-NEW ADV.ERTISEMENTS:7'• Renovo and Emporium TOWN LO' a 3 von THE PHILADE LPHIA AND ERIE LAND COMPANY, chat tercd by an act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, oilers for We choice lOW for dwellings and business prep ,, nee in the above new towns on We line of the Pldiadelphia anti Erie Railroad. RENOVO has been selected as the sire for the eaten- EiVe shops for nuildiu, and repairing the rolling stock of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, of which the Penns. Railroad Company are Low lessees. It Is 92 miles west of Sunbury, and 196 hides east of Erie. The town is beau tifully situated on the margin of the west branch of the Susquehanna river, in the county of Clinton, and is sur rounded by romantic and attractive scenery. The Rail road Company are erecting an immense Locomotive Round House, Repair Shops for Cars and Engines, Car Building shop. Iron and Brass Furnaces, and Dwellings for the Superintendent and other officers. A. splendid Hotel, with which are connected arrangements for feeding passengers on the most extensive scale, has been com menced. All these buildings are of the most permanent and substantial character, of brick and iron, and are in accordance with the immense business anticipated on the completion of this great Railroad, so long anxiously looked for, and now an accomplished fact—the last rail connecting the Susquehanna river with Lake Erie having been laid on Saturday, July 2d, 1864. A Company has been chartered by the Legislature for supplying the town with gas and water, and the wat r works are nearly completed. Churches will be erected immediately. The situation of RENOVO is entirely healthy, and as the dimensions of the town are limited by nature, the veins of the lots must appreciate greatly In the Course of a tow years. Elan/WITH will certainly be the most important com mercial point between Lock Haven and Warren, a dis tance of 158 mites. It is near the centre nt toe railroad, 47 miles west of Fenny° ; 139 miles from Sunbury and 149 miles from Erie It is near the Janet on of the Drift wood Branch of the Sumemahourg, with West Creek, Portage Creek and North Creek, the Valleys of which streams make it tho most acre: sible point on the Phila delphia and Erie railroad to a very extensive district of country. The moment the projected railroad connecting it with the city of Rochester, N. V ~ shall be completed, few interior towns in the State will surpass it in business capabilities. An excellent graded road now connects it with Coudersport, thereat of Justice of Potter county. It Izalco connected with Smethport, the seatof Justice of McKean county. Emporium is the County Seat of Cam eron county; it has a handsome Court House, and the Land Company have mat completed a large and commo dious Hotel, which will immediately be opened to the public. The Railroad. Company are about to erect a band. some and permanent Passscinger Station at n central point near the Hotel and Conn. House. The place is healthy, and excellent water Is abundant. 'lt is in the midst of one of the finest White Pine regions in Pennsylvania. As a manufacturing town it has great advantages; coal, lumLer, stone, bark for tanneries are abundant, and its railroad communications with the great lakes and all points of importance in the seaboard are unsurpassed. This place was selected thirty yjars ago as a point of im portance, and a town laid out with the prophetic name of EMPOIIIUId, but the difficulty of access has prevented its development so entirely that It is mainly known for the excelenco of hunting and trout fishiug in the vicinity. The completion, of the Philadelphia and Erie railroad must soon make it a place of oreat importance as a distil bitting point for goods of all ' kinds, and it offers great advantages for persons of moderate capital who desire to identify themselves with the early history of a thr.v- I ng town. Lithographic Maps of both towns are now ready, and Mr. GIDEON J. BALL, Genets' Superintendent, will furnish all necessary Information on the premises, or by letter. He may be addressed to the care of R. P. RUTTER, Secretary ant Treasurer, Philadelphia and Erie Land Com pany, No 20534 Walnut street Philadelphia, or at Retiovo, Clinton county, Pennsylvania. W. G. MOORHEAD, Presl, 4 Phila. and Erie Land Co. H. I'. Furran. Secretary and Treasurer. oct2l.d3m i/EiPHER S S DAILY JUNE BETWEEN PIIILADJELPRIX, Lock Raven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Nun ey, Uniontown, Watsontown,Milton, . Lewisburg, Northumberland Sun. bury, Treverton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, Millersburg, Halifax Dauphin, &ND . Halifax, UR G. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, the drayage will bo at the lowest rates- The Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of all goods intrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the de pot of WILLIAM E. BURL Sti Market street, Philadelphia, by 5 o'clock P. ■., will be delivered is Hex Malan the nest morning. Preflight Always as Low as Tay Any Other JOB. MONTGOMERY Jr, CO., Philadelphia and Reading Depot, Foot of Market street, Harrisburg oet2l tf Very Convenient. JACOB TAUSIG-, MAKES pleuure to inform his friends and A Customers. and the public in general, that be has opened a wholesale ana retail Variety, Notion and Jew elry Store, No. 105;-;,' Market street, above Eby ed Kunkel's Bultding, Harrisburg, Pa. It would occupy a great amount of space to enumerate the articles composing my stack. The purchaser will find, through my experience of thirteen years in the business, that Lean sell goods equal to the jobbers in the Eastern cities. sept.2o-d6m* Macamoose Tonic S warranted to be the best BLOOD PURI MRR and HEALTH RESTORER In the market, for the following cornpleinte: CONSUMPTION, In its first stages, COLDS, COUGHS, MORTIFICATION, INFLAMMATION, BRONCHITIS, AND ALL SCROFULOUS DISEASES. Female Witt/mess, and General Debility of the System. It has been found Invaluable for Fever and Ague, Rhea. Matism, Dyspepsia, Tt operates rather slowly but sure, so that all kind of Fevers and other diseases yield to its power in a few dais. This medicine is perfectly safe for infants or delicate Pomona. The great ruperiority of the medicine is that while eradicating diseases, it invigorates the system and crea'os new, ric h and pure bloo power pos.:in - 6nd by no other remedy. It hAr cured many cases of Consumption, Liver Complaints and DySpCpSitt Eines it was intr. duced, as numbers will testify. Besides a number ol diseased limbs, such is feversores, white swellings, etc. Warranted asoversign remedy tot cr.mp, This medi cine is a combination of Pure Barks and no Miteral Poi- Ma about it PREPARED HERBY. L B. GATES, WILLIAMSPORT,PA. Sold by the gallon, quart or pint, by JOHN WISE, deel2 . Third and Walnut. Almanacs - almanacs I .13 11, • English and German Lancaster Almanacs, Ibr the year 186 5 . For sale, by the gross, Dozen, or single, at SchelTer's Bookstore, 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. se29 GOLD PENS. mEIE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST assort ment of gold pans constantly on hand. Evcry pen sold Is warranted six months. Call at n 023 BERGNER'S C REAP BOOKSTORE. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, A FULL ASSORTMENT of Albums at re ducod prices, at Bergner's Cheap Bookstore. n 02,3 PORT MONNAIES. AFULL ASSORTMENT of portmonnaieo, money purses, currency holders, &c., at Bergner's Cheap Bookktoro. no2S AIENJA 1( REGAN'S Steam Engine and Machine Shop, siimi ST, BP)VFEN WALNUT AND MARKET .(J. C. 'Nfoltz's Old Stand.) THE an der signe d . tw.ving taken the above Shop, respectfully solieite a share of the public pa tronage. Particular attention will be paid 1., repairing of Steam Engines, and all kinds of machinery. Ali work will re ecivo my personal attention, and satisfactuin guaranteed seplo dly 1300E21' 13001(8, 13 IJOKsii IN rut PORTEMONNAIEB,-autt a genera; variety or LEA THER GOODAI, mat received at . awn; 1 .E. do I ) .KLI,INE'S I ,7O.IOJESTFAH, I:34I.UUNA , the' most popular sad the purest ever offered to the public, Just received sod for sale by SHISLER & FRAZER. thoon.laterian Wm. Dock, Jr At Co Irlli=3 ATOHEL6 1 SATCHELS ALARGE and splondid assortment of Satchels, together with cy•sr toe styles of Ppckut- Books, Wallets ' ,at all prices for sale at So'seabria Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. • ' nob DOZEN 50 - coTnOrtairigjPleetlEyNliollw Cl i ow ßl C C ue ittolt S r Mixed Pieklerc Gerkins, Walnuts and Opionx. For Ea% wholeopMo eind'retidl by SHLSLE,IIBIFILfiZER, tr ox to W. .Dook.. Jr.. xi On 0; _ .ertletwit v se. a. #lool4ehred zutsav, . -- -7 - 4VEW AtIV-.ERTISEAW-NTs. NEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS ! Jr -UST RECEIVED, The Old Fle.g, published by American Sandy Sehu:l Union The Daughter at. Homo, do do Margaret, Tue Young Wile, do do The Old Stone Farm House, do do The Tattler, i r Patty Steele, do do sister Alice's Stories, do do It , , so Bryant, do do Fi