Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, December 24, 1864, Image 3
glailg Ettegrao HARRISBURG, PA SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 24 1864 TOWN AIND COUNTRY .&riruotron this morning was extrengely cold, market was well attended, and a fine supply of produce and provisions was offered, at the prices of last week. Ursr.T.- Last evening a horse attached to a sleigh, made a sudden turn, near the State Capitol Hotel, upsetting the sleigh, and turn ing its occupants into a snow bank. A cool operation, as the evening was very cold. A MERRY CERISTMAS to all our readers ! May every one receive a handsome present, and have Turkey for dinner. We hope all of of the httle folks will be remembered by Kriss Kringle, and the big ones by their friends. BAPTIST Cauncu.—Tkere will be services in the Baptist Church, corner of Second and Pine streets, on to-morrow morning at 10i, and in the evening at 7P. m. The pulpit will be filled by the Rev. A. J. Rowland, of Roches ter, New York. The public are invited to attend: PAINFUL, ACCIBENT.—Isaac B. Moyer, a sol dier on crutches, returning homelto Freeburg, Snyder county, while attempting to get off the cars at the Selinsgrove Station, on Friday morning, fell on the track while the train was was in motion, and had his left leg terribly • crushed. He was taken to Sunbury where - .the limb was amputated. THE BEDFORD Inquirer says; A Prospectus tiof the Harrisburg TELEGRAPIa is given in another column. The TELEGRAPH is an en terprising and wide awake paper, and usually contains news a day later than the city papers. It is getting a very large circulation in the in terior of the State. A HANDSOME PEESENT.—Tho clerks 0111- ageyed in the office of Adjutant Leidtke, pre- Sented that gentleman with a magnificent sil ver fruit basket, and four beautiful silver gob/efs, as a token of their regard for him. Adjutant Leidtke is a faithful officer, and a perfect gentleman, and the valuable presents were bestowed upon one worthy of them. I=l Dren ix Itsaur,Dom.—We regret to learn that Captain James E. Wenrick, Company E, Nineteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, died at Columbia, South Carolina, on the 13th of October last. Deceased was from Philadel phia, but formerly resided in Harrisburg, where he has numerous relatives and friends. He was captured by the rebels and, sent to their prisons, to die, far from home and friends. =I Posy YOUR Boois.—As the end of the year :approaches, everybody who has any open ac ,counts, should be posting tip his books and getting ready for a general settlement. The man who attends to his duty regularly and thoroughly, at periods not more than a year apart, will do well in the world, let him en oage in what business he will, nine oases in ten-. You might as well attempt to fling a oat f ro m o T window so as not to fall upon her feet, as to bteak a man who keeps his accounts posted area holds to frequent settlements.— "Short settiements make long friends," and what is stronger argument even, in these sor did days, they make long purses too. Post your books, then, friend, draw off your bills, settle disputable matters with your neighbors, on the liberal spirit of men resolved not to go to law, and resolved to know where you are when another New Year comes in, so you may welcome it in peace and quietness. The 11. S. Assessors will call upon you to make re turns of your annual income, and you should have your books posted up. Tram) Warm IN MAyrion.-1 meeting of the citizens of the Third ward was held at the Franklin House, on Friday evening, Dec. 23, when, on motion, W. K. Yerbeke was called to the chair, and Messrs. Chayne and Ander son were appointed Secretaries. On motion of J. M. Wiestling, Esq., it was agreed that the officers of the meeting be instructed to call upon the Provost Marshal and ascertain the probable quota of the ward, and how many credits the ward is entitled to;. and that they be further authorized to call a meeting as soon as the information has been obtained. ,On motion of James Fitzgerald, it was agr eod that a committee of three be appointed t - Z t ' s elhot a Collecting Committee for the dif ferent ~locks of the ward; and that no sub scription be received for a less amount than 525 from sup person subject to the draft. ' The committee appointed were Messrs. Fitz cerald, Stine and Keller. On motion of Dr. Keller, the meeting adjourned. - Attest, W. K. YERBEKE, Pres% A. L. enema, Seely. Tau following is a copy of an address is sued to the people of Pennsylvania, by Major Dodge, A. A. Provost Marshal General. Our readers should give it a careful perusal, and net accordingly. Every man is interested in the matter, and should assist in filling quotas in the manner mentioned: &manor; !—The President has called for 300,000 troops, to be raised by 'volunteering or draft. The 15th of February, 1805, has been fixed upon as the day of draft. If your quotas are not filled by volunteers by that time the deficiency will most certainly be 'made up by draft. Ward and Township Committees are earn estly invited to commence work at one. The longer you delay the more difficult will be your task. The attention of these Committees is also Invited to the necessity and propriety of de ii:fering. up to the District Provost Marshals c al Winquatts from former drafts. It :Is impossible for the 'United State author• ities to' find these men, secreted as they are by their friends and by persons hostile to the GovernueNlL Committees, United States, state and County officers, and all good oitixens are re quested to arret these men, and deliver them to the Provost liatishals. Every man so arrek,ted and put into service by the Board of Enrollment counts one to wards filling your quota. Information by letter or otherwise, fur nished to District Provost Marshals of the Whereabouts of these delinquents will be thankfully received and promptly acted upon._ Provost Marshals will cause lists of delin quents from all former WO to be made and distributed, to the end that all so disposed buy understandingly assist in forcing these delinquents to perform their duty to their country and to their own people. 104 in all your delinquents; exert your • to put in volunteers • end the necessity s o elveb% will be avoided: f a drag . 4 and navies are everywhere tido- Our omit- of pea c e is at band. One rious. - The daN, power f u l bl ow now - 10.11 be fatal to the Rebellion. `Let us iR "T e n' ciPaci :4ls, =Lite to make lies, and as far as in ru3 that blow effective and final. .m - a RICHARD I. ' Major 12th Infantry, A. A. P. _ l4l ' Harrisburg, Dew. 22, 1864. SWORD PRESENTATION.—A sword, sash, belt and revolver, costing some two hundred dol lars, have been presented to Captain A. Wilson Decker, of company K, 202 d Pa. Vols., by the members of his command. The presenta tion speech was Rev. A. R. Miller, Chaplain of the regiment, and the reverend Captain replied. Both addresses were highly interesting and patriotic. OYSTERS AND Elm—Our readers should not forget that Mr. Evy, Second street, near Mulberry, has a splendid lot of oysters and fish, fresh from the Baltimore and Philadel phia markets, which he brought to Harrisburg expressly for the holidays. A turkey stuffed with oysters will make a dinner fit for the Lieutenant General or,. the Vice Admiral. Evy has the oysters, and those who have the turkeys should not fail to call upon him for the, oysters. • =I ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CIDDICR, COINER OF RIDGE ROAD AND RESERVOES.—DiTine service on Sunday (Christmas) morning, at 10i o'clock, and in the afternoon the annual Christmas celebration of the Sunday School, the exer cises commencing at half-past two o'clock. In consequence of the celebration there will be no evening 'service. This church has been neatly decorated in commemoration of the present festive season. PERSONAL.—We notice in our midst Major James Woodal, Assistant Chiet Quartermaster at Headquarters of the Fifth Army Corps.— At the opening of the rebellion he marched to the field as a private in the Kepner Fenci bles (12th Pa. Reserves,) andwas subsequently promoted .to a lieutenantcy, and afterwards to Quartermaster of the regiment to which he belonged. Now he fills a position worthy of the man, and one that will receive his whole attention. Maj. W. is looking well. He will remain in our midst a few days, and then re turn to his post. ELLTbIGER & FOOTE continue to attract large crowds to Brant's Hall, Everybody is anxious to see the Commodore and his little compan ions, whose iferformances on the stage are as wonderful as they are amusing. They appear in so many different characters as to present a new programme at each exhibition. These little folk] are not deformed in any respect, and although they are no larger than children of two or three summers, they are as intelli gent and have minds as fully, developed in all respects as persons of mature age. The old Continentals also appear at each entertain ment, and sing some of their good old songs that have been listened to by thousands in all quarters of our Union; Miss Ellinger, (now Mrs: Russell,) and Profs. Brooks and Woodall add to the attractions by their fine music, and Col. Ellinger gives an interesting account of the "little ones." The whole troupe will ap pear at Brant's Hall this evening; also on. 'Monday afternoon and evening. We hope to see the Hall crowded on each occasion. The entertainment of Monday night will be the last of the season. This afternoon the hall was crowded in every nook and corner, with ladies and children, and all were delighted. Look out for a terrible jam on Monday afternoon and evening. Crattmus is at hand, and with all that hap piness and merriment which we have all here tofore experienced on so many similar occa sions. It is a day of enjoyment to the aged and infirm, to the middle aged, and especi ally to children, as their eyes are centered on the many nice things they've received from tha•visit,of St. Niok. The following lines will give our young readers some idea of the man ner in which this benevolent friend of the "little folks" makes his appearance on Christ mas eve, after the stockings have been hung in the chimney in anticipation of his annual visit: 'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there; The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of sugar-plums danced thro' their heads ; And Mamma in her 'kerchief and I in my cap, Had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap— When out on the lawn there arose such a clat ter, I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I dew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash; The moon, on the breast of the new-fallen snow, Gave the lustre of midnight to objects below— When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a miniature sleigh with eight tiny rein deer, With a little old driver so lively and quick,N. I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick. . • - More rapid than eagles his coursers they came, And he whistled and shouted, and called them by name; "Now Dasher! now Dancer! now Prancer! now Vixen! On Comet! on Cupid! on Donder and Blixen! To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall! Now desh away, dash away, dash away, all?" As leaves that before the wild huricane fly, When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky. So up to the house-top the coursers they flew, With a sleigh full of toys—and St. Nicholas too; And then in a twinkling, I heard on the roof The prancing and pawing of each little hoof; As I drew in my head and was turning around, Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound. He was dressed - all in fur from his head to leis foot, And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot; A bundle of toys he had flung on his back, And he looked like a pedler just opening his pack, His eyes, how they twinkled! his dimples how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry; His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, And the beard on his chin was as white as the snow. The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth, And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath; He had a broad face and a little round belly, Vat shock, when he laughed like a bowl full of jelly; He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf, And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself. A wink of his eye, and a twist of his head, Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread, He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk, And laying his finger aside of his nose, And giving a nod, p.p the chimney he rose. He sprang to his eleigh, to his team gave a whistle, And away they all gew like the down of a thistle -3314 I beard him exclaim, ere he drove gut of 6 4 "Happy o Oh lt, ristrees to all, and to all a good „ BUSINESS ITEMS. Tun Sunday School of St. Stephen's Episco pal Church will celebrate their anniversary on Christmas eve, (Saturday,) at 66 o'clock. Services will be held in the church. FREE Lubieff..—A. saner kraut lunch will be served up at Custer's saloon, Third street, above North, on Monday from 11 s al., to 5 P. M. The friends of the establishment are invited to attend. =EZZI SECOND WARD, ATTENTTON ! —Draft Notice.-- The citizens of the Second ward are requested to meet at Daniel Wagner's Second Ward House, on Saturday evening, December 24, to concert measures td fill the quota of the ward for the pending draft. Let every one attend. dec23-2t. Fon .THE—A large assortment of ladieskskating caps and ladies' fur trimmed Asiatic hoods, mens' and boys' fur caps and mufflers. Also, a large stock of cassimere hats. A great variety of cloth caps just re ceived and for sale cheap at H. EL LONG'S, Jones Row. " nov23 -1w BAGBY'S MICHIGAN FINE-CUT 'TOBACCO. —C. A. Bannvart & Co. have been appointed sole agents for the sale of this justly celebrated tobacco. It is strictly pure and superior to all other brands of tobacco. Tobacconists would do well to examine it, as they can pur chase it here at manufacturers' prices. Sold by the ounce, pound car barrel. dec22-3t Da. M'Bswa's King of Pain ahould be kept in every family. Will cure Headache, Tooth ache, Earache in three minutes. Diarrhceo' ' Bloody Flux, pain inthe Back and Side,lnflant- mation of the Kidneys and Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart. Sole agent for the State, S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. All orders from a distance promptly attended to. s ept2o-tf SuLravex S. Comp, CBLEN2 AGENT, has re moved his office from the DAILY TELEGRAPH Building to WALNUT STREET, 3D DOOR BELOW THIRD, OPPOSITE STATE •CAPITOL HOTEL. All claims for Premiums,.Bounties and Back Pay promptly attended to. dB•tf FEVER AND AGUE can be cured. ito not think because you have tried everything you could read or hear .of, that you cannot get anything to cure you, for you have not taken the pure vegetable that is curing every one that takes it. It does not stop your shaking for a week or two, but it is a perfect cure. A trial of this will convince yon and your neigh bors. It can be had only at No. 27, South Pine street, by Mrs. L. Ball. ootl7-tf A CARD. To VIE LADIES OF HABBISIMEG.—In order to reduce my stock of dry goods previous to taking inventory, I have reduced all kinds of dress goods twenty-five per cent., from this day until January Ist, 1865. As the holidays approach it will certainly be to your advan tage to examine my large stock of dress goods, cloaks, shawls, scarfs, gloves, hose and hun dreds of other articles suitable for holiday presents. Sol. Brown°ld, Corner Second and Market, opposite Jones House, Harrisburg. decl3•dgans Loos at a notice in our advertising columns headed Imrourerrr. dec2,o,st*- 'CAR the' whole field a plant display, So rich, so noble and so gay ? No, nothing can exceed Collins' Syrup of Roots, Barks and Herbs. It cures coughs, colds, sore throat, croup, bronchitis, asthma &c.,, &c - . For sale at the Drug Store of J. M: Bomgardner, corner of Fourth and Market streets, Harrisburg. • dec2l-dlw IT ELLS Co.ME TRY IT ! TRY IT !—Oollins' Indian Pain Killer. It cures Rheumatism, Nenralgia,Paiu in the Back or Side or Stomach, Cramp Colic, Headache, Sprains, Bruises, Diarrelise, and all similar complaints. For sale at the Drug Store of J. M. BOMGARD NEB, corner of Fourth and Market streets, Harrisburg. dec2o-1w POSITIVELY SELLING OUT! The undersigned being desirous of closing out his stock on account of taking an inven-• tory, will sell the following articles until Jan uary Ist, 1865, at lower than Philadelphia an. New York wholesale prices: Ladies' bonnets and hats. Misses hate. Hair nets. Head-dresses. Ladies' cloaks and circulars. Far capes and muffs. Ladies'and Misses'woolen hoods and nubias. Sontags and riding hoods. COBSETTS, plain, embroidered and hem stitched handkerchiefs. Embroidered and morning collars. Ladies' scarfs. Ribbons, bonnet sake, velvets, flowers, rushes, lases, bonnet ornaments, feathers, Ate. Dealers would do well to call and examine my stock, as they can buy their goods lower than city wholesale prices. Call oue and all and judge for yourselves. M. MAYER'S Bonnet and cloak store, 13 Market street, between River alley and Front street. decls-tf Selling off our Whole Stock of Dry Goods Among the goods we are selling off, we have 25 dozen of hemstitched ladies' pocket handkerchiefs. 30 dozen of gentlemen's linen pocket hand kerchiefs. 25 dozen of small woolen stockings, at 15 cents per pair. 200 yards of remnants of paramattas, at half price. 50 black cloth cloaks and circulars, at 8, 10 and 12 dollars. - Furs ! furs! at very low prices, to close out 200 gentlemen's neck ties at 25, 35 and 45 cents. Broche shawls, in double and single. 200 pieces of calicos and muslins. 50 pieces of black alpaccas, bombazines and merinos. 500 dozen of woolen and cotton stockings. 45 dozen of gentlemen's woolen and cotton socks. I would call particular attention to some bleached muslin we have at 35 cents per yard. 50 pieces of red, white and yellow wool 'flannel, all to be sold cheap, in order to close out our stock. Persons in want of dry goods, would do well to call before purchasing. N. 8.-15 pieces of black silks'at great bar gains. 8. LEW!. SPECIAL NOTICES. PURE. VTGOETABLIU TONIC. THE most healthy persona feel more or lees weak this extreme warm weather, and love their sp. petite. They need a good strong Dmio—one that will strengthen the nervous system and tamach. This they can get at 50 cents per bottle, at Mrs. L Ball's, No. 27, South Pine street, Harrisburg. Orders from a distance promptly:attended to. 174. TEE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF AN INVALID_ Published for the bent t, and as a CAUTION TO YOI7NO NEN and others, who suffer from Narrow! Debility, Pre- Mature Decay of Nanhood t , supplying at the same time Ten Muria or arar-Ounit By one who has cured himself after undergoing contiderable quackery . By en-3 closing a post paid addressed envelope, single copies may be bad of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., deo9-4wlnt Brooklyn, Kings county, N. Y. lIOT.ID Y G OODS . I=2 CHOIC E Holiday Gift Books. ALL the Choicell lustrated Gift Books issued by the press of this country, can be seen at ' BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. An early- examination Is solicited, as there are bat few copies of each of the elegant volumes in stook. ENOCH ARDEN. — E'egantly illurerated by Billings, 33 plates of the most linish.d character. Price in muslin, extra gilt,s4 50 ENOCH ARDEN. Another ed Won illustrated by La Farge, Vedder and Darliy. Price $3 00. SAXE'S "CLEVER STORIES." The poems all new, and the illustrations In the highest style of art. Price $3 60. 'TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRIST MAS." Alcove's beautiful poem of "The visit of St. Nicholas," illustrated by Derley, with characteristic engravings. Price, illuminated cover, 75 cents. CHRISTIAN BALLADS By Arthur Clearland Coxe, illuminated and illustrated by Howe. Elegantly printed. Price $6 00, antique $9 00. BISHOP STEVENS ON THE PARABLES An elegant volume printed on tine tones paper. Il lustrated in the finest style or art by Franklin. Price in morocco $8 00. vn. SACRED ALLEGORIES By Adams, with Illustrations by Birket, Foster and others. Price in half Turkey $5 00. vitf. IRVING'S SKETCH BOOK-ARTIST'S EDITION. Illustrated with one hundred and twenty engravings, from original desigts. This is the most elegant book ever published in America. Price $2O 00. LYRA AMERICANA Verses of Praise and Faith from American poeLs ar ranged by Rev. George T Rider. 12 mo. Price $2 00. LYRA ENGLICANA Uniform with the above, from English poets. 12 tub Price $2 00. GOLDEN LEAVES FROM THE BRITISH POETS. An elegant volume containing the celebrated minor poems of the British authors. Collected and illuitrated by Hows. Price $2 00. GOLDEN LEAVES FROM AMERICAN POEMS. Uniform in design and character with above.— Price $2 50. XIII. BITTER-SWEET. A new and elegantly illustrated edition. Price $7 00. Turkey, $9 CO. XIV. THE SNOW IMAGE. By Hawthorne. A Juvenile gent, Illustrated In colors. Price $1 75. REBUS'S CHRISTIAN YEAR Elegantly illaatrated by 13ebmolze. Half Turkey.— Price $5 CO. Standard Authors. Elegant editions of the following works, expressly re pared for the Holiday season Heber's Poetical Workiii--Turkey morocco $ 00 Female Prose Writers of America—Turkey mor.. OD ThrimsoteiSeasons--Tarkey morrocco 00 Roger's Poetical Works " 00 Campbell's poetical works... 00 Shakspeare's complete works... 00 Moore's Irish melodies—Y.lsth g , lt —illustrated ... 00 Sabbath bells chimed by the poets 00 Songs of the affections, by His Bemans 00 Gray's poetical works, illustrated. ... ........ 00 Longfellow's works, new cabinet ed.—per vol.. 00 Tennytiin's poems ", ••• , . 00 Faxes SI IS I 00 Holmes' " Lt Cs. CC so And many other 'standard works. BLUE AND GOLD SERIES—SI 50 PER VOL Longfellow's poems 2 vol Saxes' poems 1 vol Longfellow's prose 2 vol Holmes' poems 1 col • towell's poems 2 vold Bryant's poems 2 vol Whittler's plates 2 vol Crabbs' poems 1 vol Tennyson's p )0M 3 2 vol Irving's sketches 1 vat • Sim, arc. WHAT TO BUY FOR CHILDREN ! ALL TEE NEW BOOKS FOE BOYS AND GIRLS ABE IN STOOK AT BEI?GNEk'S Lock at the list and preserve it for reference 1 American boy's books of games and sports—an elegant volume $4 00 Abbott's histories, 50 volumes, mice per volume... 1 20 Abbott's little learner series -10 vol " ... 90 Abbott's rainbow and lucky series-5 vol ," 90 Cousin Alice's horde series-8 vol " 126 Abbott's Florence stories-6 vol 100 Santa Clans gift story book-6 vol " 100 Bo peep story books-12 vol 40 Little one's library-12 vol " 46 Youth's pletorlaillbrary-12 vol 50 Walter's Tour in the East-4 vol each 1 00 Miniature Library-12 vole ...... 40 BOY LIVES Of Distinguished Americans. Price $1 50. The Patriot Boy. The Fanner Boy. The Farmer Boy. The Drummer Boy. The Hero Boy. The Bobbin Boy. The Monier Boy. The Fairy Boy. Fanny Fern's New Story Books—lllustrated .1 50 The Angel Unaware, by Mary Hewitt, " 125 The Life Boat--a tale of our coast he roes " 1 50 Youth's History of the Rebellion " 1 50 Fireside Philosophy of Common Things " 1 25 Gascoyne, The Sandal Wood Trader " 1 25 Dora Darling, The Daughter of the Regiment " .... 1 50 The Water Babies, a fairy tale for a Land Biby • " 1 50 The Snow Image, a fairy tale by Haw -• thorns • Oat of Prison 1 25 Hasson Abdallall, new fairy tales... ' 150 Watch and Wait, or the Young Fugitives 1 26 Frank's Caminign, or What a Boy can do 1 50 And a htindred others, new and beautiful, together with new editions of the old favorites, K Sanford & Morton Arabian nights Robison Crusce Esop's Fables - Mayne Reed's Works &c., &e. FOR THE WEE—FOLKS. A large assortment Toy Books, from 5 cents up to 50 Alphabet and Spelling Blocks. Durable. • GAMES, BALLS, &c., &c. Call at once. Selections may be made and the goods retained to be sent bome on Christmas Eve, BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE, No: 51 Market Etreet. deol7 GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS • Worth having, at WARD'S MUSIC STORE, No. 12 N ORTIZ THIRD STREET t . Steinway's suberb Pianos. Schomaker's splendid Pianos. arovesteen's cheap Pianos. Prince's (new) automatic Organs, the greatest triumph of the age. Melodeons, Violins, Guitars, Flutes, 81:6 Drums and Fifes. Sheet and Book Music. • Pictures—Oval and square Walnut, Oak, Rosewood and Gilt Frames. Albume—A very large and fine stock at lower prices than elsewhere. Call and see the reany largest Music more within 100 miles of . Harrisburg. SILAS WARD, • decl7-tilljaul No. 12 North Third Street. Attention, Citizens rpm (3110ELTET AOSORTMENT of large 1. and smaq 041E9 of every description and of the best quality at lat it A: EI fg, fit *JlA,ittn" ST. A choice selectioa,er induziaa's FRENCH CONFECTIONS. ° Also a lot of 'FRE 5421 C)COANUTS. , BRADVB B 4 KgRY, 74 Market Ft. SwErr OIDEII.=A few bbls. of an exoel lent quality of pure sweet cider butt received at deed it Oita & KENPIR'S. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1864 Christmas 1864 USEFUL PRESENTS FOB THE HOLIDAYS ! Ladies Sable Furs, Ladies' Fitch Furs, Ladies' Silver Martin Furs, Ladies' Siberian Squrrel Furs, Ladies' American Mink Furs, Ladies' Native Hudson Bay Furs, Ladies' French Sable Furs, Ladies' Imitation Ermine Fars. Children's Furs OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A Large Assortment of Dress Goods, Shawls at Reduced Prices, Broca Bordered Scarfs, Gloves, Lace Collars, Embroidered. Collars, Sontags, Nubias, Alexander's Kid Gloves Balmoral Skirts, Hoods, Genuine Bek Lace Veils, Embroidered Setts, &c., &c IN THE MOURNING DEPARTMENT OUR Stock is Complete. Our Fine Furs have been manufactured ex- pressly for OUR CHRISTI A S SALES. We are now receiving them from the mann- faotaiers We can give finrehasere a decided advantage In all other goods The Prices have been Reduced CATHCART &BRO., No. 14 Market Square, Next Doof to the Harrisburg Bank. deels-d2w Ito for Christmas !. At No. 109 Market Street, HARRISBIII.G, I the place to buy Presents for the Holi days. Call and examine our stock of FANCY BASKETS, WILLOW and REED ROCKING CHAIRS for Children, TOY ROCKERS and ARM CHAIRS, WILLOW HIGH CHAIRS, NURSERY CHAIRS, CAMP CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, FEATHER PILLOWS and BOL STERS, BLANKETS, COVERLIDS, COMFORTS, • COUNTERPANES, PATENT SPRING BEDS, IRON BEDSTRAW; &c, S. T. BARNITZ, Market street, near Fifth, Harrisburg. dec2o WIYI. BRADY" No. 62 Market St., Harrisburg, lIAS just returned from New York and Philadelphia, and is prepared to oOer to the citi zens of Harrisburg and vicinity the choicest and most carefully selected STOCK OF GOODS In his line ever offered in this city, consisting in part of the following articles: Fine Gold Hunting-cased ENGLISH, AMERICAN AND SWISS 'WATCHES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Rine Solid Silver and Plated Ware, SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. 1133 M Tea Betts, . . . Castors, . . Berry Dishes, Cake Baskets, Butter Dishes, Ice Pitchers, Fine Table Tea, Fish, Butter & Fruit Knives. Soup Ladles, Napkin Rinks, Card-receivers Call Bells, FINE JEWELRY OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS SUCH AS White and Black Onyx, Coral; Amethyst, Carbuncle, Ruby and Pearl Bette, • Initial Sleeve Buttons and Studs, Gold and Jet Crones, Necklaces for ladies and children, Gold and Silver Thimble?, Gold Guard, Chatelain, Vest and Fob Chains, Lockets, Charms, Tooth Picks. Dawson, Warren and Hyde's and John Foley's c.elebra tad Gold Pens, in pie silver and puts percha holders Seth Thomas' "cele brated Calendar Regniators,” and an endless variety of everything in his line. We reverse the old maxim, and invite ladles and gen tlemen to call at other sgacufirst, then give nit a call and see the difference In stock and pricer. We defy compe tition.. W B.ADY, decl6 82 *nice street. SHISLER & FRAZER ana .are. receiving pods in their wood Ms, fol• Christmas, for / 12 ° 11431 k c O• idstli g of pub SPICE,ItAISINY In allotted packages, Figs al4. iftunes, Apples, C.der, Wine,Braody Bum, Sto • rroaree Mince Meaty put up by the mostcetebrated manufacturer, Mr. Atmore Fine new crop New Orleans Molasses and Sorghum Syrup, a domestic which Is considered a fine ar ticle for baking purposes 0014 Chtistmas Presents NO. 7 MARKET SQUARE. NE. EOM respectfully calls the attention f citizens and strangers to his Large end well se- = srrocic OF JEWELRY. Fine Gold American and Swiss Watches, Ladies' Chadlain and Gentlemen's Vest Chains, Small Swiss Watches for Boys, Fine sets of Jewelry, such as Coral, white and black Onyx, Pearl. Amethyst and Gold sets, Gutta Percha Chains, Pen holders, Pencils, Gold Lockets, 'Sleeve Buttons, Finger Rings, Tooth-picks and Studs. ce Cream sets, Oyster, Gravy and Cream Ladles, Tea-spoons, plain and twisted handles. Cake Lifters, Berry scoops, Preserve Spoon% in pair or single, Indiviaual Salt sellers, Butter Knives. Plain and Fancy Salt-spoons, Fruit Knives Tea sets, Bound and Oval Waiters, Brealeast and Dinner Casters, Cake and Fruit Baskets, Sugar Howls, Magic Butter D'ehes, Pickle Stands, Ice Pitchers, Tea 'Knives, Net Crackers and Picks, Tea, Table and Dessert Spoons, Dinner Forks, Children's sets, Knives, Forks and Spoons Wm. 31. Gray & Co. DON'T fail to stop and examine our new stock of fine family groceries just received for the Fine Handkerchiefs, CHRISTMAS HOLI.DAYS,. Consisting of the following articles: Fresh canned peaches, Blackberries, Sirawkerries, Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, Beans, Also, new layer and bunch raisins, in whole boxes, g, and h", Currants, Citron, • Seedless raisins, Figs in large and small boxes, Figs paste in cakes or boxes, Fine catawba giapes, Assorted jellies, consisting of Currants, Blackberries, Raspberries, Lemon, Pineapple, Peach, Oran , g , e, ear and Quince jelly. New mince meat always on hand, and new avert cider; also, a new stock of queenswo e, ai t China caps, and par• for ornaments, China ioy tea setts for children, and wil low Ware, xc., ust received at . . VERY LOW PRICES MHE subscriber returns his sincere thanks _ll. to his frieeds and the pudic generally, for their very liberal patronage during the past four years, and hogs leave to inform them that be DRS a very elegant mroried stock or tine Watches, - Chains, Riogs, - Pins, Sleeve Bst tons, Scarf Pins, Charms, Gold Pens, Gold and Silver Thimbles„ Silver Spoons, Butter Knives, Salt, Sugar Cream and Preserve Spoons; Silver-Piatod Cups, Goblets, Cake Baskets, Berry Dishes, Syrup Pitchers, Breakfast Tea, ano Dinner Castors, Ice., which will make very ele gant and durable Christmas Presmts. Call,and examine for yourselves. Make selections while the assortment is full. No pains spared to show goods. All the above sold at very small pro It decl3-tf A. F. ZIMMERMAN. EIGHTY New Pianos, Melodeons, Harp:to alums, Alexandre and Cabinet Organs, at Wholesale and Betali. Prices low. SECOND BAND P1A140.3 at great hargahas, prices from $6O to $2OO. New 7 Octavo Kano, $260 and $275, with carved lags and mouldings, $3OO and upwards. Melodeons, $66 to $250. '''' ' A large stock of SHEET MUSIC, MUSIC BOOKS, and all kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, and Music Her mon:Bilge at the Lowest rate:. 10,000 sheets of music, a lit tle coiled, at 1% Ada per page. no2sdezw3m T TAKE this method of informing my nu merous friends and the public in general, that I have opened my new Clothing Store, corner of Walnut and Sixth streets, where I am willing to sell arty per Cont. cheaper than any other store in the city. Coats worth $3O, for $2O. Pants worth $9, for $6, and vests worth $5, for $3, and everything in proportion. All - goods leaving my est .blixhment I will warrant, for they are all made under my care, and with every modern improvement, and the latest style. Don't fail to come and convince yourself of the truth. decl2-I.ln* K BERNHARD. 'HORSES! HORSES! HORSES! QUARTZSMAi3IIIII GMIRAL'S Orrice, FIRE! Daub); Waal:mm.lcm, Dec. 1, 1.864. j HORSES, suitable for Cavalry and Artillery service, will be purchased at. Gieeboro Depot, in open market, till DECEMBER 81, 1864. Horses will be delivered to Captain L. 'Lowry Ifoote, A. Q. M., and bo subjected to the usual Government in spection before being accepted. Price of Cavalry Horses, $175 each. Price of Artillery Horses, $ LBO each. Payment will be made for six (6) and more. SAXES A. ERIN. colonel in Charge First Division, Quartermaster General's Office. WE receive daily quotations from the east em markets. which are open for the inspectior. of our customers, and at which rates we will BUY, SEL OR EXCHANGE, U. S. 5-20,10.40 and 1881 Bonds, Oil, Coal and Railway Stocks, Gold, Silver, &c. Wanted, Pennsylvania Slate claims. SIGLER & CO., Stock and Exchange Brokers, 86 Market Street, Harrisburg. JACOB F. HAEHATLENIS STEAM CRACKER AND BISCUIT BAKERY, CORNER OF CHERRY AND ELVER ALLEYS, dea-d3nx RAItHISBVii.Gr. Nut•picks, ij NI.T E D STATES seven-Thirty Treasury Notes, FODB, VALUABLD BUILDING LOTS, situated on Third and Herr *totem (liammond's bust) corner tot 251121. The other lota are 201:131, running saws to a2O feet alloy. For further particulars enquire of GEO. H. It LE, no3Odtf Corner of Second and Cnemnut mesa. FOR MALE, FOUR VALUABLE kIUUSES, located in aspen parts of the city. For ridicule's enqtare mi. the Claesp Grocery Store, corner of Third and Chestnut. uo3Odtr 0000ANIITS! COCOANUTS 1 just re ce ut WM. Al . / CO., da (/Ml.4er dr. Lochman's old Etanc% hianict pqadre.) ANEW kiUUYYLY of Fi:ttili 6210111.) HMO, just received this morning, at lIBIALKR & FR&ZEB. Maocoastort to vz. nook. .Tr... & QUEENS and GLASSWARE, a wall se lected assortment, just received, of the latest styles iyl.B BOYER & KOgit?W. NEW ADVAERTISEIVIENTS C. A. BOAS'. FINE SILVER WARE PLATED WARE ded.9 2w M GRAY & Co., 1 9 Mouser & Lochman's n clamed, Market Square.) deo SELLING AT DURING THE HOLIDAYS, TO REDUCE STOOTK, At No. 62 Market Strat HORACE WATERS' Great Musical Establihment. No. 481 BROADWAY, NEW YOWL goon NEWS. WALNUT STREET INA GREAT BLAZE. dec,34deat STOCKS AND BONDS. decs d3w* Of the various denominations, For sale at the HARRISBURG NATIONAL BANK. d::2-W J. W. WEIR, Cashier. FOIL SALE,