T 0 AGIHCULTURISTS. _ Plcmtm AND Mennonite Fours—We are now in the height of the peach season, and thousands of bushels are every day being shipped. Most of the buyers are discarding the old peach basket and are packing in boxes made principally of lath, the ends only being solid, while top, bottom and sides are made of lath:~ nailed to the sides, about half an inch apart. Thus plenty of air is furnished. and these boxes can be packed in cars, or on board of steamboats, much better than baskets. In some cases these boxes have a division in the centre, and are made to hold, we should judge, something more thanabusheL. We resume the article which we were compelled to suspend last. week for want of space, and also give an interesting article from an experienced corres pondent on the same subject. Winter Fruits intended for long keeping are transferred by hand from the baskets in who}: they are gathered on the tree into larger ones, in which they can be carried into 31 dry, cool room, where they are laid in henpS, Which may be three er four deep, where they may remain fora couple of weeks, during winch time they will have parted with considerable moisture and be quite dry. They Will then be in for packing. Clean, new barrels 611011111 be procured, and. the frmts showy be carefully assorted. For shipping fruits to distant or foreign 'markcts the best only should be selected, all bruised, wormy. knotty Specimens being laid aside for home consumption. They are then p‘aced in the barrels by hand, arranged regularly in lay ers, so that no spaces may exist by which the fruits may shift, roll or knock against one another. The barrels are then tightly headed up, so that the ‘head presses firmly on the fruits; some people recommend placing a layer of clean moss or soft. paper, both on the ‘ bottom and top of the barrel; but this is not necessary where the packing and heading are donecarefully. After packing, the barrelsmnst I be sent to market in such a manner as never to l he jolted or- rolled any more than they would be on men’s shoulders, or an easy spring wagon l or sled, or by a water conveyance. 1 0n shipboard the barrels should be placed in i the coolest. and dryest place. It is perfectly ‘ idle to gather, pack or ship fruits in any other way than this to foreign markets. American apples are frequently sold in Liverpool at anc tion for half what they would have sold for in New York, on account of their bad condition. I saw this in 1849, when Newton pippins were selling at twelve and a half cents apiece in the fruit. shops. Winter fruits for home consumption, should be carefully assorted, keeping the best, the poor est, the sound. the bruised and the earlier and inter ripening varieties all separate; when sound and bruised, early and late, are all thrown together promiscuously they cannot. fail to decay speedily and to lose their flavor ; for two or three decaying apples in a heap or barrel will taint. the. flavor of all, and hasten the decay of those around them. This ar rangement into es and classes is, thcrc fore, absolutely scary, even for the fruits needed for family use; and when they are so arranged the sound, longskeepers are put. into clean, new barrels, carefully, by hand, and the barrels headed up tightly and placed in a cool, dry cellar or fruit. room. The bruised ones can be hid in a place by ! nemselves for immo dlate we. livery bat-tel. ahen packed, should be marked. Winter-120”, as a general thing, require to be brought into n were; temperature one or two weeks before they are wanted for table use. All the baking and slowing. and even many of the table varieties, may he treated exactly like apples. . Pack-big Peers for 115-107;! Marketa—Tile French sou-3 army more poll‘s to foreign mar kets than any other people. Some small im portations of their winter sorts have actually been made by some of the New York fruit dealers the present. winter, 1850—51. They pack them in small boxes either round or square, such as a man can lift. and carry easily in his hands. They cover the bottom and sides with very dry moss or soft, dry paper, well calculated to absorb moisture. They then wrap each fruit, in the dry, soft paper, and lay them in layers, the largest. and least. mature in the bottom, and fill all the interstices with dry moss or paper. I have, seen these boxes opened in London in thefiuest condition, after being a month packed. They are so tightlv packed that. the slightest Increment cannot take place among them, and yet no one presses upon another. The dry moss and paper that. separate them absorb any moisture, and if one decoys it. does not uilect. others. Some of the Pai-is canfeuioners and restau rant. kevpers preserve fruits very successfully in harreis‘, packed in Myers, and the interstices filled up with powdered charcoal. The barrels are ke‘pl. in a. dry, cool gjlace, about. forty de grees, where they are not Subjected to changes of temperature. Apples, pears, grapes. al mbnds, mm; and pgtatoes are all preserved in this Human—Rural lVe'w Yorker. Examstl Hogans—A writer in the London Review calls the attention of the lovers of the horse to the fact that; the noble breed of useful English horses is becoming ruined : “We are every year deteriorating the qualities of our saddle horses and troopers, by the reckless mixture of breed with our racers, under the idea that we are infusing blood and staying qualities into their veins. Blood is all very well when allied to a compact, useful form, able to carry men a reasonable distance ; but when it is produced by ‘in-nnd-in~breeding,’ from shallow forms on long, tottering legs. it ceases to be worth the name of‘ blood,= in the common acceptntion of the term. The qualities in our race-horses which are decreasing every year more and more, are the most useful and natural l ones—namely, constitutional vigor, freedom , from hereditary disease, strength of bone, largeness ot'muscle, and great endurance under severe exertion. These are the qualities which we require for use: for very few of us would buy a. horse for his single quality of speed—- indeed none but turt‘men would care to own such on one- The general public do notrequire such horses, because they have no use for them in the daily routine of life. “There are thousands of race-horses bred, and reared to the age of two years, which, after trial, are found Worthless for the purposes they were bred for, and these are expelled from the racing studs in disgrace, and they are sold for ““18 01‘ “filling : some of them are given away, and are much too dear even at that price.— Thns, our country, once famed for the best. breed of saddle horses intlte World, is becoming overrun With a lot of worthless, weedy, refuse racing stock, which, by many inexperienced farmers and breeders, are gradually becoming crossed with, and thus deteriorating the breed of our shortvlegged. deep-bodied, WideJfipped, strong-lioned saddle horses, the lineage of ‘ which, in a few instances. we can still truce, by their compact forms. to the breed of race horses encouraged by our forefathers, who bred horses for useful purposes, to carry men long distances, and not the spindle-shanked veloci pede‘s bred by our turfmen of the present day, thathreak down after running a few furlongs with}; baby on their b ~cks." ‘ _ Moments Sunmm GOOSEBERRY.—The Mountain Seedling, a variety which I received from a. Shaker selllemeut in eastern New va‘k, ‘ qjitedistinct from the American Seedliug of fire Cincinnati gardens. 1 have had it bearing three years, and am highly pleased with it. _- The plant is of a. robust. habit, ol‘len'growing five to six fget. high; branchés upright and wrong; leaves deep glossy green, and very large; the berries grow in clusters of three or four and are large; color of berry. dull red; quality Equal to Hongh'fm- The plant. is very productive; and new; mxldews. It is undoubt— edly; a native. of Ihehsame type as Houghton, and moj'é valnahe than that fine sort, on account of it; fine'size and the more vigorous and _up right'charnclér of thosplwt._-_-E'- Y- T9BB. Rich mofifl, Ind. ~oounwy Gentleman. ' Jnfiutame. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN. saunas com-m, OFFIC E, s. E. 001:. 1:11:11) 41m WALNUT 5T5- PHILADELPHIA Incorpontedlsas. Marin: Insurance on vemlz, cargo and (might, to .h parts of the world- Inland Inuit!!!“ on goods by nvera, canals, lakes Ind land carriage ‘0 3-11 parts of the Union. Fire Insurance on merchandize generally, and on atom, dwelling houses, kc. anger: of the Company, Novemberl, 1858, $698,804 20-100 0“”! ‘ November 10, 1868. The Board of'Directon have this day declared a Dividend of Big qu Gant. in Cash, on the Original Capital Stock, and 81! Per Cent. on the Scrip of the Company, payable on Ind that Is! proximo. They have also declared a Scrip Dividendoi’Twsnty-rivo for Gent. on the Original Stochmd on the Earned Pre~ minus for the year ending October 31. 1858, Cermfimteafot which will be" issued to the tuu-ties entitled to the same, on Ind sitar the first of December next. Preamble am} stnlubiu-u adopted by the Board Whereas, The increased means of the Company arising from Profits and which will be derived from the llcreued Capital Stock under the 1m amendments to the Act of In corporation, render the further continnnnce of the Guru: Dee Capital unnecessary; therefore be it— Resolved, That the Guarantee Capital be discontinued, and theNntes representing the same he delivered ['11) to the makers thereof. as soon as the Riskepaken duringthe period embraced in said Notes shall have determined. DIBEG T O R 3: William Martin, Edmnm A. Sender, Theo. Panning, Jon R. Penman, John 0 Davis, Juno: Tmnnir, Willi-m Eyre, Jr. James 0. Hull, Wm. C. Ludwig, Joseph 11. Seal, Dr. B. M. Huston, Gaol}. Lnipar, Hugh Craig; Charles Kelly, Sam’l. E. Stokes, J. F. Peniston Henry Sloan, Ed. Dulingmn, (1. Jones Ermine, Spencer M’llvaine, Thomasc. Hand, Robert Burton, JacobPJones, Jami-l M ’Farl’d, Joshua P Eyre, J no. B. Sample, D. 'l‘. Morgan, 1. 'l' Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN; Prcsidcm. THOMAS 0. HAND, Fin Pusvidmt. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. ‘ The undermgned, as Agent for the above Company, in prepared to make Insurances on an descriptions of proper ty, on the moat. 111 mm terms out] -I_vd&.w Q‘Lhc @aiitt. THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS s'roon THE TEST OF YEARS, AND GROWS MORE AND MORE POPULAR EVERY DAY! And testimonials, new, and almost without number, might be given from ladies and gentlemen in all grades of society, whose united testimony none could resist, that Prof. Wood’s Hair Restorative will restore the held and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, in all its youthful beauty. , Burns CREEK, Mich, Dec. ‘2l, 1858. PROF. Woon: Thee wilt please accept :1. line to inform thee that the hair on my head fell off over twenty years ago, caused by a. complicated chronic disease. Attended with an eruption on the head. A continual course of sufl'ering through life having reduced me to a. state of dependence, I have not been able to obtain stufi' for caps, neither have I been able to do them up, in consequence of which my head has sufl'eted extremely from cold. This induced me to pay Briggs k Hodges almost the last cent I had on earth for a. two doflar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about the first of August last. I have faith fully followed the directions, and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black. though short; it is also coming in all over my head. Feeling confidentthat another large bottle would restore it entirely and per— manently, I feel anxious to persevere in its use, and be ing destitute of means to purchase any more, I would ask thee if thee wouldst no& be willing to send m'e an order on thine agents for a. ottle, and receive to thyself the scripture declaration—'—“ the reward is to those who are kind td the widow and fatherless.” Thy friend, SUSA NNAH KIRBY. { anomnn, Noble 00., Indiana, Feb. 5, 1859. : Peer. 0. J. “7001) : Dear Sir :—.—ln the latter part of i the year 18.527 while attending the State and National 3 Law School of the State of New York, my hair, from a ‘ cause unknown to me, commenced falling 03‘ very rapidly, so that in the short space of six months, the whole up per part of my scalp was almost entirely ‘bereft of its eovering,_and much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part of my head'shortly after became gray, so that you will not be surprised when I tell you that upon my return to the State of Indians, my more casual acquaintances were not so much at a lossto discover the cause of the change in my appearance, as my more inti mate acquaintances were to recognize me at all. I at once made application to the most skillful physi cians in the country, but, receiving no assurance from them that my hair could again be restored, I was forced to become reconciled to my fate 7 until, fortunately, in the latter part of the, year 1857, your Restorative was recommended to me by a druggist, as being the most re liable Hair Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that itwas producing the desired efl‘ect. Since that time, I have used seven dol lars’ worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have a. rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can buy . As a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of so wonderful anal-ti ele, I have recom mended its use to many of my friends and acquaintances, who, I am happy to inform you: are using it with like efi‘ect. Very respectfully, yours, A. M. LATTA, - Attorney and Counsellor at Law. ‘ Depot 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through out the world. 0. J. WOOD &: 00., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and 11-1 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. And hold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. a‘ll7-d&w3m RANDSOME WOMEN TO THE LADIES lIUNT‘S “BLOOM OF R‘ SEB,” a rich and delicate color for the checks and lips, WILL NOT WASH UR RUB OFF, and when once applied remains durable for years. mailed free in bottles fur $l.OO. HUNT’S “COURT TOILET POWDER,” imparts a. dazzling whiteness to the complexion, and is unlike any thing else used for this purpose. mailed free for 50 cents. HUNT’S “ BRITISH BALM,” removes tan freckles, sunburn and all eruptions of the skin, mailed izree for 50 cents. HUNT’S “IMPERIAL POMADE,” for the hair, strengthens and improves its gruwth, keeps it from lull iug off, and warranted TO MAKE THE HAIR. CURL, mailed free for $l.OO. , HUNT-“S “ PEARL BEAUTIFIER,” for the teeth and gums, cleanses and whitens the teeth burdens the gums, purifies the breath efl‘ectually, P R}: SERV ES THE TEETH AND PREVENTS TOOTH—ACRE, mailed free for $llOO. HUNTiS “BRIDAL \VREATH PERFUME,” ndoublc extgnet of orange blossoms and cologne, mailed free for $l. 0. This exquisite perfume was first used by the PRINCESS ROYAL, OF ENGLAND, on her marriage. MESSRS HURT A: 00. presented the PRINCESS with an elegant cese of Perfumery, (in which all of the above articles were included,) in handsome cutghlss with gold stoppers, valued at $l5OO, particulars of which appeared in the public prints. All the above articles sent FREE by ex press for $5.00. Cash can either accompany the order or be paid to the express agent on delivery of goods. BUNT &. 00., Perfume” to the Queen, REGENT STREET, Inoxnox, AM) 701 Susan Smear, The Trade supplied. Pmnnnem'nu. sepal-dly BUEHLER HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA. GEO. J. BOLTON: Psormmon. C A ll 1) . The above well known and long established Hotel is now undergoing a. thorough renovation: and being in a great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorship of Mr. GEORGE J. Bourox, who has been an inmate of the house for the lust three years, and is well known to its guests. Thankful for the liberal patronage which it has en joyed, I cheerfully commend Mr. Bolton to the public ‘lhvor. je’l (I&wy WILLIAM BUEHLER. T. NICHOLAS HOTEL, k; BRIDAB‘VAY, NEW YURI“. When completed, six years ago, the St. Nicholas was universally pronounced the most magnificent, conve nient, and thoroughly organized establishment oi the kind on this continent. What it was then, it remains today—without a rival in size, in. sumptuousness, and in the general elements of comfort and enjoyment. The Hotel hm accommodations for ONE THOUSAND 81x HUNDRED GUESTS, including ONE H UN DR'ED COMPLETE SUITES OF APAR TIVIEN TS for families_ SIX HUNDRED PERSONS can be comfortably seated at the tables of its three publicdiuing rooms, and nothing that modern art‘m‘a defised for the convenience and so cial gratification of the traveling public has been omitted in its plan, or is neglected in its'pmctioal details. The early reputation of the house at home and abroad, derived from its magnitude, its superb appointments, and its home-like comforts and luxuries, has been on hnnoed every year by the nnwem-ied exertions of the Proprietors. “2443111 TREADWELL. Wm'ncom! a; CO- Ly KENS VALLEY m {from |,.—'- Justreceived a, full supply of S. M. c ’ VALLEY NUT chL. For sale by 0' s “KENS m 7 JAMES M. WHs-‘ELER KELLER’S DRUG STORE is the. place to find the belt assortment of Port» Monmiem ‘ N I BITE BRANDY I—For preserving. A very superior article on hand and for sale by up 10 WM. DOCK, 12., ll: 00. WM . RUE“ I. E“. fintsis. finsimsg alums. D7ENTI S T R Y . THE UNDEBSIGNBD, DOCTOR 0F DENTAL SURGERY. Respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity. OFFICE IN STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRAD Y HOUSE. 561125-416:th B. M GILDEA, l). D. S. J B.'HUTCHISON, .' A L n E n M A N . OFFICE: THIRD STREET, FOURTH DOOR ABOVE NOETE, jyl? . HARRISBURG, PA. dam HAYS, W i i I . ATTORNEY-Arrl-LAW. o F F I c E, WALNU STREET, BETWEEN SECOND k THIRD, 3:51 , mmsnvaqgg-_, , MEAL THEO. F. SGHEFFER, BOOK, CARD AND JOB PRINTER, inns No. 18 Market Street. Harrisburg. JAS. F. SHUNK, ATTORNEY AT LA‘VV, orncn m was BUILDING OPPOSITE PROTHONOTARY’S OFFICE, jan'l] , > “ Harrisburg, Pa. ‘_ [dly__ WM. H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. omm corner of MARKET STREET and the SQUARE (Wyeth’s,) second floor front. 11:? Entrance on Market Square. nZI-lydkw DR. 0. WEICHEL, SURGEON AND OCULIST, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH STREET. He is now fully prepared to attend promptly to the duties of profession in all its branches. A mm: AND van? sccozssnu. MEDICAL nxrsmano: justifies him in promising full and ample satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call, be the disease Chronic or my other nature. mlB-dkwly TH OMA S C. MAGDOWELL, ATTQRNEY AT LAW, Office in Third Street, one Door West ' of His Residence, H‘ARRISBURG, PA.,' Will attend to applications for Pensions and Patents in Washington City, I). C = and will practice in the Court of Claims in said cit-y. By an arrangement with responsible parties in Washington City, he is enabled to assure all who may entrust their applications, either for Pensions or Patants to him, that they will be faithfully and properly attendees to. on the most reasonable terms. S P. AUCHMUTX, ' . ATTO RNEY AT LAW, MILLERSBURG, Dun-am Conny, PA. Will practice before the Dauphin, Northumberland and Perry County Courts. . Prompt attention given to the collection of claims All kinds of conveyancing executed with dispatch. Land surveys made at shortest notice. decZ-dly JOHN PTASZYK Respectfully informs the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity that he is ready at all times to TUNE AND REPAIR PIANO FORTES, ORGANS, and Musical [n strumants of all descriptions. Mr. Ptuszyk is recom mended by the leading Musical Manufacturies of New York, as well as other cities of the United States. All orders left at Mr. WM. KNOCHE’S Music Store Market stroet, or Herr’a Hotel, will be promptly anti faithfully attended to. no4-dly W] M. PARKHILL, SUDO‘ESSOR TO K. 8. LBTZ’, PLUMBER AND muss; FOUNDER, 108 MARKET sax, nmgugnune BRASS CASTINGB, of every deucription, madam order. American manufactured Lead and Iron Pipe: of all sizes Hydrants of every description made and repaired. Hot and Cold Werner Baths Shower Baths, Water Closets, Gistern ?nmpa, Lead Corina and head work of every description done at the shortest notice 7 on the most reasonable terms Factory and Engine work in general. All orders thank flmy received and punctually attended to. The highest price in cash given for old Copper, Brass, Lead and Spelter. mylS-dtf J C. MOL T z, . D ENGINEER, MACHINE? AND STEAM FITTER‘ No. 6, North 5:13:11; BL, betwceu Walnut and fifmku, Harrisburg, Pa. Machinery of every 4- saription made and repaired. Brass Cocks of all sizes, and a large assortment of Gas Fittings constantly on hand . All work done in this establishment will he undar'lxia own supervision. and warranted to give satisfaction. no 26 - . E) ELIG—IO US BOOK STORE, miter AND SUNDAY SCHOOL .DEPOSITOK I‘, E. s. GEBLIAIx, 27 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE GEESNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. Depot for themle of Stereoscopea,Btereoscopic Views, Music and Musics.) Instruments. Also 3 subscriptions taken for religiuus pubgigations: _ _ n“ ,_ uO3O-dy BARRINGEE ACOB P SIGN, ORNAMENTAL AND HOUSE PAINTER. No. 41 SOUTH Txmn mum, (AT BUYER’S CARRIAGE FAéToan ' Harrrisburg, Pa. {3‘ Plain and Ornamental Signs, in Gilt and Silwrgut up with neatnPss and despumh. Paper Vanished, and all orders promptly attended to. Give me a call. nept'l-dtf FRANKLIN HOUSE, BALTIMORE, MD This pleasant and commodious Hotel has been tho roughly re-fitted and re-furnished. It is pleasantly situated on North-West corner of Howard and Franklin streets, a few doors west of the Northern Central Bail way Depot. Every attention paid to the comfort of "his guests. Gr. LEISENRING, Proprietor, jelZ-tf (Late of Selius Grove, Pa.) Bank ' fipplimtimtfi. B A Di Ix N 0 I‘ I C E.—Notlce ls hereby given, that the undersigned have formed 11 Asso— ciation, and prepm-ed and executed a Certificat ‘, for the purpose of establishing a. Bank of Issue, Dis nut and Depusite, under the provisions of the act ent tled “ An act to establish a. system of Free Banking infiPennsyl vanish. and to secure the public against loss mom Insol vent Banks,” approved the Blst day of March. A D. 1860. said Bank to be called THE DOWNINGTIIWN BANK. to be located in Downingtown, to consist of: a. Capital Stock 0" Fifty Thuusand Dollars, in shares of-Fifty Dol lars each, with the privilege of increasing the same to any amount not exceeding in all Three Hundred Thou sand Dollars. Chm-[vs Downing John Webster, William Ldge, Richard n.\‘v.ll3- J. P. Haugh, September 3' 18.60 ——-F.91)17 BA N K NCT I C E.——Notlce ls hereby given that an Association has been ‘hrmed and a. certificate prepared for the purpose: of establishing a. Bunk of Laue. Discount and Depusite under the pruvi sionu of the act entitled “An act to cstubltsh a Systh of Free Banking in Pennsylvania. and to secure the pub lic against loss from Insolvent Banks,"uppruved thefilst day of March.lB6o. The suid liauk to be called .. The Bethlehem Bank,” and to be loc led in the [wrong]: of Bethlehem. in the cnunty of Northampton, with a. Umpi tal Stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars. in shares of fifty Dollzu'a each, with the privilege of increasing the. said Stock to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. nu2s.d6;n BA NK N ”'l‘ I(;E.-—Notlce IS hereby given, that anlassocintion has been formed and a certificate prepared, for the purpose of establishing L Bank of issue, discount and deposit. under the provisions of the act, entitled “An Act to estsiilis‘n a. system of free hulking in Pennsylvani u, and toaecu re the public against loss by insolvent banks,” approved the thirty-first (my 01 March, 1860. The said Bank to be milled the h puma BANK," and to be located in the city of Philadelphia, and to consist. of a capitnl stock of OK i': HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. in shares of fifty dol-urs each, with the privilege of increasing the same to any amount not exceeding in all one million (if dollurs. jy2.d6m EX'IENSI! »N UF BANK cu \m 19R Notice is hereby given that “ The Farmers! and Mechmnics’ Bank of Huston," a Bank of Discount and Depufiite, located in the borough of Easton. Northamp ton county. Pennsylvania, lmvingacupital of Four Hun dred Thousand Dullara, will npply to the next. Legislmure of Pennsylvania for a renewal of its charter for fiftniqn pars, from the. expiration of its present. charter, with its present: capitnl stuck, powers and privileges. and without any alteration in or increase of the same. I’. S. MIGHLER. President, M’E. FORMAN, Cashier. jean d 5," R ANK NMT l U E.—.Vot.lce Is hereby given that an Association has been formed and a Certificate prepnrud for the purpose of establishing a Bank of Issue‘ Discuunt and Dvposite. undnr the provi sions of the not entitled ‘* An'act to establish a. synfem of free bankingin Pnunsylvsmsmnd U 5‘4“” the puhlic against loss from insolvent hanks," approved the 31st day of March, 1860. The and link to be called the u state Bank." and to be located In the city of Philadel— plain. and to consist of a. Capital Stock of Fifty 'l'hnumlnd Dollars. in shares of Fifty Dollars each, with the privi -I°Bo or increasing the same to uyamountngtexceeding in :41 One Million of Dollars; - 30294621“: /'//;§—r ep ‘ x" %$/ 'flin‘LN‘GQ) w? w 'B2? /’ 'V A / 's' 4r _ v A Q [Ev/,5; ECONOMY! 61$ ‘3 £4O? Diggpmmhg s\¢ , . . 9 “i {JS Save the Pieces! ‘- As accident: will happen wen in well-ngulatcdfumi lies, it is verydeslrable to have some cheap and cone nient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, he. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can aflord to be without it. It is always ready and upto the stick ing point. There is no longer a. necessity for limping choirs, splintered veneers, headless dolls, and broken cradles It is just the article for cone, shell, and other ornamental work, so popular with ladies of refinement and tests. This admirable preparation is used cold, being chemi cally held in solution, and possessing all the valuable qualities of the best csbinet-makers’ Glue. It may be used in the place of ordinary mucilsge, being vastly more adhesive. " USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE ” i David Shelniirc= “'illium Rogers. 3 J. K. Esheimup, " Samuel Ril‘lgwnll.t 3 Stephen Blutchfurfl '—d6m cm finuscktcpcrs. N. 13.—A Brushn-ccompanies each bootle. Price, 25 cents. Waomsnm Dnyor, No. 48 omm: 913221;an Yon: HENRY 0. SPALDING- Jr. 00., , Box No. 3,600. New York Address Put up for Dealers in Cases containing Four, Eight, and Twelve Dozen—a beautiful Lithographic Show-Card accompanying each Fackage. 113' A single bo tle of SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times its cost annually to every household 4:“ Sold by all prominent Stationers, Drnggists, Hardware and Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Fancy Stores. Country merchants should make a. note of SPAM)- ING’S PREPARED GLUE, when making up their list. It will stand any climate‘ febl4-d&wly fiiimiiaumug. NOVLL‘I‘IES. RECEIVED AT SCHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, Chinese Tumbler, ; ' Deceptive Tumblers, Watch Boxes—lmitation Pack of Cards, Whistling Balloons, Movcublc Animals, iDo. Men, Magnetic Fishes, Do. Ducks, 51):). Turtles Do. Shipa, Magnets, Compassess of all sizes, {Pumps for marking Linen, &c., at 38 cents. Cards Cases, Needle Threaders, a very useful article for Ladies at 20 cents. ' Porcelain Slates and Pencils. Hair Brushes. Lead Pencils in Boxes, Gum Bulls of every size and quality and prices. Paint Boxes. Brushcs, Lead Pencil Sharpeners,Finger Rings, Globes. Key Rings, Pocket. Plcuca, l‘en Knives, China. Ornameutl', with Ink Stands, Jno., attached. . Parallel Rulers, Pen Wipers, Sand Boxes, l'eu Backs. ‘ Microscnpes of dill‘erent sizes. m Magnutn-Elwtric Machine. .. _ China. Marbles of all sizes and prices. Glass H il in Common “ Spaldiug’s Prepared Glue, a. useful article in every family, Upton’fl u t; u u n Mathematical Instruments of difl‘ercnt styles. Violin, Guitar and Baum Strings Mugic Wafers, or Electricity Illustrated, price 75 cents a. box. Magic Duplicating and Impression Paper. Kaleidiscopes and Multiplying Glasses. ' Dominoes of all sizes, qualities and prices. Pocket Ink Stands ~‘ “ “ Cork Screws, suitable for carrying in Vest. Pot-lust. Puzzles, Mirrors, Dice, Perfumery. Colored Crayons. Chalk do. Papier Macho Work Boxes. "- “ Writing Desk and Portfolio. 11:?For sale at SCHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, mar3o No. 18 Murket Street. EXTBAGTS! EXTRACTS! WOODSWORTH Jr. BUNNEL’S SUPERIOR FLAVOHING- EXTRACTS BITTER ALMOND, ' NECTARINE. ' PINE APPLE, STRAWBERRY, ROSE, LEMON Ayn VANILLA, J ust received and for sale by 5929 ‘ :JUST RECEIVED! , INK FOUNTAIN! INK FOUNTAIN! A very ingenious attachment to any metallic pan, by which one dip of ink is sufficient to write a foolscap‘ page. For sale at SOHEFFEB’S BOOKSTORE, ap9 . No. 18 Market at P UR B} RY E WHTSKY. FIVE YEARS OLD AND GUARANTEED STRICTLY PURE—We will sell mi 5 lot (by the ba-rcl)a.tan unusually low price to close out. We invite Hotel Keepers and others to can and examine or take samples. . _a37____v,___,__A._____LV_=‘£BEQE: 33-: &’ 00- NLULASSES BUG-AIL— A small but ' «wry superio’r lot, suitable for preserving, for sale by [je2l] WM. DOCK, JIL, &. GOV CHOICE SAUCE-S! woxcgsrmnsnmw. LUGKNow CHUTNY, CONTINENTAL, soynws su LTANA, ATHENIEUM, LON DUN CLUB, 3m ROBERT PEEL, INDIA sov, READING SAUCE, ENGLISH PEPPER SAUCE. WM. DOCK, JIL, 8: CO. For sale by mle LAW BOOKS 3 LAW BOOKS I !—A general assortment of LAW BOOKS, all the State Reports and Standard Elementary Works, with many of the old English Reports, scam: and run, together with a. large assortment of second-hand Law Books, at very low prices, at the one price Bun/astute qf E M. POLLOCK & SON. Market Square, Hurrisbui‘g. myB “I BITE BRANDY I I—FOR PRE , SERVING. Warranted strictly pure. Just received and far sale by WM DOCK. Jr. '/' EHUSIN E, UH. COAL OlL.—Fur ix sale by ‘ WM. DUCK. Jr [{EIJIJER’S DRUG STORE is the place tr. huv Domenic Medicines WEDDING and Visiting Cards, mu u‘h‘p‘h‘lPH-Y 'lm-Irufm-o SPANhH m.IVESII !-—A FRESH sup- PLY just received and for sale by thequnrt or in hot?l Hes. [mle] WM. DOCK. 1n... a; co ' PARAFFXNE HANDLES ! ! !—-—Made of PURE PARAF'FINE. a material obtained from COAL. combining the ILLUMINATING properties and chemical constituents of Gas. The, will stand all e“- mntaea. give 3 clenr und hrilliant light- Mtd burn 'l‘ns run Gn‘rJnnger than Wax, Sperm or any other candle in the market. For sale by WM. DOCK, .13., max-11 8019 Agent for Harrisburg. INDIA RUBBER, HORN, BUFFALO, and Shell Combs. 31'. the Jones RM! Drug Stan. E I o• 'WM. DOCK. Jn.. (‘6 co filtbital. HELMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATIONS- EELMBOL‘D’S 1311030 for the Bidder. 1 HELMBULD’S BUGHU for the Kidnoyn. . HELMBOLD’S BUCK-[U for the Gravel. HELMBOLD’B BUOEU for the Dropsy. EELM BOLD’S BUOBU for Naxvousneaa. HELMBOLD’S BUGHU for Loss of Memory. HELM BOLD’S BUUHU for Dimnenn of Vision. ‘ namnono’s worm for Dafllcult Banking. 1 HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Weak Nerves. i HELMBOLD’S BUCHU fur Genera! Debility. 3 HELMBOL D’s 317030 for Universal Lasaitude. HELMBOLD’B BUG “U for Hurror of Disease. EELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Night Swede. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU 101' W .kel'ulners. HELMBOLD’B BUCFU fur Drynnfs of the Skin. ‘ HELMBOLD'S BUOHU for Erl'lpglons. e HELMBOLD’S BUCK-1U for Pain 3n the Back. . HELMBULD’S BUCHU for Heavxnvss of the Eyelids, with Temporary Human-ion md Lora of Sight. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Mobility and Restllesgness;with Want of Attention and Horror of Beauty. HELMBOLD’B BUOHU for Obstructions. . RELMBOLD’S BUGHU for Excesse: arising from India eretion, and an Dina-non of FEMALES, FEMAthS, FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES. TAKE NO MORE PILLS, TAKE NO MORE mus, . THEY ARE OF NO AVAIL, ' THEY ARE OF NO AVAIL. Use HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUC EU for all com plaints incident to the sex. NU FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT ! TAKE NO MORE BALSA“ or Injurious and Unpleasant Medicine lnr Unpleasant and Dav-g- yous Diseases. Use HELMEOLD’S EXTRAS E BUCHU for Excesses arising from lgubits indu‘gvd in _ BY YOUNG; AND OLD, And for disease! arising lrom'Habits of D'ssipation. It to moves'all i mproprr discharges, and will restore the patient in a short time to a slate of Hvalth and Punty. Use BELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU for Diseases and Afl‘eutxoas of the must Dlsm ssing 011:: meter. Use HELMBOLD S EXTRACT BUGHU for all Mice-- tions and Diseases of the ' URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in MALE 0R FEMALE, From whatever c'mse originating, and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. . :All of the above dieuses and symptoml aimit of the same treatment, and may origipgej‘qmg jug same gauze, HEAD ! READ ! HELMBOLD’S 'BECUiI; safe,and pleasant in taste and odor, but immediate m Its action. A . _Perflonally appear! d before me, an A'dcrman of the City at Philadelphia, H. 'l‘ HELMBOLD, Chemist, who, being dnl_y sworn, does say, that his preparation contains no Nar cotm, Mexcu:y,or injurious drug, but is purely Vegetable. 11. 'l‘. HELMBULD. Solo Munufuczumr. Sworn and sub-milled brfore mg, this 23d day ofNovem. M 54854. WM. P. I!]BBARD, Alderman. (1 Price $1 per bottle, ox; V 871; for $5, deliveécd to any ad— tees. 'A TRIAL 0051's BUT A mum—'l'}!!! IT, And be convinced of its eflicacv. And it is npcompaniod by reliable and responsible certificates from Professors of Mvdical Colleges, clergyman and others. Prepared by H. T HELMROLD, Practical and Analyxicnl Chemist. 104 South Tenth Street below Ghrsmut, Philadejpbia. NEChSSARY CAUTION ——Shnuld unprinciplu d Dealers try to palm olf anmher article, which pays a better prmm and is worthwss, ASK FUR HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU. TAKE NO OTHER CURES GUARANTEED. Scld by JOHN WYETH, Druggist, comer of Market and Second streets, Harrisburg. AND ALL 111-? (1G GIST-9 EVERYWHERE. CUT THXS OUT—S!- ND OR CALL FOR IT; AND AVOID EXPOSUHE AND IMPOSITION. anl3.-d&w3m As aperient and stomachic preparation of IRON puri. lid of Oxygen and Carbon by combustion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authorities, both in Europe and the United States, and prescribed in their, practice. - The experience of thousands daily proves that no pre paration of Iron can be compared with it. Impurities of the blood, depression of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly complexion, indicate its necessity in almost every conceivable case. Innoxious in all maladies in which it has been tried, it has proved absolutely curative in each of the following complaints, viz: In Dnnrurr. anvous Arrsorrors, luau-nos, Dre rsrsm, CONSTIPA'HON, Dranannu, Drsnsmuy, Ixcrprnm- Consumron. Scncrnnous 'l‘usnscunosis. SALT REED", M[sues-momma:,Wnr-rnsflnnonosrs. LivunOolflu mrs, Genome H mowers, BEEWATISM, Inrswrrssrhvm, Pmrnss on run Man, 5:11. In «nun uf Gsunnu— Denim-H whether the result of acute direuse, or of the continued diminution of nervous 'and muscular on‘ rgy fl om chronic complainls, one trial of this restorative has proved successful to an extent which no descrip ion or written attestation would render credible . Invalids so long bed ridden as to have become forgotten in their on n neighbor hoods, have suddenly res-appeared in the busy world as it just rrtnrned from protracted travel in a distant land. Some very signal instances of this kind are attested of female; Sufferers. emaciated victims of apparent mementos, songuineous exhaustion, critical changes, and that com; lic )tilln of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which the physician has no name. 1 In Nanvnus Arrsc-rxoxs of all kinds, and for reasons i familiar to medical men, the operation of this preparation i of iron must necessarily be salutary, for, unlike the old oxides, it is vigorously tonic, without being exciting and overheating-end gently, regularly aperient, own in the most obrtinate cases of costiveness, without ever being a. gastric purgative, or infiictinn a disagreeable sensation . 'lt is this latter pi operty. among others, who]: makes it so remarkably efl'ectual and pcrmanenta remevly l'or Piles, upon which it also appears to eXe-rt a distinct and Specific action, by dispersing the local tendency which forms them. In Dvsrnrsu , innumerab‘e as are its causes, a single box of these Chalyl sate. Pills has often sufiicod for the most habitual cases, including the attendant (Yoszi'ucmss. 1n unchecked Dunnndzs, even when advanced to DYSBN 'rnnv, confirmed, emar-iating, and apparently malignant the efl'vcis have been equally decisive and astonishing. In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength, debilitating cough, and remitlent hectic, which generally indicate Ix oxrncrar Consume-rm, this remedy has nllayed the alarm of friends and physicians, in several very gratifying and interesting instances. , In SanoFULons Tl'BsnanOSls, this medicated iron has had far more than the good eti‘ect or the most cautiously balanced preparations of iodine, without any of their well known liabilities. . The attention ot'femalescnnnot he too confidently invited to this remedy and restmatiue, in the cases peculiarly af fecting them. In Bneunuxsm, both chronic and inflammatory—in the latler, however, more denuded ly—it has been invariably well reported, both as alleviating pain and reducing the swel lsngs and stiffness of the joints and muscles. ‘ In lsrsmn‘rnm Fsvsxs it must necessarily he a great remedy and eno-rgetiwostorative, and ita progress in the new settlements of ti West, will probably be one of high renown and usefulness. ' No remed 3' has ever been discovered in the whole history of medicine, which exerts such prompt, haPpy, and fully restorative efi'ects. Good appe'ite, comp etc digestion, rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual disposition for active and cheerful exercise, Immediately follow its use. Put up in neat. flat metal boxesvontaming 60 pills, price 50 cents per box ; for sale by druggisls and dealers. Will he sent free to any address on re:eipt of the price. All letters, orders, eic., should he addressed to R. B. LOCKE &: 00., General Agents. 20 Cedar Street, New York. myQ3-d&wl)' N H T) I)": M A HOW LOST, 110 W RESTORE D In: Pqudblie, in Scaled. _n:rrln¢. .. A LECTURE ON THE NATUR E. TRE \TMENT AND RADICAL CURE 0F SPERMATORRHOEA. or Seminal Weakness, vaual Debility, Nerv-msuvss MRI Involuntary Emismons, producing lmpotcncy , Consumption and Mental and Physical Devility. BY ROB. J. CULVERWELL. M. D. The important fact that the awful conveniences of 39111 abuse may he effectually removed with: utmtcrnal medicines or the dwngemus applications of caustics. instruments. medicated bfluglefi, and other emnirical devir-ea, is here clear‘y demonst-‘ated, and the entire-y new and highly aucu sznl trenlmeut, as adopted by \he celebrated .2-ulhor, fully explained: by means of whivh evary one is enabled to cure himself perfectly, and at the least pominlr coal:1 there by avoiding all the advertin d nostmms ol‘ the day The Lecture will prove a boon m [bounds and minus-duds Sent under seal to any address, pus: paid. on dis receipt nl‘ two nus'ngn stahps, by a‘ddrPssing Dr. CHAS J. O. KLINE, 480 First Avenue, New York, Post Box 4,586. aul9—d&wly . LATE S—T'N'h W S!!! DR . S\VUP E ’ S TONIC FOR FEVER AND AGUE, Will cure the.most obstinate caso “ IN TWENTY FOUR. HOURS,” It is also a preventative for such as are liable to this disease. This celebrated TONIC re move; all Flatulency, regulates the Buwels, purifies the Blood, gives a. tone to the Digestive Organs, and creates an nppetile. Sole Agent for the town and Dauphin county is “I'M. LOEFFLER, appointed by me. .auS-dam DR. SWOPE. CHESNUT GROVE W HISKEY.—-The purest Spirit ever ofl'erod the American public, pon seasing none of the poisoning qualities inherent in the Whiskey in common use. ‘ Ail persons desirous of using this Whiskey may rest a!- sured of its purity PHILADELPHIA, Jan.2oth, 185-8. Dun Sim—We hue carefully examined the sample 0! "Ohennut Grove Whiskey,” left With us a few days since, mud find it to contain little or none cf the poiaonouu Elb stance known as [nail oi] . Yours EE'I‘Q“!!! __ To 011 ml: WEAI‘IOI, Jl. .. ‘ For sale by the only Agent in Emlyn“; 11-! 30-! wu. Dock, a; READ! READ ! BOOTH, GARRETT In DAMAG, Analytical Clumism J’flchiml. LOEFFLEB, TM. I'BACTICAL P‘HARMACEUTIST AND CHEMM 0012. 4!]: AND MARKET 51's. Having purchased the Drug Store of Mom. 110 me Jr. 00., I beg leave a can tne attention of the‘pnwn to my well Itockzd Drug Stare. My good! will “Wm be found to be genuine, reliable, Ind of the first quality. my apex-lanes in the Drug business, acquired principdl, a, traveling through the European Continent. will not hi! to give satisfaction to every one. MY STOCK CONSISTS OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soup's 56:32:, Tobacco, Burning Fluid, “echo: and Cmphene, Fresh Ground Spices, Goth, Spongel. Brushes, Pomadel, Toilet Paints, Combs, Port Mannie: and Purses, OI Horse and cum Powders, PATENT MEDICINES, which will be sold but not recommended, I 4! I cannot guarantee a cure in any can Besides the above named Articles, I have a very Inge pl: aortment of other miscelianeou articles, which the publi is invited to come and examine. The attention of Involids, Physicians, Clergymen, scientific men, and the public generally, is respectfully solicited to the merits of this chemical preparation, 00n tsining IRON, SULPHUR, AND PHO:PHOBOUS, Hid which is identical in its composition with the Hemaf'lc Globule, or red blood. In all (tissues accompanied Wlth DI]BIL 1 T Y , pale countenance and nervous derangement. annlyses of the blood show a. deficiency of the red globules. Buddy complexion and a. rosy tint of the skin, is always indica tive of health; while u. pale, wax-like skin and counte nance,—which evinces a. deficiency of the red globules accompanies a diseased organism . Preparations of IRON have been given for the purpose of supplying the red 310' holes, butwe contend that IRON alone, SULPHUR alone. or PHOSPHORUUS alone, will not meet the deficiency; in every case, but that a. judicious combination of a these elements is necessary to restore the blood to its normal standard . This point, never before attained, has been reached in the BLOOD FOOD, and its discovery ranks as one of the most scientific and important of the age. Its effects in CONSUMPTION , are to soften the cough, brace the nerves, strengthen the system, alloy the prostrating night sweats, increase the physi cal and mental energy, enrich the bluod by restoring the locking red globules, increase the appetite, restore the color, and clothe the skeleton frame with Basin The BLOOD FOOD will he found a. specific in all CHRONIC DISEASES of the THROAT or LUNGS, such as Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, 6w. Public speakers and singers will find it of great utility in clearing and strengthening the vocal organs. In Dyspepsia, Liner Complaints, Dropsy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Scrqfula. Grand, 82'. Vl - Dance, Fever and Aging; &c., its efficiencyismarkdd and instantaneous. In no class of diseases, however, are the beneficial efi'ects of this remedy so conspicuous as in those harrassing . FEMALE COMPLAINTS ‘- to which the gentler sex are liable, and which mud to wards Consumption, such as sup pressed or diflicull: Men struation. Green Sickness, Whites, Jno., especislbvwhen these complaints are sccompaniedwith pnlcnesa, odingy hue or puller of the skin, depression of spirits, nobility, palpitation, want of appetite, and nervous prostration. We have the utmost confidence in recommending the BLOODFOOD to all who may be conscious of a. loss‘of vitality or energy; and to those WhLSG mental or bodily powers are prostrated through over- use, either of the mind or body, and we deem it our duty to any that in sll cases of Wen/mess and Emaciatum, and in all diseases of the Kidneys or Bladder, this preparation has .I,on upon the attention of sufl‘ercrs which cannot be aye:- estimated. A faithful trial will be found the most eon— vincing proof in regard to its cflimcy that could be asked for. With the above rem'urks, and with the names-0&3 testimonials we have in its favor, we otl'er the “BLOOD FOOD” to the consideration of the afllicted, knowing that it will be u cknowledged as pro—eminent over all other preparations, patent or oliicinul, in point of usefulness. Circulars giving the Theory upon which this rcmed is founded, also certificates of remarkable cures, wilfbe sent free when desired. We forward the BLOOD FOOD to any part of the United States or Cunadas uponreccipt of price—sl per bottle 55 for six bottles. Be careful in all cases to take none hut that having our feminine sig nature upon the wrapper. None other is genuine. Prepared only by all URt ll 6:. DUBuN'l‘, No. all 9 B-oadwu) New York, And sold by them, and by all respectable Drug ' ,ts. For sale hy C. A, BANNVAhT, C. K.KELLL§:&nd D. W. GROSS & 00., liarrirburg. icoli-eowddtwlly PURIFY THE BLOOD! MOFFAT’S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS A N D PH(ENIX BITTERS. The high and envied celebrity which these pre-erni nent Medicines have acquired for their invaluable efii» easy in all the Diseases which they profess to cure, has render-d the usual practice of pulling not only unneces— sary, but unworthy of them. IN ALL CASES 0f Asthma, Acute and Chronic Rheumatism, Afiections of the Bladder and Kidneys. ' BILIOUS REVERE AND LIVER COMPLAINTS, In the South and West, where these diseases prevail. they will he found invaluable. Planters. farmers and mixers, who once use these Medicines, will never after wards be without them. BILIOUS CHOLIG.BEROUS LOOSENESS,PILES,GOE— TIVENESS, COLDS AND COLGHS, CBOLIO, . - CORRUPT RUMORS. DROPSIES. Drsrnrsu.-—No person with this distressing dlaease, should delay using these Medicines immediately. ‘. 7 Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelas, Fletulency. . ansn Ann Acne—For this scourge of the Western country these Medicines will he found a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system Sub- ‘ ject to a. return of the disease; a. cure by these medi cines is pt'rmuuent. Try them. Be satisfied. and be cured. Foansss or Conrmxmx— GENEBAL DBBILITY, GOUT, GIDDINESS, GRAVEL, ' Headaches of every kind, Inward Fever, Inflammstory Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Jaundice, Loss of Appetite. hlsncunun Disrssss.—Nevor rails to eradicate en tirely all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparation of Sarsuparillu. ' NIGHT SWEATS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, NERVOUS COMPLAILNTS OF ALL KINDS. ORGANIC AFFECTIO‘SS. Puss—The original proprietor of those Medicine was cured of Files, of thirty-five yours’ standing, by the the use of these Life Medicines alone. PAIRS in the Head, Side, Back, Limbs, Joints and Organs. ' Rnsunuisn.— Those afiected with this terrible dis else, will be. sure of relief by the Lite Medicines. Rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy, Salt Rheum Swellings. ' Sam's-nu, or KING’S EVIL, in its worst forms. Ulcer of every description. Worms of all kinds are effectually expelled by those Medicines. Parents will do well to administer them whenever their existence is suspected. Relief will be certain. THE LIFE PILLS AND PH (EN IX BITTERS ' PURIFY THE BLOOD, And thus remove all disease from the system. PREPARED ssn sonu BY DR. WILLIAM B. M UFFAT, 335 Broadway, corner of Anthony street, New York. 113’ For sale by all Druggists. jyl'l-ddswly H UMPHREY’S SPECIFIC H OMB 0114 TH] (J REMEDIE S, for anie at KELLEB’K: Drug Show, mm , 91 Market Street. k , BE 33%“ ‘3‘ <3» / FOUR DEB 1852 L 0 174 TE D ORNER 0F BALTIMORE AND CHARLES STREETS, ' BALTIMORE,MD- The Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished, and Popular lommercial College in the United States. Designed. )zprgzssly for Young Men desiring to obtain 3 Tnoloucl Pmo'mul. BUSINESS Enucmos in the ahortentpouiblo time and at the least expense. A Luge and Beautifully Ornamented Oireuhr, con taining upwardé ofSIX SQUARE FIEET, With Smalls! op PERMANBBIP‘ and a. Large Engravmg che flueacof the kind ever made in this cpuntry) represen lngthe Interior View of the college, With Catalogue Stating toms, Jno., will be sent to Every Young Man on applimtiou, In! or Canas wfiw immediately and you will receive the m by return mail. Address, " - : jan‘la-dly] E. K. LOSIER. Bunion, up. KELLER’S MUG STORE is the ‘ to buy Balm of Thousand Flowers. _ 1 Chamois and Sheep Skin'l. attley CHARTERED 1864.