aitp c,i/egrapt lIARRISBLTRG. PA SATURDAY WOG, DECEMBER 17. 1864, TOWN AND COUNTRY Supplement to tile Teiegrapit. In order to accommodate our numerous ad_ c riising customers, we shall issue a supple taint to the TEIS.OIIAPH, on Wednesday nest. Nu edition of TEN THOUSAND will be printed, !ticl advertisements for the same should be ',laded in by Tuesday evening. THE Legislature will assemble• . in this city two weeks from nest Monday. Ova first page contains a large amount of lorious news from the armies of the Union. 12:==1 Do not forget the great say, -of captured rebel cattle, to commence on Monday, at York, Three thousand head will be sold. =SIM A. WEDDING occurred at Altoona a couple of Sundays ago, and two days after being • , hitched," the bride ran away with another fellow! I==l EIT,LINGIM AND FOOTE'S combination of at tractions at the National Hall, corner Second and South streets, Wednesday evening, De cember 21st. TFIE Northumberland County Bank, at Sha mokin, is now a national institution. Its ti tle is "Nothumberland County National rank." Tun Ebensburg Alleghanian contains the following bit of wholesome advice: "If you want a good daily newspaper, subscribe for the Harrisburg TFLEGRAPH, CATTLE COMING. —On Saturday last, two thousand head of cattle, the fruits of Gen. Merritt's expedition to Loudoun Valley, Va., passed through Frederick, Md., en r.nde, for Pennsylvania. =l= GERMAN REFORMED CHURCH, CHESTNUT ST. —Divine service to-morrow (Sabbath) morn ing and evening at the usual hour. Preach ing by the pastor elect, the Rev. Wm. H. R. Snyder. ---Vl Seelig of the copperheads say they will have to quit attending church, as the preachers are all opposed to their (copperhead) party, A country editor says "the preachers are also united in their opposition to the devil." Orin of the teachers at Middleburg, Snyder county, while whipping a boy, accidentally knocked an eye out of another. The rod was broken, and the end of it struck the unfortu nate lad in the eye, with the result stated. DABS'EY, while carrying a basket of eggs from market, this morning, met with a col lision. His feet slipping, the pavement flew up and knocked him down, and the eggs were scattered in every direction. A costly acci dent. at this season of the year. Islorwrrnsramonio the very inclement state of the weather throughout the night, market was well attended this morning, and the dis play of everything was ablindant. "Locomo tion" was rather difficult, on account of the ice that covered the pavements. Tar. rain which fell last night glazed the fi l o of nature in this region, making the streets and sidewalks as smooth as glass and as sl e ek as soft soap. If the majority of our population: didnot "come down" this morning, it exhibits szt alarming state of depravity, since it is the aleked that are said to stand, on Ai. ter laces. Dismounts.—Last :.vening the notorious Cal Barris was arrested I t :s' officer Weitzel for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. When in the lock-up her screams anti oaths annoyed the citizens within several squares of the Mayor's office, until she was finally sent to Fort Simmons, where she became (post in greatest attraction in Ar city is caused by the exhibition of a large.and varied assort ment of fancy goods, adapted -for Christmas and New Year gifts, by Kunkel & Bro., 118 Market street. We would advise all who de sire anything in their line to give them a call before purchasing elsewhere. ENGUIAVINGS FOB CEOffsniAS PREBENTS.- -The finest stock of engravings, plain' and colored, ever brought to this city can now be seen at W. Knoche's Music Store, 93 Market street. All friends of this art are invited to call and examine, as they certainly can spend an hour very delightfully in looking over this selection. ROW TO SHOW YOVIC FRTENDSHTP FOB This PAPER.-4.We can adopt the following language of a cotemporary: "Subscribe and pay for it. Send your printing and advertising to this (Ace. Help to make the paper interesting by sending items of local interest to the reader. Do not expect the editor to call attention to your business for nothing. Come forward and pay the bills due this office. If any of our readers consider these suggestions•personal we advise them to ease their conscience at once." Loon. our FOE aN IMPOSTQR.—We have been informed that parties are soliciting subscrip tions for the new brass band about being started in this city. Those really engaged in the organization of this band, have never au thorized any person to solicit such subscrip tions, and therefore the persons asking money for this purpose are rank impostors, whom the public should sternly repulse. If the members of the band find it necessary to _ap peal to their fellow citizens for aid, the pro per notices will be given in the TELEGRAPH, and a reputable committee appointed to wait on the people. A Sayan lIIMAL TO HLBBr DAVIS.—We find the following description of the presentation of a medal to our young friend Harry Davis, the artist of the Panorama of the Great Re bellion, in the Star of Gwent, published at Cardiff, Wales: PRESIENTATION.—Coffa y bathodyn hyn am ddydd Llnn, Hydref 24ain, 1864, ar ba ddiwrnod y cyftwynodd Hard H. Davis, 0 Went, yn Nehendir Cymru, Lyir o Blanbigion gwyllt Americanaidd wedi en casgln a'u sychu wndio et i Arglwyddes Llanofer "Gwenynen Gwent," yn Eisteddfod Cymreigyddol Llano fer.—A medal containing the above inscrip tion was presented to Mr. Henry H. Davis, the well known painter of the Panorama of the. American War. The medal is of silver, bearing on one side a representation of the leek surrounded by oak leaves, and the re verse, wheat and the mistletoe. The medal has two clasps or buckles with white and green ribbon. The upper one bearing the name of Lady Llanover, the lower one that of the Welsh artist, Harry H. Davis. The words ..Cympaygedion Llanofer, • Hydref Ma," are also mmeibed ou the medal. ._ FALSE —The marriage notice of Mr. J. V. 'Buser and MisS Eva "Banks; spUblished' in our paper of yesterday—no such marriage having taken place. The notice was left at our (Alice by Milton Stoner, an employee in the tele graph office of the Pennsylvania Maimed Company. He says it was only intended as a "joke." Rather a dangerous manner of "jok ing." Milton ! . I=l WE publish some very important; news this morning. Some of our forces have advanced from Tennessee into Virginia, along the East Tennessee and Virginia railroad which is one of the principal lines running to Lynchburg, and over which the rebels at "Irmond re ceived a large portion of theiripp lies.-- Other glorious news will be foundin this morning's paper. TEE HtTAVRESS OF THE MrSSISSIPPL—To night Miss Fanny - B. Price will make her fare well appearance at Brant's Hall. On this oc casion she will sustain her popular character Of AljAlli t THE HUNTRESS OF THE MISSISSIPPI, in the very exciting drama of that name. This is a capital piece, and Miami is one of Miss Price's favorite characters. Let all who desire to see her admirable performances go to Brant's Hall this evening. The Theatre will be closed for a short time after to-night. On Monday next Rouse's great Combination Company will Nave our city, for a very short season, during which time they will visit Reading; Lancaster and several other cities and towns. We heartily recommend the troupe to the citizens of those places, and as sure them that they are about to witness the very best dramatic entertainments ever given in their respective towns. The manager, Mr. W. A. Rouse, is a gentleman in every sense of the term, and has the beat company in the State, out of Philadelphia. Our breth ren of the press will find Mr. R. prompt to meet all engagements, or contracts made, and a wholesouled man worthy of nenfidence,who can safely be recommended to their patrons. The company will re-appear in our city on the 16th of January. BUSINESS ITE 111 S. A GENTLEMAN from a neighboring town, seeing a lady in the street in a very fine dress, as he thought, begged her to be pleased to tell him where she purchased it. The lady, a little surprised at the question, called him an impudent fellow. "Nay; I hope no offence, madam," cried he; "I am a man, just going out of town, and my wife generally expects I should bring her something, and_ as it is near Christmas, I thought a fine dress like that, would: not fail to please a gucle house wife, which occasioned my inquiry." "Sir, it was purchased at A. F. Brandt's new cheap store on the southeast corner of Walnut and Second streets," where the gen tleman called after relating his story,:and had his wishes amply gratified. deel7-2t POSITIVEL Y SELLING OUT! The undersigned being desirous of closing out his stock on account of taking an inven tory, will sell the following articles until Jan uary let, 1865, at lower