Paitg gritßravt HARRISBURG. PA TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 20, 1864. OFFICIAL RETURNS =I Pennsylvania Congressional Election. KELP OCTOBER 11, 1864, BY .CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. FIRST DISTRICT-PHILADELPHIA 2nd Ward 3d " 4th " sth " 6th " 11th Army vote Randall's majority wimp DISTRICT-PMUDELPHIA O'Neill. 1;911 2,164 1,557 1,532 .2,324 .1,832 Ist Ward 7th " Bth 9th " 10th l' 26th ~ Army vote • O'Neill's majority THIRD DISTRICT-PHILADELPHLA.. Myers. " li'ucktoalter. 1,342 1,257 2,033 1,353 1,635 1,616 1,181 2,056 .2,304 1,218 2,449 2,339 12th Ward • 13th " 16th " 17th " 18th I,oth Army vote Myers' majority. 1,475 FOIIRTEI DISTRICT-RBELA:DELPRIA. Kelley. Northrop. ..2,261 1,335 ..3,151 2,225 —3,193 2,491 ..1,609 1,339 ..2,256 1,801 14th Ward 15th " 20th " 21st " 24th " Army vote Kelley's majority DISTRICT-PHILA. (PART) AND DUCES 92d Ward .23d 25th Arthy vote Bucks Army vote .. Thayer's majority... 278 SIXTH `DISTRICT. Bullock. Boyer. . . 3, 345 5,302 6,316 7,545 Lehign Montgomery Boyer's majority SEVENTa. DISTBICT. Chester, Delaware, Broonaairs majority.. 3,677 EIGHTH DISTRICT, Rieder. 5,677 394 Berke Army vote Ancona's majority NINTH DIBTRICT, Ste6oB . ..11,204 600 Laneaster... Army vote.. Stevan& majority.... 4,460 TENTH DLSTRICT • Lebanon,. Schuylkill StroOse's majority (it la alleged that the election officers in two of the strongest copperhead districts in Schuylkill county N't.l 3 !,a not sworn at all, and that sufficient frauds' ha' been discovered to elect the Union candidate, Air. Fisher.) ELEvEN'XiI DisnlatT Northampton Carbon Monroe Pike Wayne Jobuswge majority at insmax. 11117311 r Reta.a.T. D e 71n71 5 877 168 3,318 2, 514 . 246 39 Luzente.. S4RpleaPplia.— thaliVW. Desuiison's majority (Gross frauds have also bean discovered in Luzerne county, where Dennison has a large majority If Mr. Ketcham contests his seat Mr. Dennison will find it hard to prove that he is the legally elected Congressman. Bracifor4 Wyonling u :van. Columbia Montour. UNION. COPPERHEAD.. Buller. Randall. ..2,231 2,120 1,445 1,878 1,397 1,231 1,480 .1,176 . 913 .1,100 .1,060 . 907 9,654 210 7,387 , 355 7,742 9,764 7,742 ....2,022 1,071 1,355 1,126 1.292 1,119 1,188 7,151 139 11,320 44? 7,290 11,767 7,290 132 M 10,944 • 9,837 523 ls3' 9,992 11,167 9,992 9,191 153 12,470 618 13,088 9,344 9,344 MEI Ross. 1,131 1,363 1,218 2 haver . 2,087 ..1,774 . 806 3,712 49 4,667 . 264 4,931 3,761 5,945 6,938 131 30 11,007 10,729 10,729 9,661 12,847 .9,661 3,186 Beatty. 7,231 /3roomall: :..10,908 '7,231 Aneona. 11,917 159 5,971 12,076 .. • • • ;5;97.1.1 7,105' North. 7,158 186 ETD 11,804 7,344 Fisher. Strauss. .3,408 • .2,512 .7,271 8,642 -11,154 10, 679 10,679 ,geWridge. Johnson. g;826 . 5,651 _1,465 1,945 , 413 ' ' -• ", 150 :.1,530 24b 1.3,007 6,384 --r -. 7.623 6,384 10,573 10,028 10,068;;; • a —671 615 n'WITRENVI DISTRICT' itercitr. Fiolett. ..5,795 . 2,618 . 1,162 1,270 . 319 622 .1,536 2,905 .. 912 1,308 0,724 8,723 Mereur's majority .. .1,002 FOMITZENTH DISTRICT. Geo. P. Miller. W. H. Miller. Northumberland ....:...2,,446. . 3,257 Union . 1,816 ' 1,255 Snyder 1,457 • 1,225 Juniata ' 1,243 1,605 Dauphin 4,657 3,750 11,619 11,092 14092" - Geo. F. Miller's maj. 527 FIFTEENTH DISTRICT Glossbrenner. . 4 930 7,432 3,404 3,808 2,242 2,142 York Cumberland Perry Glosabrenner's majority sirrEENTa rammer Koontz. . Off roth. .. 2,233 2,644 .. 292 115 _3,508 3,457 . • - 513 803 39 . 12 ..1,740 2,410 .. 405 141 _2,512 1,592 Adams Army vote Franklin Fulton ... Army vote. Bedford ... Army vote. Semerset Roontz's majority.... 68 SRVENTBRIITH DISTRICT Barker. Johnston. . 1,593 2,634 295 54 . 2,534 2,209 . 381 108 . 2,539 2,022 . 293 122 1,407 1,406 .. 203 161 Army vote.. Blair Army vote.. Huntingdon Army vote.. Mifflin Army vote.. Barker's maj 509 EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT Wilson. .. 2,454 ;..1,337 .. 2,843 ... 984 3,915 Centre Clinton... Lyooming Potter Tioga 852 NINETEENTH DISTBIbT. Scofield. 5;575 2,009 • 643 . 71 240 , 277 1,514 1,802 Wilson's maj 12113 Warren M'Kean Forest . E1k.... Cameron. Jefferson. Clearfield 1,717 TWENTIETH DitftntoT Culver. 5,124 . 3,015 .. 3,749 1,4112 Scofield's maj Crawford Venango Mercer.. Clarion.. Culver's maj 1,410 TWENTY-MST DISTRICT. Puller. Dawson. 3,319 1,710 426 . 128 -3;703 5,180 811 155 2,739 3,553 232 127' Indiana Army vote Westmoreland . Array Tote. .. Fayette.— - - Army vote Dawson s majority (Since the meeting of the returnjudges a thorough examination has been made of the soldier vote, and it has positively been ascer tained that Dr. Sisyra FELLrza, the Union can didata, has been elected by a majority of 15. - Mr. Dawson holds the cextificate of election,' but Dr. Fuller will contest his seat, and we be lieve übtain his seat without difficulty.) TWENTY-SECOND DISTRICT Moorhead. Allegheny, (part,),., ..11,233 7,013 Moorhead's maj 4,220 TWENTX-TBIELD DISTRICT 5,944 2,653 299 2,562 2,644 224 64 Allegh'eny, (part,) Butler Army vote Armstrong Army vote ..... • Williams' maj . 3,558 TWENTY-FOURTH DISTRICT Lawrence.... Beaver Washing4,on. Greene Lawrpnce's 41t8.1 1,616 A. PEOPLE'S MUTUAL COAL COMPANY was or fr-ed in Boston Tuesday. The object of the ca mnization is to give the stockholders 0001 at -ost, besides a dividend of profits. The PialK-43 of the company is situated in one of tow-hest coal districts of Pennsyl vania. ' -'- - Tmt KenakiakaA r , N H.;•Low Price-At:moth?, tion is now' deli '.g its wood at ix price which renders iif 6,14 4." , the consumei,inclua-, lag t cost of surverab and hauling, $7 60 per n 7na . - - Nashville tair r esP4lderttg UP? VW Incie esti/ 12 4W; the rebcl 445 Othe b ' 134 ; . klki. at 8000; and the Palen,' Mee EitIMO. At) EereorapQ. LATER FROM GENERAL THOMAS, 8,723 FURTHER The Operations of the 16th. Ed. Johnson's Entire Division, Including al the Brigade Commanders, Captured. A Brigade of Rebel Cavalry . De Orders of General. Breckinridge No News from General Sherman 10,576 13,382 10,576 2,806 11,242 11,174 11,174 9,225 8,716 8,716.. Wright. 3,141 1,977 3,690 682 1,291 10,6131 11,533 10,681 Bigler. 3,054 1,281 580 53 656 193 1,621 2,476 9,914 11,631 9,914 GoAdt 3,722 2,691 3,101 2,426 11,940 13,350 11,940 10;855 10,730 10,730 Hopkins. 7,013 Kountz. 2,756 2,611 MITI 11,882 8,124 Lawrence. Puecr. ... 2,994 1,211 .... 2,805 1,913 4,576 4,222 ... 1,352 . 2,766 11,727 10,112 10,112 WAR' BULLETIN. E ENEMY VIGOROUSLY PURSUED, strayed. BELS SHORT OF LEAD AND FORAGE A CALL FOR 300,000 MEN WLR DsPenn/ENT, 9 P. Zd., WARRINGTON, December 19, 1864. Major Genera/ John A. Dix, New York: The folloiring report of his operations on yesterday has been received from Major Gen. Thomas: HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT CIIM3ERLAND, NEAR SPRINGRII,L, December 18. The enemy haie been vigorously pushed to day, but has studiously avoided any attack by my troops. I have succeedr,d in taking a few prisoners, some two (ir three hundred, but our captures are light m comparison with the successes of the past few days. The pursuit will be continued in the morn ing at as early an hour as the troops can march. The following copies of orders found in Breckinridge's camp in East Tennessee for your information: HEADQUARTERS DEPARENVET VA., AND t EAST TESNESSEE, % WYS SEVILLE, VA.,. Dec. 2, 1864.. GENERAL ORDERS 110. 27. In accordance "with instructions received from the Ordnance "Department at Richmond, that It has become of vital importance to husband small arms, ammunition and lead, the following order is published: All lead which can be gleaned from battle fields or otherwise obtained will be collected by the brigade ordnance officers, and be sent to th nearest arsenal. All arms to be relieved of their loads for cleaning, the balls should be drawn, if practicable—otherwise the loads should be discharged into boxes of sand or dirt, so that the lead may be recovered and turned into the Ordnance Department. The attention of the commanding officer is called to the necessity of giving rise to this order, and its rigid enforcement is strictly.en joined by commanding offiCers. (Signed) Maj.-Gen. BRECSINRIDGE. J. J. STODHAAT jOHNSON, A. A. G. HEADQUARTERS DEMARTMENT OF WEST VA. AND EAST TENNEESSEE, WrraErriam, Dee, 10,-; The-attention of commanding offidera is. called to the scarcity of fbragirin thie &tart ment, and the absolute necessity of using economy in its consumption. Evidences of waste have been , observed heretofore. The proper officers 'must in all cases superintend the issue of forage, and commanding officers and every company offi cer must give his strict personal attention. By command pf Maj. Gen. Breckinridge. (Signed) T. H. MEYERS, A. A. G. I have found the railroad thus far but little disturbed, and my trains will be up by rail road. in a day or two, at farthest. The tele-. graph is up with me now. I find upon receiving more correct reports . of the operations of the 18th inst., that Maj.' Gen. Ed John s on's entire division, with all the brigade commanders, was captured in the works, which were captured by assault, be sides destroying a brigade of the enemy's cav alry and capturing its commander, Brig. Gen.. Bucker. Among the captures made to-day are the, rebel-Brigadier General Quarles,wounded, and a number of other rebels. also wounded; lying in the houses by the roadside unable to get away. (Signed) G. H. THOMAS, Major-General Commanding. No report for to-day has reached the depart-` ment, except'the following, (unofficial:) .Nasgvasx, Tenn., Dec. 19, 1 P. IL—This forenoon the rains have been so heavy that, little progress has - been made. Our cavalry skirmished with the enemy a short distance, south of Spring Hill, finding Forrest in corn-, Mara The rivers are swelling rapidly, • No intelligence -frotrt Gen. ShiirMan has been received to-day. A call and draft for three hundred thousand troops, to- make up the deficiency occasioned by credits on the last call, has been ordered by the President. • EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War, From Tennessee. The Rebel Army in F i lial Retreat Thefr Rear Attacked and a Large lumber o Prisoners Captured.. NASIMLLE, Dec. 19. A courier who, left Franklin yesterday-re ports the rebel force in full retreat. General lifateh's cavalry attacked the rebel rear guard ? on Saturday, capturing a large number of prisoners:. ' _ The 4'h corps crossed the Honfourth river at Franklin, on Sunday. morning. . Franklin is reported as frill of rebel wound ed, over 800(1 being left there in their retreat. Every church and public building has been taken - for hospitals. Nearly ' all.the churches of this city have been appropriated . for the use' of our wounded. It is rumored here that Gen. Rousseau's command attacked and routed part of For rest's force, near Murfreesboro, on the 15th inst. . . • geavy rains fell yesterday' and last night, and the river is rapidly rising. Twelve feet of water is.reported, on the shoals. Kentucky. =MEM= AT CASZYVILLF.,-BBROFED AIPTANCL • OF 1713 =EL LYON. • • Cargo, Dec: 19... The steamer Alice Dean brings 230 bales of' cotton from Memphis. - - from -thw .that Ahem is much excitement at .aidAhat the Citizens have ii . eancross the riii*r , in conssquence of the reported advance of the rebel Oeener l 14orea fpcces. • .±, —8411440 Morning'Stgr was bwfait'y guerrillas on thelOtli ultimo, at Is 2417 . 40. The crew were permitted to return to ;Memphis in the gunboat Gib, furnished by the rebels, but how they became possessed of this last vessel is unknown. - • Officers an • - •SoldXers. Called to g • ithe•ri - drat Order ' . Aslbrismica.T, Dec..l9. • The:follow - In_ has just been issued: WA TI DEPART a , Dec. 19, 1864.--Genera/ Orders, No. M.-- very officer and soldier capable of duty is now wanted in the field, and if not on duty, they are ordered to their respective oaganizations. All Provost Marshals and Boards of Enroll ment are instructed to employ most diligent exertions in forwarding soldiers to the front, and in arresting deserters, shirkers and all fit fo'r - duty, who are absent without proper authority. Surgeons in charge of hospitals are directed to send forwaril all who are fit for service, tak ing care, however, not to expose any who are unfit. Recruiting officees are enjoined to diligence, and those who are found guilty of neglect or useless, the Adjutant General is directed to recall immediately and send to their com- Every effort must be put forth-to fill up the ranks, strengthen the armies,. and aid the pa triotic and gallant troops now meeting the reeling enemy with victorious blows. By order of the Secretary of War. E. D. TOWNSENDA. A. G. CAPTURES. CANADIAN VOLUNTEERS SENT TO THE BORDER RESIGNATION OF 'BF. CFILEF OF POLICE. Quireue, Dec. 19. Thirty companies of volunteers will be des patched to the frontier this week. Lamotte, the chief of police, has resigned doubtless to avoid dismissal. The report that Conrsal had resigned is nn founded. . A ELGMIEN'T OF NEW ENGLAND CAVALRY FOR . THE BosroN, Dec. D.—General Dix has trans mitted an order authorizing the raising of a new regiment of cavalry . in New England, de signed for frontier service. One battalion of 400 men is to'be recruited in Massachusetts. NEW Yonu, Dec. 20. Stocks are better at the board; Chicago and Rock Island 1071; Illinois Central 1271; do bonds 118; Michigan Southern 72i; New York Central 116 ;Pennsylvania coal 95; Read ing 1164; Hudson River 115; Canton Co. 364; M4fieouri 6s 64; Erie 914; U. S. coupons, 1881, 117; FiVe-twenties 108 h; Ten-forties 1028; Treasury 7 3-10 s 121; since the board stocks are lower - and heavy. Canada. FRQNT/ER •SEBVICE. New York Stock Markets. DIED. On the 19th inst., CHARLES LIIKRIVA, son of William and . Samaria Lukens, aged 3 • years, 3 months and 10 days old. His funeral will take place at the residence of George. A. Derstine, on Colder street,West Harrisburg, on Thnrs day morning at 10 o'clock, which the relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Dearest Charley, thou hut left us, Hero thy loss wee deeply feel; But 'tis God who hath bereft us, • . , 'Ho can , ail our sorrows heal. * NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR RENT, A LARGE and Commodious Store Room in 'a - good location and a good business now doing. Possession given on the'lst or April next. Enquire at doe.lo-2taw2ml. THIS OFFICE. TO LET, AA TWO Story • Wick .House, containing eigbt moms. Pessessiim given immediately. Ap ply at tee promises, Second street,fourdoors east of Wash ington Avenue. dee2o-dlts • WANTED N the Ist of April; 1865, a large House, O Euttab:e for a boarding house. Address MARY B. HOUSTON. Mechanicsburg, Pa. dec2o(lBt MOULDERS WANTED. GOOD WAGES and a permanent situation will be given to stove moulders at the Mechanics burg Foundry, Mechanicsburg, Pa S. & G. HAUCK. dec2(l.4lw! LOST, ON the 9th inst., a White Pointer Bitch - had light yellow spots oa her side. The finderw be literally rewarded by leaving her at THIS OFFICE. dec2odll* LOST, ON Sunday night, near the "TELEGBAPH" printing office, a Pocket-Book, containing-papers, and a number of rallroad,passes, of no value except to the owner. A suitable reward will be paid on ita return to idec2Odtf] THIS OFFICE. ON_ EXECEBITInN, (for two or three days only,) at S. WARD'S Third street Music Store, a most magnificent Concert Grand Piano, by Steinway co Son, New York. Theprofession and good judges are especially invited to call and examine the finest Piano ever brought to this city. SILAS WARD, der2o-It Sole agentfor Steinway k . Son. Ho for Christmas .At No. 109 Market Street, , 114.111LISBURG, TS the place to buy presents for the Holi days. Call and exorable our stock of FANCY BASKETS, - WILLOW and REED ROCKING CHAIRS for Children, TOY ROCKETS and•ARM CRAMS, WILLOW HIGH CHAIRS; NURSERY CHAIRS CAMP CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, FEATHER PILLOWS and BOL STERS, BLANKATzk • coynows, COMFORTS,. COUNT.ERPANFS, PATENT SPRING BEDS, IRON BEDSTEADS, &c. • J. T. BARNITZ, Market street, near' Fifth, Harthburg. dec2o aw NO PIANO IS COMPLETE WITHOUT Copies of the Following Elegant Works: "THE HOME CIRCLE." A collection of. Marches, Waltzes, Polkas, Schottisches, Redo Was Quadrilles, Con tra Dances. Four Hand Pleoes and Piano Gems. .2 vials "THE SHOWER OF PEARLS." a collection .of choice* Duets,' with Piano Accompaniments. . "THE SILVER CHORD," a collection of Songs, Ballads, Quartets, Duets, Ac., with Piano Accompaniments. " OPERAIIC P E ARLS," a collection Of Gems from the Best Operas, with Piano AccoMpaniments. Price of each, plain, $2 50; Cloth, $3 00; Full gilt, $4 00. Mailed post paid; en receipt of price. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Publishers, 277 Washingernitreet, Boston. dec2.o-ue. IVEgTERN. PENNSYLVANIA OIL COMPANY. $450,000 - - Capital Stock. 150 ; 000 Shares--$3 00 Per .'hare. Present lirteldr-.40.Ct bbis. .tper Day. - rIIWO Producing. Wells on _the “Columbia," j_ Oil Company's Lands, another being bored, with a good show:: The Pearson Farm on Cherry Tree Itun..-80 acrenralto owned 5y this company in fee Onlee. land seaprostamtes and maps, at Bigler & Co. t or Call at once, as but a limited number or shares Will be sold 121 this elty. J. SsIBERT, For the Company. Referenceii.—Bwinn CCEI SINGIELI" & mrsits. • de2o4f NEW ADVERTISEMENT, BA.tin. N'OTIOB. WHEREAS, the Auditor, General; 'as re - Iltiribetition of the act. .entitled act enabling the banks'otbis,:eoMmenwealthlo be iforne'aSkibiations fat the purpdso of. banking under the laws of the tinted States," peeled on the 22d day of Au gust-9A .m. 1864 has beaified tome teat the -.OIAERIB.- BURS BUM" ' has furniehed sat sib:dory evidence t , him that all the requirements of said act have been complied with by the said bank, and that it has become an associa tion for the purpose of banking tinder the laws of the United States: I do, therefore cause this notice thereof to be published in accordance with the provisions of the said 11th section of the said act, and do declare that the cha'ter of said bank by the terms of said act, is deemed and taken to be surrendered subject to the provisions of the first sec tion of said act, A. G. cuitm, Governor of 'Pennsylvania Fxrcerrrit CHARARR, HARRISBURG, •DecemlFr 20, 1864. J NOTICE - TO TAX PAYERS. TEE special list:of 5 per cent. tax on ir Comes for the year 1868, is now in my bands for col lection, and is hereby demanded for Dauphin county at my office in Harrisburg. To all those who neglect to pay after ten days, a special demand will be issued, for which the law provides a fee of 20 cents, and four cents per mile and 10 per cent. pen &lily, after that, to be collected by distraint checks, part ble in government funds, or the note by mail atyonr risk, or by the hands of friends will be received. No fees will be charged for notices issued before the first inst. A. S. FAHNLSTOCIT, ded2o . Collector 14th District Penna. • IMPORTANT to persons living in the upper part of the city. The subscriber has taken charge of the store formerly occupied by George W. Miles, and has refitted and fur nished it with an entire new stock of FRESH DRUGS, MEDICNES and all articles ritually to be found% a well appointed Drug Store. Particuiar attention will be paid to the careful com pounding of Prescriptions. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. d.c2o-dst* WM. a. ROLMAN. NOTICR TO SPORTSMEN. --A Large Fm ado e Black Bear, weighing about three hundred pounds, Is offered for sale. Apply to SAMUEL MUMMA. de:2o-dlt. Middletown. Pa. A Fine Assortment of Jewelry EXPRESSLY FOR Holiday Presents • GEO. W. lIVCAL.LA, NO. " 38. YARKET. STSEET, IIARBISBUSG, • Has now the finest, best selected and most desirable selec tion of Jewelry ever brought to Harrisburg, which he will sell at prices to suit the times. Tae stock embraces, In part, the following,articles Gold and silver watehea. Fine coral, topaz, amethyst, pearl, onyx and gold setts of jewelry. Fine diamond, carbuncle and seal rings. Gutta-percha pens and pencils, tooth picks, &c. Gold and silver chains. God and silver thimbles Lockets and sleeve buttons. Fins and ear-rings of all descriptions. Silver and plated ware. Silver tea and table spoons. Sugar and preserve spoons, berry dishes, butter knives and fruit knives. • Bnealrfest and dinner castors. Syrup pitchers, cake baskets and salt stands . Children's cups, goblets and call Milk Fancy bronzed mantle ornaments. Dated spoons and forks. And an extensive assortment of Ilte clocks. inr" Ladies audgentlemen in search of .presents for the holidays, will do well to examine this stock, before pur chasing elsewhere. .. gGrA.II goods warranted as represented when sold. decl4 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. frillE subscriber would inform his friends and the public generally, that , he hat opened a shop on the corner of Water and Nagle streets, where he is prepared to mend BOOTS AND eiIIOES in the moat satis factory manner (dealt-MP) A. IRWIN. FOR SALE, A LIGHT THREE HORSE WAGON.—Ap 13_ ply at the machine Shoo, comer or North and SPruen streets. (deol9-01*) JNO MILLER, Jr. GRAND CHRISTMAS BALL. TO BE GIVEN AT THE ROPE ENGINE SOUSE, ON . FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 23, 1264. Nanagers—W F lif"Coy, Wm DeHarm, H Etta, M chael Gerberich. Floor Managers—Dart'l Parr, Geo Earnest. Tickets SI i o—can be pmFared from the managers., State Capital Restaurant, - Corner of Third and Walnut Streets, • OYSTERS (if the best quality served in any and every styie4 MEALS served up at all hours. . - Choice Liquors, Ale and Cigars, always on hand at the bar. " , (decl9..d2w) J. L. SATZ, Proprietor. Attention ) Citizens '1 I HE GREATEST ASSORTMENT of large T and small CAKES of every description and of the best quality at R D3( 'S. MARKET ST. A choice selection of Whitman's FRENCH CONFECTION .9. Also a lot of FRESH COOANCTS. dal9.-1r BRADY'S BAKERY, i 4 Market St. ALBUMS ALBUMS ! ! ALBUMS ! I AT HESS', Third Street, Between Market and Walnut, PEABBISBUBG PA. . . - • WHERE e . itri be found a very - fine and large assortment of Albums, suitable for HOLIDAY GIFTS, and at such prices that cannot but suit the pur chaser. • . Call and examine my stock and prices before purcbas: lug e'sewbere, as I am offering Albums at very reduced prices. . (decl9-d3t) J. M. HESS PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE.—The Proprietors of the New York Museum of Anatomy have determined, regro-die;s of expense to issue free, (for the benefit of - suffering humanity, and suppression of quackery) Our of their most interesting and instructive lectures en Marriage and its disqualifications, nervous and. physical - debility, premature decline of manhood. Indiges tion, weakneis or depression, impotency, loss of energy and manly power; the great social evil, and. those mala dies whiolt result from youthful follies, excesses of ma turity, or Ignorance of Physiology and laws of Nature. These invaluable lectures have been the means of en lighteong and saving thousands. and will be forwardel 'free, on receipt of four stamps, by addressing Sgmurran, New York Museum of Anatomy and Medicine, 618 Broad way, New York. deol9-dly PROCLAMATION.. .. thoWHE4EAS, the Ir.tporable Jolla J. PEAR sox, President of the Court of Common Pleas in welfth Andicial District, consisting of the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin, and the Honorable SA3II:I*E.L&NDII3 and lipuorable ',dew R. YOUNG, Associate Judges in Dau phin county having issued their precept, bearing date the 16th day of December, 18.64„ . t0 me directed, far holding a Court of Oyer and 'Perminer and General Jail Delivery and QuOor Sessions of the Peace of Harrisburg, for the county of Dauphin, and to COMMODCOON resln MONDAY OF .7.INC ADY NEI; being the 16th day of January,lB6s, and to. continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Aldermen and Constables of the said county of Dauphin, that they be he and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clanit in the ferenpon of said day, with• their repents, inquisitiens, exannftions, and their own remembrahces, to do those things which to their (ace appertains to be done, and those who are bound in recog nizances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail of Dauphin county, be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be jest. Given reeler my Mind, at Harrisburg, the 19th day of December, in the year of our Lord, 1864, and in the eighty ninth year of the independence of the United States. W. W. JENNINGEh Sheriff: SHERIFF'S °FETCH, Harrisburg, DEC. 19,1884. 1 DI.•WIESTLINGF, . A.'OIINEY AT LAW t has removed his office to Walnut street, 3d door above Second, nearly opposite First National Bank. Prompt and ()grail attention will be given to all busi ness intrusted to him. deol6Ailw-w3w VEIRISTIMAS }TAVIN G returned from New York and Philadelphia with our usual floe stock of goods for the holidays, would TeSpedtfolly invite early attention Menet% 0. $l. KELLI4a, - . deentr 8T Market street. QBEDLESS RAISINS and Citroxv fOrbintlo Pies and Wm, wt plecl24tt] JOHN WISH% NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TAPLE AND FANCY ARTICLES ItERGNER)s. Writing Deck; Papeteries, Photograph Albums, Mathematical Instruments, Fine Memorandum Books, Fancy Pen Holders, Traveling Bags, • Newton's Gold Pens, Backgammen 80ar.% Fancy Paper WaitilA, Purses, Diaries.. Inkstands. Dominoes, Call Bills, • Fine Rulers, Pocket Books, Mel Cases, Portfolios, Rubber Pencils, Ruling Pens, Chequer Boards, Fancy Paper Clips, Drawln r Pencils, Ivory Paper Knivez, Fine Portemonnales Morocco Entehas', Fine Water cet.irs, Fen Knives. B.uaaep Combs, AC'bessmen, Chequers, Purses, Bill Books, Bill Files, 4 h c .,.&c., &c. A large and varied assorbriont at BERGNER'S BOOK AND STATIONERY tiT.ORF: decl7 de2o lm LIVERY! LIVERY ! t The undersigned, successor of sEurray & would respectfully solicit a part of the public patronage, as he intends keeping a first class livery. He alit keep none but sober and accommodating drivers. Stables it Fon, th street, between Market and Walnut streets. Be also offers the entire livery for sale on reason:tn.! terms. Persons wishing to pnrchase trill I.l , ase call and examine the stock. decl9 ally oN the 14th inst., between North street and Miller's School 'House, on Pennsylvania Ave- nue, a Portmormate, containing about $5O in small bills also, a Round these check of $BO In favor of Dacia Shafer, and one of $4O 12 signed by Jolip Wallower, and payable to the undersigned, and some other papers and Butcher's Bills . . A liberal rewaiod rfl be paid the finder upon leaving the portmonnate and contents at TBTS OFFICE, or with the undersigned, on Walnut suet decl9 :4 t JOHN YorNll Ft 31 A Pi RELIGIOUS BOOK STORE, • Tract and Salida} School Depository, 22' S. Second street, below Market Square, - HARRISBURG, PE INA. CONSTANTLY ON HIND, all kinds of Bibles, Hymn Books, School Books and Stationery of every dezcription, Photograph Albums, Music Books, Gold Pens, Diaries for 1865, Almanacs, School Furniture, such as Globes, etc. Also, a spieedid Ess , rtment of Gift Books for the holidays. Depot tor Ellsworth's Copy Books. Sunday School Books at publisher's prices. German Books of all kinds, all of which will be Sold at wholesale or retail. derl4 F INE ARTS W M. KNOCHE '.:t4 N MARKET STREET. The most exquisite stock of ENGRAVINGS. ple m eni colored, from the celebrated masters, suitable t x ho u di3 . presents. Call and examine at den-U . 9 TN Pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Dauphin cr . ,raty, will be exposed to We, on SATURDAY, the - - 7. 4 th day of December, 3864, at the Court /louse, in lir arliburg, at 2 o'clock b. at., the follow ing real estate I ce rta i n l e. .t 0( ground on Race street, in the city of depth,one Rarriabur, and fronting on said street ninety feet, and extendir .g - l ' hundred and ninety-three feet, wberVon is erected a Haus', &c ; the intereit of Thomas ~.. ' w,on, (a minor.) Attendance will be given and conditions or sale male knownn by D tIHIBL SREEFLEY, Guardian, &c, of said minor. lieo. RINOI.4I2SD, Clerk 0. C. Harrisburg, December S. 1804. TURNPIKE ELECTION. T HE. stockholders of the Middletown and Krarlaburg Turnpike Road Company, are hereby notified that the annual election for President and all managers of raid company, wilt bo held at the office of the :secretary, No 5 South Front street, Harrisburg, on Monday, January 2, Iffiffi, between the hours of id and It. o'clock A m Rk'DOLPH F. KELKER, decl6•d3tawtjan2 Secretary . BUCKWHEAT FLOUR.—A fresh supply of Towanda Buckwheat, fresh ground Corn lifeat, extra family Flour, by the bbl. or bag, every package warranted and delivered to all palls of the city free of charge, at BOYER tr. KETIPP,It'S. deal 7 • T ONATO CATSUP—By the gallon, quart and pint, jut received at WM. Si GRAY A: Co., (Ho leer & Lochman's old stand, Marl et Square .) decl9 YANKEE JUMPERS, war:XI:BARROWS and chiktren , s Wagons, bought expremly to meet the present demands, at BOYER & KOESPER'S denl7 BASSETS! BASKETS !—A very large and well selected stock of all kinds of Willow and Cedar ware, market, traveling and clothes Baskets, at decl7 BOYER /r, KEEPER'S. Q. HABER CORN, NEW HOMINY, Beans, Dried Peaches and Apples and Blackbenclea, Currants and Raisins, Sc., &c, just received at decl7 BOYER & ZERPER'S. ALARGE TWO-STORY DRIOSHOUSE for sakk. Possession given on_ tho Ist of April.— Apply to JOHN,L. MOLE, deeledivr* Corner of 2d and Mulberry theme. MINCED MEAT received fresh every -- week from the celebrated manufacturer, Atmore Philadelphia, at • BOYER & KEEPER'S. decl7 50 8i31,8. - of prime Apples, good varie _ _ ties, Rambos, Pippins, fia, Jost received at ' BOYER & KERPER'S. decli CI-WEFT CIDER.—A few bbls. of an excel lent quality or pure sweet cider, Just received 16 dear BOYER & BERRER,S. • Valuable Building Lots. FOR.SALE. QEVEN LOTS, fronting on Third street,. ti above Herr street, 20 feet front, extending bark 130 i feet to a twenty foot alley. For terms Apply to deels-d2w JNO. J. CLYDE, SEVERAL HUNDRED improved. farms in Ohio, Kentucky Indiana and liiinots, and sev era[ large tracts of unimproved land in Illinuivlnwa and.' frja cousin Catalogues with full descriptions and prix 19 of each, will be sent by mail, free of charge, upon lion. SAXIIEL.A. SARG.EIVE. N! W. corner sth and Walnut streets, en:tanner I, O. decl4-43w* 1101.1SES EE= REW FRAXIEN4 HODBFII, SITU. A. ATE on Pasterdreet, above North. .Ersquare of JACOB wm.ricas, Corner or Third and North. streets. se2Bdtf RAGS 1 RAGS ! I RAGS! ! ! "EFATE cents per lb. oash paid for good mixed- Ragst SCHEFFEWS Bookstore, sepr2B 21 South Second street. Harrisburg, Penna. de'9 d4wVl QAP BAOO, English Dairy, Pine Apple, Nut. meg and New York State Cheers, pat received as, SEMLER a, irgAZIPA auccemers to W Deck;' Sr, rjo, vxy6 RESH CRANBERRIES receiwa this F _morning at VA. IL. GRAN `Mouser and Lochmani - old Fraud, Kr:ket num) - decl9 P l\ jaat TE recei S led ar et Urea 11 W ": 21A d R,PY ri dr e gO r' -(Mon.sor and In, cbman'e old itand t Market square,) decl9 . ' , -6. BAB . HETB,. BASIcETS; ita t er i tiM }eV Successors to W. Doofc:s:7lt bo. WM. F. MURRAY. S 2 DE WARD Public sale. decl4 d3tawls FOR SALE, MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers