fits s2lll:th & anion. TUESDAY MORNING, OCT. 16, 1860. _, 1 . §_A_ ..-____-____..__..— .._mHTT ,& THOMAS C. MAO‘DOWEIJ‘. Pub- ‘hs‘her'. ma tropfiéton mwafiou will not be published in the rumor as final unless ucomp‘fiiefl with the name of the s. M. PET'I'ENGI'LL I: (10-. Advertising Agents, llo'Nassau street New York, and I. Etta street, Boston, are the Agents *or the rumor m lineman! the most influential and Ingest circu hfing newsfipen in the United states and Cam!” liqueur. orizedto ountuctforuutonrlmastmm. _ FOR sun. _ ' Anacontthnd Axuls Puss, platen 39}; by 25““311’3': II good older; can be worked either by hmd 01' steam ”I". Terms moderate Inquire at this office. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. FDR pn’ns IpENT, JOHN 0. BR ECKINRIDGE, . 0 F KEN 1' IN) KY . FOR VICE \PRESIDENT,“ JOSEP H LANE, . 0 F OHEO OH . ~ ~ #' =1: Tn COKSTITUTIOR Ann m Baum-n 01’ "ml tum 5 Turns: ARI smons or BTERLASTING 17211023. h: an: n m BALLYIXG muss or u: norm.— 3. D. BBECKINRIDGE. ' “ 1113th of breaking up the Union, we intend to When and to lengthen it.”-—J. 0. Bucxmlunas. “ We'know no section as distinct from the other; we “I the 00 ltitufion and tho States under it. and their ml ii gumnteed under that instrument.“—Josnmt Mil; PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. amorous A! Last. RICHARD VAUX, GEO M. KEIM max-mm- mate-tons. 1. In». A. Envy, I 3. WI. 0. Pun-23303, 3. Jon. 030 mm", 4. J. 9. Banana, 6. G. W. JAco sl, I. (hunts Knxx, 'l. 0. I’. June, 8. mun Scum, I- J. L. lacuna, [ )0. 8.8. Bunsen, fl. 'l'. H. WALKER, n. 8. 8. Wmcnnsmn, It Joan-n Luann, Hamlin and the vial So|diers Congresfianal Globe, Vol. 26, page 109-1. Mr. Hamlin voted against Mr. Brodhead’s amend ment giving flue soldiers of the war of 1812, 160 acres of land, which passed however without his vote. Vol 30. page 563. He vOl ed against a'n amendment, which provided that. the surviving soldiers who, in an '_ if the wars-in which this country has been gged, performed military services against the. public enemy, though not regularly mustered into the service of the united States, and the widows and children of such. soldiers, shall be entitled to all the hen efita of the first. section of the Bounty Land Act. This also passed without his vote. Yeas 26; I‘lin 18. . ‘ Page 567. On the final passage of the Bounty Land bill Mr. Hamlin voted against it. The bill mrpassed without his vote. Yeas 30, hays 15. ‘ Au Indication. The Chester and Delaware Congressional District was the only one in the State in which a direct issue was made between the supporters ofßreekim-idge and Douglas. Jon H. Bws‘rox was nominated as the Breckinridge candidate, Bnd I'. Fuzen Sm'rn as lheDouglas candidate. The result shows the utter insi nifioence of th Wtyfiafifiy‘flfigfi they have 2 straight-out organ, and where they made an open fight. The following is the vote for member of ' Congress in Chester county : John mam,80unb1ieun.......................1193 John B. Brinton, Bro-:kinfidga.. .. .......... ...-.—.5,670 1.1. Smith, D0ng1n5.......-..................... 25E In Delaware county the vote for Bnmron exceeds thatgiven to Foster 43 votes ; so SMITH, the Douglas candidate, was nowhere in the contost. After all the talk of the Douglas men about the immense popularity of their candidate, and the necessity of adhering to him as the regular nominee, it. turns out that he has no strength at all where his claims are subjected to the populer test. The only result accomplished by his adherents has been to weaken and defeat. the Democratic party. A Premium for Mob Law. ; The Ottawa rescue case, in Illinois, is well Weathered. .The fugitive slave “Jim” was ' forcibly token froni the custody of the U. s, Marshal by a mob, among whom two men med Hassock and Stout were prominent ac tors. The two latter were subsequently com mitted to jail, where they are now serving out their ten days’ imprisonment, Judge Drummond, of the U. 8. District Court, having attached a very trivial penalty to _au aggravated olfence, probably to avoid action which might have been attributed to vindictive motives. Observe, now, how partisan influences are immediately brought to bear to defeat the ends of justice and bring the law into contempt, by extending aid and encouragement to these Isa-called “martyrs.” The Mayor of the city, who is also a prominent Republican editor, at once proceeds to raise the sum of $1,600.67. where withto pay the fines and costs of these men, and secure their release. But the theta are better presented in the following, from the Chicago Times and Herald.- MAD—S'MBK Meta—The question of the mityor insanity of the Abolitionists is no longer doubtful. They are stark mad: John Hassock has been Sentenced by a Republican Judge to pay a fine for the most flagrant and openmolauon of a law which even his Repub lican counsel admitted-to be constitutional.— Ngeooner is this sentence pegged, than the might judicial and executive officers of the hi Q's-w: city. and our ministers of the 305- pd; flame-forward to defeat. the just punishment. of’filie ’ofi'eiider, and to throw their entire influ. ence to discredit the law of the land. John Wentworth, the Mayor of the great 'city of Chicago,‘and editor of the leading Republican joiii‘nel‘in‘tte Northwest, openly throws wide the dbors of the Mayor’s oflice to receive sub scriptions to pay Hosehck’s fine. Judge Ma nierl‘é. who has been clothed with the. ermine of jnetié‘e, for the preservation of the law and tie phnihhment of its violators. openly parades in ’tlieijsnblic press his sympathy and respect fertile criminal, and his subscription of.sloo {dishield' a criminal from punishment for the fiolntion of a Constitution which he has sal— oli’n'nly sworn to support! Men. professing to be ministers of that. God who has commanded obedience to the pom-rs that. he, ‘eaunlingly throw their ten dollars into the pile that is to mean the criminal from the otfended law! These men are mad. _ B'ntiiwhat shall we say of that still larger albeit-if the Republican party who are not mad gifitfeel, know and recognize that the pun ishment of Hassock is legal and_Jnat_, and yet '3. date not "fuse to pay their mite to the “criminal fund 3” The end of each is the some —iitlhe mo‘rin’g cause-how dilferent! In one am, it is the ferer of a dark and settled mono 14 In“: Rncno’w, 15. 61:01:61: D. “01503, 16. J. A. Ann, 11. J. B. Dmxnn, 18. J. B. Cnnrloxn, 19. H. N. Luz, 20. J. B. HOWELL, 21. N. P. Far-mum, 22. Sums]. MARSHALL, 23. WxLLux Boox, 24. B- D. HAMLIN, 25- Gumnn Cannon. mania—in the other, the promptings of a. cra- l ven fear and a dastardly meanness! This, then, is the protection to “all the constitutional rights of the South” professed by the Repuhlican party. They will h'évald to the world that whatever it may cost tosoverride those rights, will he’puidhy the Republicon party ! that. fanatics have nothing to dread from a. breach of the-lowsrrfor the protection of the constitutional rights of: the South; that the punishment will neVer follow, and that. the crimnals will be made homes and martyrs by this constltutional (‘3) party. We have fallen on evil times. Treachery Acknowledged. Sihce the election Forney’s Ere“, the lending Douglas organ m this State, exults om; the defeat of FOSTER and admits the agency of the straight-out Douglas men in accomplishing that result. In an'article deploriug the fraud by which Mr. Lehman was cheated out of the re~ turn from the First Congressional District, the Press says: , , “The Republican party have just achiavod : magnifi cent triumph, and in the joy with which they hail this triumph they have the sympathy qf thousands of homst Democrats.” This is a distinct admission that “ thousands “ of honest Democrats,” like Fat-my, who arose ready to “ sympathize” with the Republicans in their “magnificent triumph,” were so very honest and honorable as to vote for ANDREW G. 0mm): and strike down HENRY" D. Fosmn. Democrats committed the fatal mistake of sup posing it possible for these men to be sincere in their professions of attachment to Home? D. Fosmn, but true to their disorganizinginstincts they united to accomplish his defeat, and as sisted the Republicans to their “magnificent vic “ tory." ' It may be gratifying to these allies of the Republicansto know that their services are duly apprecialed and recognized. The North Ame.-~ rice-n returns thanks to Mr. Douglas for his eflicient services, and says “ without his assis “ tance in Pennsylvania we should probably “ have fallen several thousands behind our pre “ sent triumph.” - HAMLIN’S TARIFF RECORD =lc= We call the aflention of our readers, espe cially of those who have heretofore placed implicit comfidence in the representations made by the Black Republican papers, that Mr. Hamlin, the Republican candidate for Vice President, is a protective tariff man. to the following ream-d, which will decide the ques tion: Congressional Globe. Vol. 13, pp. 99, Jun. 3, 1844. The following resolution was ofi‘ered by Mr. Black, of Georgia, (so-called Southern Loco Foco Free Trader,) for which Mr. Hamlin voted. Was lost. . Resolved, That the Committee of Ways and Means be instructed to report a bill, as soon as practicable, revising the present. tariff, and imposing duties on imports on the principle of revenue only- . - Mr. Hamlin votefl for 8, similar resolution on the next. day, see page ' 102. Was defeated again. A , 'April 9, see page 495, dodges a vote on the tariff question. April 10, see page 503, dodged again on the tarifl‘ question. April 15, see Vol. 13, (Appendix) page 506. In a. speech he declared that the writ? “had well been called a. black tarifi',” and the magner in which it. operated “was a: black as midnight.” April 22, see page 543‘ and again you find him dodging a vote on the tarifl". May 10,aee' page 591. On this day there are five votes recorded on the subject of the tnrifi‘. and Mr. Hamliu’s five votes are with the “finals 3 ...L.Q F. c T(d s. The bill waioéugitfnuponaahe °m°bl§‘%eeu,§l er votes of Mr. Hamlin. Vol. 15, page 1165, July 29, 1846. The first two votes on the tariff Mr. Hamlin dodged. Four additional votes were taken. Hamlin al- Wnys voting with the so—called Southern Loco Foco Free Traders. The last of these votes decided the fate of the Tarifi' of 1842—it was repealed—Hamlin voting for its repeal. Vol. 17, page 56. Dec. 21, 1846. Mr. Brod head moved to suspend the rules, to enable him to offer a resolution, directing the Secre tary of the Treasury to report to the House on what articles the duties embraced in the Tariff Act of 1846 might be increased beyond the then existing rates. Mr. Hamlin was too much of a so-ealled Free Trader to vote even for this proposition—he voted No! Vol. 30, page 790, Feb. 17, 1855. The, bill granting railroad 'compames three years in which to pay the duties on all iron rails, spikes, bolts. fastenings, &e., being under considera~ tion, Mr. Hamlin declared as follows: “ I am a good deal of a free trade Imm, and thepraba bilt'ty is thatlshatl votofizr this bill.” Page 794. An amendment to the bill was of fered: “That on the railroads henefitted by this act, the mails of the United States he trans~ ported at. such compensation as shall be pre~ scribed by law.” Hamlin voted against this proviso and the amendment was defeated. Page 885. Mr. Seward ofl'ered an amendment, to give to railroad companies using American iron the same bounty granted by [he bill to those using foreign iron- Against this amend ment. Mr. Hamlin voted. Page 886. Mr. Ham lin votedfor the final passage of the bill. Page 1088, March 2, 1855. Mr. Hamlin dodged a vote. on the revision of the tariff. M". Hamlin formally withdrew from the Dem~ ocratic party, June 12, 1856 —See Vol. 32, Part 2, page 1396. ‘ Vol. 34, page 247, June 6, 1857._ The Speaker of the House stated that. the special order for this day would be the tarifi'. Mark Mr. Hnm~ lin’s smartness next day in the Senate, (see same page.) Mr. Hamlin resigns his seat and is com Sequently no longer a Senator. Our readers will naturally wooden why this resignation should just. then happen. Don‘t they see ‘l— post. assurt-dly to escape taking part. in the discussions and to dodge the vote on the tnrifi‘, which the Black Republican party in the House had determined should he reduced.—~ Now follow us to page 704, and you will then discover that. Mr. Hamlin has completely out.- done his cute exploit of the 7th of J unitary.— He managed to have himselt‘re-elected. although he had just abt'mt 6 weeks previously resigned his seat. The proceedings are as follows: “Feb. 16. 1857, Mr. Feswndpn presented the credentials of the Hon. Haunih-tl . Hamlin, elected aSenator by the Legislature nf theSmte of Maine. for six years, commencing on the 4th of March. 1857. Mr. Hamlin was shrewd enough to know that. the reduction of the tariff of 1846 would be ac complished duringlhat session, nsit would end March 3, 1857. He felt quite safe in having himsm‘ re-elt-cted. because he could not be called upon to nerfortu the duties of a Senator until anvr the hassage of the act, which hap pened March 2:1. From the 7th of January to the 4th of March, 1857, Mr. Hamlin was not a Senator, so that by his cuteness he escaptd show ing his [land on the Tariff of 11557. Vol. 36, Port. 1. page 203. Jan. 5, 1858. Mr. Critlenden’s resolutions. favoring a, material in crease of dula'es, home valuations. &c.. were laid upon the table; but. not a 1120 cm came from the lips of Mr. Hamlin, although as the record shows he was in his seat. See page 205. Vol. 38. Part. 1. page 878. Feb. 8, 1859, Mr. Hamlin voted to proceed la the consideration of a resolution offered by Mr. Bigler. which declared that the creation of a. large public debt, in time of peace is inconsistent wivh the lrue policy of Ihe Unite-I Sta-es, and as the present revenues are insufficient to meet the unavoidable expeu -31-8 of the Gun» nmu-nt, Car-gtéss E'muld proceed without. delay to so re-ndju-t the revenue laws, as not only to Meet the deficit. in the current. expenses, but to pay off the pi-esefit 'éebtiyo far as it may be liable to immediate cancellation. Probably the Black Repulflicnn' party will decide that the above is a protective tarifl‘ vote. This will not answer, howaver, as not less than 7 so-called Southern Loco Foco “Free traders voted for the same resolution. together with a numbergof other Democrats. “Yes,” says an opponent, “when Mr. Hamlin voted and spoke against the tarifi‘ he was a Democrat, but he has left the Democrats and nowhe; isla protec tive toritlr man.” Let us examinc‘th'is matter; Mr. Hamlin left the Democratic party on the 12th of June, 1856, according to his own decla rations; but note word did he say that he dif fered with the Democratic party on the tarifl' question. The neg-r 0 was first toil/i him. He had a more exalted opinion of the negro than the Democratic party has; and the truth is, that while heprofessed to be a Democrat he could not conceal his strong sympathies for the negro. He esteemed the colored population to such a degree, that he finally became estranged from the Democratic party and joined the Black Republican party, whose feelings. are all in that direction. That is the only reason why Mr. Hamlin left the Democratic party. If he has changed his opinions on the tariif question, why did he not express himself to that effect? From the 31st January to the 14th February, 1859, during the discussion of Mr. :Bigler’s taritf resolution, Mr. Hamlin remained silent as death. He was perfectly 17mm on the tarifi' question, and we have therefore a right to conclude that he did not consider it of any importance. And yet we are told “0, yes! He is a protective tariff man !” The 17 Sena tors who took part in the discussions on that occasion, desired the community to know their sentiments on the taritf. Not so, however, Mr. Hamlin. And yet he is the candidate of theao called protective t-ariif men. Out upon such humb’uggery ! ' FAILURE or Tm: Exnmnox or THE KNIGHTS or rm: GOLDEN Guiana—The Knights of the. Golden Circle, whoahave been sqfar benighted as to march to Western Texas, have concluded that they have had about as near a. View of the elephant as would pay. The Corpus Christi Ram-hero says : ' “ The last detachment of Knights of the Golden Circle that arrived here, instead of go ing further towards the ‘ seat of war,’ left. we undl-rstund, for their respective homes. Those who went to the Banquette, came back here and did likewise; and as they performed the trip into the country and beckon feet will satisfy the civilian they did not carry bridle: with them. ' “This morning another party of K. G. C., from the States, arrived here. There must be mismanagement: on the part of the leaders, or else aconcentrafion of force would be better understood.” rTheNVew Orleans Picayune adds “ Young men at a distance should be cautious how they enter upon Quixotic and desperate expeditions of this kind The whole scheme, in the present state of affairs.- is chemerical and dangerous in the extreme.” . Impon'mm Posrorrxcn Rmox.ulox.——Th’e following is the official order to which the tele graph has alreaay alluded: Pocrorpwn DEPARTMENT, Oct. 8, 1860.. Wherens, By the not of 3d March, 1855, the postage upon all letters, except such as are entitled to pass free between places‘ in the United States, is required to be prepaid; and whereas. the Department, through courtesy, has hitherto, at a. considerable labor and ex pense, notified the parties addressed, in all in stances in which the writer failed to prepay, that their letters would be for-Warded on recei ving the postage due thereon; and whereas, instead of diminishing, the number of such letters continues to increase, thus showing that the omission to prepay is intentional, it. is therefore ordered that, from and aflcr (he first day of November, 1860, all such unpaid letters be sent to the. Dead Leuerugui‘ice, 3‘o In. zmwosed ofjn like ”mum-r as ofher (Isa .ctlers. ‘ -< - J. Hour, Postmaster-General. The Paris correspondent of the London Times alludes to the constant fear of his life in which the Emperor of the French lives, of the Car bonari. During his late trip to his new domin— ions every care was taken to get suspicious characters out of the way. One very curious means of ensuring his safety was resorted to; it was that of forcing the owners of houses within ascertain distance of the imperial resi dence to give up the keys of their cellars to the police. Theseindividuals were forced, during the whole visit and for some days-before to ask for their keys every time they needed a bottle of wine; and on such occasions a policeman was sent with them to fetch it. A certain house in the Place Victoire, in Nice, was emptied of all, its inhabitants whilst. the imperial visit lasted nobody knew for precisely what reason; but the proprietors, for vacating it, received from the authorities the sum of 60,000 francs ; the house, it is susposed, having been in some way useful to the police. A Munnnnsn LEGALLY Acqunrsn.—The Court of Errors (says the Hartford Press) has finally rendered its decision in the case of Mi chael Daley, of Pequonock, who killed James O’Neil, on Saturday, May 6th, by cutting his head open with an axe. The jury convicted Bailey of manslaughter, whereupon Charles 'Chapman, Esq., counsel for the defence, filed a motion in arrest of judgment, on the ground that the law punishing manslaughter, which was in force when this offence‘was committed, was repealed by the last Legislature, and that the statute enacted in its stead was passed since the act was done, so that no judgment could be rendered against the prisoner under the anther-Hy of either statute. The point was fully sustained by‘the Court. of errors after a full hearing. 80 a murderer escapes sootfree7 for want of a law to punish him. THE EPISCOPAL Cuvuou m Tm: UNITED STATEs.—-Accordiug to the Church Almanac for 1860, the Episcopal Church of the United States contains 33 dioceses. The number of bishops, provisional bishops and assistant bishops is 43; priests and deacous, 2.030; pa;- rishes, 2,110. There were ordained during the year 70 clencons and 93 priests. Number of candidates for holy orders, 281; churches con secrated, 69. The baptisms were as follows: infants, 30.413; adults, 5,121; not. stated, 437 —--total 49,023. Number of confirmatioug, 14,596; communicants added, 14,794; presexit number, 35,797; marriages, 7,059; burials, 12,442; Sunday School teachers, 14,091; schools 118,069. Amount of contributions for missionary and charitable purposes, 1,627,183.- 12. - Ax Inpon'mnr Dsoxsmn Unnnn THE TAmi‘F. A case was decid'edpn Friday‘ last. in the ;U. S. Circuit. Court at. Philadelphia, which puts several millions of dollars into importei‘s’ pockets. A question arose as to the proper classification under the tariff of a species of goods entered as “blankets,” but which the Go vernmont contended was not. known as blan kets when the tariff act was passed in 1846, the schedule of which was adopted in the tariff of 1857. The court. held that. the goods were to be classed by the names they were known by in 1857, and under this ruling the duty is only 15 instead of 24 per cent. ~ REMARKABLH MOVEMENT m TURKEY.—The Missionary Herald, for April. contains a. letter from Dr.‘ Shauflier. dated Constantinople, 16th November-last, which speaks of a. remarkable religious movement among the Turks. A new seot has started up, under the lead of a doctor of Mahometnn theology and lecturer in a theo logical school, whihh holds doctrines closely resembling those of Protostant Christians...- The sect already numbers about 10,000, and thousands sympathize with them who have not actually joined them. ‘ LATEST BY TELEGRAPH The Prince’s Departure, from New York. NEW):~YORK' Oct. 15- The Prince of Wales and his party left here this morning in the United States Rewhue Steanier Harriet Lane, for West Point; They went'aboprd of her at. the Battery, in the pre sence of an immense crowd. Gen. Scott and smfl‘ accompany him to the Point. Salutes were fired from the fort. as they de parwd. A number of excursion boats, decora ted with flags and filled wilhpeople, accompa nied the steamer. ‘ . 0n the Prince’s arrival at West Point, he was to be received with a. salute, and with all military honors, from the oflicers and cadets. Apartments have been engaged for the party at Cozzen’s Hotel. To morrow morning the party proceed in the steamboat Daniel Drew to Albany, to pay a visit to Gov. Morgan. - AFamily Feud—Three Men Killed. VAN Buns, ABIL, October-"l3 After a regimental muster which was held here to-day, a difficulty occurred, during which three men, Rufus and Jackson, brothers, and Richard Covington, a. son of the latter; were killed by two brothers named Silas and Ben. Edwards. Several others were badly. out. and injured on both sides. An old feud existed between the parties, but the Edwardses, who have long been the terror of this part of the State, were the aggressor-s. While they were trying to make their escape, they were overtaken a. short distance from town by the constable and his posse and lodged in the jail. Alnrge crowd nearly succeeded in taking the prisoners from the constable and hanging them upon the street. They after wards surrounded the jail for that purpose, but were finally pacified. The people are very much excited, and it is feared that the prison ers will yet he lynched. ,The afi‘air was one of the most atrocious that ever occurred here. Kidnapping and Murder. ' CHICAGO, Oct. 15 An outrageous case of kidnapping occurred at Galena, the latter part of September. A negro named Jerry Boyd, forty-five years of age; his wife, a. mulatto of thirty-five years, and daughter, aged fourteen, Were induced to go to lowa. to work on a'farm. 0n the Bth of this month the man v‘ms found near lowa city, murdered. It is supposed that becoming sus picious he was killed by the kidnappers that they might retain possession of the women.— The citizens of Galena have offered a. reward of five hundred dellars for the apprehension of the kidnappers. . Burning of aMedical School Building. Lomavmm, Oct. 10. The interior of the edifice occupied by the Kentucky School of Medicine,‘corner of Fifth and Queen streets, was burned this morning. Loss five thousand dollara'. The Museum and Cabinet were saved. The lecturers will be con tinued at. the hospital without interruption»:- The edifice will be restored in a few weeks. The Weather P'om'svmm, Oct. 15. Snow fell last m’ght in this vicinity, and the hills are covered to the depth of a} an inch. BINGHAMPTON, N. Y., Oct. 15. Three inches of snow fell last night. but it is fast disappearing, ' MAticll CHUXK, October 15. During last night. a. snow storm set in quite briskly. About two inches fell here before it stapped. Sailing of the Saxouia. NEW YORK, Oct. 15. The steamship Saxonia sailed to-day for Southampton with 170 passenger-sand $150,000 in specie. GENERAL NEWS. Exl’noslox hil) DEATH B} Ermmun On..— A terrible accident. hannendd- 011 the sthrinst... on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, alit-Lle ways above Hancock, causing the death of a. boat.- man named George Patterson. He was, it. ap pears, filling an ethereal lamp, when it explo ded, burning him most. horribly, and causing his death the next day. The Willinmsport ( Md.) Ledger says his face was fairly charred; the oil run into his ears, and the fire followed; his chest. was burned into a crisp. and the sinews laid bare on his roasted arms. He leaves awife and child. . Ox Tennis—Horses and mules have most generally taken the place of oxen in this part of the country, but the farmers of New England continue to use ox teams to a considerable ex-' tent. At an agricultural exhibition in Bristol count-y, Mase,, last week, there were present between sixty and seventy yoke of oxen, fifty of which were entered for the plowing and drawing matches, and are described as splen did teams. The advantages of oxen is that after having done good service to the owners they supplyothe market with beef. Axo'rnnn Mysmmocs MURDER CASE IN New YORK—A man was discovered floating in the East River on Friday morning, with his throat out and several bruises upon his head, which clearly indicated that he had been foully mur dered. He was apparently 35 years of age, stout built, weighing 170 pounds, and is sup posed, from the peculiarity of his clothing. to have been recently an inmate ‘of Blackwell’s Island Hospital- WARM TIMES IN' FLORIDA.—In Calhoun county, Fm, on the 25th thhe “Regulators” killed Jesse .Durden, Willis Musgrove and Larkin C. Musgrove, charged with murderous crimes. The first brigade of Florida. militia. has been called out to operate against them.— Jndge Finley, of the United States District- Court of Western Florida, has declared the country to be in a “state of insurrectionary war.” ‘ VERDICT OF A Mormon: hunt—Brigham Young hesrecovered a, verdict of $5,316 against Peter K.’ Dotson, late U. S. Marshal in Utah, for seizing the plates of “The Deseret Currency Association,” a. wild cat bank in which Brigham was interested. It was a Mormon jury that gave the verdict, and their forbearance in not making the damages ten times as great is the only astonishing thing about it. ACCIDENT To A Queen—The Queen of Spain met with an accident on the 22d of September, while traveling from Mahon to Barcelona..— Shc was on board the frigate Princess des Austrius, when one of the poles supporting an awning erected for the occasion on the deck fell. The Queen received three wounds on the head, but the result was not serious. Ecououv or FUEL—There are estimated to be 9,000 locomotives in use in the United States, their total annual mileage being about 175,- 000,000 miles. The average cost of fuel atten cents a mile (the averege in the State of New York is 18 cents) would he $17,500,000. A saving of only'two cents a mile in fuel would reduce this sum $3,500,000. Rnu Orr.-'—-A man named Brewster, a school teacher from Massachusetts, was ordered out of Somerville, Alm, last week, for alleged in cendiary sentiments. In his trunk was found a letter from Senator Sumner, written four years ago, congratulating him on his labors in “thecuuse.” a SENTENCED To an HUNO.—-Three negro men, two of them slaves of M. L. Spencer, and the other owned by John A. Johns, were convicted at. the Cbnnty Court of Lunenburg. Van, 1353. week of an attempt to poison the family of Mr. Spencer, and sentenced to be hung on Friday, the 9th day of November.' _ Cnoxno To Damn—A gentleman named Francis Tate, residing near Winston, N. 0., came to his death last. week by_ choking. ~ While eating his dinner a large piece of beef lodged in hls throat and could not be exh'icated until life was extinct. . Mn. Yuan m Bosrox.——Fanauil Hall was throngcd on Friday night. hundreds w‘ere una ble to obtain entrancv, to hear Mr. Yancey. He was cordially received and listened to_wlt-h at tention, and frequenlly applaudegég His speech created‘much enthusiasm. .- ; . Dhgmnnm.—The Eggnog V(~Md.)f:oil:efte states ’that’this fireadful diSease is mgiilg on Tilgh mania 1518.11". and there nré,from;3B;to 40 (maps on the island, and it is still on théiincrraaeu— So fatal is the disease that. six debiths have oc curred from it within the last. two 'ireeks. A little boy fell into the river at Greenfield, a few days‘since, barely escaping drowning. When'nsked by his mother what. he was think ing about while in the water, he said, he thought “he should furnish an item for the newspapers.” , Persons who sport money upon races are likely to come into connection with good com nany, or at all events Ihey are continually in with their belts". Another advantage is that they can never be hard up for a dinner, as they always have a stake. . Sumo FOR A Durance—Benjamin F. Hutch is suing for a. divorce from Corn. L. V. Hatch,~ the trance medium. before the Supreme Court in Providence, R. I. lie alleges that spiritual ism disordered her mind. yA LORDLY PARK.-—Gen. Harding, 3. gentie man of great wealth, residing nenr Nashville, Tenn., has a park including 800 acres. In it he has 300 deers, about. 30 buifaloes and a. herd of elk. ‘ Sarah M’Cotter was sent. to the peniten tiary for one year, in » Albany,‘ the other day. for enticing married men away from their wues. . Let a. youth who stands at the bar with a. glass of liquor in his hand, consider which he had better throw away—the liquor or himself. Paying a tribute to the Mews—throwing Hacking bottles from your chamber window among a. collection of cats. The resignation of Capt. Robert I'. McClay. of the army, has been accepted by the Presi dent, to take efl‘ect from the 3lst of Dec. The Legislature of Vermont met. on the 121}: inst, when Governnor Fairbanks was inau gurated. ' - It is stated that. the Hon. Edward Everett is about. to marry the widowed daughter of Judge Pectigrew, of' South Carolina. Fifteen piekpogkets were arrested last Thurs day while operating in Broadway, New York. 81311761111. N 0 TIOES‘ I= WARRANTED PURELY VEGETABLE.— All the ingredients of Bnennnu'n’s PILLS are purgative, and act in conjunction to open, detach, dissolve, cleanse, cool, heal, and so carry out of the body whatever injures it. By being digested like the food, they enter into and mix with the blood to search out and remove All had humors. They dissolve all unnatural eolleclions, cleanse the blood, and cure tubercles ulcers, &c., let them be in what part of the system they may They injure no part of the body. They carry away nothing that is good They only remove, what is bad. They assist 'natnre, agree with it, act with lt,-and always do their work well. Their use has saved many a valuable life. Sold, price 25 cents, at No. '294 Canal street. New York and by all Druggists. Also; by GEO. E. BELL, corner of Second and chestnut streets, Harrisburg, and by all respectable dealers in medicines. octQ-dkwlm HELMEOLD’S EXTRACT 0|? BUCH‘G’.’ for Diseases of the Madden Kidngy, Grawl, Dropsy. km, to. HELMBOLD’S Extract of Buchn for Secret and Deli cate Diseases. HELMBOLD’S Extract of Buchu fiat Nervous and De bilitated sufferers. * ' . HELMBOLD’S Extract of Ruchu for Loss or Meinox-y, Loss of Power, Dlmness of Visinn, Difliculty of Breathing, Weak Nerve: and Universal Lassitude of the muscular system. _ > _ _ > BELLIBOLD’S Extract of Buchu for all distressing :«il m tats—Obstructions, Irregularities, ExcPsa in married life, or early indiscretiuns, km, and all diseusua of the sexual organs. wuvther existing in Male or Female, from whlmvar cause they nuy have originated, and no matter of how long standing. ' HELMB LD’S Extract of Bur-bu is pleasant {ll its taste and odor. and-immediate in action. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for five dollarfi, delivered to any address. Depot «104 South Te'nth Street, Hhiludelphin. Sold by JOHN METER, Draiggiat, corner of Market and Second streets, Harrisburg. an] 3-dazw3m ' DR. VALPEADQS. ICANKERINE~FOr the alu...b :—.ma:nj>,3 en 0 GA - THROAT or momma, resultlt§§¥os9£fi¥£¥fifi or TYPHUB FEVERS, or my o'hPr museafiuwlm PLES, ULGERATED GUMS. OUTS. BURNS. BRON— CHIAL AFFECTION, SORES of all kinds, IMPUBE BREATH, Joe. ‘ ' ’ It is the best purifier for the breath of anything ever offered to the public. ' _ ’ To whiten and preserve the teeth, apply withabmsh; it will instantly remove all tartar and other foreign sub stances and leave the teeth as white and clear as peat-la. It is entire 1y free from scids and all poisonous enh atgncee, and can be used upon an infant with perfect sa ety. ' It is a valuable article for every family to have in the house, as iewill remove pain from cuts and burnaquicker than anything known. This medicine is- used as a wash or gargle. We will warrant it to give satisfaction in every case. Price 25 cents per bottle. Principal Wholesale Depot, CONRAD FOX, 81, Bar clay st. N. Y. Sold in Harrisburg, wholesale and retail, by D. W. (moss a; 00., G. w. main; 0. x. KELLER, J. WYETE and G. W. MILES. seplo THE GREAT ENGLISH RELIEVE—9II‘ James Clarke’s Celebrated Female Pills, prepared from I preserip’ion of Sir J . Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraordi nary §o_the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the clue of all those painful and dangerous diseales to which the female c‘onstitution is subject. It moderates all excels and re moves all obstructions, and a. speedy cure may be relied on. . _ - _ T 0 MARRIED LADIES itis peculiarly suited. It will in a short time bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain. to prevent counterfeit: THESE PILLS snow.» NOT 3: TAKEN BY nuns nunmo mu FlRS'I‘ THREE M! INTHS or Pxnexmcv. AS wusr Air's sun: TO mum on Mlsommmn, BUT A'l' my mum nu: ma“ um sun. In all case's or Nervous and Spinal Afi‘ectionu, Pain in‘ the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight uertinn, P Alpitution ol the Heart, Hyaterios and Whit/As, these Pills will . fl‘evt a cure when all other means have Failed. and although a pow erful remedy, do not. cnntnin rm, calomel, antimony, or anything h‘nrtful to the conutitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully presrrved. N. 13.—51.00 and 6 postage stamps enclomd to any art-- thorized Agent, will insure a battle, containing over 50 pills, by return mail. . , For sale by 0. A. Barium, Harrisburg. 'jy7-dawfy WE call the attention of our readers to an article advertised in another column, called BLOOD FOOD. It is an entirely new discovery, and must not be confounded with any of the numerous patent. medi cines of the day. It is man eon ms 31.001). already prepared for absorption; pleasant to the taste and natu ral in action, and what one gains he retains. Let all those, then. who are suffering from poverty, impurity or deficiency of blood,and consequently with some chronic disease or ailment, take of this BLOOD Face and we re stored to health. We notice that our druggists have received a supply of this article. and also of the world renowned Dr. Ea'rox’s Inr oN'rnre Gasman, which «very mother should have. It contains no paragon-in or opiate of any kind whatever, and of course must he invaluable for all infantile complaints. It will allay all pain, and soften the gums in process of teething, and at the same time regulate the bowels Let all mothers and nurses, who have endured anxious days and sleepless nights, procure a. supyly and be at once relieved. 1? See advertisement. anl‘l-szwSm Dr. Bruuon’s Concentrated Remedies. No. I."I‘HE GREAT REVLVEI". speedily (indicatesl til the evil effects of SELF-A3llB li, as 1.035 of Mummy, Shortness of “math. Giddineas, Palpitaiion of the- Heart, Dimnesn of Vision, or anv constitutional derangements of the system, brought on by me unrestrained indulgence of the passions. Acla alike on either'flex. Price One Dollar. No. 2. THE BALM will cure in film two to eight day any case of GONOKRBKEA. is wi tho-1t taste m- amen. anti regain}: no restriction of action or diet. _For either sex. Fries One Dollar. ' No. 3. THE TEREB will cure in the shortest pnnsihie time. any case of GLE KT, even after all other Nequ'eq have tailed to produce the desired efl‘eut. No taste or smell. Price One Dollar. No. 4. THE PUNITER is the only Remedy that will really cut-a strictures of the Ure'hra. No matter of how lonfi htanding or neglected the case may be. Price One Do at. ' No. 5. THE SOLUTOR will cure any case of GRAVEL, permanently Imd Fpfledily remove all afliictions or the Bladder and Kidneys. Price Une Dollar. No. 6 mm P | HTICULARS :lEE CIRCULAR. No. 7 THE AMARIN will cure the Wh tea radicallv, and in a much shorter time than they can be rumovvd b any other trealment. In fact, is the only remedy that mfl 11-Jeally correct this disorder. Pleasant to take, Price One ollar. ' No. B. THE ORIENTAL PASTILB are oeflnin.aa.fe and speedy in producing MENS'U‘RUATION, or col-renting any Irreg'ulnrifies of the nm'nthly periods. Price TM) Dollar's. No 9. FOR PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR Either Remedy sent free by my.“ on receipt of t‘le price annexed. Enclose pofltage stamn and get a. Cin-ulur. General Depot North-Best I-omer of ‘r'orh Awenue and Gailowhill Street. . Private Oflice 401 York Avenue, Philu. delphia. Pa . For sale in Harrisburg only by G A. BANNVART. where Gimu'ars containing valuable informat on. with full de scriptions of each «use, will b« delivered gratin on WP”. cution. Address DR. FELIX BBUNUN myl-dly P. 0. Box 99, Philadelphia, I‘2. New fibbcrtiaemmfé; N OTIG E.-—A 11 persons are hereby, cau tioned against negotiating either of two notes drum bv myself on or about the 9th dayuf An nu, 1350, 3.1: so and 9|! days, to the» order of G B; oqu for $lO5 and 8100 respectively, endorsed by J. D Hoffmw. 1* the umo‘ will not be paid. -- [cam-n] JOHN WINTERS. , A UDI’I‘OR’S NOTlCE—Whereas, the undersigned was appointed an auditor by the Court af Common Pleas of Dauphin county, in the metter or the account of JOHN A. STEHLEY, enigma of Peter Sheets,“ Derry tnvmship, in said county.which,,togethar with the exceptions t ereto flied, w a referred to mm‘u auditor. Notice is hereby given to all perenneinterretod therein, that he will attend to the duties of hianppoint ment at. his oflice in the city of Harrisburg. on MON DAY. the 12th day of November, 1860. n 10 unlock A. M. of said day. ' J 0111“ B. BRIGGS, Auditor. octmdfit _ A UDITOR’S NO l‘lt E.-—W hereas. the undersigned was appointed an Auditor by the 01-- phans’ Court of Dauphin connty,on the nxcapflons filed tn the account of George Landis. Christian Landia and John Balabaugh. executors of the estate of Lhristim Imn'l'li. late of Derry township, in said county, d- ceased. Notice is hvreby given to all persons interested therein tnm he will attend to the duties or his appointment :1! his nflice in the city of Harrisburg, on THURSDAY, the 3Q! I“! of November, A. D. 18050. at 10 n’rlock A. M. on “$1313.35: JOHN H. muses, Auditor. FIREMENS’ AND CITIZENS’ GRAND DRESS BALL, For. nu: FINE“! or m: FRIENDSHIP FIRE COMPANY'S, NO. 1, STEAMER‘, ‘ rq 31: «mm M BRANT’S CITY HALL ON THE EVENING 0F OCTOBrR 25, 1860. {LT-'Tickets SI 00—40 be had of the Man-gets and at film principal Hotels P. S.—Fuemen are requested to attend equipped. HANAGIIIS 3 G. Earnest, S. 5. Child, H. Schllyer. Wm. Haehnlen, 0 F. Msuoy, 11. u’aowan. D. E. Bud». L. Weaver, w Wuygr' Geo.V 001-], H. Pulley, - J Ben-i r, ‘ J. Bnl‘khal't, J. Green, C. MucDowau, Wm. Lescnre. rLoon nuumm . H. 0. Blank: 13313“5t octls J. P. Ritner, U lih TlO W N! PATENT WEIGH CARTS For the convenience ofmy numerous uptown custom em, I have established. in connection w L]: my old yard, a. Branch Coal Yard oprosite North street. in a. line with the Pennsylvania. can; , having the office formerly occu pied by Mr R. Harris. where consumers of Coal in that ‘icmity and Verbeketown can receive their fall by the PATENT WEIGH OARTS. WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE FOR HA ”LING, And‘in any quantity they may desire, an 1017 u on M punohnsed anywhere. FIVE THOUSAND TONS COAL ON HAND,‘ 0" LYKENS VALLEY and WILKEsBARRE, all sizes. {Funding to maintain fair prions, but unwilling to he nuclei-sold by any partner. ‘ - IL—r‘All Coal forked up and deliver-8' clean and free from all impu'ri iea, and the'besz article mined. Old-'l'! received It either Yard will he promplly filled, sud all Coal deliv- red by t e Pat-m Weigh Carts. Coal sold by Boat, Car load, single, hllf or third of tons, and by the bushel. V , JAMES M. WHEELER- Harrisburg, Getoberl3,lB6 .—octls . g CITY LIVEBY STA'BLES, fl BLACKBERRY A 1.1.)”, fl 1 . IN THE REAR 0F HERB ’S HOTEL; The undersigned has ro-commen ed the L IVER Y B U~INESS' in his NEW AND SPACIOUS STABLE, located Bi above. with a. large and val-i=l! flock of HORSES, CARRIAGES'AAND OMNIBUSES, Which he will hire at moderate latex. octlfi-diy, F. K. SWABTZ. N EW GOODS ! '—GOODS ! GOODS H”; MES. E. BRENIZER, COBNER OF STATE AND SECOND STREETS, Hug just returned from. the city with n inflame I». norm-eat of GOODS, among which mnyvbo‘foud thc followingz» . DELAINES, . PLAIDE, BRINOB, WOOL CAPS, - LADIES’ CORSETS. ’ £O3l A 8. SR ELELON sxm'rs, AND A VARIETX OIF . TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS. Please call .116 examine heron-e purchasing ellwharo. FA number of Store Boxc a for me. Devi-div. GRAN BERRIES ! ! !'—A SPmen Low just received by 0::th REMo v A L. ‘ '7 _ " JOHN W.GLOVER. : MERCHANT TAILOR, Has removed to ‘ . 60 MARKET STREET, ' ‘s’ Where he will be pleuevno see In his friends.- , octS-dtf IT WILL PA-Y YOU READ THIS; IT. WILL PAY YOU OBSERVE WHAT lu SAY 5.!- IT WILL PAY YOU FOR A YTBIT T 0 HARRISBURG !. !’ 1". TO SEE AND M‘AKE YOUR PURCHASES .FROM THE LARGE, HANDSOME AND B‘A'SHIONABLE STOEK OF READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTH, CASSIMERES; VESTINGS AND ' GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS NOW EXPOSED AT THE WELL KNOWN ARCADE,NO. 3 JONES ROW. AVAILING MYSELF OF THE ADVANTAGES WHICH READY CASH PRESENTS, I OFFER ALL GOODS AT 10 PER. CENT. OHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSES. CHAS. S. SEGELBA UM. P. S.—IIAVING SECURED A FIRST RATECUTTER AND TAILOR,’ I AM NOW READY TO MAKE CLOTHING TO ORDER IN THE MOST FASHIONABLE STYIJB. I WARRANT A 31': on no BALE. oold-d4m "0 0 P E R’s GELATIN Ill—The .b‘em uticle in the market, just received 3nd for nlO by mun-fl ‘ AVWM. DMK JD. FINE CONDIM‘ENTS ' !—-E X T B. A EREANIfiIEIESMUSTARD. a choice urn-15:10? SAgiAD OIL .S andKEI‘CBUPS‘v' "9"! u"will on. mylo “(9590011, .13., k. 00. W, __ , ‘ GIRLS! ' BALLS! Hggflfigxgnflg) You cut-buy Blunt] Paglox‘ mirage: five can“, at .- FOR VANILLA BEAN and an exceL A EXTRACT m ‘ ‘ lent VANILL . 33111,!)ng DRUG ”Gun, 91 Mnrint nmt MU Ultlt;l)l‘oNGUh;s:—Large and fine, far all: by um] WM.‘ MICK.JR. ‘ KELLER’S DRUG s'romc in the place» to find anything in n. Way of Perfumery. El IE3 J . Long. dttl WM. DOCK, Ja., 4. 00. TO TO ”1.1.1:an pm, 5..., El