BATES 01? ADVERTISING. loll: line- or Inn constitute half a same. Ton mm o: more than four, continua . square. . mil..onoday.. .... $0.25 One Iq., ono' day...——»so.m “ naive-xx...” 1.00 “ anew-ck”... 1.2! “ ammo-nth, . 2.00 “ one month. .'. 3.0: “ ' this months, 3.00 “ threcmonthl. a.“ “ dimming, . 4.00 -“ ' Ii! mlfllli— B.o' ‘¢ --..’.M_... . 6.007 ‘ “ V one ”Inna-10.00 E? Business names inserted in the Loan. comm: or “mm-gas and deaths, Ink-onus tn ‘l.le for on): m I'o merchantaand other: advertiling by the you “my... ‘willbo‘omndu ' " *“ - ‘ W 11” mberofinaertiona must beiuigntedon tho WEI-L . . . . 2‘ . Kristi-sound Desthnvin be inserted at the am .u'ungdudmfimmnu. ' " _' ‘ . ~ miscellaneous; FRANK A. MURRAY , 7 > -- ' Success” so Wm. Padahill, - ' ‘ mute. EXCHANGE 31‘an THIRD STREET BELOW MARKET. a "' . ‘1 l, , 1;: , y?“ ' *- «4 > . ' :.‘.r'é_€'. ‘ .1’ “We" ' . ' HAVING pumhued the interest of J. Q. Adam! n the “MINI“, and made large additions to the stock, '3‘” undersigned is prepared to aceommodate the public In“! SUPERIOR HORSEqur Saddle or curiawrposea, and 'ifirenry yarieey‘of VEHICLES of the t and Inns: approved styles, on reasonable terms. . _PLIASURE PARTIES will be mommodatod mu: 0m abuse- nt short ,nqtiee. _ . M _ ind Omnibusses, fox-funeral commons, enll be (mfmmgfiu by careful and obliging'drivers. HO influx“ inspectiml of his stock, satisfied that it in fully equal to m: of any other establishment of the kind in town. ' FRANK A. MUBKAI. BRANCH STABLE The undersigned has opened e branch of his “Liverynnd manage Stable" in the bnilding'n' lately occupiedjiy A. W. Bar; in Fourth Irreet, opposing the Bethel, where he a prepared to accommodate the public with lion-nee and Vehicles, at all times, on reasonable terms; His stock is large and varied, and will recommend itself. anlfi-dtf FRANK A. MURRAY. TAKE NOTICE! That we hue meenuy added to our already full stock 5v -O-F. SKG A K'S‘ LA NORMATIS, . ; KARI KARI. ”u“ ‘ ‘ mELMQNO, .. ‘ LABANANA ORA PERFUMERY Eon tn nmnnlcmn : . TURKISH ESSENCE, '. ' » » g ' ; 0309. OF MUSK. - . ‘. V .‘, LUBIN’S ESSENCE BOUQUET For. n: Hun: EM! LUSTRALE, . ,OBISTALIZED POMATUM, . , 7 _ MYRTLE AND VIOLET PDMATUM For: me Counnxmx : - TAM} OF VENICE, ' . ROSE LEAF POWDER, . , NEW MOWN HAY POWDER, BLANG DE PERLES ' ‘ 0 F SOA P S Rama‘s szasr‘ 11088 BOSE, ‘ BENZOIN, _ UPPER TEN, V . ' 710L191, NEW MOWN HAY, ' : JOCKEY CLUB. fisfigg thelgrgestjtock and hell: assortment of Toilet héih‘figge fancy that wle argrheftersable than our evan ""_l . get, ups. com ete 0:: at at at an ~prilce‘ 9|- :IPx-ed'." flanges. p ‘ ' .y _ . “hafnium. 31123811 Stock of DR UGS, MEDI CINE CHEMICALS, 1&0 , cpnsequent of out re ceiving slmost dsily‘ Idditiona thereto. ' ' gnu-ms mummy racy aroma, 91mm Street, two doom East of Fourth Street, mps. , _ v South side. PHOENIX FOUNuux. J. 3. on“. ' w. r. osun. ' JOHN J: OSLER & BROTHER, ' ' ' "(succnssons ro'uus ' ' mynnaus AND mcnlmsrs, Comer Pennsylvania Railroad and State Street, HARRISBURG, PA., MILL GEARING, IRON FENCES, RAILROAD ' AND‘CANAL WORK, . "In 'll.]. DESCRIPTIONS 0F IRO‘N OASTINGS ( QRJ‘IIIAI‘H‘JVQ'B mum; mo onnxn. , mam wonx imn‘ REPAIRING ‘Pnomu-Ly V. ~ yuxngqro“ _ H P 43133335, MADE T o‘so M) E 3-. ‘ We five a large and complete assortment of Pattern: to select from. 7 _ _ 1“:ng JUST RECEIVED! :A Imm. ASSOBTM'ENI or -HUMPHBEY'S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS! > I'o wxjncn w; mm: in: ATTENTION OF THE AFFLICTED! [or sale at SGHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, :99 M_‘ No. 18 Market st. AN ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS APPROPRIATE TO THE SEASON! SILK ' LINEN PAPER BANS! FANS” FANS!!! ANOTHER AND SPLBHDID LOT 0!‘ SPLICED FISHING RODS? Trout Flies Gut and Hair Snoods, Grua' Lines, Silk and Hair Hailed Lines, nnd 1; general assortment of ' FISHING- TVAOKLE! A can: unxmr or WALKING CAKES! Which we will sell as cheap as the cheapest: Silver Head Loaded Sword Hickory Fancy Omen! canes! canes! Canes! Canes! KELLEB’S DRUG- AND FANCY STORE, no. 91 unxn stun, South dds, one door east of Fourth street je9. INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. F. W. WEBER, nephew and taught by the well r 0 member-ed late F. W. Weber, of Harrisburg, is prepared ~to give lessons in music upon the PIANO, VIOLIN ~OELLO, VIOLIN and FLUTE. He will give lessons It his residence, corner of Locust street and River alley or It the homes of pupils. au2s-d6m B J. HARRIS, = WORKER IN TIN, _ SHEET IRON, AND METALLIC ROOFING, Seccnd Street, below Olwsmut, ‘ HARRISBURG, PA. 13 prepared to fill orders for any articlein his branch 0! business; and if not on hand, he will make to order on short. notice. METALLIC KOO FING, of Tin or Galvdnized Iron, constantly on hand. ' Also, 'l‘iu and Sheet— [mn Ware, Spouting, are. He hopes, by strict attention to the want: of his custo mers. to merit and receive a genemu share of public pat- Ironage. _ it? Every promise saintly fulfilled. B. J. HARRIS, jau‘l-dly] Second Street. helnv flhesmnt. F I S II ! ! HAGKEREL, (Nos. 1, 2 and 3‘) SALMON, (very superior.) HEAD, (Mesa and very fine ) HERRING, (extra large.) 00]) FISH. SMOKED HERBING, (extra Digby.) SCOTCH HEREIN“. 7 , ~ ~ W _ SARDINES AND ANCHOVIES. 0f the above we he. e Mackerul in whole. half. quail-tel: and eighth bhls Herring in who a and half bbln. The entire lot new—mum- null tnmnsnumis, and will 88“ “mum at the lowest market rates. up“ WM. DOCK, J 3 , a; co. E“ PTY LIQUOR B A R R I4} L S.-—-A small lot, I“ in good condition, for sale by “pig WM. DOCK, JR , & CO. SMOKE ! SMOKE I ! SM KE I ' l—ls , not objectionable When from a CIGAR purchased at “Luna’s Mtge STORE. 91 Market street. twp 9 " car‘mfi’smm . S “’4O” Penkngfinmmre In the. 014 w L 0 FOR. a superior and cheap TA BLE or SALAD OIL go to KELLER'B Imm} STORE. PRU N I“. LL A S !! {—lB.wa rare and delicate Fruit for Tarts, Blues, Jno., afic.‘ Just re cum Ind for sale by Wu. DOCK, 33.. a. 00. OATS FOR SAL Id by new] nuns )1. WHEELER ENKNIVESof the finest quality, at WHERE’S Booohton. CHOOL BooKS.—School Directors, Imam pal-gnu, Behoku, md 9thorl,in want of Selim] Books: school Stationery, 85c. m 1! and a complete mom,“ at m. u. POLLOGK 4-. sdws BOOK s'ronn, Market 3‘1“": Hurisburg, comprising in part the follow manAmlßS.—Mcflufi'ey’s, Parker’l, Cobb’s, Angell’s , aanLING BOOKS.—MoGuifey’l, Cobb’s, Webster's, ' l‘own’fla Byerly’l. Combry’a. ENGLISH GRAMMABS.—Bullion’lwsmith’l, Wood magma, Monteith I, Tnthill’a, Earth, 9115’. msronms —érimahnw’l, Davenport’s Frost’s, wa son’s. Willatd’u, Goodrich’s, Pinnock’a, Goldman’s um Clark’s. ARITHMETIO’S.—GreenImf7I, Stoddufll, Emerson}, Pike’s Ron’s, Golhnrn’s, Smith and Duke’s, Buick. 3 _AL€§EBBAS.—Groenleaf’a, Davis’s, Dara, Ra’s, n a. DdgTlOKAßYß.—Walker’a School, Cobb’s, Walker, Woreelter’l Convnvprehensiv‘e,Worcelter’s Primary Web £sl. Primary, obster’a High School, Webster’s dun-to, 011116. FISH!!! ' ' S3M W H , ‘- . i 4-‘555374-‘3‘amll,l_;?‘*‘*‘E:£EE“:”EL§;l‘ a ‘ ~ . .. »_ ' . K 1 . 35:55:531'73-1 L .l '1"- f 1 _ :. , . , v ' ._ . : ' ‘ _ :. %AV.;};::- fi'“ .2: ;: = ' ‘ ' 3' I 1‘ a fi'llrlyfl QIEH » - uID II _ ' _ ‘.-‘ ‘ ,!1;‘-'_ v_,_ ‘ C: 1 "é - I I VOL. 3. Bonita, fitafiumtm, 86L QATURAL PBILOBOPEIES.—Oometock’e, Parker’s mm. The shove with a great variety of other: can hf my tune he found It, my more. Also, I complete assort ment of School Stationery, embracing in the '11! la a com plete outfit for echool purposes. Any book not in the store. procured It one days notice. 1131' country Merchants supplied at wholesale totes. AL'MANAGS —‘John 8301' and Son’s Almanac [or sale ai I. M. POLLOOK a: SON’S BOOK STORE, Harrisburg. 0'? Wholesale and Retail. myl JUST RECEIVED ‘ 1 T SCHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, AIDA MAN 1- INE SIM TES OF VARIOUS SIZES AND PRICES, Which: for beauty :ndguse, cannot be excellod. REMEMBER THE PLACE; SGHEFFERiS BOOKSTORE, NO. 13 MARKET STREET. mam-2 BOOK AUCTION. BEN 1“, FRENCH Will eupply his old friends and customers with the following Books at Auction prices: Pacific Railroad, 10 vols., complete, 4‘ illustrations $24. . . _ Japan Expoditio 3 vole, complet illustrated and illuminatea,_sl2. 1" _ . . ‘3’ -. V Emery’s Expedition, 21015., complete, illustrated illuminated, s 10; . . ' . Congresnional Globe, $1 50 per volume. Waverly Novels, complete, 12 vole., cloth, $lO. La: “ “ V 27 vols;,he.lfca.lf, $34; 3:03., 4:. o. , All of the above Books I will deliver in Harrisburg free of charge. BEN F. FRENCH, _ 278 Pennsylvania. Avenue; Washington, D.‘ 0.~ fem-(Rf _ . N E W B O 0 K S ! JUSI‘ RECEIVED “31:11. AND an.” by the author of “Wide, Wide_ World," \‘Dolfan and Cents,” Sac. , . . “ HISTORY OF METHODISM,”by A.scevena,LL.n. For 5310 at _ scnmmnw BOOKSTORE, Bp9 No. 18 Marks at. JUS-T RECEIVED, A LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT 0F RIGHLY GILT AND ORNAMENTAL WINDOW CURTAINS, PAPER BLINDS, ‘ 0f various Designs and Colors, for 8 cents, TISSUE PAPER AND OUT, FLY PAPERL . At [my24] BOEIFFEB’S BOOKSTORE. . , , ~WALL BAKER! W ALL PARER ! l ' ‘ - 33,3“; ptock of Wknzrrll’Eß" ngfi‘fifig‘figflfi'fikmnns, &c., m. Itie the largesé and hes; selected assortmentin the city, renglngin price from six (,6) cents up So one dollar and squatter ($1.25.) As we purchase very low for cash, we are prepared to sell at as low rates, if not lower, than can be had else where. l!‘ purchasern will call and examine, we feel confident that we can please them in resyect to price and quality. E. M POLLOGK & SON, 3113 Below Jones’ House. Market Square. LE TT ER, CAP, NOTE PAPERS, Pens, Holders, Pencils, Envelopes, Sealing Wax, of the best quality, at low prices, direct from the manu factories, 1t mat3o SOHEFFER’S CHEAP BOOKSTORE filimllanwnfi. “] HOLESALE GROCERY! The subscribers are daily receiving GOODS from New York, Philadelphiaand Baltimore. which they are selling to Country Merchants at very small profits. Orders filled promptly, and satisfaction guaranteed. We have a. large supply of the following articles : COFFEE. TOBACCO, SUGAR, , RAMS, SYRUPS, BACOIV, TEA, great nricty; FISH, amnion. SALT; CHEESE, {TAB Br. 0111,] SOAP, WHITE LEADJ §PIGES, GLASS, . POW DEB & SHOTg OAKUM a: PITCHJ FLOUR, PLASTER, CORN 8|: OATS, CEMENT, V , CLOVEBSEED, GOAL. Also, I large assortment of BAR, IRON, NAILS, and RAILROAD BPIKES. . EBY & KUNKEL. Harrisburg, August 6. 1860.—-auT-dam ‘V E' OFFER TO 0 U S 'l‘ 0, M E R S A New Lot of LADIES’ PUBSES, 01' Beautiful Styles, substantially made A Splendid Assortment of GENTLEMEN’S WALLETS. A New and Elegant Perfume, ~ KNIGHTS TEMP LARS’ BOQUET, Put. up in Out Glass Engraved Bottles. A Complete Assortment of HANDKEBGHIEF P EEFUMES, Of the best Manufacture. A very Handsome Variety of POWDER PUFF BOXES. KELLEB’S DRUG- STORE, jysl 91 Market street MAI Z EN A, for Blane Mange, Minute Pudding, Baked Pudding, Boiled Custard, Mock Gresm, Ice Cream. Pies, Cakes, &.c The MAIZENA is one of the most wholesome, nutri tious and agreeable articles of food in the whole range of furinaceous substances, and is an important addition to the national bill of fare. It may be cooked in all the forms menlioned above, and many more which 309 d housewives will readily discover. It is manufactured from the choicest white Southern Corn, and put up in pound packages, with directions for use. The water used in the process of production is obtained from natu ral springs. and is quite free from the impurities that always contaminate streams gathered from hill-sides and (lowing on the earth’s surface for longdistanees. Hence its whiteness. It is a. choice item for dessert and the sick-room, being quite equal to the best Bermnds Arrow Root. [for sele by my 24 ’l‘OY-BOOKS of an endless variety, for the. “lawman! and instruction of our little anon, I SOHEI‘FER’S Rmkstm'e. IE LLY GLASSES AND PRE - SERVING JARS.-—A large stock of all qualities, style: Ind sizes, just received and for sale low by jyl3 WM. DOCK. Ja , 5:00 KELLER’S DRUG STORE is the place to buy Patent Mmino-l , FOR. the genuine EN "- LIS H M US’l‘A RD go to ‘ ELLER’S DRUG sronL Khthß’b DRUG STORE is the place to get trash Boidlits Powders. ‘ / PROPOSALb FOR INDIAN GOODS. Damn-nus” or rm: Imméwn. Ofiice Indian Affairs, October 1, 1860 g. SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed “.Propoaula for In dian Goods,” [Class 1,2, 3, or 4, as the case may bag will be received at the office of Indian Affairs until 1 o‘clock, a. m , on Wednesday, the twenty-fourth day of Olctober next, for furnishing the following-named atti' c as: 3,000 pairs 3-point white Mackinac blankets, to measure _6O by 72 inches, and wash 8 pounds 3,500 pairs 234 -point white Mackinac blankets, to mea sure 54 by 66 inches, and weigh 0 pounds. 1,000 pairs 2-point white Mackinac blankets, to measure 42 by 66 inches, and weigh 55- pounds. 800 pairs ”5-point white Mackinac blankets, to men.- ‘ sure 66 by 50 inchws, and weigh 4} pounds. 500 pairs 1 point. white Mackinac blankets, to measure . ' 32 by 46 inches, and weigh 33‘- pounds.‘ 500 pairs 3-point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to mea sure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh 8 pounds. ' 500 pairs 25-point scarlet Mackinac blankc is, to mea— sure as by 66 inches, and weigh 6 pounds. 250 pairs 2-point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to most sure 42 by 56 inches, and weigh 51- pounds. 2.50 pairs l-point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to incu sure 32 by 46 inches, and weigh 3;} pounds. 100 pairs 3); -point green Mackinac blankets, to mea sure 66 by 84 inches, and weigh 10 pounds. 500 pairs 3-point green Mackinac blankets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh 8 pounds. .530 pairs :3}; -point green Mackinac blankets. to mea— sure 54 by 66 inches, and weigh 6 pounds. 200 pairs 35-point indig- -blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 66 by 84 inches, and weigh 10 pounds. 250 pairs 3-point indigo-blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 60 by 72.511.311.23, and weigh” 8 pounds. 250 pairs ZX-point indigo-blue Mackinac blankets, to measure in! by 66 inches, and weigh 0 pounds.‘ 100 pairs Pix-point gontinella-blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 66 Ivy 84inches, and weigh 10 pounds. 500 pairs 3-point gentinclla-blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh 8 pounds. ’4OO pairs 236 —point genti bells-blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 54 by 66 inches, and weigh 6 pounds. no pairs 2- point gentinella-blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 42 by 56 inches, and weigh 5% pounds. 200 pairs 1%; pointgentinella-blue Mackinac lunkets, to measure 36 by 50inohes, and weigh 4,1 pounds. 150 pairs 1-puint gentinclla-blue Mackinac blankets, ' to measure 32 by 46 inches, and weigh 31- pounds. 4,000 yards fancy-list blue cloth. 500 “ “ green cloth. 3,0..0 “ gray-list blue cloth. 4.000 “ saved-list blue cloth. " 3,000 “ ‘-' scarlet cloth. 1,000 “ “ green cloth. 100 pounds worsted yarn. (3 fold.) 100 down cotton ring handkerchiefs. 100 “ fancy cotton “ 50 “ black silk “ . 100 “ 8-1 cotton shawls. 100 I. 6.4 6; . H 50 H 4.4 (:1 ‘l 100 “ 8-4: woolen “- 500 pounds linen thread. ‘ _ 50 gross worsted gartcring. 40,000 yards calico. 25,000 “ Merrimac calico. . ' 7,500 “ Turkey-red calico. 20,000 “ blue drilling. ‘ 10,000 “ osnaburgs. . 10,000 “ brown drilling. 5,000 “ Georgia. stripes. * 5,000 “ blue denixns. 5,000 ‘4 cottonade. 15,000 “ bed ticking. . - 5,000 “ Kentucky jeans. 2,000 “ sannotts. ' ‘ . . ' 12,500 “ plaid linseys. 12,500 “ bleached shirting. . , . . - 5,000 “ domestic skirting, unbleached. 10,000 “ ‘,‘ sheeting, “ . . 3,000 “ bleached “ _ 10,000 “ brown cotton duck. ‘ 10,000 “ checks, stripes, and plaids. _ 2,000 “ flannels, assorted. ' ' 1,000 pounds cotton thread. _ 1,000 -‘ brown gilling twine, No. 30. l 800 “ cotton mnitre. 1,500 flannel shirts. 2,000 calico shirts. 500 dozen hickory shirts. 100 ‘~ Madras handkercliie I‘s. - .., CLASS No. 2. ' - , lECGQy-lilade 0101152351“ , . . f 200 frock coats, indigotblne brémclo'tii. - 200 pantaloons, » “ “ . an mango-blue Muck" in. blanket capotes. 200 blue satinett costs. ' 200 “ pantaloons. 100 cadet-mixed satuxett coats. 100 ‘ l “ pantslonns. 300 gray satinett costs, (such) 300 “ panhaloons 300 ‘- vests. . CLASS No. 0. . Hardware, Agricultural Implements, 4?. 5,000 pounds brass kettles. 500 tin kettles, (5 sizes.) 150 nests J spanned kettles, (S in a nest.) 300 camp kettles, (3 sizes.) 1 200 dozen 2 quart. tin pans. ‘ 17-5 “ 3 quart. “ ‘2O “ 8 quart “ 400 “ tin cups. 500 “ butcher knives. 20. “ scalping knives. 70.000 gun llints. )00 gross gun worms. 150 “ squaw awls. 70 “ fishhooks. . 200 dozen fish lines. 1,000 gross needles, assorted. 30.) dozen coarse-tooth combs. 100 “ fine-tooth combs. 50 “ scissors. '2OO “ shears, 25 “ grubbing hoes. 50 “ weeding hoes. 175 drawing knives, 10 inches. 50 hand saws. ' 150 dozen hand-saw files, sjéinrh. -5 “ shovels. 50 “ spades. 1,000 short—handle fry pans. 25 dozen basting spoons. 300 ‘~ iron tablespoons; 20 “ axes, to weigh 4}; to s}; pounds. 125 “ hall'axes to weighSpouuds. (with handles 150 “ zinc mirrors. ' 100 “ lire steels. 200 pounds brass wire. 200 “ best Chinese rermilllou. CLASS ”No. 4. - Northwest Guns. 1,000 nothwest guns, dint lock. 100 “ “ percussion lock. WM. DOCK. J 3. & GO fiififiS—lififiéfflfUSDY OCTOBER 16, 1860. «In Qloutrazturs. CLASS No. 1. Mackitmc Blankets, Cloths, and Dry Goods 100 dozen powder horns. , Proposals will he received for the delivery of said or ticles at Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Orleans, St. Louis, Memphis, or Cincinnati; but the cost of the transportation of the same to their places of destination will be considered in deciding upon the proposals in cases where the some articles shall be pro posed to be delivered at difl'erent places. Goods of American manufactureof the required styles and quality will be preferred; but as the samples of blankelsond cloths are foreign fabrics, it will be neces sary, in proposing a domestic article of either of those kinds, that a sample thereof shall accompany the bid. Sample guns and powder horns must also be furnished, from which the Departmentwill make it selection ; and, in case of more thnnone sample being furnished by the some bidd- r, the price for each must be distinctly indi cated in the. bid. The commissioner reserves the right to decline taking any guns and powder horns, or more or less than are advertised for, as he may deem proper. The articles to be furnished must in all respects con form to and be equal with the Government samples, which may be seen at this emce. They will be rigidly inspected and compared. with those sen-plea by an agent or agents appointed for that purpose. Such as may be unequal thereto in any particular will be rejected; in which case the contr Actor will be bound to furnish others of ther equircd kind or quality wi thin three days; or, if that. be not done, they will be purchased at his ex pense. Payment will be made for the goods received on invoices thereof. certified by the agent or agents ap pointed to inspect them. , ltis to be understood that the right will be reserved to require a greater or loss quantit y of any of the arti cles named than that specified in the above schedule; and all bids for furni