THE TELEGRAPH 18 PUBLISHED IiORNING AND EVENING, By GEORGE BERGrNER, OFFICE THIRD Sr., NEAR TrALIVUT. - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLR •SUBSCRIPTION. THE Dertv TELEORAPIL la served to subscribers in the c ity at 1235 cents per week. Yearly subscribers v. ill be barged $6 00 in advance. Those persons whe neglect to pay in advance be °barged $7 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAM. Tan TELEGRAPH is also published weekly,aud is furnished. subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies ; weekly .. Three copies to one Post Office Tan copies to one Pest Office NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Grand Exhibition Christ,mas KUNKEL & BBD'S Drug and Fancy Store, NO. 118 ISIAIMET STICES,T THE following are some of the articles to be obtained, appropriate to the seaqou ORNAMENTS. Bohemian Glass Vases. flower Stands. Toilet Bottles. Watch Stands. Utast. Stands. Match Stands. Cigar Ash Stands. Beading and Book Stands. FANCY GOODS. Fancy Faus. Fancy Riding Whip./ Card Cases, pearl and Canes leather. Cut Glass Colognes. ivory Tablets. ' LEATHER GOODS. Shaving Cases. Ladies' Satchels. Portefolios. Match Cases. Dressing Cases. Ladies' Companions Cuba Satebels. Cigar Cases.. Ladies' Purees. POrtemonnnies. TOILET ARTICLES. Powder Puff Boxes, • Hand Mirrors. Toilet Waters. Toilet Soaps. , Brushes Powders Sachets Pomades Combs. Barnett's Toilet Potts, SOLDIERS' WARES. Sewing Cases. Writing Cases Cavalry Casos. Leather and Wicker Pocket Mirrors Money Bette Flasks. Leather, Metal and 4um Cups. VA_RIETrEsi Fancy Boxes. Work Boxes. Box or Cigars. Leather and Cum Balls. Wooden Puzzles. Meerschaum Pipes, Brier Pipes. Pocket Knives. Fine Dominoes. Thermometers. Fine Razors. Diaries for 1885. also. a great variety of Lava Ware, all of which can be had at KUNKEL & BRO'S DRUG STORE, 'dec7tf No. 118 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. BUEHLER HOUSE, HARRISBURG PA • The undersigned, having lately purchased the BUEHLER HOUSE property, has already commenced such alter ations and improvements as will render this OLD AND POPULAR ROUSE equal, if not superior, to any Hotel in the city of Harrisburg. GEO. J. BOLTON. dec7•ly4 Public Notice CORRECTION OF ENROLLMENT MKS OFFICE OF TILE BOARD OF BEROLLMENT, 14th Dormer, I'mcifIYLVANIA, " HARRISBURG,' Nov. 23, 18134. fIpHE BOARD OP ENROLLMENT will, AT A. ALL Timm, receive and. attend to applications for the correction of the enrollment lists.' Any person, properly interested, may appear before the Board, and have any name stricken off the list if he can show, to the eattsfao• Hon of the Board, that the person named is not properly enrolled, on account of 'Jet. Alirnage. 2d. Non-residence. - Overage. • • 4th. Permanent physical disability. sth. Having served in the m.litary or naval service of tote United states two years during the present war, and veep honorablydischarged. tayp etleara, clergymen; and all the prominent"citizens are invited to appear, at •ail times, before the Bqiird to point out more In the lists,. and to give such information In their possession as may aid in the correction and re -4lston thereof, G. G. HUNT, Pro. liar. and Pros'. or Board • CHAS. C. RAHN, Commissioner or Ote.Boarcf. R. T. CHARLTON, Surgeon of tite Board. n02341m REASURY DEPARTMENT. . _panes os. colipraotssa or THE GURRMT, t - - • WASHECGTOY, Nov. 21, 1864 Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented the underaigned, it has been made appear that. the HARRISBURG NATIONAL BANK, in the. City of Har risburg, in the County Dauphin, and State of Penn sylvania, has been daly organized under and according ,to the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled "An moo{: to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge or tinned States boncia, and to provide for the circulation And redemption thereof," approved June 3,1864, and has complied with all the provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the businese of bank ing under said act: Now, therefore, I, SABLINL T. HOWARD, 'Deputy Comptroller of the Currency, do - hereby certify that the Harrisburg National Bank,in the City of Harrisburg, in the county of Lauphin, and State of Pennsylvania, is author ized to commence the business of banking under the act aforesaid. In testimony whereof; witness my hand and sail of MSc* this twenty-first day of November 1884 _ SARITEL T. HOWARD; I SHall Deputy Comptroller of the Carrency. no2B STOCK AND BONDS. WEreceive daily quotations from the east. ern markets. Which are open for the inspection of our customers, and at which rates we will BUT, SET, OR EXCHANGE, 11, S. 6-20, 10-40 and 1881 Bonds, Oil, Coal. and Railway Stooks, Gold, Silver, &e. Wanted, Pennsylvania State claims. BIGLER it CO., Stock and