NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Renovo and Emporium TOWN LOTS irCart SA:1_, 1 11; THE PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE LAND COMPANY, chartered by an act of the Legislature of Pommyimam, oilers for Sale choice tote for dwellings and business purposes in the above new [Owns on tte line of tha Philadelphia and Eiaie Railroad. RENOVO bat been selected es the sire for the exten sive shops for building and repairing the rolling stock of the Philadelphia and Erio Railroad, of whieh the Penna. Railroad Company are now lessees. It is 92 miles west of Sunbury, and 196 miles east of Erie. The town is beau. tifully situated on the margin of the west branch of the Susquehanna river, in the county of Clinton, and Is sur rounded by romantic and attractive scenery. The Rail road Company are erecting an immense Locomotive Round House, Reoair Silos for Cars and Engines, Car Building shop. Iron and Brass Furnaces, and Dwellings for the 'Superintendent and other officers -A splendid Hotel, with-which are connected arrangetnenis for feeding passengers on the most extensive scale, has been com menced. All these buildings are of the most permanent and substantial character, of brick and iron, and are in accordance with the immense business anticipated on the completion of this great Railroad, so long anxiously looked for, and now an accomplished fact—tire last rail connecting the Susquehanna river with Lake Eric having been laid on Saturday, July 2d, 1864. A Company has been chartered by the Legislature for supplying tho town with gas and water, and the wat r works are nearly completed. Churches will be erected immediately. The situation of RENOVO is entirely healthy, and as the dimensions of the town are limited by nature, the value of the lots must appreciate greatly in the course at a few years. EMPORIUM will certainly be the most important corn merelal point between Lock Haven and Warren, a dis tance of 158 miles. It is near the eentro of ttie railroad, 47 miles west of Renovo; 139 miles from Sunbury and 149 miles from Erie It is near the Junction of the Drift wood Branch of the Sinnemahoning, with West Crook, Portage Creek and North Creek, the Valleys of which streams make it the most acceisible point on the Phila delphia and Erie railroad to a very extensive district of country. The moment the projected railroad connecting it with the city of Rochester, N. Y., shall be completed, ,few interior towns in the State will surpass it in business capabilities. An excellent graded road now connects it With Coudersport, the seat of Justice of Potter county. It Wats° connected with Smethport, the seatof Justice of McKean county. Emporium is the County heat of Cam eron county; it has a handsome Court House, and the Land Company have just completed a large and. comrao diotukHotel, whie.h will immediately be opened to the pubilo. The Railroad Company are about in erect a hand litOlne and permanent Passenger Station at a ceiitral point near the Hotel and Conn douse. The place M healthy, and excellent water Is abundant. It is In iii midst of one or the Ilnest White Pino regions in Pennsylvania. As a manufacturing town it has great advantages; coal, lumber, stone, bark for tanneries are abundant, and is railroad communications with the great lakes and all points of importance in the seaboard aro unsurpassed. This place was selected thirty years ago ass point of im portance, and a town laid out with the prophetic Mime of KW /KUM, but the difficulty of access has pre: emed its development so entirely that it is mainly known for the excel once of hunting and trout fishing in the vicinity. The completion of the philreie,phia and Buie railroad must soon matte it a place of" ' , rest import nee 54 a distri buting poin , for goods of ail kinds, and it offers great advantkei fur persons of moderate capital who desi to identify themselves with the early history of a thr3 , - ng - town Lithographic Maps of both towns are now ready, and Mr. GIDEON J. BALL, Genotal Superintendent, furnish all necessary information un the premises, no by letter. He may be addreeeed to the care of H. P. RUTTER. Secretary an Treasurer. Phlladelphi t and Erie Land Com pany, No 205% Walnui street Philadelphia, or at RCELOVO, Clinton county, Pennsylvania._ . W. G MOORHEAD, Pres't, Phila. and Erie Land Co. H. D. Roma, Secretary and Treasurer. oct2i-am BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. THE FARMER BOY, nod how ho becomeCommond sl 25 VELE PIONEER Boy, and how he became Prenidonn, $1 THE FERRY BOY, and the Financier, THE PRINTER BOY, or how Ben. Franklin made his mark, sl 25 THE FARKER BOY, and how he became Lient,n ant General. In press. A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION, from Fort Sumter to Roanoke• ; elegantly illustrated. $1 26 At IsEiv,MEß's BOOK STORE. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. THE UNDEZSIGNED respectfully informs the public thathe has located himself at Hummel& town, Pauphin county, Pa., where he has the best facil ities for burning lime of the first quality of stone, of the best quality for mason and piaster 'works, and is prepared to furnish, in any 'quantities, lime or limo stone, at the Lebanon Valley railroad depot. Builders, dealers and contractors supplied witu lime or atone at the shortest notice. Having ample sidlings and trestle work from the quarries and kilns to the depot, ho is always prepared to fill orders, shipping either by rail road or by Union canal. Address D. S EARLY, 0C22-d2M* HUMMOISLOWII, Dauphin. Polity, Pa. LUBIN'S HAIR DRESSINGFLORILINE, FOR BEAUTIFYING AND PaiSER.VIIVO AND TRENGTHENITO THE HAIR, . - . TS PURELY A VEGE rAI3LE Preparation, distilled from herbs and fragrant flowers from the south of France, conceded to bo the most delicately per fumed and desirable Hair preparation ever offered to the American public. It will restore lust hair; It will, pre vent hair from falling out. It will - restore gray and faded hair to its original color. Its continued use will materially thicken the hair. Bald places will gradually cover themselves, and in a short time the letir will grow dark, soft, glossy and luxur.ant. Pasco $1 per box. Sold by KUNKEL, & BRO., sea Apothecaries, Harrisburg. PHOTOGRAPH ALBIJAAS. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Photograph Albitrus. BOUND in FINE MOROCCO—panelled, gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt clasps. ALBUMS WITH 80 Pictures for 43 Do 40 " " 3 350 60 it 4 Oil together with vicious other styles of binding, sizes and prices, which will be sold cheap. Soldier ,s you cannot buy a prettier, more durable and oheapor ethers anywhere. Cal land see at SOILEFFEWS Bookstore, marl2-dtf Harrisburg, Pa. GOLD PENS. THE LARGEST AND CIBEAPEST assort ment of gold pens constantly on hand. Eery pea sold is warranted six months. Call at n 023 BERGNER'S ("REAP BOOKSTORE. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, A FULL ASSORTMENT of Albums at re duced prices, at Berguer's Cheap Book:tore. n 023 PORT IVIONNAIES. A FULL ASSORT/VIEN'2 of portmonnaies, 11 money purees, currency holders, ke., at Bergner's Cheap Bookstore, n 023 11EPIRY REGAN'S, Steam Engine and Machine Shop, SIXTH BT., BETWEEN WALNUT AND IiARKET (J. C. 2doltz's Old Stand.) Ttindersigned having taken the above Shop, respectfully solicits a share of the public pa tronage. Particular attention will be paid to repairing of Steam Enginen, and all kinds of machinery. All work will re calve my personal attention, and satisfaction guaranteed se.lo dly P WHET , BOOKS, 811 CREW' .PURSES PORTEMONNAIEs, and a general variety of LRA mot GOODS,- flint reeelved at nv:nt:Nßßts BOOK ,TVIRK LMA SAUCIEN the 'twat popular and the purest ever offered to the public, plat received and for rale by MISLED. do p RAzER. !obi fro n er.ln,Wm Iteek. 6 ,I (`,n SATCHELS! - .S..4.TCHPLs! ALARGE and splendid ',assortment "of Satchels, together with over 100 styles of Pocket- Books, Wallets. &c , at all prices far sale at SceiTer , B Bookstore: Harrisburg, - Pa. nos .• 50 DOZEN JARS ENGLISH PiOKLES comprising "Inanity, Chow Chow, Cauliflower Mixed Pickles, Gerkins, Walnuts and ()Wont. For sale wholesale and retail by SHIALER FIta.ZER, W Rork . Jr 82 Ca ALPHABET BLOCKS! AND HOUSE BUILDING BLOCKS, FOB sa l e a t SCInFFER'S aolltiSrußg; oca 21 South Second street ,Fl4rnsburg, Pa. - MESS SHAD . —Fine:Men Shad of tho sea -11011., in half barrels and kilts, Just received at SEMLER di FRAZER, jet• • Successors 10 W. Dark , Jr., tr. Cal XRESH LOBSTER, hermetically sealed, Jul rellived M SUMAS & fRAZIPM RAILROADS. Northern Central LI _[. • tv-;NTER OPENING OF THE BRANCH TO ERIE, FOUR TRAINS DAILY TO ANT, MOM BALTIMORE WASHIPiGTOIN CITY Connections mado with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West, FOUR TRAINS DAILY to and from the North acd West Branch Sum nehanna,PCOnsylvania and Erie, Elmira, and all of Northern New York. ONand after MONDAY, NOV. 7th,' 1864, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Hallway will arrive at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore ae followa, viz: SOUTHWARD. MAIL MAUI leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday).-.... R.. ....10.40 A.X. " leaves Harrisburg... ....... - • • 1.30 P. 31 : • tt arrives at Baltimore.. 6 45 P. X EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except SundlY) - 11.46 P. IL " leaves Harrisburg (except Monday) 2.69 A. P. " arrives at Baltimore daily (except Monday) . 7.09 A. S. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Ear burg .. 7.45 A. g SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun bury daily (except Sum . day) at 2.30 A. it PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily, (except Sundays,) at... ....... .. 9 05 P. X NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) 0.20 A. tr. leaves Harrisburg 1.45 P. P. 61. agives at Sunbury ' 42) P. P. REPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily 9.30 P. Y. arrives at Harrisburg ..... .. 1.50 A. nr 4: leaves Harrisburg daily (ex- . .. writ Monday) 2.20 A. n. if tuvlves at Sunbury 5.72 A. N. ERIE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sa urdaye) at...-.. 7.30 r. at i. leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 12.35 A. H. •' arrives at Simburyat 3.25 A. ra 'HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Bal- tinware daily (except San day) . 3.00 P. x, It arrives at Harri5burg...........7.50 P. 31, SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Harris burg daily (except Sunday) ar at 410 P. N. The Erie Express and Philadelphia Express are through trams to and from Erie and all intern:le:liana points, Hail and Express trains run through to Elmira. For Further ualormation apply at the Office, In Pennsyl vania Railroad Depot. S. N. DuBARRY, Harrisburg Oct 30. 1364.-dll Gen. Supt. Lebanon Valley Branch • CF PHILADELPHIA 6.1 READING R. II " E% -rg )2111="111:13:i = rip . Winter arrangement of Passsenger Trains from Harrisburg, NOVEHBER 7, 1864. THREE DAILY TRAINS FOR NEW YORK. No 1 EXPRESS at 3:00 AM, Arr. at N. York at 10:00 Anr No 3 FAST, at 8:15 A nt, " " 2:45 PM No 7 MAIL at 1:45 PM, " 0:20 P The above connect closely With similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad from Pittsburg and the West. FOR PRILADELeRId AND FOTTSViLIA The 3.00 A M Express connects at Reading with the Reading Accommodation Train, arriving at Philadelphia at 9:25 Ads. No's 3 and 7 connect- at Reading for Potts ville, Tamaqua, Allentown, Philadelphia, Ac., arriving at the latter point at 1:20 and 7:05 P sr, and at Pottsville at 12:35 neon and 7:45 P 21. WAY TRAMS POR LOCAL TRAVEL Number 5 Mall at 7:25 Ais stopping at all points, and making same connections at Reading as number 3. • Number 9, Harrisburg Accommodation, at 4:40 e Stopping at all points, arriving at Reading at 7:10 P EIPLITtrISZO3 TiATISS =LAVE AS FOLLOWS: New York;---Namber '2 FAST at 9:00 A at; number 4 EXPRESS at 7: 00 r at, and number 6 MAIL at 12:00 at. Philadelphia-8:00 A at and 3:30 e at. Pottsville-8:50 A M and 2:35 e zd. Reading—Number 4 EXPRESS 12:00 midnigbt; num ber 10 ACCOMMODATION 7:35 A at; number 8 MAIL 10:45 A. 11; number 2 FAST 1:38 rm; number 6 MAIL 6:05 p Passengers for Lebanon Valley ,Railroad Way Stations will take trains number 6,6, 6, andlo, as the other tridos stop only at Lebanon and principal stations. Baggage checked through. For tickets or other in. formation apply to J. J. CLYDE, nod Qeneral Agent, Harrisburg. 1864. t i ll & I cy - k 1.141 AC 4. LF i 4.1471.1_717. - _ _ Philadelphia and Erie Rail Road. rruss Great Line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of. Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erle. It has been leased by the PitimsyLvesuA Renno.i.wCom. PANT, and is operated by them . Its entire length was opened for passenger and freigh business October 17, 1804. TIME QP PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG. Leave Eastward Mail Train... 11:45 P M Elmira Express Train 2:50 A sr Willliimnsport Accommodation 1:30 P Leave Westward. Mail Train Elmira Express Train Williamsport Accommodation Passenger ears run through on Mail trains without change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimore and Mete. Elegant sleeping oars on Elmira Express trains both wayi between.Willbunsport and Baltimore. For information respecting passenger business apply at the corner SOth and Market streets, Philadelphia. And for Freight business of the Company's agents: S. B Kingston, Jr., corner 30:h and Market Ltreels, Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds. Erie. J. R. Drill, Agent N CR R , Baltimore. H. A. HUSTON, General Freight Agent, Philad'a. IL W. GWINNER, General Ticket Agent, Phiiacra. JOS. D POTTS, oc2Odly General Manager, Williamsport. ctIMBERLATth IT ALLEY CM F_R A N K N A ir Jl.z PARRawgwor- RAIL ROADS. C' NGE OF HOUBS.—On and after Mon day, October 31, 1884, Passenger trains will run dally, as follows, (Sundays excepted;) MR OHAMBERRBVRO AND HARRISBURG: : . A. IL "P. M. Leave Hagerestown 7.00 2.46 " Greencastle 7.37 3.35 Arrive at 8.17 4.20 Ohambersbnrg, Leave at 8.30 12.56 Leave Mappens:mg ..... 9.00 L2B " Newvtlle -........:.. - 9.32 2.00 A. Y. 630 10.10 2.46 ,1 Mechanicsburg • 700 10 42 8.16 Arrive at Harrisburg 730 11.15 8.46 FOR CHAMBERBBrING AND HA V IRS,TOWN: a. X. P. Y. P. X. Leave Harrisburg 8.06 1.40 416 ,‘; Carlisle ' 9,27 ••• •• • L 47 2.20 4.60 4r Ne '9,27 2.68 5.1 k 10,02 3.34 - '1 B ntiffienzburg 10.33 4.04 1100 4.85 1110 4.45 Leave oh amb e e reecasti mburg, l e Le Ani av v e e n a t t .1166 6.35 Arrive at Hagerstown ' ' 12,35 6.15 .4w.Making Mese connections at Harrisbnlg 'with trains for Philadelphia, New York' and Pittablu% ; :end with , trams for all points West. ip-The Train. leaving Harrisburg at 4.15, P: Y. , runs only as fararOarlisle. 0.11 MI; &wt. I. R. Office, Chambersburg,, 1884-19 1011RIIIIE _12A111).-4eifty firkins fate kettle -markt LARD, forinkrbr AbotrAcip or po tal d. ,eeetred 6A Lou] BOYER k SOItRPXR. 'ittio_iyliv;allia all R oad ,31}A.1, = WiIiTER TIME PAELP.- • F. 102., TRAINS DAILY TO AND Frkom PIIILADEDELPHIA AND PITTSBURG. MONDAY, October 31, 1501, THE Passenger Trains of the Penasylvania Railroad Company will depart from Barrrisburg, and arrive at Philadelphia and Pittsburg as follows: EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN !eaves Harrisburg daily at 2.45 A. Y., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6,55 A. u. FAST-LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 8.00 A. sr., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.40 r. x. Passengers take breakfast at Harrisbu.g. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 1.30 P. as., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.35 P. x PITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 11.66 P. as., and. arrives at West Philadelphia at 4.20 a. as. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Har rlaburg daily (except Sundays) at 4.00 P. as., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.30 P. st. This train lots no connection from the West. COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Harris. burg daily (except Sundays) at 7. A. as., and arrives at Lancaster at 9.15 A. m., connecting (except on Mondays) with the Fast Line east. PITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 12.35 A. Altoona 5.50 A. at., take breakfast, and aerivo at. Pittsburg at 12.40 P. sr.. . BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves ligrrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.25 A. x. ; Altoona, 8.1 . 5 A. St., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 P. IL . . THROUGH EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily at 8.25 A. al., Altoona at. 8.15 a. M., take breakfast and arrives at Pittsburg at 2.40 P. za FAST LINE leives Harrisburg daily (except Sundaysl at 4.00 P. re.; Altoona at 9.10 P. X., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 2.00 A. a. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 14) P. at.; Altoona at 7.55 P. If., take supper, and ar rives at Pittsburg at 1.30 P. r. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION woe Reaves Lancaster at-11. 20 A. tr., connecting there with the Mail west; leaves Mount Joy ai 11.51 A. Af and arrives at Harrisburg at 1.00 P. M TRH HARRIS - EURO ACCOMMODATION TRAIN fruin Pittsburg, which arrives at Harrisburg at 6 80 r. E., stops there, passengers for East of Harrisburg lay over until 11.E5 P. x. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, &Apt. Middle Div, Penn'a R. R. Harrisburg, Oct. 2,7, 1864.-dtf LEADING' RAILROAD. li'inUr.=MUM=Ol NOVEMBER 7th, 1864. CiREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE X_A NORM and Northwest for Philadelphta,New York, Reeding, Pottsville, Lebanon, Alleritown, Easton ,&c. , &c. Trains leave Efarrizburg for New York, as follows : AL 3.00 end 8.15 A. at and 1.45 P. M., arriving at New York at 10.00. A M. and 245 and 10.00 P. at. The above connect with similar Trains on the Pennsyl vania Railroad, and Sit e. ing Cars accompany the Met two Trains witinmt change. Leave for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minersville, Allentown and Philucephla at 815 A. a and 1.45 P. a. stopping at Lebanon and principal Stations only. Way Trains, stopping at all points,' at 7.25 e. at. and 4.40 r. at. Returning : Leave New York at 900 A. at., 12.10 noon, and 7.00 r, nt Phi adeipliia at 800 A. M. and 3.30 r at..; Pottsville at 8 30 A. at and 2.45 r. ar. ; Tamaqua at 8 to A. at and 215 P. at., and Reauing at 12 00 midnight, 7.35 and 10.45 A. at., 1.3 - 3 and 6.05 P. at, Reading Accommodation Train.: Leaves Reading at 6.30 A. m., returning from Philade phia at 4.50 P. at. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at' 8.40 and 11.00 A. u. for Ephrata, Lltiz, Columbia, Bc. On Sundays Leave New York at 703 P. m., Philadel phia 3 15 at Br , Pottsville 780 s. m., Tamaqua 7 CO A. M., Harrisburg 815 _a at, and Reading at 12 00 midnight, for. Harrisburg. Commutation. Mileage. &Azar, School, and Exouraion eta to and from all poin a, at re...need rates. Baggage checked through : 80 pounds allowed each passonger. 14. 2..NIUOLLB, Reading, Pa., November 3, 1801. . ' no2l' MIS CELLAN EOUS. When will Wonders Cease 1 THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE WORLD DR. MoBEIDE'S KING OF PAIN WILL cure any ache or pain in from one to sixty minutes I It acts like magic upon the' absorbent and glandular System; reduciPg swellings and regulating the secretions and excretions. /t is of a diffusive, penetrating nature, exerts its influence from the periphery to the centre of the nervous organism, thence by reflex action its power is felt throughout the entire system, „restoring the circu lating fluids and checking disease with invincible strength. THE KING OF PAIN IS INFALLIBLE I No matter what the pain, apply the medicine and you will find instant relief, It is, an-internal and external cure. 1864. Cures almost instantaneously, Headache, Earache, Neu ralgia, Deafness, Sore Throat, Colds, Bronchial Affections, Asthma, Dyepesia, Diarrheas, Dysentery or Bloody Flu; Liver Complaint, Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Bladder and Genital Organs, Cramp, Molls and all spasmodic pains, Fever and Ague, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains and wounds of every description. It proves itself the mastery, as the testimony of thousands,prove its meritorious.worth. Sold, wholesale and retail, by S. A. KUNKEL, druggists, Solo Agents, 118 Market street, Harrisburg. SOLDIERU READ! The following letter from a soldier, in reference to the efficacy and powerful restorative quantities of DR. Ile- BRIDE'S %DIG OF PAIN, speaks for itself : EaurraLis, CUMBERLAND COUNTY,' Sept. 14,1864. Messrs. B. A. Kunkel tA Bro. druggists, Harrisburg, Pa . : Gloms would inform ion that I received the bottles of Mcßride's Great Pain Killer, and enclosed please find five dollars more for which send me five bottles addition al to-morrow. I leave .for camp to-morrow. Let me know whether you can supply me with it in the army. .1 am in Company H, 2024 negiment P. V. I have been in very bad health for upwards of four years, and two of the one-dollar bottles have cured me completely, and have made me feel like a man. Besides, I have cured a num ber of my comrades Of various diseases incident to camp life, and can recommend it to be' the best' medicine the soldier can provide for himself. Yours respectfully, JOS. E. WRITE. sap All orders from a distance promptly attended S. A. ICU?.TICEL & BRO. 12:35 A ni 2:30 A M 1:45 P IR A HOME CERTIFICATE The following certificate is from a well-known citizen of Harrisburg : Heimann's°, Aug. 30, 1864. To nut Punta° :—lt gives me great pleasure to recom mend to the public the medicine prepared by DR. J. J. HoBRIDE, which he calls the " KING OF PAIN... , I was induced to use it as an external remedy for a bruise, which It relieved Immediately, and subsequently cured entirely. Its success induced me to use it internally for Diarrhoea, with which I was afflicted in a chronic form for nearly eighteen months, and to such an extent that my kidneys were seriously deranged. The medicine has cured me, and certainly that is saying a great deal in its favor, when I reflect how many other remedies I tried without experi encing anything but temporary relief. For my, part, I shall always keep a supply of it in my house, believing as I do that it is a most invaluable family medicine. DANIEL E. 'WILT. The unexampled sale of this medicine proves it to be the most wonderful discovery of the age in the medical art. The undersigned are the solo agents for the State, and will supply it wholesale and retail. & A. KUNKEL & BRO., Druggists, sepl6] 118 Market street, Harrisburg. SOMETITING .NEW myral pytramA,S' PATENT • AIR TIGIJT • INKSTAND. • , For sale atSoheffer's Bookstore, Haxrisburg,la. sett Mn S. A . K.M118.81. Sir :—I take pleasure instating thatiour "DLLIIRHCRA MIXTURE" exceeds anything of the kind that I ever imagined. I was very much troubled' with diarrhma, and mild find nothing to help me in the least, until I took your "AfiXTURR". • I give you this certificate, hoping that, if you see propel to use it,. it may be the means.of extending a knowledge of the matchless value of your medicine. : ' Very-respectfuily yours,— H. B. JEFPRIES. Fall .n Timbef,Cambria Oa; Aug: , 27, 1284,4i40-dtf . PHOTOGRAPHS. - -'ALARGR L aptcgtownt of...rhotortaphs !of - - Geriiiiiiiik,d tipo . iatiuesforliale P 0 0 . : 440. -- - . .. RAILR ()ADS I= WESTWARD SPECIAL NOTICE THE KING OF PAIN NEW AD VERTISEM EN TS. NEW. BOOKS! NEW BOOKS ! JUST RECEIVED, • The Old Flag, published by American Sundy Scho .1 Union. The Daughter at Home, do do Margaret, Tz..e Younr Wile, do do The Old Stone Farm House, do do The Tattler, tr Patty Steele, do do - Sister Alice's Stories, do do Rase Bryant, do do Bar Ross, do do Bookof 100 Pictures, do do Mother's Gift, do do Honey Drops, do do Small Rein upon the Tender Herb, do Emily Chester, by a Lady of Baltimore—cloth. The Lost Heiress, by Mrs. D. E. N. Southworth India, or Feud River, do The Curse of Clifton, do The Gypsey's Prophecy, do 'I he Falai Marriage do Retribution, do 'Tee Wife's Victory, do Lady of the Isle, do Love's Labor Won, do The Missing Bride, . do The Three Beauties, . do The Two Sisters, do • • The Bridal Eve, do The Haunted Homestead, do The Discarded Daughter, do The Deserted Wife, do • Title, Secret of Power, do The Mother in Law, do Love and Duty, by 'Hubback. Young Crusoo, or Adventures of a Shipwrecked Boy, by Dr. Harley. Gascogne, Geo Sandalwood Trader, a Tale of the Pacific, by R. M. Ballantyne. Cliff Climbers, by Capt. Wayne Reid. Twice Told Tales—Blue and gold, by Hawthorne. Bayard Taylor's Poems--Blue and gold. and Wind, Gas, or Encyclopedia cf Wit, Wisdom and Wind, price 76 Railway Anecdote Book, do 50 The 45 Guardsmen aed their Adventures, by Alexander Dumas, price 75 Chas. O'Mal'ey, the Irish Dragoon, by Chas. Lever, 75 Adelaide Waid„erave, or the Trials o' a Governess, 50 Mysteries of the Three Cities, by A, J, H Dupla ue, 60 Adventures of Peregrine Picle, by Tobias Smollet, is D., 2 vols , price 100 The Quaker City, by Geo. Lippard, 2 vols., do 100 Legends of American Revolution, do do 100 Divorced Wife, by T. S. Arthur, do 25 Debtors' Daughter; do do 25 Pride and Prudence, do do 25 Love in a Cottage, do do 25 Love in High Life, do do 25 The Munk, by M. G. Lewis, H. P., do 25 Insubordination, or Shoemaker's Daughter, by T. S. Arthur, do - 25 Two Beaus, do do 25 Lady at Home, do do 25 Year After Marriage, do do 25 Banker's Wife, do do 25 Lucy sandford r do do 25 I Ti' phan Children, do . do 25 Cecilia Howard, do do 25 Agnra, or Possessed, d i do 26 Mary Moreton, • do do 25 Two hitfebants, do do 25 Iron Rule, . do do 25 Rose Warrington, by. Charles J Nterson, do 25 Valley Farm, by A. J. H. Duganne, do . 25 Laddcr,of Lite, by Amelia.B Edwards, do 50 I Denis Duval, by W.' H. Tbackaray, do 50 Woe's Evidence, by W, G, WiPs, do 50 Maurice Defing, by tho author of Guy Living stone, do • 50 Under the Ban, by Le Maudit, do $1 25 Small Ht.use at Al ington, by Anthony Trollops, 125 Together with a large assortment of books suitable for children, for sale at C.ISIEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, 21 South 2d street, Harrisburg, Pa. All new Docks received as soon as published. no= urk< - ; SELLING OUT LOW! OUR STOCK OF LIQUORS Wrgintend to discontinue the sale of Li uors and offer our stock at -a-very -small advance from cost price. We have purchased all our Liquors be fore the last rice and have a large stack on hand for three Or four years, which are guaranteed cannot be purchased now at any price from the importers. Our stock consists of WILL KISS . • of all grades. Atap-We have parts of three barrels pare RYE, not colored, and 10 degrees above proof, 2X years old. WINES of all Grades, Domestic and Imported. We have part of x cask BEN - NEWBY BRANDY, to which we invite the particular attention of families for medicinal purposes. The Brady cannot he bought to-day, from Importers, than $l6 per gallon. We will Sell it ror $l2 per gal 1011. SCOTUiI 0.1.) ENGLISH A LFS, UHAMPAGNE WINES, CLARKIS, Ja.). Ws invite the inspection et Betel Keepers and Liquor itorchantS generally, as Gti6 lattald to ell: without re serve, all cur Liquors, and this will be a good opportu tOty for loorptua ." 0 •Wirt;,‘Ar 1.1i61.1.11 J. R. BOYD. P. BOYD. • CABINET FURNITURE. HAVING COMPLETED OUR NEW AND COMMODIOUS WARE-ROOMS. . We. offer to the pabiic.the largest and BEST ASSORTMENT OP FURNITURE To he found outside of Philadelphia, at. VERY MODE RATE. ridc.&s. JAMES R. BOYD At BON. uo4d3m] New Wareq °outs, 20 South Second at. Valuable Property at Private , riILIE Valuable Property, corner of Front and IVal.untureets, late Lilt estate of Henry Stew deCeaSell, IS Snored at private sale. For turther par ticulars inquire of IV Miami. Stees, on the premises. JA.SiES HENRY STSWART, • uo3d E,ieemors. WALL PAPER ! WALL PAPER I ! kil"LEisiDID VARIETY of Walt Paper, I.l..nutrE, Window Binu,s and Charles or &ate taicap u. zelteller's Bookstore, karnsuurg, Pa., Sign 01 the liUldeu eagle. nos - - - VOUlt attention is caned to tlio splendid Liscan...wei Sr AZlnt .Nott Iteper,.6.nveto . pcs, Lulu listo .m...“/Lollery at b12,11.1ara.C.1 - I'6 liustaatule, at:I3CA; * . a Sua.La ese..L u street,, LAINE GIiOCE.IIIES of all kinds, at reduced pric,cs, at SaiSLEtt VISAZEIL'S lA.ALLY tilititrEtCY ot,pctelw the Court, !louse. Vra;yer. .Liuuiis, intylliu Books, Ui 1, U 1 o.e/Iw/tam:walls, in dillerem epylea and at dilleient at, 61aLEFFLit'h B001:41.01 b,:pL LW 21 South Seound siTeeL, Hari burg, reuul riLSSEOTE.D ALP H A HET BLOCKS, LJ for 60.1 c a .Sctieller'a ii9okEture, Soma 3&C-Am ilurraibUrg, Yu, ociL ECONO.LIII MESS SILI.I).—We received a rrebli.lob Uli morning, a IiEtt.PER'S • ritAIsIBERKLEs. N.) Just mowed, a very fine lot of Cranberries, at oot3 bHlai.Elt tt F_RAZER TUE OPERA OF FAUST BY Charlee Gounod. Adapted to English and Italian Words, and revised irom the ria4 score, wan indications of the Instrilatentation. This new and popular Opera forms the 20th volume of ••Ditson. at CO's Euilaou of Standard Operas." his prefaced with aSketch of ithe compoeer, and of the Idol and incidents of the work, printed from large type and neatly bound. ?rce $5. Oliver Dusan it Co., rublishetz, 277 Wsshington street, 1"A61011. n0v.144 11017BLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance 01 the ant of east:mot.) , of Pennsylvania, passed the first day of June, 1839, the istookholders of the traullai Sault, th Washington, Penna., will apply to the. next aussion 01 the Legislature for a renewal Of an char ter, with an hicreaae - of its capital front $160,000 to 61100,060. ti,ll 111SED, P1'6314614 AstIMITON, PA., Juno n 4, 1864. 1027 TOY 'BOOKS I TOY BOOKS I Of the laeies publications, at Echefferis Boolistore, Harrisburg, Pa. uov2l IV - EW FISH.—New No: 1 and 2 Mackerel Ali in barrels, hall' barrels Sad kitbs, and by the pound, laugol • SHISIAte & FRAZSR. Alb. 1 and 2 Mackerel, in , kitta, just re .osived this morning, and for sale 'low at SHISLER & FRAZER'S, Ameba' I . isonito W:Dock, de.Co ) 1 000 128. 13°DrISHI 'of the 'eele ti = bratel l . t .j_ bran ',..J ußt ' M ei n NA for bale by 'emustuas & zaajakt— „ (luMIMMI to Wm. Daa, jr. &go,) LADIES MUSICAL. PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SWEET MUSIC, viou:N - 8, FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS, STRINGS, DRUMS, FIFES, Irnd all kinds of MUSI CAL MERCHANDISE, PICTURE FRAMES, LOOKING GLASSES, PHOTOGRAPH CARDS and ALBUMS, AM PRO TYPE GEMS, E.NGRAVThiGS, PICTURES, &C., &C. Remember the place, SILAS WARD, No. 12 Third trees, the largest Music Store this side of the great cities, Jam.2B-dtf • PIANOS. ALBRECHT, RIMIER & SCHMIDT'S EXCELSIOR PIANOS. SOLE AGENCY AT Fr. ENOCEES, 93 Market street, Harrisburg. 'VCR REASONS perfectly satisfactory to MYSELF I have taken the agency of the above moat excellent Piano& The public is invited to come and ex amine for themselves. • A few Schoreacker k Co's Piatioli on hand' yet will he dsol low. ixiar26-ti MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS. TWENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, AND TUN ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by Instruments of this class) has been awarded to MASON & Fr MiaLTN'S INSTRUMENTS. A full assortment of these instruments always on hand at W. HNOCECE'B, Sole Agent, je4-2tawly] 93 Market street. BUSIir'ESS CARDS. _ A. C. SMITH, A.TICORNE.I7 . = AT - LA. %V, LT AS removed his Ottles from Third to Wal ls nut street, next to the Priam: AR business in trusted to him will receive prompt and careful attenon ap4 JUNES HOUSE, Oorlior of Market street and Market Square HARRISBURG PRNNA. CHAS. H. MANN, Proprietor nul3-dtr STATE CAPITAL HOTEL S . CORNER OF 'THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS, HAIMISBURG, PENN'A. rpHE undersigned having purchased this well known house has enlarged and thoroughly renovated lt. The rooms have been re-painted and papered, and the entire °stalk:humint elegantly re-furnished. Being plea santly and eligibly located, and provided with every con vonience, it offers to the public all the comforts and luxu ries of a brat class hoteL Trusty and obliging servants slways In attendance. A bar well stocked with choice liquors is attached to the establishment de26.dly IC G. TUOMPSON, Proprietor. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, HARRISBURG, PA, 13, 11. iItPI'UtIISON, Proprietor. gill's well known Hotel is now in a condi tion to accommodate the traveling public, affording the most ample conveniences alike for the transient pest and the permanent boarder. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely refit ted throughout, and now has accommodations equal in extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Its location is the beet in the State Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots, and Is close proximity to all the public offices and business lo eatities of the city It hue nom all the conveniences of • A FI . It& 2' CLASS HOTEL, /end the Proprietor is determined to spexe neither ex pease, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the guests. The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully soli cited, • 4 ,111 E W ADVERTISEMENTS. Tim NEW BOOKS. Q. TUMBLING BLOCKS, by Gail Ilani mon. Price $1 6 HAUNTHD HEARTS, by the author of the Letup. lighter. $2 00 DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT, by Mrs. Holmes. $1 130 IV. BARBARA'S HISTORY, a ELOVOI, by Amelia Edwards. BO cents THE SMALL MOUSE OF ALLINGTON, by firollope. $l. 25 SNVEN STORIES, by Ik Marvel, author of "Reverleb of a Bachelor." $1 50 VIL 3P.Ntilt'3 JOURNAL of the Dzsouvery of the Foam= of the Nile. $3 00 nts: WOMAN IN BLACK, by author of "Ilan in $1 5 NOTES OF HOSPITAL LIFE ; Nov. '6l to Aug. '63, $1 00 X. STORIES OF THE SEAT for boys; from Cooper% writings. $1 00 STORIES OF THE WOOD, for boys; from Cooper's eaitings, $1 00 %IL Ad rwsw books received as soon as published of IttiatONEß'S BOOK STORE ' 6:1 Market street A N. ASSORTMENT 01! OVER. 10 0 STYLES POCKET BOOKS, PURSES AND JP It ri"11101 INT A. I 3E', FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goods . Store, No. 91 Market street. The best Morocco TRAVELIIIG SATk-11 EL And a general variety of FANCY GOODS, suitable Presents, now on hand at KELLER'S Drug Store, inarlo-tf No. 91 Market street. JUST ItECEIVED, THIS MORNING, A Fib'ESEI. INTOICE OF ILICREN.ER ar. CO.'S CtLEBILITED SUGAR CURED I ADIS AND Et IP.V4V, SHISLER 3c FRAZER'S. my3l SUINTOCK'S PECTORAL SYRUP, quills INVALUABLE SYRUP, which is en tirely vegetable in lts comPositioe bas been em played with wonderful [emcees for many Years in theenre f diseases for the AIR PA.SE.S.GES and LUNGS. For any brut of the disease,Sueb as COUGH, TICKLING of ti, MEOAT,SPITTLISIG OF' LOOD,DIFFICULT BRFATEUNG, iIOARB.EN&S, LOSS' OF VOICE and IMOTIC FEVERS, its use will, be attended, with the happiest results. It is one of the best and sagest medicines for all forms of BRON CHITIS and CONS ON, leuckemett ur prqvra ties qj Opium in artitahaPe frYdi MTH , . ralol. $l.OO PER BOTTLE. Per sale atIIERGNER'S Cheap Book Store. CiIIM PEOTOBALIi am useful to soothe a ILA coma, allay Tickling in the Throat, to relieve Roumania, Catarrh, Sore Throat, tic. They contain Coltafoot, Horehomid, /pecacuanha, Sonega and Squill, (the most reliable ecapeetorauta known,) are the. chief ac flue conatituenta, so blended with Gum Arabic and Sugar, that each lozenge contain a mild and very pleasant den lianufactured solely by S. A. - KUNKEL & BRO., • lana7 anothecariea, /la Market army Harrisburg. CIDER VENEGAR.--Pgre Cider Vinegar ! can be bought by the barrel or !malignantly, at BOYER kOERPER. FISH! FISH! NOS. 1 AND 2 pAAME.II - in all size packages, just received and for sale at SHISLXR & FRAZER'S. NEW HOMINY at [ad] BILISLKEt do FRAZBR'a BESH PINT, APPLES, hermetically Bealed, ju received at bBISLF , R & R kZE E , BEEF TONGVES--a fresh 0 1 01 - spousitanumrmiL xiew drop Cheese, just fitylrits k KORargE D V EIT4 '4 ? W9t Atrk ffIISCELI.ANiaI US. THE PRESIDEN4 PETROLEUM COMPANY, PR ES :NT, 1 7 elm ngo County. Organized under the Laws of Penn'a OFFICERS: President—AMOßY EDIVARDS, Eaq , New Yak, Treasurer—L. H. SIMBSON, Esc., New York. Secretary—J. EDWIN CONANT. ESQ Volk. Counset—Mrnsns PLATT, GERARD & EVCKLEY, New York, .D18E0IORS: AMORY EDWARDS, Esq,, New York. EDEN B. CROCKER, Esq„ of Crocker & Warren, New York. FLETCHER WESTRAY, Esq., of Westray, Gibbs & Ev r ,L castle, New York, J. M. CLAPP, Esq., President, Yenning° county, Penn. L. H. SIMPSON, Esq., of L. H. Simpson it Co., New York. JOHN M. CLAPP, Esq., General Resident Sul enhten dent. ITS LAN DS FORM. ITS Capital Stock, . . $5,000,000 In Shares of $25 Each, par value•--Nob. seription Price, $J per Share Being in full payment for a $25 stare. Nu or assessment to be made. 20,000 Shares, or $lOO,OOO Reserved for Working Capital. PARTIES SUBSCRIBING IN THIS COMPANY WILL RECEIVE AN EQUAL AMOUNT OF STOCK IN TWO OTHER COMPANIES ADJOINING, WITH OUT FURTHER CHARGE. THE LANDS OF THESE. COMPANIES are located on the Allegheny Ricer, and on Hemlock, Porcupine and McCrea Creeks, and contains 8,4 . :0 acres, MAKING A.N OIL BORING TERRITORY OF OVER TEN AND A HALF MILES IN EXTENT. The wells on the adj pining property, know a as th " Celebrated Heidricks" wells, and "Pithole Creek" well are famous for their Immense supply of oiL The wells on this property are being stink with great vigor, and promise large supplies of oiL To the capitalists and to parties of limited 111EB21: , un surpassed inducements arc offered. Persons investing ie this Company get $5 stock and the above BONUS fat each $1 invested, , lithout further call or asuesmtent. Subscription books, maps, and all other adettnati3e can be obtained at the office of J. W. bIAIONTON, Attorney-at-Lvo SUBSCRIPTION AGENT AT RARRISBTRG, PA. No SUSECTiptiOR taken for less than oar ECM RES co LARS. Inquiries by mail promptly answered. THE BURYING- SPRING OIL COMPANY PENN SYI.YAN lA. CAPITAL, . . . $1,000,000. 100,000 Shares, Par Value $lO 00 Working Capital . . $30,000. HON. GEO. 0. EVANS, President_ J. C. FRYER, Esq., Treasurer. Drescrons.—Wm. e. Hassell, John Cled!ng, Thomas Tolman. T ' property of this company consists of the following valoahe lands : No. L Eleven hundred and seventy-three (1.,173) acres in fee simple, situated in Wirt county, West Virginia, on the waters of Rock and Two Runs, blanches of the Little Kanawha river, more than three-fourths of which is very line boreing territory, being on the same plateau with the celebrated "Burning spring" oil lands, and -known as the best ore TERRILOKY upon the LP HEAVEL wane 'M GM/L. Four wells are now being sunk on this large tract. One is almost complete and will be ready tor testing in a few days, and promises to yield very largely of superior oil. Two others are nearly down, and the rema:nder ate rapidly progressing. It is a very remarkable fact that no well has been sunk on this fiat that has failed to produce oil in large quantities and of a superior quality. It is destined to become the most valuable and most produc tive 011 region of the great Kanawha Valley. No. 2. Five (5) acres in iee simple (being a part of a large tract of valuable oil land containing one hundred and acres, situated in Venango county, Penn'a and lying on the Eait Sandy river, three miles above the Allegheny river. One well is now in successful operation on this tract, with sufficient territory to sink twenty-frr more wells. The following wettable leases belong to this company. to. T. The "Austin Dickey's' lease of one and three quarters acres of lane situated in Wirt county, West Vir ginia, lying at the mouth of Burning Spring Run. Two (2) wells on this tract are yieldin4 largely. No. 2. The "Harper's Lease" of one acre of land sit uated as aforesaid, and lying at the first fork of the Burning kpring Run. One well on [hi, tract. No. 3. The •Gordon &NO comb's" led-se of one acre, situated as aforesaid, on Burning Spring Bun, near the Washington Co's lease. Two (2) u - etls on this tract. No. 41 The "McFarland's" lease of one and one-third of an sorest land, s.tualed as aforesaid at the head of Burning Spring Bun. Two wells are in opera:orlon tine tract. The vast territory of almost Twelve - hundred acres of laud owned by this company, with Seven Wells . now in successful operation and producing oil, and the vigor with which the other wells are being sunk, the company being organized entirely atd solely Inc the purpose or engaging in the legitimate business Of producing oil, and developing and improving the lands belonging to the com pany. The management or the same having been entrust ed to gentlemen ..r known business enterprise, tesponsr Witty and skin, who will bring to the accomplishment of the object their united energy and bus ness industry. We are satisfied in believing and ensuring the stock holdere that it will yield laigely to them, and offers in ducements of the highest ammeter to capitaksts and men of small means who wish a profitable, safe and paying investment. I have still a few shines of 'lock of this company to offer for sale. Those wishing the same can obtain all the necessary information together with full particulars, di , ctiption oil.the lands, maps, etc. etc.,by applying to ala either in pers.° or through the mail • J. R. AIUFFL General Superintendent and Agent. Apply in person to 14 ohert Snodgran , , Law office, North Third street, above Market, Harrisburg, Pa. Address by mail—P. O. Box 120, Garrisburg, Fe. dea.dilw M'FADDEIN'S MARBLE YARD CORNER OF WALIWT AND 1.14 TH ST.REATTS, Harrisburg, Pa. rilitundersigned having opened a Marble td in We city, beg leave to inform their rry a tati and the public in general, that they are prepared to fat. al& MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DEBVIIPTION BIJOU is Moratmentf, Tombs, Read Stones, • Mantles, And Rouse Work in Marble and Brown Stone. Give us a call enders, will guarantee sattarainten. MTADDEN & CO N. B.—Lettaring meetly Done in Ingliah or Germin. mor29-dly VDU TING, WEDDING, INVITATION V arm AT HOME CARDS.—By s sperael arrangernem with one of the best .ewayers in the country, cards of any description will baxecuted in the highest style of art, conformable with the latest fashion, and stippli,ed promptly, at lower prices than are charged by the station er; in New York or Philadelphia. For samples and prices tall at BIENGNER'S BOOK STORE. nichddif fIHASSH & "BIACONTELL'S ENGLISH IL/ MERLES, a rare article for table nee, just received and for gabby ' Silefif.V3trat FRAZIgla i, febl (touxoteore to Win, Dock, Jr., & QAP SAGO OECEESF,—,k small but fresilot )...7 of choice HAP aseo inizEss, just received this morning, atc. . slligiAß & FRAZER'S. , t Salmon.. 4 la in. 00=4 TAM& IF - 3 elllea.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers