aitp Eelegrapt HARRISBtinG, ItIONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 19. 1864. TOWN AND COUN TRY RECEIVED this afternoon at Keller's, a fine assortment of French Confections. 1=1:11 POLICE AFFAIRS are dull. But two drunks were before the Mayor yesterday, and none this morning. Con. SMALL, the celebrated Female Charac- ter Dancer, at the National Hall, Wednesday evening, December 21st. Foe THE HOLlDAYS. —Attention is invited to the advertisement of C. A. Boas, who has a very extensive-assortment of clocks, watches and jewelry, suite* for holiday presents. AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL.-Mr. J, W . Jen nings, the popular actor, who performed here with Rouse's troupe, last season, is now filling an engagement at Orover's theatre, in Wash ington. =MOM CELERY. —Mr. William E. Hargest sends us a splendid bunch of celery, the best of the season. All lovers of the article will find a general supply of the same kind at his stall in the lower market house. ==MI CHRIST/NUS PaEsENTs.—M. H. Lee, Market street, has just received a large stock of Gold and Silver headed canes suitable for Christ mas Presents. Also, a fine assortment of Watches and Jewelry. Call and see them. DIED IN Parson—Joseph M. Marsh, an old soldier, died in prison yesterday where he had been sent for drunkenness. It seems that he formerly lived in Watsontown, Northumber land county, where he said some of his friends still reside. THE greatest attraction in our city is caused by the exhibition of a large and, varied assort ment of fancy goods, adapted for Christmas and New Year gifts, by Kunkel & Bro., 118, Market street. We would advise all who de sire anything in their line to give them a call before purchasing elsewhere. Joruzsces Atlas will be presented to the citizens of Harrisburg by the agent, J. H. Lei per, who will give a fair representation of the work to those who will spend a few minutes and be entertained by such an intellectual feast. Mr. Leiper comes to us highly recom mended as a true gentleman. ARREST OF A SIISEICIOUS CHARACTER.-A sus picious character who was lounging about the depot for several days, has been arrested and placed in prison. He gave the name of Charles Parker. Parties who visited the jail pronounce Parker to be a deserter from Car lisle. He will probably be sent there by the authorities. OIL Is Siga.—The newspapers are full of oil; and capitalists are investing in oil.— wherover you go, oil, oil, OIL, is the topic of conversation. We fear that many who have "oil on the brain" will invest capital that will never return. While ten make fortunes by such investments, a hundred cast their money to the wind, as it were, by the same process. Conrisnrz LIST or Rums Gsoonarss.-- §hisler & Frazer have printed for general cir culation, a neat pamphlet, containing a com plete list of their stock of goods, which is calculated to be very useful to families. This pamphlet also contains several valuable re cipes for preserving fruits, which can be had gratuitously by calling at the store of the firm, Market street, opposite the Court House. Ray. Wu. H. H. SNYDER, who was recently elected pastor of the First German Reformed Church, in this city, has arrived, and yester day he preached his introductory sermon, to a very large congregation. Mr. Snyder is a young minister, possessing great ability as a writer, and is a pleasant speaker. Hii3 sermon of yesterday is highly spoken of by those who heard it. DESEETIMS CAPTIIBED.-Six more deserters have been captured by Captain Ensminger's Company of the 201st regiment, and were taken to the Provost Marshal's headquarters, at Chambersburg. The men were captured in the vicinity of Bloody run, Bedford coun ty. Captain Ensminger's men are doing a good work in the benighted region in which the company is stationed. Numerous cap - tuxes have been made, and the deserters in all cases forwarded to headqharters without a single escape being eiXeeted. MAERIAGE IN THE OLDEN MMES. —An old Connecticut paper contains the following an nouncement: •'Married--In the public highway at Green Holland, in Voluntown, Ct., on Sunday, the sth inst., about 1 o'clock P. 111., the rain pour ing in torrents from the clouds, with high winds from the southeast, by Elder Charles Weaing,r, while on the way to attend the funeral of Mrs. Amy R. Gallup, wife of Benjamin Gal hip, 2d, Esq., of Voluntown, who died Novem ber 3, aged 26 years, Mr. John Tanner of the former place, to Xiss Mary Carter of Hopkin ton, county of Washington and State of Rhode Island." THE " Swoan SWAISOWER " ARRESTED—Be is Ordered to Leave the City within Twelve Hours.—Several months ago a one-horse show was opened on Third street,' opposite the Tntaroaarn office, and a "happy family," composed of a large number of mice and a noon, were exhibited. Shortly afterward a sword-swallower" and other features were added to the " attractions." An old wind broken organ annoyed the citizens of the vi cinity, by , its horrible screeching in murder ing " Old llundred " and other tunes that it attempted to play. The very limited patron age bestowed upon the establishment were certainly inadequate to pay the expenses of rent and oil, to say nothing of a dividend among the "stars." A case has at last been brought to light which is sufficient to con vince the public that other than lawful mea sures have been resorted to to "raise the wind" necessary to keep the concern in motion. On Saturday evening E. W. Webb, the "sword-swallower," was taken into custody on a charge of arresting George Jenkins and an otheryoung man, and locking them in a room, for the alleged purpose of placing them in the army as substitutes. Webb was taken before the Mayor, and after a hearing was. committed to prison until Sunday morning, when he again appeared before His Honor, who, after investigating the case, ordered the defendant to leave the city within twelve hours. The Mayor strongly hinted that the establishment was not run for the purpose of doing any good to the public, and our citizens would rejoice to learn that thp whole concern, "happy family" and all, including those in charge of it, had determined to leave town. The young men arrested by Webb are Vir ginians, and somewhat ignorant, and had not the chief of police learned of their arrest and confinement, and rescued them, they would doubtless have been placed in the service, and and swindled out of their bounty. BRADY; the Market street baker, advertises an arrival of Whitman's celebrated confeetiOn ery, from Philadelphia. Call at Brady's, and examine the assortment. Mr. B. is also prepared to furnish a splendid assortment of cakes suitable tor the holidays. We have been permitted to test the quality of a fine cake, and would advise all who desire a good article to give Brady's a trial. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD.—We learn that the work of laying the second track on the line of this road is progressing rapidly, notwithstanding the fact that winter is at hand. A large number of men are . engaged upon various sections of the road, and• at a day not very distant the Northern Central line will be supplied with a double track from Baltimore to Sunbury. When this is com pleted the traveling public will be relieved of the most of the vexatious delays which are unavoidable upon a single track line. The constantly increasing business of the North ern Central road rendered an additional track necessary. BUSINESS ITEMS. A.trarron.—Mr. Barr will sell, on Wednesday morning at market, (fair weather,) a large lot of glass jars, candies, tin, wood and China toys, fancy work-boxes, segars and tobacco, apples, 25 bushels of chestnuts. peanuts, and shellbarks, together with a variety of other Christmas articles, from a firm in the city closing out. Sale to commence at 7 o'clock. decl9-2t CHRISTMAS.—The celebration of Christmas day, as one of merriment, feasting and pre sents, runs far back into the misty periods of Christian antiquity. The modes of enjoying the festi,val have been various, not only in dif ferent nations, but in different parts of . the same country. In our city of Harrisburg, Christmas is the peculiar holiday of the whole year. In country villages, like New York, they make a great ado on New Year's day; but with us it is but the feeble fag-end of the fes tival which opens with Christmas. The ap proach of the season is heralded by seductive advertisments of all sorts of things which en terprise asserts are suitable for presents. The stores are choked with customers, and as the eve of the haPpy day approaches, parcels— portentous of gifts—are in almost every pe clestrian's hands; and the incessant peal of front door bells, heralding the delivery of them, takes the lace of "The chimes which in olden times Rang out npon•Christmas Eve." In this connection lam authorized, by C. L. Bowman, to say that for the purpose of in creasing his business, and offering an addi tional inducement to those disposed to obtain Christmas presents at low prices, he will sell, during this week, furs, cloth circulars, coats and Chesterfield's for lathes, balmoral skirts, brooha and plaid wool shawls, merino scarfs, and fancy dress goods, at a very small profit. Store No. 1, southeast corner of Front and Market streets. Yours, &c., . HABBISBURG, Dec. 5, 1864. I consider " Johnson's New Illustrated Family Atlas" decidedly superior to any . other work of the kind with which I am acquainted. The maps are sufficiently large for conveni ence, and they are 77b9St admirably executed; and the work contains a greater amount of valu able information than Pave ever before seen compressed into so small a compass. An other feature of the Atlas is, that it is so ar ranged that other maps can be fastened into the volume wherever desired. If in, the pro gress of the war, or in consequence df the for mation of-a new Territory or State, new maps become necessary, they can be put into the work just where they are required. The pub lishers give to each subscriber a document in which they obligate themselves to furnish all such maps as may be published, at the cost of only the postage. No private or public library can be consid ered complete without a copy of the work. C. R. COBURN, Supt. Com. Schools, Penn'a. We most heartily endorse the above opinion of Mr. Coburn. Chas A Hay, Pastor Lutheran Church. S D Ingram, County Sup't of Public Schools. T H Robinson, Pastor New School Presbyte rian Church. aroes Colder, Pastor Free Baptist Church Theo Weaver, AM, Miss M E Gill, Rev F A Barnitz, Val Hummel, Jr,. Hon J J Pearson, Rev J . Walker Jackson, W Rutherford, MD, Hon D Fleming, Geo W Reily, MD, Henry Thomas, Prof J F Seiler, Miss A Y Woodward, John Maglanchlin, NESS A 35. Hays, J C Barnitz. HADMISIMIG, Dee. 17, 1864 Having purchased Johnson's Family Atlas in 1860, I lately availed myself of the privi lege extended by the new house of Johnson & Ward, of obtaining such new maps as they have issued since 1860, to the number of four teen, and received them in good order, and shall have them entered in their proper places. T. H. ROBINSON. P. S.—They also furnish over one hundred pages of additional printed matter, including the record of the war down to January 1864. T. H. R. A GENTLEMAN from a neighboring town, seeing a lady in the street inn very fine dress, as he thought, begged, her to be pleased to tell him where she purchased it. The lady, a little surprised at the question, called him an impudent fellow. "Nay, I hope no offence, madam," cried he; "I am a man, just going out of town, and my vice generally expects I should bring her something, and as it is near Christmas, I thought a fine dress like that, would not fail to please a gude house wife, which occasioned my. inquiry." "Sir, it was purchased at A. F. Brandt's new cheap store on the southeast oorner of Walnut and Second streets," where the gen tleman called after relating his story,[and had his wishes amply gratified. deel7-2t POSITIVELY SELLING OUT: The undersigned being desirous of closing out his stock on account of taking an inven tory, will sell the following articles until Jan uary Ist, 1865, at lower than Philadelphia and New York wholesale prices: Ladies' bonnets and hats. Misses hats. Hair nets. Head-dresses. Ladies' cloaks and circulars. Fur capes and muffs. Ladies'and Misses'woolen hoods and nubias SiMtags and riding hoods.. Comma's, plain, embroidere.d and hem stitched handkerchiefs. Embroidered and morning collars. Ladies' scarfs Ribbons, bonnet silks, velvets, flowers, rushes, laces, bonnet ornaments, feathers, &c. Dealers would do well to call and examine -my stock, as they can buy their goods lower than city wholesale prices. Call one and all and judge for yourselves. M. MAYEIt'S Bonnet and cloak - store, 13 Market street, between River alley and Front street. dOl5-tt SUBSTITUTE PAI.EES promptly made out by Sullivan S. Child, claim agent, Walnut street, 3d door below Third. • dB4llll Tun undersigned, haling just returned from New York and Philadelphia, respectful& calls the attention of the public to his large stock of ready-made clothing and piece goods; also Gents' furnishing goods of every description --the finest and best assortment in the city. Call and examine. SVM. SAYFORD, No. 85 Market St. To THE LADIES OF HABIIISSDHG.—In order to reduce my stock of dry goods previous to taking inventory, I have reduced all kinds of - dress goods twenty-five per cent., from this day until January Ist, 1865. As the holidays approach it will certainly be to your advan tage to examine my large stock of dress goods, cloaks, shawls, scarfs, gloves, hose and hun dreds of other articles suitable for holiday presents. Sol. Brownold, corner Second and Market, opposite Jones House, Harrisburg. decl3-dtj ans SULLIVAN S. CHILD, CLAIM AGENT, has re moved his office from the DAILY Building to WALNUT STREET, 3D DOOR BELOW THIRD, OPPOSITE STATE CAPITOL HOTEL. All claims for Premiums, Bounties and Back Pay promptly attended to. Strasrrrums furnished on the most reasona ble, terms at the office of Sullivan S. Child, Claim Agent, Walnut street, opposite State Capitol Hotel. Principals wishing substi tutes will do well to call at once. decl2-dtf Da. M'Burcs's King of Pain should be kept in every family. Will cure Headache, Tooth ache, Earache in three minutes. Diarrhceo; Bloody Flux, pain in the Back and Side, Inflame mation of the Kidneys and Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart. Sole agent for the State, S. A. KUNK_EL Sr, BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. All orders from a distance promptly attended to. a ept2o-tf FRYER AND ANON can be cured. Do not think because you have tried everything you could read or hear of, that you cannot get anything to cure you, for you have not taken the pure vegetable that is curing every one that takes it. It does not stop your shaking for a week or two, but it is a perfect cure. A trial of this will convince you and your neigh bors. It can be had only at No. 27, South Pine street, by Mrs. L. Ball. octl7-tf Fortifies the system against the evil effects of 1111WOie some water. Will cure dyspepsia, Will cure weakness. Will cure general debility. Will cure heartburn. Will cure headache. J. T. VAN HORN Will cure liver complaint. Will excite and create a healthy appetite. Will invigorate the organs of digestion, and moderately increase the temperature of the body and the forie of the circulation, acting in fact as a general corroborant of the system, containing no poisonous drugs, and is The BEST TONIC BITTER/3 In the WORLD. A fair trial Is earnestly solicited, . . GEO. C. HUBBEL & CO., Paorannons, HUDSON, N. Y. Gontral Dep.7t Ameriana Express Building, B 5 VON ST -1 NEW YORK.. ~ sir For aale by Druggists, Zrocers, &c. D. W. GROSS & CO., Harrisburg, Wholesale Agent, and for sale by J. M. LUTZ, C. K. KMLER, GEO. WINTERS and S. A. KUNKEL. . . 0et.14-d&w ha- EPILSPTIO Frra oast BE CUBED! I—Dr. Lockrow baying become eminently suocerisfal in curing this ter able malady, invites all similarly afflicted to call or send for circulars of references and testimonials of numerous cases cured of from one to twenty-four -years' standing. He devotes hie attention especially to diseases of the Car ebro-Spinal Axis, or Nervous System, and solicits an in vestigation of laie claim to public confidence. Ho may be _consulted at his private residence, No. 141 West 42d street, daily, from 10 a. sr. until 4 P. tr.., except Saturday and Sunday, Address all letters to DR. V. R. LOORROW, New York:• Care of P. 0. Box 5116. ocBdBrwBnt SELLING OFF ! SELLING OFF !! Oar whole stock of Dry Goods, intending to engage in business in the city. I will commence on Monday next to sell out my whole stock of Dry Goods. My stock is very large and I name in part, 1,000 yards fast colored calicos at 25 cents a yard. 4,000 yards of blcashed,yard wide muslin at 45 and 50 cents, worth 70 cents. Of black silks we have a large assortment, and of the best make. Black bombazines of the finest quality; black alpacas, black Canton cloth, black French merinos and a great many other black goods for mourning. Per sons be want of such goods would do well to call. Furs and cloaks we will sell at greatly reduced prime. Irish Linen of. the beat make, linen Cowling, linen table cloth, Marseilles quilts and blankets. We have some first rate quality of gentlemen's furnish ing goods, such as undershirts, drawers, socks and white shirts. 500 dozen of ladies' wool and cotton stockings. Cassimeres, Mssinetts and black cloth. We have a large assortment of fine French cambric's, Fansook matins, undressed cambrics, brlllants and fine white linen diaper. A large assortment of plain and figured dress goods. It is impossible to name all the goods on hand in a well assorted dry good store. All Iwish to sty is to persons in want of dry goods, call and see, and as I am determined to close my ?stole stock out, 1 xtt willing to sell at re duced prices. [n0261 S. LEWY. Rev S A Heilner, A CARD =ZE SPECIAL NOTICES. HUBBEL'S Golden Bitters. PURELY VEGETABLE TONIC INV/QOBATING AND STRDNOTIDCANG sa- A PlrrarowomiaL Vrirw or MARRIAGE I—Containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 line plates and engravings of the Anatomy of the Human Organs in a state of health and disease, wjth a treatise on early errors, its deplorable consequencestpon the mind and body, with the author's plan of treatment—the only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by the report of cases treated A truthful adviser to the married, and those contemplating [earring.; who entertain doubts of their physical condi, tion. Bent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents in stamps or postal currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Malden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author may be consulted upon any of the diseases upon which his book treats, either personally or by mat; and medicines sent to any part of the world. ocsd&Bm w PURE VEGETABLE TONIC. THE most healthy persons feel more or less weak this extreme warm weather, and lose their ap petite. They need a good strong Dubs—one that will strengthen the nervous system and at This they can get at be cents per bottle, at Mrs. L. Ball"; No. /7, South Pine street, Harrisburg. Orders from a distance promptly attended to'. angl THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF AN _INVALID. Itri Published for the benefit, das a CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Pre. mature Decay of Manhood, &c , supplying at the same time THE Mnsies of SELF-Cone. By one who bas cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery By en closing a post paid addressed envelope, single copies may be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq , Brooklyn, Kings county, N. Y dec9-dAwlm COLGATE'S MOSEY SOAP. This celebrated Toilet Soap, in such universal de mand, is made from the choicest materials, is mild and emollient It its nature fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in its action upon the skin. Foe sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Doalent JanSi-dawly Military Business attended To Bounty, Pension, Back Pay, Subsistence and Military and War Claims, generally, made out and collected. Per sons residing at a distance can have their business true acted by mail, by addressing LBGENEMNYDER, Attorney-nt-Law, ear—tly Third Apnea, Ahreihharsl Pa PATENT OUIPS ! And Bill Holders, For sale at Scbefler'e Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. seV CHEESE—Choice new crop Cheese, just received at SHISLEM & FRAZIEt, ;Al T Rnintorsorm tr, dock. Jr.. k Co VALENTIA RAISINS, noi a new.invoice, at saisuat is ITAZIEIVS. QUEENS and GLASSWARE, a well se lected assortment, just received, of the latest styles JAS BUM & KOBUK% NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1864 Christmas 1864 USEFUL PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! Ladies Sable Furs, Ladies' Fitch Furs, Ladies' Silver Martin Furs, Ladies' Siberian Squrrel Furs, Ladies' American Mink Furs, Ladies' Native Hudson Bay Furs, Ladies' French Sable Furs, Ladies' Imitation Ermine Furs. Children's Furs OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A Large Assortment of Dress Goods, Shawls al; Reduced Prices, Broca Bordered Scarfs, Gloves, Lace Collars, Embroidered Collars, Sontags, Nubias, Alexander's Bid Gloves Balmoral Skirts, Hoods Genuine Bek. Lace Vella, Embroidered Setts, &c., &e IN THE MORNING DEPARTMENT OUR Stock is Complete. Our Fine Furs have been manufactured ex pressly for OUR CHRISTMAS SALES. We are now receiving them from the Mann- factuiers. We can give purchasers a decided advantage In all other goods ;be Prices have been Reduced CATHCART & BRO., No. 14 Market Sqitare, Next Door to the Harrisburg Bank deels-d2w WM. BRADY ! No. 62 Market St., Harrisburg, illgrAS just returned from New York and XL Philadelphia, and is prepared to offer to the citi zens of Harrisburg and vicinity the choicest and most carefully selected STOCK OF GOODS In his line ever offered in this city, consisting in part of the following articles: Fine Gold Hunting-cased ENGLBR, AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Fine Solid Silver and Plated Ware, . SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. EMM3 Tea Setts, Castors, Berry Dishes, • Cake Baskets, Butter Dishes, Ice Pitchers Fine Table, Tea, Fish, Butter Si Fruit Knives, Soup Ladles Napkin Rings, Card-receivers, Call Bells, Nut-picks, &c., &c., &c. FINE JEWELRY OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, SUCH AS White and Black Onyx, Conti, Amethyst, Carbuncle s Ruby and Pearl Setts, Sleeve Buttons and Studs, Gold and Jet Crosses, Necklaces for ladies and children, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Gold Guard, Chatelain, Vest and Fob Chains, Lockets, Charms, Tooth Picks. Dawson, Warren and Hyde's' and John Foley's celebra ted Gold rens, in gold, silver and gutty percha holders Seth Thomas' "celebrated Calendar Regulators," and an endless variety of everything In his line. • We reverse the old maxim, and invite ladies stßd gen tlemen to call at other placecfirsi, then give us a call and see the difference in stork and prices. We defy compe- W. BRADY, decl6 62 Market street. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, PUT DIVISLOIC,_ - WARRINGTON, November 80, 1864. Will be sold at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, at. the times and - places named below, viz : JOHNSTOWN, Pa., THURSDAY, December 15, 1864. TRENTON, N. J., THURSDAY, December 22, 1864. Two hundred Cavalry Horses at each place. These Hones have been condemned as unfit for the cavalry service of the army. For road and farming purposes many good bargains may be had. Horses sold singly. Sale to commenee at 10 o'clock a . tr. Terms: Cash in Government folds. JAMBS A. ERIN, Colonel in Charge First Division, declldec2o Quartermaster General's Mice. HARRIAINTRO NATIONAL BAN/L December 10, 1834, annual election for thirteen directors 1 of this bank will beheld, ae required by the national currency act, on Tuesday, the 10th day of January next., at the banking house, between the hours of 1 OA. and 3 P. N. J. W. WEIR, declo-te NATIONAL. ROUSE RESTAURANT. IHAVE refitted and opened the above named restaurant, where all the delicacies of the season will be served up, such as Oysters, Game, Terre pin, dm. The public are most respectfully invited to call. Families supplied with oysters. A. J. WARE 'MD. N. B.—Free lunch given every day from 3.03, to 11% A. m. dead-dim* A NEW SUPPLY •of FRESH SMOKE/. HAMS, Just received this morulni, at SHISLSR & FRAZR& Jett Suaerseore to W. Dock, Jr., & Cb riRMT JARS, of the latest Patent (Glif Jr lia's Teat MA) jut reoelowi and for sale low it )919 BOYER & HOESPARS CHOICE Holiday Gift Books. ALL the Choice Illustrated Gift . B oaks issued by the press of this country, can be seen at BERGINER'S BOOK STORE. An otrly examination la solicited, as there cre but fcw copies of each of the elegant volumes in stock I. ENOCH ARDEN. E'egantly illustrated by Billings, 33 plates of the most Milan d character. Price in muslin, extra gilt,s4 50 IL ENOCH ARDEN. Another edition illustrated by La Forge, Vedder and Parley. Price $3 09. lit. SAXE'S "CLEVER STORIES." The pima all new, and the illustrations in the highest style of art. Pelee $3 O. .'TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRIST- lloore's beautiful. poem of "The visit of St. Nicholas," illustrated by Darley, with characteristic engravings. Price, illuminated cover, 75 cents. v. °MUSH - AN BALLADS. By Arthur Clearland Cole, illuminated ani illustrated by Mows. Elegantly printed. Price $6 OD, antique $0 00. BISHOP STEVENS ON THB PARABLES. An elegant volume printed on flee tonal piper. Il lustrated In the fines: style of art by Franklin. Puke in morocco $ll 00. By Adam!, with illustrations] by Birket, Foster and others. Price in half Turkey $6 00. Illustrated with one hundred and twenty engravings, from original desigus. This is the most elegant book ever pnbliahed in America. Price $2O 00. LIMA AMERICANA. • Fine Handkerchiefs, Verses of Praise and Fattb. from American poets, ar ranged by Rev. George T Rider. 12 mo. Price $2 00 tYRA ENtLICANA. Uniform with the above, from English poets 12 mo Price $.2 . 00. xi. GOLDEN LEAVES FROM THE BRITISH POETS. An elegant volume containing the celebrated minor poems of theißritisti authors. Collected and Illustrated by Rows. Price $2 50. GOLDEN LEAVES FROM AMERICAN POEMS. Uniform in design and character with above.— Price $2 50. KIM < BITTER-SWEET. A new and elegantly illustrated edition. Price $7 00. Turkey, $9 (0. xrv. THE SNOW IMAGE. By Hawthorne. A juvenile gem; Illustrated In colors Price $1 71. Elegantly illustrated by Sehmolze. Half Turkey.— Price $6 00. Standard Authors. • Elegant editions of the following works, expressly pre" pared for the Holiday season : Heber's Poetical Works—Turkey morocco $S 00 Female Prose Writers of America—Turkey mor .. 8 00 Thomson's Season. Turkey morrocco 8 00 Roger's Poetical Works " " ..... ..... B'oo Campbell's poetical works 00 Shakspeare sample te works 8 00 Moore's IrishMelodire—cloth got—illustrated... 2 00 Sabbath bells chimed by the poets 2 00 Songs of the affections, by Mrs. Romans 2 00 Gray's poetical works, illustrated. ........ ... 2 00 Longfellow's WOIJES, new cabinet ed.—per vol.. 2 00 Tennyson's poems " " " .. 200 Saxes " CI CC CI IC 200 Holmes' 4c 14 CI lc . 2 00 And many other Standard works.. BLUE AND GOLD SERIES-$1 50 PER VOL Longfel'ow's poems 2 vol Saxes' poems 1 vol Longfellow's prose 2 vol Holmes' poems 1 vol • rowell's poems 2 vol Bryantca,poems 2 vol whittler's poems 2 vol Cmbbs' poems 1 vol Tennyson's poems 2 vol Irving's tketches 1 vol &c. WHAT TO BUY FOR CHILDREN ! ALL THE NEW BOOKS FOB BOYS AND GIRLS ARE IN American boy's books of games and sports--an elegant volume - $4 00 Abbott's histories, 60 volumes, price per volume... 1 20 Abbott's little learner series-10 vol Abbott's rainbow and lucky series-5 vol " ... so Cousin Alice's borne series-8 vol " ... 125 Abbott's Florence stories-5 vol " ... 100 Santa Claus gift story book-8 vol " ... 100 Bo peep nary books-12 vol c ... 40 Little one's library-12 vol c ... 45 Youth's pictorial library-12 vol " ... 50 Walter's Tour in the East--4 vol each ....... .... 1 00 Miniature Library-12 vole " 40 BOY LIVES Of Distinguished Americans. Price $1 50. The Patriot Boy. The Fanner Boy. The Farmer Boy. The Drummer Boy. The Hero Boy. The Bobbin Boy. The Pioneer Boy. The Fairy-Boy, Fanny Fern's New Story Books—lllustrated... . 1 50 The Angel Unawares, by. Mary Hewitt, " .... 125 The Life Boat--a tale of our coast he " .... 1 50 Youth's History of the'llebellion " .... 150 Firemde Philosophy of Common Things " 1 26 Gasaoyno, The Sandal Wood Ma Trader ". .. . 125 Dora Darliog, The Daughter of the . Regiment " .... 1 50 The Water Babies, a fairy tale for a Land Baby . " .... 1 50 The Snow Image, a fairy tale by Haw thorne c Oat of .Prison 1 25 Ramon Abdallah, new fairy tales 1 60 Watch and Wait, or the Young Fugitives 1 20 Frank's Campaign, or What, a Boy can do' 1 50 And a hundred otheis, new and beautiful, together with new editions of the old favorites, Sanford & Morton Arabian Knights Robison Crusce Loop's Fables Mayne Reed's Works 4c., &o. FOR THE WEE—FOLKS. - Cali at once. Selections may be made and the gbods retained to be sent home on Christmas Eve. Neutral Sulphite - of Lime, FOR PRESERVING OLDER. WARE selling the very best article of ise kind, prepared according to directions of E. M. Hereford, Professor of Chemistry, Howard Heiser city. Is is perfectly reliable and free from impurities. Directions accompany each package. SELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goole Store, No. 91 Mar ket street, Harrisburg. 0028 FOUR VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS, situated on Third apd Horr streets (Hammond's Lane) corner lot 25X181." The other lots aro 20X121, running hack to a2O feet alley. For farther particulars enquire of GEO. H. BELL, noBodtf Corner of Second and Ohettentit streeta. 12=121 FOR SALR,, IMUUR VALUABLE HOUSES, located in digerent parts of the city. For particulars enquire at the Cheap Grocery Store, corner of Third and chestnut. no3otltt 0000ANUTS! COCOANUTS just le. colied at WM. M. Oft6Y & CO.; (Houser & Locbman's old stand, Market square.) 'kola "VICTIM. WHITE 'WHEAT FLOUR.-Se 114 leoted White Wheat Family Flour, just receive and for sale at BILISLER is Succession; to W. Deek„n= NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MAS." SACRED ALLEGORIES 7111. IRNING'S SKETCH BOOK-ARTIST'S EDITION xv. KEBLE'S CHRISTIAN YEAR I:=1 BER GNEles. Look at the list andpreserve it for reference ! A large assortment Toy Books, from 5 cents up to 60 Alphabet and Spelling Blocks. Dura ble. GAMES, BALLS, &c., BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE, deol7 No. 51 Market Street. FOIL SALE, WANTS, - WANTED MO RENT—A house containing six rooms, 11 located anywhere between North and Chestnut Sts. lient paid hindrance. Address Box 41, P. 0. Possession wanted on tb.o fast of April, 1865. del9-tf WARTED t 10111 - ARRISBURG BRIDGE STOCK, Gold, El Slicer and U. B. Bonds. BIGLF.R & Stack and Exchange Brokers, 86 Market street. del,9-4t* WANT ED.—A good two-horse team Wagon. Enquire at THIS OFFICE. deelB dtf WANTED, AMAN or boy to take charge of a ho e. A good gardener preferred. 24 North Second stet. decl4-dlw DAVID MUMMA. X7OA MONTH ! I want Agents every where, at $7O a month, expenses paid, to sell ifteen Articles, the best selling ever offered. Full opar ticulars free. Address, OTIS T. GABBY noni-dawam Biddeford, Maine. WAl' TED.—$l 25 A MO.NTIEIL!— Agents .everywhere, to introduce the new Shaw & Clark Sixteen Dollar Family Sewing Machine, the only low price machine in the country which is licensed by Grover L. Baker, wheeler & Wilson, Howe, Singer & Co„ and Batchelder. Salary and expenses, or large commissions allowed.. AU other Ma chines now sold for less than forty dollars each are in fringements, and the seller and user liable. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address, SHAW & CLARK, note dawem Biddeford, Maine. HOLIDAY GOODS. CHRISTMAS GIFTS ! REMEMBER Keller's is the Place, AND if you fail to go to Keller's before mak ing your purchases you may regret it. Yon will there find the most beautiful display of lino goods, and the greatest Impiety yet offered in this city. It would be vain to attempt to number or &scribe them; they most bo seep. Call. it is our business to show goods; yours to buy, if you see proper. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A HUSBAND. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A WIFE. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A BROTHER. WE RAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A SISTER. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A - FRIEND. GIFTS ACCEPTABLE AND Appropriate to All. La addition to our spechil FANCY G 0.02,9, we have the usual large stock of TOILET ARTICLES and PERFUME RY, which remains unrivaled in this city. KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOODS STORE, del tf A Fine Assortment of Jewelry EXPRESSLY FOR Holiday Presents. GEO. W. M'CALLA, NO. 3B MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, Has now the finest, best selected and moot detirable selec tion of Jewelry ever brought to Harrisburg, which he will sell at prices to suit the times. Tee stock embraces, in part, the following articles : Gold and silver watches. Fine coral, topaz, amethyst, pearl, onyx and gold setts of jewelry. _ Fine diamond, carbuncle and seal rings. Gutta-percha pens and pencils, tooth picks, &c. Gold and silver chains. Gold and silver thimbles Lockets and sleeve buttons. Pins and ear-rings of all descriptions. Silver and plated ware. Silver tea and table spoons. Sugar and preserve spoons, berry dishes, butter knives and fruit knives. Breakfast and dinner castors. Syrup pitchers, cake baskets and salt stands. Children's cups, goblets and call bells. Fancy bronzed mantle ornaments: Plated spoons and forks. And an extensive assortment of flee clocks. Oa - Ladies and gentlemen in search of presents for the holidays, will do well to examine this stock, before pur chasing elsewhere. ' Jaz-All goods warranted as represented when sold. decl4 SELLING AT VERY LOW PRICES DURING THE HOLIDA.YS, TO 16C.MEITIC V., ST OC 11. 5 At No. 52 Market ;Street rrilsubscriber returns his sincere thanks tt - F A hts friends and the public generally, for their very liberal patronage during the past four years, and begs leave to inform them that he has a very elegant assorted stock or fine Watches, Chains, Rings, Pins, Sleeve Bet tons, Scarf Pins, Charms, Gold Pens, Gold and Silver Thimbles„ Silver Spoons, Batter Knives, Salt, Sugar Cream and Preserve Spoons; Silver-Plated Cups, Goblets, Cake Baskets, Berry Dishes, Syrup Pitchers, Breakfast Tea, and Dinner Castors, ikc., which will make very ele gant and durable Christmas Presous. Call and examine for yourselves. Make selections while the assortment is full. No pains spared to show goods. All the above sold at very small profit. declS-tf A. F. ZIMMERMAN. HOLIDAY GIFT S Knoche's Music Ltore, 93 Market Street. p lANOS, Cabinet Organs and Melodeons. Piano Stools and Covers. Guitars, hut s, Violins, etc. Musical Works of all descriptions. Portfolios fvr Sheet Music. Sheet Music, the latest and most popular publications imgravings, Paintings, Photographs. Oval and square gi.t Walnut sod Rosewood Frames. Albums, the larg. at and best amortmcnt in the city. Collin:4 examine toe stock of the largest Runt Store this side of the great cities. W. aNGGILE, dectasjrual 93 Maiket street. SHISLER & FRAZER IIAYE, and are receiving goods in their usual line, for Christmas, fur families, of rafel&s, in aul.ized pa tinges, Figs and Prunes, Apples, C.der, Wine, Brandy, num, &c. Prepared Mince Meat, put up by themostce.ebrated manufacturer, Mr. Atmore Fine new crop New Orleans Motwases and Sorghum Syrup, a domestio which is considered a line ar ticle for baking purposes. deaf. .H.OLIDAt. GOODS ! AMITAMANCT, AT SELL Lt R'S DRUG AND FANCY GOODS STORE, . . No. 91 MAIM= arias% -VV. -are happy in presenting 'to our pa tons again this season, an entire new stock of Fancy Goods for the holidays, fresh from the hands of importers, atd at prices astonishingly low for the times, Ynrchase your holiday presents now while the assort ment is full and varied• decB Holiday Presents • Boyer & Kerper, . NO. 3 MARKET SQUARE, HAVE just received from New York a large and well selected assortment of China ware, (pure French China,) suitable for Holiday presents. They in vite the public to call soon, while the stock Is full with a good selection. dear CHRISTDIAS HAVING returned from New York and Philadelphia with our usual flue stock of goods for the holidays, would respectfully invite early attention thereto. C. K. KELLER, decal: 91 Market street, N0..£11 Market street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers