Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, December 21, 1864, Image 1
THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHEn MORNING AND EVERTING, BY GEORGE BERGNER 3 OFFICE 711£1,70 .5 7. ..1VE AR WA LNUT • TERMS OF SIIREORIPTION. SIIipb.N.SUBSCRIPTION. _ . . Tan 'r..a.u,7 TEL...Wait lE nerved 1.) subscribers in al.B city at 17M ec¢tspsrivccc. Nearrp subscribers Diu be barged $6 00 ia aavance. Those persona ahe ne,gleet to pay in advance will bJ charged $7 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. Tnti TIMM NAM is WS) published wrekly,and i.=. furnished subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies, weekly Three copies to one Font Cffleo Ton copies to one ant Office SEMEN ' 4' ra, SAM?ORD'S OPERA HOUSE! TRIED STREET, BELOW MARKET. JOE Proprietor. F IRST appearance of JIMMY QUINN, the Dance Men people's larotite Ethiopian Comedian and Song and THE TEMPLE OF MINSTRELSY, in which are given chaste and drawing room amusements, by MILLER'S NATIONAL MINSTREL TROUPE, comprising a combi nation of Vocalists, Musicians, Comedians and Artists of the highest order of mere'. The c meenietit locality of this elegant Institnt•on recommends Its If to every citizen and stranger Mug; song and poetry is the theme tor ali,•and in the .manner presented ny Miller's National Minstrel Troupe, frthets, mothers, sisters and brothers may attend and en,j , y a treat frte from all that could offend the most fastidious. The same att•ntion Is given In the selection of pieces and songs for this Star. Troupe of Minstrels, • Great success of MILL ER'S • NATIONAL MINARET, TROUPE I Op• n every Night Firit night of the Great Comic Act, • THE OVERLAND . Ni UTE Pint night of theYoTNG 'MEN'S SEMTNARY I rirgt Bight of THE OIL BORERS To conclude unit the Roaring Farce, entitled %- 11 MUSICIA.N Characters by t h e Company. Ailmiesion, 25 cents. Gallery, 15 cents. Crcheetra Seats, 50 cents. Seats In Pr Vete BtlX('S, $t 00. Doors open at ,x' to 7. Commence at 73,. dectilo4/w• . WANTS. WANTSCD, /AN the Ist of April, 1865, a large House, Fultab:e for a boardlug house. Address MARY .B. HOUSTON. Mechanicsburg, Pa. d , c2Od2L MOULDERS WANTED. GOOD WAGES and a permanent situation will be given to stove moulders at the Mechanics. burg Foundry, Efecbanksburg, Fa. S. &G. HsIITOK. dec2odlw* WANTED, t NIIRSE.—AppIy at Room No. 28, State Capitol Hotel. decl9-d3t* WANTED MO RENT— A. house containing six rooms, located anywhere between Worth and Chestnut Sts tent paid in advance. ddrsss Box 41, P. O. Possession wanted on the first of April, 1855. del94f WANTED ! • LTARRUBTJRG BRIDGE STOCK., Gold, AI Si rev and 11. S Bonds. B'GLER & CO., Stoclf. and Exchange ldrok.e, a, Bfl•liarket street. del9-411' WA NTED. —A good two-horse team Wagon. Enquire at TEIS OFFICE. 40016 af ) P7fl A MONTH ! I want Agents every- II NJ where, at $7O a month, expenses paid, to sell fifteen Articles, the best selling ever ofrered. Full par ticulars free. Address, ' OTIS T. GAREY nol6-dawBm Biddeford, Maine. WANTED.—SI2S A MONTH ! Agents everywhere, to introduce the new Maw a' Clark Sixteen Dollar Family Sewing .Maehine, the - - ord,y °pantry which is -licensed by Grover & Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, Howe,Singer & Co„ and ilatcheider. Jalary and expenses, or large commissions allowed All other Ma chines now sold for less than forty dollars each are in fringements, and the seller and user liable. Illustrated clrculargapatfree. Address, SHAW & CLARK, nol6 daw3m, . Biddeford, Maine. HOLIDAY • GOODS. CHRISTMAS GIFTS RENIEMI3EIEt • THAT is • the Place, AND if you fail to go to Keller's before mak ing your purchases you 'may regret it. You will there find die most beau , iful display of fine goods. and the greatest variety yet off-red in ibis oily. It would be vain to attempt te number or Mum ibe them; they meet be teen. Call. it is our business to show geode; yours to buy, if you sae proper. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A HUSBAND WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A WM HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR .A BEOTHER WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A SISTER. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A FRIEND GIFTS ACCEPTABLE AND' Appropriate to All. la addition to oar Five's! NCY GOODS, we have the Usual large stork of TOILET ARTICLrB and PERVAIE KY, widen relnaira unrivaled in thla city. 'KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOODS STORE, No. 91 Market Area HOLIDAY GIFT S LT Knoche's Music Store, 93 Market Street. P IANOS; Cabinet Organs and Melodeons. Rims Stools and Covers. Guitars, Tint s, Violins, eta. 31usical,Works of all descriptions. Portfolios to. Sheet Music. Sheet Music, the latest and moat popular publications' Engravings, Paintings, Photographs. Oval and'square gilt Walnut and Rosewood Frames. AThutni• the largat and best assortment in the city.- • Cailand examine the stock of the largest Music Store this side of the great cities. W. KNOCHE, deels.tlapj - 93 Market stmt. GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS Worth having, at WARD'S MIJSIC STORE, . _ No. 12 NORTH Trrxitn STREET. Steinway's anberb Fianna. Sohornaker's splendid Pianos. Groveateen's cheap Pianos. Prinee'a (new) automatic Organs, the greater triumph of the age. . lieledeOnic Violins, Guitars, Flutes, &c. Thrums and Fifes. Sheet and Book Music. Pictures-,Oval and square Walnut, Oak, Rosewood and Gilt Frames. AltustrA very large and line dock at lower prices then elsewhere. Call allo see the really largest Music Store within 100 miles of Ituriaburg SILAS WARD, No. 12 North Third Street , CHRLSTMAS S itittqa "raturned . from New Tork and nodaiihui wail oar usual .11ne stook otimis for bolas, Would rospostfully bolts essi . attssattost : - Viarket,street: , . 111/10 ** 1 . -, SALMON.- FINE . SMORTD SALIMAjust reasived BENCLUI & 18A6 opeposiors toysa. Dock, Jr, kfi l l: .116 ~......„:„.... „J.__ _ , vilr, 'T . .. ... ...........___,,, ..,......... ~.: , ,,,,,,,,r„,„_,,_.; , .,_,,„_,„..:. ~.„../.. ..,_,.,....., • . $2 00 5 00 16 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER NE% ADV ktITISEIVIEN TS Christntas Presents C. A. BOAS'. NO. 7 .MARKET SQUARE. MR. BOAS respectfully calls the attention of citizens ind stra , gers to his large and *ell se- lected STOCIEE OF JEWELRY. Fine Gold Ante' Van and Swiss Watches, Ladies' Citadlain and Gentlemen's Vest Chains, Small Swiss Watches 'or Boy; (no sets of Jewelry. such as Coral, white and black Onyx, Pearl. Amethyst and Gold sets, Gutta Percha Chalus,'Pen holders, Pencils, Gold Loltets, sleeve Buttons, Finger Binge, Tooth-picks and Studs. . FINE SILVER WARE. Ice Cream sets, (later; Gravy and Creain Ladles, Tea-spoons,' plain and twisted handles, Cake Lifters, Berry , - coops, Preserve spoons, In pair or single, 'net - Huai Salt-sellers, Butter /Knives. '- Plain and Fancy • • Ealt-spoons, Fruit 'Knives. • PLATED WARE. Tea sets, . . Round and Oval Waiters, Break ast and canner Castors. Cake and Fruit Baskets, Sitar - Rowls, Magic-Butter D'shes, Pickle Stands, Ice Pitchers, Tea Itniveg, Nut Crackers and Picks, Tea, Table and De :serf Spoons, Dinner Yorks. Children's sees, Knives, Forks and Stoohs del9.2w Win. M. Gray dir, Co. DON'T fail to stop and examine our new stock of fhte family groceries Just received 'tor the CHRISTMAS -HOLIDAYS, Consisting of the following articles: Fresh canned peaches, Blackberries, • Strawberries, Tomatoes rn Peas, • Beans, Also, new layer and bench raisins, in whole boxes, and N, • Currants, Citron, Seedless'raiskie, Figs in large and small boxes, Figs paste In cakes or boxes, Fine catawba grapes, Assorted jellies, consisting of Currants, • • Blackberries, Raspberries, Lomb; Pineapple, • - Orange, Pear and quigKe New mince meat always on hand', and new thefiet cider; also, a new stock of gusenswere, gilt China cape,and par lor ornaments, China toy tea setts for chlldren,.and :wil low ware, hc., ;oat received at WM' EL GRAY & (Houser & Loci:mates o'd stand, Market Squara.) decl9 SELLING AT VERY LOW PRICES DURING THE HOLIDAYS, • TO IVEDUCE STOCK. At No. Market Street THE subscriber returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public generally, for their very liberal patronage daring the put four years, and begs leave to inform them that be bas wvery elegant-assorted stock or fine Watebes. Chains, Rings, Pins, Sleeve Sof tens, Scarf Pins. Charms, Gold-Tens; .Gold and Silver Thimbles,, Silver Spoons, Batter. Knives, Salt, Sugar Cream and Preserve Spoons; Silver-Plated Cups ; Goblets,. ke Baskets,- Berry Dishes, Syrup 'Pitchers, Bieakfast Tea, are Dinner Castors, &0., which will make Very ele gant and durable Christmas Pres-ms. Call and examine for yourselves Make setecuors while the assortment is full. No pains spared to show goods. AU the above sold at very small profit. • decl3-tf A. F. ZIMMERMAN. HOLIDAY GOODS ! IN ABUNDANCE AT' DRUG AND FANCY GOODS STORE, No. 91 'MARKET STREET. WE‘are happy in presenting •to our pa rons again this season, an entire* new stock of Fancy Goods for the holidays. _fresh froin the •banas or importers, and at prices suitonishingly low for the times. Purchme your holiday presents row while the assort-, ment is full and varied. dee9 Holiday Presents Boyer &* - Kerper, . NO. 3 MARKET SQUARE, lIAVE just received from New York a large and well selected assortment of China ware, (pure French China,) suitable for goliday presents. They in. vite the public to call soon, while the stock is full with a good selection. - SHISLER & FRAZER HA.VE, and . are receiving goods in their usual line, for Ctuistmas, for families, consisting of Nu trE SPICE, RAISINS, in allEized packages, Figs and Prunes, Apples, Cder, Wine, Brandy. Rum, be. Prepared Minco Meat, put up by thetnost celebrated manufacturer, Mr. Atmore Fine new crop Now Orleans Molasses and • Sorghum Syrup, a domestic which is considered 1 fine ar ticle for baking purpose& debit Neutsal Sulphite of Lime, FOR,RpiERVING CIDER. WE LEE selling the very best article of the kind, prepared according to directions of E.. M Ltoreford, Professor of Chemistry, Howard Univer. sity. D. is perfectly reliable and free from impurities. Directions accompany each package. HELLER'S Drug and Fanny 00045 Store, NO. 91 Mar ket street, Harrisburg. 0026 FOR. NALB, F . OUR VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS, situated on Thin! and Herr streets (Haminend's Lane,) corner lot 25E131. The other lots are 2011.111, running hack to a 2.0 feet alley. For further particulars enquire of ' GEO. H. BELL, noBOdtf Comelier Second and Chestnut streets. . FOR sAsan_,_ VOUR 'VALUABLE HOUSES,.located in C parts of the cityparticulars enquire at the Cheap Grocery Store, corner of Third and Chestnut. C000&IITS ! COOOANIITS ! just re Delved at WM. Y. GRAY dc CO., ect razor d W:lmpl:a old stan!i, Afarket Re ,) A NEW SuFriar of FRESH SHORE./ HAM, fiat received pale 1110,, at At FRAZER ietV Sueceercrirtc Dock, Jr., & Cr. - , Qu-Eras .GLASEIWAYABr w. lected assortmanclusil received; of tlie latest styles JAI ROVER i KWERPER, VNION—NOW AND FORE V : ER ." ffir6b: T Et K HARRISBURG t A WEDNESD 1Y EVENINti, DECEMBER 21, 1864. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1864 Chtistmas 1864 USEFUL PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! Ladies liable Furs, Ladies' Fitch Furs, Ladies' Silver Martin Fars, Ladies' Siberian Squrrel Fara, Ladies' American Mink Furs,' Ladies' Native Hudson Bay Furs, Ladles' French Sable Furs, Ladies' Imitation Ermine Flux Children 9 B Furs OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A Large Assortment of Dress Goods, Shaw% a' Reduced Prices, Broca Bordered Scarfs, Gloves, Lace Collars, Embroidered Collars, Sontags, Nubias, Alexander's Bid Gloves, Balinoral Skirts; Hoods, Genuine Bek Lace Veils, Embroidered Setts, &0., ite IN THE MOURNING DEPART [NT OUR St(wk is Complete. Our rine Emil_ have pressly for ""-' OUR CHRISTM IS SALES. We are now receiving them from the mann- factaiers We can give purchasers a decided advantage In all other goods The Prices have been Reduced. CATHCART & BRO., No. 14 Market Square, Next Door to the Harrisburg Bank. deols-412w • WM. BRADY, , No. 62 Market St. ) Harrisburg, 111161P.S just returned from New York and 11 Philadelphia, and is prepared to offer to the citi zens of Harrisburg and vicinity the choicest and most carefully selected STOCK OF GOODS In his line ever offered in this city, cons tlng in part of • he following articles: • Pine Gold Hunting-fxtsed ENRLISII, AMERICAN AND SWISS WHWEED, • OF ALL DZSMIPTIONS. Fine Solid Silver and Plated Warei 517/TABL7I FOB .... . HOLIDAY PRESENTS. SUCH AB Tea Betts, Castors, Berry Dishes, Cake Baskets, Butter Dishes, Ice Pitnbers, • , Fine Table,' Tea, Ftsh, • Butter & Fruit Knives, Sdup Ladles, Napkin Rings, Cant-reeelyers, Call Bells, FINE JEWELRY OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, SUCK AS White and Black Onyx, Coral, Amethyst, Carbuncle, Ruby and Pearl Setts, Initial Sleeve Buttons and Studs, Gold and Jet Crosses, Necklaces for ladies and children, • • Gold andßilver'Thimblel, Gold Guard; Ohatelain, Vest and Fob Chains, Lockets, • . Mum " • ' • • ' Teoth s, Picks. Dawson, Warren andltyde's and John Foley's celebra ted Gold Pens, in gold, silver arid.gutta percha holders Beth Thomas , ""celebrated - Calendar Regulators," and an endless variety of everything' in his line. We reverse the old maxim, and invite ladies and gen tlemen.t,o call at orderplace4 - rst, then give us a call and see the difference in stock and prices. We defy compe tition. ' W. BRADY, . dente „ 62 Market street. HANRIBNONG NATIONAL BANN, ' Deceinber 10, 1864. MBE annual election for thirteen directors of this batik will beheld, as reituiredby the'national currency act, on Tuesday, the 10th day Of January next, at the banking house, between the hours of 1 Oa. /4 and 8 J. W., Wilt, decle•te • , Cadger. 31411.0141 k, ROUSE RESTAURANT., HAVE • le-fitted - *and opened the above . I armed'when , all -the delimits pi' the season-willbe serVed ap,;auc?l . ste OpMers, Rime Terra pie, &c . The Pahnaarelmetetvespeetrully Invitell to call. Families supplied with oysters. A. J. WABF DMA: N. B,,,Free Masker= every day from 103‘ to lig A.. X. . . FRUIT MIS; ;of: the lateetq Pa, tent l ises Tea Patisida pad received ead k for ogle low at BOY= NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ho for Christmas At No. 109 Market Street, FiARRISBURG, IS the place to buy Presents for the Holi days. Call and examine our stook of Fine Handkerchiefs, FANCY BASKETS, WILLOW ; and REED HOOKING CHAIRS for Children, TOY ROCKERS and ARM CHAIRS, WILLOW HIGH CHAIRS, NURSERY CHAIRS, • CAMP CHAIRS, • MATTRESSES, FEATHER PILLOWS and BOL STERS, • BLANKETS, COVERLIDS, COMFORTS, COUNTERPANES, PATENT SPRING BEDS, . IRON BEDSTEADS, de. J. T. BAMNITZ, lok:Harrisbierg., A Fine Assortment of Yelife - ley - EXPRESSLY FOR Holiday Presents. Has now the finest, beat selected and moat:desirable &elec. tion of Jewelry ever brought to Harrisburg, which he sell at prices to suit the times. Tbo stock embraces, In part, the following articles Gold and silver watches. Fine coral, topaz, amethyst, pearl, onyx and gold setts of Jewelry. Fine dianaind, carbuncle and seal rings. Gutta-percha pens and pencils, tooth picks, &c. Gold andsilver chain& - Go'd and slyer thimbles Lockets and sleeve buttons. Pins and ear-rings of all description.% Silver and plated ware Silver tea and table spoons. Sugar and preserve spoons, berry dishes, butter knives and fruit knives. Breakfast and dinner castors. • Syrup pitchers, cake baskets and salt stands. Children's cups goblets and call bells. Fancy bronzed mantle ortiamouts. Plated Spoons and forks And an extensltre assortment of Ace clocks. 1l Ladies and gentlemen in search of presents for the holidays, will do well to examine this stock, before pur chasing elsewhere. igir All goods warranted as represented when sold. • decl4 - Attention; Citizens .. rpHE GREATEST ASSORTMENT of largo I. and smog GUMS of every description and of the beet quality et 13 It A. ID S, 74 I.Ia.RICET ST. • A choice selection of Whittnatt's FRENCH CONFECTIONS. Also a lot of NOSH COCOANUTS. del9-Ivr BRADY'S. BAKERY, 74 Market Ft. ALBUMS! ALBUMS!! ALBUMS!!! • /VT HESS Third Street, Between Market and Walnut, Haluerfistrao, PA., "THERE can be found a very fine and large assortment of Album', suitable for HOLIDAY GIFTS, and at such prices that cannot. but suit the pur. chaser. Can and examine my stock and prices before ptrebas• leg e'sewhere, as I am offering Albums at very reduced prices. Ideol9-413t) , J. 3L Nut-picks, &c. Ace FINE ARTS AT WM.. KNOCHE'S 93 MARKET STREET. The most exquisite stook of ENGRAVINGS, plain and colored, from the celebrated masters, suitable for holiday presents. Call and examine at KNOCHE'S, del7-lf 93 Market street. BIJOKWHEAT • FLOUR. 'fresh supply of Towanda Buckwheat, fresh ground Corn Meal, elm family Flour, by the bbl. or bag, every package warranted and delivered to all parts of the city free of charge, at BOYER & HERPERIS. decal ITIOMATO CATSUP—By the gallon, quart and-pint, just received at. WM. M. GRAY & Co., (Heuer & Loehman'a old amid, Market Square.) .deel9 ArANKER JUMPERS, WHEELBARROWS and ebildren , s Wagons, bought eiprese# to meet the present demands, at HOUR ft KOERPER'S. • 40c17 . • , _ - . 1114ASKET$ ! BLS/lE4S inixi j) `well - aeleeted stock of 'all kinds;Of Willow and Cedar ware market, traveling and clothes Ilaskelsitat SHAREICCORN, NEW Homan; • Beans, Dried pesafias and Apples and Blackberday Cocants and Enisdis, kc., &a, jest received at deol7 ROYER & WIPER'S. STAPLE AND FANCY ARTICLES BERGNER'S. Writing Desks, ' Papeterles, Photograph Albums, Mathematical Instruments, Fine Mem(Wendt= Books, Fancy Pen Holders, Traveling Bags, Newton's Gold Pens, - - Backgammon'Boards, F ancy Paper Weights, Purses, Diaries, Inkstands, Dominoes, Call:Bills, Flue Pocket Books, Card Cases, Portfolios, Robber Pencils, Ruling Pens, Chequer Boards, • • Fancy - Paper Clips • Dmwine Pencils, Ivory Paper Knives, Fine Portemonaates, . Morimco'Falchels, Fine Water Colors, Pei Knives, Brushes, . Combs, , Chessmen, Chequers, Purses, Bill Books, Bill Files, Am. r &c. A large and varied assortment at BERGNER'S. BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. decl7 GEO.:VV. WCALLA, No. 38 MARKET STBIEET, HABBISBURG, PRICE THREE CENTS NE* A. D*.ERTISEIVIENTS. NITHE - AEA. the Auditor General; as re quired by the 11th section of.the act. entitled ".in' act enat'ing the banks of tots Commonwealth to be come associations for the purpose of banking. under the laws of the United Rates," passed on the 22d day of Au gust A D. 1864, has certified to me that the "HARRES BURG B has furnished sat slactorievidence him that all the requirements of said act have been 'complied with by the said bank, and that it has become an associa tion for the purpose of banking under the laws of the. United Mates:: t; do, therefore, cause this notice thereof to be published In accordance with the provisions of 'lid said 11th section of the eald act.-and do declare that the chaiter of said bank by the terms of said act, is deemed and taken to be surrendered subject to the provisions of the first Sec tion of said act.- , -; • ; -A-G.CU Ie rIN, Governor of Pennsylvania rstoctryu CRAbittßit, HADIII9BITRG, December 20, 1864. NOTICE TO NAN PATERS. MIRE special list of .5 - per cent. tax on in - a. comes for the yesi 1863, Is now in my lands for col lection, and is hereby demanded for Dauphin county at my once in Harrisbure. To all those who neglect to pay after ten days, a special demand will be issued, for which the law provides a fee of 20 cents, and four cents per, mile and 10 per cent pen a'lty, after that, to be collected by dl?traint checks, pays bin in government funds, or the note by mail at your risk, OT by the hands of friends will be received. No feel w4ll be charged for notices leaned before the first inst. A, K. PAEINESTOCR, . ; dec2o •" Collector 14th District Penna. T/111 3 0,11,TANT . to personi living in the upper part of the city. The autscriber has taken charge of the store formerly &canted byGeorge W. Miles, and .ha; refitted and fur nished it with an entire new stOck of - • Fresh Drugs; Medielnes and all articles usually to be found in a well appointed Drug More. Partictrar attention - willbe paid to the careful corn pounding of Prescriptions. • A share of , the public patronage it respectfully solicitcd. drc2o-iist*' WM. P. HOLMAN. G 13. RAND 013,1STMAS BALL TO BS GIVEN AT TICS HOPE ENlOteir., HOUSE, ON. FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 23, 1364. gManagers—W F bfroy, eaves, H kith, IR aol fierberich. Flaw Managers—Danl Farr, Geo Farms:. Tickets Si t o—can be procured front the Managers. State Capital Restaurant Corner of Third , and Walnut - Streets, lilitlo3lMG. OYSTETER of the INat 'quality served in any and evory style. MEALS served up at all hours. Choice Lily:Joni, Ale and Cigars, always on hand at the bar. (deele-d2w) J. L BATE, Proprietor. 1-4TLOSOPHY OF. IdARRIAGE.-- The oprieters of the New York Museum of Anatority have determined, regardless of expense, to issue free, (for the benefit of suffering humanity, and suppression of quackery) four of their most interesting and instructive lectures on Marriage and its disqualifications, - nervous and, physical debility, premature decline of manhood, Indiges tion, weakness or depression, impotency, toes of energy and - manly power; the great social evil, and those mala dies which result from youthful follies, excesses of ma turity, or ignorance of Physiology and laws of Nature These invaluable lectuxes have been the means of en lightenmg and saving thousandi,und ; will,be forwarded free, on receipt of four stamps; by addressing &mums; Newlerk Museum of AmitomY•and MeSlicitte, BIS Boxed- IT IHEREAS, the Honorable:Wilibi3, Itatif- Bo; President a the Court of Common Pleas in the Twelfth Judicial District * consisting of the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin, and the Honorable Seatum.Letaus and Honorable Noma D,..YouNa, Associate Judges in Dan phinsolinty, having issued their precept, bearing date the 16th day of December, 1864, to me directed, far bolding - a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Harrisburg, for the county of Dauphin, and to commencem Trap MONDAY OFJANL , ARY Nen; being the 16th day of January, 1865, and to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Aldermen and Constables of the saidcounty of Dauphin, that they be then and there: In their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in .the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations, and. their own remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertains to be done, and those who are bound in recog: nizances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail of Dauphin county, be then and there to prosecute against them as shalt be just. Given under my hand, at Harrisburg; the 19th day of December, in the year of our Lord,lBB4, and in the eighty ninth year of the independence of the United States. W. W. JENNINGS, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S °Emu,. Harrisburg, Dm 19, 1884. LIVERY ! LIVERY ! ! 2R The undersigned, successor of Murray ,k Adams, would respectfully solicits. part of the public patronage., as he intends kcepinea,liot clarislive•y. He u 11l keep none but sober and accommodating drivers Stables in Fon•th street, between Market and'Aralnut streets. He also offers the entire livery for ,sale, on reason able terms. Pe - sons wishinglo purchase, will please call and examine the stock. 'decl9-dlw J. M. WIESTLINq, ATTORNEY AT LAW, has removed hie office to Walnut street, Sd door above Second, nearly opposite First National Bank. Prompt and careful attention will be given to all ,busi news intrusted to him. • • doclB-dlw-w3w Valuable Building Lots FOR SALE. SEVEN LOTS, fronting on Third street, above Herr street, 20 feet front, extending back 139 feet to a twenty foot alley. For terms Apply to decls-d2w JNO J. CLYDE. 'FOR SALE, SEVERAL HUNDRED improved farms in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois, and several large tracts of unimproved land in Illinois, lowa and-Wis consin Catalogues with.o4ll descriptions and prices of each, will be sent by mail, free of charge, upon applica tion._ . BAMUF.L A. FIANGSNT. N. W. corner sth and Walnut streets, Cincinnati, 0. decl4-d3w* HOUSES FOR SALE. THREE NEW FRAME HOUSES, SITU ATE on Voter street, above North. Enquire of JACOB WALTERS, ee2Bdtf • Corner of Third and North streets, RAGS ! RAGS ! ! RAGS !! ! - FIVE cents per lb.- cash paid for good mixed Rags. .HORKFFEBIS Bookstore, sopt2U 21 South Second street. Harrisburg. Penna. MINCED MEAT received fresh every week from the celebrated manufacturer, Atmore Philadelphia, at • BOYER & -RERPER'S. 50 t IL , BL R S am . b o w f , ) , Ir p il p l i i n e F lti ., p j l u e s s ere r e fo v o e d d atvarit ,deor BOYER & ICERPEKS. QWEFT - CIDEII.—A few bbls. of an excel kJ lent quality of pure sweet cider, just received at decl7 . BOYER B:.RERPER,B. SAP SAGO, English Daily, Pine Apple, Nut meg and New York State Cheese, NIA 'received et ,SHISIACR & FRAZgat , myr saccessors to W Dock, Jr., & Co. • . • J RES4 ORANBERIdirS -.reaeived th i s monaag at • WM. X' GRAY a; co., '(Rouser and Lochtnan's old stand, Market square.) de01.9 „. FINE Auger. Oared .Sams and Dried Beef, Just: lionised at WM . M GRAY & CO., (floosie and . bictimiues old stand, Market square,) deol9 • BASKETS, lIMEIERTS, am =t variety Successors to W. Doa k. i - . • , ~ 1 STRAYPRINTING ESTlBLlgilitilt , 910RTISING, TES—DAILY T.O,'LIgSSAP ' ',- An : t. . PRINT 111 • ,-• g I i t. , The following are the rates for advertising In the Tsui.- GRAPH. Those having advertising to do will and It con venient for reference: - . - - - --- - 4 Thor tints or lees , •ionatitate one-hall Nacre. Sight t,nea, or more 16211 four, constitute - a square roe A , :Air sgrAtia. FOB mss 66E , A , 5 , One day •• • -..-. S SO Oue day .....:>__._ ..s 60: rWO 'days.. . ..... SO Two days.....' 101, Three days ..... ~ .. 75 ' Three day 5......... 125 One week - ' 125 Oife week , ... ...... 221 One month 3 00 One month 6 00 Two,months. 4.60 Two months... ~., .. 909 Three month=_....... 0" 60 Three months...—. 11 00 Six months B 00 Six months I& 00- One year.-- - .... 15 00 One year r. .. 26 . 00 " Administration Notices - - 246 Maxesse Notices • • ' i 40, . Auditor's Notices 1 50 Pumas! Notices, each insertion ' . : --- 50' . sar Business notices inserted in the Low/ commas, or before 'Marriages and Deaths , &our Osaars PER laws ftw each insertion.. EVENING EDITION. Death of Hon. Wm. L. Dayton. The London Press on Lincoln's Re-Mention The new royal mail steamer Cnba,:frpixi Liverpool on the 3d inst., arrived at thiskort this morning. The political news is portant. Mr. Dayton, the. American minister ,. to France, died at Burns, on the 2d inst., of spa • . plexy. Theafterpart of the steamer Are, contain , . Ing-the engines,: had been raised, and' there were popes of savinglthe other portions. It is stated that there were apprehensions of wholesale desertions from the frlliate agars, in the Scheldt. Twenty-five'seamen had recently got away, and were pursued to the Dutch frontier. Most of them . escaped into Holland. de2o-1m _ . . A. meeting held at Bristol, to express grati fication at Mr. Lincoln's re-election, was broken up in a "riot by secession syrups thlzers• The Times in an editorial says Mr. Lincoln may now seize the opportunity to make an af tempt to end the war by negotiating, but doubts if the terms will be acceptable to the. South.. The Loudon: Index, in an article .on Earl Russell's letter to Slidell and others, expresses the opinion that in order to be consistent Russell cannot stop short of the actual recog nition of the Confederacy. The Morning Post gives currency to the ro ported probable recognition of Mexico by the Washington Cabinet. • The bank. of France gained 19,000,000 francs in cash during the week. The bourse is buoyant ar 65f 75c. M. Mocquard continues seriously ill. - - It is rumored that the question of troops on the DUChies, will be 'satisfactorily adjubteil by Austrian mediation. ' The Madrid Epoda says that mediation -be tween Spain and - Peru is, at present, impossi ble. The state of siege had been raised in Venetia. LONDON, December 3 —Evening. —The news to-day is unimportant. A dispatch from fit;, Petersburg. says an internal lottery loan of a, hundred million roubles, is about to be issued for the construction of railways. The steam ship Africa arrived at Liverpool on the 3d. The Supreme Court has now before it the case of Edward Hunter, master , and claimant of the British ship CircasSian, and cargo ap pellant against - the United States. • 1 liAltAtwirtliefes42oe , l44 A snow stiiim revailed here yesterdar4 , - temoon. There is fine sleighing, six' inches'. • of snow haying fallen. Stoeks steady. Penn'a s's 93; Reading.R. R. 58; Morris Canal 75; Penn's R. R. 65; Gold 225 ; Exchange on New York par. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ON Sunday night, near the "TELEGaLpir printing office. a Pocket Book - , containing; paper*, and a number of railroad passes, of no value except to the owner. A siptable reward will be paid or Be return to [doc2Odtfl . THIS OFFICE. BRIDGE ELECTION de l 9-dizarti OFFICE OF THE ICARILISBERG BRIDGE Coittienr, l• HABEISEURG. PA Dec. 19. 1964. .4 A meeting of the Stockholders of the Parrisburg Budge Company will be held at their r astern Toll Reuse, in the city of Harrisburg, on Monday. January 2, 1861 between the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock, when an election: will be held for a President, a i.ecietary and Treasurer, atd 12 , Directois, to serve for the ensuing year. • IV ti.l BUEHLIIR, Secretary and Treasurer. del9-9tawte* NO PIANO IS COMPLETE WITHOUT Copies-of the Following Elegant Works: WM. F. MURRAY "TEE .ROME CIRCLE." A collection of Marches, Waltzes, Polkas, Schottisches, Redowas Quadrilles, Con tra Dances. Four Hand Pieces and .Piano Gems. 2_vola. ~r eE SEWER OF IIEAI.L.S." a collection, of choice Duets, wth Piano Accompimimentg. "THE SILVER CHORD," a collection of Songs, Ball, Quartets, Duets. &e, with Piano Accompaniments. " OPE RATIC PEARLK," a collection of Gems from the Best Operas, with Piano Accompaniments. I rice of each, plain, $2 b 0; C'oth. $3 00; Juli gilt, $4 00. Mailed post paid cn receipt of price. OLIVER DEMON & CO., Publishers, 277 Washington street, Boston. • dec2o-uc WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA - OIL COMPA - NYo'': • $450,000 - - Capital Stock:. 150,000 Shares---$3 00 Per ,S harp. rreseut bbl Et;. per Day. TWO Producing Wells on the "Columbia" Oil Company's Lands, another being bored, with a good show. The Pearson Farm on Cherry Tree Run-80 acros—also owned by this company in fee sintp.'e. Call and:see prospectus and maps, at Bigler '.& Co. Call at mg, as but a limited number of shares will be sold in this city. ' E. J. S., ItileßT, ' For the Commix. References.—BlGLEß & Co., ih...cca..avr Sc Miran - de2o-tf ON thel4th inst., betw•Sen North street= and Killer's School House, on Pennsylvania Ave; nue, a Porttoonnaie, containing about $5O In small bills; also, a Mound House check of $BO in favor of Daniel' Shafer, and one of $4O 12 signed by John . Wallower, and Payable to the undersigned, and some other papers 10 4 Butcher's Bit's. A liberal reward will be paid the' ander • upon leaving the porta:nom:l4de and contenta at THIS OFFICK or with the undersigned, on Walnut street. de61914t JOHN 11017 NO". GrIEXCMA.N", RELIGIOUS BOOK STORE, • - Trott and Sunday School Depository; 27 S. Second street, below Market squaw, ...8A8R113817 It 0, PENNA.-' ONSTAITTLY ON HAND, Orichlas C Hyran_Books, School Books and • Stationery of every .dwcriotlon. Photograph , Albums, Go'd Pens; Diaries for 1865, such as Glober,„ etc. Also, a spleidid assortment of Books for the holidays. Depot for Ellsworth'a.roy„..., 'Books. Sunday School Books at publisheiii - pfices. German Books of all kinds, all of which will be sold at wholesale or retail. decl4 ~~~v..: From Europe. NEW YOBLi Dec. .2Ek U. S. Supreme -Court. WisEaNeTox, Dec. 20, Philadelphia Stock Market Pair,Amcuqw., Dec. 20:' LOST, $25 : . IEUE WARD.