NEW ADV ERTISE MENTS, . .Renovo and Emporium TOWN 1043 Th FOiL rpHE PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE LAND 1 COMPANY, chartered by an act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, often' for sale . cholco lots for dwellings and business purposes in the above new towns un tto line of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. RENOVO has been selected as the site for the exten sive shops for building and repairing the rolling stock of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, of which the Penna . - Railroad Company are now lessees. It is 92 miles west of Sunbury, and 196 miles east of Erie. The town is beau tifully situated on the margin of the west branch of the Stisquehanna river, in the county of Clinton, and is sur intended by romantic and attractive scenery. The Rail road Company are erecting an immense Loconiotive Round House, Repair Shops for Cars Mel Engines, Car Building shop, Iron and Brass Furnaces, and Dwellings for the ,Superintendent and other officers. A splendid Hotel, with which are connected arrangements for feeding passengers on the most extensive scale, has been com menced. Ali these buildings are of the most permanent and substantial character, of brick and iron, and are in accordance with the immense business anticipated on the completion of this great Railroad, so long anxiously looked for, and now an accomplished fact—the last. rail Connecting the Susquehanna river with Lake Erie having been laid on Saturday, July 2d, 1864. A Company has been chartered by the Legislature for supplying the town with gas and water, and the water works are nearly completed. Churches will be erected Immediately. The situation of RENOVO is entirely healthy, and se the dimensions of the town are limited by nature, the value of the lots must appreciate greatly in the *purse qf a few years. EMPORIUM will certainly be the most important rem. merclal point between Lock Haven and Warren, a dis tance of 168 miles. It is near the eentre of tne railroad, 47 miles west of Renovo; 139 miles from Sunbury and 149 miles from Erie It is near the Junction of the Drift wood Branch of the Sinnemahoning, with West Creek, Portage Creek and North Creek, the Valleys of which streams make itthe most ache: siblo point on the Phila delphia and-Erie railroad to a very extensive district of country. The moment the projected railroad connecting it with the city of Rochester p N, Y., shall be completed, few inierior towns ip the State will surpass /1 in business capabilities. • An efeellent graderrroadmo* connects it with Coudersport, theseat of Justice of Potter. county. ly Isalso connected with Smethport, the seatof Justice of Iffellean county. Emporium is the County Seat of Cam eron county; It has a handsome Court House, and the Land Company have just completed alargd said commo dious Hotel, which will immediately be opened to the public. The Railroad Company are about to erect a hand some and permanent ta-sseneer Station at a central point near the Hotel and Coritt Deem. The place is healthy and excellent water is abundant . It is in taut midst of one of the finest White Pine - regions in .Pennsylvania. Asa manufacturing town it has great advantages; coal, lumber atone, bark for tanneries are abundant, and its railroad communisations with the great lakes and all points of importance is the seaboard are unsurpassed. This pare was selected thirty year., ago as a point of im portance, and a 'own laid oat with the prophetic name of Elm 'HICK, but the difficulty of access-;bas prevented its development so entirely that it is mainly known for the exist ence of hunting and trout Oshivg in the vicinity. The completion of the Philadephia and thin railroad must soon make it a place of great impertince as a distri buting poin , for goads of all kinds, and it offers great advantages for persons of moderate capital who desire to identify therneelves with Die early history of a throe'. ng town Lithographic Maps of WI towns are now ready, and Mr. GIDRON J. JJAI,L, Ciencial Superintendent, will furnish all neces„,iiry information on the premises, or by letter. He may be addressed to the care of H. P. NUTTER, Secretary and Treasurer, Philadelphti and Erie Land Com pany, No 205% Walnut street Philadelphia, or at Renovo, Clinton county, Pennsylvania' . . . W. O MOORHEAD, Pres't, Phila. and Erio Land Co. EL.P. RwrrEP., Secretary and Treasurer. oct2l-d3m PEIPHER'S DAILY LINE BETWEEN cock Ilaven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Milo ey,' Uniontown, Watsontown, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Treverton, Georgetown. Lyker,stown, Millersburg, Halifax, Dauphin, . AND HARRIS.BURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, the drayage will be at the lowest rates. The Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivery.of all goods intrusted to the lino. Goods delivered at the de pot of WILLIAM E. BURR, 812 Market street, Philadelphia, by 5 o'clock r. n., will be delivered in Rer rliburg the next morning. Vralgtxt Always ass LOW as by Any Other Line. JOS. MONTGOMERY &CO., Philadelphia and Reading Depot, Foot of Market street, Harrisburg. EEME Very Convenient. JACOB TAUSIG, MAKES pleasure to inform his friends and 1 Customers, and the public in general, that be has opened a wholesale ann retail Variety, Notion and Jew• dry Store, No. ltif.,q Market street, above Eby i 2 Sunkes Ruitding Harristotrg, Pa. It would occupy a great amount of space to enumerate the articles composing my stock. The purchaser will find, through my experience of thirteen years in the business, that I can sell goods equal to the jobbers in the Eastern einem sept2e-d6m* CONTRACTORS AND BUI I DERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED respectfully informs the publie that he has located himself at Hummels town, Dauphin county, Pa., where he has the best - rand- Mee for burning lime of the first quality of stone, of the best quality for mason and plaster worki, - and is prepared to furnish, in any quantities, lime or lime stone, at the Lebanon Valley railroad depot. Builders, dealers and contractors supplied with lime or stone at the shortest notice. Having ample sidlings and trestle work from the quarries and kilns to the depot,:he is always prepared to tlll orders, shipping either by rail road or by Union canal. Address D. S EARLY, oc2l-d2m*... Huremelstown, Dauphin. Bounty, Pa. LUBIN'S HAIR DRESSING FLORILINE, FOR BEAUTIFYING AND PRESERVING AND STRENGTHENIFG THE HAIR, Is PURELY A VEGRIABLE Preparation, distilled from herbs and fragrant flowers from the south of France, concedet to be the most delicately per fumed and desirable Hair preparation ever offered to the American public. It will restore lost hair. It will pre vent hair from falling out. If will restore gray and faded hair to its original color. Its continued use will materially thicken the hair. Bald places will gradually cover themselves, and in a short timo the hair will grow dark, soft, glos4y and luxurAnt. Price Viper box. Sold liffl GOLD PENS. fIIHE L&RGEST AND UHEA:FEST assoit moot or gold peas onfistantly on band. Every pen sold is warranted six marling. Call at • nol3 • BERGNER'S OREAP BOOKSTORE. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. - AFULL ASSORTMTINT of Albums'at re duce() prices, at Bergner'aPheap Booketora n 023 ,PORT AFULL ASSORTAUNT of portmoonaWs, money purees, currency holders, &e., at Bergner's Cheap Bookstore. n 023 HENRY REGAivs Steam Engine and Machine Shdp, SIXTH ST., BETWEEN WALNUT AND MARKET (J. C. Malta's Old Stand.), Tun undersigned having taken the above 1. Shop, respectfully solicits a share of the public pa tronage Particular attention will be paid to repairing Of Steam Engines, and all kinds of machinery. All work will' re calve my personal attention, and satiefaction guaranteed aeplo dly 110600KET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES POETAVONNAIES, and t general variety of LF.i• MB GOODS, )t414 received ~t 11 .F.R0N1003 BOOR :AIM LEA. & 1 - Tdit4ElblY OlofES'l'Eli SA U CBS, the most popular and tbo purest ever offered t o the public, jut received and for sale by SEMLER ie FRAZER. febl Deloceesoro to Wm. Dock, j r &do SATORRLS ! SATdITEr , s ALARGE and splendid sasgrtment of Satchels, together with over 100 stylds' of Pocket- Books, Wallets, 11:c., at all prices for sale at Schafer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. • Bob 50 13 00 O m Z DE T ug j e B il4 14 C?o l alh n ola r : I C CI au li litofrF i r Mixed. Plaklea, Gerklns, Walslets and Onions; For , sale wholesale and retail by SHISLER & FRAZEE, in ps ssarres , ra to W. Donk, Jr.. ALPHABET BLOOKS! ---A -- ITD - HOIJSE - BUILDING BLOCKS, FOR 11 sale at . :12:111EFFER'S BOOKSTORE. octl 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, pa,— MESS SHAD.—Fine MeSs - Shad of the:sciaz. son, In ball barrels and kilts, jest received at • SHTSLER R FRasEst Successors to N. Dock, Jr, If Co, K 3 _ VRESII LOBSTER, hermetically sealed, 1 jut received at EIHISLER & FRAZER'S. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE LONG LOOKED FOR HAS COME "HEALTH AND ELAFF/NNLB TO ME BONE AND DAM:UTTERS OF AFFLICTION I" . . BABHS AND KERBS, Ti OR the oure of Coughs, ,Colds,Sore Throat, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all sintilar com plaints The object of this Medicine is to soothe and ease the cough ; to dissolve the congealed phlegm that adheres and sticks to the throat, which excites hacking, hawking, and coughing ; to relieve the irritation in the throat, which is produced by catching cold ati. the "slightest ex posure. It expectorates ihe diseased matter thathas ac cumulated in the Lungs which retards and oppresses the respiratory or breathing organs, heels and nourishes the lungs and bronchial tubes. This niedicise gives tom to the stoniach, Itpurilles and circulates the blood, which causes Oppression or the chest and zillßcalty in breathing. Good News for Mothers and Children.—Here is the sufferer's balm ; keep it in your family, sickness comes as thief in the night, and your child is suffocated by the awful disease, Croup, or similar complaints. Here Is a preventative—it ismature's friend. These Medicines are prepared and sold by SAMANk, COLLINS, Indian Medicine Man, near the corner of Third street and Strawberry alley. Also, for sale at the Drug Store of J. M. BOMGARDNRR, Corner of Fourth and-Market streets, Harrisburg. All orders shouhl be addressed to DR. S. COLLINS, Han leburg, These Medicines are purely Vegetable. nol7- T.RIMMINOS Constantly on band, besides everything usually found In the largest furnishing establishments in the country. sep2o SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY AM happy to offer to the public a large till and Epieudid assortment of SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, manufactured by ' LEROY W. FAIRCHILD.- Theo, Pent are weirtinialied, elastic, and will give er Lire satisfaction, PLEASE TRY TREK ' . ' SCHEFFER'S BOOK.STOftE, - Second street, opposite Proasbyterian Church; Harrisburg _ KeNKEL & BRO., Apothecaries, Itarrisburg. FOR THOROUGH INSTRUCTION IN VOCAL MUSIC. UseBASSINOB Art of Singing : an Analytical and Prac tical System for the Cultivation of the Voice. This work is prepared on a rigidly scientific - basis, and universally admitted to be most desirable work for tescheis and scholars. Price, for Soprano Voice, Complete, $4 00.-- Abridged, $3 00. For Tenor Voice,s4 00. Mailed post paid. OLIVER OITSON CC., üblishers, Boston, declo-uc • . - VRESH CRACKE.IIB.—Boston Wine Its cults, Bostan Milk Biscuits, Boston Butter Bis cuits, Boston Oystor Crackers, - Boston Pic-nic Croakers, Trenton Butter Crekers, j l yst received at jyle - BOYER& 110ERPISB. ITUOKSTERS' BASKETS.—ShisIer & Fra xi. Ear ancoworsto W. Dock, jr., & Co., have on hand aa dozen blekory liasiFata. ; Price $5 $0 per dozen. jog .. . VRESH OYSTEISS . • .1: In can, just received and for Bale by ~. SEMLER & FRAZER, itept243 isuoceesor to W. Dock & Co.) 01 1 9_,N XP G FUR Fall and. Winter Trade! CLOAKS, Circulats, CLOAKS BROCHE AND MOURNING SHAWLS ! BALMORAIS AND SCARFS ! - . IFLTItS!! The Largest and best selected stook in this city I at the NOW Cloak Store. IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, HARRISBURG, PA. scp2-tf Dl. OLI N.S' SYRUP OF ROOTS Great Attraction! NO. 13 AHEAD!! VI - RS. M. MAYER, NO. 13 MARKET STREET, Sas just opened her now FALL STOCK of BONNETS, LADIES' AND MISSES' HATS, FEATHERS AND FLOWERS. -THE LATEST STYLES of CLOAKS AND CIR.CULARS And a line assortment of WOOLEN HOODS, NußzA,g, (fa HOLIDAY PRESENTS. • • GEO. W. McCALLA, J Jo w Ho. 38 Market_ Sired, Opposite the Jones Luse, AAS just received a large assortment of Jewelry, &c., suitable for Holiday Presents, and invites the public to give him a cull. Select your present while the assortment is Hill. ded-tilm JELLIES, Curranie, Blackberry, .Pine Apple, • ClaerPY For sale at. fdecl2-dIXI JOHN WISE'S. CANNED FRUITS OF EVERY DESORLP WOW. SAUCES of all thecolobratod mantlfacturers, SARDINES, _ _ 1.4.1V.V. OILS, e every description. Also, BROWN STOUT, FINE TEAS, COWER, SUGAR and SYRUP of all grades andprices, and the beat selected' stock outside of Philadelphia. All goods guaranteed as represented. - Particular attention paid to all orders from a distance. Goods carefully packed and delivered loan parts of the city free of charge. •• • SHISLER & FRAZER, mvb aucilessOreCtO W. Dock. Jr.. & Go. • " GUN BALLS. Bat Balls. Parlor Balla, - Musical Balls, AlphabA Balls, Fancy Ribbed Balls, A full assortment at ' BERGNER'S Bookstore. H. C. ORT-H, Teacher of the Piano, Melodeon, Violin AND SINGING. No. 15, TIILRD MEET, BELOW ?Wan. sep3-cl6m * TOWN LOTS FOR SALLE, ON BRIGGS STREET. 'lnquire of • Joax a. BRIGGS, E,, sq .-9e 2 r 54 L or BENS L. FOSTER. rt ANNEDFItIIITS.--Peaches, —lac erpos,, Tomatoes, &c at [decl2-dtfj JOBIN WISE'S. T IIST-reeeived, this morning,---Miehenert ci 00., Fresh Smoked Hams, Beef and Ton'grreai at sage swam do FRAMs. MiSCELLANEMIS. FOR THE HOLIDAYS. PREPARATIONS for the approaching gift season 11. vs been comp:etcd. at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. embraces an extensive aezeitment of tt I Et S, • Including all sizes, from the large Family Bible to the smallest pocket coition, bound in every variety of mo rocco and velvet, with and without clasps:, MFTHODIST HYMN BOOKS, All the editions published by the Book Concern and sold at their prices. The stock embraces al sizes, in a VC. riety of bindings—Turkey morocco, Antique and Velvet. LUTHERAN HYMN BOOKS, Large ard small, bound In velvet and morocco, with clasps and without easps, and sold at the prices fixed by the "Lutheran Publication Society." PRESBYTERIAN HYMN BOOKS, All the editions published by the ‘'Presbyterian Board of Publication" and sold at their prices, embracing new styles of antique and velv.t bindiaas. PRAYER BOOKS, A. variety of editions adapted to all tastes and dream stances, in price and style. For Bibles, Hymn hooks and Prayer Books, rail early at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE Gr ' 0 0 JD S WALNUT STREET IN A GREAT BLAZE. T TAKE this method of informing my nu merous friends and the public in general, that I have opened my new Clothing Store, corner of Walnut and Sixth streets, where I am %tilling to sell fifty per cent. cheaper than any other store in the city. Coats worth. $3O, for $2O. Pants worth $9, for $O, and vests worth $6, for $3, and everything in proportion. . - Ail goods leaving my est tblidiment I will warrant, for they are all made under my care, and with every modern improvement, and the latest style. - Don't fail to come and convince yourself of the truth. decl2 ltr.* • It. BERNITARD. 101 ORSES! HORSES! HORSES! • • . QUARTIVASTEII. GENERAL'S OPTICS, • FIRST DIVISION, WASHINGTON, Dec. 1, 1364. HORSES, suitable for Cavalry and Artillery tervice, will be put chased at Giesboro Depot, in open market, till DECEMBER 31, 1804. Horses will be delivered to Captain L. Lowry Moore, A. Q. AI., and be suejected,to the usual Government in spection before being accepted. Price of Cavalry Horses, $175 each. Price tf Artillery Horses, $l.BO - Payment will be made for six (6) and more. - JAILES A. EKIN. Colonel in Charge First Division, dec3-tdecal Quartermaster General's Office. JACOB IP. HAEHNLEN'S STEAM CRACKER AND. BISCUIT BAKERY, CORNER OF CHERRY AND RIVER ALLEYS, dec3-d3ra U NITED STATES • Seven7Tlartir' , Tr.efoitry Notes, Of the various denominations, For sale at the HARRISBURG NATIONAL BANK. der2-dtf J. W. WEIR, Cashier. NWiNT Fruit and confectionery Store SAMUEL WISE Jc BRO., CORNER of Second and Pine streets, re iv spectrally inform the public that they have opened their Fruit and Confectionery Store, and. will have con stantly on hand a largo assortment of Fruits. Confectione ries, &c. The public are invited to give us a call, n025-dtillj an6s* SARI. WISE & BRO. E. C. GOBIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Orrick ty Taiku STlttirt, Anovr. MARILZT, Bountiez, rongorts and Back Pay colleeted a 6 lugal rates. [dec3lf ILOUR! FLOUR Fine Family Flour!— 100 barrels of the. best brand of floor in this city. Every barrel , Warranted or money returned, and delivered to all peril of the city - fine of charge. For auto at 800.6 1 . ..SHLSLER & FRAZER'S, When will Wonders' CeaSe, THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE WORLD! DR. McBRIDE'S` KING' OF PAIN WILL cure any ache or pain in from one to sixty miuutos I • It acts like magic upon the absorbent and glandular systems, reducing sweliingsand regulating the secretions and excretions. •• It Is of a diffusive; penetrating nature, exerts its influence from the periphery to the centre of the nervous organism, aerie° by reflex action its power is felt throughout the: entire system, restoring the circu lating fluids and checking IllSdase with invincible strength. THE KING OF PAIN IS INFALLIBLE! Nematter what . the ,pain apply the medicine and you will find instant. relief. It is an internal and external cure. TEE KING OF PAIN Cures almost instantaneously, Headache , Earache, Neu ralgia, Deafness, Sore Throat, Colds, Broncjsial Affections, Asthma, Dysposia, Eder - Mara, Dysentery or Bloody Flux, Liver Complaint, Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Bladder and Genital Organs, Cramp,' Cholic and all spasmodic pains, Fever and Ague, - BUrns, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains add wounds of every description. It proves itself the mastery,, as the testimony of thousands prove its meritorious worth. Sold, wholesale and retail, by S. A. KUNKEL, druggists, Sole Agents, • 118 Market street, Harrisburg. -- SOLDIERS *READ! The following letter from a soldier, in reference to the efficacy and powerful restorative qualltitees of DR. mu- BRIDE'S KING OF PAIN, speaks for itself : "NEWVILLE, CUIEBtIiLASD COUNTY, r Sept. 14, 1884. . Messrs. S. A. Kunkel vk Bro., druggists, Harristurg, Pa.: Givers :—I would inform you that I received the bottles of Mcßride's Great Pain Killer, and enclosed please Lind five dollars more, for which send me five bottles addition al to-morrow. I leave for camp to-morrow. Let mo know whether you can supply me with it_ In the army. 1 am in Company H, 202 d at:snit:nem P. V. I have been in very bad health for upwards of four years, and two of the one-dollar bottles have cured me completely, and have made me feel like a man. Besides, I have cured a num ber of my comrades ofttarionadiseases incident to carap life, and can recommend it to be the bet medicine the soldier can pro vtdo for himself. . _ .3MBTARDS, Yours respectfully, JO2. E. WHITE. 4 All orders tom a distance promptly attended to by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO. A. ROME VERT.LFICATg. ;Ihe following of:00qm aitrom a well-known citizen of Hirilaburg - ELutarsitoaci, Aug. SO, 188 L To virs Punuo :—lt gives me great pleasure to recom mend to the public the medicine prepared by DR. J; J. MoBRIDE, which he callaite-" ELS OOF PAIN." I was Induced to use it as an external remedy fora bruise, which It relieved Immediately, and subsequently cured entirely. Its success induced me to use it internally for Diarthont, with which I was afflicted in 'a chronic form for nearly eighteen nipnftus, and to such an extent that my kidneys Were seriously deranged. The medicine has .sured me, and certainly that is saying : a great deal in its favor, when I reflect holy many other remedies I tried with Out. experi encing anything but temporary relief. For ray part, I shall always keep a supply of it ininy'housß, believing as I do that it is a most invaluable family medicine. . . . DANIEL E. WILT. The unexampled sale of this medicine proties it to be the most wonderful discovery of the age in the• medical art. The undersigned are the 'sole agents for the State, and will supply it wholesale and retail. JIIINKEL & BRO., 'Druggists, seplfit - 118 Market street, Harrisburg. SOMETHING NEW MYER PEUNEAS' PATENT A-TlEt TIGhT INK STAND. .•.. . Fotraje atBe,heffer's It9olothre„Harrimburg, Pa. • - - • VINGLLS,II BRRAKFAST TEA. --Just re• ji2j aalved, a fine chest of Euligh Brealitaat Tea, at SR/SLER at FRAZER'S, - • (Successors to Wm. Dock. Jr . VVitcd.ovir - Sh#:des ( SPLENDID aseortmetnt of Linen sliides LA. and Piper 'Blinds, at SCHEMR'S Bookstore, - • itet222- 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Penna. CTION.A.TO , 11..ETS13P b Pir4t`At' • the gallon, irtaxt SHISLER ifc FRAZNIVS. MEW BILACREREHL, ERRING AND SAL 111 st rtriy4l POUR 4s MUM NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS ! JUST RECEIVED, The Old Flag, published by American Sandy School Union. The Daugblev at Home, . do do Margaret, Toe YoUng Wire, do do Tho Pia Stone Farm House, do . do The Tattler, cr Patty Steele, do do Sister Alice's Stories, do do Rcse Bryant, do ' do Ben Roes, do do Book of 100 Picturbs, do do Mother's Gift, do do Honey Drops,,do do Smolt Rain upon the Tender Herb, do Emily Chester, by a Lady of Baltimore—cloth. The Lost Egress, by Mrs. D. R. N. Southworth India, or Pearl River, do The Curse of Clifton, do The Gypsey's Prophecy, do 1 he Fatal Marriage - do Retribution, do Toe Wife's Victory, • do Lady of the Isle, do Love's Labor Won, , do The Missing Bride, do The Three Beauties, . do .The Two Sisters, ' do The Bridal Eve, do ' The Haunted Homestead, do The Discarded Daughter, do • The Deserted Wife, do Vivia, Secret of Power, do _ • The Mother in. Law, do ~ Love and Duty, by Hubback. Young Crusoe, or Adventures of a Shipwrecked * Boy, by Dr. Harley. Gascogne, the Sandalwood Trader, a Tale of the Pacific, by R. M. Ballantyne. Cliff Climbers, by Capt. Wayne Reid. Twice Told Tales—Blue and gold, by Hawthorne. Bayard Taylor's Poems—Blue andgolcL Laughing Gas, or Encyclopedia of Wit, Wisdom and Whod, ' price 75 Railway Anecdote Book, do 50 The 45 Guardsmen and their Adventures, by Alexander Dumas, price . 76 Chas. O'Malley, the Irish DragOon, by Chao Lever,' 75 Adelaide Waldgrave, or the Trials or a Governess, 50 Mysteries of the Three Cities, by A. J. H Duganne, 50 Adventures of Peregrine Picle, by Tobias Smollet, 51 0., 2 yols , • price 1 00 The Quaker City, by Geo. Lippard, 2 vols., do 1 00 Legends of American Revolution, do do 1 00 Divorced Wife, by T. S. Arthur, do 25 Debtors' Daughter, do do 25 Pride and Prudence, do do 25 Love in a. cottage, do do 26 Love in Hign Life, do do 26 The Monk, . by M. G. Lewis. M. P., . do 26 hisubordlnation, or Shoemae. .'s Daughter, ' by T. S. Arthur, do 25 Two Brides, ' do do 26 Lady at Home, do do 26 Year After Marriage, do do ' 25 Banker's Wife, do . do 25 Lucy Sandford, do do 25 Orphan Cbildteu, do do 25 Cecilla.floward, ,do do 26 Agnes. or Plisse.ssed, do do 26 Mary Moreton, do • do 26 Two Merchants, do do 26 Iron Rule, do do 25 Rose Warrington, by Charles J Peterson, do 25 Valley Farm, by A. T. H. Duganne, do 25 Ladder of Lit e, by Amelia B. Edwards, do 60 Denis Duval, by W. lif, Thackaray, do 50 Wile's Evidence, by W. G. Wills, do 50 Maurice Daring, by the author ofi Guy Living stone, do 50 Under the Ban, by Le Manila, • do $1 25 Small House at Allington, by Anthony Trollope, 1 26 Together with a large assortment of books suitable for children, for sale at SOHEFFER's BOOKSTORE, 21 South 2d street, Harrisburg, Pa.' All new books received as soon as published. n 022 PATRONIZE HOBIE •INDUSTRY THE undersigned have established a FAC TORY." at Harrisburg, Pa., for the purpose of MANVIMOTURING 1100PSKIli'TS, of all styles, sizes, shapes ' qualities. We pay par; tar attention to the very 331 English Steel. 'We ,p a large assortment con idly on hand. Our sales nn is at No. 24, Second let,adjoining J. B. Boyd's it and Furniture Rooms, fro we wilt sell very low, rholesalc and retail. . Iso—Nicest kind of Hoops. The largest as- Ament of Ladies' Corsets, instantly on hand. Lhe charge of Competent COHEN BROS. & CO., N o . 24 second street, Harrisburg. N. B. This Is the onlyHeop-skirt Manufactory at Bar.. risburg. _The public Ls cautioned pot to believe the stories of dealers who buy their Heop.skirts from this firm, mid aftersards pass them off as their own manufacture. n025-Im* J. R. BOYD. CABINET FURNITURE. HAVING COMPLETED OUR NEW AND COMMODIOUS WARE-ROOMS. We offer to the public the largest and BEST ABSORTIZENT OF FURNITURE - To be found outside of Philadelphia, at VERY MODE RATE PRIORS. JAMES E. BOYD .Ir, SON. no4d3m] ' Noir Ware-roinos, 29 Second at. Valuable Property at Piivate Sale. THE Valuable Property, corner of Front and i tanautstreets, late the estate of Henry Stew art, deceased, is offered at private sale. For further par ticulars inquire el William .T. Stuns, on the premises. JAMES STEWART, HENRY STEWART, noadti Execntora - "DONNER'S. NEW EATING AND DRINKING SALOON, Walnut street, between Third andFaurth. . Wine; Beer and the bast quality of Num 1- Amst . tiv on hand_ A. share or the public patronage la • gespec g u tei. solicited. [ooBd6ta7 JOHN DONNER • WALL PAPER 1 WALIA PAPER A SPLENDID" VARLF4/71 of Wall Paper, Borders, Window BlinAIS and Shades for tale Weep at admirer's Books ore, Glitriteurg, Pa., high 01 the Golden Eagle, nob TO . T.LIE LADIES YOUR attention is mated to the splendid assortment of Brtra Note Paper, Entieloyes, and lint Stationery at SCHErF KR'S Boulmcre, Eept2ts 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Penn: LINE GROCERIES of all kinds, at redneed J' prici, at SHLSLER & FRAZER'S FAMILY GROCERY opposite the Court House. DthkEi Prayer Books, itynau _Books, of .Li all denominations, in ddlerent styles and at diderent !awes, ut. SCHEFFket'S Bookstore„, sept 26 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Penns ri.LSSEOTED ALPHABET BLOCKS, JJ for sate ai *Scheffer's Bookstore, 21 SouthA4rand wee% iterristturg,:Pa• • octl. ECONOMY MESS SHAD.—We received a nosh let this morning, at • eople BOYER & KEXPER'S 1R AIstIivARTRIS. Jest received, a very fine lot or Cranberries, at oct3 SHISLEII & FltAZf g. THE OPERA. OF FAUST. BY Charles Gounod. Adapted to English. and Italian words, and revised from the Full Score, wuri indications of the Instrumentation, This new and popular Opera forms the 20th volume of “Ditson - de Co's Eui bon or standard Operas." 11. is Prefaced with a Sketch of the composer, and of the plot and incidents of the work, printed from large type and neatly bound. Prce $L Oliver Dimon Cc Co., rubliatten3, 277 Washington street, boaton. novl4-tf =I PUBLIC NOTICE is herety given, that in. pursuance of the act of Assemili y of Pennsylvanir4 passed the first day of June, 1889, thestookholders oft'ne Franklin Bank, of Washington, Penna., will apply to he nut session of the Legislature for a renewal of its c r. ter, with an increase of its capital from 5169,00 o to 000,000. - ' ' 'C. M. MED; Preside nt WASHINGTON, Pa., June 24, 1864. da 7 TOY BOOKS! TOY BOOKS! Of tho lactest ptl4llcatiors, for sale at Schefler'z Booksti we, Harrisburg, Pa ' novi - 'IV - F,N7 FlSll—New No: 1 and 2 Mackerel lr in barrels, half barrels and kit and by the psalm; at . fnuSnl & FRAM& I\lo. liquid 2 Mackerel, in kitts, jwit re lEoto - ed this morning, aaj.l for cafe losi at " :AMBLER & FRAZERT, twooesaora to W. Dock, ) LBS. CIODFII3If, of the oe ler 1 1 000 brateci 84 George brand, jut rotor/a! ana for isle by SWIM Ac FRAZER, fan oncoessore to Wm. ENROL k ) PIANO FORTES, DIELODEONS, MET NSW, VIOLINS, FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS, STRINGS, DRUMS, FIFES A and all kinds of MUSI CAL MERCHANDISE, PICTURE FRAMES, LOOKING GLASSES, PHOTOGRAPH CARDSand ALBUMS, AMBRO.. TYPE GEMS, ENGRAVINGS, PICTURES, &C., &C. Remember the place, SILAS WARD, No. 12 Third treot, the largest Music Store file side of the great cities. jan2B-dtf PIANOS. ALBRECHT, RIEKES & SCHMIDT'S EXCELSIOR PIANOS. .SOLA AGENCY AT W. --ENOCHES, - • 93 Market street, Harrisburg. VOR REASONS . perfectly satisfactory to 1. MYSELF I have taken the agency of the above most excellent Pianos. Thepublic lx.p.tvited to come and ex amine for themselves. A few Schomacker St Co's Pianos on hand yet will be (leo! low. mar2A-t1 MELODEONS AND OABINET ORGANS. TWE.NTE-SIX MIST PREMIUMS, TWIIILVE SILVER MEDALS, AND MN ONLY IJOLD MEDAL (ever won by Instruments of this ebiss) bag been awarded to MASON & NA.MUN'S INSTRITMENTEL A fall assortment of there Instruments always on hand at W. ILNIOOHE'S, Sole Agent, je4-2tawlyj 93 Market street. BUSINESS CARDS. ATTOINEY - AT - LAW, SPCA'S removed his Mee from Third to Wal. 11 nut Street, next to the Prison. All business in trusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention ap4 Jo.NES HOUSE, Ooruer of Market Area and Market Square Er ARRISBURII PENNA. CHAR- H. MAIYA, Proprietor noB4lll :STATE:, . CAPITAL ,IPOTEL, . uoRNER OF THIRD AND WALNUT STRUTS, PENN'A. rftilEnxidersigned having perch:mod tleis well known house has eniaiged and thoroughly renovated it The rooms have been re-painted and papered, and the entire estalithment eleganty re-furnished. Being plea *tautly and' eligibly located, and provided with everycon venience, it oilers to the public all the comforts and luau ries of a 'first class hotel. Trusty and obliging servant* tiwaya In attetdance. A bar well stocked with choke liquors is attached to the establishment. del®-dly W. G. THOMPSON, Proprietor. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL; HARRISBURG, PA. D, H. UtTTILIIIISON, Proprietor. pins well known Hotel is now in a condi -L. Lisa to accommodate the travehng public, affording the most ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the permanent boarder. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely refit ted throughout, and now has accommodation's equal in extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Its location is the best in the State Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots, and la close proximity to all the public offices and business lo calities of the city. It has now's(' the conveniences of A PIES t CLAMS HOTEL, and the Proprietor is- determined to spare neither ex pense,-timo or labor to ensure the comfort of the guests. The patronage . of the traveling public is respectfully soli cited. jell-dtf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ii.GENOY FOE, 'tom SALE OF U. S. BONDSAND TREASURY NOTES.—Deposits receiv ed in small sums to be applied to investment in these $5O, $lOO or $5OO securities. We act/ as agents,in this city, in correspondence with Gov ernment agents, for procuring theso securities; especially by receiving deposits of small sums, to be so applied. Interest of 4 or 5 per cent, will be allowed on deposits exceeding $2O. Fends above the amount of all such deposits will be kept in the Harrisburg Bank, and a de peek can be withdrawn at any .time by the owner. The business will be solely of this nature, and conducted on a plain, tair,open and explainable to all, as set out, with the necessary information as these to seourities,in our circulars. These U. S. Bonds and Treasury Notes are the safest and most convenient for investment, bring the highest rate of interest, and can be sold at any time for the amount •,,,li their face; together with the accumulated interest, or at a premium. Very moderate commissions will be at,ked. 11.'HINNEY Zt Co, OHee Raspberry Alley, Near the Court Houso Harrisburg, Oct, 51, 1.8034,-,dif P. K. BOYD. - WARN - ING TO THE PUBLIO.---T , --- 0 geed to 'any mistakes occurring hereafter to our place of business by our numerous a. en dsin regard. Mess men„ we hereby notify the same the and bus our old stand, 105 Market street, and, ). ewe still are at with any other party or estaudshtla p . ...are no connection At the same time we draw the - " d " in the city. in general to, our newly receic.- .dtention of the public sortment of clothing and neo . , .0 large and splendid as- We tell cheaper than cult r -as' furnishing goods , widen the city, _ a boeght at any other place •in nO2l-1112L. BERNHARD, P. BERNHARD. B? English and German almanacs for .4 by the gross, dozen er single at Bergner's Cheap tore. no:38 LIQUID RENNET yields with milk the 1.11 meet luscious of all deserts for the table; the light est and most grateful diet far invalids and children. Milk contains every element of the bodily constitution; "when coagulated with rennet It is always light and easy of digestion ; and supports the system with the least possible suite When still greater nutritive power lade:sired .crag and sugar may be added. A teaspoonful convert lkaaßt of milk into a firm curd. Prepared and sold. wholesale and retail by S. A. KUNKEL, eil6-ft lit Market Street. FINE, TO our fine and extensive stock of Photo ...lL graph Albums and notognipti (lard Picture; we have added a 1126aUTIFLIL .P.NPELOPE for the reception of card pictures. - They most he seen and will be admired Sir Photograph ere supplied at -the very lowest whole sate price, and the ar card printed upon them for $1 thousand, wholes am and remit. at may 24 , OGREFPREPS BOOK TOR; Batargammon Boards. AN aisortnnent of backgammon boards at Bergner a cheap Bookstore. nods BUTTER, BUTTER.--Fresh . roll butter from ftoyder county received every woek. Aieo eggs st • intSql ROYRIt Soldiers' Portfolios. A LA) ~QE assortment et BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, ma►lB dad at -whoisstsie eti retail at /ow priecia Wall Paper! Wall Paper!! A, Large and splendid stook of Wall Paper of all styles and prices, for sale cheap at SUREEPER'S Bookstore, sep23 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Penna. Honey. • A SMALT4 but superior lot of HONEY, just , received, et SHIBLER & FRAZER'S. auglB .F BE" TOIL oFrk - rx AND PENOILS, Suitable for Bank; Offices, &0., At Scheffer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. se29 PICKLES f PICKLES! 1--By the Barrel, ItalfDarrel, Jar or DOWN at - SHISLDR & FRAZER'S, 0020 (Successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & TIMED PEACHES, -Apples, Blackberries, Currants, Cherries, &a, at SIUSLER & FRUER'S: nol uecessors to . W. Dock Jr. , & CO. A FRESH supply of Miehener's Celebrated li Sugar Cured Hama and Dried Beat, at n 0261 BOYER az ROERPEIL exbelsioi hams, of this sea Am Ewe eitukt, Oat moived and for sale by =BLEB. & FRAZER, ( aaoposoon to Wm. Dock. ir.. & Co. FRESH LEMOI4B, just received tuad for awe by r [nal SEMLER dc' FRAZER - - POOKET BOOKS, Wallets and . Purses for sale cheap at SCILEFFEWS Bookstore WET OMER P l 4 Neal/ad at Qt. - .1428 r MEIBLER At FILLUIVEt MESS SHAD and FINE NEW MACK AXIL BM, pat received, at ills BOUM & KOESPER, !i'iiJS€CAL: A. c. SMITH, idguit) RE.NICET. MISC.EI.,LANEOUS THE PRESIDENT PETROLEUM COVPANY, PHI'S !_DENT, - xi - ennui:7;o County. Pernea, Organized under the Laws of Peun'a OFFICERS : President—AMOßY EDWARDS, Ems., :Sew York ' eun ii. Treasur H. SIMPSON, Esq., New York. s e , EDWIN CONANT. E.N., New York. counsel— .sRs PLATT, GERARD k DrcKLEY, New York, DIREC2 ORS : AMORY EDWARDS, Esq„ New York EREN B. CROCKER, Esq,, of Crocker & Wirren, New York. FLETCHER ISMTRAY, F2q., of Westray, Gibbs S: Hat 4 castle, New York. N. CLAPP, Esq., President, Venango county, Perin L. H. 81HPSON, Esq., of L. IL Simpson & Co., New York. JOHN M. CLAPP, Esq., General Resident Supermen _dent. ITS LANDS FORM ITS Capita! Stock, . . $5,000,000 in Shares of $25 Each, par valae-•-Sub scription Price, $5 per Share, Being in full payment fora $25 share. No further cal or asset:ament to be made. 20,000 Shares, or $lOO,OOO Reserved for Working Capital. PARTIES SUBSCRIBING IN THIS compasr WILL RECEIrE AN EQUAL AMOUNT OF STOCK IN TWO OTHER COMPANIES ADJOINING, WITH OUT FURTHER CHARGE. TEIS LANDS OF THESE COMPANIES arc 10Cate1 or the Alleghenny River, and on Hemlock, 'Porcupine ani McCrea Creek; and contains 8,410 acres, MAKING AN OIL BORING TERRITORY OF OVER TEN AND HALF MILES IN EXTENT. The wells on the adj ,ining property, known as tac , . "Celebrated Heidricks" wells, and "ffithole Greek" well; are famous for their immense supply of oil. The wells on this property are being sunk with great vigor, and promise large supplies of oil, To the capitalists and to parties of 'tinned means un- surpassed inducements are offered. Persons investing it , this Company get $5 stock and the above BONUS P each $l. invested, 'A ithout further call or assessment. Subscription books, map; and all ether informs can be obtained at the office of J. W. SIMONTON , Attorney-0-7(4m SUBSORLPTION AGENT AT HARRISBURG, PA. No zubseription taken for less than ORE lii INT RID DOL LAMB. Inquiries by mail promptly answered. THE BURNING S'EsRING OIL, COMP ANY PENN - SYL 7 I7, - ANIA. CAPITAL, . $1,000,000. 100,000 Shares, Par Value $lO 00 Working Capital , $30,000. RON. GEO. EV.VNS, President. J. a FEA -r 4R, Esq. Treasurer. Tolman. . Haesan, John Glading. TllO IDS propert7; of this company consists of the following 'reliable lands : No. L Eleven hundred and seventy-threw (1,173) acres in fee simple, situated in Wirt county, West 'Virginia, on the waters of Rock and Two Runs, branches of the Dale. trt: ...ottnawha river, more than three-fourths of a bids is very fine boreing territory, being on the same plateau with the celebrated "Burning Spring , oil lands, and lit own as the best OIL xstorronv upon the ur Hearst ur ware ra cism Four wells are now being sunk- on this h trge tract. One is almost complete and will be ready tor Cm king in a few days, and promises to yield very largely of superior oil. Two others are nearly down, and the rema nder are rapidly progressing. It is a very remarkable fact that well has been sunk on this flat that has failed tel g 'mance oil in large quantities and of a superior quality. destined to become the most valuable and most p.ecdtic tive oil region of the great Kanawha Valley. No. 2. Five (5) acres in fee simple (being a part of large tract of valuable oil land containing one bun tired and fifty. seven acres, situated in Fenango county, reisn'a and lying on the East Sajtely river, three miles above the Allegheny river. One well is now in successful operation on this tract, with sufficient territory to sink twenty re more was The following valuable leases belong to this company. No. 1. The •`Austin Dickey's" lease of one and three quarters acres of land situated in Wirt county, West Fir ginia, lying at the month of /3arning Spring Run. Tv:. (2) wells on this tract are yielding largely. No. 2. The ' 4 Harper's lease of one acre of land kr noted as aforesaid, and lying at the first fork of the Burning Offing Bun. One well on this tract. No. 3. Trig "Gordon & Neo.cornh's" lease of one acre, situated as artrestud, on Burning Bgring Ban, near the Washington Co's lease. Two (5) weds on this tract. No. 4. The "McFarland's" lease of one and - one-third of an. acre of Land, stunted as aforesaid at the head of Burning Spring /Urn. Two wells are in operation on this tract. The vast territory of almost Twelve hundred acres of land owned by this company, with Seven Wells now in successful operation and producing oil, and the vigor with which the other wells are being sunk, the company being organized entirely std solely for the purpose or engaging in thelegitimate business of producing oil, and developing and improving the lands belonging to the com pany. The management of the same having been entrust ed to gentlemen 0f known business enterprise, responsi bility and skill, who will bring to the accomplishment of the object their united energy and business industry. We are satisfied in believing and assuring the stork holders that it will yield la. gety to them, and offers in ducements of the highest cnaracter to capieihistsar.d ales of small means who wish a profitable, safe and pay in; investment . . I have still a few shares of stock of this- company to offer for sale. Those wishing the same can obtain all Ills necessary information together with fall particular, dls. nuptial or the lands, maps, eta. etu., by applying to mc" either In pecan t or through the mails J. B. MtYFLI, General Hilperintendent and Agept. Apply in person to Robert Snodgiaa, , Law olisr. North Third street, above Market, Harrisburg, Address by mail—P. O. Box 120, Harrisburg, Pa. aec7-dSw rd'FA DDEAPS MARBLE V ARD CORNER OE WALNUT AND FIFTH STREETS, Harrisburg, Pa. MIELE =demigod haring opened a Idarbi. 1 Yard in tide city, beg leave to inform their frren& and the public in general, that they are prepared to fur nish • , • MARBLE WORK OF EVERY- DESCRIPTION mon LS lloraunenigh Tomb% Read Stones, Mantles, And House Work in Marble and Brown Stone Give use mill maws) will guarantee satisfaction. M'WADDEN & CO. N. B.—Lettering mail , ' none in English or Garman. eialaiwny . WEDDING,. INVITATION Winn AT HOKE CUSS:a—By a:special arrangement with One of the best apens is the country, 'cards or my description will leglidented in the highest_ style or art, conformable with the latest ihshbou, and supPir, o4 promptly, at lower prices Cater are charged by the etatio' ore to liew York Or Philadelphia For sainplerrand praer call at a BKRGNEWB BOOK STOBX mate-dtf fiBOSSE dc' BLACKWELL'S B.DTGLISR FIEKLES, a rare artlcle for table am Pig reelfted and for sale by SHIM= & FRaft e. ., tab]. Mammon to Wm. Doer. CLAP SAGO ONVYSE—A ems Witted( lot 17 of choice IMP SAGO -OHRE AO redetved tt us mongng, at -__ , it:DAB/FOS. QA.l,lloN.—Fine salt Salmon at PO we MUIR k 117.00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers