NEW ADV ERTISEMENTS. it molt° - . find mpOriUM TOWN .I_,OT.FO SALE PIIILADELPHIA AND ERIE LAND .1 COMPANY, chartered by an act of the I.pgislature or Pe. nsylvuula, °nets tor sale choice lots -for dwellings and business fitirpi.stis in the abtive new towns on the line of the Philadelphia and Erie Ratko id. RENOVO tin- iicon'selected as the si .e for the exten sive shops for trading an repairing thorolling stock of the Philadelphia and Eric, Railroad, of wives the Penna Railroad Company are now lessees. It is 92 miles west of Sunbury, and 196 miles east of Erik The town is beau tifully situated on the margin of the west branch - of the Susquehanna river, in the county ef Clinton. and is sur rounded by romantic and attractive scenery. The Rail road Company are erecting an immense Locomotive Round House, Repair Shops for Cars and Engines, Car Building shop, Iron and Brass Furnaces, and , Dwellings for the Superintendent and other officer& A splendid Hotel, with which are connected arrangements for feeding passengers ou the most extensive scale, has been com menced. All these buildings are of the most permanent and substantial character, of brick and iron, and are in accordance with the immense business anticipated on the completion of this great Railroad, so long anxiously looked for, and now an accomplished fact--the last rail connecting the Susquehanna river with Lake Erie having been laid on Saturday, July 2d, 1864. A Company has been chartered by the Legislature Tor supplying the town with gas and water, and the ivatir works are nearly completed. Churches will be erected immediately. The situation of RENOVO is entirely healthy, and as the dimensions of the town are limited by nature, the value of the lots must appreciate greatly la the course or a few years, EMPORIUM will certainly be the most important cons mereisl point between Lock Haven and Warren, a dis tance of 158 miles. It is near the eentro of the railroad, 47 miles west of Renovo; 139 miles from Sunbury and 149 miles from Erie It is near the Jurictlon of the Drift wood Branch of the Sinnemabou in t with West Creek, Portage Creek and North Creek, the Valleys of which streams make it the most ROOM siblo point on the Phila delphia and Erie railroad to a very extensive district of country. The moment the projected railroad connecting it with the city of Rochester, N. Y., shall be completed, few interior towns in the State will surpass it in business capabilities. An excellent graded road now connects it with Coudersport, the scat of Justice of Potter county. is also connected with Smethport, the seat of Justice of McKean county. Emporium is the County Seat of Cam eron county; it has a handsome Court House, and the Land Company have just completed h large and comrim dious Hotel, which will immediately be opened to the public. Tho Railroad Company are about to vent a hand some and permanent Passsenger Station at a central point near the Hotel and Court House. The place is healthy, and excellent water is abundant. It is in the midst . ; of one of the finest White Pine regions in Pennsylvania. As a manufacturing town it, has great- advantages; coal, lumber, stone, bark for tanneries are abundant, and its railroad communications with the great lakes and all points of importance in the seakaard are unsurpassed. This place was selected thirty years ago as a point of im portance, and a lowa laid out with the prophetic name of EMPORIUM, but the difficulty of access has prevented ifs development so entirely that it is mainly known for the excellence of hunting and trout flaking in the vicinity. The completion of the Philadelphia and Erie railroad must soon make it a place of great importance as a distri buting point for goods of all kinds, and it offers great advantages for persons of moderate capital who desire to identify themselves with the early history of a thriy- I ng town Lithographic Maps of bath towns are now ready, and MC. GIDEON J. BALI, General Superintendent, will furnish all necessary information on the premises, or by letter. lle mly be addressed to the °are of H. P. RUTTER, Secretary and Treasurer, Philadelphia and Erie Land Cona- PanY, No. 20524 Walnut street Philadelphia, or aL EenOVO, Clinton county, Pennsylvania. _ _ N. G MOORHEAD, Pres't, Phila. and Erie Laud en. 11. P. Rterrsn, Secretary and Treasurer. oet2l-d3m PEIPHER , S DAILY LINE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, Lock Haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, llinn cy, Uniontown, Watsontown, Milton, . Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Treyerton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, Millersburg,. Halifax, Dauphin, AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, the drayage will be at the lowest rates. The Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of all goods intrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the de. pot of WILLIAM E. MIRK, 812 Market street, Philadelphia, by 6 o'clock r. a. , will be delivered in Hu eleburg the next morning. Prsight Always an Low as by Any Other Line. JOB. MONTGOMERY & - CO., Philadelphia and Reading Depot, eet21.41 Foot of Market street, Harrisburg. Very Convenient< JACOB TAUSIG, TAKES pleasure to inform his friends and Customers. and the public in general, that be has opened a wholesale and fetal! Variety, No'isn and Jew elry Store, No. 105'/ 9 Market street, above Eby to Kunkel's Building, Harrisburg, Pa. It would occupy a great amount of space to enumerate the articles composing my stock. The purehaser will flud, through my experience of thirteen years in the business, that I can sell goods equal to the jobbers in the Eastern cities sept26-dem* CONTRACTORS AND BUL DERS PLEASE' TAKE NOTICE. riIHE - UNDERSIGNED respectfully informs' .l the, public that he has located himself at Hummels- WPM, Dauphin county, - Pa.. where be has the best facil ities for burning lime of the 'first quality of stone, of the best quality for_ mason and plaster works, and is prepared to furnish, in any quantities., lime-or lime stone, at the Lebanon Valley railroad depot. Builders, dealers and contractors supplied with lime or atone at the shortest notice. Hayinglimple sidlings and trestle work from the quarries and ktlnwtothe depot, he is always prepared to fill orders, shipping (thee by rail road or by Union canal, Address D S EARLY. 0e22-d2m* Bummoletown, Dauphin. Gounty, Pa. LUBIN'S HAIR DRESSING FLURILINE FOE BEAUTIFYING AND PRESERVING AND STRENGTHENIFG THE HAIR, IS PURELY A VEGE rABLE Preparation, dietillea from herbs and fragrant flowers from the south of France, concede] to be the most delicately per fumed and desirable Hair preparation ever offered to the American public. It will restore lost hair. It will pre vent hair from falling out. I. will restore gray and faded hair to its original color. Its continued use will materially thicken the hair. Bald places will gradually cover themselves, and in a short time the hair' ill grow dark, soft, glossy and luxurtint. Pr ce $1 per box. Sold by KUNKEL & BRO., ae3o Apothecaries, Harrisburg. GOLD PENS, MIIE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST assort ment of gold pens e9nstantly on hand. Every pen sold is warranted six months. Call at n 023 BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, AFULL ASSORTMENT of Albums at re (taw prices, at Berguor's Cheap Bookstore. n 023 PORT MON NAIES. A FULL ASSORTMENT of portmonnities, money purses, currency holders, ke., at Bergner's Cheap Bookstore. n 023 HENRY REGAN'S Steam Engine and Machine Shop, SIXTH ST., BETWEEN WALNUT AND MARKET (J. C. Moltz's Old MAO.) MILE undersigned having taken the above `..8. Shop, respectfully solicits a share of the public pa tronage. Particular attention will be paid to repairing of Steam Engines, and all kinds of machinery. All work' will re calve my personal attention, and satiataction guaranteed aeplp dly TrIOCEBT BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES POETEMONNAIES, and a general variety of LEA- K GOCHA jut received at - Itt - atolifEß , S BOOK STORE. EA & . 11.ERLNE'S WO . 1 3CESTER iSAIICES • the meet popular and the purest ever offered to the Ile, jest received and for sale by , .SHISLER di FRAZER, limccessora to NCTo. Dock. j r kc o SATCHELS SAIVITETAS! ALARGE and sp lendkl assortment of Satchels, together with over 100 styles of Pocket- Books. Wallets, at all prices for sale at Scheffer'a Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. rios 50 DOZEN corauri • JFljillEy N C I II L A I L I). k ° u Idly!! Mixed Pickles, Gerkins, Walnuts and Onions. For sale . wholesale and retail by SHISLER k FRAZER, arts wocnnsA. - rw to W DAC k. k Ca . ALPHABET BLOCKS AND HOUSE BUILDING BLOCKS, FOR sale at 3CHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, octl 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, ra. "LrESS SHAD.—Fine kieseShad of the sea- INA, --son, haltbarreltrand kilts _Mt recoifedrit' SHIStEIt & FRAZER, Summon to W. Doer, Jr.. & Co ti RE IS frrOITS M, hermetically sealed, Ming - NEW ADVERTISEIVIENTS - NEW . 13001(g l - NEW BOOKS ! JUST RECEIVED, Th e Old Flag,"published by" American Sandy shoe' Union. The Daughter at Hume, do do Margaret, Tie Yount , Wire, do do The Old Stone Farm House, do do 11), Tattier. r Patty Steele, do do -i- ter Alice's Stories, do. do R se Bryant, do do B•n Ma, do do Book of 100 Pictures, do do Mother's Gift, do • do Honey Drops. do . do Small Rain upon the Tender Herb, ' " do Emily Chester, by a Lady of Baltimore—cloth. The Lout Heiress, by Mrs. D. E. N. Southworth India, or Pearl Firer, do The Currie of Clifton, do Thu Gypsey's Prophecy, do The Fatal Marriage do Retribution, do The Wife's Victory, do Lady of the Isle, do Love's Labor Won, do The Missing Bride, do The Three Beauties, do The Two Sisters, do The Bridal Eve, do The Haunted Homestead, do The Discarded Daughter, do The Deserted Wife, do Vivia, Secret of Power, do The Mother in Law, do Love and Duty, by Hubback. Young Crusoe, or Adventures of a Shipwrecked. Boy, by Dr. Harley. Gaseogne, the Sandalwood Trader, a Tale of the Pacific, by It M. Ballartyne. Cliff Climbers, by Capt, Wayne Reid. Twice Told Tales—Blue and gold, by Hawthorne. Bayard Taylor's Poems—Blue and gold. Laughing .Gas, or Encyclopedia of Wit, Wisdom and Wind, price 75 Railway Anecdote Book, do 50 The 45 Guardsmen and their Adventures, by Alexander Dumas, price 75 Chas. O'bfarey, the Irish Dragoon, by Chas. Lever, 75 Adelaide Waldgrave, or the Trials o' a Governess, 60 Mysteries of the Three Cities, by A. J. H Duganne, 50 Adventures of Peregrine Picle, by Tobias Simonet, 61 D., 2 vols., price 100 The Quaker City, by Geo. Lippard, 2 vols., do 100 Legends of American. Revolution, do do 100 Divorced Wife, by T. S. Arthur, do 25 Debtors' Daughter, do do 25 Pride and Prudence, do do 26 Love in a Cottage, do do 25 Love in High Life, do do 25 The Monk, by M. G. Lewis, M. P., do 25 Insubordination, or Shoemaker's Daughter, by T. S. Arthur, do 25 Two Brides, do do 25 Lady at Homo, . do do 25 Year After Marriage, do do 25 Banker's Wife, do do 25 Lucy Sandford, do du 25 Orphan Children, do do 25 °eclat Howard, do do 26 Agnes. or Possessed, si / do 26 Mary Moreton, • do do 25 Two Merchants, do do 25 Iron Rule, do du 25 Rose r Warrington, by Charles J Peterson, do 25 Valley Farm, by A. J. IL Duganne, do 25 Ladder of Lile, by Amelia B. Edwards, do 50 Denis Duval, by W. K, ThackaraY, do .50 Wile's Evidence, by W. G. Wills, do 50 Maurice Bering, by the anchor of Guy Living. . atone, do ' 50 Under the Ban, by Le Mandl% ' do $1 25 Small House at Allington, by Anthony Trollop°, 125 Together with a large assortment of books suitable for children, for sale at SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, 21 South 2d street, Harrisburg, Pa. All new books received as soon as published . n 022 STAPLE AND FANCY ARTICLES BERGNE_R 9 S. Writing Desks, Papeterfes, Photograph Albums, Mathematical Instruments, Fine Memorandum Books, Fancy Pen Holders, Traveling Bags, Newton's Gold Pens, Backgammon Boards, Fancy Paper Weights, Purees, • Diaries, . Inkstands, Dominoes, Call Bills, Fine Rulers, Pocket Books, Card Case; Portfolios, Rubber Pencils, Ruling Pens, Chequer Boards, Fancy Paper Clips, Drawing. Pencils, Ivory Paper Knives, Fine Portemonnaies, Morocco Satchel's, ' Fine Water Colors, Pen Knives, Brushes, Comb; Chessmen,. Chequers, Purses, Bill Books, Bill Files, -- &c., &c. A large and varied assortment at - BERGNER'S BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. decl7 PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY THE undersigned have established a AC ToRY at Harriatium Pa., for the purpore of MANUFACTURING 1100PSSIRTS, -aataans e of all styles, sizes, shapes and goal ties. We' pay par icular attention to the very iteat English Stool. the cep a large assortment con tently on hand, Our sales icim is at No, 24, Second treet,adjoioing J. B. Boyd's hair and Furniture Rooms, there we will sell very low, t wholesale and retail. Also—Nicest kind of ln ian Hoops The largest as irtment of Ladies' Corsets, instantly ou nand. the charge of Competent COHEN BROS. & No, 24 second street, HostisburS. skirt Efanutactory at Her - N. B. is the only Hoop skirt The public is cautioned not to believe the stories of dealers who buy their Hoop.skirts from this firm, and afterwards pass them off as their own manufacture. NEW PHILADELPHIA CLOA_IESTOI-Z,FI, IN D. W. GROSS' NSW BLOM, Market Street, Harriskurg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES or FABECIONABLZ CLOAKS AND CIRCULARS, &ND FINE SPRING SHAWLS. Will open on the Ist, of April. franrll—dly NEW Fruit and Confectionery Store. • SAMUEL WISE & BRO. CORNER of Second and Pine streets, re spectfully inform the public that they have opened their Fruit and Confectionery Store, and will have con stantly on hand a large assortment of Fruit& Confectione. ries, &c. The public are invited to give us a call. n025-dtilljan66* SAM'L WISE & BRO. E. C. GOBIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW , • Oprics El Timm arrszer, Jaws MARI= . ger Bounties, Pensions and Back Pay collected at legal rates. [dec3if FLOITR! FLOUR 1 Fine Family Flourl -100 barrels of the best brand of flour In this city. Every barrel warranted or money returned, and delivered to all parts of the city free of charge.' For wale at . seplB SRISLER & FRAZER'S. QIIGARS, SYRUPS, .TEAS, COFFEE, ct all grades and priboa at • SEMLER & FRAZER, Successoni to W. Deck Jr., & Co. • Dealers in Fine Family Groceries. NENV FISEL —New No. 1 and 2 Mackerel barrels, half barrels and kitte, and by the pound, at NO.l and 2 Maeki3rel, kitts, just re wind tbia Tomlin, and for Hale low it „ SHISLER dr, FRAZEE'S, gaooessora to W. Dock, Jr. , & Co ) _ the_oelt: Lrij . brated St. George brand, jest receive and foriede ky swum t ERAzEg . ?aril leneceaSere to Will Doak, jr. k.ea) 7 RESH OYS'rEBS • In nay. jut received and for Bale by , • • MUSLIM k FRAZER, teptae. • (moon. to W. Deok I)),} 1), N'. UEOSS & CO • D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MARKET STREET, El4lllRlSBllliff, PA DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- WEEPERS AND CONSUMERS We are (laity adding to our assortment of goodsall such articles as are.desirable, and would respectfully call your attoni3on to the largest and best selected stock to this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND PAINTS, Oils, Varnishes •ad Glues, Dya-liturak . Glans and Putty, Borolng Fluid and Aloohol, lard, Sperm and Pine 0110, Wlth a general variety of PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, selected froth the nest nuntufacturers and Norman! et Europa and thin country &lug very largo dealers In FAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSZED OIL, V.ABITISHILS, lirlar'll BRE/MUM IN ALL VIZIR TAIAUSTIKS, reapeatftilly Invite a call, foaling conident that we enpply the wads of ail on terms to their. Satisfas TEETH ! TEETH !! WNW' AND wars's - PORCELAIN /ir ~11 Owls, diroct from therroprletore ti POKIFI FR AND CONUENTE4TEII LYK. Whott-sile Agents for Saponifier, which we ea as low At it PAO be purchased In the ethos VILI YEA JIIDIOAL FLUID Ed•r.V.A DUAL OIL t CARBON OIL I klalug large purnhozere lu theme Oils, we can °lr r In ducal:lents to close buyers. Coal 011 Lamps or the molt improved rottenly, very cheap. All kinds of Lamps nkAuvut to burn 4Jo* OH. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS Those or you who have not given our EMILIE AND CA TLE POWDERS • OW Snow not their superiority, and.the advantage they aro in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in a good condition_ n025-Im* Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the nee of our Cattle Powders, by the Indreannt quan ty •nd quality of milk, besides Improving the general health and appearance of.their cattle, Ow long experience In the burliness givecius the &Ivan lfgd of a thorough knowledge of the trade, end our ar- rengontenta In the ehtee areiruchlhat we can, In a very short time . furnish anytir:ag appertaining Kelm business, on the beet of tonna Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strlecattentlon to business, a careful selection of • PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a con tinuance of the favor of a discallohiathispnblin TO THE LADIES Y OUR attention is ealled-to the splendid assortment of Extra Note Pver, Envdopes, and tine Stationery at SOHEFFERS Bookstore, seine 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pone. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE, ON BRIGGS STREET. Inquire of JOHN B. BRIGGS, Etsq., osteridif or BENJ. L FOSTER "VINE GROCERIES of all kinda, - at reduce!" .12 prices, st, SHIBLER & YRAZER'S FAMILY GROCERY opposite the Cohrt House. BIBLES, - Prayer; , Books, Hymn: ,ot all denombiations;different tilyleEtaud , , , at dliferasil prices, at - ' scraumws Bookstore,. Sept 28 21 South Second -sliest Harrisburg, Penus nISSEOTED ALPHABET BLOCKS . • .I_,Pr for sale at Seaelleee **Wore, 2i *O3l &mad Street, 4arrieburg, oati ECONOMY MESS SHA.P.--LWe xeceived a fresh let thirkitiototog,lst" ' ' • • 8 91) .15 • • MYER 84-ICERPEWEI f' IRANBERATNISi - • • Jul rooylvai, a very fine IotSEM of Granbe 41_ rriea,-at ootB , I 7/1423PA _ O. 19 Art4at'u Cotorn and ToeLi, Pare around Spices, aottlea Vials and Lamp Globes, Castile Soap, Sponges and Corks, &a, &a, &a, &O &a, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST COLORS, 'um , •ND 00LOR8 AND DRONZiff Or ALL LINDA pAnurr MEDIVINIFB, AND HAIR RESTORATIVES MUSICAL. PIANO FORTES, ISELOHEONS, SHEET MUSIC, VIOLINS, FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS, STRINGS, DRUMS FIFES, and: all kiuds of MUSI CAL MERCEAND/SE, PICTURE FRAMES, LOOKLNG GLASSES. PEOTOGRAPITCARDS and ALBUMS, MI SR( TYPE GEMS, ENGRAVINGS, PICTICRES, &C., &C. Remember the place, SILAS WARD, No. 32 Third treet, the largest Hone Store this side of the great cities. jan2B.dtf PlArioB, ALBRECHT, RIERES & SCILIHDT'S EXCELSIOR PIANOS. SOLI. AGENCY AT W. KNOCHE'S, 93 Market street, Harrisburg. FOR REASONS perfectly satisfactory to MYSELF I have taken theageney of t h e above mott excellent Pianos. The public is invited to come and ex amine for themselves. r A few schernacker & Ito's Pianos on bend yet will be dsol low. mar 2.941 MELODEONS AND CA3311 ET ORGANS. TwENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, AND TIM MIN GOLD MEDAL sever won by instruments of this class) has been awarded to MASON & RAIVTINN'S INSTRUMENTS. A full araortanent of these Instruments always on hand W. KNOCHE'S, Sole Agent, je4-2tawly] 93 Market street. KtiSINESS CARDS. A. U. SMITH, A.TrIOICINTJEIe .• HA'S removed his Office from Third to Wal nut street, next to the Prison. All business in trusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention ap4 JONES HOUSE, florner of Market street and Market Squar. HARRISBURG' PENNA. CHAS. H. MAAN, Proprietor. notidlf STATE CAPITAL HOTEL . , CORNER OF THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. _ _ - - 71111 E undersigned having purchased this well X known house has enlarged and thoroughly renovated It. The rooms have been re-painted andpapered, and the entire eistatinhment elegantly re-furnished. , Being plea sanity and eligibly located, and provided with everycon venicnce, It offers to the public all the, comforts and luxu ries of a first class hotel. Trusty and obliging Serrentis always in attendance. A bar well stocked with choice liquors Is attached to the establishment. W. G. THOMION, Proprietor. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, FIARRISBITRIa ) PA. 1). iti. 1111TeillSON, Proprietor. fiIHIS well known Hotel is now in a condi 1. Lion to accommodate the traveling public, affording the most ample conveniences alike for the transient gritiat and the permanent boarder. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely min ted throughout, and now has accommodations equal in extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Its location is the beat In the State iCkipital, being in easy access to all the refined depots, and la close proximity to all the public offices and business lo calities of the city It has , now all the conveniences of A FIRS'? CLASS HOTEL, and the Proprietor Is determined to , spare neither el pease, time or labor to 'erilitire the bomfort of the guests. The patronage of the- traveling public Is respectfully soli- Jell-dtf NE W AD VERTISEMENTS. AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF 11. S. BONDBAND TREASURY NOTES.—Deposits receiv ed in small sums to be applied to investment in these $5O, sno or $5OO securities. We act as agents,in this city, in correspondence with Gov ernment agents, for procuring these securities; especially by receiving deposits of small sagas, to be so Ipplied. Interest of 4 or 6 per cent. will be allowed on deposits exceeding $2O, Funds above - the amount of all such deposits will be kept in the Harrisburg Bank, and a de pmit can be withdrawn at any time by the owner. ' The easiness will be solely of this nature, and conducted on a plain, tair,open and explainable to all, as set out, with the necessary information as these to securities, In our circulars. These U. B. Bonds and Treasury Notes are the safest and most convenient for investment, bring the highest rate of interest, and can be sold at any Lime for the amount on their face, together with the accumulated interest, or at. a premium. Ve4 moderate commissions will be asked. M. WRINNEY & Co., Harrisburg, O Office Raspberry Alley, Near the Court House ct. 21, 1864.--dtf WARNING TO THE PUBLIC.---To pre vent any mistakes occurring' hereafter, in regard to our place of business by our numerous Mends and bus icess men, we hereby notify the same that we still are at our old stand, 105 Market street, and have no connection with any other party or estaolishment in the city. At the same time we draw the attention of the public in general to our newly.receiv.ed large and splendid as sortment of clothing and gents' furnishing goods, which we sell cheaper than can be bought at any other place in the city,. • L. BERNILARD, no2l-1m ALMANACS. BAERS English and German almanacs for sate by the gross, dozen or single at Bergner's Cheap Bookstore. no2S I:MUM RENNET. LIQUID RENNET yields with milk the most luscious or all deserts for the table; the light- An and most grateful diet for invalids and children. Milk contains every element, of the bodily constitution ; when coagulated with rennet it is always light and easy of digestion, and supports the system with the least possible excitement. When still greater nutritive power ladesirod cream and sugar may be added.. • A teaspoonful convert a quart of milk into a firm curd. Prepared and sold. wholesale and retail by 8, A. KUNKEL, 118 Market street. VERY FINEf INDEED! mo our fine and extensive stook of Photo graph Albums and Photograph Card Pictures, we hare added a BRAUTLFUL'ENVELOPE for the reception of card pit:tures. They must be seen and will be admired IN-Photographers supplied at the very lowest whole sale price, and their card printed upon then" for $1 thousand, wholestde and retail. at may 24 SCREFIcER'S BOOR TORE Backgammon Boards. AN assortment of backgammon boards at nergnerli Cheap Bookstore. n 023 BUTTER, BUTTER.—Fresh roll butter from Snyder county received every week. Also eggs al (my 41 BOYER Ai }WEEPER. Soldiers' Portfolios. A LARGE assortment at BERGNER'S CHEAP BCKMSTORE, marls Sold at Wholesale or retail at low prices. Wall Paper Wall Paper!! ALarge and splendid stook of Wall Paper of all styles and prices, for sale cheap at SCREFFER'S Bookstore, sep26 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Penns, Honey. ASMALL but superior lot of HONEY, just received, et SEMLER & FRAZER'S. auglB FRENCH CHALK AND PENCILS, Suitable for Banks, Offices, &0., .• A.t.Sokieffer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. se29 PICKILES 1 PICKLES! I—By the Barrel, Half Barrel, Jar or Doman, at SEMLER & FRAZER'S, nolj (Succeasora to Win. Dock, Jr., & Co.) DRIED PEACHES, Apples, Blackberries, Currants, Cherries, ALe. at ALISLER & FRAZER'S, not " mosso= to W. Dock Jr., & Co. AFRESH supply of Miohener's Celebrated Sum Oared Rims and Dried Beef, at n 0251 BOYER at KORRPER. MIOHINER'S excelsior hams, of this sea son's curing. Just received , and for asle by SHISLER & FRAZER, decal isuoringanti Io Wm. Dm& ir.. & Co. FESH LEMONS, just • received and for sale by [nol] SRISLER & FRAZER. DOCKET BOOKS, Wallets and Purses for -sale cheap at BBKEFFIEBIS Bookstore QWEET OthEitjtuatteceived at ►oct2B SMSLER 8t IRAZTAVS 888 SEW and SINE NEW MACH ,I, 41111114 just rucelyed, iI , Ale WWI 4 NOIM3I. NEW PERFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. PinALICWIN A. Prost Exquisite; Delicate and Fra grant Perfume, Distilled front the Rare and Beautiful Flower from which it takes its name. Manufactured only by PIIA L ON ik SON. aF' Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for Phaton's—Take ago otter; Sold by druggists generally. Macamoose Tonic Is warranted to be the best BLOOD PUM FIER and REALTII RESTORER in the market., for the following complaints; CONSUMPTION, In its first stages, CDLDS, COUGHS, MORTIFICATION, INFLAMMATION, BRONCHITIS, AND ALL SCROFULOUS DISEASES. Female Wearnees, and General Debility of the System. It has teen found invaluable for Fever and Ague, Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, &c. It operates rather slowly but sure, so that all kinds of Fevers and other diseases yield to its power in a few days. , This medicine is perfectly safe for infants or delicate persons. The great cuperiority of the medicine is that while eradicating diseases, it invigorates the system and creates new, rich and pure bloo"—a power possessed by no other remedy. It has cured many cases of Consumption, Liver Complaints and Dyspepsia since it was introduced, as numbers will testify. Besidesa number of diseased limbs, such ss feversores, white swellings, etc. Warranted a sovereign remedy for croup. This medi cine is a combination of Pure Barks and no Bliteng Poi sons about it. PREPARED RY REP. I. R. OATES, WTT.T.TAXTSPO.RT, PA. Sold by the gallon, quart or pint, by JOHN WISE, decl2 Third and Walnut. THE BURNING SPRING OIL COMPA N Y PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL, . . . $1,000,000. 100,000 Shares, Par Value $lO 00 Working Capital . . $30,000. HON. GEO. O. EVANS, Prosident. I. C. FRYER, Esq., Treasurer. DIRECTORS. —WM . Hassall, John Glading, Thomas Tolman. THE property of this company consists of the following valuable lands : No. 1. Eleven hundred and seventy-three (1,173) acres in fee simple, situated in Wirt county, West Virginia, on the waters of Rock and Two. Runt, branches of the Little Kanawha river, more than three-fourths of which is very fine boreing territory, being on the same plateau with the celebrated "Burning Spring" oil lands, and known as the best on TERRITORY upon tho ur EKAYEL IN wan. via- Gnus. Four wells are now being sunk on this large tract. One is almost complete and will be ready tor testing in a few days, and promises to yield very largely of superior oil. Two others are nearly down, and the remainder are rapidly progressing. It is a very remarkable fact that no well has been sonic on tnis flat that has failed to produce oil in large quantities and' of a superior quality. It is destined to become the most valuable and most produc tive oii region of the great Kanawha Valley. No. 2. Five (5) acres in fee simple (being a part of a large tract of valuable oil land containing one hundred and fifty. seven acres, situated in Venango county, Penn's and lying on the East Sandy river, three miles above the Allegheny river. One well is now in successful operation on this tract, with sufficient territory to sink twenty-five snore wells The following ca'uable leases belong to this company. No. 1.. The "Austin Dickey's" lease of one and three quarters acres of land situated in Wirt county, West Vir ginia, lying at the mouth of Burning Spring ttn. Two (2) wells on this tract are yielding largely. No. 2. The "Harper's Lease" of one acre of land sit uated as aforesaid, and lying at the first fork of the Burning Spring Run. One well on this tract. Na. 3. The "Gordon Sr Newcomb's" lease of one acre,. situated as afocsaid, on Burning Spring Bun, near the Washington Co's lease. Two (2) wells on this tract. No. 4. The "McFarland's" lease of one and one-third of an acre of land, &Waled as aforesaid at the head of Burning Spring Bun. Two wells are in operation on this tract. P.BERNHARV The vast territory of almost Twelve hundred acres of land owned by this company, with Severs Wells now in successful operation and producing oil, and the vigor with which the other wells are being sunk, the company being organized entirely acd solely for the purpose or engaging in the legitimate business of producing oil, and developing and improving therlands belonging to the com pany. The management of the same having been entrust ed to gentlemen of known business enterprise, responsi bility and skin, who will bring to the accomplishment of the object their united energy and business industry. We are satisfied in believing and assuring the stock holders that it will yield largely to them, and• offers in ducements of the highest character to capitalists and men Of small means who wish a profitable, safe and paying investment. I have atilt a few shares of stock of this company to offer for sale. Those wishing thesame can obtain all the necessary information together with full particulars, dis miption of the lands, maps, etc, etc., by applying to me either in porso t or through the mails J. R. MUFFLY, General Superintendent and Agent. Apply in pttrson to Hobert Snodgrass, Esq's , Law office, North Third street, above Market, Harrisburg, Pa. Address by mail—E. 0. Box 150, Harrisburg, Pa. • dec7-d3w 1197 FA DDE.N I S iil MARBLE i ARD UORNER OF WALNUT AND FIFTH STREETS, Harrisburg,' Pa. THE tuidersignod having openod a Marble Yard in this city, beg leave to inform their friends and the public In general, that they are prepared to Pu nish. MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION lioannienta, tombs, Head Strves, • Mantles, And House Work in Marble and Brown Stone. Give us a call andwe will guarantee satiaraetten. WFADDEN & CO N. B.—Lettering neatly none in Engßah or German. mar2D-dly WEDDING, INVITATION V nal AT ROME CARDS..-:-By a special arrangement with one of the bestapeyers In the country, cards of any description will be — fteouted in the highest style of art, conformable with the latest fashion, and imppli . ed promptly, at lower prime than are charged by the station ers in New 74)11C Or Philadelphia. For samples and prices call at rift . BREGNEIFS BOOR STONE. wichs- C BLA.CKWELL'S ENGLISH N.) PICKLES, a rare article for table use, jut received FM for !ale by MMUS & FRAZ4R, tab' (soccessom to Wm. Dock, jr., & Co.) SAP SAGO CHEESE—A small but fresh lot of choice SAP SAGO CREEP, just received rifle morning, at SHIM= & FRAZER'S. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of the act of Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed the first day of June, 1839, theatockholders of the Franklin Bank, of Washington, Penna., will apply to the neat session or the Legislature for . a renewal of ita char ter, with 'en increase of ita capital from $ lBO , O O O to tgoo,gin '. REKIN Prealdent Waite:mm*74 Pa, June 24.18 84 . Jar TOY BOOKS! TOY BOOKS I Of the hietestpublicatioos, for sale at Probefferp Booltgtoro, 13944 31,15( gi.LANuous. OUCH LO MISCELLANEOUS. FOR THE HOLIDAYS. PREPARATIONS for tho approaching gift season h we been comp:ad at BERGNER's BOOK STORE. The stock embraces an etteeoive assortment of 1 3 I 1 3 I , Including all sizes, from Cite large Family Bib:e to the smallest pocket edition, bound in every variety of mo rocco and velvet, with and without clasps METHODIST HYMN BOOKS, All the editions puMished Ly the Book Concern and sold at their prices. The stock embraces al sizes, in a va riety of bindings—Turkey morocco, Antique and Velvet, LUTHERAN HYMN BOORS, Large and small, bound in velvet and morocco, with claips and without masps, and gold at the prices fi xe d by the "Lutheran Publication Society." PRESBYTERIAN HYMN BOOKS, All the editions published by the "Presbyterian Board or Publication" and sold at their prices, embracing new styles of antique and relv,t bindings. PRAYER BOOKS, A variety of editions adapted to all tastes and circum stances, in price and style. For Bibles, Hymn Books and Prayer Books, call early at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE NV hen will Wonders Lease ? THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE WORLD ! DR. McBRIDE'S KING OF PAIN WILL care any ache or pain iu from one to sixty minute. I It acts like magic upon the a,hserbant and glandular systems, reducing swellings and regulating the secretions and excretions. It Is of a diffusive, penetrating nature. exerts its influence from the periphery to the centre of the nervous organism, thence by reflex action its power is felt throughout the eni ire system, restoring the circu lating fluids and checking disease with Invinriblestrength. TIED KING OF PAIN IS INFALLIBLE ! No matter what the pain apply the medicine and you will Lind instant relief. It is an internal and external cure. TELE ICING OF PAIN Cures almost instantaneously, Headache, Earache, Neu ralgia, Deafness , Sore Throat, Colds, Bronchial Affections, Asthma, Dyspeswi, Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Bloody Flux, Liver Complaint, Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Bladder and Gemini Organs, Cramp, Chotic and all spasmodio pains, Fever and Ague, Burns, Bruises, Cult, Sprains and wounds of every description. It proves await the mastery, as the testimony of thousands prove its meritoriousworth. Sold, wholesale an¢ retail, by B. A. druggists, Sole Agents, 118 Market street, Harrisburg. MNITMM'MI The following letter from a soldier, in reference to the efficacy and powerful restorative quantities of DR. Me- BRIDE'S RING OF PAIN, speaks for itself : Naw - vrms, Cusawitunnpoeuvv, Sept. 14, 1864. Messrs. S. A. Kunkel if Bro., druggists, Harrisfeurg, Pa. GEVTI3 :-I. would inform you that I received the bottles of Mcßride's Great Pain Killer, and enclosed please find five dollars more, tor which send me five bottles addition al to-morrow. I leave for camp to-morrow. Let me know whether you can supply me with it in the army. I am in Company H, 202 d regiment P. V. I have been in very bad health for upwards of four years, and two of the one-dollar bottles have cared me completely, and have made me feel like a man. Besides, I have cured a num ber of my comrades of various di vacua incident to camp life, and can recommend it to be the best medicine ties soldier can provide for himself. Yours respectfully, JOS. E. WHITE. Allorders from a distance promptly attended to by 8. A. KUNKE.L & BRO. A HOME CERTIFICATE. The following certificate is from a well-known citizen of Harrisburg : . . lleasininuto, Aug. 30,1861. Ammo To THE :—lt gives me great pleasure to recom mend to the public the medicine prepared by DR. J. J. NeBREDE, which he calls the "KING OF PAIN." Lams Induced to use it as an external remedy for a bruise, which It relieved Immediately, and subsequently cured entirely. Its success induced me to use it internally for Diarrheas, with which I was afflicted in a chronic form for nearly eighteen months, and to such an extent that my kidneys were seriously deranged. The medicine has eared me and certainly that is saying it great deal in its favor, when I reflect how many other remedies I tried without experi encing anything but temporary relief. For my part, I shall always keep a supply of it in my house, believing as I do that it is a most invaluable family mealcine. The unexampled sale of this medicine proves it to be the most wonderful discovery of the age to the medical art. The undersigned are the sole agents for the State, and will supply it wholesale and retail. R. A. KUNKEL & BRO., Druggist; 118 Market street, Harrisburg. sepls] SOMETHING NEW! MYER PHIL EAS' PATENT AIR TIGHT INKSTAND. For ease Soheffer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. se2F DANIEL A, MUNCH AGENT OF the Old Wallower Line, respectfully in- Yonne the public that this Old Daily Transportation Lino, (the only Wallower Line now in existence in this city,) In successful operation and prepared to carry treig t as low as any other individual line betweenntle, delphin, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williamsport, Jersey Shore, Lock Haven and all other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Williamsport and Elmira Railroads, DANIEL A. MCENCH, Agent Harrisburg, Penn'a. Goods sent to the Warehouse of Mesas. Peacock, Zeit St Hindman, Noe. 808 and 810 Market street, above Bth, Philadelphia, by 4 O'clock, r. a., will arrive at Harris burg. ready for delivery, next morning. lap3o-rdmyl NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS!! TN SCHOOL AND OUT, or the Conquest of IN Richard Grant . Tom Somers, or the Soldier Boy. Watch and Wait, or the Young Fugitives. Learning how to Talk, Read and Spank, by Fowler & Wells. Enoch Arden, New Poem, by Tennyson. Fur sale at SCHREIER'S BOOKSTORE, octB Harrisburg, Pa E2131:1101 CABINET FURNITURE. HAVLNG COT TLETED OUR NEW AND COMMODIOUS WARE-ROOMS. We offer to the public the largest aria BEST ASSORTMENT OF FURNITURE To be found outside of Philadelphia, at VERY BODE RATE PRIED& JAMES N. BOyD & SON. no4d3m] New Ware-rooms, 29 Sputh Second st. Valuable Property at Private Sale. TIIHE Valuable Property, corner of Front A. and Wainut streets, late the estate of Henry Stew art, deceased, is offered at private sale. For further par ticulars inquire or William J. Sires, on the premisea JAMES STEWART, HENRY STEWART, Executors. no3dtt DONNER' 3. NEW EATING AND DRINKING SALOON. Walnut street, between Third 'and Ate& Wines, Beer and the heat quality of liquors constantly on hand. A share of the public patronage is rea-pectrally solicited. [oc.3d6ml JOHN DONNER WALL PAPER !. WALL PAPER ! ! A SPLENDID 'VARIETY of Wall Paper, XX Borders, Window Blinds and Shades for sale cneap as buhetfer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa., sign of the Golden Bogle. nob Window Shades and Blinds. A SPLENDID assortment of Linen eh idol Cl and Paper Blinds, at - SCHBFFEWS Bookstore, Be. 1 •21 Beath Second street Harrisburg, Peruse TiN . NGLISH. BREAKFAST TEA.-duet re- A wind, a line cheat of English. Breakfast Tea, as - SHLSLER 'Sr ERAUB'Sz Mummers Wm. Door. TOMATO KETIKTP,by:the gallon, gxettit T or Pio,t of SIII4LER & FRAZER,I6, QEEDLESS RAISINS and Citron for Mica ighp Pas and Dacia, at (deal2-efl JOIN Ina% DANIEL E. WILT P. R. 130 YD
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers