attb. drgrafo Q 0 NOTICE / A LIVERTISEHS.—AII Advs.- , iy,inents. Ifasiness Notices, Marriages, Deaths. dm, to secure insertion in 'the TELEGRAPH, must Invariably be accom panied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular sWening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing itldition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 29, 1864. 1•0 1 11'N AND COUNTV't Market Days at the New Market House Tuesday morning, from 5 to 10. Friday morning, from 5 to 10. Saturday afternoon and evening, from 3 to 8 novl6•dlm WE would again remind our readers the there will be a sale of condemned Govern sent horses at Easton, on Thursday. I=o=l APPLES. —Good apples now sell at the hand some figure of seventy-five cents per peck or three dollars per bushel. Rather steep ! Ax interesting letter from the 201st Penna. regiment will be published to-morrow. A letter from the same source will be found on our first page to-clay. =::Ezi TEE °thee of the West Chester Republican has passed into the hands•of Caleb H. Kin nard, Esq., who has improved the paper in point of editorial ability. THE Pittsburg Gazette has donned a new dress, which improves the appearance of the paper. The Gazette is in its seventy.sixth volume, having been established in 1786. 11123121121 FATHER AND SON DROWNED. —The Venango ,‘ , pectator says that on Saturday morning last a German, named Blessinger, and his son, were drowned in the river, a few miles below Franklin, by the sinking of a ferry boat, which had been plying between the shore and an island PRINTING OFFICE FOR SA_LE.—SpeCial atten tion is directed to the advertisement offering a Republican newspaper office for sale. The location is a good one, and the establishment is doing a profitable business. A bargain may be had, as the office will be disposed of on easy terms. Ituntunxistvt.—A correspondent of the Ger mantown Telegraph recommends the applica tion of kerosene oil to the parts affected by rheumatism, as an effectual remedy for this painful complaint. As this oil is entirely in nocuous, there can be no danger in giving it a trial. INTERNAL REVENUE. —Under this heading an important notice is published in our col umns, by Daniel Kendig, Assessor of this Congressional District. It is a matter in which every tax-payer is interested. Appeals will be held from the 10th to the 15th of De cember. See advertisement. FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL DlSTElOT.—Governo r Curtin has appointed John Kennedy Ewing/ son of ex-Judge Nathaniel Ewing, to fill the vacancy caused by the decease of Judge Lind sey, in the Fourteenth Judicial District, com posed of the counties of Washington, Fay ette and Greene. en:Ezem REMEMBER THE POOR. —The winter is upon us, and owing to the enhanced price of fuel, living, &c., it promises to be a severe one on the poor. Under these circumstances, the good and generous among us should be up and stirring, so as to alleviate as much as possible the sufferings of the friendless and destitute during the coming season. A ' , raw army corps is to be organized, to consist of soldiers who have served at least two years, and have been honorably dis charged from the service. The corps will contain 20,000 men. A special bounty of $3OO will be paid each man, and they will be allowed to retain their arms as their own at the end of the term of service, which will be only one year. Here is a fine opportunity for the old soldiers. Maj. Gen. Hancock is to be com mander of the new corps. POCKET PICKED. —John B. Dale, of Ship pensburg or vicinity, had his pocket picked at our depot, yesterday. He arrived in-the Cumberland Valley train, and missed his port mount& shortly afterwards. He supposes it was stolen by some one in the crowd which surrounded the platform when the train ar rived. Mr. Dale's loss consisted of about $BO in bank bills, a $lOO U. S. bond, and a num ber of minor articles. It is useless to ask why the pickpockets are permitted to operate in our midst, as they are too shrewd to be caught in the act of robbing. HORRIBLE Aconosbrr.—A serious accident occurred in the Shenango Iron Works, New Castle, on Saturday morning last. A boy named John Giles, of East New Castle, em ployed about the rolls, was sitting down on a piece of timber, near what are called the "little rolls," when one of the long bars of red hot iron, in coming through, struck the guide, which sharpened the point of it and caused it to turn back, in the direction: of the boy. Before he could escape, the red hot bar pierced his leg, going through just above the knee, inflicting a serious and very painful wound. It is believed, however, that with proper treatment he will recover. ==::1 Tan appearance of Mr. James B. Roberts in our midst has created a great sensation among play-goers. His personation of Hamlet, last night, was witnessed by a crowded house, and all who were present pronounce Mr. R. the greatest tragedian that has ever visited Har risburg. To-night he will appear as lago in the great Shakspearian tragedy entitled Othello. The entire Combination Troupe is cast in the piece—Mr. Meeker, the popular actor, ap pearing as Othello, Mr. Rouse as Roderigo, Mr. Crossen as Cassio, Miss Nellie Sprague as Desdemonia, &c. Owing to the great length of the great tragedy, no after-piece will be performed this evening. Reserved seats may be secured at Bannvart's Drug Store, during the day. t, A LESSON IN ETIQUEITE.—Our readers who are in the habit of attending the theatre and other places of amusement, must have often been annoyed by a habit common to all audi ences of rushing pall mell from the house before the close of the performance. ' The practice is not confined to Harrisburg, as we perceive by an incident which occurred in Boston the other night. Miss Heron was re cently playing a piece of her own there, and the audience jumping up to leave just before the curtain fell, the lady, who deemed herself entitled to more respectful attention, stepped up to the foot lights and indignantly protested against the conduct in something like the fol lowing language: "The respectable part of the audience will remain and witness my poor ef forts; the rest of the audience may go I" It is well to add that this deserved reprimand proved salutary, for a complete conversion was experienced, and the entire audience re sumed their seats until the Curtain fell.* FATAL ACCLDENT.—John . Wolfersberger, of Hummelstown, was run over by the cars, at the Harrisburg drove yards, about eleven o'clock this morning. It is said that he was puichasing some hogs, and was standing on the track when a train came almig. He was instantly killed. =:=2: AN OLD PRINTER IN LITHOGRAPH. —lll our peregrinations to-day, our attention was at tracted, while passing Feet's Daguerrean rooms, on Third street, by the Lithograph of an old typo, long since retired from the pro fession, and now among the foremost of our reliable and successful merchants. We refer to Videntine Hummel. The manner in which Beet has photographed the ex-typo, is at once admirable so far as the art is concerned, and most life-like in its faithful delineation of the features of his subject. The honest face, de void of all guile, of our old friend and crafts man, is stamped upon paper, with its linea ments glowing as it were with life; and before we were conscious of what we were doing, we' had almost tipped our beaver to what really appeared like the face of the living man.— Truly the triumphs of art are becoming won derful. HOUSEHOLD KNOWLEDGE. —Windows are kept free from ice by painting the glass with a brush or sponge. Odors from boil ing ham, dabbage, er,c., are prevented •by throwing red pepper pods or a few pieces of charcoal into the pot. A cement, which is a good protection against weather, water, and fire to a certain extent, is made by mixing a gallon of water with two gallons of brine; then stir in two and a half pounds of brown sugar, and three pounds of common salt. Put it on with a brush, like paint. Put .po tatoes of equal size into water while boiling; when done, pour off the water, scatter in some salt, cover the pot with a coarse cloth, and return it to the fire for five minutes, when they are ready for the table. Even watery potatoes are thus made mealy. Common cut nails are easily driven into hard wood if rub bed with a little soap; saliva is better than nothing for that purpose. The best way to cook potatoes is to bake or roast them in' an oven; when done, crack the skins open and allow them to dry out for a few minutes be fore placing them on the table. To avoid family quarrels, let the quarrelling wretch have it all to himself—reply never a word. Tribute of Respect. At a stated meeting of the Friendship Fire Company, No. 1, held at their hall on Novem ber 28, 1864, the following preamble and res olutions were unanimously adopted: WEtEIIEAS, Almighty God, in His inscrutable wisdom, has laid the heavy hand of death upon one of our most promising members, in the person of. Thomas D. Thompson, who died from the effects of wounds received while in the discharge of his duty as a mem ber of Company G, 55th regiment P. V. V., thus adding another name to the long, sad list of heroes who have fallen in the ranks of the Army of the James, while battling for the preservation of the Union and the flag of our country; and WHEREAS, In view of this heart-rending calamity, we, the members of the Friendship Fire Company, No. 1, deem it necessary to ex press publicly our heart-felt sorrow; therefore, be it Resolved, That in the person of our deceased brother, we have seen one whose disinterested patriotism is worthy of example, and who has shed his blood and freely given his life in de fence of the land he loved. Resolved, That we tender our sincere con dolence to his relatives in their affliction, and that we believe that he is enjoying that re pose and rest which belongs to those who have well and faithfully done their duty. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meet lug be published in the daily papers of this city, a copy thereof be sent to the family of the deceased, and Company G, 55th regiment; and also that the Engine house and apparatus be draped in mourning for the space of thirty days. WM. RUDY, ) JOHN COHL„'- Committee. JACOB RUPP, BUSINESS ITEMS. MAYER'S MILLINERY GOODS. 0, but the weather is getting cold, I can scarcely draw my breath; If I don't get furs with my silver and gold, I will surely be frozen to death. I must buy some nubias and hoods, As thick as a feather bed; Some plain and embroidered woollen goods To cover my shoulders and head. Good gloves for the hands, and veils for my face, And the best bonnet trimmings about; So I'll go to Mayer's—yes, that's the place, For they say he is bound to sell out. He has ladies' cloaks and bonnets and hats, And breakfasting capes and veils, And knit woollen hoods, as thick as doormats, And then he makes very cheap sales. If you want perfumery, rich and rare, Or handkerchiefs, tidy and neat, Or under garments of linen to wear; Go to Mayer's on Market street. Between River alley and Front, The sign hangs over the door; Go to Mayer's, because, if you don't, You'll rue it a thousand times o'er. n029-5t kr Bowman's, No. 1, corner of Front and Market streets, a new stock of furs very cheap; also, a beautiful stock of ladies' brocha and merino scarfs. I=l LosT—On Wednesday last, a Hair Breast pin. The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at Bournfbrt's Bakery. . nov26-2t Da. M'Bsanz's King of Pain should be kept in every family. Will cure Headache, Tooth ache, Earache in three minutes. Diarrhwo, Bloody Flux, pain in the Back and Side, Inflam mation of the Kidneys and Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart. Sole agent for the State, S. A. KUNKEL & BBC., 118 Market•street, Harrisburg. All orders from a distance promptly attended to. • s ept2o-tf =I FEVER AND Aaus can be cured. Do not think because you have tried everything you could read or hear of, that you cannot get anything to cure you, for you have not taken the pure vegetable that is curing every one that takes it. It does - not stop your shaking for a week or two, bat it is a perfect cure. A trial of this will convince you and your neigh bors. It can be had only at No. 27, South Pine street, by Mrs. L. Ball. octl7-tf WANTED IMMIDIATELY-A Boy to learn the Dry Goods business. One with some experi ence preferred. Must speak English and German. Cathcart Bro:, No. 14 Market Square, next door to the laarrieburg Bank. nov22-1w jar EPILITTIO F/TS 1:1121 BT CVRXD !I—Dr. Lockrowl having become eminently Bemeafbl in curing this ter nble malady, invites all similarlyaillicted to call or send for circulars of references and testimonials of numerous cases cured of froia one to twenty-four years' standing. He devotes his attention especially to diseases of the Cer ebroSpinal Axis, or Nervous System, and solicits an in vestigation of his claim to public confidence. lie may be consulted at his private residence, No. 141 West 42d street, daily, from /0 y X until 4P. except S a t ur d a y end Sunday. Address all letters to . . DB. V. B. LOORROW, New York. pare of Y, 0. „ .oc9d4wBin SPECIAL NOTICES. SELLING OFF ! SELLING OFF ! Our whole stock of Dry Goods, intending to engage in business in the city. I will commence on Monday next to tell out my whole stock of Dry Goods. My stock is very large and I name in pert, 1,000 yards fast colored calicos at 25 °amts.& yard. 4,000 yards of bleached,yard wide mntlins at 46 and 50 cons, worth To cents. Of black silks we have a large assortment, and of the best make. Black bombazines of the finest quality; black alpacas, black Canton cloth, black French merinos and a great many other black goods for mourning. Per sons in want of such goods would do well to call. Furs and cloaks we will sell at greatly reduced prices. Irish Linen of the best make, linen bowling, linen table cloth, lifarstilles quilts and blankets. We nave some first rate quality of gentlemen's furnish ing goods, such as undershirts, drawers, socks and white shins. 500 dozen of ladies' wool and cotton stockings. Cassimeres, cassinetts and black cloth. We have a large assortment of tine French cambrics, Faneook musline, undressed etunbrice, brillants and fine white linen diaper. A large assortment of plain and tlgured dress goods. It is impossible to name all the goods on hand in a well assorted dry good store. All Isaiah to sty is to persons in want of dry goods, call and see, and as I am determined to close my whole stock out, lam willing to sell at, re duced prices. [n0261 S. LEWY. Kromer's (llpham's) Hair Dye 50 CENTS A BOX. Boxes larger than Dyes that sell for $l. NATURAL, DURABLE, BEAUTIFUL. WARRANTED to please, This article has been thoroughly tested by Da Oarrirox of New York, and Professors Booth and Garrett of Philadelphia, who pronounce it free from all poisonous ingredients, and the material com posing it will not injure the most delicate hair. Sold by Druggists and Fancy Gpods dealers everywhere. JNO. J. KRONER, Sole Proprietor, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Drunkenness Cured. The inebriate may now bid defiance to the tempting cup. Dr. Zane's antidote for strong drink is a. certain cure for drunkenness. It creates a dislike for strong drink, and can be administered without the knowledge of the patient. Descriptive circulars sent to any address. For sale by all respectable druggists in the United States and Canadas. Price $1 per box, or packages of six boxes for $5. JNO: J. KRONER, Wholesale Agent, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa Dr. itand's Specific. The oldest and most reliable medicine for the cure of Spermatorhcea, Seminal Weakness, Loss of Power &c. This medicine has stood the test of over thirty years, and has always proved a success. _ Dr i RAND'S SPECIFIC is exhibited in the form of pills, made up entirely of substances that have a specific effect upon the generative organs. Most persons associate the idea of operations upon the bowels from taking any kind of pills. The Srxorsxc of Dr. Rand is not intended as an evacuating medicine. Its medicinal virtues are expended entirely upon the impaired regenerative organs. The pills are not unpleasant to the taste, and many persons masticate them with impunity bofore swallowing them ; which plan we would al ways recommend, as affording the speediest way to get the effect of the remedy. Price $1 per box, or six boxes for $5. Sold by druggists everywhere. JN 0. J. KROMER, Wholesale Agent, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. aug2s-dly. Baunvart's Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A. Bannvart & Co., Harrisburg, Pa., to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggists everywhere. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: VIAIIRTSBUBG , Feb. Bth, 1864. C.A. BAmlvAirr—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges, and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and, in comparison with them all, Can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. I agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bannvart's Troches. W. C. CATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. HARRISBURG, Jan.., 1864. To C. A. Ronvveirr----Dear Sir: In the habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expec torant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing the effectiveness of the delivery of public addres see. Yours, &c.,• JNO. WALKER JACKSON, Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. • To C. A. liesxvsnr—Deor bir : Having used your Trochei, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried, and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice, arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, &c., G. G. RAKESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. DLSTEICT ATTOENEY'S OFFICE, HARRISBURG, Feb, 29, 1864. To C A. BANN,ART —Dear Sir: I have found your Troches to be invaluable in relieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great benefit to all public speakers. A. J. HERR. MATRIMONIAL ! —Ladies and Gentlemen, it you wish to marry, address the undersigned, who will send you, without money and without price, valuable information that will enable you to marry hippy and speedily, irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. This information will cost you nothing, and if you wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist. you. All letters strictly confidential. The desired information sent by return mail, and no questions asked. Address SARAH B. LAMBERT, octSd&w2m GreenpointoKing's county, N. Y. To Consumptives. Consumptive sufferers will receive a valuable prescrip tion for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat and Lung af f ections, (free of charge,) by sending their address to Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings county, New York. [sepl9-titzwBto PURR VEGETABLE TONIC. - - - - THE most healthy persons feel more or less weak this extreme warm weather, and lose their ap petite. They need a good strong Tginic—one that will strengthen the nervous system and stomach. This they can get at 50 cents per bottle, at Mr& L. Bain; No. 27, South Fine street, Harrisburg. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. lull coudAmos HONEY SOAP. This celebrated Toilet Soap, in such universal de• mend, is made from the Choicest materials, is mild and emollient In Its nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in its action upon the akin. Yea sale by all Waggon and Fanuy Goods Dealers. GOVERNMENT SALES. H ORSES! HORSES! HORSES! QUARTERMASTER GREERAI'S OFTICE, t FIRST DITIS/ON, WASHINGTON', Nov. 1864. I HORSES, suitable for Cavalry and Artillery s - rvice, wid be pul chased at Glaboro Depot, In open market, till DECEMBER 1, 1801. Horses will be delivered to Capialb L. Lowry Moose, A. Q. hi., and be subjected to the usual Government in spection before being accepted. Price of Cavalry Horses, $175 each. Price rf Artillery Horses, $lBO each. Payment will be made for six (8) and more. JAMES A. ERIN. Colonel in Charge First Division, Quartermaster General's Office. nolatno3o lIARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OF FICE, FIRST DIVISION, WASHINGTON CITY, Novem ber 8, 1864. • Will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, the time and places named below, viz - YORK, PENN'A THURSDAY, Nov. 17, 1864. LANCASTER, PENN'A, FRIDAY, Nov. 24, 1864 EASTON, PENN A, THURSDAY, December 1, 1864. Two hundred Cavaliy Horses at each place. These homes have been condemned as unlit for the cav alry service of the army. For road and farming purposes many good bargains may be had. Horses sold singly. Sales to commence at 10 o'clock A. R. Terms cash, in United Slates currency. JAMES A. EH IN, Colonel in charge First Division, Q. M. G. C. noll-tno3o NE V. AA) VER TISF.MENI'S PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY ! THE undersigned have established a FAG TORY at Harrisburg, Pa., for the purpose or MANUFACTURING HOOPSKIRTS, all- styles, sizes, shapes ad qual ties. We pay par fouler attention to the very Ite3t English Steel. We .eep a large assortment con ;tautly on band. Our sales lom is at No. 24, Second treet,adjoining J. B. Boyd's hair and Furniture Roofns, Mere we will sell very low, t wholesale and retail. Also—Nicest kind of In ian Hoops. The largest as irtraent of Ladies' Corsets, =tautly on hand. the charge of Competent COHEN BROS. & CO., No. 24 Second street, Harrisburg. MEI N. B. This is the only Hoop-skirt Manufactory at Har risburg. The public is cautioned not to believe the stories of dealers who buy their Hoop-skate from this firm, and afterwards pass them off as their own manufacture. THE MOST POPULAR PIANO SONGS 'TWAS EYENEIG AT THE WINDOW, Hoffman. 30 "'Twas evening, at the window Were we, my Love and I. Do THEY PRAY FOR ME AT HOME, Fiske. 30 ~0 oft in foreign lands As I see the beaded knee, Comes the thought, at twilight hour, Do they ever pray for us'." I'M LONELY SINGE MY MOTHER ID um, Thompson. 30 "I'm lonely since my mother died, Tho' friends and kindred gather near." I LIVE FOB THOSE WHO LOVE ME, Clark. 30 "For the wrong that needs resistance, For the cause that lacks assistance, For the dawning in the distance, And the good that I can do." TENTING ON THE OLD CAMP GROUND, Kittredge. 30 One of the very best soldier's songs published. I'n CHOOSE To 136. A BABY. The best Comic Song of the Season. Copies sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price OLIVER DITdON & co., Publishers, 277 Washington street, Boston. n024-uo NEW Fruit and Confectionery Store. SAMUEL WISE & BRO., CORNER ofSecond and Pine streets, re spectfully inform the public that they have opened their Fruit and Confectionery Store, and will have con stantly on hand a large assortment of Fruits. Confectione ries, &e. The public are invited to give us a call. n025-dtilljan6s* SAW'. WISE & BRO. OIL wrociis! Desirable Investment. SUBSCRIPTIONS, at the original price, to 1..3 the Capital Stock of several of the best Oil Companies is the market, will be received by the undersigned, it ap plication be made soon, in person, or by letter Full information furnisnedas to the character, manage ment and profits of the respective companies, a limited portion of whose stock is thus offered to the public. S. D. INGRAM, n022-dst No. 15 Market street, Harrisburg. NOTICE HARRISBURG BANK, Nov. 101864. Notice is hereby given agreeably to SectSter2 of the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An Act enabling the Banks of the Commonwealth to become Associations for the pur pose of Banking under the laws of the United States." approved the,p2nd day of August, A. D., 1861, that the Stockholders of the Harrisburg Bank have this day voted to become such an association, and that its Di rectors have procured the authority of the owners of more than two-thuds of the Capital Stock to make the certificate required therefor by the laws of the United States. J. W. WEIR. nol6-ImCashier. • LOST. TN THE OARS, on the Reading Railroad, 1 between Lebanon and Palmyra, a Pocket Book con taining one hundred dollars, end small change, also, a promLary note from Mr. Foreman for $37, and a bill of sale. The papers are of no value except io the owner. A liberal reward will be paid for the return of the pocket book and its contents, by leaving it at this Office. co2l WM. FRANTZ. WARNING TO THE PUBLIO.---To pre vent any mistakes occurring hereafter, in regard to our place of business by our numerous fr.enda and bus iness men, we hereby notify the same that we still are at our old stand, 3.03 . market street, and have no connection with any other party or estaulishment in the city. At the same time we draw the attention of the public in generat to our newly revived large and splendid as sortment of clothing and gehts' furnishing goods, which we tell cheaper than can be bought at any other place in the city. L. BERNHARD, no2l-1m P. BERNHARD. AN ELEGANT HACK IS OFFERED FOR SALE. Call at Rich ard Hogan's Hotel, corner of Paxton and Front streets. The city license is paid on the above hack. nol9-tf Neutral Sulphite of Lime, FOR PRESERVING CIDER. IVE ARE selling the very best article of the kind, prepared according to directions of E. M. Mortford, Professor of Chemistry, Howard Univer sity. It is perfectly reliable and free from impurities. Directions accompany , each package. KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goois Store, No. 91 kfar .lcet street, Harrisuurg. 0c26 TO BUILDERS. undersigned having an extensive T E lain g Mill in operation, is prepared to furnish worked PINE FLOORING and WRATHERBOARDING, on short notice. A A. BARKER, Ebensburg, Pa., Nov. 18, 1884. nol9-d2w* THE OPERA OF FAUST BY Charles Gounod. Adapted to English and Italian words, and revised from the Full Score, watt indications of the Instrumentation. This new and popular Opera forms the 20th volume of "Dimon & Co's Coition of Standard Operas." It is prefaced with a Sketch of the compose; and of the plot and incidents of the work, printed from large type and neatly bound. Pree $4. Oliver Cason & Co., Publishers, 277 Washington street, Beaton. n0v144 ESTRAY. C - AME to the premises of the subscriber in Swatara township, Dauphin county, Pa , on the 27th or October, a Mau Bar HORSE. The owner is requested tocome forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, or he will be sold according to law. nol6d3toaw* CHRISTIAN L GINGRICH. HAVANA ORANGES.—Fine Havana Or ges mwd , received at SHISLER & FRAZER'S, aolB an • successors to IV m. Dock, Jr., & Co. MEN CARES snot]) OYSTERS, just re f calved at SHISLER & FRAZER, jela) Fluccoaaora to W. Doak, Jr., 4 Oo ALL kinds of hauling with wagons or carts will be promptlydonn by calling on JACOB BRION - SA JYSI miner of &mod street and Meadow Lone. PEPPER SAUCE, a new invoice, just re ceivPit at Noll RIMER & FRAZER'S. PRIME LA-RD.—Fifty firkins fine kettle rendered LARD, tor rale by the firkin or pound, just ecaivad at Oyu] BOYER de KOERPER. NEW CURRENCY HOLDER at uo2l 2011171 'S Book Store NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE PRESIDENT PETROLEUM COMPANY, PRESIDENT, Venango County, Penn'a Organized under the Laws of Penn's OFFICERS: President—AMOßY EDWARDS, Esq., New York. Treasurer—L. IL SIMPSON, Esq., New York. ' Secretary—J. EDWIN CONANT. ESQ , New York. Counsel—Kmaxs PLATT, GERARD & BUCKLEY New York, D.IREC7ORS: AMORY EDWARDS, Esq„ New York.. EBEN B. CROCKER, Esq„ of Crocker & Warren, New York, FLETCHER WESTRAY, Esq., of Westriiy, Gibbs & Hard castle, New York. J. IL CLAPP, Esq., President, Venango county, Penn. L. L SIMPSON, Esq., of L. H. Simpson & Co., New York JOHN M. CLAPP, Esq., General Resident Superinten dent. ITS LANDS FORM ITS Capital Stock, . . 55,000,000 In Shares of SES Each, par value—Sub scription Price, $5 per Hare, Being in foil payment for a $25 sham. No further ca or assessment to be made. 20,000 Shares, or $lOO,OOO Reserve for Working Capital. PARTIES SUBSCRIBING IN THIS COMPANY WILL RECEIVE AN EQUAL AMOUNT OF STOCK" IN TWO OTHER COMPANIES ADJOINING, WITH -OUT FURTHER CHARGE. THE LANDS OF THESE COMPANIES are located on the Allegheny River, and on Hemlock, Porcupine and McCrea Creeks, and contains 8,400 acres, MAKING AN OIL BORING TERRITORY OF OVER TEN AND A HALF MILES IN EXTENT. n025-Im* The wells on the adj .ining property, known as the "Celebrated Heidrich" wells, and iSPithole Creek" well; are famous for their immense supply of oil. The wells on this property are being sunk with great vigor, and promise large supplies of oil. To the capitalists and to parties of limited means am surpassed inducements are offered. Persons investing in this Company get $.5 stock and the above BONUS_ for each $1 inveattd, a ithout further call or assessment. Subecription bcoks, maps, and all other information can be obtained at the office of J. W. SIMONTON, • Attorney-at-Laeq. SUBSCRIPTION AGENT AT HARRESSIMG, PA. No oubscriptlon taken for tees than ONE HUNDRED DOI. Inquiries•by mail promptly answered. nol7•dtf TOYS, TOYS, TOYS, FOR THE HOLIDAYS. A large and Hue assortment, consisting of China tea sets, &c., Wooden tea sets, China baskets, Crying dolls, Vases, Boxes of game, Tin trumpets, Paint boxes, Horne, Tool chests, Moving boys, Dressed dolls, Wooly sheep, Doll heads' Watches, Guns' nd swords, Stables, Furniture, Menageries, Animals on wheels, Grace hoops, Kitchen utensils, Wind-mills, Infantry, Drummets,Cavalry, Harlequins, Railway, Magic lanterns, Poultry yards, Sheep folds, Ten-pins, Box toys, Noah ark, &c., &c., &c., &c. Alio, a large and fine assortment of sugar toys, French and common candies Also, always on hand such as foreign and domestic fruit in season, all kinds of nuts, dried fruits, cakes and crack ers, teas, spices and cores, jellies and canned fruits, rats ens, currants, citrons, prunes, &0., wholesale and retail at the store of JOHN WISE, nolo Third and Walnut. WELL sold at the Court House, Harris burg, on Friday, December 2, 1884, between the hours of ton and four, the following real estate: All that certain undivided half part or lot or piece or land, situated on the comer of Sixth sod Walnut streets, in the city of Swisher& county of Dauphin, State of Pennsylvania, adjoining lands of Daniel Wilt and James Main; thereon erected a three-story brick hotel building and brick back building. Also, at the same time and place, all that certain undi Tided half part of lot or tract of land, situate In Swatera township, Dahphin county, cementing seven acres and twenty-one perches, adjoining lands of Daniel Sheesly - Joshua Elder and „t/avid Harris; thereon erected one Chambers' Patent Thick Machine, one Amy horse power steam engine and boiler, with two 18-inch hues, in cram plete running order, together with necessary fixtures, en. gine house and shedding complete, for carrying on the brick-making business. Also, one mall tenant house. Christian Eberly, the surviving partner of the late Mi chal Burke, will sell his interest In the above properties at such terms as to suit purchases. Terms—Ten per cent. when the property is struck off, ten per cent. on confirmation of sate, the balance to be paid as follows: One-third when possession is given (widen will be on the first of April, 1565,) toe bwance in two annual payments, secured ny bond and mortgage, with interest from confirmation of sale. JOHN BRADY, Guardian of Martina and Regina Burke. JOSEPHINE BURKE, G. G. IfURE, • MARY BURKE, nol2-dts Administratrix of Michael Burke, dec'd. READ THE NEWS ! READ THE NEWS ! WILLIAM M. GRAY, LATE Clerk in the employ of 81:tieler & Frazer, has opened a new Grocery Store under the name of Wm. M. Gray & Co., No. 15, Market square, (lately occupied by Gus Lechman,) opposite the Harris burg bank. We are now ready to supply the citizens of Harrisburg with a new stock of fresh groceries, consisting of pickles, plain and mixed, preserves, jellies, canned fruits, dried fruits, hominy, shaker corn, beans, rice, and a complete assortment 01 queensware, glass, cedar and willow ware. We Invite the public to call and examine our stock, and extend to us a share of their patronage. All orders promptly attended to. noladtf GOOD NEWS. WALNUT STREET IN A GREAT BLAZE. ITARE this method of informing my numerous friends and the public in general, that I hare opened my new Clothing Store, corner of Walnut and Sixth streets, where 1 am willing to sell fifty percent. cheaper than any other store in the city. Coats worth po t for $2O. Pants worth $9, for $6, and vests worth $5, for $3, and everything in proportion. All goods leaving my establishment 1 will warrant, for they are all made under my care, and with every modern improvement, and the latest style. Don't fait to come and convince yourself of the truth. n01.0.1m 5 R. BERN/WM. WELL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE, at the Court House, in the city of Harrishug, on the 24 of December, 1864, a very desirable lot of ground sit uated on the corner of Second street and Liberty alley, in said city; thereon erected a small frame dwelling house. Said lot Is hounded by Second street, Liberty alley and Church alley. Terms will be made known on day of sale. novl4-dts PIERCE MAILER. - T oy BOOBS! TOY BOOBS ! Of the laetes t publications, for sale at Seheffer's Bookstore, Ilarrisburg, Pa, nov2l CHEESE.—Prime New York Cheese, Pine Apple, English Dairy and Sap Sago Cheese, just re ceived this morning at SELLSLER & FUZEE'S. not HUOKSTERS' BASKETS. — SpieIer & Fra ser auccenoreto W. Dock, jr. & Co., have on hand 66 dozen hickory baskets. Price 16 60 per dozen Je9 ClHEESR—Ohoitte new crop Cheese, just ) ~Alva. 10 nylitt sassu k KORRPER MESS SHAD and PINE NEW MACK IAA_ UM, just received, at - Via VOTER 6 IWERPIR. PUBLIC SALE. AMUSEMENTS BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S HALL NINETY-SEVENTH NIGHT OF THE PRESENT SEASON Reuse's Star Combination Company, Rouse's Star Combination Company, Rouse's Star Combination Company, Second appearance of the celebrated American Traged'an J. B. ROBERTS Who will perform for this occasion only, bls most renowned character of I A. G- ! In Shakspear'a Sublime Tragedy of OTH ELL 0! TEM TEUSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 29, Ish4s Will be performed the Tragedy in five acts by WiliErn Shaliveare, entitled OTHELLO!! The Moor of Venice ! Norzcz—On and after this evening, the curtain will rrs.., at half past 7 o'clock. it:rFor further particulars see programme. aug9-dtf CANTERBURY HALL, WALNUT ST., BETWEEN 2d and 3d Sts Proprietors Business and Stage Manager First night of the NEw MASAGEIIENT. First appearance of MISS MIRY NEWTON, The beautiful and accomplished Vocalist Success crowns the efforts of the GREAT STAR COMPANY. Mies MALINDA KEENE, Madm'ile VIOLA HOWARD, Miss KATE DARLING . _ _ • .. SAM WELSER, JIM FLAKE, J. KEENE, • JOE MILLER, Prof. STEPHAN Y, JIM SMITH, ED HAVEN, &c., &c. Admission 25 cents. Box seats 50 cents, EmorS open at 7%; commence at 8 o'clock. SANFORD'S HALL AND THEATRE OPEN every night with a first class cow pany of male and female artists. The performance consists of NEGRO MINSTRELSY, SONGS AND DANCES, FARCES, GYMNASTIC EXERCISES, ACROBATIC FEATS, AND PAN MIMES, This is the only legitimate Concert Hall now open in the city. Performance every Saturday Afternoon, commencing at 2 o'clock HARRY WELLS & CO., Proprietor:. BILLY PORTIA Business Agent NED WWI, Stage Manager. Great Attraction ! NO. 13 AHEAD!! MRS. M. MAYER, NO. 18 MARKET STREET, Has just opened her new FALL. STOCK of BONNETS, LADIES' AND MISSES' HATS, FZATHERS AND PLOVERS'. Also, THE LATEST STYLES CLOAKS AND CIRCULARS And a fine assortment of WOOLEN HOODS, XMAS, de. TRIMMINGS Constantly on hand, besides everything usually found in the largest furnishing establishments in the country. sep2o J. R. BOYD. P. K. BOYD. CABINET FURNITURE. HAVING COMPLETED OUR NEW AND COMMODIOUS WARE-ROOMS, We offer to the public the largest and BEST ASSORTMENT OF FURNITURE To be found outside of Philadelphia, at, VERY MODE RATE PRICES. JAMMER. BOYD &SON. no4d3m] New Ware-rooms, 29 South Second st. i I { DIEDICAL USE. DESIRE to call especial attention to the PORT WINE as being euperior to any of the kind in market for invalids KELLER'S Drugand Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Market street. oet2S Valuable Property at Private Sale. Valuable Property, corner of Front 1 1.1 1! Walnut streets, late the estate of Henry Stew art, deceased, is offered at private sale. For further par ticulars inquire of WilliamJ. Stees, on the premises. nadti TWO SPAN OF GENTLE MULES, well broken and in good order, enitable for driving or hauling, will be offered for their good keeping. For fur ther invormation inquire at the Keystone farm. ocls J. 111S11. VINE ROMANO SHERRY, imported 1. 194 a. Warranted the Finest Sherry Wine in th.t uountry Tor sale at SHLSLER k FRAZER, fol.• ia1,....000./1..1 Prank . FINE GROCERIES of all kinds, at reduced prices, at SHISLER Sr FRAZER'S FAMILY GROCERY opposite the Court House. BIBLES, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, et all denominations, in different styles and at different prices, at SCREFFEWS Bookstore, Sept 28 21 South Second street, Harrinburg, Penne DISSECTED ALPHABET BLOCKS, for sale at Seheffer's Bookstore, 21 South Sec• ud street, Harrisburg, Pa. octi ECONOMY MESS SHAD.—We received a fresh let this morning, at septa ORAN - BERRIES. NJ Just received, a very fine lot of Cranberries, at oet3 SHISLER A: FRAZER. riIIOSSE & BLACKWELL'S ENGLISH rICKLNS, a rare article for table use, Just waived and for sale by SHISLER & FRAM, fall omocessom to Wm. Dock. jr., & VXT.U.S. WHITE WHEAT ELOUH.--he A 24 tested White Wheat Faintly Flour, just resat e and for sale at SHISLER Sc FRAZER, .brB Successors to W. Dock... Tr., & Cu 'Texts! HARSH—ltolimes Excelsior. AA. Joe cured. Received and for sale id SEISM k FRAZER. elooodeore 4 11. Dank. 7.. s rie B"KF4B' BASKETS, KL Arein at variety . s & ie27 Summon to W. Doek r , i , Mit o DRIED FRUIT of all kinds at fraY4l IlOnta & XORRPICIt ALAGA GRAPES, just received at [nol] SHISLER k FRAZERM PURE SWEET OLDEaftweived to-day at OItSR & ESRPZIM: C1i0.43 At . DUNLAP. JIM FLAKE. novl4tf JAMES STEWART, HENRY STEWART, Executory.. BOYER St KERPE,R'S