Pennsylvania telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1864-1864, December 07, 1864, Image 2

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    Pa 4 'Ctlegrapt
President Lincoln's Fourth Annual Mes-
We issued in our morning and reprint in our
afternoon edition, the fourth annual message
of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United
States. Its brevity will commend it to the
perusal of the general reader, while the frank
and unostentatious manner with which it
discussed the various topics within the range
of its notice, cannot fail to render it (mmpre-
hensible to every man in the country. Its
epigramatio style forbids anything like a.
synopsis, and we must therefore content our
selves with a reference to it as a whole, with
out any attempt at a condensation of its fea
In the opening of his message, the Presi
dent assures the country that our foreign re
lations are reasonably satisfactory. Every
Governnient in the wdrld, with the least pre
tensions to Republicanism, undisguisedly
sympathizes with the efforts of the Federal
authorities to crash the slave-holders' rebel
lion. There is sOmething significant as well
as impressive in this fact, Its significance is
increased by another fact, namely, that those
of the monarchial governments of the world,
the authorities representing a purely aristo
cratic or despotic form of Government, which
do not directly afford aid and sympathy to the
slave-holders in rebellion, refuse to exercise
a just neutrality by seeking in every posSible
way to embarrass the Government of the Uni-
ted States. From these facts it can be infer
red that great skill and sagacity were requir
ed to manage our diplomatic relations. The
Government, yielding none of its dignity nor
surrendering any of its rights, has success
fully managed to counteract the secret machi
nations as well as defeat the open plots of our
foreign enemies to add to our embanasstnents
in the•etruggle with a base and causeless in-
surrection. And it is sanguinely anticipated
that these relations with our true friends, the
Republicans . of the world, will be t undisturb
ed; while as we succeed in vindicating and
exhibiting our power as a nation, foreign
Governments heretofore and now against TIP,
will change their attitudes and obey the ne
eessities which control the world, by no
quiesciug in results they cannot change. The
Financial affairs of the nation are justly de
scribed as occupying a basis of good security.
The great fact that our debt is an indebted
nags which we owe ourselveS, will prevent it
from ever becoming a burden, In the language
of the President, "men readily perceive that
they cannot be much oppressed with n debt
which they owe themselves." And this is the
real character of our indebtedness: The
people owe it to the people. Instead of being
a drawback to the nation, it will become
hereafter its real bond of strength. We ear
nestly commend this portion of the message
to the careful consideration of the people. Its
suggestions in reference to a uniform curren
cy—its solicitude for the prompt payment of
pensions—its recommendations on the subject
of exempting a certain amount of bonds from
taxation and seizure for debt, are all of the
highest impCrtanCe, and should all be well
pondered by every man in the country. There
Gan be no mistaking the assurance, that the
resources of the country are of a character
forever to prevent the national debt from be
coming a burden to labor,
Our military and naval ' affairs are next
briefly adverted to and shown to be in a most
cheering condition. Every line occupied by
our armies since the last annual message, has
been extended, the enemy dri'en from his
securest positions, and important territory
wrested from his grasp, until he is now con
fined within limits where his complete subju.
gation has been reduced to a mere matter of
time. Already have the results of the war
exhibited the utter folly of the struggle on
the part of the slave master. Old slave States
are abolishing slavery— new States are decla
ring for freedom--and a free sentiment is be
ing created where, four years ago, to speak of
liberty was to invite death. All this prognos
ticates the final and complete overthrow of
slavery in all the States where it is now legal
ized, and the speedy redemption of the Union
from the barbarous disgrace which now tar
nishes its escutcheon.
—ln conclusion, Mr. Lincoln reiterates the
resolution which distinguished the policy of
his administration during the past four years
in reference to rebellion. The slave-holders'
rebellion is to be put down, regardless of the
cost or the hazards involved in the effort.
The authority of the land must and shall be
vindicated. To compromise with treason
would be to sap the foundations of our na
tional existence. To yield a single demand to
insurgents with arms in their hands, would
be to admit the validity of their claims as
well as acknowledge the weakness of the Gov
eminent. Relying on the support of the peo
ple, and believing in their valor, the President
is determined to prosecute the war until he
wrenches obedience from traitors and estab
lishes the , complete peace of the country.
—We repeat our commendation of the
message. Its wisdom, sagacity and statesman
ship will favorably impress the real lover of
the country; while the thorough patriotism of
its sentiments and the•*dent Americanism
of its spirit, show plainly that the- prestige,
glory, credit and prosperity of the country
will never suffer while Abraham Lincoln repre
sents the Government..
Farnaras, you are required to report to the
S. Assessors all cattle, hogs, 'calves and
sheep which Yon slaughter for sale.' The tax
on each bead of horned orittle,4o cents ; on
each hog, /0 eents, on each calf, 5 cents, 'and
on each sheep 6 Ninth.' Report must be made
during the first ten days:of each month. Per
sons failing to make ri>#l.l7kB.o4 Pf3quixed by
law, subject themselves to a severe penalty,
EfAXEISBURO, December 7, 1864.
'A`he Electoral College of Pennsylvania met
in the Senate Chamber this day at twelve
On motion, the Hon. MORTON 11,1'bitcELLEL,
of Philadelphia, was chosen- President of the
Mr. M'MICIfICEL having been conducted to
the chair, rose and said: • • •
We have met to-day, gentlemen of the Elec
toral College. for the performance of an an
gust duty. Under all circumstances the de-
termination, by a great commonwealth, of
questions affecting its largest interests is of
grave importance, .and it is especially so when
the result of that determination may involve
its very existence. -Recently. our State, in
common with her loyal sister States, has been
called upon to meet this very emergency—to
solve by her action political problems alike
awful in their immediate influence and their
remoter consequences—and it is to give prac
tical efficacy to what she has done in the pre
mises that we have been deputed by our fel
low-citizens : I erasure that each of yon feels,
as I do, the magnitude of the trust reposed
1n us
It is no exaggeration to assert that no peo
ple were ever before called upon to pronounce
upon issues, so vast and vital to themselves,
and so world-wide and all-embracing in their
relations to others, as those which were pre
sented to the people of the United States on
the Bth of last November. The present des
tiny of the model republic of the earth— the
future destiny of millions now living in dis
tant regions, andr millions yet to be born in
the coming ages, were then to be decided.
Who shall complain if we boast that never
was a public opinion formed more thought
fully and wisely, or a public award proclaimed
more resolutely and calmly? The El pectaele
of that memorable day was, indeed, full of
moral sublimity. In the midst of an unpar
alleled excitement, after all that was mean and
sordid and mercenary in our frail human na
tures had been constantly solicited, and when
evil passions had been goaded to their fiercest
extremity, men quietly repaired to the polls,
and there, without tumult or turbulence, set
tled questions which had for months—yea,
for years—intensely agitated all minds and
bosoms; and, by their violent disturbance,
shaken our civil and social fabrics to their
very centres.
I say settled, gentlemen, because from that
day's decision there can be no appeal. It was
no hasty, impulsive•or unconsidered conclu
sion, but a sober, solemn and deliberate judg
ment. All the issues had been fairly made
up; all the pleadings carefully prepared; all
the evidence thoroughly examined; all the
arguments closely canvassed. In the .broad
blaze of the intellectual noon of the nineteenth
century, while every civilized nation looked on
with earnestattention, before the - majestic tri
bunal of a self-governing people. the imposing
trial was had whether freedom, humanity and
progress should be our onward guides to the
future, or whether, resuming the exploded
forms of a corrupt and imbecile past, and con-
senting to be again marshalled by the debased
apostles of effete and cruel institutions, we
should relapse into barbarism. Let God be
praised that the tribunal was equal to the
mighty work assigned to it, for never was
verdict more complete, deserved and emphatic
than that which was rendered. rkr
I do not propose to roopen the controversy
which, so tar as the great mass of the Ameri
can people are concerned, was thus finally
closed. As a preliminary, however, to the
votes we shall directly cast, it may not be
amiss briefly to state the significance which,
as I understand it, the citizens of Pennsylva
nia, in whose behalf we are to speak, attach
to the record we are about to make.. That
record is intended to show:
That, as the southern rebellion was. com
menced, and has been continued, utterly
without justification, the war it has ` compel- ,
led us to wage must be prosecuted, at what
ever cost, until the treason has been wholly
subdued, and the flagrant traitors signally
That the Union, in support of which the
loyal portion of the American people are con
tending, is, in the highest sense, a national
Union, and can never be sundered upon any
assumption of States rights, or upon any pre
text of States wrongs.
That, as slavery, through its baleful agen
cies, provoked, promoted and now sustains
the rebellion, and from its very essence cannot
coexist with republican government, therefo*
the peace for which we are struggling, as weT3
as the future honor, dignity and safety of the
nation, demand its total extirpation:
That, as means to !this end, not less than
for reasons more instant and urgent, the pro
clamations and other m ensure of emancipation
adopiod by the national Administration,
whether through its civil or its military in
strumentalities, have been just and'neoessary,
and that to remove all further difficulty the
national constitution should be so amended
as to prohibit involuntary servitude, except
for crime, on all soil now occupied by any of
the United States and in all the territory
now belonging to or henceforth to be acquired
by them.
There can be no doubt, I think, that these
propositions were sanctioned and accepted
by the people of this Commonwealth. 'at the
recent election; there can be no doubt, I am
confident, that their suffrages on that occasion
*ere meant to testify their gratitude, respect
and esteem for the good and faithful magis
trate whom they have a second time aided' in
calling to preside over the nation. I believe.that nowhere, not even in his own cherished ,
Illinois, where he has been so long. known
and loved, is there entertained for Mr. Lin
coln a warmer or more affectionate attach
ment than that which we. Pennsylvanians feeL
His honesty, his tenderness, his benevolence,
his geniality, have won our kindliest regard
for his personal character, while his sagacity,
his foresight, his steadiness of purpose, his,
remarkable aptitude for business, his large
comprehension of affairs, his uncomplaining
endurance of labors such as few besides him.,
self have been called to undergo, and his un.
wearying patience under trials which none
besides himself could have borne with equa
nimity, have secured our strongest admira
tion for his qualities as a statesman and his
capacity as a ruler. Having faith alike in his
skill and his integrity, wherever he has of
fered to lead we havebeen content to follow—
advancing as he advanced, pausing when he
paused—and events have vindicated our rell
ance. Weighed in the balance of an enlight
ened patriotism, he has not been found want
iug by a single scruple; measured by the
standard of eminent public service, he rises
to the loftiest height and presents the finest
proportions. •
At this very hour, gentlemen, in all , the
parts of this immense republig, except in
those which are excluded by the folly and,
wickedness of their own inhabitants—at this
very hour, by the shores of the far-off Pa—
cific; on the western slopes of the Rocky
m o upp l ins, beside the waters of the inagnfi
cent mississippi, and the' scarcely less mag
nificent Missouri; along the margins of our'
illimitable lakes; in the very heart of our.
boundless prairies, and the clearings of our;
late unbroken forests, and near the sounding
Atlantic where its never -ceasing surges sweep
from Chesapeake to Passanzaquoddy--at`ibis
very hour are assembled, as we are here as
sembled, representatives of the men whose
enterprise, and energy and diligence, have
built up and developed this superb empire,
with its cities rivaling in numbers and wealih
and all the appliances of art and luxury the
most famous capitals of Europe; its moun
tains teeming with all precious metals and all
useful minerals; its valleys swelling with va.
ried and exhaustless ,riches—assembled to
regLgeur the irreversible degree of this stupen
dous okinstituency. And, gentlemen, as, not
without effort, we grasp the conception of this
huge nation, stretching from sea to sea,
spreading over an entire continent, engaged
in manifold industries and pursuits and em
ployments, and reflect that the decree which
we and those who have been similarly-dele
gated are soon to register, has not alone saved
its life, but in saving it has saved also to the
oppressed of all lands , the opportunity of
sharing in the liberties we enjoy; to the poor
of all lands the opportunity of sharing in the
bountiful domain we possess; to the, aspiring
of all lands the opportunity of "sharing in the
glOries we 'shall acquire; when we reflect on
all these things, have we not cause tobe proud
and thankful that to us has been allowed the
privilege of recording our names among' the
names of those chosen to give form and shape
to the noblest purposes that ever inspired the
breasts, and the grandest Utterance that ever
broke from the lips of this or any people.
GEo. W, IlemEasnr, Esq., was elected Clerk
of the college.
Joint A. Sarum and W. W. HAYS, Esqrs.,
were olected as Assistant Secretaries.
On motion, Wm. j.,Stees was apppoi nted
Messenger, Jacob Styers Doorkeeper, and
Wm. Hooper Messenger.
The - AWL JolaN Wszrsx Jepnsox was re
quested to open the proceedings with prayer,
and being conducted to the clerk's desk, he in
voked the blessitigs of Almighty God upon
the proceedings of the college:
' 0 Lord God Almighty, the God of all Na
tions and peoples that do dwell upon the face
of the Earth, we thank thee, oh thou Great
Ruler, for our nation, the home of Liberty, of
Order and of Law. The lines have indeed
fallen tint° us in pleasant places, and we have
a goodly heritage. Thou hest given unto us
a continent for an inheritance. Imbue our
hearts with . a Christian patriotism, that will
take pleasure in every token of our country's
real welfare.
We rejoice in the extent of our inheritance,
fitting it for the support' of a teeming popu
lation. We bless thee for our schools, scat
tering instruction through every class of its
inhabitants. We bless thee for our happy
form of Government. Thou hest made us to
be a beacon-light to the oppreSsed of all other
countries--the home of thelree.
We thank thee for civil and religious Lib
erty. And . oh God, we glorify thy Name for
the order and .quiet that characterized the
day when this free people manifested their
choice of a ruler.'
Bless him who has been thus chosen, thy
servant, the President of the United States.
Continue unto him health and strength, aNd
the right use of his reason.
Bless his administration of the vast con
cerns of this Government in the future as in
the past.
Bless all who are associated• with him--his
cabinet councillors, legislativebodies,whether
National or State, the Governors of all loyal
Oh God, we have sinned against thee. We
have robbed the hireling of his wages; we
have degraded thine image into a chattel; but
oh we..thank thee. that by the guidance of
thy Providence and Holy Spirit, we have
reached the hour when military nceeaaities
coincide with the principles of justice, truth
and righteousness in the freedom of the slave.
Oh, hasten the hour when, by the organic
law of the land, slavery shall cease forever.
Oh God, bless our a armies, the military
forces called together f 6 suppress the wicked
insurrection against law and order, civiliza
tion, religion and liberty. Give to our Gen
erals victory. Hasten the hour of a righteous
and permanent peace.
Bless our country. Give us plenty in our,
barns and .storehouses, labor for the poor, and
such compensation for their toil as shall bring
comfort to their homes.
And now bless these, Electors, gathered
together to give shape and force to the decision
of the people. May the awful solemnity of
the hour impress their hearts and minds, and
grant that the result of the decision of the
people, shall be so favorable to the country,
with all its manifold and various :interests,
that to the close of th . eir lives they may be
grateful to thee for the privilege they meet
hero to exercise, which thou hest given unto
Oh God,' we are trail, weak, sinning crea
tures. We are passing away from time into
eternity—from thd jurisdiction of earthly
kingdoms to the judgment of the, great day.
Help us to serve Thee. Help us to love Thy
cause, to do thy will, so that when the• career
of earth is finished, we may hear Thee say,
Well done good and faithful staTant; cater
thou. into, the joy of thy Lord.
•We ask all blessings, for Jesus' sake; to
whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
be ascribed everlasting praise. Amen.
Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be
Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be
done on earth as it is in Heaven; give us this
day our daily.breads; and forgive us our tres
passes as we forgive those who trespass against
us; and lead Us not into ,temptation, but de
liver us from evil; for Thine is the Kingdom,
the power and glory, forever. Amen.
A committee, consisting of three, was ap
pointed to wait upon the Governor and in
form him that the Electoral College is in ses
sion and ready to receive his communication.
After a short interval the Secretary or the
Commonwealth was introduced and presented
a Message of the Governor, declaring the
lowing gentlemen as duly elected Electors, viz:
Morton M'Michael, Philadelphia.
T. Cunningham, Beaver county.-
1 Robert P. Ri4, 13 Elias W. Hale,
2 G.Monison Coates, 14 Charles H. Shiner
3 gamy Bumm, 15 John Wister,,
4 William H. Kern,6 DavidM'Conaughy
5 Barton H. Jenks, 17. David W. Woods,
6 Charles M. Runk, 18 Isaac Benson,
7 Robert Parke, 19 John' "Patton,
8 William Taylor, 29 Samuel B. Dick,
9 John A. Hiestand, 21 rverard
10 Richard H. Corycll,22 John P. Perindy,
11' Edward Haliday, 23 Ebenez'r M'Junkin,
12 Charles F. Reed, 24 John W. Blanchard.
All the Electors exception)/ Warn. having
answered to their names, the College went
into an election to supply the vamp/4 i ' and
the Hon. John .k P. 0101 k, of Perry County,
was chosen to 'supply the same. The College
then proceeded to ballot for a President of the
Hnited States.
Tellers were duly appointed.
The ballots of all the Electors having been
taken, they were severally, opened and read
by the President and recorded by the Tellers;
and the ballots and tally papers correspond
ing, it appeared and was delared by the Presi
dent that
APR ' ,i4,i4III. ! IJ,WOLN, of Illinois,. had
ceived twenty-six. votes for President of the
'United States.
The College then proceeded to a similar hal-
VI, and the President declared that
ANDREW JOHNSON, of Tennessee, had
twenty-six votes for Vice President of the .
United States.
JOHN A. HIESTAND, Esq., was appointed
as bearer of one of the packages of votes and
certificates, directed to the President of the
United States Senate.
EDIAS W. HALE, Esq., was appointed the
bearer of packages directed to John Cadwala
der, Judge of the District Court of the United
States, in the Eastern District of Pennsyl
CHARLES H. SHRINER, Esq., was ap
pointed to deliver the certificates directed to
the President of the Senate of the United
States, Washington city, D. C., to the Post
master of the seat of government of this
A unanimous Tote of thanks was tendered
to the presiding officer of theoollege, to which
he responded in a few well timed parting re
marks. A unanimous vote of thanks was also
tendered to the Secretaries of the college.
On motion of Mr. PATTON, it was unani
mously resolved that the pay received by the
Electors and Messengers to Washington,
Philadelphia and Harrisburg, be appropriated
to the Sanitary Commission.
After signing the necessary certificates the.
College adjourned sine die,
33t) trafegrapi).
Blockade Runners.
The Navy Department has received informa
tion of the cat - Aura of the now steamer Vixen,
bound in with a valuable cargo of arms, li
quors, provisions, ktc. is said to have been
owned by the - rebel Government.
NEW Yomr, Dec. 6.—The steamer California,
from Hilton Head via Folly Island on the 3d
instant, reports that a side-wheel blockade
runner was sunk in Charleston Harbor on the
night of the Ist inst. by our gunboats. The
captain and pilot escaped, but the rest of the
crew w6re captured.
On Wednesdly, Dec 7, 1883, at the residence or the
bride's father, by Rev. Thomas H. Robinson, Mr HARRY
H. t - inewrz, of Philadelphia, to Miss HAGGIS A. SLOAN. of
this city. No cards. doo7
OPENED this evening for the winter sea-
EOll. OYSTERS, GAME and TERRAPIN served up
in excellent style. by IRWIN NICHOLSON.
MINCE MEAT.—A fresh supply of home
made Mince Meat just received at,
WH. M. G&AY & Co.,
(Houser and Lochman's old stand, Market square.)
A N ORDINANCE providing for the pay
merit of the rent of the Mayor's Office.
Sacrum 1. Be it ordained by the Common Council of the
City of B . onrishurg, That the sum of one hundred and
thirty dollars be and is hereby appropriated for the pay
ment of the rent of the Mayor's Office for the year ending
April Ist, )805.
Passed Dec. 3, 1801.
W. 0. HICKOK',
Preeident Common Counci
Attest:—DAvin HARRIS, Clerk
Approved Dec 5, 1864
The undersigned, having lately purchased
property, has already commenced such alter
ations and improvements as will render. this
equal, if not superior, to any Hotel in the
city of Harrisburg.' GEO. J. BOLTON.
AN ORDINANCE directing Two.anct-a-half
street, from North to Rely s'reets, to bo opened,
graded and curbed.
KEOTION 1. Be it ordained by the Common Council
the City of Harrisburg, That Two-and-a-half street, from
North to Reify street, be and the same is hereby directed
to be opened, graded and curbed as provided in section
35 of the city charter ;. and that the regaiators be direct
ed to mark the lines of said street, as laid out. on the plan
of the city, approved by act of Assembly of April let, one
thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and also to ef
tablish the grades necessary for the same.
Parsed Dec 3, 1864,
President Coin. Cannel
Attest:—Dean HARRIS, Clerk.
Approved Pee. 5,1664
A Grand Exhibition
Christmas Presents
Drug and 'Fancy Store,
rit HE following are some of the articles to
be obtained, appropriate to the season :
• •
Bohemian Glass Vases. Flower Stands.
Toilet Bottles. Watch Stands.
Cigar Stands. Match Stands.
Cigar ash Stands. Betiding and Book Stan
Fancy Fame. Fancy Riding Whips
Card ,Casea, pearl and Canes.
leather. Cut Glass Colognes.
Ivory Tablete.
Shaving Cases.
Ladies' Satchels.
Porters Hos
Match Cases.
Ladies' Purses.
Dressing Cases.
Ladies' Companion=
Cabs Satehels.
Cigar Cases.
Powder Puff Boxes. Band Mirrors.
Toilet Waters. Toilet Soaps.
Brushes. Pomades.
Powders. Combs.
Sachets. Burnett's Toilet Faits
Writing CaSe-5. Sewing Cases.
Cavalry Cases. Folios.
Leather and WickerPockeMirrors.
Flasks. Illone t: y
Loather, Metal and Guns
Fancy Boxes.
Work Boxes.
• Box of Cigars.
Leather and Gum Balls
Fine Dominoes.
Wooden Pazzies..
Meerschaum Pipes.
Brier Tires.
Pocket Knives.
Fine Razors.
Diaries for 1865.
. Also, a great variety of Lava Ware, all of which can be
.A.LA.GA GRAPES, just received at
11.1. juol) & FRAZEIN.
CAPITAL, . . . $1,000,000.
100,000 Shares, Par Value $lO 00
Working Capital . 9330,000.
J. C. FRYER, Esq., Treasurer.
DrRECTORS.—"Wrn . S. Haesall, John Glading.. Thomv
T HE property of this company consists of
the following valuslie lands :
L Eleven hundred and seventy-three (1,175) acres
in fee simple, situated in Wirt county, West Virginia, on
the waters of Rock and Two Runs, blanches of the Little
Kanawha river, more than three-fourths of which Is very
fine boreing territory, being on the game plateau with the
celebrated "Burning Spring , ' oil lands, and known as the
best OIL restarrosty upon the TIP lIRAVIEL .l\ {VEST VIR
GINIA. Four wells am now being sunk on this large tract.
One is almost complete and wilt be ready for testing in a
few days, and promises to ield very largely of superior
all. Two others are nearly down, and the remainder are
rapidly progressing. It is a very remarkable fact that no
well'has been sunk on this flat that has failed to produce
ail in large quantities and of a superior quality. It is
declined to become the most valuable and most produc
tive oil region of the great Kanawha Valley.
No. 2. Five (5) acres in foe simple (being a part of a
large tract of valuable oil land containing one hundred
and acres, situated in Venango county, Penula
and lying onthe East Sandy river, three miles above the
Allegheny river. One well is now in successful operation
on this tract, with sufficient territory to sink !meaty-fire
more wells.
A. L. ROUMFORT, Mayor.
HON. GEO, O. EVANS, President
The following va'uable leases belong to this company.
No. L The "Austin Dickeys" lease of one and three
quarters acres of land situated In Wirt county, West Vir
ginia, lying at the mouth of Burning Spring Run. Two
(2) wells on this tract are yieldinz largely.
No. 2. The "Harper's Lease" of one acre of land sit
uated as. aforesaid, and lying at the first fork of the
Burning Spring Run. One well on this tract,
No. 3. The .Gordon S Ness - comb's" lease of one acre,
situated as aforesaid, on Burning Spring Run, near the
Washington Co's lease. Two (2) wells on this tract.
No. 4. The "McFarland's" lease of one and one-third
of an acre of land, s tualed as aforesaid at the bead of
Burning Spring Run. Two wells are in operation oa this
The vast territory of almost Twelve hundred acres of
land owned by this company, with Seven Wells now in
successful operation and producing oil, and the vigor
with which the other wells are being sunk, the company
being organized entirely and solely for the purpose or
engaging in the legitimate business of producing oil, and
developing and improving the lands belonging to the com
pany. The management of the same having been entrust
ed to gentlemen of known business enterprise, responsi
bility and skill, who will bring to the accomplishment of
the object their united energy and business industry.
We are satisfied in believing and assuring the stock
holders that it will yield largely to them, and offers in
ducements of the highest character to capitalists and men
of email means who wish a profitable, safe and paying
I have still a few shares of *lock of this company to
offer for sale. Those wishing the game can obtain all the
necessary inforitation together with full particulars, dis
ctiption of the lands, maps, etc. etc., by applying to me
either in yerso 1 or through the mails
.1. R. MUFFLY,
General Superintendent and Agent.
Apply in person to Robert Snodgrass. Esq's , Law office,
North Third street, above Market, Harrisburg, Ea.
Address by mail—P. O. Box 120, Harrisburg; Pa.
AtING returned from New York and
Philadelphia with our usual fine stock of goods for
the holidays, would respeetfuny invite early attention
thereto. . C. K. KELLER,
deed!" 91. Market street.
ALL persons using gas and hating not yet
settled their bills, will please do so ou or before the
ithh, as all unpaid bills will positively be' shut off after
that date. By order of the Company. L. GRAY,
decS.3t Superintendent.
ATE on Foster street, above North., Enquire of
Corner of Third and North streets.
TWO small frame houses, in Nagle street,
1 between Race and Water street. Inquire at William
Sarratt's store, Second and State. nov2l-d2 w*
AHOUSE with Four or Five rooms, for a
small family, without children. Address Box 197,
Harrisburg Post. Office. decs-d4t*
ITEE subscriber, having given a Note,
l dated the 11th day of November, 18414, to Joseph
Miner and Catharine, his wife, for $lOO, payable on the
let of April, 1805, do hereby warn all ersonia. not to buy
said note, on account of some dispute concerning the title.
decs-d3t ISAAC CL USER
Legal business and collections promptly *attended to
WEreceive daily quotations-from the east
em markets, which are openoffir the inspection
of our customers, and at which rates we will BUY, SELL
11. S. 5-20, 10-40 and 1881 Bonds,
Oil, Coal and Railway Stocks,
Gold, Silver, &.c
Wanted, Pennsylvania State claims.
Stock and Exchange Brokers,
86 Market Street, Harrisburg.
Comprising' Dauphin, Juniata, Northumberland, ' Union
and Snyder counties.
. .
XTOTICt is hereby given that pursuant to
11 the joint resolution of Congress of July 4th, 1864,
and the instructions of the Secretary of the Treasury lE
sued in accordance therewith, the list of assessments for
the special duty of 5 per centum upon the gains, profits
or income for the year ending Dec. 31st, 1863, of all per
sons residing in this district, is now completed, and that
the said list will remain "open to the inspeotion of all
persons who may apply to inspect the same," for the
space of fifteen days from the date hereof, at the offices
of the assistants of the respective divisions.
And, further, that immediately after the expiration of
ten days (excepting' Sundays) from the date hereof, to
wit,,on the 10th December, 1864, and for five days there
after, I will receive and determine all appeals relative to
erroneous or excessive valuations or enumerations con
tained In said list. All appeals must he in writing, and
Must state the particular cause matter or thing respect
ing which a decision is requested,and Mutt state the ground
or principle of, error complained or.
DANIEL KENDIG, Assessor 14th District.
Middletown, Dauphin county, Pa.
WASHDTGTON, Nov. 21, 1864. )
- Whereas, by' satisfactory evidence presented to the
'undersigned, it. has been made appear that the
risburg, in the 0 .- Shinty Datiphtn, and State of Penn
sylvania, has been duly organized.nnder and according
to the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled "An
Act to proiide a National Currency, secured by a pledge
of United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation
and redemption thereof," approved June 3, 1864, and has
complied with all the provisions of said act required to
be complied with before commencing the business of bank
ing under said act:
' Now, therefore, ,I, SAMUEL T. HOWARD, Deputy
Coniptroller of the Currency,. do hereby certify that the
Harrisburg Rational Bank,in the City of Harrisburg, in the
county ot Dauphin, and State of Pennsylvania, is author
ized to commence the business of banking under the act
• ..
In testimony whereof, witness my hainl and seal of
office this tWenty•flrst day of November, ISel.
-----.. SAMUEL T. 'HOWARD,
I MEAL. , . Deputy Comptroller of the Currency.
. , -non
JLL 3 lit 4 X and kits, for sale at
M. OMAN & CO.,
(Houser and Lochman'a old stand, Market square,) .
EXTRA YAM - MY FLOUR, by the barrel,
bidf barrel, quarter or pound, just received and firt
sale bv WY. M. GRAY & Co.,
4.0 Houser & lop.hmaa'a old stand, Market square.
A S clerk in a grocery, or as bar-tender, by
a young man who has had experience in both ca
pacities. Best of reference given. Address J . B at
dec73t MN OFFICE,
A LADY desires boarding in airivate fam.
„rx. dy, or where but few boarders are taken. Address
C. L-, Box 87 P. 0. decll-lw
------ - --
)7 ,0 A MONTH! I want Agents every.
where, at $7O a month, expenses paid, to sell
}/teen Articles, the hest selling ever utTered. Full par.
titulars free. Address, OTI3 T. GARET .
nol6-daw3m Biddeford, Maine.
Agents everywhere, to introduce The new
Shaw rf Clark Sixteen Dollar Family Sewing
Machine, the only low price machine in the
country which is licensed by Grover & Baker, Wheeler
& Wilson, Howe, Singer & Co„ and Batchelder. Salary and
expenses, or large commissions allowed. All other Ma
chines now sold for less than forty dollars each are in
fringements, and the seller and user Noble. Illustrated
circulars sent free. Address, SHAW & CLARK,
nol6 dawgm Biddeford, Maine.
Sale of Condemned Government Property,
HARRISBURG, PENNA., December 5, 1804. I
WILL be sold, at Public Sale, at Govern.
Trent Corral, near Hummeletown, (on line of Leba
non Valley Railroad,) on Tuesday, December 131 h, 1864, ak
10 o'clock, A. 3f ,
One hundred and seven horses
Twenty-nine mares,
Two mules
These animals hare bein condemned m unfit for Gnvent
meat service, but far private use good bargains are to be
Animals will be sold singly. Sale to continue until all
are sold. Terms, casts is Goa - unmet funds.
Capt and A. Q. M.
OFFICE, Flints DrvisioN,
WASIITSGTON, November SO, 1164.
Will lift sold at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, at
the times and places named below, viz :
WILLIAMSPORT, Pa., THURSDAY, December 8, 1104
JOHNSTOWN, Pa., THURSDAY, December 15, 15314
TRENTON, N. T., THURSDAY, December 22, 18E4
Two hundred Cavalry Horses at each place.
These Horses have been condemned as unfit for the
cavalry•service of the army.
For road and farming purposes many good bargain.;
may be had.
Horses sold singly.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock e .
Terms; Cash in Government funds.
Colonel in Charge First Division,
Quartermaster General's ice
Public Notice
ITARRISEMO, Nov. 23, 1864.
rilllE ROAD OF ENROLLMENT will, xr
ALL rums, receive and attend to applications for the
correction of the enrollment lists. Any person, properly
interested, may appear before the Board, and have any
name stricken off the list if he can show, to the satisfac
tion of the Board, that the person named is not properly
enrolled, on account of :
Ist. Ali ?r as' e.
2d. Non.restdenee,
3d. Over age.
4th. Permanent physical disability.
bth. Having served in the mffitary or naval service of
the United states two years during the present war, and
been honorably discharged.
Civil office*, clergymen, and all the prominent citizens
are invited to appear, at all times, before the Board to
point out errors in the lists, and to give such information
in their possession as may aid in the correction . and re
vision thereof.
Pro. Mar. and Pres't of Board
n 023 dim
ed in Email sums to be applied to investment in these
$5O, $lOO or $.500 securities.
We act as agents, in this city, in correspondence with Gov
ernment agents, for procuring these securities; especially
by receiving deposits of small sums, to be so applied.
Interest of 4 or I per cent. will be allowed on deposits
exceeding $2O. Funds above the amount of all such
deposits will be kept in the Harrisburg Bank, and a de
posit can be withdrawn at any time by the owner. The
business will be solely of this nature, and conducted on a
plain, fair,open and explainable to all, as set out, with the
necessary information as these to securities, in our circulars.
These 11. S. Bonds and Treasury Notes are the safest and
most convenient for Investment, bring the highest rate of
interest, and can be sold at any time for the amount on
their face, together with the accumulated interest, or at a
premium. Very moderate commissions will be asked.
Office Raspberry Alley Near the Court House
Harrisburg, Oct. 21., 18434.--dtf
HARRIFIBURQ, Dec. 3, 1361.
No. U.
L The Commander in Chief, in announcing that 3fajor
General Conon, has been, by the War Department, re
lieved from the command of the Department of the Sus
quehanna, and ordered to service in the field, deems it
lust to express the regret which he feels at the termina
tion of the relations which have existed, during more
than eighteen months, between that officer and the State
authorities, and to say that the promptitude, earnestness,
vigor and integrity with which General Couch, at ail
times fulfilled all his duties, in this department, have en
tilled him to the highest esteem and regard. The citizens
of Pennsylvania have learned to know his merit, and
will be Ratified to hear of that new distinction, which, in
active service, his skill, spirit and gallantry cannot fail to
add to his already high reputation as a patriot • and
11. The Commander in Chief deems it a proper subject
of congratulation that the command of the department
devolves upon Major General Cadwalader, a citizen of our
own - State, and an officer of high integrity and military
character, and by whom the people can rely, the public
service will be wisely and vigorously carried on.
By order of
Governor and Commander-in Chief
A. L. Ressr.u., Adj. Gen. Penn'a. (dees-3t
HORSES, suitable for Cavalrf and Artillery service,
will be purchased at Giesboro Depot,.in open market, LW
DECEMBER 31, 1864.
Horses will be delivered to Captain L. Lowry Moore,
A. Q. Id., and be subjected to the usual Government in
spection before being accepted.
Price of Cavalry Horses, sl2is each.
Price of Artillery Horses, $lBO eaca. •
Payment will be made for six (6) and more.
Colonel In Charge First Division,
Quartermaster General's Office._
Seven-Thirty Treasury Notes,
Of the various denominations,
For sale at the
.T. W. WEIR,
To the President, Directors and SOckkAlders of the liar
risburg Bank.
1111 LE undersigned, appointed an Auditor
by the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county,
under the provisions of the sth section of the act entitled
"An act enabling the banks of the Commonwealkh to be
come associations for the purpose of banking alder the
laws of the United States," approved the 22d day of
August, 1864. to ascertain and aetermine what was the
fair market value of the shares of the 'said bank at the
time of paying the last dividend, hereby glees notice that
he will, attend for that purpose at the said bank on Thurs
day, the 15th day of December, 1804, at 10 o'clockL.
when and where all parties interested may attend.
D. FLEMING, Auditor.
Harrisburg, Nov, 20,1864
a J w E L E R,
No. as Market Street, °Amite the .Tones House,
JLLAS just received a: Urge assortment of
Jewelry, &c., suitable for Holiday Presents, and
invites the public to gtce hire a call. Select you present
while the azeortment is fall. aeas-dlea
Commissioner or the Board.
Surgeon of the Board.