Exchange Brokers, 86 Market Street, Harrisburg. decs•dsW* '.QTEAM WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, touch ' Ina at QUEENSTOWN, (CORK HARBOR.) . The wail knovirn steamers of. the Liverpool, New York and Phila delphia Steamship Company, (Inman Line), carrying the U. S. Mails, are intended to sail as follows GLASGOW Saturday, December 17. ANCEESTER t 4 24. • BALiDIORE. ... . ... " " Si. and every succeeding 'Saturday, 'at noon, from Pier 44, North Miver. RATES OF PASSAGE: • Payable in Gold or iti Amisatent in Currency. • MIT CABIN, • $BO 001 STEERAGE; $3O 00 do to London, 85 001 do to London, 34 00 do to Paris, 95 DOI do to Paris, 0.1 00 do to-Hambnrs, 90 00 1 do to Hamburg, 37 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Br men, Batter darn, Antwerp, AM, at equally low rates. • Fares Bum Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist' Cabin, $76, $BB, $lO5. Steerage $BO. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy tickets here at tbesp rates. For further information apply at the Company's thanes. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, ocl4 • 15, Broadway, N. Y. OVID F. JOHNSON, ATTOBNEY AT LAW. OFFICE No. 23, Sour= SECOND STREET. Legal busillesa and collections promptly.atecstended to. d-dlm TRANSPARENT SLATES!" ALARGE ASSORTMENT OF TRANSPA RENT SLATES, of Ml sizes and prices, for pale at Sebeffer's BooliStore, 21 South Sedond street, Harrisburg, Peons. octl A FRE'll LOT OF LEBIONS just re ceived at W5l. M. GRAY CO., - Mouser &Lochman's cgd staud,/dar4e4 square.) ee,l3 AN m Iffi STEW income of chener's oelebrated • oamr• 11. t rnsolved title morning at IinTELM k FRAMER. TINT RECEIVED, a fine lot of Pibkles and imuitorviscipt (decl2-41tf) JOHNIVISE'S. SW COMENCY SOLDER at tan BOBEFTERIS Book Store, • r . • • ::- • . '••":•' .• :• .r . • r; '•••-•• r : , . : • . ' • - • . - . - , . . - - . . . . . . . . * : . ... . • - . . . . . . • , . • . . . . . , . . . •- , _ . . vi . ' 1 ••'. . • • . . . . . . • . . . . . • ' •.' . . ..•.,_.' . . V 11V, ! ' 41/. '" ' : . ''. . ---. . • '. • . '...,,,• • • ~ . —'''''' , ! . .::f 11: ~,. „ .) . ........., . • . •, : - --' ' : ...- n-.'- ' . .: . •; ' ' • . 'V . . . . . , • .1 - .• • ` ~.'• a ...., 11, ~.,.r! N....,J,...., _,,,,.... . . . .. t „ ... •.. . =' , -"- - - 7-r as ''' .: ... ....,;'t t:- . ', -•- . . . . . . . 1 e=c. '•• • " . .. . . . • • ••$2 00 • . ...... .. 5 00 15 00 CHEROKEE CITRE Presents ! COMPOUNDED FROM R 0074, BARES AND LEAVE% anfaaing care for Sormaterrhsts, .Semisull Weak ness; foonnmat Emissions, caukall qiseasa casssOby self: pollution; such :as Loss of lienfory, ffninsival‘arnit" Pains in the Dimness of 'Vision, Premature Old Ape, Weak Nerves, Di icdtyofßreathing, Treading, Trawl& ness, i?ruptiorfs on the. Face, Pate Countenance, instinity, Consumption, and an the Mrsful complaints sawed by de parting from the path of nature. ntiporhis medicine is a simple vegetableextractkand one oft which all can rely, alit has bean usedin our practice for many years, and with thousands treated, it has not failed in a single instance.' .:Its curative powershave been autilelent to gain victory over the most stubborn case. ataeo those *behave trifled with • their constitution, until they think themselves beyond the reach of medical aid, we would say, Despair not / the CEIZZORMI will restore you to health and vigor, and after all quack doe tors have failed I ' Price, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, sad for warded by P.xpress'to all parts of the wed, Pamphlet sent by mail free of postage by DR. W. R. IdERWIF & CO., Sole Proprietors, nols-deod4m No. 63 Liberty street, New .sforiv. G LAD NEWS for the UNFORTUNATE., THE LONG SOUGHT FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST. ; Cures from one to three days. CHEROKEE REIffE4If • CIIER6KHE INJECTION, Compounded from Roots, Barks and Leaves. UffilaKEEE .REMEDY, the great indica Diisretic, cures all diseases of the urinary organs, : Arid as Inamits, Re n ee of the Urine, Inflammation of the 41a64er,ittigart nation ,of the Xiiineya, Stone in theßladder, Striettire, Grave', (}lees;Gonnorhea,: and is espeOsffy recommended in those cases of Fluor Albus (or Whites in females) where all the old summer medicines have failed. tar Ifs prepared- In a highly concentrated forra,, the dose only being freni one to two teaspoonfuls three times per - day. X.- It is diuretic and alterative in its action; purifying and - cleaturing the blood, causing it tollOw In all, original purity and vigor; thus removing froiti the spate* all pernicious causes which have induced' dieser*. . • CHEROKEE INJECTION Is intended as easily or assist ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used in conjunction with that medicine In all oases of GonoiTheo, Glees, Fluor Albus ff Whiten Its effects heating, soothing and demulcent ; removing all scalding, heat, chordee and pain, instead of the burning and almost un endurable pain that is experienced with nearly all the cheap quack /*Wont_ . sui- By the use of, the CHEROKEE RHKEDY. arid CHERoBEEINJECTION.-the two medielniaat the same time—all improper discharges are removed, and the weak ened organs are speedily restored to full vigor and strength. _ _ _ sEPrice, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $6, YriCe CHEROKEE INJECTION', $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. • THE CHEROKEE REMEDY, CHEROKEE INJECTION AND CHEROKEE CURE, are sold by all enterprising Druggists in the civilized world. Some unprincipled dealers, however, try to sell worthless compound' in the place of these ; those which they can purchase ate cheap price, and.make more money by selling, than,they : can bn these medicines. As .you value your_ health, aye, the health oryour future offspring, do • not.' bo deceived. by such unprincipled 'druggists, ask for,these medieinci sad take no others. If thegruggiats will not buy them: for you, inclose the, money in a letter, and we will send them to you by °apical,. securely sealed and packed from observation. . , Ladies or gentlemen can address us in perfect confi dence, stating fully and. plainly *oil. 'diseases and aynip , toms, as we traatiM stitmases of a cartage - ISOM - m m 5 e or female. Patients need not hesitate because or their inability to visit us, as - we have treated patients success fully in all portions of the civilized glolse, by correspond ence. • Patients addressing us will please slate plainly all the symptoms of their complaints, and, write Postoffice, County, State,, and name of . writer, plain, and inelese postage stampfor reply. We send our 32-page pamphlet free to any address.— Addrkss ail letters to the proprietors . . DR. W. E. -VERMIN & CO nol6 deed . No, 63 Liberty street; Newlirork. GAMES! GAMES! GAMES! Pictorial Game of Cbamcters Pet of the Cradle, New Game of.Quotatiens. Fireside Spelling Game. ' Japan Puzzles. • Mrs. Jollyboy's Pic nip. 014 Maid and. Old. Bachelor Par'or Amusements: • New Game or Matrimony. New Game of Forteit. New Game of Spirit Mapper. Nuts to Brack or 54 Puzzles. Arithmetical Game. Game of Nip Sledge, Tuck and Frizzle. • Sparkles of Wit from Me Brain, Pan of Memos. (jaartette Game of English. Poets. Sultan Vizier or; Scherzerade. Quartette Gazoo.of. American Poets. Dejected Picture. Puzzles. Conversation Cards. Fortune Telling• Cards. Pox and Geese, For sale atScheffer's Bookstore, 21 South 2nd street, Harrisburg, Pa. ORGAN GEMS A COLLECTION OF ' j Offertoires, Communions, Versets, Preludes , - Pnges, BS F.-Andre, E. Batiste, M. Brosig, A. Freyer, A. Hesse, Lefubre Wely, and others. Assawasn .k5l EDITED Br FREDERICK 4 DAVENPORT. Price, Cloth $3 00; Bds, - $2 $O. OLIVER DIMON & CO., Publishers, Boston. deale-ue • Almanacs ! Alnianads 1 13 A. le. "Et English and German Lancaster. Almanacs, For the year 186 5 . For solo, by the gross, Dozen, or single, at Schiffer's Bookstore, 21 South Second stroot, Harrisfiurg, Fa. se2o O,OFAS; . .Arai„ and. Parlor Chairs, Marble top Tablew, Lounges and • COTTAGE CHAMBER BETTS, In great variety at • • JAMBS BOYD & SON, tarid4wl . New Ware-rooms, 29 South Second st . ALARGE assortment of Diaries and Daily Journals for the year 1.065, for. gale • at. &heifer's Bookstore, 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. nob A PEW MORE, COPIES of the RULES FOR REGULIATItiG THE FRACTION IN THE SUPREME COURT AND counTs OF THE • TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF TENNSYLVANIA, Composed. or Dauphin and Lebanon counties. Price $3 50. For sale at Scheffer's Bobkslore, Harsisbuir, Pa. nab NE, 1 07 PHILADELPHIA c I_, Co A.- IC W. T. olt , D. W. GROW' NEW BLOCH, Market Street, Harrisburg. Lood DIFFERENT sTYLEs 01 YABHIONABLI OLOAE.t34IND OIIipIILARS, PEPPER SAUCE, a new invoice, lust re oeived at Lao ]] SHISLER & FRAZER'S. BY GEORGE - BERGNER I.IIEDIt e , THE 'GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE Sent by Express to any address on receipt of price. Diaries ! Diaries ! FOR isos. FINE SPRING SELLWLS. will open on the_let of April. fmar2l-411y 'THE UNION—NoW AND FOREVER." lIARRISBISG, A., MOND a EVENING, DECEMBER 19, 1864. :ilF:ilC 1, D a J NSON „ BAIATIBItORE LOCK 'HOSPITAL, IIA " discovered the most certain, Speedy and effectual remedies in'the world for LAKTJ'AHES OF EMPRUDENOE. ttrit.ON IN SIX TO TWSLVE 130014 t RIEROORY OR NO XIOCR DELOS A Our , Ww,rantati, in. No Oiaryl3, in frinn Ore to Two Day.; Weaknese of the Book, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, General De bility, Nervmencts,,. Dyspepsia, Isuivor, Lew- Spirits, "Confusion of -Idetwtridpitatioti of .ther Heart;4lmidity Trerablings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Dineen of the :Head, Throat, Nose 'or Skin, Affections of ilia"-Dv& Longs, Stomach or Bowels—those' terrible ' disorders arising from the 'Solitary: Habits of Youththorts secret, and solitary practices more fetal to their victim' than the, song of Syron to the Marinera of Ulysses 'blighting their. most brilliant hopes or anticiptitioyd,.renderhig marriage, .to„ impossible. YOUNG KEN Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to ah untimely grave thousands of Young Hen of the meat exalted talents and brilliant intellect, - who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the Mum; dem of eloquence or waked to eotasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. PIABRIAGE 'isiarried persons, or Young Men contemplating menial?" being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, defor mities, fcc., speedily cured. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may re ligionsly confide in his honor as a gentleman, wad coal dexttly rely upon his skill as • Physician. • ORGANIC WEAKNESS mmediately cured, and full vigor restored. This distressing affection--which renders life iniserattlit and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the vic tim of improper indulgence. Young persons aro too apt to commit , excesseafrom not being aware of the dreadful consequences that' May 'ensue. Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny.that the power Of procreatton-islostlxioner by those - falling,' into improper habits than by the prudent: Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and de structive syminoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weakened, loss of procreative power, !lemma dyirepda; palpitation of thelieert, Indigestion, constitutional debility, a wasting of the him% cough, epug, gumption, decay sod death. apt Ormon Nn, T, ikurn Irsammiter grailz.„, . Left: hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Yell not: to.observe name said number, Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang In hle office. DR. JOHNSON, . Member of the Royal college of . Surgeons, London, grad , gate from one elk° meld eminent in the United States, and the greater 'part pf whose life has been spent in the hospitals, of .tondon,`Parbr, Philadelphia and elan. where, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing inthe head and ears when asleep, great nervousness,. being ,alarreqd nudden:BOtPulk s haelifelneas, with frequent . .• - 4,itomags,4 'derangaiaint:otwitint were un irenti3diatelY. ' TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE These are soma of the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits of youth, viz : weakness of the back and limbs, „pains In • the head, dimness of sight, lees of muscularPeWei; lndpitation or the heart, dyspopide„ ngr vousirritability symptoins emumarktion, • Miarnaz,nr - .—The fearful on.the naiad are men& to be dreaded—,lose. o 1 cont ion of ideas, de. premien of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to' society, self distrust, lova of solitude, timidity, do,, We some: of the evils produced. • ' YOUNG REX • Wtia:have injured the:twelves by a eertaiu practice In dulged in,when alcne„a habit frequently learned' tient orll companions, or at sabool,.tho- effects of which are nightly felt, even'when asleep, and if net cured renders marriage !open atbie, and doetroys both mind and body, ShOaldippls , aimerliately. • - t hat a young man, the hope of his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched froin all prospects and enjoyments, of life, by the consequence of deviating front the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit, hnoh persons KTET 'before contem. plating • bikirglAGE S . Belle° lthat a eoehd mind and body arothemostneceaeary regideiteit tbiprernoteconnubialhappinese. Indeed ; witb• ont these. tbe.journey through life beoomee kweary grimage i'the prespeettourly darkens to the view ; the mind beco.meil ebadoWed' with despair and filled with the thelanehtily redeeton'that. the handlings. of. saintlier be 601nall blighted with one OWEL -• • DISEASE OF . IMERUDENOE. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure Ands he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, 'toe often happens that an Mimed sense of shame or the dread of discovery deters him from applying to time who fro* education' and respectability, can alone'befriend him. He falls into the hands of ignorant and designing pretend ers, who, incapablo of curing, filch his pecuniary sub. 'stance, keep him trifling month after month; or as iced as the smallest fee can be obtained and despair leave him with ruined healthl Wagoning o sigh over disappointment, orgy the use of the deadly poison, Mercury, hasten the toinditutionalsymptem sof t his terrible di sease s such as affee lions .of the Head, ! hroat, NOON Skin, ete.; progressing with frightful • rapidity till death puts a period to hia dreadfal sufferings by tending him to that undiscovered Offantil from whence no traveler returna. ENDORREMENT . OF THE PRESII, The many Wittman& cared at this institution year after year, and the numerous important surgical operations performed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the rerete4of the Stm, Mina- and many other papers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the;besides his standing as a gentleman of character and rag/OMA- N:IA Is a saffletent gnarentee to the afflicted. DISEAEIRS EFEEDELE CUBED ! mace No. 7 Nautili Frodiertak Ursa& TINT ARRIVED I—A fine lot of CANNED fel PEACHES and TOMATOES. Also, SUPERIO PINE APPLES, FR}H PEAS, Sce., just roeeived by mvl4-4311 JOHN WISE, Rd street. near Wilma SMAR% .SYRUPS,• TEAK, COFFEE, et all grades end De6es, a t SHISLER & R. Successors to W. Dock, kCo jel7 Dealers in Fine Family Jr.drocertes XTUTS.--Almonds,. Cream Nuts, Chestnuts, /I English Walnuts, Filberts and. Walnuts, at decl2-dtf JOHN WISE'S. NEW GAME FOR, CHILDREN. GAME OF SOLITAIRE,. together with an assortment of other Games, at Soheffer's . Bookstere, 21 South Second. street. Harrisburg, Pa: octl EITRA FAMILY MOUE and 00111 PEAL ahVAYB on tutud i of the beet quality at BOYER 6(KOIIRPER. TOMATO IiETSUP, by the gallon,. quart or pint, just received at WM. M. GRAY '& CO., (Houser and. Loehman's old stand, Market square.) decl3 RECEIVED, a good lot of Apples and PO4 tat,os, at JOHN WISE'S, ileal2-dtf Third and Walnut. ITEM LARGAST and best Selection of. Gros, J. mica in the city', to be he at oeet2B %Mtn k FRAZER'S t, B ASIETS, BASKETS eevariety . atr oor Jeri &mamasto W Pk.M . , QBEDLESS RAISINS and Oitrqn for Mine Pies and Cakw, at, [deel2•d4Q JOHN lama . EVENING EDITION. Official War Gazette. General Foster has a Personal Interview with General Sherman. Savannah Closely Besieged. Sherman% Army Feasting on Turkeys, Chickens and Sweet Potatoes. His March Feebly Resisted. =13=1:1 5,000 Prisoners and 49 Pieces of Ar tillery Captured by General Thomas at Nashville. Gem Burbridge Captures Dick Morgan, (Brother. of John,) his Wagons, Train and Prisoners. WAsinnoTom, Dec. 18. To. Major . Gen. Dix, New York: - Dispatches have been received to-day, from General Foster, who had a personal interview on, the morning of Wednesday, the 14th inst., with General Sherman at Fort McAllister, which had been taken by assault on the pre ceding day. Qttivannah was closely besieged and its cap. tura with the rebel forces there was confi.= dently expected. It was to be surrendered in two days, and if not surrendered Sherman would, open his batteries upon it. Gem Foster reports that Sherman's army is in splendid condition, having lived on its march - on the turkeys, chickens, sweet pota toes and other good things of the richest part of Georgia. The march was feebly resisted. Nothing has been heard from General Thomas to-day. Unofficial dispatches state that the Provost Marshal, at Nashville, reports five thousand prisoners and forty-nine pieces of artillery as being already secured. . It is ascertained that in transmitting Gen. Thomas' report last night, a telegraphic mis take was made at Louisville ,or Nashville, in the estimated number of our casualties. The dispatch written by Gem Thomas stated that "whole loss would not exceed three thousand, and very few were killed. A dispatch from Lexington this evening, states that on the 13th, at Kingsport, Tennes see, General Burbridge had a fight with Basil Duke's brigade, formerly John Morgan's, and routed fith aloss to the enemy of 150 wounidedAmd taken prisoner and their trabia. Dick litOgon,ibrother of joim, was captured. - - IST. It• Los, Secretary of War. Porter's Expedition. A .GRAND NAVAL ARMADA. A Co-Operating Land Force. Its Departure from Fortress Monroe. Its Destination Unannounced. PASSES HATTERAS ON WEDNESDAY. [The following letter of our correspondent, as its dates'evidence, has been , in our posses sion for several days; but its publication was withheld for fear of publishing contraband intelligence. As, however, the departure of the fleet has now been announced by the Northern press, there it no reason for further reticence on our part. —Ed. Amer.] GREgiT NAVAL EXREDMON ON BOARD THE UNITED STATES STEAMER SANTIAGO DE CUBA, HAMPTON ROADS, December 12-3 P. M., 1864. [Correspondence of the Baltimore .dmerican.l Through the kind courtesy of Rear Admiral Porter, I have been permitted to accompany the great naval and land force about to take its departure from this harbor to operate against an important point on the Southern coast; and have been assigned accommoda tions on board the splendid steamer Santiago de Cuba, Captain 0. S. Glisson, from whom I have received a cordial welcome to the generous hospitalities . of his cabin, which, after the exposure incident to a trip in the Captain's small boat from the flag ship to the Santiago de Cuba, against a heav sea arid fierce northwest wind, which sent the spmy in drenching showers over our little craft, I have found most acceptable indeed. Under the pilotage of a less experienced sea men, and with a less efficient crew, the trip would: have been as perilous as uncomfort able; but with the gallant Captain at the helm, and the muscular arms of his brave "blue jackets" tugging at the oars, there was no room for apprehension, and so, with no great er mishap than shipping some salt water and taking rather an unseasonable shower-bath, we soon reached the decks of the Santiago, and were not long in feeling ourselves " very much at home," in compliance with the hos pitable injunction of Captain Glisson. As I write, all appears to the ready for a start, certainly it is so on board our ship, and Captain G. is only waiting the signal to get under way. Orders have been issued to keep a bright lookout on the flagship for the sig nal, but as the gale hest not yet blown itself out, we gall probably not get off for some hours yet.' Meanwhile I will *copy my time in en deavoring to give your readdes some account of this great armada; but its destination and the plans arranged for operations, although fully known, must not at present be stated, lest by a premature publication of the same important information should be communi cated to the enemy. Suffice it, therefore, for the present to say that the expedition is no doubt by far the largest in tonnage, class of ships, and weight of metal of armament, that has yet been sent against the enemy. The fleet, including transports and tenders, Will number not less than one 'Mildred and My vessels of all grades. By far the largest periton of the fleet has already sailed. That portion now here embraces, however, the Webster PRICE THREE CENTS larger and most important vessels and the army transports. The entire expedition is under command of .Rear Admiral D. D. Porter, whose name and fame, in connection with the many bril liant operations on the Mississippi and its tributaries during this' war is so familiar to your readers - that I need do nothing more than mention it. The co-operating land force, numbering about thousand men, is under command of Gen. Butler. The naval portion of the fleet—that is, the war Vessels proper—number sixty-five, inclu ding the largest and most powerful vessels in the navy. The fleet is divided into five divis ions, the iron clads forming one, and the wooden hulls formed into four others, with a large reserve force of smaller vessels. The names of the vessels are as follows : IRON-CLADS. Guns... . ~ Guns. 20 litonadridek - , two'" ... . 2 terrets „ .... 2 Saugus.. WOODEN-SENDERS, Guns, Ironsides, Canonieua Mahopae Nyack, 5crew... . ... 7 trnadilla, screw.... 7 Juniata... Powhattan Brooklyn. Susquehanna 16 Wabash 48 Tuscarora 10 Colorado. 52 Minnesota. 52 5eneca........... 4 ....10 Pawtuxet 30 Ticonderoga 11..ackinaw • Maumee Yantic Kansas..... Quaker City Cuyler Montgomery .... Mount Vernon.. Monticello 7 Rhode Island ......12 MaraUtuza Osceola THE. SAILING OF THE FLEET TECPADAY 2,2oumbro, Dec. 13-6 A. u.—Owing to the roughness of the sea, although the gale had very much subsided long before night fall, it was deemed prudent, on account of the iron-clads, not to sail until the weather should become more calm,. and thus all expectation of a departure Was postponed till morning.— A more beautiful sight than Hampton Roads presented last night it would be difficult to im agine. The full moon shining in a cloudless sky, its silvery light-reflected in myriad rays Ifrein Are heavnig waters; the dark hulls and tapering masts aninibars of the fleet, all . irrung - out in ah.srp, bell 40f:tired outtinog, the numerous brilliant signal lights displayed from the various vessels—the Admiral's flagship conspicuouS among the gallant throng by its three brilliant red lights—all reflected in endless intermingling lines of lights on the dancing waters; the gleaming bayonets of the pacing sentries—all made up a picture full of rare beauty, quite beyond my power adequately to describe. Then the sounds—the Musical bell answering to bell and echoing back again on the passing, breezes; the boatsWains' whistles, the life and rolling drum, and other kindred sounds, ad , ded a thrilling interest to all. I could not but feel a shade of sadness, however, whilst viewing the noble get, to think how many of the gallant fellows_it embraced must, in all probability, meet death or fatal wounds in their country's service, ere they again return to the peaceful waters of. Hampton Roads. But now the' scene is changed—the glorious night has given place to a bright and more glorious day. The officer of the deekhas just announced a "general signal" to the fleet from the flagship. Our gallant Captain consults his signal book; his quick eye in-a moment catches its significance, and he announces the order "Get. the ship under way," and to his guests, "Gentlemen we are off at last." Now comes a stirring scene. If the sight of last evening was inspiring, the one now pre sented to our gaze is vastly more so. The noble flagship is gay with brilliant signal flags. The fleet respond, first to the "general signal," then come the signals from the flag ships of the various divisions. There goes a signal to the mast-head of the grim looking "Ironsides." Quickly her iron-clad satellites respond, and puffs of steam announce they are-all heaving up anchors and getiAng under way. • The tall towering masts of the great frigates and sloops-of-war are swarming with blue jackets, bending sails so as to avail of the breeze and save coal for operations elsewhere. Our own good ship is moving.. Our • "blue jackets" are heaving up the anchor with a will, and their lively tramp as they go round and round shows they are not loth to start. We are getting ready to tow the Monitor Ma hopac. As it is desirable to save the coal of the Monitors, they are all to be towed except the Monadnock, which has proved such a good sea boat that she is expected to take .care of herself. She.has just steamed by us in gallant •style, whilst we are waiting to take in tow the Mahopac. The army transports have all gone. They slipped out during the night, and are well out seaward by this time. 10 o'cloek.—We are now fully off, the whole fleet moving out of Hampton waters in gallant style. A bright sky overhead,. a favoring breeze and smooth sea. May* the God of battles "be unto us a safeguard and defence," and grant us good success. Orr OAPs HENRY, Deo. 13, Noon. I close this letter hastily, in order to give it to the Pilot, who is just about to take leave of us. Yours, to., A. F. THE FLEET OFT HATTERAS ON THURSDAY LAST. NEW Wm, December 16.—The steamer Morning Star, from New Orleans on the 10th, has arrived. She passed off Hatteras on a large fleet of steamers steering southeast. Tam Richmond Examiner finds another "symptom the breaking down of the bar riers that until this war kept the negro in his proper place," in the fact that at the slave auctions swarthy negroes are among the buyers. "Not an• auction is held but the negro element is largaly developed, and some dusky 'Mrs. Toodles' alivays around enjoy ing the first pick, and putting her label on the goods of her choioe,' That is "a date of things," truly. • 4 Guns. Enron, serew...... 4 Pequoit, screw.... 4 HULLS. woos Guns. ... .21 ....26 Taeony Santiago de Cuba..lo Fort Jackson 7. Aries :' 7 Howqua 4 Wilderness . 6 Fort Donelson.... 5 Cherokee. . 6 Vance 4 Anemone 2 Mocassin , . 4 2EGlug Gettysburg. _2O ..10 State of. Geotia 8 Keystone 5taie....1.3 Banshee 5 Emma .. 8 Lillian .. 4 5 8 10 7 Nansemond 4 Bignonia - .. 4 Clematis .. 4 Tristam Shandy... 4 Britannia ..... 4 Buckingham Dumbarton.. STEAtitifflNG ESTABLIRMENt ADVERTISING RATES-DAILY TEIE49RAPM . . The following are the rates for advertising In the TIME GRAPB. Those having advertising to do will Had it, con venient for referenr.o: P1)1.1T lioco or IVRI coo:Immo one-ttrif square Eight hum, or room (ban four, cooNlitute a Fcluare. FOR A SQUARR. One day ......$ 30 rwo days .. 50 Three dap5..... ..... One week ..... 125 One month • . 3 00 Two months. 4 50 Three m0nth5....... 5 50 Six months ' 800 One 00 Administration Notices Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices Notices, eaphinseritOn Sir - Business notices inserted in the Local Column, or before Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT eIINTS PER UNE for each Insertion. LATEST FROM MEM. SAVANNAH IS COMPLETELY INVESTED. The Fleet Heard, From. Fos Morrsoz, Dec, 17 The special dispatch steamer Eliza Han cock, arrived to-day from Hilton Head with Major Anderson, bearer of important dis patches from Sherman and Foster.' The news brought by the Hancock is of the most encouraging character. The vanguard of Sherman's army had sue ceeded in reaching with safety, on the 13th inst., and with very little loss to the main army, the outskirts of Savannah, and on the 14th Sherman completely invested the city, heimnaing in and cutting off from all means of escape, Hardee and his army of 15,000 men. Should th& place not be immediately sur rendered, a regular siege Will be at once pros ecuted with vigor. Secure lines of communication had - been opened between the armies of Sherman and Foster, and on the 14th inst., the two gen erals dined together at Fort McAll'ster. No doubt was entertaiund at Hilton Head but that Savannah must speqdily fall, and when that takes place, the attention of Shermait will, in all probability be turned toward Charleston. The Hancock passed off New Inlet, N. C., while on her way to Fort Monroe. The ex pedition and fleet, under Admiral Porter and Gen. Butler, which sailed from here some days ago, alEio spoke the steamer Amanda Winants forty miles southwest of Cape Hat teras, bound north. Guns. ....10 L7llllll hi 1D11.4011‘.111 41'g! Yankee Troops Scattered Over the Country A letter, from City Point, dated yesterday says the Richmond papers report nothing offi cial from Georgia. The Whig and Examiner contain extracts from Charleston and Augusta papers of the 9th from which it would appear that Sherman's forces were pretty well &Altered, a ,portion beinii developed near Savannah, while another was fifty miles in the rear crossing the Savan nah river. 'Some of the rebel papers are of the opinion that a junction betsveen•Sherman and the forces under. Foster and Dahlgren will be attempted. 111 ATTACK ON MURFREESBORO, N. C., BY MEN FROM OUR GUNBOATS TN CUOVAN NIPS% [From the Richmond Why, December 14 Welearn that the enemy, some three hun dred strong, landed from their ginboits in Chowan river, on Sunday last, and proceeded to Murfreesboro, in Hartford county, where thaY actsltroyed all of our cortu.aqsary--storQv, and carried off a number of horses and mules. THE FIGHT AT GOOSAWATCHIE LAST FEIDAY- GEN. GARTEELL WOUNDED. Dispatch to the Richmond Whig.] AUGUSTA, Dee. 13.—1 n the fight at Coosa watch* Friday, Brigadier-General Gartrell was badly wounded in the side by a shell.— Fotwithstanding the severe wound, he re mained on the field until the fight closed.— He was brought to Augusta on- Sunday. From the Biehmotd Whig, Dec. 14.) We have no report of a fight at Coosa whatchie, on Friday last, and no information of any conflict at that point since the 31st ultimo has been received at the War Depart ment.. General Gartrell commanded a brig ade of Georgia reserves. He was a rePresen tative from that State in the last Congress. PIGHTMG ON THE CHABLESTCN AND SATJ.NNAII RAILROAD ON TUESDAY. [From the Richmond Dispatch, Dec. 4.] There was a report yesterday that a fight was going on on the Charleston and Savan nah railroad, at Coosawatchie. It was prob ably correct, and the enemy have persistently endeavored to make a lodgment on this road. LIFE IN RICHMOND [Adverasement from the Richmcmd Enquirer.l4.l NOT/OE TO TBATIy/VES Persons visiting the city can be accommo dated with good board and comfortable-rooms by applying on the corner of Main and Eighth streets, next door above the Spotswood Hotel. Price, twenty five dollars per day, including lodging. Single meals—Dinner, ten dollars ; breakfast and supper, eight dollars. Also a few table boarders can be accommodated. NEW Al) V ERTISEMENT:s. PROTOGRAPI-1. ALBUMS. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. Photograph Album THE largest and cheapest variety of PHI TOORAPH ALBUMS in the city are constantly Ice at rmar7.2l BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. VINE FAMILY FLOUR.—ShigLER tc RAZER have glade arrangements with one of the best mills in the country to supply the families of Harris burg with choice FLOUR. Every barrel warranted, and delivered to any part of the city free of charge. SEMLER & FRAZER, Dealers In Fine Family Groceries, opposite the Conit Souse. srlB HEESE.—Prime New York Cheese, Piue Apple, English Dairy and Sap Sago Cheesa, just re ceived this morning at, SUBLER, &FRAZER'S. nol SOMETHING New and amusing for cc dren—The Plyingßirds, at no2l CHBFFEB'S Bookstore, Harrisburg, t' t._ to MILES ! PICKLES 1! By the barrel, half barrel, jar or dozen, ate nab] BOYER & EtoispEß. REDUCTION IN PRICES. SHISLER & FRAZER, Have made another reduction in Prices on the leadin articles of groceries. oct2B HAVANA ORANGES. —Fine Havana Or anges just received at SHISLER & FRAZER'S, DolB anocessars to Wm. Dock Jr., & Co. TEN CASES SPICED OYSTERS, just re ceived st SAMAR & FRAZER, IeXJ Succe,ssors to W. Dock, Jr., & 00 • RUCKWEIRAT FLOUR. STONS BIJOKWILEAT FLOUR of a sopa Bier quality, just received from the Wyoming Fahey and for sale in any quantity at nol4 SEMLER At FRAZER'S. SALT SALMON. A new invoice of fme salt salmon, Just received and for sole by SHISLER Sepl26 (successor to W. 1:1=o.) rOR ONE SQUAND One day ....... ..$ 60 Two days..... . 1 00 Three days 1 25 One week 2 2b One month 6 CO Two months 9 CO Three months..... 11 00 Stx months - 15 00 One year 25 00 2 lb 1 50 WasrasaToN, Dee.'lB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers