Cdegrapp HARRISBURG, .PA TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 20, 1864. TOWN AND COUrVTit Supplement to the Telegraph. In order to accommodate our numerous ad vertising customers, we shall issue a supple ment to the TELEGRAPH, on Wednesday next. An edition of TEN THOUSAND will be printed, and advertisements for . the same should be handed in by Tuesday evening. =CEO eounr.--The next regular term of court for this county will commence on Monday, the 17th of January; and continue two weeks. A CHRIS'INLiS BALL-will be given at the Hope Engine House, on Friday evening next. A pleasant time is anticipated by the Hirers. ELEcTiox.--An election for officers of the Harrisburg Bridge Company will be held at the Eastern toll house, on Monday, the 2d of January. I= Wu. M. Gail & Co. advertise a large as sortment of fruits, jellies, and other goods, for which there is a heavy demand during the holiday season. I=l TEE Friendship Fire Company will give its annual ball on Monday evening, the 2d day of January. The Bloody Beds are doing their prettiest to render the occasion worthy of patronage. =I THERE has been another sudden change in the weather. The late thaws and rain have given place to a cold . wind, which had the effect of freezing up the water and mud on the streets. =1 OLn Rams KRD.ZICLE i$ filling his budget at our notion stores, preparatory to making his annual visit, on Saturday night. Ile will make glad the hearts of many children, whose baskets and stockings will occupy their accus tomed places in the chimney corner. pun ANNUAL Nonos of the Advertising pa trons of the TELEGBAPH will appear to-morrow, when we- shall refer in fitting terms to the business and the business men of Harrisburg. Advertisers will please bear this in mind. SELMER It FEAZER open to-day, an immense lot of fruit in cans and jars, raisins, ahem:lds, figs, oranges, prunes, &c., Sm., to which we :direct the attention of the reader. In addi tion, the same firm has just received a splen did lot of augers and syrups, for baking and table use. Indeed the stock of groceries at this establishment is now beyond all compari son superior. A IhnowAn SALUTE.-By order of Governor Curtin (me hundred guns were fired at noon, to-day, from Capitol Hill, in honor of the victories being achieved by the armies and navies of the United States. ,These victories now fill the nation with joy and gratitude, and have been won in time to add to the pleasures of the coming holidays. CAPITOL Exxxxsrox.--:We noticed this morning, that workmen were busily engaged in erecting a building on the Capitol grounds, to be used as a tool-house for those who are to be engaged on the Capitol extension. kl - r. Simon, the contractor for this work, expects to•break ground in a few days, and is now making engagements for the mechanics and laborers uezessary for this immense-improve ment. 12=3:11 /3BADT, Market street, below pewberry has the honor of attracting to his place of bu siness, crowds of people to admire and pur chase the splendid productions of hie oven. Indeed, Brady, as a baker, has no superior in the Commonwealth . . his fancy cakes are be yond description, the most elegant in appear ance and delicious in taste, we hays ever ex amined or tasted. It would be, economy if those who consume great quantities of fancy cakes during the holidays, gave Brady the or der to supply all they need, as he bakes cheaper arid better than the same article can be pro duced in a family. It is almost as good as a feast to look at Brady's stock. To the subscribers to the stock of the New York and Philadelphia Petroleum Company: --It is advertised that 50,000 shares of the Capital Stock of this Company will be re served as 'Working Capital. To prevent mis conception, the management desire to state that ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL LARS, (100,000,) in Cash, will lie deposite'd with the Company's bankers, to be used only in the development of the magnificent pro perty belonging' to the Company, and for the legitimate contingent expenses. A large majority of the stock having been taken, the books will soon be closed. S. D. Ingram, Esq., No. 15, Mal7ket , street, is ,Agent for the Company in this city. p ENNim OFFIOEBS EXCHANGED. -- Among the o!ricers exchanged at Charleston, on Friday last, were the following from Penn sylvania regiment: Capt. John Morrill. 2d. artillery; Col John Frazer, 140th; Lt Col a - 31 Connyinghani, 52d; Capt W Robinson, 77th; 6 1 ;.2it Geo 0 Urwilder, 97th; Lieut Oscar Rohn, Lieut W C Beck, 32d; Lieut C F Barclay, 149th; Lieut Chas Jones, 15th cavalry; Capt Gl 3 Donahay, 7th Reserve; Lieut W H Bricker, 3d cavalry; Lieut H C Potter, 18th cavalry; Lieut F R Eastman, 2d cavalry; Lieut 0 Ifd Hart, 45th; Lieut E D C Loud, 2d artillery; Lient H S Horton, 101st; Lieut J M'Govern, 73d; Lieut A. A Sweatland, 2d cavalry; Capt C W Newlan, 7th cavalry; Lieut Myron Fellows,l49th; Col Pennock Huey, Bth cavalry; Lient W U Dut ton, 62d; Capt J T Piggott, Bth cavalry; Lieut W A Dailey, Bth cavalry; Capt H T Kelley,. 118th; Capt T Krouse, ad artillery. PERSONAL. —Lieut. Joseph B. Rife, of the Sixth 11. S. Infantry, passed through our city 'Vs morning, on his way home to &fiddle to% -tx. Lieut. Rife is stationed at Fort Wood, in Ne r York Ilarbor, and is on a short leave of absel2 e4 ' Thomas ' Brown , well itnsiym in this city gad•who was formerly connected wi as tah v t o h c e alios p t em' house is in town, on short Mr.' Brown Captain's leave of absence. steamer Wachusetts, and Clerk of the U. S. " was "in at the fight, when *at vessel cap tured the rebel pirate .}.'l°6l4' go was at the head of the party which .. 11°Rra-ed the Florida; and received a dangerous w..11211'2„d from a pistol shot fired by the rebel lieu . w„,n a " „ Mr. B. gives a very interesting desorip"ei, t h e cap- The weehuse ,c4 is under tuts of the pirate. going repairs, at Boston. Mr. 8r0v,:14 swill re- main in our city for several days. Is a . brave soldier, and will doubtless be Lar d from when next his vessel "operates" up, l e the enemies of the Union. J. Bd. Fought and thirteen other members •of the 201st regiment, arrived here last even ing, from Alexandria, They are An route for Chambersburg„from which point they wißbe forwarded to their-companies, (F, and G,) in Bedford county. THE tide of trade sets in at Keller's, where the moat handsome display of holiday goods is fonnil. TimnE is none equal to the confectionery sold at Keilees. A splendid variety now in store. =l= A. F. ZIMMERMAN, No. 52 Market street, is determined to attract the attention of. the public, as well by the liberality of his adver tising as by the extent, variety and magnifi cence of his stock of jewelry, watches, clocks, and silver ware. He has every article manu factured from precious metals or valuable stones calculated to adorn the person; he has watches of rare excellence, and clocks of un faltering correctness: Indeed it is wily ne cessary for the public to give Zimmerman a call to discover that his stock contains something they need for use or ornament. WEER OF Pusvxn.—lt has been the custom of many of the Christian churches, not only in this country, but in different parts of the world, to observe the first week in January, each year, as a week of special prayer for the extension of the Kingdom of Christ. We un derstand that the Old School Presbyterian church of this city, in accordance with the recommendation of their General Assembly, has already made arrangements for a series of meetings to be held in that church during the week referred to, commencing with Sunday, the first day of the year. We presume that similar services will be held in most, if not all the other churches. Hunns WAMD BEECHES.--The following an nouncement of liberal newspaper enterprise is from the Boston Daily Advertiser: _ . "We see that Mr. Beecher and Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe are both writing for the Watch man and Reflector, of Boston. Mrs. Stowe is giving a series of graphic sketches of our most prominent public men, and Henry Ward sends, in his off-hand brilliant style, monthly letters from New York. The Watchman seems de termined to maintain its position as one of the best family journals in the country. Its editorial staff is very large and able, and besides the contributors mentioned above, its prospectus of this year announces such emi nent writers as President Sears, of Brown University, Drs. Hague, Ide, Stow and others, with Peter Bane, the brilliant English Essay ist, as its English Correspondent, and such writers as "Carleton," from the army. Such enterprise is an honor to the journalism of the country. • 013 n PriIONEES. —The following, giving an account of members of the 87th Pennsylvania regiment, we clip from the York True Demo crat. A report has been current here that all those whose names are included in the list, are dead. Such is not the fact, however. The names of the dead are Sergeant Edwardßudy, and Wm Ramsey, of Co B; Private Brenne man, of Co C; and David Myers, of Co F. Sergeant Rudy is a son of Mr. J. J. Rudy, of our city. His death will be deeply lamented by a large circle of friends and aecuaintanpes. The Z-us Democrat says: Charles E. Gotwalt, of this borough, who for a long time was confined as a prisoner of war in one of the Southern dens, arrived in this place a few days ago, having been re cently exchanged. Mr. Gotwalt is a member of the rth Penna. Volunteers, and the fol lowing is a list of the prisoners belonging to that regiment whom, with a few others whose names he does not recollect, he last saw at Millen, Georgia, on the 19th or 20th of No vember: Co Capt Palls, Serg Henry Shultz, Privates Samuel Andrews, Howard Andrews, William Shuman, Michael Marra, (exchanged,) Charles Metzger Peter Bott, Samuel Baum gardner, (wounded in neck, ). Harrison Kra mer. Co B Sergeant Edward R . ady, (died at An dersonville, Ga.,) privates George Bogch, George Zargor, George Toonny, Samuel Zort man, (died at Millen, Ga.,) Henry Welker, James Oran, William ilapsey, (died at Ander sonville, Ga.) Co C—Lieutenant Charles Stallman, Pri vates Michael Poet, °Henry Poet, Thos Bull, Blaney, Artemus Hildebrand, (escaped from the cars on the way to Millen, Ga.,) Frey, (also escaped,) Brenneman, (died at Andersonville.) Co D—Corporal Squire Danforth, Privates Wm Metcalf, Matthew Dubbs, Nelson Crow, Wm Stewart, John Henn, Alex Klingclinst, Bailey Vlinedinst. Co B--Samuel Samuel gray, James Morehead, Bear, Xeiser, John Ever hart, Smith, John Stridtz, bein, Chas March, Serg Chas Fox. Co r —Wm Ziegler, Harrison Koon, David Meyers, (died at Audersonville.) Co G—Lazareth Klinedinst. Co H—Serg Hinkle Co E—Christian List. • BUSYNESS ITEMS. Loos. at a notice in our advertising columns headed IsreourANT. dec2o-st* 84.NFORD'S OPERA Housz—The temple of Minstrelsy, in which are given chaste and drawing-room entertainments by Miller's National Minstrel Troupe. It is the largest and best troupe we have witnessed for some time. Scond night of the laughable after piece, written by Andy Williams, entitled "The Musicians;" Second night of the "Oil Borers;' Second night of the "Young Men's Semi nary." Everybody should go to Sauferd's to night. of 'our Whole Stoek:ol Dry . Goodo Among the goods we are selling ofl; we have 25 dozen of hemstitched ladies' pocket handkerchiefs. 30 dozen of gentlemen's linen pocket hand kerchiefs. 25 dozen of small woolen stockings, at 15 cents per pair. 200 yards of remnants of paramattas, at half price. 50 black cloth cloaks and oirCulars, at 4,1.0 and 12 dollars. Furs ! furs! .at very low prices, to close out. 200 gentlemen's neck ties at 25, 35 and 45 cents. Broehe shawls, in double and single. .200 pieces of calicos and muslins. GO pieces of black alpaccas, bombazines and merinos. 500 dozen of woolen and oot,fm.i. stockings. 45 dozen of gentlemen's woolen and cottol spoke. I would gall particular attention to some bleached muslin we have at 35 cents per"yard. 50 pieCes of red, white and yellow wool flannel, all to be sold cheap, in order to close out our stock. : persons in want of dry goods, would do well to call l? ore purchasing. N. 8.-15 pieces of Week silks - at great bar . . gafns. §. PERT. Apoxiox.-32.r. Barr will sell, on Wednesday morning at market, (lair weather,) a large lot of glass jars, candies, tin, wood and China toys, fancy work-boxes, s.egorg and tobacco, apples, 25 bushels of chestnuts. peanuts, Rid shellbarks, together with a variety of other Christmas articles, from a firm in dosing out. Sale to consmaime at 7 o'slook. decl9-St .Stmonzerurza furnished on the most reason: ble terms at the office of Sullivan S. and, cl a im Agent, Walnut street, upposite State Capitol Bete Principals wishing inlisti tutes will do well to call at once. decl2-dtf MM To THE LADIES OF ISIAHRISEIIEG.—Ln order to reduce my stook of dry gogds previous to taking inventory, I have reduced all kinds of dress goods twenty-five per cent., from this day until January let, 1865. As the holidays approach it will certainly be to your advan tage to examine my large stgok of dress goods, • oaks, slpwls, scarfs, gloves, hose and hun eds of other articles •suitable for holiday present s. Sol. Brownold, corner Second and Market, opposite Jones House, Harrisburg. deel3-d tjan 5 === POSITIVE I, • LING 0 ILT gRf.! The undersigned being desirous of-closing out his stock on Account of taking an inven tory, will sell the following articles until Jan uary Ist, 1865, at lower than Philadelphia and New York wholesale prices: Ladies' bonnets and hats. Misses hats. Hair nets. Head-dresses. Ladies' cloaks and circulars: Fur capes and muffs. Ladies'and Misses'woolen hoods and unbias. Sontags and Aiding hoods. 00118ETTS, plain, embroidered and hem stitched handkerchiefs. Embroidered and morning collars. Ladies' scarfs. Ribbons, bonnet silks, velvets, flowers, rushes, laces, bonnet ornaments, feathers, &o. Dealers would do well to call and examine my stock, as they can buy their goods lower than city wholesale prices. Call one and all and judge for yourselves. M. MAYER'S Bonnet and cloak store, 13 Market street, • between River alley and Front street. ' decls-tf SUBSTITUTE PAPERS promptly made out by Sullivan S. Child, claim agent, Walnut street, 3d door below Third. dB-dlm I= CHEIBTIVIAS.—The celebration of Christmas day, as one of merriment, feasting and pre sents, run% far back into the misty periods of Christian antiquity. The modes of enjoying the festival have been various, not only in dif ferent nations, but in different, parts of the same country. In our city of Harrisburg, Christmas is the peculiar holiday of the whole year. In country villages, like .New York, they make a great -ado on New Year's day; but with us it is but the feeble fag-end of the fes tival which opens with Christmas. The ap proach of the season is heralded by seductive advertisments of all sorts of things which en terprise asserts are suitable for presents. The stores are choked with customers, and as the eve of the happy day approaches, parcels— portentous of gifts—are in almost every pe destrian's hands; and the incessant peal of front door bells, heralding the delivery of them, takes the place of "The chimes which in olden times Rang out upon Christmas Eye." • In this connection lam authorised, by C. B. Powman, to say that for the-purpose of in creasing his business, and offering an addi tional inducement to those disposed to obtain Christmas presents at low prices, he will sell, during this week, furs, cloth circulars, coats and Chesterfield's for ladies, bah:coral skirts, brocha and plaid wool shawls, merino scarfs, and fancy dress goods„ at a very small profit. Store No. 1, southeast, corner of Front and )41:orket streets Yours, &c., f. T. VAN HORN. SITLLIVAN' S. CBTIZO, CLAIM Amon, has . TO. moved his office from the Dtarii . TELEormaka Building to WALNUT STREET, 3D DOOB BELOW THUM, OPPOSITE STATE CAPITOL Hon= All claims for Premiums, Bounties and Back Pay promptly attended to. Dn M'Brazon's King of Pain should be kept in every family. Will cure Headache, Tooth ache, Earache in three minutes. Diarrhceo; Bloody Flux, pain italic Back and Side, Inflam mation of the Kidneys and Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart. Sole agent for the State, S. A. KUNKEL &BRO., - 118 Market street, Harrisburg. All orders from a distance promptly attended to. s ept2O-tf =EOM FEVER ex]) AGUE can be cured. Do not think because you have tried everything you could read or hear of, that you cannot get anything to cure you, for you have not taken the pure vegetable that is curing every one that takes it. It does not stop your shaking for a week or two, but it is a perfect cure. trial Olthis will convince you ruld your neigh bors. It can be had only at No. 27, South Pfine street, by Mrs. L. Ball. octl7-tf SPECIAL NOTICES. IT HAS COME, TRY IT ! TRY IT ! • INDIAN' PAIN KILLER. It COLLINS'k../ cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pain in the Back or Nide or Steinetetit Cramp Qhol c, Headsche, Bruises, Diarrahco, and.all similar complaints. Fel' sale at the Drug store of J. M. BOMGARDNER,. corner of Fourth and Market streets, Harrisburg deo2olw HUBBEL'S Golden Bitters. A PURELY VEGETABLE TONIC INviGonarma AND 611113NGTIMNING Fortifies the system against the evil effects of unwole. some water. . Will cure dyspepsia. Will cure weakness. • Will cure gegeral debility. Will cure heartburn. Will cure headache. Will cure liver complaint . . . Will excite and create a healthy appetite. Will invigorate the organs of digestion, and Moderately increase the temperature of the body and the force of the circulation, acting in fact as a general corroborant of the system,. containing no poisonous drugs, and is The BEST TONIC BIT'TERS in the 'WORLD. A fair trial is earnestly solicited. GEO. C. HUBBEL & CO., Paoranrroies, HUDSON, N. Y. °antral Depot AmericanEsprent Building, 55 HUDSON 'ST., NEW YORK. sir For sale by Druggists, Grocers, &c. D. W. GROSS & 00., Harrisburg, Wholesale Agent, and for sale by J. BT. LUTZ, C. 11.. SELLER, GEO. WINTERS arid S. A. KUNKEL, octl4-d.lcw SW- Brawn° Frre cum na Conan! I—Dr. Lockrow having become eminently successful in curing this for riblo malady, invites all similarly satiated to call or tend for circulars of references and testimonials of numerous cases cured of from one to twenty-four years , standing . He devotes his attention especially to diseases of the Cer. ebrb-Spinal Axis, or Nervous System, and solicits an In vestigation of his claim. o public confidence. De may be consulted at his private residence, No. 141 West, 04 street, daily, from 10 A. w_ until 4 P. lc, except Saturday sad Slinday. Alidreas ell letters to - DR. V. B. LOGS:BOW, New "fork. Care of P. 0. Box 6110, oclid4wBm say- A Pommes:mum VIEW 01? Mmutukis I—Containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine plates and engravings of tile Anatomy of the Human Organs in a state of health and disease, with a treatise on early errors, its deplorable consequences upon the mind and body, with the author's plan of treatment—the only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown bjr the report of cases treated A truthful adviser to the married, and those contemplating marriage, who entertain doubts tif tireir physical • 00 0 1- lion. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents in stam l is or postal' currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 81 Malden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author may be consulted upon any of the diseases upon which his book treats, either personalty or by mail, and medicines sent to any part of the world. ocildar3m THE CORrismowslp EXPERIENCE OF AN INVALID, Published for thelsetent, undue CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN dud Others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Pre mature Densy of Manhood, &c, supplying at the same time Tao Miura or Say-Cnne. By one who has eared ?Rat pliglergolng cobriderablegnieltery. By en closing a poet paid ilareened envelope, single copies may bs had of the anther. NATHaiillll , NATALIA, Esq , deadowlm womom map county, N. Y. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1864 Christmas 1864 USEFUL PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS Ladies Sable Furs, Ladies' Fitch Furs, Ladies' Silver Martin Furs, Ladies' Siberian Sorrel Furs, Ladies' American Mink Furs, Ladies' Native Hudson Bay Furs, Ladies' French Sable Furs, Ladies' liitation Ermine Furs Children's Furs OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A Large Assortment of Dress Goods, Shawls to. Reduced Prices, Broca Bordered Scarfs, Gloves, Lace Collars, Embroidered Caere, Sontags, Nobles, Alexander's Kid Gloves Balmoral Skirts, ficoods, Genuine Bek Lace Veils, Embroidered Setts, so., &o IN THE MOURNING DEPARTMENT OUR Stork Is Complete. Our Fine ruts have been manufactured ex pressly far OUR CHRISTM 4S SALES. We are now receiving thew from the mann- faotniers We can give purchasers a decided advantage In all other goods The Prices have been Reduced. • 9A.TII.OART BRQ. , No: 14 Marketßipare, Next Door to the Hanisburg Bank. deels-d2w WM. BRADY, No. 62 , Market Sta r Harrisburg ) HAS jrtet returned from New York and Philadelphia, and is preplred to offer to the citi zens of Harrisburg and vicinity the choicest and most carefully seiecisi STOCK OF GOODS In his line ever offered in this city, consisting in pari of the following articles: - Fine Gold Hunting-cased .ENGLIiII, AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Pine Solid Silyer arid Plated Ware, SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS, =3ll 're ' Seqs, Calßors, . . Berry 11413 23 , vake Baskets, Butter Dishes, ~ . Tee Pitchers, Fine Tabe, Tea, Fish, Butter & Fruit Knives, . _ . Soup Ladles, Napkin Rings, Card:reeeivers, Call Belts, FINE JEWELRY OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, SUCH &S White and Black Onyx, Coral, • &mothYll4 Carbuncle, Buoy and Pearl Setts, Initial Sleeve Buttons and Studs, Gold and Jet Crosses, Necklaces for ladies and children, Gold and Silver Thimble?, Gold Guard, Chatelain, Vest and ' Fob Chains,' Lockets, Charms, . Tooth Picks. Dawson, Warren and Hyde's and John Foley 'a celebra ted Gold Pens, in gold, silver and gully percha holders Seth Thomas' telebrated Calendar Regulators," aed an endless variet y Of everything In his line., We traverse tit old maxim , and invite ladles and gen tlemen to call at Otherptacesjtrst, then give us a call and see the difference in stock and prices. We defy compe- deol6 QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, FIRST %Masi Weantsorx, November 30, 1304.. sold at Public illation, to the highest bidder, at the times and places named below, via : JOHNSTOWN, Pa., THURSDAY, December 15, 1864. TRENTON, N. J., THURSDAY, December 22,1864, Two hundred Cavalry Horses at each place. g These Horses have been condemned as unfit for the cavalry service of the army. For road and farming purposes many good bargains may be had. Homes sold singly. sitlo to Nplmply3 at 10 o'Cleek M. Tens: Vaalt in Government fund JAMES A. EON, Colonel in Charge First Division, deo3-tdec.2o Quartermaster General's Office. HABILISBORG NATIONAL BAN; December 10, 1664. THE annual election for thirteen directors or this bank will be held, WS required by the national currency act, on Tuesday, the 10th day of .Troma:y next, at the banking' house, •betwegn the huure Of 1 oa. at. And ar. - J. W. WEIR, declo4.o Cashier. NATIONAL HOUSE RESTAURANT. T HAVE re-fitted and opened the above 1 named restaurant. where all the delicacies of the_ season will be served up. such as Oysters, Game, Terra pin, aro. The public ate most respectfully Invited to call. Families supplied with oysters. A. J. WAJIJII D. N. G.—F,ee lunch given every dayfrom 19% to 31% A - 7 suftl44,-.4 . SMOK.k./ Rata% lust received ttdftharatng, at SELSLIS & FRAZER 1017 Successors to W. Dock, Jr„ fluE'prip ku4l GLASSWARE, a well 'Be. %CI leO•cia 14051194, tpc4794, of the %wit Btyies Jyle Doi* a XONMPER. Christmas Presents NO. 7 MARKET SQUARE. MR. BOAS respectfully calls the attention of citizens end stra-gers to his lacge and well se- lected STOCK OF Fine Gold America)} and Swiss Watches, Ladies' Chadlain and Gentlemen's Vest Chains, Small Swiss Watches for Boys, Fine sets of Jewelry, such as • Coral, vhite and black rinyx, Pearl. Amethyst and Gold sets, Gotta Percha Chains, Pen holders, Poncils, Gold Lofkets, Sleeve Buttons, Finger Rings, Tooth-picks and Studs. FINE SILVER WARE. Ice Cream sets. Oyster, Gravy and Cream Ladles, • Tea-spoons, plain and twisted handles, Cake Lifters Berry Sloops, Preserve Spoons, in pair or single, indivtrivaL • Butter /Knives Plain and Fancy a t-spoons, • Fruit Knives. • PLATED WARE. Tea sets, Round and Oval Walters, Breanist and Tanner Castors, Cake and Fruit Paskete. • Sugar Bowls, Magic Butter D'shes, Pickle Stands, Ice Pitchers, Tea Knives, Nut Crackers and Picks, . Tea, Table and Dessert Spoons, Dinner Forks, Children's sets, del9-2w Knives, Folks and i,poons Win M. Gray & Co. DON'T fail to stop. and examine our new DON'T of fine family groceries Just received for the Fine Handkerchiefs, CHRISTMAS HOLIDAINt - Consisting of the following articles: Fresh canned. peaches, Blackberries, S:rawiterries , Tomatoes ora, Peas, Beane, Also, new layer and banal raisins, In whole boxes, %, X and 36*, Currants, Citron, Seedless raisins, Figs In large and small boxes, Figs paste in cakes or boxes, Fine cstawba grapes, Amortedjentes, consisting of Currants. Blackberries, Raspberries, Lemon, Pineapple, Peon, App'e, Orange, • Pear and Quince Jelly. New mince meat always on hand, and new sweet older; also, a new stook of oneensware, el't China eta, and par. for ornaments, Chine soy tea Setts for children, and wil lqw ware, Sc., eat received at WU: M. OPAYA Co decl(Rouser & Leachmaies o'd stand, Market Square.) WARD'S MUSIC STORE, No% 12 NORTH. a'AZRZI STREET. Steinway'ssuberb Pianos, Schomaker , s Splendid Pianos. Grovesteen's cheap Pianos. Prince's (new) automatic Organs, the greatest triumph of the age. Melodeons, Violins, Gul'ata, Flutes, &e. Brume and Fifes. Sheet and Book Music. Pictures-omi and square Walnut, Oak, Rosewood and Gilt Frames. AlbuntE—A very large and dna stool; at lower prices than elsewhere. Call and see the rally largest "tic gaare within 100 miles of Harrisburg. SELLING AT VERY LOW PRICES DEMING THE HOLIDAYS, TO I;LEEVILICV... STOCK., At Aro. b 2 Market Street MHE subscriber returns his sincere thanks 1 to his friends and the public generally, for their very liberal patronage during the past four years, and begs leave to inform thorn that, he has a very elegant assorted stock of flue Watdies, Chains, Rings, Fins, Sleeve But toils, Scarf Fins, Charms, Gold Pens, Gold and Silver Thlinbles„ Silver Spoons . ; Butter Knives, Salt, Sugar Cream and Preserve Spoons; Sliver-Bated Caps, Goblets, Cake Berke* Berry Dishes, Syrup . Pitchers, Breakfast Tea, and Dinner Castors; &c., which will Crake very ele gant and durable Christmas Prearnts. Call and examine for yourselves. Make selections while the assortment is full. No pains spared to show goods. • All the above sold at very small profit, de013.4f A. F. TIMMERMAN, . • Knoche's Music Store, Nutpick ~ &° 93 Market Street. pIANOS, Cabinet Organs an 4 Melodeons. Plano Stools anti Covers. • Guitars, Fint-s; Violins, etc. Musical Works of all descriptions, Foralios forGheet Music. Sheet Music, the latest and most popular publications] Engravings, Paintings, Photographs. Oval and square gilt Walnut and Rosewood Frames. - Albums the largest and best assortment in the city. Outland examineehe stock of the /avgeM 41fusab Store this side of the great cities. W, MNOCHE, 98 Market streeL DRUG. AND FANCY GOODS STORE, No. 91 MARKET SARRE WE are happy in presenting to our pa trons again this season, an entire smer stock of Fancy Goods for the holidays, fresh from tne hands of importers, and at prices astonishingly low for the times. Purchase your holiday presents now while the assort ment is full and viiricd deal W. B.N.ADY, 62 . Market street. HAVE just received from New York a large and well selected assortment of China ware, (pure klatch China,) suitable for Holiday presents. They in vite the public to call tioolb•wAile the 'stock fail with a gecut selection • • ; deol7 Neutral Sitlphite aflame, FOR PRESERVING CIDER. CITE ARE selling the very best article of the kind, prepared according to directions of E. Y. rioratorti, Professor of Oberojetry, Howard Univer sity. It is perfectly reliable - and free from impurities. Directions - aocempany each package. )(Yuma% Drug and Fancy Goot.s Store, No. 91 Mar ket street, Harrisburg. 0020 FOUR VALUABLE 'BUILDING LoTS, situated on Thir.l and Herr street! (genagiond's Lane,) corner lot 25.r1a1. The other lots are 208131, running Sack to a2O feet alley. For further particulars enquire of_ . HEQ. 11. SELL, leo3odt; Corner of SeCond and Obes , nnt street?, FOB. SALE - POUR VALUABLE ktu6SE3, located in different pada of the lA7. For marepartic enquire at the Cheap aiheary Store, corner of Third. htnu Do3o4tr ri ' OCOANIITif COCOANUTS .. j nr. ust . oelved, at, n (Hourbor Loolltoan i s old dew, market squar e.) dec NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C. A• BOAS'. GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS Worth having, at SII;AS WARD, N 0.12 North Third Street 'decl7-tilljval 'HOLIDAY 'GIFTS HOLIDAY GOODS ! IN ABUNDANCE AT TELLER'S Holiday Presents Boyer & Kerper, NO. 3 MARKET SQUARES FOIL SALIG, AMU SEM ENTS NATIONAL MOLL! Corner of Second and South streeis. POSITIVELY FIVE DAYS ONLY, Commencing on WEDNESDAY EVENING,Dec .21:, 1861. Matinees TistiesdaY, Sa'urday ant Monday afternoons, at three o'clock. ELLINGER & FOOTE'S GREAT MORAL EXHIBITION ! AND ORIGINAL CONTINENTAL VOCALISTS! The most attractive Amusement now Traveling. The Three Wonderful Lilliputians,. Com. Foote & Sister, OM half the size of Toni Thumb and Wife) AND C 0 . S A. 1 , 1 The Great Female Character Dancer. ht combination with these wonders of nature Is, titetr preceptress, Arrsi C. (4. Russell, FORMERLY MRS. RUMMER, ' Celebrated Vocalist and Pianist, together with THE OLD CONTINENTAL VOCALISTS ; W. D. FRANKLIN, J. W. SMITH, Prof G. H. BROOKS. LOOK OUT FOR THE LILLIPU [IAN CHARIOT This magnificent carriage, entirely new and scarcely larger than a bushel basket costing over $2,000, will pass through the principal streets and from the Jones House to the Hall at each of the day exhibitions, conietet.g Coni. Foote and Sister and Col, Small, DRAWN BY SIX WHITE TRAINED GOATS! Doors opcn at 7, commence at 7,!-; °Week- Admission—Private Boxes, $3 io $5, according lo loca tion Paraquette, 60 cents. Gallery 25 cents. ladies to the Matinees, 25 cents. Children 15 cents. No half price at night. COL. WM. ULMER, Manageng Proprietor. C. G. RUSSEL, Business Manager. S. JAKWAY. General Agent. decl4-3twedsal&tues SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE! THIRD STSEET, =LOW Basic= JOS MILLER FIEST appearanCe of JIMMY QUINN, the people's cavolite Ethiopian Comedian and Song and Dance Man. TEM TEMPLIC OF MINSTRELSY, In which are given chaste and dmwing room amusements, by MILLER'S NATIONAL MINSTREL TROUPE, comprising a combi nation of Vocalists, 141151C111115 p Comedians and meats of the - highest order of med.. the c nrenieot locality of this elegant Institut on recommends its If to every citizen end stranger Mus c, sons and poesy is the theme .or all, and in the manner presented oy ational Minstrel Troupe, fathe , s, mother; staters and brothers may attend and eni..y a treat free from aD that could offend the moat fastidious. The same alt. mien is given In the selector' of pieces and songs for this Star 'Denys of Minstiets, Groat success of MILLER'S N. TONALMLN,TREL TROUPE t Op. n every Night Vast night of the Great Comic Act, THE OVERLAND LITE 1 • Flit night of the Yell - 1M MEN'S SEMINARY I First night or THE OIJ., BORERS To etetelnde with the Rearing Farce, entitled. TI-11F. MUSICIAN: Characters by.the comparty. &thelesion, 26 cents. Gallery, 16 cents. Orchestra Seats, 60 cents. Seats in PrNate Boxes, 2.1. 00. Doors open at gto T. Commence at 734 . dee2o4llw* WANTS.. WANTED, - ANITRSE.—AppIy at Room No. 28, State Capitol Hotel. doel9-43t* BLA.CKSM/THS WANTED. T" good workmen wanted to work about coal mines. Enquire at the Hardware atom or Henry Gilbert, otiposite the Court House. WANTED TO RENT-A. house containing six rooms located suwitere.between worth end Chestnut Sts. u .. tent paid thadvance. t ddress Box 41, P. 0. Possess. 1. on wanted on'the first of Aprll, 1815. delS-tf WANTED LiARRISBURG BRID G E. STOCK, Gold, Si cer and 11. 8. Bonds. EVGLER & 00., Stock. and Exchange Broke: s, 8111 Market street. del9-4t* WANTED. —A good two-horse team Wagon. Enquire at . THIS OFFICE. decl6 dtf " WARTRI),: - AMAN orboy to take charge of. a horse. A good gardener preferred. 24 North Second street. dec.l4-dlw, DAVID IrIIIMMA. •every .7U wantwlB. 4 °,7,'Z'inonlt,, Iten r t a s i : l, •e t v o ez i - Arleen Articles the beet selling ever offered. Full kar tictilars free. Aildresa, • 'OTIS T. GARET nol6,d&w3m Biddeford, Maine. WANTED.-$125 A. MONTH! — Agents everywhere, to introduce the new Shaw 4 Mark: Sixteen Dollar Family Sewing Machine, the only low price machine in the country which is licensed by Grover & Baker, Wheeler & Wilscn Howe, Singer & Co„ and Batchelder. Salary andexpenses, expenses: or large commissions allowed. All other Ma chines now sold for less than forty dollars each are.irs fringentents, and the seller and user Rohl& Illustrated circulars sent free. Address, SHAW & CLARK, nolG dawBin Biddeford, Maim ROLIDA V GOODS. CHRISTMAS GIFTS IL .031E31113ER THAT Keller's is the Place, AND if you. fail to go to Seller's before mak ing your purchases you may regret it. You will there linclthe most beautiful display of tine goods, and the greatest variety yet offered in this city. It would be vain to attempt to number or describe them; they must be seen. Call. It is our business to show geode; yours to buy, if you son proper. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A HTBBAND. Wlit HAVE GIFTS - SITITABLE. FOR A WIFE WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A BROTHER. WE HAVE WETS SUITABLE FOR A SISTER. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOB A FRIEND. GIFTS ACCEPTABLE AND Appropriate' to All, Ia addition to our Fpeetal VANCYGOO DB, we fasaiLibe mug large week of MUT ARTICLire rEffiriNE- Ef.y, trltica remutus unrivaled fu We city. SELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOODS STORIC, da14.1 N.o. 91 Market street. - - bELISLER , & FRAZER itvz, and are receiving goods in their 'amid ace, for christmas, fur families, eolaistmtof h UWE, talkINS„ in ail fired pa kaget aid Prunes, Apples, C der, Wine, Brandy:nem, &C. Prepared Mimic Meet, puZ up by the monee ebratk4 manufemarer, Kr. Anna e .. pine nee MP New Orlemee Molieeres 144 d Sorghum Syrup, a domaitic which is conmdmeds firoi'ar tide fer baking , r 14 Btrinat itiD = - bads always :nn hand at • • -Svat at GUAY dAto., r. (tangos & LocbmaWs old stand., Market Square ). 49119 Proprietor
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