NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. lienovo and Emporium TOWN LOTS FOR. SALE rpHE PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE LAND 1 COMPANY, chartered by an act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, oilers for sale choice lots for dwellings and binsinees purposes in the above new towns'. on the line of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. RENOVO has been selected as the site for the exten sive shops for building and repairing the rolling stock of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, of which the Penna. Railroad Company are now lessees. It is 92 miles west of Sunbury, and 190 miles east of Erie. The town is hese- Wally situated on the margin of the west branch Of the. Susquehanna rive in the county of Clinton, and is stir- rounded by romaklic and attractive scenery. The Rail road Company We erecting an immense Locomotive Round Rouse, Repair Shops for Cars and Engines, Car Building shop, Iron and Brass Furnaces, and Dwellings for the Superintendent and other officers. A splendid Hotel, with which are connected arrangements for feeding passengers on the most extensive scale, has been com menced.. All these buildings are of the most permanent and substantial character, of brick and iron, and are in accordance with theimmense business anticipated on the completion of this great Railroad, so long anxiously looked tbri and no' an .aceompliehed fact—the last rail connecting the Susquehanna river with Lake Erie having been laid on Saturday, July 2d, 1364. A Company has been chartered by the Legislature for supplying :the town with gas and water, and the water works are nearly completed. Churches will be erected immediately. The situation of RENOVO is entirely healthy, and as the dimensions of the Lown are limited by nature, the value of the lots must *predate greatly in the course of a few years. EMPORIUM will certainly be the most important corn. mercial point between Lock Haven and Warren, a die- • lance of 168 miles. It is near the eentre of the railroad, 47 miles west of Renovo ; 139 miles from Sunbury and 149 miles from Erie. It is near the Junction of the Drift wood Branch or the Sinnemahoning, with West Creek, Portage Creek and North Creek, the Valleys of which stream make it the most accessible point on the Phila delphia and Erie railroad to a very extensive district of country. The moment the projected railroad connecting it with the city of Rochester, N. Y., shall be completed, few interior towns in the State will surpass it in business capabilities. An excellent graded road now connects it with Coudersport, the seat of Justice of Potter county. It is also connected with Smethport, the seat of Justice of McKean county. Emporium is the County Seat of Cam eron county; it has a handsome Court House, and the Land Company have just completed a large and commo dious Hotel, which will immediately be opened to the public. The Railroad Company are about to erect a hand some and permanent Passsenger Station at a central point near the Hotel and Court House. The place is healthy, and excellent water is abundant. It is in the midst of one of the finest White Pine regions in Pennsylvania. As a manufacturing town it has great advantages; coal, lumber, atone, bark for tanneries are abundant, and lie railroad communications with the great lakes and all points of importance in the seaboard are unsurpassed. Tide place was selected thirty years ago as a point of im portance, and a town laid out with the prophetic name of EMPORIUM, but the difficulty of access has prevented its development so entirely that it is mainly known for the excellence of hunting and trout fishing in the vicinity. The completion of the Philadelphia and Erie railroad must soon make it a place of great importance as a distri buting point for goods of all kinds, and it offers great advantages for persons of moderate capital who desire to identify themselves with the early history of a thriv- I ng town. Lithographic Maps of bath towns are now ready, and Mr. GIDEON J. BAIL, 'General Superintendent, will furnish all necessary information on the premises, or by letter. He Inv be addressed to the care of H. P. RUTTER Secretary and Treasurer, Philadelphia and'Erieland Com piny, No. 205% Walnut streetPhdadoirdila, or at Renovo Clinton county, Pennsylvania. . W. G. MOORHEAD, Pres't, Phila. and Erie Land Co, H. P. Rtrirsn, Secretary and Treasurer. oct2l.d3m WEE LONG LOOKED FOR HAS COME! "IfICALTH AND HAPPINITLS TO THE SONS AND DAHOHTERS OF I=MEME DI?. COLLINS' SYRUP OF ROOTS BARKS AND HERBS, FOR the core of Coughs, Colds,Sore Throat, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all similar com plaints. The object of this Medicine is to soothe and ease the cough ; to dissolve the congealed phlegm that adheres and sticks to the throat., which excites hacking, hawking, and coughing ; to relieve the irritation in the throat. which Is produced by catching cold on the slightest ex:- poetize. It expectorates the diseased matter that has ac cumulated in the Lungs which retards and oppresses the respiratory or breathing organs, heals and nourishes the lungs and bronchial tubes. This medicine gives tone to the stomach, it purifies and eimmlatsis the blood, which causes oppression of the chest and difficulty in breathing. Good News for Mothers and Chßdren.—Here Is the sufferer's balm ; keep it in your family, sickness comes as thief In the night, and your child is suffocated by the awful disease, Croup, or similar complaints. Here is a preveatatiee—it is nature's friend. These Medicines are prepared and sold by SAMUEL COLLINS,, Indian Medicine Mao, near the corner of Third street and Strawberry alley. Also, for sale at the Drug Store of • J. M. BOMGARDNER, Corner of Fourth and Market streets, Harrisburg. 'Ail orders should be addressed to DR. S. COLLINS, Harrisburg. These Medicines are Purely Vegetable. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. • rtUNDERSIGNED respectfully. informs t publio that he brut located himself at Donut-Leis town, Hautgan 'county, Pa., where he has the best facil ities foi burning lime of the first quality of stone, of the best quality for mason and plaster works, and is premed to furnish, in any quantities, lime or limestone, at the Lebanon Valley railroad depot. Builders, dealers and contractors supplied with lime or stone at the ahortest notice. Having ample . sidlings and trestle work from the (Marries and kilns o:the depot, hp is always prepared to.fill orders, shipping either by rail road or by Union canal. ..Address D. S EARLY, • . ocS24l2m* Hummelatown, Dauphin.. ,Elounty, Pa. LUBIN'S HAIR DRESSING FLORILINE, FOR BEAUTIFYING AND PRESERVING AND ETBENOTHENIFG THE HAIR, TSPURELY A. VEGETABLE Preparation, distilled from herbs and fragrant flowers from the south of France, conceded to be the most delicately per fumed and desirable Hair preparation ever offered to the American public. It will restore lost hair. It will pre vent hair from falling out. It will restore gray and faded hair to its original color. Its continued use will materially Woken the hair. Bald places will gradually cover themselves, and in a short time the hair will grow dark, soft, glossy and luxuriant. Price $1 per box. Sold by KUNKEL & BRO., sell. Apothecaries, Harrisburg. GOLD PENS. raLARGEST AND CHEAPEST assort tof gold pens constantly on hand. Every pea sold is warranted six months. Call at n 02.3 BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. • AFULL ASSORTMENT of Albums at re duced prices, at Beripor's Cheap Bookstore. n 023 CRANBERRTP4S.-A neW lot just received -- at • WM. M. Get AY & CO., Mouser and Lochman's old stand, Market square.) no3o-tf DRIED FRUITS.—A fine lot just received at W. M. GRAY & CO., (Houser and Lochman's old stand, Market square.). uolletr MINCE MEAT! MINCE MEAT ! —New home made Mince Meat for sale by. WM. M. GkAY & C 0.,. (Hauser and Leaman's old stand, Market square.) noBo-ti • SWEET .CIDER! SWEET CIDER!—Pure sweet cider just received this morning at WM. M. GRAY it CO., (Houser and. Leaman's old stand, Market square.) n0304f PORT MONNAIES. AFULL ASSORTMENT of pOrtmonuaies, money purses, currency holders, dm, at Bergper's Cheap Bookstore. no2a HENRY REGAN'S Steam Engine and Machine Shop, WITH ST., BETWEEN WALNTIT AND MARKET (J. C. MaSea Old Stand. ) Pundersigned having taken the above e Shop , respectfully solicits a share of the public pa tint.. Pattiodar attention will be paid to repairing of Steam Regime, and all kinda of machinery. All work will re WV' my persona attention, and satisfaction guaranteed sepia dly Valuable Building Lot For Sale, QITUATED ON THIRD STREET, NEA[ North, 21 feet front, and 131 feet deep, matting tot foot alloy. The lot will be sold cheap and on eas , lams. brqdtrelliTHlS OFFICE. . ~„ ~. . , kw.2odtf— .. reQOKET 'BOOKS, BITCYSHIN PURSES POSTRIMNNAI3B, and a general variety of LEA. 2 GOOD% received at - BZIKINFA'S wog eroxi. RAILROADS. Northern Central It WINTER TIME TABLE. OPENING OF THE PRANOH tO ERIE FOUR TRAINS DAILY TO AND ZiBOM BALTIMORE WASHINGY.ON CITY. Connections made with trains onPentisy lvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. FOUR TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna,Pennsylvanla and Erie, Elmira, and all of Northern New. York • OAT and after MONDAY, NOV. 7th,! 1864. the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Rellway will arrive at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, viz: SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 10.40 A. C. leaves Harrisburg 130 P.• Y. arrives at Baltimore 6.45 r. REPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 11_45 P. C. " leaves Harrisburg (except Monday) 2.60 A. st. " arrives at Baltimore daily (except Monday) 7;00 A. a HAXIIISBIIRG ACCOMMODATION leaves Mar burg .. 7.46 A. M SUNDIIitY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun- . bury daily (except Sun day) at... c....: .-. 1.80 A. a PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAlN.leaves Sunbury daily; (except 4 • Sundays,) at 9 06 P. s NORTHWARD. MALI. TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except. Sunday) 9.20 A. a .. . . - ~ leaves Harrhibtirg....,.. ....... 1.45 P. M. o arrives RV-Sunbury ' 4.29 v. K. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore dai1y...,... 5.30 P. X. o arrives at Harrisburg ' 1.50 A. X leaves Harrisburg daily (ex cept Monday) • .2.10 A. K. " arrives at Sunbury 5.12 A. K. ERIE EXPRESS TRAIN leaveS Baltimore daily (except Sivurdays) at 7 ; 30 P. M. . leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays)=•at 12.35 A. M. • it arrives at Sunbury at 3.25 a. za HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Bal. timore daily (except Sun• • day) ' 8.00 r. ti arrives at Harrisburg 7 60 P. Y. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION loaves Harris- burg daily (except Sunday) at 4 /0 P. Y. " The Erie Express and Philadelphia Express are through train's to and from Erie and all intermediate pointa. Hail kind Express trains run through to Elmira. For further information apply at the Office, in Pennsyl vania Railroad Depot. J. N. DoDARRY, Harrisburg, Oct. 30, 1804.-dtf Glen. Supt. Lebanon Valley Branch • OF PHILADELPHIA & READING R. R is Winter arrangement of Passsenger Trains from Harrisburg, NOVEMBER 7, 1864. THREE DAILY TRAINS FOR NEW YORK. No I.EXPRESS at 8:00 Am, Arr. at N. York at 10:00 ./L M No BYAST, at .8:15 Am, «_ " 2:45 r at No TWAIL at 1:45 P at , . " " 9:20 P The above connect. closely with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad from Pittsburg and the West. FOR PHILADELPHIA. I2D POTTSVILLE The 3:00' A:a Express connects at Reading with the Reading Accommodation Train, arriving at Philadelphia at 9:25 A ' No's 3 and? connect at Reading for Potts ville, Tamaqua, Allentown, Philadelphia, &c. arriving at the 14tter point at 1:20 and 7:05 eat,and at Pottsville at 12:35 noon and 7:45 r n . WAY TEAM FOR LOCAL TRAVEL. Number 5 Mail at 7:25 A is, stopping at all points, and making same connections at Reading as number 9. Number 9, Harrisburg Accommodation, at 4:40 s stopping at all points, arriving at Reading at MO P M. RETORITLYO TRAINS LEANT: AS FOLLOWS Neat York—Number 2 FAST at 0:00 A M; number 4 EXPRESS at 7: 00 P M, and number 6 MAIL at 12:00 :4. Philadelphia-8:00 A M and 8:30 P M. Pottsville-8:50 a m and 2:35 P x. Reading—Number .1 EXPRESS 12:00 midnight; num ber 10 ACCOMMODATION 7:35 An; number 8 MAIL 10:464m; number 2 FAST 1:38 P ; number 6 MAIL 6:05 P x. Passengers for Lebanon Valley Railroad Way Stations will take trains number 5,9, 6, and 10, as the other trains stop only at Lebanon and principal Sratione Baggage checked through. For tickets or other in formation apply to • J. J. CLYDE, no 4 General Agent, Harrisburg. non 1864. Philadelphia and Erie Rail , . . . ' Road. • THIS Great Line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. • It has been leased by the PENNSYLVANIA Raromen COM *ANY, and is operated by them Its entire length was opened for passenger and freight business October 17, 1864. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG. Leave Eastward. • Mail .Train' 11:45 Elmira Express Train 2:50 A la ITlLlltiamsport Accommodation 1:30 P X Leave Westward. • Mail Train.... Elmira Expren !ME Williatnsport 3Sccommodation. Pastßenger cars ran through on Mail trains without change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimore and Erie. Elegant sleeping cars on Elmira Express trains both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore. For information respecting passenger business apply at the corner 30th and Market streets, Philadelphia. And for Freight business of the Company's agents: S. A. Kingston, Jr.,. corner 30th and Market streets, Philadelphia. ' J. W. Reynolds, Erie. J. K. Drill, Agent N C RR, Baltimore. H. A. HUSTON, Genera Freight Agent, PlittacPu. H. W. GWINNER, General Ticket Agent, Philad'a. JOS. a POTTS, • oc2odly General Manager, Williamsport. CUMBERLAND YALLE V FRAN KL 1 N ykrs.: pluk- a ll ' A ALF . 111M11111MINM RAIL . R D S 1 - I.IILINGE OF HOURS.-70n . and after Mon k,/ day, October 31, 1884, POSISINVOT trains will rue daily, follows, (Sundays excepted:) YOR CHAMBRRSBURG 4ND HARRISBURG: A. X. P. W. Leave liage.restown ' 7.00 2.4E1 " Greencastle 7.87 8.88 Arrive at ........ 8.17 4.20 Otoonboraburg, Leave at • - 8.80 12.65 Loma Shippensoarg 7 9.00 1.28 " Nowvillo ..„. „........„ 9.82 2.00 " Carlisle 6.80 10.10 2.46 " MechanicThum 7.00 10 41 8.16 Arrive at Harrisburg • 730 11.15 8.45 POJA ORAMBERRBILVG AND HAGRRETOWN: M. P.X. P. M. Leave Harrisburg 8.05 1.40 415 " Mechanicsburg 8.47 2.20 4.60 " Carlisle ...... . 9.27 2.58 6.15 " Newville 10.02 8.84 —... RUPP9 l okarg 10.83...4 rive at 11.00 4 . 86 Chambersburg, { Ar Leave at, ~, ,,,,,,,,,11.10 4.45 Leave Oreecastle 11.55 5.85 Arrive at Hagerstown ............ .. . 12.38 0.15 sir **big close connections at Harrisburg with trains for Phl.ls6elphia, New York and Pittsburg ; sod with trains for all points West. ,The Train leaving Harr:ll36nm at 4.15 P. it, nu t s ITr4s far is Carlisle. 0. N. LULL, Rapt, R, Oiii Clhambersbutg, Oct. 81, 18041. y T ins for sale on the corner of Third and jaßroad greets, EaTitte of W/t. 0, KOADARN marikW 1864. 12:35 A M 2:30 A M 1:45 P X AND RAILROADS. Pennsylvania Rail Road ! k4-1I _p../4411 . kik AZ' Xrll,l7:llft.-Iliglilk •a 7 WINTER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM FITTT.ADEDELPHIA AND PITTSBURG. ILONDAY, October 31, 1864, THE Passenger Tram= of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from Harrrisbarg, and arrive at Philadelphia end Pittsburg as follows: EASTWARD. THROURIEXPRES2 TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 2.45 A. at., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 8.55 A. m. FAST LLNE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 8.00 A. a., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.40 P. M. Passengers take breakfast at Harrisburg. RAIL TRAIN . leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 1.30 P. n., and arrives at Wan Philadelphia at 6.85 P. I PITTSBIIRO AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 11.55 P.' X., and airives at West. Philadelphia at 4.20 A. N. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Har risburg daily (except Sundays) at 4.00 P. Y., and arrives at, West Philadelphia at 9.30 P. IL This train has no connectionfrom the West. coLumtne ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Harris burg daily (except Sundays) at 7. A. M., and arrives at Lancaster at 9.15 A. N., connecting (except on Mondays) with the Fast Lina east. WESTWARD PITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 12.35 A. K, Altoona a. 50 A. m., take breakfast, and aerive at Pittsburgat 12.40 r. H. BALTIMORE EXPRESS. TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.25 A. M.' Altoona, 8.15 A. K., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 P. H. THROUGH EXPRESS. leaves Harrisburg daily at 8.25 A. M. Altoona at 8./5 a: M.i take breakfast and arrives at Pittsburg at 140 P. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 4.00 P. 31. ; Altoona at 9;10 P. M.; take sapper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 100 A. Y. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at L4O P. X.; Altoona at 1.55 P. x., take supper, and ar rives at Pittsburg at 1.30 P. H. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION wee Cleaves Lancaster at 11.20 A, M., connecting there with the Mail west; leaves Mount Joy as 11.51 a. re , and arrives at Harrisburg at 1.00 P. SPECIAL NOTICE THE HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN from Pittsburg, which arrives at Harrisburg at 6 30 P. x., stops there, passengers for East of Harrisburg lay over until 11.1.6 P. M. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. /fiddle Diu Pkyan'a li. R. Harrisburg, Out. 27, 1364.-dtt READING .RAILROAD. WIN TERARRANGEBIENT, NOVEMBER 7th, 1864. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE NORTH and Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, , &c. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as follows : .At 3.00 and 8.15 A. at. and 1.45 r. ar., arriving at New York at 10.00 A m. and 2 45 and 10.00 P. N. The above connect with similar Trains on the Pennsyl vania Railroad, and Sleeping Cars accompany the first two Trains witnout change. Leave for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, blinersville, Allentown and Philadelphia at 8.15 s. at and 1.45 r. at. stopping at Lebanon and principal Stations only. Way Trains, stopping at all points, at 7.25 A. M. and 4.40 P. M. Returning : Leave New York at 9.00 A. at., 12A.0 noon, and 7.00 p. at Phi iadelphia at 8.00 A. at. and 3.30 r. m.; Pottsville at 8.50 A. at. and 2. 55 r. at.; Tamaqua at 810 A. m. and. 2-15 P. or., and Reading at 12.00 midnight, 7.35 and 10.45 A. at., 138 and 6.05 P. at. Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves Reading at 6,30 A. at., returning from Philade phia at 4,30 P. ar. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at, 6.40 and 11.00 A. m. for Ephrata, Litiz, Columbia, dc. • On Sundays : Leave New York at 703 P. as., Philadel phia 3 15 p. nt , Pottsville 7 30 A. at., Tainaqua 7 10 A. 31., Harrisburg 8 15 A. at., and Pleading at 12 00 midnight, for Harrisburg. Commutation. Mileage, doszne, School, and Factwilon lictrets to and from all points, at seduced rates. Baggage checked through : 80 pounds allowed each passenger. 4t. A. I?.I.I.LAJLLS, Reading, Pa., November 3. 1861. no2l MISCELLANEOUS. When will Wonders- Cease"! THE GREAT REMEDVI:IF THE WORLD ! DR. McBREDE'S - KING OF PAIN ILL cure any ache or pain in from one to sixty minutes I • • ' It acts like • magic upon the 'absorbent and glandular systems, reducing swellings and regulating the secretions and excretions. - It is of a diffusive, penetrating nature, exerts its influence from the periphery to the centre of the nervous organism, thence by reflex action its power is felt throughout the entire system, restoring the circu lating fluids and checking disease with invincible strength. THE KING OF PAIN IS INFALLIBLE! No matter what the pain, apply the medicine and you will find instant relief. It is an internal and external cure. THE KING OF PAIN Cures almost instantaneously, Headache, Earache, Neu ralgia, Deafness, Sore Throat, Colds, Bronchial Alikelions, Asthma,;Dyspesia Diarrhoea , Dysentery or Bloody Flu; Liver Complaint, kidney Disease, Diseases of the Bladder and Genital Organ; Cramp, Cholic and all spasmodic pains, Fever and Ague, Bunis,.Bruises,Cuts, Spraini and wounds of every description . It proves itself the mastery, as the testimony of tlionsand.sprove Its ineritorious worth. Sold, wholesale and retail, by S. A. lEUNKEL druggists, Sole Agents, 118 Market street, Harrisburg. SOLDIERS READ! The following letter from a soldier, in reference to the efficacy and powerful restorative qualitities of DR. Ma- BRIDE'S KING OE' PAIN, speaks for itself NI/WV/LEI , CtrEN4RI.Pa , P . , , tSNTY7 . , Sept. 14, lot& Messrs. .8: A. Kunkel ct Rro.,'druggists; Harrisburg, Pa . : GENTS would inform you that I received the bottles of Mcßride's Great Pain Hiller, and enclosed please find five dollars mere, for which send me live bottles addition al to-morrow. I leave for camp to-morrow. Let me know whether you can supply'me with it in the army. I am in Company H, 202 d Regiment P. V . I have been in very bad health for upwards of four years, and two of the One-dollar bottles have 'cured me completely, and have made me feel like a gm. Besides, I have cured a num ber of my comrades Of various diseases incident to camp. life, and can recommend it to be the best medicine the soldier can provide for himself. Yours respectfully, JOE. E. WHITE. say-All orders from a distance promptly' attended to by S. A. KUNKEL ei BRO. • ' .A HOME CERTIFICATE. The following certificate le from a well-known , citizen of Harrisburg : Renatenuno, Atte-80, 1864. To Tax PC'S= gives me great pleasure to recom mend to the public the medicine prepared by DR. J. J. MoBRIDR, which he calls the " KING OF FAIN." I was induced to use it as an external remedy fora bruise, which it relieved immediately, mid subsequently Oozed entirely. Its success induced me to use it internally for Diarrhoea, with Which I was alticted in a chrome form for nearly eighteen months, and to such arr• extent that my kidneys were Seriously deranged. The medicine has cured me, and certainly that is saying a great deal in its favor, when I reflect how* many other remedies I tried without experi encing anything but temporary relief. For my taut, I shall always , keep a supply of it in my house, believing as I do that it is a moat invaluable family medicine. DANIEL E. WILT. The unexampled sale of this medicine protes it to be the most wonderful discovery of 'the age in the medical art. The:undersigned are the sole agents for the State, and will supply it wholesale and retail. - - S. A; BUNKS L & BRO., Druggists, seplsl llB Market street, Harrisburg, SOMETRING NEW I MYER PRINEAS' PATENT AIR TIGHT INK S:T A: 11 D For sale at Schaffer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. set: ML S. A. KINKEL :- Sir :—.I take pleasure in stating that your "DIARRHEA MIXTURE" exceeds anything of the kind that I ever imagined. I was very much troubled with diarrhoea, and could find nothing to help me in the least, until I took your "IILSTUItE. I give you this certificate, hoping that, if you see proper no use it, it may be the means of extending a knowledge of - the Matchless value of yob: medicine. ,Very.rergiectfnily-yours, B. Aunnirs. Fallen Timber, Cambria Co., Aug. 27, 1864.—fau30-dif • L uma PHOTOGRAPHS. E assortment o: - Photog raphs of A. Ouargla and fan , tonnes for sale CHKAP at Ft per doses, at BERtS BOOK STORE, lane itarriabroN NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS ! jIIST RECEIVED, The Old Flag, published by American Sundy School Union. The Daughter at Home, do do Margaret, The Young Wire, do do The Old Stone Farm House, do do The Tattler, cr Patty Steele, do do Sister Alice's Stories, do do Hese Bryant, do do Ben Ross, do do Book of 100 Pictures, do do Mother's Gift, do do Honey Drops, do do Small Rain upon the Tender Herb, do Emily Chester, by a Lady of Baltimore—cloth. The Lost Heiress, by Mrs. D. E. N. Southwortb India, or Pearl River, do The Curse of Clifton, do The Gypsey's Prophecy, . do The Fatal Marriage do Retribution, d o Tne Wife's Victory, do Lady of the Isle, do Love's Labor Won, do The Missing Bride, do The Three Beauties, do The Two Sisters, do The Bridal Eve, do The Haunted Homestead, do The Discarded Daughter,. do The Deserted Wife, do Vivie, Secret of Power, do The Mother in Law, do Love and Ding, by Hubback. Young Crusoe, or Adventures or a Shipwrecked Boy, by Dr. Barley. Ga,4cogne the Sandalwood Trader, a Tale of the Pacific, by R. M. Ballaatyne. Cliff Climbers, by Capt. Wayne Reid. Twice Told Tales—Blue and gold; by Hawthorne. Bayard Taylor's Poems—Blue and gold. Laughing Gas, or Encyclopedia of Wit, Wisdom and Wind, price 75 Railway Anecdote Book, do 60 The 45 Guardsmen and their Adventures, by Alexander Dumas, . price 76 Chas. O'Malley, the Irish Dragoon, by Chas. Lever, 75 Adelaide Waldgrave, or the Trials or a Governess, 50 Mysteries of the Three Cities, by A . J. H Duganne, 50 Adventures of Peregrine Picle, by Tobias Smollet, El D., 2 vole., price 100 The Quaker City, by Geo. Lippard, 2 vols., do 100 Legends of American Revolution, do do 100 Divorced Wife, by T. S. Arthur, - do 25 . Debtors' Daughter, . do do 25 Pride and Prudence, do do 25 Love in a Cottage, do • . do 25 Love in High Life, do do 25 The Monk, by M. G. Lewis, M. P., do 26 Insubordination, or Shoemaker's Daughter, by T. S. Arthur, • do 2.5 Two Brides, do do 25 Lady, at Home, do do 25 Year After Marriage, do . do 25 Banker's Wife, do ' do 25 Lucy Sandford, ' do . do 25 Orphan Children, do do 25 Cecilia Howard, do . do 25 Agnes. or Possessed, do do 25 Mary Moreton, • do do 25 Two Merchants, do do 25 Iron Rule, do - do 25 Rose Warrington, by Charles J Peterson, do 25 Valley Farm, by A. J. H. Duganne, do . 25 Ladder of Lite, by Amelia B. Edwards, do 50 Denis Duval, by W. AL Thackaray, do 50 Wile's Evidence, by W. G, Wills, do 50 Maurice Dering, by tho author of Guy Living- stone, do 50 Under the Ban, by Le Mandit, do $1 26 Small House at Allington, by Anthony Trollope, 125 Together with a large assortment of books suitable for children, for sale at SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, 21 South 2d street, :Harrisburg, Pa. All new books received as soon as published. n 022 SELLIf OUT LOW . OUR STOCK OF LIQUORS WEintend to discontinue the sale of Li quors and offer our stock at a very small advance . from cost price. We have purchased all our Liquors be fore the last rise and have a large stock on hand for three or four yeam, which are guaranteed cannot be purchased now at any prico from the importers Our stock consists of wEr. xsni s, of all grades. narWe have parts of three barrels pure BYE, not colored, and 10 degrees above proof; 2% years old. WINES of all Grades, Domestic and Imported. BRANDIES. We have part of % cask KFNNESSEY BRANDY, to which we invite the particular attention of fatiallice for medicinal purposes. The Brandy cannot be bought to-day, from Importers, less than $ll per gallon. We will sell It for $l2 por gal ion. SCOTOB. AND ENGLISH ALES, CHAMPAGNE WINES, CLARETS, &C. Ws invite the inspection of Hotel Keepers and Liquor Merchants generally, as we intend to cell, without re servo, all our Liquors, and this will be a good opportu nity for bargains: twa. ;Oil ,6'u A. Wit 4 VCR S. R. BOYD CABINET FURNITURE. HAVING COMPLETED OUR NEW AND COMMODIOUS WARE-ROOMS, We offer to the public the largest and BEST ASSORTMENT OF FURNITURE To'be found outside of Philadelphia, at VERY MODE RATE PRIDM JAMES R. BOYD & SON. no4d3m] New Ware-rooms, 29 South Second st. CALIFORNIA BRANDY AND WINES FOR MEDICAL USE. WE DESIRE to call especial attention to the PORT WINE as being superior to any of the kind in market for invalids, R.SLJ.NR'S Drug and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Market street. oct2B Valuable Property at Private Sale. TAF, Valuable Property, corner of Front and Walnut streets, late the estate of Henry Stew art, deceased, is offered at private sale. For further par ticulars inquice or William J. Stees, on the premises. JAMES STEWART, HENRY STEWART, no3dt. Executors. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER ! ! A SPLENDID VARIETY of Wall Paper, A 'Borders, Window Blinds and Shades for sale camp at nehelfer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa., sign of the Holdeb Eagle. nob NO. 1 COAL OIL, VP! the Barrel, gallon or quart. Good choice Pickles by the carrel, hundred or dozen. Also, pure Cider Vinegar, in large or small quantity, at nor JOHN IVLSZN ,i..tore, Third and WaMut. TO THE LADtRS. IVOCIR attention id called to the splendid astortment of Extra Note Paper, Envelopes, and fine btationery at SCHEFEER'S Booknore, . . . eept2o 31 South Second street, Harrisburg, Penn. FME GROCERIES of all kinds, at reduced prices, at SHISLER & FRAZER'S FAMILY GROCERY opposite the Court House. B" Prayer Books, Hymn Books, of all denomination; in different atylea and at different pncee, at SCHEFIM'S Bookstore, sein 2ti 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Peons iSSECTED ALPHABET BLOCKS, D for sale at Botteffees Bookstore, 21 South Second etreet;ltlarrisburg, Pa. ootl ECONOMY MESS SIIAD.—We received a fresh let this morning, at wolf. 0 BUYER & BEEPER'S CRANBERRIES. N.; . net received, a very fine lot of Cranberries, at eca SHISLER & FRAZER. CGBSE da BLACKWELL'S ENGLISH PICILLES, a rare article for table use, just received and for mile by SHISLER do FRAZEE, febl: (succeseors to Wm. Dock, jr., & Co.) SAP SAGO OREESE—A small but fresh lot of choice SAP SAGO CHEESE, just received this morning, at SHISLER ir FRAZER'S. -SALLION.—Fine salt Salmon, at *.R6 SHISLEIt & .FRAZZR. XTEW HOMINY at Inol] SRISLER & FRAZER'S. F RE SH PINE APPLES, hermetically sealed, just received at taillsLEß &FRAZER'S. wigs, BEEF AND TONGUES--ii fresh AA. 'mate at Nal sgtISLKR tit FRAIRIVii. fIIIEESE.--Choice . new crop Cheese, fast. _.); egimiend at 11091 EIIOYFIK ft KORMAN. 1 0 /WIT of aal kluds at Val4l • DOUR KOZIOI2I. D. W. GROSS & CO. D. W. GROSS a; CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MARKET STREET, 11481113.917120, PA DRUGOISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS We are daily adding to oar assortment or goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your attention to the largest and beet selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND PAINTS, Oils, Vainliktes Dye-Ikea, elan and Putty, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine Oils, PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, **looted from the beat rashoteofurere and Perfumer* et Europe and this country Bebig very lone dollen In PAINTS, WHITE' LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VAENIBIIES, IRTISPH BRUMES IN ALL THEM VARIETIES, *a respectfully invite a call, feeling conflctect that wa esu a apply the warall of an on tonne to tboir satterut TEETH ! TEETH ! ! IONE& AND WHITER PORCELAIN TEEM P. K. BOYD. of nil kinds, direct from the Proprietors kIAt'ONIFEkR 6.N1) IJONCENTRATED LIE eirbolessle Agents for Se.pniller ; wbicit we sell u low h can be purohme9 In the cities VIIATTR'S lIRDIOAL FLUID EZTRACTS GOAL OIL 1 OARBOtI OIL I Being large purehaaera in these Oita we can oiler In dueementa to close buyers. Cool Ctil Lamps of the most Improved *term, very cheap. All kind,' of Lamp,' cbanged to burn ()old Oil, FARMERS AND GRAZIERS. Thom of you who hive not given onr ROME AND CAT TLE POWDERS 'a trial know not their superionty, and the advantage they ate in keeping Hortee and Cattle healthy and In a good Condition, Thousands oh testify to the poet they have derived from the nee of ow. Cattle Powders, by the haresisediquan ty and quality of milk, besides !minoring the general health and appearance of their cattle Ora long experience In the buninese givea no the adren tago of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our ar- rangernenta In the Dines are such that we can, In a very short time, tarnish plaything appertaining to our huffiness, ou the best of terms Tankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a con tlnnance of the favor of a discriminating pnblia ap164117 SACHET POWDER, NMI PERFUMING LINEN 41W PILEVSNTIN.O MOM POWDER—a compound of valuable riPtlcles foe the destruction of inseinstributed among or dusted over rsue Woolens, Carpets, gowns, dm, packed away for summer, - will effectuany prevent moth. Being also 'delightful, dlliturable perfume it will LW pregnote clothing, dot., with a lasting and pleasant odor. Tho neat fabric cannot be injured by its use. Prepared and sold at SELLER'S I:We i gand Taney Goods Store, No. 91 Market street OILS. —4O boxes fine table 11 out of the best Importations for sale, wholesale and retail, by SHISLEIt & FRAZSR, my 6 eucemeors to W. Dock, Jr., & 00 QMOKED BEEF.—A choice lot of Midi°. 17 noes Dried Beer, last received at SHISLEB h lal7, Baceasozete Dock. re% . Mika= RIO AND LiGUIRA oomm km tem 1 1 4710 MOM& NO. 19 SrleVe Colors and Tools, Firm around Spices, Wales, Vials and Lamp Globes, Csathe Soap, Sponges and Corks, &a., &a., &a., With a general variety of WINDOW GLASS, IRTIDT'B COLORS, PAINT AND COLORS 11 , 111 BRONZES OP ALL KINDS. PATNAT MEDICINES, AND HAIR ItEBTORATIVES, Pow,ni:i AMCELLANEOUS. M'FA DDEN'S MARBLE YARD CORNER OF WALNUT AND FIFTH STRUM Harrisburg, Pa. ME anderaigned having opened a Marble Yard in this city, beg leave to inform their friends and the public in general, that they are prepared to fur nish MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ERICH AB Mmunnenta, Head Stonea, Mantles, And House Work in Marble and Brown Stone, Give ue a call and we will guarantee satistactton. YTADDEN & B.—Lettering neatly none to English or German. mar'2D-dly AN ASSORTMENT Ai' OVER too :STVLES of POCKET BOOKS, PURSES AND 7PUitTDidITT N A. I It'. FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT l KEIJI/MPS Drug and Fancy Goods Store, Ai). 91 Market street. The beat MOM= TRAVELING SATLE EL And a general variety of FANCY 0001)S, suitable Present.; now on hand at KELLER'S Drug.Stere, marlo-tf No. 91 Market street. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS . • • ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Photograph .A.lbnins. BOUND in ME MOROCCO—panelled, _LP gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt clasp& ALBUMS .I.TH SO Pictures for... $3 00 40 t , 3 50 go u if 4oo together with vrrious other styles of binding, sizes and prices, which will be sold cheap. Soldier,s you cannot hay a prettier, more durable anu cheaper album. anywhere. Cal land see at SCHEFTER'S Bookstore, marl24tf Harrisburg, Pa. BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. THE FARMER BOY, and how he became Command er-in-Chief, 26 ME PIONEER BOY, and how ho became Preoldent, THE FERRY BOY, nod the Fitancler, ME PRINTER BOY, or how Boa Franklin =Lie his mark, $1 95 THE FARMER BOY, and how he became Lieuten Ent GeneraL In press. A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION, from Fort Sumter to Roanoke ; elegantly illustrated. $.l, 26 At BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, No 232 Walnut . Street, South Side, East o* Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNT OF ASSETS INCOFRORATED 1194, GA.PLTAL • CHARTER PERPETUAL. Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation In- mrcuice. ARTHUR a COFFIN, President. CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. W ILLLUVI BUEHLER, Central Agent for Pennsylvania. Office Walnut St., near Second, Harrisburg, Pa my2l-9m JUST RECEIVED, THIS MORNING, & FRESH INVOICE OF MICHENE,R & 00. , s CELEBRATED SUGAR CURED 11.A.31S AND BEEF, killiSl F3l do .FRAZER'B. my3l THE NEW BOOKS. T BLOCKS, by Gait 'gam ° ilton. Price $1 b HAUNTED HEARTS, by the author 01 'the Lamp iighter. ;2 00 DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT, by it Yarimes. SI 50 /V. BARBARA'S HISTORY, a novel, by A m on.. Edward. 80 cents THE SMALL HOUSE OF SLLLNCAON, by Trollop¢• $1 25 SEVEN STORIES, by 1k Wive", author of “Reveries of a Bachelor." • $l. 60 SPEKE'S JOURNAL etiteDiscovery of the Homes of the Nile. $3 50 viii TEE WOMA IN BLACK, by author of "Man in Gray." $1 60 NOUS OF IiCETITAL Nov. 'Ol to Aug. '63, $1 00 X. STORIES OF THE BEd, . for boys; from Cooper's smiting!. $1 00 SWARMS OF nix WOOD, for boys; from Cooper's pl. 00 writings .0 new books received as soon as publisbed at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE, 61 Market ittreeL IU-NIIVALLED CHAFALER FURNITURE t POLIsiI does not affect ,the varnish, hat resteres the original lustre. It does not discolor. It will restore, with very little labor, every finished surface, either met, or wood. All manufacturers and dealers in furnitr should use it for cleaning furniture that has been at' Ins, covered with dust. A touch and rub here and' will make it bright and fresh. For sale by there S. A. 'KUNKEL St BY Market street, Harr gui-dtt LIQUID RENNET. LIQUID RENNET yields wit}, In a t h e moat luscious of all deserts for the f abl e • the light est and most grateful diet for invallil, s an d &adieu. Milk contains every element of the to . dit y constainien , when coagulated with rennet it is always light and easy cr digestion, and supports the system - Alit the least possible excitement. When still greater ilitritive power isdeaired cream and sugar may be added. A. teaspoonful convert a quart of milk hito It firm 'curd. Prepared and sold. wholesale and retail by /3. A. IC ONKEL, ejls-ft US Market street. iiitTOßil l SYRUP. THIS INVALUABLE SYRUP, which is en- A . tirely vegetable in its amposition. has been em ployed with wonderthl success for many years in theatre rf climaxes for the Alit PANIAGEII and,LUNGS. For any form of the disease, such as COUGH, . TICKLING of the THROAT,SPITIMG OF BLOOD,DIFFICIDILT BREATHING, HOARSENESS, LOSS OF VOICE and HECTIC FEVERS, its use will be attended with the happiest results. It is one of the best and safest medicines for all forms of BBON CHITS and CONSITHYTION. bo laudanum or prcoura- Hop of Opium in any shape iraihis syrup. PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE. For sale at BRRGNER'S Cheap Book Store GUM PECTORALS are useful to soothe a cough, allay Tickling in the Throat, to relieve Hoarseness, Catarrh, Sore Throat, gm They contain Ooitefoot, Horehound, Ipecaceanha, Senega and Squill, (the moat reliable expectorants known,) are the chief ac tive constituents, ao blended with Gum Arabia and Sugar, that sack lozenge contains a mild'and very pleasant dcao. Manufactured solely by S. A. KUNKEL St Bitet, ian27 Apothar.aries. 119 Market street. Harrisburg. VISITING, WEDDING, INVITATIOX AND AT ROY& CARDS.—By a special arrangeranse with one of the best pavers in the country, cards et any description will• , m , nted In the highest style of art, conformable with the latest fashion, and supplted promptly, at lower prices than are charged by the stanam . ors in New York or Philadelphia. For samples and pesos Call at BERRNRIVS BOOK:STORE. mchtl4lll • - • A, NEW iIIVOiCe of Ificheuer's celebrated. ma; Es* Ju recoirod tlnsmonV wi MAW, lyvt - Prrnsi to W: Ds*. =I 0,E58,84% 64 $600,000
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers