sub cribed bvtore me, this 2=’d day or Novem -118131854 WM. P hIBBARD, Alderman. P'rice 5] mt home. or six for $5, dedvex‘ed to any at!- dress. A TRIAL}. cnsrs 3171' A 110111.42;me 11', And be canvincvfl of its 931(25z And it is w ompmied ! y rehab! ‘ and n-sponsib e cvnificuten from Profane!!! of M—dical Culh-ges, Llergj'men and o hers. Prepared by H. 'l‘ “ELM RULD, Pmr'icaland Ana'y um! Ch. mist. 104 Fan“: Tenfh Slrtet helm Cm a nut, Phllmwjphia. NEG: SSARY CAUTION —bhuu'd unpr L-cipl :1 Dealers try ‘0 pa‘m olf another article, which pays a better profit and is with was, ASK Fuji HELMBFLD’S FX'I‘RACT BUGBU. TAKE Nu (ITUI’JR ' A CURE~ GUARANTEED. firm by JOHN WYE’l'll, Dmggmt, corner of Market Ind Second struts, Harnshuvg. , ANN ALI. (I RITIv‘GIS‘TF FVERYWHERE. CUT THIS OUT—SEND OR CALL FUR I'l‘l A“ D AVOID EXPUbUnE AND IMPOSITION. 9x113 (I&me ‘ A! nperiont and Storm-chic preparation of IRON puri fied of Oxygen and Carbon by combualion in Hydmgen. Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authorities, both in Eurone and the United States, and prescribed in their practice. The experience or thousands daily proves that no pre paration of Iron can be computed will: it. Impurities of the blood, dpprussion of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly complexion, indicate its necessity in almost every concajvnble case. ' Innoxious in all maladies in which it has been tried, it has proved absolutely curative in each of the following earnplaims, viz: In DEBILI". Nuwons Arncrxoxs, EMAGIA'HON. Dre rl-zrsu. Cons-neuron, maximum, brawn“, Incumx‘r Cossmirrmn. Saar Fumes 'l‘msencmosxs, 8.41 r Enema, Mismssmnulos,Wnlrns,CaLonosm. LIVER COMPLAINTS, Cmmmc HEADAcnvs. Rfluumrxsn,lmnmm'nxl vaans. Prunes on was FACE, am. In cases of GENERAL DEBILI'I'Y, whether the result of acute dire-use, or of the cohtiuued diminution of nun-roux and muscular euvrgy from chronic con‘plainls one trial of this restorative has proved sueceseful to an extent which no descrip ion or Wl‘lltvn uttestn [inn wuul-l rendrr crea-ib-e l'nv-nli-ln so lot-g bud ridden as '0 have h: come forgolt- n in their on n neighho hands. have suddenly re-appeared in the. busy world as i! just r: turned from protracted travel in a dist/mt land. Some. wry signal instant es ol Ihis kind are attested of femalv- Sulferem, emaciated victimsnf apparent nl‘omsmus. sanguineous exhaustion, critical change-s. and that com! lie «inn nl nervous and dysmenficnvrrsion to air and t-Xt'n‘i-‘F for Which the physirian has no name. In Nh‘m‘nUS -A FFEGTIORS of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men. Ihe operator; of this p'epamliou 0! iron must necuswari‘y be mlufarv, lor. unlilul the old oxides, it is vigorously lonic, without being exciting and overheating; and gently. regula- Iy apninn, «V- n in the most obstinate cases of costivenvss, without ever being a g mrriu purgntive, or inflicting a lllsflgrrrable nen‘atxon. It is this Inner property. among othem, “h-ch makes it no remarkably effectual and permanenta remedy for Pilrs. upon which it also uppéum to axon a distinct and specific action. by dispersing the local wadem-y which l‘oxmn the-m In DYSPEPSIAJnnumvnib e as are ilscauses, a. single box of them (.‘hufyleatv Pillfl lion ol'len suflired for \he most habitu-l cuse<, ii eluding the hue: dnnt i'mli-vvmxs. In uncl) (:kl'd Dunmmu, even when advanced to Drama "in. conflvmeii, emaciating, un-l uppnrrnily malignant the All 015 h iv» hPen Pqu-nlly d- c ain- nnd flßlDDihllina. In the lac .l pail-n, loss of flesh and strangth, debilitating cough, and remitvem hecti», which gem-rally in-ficm— lu cxrium' COSSUMPTIIIN. this rs-mudy has alloyed the alarm or friends and physioians,‘in several very gratifying and inlflresling inhuman-s. In Fcnornwns 'l‘rnnnanosxs, this medicated iron has had f-r more th: n the good rifect of the most cautiously balancpd prepam'ions ol iodine, without any of their well known liabilities. The attentxnn of rem'des cannot be 100 confidently invi'ed to this n'mzdy and vestoratiue, in‘ the canes peculiarly af fectinn them In RHEUMATI’M both chmnic and inflammatory—in the lat er, however, more due (badly—il has been invariuhlj well reported. ba'h us n|lvvi4fing pain and reducing the swel laugs and stiffness of the joints and muscles. 'ln INTERMIT'I‘II'NT Remus it 1:23: necersurily le agreat remedy and rnvrgeliu n-storntive, and its progress in the new settlemv-mn of ti 9 Wrst, will probably be one ofhngb renown and usefulnvsfi. No remeu y [us over bean disccvered in the whole h‘story of me licinv, WM 1: exam: such prompt. happy; and {any n-smrative o-fio-c‘s. Good up. e ile. complete- digestion, rapid acquisition of sfl'elagth, with an unusual dinpositinn for active and chm-rid vxvn-isu, unmndiutely fullow it» use. Put up in men: flu! tuna] buxomontaming 50 pills, prior 50 cents per box ; 'or B :19 by drucgmm and deaie's. Will be .Ban fr»? to any address on re «wt of the pnco. All letters, orders, 61c , nhonl-c be :uddussud to li. B. LOCK!) k 00., General Agents. my‘JS-ds-xfly 2U Uadar Stree'. New York. 11 A N 11 0 0 L, HOW LOST, 110 W RESTORE D ‘ _ s! Publrshul. in fiealed Fan-M119,“ A LEPTURE 0N 'l‘“E N‘TUHH. TREATMENT AND RADICAL UU-‘E 0|? SI'hRHA'I‘URRHUI'A, nr Seminal kan-sa, S xun.’ Urlilll), Merv mam-s9: an: lam un'ary Lmisa um. p-o mcinx Imputeuc) , Consumption and [Mental and l‘lly-icul Dnuil ty. HY KO6. J OULVERWELL. M. D. Thx-impnr am fu-t that Ihr uwlul unus-quen-ces of xii-If ahurxe may be Mr c- “any rezlxnved w-thu m Internulmvdiriue'i vr mm d ngern-un uppliua'innfl of mud cs in-znumg-ms. madman-II lu-uguee, anl nlhur emvirical d vi 0!, in hrre uleiu‘y do-mm-st sue-l. and [he‘ enl’ne y new and highly :luc. ssvul trmlm mt. rs nduptw! by !he re'elw-tad “u‘uur. fully explcined, ny means ol’ NJ In every mm is lelllvd to run himself prrh any, an d at Ihvluzwt lnrsi-Ih cunt. there by :Ivoi ling all the udvrrtis d nnshums u!" the day The Lectnl'r win pr-nv» a buou m thous u ch and minus-ands rem undvr sual [u may addrvss, post paid. on 'ha receipt of two lu'fl'uzv alumna, hy addrum-ing In. CHAS J. C. KIJNE. 4.80 Fi-sc Avenue. New York, Post Box 4,586. "an m w'lv inlh o 'l‘ N E W S!!! DR. SWOPE’S TONIC FOR FEVER AND AGUE. Will (sure the mom: nbstinute cnsc “ 1N TWENTY FOUR HOURS,” It isnlxu a. preventative fur such «a are liable to this disease. This ce «brat-d TONIC re moves all Flntulency, regulam-s the Buwvli‘. purifies the Blood. gives a tune to the Digestive Organs, and creates an appetite. Sale: Agent for the town and Dauphimcounty is “‘M. LOEFFIJ‘)“, appuiuted by me. nus—d 3“: DR. SWOPE. ‘HESN U’l‘ GRUV [y W H lbh EY .-—The purest Spirit everufl‘emd the American public. pos gagging none oftln- poisoning qualities inherent in th. Whmkuv in common use. All pe-rnonr- déniroua of main th‘a Whi mm“ ol its pprity g 1 stay mav run an- Pmuumunu. .1an.202h. 1858 Dun 3m :—Wa have carefully elmnim‘d the mmp’g'o‘ "Ohfiesnu: 2mm- Whiakey," In" with us a few day: since‘ and udi icontuiu littlv or none of the ' J stance known an Emil nil pomonons “h Yonn mamtfully. BOOTH, GARRETT &. (SAMAO, Analytical Chemist-5 1'0! ““1“: Vanni-fl, Jn‘ oraae y no yA ntinnarrisbn May 20-: Se Wrgi. DOCK, In. Madre. LOEFFLER, W M. PBAOTIOAL PHARMACEUTIST AND CHEMISé -001:. 451» AND MARKET 3m Having purchued the Drug More of Mean. HOLMAN d: 00., I beg lane 0 can me “taxation of the palm: to my Well stocked Drug Store. My goods will always be found to be genuine, reliable, and of the first quality. My “penance in the Drug business, acquired printipdly by traveling through the European Continent, will not {.l to give satisfaction to every one MY STOGK CONSISTS 0F 9mg, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soapa, Began, Tom, Burning Fluid, Alcohol uni Oamphene, Push Ground Spices, Oath, Spam. Brushes, Pomadeu, Toiht Pints, Combs, Port Menzies and Purses, Home and Cattle Powders, PATENT MEDICINES. which will be sold but not noonmendod, u I moi guarantee a cure in any case. Besides the above namgd articles, I hue I very huge u: sortment of other miscellaneous articles, which the pub): is invited to come and examine ~-’"':;},Eé 15:13:: 5 £33? 12* ,/<;a . .. gg: wig“ a , ‘ " *‘ggzszhgaW M; ’4 E .. - g 5-34 J‘gi’éi g 3“» 55%: .-Ktm- g 7“: '2l-” " ‘ 11": It must be obvious not only to you= but to every atten tive and intvlligent person, that the first diseases of in fants arise chiefly from a. disordered condition of their huwrls, and in this connection, we present to your notice for the alleviation and cure of these diseases. 8 remedy known as DR. EATON’S INFANTILE CORDIAL. Prepared from nformula used by Dr. Eaton with remarks» blu success during Several yl-m‘s‘ practice, we know lt_to be a mvst reliable and elficacious remedy for infantgla complaints; and one trial almne will convince you of Its nuperiurity over every other preparation of the kind- It is particularly recommended FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. _ And at this period of infantile life. when your anxious henrts are puined by witnessing the sufferings of your little ones, it will be found invaluable in Sqfleuing {he Gums, Hamming Inflammation, and Relier-z’ngau Pam. FOR DISEASES ATTENDING TEETHING, such as Diarrhasa, Dysentcry, Griping in the Bowels, Acidity of the Stomach, Wind, Col-it, and Cold m the Head,we can— fideutly oll'er this as a certain relief and cure in every case when given in time. It. will invariably regulate the stqmuch and bowels, and its importance in this re spect can hardly be estimated. IN CONVULSIONS, from which mnre infants are said to die than from any other disease, the little sufl'ereu is relieved instantane— ously. as if by magic; and in thisdrem'l complaint alone its intrinsic value is such that» it. has been recommendeti from one family to another, until the name of DR. EA TON’S INFANTILE CORDIAL hal become “familiar as a household word.” We now ask your attention to a subject of vital interest to yourself. as well as to your suffix-Eng child. DR. EATON ’S INFANTILE COBDIAL con all]! N 0 MORPHINE 08. OPIATEL qf any kind, or of whatever nature, it? a fact which we are fully warranted in Hating cannot be Saul of an othef preparation for iiv‘anzile diseases, at this time. before the public. A]! We find mom throughout. the country Mothers are becoming convinced of this truth, and 01' the sad and blighting consequences which are certain to result from the use of narcotics disguised in the form of quieting remrdies; their continued administration being invariably followed by atupafnclion, and constipation of the bowels, ending oftentimes in convulsions. Hemin DR. EATON ’S INFANTILE CORDIAL difl'ers iron every other remedy. It DOES NOT CONSTIPATE ' the bowels; neither does it act by deadening the sensi hilities of your chll Hen, but naturally, through its rare medicinal qualities, by removing all pain and cause of disease. W e earnestly recommend you, therefom. to lose no time in procuring a bottle, that you may have at. hand a. remedy which will never fail to relieve your childln time of need. I: is perfectly harmless, and cannot us jure the most delicate infant. Take none butDR. EATON ’S INFANTILE CORDIAL. This you can rely upon. Price 25 cents per bottle. Prepared only by CHURCH 8L DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New York, And sold by them, and by all resprctuble Druggiats. For sale by C. A . BAANVART, G. K. KELLER and D. W. GROSS so 00., Harrisburg. febG-eowucwly PURLEI THE BLOOD! MOFFAT’S VEGETABLE LIFE PILL-s A N D PHCENIX BITTERS. The high and envied celebrity which these prs—emi nent Medicines lave acquired i'm- their invaluable em— cscy in all Ihe Diseases nhich thn‘y plol'L-ss to cure, has render. d the usual prucliue of pufling not only unneces am y, but unworthy "1' them. IN ALL CASES of Asthma, Acute and chronic- Rhcmuaflsm, Afl‘cction s of the Bladder and Kidneys. ' BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COMPLAINTS, _ In the south and West, win-re these diseases prevail, they will he found invaluable. Planters, farmers and whats who once use these Medicines, will never sitar mmls he wilhuut them. BILIOUS 0801.10 . SEROUSLOOSEN ESS,PILES,COS TIVENESS, COLDS AND CUI uns, UHOLIC, CORRUPT MUMUBS. DROI’SIES. Drsrnpsu.—Nu person with this distressing disease, should drlay using these Medicines immrdistely. . Eruptions of the Sh in, Erysipelas, Filatulency. Fsvsn AND Acum—For this scourge of the Western counu‘y these Medicines will be found a. ssfe,speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system sub ject to a return of the disease; a cure by these medi~ cines is permanent. Try them. Be satisfied. and be cured. FOULRESS 0F Connzxmn- GELERAL DEBILITY. GOUT, GIDDINESS. GBAVJfiL, - Headaches of every kind, Inward Fever, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Ilnpure blood. Jnuudice,‘ Loss of Appetite. Mancunun DisassnsP-Never falls :2“ eradicate en tirely all the ellects of Mercury, infinitely sooner 12115:: the most powerful preparation of Ssrsaparills. NIGHT SWEA'I‘S, NERVOUS DEBILITY, NERVOUS COMPLAIATS OF ALL KINDS. ORGANIC AFFLCTIOIVS. Puss —'l‘he original pruprietor of these Medicine was cured of Piles, of ihirlyJive yenrs’ standing, by the the usv nl‘ these hil’r nlediclucs alone. PAINS in the Head, Side, Back, Limbs, Joints and Organs. liasanursn.— Those afl‘ected with this terrible die , ease. will be surv oi re-ief In}; the Lilo Medicines. l Rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy, Salt Rheum 1 Swellings. l SCRIIFULA, or leo’s EVIL, in its worst forms. Ulcer ‘ of every descriyiinn. “'ulms ul' all kinds are ellectualiy expelled by those Medicincs. Parents “ill do wall to administer them whenever their existencu is suspected. Relief will be certain. ' THE LIFE PILLS AND PHCENIX BITTERS I’URIFY THE BLOOD, And thus remove all disease from the system. PREPARED AND SOLD BY DR. W ILLIA .u li. MUFFAT, 335 Broadway, cnrncr nf Amhuny street, New York. 31:? For sale by all ”tugging. jyl‘lkd&wly H UMPHREY’S SPECIFIC HOME GPA Tlll. (1 IZEJIEDIE S, for sale at . KELLER’fi Drug Store, 11:12.7 9] Market Street k “E ‘ fig: _0 $6 9 FOUN BED 1852 I. 0 C A TE 1) ORNER OF BALTIMORE AND CHARLES STREETS: BALTIMORE, MD. The Largest. Must Elegfiufly Kuruished. and Pcpular lommerciul C(Hlegr in the: Unfled States. Designed ”pro-gnu rm- Young Men dflfllrillg tn obtain n Tnonouau PRACTICAL [mama-s5 Spam-nun in theahnrteatpossiblo time and In the 19M" glgpeune. A Lean: and llnnutit‘unv :21: £53315": 2' s‘”: “U3s3"é‘ié‘éfi" 333335,“: . .' " ..n nun-9E ‘ ' MB and 5'1": King» m this cuuftry.;L%?£;;fi£§hcsuestof {he fixl‘l‘h: den: t nHPgIS. with Catalogue skiing thee “fiend: . 0 Every Young Man on "8 mm, &c., M Canes. a"Pl’mflltflcm, Fan Writrimmediately and you will receive the packasfi :7 return mail. Address, . , janZfi-dly] In}. K. LOSIER. BLH‘IIIOBI.‘MD. k‘ ELLER’S Dll UU STORE is the place . n. luv Rulvn n" 'I'I-nmnnd New-an, kIfiLLJ-ifi’s DRUG STORE is the place to find anything in t}. way of Perfumery. Chamois and Shoep 8H!!- =My Cu ART EBB!) 185-1