than Philadelphia and New York wholesale prices: Ladies' bonnets and hats. Misses hats. Hair nets. Head-dresses. • Ladies' cloaks and circulars. •, _ • Fur capes and muffs. Ladies'and Misses'woolen hoods and nubias. Sontags and riding hoods. Comma's, plain, embroidered and hem stitched handkerchiefs. Embroidered and morning collars. Ladies' scarfs Ribbons, bonnet silks, velvets, flowers, rushes, laces, bonnet ornaments, feathers, &c. Dealers would do well to call and examine my stock, as they can buy their goods lower than city wholesale prices. Call one and all and judge for yourselves. M. MAYER'S Bonnet and cloak store, IS Market street, between River alley and Front street. deels•tf A. CARD. To THE LIDLES OF HARRISBURG. —ln order to reduce my stock of dry goods previous to taking inventory, I have redubed all kinds of dress goods twenty-eve per cent., from this day until January Ist, 1865. As the holidays approaCh it will certainly be to your advan tage to examine my large stock of dress goods, cloaks, sh:lwls, scarfs, gloves, hose and hun dreds of other articles suitable for holiday presents. Spl. Brownold, corner Second and Market, opposite Jones House, Harrisburg. decl3-dtjans Um undersigned, having just returnedfrOnl New York and Philadelphia, respectfully calls the attention of the public to his large stock of ready-made clothing and piece goods; also Gents' furnishing goods of every, description —the finest and best assortment in the city. Call and examine. WM. SAYFORD, del4-4t No. 85 Market St. SULLIVAN 8.13111LD, CLAIM AGENT, has re moved his office from the DArror Tann:nuns Building to WALNUT STREET, an DOOR BELOW TRIEtD, OPPOErITE STATE CAPITOL 110 M. All claims for Premiums, Bounties and Back Pay promptly attended to. dB-tf SonsrrrulF,s furnished on the most reasona ble terms at the office of Sullivan S. Child, Claim Agent, Walnut street, opposite State Capitol Hotel. Principals wishing substi tutes will do well to call at once. - decl2•dtf USE THE SuFFEßra's Beim—col/ins' Syrup of Roots, Barks and Herbs.—lt will cure coughs, colds, sore throat, croup, bronchitis, asthma, an., &c. For sale atJ. M Bomprd ner's, corner of Fourth and 'Market streets. decl2-1w SIIEST/TIITE PAPERS promptly made out by Sullivan S. Child, claim agent, Walnut street, 3d door below Third. dB-dlm Da. Mliaron'e King of Pain should. be kept in every family. Will cure Headache, Tooth ache, Earache in three minutes. Diarrhceo; Bloody Flux, pain in the Bank and Side, Man mation of the Kidneys and Liver Canaplaint and Palpitation of the Heart. Sole agent for the State, S. A. KUNKEL A. BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. All orders from a distance prouPptly attended to. s ept2o-tf_ ==:=l Film AND Act= can be eared. Do not think because you have tried everything you could read or hem of, that you cannot get anything to cure you, for you have not taken the pure vegetable that is curing every one that takes it. It does not stop your shaking fora week or two, but it is a perfect care. A trial of this will convince you and your neigh bors. It can be had only at No. 27, South Pine street, by Mrs. L. Ball. ootl7-tf oar Encimq ITN out HZ c D I I—Dr, Inekrow having become eminently smicessfal in curing thin ter rible malady, invites all simihirly afflicted to call or ;mad for nimbus of references and testimonials of numerous cases cured of hum one to twenty-four years' standing He devotes his attentiorrespecialfy to diseases of the,Cer ebroSpinal Axis, or Nervous System, and solicits an In vestigation of his claim to public confidence. • He may be consulted at, his private residence, N 0.1.41 West 424.04' 00 t, from 10 e. 111.4101 4 r • /Ay except Satardspand-Sunday. Addreesall4etters , te— , --.. F. B. LOMBOW,A,Wirioet - SPECIAL NO'Cle ==l HUBBELS - Golden •-Bitters. A PURELY VEGETABLE TOMO INV/OONATING AND ST6INGTHENIVrO Fortifies the system against the evil effects of 'lnsw ole . some water. Will cure dyspepsia. . .. . Will cure weakness. Will cure general debility. ' Will cure heartburn. Will cure headache: Will sure liver complaint. Will excite and create a healthy apostite. Will invigorate the organs of digestion, and moderately increase the temperature of the body and the force of the circulation, acting in fact as a general corroborant of the system, containing nopoisonous drugs, and is The REST TONIC BITTERS in the WORLD. A fair trial is earnestly solicited. GEO. C. HUBEEL & co., PROMETORS, Homy, N. Y. Gentralltst American Express Building; 55 HUDSON ST., NEW YORK. gtiv- For sale by Druggists, Grocers, Ac, lk M. GROSS & CO.. Harrisburg, Wholesale Agent and for sale by J. N. LUTZ, C. K. RELLEEt, GEO. WINTERS and S. A. KUNKEL. octl4-dlrm HOLIDAY GOODS. CHRISTMAS GIFTS RIEDIE3III3EXt THAT Keller's. is the Place, AND if you fail to go to Keller's before -ma ing your purchases you may regret lt. You will there dud the most beautiful display of tine goods, and the greatest variety yet offered in this city. It would be vain to attempt to number or describe them; they must be seen. Call. It is our business to sbow good?; yours to buy, if you see proper. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A HUSBAND. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR- A. WIFE. t WE RAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A BROTHER. WE RAVE .GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A SISTER. WE HAVE GIFTS SUITABLE FOR A FRIEND. GIFTS ACCEPTABLE AND Appropriate to All. In addition to our special FANCY GeOIS, we have the usual large stock - of TOILET ARTICLES .and PERFUME RY; which remains unrivaled in this,city. KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOODS S'YORE, del t A Fine Assortment of Jewelry EXPRESSLY FOE Holiday resents. GEO. W. M'OALLA , NO. 38 DiAREET STREET, HARRISBURG, Has now the finest, best selected and moat desirable selec tion of Jewelry ever brought to Harrisburg, which he will sell at prices to suit the times, Toe stock embraces, in nett, the following articles : Gold and silver watches, Fine coral, topaz, amethyst, mirl, onyx and gold sejesof jewelry. • Fine diamond, carbuncle and seal ship. , • Gutta-perelia pens and pencils, tooth picks, &c. Gold and.silver chains. Gold dad silver thimbles Lockets agd sleeve buttons. Fins and elr-rings of all descriptions. Silver and plated ware. Silver tea and table spoons. Sugar and preserve spoons, berry:dielies, butter Utvea and fruit knives, Breskfast and dinner ceders. Syrup pitchers, cake baskets and salt stands. Children's cups, goblets and call bells. Fancy bronzed mantle ornaments. • Plated spoons and forks. • And an extensive assortment'of flee clocks: n— Ladies and gentlemen in search of presents for the hdlidays, will do well to examine this stock, before pur chasing elsewhere. • ,'All goods warranted as represented when sold. decl4 , • SELLING AT VERY LOW PRICES DURING THE HOLIDAYS, TO REDUCE figrrOClK. ) At .1)70. 52 Market .street rpRE subscriber returns his sincere. tbarihs A. to his friends and the public generally, for their ve,rF liberal patronage during the past four years,. and begs leave to Inform them that he haßa very elegant assorted stock or fine Watches, Chains, Rings, Pins, Sleeve But tons, Scarf Pins, Charms, Cold Pens, Gold and Silver Thimbles„ Spoons, Butter. Knives, Salt, Sugar Cream and Preserve Spouts; Silver-Plated Cups, Goblets, Cake Baskets, Berry Dishes, Syrup Pitchers, Breakfast Tea, and Dinner Castors, lkc., which will make very We gent and durable - Christmas Presents. Call and examine for yourselves. Make selections while the assortment is full. No.pains sparettio shovr goods. • All the above sold a very small pron. declhlf A. F. ZIMMERMAN. HOLI.DAY GIFTS LT Knoche's Music Store, 93 Market Street. P IANOS, GabilLet Organs' and 'Melodeons. Piano Etoo•s and Covers. Guitars, Flutes, Violins, etc. Musical Works of an descriptions. Portfolios fur Sheet Music. ,Shed Music, the latest and most popular publications. Engravings, Paintings, Photographs. Oval and square gilt Walnut and Rosewood Frames. Albums, the largest and best assortment in the city. Call and examine the stock of the largest Music More this side.of the great cities. W. KNOCHE, decl4-tjanl 9g Market street. SHISLER & FRAZER HAVE, and are receiving goods in their usual line, for Christmas, for families, consisting, of VuicE SPICE, RAISINS, In all sized packages, Figs asd Prunes, Apples, Cider, Wine, Brandy, Rum, Ac, Prepared ABM Meat, put up by the most celebrated manufacturer, Mr. Atmore Fine new crop New Orleans Molasses and Sorghum Syrup, a . domestto which is considered a fine ar ticle for baking purposes. deol4 HOLIDAY GOODS ! 124 AIIIII4DINCE AT I • SE LL ma s DRUG AND FANCY GOODS STO3II, No. el. MAISSILT STENS!. WE are happy in presenting t o our pa trons again this season, an entire mew, stock or Fancy Goods for the holidays. "fresh - from the hands of importers, and at prices astonishingly low for the times. Purchase your holiday presents row while the assort ment is full and varied. decB CHRISTMAS S HAVING returned from New York and Philadelphia with our usual fine Mock of goods for the holidsys, would respectfully invite early attention thereto. • O. K. SELLER, decEnf 91 Market street; P ATENT C I And Bill Holders, For sale at Soheffer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, k , a. se2t CHRISTMAS is cominf u , so don't fail to *all ‘,../ and examine our stock or e Groceries and Queens ware, just received. at WM. IL GRAY (Rouser and Lochman's old stand, Harker square.) decla AA LOT of Sze, Catawba Grapes, just .re= calved and tor eale at WM. IL GMAT & CO. , (mower and Lockman's old Maud, Market square.) deelB VINE ELTNOII ;law:Ns, in-small bo esp, 1 just 7ecetre4 at - W3L m GRAY & lay,wier RIR Usliniggi,9ll.oo4../Dskekeinare.) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1864 Christmas 1564 THE 110LIDAYS Ladies Sable Furs, Ladies' Fitch Furs, A Large Assortment of Dress Goods, Embroidered Collars, Sontags, Nnbias, Alexander's Kid Gloves, Balmoral Skirts, Hoods, MURNING DEPARTMENT OUR Stock is Complete. G. 91 Market Street. Our Fine Fura have been manufactured ex- OUR CHRISTMAS SALES. We are now receiving them from the mann- We can. give purchasers a decided advantage In all other goods The Prices Dave been Reduced. • OATHCAItT No. 14 Market Square, Next Door to the Harrisburg Bank dee,ls-d2w WM. BRADY, No. 62 Market St., Harrisburg, lIAS just returned from New York and Philadelphia, and. Is prepared to offer to the citi zens of Harrisburg and vicinity the choicest and most carefully. selected -STOCK OF GOODS In his line ever offered in this city, consisting in part of the followingerticles: Floe Gold. EtFiting-cased ENGLISH, AMERICAN .ANM , SWISS WITCHES, Tea Setts, . Castors,, Berry Dishes, Cake Baskets, • Butter Dishes, ice Pitchers, Fine Table, Tea, Fish, Butter & Fruit Knives, Soup Ladles, • Napkin. • Curd-receivers, Call Bells, Nat-picks, &C., &c. FINE JEWELRY OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MICH AS White and Black Onyx, Vona, Amethyst, Carbuncle,, Huby and Pearl Setts, Initial Sleeve Buttons and studs, Gold and./et Crosses, Necklaces for ladies and children, Gold and Silver Thimble, Gold Guard, °betels's', Vest and Fob Chains, Lockets, • Charms, Tooth Picks. Dawson, Warren and Hyde's and John Foley's celebra ted Gold Pens, in gold, silver and gutter _ percher holders Seth Thomas ' "celebrated Calendar Regulators,' s and an endless variety of everything in his line. We reverse the old maxim, and invite ladies and gen tlemen to call at other places first, then give us a call and see the difference in stock and prices. We defy compe ‘ , Often. W. BRADY, deolLs . 62 Market street. 1 N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Dauphin county, will be exposed to sale, On SATURDAY, the 24th day of December, 1804, at the Court Reuse, in Harrisburg, at 2 o'clock r.. a., the follow ing real estate : A certain lot of ground on Race street, in the city of Harrisburg, and fronting on said street ninety feet, and extending in depth one hundred and ninety-three feet, whereon is erected a HOUS 4 , ILC ; the interest of Thomas Fagan, (a minor.) Attendance will be given and conditions of sale made known by D tNIEL SHRHSLEY, Guardian, &c, of said minor. 3NO. Ruestian, Glerk 0. C. Harrisburg, December 8,1884, decl4 d3tawts A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PHOTO /M. GRAM CARDS, new subject, from the Scripture, and suitable for Christmas presents, or for Sabbath schools, at S. WARD'S MUSIC STORS, declatuasat Third street VrARTELS GREAT PICTURE OF CEN ILL TRAL PARS, just finished, on view and for ode at, toe following named establishments : Messrs. BALI, BLACK & APPLETON'S. Brosulwav New York, and at . S WARD'S blued STORE, declB4l.2l,4tagat. . , Third street. IVOT/OE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an IA election for mien directors of the First National rank. of movab l y & to wee foe the ensuing , year, will be held at the banking banne; - ou Tuesday, the 10th day of J4114?4.7.n05t, between the hours of 10 and "4 o'clock. S. IL :SMALL, "declo-co yaw - • " ' • Ca2hler. . liArnitrE MEAT.--EL fresh supply of Alines A.U.,ll„.skfusrinreitait.:_itilL.g.fll 4 4l" ~.diarl44,ll/sll4'l.ol4ytag,klairket slum) USEFUL PRESENTS FOR Ladies' Silver Martin Furs, Ladies' Siberian Squrrel Furs, Ladies' American Mink Furs, Ladies' Native Hudson Bay Fars, Ladles' French Sable Furs, Ladies' Imitation Ermine Furs Chlit4reu 9 s Furs OF EVE RY DESCRIPTION-. Shawls a' Reduced Pzicea, Broca Bordered Scarfs, Gloves, Lace Collars, Fine Handkerchiefs, Genuine Bek Lace Veils, Embroidered Setts, &a., &s IN THE presslY for factuiers OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Fine Solid Silver and Plated Ware, SUITABLE FOB HOLIDAY PRESENTS, 1F1E:133 Public Sale. JUST RECEIVED. MINOVNCEJKIIDNT. srmics,. WANTS. • WANTED, A FURNISHED ROOM, with a parlor IX cooking stove, by a gentleman and wife who wlsh to board themselves. Leave word at IRIS OFFICE. dele7-4t* PRINCIPALS WANTED for three alien substitutes. Enquire of the landlord of the Far mer's Hotel, Market street, Harrisburg. deol6-2t* WANTtD.—A good two-horse team wagon•. Enquire at THIS OFFICE. (leen dtf WANTED, • A MAN or boy to take charge of a horse. A good gardener preferred . 24 North Second street decl4-dlo• DAVID DIDINA. ?71, A MONTH! I want Agents every / where, at VO a month, expenses paid, to sell Vteen diliciee, the best selling ever ofrerea. Full par ticulars free. Address, OTIS T. GAItSY n0164.1m - Sni Biddeford, Maine. AVANTED.-$125 A 1)10.N : Agents everywhere, to introduce the new Shaw ce. Clark Sixteen . Dollar- Family Sewing Machine, the only low price machine in the country which Is licensed by Grover & Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, Howe, Singer & Co„ and Batchelder. Salary and expenses; or large commissions allowed AU other Ma chines now sold for less than forty dollars each are in fringements, and the seller and user liable. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address, SHAW ,& CLARK, nolti dawSzn • Biddeford, Maine. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A. Grand Exhibition OF Christmas Presents KUNKEL & BRO'S Drug and Fancy Store 9 NO. 118 MARKET STREET THE following are some, of the articles to be Obtained, appropriate to the season : ORNAMENTS. Bohemian Glass Vases. ' Flower Stands. " Toilet Bottles. Watch Stands. Cigar Stands. Match Stands. Cigar Ash Stands. Reading and Book Stands. FANOI GOODS. Fancy Fans. Fancy Riding Whips, Card Cases, pearl and Canes. leather. Cat Glass Colognes. Ivory Tablets. • LEATHER GOODS. Dressing Cases. Shaving Cases. Ladies' Companions, Ladies' Satchels. Cabs Satchels. Porter°lids. Cigar Cases. Match Cases. . Portemonnales. Ladles' Purses. TOILET ARTICLES. Powder Puff Boxes. Ha Mirrors. Toilet Waters. Toilet Soaps. Brushes. ' Pomades. Powders. Combs. Sachets. Burnett's Toilet Pelts SOLDIERS' WARES. Writing Cases. Sewing Cases. Cavalry Cases. _ Folio.s. Leather and Wick e r , Pocket Mirrors. Flasks. Money Belts. Leather, Metal and Gum Cups. VAILIETIESI Wooden Puzzles. Fancy Boxes - Meerschaum Pipes. Work Boxes. Brier Floes. Box of Cigars. Pocket gniVl33. Leather and Gum Balla Fine Razors. Fine Dominoes. aeries for 1885. Thermometers. Also, a great Tar/ay of Lava Ware, all of ;Web can be had at KUNKEL & BRO'S DRUG STORE, decTtf No. 118 MARKET STREIT, HARRISBURG. E. S. G E RMAN, RELIGIOUS BOOR ,STORE, Tract and Sonday,Dchool Depository > 27 S. Second street, below Market Square, HARRISBURG, PEN NA. CONSTANTLY ON HAND, all kinds of Bitdes t llysna Books, School Books and Stationery of every de'cription, Photograph Albums, Music Books, Go 'd Peas, Diaries for 1865, Almanacs, School Furniture, such as Globes, etc. Alto, a splendid assortment of Gift Books for the holidays Depot• lor Ellsworth's Copy Books. Sunday School Books at publisher's prices' German Books of all kinds, all of which will be sold at wholesale or retail denl4 QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, FIRST DrvisioN, WASH:MOTO; November 30,1804. Will be sold at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, at the times and places named below, via - JOHNSTOWN, Pa., THURSDAY, December 15, 1864. TRENTON, N. J., THURSDAY, December 22, 1864. Two hundred Cavalry Homes at each place. These Homes have been condemned as unilt for the cavalry service of the army. For road sad farming purposes many good bargains may be had. Horses sold singly. Sale to commenee at 10 o'clock A ; Terms: Cash in Government funds. JAMES A. ERIN, Colonel in Charge First Division, decB-tdec2o Quartermaster General's Office, REMOVAL. Alt. JOHN KEMMERER respectfully lu lu_ forms the public that he has removed his HAIR CUTTING AND SHAMPOOING SA _ LOON, To No. 97, Market slreet,,(Wiln; building,) where he hag an elegantly furnished room, with Hot and Cold Baths . The public are Invited to give him a call. decl2-diw HARRISBURQ NATIONAL BANK, 1 December 10, 1864. 1 THE annual election for thirteen.dixectors of this bank will beheld., as required by the national currency act, on Tctesday, the 10th day of January nest, at the banking house, between the hours of 1 0.a.:1f and 3P. It. ' J. W. WEIR, . declo-te . Cashier. NATIONAL ROUSE RESTAURANT. T HAVE re-fitted and opened the above 1 named restaurant, where all the delicacies of the season will be served up, such as Oysters, Game, Terra pin, &c. The public are most refpectfully invited to call: Families supplied with oysters. A. J. WAIRMALD. B.—Fies lunch given every day from 103; to 3.1% A. declo.tilm* LDS N, ON the 14th inst., between North street and Miller's School House, on Pennsylvania Ave nue, a Portmonuale, containing about $5O in small bills; also, a Round Rouse check of $BO in favor of Daniel Shafer, and one of $4O 12 Biped by John Wallower, and payable to the undersigned, and some other papers and Butcher's Bills. A liberal reward will be paid thu fiuder upon leaving the portmounale and contents at THIS OFFICE', or with the undersigned, on Walnut street. decls Jaw youNG GUM BALLS. Bat Balls. Parlor Balla, Musical Balls, Alphabet Balls, Fanny' Ribbed Balls, A full assortment at BERGNER'S Bookstore. H. C. ORTFI, Teacher of the Piano, Melodeon, Violin AND SINGING. No. 15, THIRD STEM, MOW KAMM% bep3-dem * FOR THOROUGH INSTRUCTION IN VOCAL MUSIC. Use Bessurest Anal Singing : an Analytical and Prac tical System for the Cultivation of the Voice. This work 13 prepared on a rigidly scientific basis, and universally admitted to be the moit desirable work for teachers and, scholars. Price, for• Soprano Voice, Complete, - $4 00: Abridged, $0 00 For 'tenor Voice, $4 00. Mailed post paid. OLIVER DITdON & CO, Publishers, Boston. deo10•no FRESH CRACI ' FL—Boston Wine Bie- R cults, Boston Milk Biscuits, Boston Butter Bis cuits, Boston Oystor Crackers, Boston Pic-nio Crackers, Trenton Butter Orekere, just received at 1718 BOYER k Kompla. HUCKSTERS' BASKETS. zer i successors tosii. Deck, jr, &Co„ have on hurt 36 dozen hickory buskers. Price S 6 60 per dozen. leo NEW FIGS, by the drum= car pOund just received at int: X GRAY & Co•, (Houser and Loettman's old stand, Market square ) deen A LARGE Lia . of Cedar and Willow ware just received it GRAY &130, (Moaner end I..!oClitmates old stand, Market square ,) decig . - • VALENTIA RAISINS, a new invoice, at . nog MO= ic MOO* AMUSEMENTS NATIONAL BALL :1' Come. of Second and South streets POSITIVELY FIVE DAYS ONLY, Commencing on WEDXESDAY EVENING,Dec. 21, 186& Matinees Thursday, Salurday and Monday afternoons, at three o'clock. ELLINGEK & FOOTE'S GREAT MORAL EXHIBITION AND OItIGINAL CONTINENTAL VOCALISTS' The moat attractive Amusement now Traveling. The Three Wonderful Lilliputian, Com. Foote & Sister, (Not half the size of Tom 'numb and Wife) AND COL. S A. .1, r. Thil Great Female Character Dancer. In combination with these wonders of nature is tris:‘ precepiress, Mrs. C. GI-. FOR/driiRLY MRS. ELIMGER, Celebrated Vocalist and Pianist, together With. THE OLD CONTINENTAL VOCALIST'S , W. D. FRAIVELIN, J. W. SAWA, • Prof. G. H. BROOKS. LOOK OUT FOR THE LILIAPU TIA.N CHARIO r This magnificent carriage, entirely new and szarcely larger than a bushel basket costing over $2,000, will• pass through-the principal streets and from the Jones House to the Hall •at eaah of the day exhibitions, containing Com. Foote and Sister and Col, Small, DRAWN BY SIX WHITE TRAINED COATS! Doors open at 7, commence at 73. o'c'ock Admission—Private Boxes, $3 to $5, accordingto loca tion Paraxpaette, 50 cents. Gallery 25 cents. Ladies to the, Matinees, 25 cents. Children 15 cents. No half price at night. COL WM. FILLINGER, Manaeng Proprietor G. G. RUSSEL, Business Manager. JAR. S. JAKWAY. General Agent deel4-3twedsat&tues BRANTS HALL. BRANT'S HALL ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTEENTH, AND LAST NIGHT OF THE SEASON. Rcuse,s Star Combination Company, Rouse's Star Combination Company, Rouse's Star Combination Company, Last Night of the Season! The management respect!ully announces that this exentng has been selected as the Farewell Benefit r And last appearance of the favorite Actre:ss and Vocalist Miss Fanny DenhamA Last appearance of the young Tragedicnno MISS FANNY B. PRICE, Who will appear la her great character, pectiliarl3, adapted to her, of MIAMI THE HUNTRESS! THIVATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 17, MD For the first time in this city, MIAMI! THE HUNTRESS OF THE MISSISSIPPI Norton—On and after this evening, the curtain will rich at half.past 7 o'clock. Q-z-For further portionless zee programme. augildti THE LONG LOOKED FOR HAS COME! "IigALTH AND ILAPP/NRLS TO TUE SONS AND DATORTSS4.S OF synturiOX P' DR. COLLINS' SYRUP. OF ROOTS ._ . BARS AND HERBS, FOR the Cure of Coughs, Colds,Sore Throat, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all similar com plaints. The object of this Medicine is to soothe and ease-the cough ; to dissolve the congealed phlegm that adheres and sticks to the throat, which excites hacking hawking, and coughing ; to relieve the Irritation in the throat, which is producgd by catching cold on the slightest ex posure. It extFectorates the diseased matter that has ac cumulated in the Lungs which retards and oppresses the respiratory or breathing organs, heals and nourishes the lungs and bronchial tubes. This medicine gives tone to the stomach, it purifies and circulates the blood, which causes oppression of the chest and difficulty in breathing. Good News for Mfothers and Children.—Here is the sufferer's balm ; keep•lLin.yout , family skikeesaccomes as thief in the night, and your child is suffocated by the awful disease, Croup, or similar complaints. Here is a preventative—it is nature's friend. These Medicines are prepared and sold by SAMUEL COLLINS, Indian Medicine Man, near the corner of Third street and Straw berry alley. Also, for sale at the Drag Stern of J. H. BOMGARDNER, Corner of Fourth and Market streets, Harrisburg. 'Ali orders, should be . iMdresn. d to DR S. COLLINS, Harrisburg. These Medicines are purely Vegetable. AUCTION SALE OF CAPTURED STOCK, On .Monday, December 19, 1864. MIZE undersigned will sell at Public Sale, at the Moller House drove yards, York, Pa., 1800 heed of captured cattle, more or less,consisting oi Mile.h Cows, Sults, Yearlings and Calves. Alin, 1,000 head of Lester and Merino Sheep, more or less. A large number of the cattle are Durham and Devonshire. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A on said day, and continue from day today until all are sold. Terms cash in U. S. currency. By order of H. A. RISLEY, Supervising Special Agent, Treasury Departinent. E. O. PARKHURST, Assistant Special Agent. dec9-dkl HOLIDAY PRESENTS. GEO. W. McCALLA S JEWE.I.V. No. 38 Market Street, Opposite the Jones HAS just received a large assortment of Jewelry, &c., suitable for Holiday Preeents, and UMW, the public to give him a call. Select your present while the assortment is fulL dechdlm • Information Free TO NERVOUS .8 UFFERER AGENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous De bility, Incompetency, Premature Decay, and_Tonth sucError, actuated by a desire to benefit others, willhe happy to furnish to all who need It, (free of charged the receive and directions for making the simple remedy wind in his case. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's bad experience, and possess a sure and valuable remedy, can do so by addressing him at once at his place of buta nes. The Recipe and fan information—of vital impor Lance—will f e cheerfully sent by retina mail. Address JOHN B. CGDEN, No. 00 Nassau Street, New York Pr s,—Nervous sufferers of both sexes will find this information invaluable. iro29-dawSm HORACE WATERS' Great Musical Establishusent. No. 481 BROADWAY, NIFW 'roar. MI J IGHTY New Pianos, Melodeons, Flame niiira, Alexandre and Cabinet Organs, a Wholesale and MAI. P:ices low. SECOND HAND PIANO' at great hugalas, prices from VD to $2OO. New 7 00tave Pianos, $260 and $275, with carved legs and mouldings, $2OO and upwards. Melodeons, $65 to $2.50. A large stock of SHEET litUara-mizsra BOOKS, and all kinds of MUSICAL Daritum.E.Ws, and Mope Mer cnandlse at Ms Zoioest rates. 10,000 sheets otmusic, M.- tle coiled , .at 1% cents per Page. received, this morning, Mc:honer dr. Smoked ibuns,itgtua 03 1 - 1 1 - sageai RAZZ ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers