THE TELEGRAPH LS KIBLISHZD MORNING AND EVRATiVO; UV GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. SERAILS OF SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION. Tel MILS' TaLsctultru Is served to subscribers in the city at 12% centc per week. Yearly subscriber's will be charged $d 00 in advance. Those persons who neglectte pay in ad vance will be charged $7 DO. IirIEEXLY TELEGRAPH, Tsa TIELYGICANI. is also poblishod weekly, and is furnishod subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies, week1y..... ... Throe copes to one Post °dice Ten copies to' one Post Office 41EDICA 1. DYSPEPSIA. A Cur© Warranted. Dyspepsia has the follotoing Symptoms: • let. A constant pain or uneasiness at the pit of the stomach. 2d. Flatulence and Acidity. 3d. Costiveness and Loss of Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirits. Uth. Diarrhoea,with griping. 6th. Pain in al parts of the System. 7th. Consumptive Symptoms and Palpita tion of the Heart. Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. 9th. Nervous Affection, and want of Sleep at night. 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. 12th. Headache and Staggering in walking, with great weakness. Out of the thousands of cases of Dyspepsia that have used Dr. Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has failed of a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty years' standing. Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at Dr. Wishart's office, No. 10 N. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations and con sultations free of charge. Send for a circu lar, Price $1 per box. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of money. DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA. Emmtiirrn BnexaoN, of Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Del., do certify that, for one year and a half I suffered every thing but death from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility; I could not digest my food; if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of food, it would return just as I swallowed it; I became so costive in my bowels that I would not have a passage in less than from four and often eight days; un der this immense suffering, my mind seemed entirely to give way. I had a dreadful horror and evil forebodings. I thought everybody hated me, and I hated everybody; I could not bear my husband nor my own children, every thing appeared to be horror-stricken to me; I had no ambition to do anything; I lost all my love of family and home; I would ramble and wander from place to place, but could net be contented; I felt that I was doomed to hell, and that there was no heaven for me, and was often tempted to commit suicide, so near was my whole nervous system de stroyed, and also my mind from that awful complaint, Dyspepsia, that my friends thought best to have me placed in Dr. Kirkbride's hospital, West Philadelphia; I remained there nine weeks, and thought I was a little better, but in a few days my dreadful com plaint was raging as bad as ever. Hearing of the wonderful cures performed by Dr. Wis hart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills and his treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr. Wishart and stated my case to him. He said he had no doubt he could cure me. So in three days after I called and placed myself under the Doctor's treatment, and in two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my disease. was fast giving way, and I continued to recover for about three months, and at the present time I enjoy perfect health of body and mind, and I most sincerely return my thanks to a merciful God and Di. Wis hart, and to his great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tax Cordial that saved me from an Insane Asylum and premature grave. All persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write, as I am willing to do all the good I can for suffering hu manity. ELIZABETH BRANSON, Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Delaware county, Pa. Du. Wisn.Lar's Office, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia. DYSPEPSIA 1 DYSPEPSIA 1 DR. Wissair-1 have been a constant sufferer with Dyspepsia for the last eighteen years, daring which time I cannot say I ever enjoyed a perfectly well day. There were times when the symptoms were more aggravated than at others, and then it seemed it would be a great re lief to die. I had at all times an unpleasant feeling in my head, but latterly my sufferings so much increased 'that I became almost unfit for business of any kind; my mind was continually tilled with gloomy thoughts and - fore bodings, and if I attempted to change tiaeir current by reading, at once a sensation of icy coldness in connection with a dead weight, as it were, rested upon my brain,• ,also, a feeling of sickness would occur at the stomach, and „great pain to my eyes, accompanied with which was the ; continual fear of losing my reason. I also experienced t t great lassitude, debility and nervousness, which made it ,difficult to walk by day or sleep at night. I became averse to society, and disposed only to seclusion, and ; having tried the skill of a number of eminent physicians ,of venous school; finally came to the conclusion that, for this disease at my present age (45 years) there was no cure in existence. But, through the interference of Divine Providence, to whom 1 devoutly offer my thanks, I at last found a sovereign remedy in your Dyspepsia Pills and Tar Cordial, which seem to have effectually removed al morit the last trace of my Long list of ailments and bad feelings, and is their place health, pleasure and content ment are my everyday companions. JAMES H. SAUNDERS, No. 453 North Second street, Philadelphia, Formerly of Woodbury, Dr laiehart , e Office No. 10 North Second street, Phila delphia. A POSITIVE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA EMIR WHAT MC, JOHN.H. HIROO= BIT& No. 1028 °lava STREMr, Philadelphia, January 22d, 1803. Du. Wlerusrr—Sir:/t is with much pleasure that I em now able to inform you that, by the use of your great Ainericau Dyspepsia Pills, I have been entirely cured of that. most distressing complirint, Dyspepsia. I had been grieviously afflicted for the last tweety-eight year; and for ten years of that time have not been free from its path one week at a time. I have had it in its worst form and havedragged on a most miserable existence—in pain day and night. Every kind of food that I ate filled me with wind and pain, it Mattered not how light, or how small the quantity . A continued belching was sure to follow. I had no appetite for any kinds of meats what ever and my distrers was so great for several months be fore I heard of your Pills, Until frequently wished for death. I had taken everything - that I had heard of for Dyspepsia, without receiving any benefit; but on your Pills being recommended to me by- one who had been cured by them, I concluded to give them a trial, although I had no faith In them. To my mitonishnient, I found myself getting better before I had taken one-fourth of a box, and after taking half a box, I act a well May and can eat anything I wish, and enjoy a hearty meal three times a day, without inconvenience from anything I eat or drink. If you think proper, you are at liberty to make Ma public and refer to me. I will cheerfully give all de eirable Information to any one who may call on me • Yours, respectfully, JOHN H. BABCOCK. 'Po; sale at Dr. Wishart-s Medical Depot, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price One Dollar per box . get by mail , free of charge, on receipt of price., DV:PEPSLL! DYSPEPSIA! I, Samuel D. Baru, have been a great sufferer with Chronic; Dyspepda and Inflammation of the Sidneystor wee years, I employed three or four of the most eml ner i a *valeta= of Philadelphia, also of Burlington county N.J.• They did all for me they could, but ail to no pm , pose, I was constudly filled with awful pain and dis tress, and with constant' belching of wind and sour acid. Yy tongue was covered with a white coating of mucus until it, oracko) la large farrows, and was dreadfully morel Ohl I ofttimeillerished for death to relieve me of my sufferings, for I had loft all hope of ever being well age. I made It a subject of prayer to God that he "told direct ins to . POMO phYtikilan Or nligleismi that vete ma ao, I wag geld la rod ea atseetompsee at . _ .._. .. _ . ...,•,......„ 1 „,„ ~,,,,•„:„.„... ...,,,............, 4 , „,,, , ,-„,A.,,,, p s ,„:<,•_ ~--___---„. • . . . . •, • ~,, ~ zoVildirl i ._... f.:_...,.--7,7.,.. _ , ' 3 0-A 111 -I I :::::..;: 1,..':-... , i 1"! btit. . , , ... , , -- ' :it 7. -- ..- ' t: .:.; -'• ----,%-.'•..;-,,,,.--.....,3,9..-, K-----4---,`1,,s p. O ; :t. '- 1 -: - `',._,--_-_,<".. a .. A • ___ $2. 00 00 .15 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER MEDICAL Dr. Wisher's in the Philadelphia Ledger. of a great cure made upon Mr. John Babcock, of 1028 Olive street, Phila delphia, by the great American Dyspepsia Pills. I went to the Doctor's Office, and placed myself under h treat ment, and told him if ho failed to cure me, it would be the last effort I wontd make. It has been six weeks since commenced the use of hie medicine, and tam now a well man, free from all pain and diatrese, and can eat three hearty meals a day with comfort, and feel perfectly well. Dr. Wished, I want you to publish my case, es I want every poor dyspeptic suffering as I was, to call ou me, and I will tell them of the great cure I have received from your invaluable medicine. SASBJEL D. RAVEN. Corner Venango and Lambert streets near Richmond N street., formerly from Wrightstown, Burlington county, J . The above are a few among the thousands which this great remedy has saved from an untimely grave. We have thousands of letters from physicians stud drug gists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial, saying that they have never used or sold a medical which gave such universal satisfaction. Prepared only by the proprietor, DR. L Q. IWISUART, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists everywhere 8m:1)48-trod-Om NV.W CoPJELVti _LNG FOR Fall and Winter Trade ! BALMURALS AND SCARFS! FURS! 13 - - EL S ! ! The Largest and hest selected stock in this city I New • Cloak Store, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, HARRISBURG, PA. Bep2•tt SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY T AM happy to offer to the public a large and splendid assortment of SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, manufactured by LEROY . W. FAIRCHILD. These Pens are well finished, elastic, and will give en tire satisfaction. PLEASE TRY THEM. SCHEFFKR'S BOOK STORE, Second street, opposite. Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg Pa. ap23 45trimmealti/ORValt C I. 0 A Ti S T 0 It , IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg 1,000 DIEFEEENT STYLES OP FASECLONABIA CLOAKS ANI) CIRO UL ARS, AND FINE SPRING SHAWLS Will open on the let of April. Alman.acs ! Almanacs ! . trA. Va. English and German Lancaster Almanacs, for the year 1 6 5 . For sale, by the gross, Doren, or single, at Seheffees Bookstore, 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. se2Q 13 41 IDDIri S NEW EATING AND DRINKING SALdN. Walnut street, between , Third and Fourth. Wines, Beer and the best quality- of liquors constantly on hand. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. (ocadein] JOHN DONNEN Very Convenient. JACOB TAUSIG, MAKES pleasure to inforris his friends and Customers. and the public In general, that has has opened a wholesale ana retail Variety, Notion and Jew elry Store, N0.105M Harked street, above Eby cE Sunke2's Building Harrisburg, Pd. It would occupy a great amount of space to enumerate the articles composing my stock. The purchaser will find, through my experieneder thirteen years in the business, that I can sell goods equal to the jobbers-in the Eastern cities • sept26-d6m* TREES! TREES! 1 TREES! 1 ! THE UNDERSIGNED will commence planting Shade and Ornamental Trees, Vines, and such Fruit trees as are fit to plant in the FalL P. S.—Persons who were furnished with Mee last Spring that were warranted to grow, can have the: Same replaced that missed. [oel3] 3. biLSIL INpEED: mo our fine and extensive' stook of Photo graph Albums and Photograph Card pictnres, we have added. a BILAUTIPOL ENVELOPE for the reception of card pictures. They must be seen and will be admired sarPhotographers supplied at the very lowest whole sale price, and their card printed upon them for $1 . • thousand, wholesale and retail, at, may 24 SeltElePEß'S BOOK TURA. QUEENS and GLASSWARE, a well se lected assortment, just received, of the latest styles ./Y lB BOYER & KOERPER. QAP-SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Appli3, Ent kJ meg and New York State Cheese, just received! at SIEUSLER a FRAZER; ray 6 successors to yi r Dock, Jr., & Co. A NEW SUPPLY - of FRESH SMOKET La. RAMS, /flat received this morning, at SEMLER az. EitaXit. jet? Successors to W.' nick, 'Jr.., & Co NEW AIACKEREHL, RIMING AND SAL mom., imv4l ROVER. k KORAPKR FRENCH. CHALK AND PENCILS, Suitable for Banks, Offices, Air.. At Scheffees Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. se29 ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA.—Just re caved, a•trao chest of English Breakfast Tea at BRIBLER 8i FRAZER'S, &Woomera to W. Bock, Jr.) • ALPHABET BLOCKS ! AND HOUSE BUILDING BLOCKS, FOR sale at SCHEFFER'S BOOSSTOE, oca. 21 South Second street, Harrlsixtrg, Pa. CEDER VENEGAR.—Pere Cider Vinegar IL/ can be bought by the barrel or mall quantity, at iylit BOYRR k HOICRPItIt• FRESH OYSTEBB la aul, Nei received and for sale by SEMLER & FRAZER, eept26 , ftwoceator to W. Dock & Co.) SCI DOZEN J4l.lts ENGLISH .EILOILLES V complain Picalllly, Chow Chow, Cauliflower >Med Pickles, G&W* Walaute •=ll. Onions. P r oi male wholesale and retail by . SHISIXR nt*Egli rn , 'g ontmitswirn to W Jr.. 14 to TAINNTIA RAISINS, a new invoice, at v nol saisLER & FRAZER'S. VOMIT JABS, of the latest Patent (arif- A: all% I N II4 Patent,/ ioat received and formals low at )Ili BOYAR # IMP= "THE lINION—NOW AND FOREVER."— Webster CLOAKS, Circula,rs, CLOAKS BROOHE AND MOURNING SHAWLsw! at the [nuir9l-dly J. MISS. HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 29, 1564 MEDICAL. CHEROKEE CURE THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE COMPOUNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS, AND LEAVES. An unfailing cure for Bpermatorrhea, Seminal Weak nese, Nocturnal Emissions, and all diseases caused by re4A Pollution; such as lass of Menwrit,. Universe/ Lassitude, Pains in. the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old 4#e, Weak Nerves,Difficultliof Breathing, Trembling,' Wakeful ness; Eruptions on the Pace, Pale Coardenance Insanity Consumption, and all the Direful complaints cau sedi by de parting from the path of nature. ,This medicine is a simple vegetable extract, and one oil which all can rely, suit has been used in our practice for many years, and with thousands treated, It has not failed in a singleinstance. Its curative powers have been sufficient to gain victory over the most stubborn case tTo those who have trifled with their constitution, until they think themselves beyond the reach of 'mediad aid, we would say,. Despair not I the CIiRRORIE CUES will restore you to health and vigor, and after all quack .doe tors have failed I Price, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and fig wardecby Express to all parts of the world. ' Pamphlet sent by mail free of postage by DR. W. ft 51ENWIN & CO., Sole Proprietors, n01.5-deod-4m No. 63 Liberty street, New York. G LAD :NEWS for the :UNFORTUNATE. . . . THE LONG;SOITGHTsog DISCOVERED AT LAST. Cures in from one to three days. CHEROKEE REMEDY AND CHEROKEE, INJECTION, , Compounded from Roots, Barks and Leaves. CHEWY - EBB REMEDY, the great Indian Diuretic, cures al/ diseases of the urinary organs, such as Inconti nence of the Urine, Inflammation of the Bladder, infirm +tuition of the Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Stricture; Gravel, Died, Gonnorhea; and is especially recommended in those eases of Fluor 'taut (or Whites in females) where all the olanauseous medicines have tidied gay- It is prepared in a highly concentrated form, the dose only being from one to two teaspoonfuls three times Per day. Air It is diuretic and alterative in its action; purifying and cleansing the blood, causing it to flow in all of its original purity and vigor; thus removing from the system all pernicious causes' which nave induced disease. CHEROKEE INJECTION Is Intended as as ally or assist ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used in conjunction with that medicine in all cases of Gonorrhea, Meet,. Fluor ABMs' or WAWA Its sweets are healing, root/ars, and demulcent; removing all scalding, heat, chordee and pain, instead of the burning aail almost un endurable pain that Is experienced with nearly all the cheap quack 1/75Mions. //0- By the use of .the CHEROKEE REMEDY and CHEROKEE' INJECTION—:the two meditines at the same time--M1 improper discharges are removed, and the weak. ened organs are speedily restored to Dill vigor and strength. Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $6. naarice CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle; or three bottles for $.5. Sent by Express to any address on receipt of price. : THE CHEROKEE. REMEDY, CHEROKEE INJECTION AND CHEROKEE CURE, are sold by all enterprising Druggiets in the civilized world.. SOMe unprincipled, dealers, however, try to sell worthless compounds in Zhu place of these ; those which they can Purchase ate. chap price, and make more money by selsing, ;has they cans on these meulcines. As you value.ysur health, aye, the wealth of your future offspring, do not be &carved 'by such unprincipled druggists, tuft for there medicin s and take no others. If the uruggists will not buy them :for you, inclose the money in a letter, and we will send tb'sm to you by express, securely sealed and packed fOrn observation. Ladies or gentlemen Cate address us in_ perfect crndl deuce, stating fully and plainly their diseases and symp toms, as we treat all of a chronic nature in male or female. Patents need not hesitate because of their inability to visit us, as we have treated patients success.. fully in all portions of the eividzed globe, by currespcinds ewe s . . Patients addressing us will please slate plainly all the syniotonos of their complaints, and write Postodies, County, State, and name of writer, plain, and inclose postage stamp for reply. • We send our 32-page pamphlet free to any addresS.— Addriss ad letters to the proprietors, • DR. W. R. BIERW6T & CO., n 01.5 deod-4m No, 63 Liberty 'street, New York. NE.W ADVEItT4.wk:itnaNTS. STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, touch- A 7 log at QUEENSTOWN. Man HARBOR.) The well. known steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Phila delphia Steamship Company, (Inman Line), carry ing i the U. 0. Malls, are intended to sail as follows : CITY or KALTIMORei Saturday, November 19. CITY OF LONDON 26. ETNA December S. and every succeeding Saturday, at noon, from Pier 44, North !giver, RATES OP PASSAGE. Payable in Gat or ifs Equivalent in Currency. FIRST CABO, $Bl/ 001 arvaf,E.AG6, $39 00 do to London, 56 00 uo to London, 34 00 do to:Paris, .95 00do to Paris, . 40 00 I do to Hamburi, 9U 00 do to Hamburg, 37 00 Passengmallso forwarded to Havre, Br men, Rotter dam, Antwerp, &c., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, ;$75, $B5, $lO5. Steerage $3O, Those wbowish to send for their friends can buy tickets here at tease rates. For further information apply at the Company's Offices. JOHN G. DALE, Ageut, ocl4 15, Broadway, N. Y. Diaries ! Diaries ! FOR, 1t343.5. A LARGE assortment of Diaries and Daily A Journale fur the. year 1565, for sale at Schaffer's trooastore, i 1 Soutfi Second sired, - Harrisburg, Pa. nos PATENT CLIPS! And Bill Holders, For sale at &heifer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Fa. se2E RAGS! RAGS ! ! RAGS!!! F IVE centsper lb.ebeh piid for good mixedßags. SCHEFFEB'S Bookstore; aept26 21 South Seeorid Street: Harrisburg, Penna. ButrEß, BUTTER..—Fresh roll hotter from Snyder county received every week. Also eggs st imy4l BOYER & KOERPER. Soldiers' Portfolios. A. LARGE assortment at • BERGNEWH CHEAP BOOKSTORE, marla gold at Wholesale or retail at low orioest 'ESE---Ohoias new orop Cheese, just received at SHISLIaaI & FRAZHai loU Socoontriri to W Diwk. Jr.. kCo MESS SHAD.—Fine Mess Shad of the sea son, in bilf barrels sni t kilts, just received at Slilt3LEß - St FRAZER, Jel Successors cW. Dock, Jr., &Do 'DOCKET BOOKS, Wallas and Parses for A. sale cheap at' SCHBFFEWS Bookstore .14.! 1. :.iLE5! PICKLES! !—By the Barrett lf Barrel, Jar or pozen, at &BBL= & fIUZEIVS, non* (Successors to Win. Dock; Jr., & Co.) DRIED PEACHES, Apples, Blackbenies, Currants, Cherries, &e., at SHISLER & FRAZER'S, not amassers to W. Dock Jr., s k Co. LT SALMON. S• A new invoice of fine salt salmon, jut received and for sale by SEUSLER a FRAZER, acid= (enceessor to W Dock & Co.) • A YRFAH Kippli of Michener's Celpbrated 4 11 a. Bier Cured Haw and Dried Beef, at ne2Bl • BOYER & YOBRYBB, VEIOECENTICS excelsior haree,, of this' 09a lrl scßea amine, Just reoolved and for sale by _ SEMLER & FRAZER, . Apia' ' NuraMienvf. kr Wmt ILwk ir.. k FRESH LEMONS, just received and tor sale by [bol] SIMMER & Y'RAZNIL TOMATO KETSIJP, 1: B ;T ia gle gallon, quart or pi ,t & MAUR'S, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Renovo and Emporium TOWN LOTS FOR. THE PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE LAND COMPANY, chartered by an act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, offers forsale.choice lots for dwellings and business purposes in the above new towns on the line of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. RENOVO has been selected as the she for the exten sive shops for building and repairing the rolling stock Of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, of which the Penna. Railroad Company are now lessees. It is 92 miles west of SunburY„and 196 miles east of Erie. The town is berm tifullysituated on the margin of the west branch of the Susquehanna river, in the 'county of Clinton, and is sur rounded by romantic and attractive scenery. The Rail road Company are erecting an immense Locomotive Round Reuse, Repair Shops for Cars • and Engines, Car Building shop, Iron and Brass Furnaces, and Dwellings for the Superintendent and other officers. A splendid Hotel, with which are connected'anungementrfOr feeding passengers on the most extensive • scale; has beeri com menced. All these buildings are of the most permanent and substantial character, of brick and iron, and are In accordance with the immense business . anticipated on the completion of this great Railroad, On long anxiously looked for, and now an accomplished 'fact—the last rail connecting the Susquehanna river with Lake Erie having been laid'on Saturday, July 2d, 1864. A Company has been chartered by the Legislature for supplying the town with gas and water, and - the water works are nearly completed. Churches-winter erected immediately. The situation of RENOVO is entirely healthy, and as the dimensions of the town are limited by nature, the value of the lots must appreciate 'greatly in the course of a few years. . EMPORIUM will certainly be the most important com mercial point between Lock Haven and Warren, a dis tance of 158 miles. It is near the eentre of tae railroad, 47 miles west of Renovo; 139 miles from Sunbury and 149 miles from Erie It is near the Junction of the Drift wood Branch of the Sinnemahonbig, with West Creek, Portage Creek and North Creek; the Valleys of which streams make it the most accur.sible point on the Phila delphia and Erie railroad ten 'Vei& extensive district of country. The moment the projeCtod rallread connecting it with the city of Rochester, N. Y., snail he completed, few interior towns in the State will'eurptwa it in business capabilities. An excellent graded road now connects it with Coudersport, tile seat of Justice of Potter county. It is also connected with Smeth.port, the seater Justice 'of DlcKean county. Emporium is the County Seat of Cam eron county; it has a handsome Court House, and the Land Company have just completed a large and contino. thous Hotel, which will immediately be opened to the public. The Railroad Company aro about to erect ahand. some and permanent Passsenger Station at a central point near the Hotel and Coon House. The Plate is healthy, and excellent- water %abundant. It is in the midst of one or the finest White Pine tegiona in Pennsylvania. As a manufacturing town it has, great advantages; coal, lumber, stone, bark for tanneries are abundant, and 4 a railroad communications with the great lakes and all points of impiirtance in the seaboard aro unsurpassed. This place was selected thirty years ago as a point of hm portance, and a town 10,1 d out with the prophetic name of EmpoRIIIM, but the difficulty of access has prevexgoo its development so entirely that it is mainly known for the excellence of hunting and trout fishing in the vicinity. The completion of the Philadeiphia and Erie railroad must soon Kailas it a place of peat important% as a distri buting point for goods 'of all kinds, and 'it offers . great ,advaniages for persons at moderate capital who desire ' to identify themselves with the early history of a thriv ing town. Lithographic Maps of both towns are now ready, and Mr. ODEON HALL, .Ceneral Superintendent,: will furnish all necessary information on'the preinisea, or t idy letter. He may be addressed to the care of H. P. RUTTER, Secretary, am t Treasurer, P$ natal tun and , Erie Land Dom pally, No 20534 Wainutatreetlhiladelphta, or at Rimer:i t Clinton county, "Pennaylfantii. • ' W. G MOORHEAD, Pres% Phim. and Erie Land Co; H. P. Rirrrsa, Sedietary and Troasnrer. oct2l-d3 TECE — Li4sig ifCIQ,TCPP, ttrE 'HAS opm:pi "SPALTEI AND NAPPINEIS TO THI6 SONS AND DADGIITERS OP ArFr.terzox I" DB. CO .L.4t.INS' SYRUP OF: SOOTS HABNHAND HERBS, FOR ilia dire of (Joitgith, Colds, Sore Thrdpkt, .JL! Bronchitis, Asthma, and all similar. 'com plaints. ' The object of this Medicine is to soothe and ease the cough ; to dissolve the congealed phlegm that adheres and sticks to Atte throat, which excites backing, hawking, and coughing;, relieve the irritation in the throat, which is producted by ' , ditching bold on the . slightest :ex posure. It eipectorates the - diseased matter that has se- Cumulated in the Longs which retards and oppresses the respiratory or breathing organs, heels and nourishes the lungs and bronchial tubes. This inedicineiives tone to the stomach, it purifies and circulates the blood, which causes oppression of ithe chest and difficulty In breathing. Good .News for Mothers and Chadren.---Here is the sufferer's balm ; keep it in your family, sickness comes thief in the night, and your child is suffocated by the awful disease, Croup, or similar complaints. Here is a preventative—it Is nature's friend. These Medicines are prepared and sold by SAMEraL COLLINS, Indian Medicine Man, near the corner of Third street and Straw besty alley. Also, for tele at the pritg Store of • J. M. BOMGARDNER, Corner of Fourth and Market streets, Harrisburg. All orders should be addressed to DR. S. COLLINS, Harrisburg. These Medicines are purely Vegetable. nol7 CONTRACTORS AND BIX.DERS PLEASE • TAKE NOTICE. 'TIHE UNDERSIGNED reipectfully informs 1. the public that he has located himself at Humthels town, Pauphin county, Pa., wherein has the best facil ities for burning lime of the first quality of stone, of the best quality foi mason and plaster works, and is prepared to furnish, in any quantities, lime or lime stone h at the Lebanon Valley railroad depot. Builders, dealers and' Ciagractors supplied with lime or atom at be.shortest notice. Having ample sidlings and trestle work from the quarries and kilns to the depot, he is always prepared to All orders, shipping either byrail road or by Union canal. Address D. S-EARLY; oc2i2-d2m* litimpelytown,.Dauphin, @minty, Pa. U.: A GENOY FOR' TIM SALE OF U. S. BONDSAND TR.FAHCBVNOTES.—Deposits receiv ed in small sums to be applied to investment in these $ 5O , $lOO or $5OO securities. We act as agents,in this city, in correspondence with Gov. ernment agents, for procuring these securities; especially by receiving'deposits of small sums, to be so applied. Interest of 4or 5 or cent. will bo allowed on deposits exceeding $2O. Funds above the amount of all such deposits will bo kept in the Harrisburg Bank, and a de, posit can be withdrawn at any time by the owner. The business will be solely of this nature, and conducted on a plain„ fair,open and explainable to all, as set out, with the neeegairy information as tilde to secutities,in our circulars. These 11. S. Bonds and Treasury Notes are the, safest and most convenient for investment, bring the highest rate of interest, and can be sold at any time for the amount on their face, together with the accumulated interest, or at a premium. Very moderate c,oinmirsdeas will be asked- M. WEINNEY & Co, Once Raspberry Alley,.Near the Court House Harrisburg, Oct. 21, 1864.—def HENRY REGAN'S Steam Engine and Machine Shop, Six ST., BETWEEN WALNLIT AND MARKET O. Molta'a Old Stand.) par, undersigned having taken the above A_ shop, respectfully solicits a share of the public pa tronage. Particular attention will be paid to repairing of Steam . Engines, and all kinds of machinery. All work will re ceive my,personal attention, and satisfaction guaranteed ' seplo dly B. O. GOBIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oar/C2 1z Tanta STBEFS, ASO9I listutier. sir Bounties, Pepslons and Baca Pay collected at lsgal rates . . se A PEW MORE COPIES of the ' RULES FOR REGVI:A.TIN4. ; FRE. PRACTICE IN THE SUPREME iktURE. AND 'COIIRF4pF I'ELE • TWELFTH JUDICIAL DbTItICT OF • . • PENNSYLVANIA, Composed of Dauphin: and Lebanon conntien. 'Price 60. For talentt4cilrea,ti Book/item*, Iliiiriebn9r, Pa. PRICE THREE CENTS EVENING EDITION. From the 201st Regiment. CAM. NEAR FORT ELLSWORTH, Max./amen., -Va., Thanksgiving Eve, Nov. 24, 1864. ED. Tanzoskrn—Dear Sir:—Thanfigiving Day was generally obServed here, by all clas ses. You and your readers are aware the newspaper announced that the soldiers in the hospitals at the fropt,and elsewheremould be provided with substantials for a thanksgivng dinner, from the "fat of the land " of the States to which they belong. This was carried out, I presume, in most instances, and the " free will offerings" sent to the respectiVe anxious recipients. So far as the 201st Regi ment is concerned, however, nary a turkey, or any biped that sported down or feathers at one time or.another, was received, or " thank ye'd" for from horde or elsewhere ! Well, it was useless; when we state the fact that Uncle Samuel furnishes his pupils in the school of Mars with each delicacies as salt-junk, beans, or hard-tack Talk about beans! Why, sir, we united our five days' rations, and prevailed upon "Aunt Jennie," a fat negress and laun dress to our mess, to bake them in her ample cooking-stove; to which the sable giantess consented, for a share of the provender, and precisely at 2P. hi. , she made her appearance with a huge pan containing jast half-a-bushel baked beans—"done brown," crisp and pala table! Didn't we gobble, thm up, or, rather, down, though ! Poulton, the artist, remarked they wasn't good, after stalling himself com pletely. Sergeant McCormick, our friend, filled his knapsack to its utmost capacity; and your correspondent hid a given quantity, the amount of which he would rather not state. Five or six others "mixed in," and the whole mixture disappeared as fast as a sprinkling of snow would under the genial rays of the sun on a fair April day. Well, all hands were satisfied, and did not wish for anything more substantial. Bully for Uncle Samuel ! Long may he wave! Business was entirely suspended in the city, and the strictest order and decorum were ob served. Not one drunken - soldier, or belated citizen was to be seen,yet thonsands of pedes trians ware on the qui vive. They had a trial of " squirts" in the upper section of the city during the afternoon, which ended in a small riot, with "nobody hurt." The fire engines, respectively named "Friendship and "Cataract" are small affairs, when contrasted with those of our native city. They are of the "Button" pattern, but smaller than the ones used in Harrisburg. My friend, Sergeant Mowry Nichols, of Company A, informs me that in " bobbing around" to see the sights, he stopped into the Washington Street Hosidtal, and found there as Surgeon in charge, the Rev. Dr. Bishop, formerly pastor of the Locust Street Metho dist Episcopal Church; of Harrisburg, priorto term in which Dr. Bartine served. It was reported at one time that Dr. Bishop was dead, and many of his friends and admirers at Harrisburg credited the report. To-day he is officiating as Surgeon of the body, as well as of the soul of the sick soldier, and looks hale 'and hearty. Dr. B. at one time of life studied and practised surgery,. and is to-day one of the most useful men in Alex andria, as we are assured by those who know him. The men of the 201st were rigged out in their new attire, to-day, and looked remarka bly neat, clean and soldier-like. The few men belonging to the regiment, yet in the hOspitals here, , are fast recovering, and will soon, it is rumored, rejoin the 201st. The Alexandria Theatre has been in success ful operation for the past two weeks. The building is situated, on - King street, and is illy adapted for dramatic representations. It is a low, dingy structure, not a circunistance,. so far as appearance . is concerned, to Sanford's Opera House in Harrisburg. How they man aged to play "The Colleen Bawn," and plays of a still greater caste, during the past fort night, is to me a matter of astonishment ! Another establishment, of the Harrisbnrg Canterbury' order, termed "Dick Parker's Winter Garden," where lager and vulgarity are retailed at a cheap rate, is also in success ful operation. Order and decorum prevail at all hours, owing to the efficient police force stationed throughout the city. The police is stationed and subdivided into four districts. The men of the 201st composing the police force arc— Corporal Floyd, Company I, Private John Brooks, do H, do Davy Thomas, do I, do W. W. Duffey, do H, do Mat. Shilling, do H, do John Epley, do H, do Jog. Lorimer, do • I, do Ellis Updegrove, do ,I, do J. J. Walters, do I, do G. W. Cain, do H, do J. Crosby. do H, do Wm. Swear, do 1, do --- Clark, do H, do Jacob Yoke, do •I, The entire police force comprises sixty men; fourteen of the number were detailed out of the 201st, and the remainder out of the 2d District of Columbia regiment. Our camp is overrun with rats! What a tine harvest a practical Chinaman could reap here, barreling up the commodity, and ex porting it to the Celestial Empire. They are huge, fat, and sleek, says Mowry Nichols— regular secesh rats—one of them could whip five of our Northern rats, he thinks, with ease! They pulled one of his messmates off his brink—dragged him by the hair—then skedaddled! • Mowry declares' they are per fect cannibals--tasting nothing but meat— and looking with contempt on fresh Union bard-tack! That, he says, is proof positive of their nasty secesh proclivities. In taking up "passes" at my post, this. P. ii., I made the acquaintance of Lieut. John Weltmer, (brother of Joseph J., printer,) who is now stationed at Fort William, and is at tached to Capt. R. J. Nevin's Independent Light Artillery, Battery L Lieut. W. was doing business in the South, and conscripted in 1863. He served two months, when he was taken prisoner, and sent to Fort Dela ware. He was subsequently released, and joined Nevin's Battery at Lancaster, Pa., and participated in the battle of Gettysburg ; af terwards stationed at Fort Washington, oppo site Harrisburg ; from thence to Harper's Ferry, where they were reorganized and sent to Fort William, near Alexandria. Lieut. W. is, the only Dauphin county man in tie Bat tery. He has not been in Harrisburg for a lonitime, yet readily nanijad' a great Many yti g men who were his former playmates. veral ladies from - Dauphin and Perry counties made their appearance here, hNileY• STRA PRINTING ]!!.ICE, .ADVERTISING RAM-DAILY TE'LMRARIL The following are the rates for advertising inthe Tim- GRAPH. Those having advertising to do will find it-con venient for reference: * Four lines or leas constitute one-half square Eight lines, or more than four, constitute a square. VOR A RALF SQUARE. One day $ 30 Two days Three days 75 One week 125 I One month 300 Two months. 4 50 Three months 5 50 Six months .. 8 00 One year. 15 00 Administration Notices Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices 8 - aneral Notices, each insertion - - tar Business notices inserted in the Local Coltaitn, or before Marriages and Deaths, &GET CENTS PER LINE for each insertion. FOR On WARS. One day 60 Two day 5........... 100 Three day 5......... 1 25 One week-- ...... 225 Ons month 8 00 Two months 9 08 Three months 11 00 Six mortals is 00 One year.......—.. 25 00 2 75 in search Of their husbands and lovers. Quite natural, ain't it? There is a Grand Military Ball in existence somewhere in the city, and some of the offi cers of the 201st have gone thither to join "the mazes of the dance," and "trip upon the light fantastic toe !" The Ball was gotten up, it is said, in honor of Gen. Augur. Thanksgiving Day in . Alexandria was, ap parently, enjoyed by every one. We enjoyed it over a peck of beans !---:therefore we feel "weak and weary," and stupid, and must bid you good night. A. H. B. Markets by Telegraph. Nzw Youx, Nov. 28 Flour advanced 5010 c. for State; sales of 7,000 bbls. at $9 60@,10 15 for State; $ll 11) (4512 for Ohio, and $lO 75@15 25 for South ern. Wheat advanced la2c; sales 'unim portant. Corn advanced 1(0,2c. Beef firm. Pork firm at $35@36. Lard firm. Whisky firm at $1 88. BALTIMORE, Nov. 28. Flour dull and inactive; Western extra nom inal at $ll 25. Wheat very dull; Southern red at $2 55@2 60. Cairn active. New white $1 80; yellow $1 85. Whisky firm at $1 CB, Tan OLD Cournrurns.—Crowded as England is with a hungry population five per cent. of her soil is not under cultivation. Yet the proportion of cultivated to the uncultivated land, is higher in England than in any other country in Europe. In Russia, less than one fifth of the soil is under cultivation; in Swe den, only one-seventh; in Austria and Hol land, one-fifth; in Switzerland, . one fourth; in France, fifty-four hundredth& There is really no need of emigration. Iu England, as appears by a parliamentary report, there are sixteen millions of acres, wholly unproduc tive, that might easily be made productive. The reason why these acres are permitted to lie unimproved is, that as soon as they are enclosed, and bet ore they can be • sufficiently reclaimed to produce a paying crop, they be come subject to tithe and tax. Hence, only men of large capital dare undertake the task, and they prefer to ivvest their capital where the retain is more speedy and more certain. A DANGEROUS NOTE.— On Saturday a dan gerous counterfeit., purporting to be a $5O Treasury bill, made its appearance in Balti more. It was a lithograph, very light in ap pearance. and had evidently been touched up by an expert hand. To persons not used to the appearance of the genuine, the counter feit is a dangerous one and a sharp look out should be kept for them.. Similar bills have also made their appearance in, Philadel phia. NEw FRACTIONAL CIIBEENCY.—The plates of the new fifty cent fractional currency are nearly ready for printing. These notes will be of the same breadth as those now in cir culation, but nearly twice as long. The new five cent note will be of the same size as the old ones, while the ten and twenty five cent notes will be •of lengths graduated between the highest and lowest, denominations. It is probable that a three cent note n - ill be issued for the greater facility of making change. A NOTABLE feature in the curiosity' depart ment of the Sailors' Fair; at . Boston, is an or saddle from Dedham, dating from 16$8, by means of which one John Fairbanks and his wife were accustomed to ride to church on Sundays, on the ox which drew the plough during the rest of the week. It' is a ponder ous affair of wood and iron. • Is New York, in consequence of the afpw priation being exhausted, the pay, of the .en gineers in charge of the city, steam fire en gines has been stopped. Considerable feeling exists because of this, but it is probable that some satisfactory arrangement will be made by the authorities. LIEBE has been some rare cases of brigand age and other crimes in Spain. A rich pro prietor and physician carried off almost at the gates of Malaga and detained for a ransom of $B,OOO ; a notary murdered by the mayor and municipal councillors of his town ; a musi cian stabbed at the door of his church. GEN. WOLF:mares resignation fenders Geri. Pialleck the senior Major General of the regu lar army. It is a significant fact that the late Presidential canvass has been, the means of depriving the army of its two ranking Major Generals—McClellan and Free Mont. Hos. Tames MAxu,'arm was fatally injured at Elmira, New -York, on Thursday, while walking on the railroad track. Hewes struck down by a freight train, and lived but an hour. Mr. Maxwell was seventy-three years, of age, and many years ago represented the Elmira district in Congress. . Tans boys were recently mnothered to death in a bin of wheat, near Achison, Kan sas. They were sleeping in a partly-filled when the boards of a full bin gave way, and they were buried beneath the grain. THE population of the British North Ameri can provinces that are uniting . is- but' little short of 3,300,000. The Catholic religion is held by considerably more than two-fifths of the number. Sta Peter Lely made it a rule never to look at a bad picture, having found hy experience that whenever he did so his pencil took a tint from it. Always apply the same rule to bad books and bad company. Two years ago the people of San ;Francisco were raising money for Sacramento county, drowned by a flood; now they are doing the same for Santa Barbara county, starved by drouth. THEY print without ink in Paris; brintro ducing a sheet of some fabric on which lampblack and, glycerine are deposited be tween the paper and the type. THE Congressmen—sly old rats—are pre. tending to their wives that living is so dear in Washington the ladies must remain at home this season. JOHN DOLEN, of Virginia City, Nevada Ter ritory, was recently convicted of sfearing $7OO, and was hung within twenty-four hours - after ward. "HOLLY HAYES, " a noted female' rebel spy of Forrest's command, who was • captured six months ~ago, has been seen to the Alton (Illi nois) pitson. A WOMAN who was jealous of liar huaband was burned to death in Canada, the ether day, by his throwing.kerosene oil, lighted,ell over her. • Trim editor of the Bangor %ries segpd an "Affghan"—which article no kares ,at all fairs--a "horse-blanket," and excitd"the in dignation of the fair. Tn U. S. Gunboat Galena has reiradiated the gunboat General. The entire.trotecof her officers was thrown for Lincoln: ,and the Union, 1 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers