NEW .AirVERTpEMENTS. R43410% ° 0 amd Emporium" TOWN it..o - rifti I[Pc) p4Ax.v. PHILADI , LPHIA AND ERIE LANI) T QIIIIPANY, chartered by an act of the Le geaatme of Pe. nsyleania, oners for pule choice lots ter de. ellings and business purpeses In the above new towns on the line of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. RENOVO ha- been selected as the ci c for the exten sive shops for OttilidDg ano repairing the rolling stork of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, of wb c . the Pt nun . Railroad Company are now lessees. It is 92 miles west of Sunbury, and 1913 miles oust of Erie. The town Is beau tifully situated the margin of the west branch of the Susquehanna river, In the county ef Clinton, and is sur rounded by romantic and attractive scenery. The Rail road Company are erecting an immense Locomotive Round House, Repair Shops for Cars and Engines, Car Building shop Iron and Brass Furnaces, and Dwelhngs for the Superintendent and other officers. A splendid Hotel, with which are connected arrangements for feeding passengers on the mot& extensive scale, has, been com menced. All these buildings are of the mese permanent and substantial character, of brick and Iron, and arc in accordance with the ime.ense business anticipated on the completion of this great Rallead, so long anxiously looked for, and now an accomplished fact—the last rail connecting theSusquebanna river with Lake Erie having been laid on Saturday, July 2d, 1864. A Company has been. chartered by the Legislature, for supplying the town with gas and water, and the wat r works are nearly completed. Churches will be erected Immediately. The eituarlon of RENOVO is entirely healthy, and as the dimensions of the town are limited by nature, the value of the lots must 'appreciate greatly in the course of a few years. EMPORIUM. will certainly be the most important corn mercial point between Lock Haven and Warren, a dis tance of 1&8 miles. It is near the eentre of tne railroad, 47 miles west of Renoro; 139 miles from Sunbury and 149 miles from Erie It is near the AILICL on of the Drift wood Branch of the Sinnemahonleg, with West Creek, Portage Creek and North Creek, the Valleys of which streams make itthiemost Race. eable point on tbe Phila delphia and Erie railroad to a very extensive district of country. The moment the projected railroad 0-inserting It with the city of Rochester, N. V ~ shall be completed, few interior towns In the state will surpass it in business capabilities. An excellent graded road now , connects it with Coudersport, Meseta of Justice of Potter county. It is also connected with Smethport, the seat of Justice of McKean county. Emporium is ale - County lteet of Cam eron county; it has a haedsome Court House, and the Land Company have just completed a large and commo dious Hotel, which will immediately be opened to the public. The Railroad Company are about to ertet ahand some and permanent Payssenger Station at a central point nearthe Hotel and Court lions& The place is` healthy, and excellent water is abundant. It is in the midst of one of the finest White Pine regions in Pennsylvania. As a manufacturing town it has great advantages; coal, lumber, stone, bark for taneerie, are abundant, and s railroad communicationa with the great lakes and all points of importance in the seaboard are unsurpassed . This place was selected thirty years ago era point of im portance, and a town laid out with the prophetic name of EIdPqRIIIII, but the difficulty of access bas .prevented is development so entirely that it is mainly known for the excel ence of hunting and trout fishing in the vicinity. The completion of the Philadelphia and Eno railroad must soon make it a place of g reat importance as a distri buting point for goods of all kinds, and it offers great advantages for persons ef moderate capital who desire to identify themselves with the early history of a thrive I ng town . Lithographic Maps of both towns are now ready, and Mr. GIDEON J. BALL, General Superintendent, will furnish all necessary information on the premises, or by letter. He may be addressed to the care of H. P. RUTTER, Secretary and Treasurer, Philadelphia and Erie Land Com pany, No. 20534 Walnut streel Philadelphia, or at Renovo, Clinton county, Pennsylvania. W. G MOORHEAD, Pres't, Phila. stud Eric Land Co. H. P. Bowan, Secretary and Treasurer. oct3l•d3m PEIPIIER'S DAILY LINE BETWEEN PIIILADELPI/IX, Loth Haven, Jersey shore, Williamsport, Mum ey, Uniontown, Watsontown, Lewisburg, Northumberland, sun- . bury, Trelertou, Georgetown, Lykenstotn, Millersburg, Halifax, Dauphin, . . AND ILARIUSIDJA.G. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally, located, the drayage will be at the lower! rates. The Conductor goes., through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of all goods intrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the do pot of WILLIAM E. BURK, 812 Market street., Philadelphia, by 6 o'clock r. a., will be .delivered In Ear risbnrg the next moinlng, IPricligiat /livenye as bow Sas by Any anima? JOS. MONTGOMERY & CO, Philadelphia and Reading Depot, oet2l-tf Foot of Market street; Harrisburg. Very Convenient. JACOB TA OSE), TAXES pleasure to intone his Jriends and Customers. and the public to gen,tal that hr hes opened a whoieFale nna retail Variety, No ion and Jew elry Store, No. 105 t Market street, above Eby te Kuzzkers Building, Harrisburg, Pa. It would occupy a groat amount of space to enumerate thoerticles composing my stock. The purchaser will flud, through my experience of thirteen yearn to the busineee, that I can sell goods equal to the jobbers in the E, tetra cities. sepias -dam* CONTRACTORS AND RI.:TI DERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. THE UNDERSlGNEDrespectfully inforins A. the public that he has located himself at Humels tevm,.Paunhin twenty, Pa, whom be has . .he best Buil.: Wes for miming thou of the drat quality of eton of Itie beat quality for man in and plaster Work; and isprepared to furnish, In any quantifies.," LW or lime stone, at the I ebanon Valley railroad depot. Builders, dealers and contractors supplied who lime or ramie at the shorteet notice . . 'Having ample sidlings and trestle work from the quarries and kilns to the depot, It Is always prepared to nil orders, shipping • ither by rail road or by Union canal, Address 11' S EARLY. oe2i2•d2m* Rummelstown, Dauphin %linty, Pa. LUBIN'S HAIR DRESSING FLORILINE, FOR DRAUTIFYING AND• PRI , SERVING AND _3TRENGTHEIV7PG THE HAIR, TS PURELY A VEGE I ABLE Preparation, diktilleo from herbs 'arid fragrant flowers f orn the smith of Fiance, conceder to be tee most delicately per fumed and desirable Mini preparrtion evrr offered AO the American publiii. It will restore list hair... vent hair from falling out. will restore gray and faded hair icr its original color. Its continued use will materially thicken the hair. Bald places will 4radnapy cover themselves, and in a 'short time the hair will grow dark s soft, gles and luxur att. Pr ce $1 per bar.. Sold by KUNKEL St BRO., se3O - Apothecaries, Harrisburg. GOAD THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST assort ment of gold pens e natantly on band. Every pea sold Is warranted six months. Call at n 023 BERONER , B CHEAP BOOKSTORE. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, A FULL ASSORTMENT of Albums at re duced pricks, at Bergner's Cheap Book 'tore. n 023 PORT MONNAILES. AFULL ASSORTMENT of portmonn4ies; money purees, our, may holders, &a , at Bergner's Cheap Bookstore. n 023 HENRY. REGAN'S Steam Engine and Machine Shop, STITH ST., BETWRKti WALNUT AND MARKET (J. a moues OM Stand.) ariflundersigned having taken the above ap, !eapoctfaily S.)lieits a share of the public pa tronage,- Particular atteation will be paid to repairing of Steam Engines,' and all kinds of machinery. att work will re calve my personal attention, and satisfaction guaranteed imp dly -LOCKET BOOKS, BUCKSaiIi. PURSES rORTEIIIOIINAWA and a metal vanety of LEA SOODS, Nat reeelied at ttEßG:arttm; BOOR STORK & PRUNE'S WOI CEI3TEas, 13AU(41:3, the moat popular and the purest ever Mimed to the publio, just recen - gd and for stdo by • , SHISLER & MAZER, tent (afleeessars to Wm. peg.. if Sr. co SATCHELS ! SATCHgLS! ALARGE and splendid • assortment of Satchels, together with over 100 styles of Pocliel Books,..Walleta. &c., at all prices . for! ibalc, at:Sokeffer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. - nos . .. ijUSODOZER riTA lgn Ll t nPl K inngrli vho w Gaulifor mixed Rale% Gerkins, Walnuts and Onions. For sale wholesale and retail by SHIgLER & FRAZER, ma 7 asecoasors to W. Jr.. kCO ALPHABET BLOCKS ! " A ND HOUSE BUILDING BLOCKS, FOB 1 . 1.20 3 at SCHEIPER'S BOOKSTORE, actl- 21 South SomidatreetrHarrisburg, Pa, MEM SHAD. — Fine Mess Shad ot the sea -4,101( burrobs ruid a iwtrze ,i tvzd z{ ,a ;e1 Successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co piEgHLOBSTER, hermetically , sealed, Jest revolved at SEMLER & FRAZER'S. PATRONIZE HOlllin 151DUSTItY ! THE undetsigned have established a FAG TaRY at Ilarrisburg, Pa, for to purpose of • MANUFACTURING 1200PS1URTS, of all styles, sizes, shapes . and goal ties. Wo pay par ticular attention to tho very ' latest English Steel. We keep a large assortmentcon tently on band. Our sales min is at 110. 24, Second' reet,adjoining ►. B. Boyd's lair and Furniture Rooms, ;here we WHIRR very low, t wholesale and rotad. Also—Nicest kind of h ien Hoops. The largest. as ',Arnett of Ladies' Corsets, metently on nand. the charge of Competent ladies. COHLII BROS. at CO., • No. 24 Second street, Harrisburg. N. B. This is the only Hoop-skirt Manntactory at Har risburg The public is cautioned not to belfry° the stories of dealers who buy their Hoopekirte f. ern this EOM, and afterwards pass them off as their 0011 manufacture. n025-Im* Macamoose Tonic S warranted to be the best BLOOD PURI FD.R and MALT -IRE - ACKERR In the market, for the following comptatnts: • • CQNSUMPTION, In its first stages, C rLD.3, COUG ' MORI'IFICATIoN, INFLAMMATION Sx- , NCHITIS, ANDALL SLAtOFULOUS Female li;akness, and Gerteral Debility of Vie .byeb:m. it bas teen 'I mid lovalua le for Fuver and. Ague, Mee-. IXi atis.m,. Pys Poo it operaies redo r slowly but sure, so that all k'nd= of Fevers and other . diseates to to power in a ew da) s. 'lids medicine is perfectly safe for infants or tlell9ate p rsons. he, gri at nperlority of the medicine is that while Cradles' disecses, it invigorates the system and crea ee new, rich sad pure Woo'--a potter possessed by no i.tbes r c meoy. L.hs cured many cases or Conaninpt on, Liver Complaints and Ely speltsla since it was intr duced, au numbers will t stify. gest usa number 01 diseased limbs, such = B fee-ersores, white sweiliags, etc Warranted a sovereign remedy kir cr up. Thia moil eine g3ll combination of Pure Barka and no kliteral Poi s am, about It PREPAZED BY BET. L B. GATES, WILLLIMSPOBT,PA Sold by the gallon, quart or pint, by : JOHN WISE, decl2 Third and Walnut, TOYS, TOYS, TOYS, FOR THE HOLIDAY& . • A largi and tine assortment, consisting of China t a sew, &a, . We , lien -tea sets, ' China baskets, Crying dolls, , Vaies, Boxes of game, Tin trumpets, Paint boxes, Horns, Tool ch, sta, Moving boys, Dressed dolls, Wooly sheep, Doll heads. Watches , Gabs and swords, Stables, Furniture, Ate rag( ries, Animals on wheels Grace hoops, IlitChen utensils, Wind-mills, Infantry, Drummets, , Gavali y, Harlequins, Railway, Magic lanterns, Poultry yards. Sheep folds, Ten-pine, Box toys, Noah ark, &a, &c., &c• ikc Also, a large and fineasserlment of sugar toys, Free and common candies. Also, always on hand such as foreign and domestic frui • in season, all kinds of nuts, dried fruits, cokes and crack ers, teas, spices and coffee, jellies and canned fruits, ral ens, currants, citrons, prunes, &c , wholesale and retail a , the store of. - JOHN WISE, nob Third and Walnut, SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY T . AM happy to offer to the public a large and spiendld assortment of • ' SUPERIOR GOLD P.L'INS, manufactured by LEROY W. FAIROTTTLD. These Pens are well finished, elastic, and will give or tire satisfaction. PLEASE TRY THEM. SOHEFFER'S BOOR STORE, Second street, opposite Presbyterian Murcia, Harrisburg Pa. apyS CANNED FRUITS OF EVERY DESOBIP •Tiox. SAUCES of all the oelebrated manufacturers SARDINES, . _ OLIVE OILS, 0 every description. Also, BROWN STOUT, FINE TFAS . i, COFFEE, SUGAR and SYRUP of all grades andprices, and the beat selected stock outside of Philadelphia. • , Alt goods guaranteed as represented. PartiOular attention paid to all orders from a distance. i Goode carefully packed and delivered to all parts of the city fres of charge. SHISLER,& FRAZER, wee sucnessors to W. Dock, Jr., & DO. D d 744" N R.' . - NEW EATING AND DRINKING SALOON fraltatitstreet, between Third.andrezirth. Wines, .Beer and the bast quality. qt liquorsecon4i, on hand. share or the public Da t ron , ge res y solicited. foaddrui JINN- DONN. _ TowN.LaTS-Itou. N•BRIGGS STariff,A , Inquire . bfi 7" 1 - JoaN H. BRIGGS, t oribdtf or BEAU L FOSTER. PURE SWEET OIDER received to-day at BOYER & KEEPERI: , • • mistlETtaLtivEO FOR THE HOLIDAY& • DIIEPARAIiIONSIiir the artrataehing gift seas mil , V 0 been comp'eted at BERGNER , s 130011,.. STORE. . . The stock embiacts on efie-pavti assortment yfr ri . 32e . 1-4 > 1, 3 , Incituling all sizes, Lona the large Family Bib'e to the sma'lest pocket e.ition, bound in every variety or mo rocco and velvet, with and without clasps. METHODIST HYMN BOOKS, All the eclair - Its pub'ished by the Book Concern and said at their. prices. The stock embrace' al sizes, in avt - riely of bindings—lll:key morocco, Antique' and Velvet. LUTHERAN HYMN BOOKS, - Large and small, bound in velvet and morocco, with claps and without clasps, and sold at the prices fixed by the "Lutheran Pettit:velem ,s"ocietzt." PRESBYTERIAN HYMN BOOKS, All the editions published by the 'Presbyterian Board of Publication' and sold at iliqinielfra, embracing new styles of antique and N .- ay t bindings.' PRAYER BOOKS, h variety of edi'lons adapted to all tastes and circum stances, in price and style, For Bibles, Bymn Books and Prnyei - Books, call early at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. G- C 3.'i_4.-:-.i,i-iik4.-4;.. WALNUT GIBBET INA GREAT GLAZE. ITAKE this method of informing my nu ns roux friends and the public in general, that I have opened my new Clothing Store, corner of Walnut and Sixth streets, ilkire 1 ant - wiling to sell Ilftt per cent. cheaper than any other etore in the city. Coats worth sao, for szo.. Pants worth $9, for. $6, and. vests worth $5, for $3 and everything in proportion. as g icds leaving my est ,blidommt I will warrant, for they are all made under my care, and with every modern improvement, and the latest style. Don't fati to come and convince yourself of the truth. decl2 l u R. BERNIIARD. HS ORES! HORSES! HORSES! QUARTERNASTER GIINERAL'S OPVION, FIRST Divistoir, WASIMOTO; Dec. 1, 1861. 110P.SES, suitable ibr Cavalry and Artillery s-rvice mill be pni chased at Gietboro Depot, in open market, til DEHEMBDtt 31, 1864. Horses will be delivered to Caplain L. Lowry Moore, A. Q. St., and be surjected to the usual Goernment iu specuon before being accepted. • Price of Cavalry Horses, $175 eacb. Price of Artillery Horses, $lBO earn. • Payment will be made for six (6) and more. JAMBS A. EKIN. 05'.onel in Charge First Division, decltder3l. Quartermaster General's Office. JACOB F. HAEHNLENYS STEAM CRACKER. AND-RISNIT 13AKEla, CORNER OF bIIER4i ; AND'-itIVEA deeB-d3nl HARRISBURG. UNITED STATES • Seven-11444 rireitsiifr-Mite s, Of the raliona denominations, - Y Yor tale at the HARRISBURG- NATIONAL BANK. decutt - WEIR, Cashier.* NEW Fruit and Confectionery Store. SAMUEL WISE & BRO., COINER of Second and Pine streets, re spectfully inform the public; that they have opencd their Fruit and Confeztionery Store, and will have con stantly on band a largo assortment of Fruits:Confection°. ries, Am. The public are invited to give us a call. n025-dtilljau6s* . tb-BRO. E. C. GOLIIN, ATTOR,NE,T AT ,LAW OFFICE IS THIRD'EITHICES, ABOVE MAR/CET. REit; &mattes; Penzions tiad , Bgal(Pay collected at legal, twee, I . k - idea r FLOIIIi! FLOUR! Fine Fu my Flour 100 barrels Of the ;bp branyif irtir in this city.. every barrel warranted orlnonei ib db. , and delivered: to all parts or the city free of charge ... For sale at actin - • - , SIMMER '& FRAZER'S. W hen INIII Wonders Cesi4 , l THE GREAT REMEDY OF THk , WORLD ! hIcBRIDE'S KING. OF PAIN cure any ache or. pain in from one V to sixty minutes I: it acts like cu'agic upoix ,the. abßorhant, and glaidulaw system s , reduci ,. .g swellingsand regulating thia.atioretions and excretions. it is . pf a diffusive., penetrating nature,: exerts its influence from the periphery to tue centre of the nervotaorganamil., thence. by rehett action: its powei, is felt throughout the ertresystem,TeSturing the circui lath's fluids and checking disease with invinciblestrength: . 111 E KING- OF PAIN IS INFALLIBLE No matter what the'..pain,:apply the. midipme Ihrid you will and instant relief. It is an Internal and external cure. THE - KING OF PAIN Cures almost Instantaneously, headache, Earache, Neu; ~ algia, Deafness , Sore Throat, Cold,l3renehLif allections, Asthma, Dyspesia, Diarrlices, Dysentery or Bloody Flux, Liver Complaint, Kidney Disease, :Diseases a the Bladder', and Genital Organs, Cramp, Cholic and all spasmodic pains ' Fever and Ague, Burns,Bruises, Cuts, Sprains and wounds of every description. It proves itself the mastery; as th testimmay of thousandsprove its meritorious wort!), Sold, wholesale and retail i by S. A. XIIN)I..E, druggists, Sole Agents, 11 Market street, Ilarritherg. The following letter from a soldier, itt refersnci: to the e,illeack , oo - poweiful rpgstoraOve 41/Olin:es of DN...thiel `BRIDE'S OF PAIN, speaks for itself i • NEWVILLN, COUNTY, Sept. 14, 1864. Maws. S. A. Kunkel re; Bro., druggist; Berri*Arg, Pa. Giorrs :—I Would Inform you that I recetvedthetottleet of blcßride's Great Pain Killer, and encloseCriease find five dollars more for Mitch send me-live bottles audition, to-morrow.l al know whether you can suitplypte With it In the army. / am in Company 13, 202 d nee . sal mi. P. I bare been In very bad healto' Or upwards bf fear years, and two of the one-collar bottles have eared me completely, and have made me feel He a man: Besidm, I have cured a num , her of my comrades of various disehnes incident to camp/ life, and can recommend It to be the best medicine the soldier can provide far himself. Yours respectfully, .ma E. WHITE. Or All orders from a - tkistaoapromptly attended to by a A: KUNKEL Zt 134.0. A HOME CERTIFICATE. .. The following certificate is from a well-known this.= of Harrisbiug To TILE PO/1120 :—lt:gives me great pleasure to remora: , mend to the public the medicine prepared by DR. J. J: McBRIDE, which htkeitliagnit‘tglirG,OF PALM' , I was induced to use it as an external remedy fora bruise, which IL relieved Immediately, and subsequently cured entireily; its success induced me to use it internally for , Diarrhilia, with which I was afflicted in a chronic - form'for nearly, eighteen months, and to.such an extent that my kidneys were seriously deranged. The medicine has scrod. me,' and certainly that is saying agent deal in its:favor, wen reflect how many other. remedies I tried. without Oxperi= ending anything but temporary relief. For ,myvart., I shall always keep a supply.of it in my house, believing as Ido that it is a most invaluable family medicine. . • DANIEL E.. WILT. The unexampled sale of this . medicine proves it to be the most wonderful dinoverY of We nci the medical art. The undeisiped are the at agaata for the Slate, and will supply it,wholese46:oo,' r tail. • • S & KUNKEL St BMX., .Druggist,; sepls] - • 118 Market atreetiTfarrishurs,. SOAMIELNG . XEW 1 .. . NYRE : F,EII4.PAS' ~EATENT $ - Alkr e : '*l#iiiE r l".: :... 1 . I . -- i IN ..ii - ST '4. IV JI I+,l:late at &hones Bookstore , Harrisburg, Pa. -14 , 2 F, .. . MUSTABD9, - EINGLIB4 .pitt - 1 1 ‘ - ', T TEA.-duet re 12 4 1 Cielved,;&l4)4cheal of , Breakfast Tea; at • •• 'j SHISLER .11i.FRAzigloN ; - ;r.. (Stieressorsurr. Deck. Window Shadeir and - F A'4.fiLENDID assortment of lkiwEfilwade4 siati solo:ran uoiwike -BeL46;4.*4th tle,Cand _ono, Vikrabgagi,Peritt. iMetiVelflTSUP,ls 7 tke Viiiik r atsar or pin,t at SHISLER k ruzintyk kiEW MACHENEHL E 1 RING AND SAL bro% It (wry • guru SON/WFB SOLDIERS READ! HARRISBIIRG, Aug. 80, 1864. NE W ADA , ' EILTIS EIVIE N T NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS ! JUST RECEIVED, The flidElag, published by Ainerhan Handy &boa Union The Daughte at Homo, ' do do Margaret, T• e Youth' Wire, do The Old Stone Farm Howe, do The Tattler, • r Patty Steele, . do • si- ter Alice's Stories, do - R se Bryant, • do B, n ROSS, do • Book of 100 Ptolemy,. do Mother's Gift, do Hooey Drops, do Small Rain upon the Tender Herb; Emily Cheater, by a Lady of Baltimore—cloth. The Lost Heiress, by Mrs. D. E. N. Soathworth India, or Pea-1 Piver, dly The Curse of Clifton, do The Gypsey's Prophecy, • do she Fatal Marriage do R,tribution, Tue Wife's Victory, Lady of, the Isle, Love's Labor Wort, The liliSsiag Bride, The Tbi r eEilitiiitlei - ,' - The Two Slaters, . The Bridal Eve,' ' The Haunted Homestral, The •Dir•Offrdeb Dang,titer,., TheiseArted , Wl*• Viola, Secret of Power, 'The Mother in Law, Love and Outy„byAtitbback. Young Crusoe, or Adventures of a Shipwrecked Boy, by Dr. Harley, G..acogne, tbeEandalwood Trader, a Tale of the Pacific, by R;.•6l..Kallarttine.-",.. ,:s .. . . - - - Cliff CliMbers, by Capf. -• Wayne Reid. Twice Told Tales—Blue mid gold, by Hawthorne. Bayard Taylor's Poems--tilue and gold. Laughing Gas, or Eneyciopedia of Wit, Wisdom and . ' Wind, price 76 Railway Anecdote Book, do 50 The 45 Guardsmen and their Adventures, by Alexander • Dawns, price 75 Chas. ti'Mal'ey, the Irish Dragoon, by Chas. Lever, 75 Adelatdo Waldgrave, or the Theta a- a Governess, 50 Mysteries of the Three Cities, by A. J. H Dugance, 50 • Adventures of Peregrine Plole, by Tobias Smollet, .51 D.,2 vole, • - price 100 The Quaker City, by Geo. Lippard, 2 vols., do 100 Legends of American Revolution, do do •1 00 Divorced Wife,.by T. S. Araistir, do .2a Debtors' Daughter, , do do 25 Pride and Ptudence, do do 26 Love in a Cottage, , 'do . do 25 Love in High Life, do • • do '25 • -The Munk, by_ M. G. Lewis, M. P., do 25 Insubordination, or Shoemaker's Daughter, by T. S. Arthur, do 25 Two Reties, do do 25 lady c ist• Home,:":. do do 25 Year After Marriage, '' do : . . do 26 Banker's Wife, • do •' '•-- - do 25 Lucy Sandford, do (Li 25 Orphan Children, do - do 25 Cecilia. Howard, do - . do 25 AgnisJer Possessed, ' .do •;', .. . - -..,: -‘- .de ' . '25 Mary Moreton, do do 25 Two Merchants, -. . • do do 25 Iron Rule, do . i . do 25 • Rose Warrington, by Charles J Peterson, do 25 ' ;Valley Farm, by A. 1 B Duganne, do 26 • Ladder bf Lite, by Amelia B. Edwards, do 50 Denis Duval, by W. M, Theolcaray, do 50 Wile's Evidence, by W. G, Wil!s, do 50 ' Maurice•Dernig, by the author of Gay Living ' stene, - - . - do 50 Udder the Ban, by Le Maadit, ' ' ' do - $l. 25 • Small House at Altington, by Anthony Trollope, 1 25 Together with a large assortment of books suitable for children, for sale at &KIEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, .• 1 ; -• ~, ,21 South 2datreM, HruTisberg, Pa. " All new bo - oks received ati soon as published. n 022 do do do do do do diS d 5 do do stiluixt4 our LOW! OUR STOCK OF LIQUORS WE intend to discontinue the sale of Li-, quors and offer our stock at a very small advancr from cost price. We have purchased all our Liquors be fowthe last rise and have a large stock on hand for three or four years, which are guaranteed cannot be purchased now at any price ftom the Importers. Our stock consists of • of all grades. skie-We have parka of three barrels rite RYE, not colored, and 10 degrees above proof, j% years old. WINES of all. sGrades, Domestic and Imported.' • BRA N DIES. We have part of, cask HENNESSEY BILANDY,i, to which we invitethe particular attention of families for' medicinal purposes. ' The Brandy cannot be bought to-day, from importers,' toss than pp per gallon. We will sell it fur pa per gal ion. SCOTCH AND ENGLLSR ALEI, CHAMPAGNE WINES, CLARETS, &C. , Ws invite 1,40 Inspection el Hotel Keepers and Liquor H orchanta 'geuerally f aa we Intend to!*11, without re- , our Liquors , this will - be a good opportu nity-tor harigkinu; , 5111M.64 irkAzior J. B. BOYD. - - • - P. B. BOYD. CABINET FURNITURE. RAVING OOMPLETED OUR NEW AND ','.COMMODIOUS WARE - ROOMS. We offer to the public , the largest and ' BEST AbSORTMENT OP FU I IINITURE be found outside . of kititatlflptlia, at YAM MODE RATA. , J/ittu..s Bu D Sing. flo4di.ul . New Ware-, tiuu.s .2.9 South Samna st. V aluable Property at PrOTate bale. rirI.ELE-Vtituable Fruptrty, corner of Front tied: Waisuiso eels, tats - utie,estate ettliehr y Stewi deceased, Is utte.ed at prlverte sate. /Or tarther vat , uxquire a: lYthiset J. Steve, 1..11 the premises. MEM WALL PAPER, WALL PAPEIi 11 • A APLENDID VARIETY of Watt ettpez„ iNtudow 15111+,03 eau. shades tor male etßArp ~eitetrer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, k's., sign of the Bottleo eargie. not, : TO THE, LADLES YOUR attention is 'called to the splendid assortment of Extra Rote taper, Envelopes, aao.tuac ataLwiLery at at:1141444'4 but4ssore, septi4o =South Second street, liar*burg, Tenn, 1 4 - 31 NE GROCEdiIEB - of all kinds, at rodu,eed prime, SlithLkat OLareldi'd - --ta411.1.1r EIROCERit uppostteo Wtehart Reuse, .ereyeir Jsuui&h Hymn - .1313ukki x `of jj all denomintnions, inyles and at cltneient tames, at - WRAPPER% Bookstall; Kept 2.1 i 21-South second street , Basneburg Penns ALPkiAltra BLAUOI4 . tar sale -, at Sette2er'a bookstore, 21 Solna Sec , nd narnsburg, aala ECONOMY MESS SHAD.—We received u ireith let this morning, at mipls BOYER dh, HERPER'S eIRANBER.R.LE S. ' • till Jun received, a very line lot of Crauborrieo, at oot3 SHLILF..t t de FRAZ&R. • • - • THE OPERA' OF VAIJIST. • Bl!.Charles Gounott. Adapted to. Englishand Italian words,. Mg revised from the Fail Score, with indications of tile Instrumentation. This new and popular Opera forms the 20th volume of ..Ditson & Co's .guition et Standard Operas..." lit usprefeeed with a Sketcli or the composer, and _of the plot •and incidents of the work s ,primed from large type and neatly bound. Free Si: Oliver - Dimon at Co., Fablishers, :277 Washington 4roati . Soma. n0v14.4f 4,UBLIC NOflC is hereby given, that in _ pursivatce of the act of Assembly of Pennsylvaniai passed the first day of June, 1889,1hestockholders of the rranklin Bank, of Washington, Penna., will apply to the next session of the e Legialattue for a renewal of its char ter, with an " increase' of its 'capital from $lBO,OOO to $200,0410. C. M. REED, President WASEpiGTON, Pa.;june 24. 1884. jai TOY:BOOKS! TOY BOOKS ! Ot tholuoicstpublicat i ono, for mule nt Ecneffer'sßciokslore, Ilarrisburig; Pa. nov2l • W F.lB/1 , ,-NOWNa,and .2 Mackerel ArbiuTols. half korreln and WWI, and bY tile Pituld, rauk„.,...& FRAZKR: 2,-Maakerel,in. fast=re' . 74.X-ceiy"*-s. ' °l°n4lkt ra i ritrtri*vici! toll/ Co LBS. CODFISH, of thii"'COi3le -1,000 brated St. George brand, Just receive and for sale by SEMLER & FRAZER, feb3 (NUODOISera to Wm. Dock, jr. & PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET MUSIC, Apouzis, FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS, stlllnB, DRUMS, FIFES, and all kinds of MUSI CAL MERCHANDISE, PICTURE. FRAMES, LOOSING GLASSES, PROTOGR AYH CARDS and ALBUMS, Am uno - TYPE GEMS, ENGRAVINGS, PICTURES, &C., &C. Remember 'the ,place ' SILAS WARD, - No. 12 Third 'treat, the largest WasleStwe this side of the great jan2B-dtf PIANOS. ABRECHT, RIEKES & SCHOUDT'S Mik.CELSIOIt PIANOS. SOLE AGENCY AT W. ENOCH EB, 93 Market street, llairisburg. OR REASONS perfectly satisfactory to F MYSELF I have taken the agency of the above SIMI. excellent Pianos Mei:labile is invited to come and ex amine for themselves. A few Schomecker & Cote Pianos en hand yet will be &al low. mar 26-11 MELODEONS AND CABINET OB,GANS TWENTY-8Z FIRST PREMIUM, ♦YD TEM ONLY. GOLD MEDAL (over won by instruments or Ms class) has been awarded to MASON 36 FIANELTN'S INSTRUMENTS. A full assortment of these Mstrcunenta always on hand et - W. KNOCHE'S, Sole Agent, je44tawly] . ' OS Market street. ATTORNEY - A.'3l` - LAW, u - As removed his Oftloo Third to Vial ; L.L. nut street, next he the Prison. All bupiness in trasted to him will receive prompt and careful attention JONES HOUSE, Oorner of Market street and Market Square HARRISBURG PENNA. CHAS. H. MANN, 1-t'ropriet or . YE CAPITAL HOT E L . , cumKR OF THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS, HAIMISBITILG, PENN'A. THE undersigned having purchased this well Known house has enlarged and theroughlyrenovated lt. The room. have been re-painted and papered, andthc entire eat:di:bluetit elegantly re-furnished. Being plea eantly and slily located r and provided with every con venience, it oftrs to the public all the comlorts and luxu ries ol a first class hotel. Trusty and obliging servants tlways in attei,dinee. A liar well stocked with choke liquors is attached to the establishment. :-de26-dly W. G. 'THOMPSON, Proprietor. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, ' HARRISBURG ) PA. 0, H. 1-11TPCIIISON, Proprietor. piths well known Hotel is now in a condi tion to accommodate the traveling public, affording the moat ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the permanent boarder. • THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely ren ted throughout, and now has accommodations equal in extent, comfort to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Its location is the beet in the Slate °aphid, being in easy accees to all the railroad depots, and Is close proximity to all the public offices and business lo calities 6f the city It him now all the conveniences of A Elle AY 2 CLASS HOTEL, and the Proprietor is determined to spare neither ox pease, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the gricste, The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully soli cited. A GERM' FOR THE SALE OF U. S. BONDSAND TREASURY NOTES.—Deposits receiv ed in small same to be applied to investment in these $5O, $lOO or $5OO seetit ities. We act as agents,in this city, in correspondence with Gov (aliment agents, for procuring thesis securities; especially by receiving deposits of small sums, to be so applied. Interest of 4or 5 per cent, will he ailoweil on, deposits exceeding s2o.' Funds above the amount of all such dePosits will be kept in the Harrisburg Bank, and a de posit can be withdrawn at any time by the owner. The business will be solely of this nature, anti conducted on a plain, lair open and explainable to all, as set out, with the necessary intbrmatiou as tbeie to securities,in our chouloss. These u. a Bonds and Treasury Notes are the safest and most convenient for investment, bring the highest rate of interest, and can be sold at any time for the amount on their face, together with the accumulated interest, or at a premium. Very moderate commissions wil be asked. 11. SOKINNEY & Co., Offrice Raspberry Alley, Near the Court House Harrisburg, Oct. 21, 1884.—dtf • WARNING Ta-THS PUBLIC,--To pie gent any mistakes occurring. hereafter, in regard to our pia& of busrueis by our hauterous fr enda and bus iness men, we hereby notary the name that we stet are at our obi stand, 105. Ma, ket street, anti have no conner.C.on with any other party or eetnAlehment to the ezty • • At. the same time we chew the attenuo. of the public in genera, to our nerny rei.tilVed large and pplenne.‘ as. sOrtment Of dethlug and gents' ureishlng" gerake, we ken cheaper than' an bn bo-glat at any other place at the c,ty. L. :skit s.artitA . n021.4m - P. 80t10.44'04. • ALM A N -40 1 4. jot A.ER English anti Qemian alintr aus f o r sale by the goes, Omen or altigle at Bell.aer's Cheap 114vaaaore. co= T NUM RENNET yields 'with' milk the AA- meat Mociouirol'all diesels for the table • the light est and most grateful diet for in , ,, , atids and children. Lilt contain every eleateux of the. bodily constitution, when coagulated with rennet it is always light aria 0110 . Y digestion, and supports the Systfrai whit the least possible ssettemout. Wnen still greater nutritive power isdesired °remota:el guar may be added. 11:tetispoonful convert - 0 SAW , or intik; -into k !Inn GRIM.. Prepared and solo. Witoinettle and retail by A. KtiNKKL, eil6-ft 118 Market street. JA..II,Ea zxh.WALliri,z fIS&HY I.l.ecinu/ s, Vls'.ltV INDAMI.Lat TO our fine and extensive stook of Photo graph Album. and Photograph earS Pictures, we hare added a BP.dfritirliL ENVE.LOPE. tor the reception of card pictures. They muss be seen and will &match:erred as-Photegraphers supplied at the very lowest whole sale price, and their card printed upon them for $1 thousand, wholesale and, retail, at aIeVA - • F.CHISFNR'S 'BOOK. TOPE. Backgammen. lioards. AN assortment of backgammon boas at Bergner .s Llieap Boukstare. nets 13''TE1 BUTTER—Fresh roll butter from Snyder minty received every week. Also eggs st 1 111 Y 4 i ROYER & ROERPER. Soldiers' Portfolios. • A LARGE aBsortment BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTGRE, mul6 Reid at Wholesale or retail at low prima. Wall Paper! Wall Paper:: A Large and spiel:did. stook of Wall Paper -a1 of all styles and prices, for sale cheap at SCHBFFBB'S Bookstore, sep26 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Penna. Honey. A SMALL but superior lot of HONEY, just Lea,, received, at SHISLER & FRAZER'S. auglB F • RENCH, °ITALIC AND PENCILS, Surtsiblntim Banks, Offices, &c., At,Sqbeffer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pk. se29 "DletifklAS I PICITTARK I the Barrel. , Ealfßarrel, Jar or Dazed, at SHIS.T.AIt & FRAZER'S, ud2 (Sudcessora to Virai Dock, Co.) TAMED PEACHES,.AppIes, Blackberries, Al Currants, Cherries, &a, at AMER & FRAIER'S, _ , nol =COMM to . W. Dock Jr., & AFRESH supply of Ithohener's Celebrated Sugar Cured Hams and Dried. Beef, at , ~%451,,„,80YER ROWER.' . illipallaintr'S excelsior tams, of this' sea 101 / 41.01 / 1 111 g. J . 9st received and for sale% EIfISLEIKU deal- fautmeganrw to Wm. Doak fr.. k dO. FREfsg LEMONS, just 'received and foc eat by - . . , : 13111,ISLEIr& TRAVF: 'DOCKET BOOKS,.WalietErand Purses for fit , a g e c ho w at •_**FirOß'S Bookdari ' STZET OlDEBritestreggit i , RAztivs. SHAD and FINE NEW Mick- M E E SS REL, jut received, at BOYER 4 BOWER. MIISICit_L. VIVI DO rei MO I Zii ORM C.ll B Pi Etiti CARD b. A. C. SMITH. N E.VM AD VERTIS'EMEN TS Ll4alLtl RF.NXAT MISC ELLAN IV;01' S. THE PRESIDENT PETROLEUM COMPANY, PRES D:Ei:CT, Venungo County. Petun'a. Organ!zed under the Latsy of reniVa. OFFICERS : President—AblOßY EDWARD R, York. Trearterer—L. 13. SIMPSON, ESQ., NEW York. Secretary--J. EDWIN CONANT. Esq., Nev. - York. Counsel-11E8 =sPLATS, GEP,AIID it nucar,r.r, NV.7 York, DIRE7ORS: AMORY EDWARDS, Ecq., New York. EBE7.•:. B. CROCKER, Esq., of Crockir & Warren, se., York. FLETCHER WESTRAY, Esq., of Westroy,ol , lli k 3at4. castle; New York. J. M. CLAPP, Esq., Prosiciii.M, Penang° comity, Pent L. H. SLSIPSON,,,Fsq., of L Simpson Co., Nav: York. . . , • JOHN M. CLAPP, Req., General Resldera Sp! . erintzz ITS LANDS FORM ITS Capital Stock, . . $5,000,000 In Shares of $25 Each, par value•--Sub scription Price, fib per Share. Being in fail payment for a $25 share. No fi or assessment to be made. 20 ; 000 Shares, or $lOO,OOO Reserved for Working Capital. PARTIES SUBSCRIBING IN THIS COMPANY WILL RECEIVE AN EQUAL AMOUNT OF STOCK IN TWO OTHER COMPANIES Avionvivo, WITH OUT FURTHER CITA KGB. THE LANDS OF THESE COMPANIES are located or. the Allegheny River, and on Hem!ock, Porcupine and McCrea Creeks, and contains 8,4'0 acre 3, MAKING AN OIL BORING TERRITORY OF OVER TEN AND A HALF MILES IN EXTENT. The wells on the adj iinug property, known no tSa "Celebrated Heidricks" wells, and "Pithtile Creek" welip, are famous for their immense supply of oiL Thew lls on this property are being sunk with groat vigor, and promise larga supplies of oiL To the capitalists and to pagies of limited ratans un surpassed inducements are offered. Persons investing in this Company get $5 stock and the above BONUS for each ,S 1 invested, without further call or aseesanent. -Subscription books, maps, and all other information can be obtained at the office of I. W. bIIIONTON, Attorney-at-Law. SUBECBIPTION AGEST AT 3AER79BURG, PA. No eutneription taken for /era than ONE 111.7.1f111.E9 DO!. LAMS. Inquiries by mail promptly answered. nol7-dif THE BURNING Si RING OIL COMPANY PIONNSYLVA.NIA. CAPITAL, . . . $1,000,000, 100,000 Shares, Par Value $lO 00 Working Capital . . $3OOOOO. HON. GEO. 0. EVANS, President J. C. FRYER, Fat., TreaEular. . 11...ma11„ John Gltding, ThE4O.., Tolman. T EEproperty of this company or - 4nsists at the following valuab e lands : . •No. L hieven bond: eri. aud ..' • _iree 1 .. 1 libi are:, in tee simple, situated in Wirt coon.). ~,_, ,„. ...,,, ea the waters of Ruck and Two Runa, r , ""` h g" -- t fOet. days isa , im it " od ccuall'pw .danchei of the Ltd Kehee ha river, mo: e than threw. . ourths of which is vetT fine boreing terrf ory, befog or • • the same pi.deau with ti. Celebrated -Buthing, optinyy , - , best OIL vattarroav Uffjr Oh lands, and known as Lie Gum. Four weds are:, EL DI W./.sl` tl?.. , the LT QUA' . -row' being sunk on this large tract. few l' ..ete sod wet be teady or tenting I■ . . ail . . T wa , ° a m :. _aired to yield very. largely of supo r r ar m , t rapidly pthar ..r are 'neariy eown, and the lel= Dee , _ Kell igka - 1 ,,,, , .s=ing. It is a eery remarktfiale fact that 1.., a u ka- t!B_ '• en mina on toil flat that has failed to produce '' . e quantities and of a superior quality . .11 0 its ~ t i,.., . .d to become the most valeaMo and most prodce . - oli region of the great Kanawha Valley. • too. 2. Plc (fir act , sin lee s ruple (bring a part of a large tract of vaixteble oil laud containing titre handfed and acres, situated in Venous° county, Pew's and lying on the ka t Sandy river, 11.e:smiles - above the Aliegeell) liver. tine wed is now in succeatitUt operator. on this tr act, uith sufficient tern:cry to. sink tteastpf::, more wells. The following vs uable leases belong to this company. /. The "Austin Wei: )'s" tease of one and three quarters acres cf lanes tuatud in Wirt county, West Vir ginia, lying at the mouth of Burning Spring Bun. Two (2) wells on this tract are 3. teldin_ largely No. 2. Too -Harper's Lease" of one acre of land stt uated ss afaresald, and lying at the flat fork of the Burning kitting attn. One %ell on thi - tract. No. 3. The • Golden & Ne..conitian lease of cne acre, Situated an are res.A, on Burning e'pring tun, near Cu. Washington Co a lease. Two (a) weds ou this tract. No. 4. The “ldcFarland'a' lease of one and one-thin: of an acre of lane, s coaled as areresa.a at the t:act of Burning Spring Bun. Two wells are in operat.ono, tract. The vast territory of almost Twelve hundred acres e: lana owned by this company, with Seven Wefts now it: aucceselul ope ation an r producing oil, and the viur with which the other wdls are being sunk, the compahi being organ z. d entirely so d solely /Or the purpose er engaging in the legitimate business of producing oil, and ch-velo k ing and improving the lenaS be of gum to the c. tn pany. The ruanagi meat of the came having been entrust ed to gentlemen ..f known bus mess trumps's.% teapot:Pi bility and skill, who wth bring to the accomplishment of the object their un led energy and bus ness industry. We are satielied in behaving and snoring tie sox:, hoidens that it wilt yield la ge iy td them, and offers in aucements of the highest ctiaracter to capitaLsts nal met of email means who wish a prothaine, safe and pit) investment, I have still a few shares of stock of this company to ofterfor sale. Thom, wishing the same can obtain all the necessary informatidn tosetuar with fall pai ticulats, cliptien of the land map; etc. etc., by applying to re.i either in pemo. or through the mails J: R. MUFFL General Superintendow and aigent. - Apply in person to hobert Suedg.a s, .b..sq a , Law tidier. Noah Third street, above Market, klarrtsburg, I a. Address by mail—P. 0. Box 420, Barrisbrug. Pa. dead3w AIWA DDEN 'S MARBLE VAR 1.) pORIsTAR Gir WALNUT AND Filth antra a, Harrisburg, Pa. TIME deraigned having opened a Marble Yard in tints city, beg Wye t) inform their irlee, and the punt; in general, that they are prepared to fur nish MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPIION seas AB Moinmentg, 'rTombs, Head Stones, Mantles, And House Work in Marble and Brown Stolle Give Us call and we will guarantee ma'am:mai. N'FADDEN & CO N. a--Lottering neatly none 1n Naglioli or Gomm ( 1 0 111 729. 4 1 Y - - • ISITING, - WEDDING MUTATION • Ann AT ROME GARDE By a special 'arrangement with one of the heat swayers hi the country, cardsof any description will te - dsicutethin the highest style of art, mmihrtotable with the latest fashion ; and guPPlied promptly, at letter prism than are shame. hy the station ers-in New York or Philadelphia. Porsamples and Mint call at BIEitONERSEOOK nom mchLdtt • eIiOSSE do BLACKWRT.T,'S ENGLISH 11_1 Plahadikl, a rthe arilele for table aeo, reafived ant i P i r bee by ' • ' SIIISLEB & YUMA , • 6 -• - - - (trucceosora to Dock, Jr,,. & 00.) . OAP f3AOO- CIIEBSit:;-"A mall hut fr esh lot 1.7 orthota SAP 1id.610 MASSA" Ittsriecetviwf this morning, at SHISLER & FRAZER'S. S.IALBION.—Pisa salt Salmon , s. -t,J one ma les. & FRAZER EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers