THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED 3IORNINO ~12VD EVENING, By R E ERGNE OFFICE 11111.:D Si'. XL It WALATT E s OF su rION 61Niil.,E Tan Paul TELhunArii is served t.) subsc,incre in the city at 1.V.,, cents per wte'r. Yearly subset ibtrs win be barged $6 00 it' advance. Thn , e persona whr3 neglect to pay in advance will be charged $7 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPa. THE TELEGRAPH is also published weekly,tuid is rurnishei subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies, weekly Three copies to one Pest Cilice Ten copies to one P,.st Office RA_II.IIOALN.3 Rail oltd _? wiNT.Eit TSME T? ISLE: FIVE TRAINb DAILY TO AND FROM PHELLADEDELPHIA AND PITTSBURG. I= MONDAY, December 26, 1864, THE Passenger Trains of the Penasylvatia Railroad COmpaay will depart from rfartrishurg, and arrive at Philadelphia and PittEtturg se follows: EASTWARD. PVILAD'A EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 2.45 a. st., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.56 FAST LANA:leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) al 6.00 and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.40 P. U. Passengers take breakfast at Harrisburg. • NAIL TRAIN levee Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 1.30 P. a., and arrives at West Philadelphia ut 5.35 P. X PITTSBURG AND ERIE MAIL leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 1.40 A at., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.20 A. X. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Har rlaburg daily (except Sundays) at 4.00 P. at., and arrives at Weal, Philadelphia at 9.30 P. X Thia train has no connection from the West. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAM leaves Harrn burg daily (except Sundays) at 7. A M., and arrives at Lancaster at 9 40 A. M , connecting (except on Mondays) with the Fast Line east. WESTWARD PITTSBURG AND ERIE MAIL loans Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at L 15.4. at, Altoona 739 A. at, take breakfast, and arrive at Pittsburg at 1.00 P. sr. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 3.10 a. aL ; Altoona, 8.35 A X take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 P. X. PHILAD'A. EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily at 2.45 Altoona at 9.25 A. M., hike breakfast and arrives at Pittsburg at 2.40 P. sr • FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays} at 4.15 P. BT.; Altoona at 9 P. at., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.20 A. at. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 1.40 r. N.; Altoona at 1.55 P. X., take supper, and ar rives at Pittsburg at 1.20 r at MOUNT JOY AOL'OSIIII.ODATION weFt. leaves Lancaster at 11.20 A. TA., connecting there with the Mail weisti; leaves Mount Joy at 11.51 A. and arrives at Harrisburg at 1.00 e. SPECIAL NOTICE TRH HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATIA TRAIN froth Pittsburg, which arrives at Harrisburg at 6 30 P. M., stops there, passengers for East of Harrisburg lay over until 1.40 A. M. SAMUEL D. YOITNO, Supt. Male Diu. Follett H. R. Harrisburg, Dee. VI, 1984.-dtf Noillsr:rt; Ce.ntral itstilway. WINTER TUNE TABLE OPENING OF THE BRANCH TO ERIE FOUR TRAINS DAILY TU d-ND FLOM BALTIMORE ITM ‘v A 4 H INGTON CITV Coattentions tuadu with trains ou Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. FOUR TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch Snsquehanian,Fenneylvania and Erie, Elmira, and all of Northern New York. ON anti after MONDAY, NOV. 7th, 1844. the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, vie: SOUTHWARD MAIL TRAIN loaves Sunbury daily (except Suuday).... ............ leaves Harri5burg............ arrives at Baltimore tiPMESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 11.46 leaves Harrisburg (except Monday) arrives at Baltimore daily (except Monday) 7.00 A. A. BARRIBBORD ACCOMMODATION leaves Bar- burg tiONEILOCY ACCOMMODATION Leaves Sun. bury daily (except San• day) at PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily, (except Sundays,) at 9.05 P. M NOATLIWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves 'Baltimore daily (except "”ndav' Sunday) leaves Harrisburg 1.45 P. st. ~. arrives at Sunbury 4.20 P. x. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily 9.80 P. x. 4t arrives at Harrisburg ..... .. 1.50 A. x. leaves Harrisburg daily (ex cept Monday) •• arrives at Sunbury ERIE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Stvurdays) at...... 7.30 P. at n leaves Harrisburg (except Sundays) at.. “ arrives at Sunbury at.... HARRISBURG A.C(XJMAIODATION leaves Bal. Elmore daily (except Sun day) ,• arrives at Harrisburg SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Harris burg daily (except Sunday) at 410 v. x. The Erie Express and Philadelphia Express are through trains to and from Erie and all intermediate points. Mail and Express trains run through to Elmira. . For further Information apply at the Office, in Penney]. viola Railroad Depot. J. N. DoBARRY, Harrisburg, Oct. 30, 1884..dtf Get Supt. Lebanon Valley Branch OF PHILADELPHIA & READING R. R. 410A' VD U\ Winter arrangement of Passsenger Trains from Harrisburg, NOVEMBER 7, 1864. TERSE DAILY TRAINS FOR NEW YORK. No 1 EXPRESS at 8:00 AN, Arr. at N. York at 10: 00 A M So 3 FAST, at 8:15 A w, " 2:45 P at No 7 MAIL at 1:45 r sr, " " 9:20 r The above connect closely with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad from Pittsburg and the West. NPR PHILADWLITIA. AND YOTTSVELLIS. 'The MO Ala Express connects at Reading with the Reading Accommodation Train, arriving at Philadelphia at 9:26 AX. No's 8 and 7 connect at Reading for Potts ville, Tamaqua, Allentown, Philadelphia, Sze., arriving at the latter point at 1:20 and 7:05 P rs, and at Pottsville at 12:35 noon and 7:45 WAY TRAMS 7011 LOCI6I. TRAVEL. Number 5 Mail at 7:25 Alll, stopping at all points, and making same connections at Reading gu3 number 3. Number 9, Harrisburg Accommodation, at 4:40 P X, Stopping at all points, arriving at Reading at 7:110 P X, RETUIL'iLYO THAWS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS New York—Number 2 FAST at 9:00 A id; number 4 EXPRESS at 7:00 P nt, and number 6 MAIL at 12:00 at. Philadelphia=-8:00 A at and 8:30 P N. Pottsville-8:50 A x and 235 r nc Reading—Number 4 EXPRESS 12:00 midnight; num ber 10 ACCOMMODATION 7:35 A in; number 8 MAIL 10:48ant; number 2 PAST 1:38 PM; number 6 MAIL 8:05 P H. Passengers for Lebanon Valley Railroad Way Stations will take train number 6,9, 0, and 10, as the other trains slop only at Lebanon and principal stations. Baggage checked through. For tickets or other in tormation-apPIP to J. J. CLYDE,. not General Agent, Harrisburg. FRESH CRANBERRIES received this morning at WM. M. GRAY & CO (Houser and Lockman's old stand, Market equare.) .: \ \ • . d i k . 44 , "'•••;„„,, , •-•, ',/".-- ••.- ant• , , ~ - „ori,„ 4: ____----- . . o il . • - 4*--"''. .„. % : f 3 Zjk‘ ..61,_ , _ __ tv______.. „--- _ ,i-„,-. 1.; ‘, '5- --4 ; : : 11\ : - ( v tetav • . _. _ _ • „.,_ --..- ~ 4: 4--7 . $2 00 5 00 15 00 BY GEORGE , BERGNER HARRISBUIW, PA., TUESDAY EVENINti DECEMBER 27, 1864 CHEROKEE PILLS. FEMALE REGULATOR FEMALE REGULATOR SUGARCOATED. Health Preserver CERTAIN AND SAF.B. rir'For the Remotes of Obstructions and the Inntrarme of Regularity in the RectirrenCe of the Monthly Periods. iygp-They cure or obviate those numerous diseases that spring from irregularity, by removing the irregularity Itself. -They cure Suppressed, Excessive and Painful Men. struntion. ..arThey cure Green Sickness (Oklorosis.) ihr They cure Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and lower parts of the body, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of ttie Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysteria, Sick Headache, Giddiness, &c., &c. In a word, by removing the irregularity, they remove the cause, and with it .u.r. the effects that spring from it —Composed of simple vegetable extracts,: theY con tain nothing deleterious to any constitution, however delicate, their function being to substitute strength for weakness, which, when properly used, they never fail to do. THESE PILLS RAVE NEVER BEEN KNOWN TO RAIL WIIERE THE DERECTIONS ARE WELL OBSERVED. letters seeking information or advice will be promptly, freely and discreetly answered. l Fell directions accompanying each box. wir Price $1 per box, or six boxes for $6. oar Sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of price. wig- Pamphlets sent by mail, free of postage, by DR. W. H. MERWIN & CO., Proprietors, nein-deed-4m No. 63 Liberty street, New York. D R. WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR! Ca, ESSENCE OF LIFE. Prepared from Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing no thing injurious to the most delicate. "As tbe Phenix rises from the ashes of its fire, ani mates with new life"—so does this Elixir rejuvenate the system and overcome disease. pas- The Rejuvenating ' Elixir is the result of modern discoveries in thevegetable kingdom, being an entirely new and abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the old and worn-out systems. ////- This medicine has been tested by the moat emi nent medical men of the day, and by them pronounced to be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the age. One bottle will cure General Debility. wir A few dosesteure Hysterics in females. One bottle cures Palpitation of the Heart. From one to three bottles restore the manliness and full vigor of youth, A few doses restore the appetite. —'Three bottles cure the worst case of Impotency. jea , - A few doses cure the low spirited, u-One bottle restores mental power. n wir- A few these restore the organs of generation, A few doses bring the rose to the cheek. wa- This medicine restores to manly vigor and robust health the poor, debilitated worn-down and despairing. ,The listless enervated youth, the over-tasked man of business, the victim of nervous depression, the indi vidual suffering from general debility, or from weakness of a single organ, will alt find immediate and permanent relief by the use of this Elixir or Essence of Life. sat- Price $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwarded by Express, on receipt of money, to any address. —THE CHEROKEE PILLS and REJUVENATING ELIXIR are sold by all enterprising druggists in. the civil ized world. Some unprincipled dealers, however, try to sell worthless compounds in place of these ; those which they can purchase at a cheap price,:and make more mo ney by selling than they can on these medicinee.. AS you value your health— ay, the health of your future off spring—do not be deceived by such unprincipled drug• giete, ask for these medicines and take no other. If the druggist will not buy them for you, inclose the money in a leiter, and we will send them to you by, Express, se curely sealed and packed, free from observation. Ladies or gentlemen can address us in perfect confi dence, stating fully and plainly their diseases and symp toms, as we treat all diseases of a chronic nature in mate or female. Pattents need not hesitate because of their inability to visit us, as we have treated patients success fully in all portions of the civilized globe, by correspond ence, Patients addressing us will please state plainly all the synlptoms of their complaints, and write post elllce, county, State, and name of writer, plain, and inclose postage stamp for reply. We send oar 32-page Pamphlet free to any address.— Address all letters to the Proprietors, Dm W. R. MkRWIN & CO., nols-deod-4m No. 63 Liberty street, New York. 10.40 1.30 P. Y. 5,45 P. 31 160.i./11 THE LONG LOOKED FOR HAS COME! "HEALTH AND 11.6.PYINRIM TO VTR SONS AND DADORTRRa OF 7.95 A. M . 7.90 A. 11' SYRUP OF ' ROOTS BARKS AND HERBS, FCR the cure of Coughs, Colds,Sore Throat, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all similar com plaints. The object of this Medicine Is to soothe and ease the cough ; to dissolve the congealed phlegm that adheres and sticks:to the throat, which excites hacking, hawking; and coughing ; to relieve the irritation in the throat; which is produced by catching cold on the slightest ex posure. It expectorates the diseased matter that has ac cumulated in the Lungs which retards and oppresses the respiratory or breathing, organs, heals and nourishes the lungs and bronchial tubes.. This medicine gives tone to the stomach, itintritles and circulates the blood, which causes oppression of the chest and difficulty in breathing. Coed News for Mothers and Children.—Here is the sufferer's balm ; keep your family, sickness comes as thief in the night, and your child is suffocated by the awful disease, Croup, or similar complaints. Here is a preventative—it is nature's friend. These Medicines are prepared and sold by SAMUEL COLLINS, Indian Medicine Man, near the corner of Third street and Strawberry alley. Also, for sale at the Drug Store of J. M. BOMGARDNER, Corner of Fourth and Market streets, Harrisburg. All orders should be addressed to DR. S. COLLINS, Harrisburg. These Medicines are purely Vegetable. nail 9.20 A. at 2.80 A. N. 632 A. If E9D 12.35 A. N. 3.25 A . hi $.OO Y. Y. .7.50 P, r. A FEW MORE COPIES of the RULES FOR REGULATING THE PRACTICE IN THE SUPREME COURT AND COURTS OF THE TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, Comosed of Dauphin and Lebanon counties. Price $5 50. For sale at Scheffer's Bookstore, Iliarrisburr, Pa. nay SOFAS, Arm and Parlor Chairs, Marble 17 top Table; Lounges and COTTAGE CHAMBER SETTS, In great variety at JAMES R. BOYD St SON, neAdtwl New Ware-No!. z 21South Second at. CHEESE—choice new crop Cheese, just received at SHLSIAR & FRAT:ER, 1917 Sunwisioni tow.Hoek. Jr.. k Co VALENTIA RAISINS, a new invoiee o at nol SEMLER & FRAZMP NUTS.—Almonds, Cream Nuts, Chestnuts, English Walnut; Filberts and Walnuts, at decl2-da - JOHN WISPS. NEW GAME FOR CHILDRF.N. GAME OF SOLITAIRE, together with an assortment of other Games, at Scheffer's Bookstore, 21 South Second street. Harrisburg, Pa. octl E XTRA FiLIYaLY FLOUR and COJalsl MEAL allays on hand, of the best quality, at BOYER & KOERPER 19 rpom.A.To KETSIJP, by the gallon, quart or plot, just received at WM. M. GRAY & CO., (Houser and Lochman's old,staud, Market square.) decla RECEIVED, a good lot of Apples and Po- Woes, at ._. SOHN WISES, uecl2-dtf Third and Walnut. THE LARGEST and beat Selection of Gro ceries in the city, to be had at oct2B 813ISLER CANNED FRUlTS.—Peaches, Blackberries, Tomatoes Am Om., at [decl2-titf] JOHN WWII. MIEMIIMM MEDICAL. AFFLICTION I" DR. COLLINS' ' E i - N[oN Ntlxv ANn ti EVER." NEW A.D EKTISEIVIENTS NEW OPIENING , FOR Fall and Winter Trade! BALMORALS .AND SCARFS ! FURS! FURS:: The Largest and best selected stock In this city I at the NeINV Cloak. Store, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCH, HARRISBURG, PA: sep2-1. Great Attraction! NO. L 3 AHEAD!! MRS. M. MAYER, NO. 13 MARKET STREW, Has just opened her new FALL STOCK of 4 , BONNETS, LADIES' AND 'KISSES' HATS, FEATHERS AND FLOWERS. Also, THE LATEST STYLES of CLOAKS AND CIRCULARS And a tine assortment of WOOLEN HOODS, NIIRIAS, ALL KINDS OF TRIMMINGS Constantly on hand, besides everything usually found iu the largest furnishing establishments in the country. seta GAMES! GAMES! GAMES! Pictorial Game of Characters. • • Pet of the Cradle. New Game of Quotations. • Fireside Spelling Game. .Tapan Puzzles. Mrs. Jollyboy's Pio.nic. _ Old. Maid and Old Bachelor Parlor, Amusements. New Game of Matrimony. . New Game of Forted. New Game of Spirit Rapper. Nuts to Brack or 54 Puzzles. Arithmetical Game. Game of Nip, Sledge, Tuck and Frizzle. Sparkles of Wit from the Brain. Pan of, Moms.' Quartette Game of English Poets. Sultan Vizier or Scherzerade. Quartette 'Game of . ..American Poets. Dejected Picture Puzzles. Conversation Cards. Fortune Telling Cards. ' a Fox and Geese, For sale at SchefferN Bookstore, 21 South 2rid street, Harrisburg, Pa. no2l TOYS, TOYS, TOYS, FOR THE HOLIDAY - Pl. A large and line assortment, consisting of China tea sets, &c., Wooden tea sets, China baskets, . Crying dolls, B Vases, • oxes of game, Tin trumpets, Paint boxes, Horns, Tool chests, Moving boys, Dressed dolls, Wooly sheep, Doll heads' Watches, Guns and swords, Stables, Furniture, Menageries, Animals on wheels Grace hoops, Kitchen utensils, Wind-mills, Infantry, Drummers, Cavalry, Harlequins, _ , Railway, Magic lanterns, Poultry yards, . Sheep folds, Ten-pins, Box toys, Noah ark, arc., &c., &c., &c. Also, a large and fine assortment of sugar toys, P renal * and common candies Also, always on hand such as foreign and domestic fruit in season, all kinds of nuts, dried fruits, cakes and crack ers, teas, spices and coffee, jellies and canned fruits, rale, ens, currants, citron's, prunes, &c., wholesale and retail at, the store of JOHN WISE, nol.o ' Third and Walnut HOLIDAY PRESENTS.. GEO. W. McCALLA 9 J E W E L E , No. 38 Market Street, Opposite the Jones Mollie,. TT AS just received a large assortment of. Jewelry, ho., suitable for Holiday Presents, and invites the public to give him a call. Select your present while the assortment is full. decfmilm JELLIES, Currants, Blackberry, Fine Apple, Cherry, For sale at [decl2-dHI JOHN WISE'S. GUM BALLS. Bat Balls, Parlor Balls, • Musical Balls, • Alphabet Balls, Fancy Ribbed Balls, A full assortment at BERGNER'S Bookstore. R. C. ORTH, Teacher of the P)ano, Melodeon, Violin AND SINGING. No. 15, Tam BTRIIT, nnovr limnre. sep3-dem* BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. M TONS BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, of a Ripe rier quality, just received from the Wyoming Valley and foreale in any quantity at nol4 SHISLER & FRAZER'S. JXTRA WHITE WHEAT FLOUR.—Se lected White Wheat Family Flour, meat receive and for sale at :MTV R tx.FRAZZIA Swenson to W. Dock. Jr., & Co HAVANA ORANGES.—Fine Havana Or anges just received at SHIRLEY. & FRAZER'S, non successors to Wiri. Dock, Jr., & Co. nimbi CASES SPICED OYSTERS, just re f calved at- SCISILSIt & FRAZER, je99 auccomoris to W. & Co TIIST RECEIVED, a fine lot of Pickles and cranberries at [docl2-dtf] JOHN WISE'S. - DIOKLESI FIOKLESII By the barrel, half barrel, jar or dozen, at no2s] BOYER & KOZEPEE. CLOAKS, Circulars, . ORNAMENTS. Bohemian Glass Vases. Flower Stands. " Toilet Bottles. Wakh Stands. Cigar Stands. Match Stands. Cigar Ash Stands. Reading and Book Stands. FANCY GOODS. Fancy Fans. Fancy Riding Whips. Card Cases, pearl and Canes. leather. Cut Glass Colognes. Ivory Tablets. CLOAKS B ttOCHE AND MOURNING SHAWLS ! LEATHER GOODS. Dressing-Cases. " Shaving Cases. Ladies' Companions. Ladies' Satchels. Cabs Satchels, Portefollos. Okay Cases. latch Cases. Portemonnales. Ladies' Purses. TOILET ARTICLES Powder Pair Boxes. Hand Mirror?. Toilet Waters. Toilet Soars: Brushes. Pomades. Powders. Combs. Sachets. Burnett's Toilet cotta SOLDIERS' WARES. Writing Cases. Sewing Cases. Cavalry Cases. Folios. Leather and Wicker Pocket Mirrors Flasks. • Money Belts. Leather, • Metal and Gum Gaps. - - .. VARIETIES Wooden Puzzles. Fancy Boxes bfeerschaum Pipes, Work Boxes. Brier Pipes. Box of Cigars. Pocket Knives. Leather and Gum Balls. Fine Razors. Fine Dominoes, Tharles f0r.18135. Thermometers. Also. a great variety of Lava Ware, all of which can be had at • KUNKEL & BRO'S DRUG STORE, deatr No. 118 MAIMET EMMET, HARMS/10Ra. BUEHLER HOUSE, HARRISBURG, PA. The undersigned, having lately purchased the BUEHLER HOUSE property, has already commenced such alter ations and improvements as will render this OLD AND POPULAR HOUSE equal, if not superior, to any Hotel in the city of Harrisburg. GEO. J. BOLTON. dec7-Iy* "T REASURY DEPARTMENT. 11 OFF/C8 op OOMPT2OLLER OF THE Compxvor WASimCGTOS,NOv. 21,18 k j . . Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been. made appear that the HARRISBURG NATIONAL BANK, in the City of Har vlaburg, in the County ~f Dauphtn, and State of Penn sylvania, has been duly organized under and according to the'requiremente of the act of Congress, entitled "An etrtwynyride 'a National Currency, secured by a pledge or United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," approved June 3, 1864-and has complied with all the provisions of said act required to be complied with belbre commencing the business of bank ing under said act: Now, therefore, I, SAMUEL T. HOWARD, Deputy Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the Harrisburg National Bank,in the City or Harrisburg, in the county of Dauphin, and State of Pennsylvania, is author ized to commence the business of banking under the aet aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office this twenty-first day of November, 1864. SAMUEL T. HOWARD, asaL. I Deputy Comptroller of the Currency. no2B STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, touch jag at QIInNSTOWN (CORK HARBOR.) The well known steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Phila deiphia Steamship Company, (Inman Line), carrying the Li. S. Mails, are intended to sail as follows • GLASGOW Saturday, December 17. MANCHESTER ... " 24. BALTIMORE... ....... " " 31. and every succeeding Saturday, at noon, from Pier 44, North Miver. • RATES OF PASSAGE: Payable in Gold or as Equivalent in Currency. FIRST CABIN, $BO 00,1 STEERAGE, $BO 00 do to London, 85 001 do to Londoi, 34 .00 do to Paris, 95 UOI do Paris, 40 00 do to Hambure, 90 001 do to Hamburg, 37 oa Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Br men, Hotter dam; Antwerp, ike., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, $75, $B5, $lO5. Steerage $3O. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy tickets here at these rates. For further information apply at the Company's Offices. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, ocl4 15, Broadway, N. Y. NATIONAL ROUSE RESTAURANT. HAVE re-fitted and opened the above I named restaurant, where all the delicacies of the season will he served up, such as Oysters, Game, Terra pin, Arc. The public are most respectfully invited to call. Families supplied with oysters. A. J. WARE lELD. N. B.—Fiee lunch given every day from log to I.lg A. M. declO.dlm* OVID F. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE No. 23, Sou= SECOND STREET. Legal business ana collections promptly attended to. deacilm NIEW Al) E.RTISEIII EN TS A Grand Exhibition Christmas Presents KUNKEL & BItO'S . Drug. and Fancy store, 1.10. 118 MARICET STEEET THE following are some of the articles to be obtained, appropriate to the season : Valuable - Building Lots FOR SALE. SEVEN LOTS, fronting on Third street, above Herr street, 20 feet front, extending back 139 feet to Si twenty foot alley. For terms Apply to decls-d2w JNO. J. ULM& RAGS RAGS ! 1 RAGS! I ! FIVE cents per lb. cash paid for good mixed. Raga, SCREFFEB'S Bookstore, sept 26 21 South Second street. Harrisburg, !ems& "LIME FAMILY FLOUR.-SECTSLER FRAZER have made arrangements with one of. best mills in the country to supply the families of Rani burg with choice FLOUR. Every barrel 'warranted, , delivered to any part of the city free of charge. 811.18LER & FRAZER, Dealers in Fine Family Groceries, opposite the Coral House. eon TRANSPARENT SLATES! ALARGE ASSORTMENT OF TRANSPA RENT SLATES, of all sizes and prices, for sale at Schetfer's Bookstore, 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Penns. -• act' A FRESH LOT OF LEMONS just re ceived at WM. M. GRAY & CO., (Rouser & Lachman's old stand, Market square.) ecl3 CHEESE.—Prime New York Cheese, Pine Apple, English Dairy and Sap Sago Cheese, just re ceived this morning at SHLSLER & FRAZER'S. nol SOMETHING New and amusing for ch arert—The Flyingßirds, at no2l hCHEFFEWS Bookstore, Han•isburg,P t DEDUCTION IN PRICES. konsi.F.R & PataEß, Have made anotheCreduction in Prices on the leadin articles of groceries. 430,28 VIRESH CRACKERS.—Boaton Wine Bid 1. Onita , Boston Milk Biscuits, Boston Butter Bis cuits, Boston Oystor Crackers, Boston Finnic Crackers, Trenton Butter Crekers, just received at floygit do 110BilPigit. NEW CURRENCY HOLDER at tam SaitterFEWS Book Store -- Web stex PRICE THREE CENTS Lit OA OS. 1864• 864 'Ayr• • Efi rs ,..= .. • mituatassil 1.13•1•112.11111 i~hiladelid and Erie Rail rpHIS Great Line o tr a a - v d er . ses the Northern and tiorthwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city or Erie, on Lake Eric. It has been Wetted by the Pa.snsyLvarrie Einar:tan Coe- PANT, and Is operated by them Its entire length was opened, for passenger and freight business October 17, 1854. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG. Leave Eastward. Mail Train Elmira Express Train Willlliamsport Accommodation • Leave Westward Mail Train Elmira Express Train........ Williamsport Accommodation Passenger care run through on NM trains without change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimore and Erie. Elegant sleeping cars oa Elmira Express trains both ways between Willlampport, an9l!altimore. For informatiori restiecting . tiaatinger brsluess apply at the corner 30th and Market streets, Philadelphia: - And for Freight business of the Conipany's agents: S. B Kingston, Jr., corner 30th and Market. streets, Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. J. H. Drill, Agent NCR R, Baltimore. ' H. A. HUSTON, General Freight Agent, Philad'a, H. W. GWINNER, General Ticket Agent, Philad'a: - JOS. D POTTS, oc2Odly General Manager, frilliarasport. 41' 13E1R LA ND VALLEY AND FRAN k 1,1 N nn i utra.i.muu RAIL ROADS. 013.A.N0E OF norms. —on and after Mon ‘_/ day, October 31, DM, PassiiiiVr trains will run daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted:) CHANBIESBURG AND HAIUMBUDe: Lea re Hagereatown .... " Greencastle .... ...4yrive at Chatiaberabarg, • ILeave at. 4, 9.00 ' 1.28 8.30 12.58. Sh Leave ipp,msuarg Newville .... ... ..... . 9.82 2.00 " carme Mechanicsbarg arrive at Harrisburg 730 1115 145 POE (THAMBERBBUEG AND HAGERBTOWN: A..m. P.m. Leave Harrisburg 8.05 L4O 416 " Mechanicsburg • 8.47 120_ • 4.50 . " Carlisle 9.27 2.58 5.15 " Newville 10.02 3.84 -- " Shippeusburg 10.83 4.94 Charobersburg -- - rrivo at 1100 .435 . Leave at 11.10 4.45 Leave Grooesstle .11.55 5.35 Arrive at Hagerstown 12.35 615 _ Or Making close connections at Harrisburg with train» for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg ; and with trains for all points West. la-Tho Train leaving Harrisburg at 4.15 r. is runs only as far as Carlisle. a N. Lau., Apt. R. R. Office, Ohambersburg, Oct. 31, 18644 y READING RAILROAD. WIN TER ARRANGEMENT, NOVEMBER 7th, 1864, GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE NORTH and Northwest for Philadeiptita, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton 2 .llm.,&c. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as follows At 8.00 and 8.15 A. Or. and 1.48 P. at., stowing at New York at 10.00 A It. and 2.45 and 10.00 P. N. The above connect with similar Trains on the Pennsyl vania Railroad, and Sleeping Cars accompany the first two Trains without change. Leave for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minersville, Allentown and Philadelphia at 8.15 A. ts. and 1.45 P. m. • stopping at Lebanon and principal Stations only. Way Trains stopping at all points, at 7.25 A. m. and 4.40 P. M. Returning : Leave New York at 9.00 A. m., 12.60 noon, and 7.00 P. m Phladelphiaat 8.00 A. of. and 3.30. r es.; Pottsville at 8.50 a.. M. and 2.35 P. Ar.•, Tamaqua at: 810 A. ne. and 215 P. At., and. Reading at 12.00 midnight, 7.35 and 10.45 A. m., 1.38 and 6.051..-tr. Reading Accommodation Train Leaves Reading at 6 30 A. M., returning from Philade'phia at 4.30 P Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 6.40 and 11.00 A. ne. for Ephrata, Litiz, Columbia, d.c. On Sundays : Leave New York at 700 P. or., Philadel phia 315 P. M Pottsville 730 A. At, Tamaqua 700 a. or., Harrisburg 8 15 A. m., and Reading at 12 09 midnight, for Harrisburg. Oommutation, Mileage, SCUM, School, and Excursion tickets to and from all points, at reduced rates. Baggage checked through : 80 pounds allowed each passenger. O. A. NIULILLS, run Aral Sweartutendrnt. Readiuk, Pa., November 3, 1864. no2l Diaries Diaries ! F0R1555. ALARGE assortment of Diaries and Daily Journals for the year 1865, for sale at Schaffer's Bookstore, 21 South SecOnd street s Harrisburg, Pa nos DEVISE LARD.—Fifty firkins fine kettle rendered LARD, for sale by the firkin- or pound, jut (waived at , 13081 BOY= k KORRPRR. Neutral Sulphite of Lime, FOR PRESERVING CEDER. WE ARE selling the very best article of the kind, prepared according to directions of E. aorsford, Professor of Chemistry, Howard Univer sity. It is perfectly reliable and free from impurities. Directions accompany each package. SELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Mar ket street, Harrisburg. oc2o QAl' SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Apple, Nut A 7 inn and New York State Cheese, Just received at SHISLER i FRAZKR, • mgt, successors to W Dock, Tr., & Co. MINCED • MEAT received fresh - every week from the celebrated manufacturer, Atmore Philadelphia, at BOYER er BEAVER'S. decl7 QALT SALMON. toj 'A new invoice of tine salt salmon, just received and Tor sale by SHISLER t FRAZER' , sept2B • (successor to W. Dock & Co.) HARRISBURG NATIONAL BANN, December 10, lE* 1 THE annual election for thirteen directors of this lMnk will be held, es required by the national currency act, on Tuesday, the 10th day of January next, at the banking house, between the hours of 1, and 3 Y. u. J. W. WHIR, deelo-te Cashier. TOMATO CATSIJP—By the gallon, quart and pint, Ju-t received at MWM GRAY & Co., ' P M° Lochman's old stand,Market Square.) decl9 • A7 - 21NIZER JUMPERS, WHEELBARROWS 1. and ehildren'sVagoes, bought expressly to meet the present demands, at BOYER & KOERPER'S. decl7 1191PITOKIVECEAT FLOUR.—A fresh supply of Towanda- BuckwheaL fresh ground Corn Meal, extra family Flour, by the libL or bag, every package warranted and delivered to all parts of the city free of charge, at BOYER & RERPERT. desl7 g2FM 11:45 P X 2:50 ex 1:30 PM 12:35 A ic 2:30 A. 12 1:46 P N X. P. M. 7.00 2.45 .. . . 7.37 3.36 5.17 .1.20 Dt.. 6.80 10.10 2.46 7.00 10 44 8.16 I===2l STEAM PRIAING ESTAILISMIENT. AbVEKTLqING RATIM-DEdLY TELEGRAPH. The following are the rates for advertising In the TELE:- anane. Those having advertising to do will [bid it eon- Tellkll for reference• *4 - Fear lines .r 1e25 aaaancuto c¢_-Cell aqunre. ,Jr ritOre than retV, atsl a zaitl:Lne.. Fox A 11.A.F 34 . - CAltk. FOX OXE SC/Owl:a. 30 Oao !ay tit) rwt, . . . r 1 Tpu - - 100 Three day 5.... .... One week 1 25 One month 3 00 Two months. 4 60 Three m0nth5....... 6 50 Sin months .. S 00 One 7:ear ..... —l5 00 Administration Notiees Marriage Notices ,Auditor's Notices 1 50 funeral Notices, each insertion 50 oir Business notices inserted in the Local Column, or before Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT CENTS PER LINE for each insertion. hr ,e 5... One eek One month.. Two months. Three months Six months. One year.... EVENING EDITION. From the 201st Regiment. CAMP SLOUGH, WEST ALEXANDRL4., VA., December 21, 1864. EDITOR TenEoairu—Dear Sir:—This morn ing at 4 o'clock, a few minutes before we left our post of duty on Duke street, a drizzling rain commenced falling; and, half, an hour later, we were treated to a profusion of sleet and snow, which lasted till 12 is., covering the ground to the depth of an inch or more. 0, what a prospect for another mortar-bed around camp, and on the streets, in a day or so! The top or "bonnet" of our funnel-shaped Sibley was non est—could not be found at all and so we gathered round our two stoves, (which stand so Blosely together as a pair of simese-twins for want of room, you know!) trying to keep comfortable, while the tiny drops of frozen rain, clear as crystal, fell over and around us in profusion. Notwithstand ing friend Musser's effort to keep up steam - in the old "tobacco-box" (the ob long-shaped, worn-ont, sheet-iron affair which cost us 50 cents) and Sergeant Ditty's doing his best with "Humbug," extra ten-plate, (price $4,) we could not raise 'the spirit of mischief that falls upon us at almost any other time, (when not needed,) to drive ennui and despondency away! We stood around the pair of stoves in question, with shrugged shoulders, and elongated faces, much in the position of goslins in a rain -storm, until our friend and fellow soldier, Sergeant M— N—, dropped into our she-bang, and dis pelled the gloom and fog that had made us crabbed and out-of-sorts for a full hour before. M yis as full of fun and phi losophy, and sound practical sense, as any man in the regiment; and he was scarcely seated on the rude bench we proffered him before a streak of sunshine was diffused in our circle, and everybody found themselves in tip-top spirits. Ditty tuned the instrument— (the Sergeant, by the way, is a first-rate vio linist)—and our friend P—, who, I am sorry to say, is "sad at heart" on the receipt of painful news from home—nevertheless gave us an accompaniment on his guitar, while the two brothers Musser, Krider, Professor N—ls, and your correspondent, furnished the vocal music to the favorite air and words of "The Star Spangled Banner," and "Home, Sweet, Sweet Home!" We were in a dilemma, however, before the concert began. Friend Mowry said he could not think of giving us instructions unless we furnished the notes for practice. He always performed by note—it was the proper way to instruct pupils in vocal music. Fortunately Sergeant Musser had a "played out" $5 note on the Towanda Bank, which answered the purpose admirably.— Using a stock of timothy for a baton. and lay ing the defunct "promise to pay" on the palm of his band, the Professor opened the concert, and, verily, dear reader, before "Home, Sweet Home," was half executed, we were truthfully reminded that "Music hath charms to soothe a savage To rend a rock or split a cabbage." Thank you, friend N—s. Your pleasant familiar countenance is always welcome in our midst. It was particularly so this dreary morning—and there has been a reign of good feeling, like a ray of sunshine, about our she bang ever since you took your leave and bid us good morning. Rev. James Colder and son, of HarrisbUrg, paid our camp a visit yesterday. The Rev. gentleman was joyfully received by the old members of his congregation, and by the rest of his numerous Harrisburg friends, who spent several hours in social converse with their old friend and pastor. Rev. Colder left in the 4 o'clock P. ar. boat for Washington. We regret exceedingly that a visit to one of our friends outside of camp deprived us from shaking hands with the Rev. gentleman. One of the United States cattle-herders, who passes our post daily, insists that among cattle, as well as men, there is a good and en evil disposition, and he proves his theory thus: "A whole herd, together, at times, can be managed almost by one man. But yester day we got a new lot, and among them a little, insignificant, spotted steer, that had the d--1 in him as large a Behemoth! We brought him from the train to the stock-cor ral, and when one of the men turned to go out, with his pole or goad in hand, the little rascal made a furious charge at him—the man jumping aside with the adroitness of a mounte bank, and the spotted steer, striking a large post with such force as to fracture his skull. The animal was immediately taken in hand by the butcher and slaughtered, to preient its bleeding to death; Two days previous the herders had a stubborn customer to manage. The bullock was frightened while being driven through the streets, and took refuge in a pro vision store, from which place he could not be forced until a rope was procured, and with a yoke of oxen the animal was pulled into the street, and slaughtered at once, to prevent farther trouble. A number of active members of the "Hope Engine Company," now attached to the 201st regiment, are anxious to know whether the new steamer has yet made its appearance, and how the monster operates. A line from their old friend, the ex-Mayor and President of the company, would be cheerfully read, stating the affairs of their favorite Old Com pany. Will the respected chief officer of the •Hope" please inform the "Rivers" attached to the 201st of the operations of their old friends now running the institution ? The party sent from Camp Slough, two days ago, in charge of Lieut. J. R. Snow, com manding, for the purpose of escorting a party of prisoners to City Point, returned to camp this r. M., well pleased with the trip. Captain Fisher, Provost Judge, has disposed of the following cases for the last two days. It will be seen that the subjects of Ring Alco hol are getting themselves into hot water, daily, notwithstanding the fate of some of their fellow citizens, arrested and punished for the same offence, but a few days since: Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Maloney, two Irish women, charged with the smuggling of pizen, were ordered to be sent to the slave pen, 30 days each, and to be chaperoned out of the city, at the expiration of said time. Richard M'Sherry, charged with selling fire water, was fined $5O. Bridget and Johanna Burke, two Irish wo men, for harboring deserters, were provided with the "comforts of a home," in the slave pen, for one month each. Jan Morrow, for selling corn-juice, was fined to the tune of $OO. Bridget Pendergrast, for harboring citizen in ;Crude Sam's clothing and keeping a dis orderly crib, was furnished with a permit: the slave pen for lit days. Nothing new in camp. Boys all in gooc spirits. More anon. A. 8, B. . 1 9 5 . 2 i 5 6 00 9 09 .. 11 - 00 .:'l5 00 .. 25 00 2 75
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers