_ire, , t:~~t`srt;nn .a'aa: cro. - - .;.~..... _... _.- .'~iTSINESS "+ DAIt•DS. ES • - • RALPH L. IVIAC.LAY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.—Patriot and Union Harrisburg. Strict attention paid to an legal bestow:la Military claims collected. mylo-d®m-eod A. C. SMITH, ATTORNEY - AT - 'ETAS removed hie Office from Third to Wel -1)11.. nut street, next to the Prison. All business in• trusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. JONES HOUS E, Corner of Market street and .Market Square. 111111818.13UE9 fEIyIiTA. T cliAp;l-I.Iu.ANN, • Proprietor. nob-dtf STATE CAPITAL HOTEL, CORNER OF THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. THE undersigned having purchased this well known house has enlarged and theronghlyvenovated It. The rooms have been re-painted and papered, and the entire estali . ament elegantly re-furnished. Being pleat [tangy and iniibly located, and promided with every soul venience; It offers to the public-alt the comforts and luani rtes of a first class hotel. Trusty and obliging servants 'Always in attendance. A bar well stocked. with choice liquors Is attached to the establishment de26-dly W. G. THOMPSON, Proprietor. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, HARRISBURG, PA. D, 11. HUTCHISON, Prowletor. THIS well known Hotel is now in It condi . lion to accommodate the traveling public, atioriling the most ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the permanentboarder, . . . THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has bean entirely rent? ted thronghorit, and now has accommodations equal In extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Its location is the best in the State Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots, and Is Close proximity to lathe public offices and business lel cantles of the city It has now all the conveniences of A FIRST CLASS HOTEL, and the Proprietor is determined to spare neither et. penile, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the guests. The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully solli anted. jell-dtf • MUSICAL. PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHIT MUSIC, ATIOLINkFLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS, - STRIPS, DRUMS, FIFES and all kinds of MUSI CAL - MERCHANDISE, PICTURE FRAMES, LOOKINtI GLASSES, prima RA PR CARDS and ALBUMS, AM B AO TYPE OHMS, ENGRAVINGS, PICTURES, &C., &C. Remember the place, SILAS WARD, No. 12 Third treat, the largest Music Store . Lbia side of the great cities, JanlM-dit MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS TWENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS; AND SRN ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by Instruments of this Maas) bus been awarded to MASON Jr. lIAMLIN. !S INSTRUMENTS. • A full assortment of these instruments always on baud W. lIXOCIIE'S, Sale Agent, 93 Market Street. jo4 21,awly] NEW GOODS-JUST OPENED ! BERGNER'S Book and Stationery Store. Embraoing.every new and improved style or POCKET BOOKS, KAM CURRENCY HOLDERS, CALF SKIN POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES, ♦ PORTMONNAIES, at prima to suit all circumstances POCKET CUTLERY, OoneMang of R flue assortment of Weetentiolm's Stipa Pocket GOLD PENS, From Newton's celebrated , manufactory nti . Every Pen WM a guara. • PORT FOLIC'S, WRITING OASES. • ROSEWOOB DESKS, PAPETERIES, Ace: Together with every article usually found in a first Book and Stationery establishment, at myl2] BERGNER'S, 51 Market street DANIEL A. MUENCH AGENT OF the Old Wallower Line, respectfully in forms the public that this Old Daily Transportation Line (the only Wallower Line now in existence in this' oltcarry!is to successful operation , and prepared to carry! freight t as low as any other individual line between Phila-i dolphin, Harrisburg,Senbury, Lewisburg, Williamsport, Jersey Shore, Lock Haven awl all other points on the: Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Williamsport' and Elmira Railroads. - DANIEL A. IdUENCH, Agent. Ilarriffburg, Penn'a. hoods sont to the Warehouse of Messrs. Peacock, Zell: & Hinobman, Noa. 808 and 810 Market street, above Bth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, r. at., will arrive at Berrie-. burg, ready for delivery, next niorniug. [ap3o-rdtnyl PIANOS. ALBRECHT, .RIHKES & SCHNOT'S EXCELSIOR PIANOS. • SOLE AGENCY AT W. ENOCIIE S, •93 Market street, Harrisberg. FOR REASONS perfectly satisfactory to MYSELF I have taken the agency of the above moat exeellent Pianos. Thepublic is Invited to come and ex amine for themselves. • • A few Sehomacker & co's Pianos on band yet will be daol low. mar2s-tt PO . H. TOGA APB. A , 1p uMS . . Photograph Albums. • Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albumf THE largest and cheapest variety ..of PH( TOGHAPH ALBUMS. in the city are constantly kei at . [inaTlß] .10.111GpTEP.'S 01114 P BOOKSToRE. • FII 4 IE FAMILY FLOUR.-giIISLEIt FRAZER have made arrangements with one of the host mills In the country to supply the families of Harris bug with choice FLOUR. Every barrel warranted, and delivered to any part of the city free of charge. SEMLER & FRAZER, Dealers In Fine Family Groceries, opposite the Court Rouen aul3 PEIPIIER'S DAILY LINE BETWEEN `PTULADELPI.IIA, • Lock Haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Mon ey, Uniontown, Watsontown, Milton, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Treverton, Georgetown, . Lykenstown, Millersburg, Halifax, Dauphin, AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located; the drayage will be at the lowest rates. The Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of all goods Intrusted to the line. Goode delivered at the de po tpoof WILLIAM E. BURR, 812 Market alrWit Ph lladelphia, by 5 o'clock P. M. will be delivered In Ha i Tabus the next morning. Irraigila Always as Low as by Any oth.r Lin.. JOS. MONTGOMERY & CO., Philadelphia and Reading Depot,. oot2l-tf Foot of Market street, Earrisbur (`CANNED FRUITS OF EVERY DE,soßip. Ts,/ N. SAUCES tor all Oa calabratad manufacturers SARDINES, OLIVE OILS, o every description. Also, BROWN STOUT, FINE TEL POWErE, . S UGAR and BIRD? of all grades acid prices, and the best selected stoak outside of Philadelphia. All goods guaranteed as represented. Partkindar attention paid to all orders from a distance. Goods carefully packed and delivered to all parts of the OW free or charge. SHISLER 8i FRAZER; mph successors to W. Dock, Jr., Ate:. NEW Liti,l7olt - Sti4xic. itDROBTANT TO LANDJAMDS AND OTASZS.—The underaiginid wrens at tulußesale,ito trade, a alleles lot - of the bat liquors ever brought - 16 ilanieherg, vls:..rrench Brandies, Aroilond ainc, s c ogat kik Somnbov i. Wheat „acid "Okll.olol Vratle.lV ' I=l. and OSMIUM wince, such as Champagne, Claret, Ca 4 ea -Aliqlquore -111 mu arr-mreinnited. - •}Jandlordir and otheramdi Wit to their: MlVltetkge to 00. and • , amine the _assortment at the store, on South. irtZroiloora below Oheeteat. .41111 . . exortox wurgraiv. k• piortXcerplCentral ltaylway, WINTER Tins, TABLE. OPENING OF THE BRANOR TO -EWE, FOUR TRAINS DAILY TO AND EBOM • BALTIMORE WASHINGVON CITY. • Connotations made with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. VOUR ,TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna, Pennsylvania and Erie, Elmira, and all of Northern New York. • ®Nand after MONDAY, NOV. ithd 1864, the Passenger. Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, viz: SOIITHWARD. MAIL TRAM leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday)... ....... .10.40 A. K. " leaves . . .. 1.30 V. st. arrives at Baltimore.. ......... 6.45 P. a EXPRIMS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) 1145 P. Y. " leaves Harrisburg (except Monday) 2.60 a. a. I I arrives at Baltimore daily 7.00 A. K. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION Ear ' ' burg .. 7.45 I. 11, SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun- • , -. • - bury daily (except Suu day) at 7.50 A. Y* • PHILADELPHIA HE . PRESS TRAIN least% Sunbury daily, (except Sunßuysa it 9 . 05 r. NORTH W AR D. HAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) 9.20 A. 11, leaves Harrisburg 1. 45 e r arrives at Sunbury 4.20 P. k. EXPRESS TRAM leaves Baltimore dai1y...... 9.30 P. k. arrives at Harrisburg.......l.oo A. X leaves Harrisburg daily ' cept - Holiday) 2.30 A. xe , arrivesat Sunbury 0.12 A, Y. ERIE EXPRESHTRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sa'urdays) at...... 7.20 P. 39. leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) 12.05 A. at. arrives at Sunbury at..... 2.20 A. ai HARRISBURG ACXX/MMODATION leaves. Bal- " Olives at HarrisliuVg' 7 60 r..mt, tO/NIITIRY ACCOMMODATION leaves- Hartle- burg daily (except:it - 11)day) at 4 10 r . at, _ _ The Erie Express null Philadelphia Express are through trains to and from Erie and all intermediate points. Mail and Express trains rue through to Elmira. For further information apply at the Offiec in Pennsyll "anis Railroad Depot, J. N. DuIIARRY, Harrisburg, Oct. 30, 1804.-mitt - • Gen. Supt. Lebanon Valley Branch • OF PHILADELPHIA & READING R. R. . kr• IL „L'ALAJII. Winter arrangement of Passsenger Train from Harrisburg, NOVEMBER 7, 1864. THREE DAILY TRAINS FOR NEW YORK. No 1 EXPRESS at 3:00 Aay Arr. at N. York at.lo: 00 A.M No 8 FAST, at 8:15 A at, , L; 2:45 PaF No 7 MAIL at 1:45 P 31, " " 0:20 r tt The above comma closely with similar trains on th 4 Pennsylvania.RailroaktrpFa Pittsburg and the West. YOB PHILARELPHI.I. AND .1 The 3.00 A3t Express. connects at Reading with this Reading Accommodation. Train, arriving at Philadelphi4 at 9:25 AM. No's 3 and 7 connect at Reading for Potts. villa, Tamaqua, Allentown, Philadelphia, Ric., arriving at the latter point at 1:20 and 7:05 r u, and at Pottsville r 4 12:35 noon and 7:45 P WAY TRAMS FOR LOCAL TRAVEL. • Number 5 Mail at 7:75 AM, stopping at all, points, and making same connections at Reading as number 3. Number 9, Harrisburg ,Accommodation, at 4:40 r stopping at all points, arriving at Reading at 7:10 e RETURNING TRAMS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS New York—Number 2 FAST at 9:00 A at; number 4 EXPRESS at 7:00 P at, and number GRAIL at12:00 m, Philadelphia—S:oo A at and 3:30 r m. Pottsville-8:50 A rd and 2:35 P X . Reading—Number 4 MI'BESS 12:00 midnight; bum ; ber 70 ACCOMMODATION 7:35 AM; number 8 MAIL 10:45 AM; number 2 FAST 1:38 la; number 6 MAIL 6:06 PN. . . . i Passengers for Lebanon. Valley Railroad Way Station will take trains numbor=6, 9,6, and 10, as the other traine stop only at Lebanon and principal stations. Baggage checked through. For tickets or other in-, formation apply to • J. J. CLYDE; uo4 • • Deneral Agent, Harrisburg. 1864. Philadelptkia wad Erie 'Road. • rnnlS Great tine :traverses the Northern A. and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to The city of Erie, on Lake Erie. • • It has been leased by the PANNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM PANY, and is operated by them , • Its entire length was opened for passenger and freight business October 17, 1854. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG. Leave Delkwani. Mail Train Elmira Express Train Wililliamsport Accommodation Leave Westward . . Mail Vain Elmira Express... Williamsport, Acconamoilaiir .. on Passenger cars run through ou Mail trains without change both ways between I'hila4elphia and Erie, oust Baltimore and Erie. Elegant sleeping cars on Elinira Express trains both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore. For information reSpecting passenger business apply at the corner 30th and Market streets, Pniladelphia. And. for Freight business or the Company's agents: S. B Kingston; Jr., 'corner. 30th tind trartet greets, Philadelplia. .J. W. Reynolds. Erie. .1. M. Drill, Agent'N OR 11, Baltimore. Et..A. HUSTON, • General Freight Agent, Philad'a. H. W. G'WINNER, General Ticket' Agent, Philatra. • JOS. D POTTS, • • ocllOdly Geniral Manager, Willianispart. CUMB ER LATV D VALLEY F Ja A N: L -N „ - • . . . • • . ..• 1 Zl. ' .7.-- '';• - ._ ' Pg!EFFrW , ,e lal '.• iv ^ 77, '. A . • ••_, . - E - N ,-- •, -,-- I . .... - .A - .a.• Jil A . , RAI - L ROADS. CRANGE OF HOURS. —On and aiter Mon day October 31, 1864, Puastinger trains wilt run daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted;) ..roa CSAMBIUMBO72O - 4.1 1 77) HARBISi URG: . . . . Leave Hagerestown...... .4, .. 7.00 2.46 " Greencastle • 7.37 3.33 Arrive at ..... ........ 8.17 4.20 Ohamberebnrg, / Leave at ' • 8.3012.66 Leave Shippensbarg .. ..... ..... .. . ... . 9.00 F2B ' " Newville ..........................' 9.32 2.00 •• Carlisle 6:3 0. 10.10 2.46 " Mechanicsburg 700 10 42 3.16 Arrive at Harrlaburg 730 11.16 3.45 FOR CHA MBERSBURQ 41VP ff4(I4E.S.TOWLy.: MUSTARD'S, Leave Harrisburg ' ' A' 8. 3 4 7 1 . '.4 1L 0'' i. 4 . 1 .11 5 Mechanicsburg 8.47 2.20 4.60 Carlisle 9.27 2.59 -5.16 46 ' Hou - rille . 10.02 8.34 --6-- " SuPliensburg 10.33 4.04 Oir a wrab urg, t le Arrive at • • 11.00 4.36 :: leave oreemitie. ave at. • .1110 . 4.46..:" - 4.1-619 6.35 Arrive at Hagerstown 12.35 6.15 I sir Making alone connections at Harristmrg with trains for. Philadelphia; ii.ew • York and. Iltlebrirg ; and. W,iti trans for all,paintB Host. lairThe.Train halving Iltrrlsbure ' at. ..5.14 l. Dalraa-far arrfleitakir --- --- ...-...--,7 -,,,,. ;-, c ! .. .,. N: rang A.cit.'i:killee„.Ohamberebeirg, Oct. lai 3, -.... "' 4 4-4311; , 884.1 p _ .. I[ 4 -trrs , orT hrtd ino*44, • 9.° rl.7!•_, ""414),14 RAIIAROADS 7 . ~: ~ ~~ • timore daily (except Sun day) . 3.00 P. MI 1864. ........1.1:35 A II •1 :3O A nt 1:45 r AND it ma:l6;A lib READING RAILROAD. WIN TER ARRANGEMENT ) NO VT: AI 13 7111., 1564, REAT TRUNK LINE PROM 1112 kA NORTH. ant Northwest for l'lffla•teinbia,NL:w York, Reading, PoLtsvii le, Lebanon, Aliento.wn, Eabton , Sze. , Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, es follows : At 3.00 and 8.15 A. m. and L 45 P. sr., arriving at New York at 10.00 A x. and 2 45 and 10.00 P. W. The above connect with Elmilar Trains on the Pennsyl vania Railroad, and Sleeping Cars accompany the first two Trains without change. Leave for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minersville, Allentown and Philadelphia at 8.15 A. at and 1.45 P. as., stopping at Lebanon and principal Stations only. Way Trains, stopping at all points, at 7.25 A. m. and 4.40 P. M. Returning : Leave New York at 9.00 A. at., 12.50 noon, and 7.00 P. at Philadelphia at 8.00 A. m. and 3.30 P. M. ; Pottsville at 8.50 A. at. and 2.05 rt: m..: Tamaqua at 8 1U A. m. and 2 15 P. at., and Reading at 12.00 midnight, 7.35 and 10.45 A. at., 1.38 and 6.05 P. Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves Reading at 6.30 A. as ~ tiquming from Philade pbia at 4.30 P. M. Columbiil, Railroad Trains kayo Reading at 6.40 and 11.00 A. at. for.Ephrata, Litiz, Columbia, he. On Sundays : Leave New York at 700 P. at., Philadel phia 3 15 P. M , Pottsville 7 30 A. at., Tamaquu 7 CO A. is., Harrisburg 8 15 A. at., and Reading at 12 00 midnight, for Harrisburg. Commutation. Mileage. Season, School, and Excursion licl;ets to and from all points, at reduced rates. Baggage checked through : 80 pounds allowed each passenger. . O. A. NICOLL:3, Reading, .ra ,Noveulber 3, 1861. no2l. • ------ PtikitSyiVaßiia Ktti ltdeaac9 ! - T.LlT:iowsk7/0- - wiNTEdit Timm TABLE. FIVE TRAINS. DAILY TO AND FROM PIIILADEDELPIIIA AND PITTSBURG. MONDAY, o:ltober 31, 1864, rpUE Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania 11 Railroad Company will depart from Rarrriaburg, and arrive at Philadelphia and Pittsburg as foilowS: :EASTWARD. THR01.4113 EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrishrirg daily at 2.45 .4. M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.55 A. r. FAST LINE loaves Harrishitrg daily (except Monday) at 8.00 A. N. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.40 Y. M. passengeni lake breakfast at Harrisburg. HAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 130 P.r., and arrives at Bast Philadelphia at 5.35 P. II PITTSBURG AND ERIK EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sandal s).nt 11. 55 P. m., and writes at West Philadelphia at 4.20 A. Si. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Har risburg daily (except Sundays) al 4.00 e. lc ' and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.30 P, 11. This train has no connection front the West. COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Harris burg daily (except Sundays) at 7. A m., and arrives at Lancaster at 0.15 A. Si., connecting (except on Mondays) with the Fast Line east. WESTWARD PIT LSBURCI AND ERIE EXPRF.SS leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 12.36 A, at., Altoona o 53 A. at., take breakfast, and uvrive at Pittsburg at 12.40 P. al. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.25 A. si. •, Altoona, 8.15 A. in, take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 P. as. THROUGH. EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.25 A. at., Altoona at 8.15 a. at., take breakfast and arrives at Pittsburg at 2.40 P. BE FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 4.00 r. at.; Altoona at 9.10 5.. at., take supper, sad arrives at Pittsburg at 2.00 a. as. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 1.40 r. Y. • Altoona at 7.55 P. take supper, and ar rives at PlUstiure at 1.30 P. N. MOUNT JOY AOOOMMODATION wee tleaves Lancaster at 11.20 A. M., connecting there with the Mailwest; leaves Mount Joy as 11.51 A. as , and arrives at Harrisburg at 1.00 P.m THE HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN from Pittsburg, which arrives at.l3arrisburg at 6 90 r. x., stops there, passengers for East of Harrisburg lay over until 11.h5 e. . . . SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. Middle Div. Perm's E. /i Harrisburg, Oct. 27,- 1864.-dtf IFUSC,ELLANEOUS. %Vhen will Womiers Cease,? THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE WORLD! DR. MoBRIDR'S KING OF PAIN WILL cure any ache or pain in from one to sixty minutes I It acts like magic upon the absorbent and glandular systems, reducing swellings and regulating the secretions and excretions. It is of a diffusive, penetrating nature; exerts its influence from the periphery to the centre of She nervous organism, thence by reflex action its power is felt throughout the entire system, restoring the circu lating fluids and checking disease with invincible strength. THE KING OF PAIN IS INFALLIBLE!' No matter what the pain, apply the medicine and you will find instant relief. It is an internal and external cure. TEE RING OF PAIN Cures almost instantaneously, Headache , Earache, Nett ralgia, Deafness, Sore Threat, Colds Bronchial Affections,. Asthma, Dyspesia, Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Bloody Flux,: Liver Complaint, Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Bladder and Genital Organs, Cramp, Chao and all spasmodic; pains,"Fever and Ague, Burn; Bruises, Cuts, Sprains find! wounds of every description. R proves itself the mastezy,i as the testimony of theimands prove its meritorious Worth.. Sold, wholesale and retail, by S. A. KUNKEL, druggists, Sole Agents, 3.1.8 Market, street, Harrisburg. SOLDIERS READ! The following letter from a soldier, in reference to the efficacy giud powerful restorative 'quantities of 1)R. Me- BEI DE'S I{ I\G OF PAIN, speaks for itself: 11:46 P M 2:60 AM .1::;0 M .NEWVILLN, CUMBERLAND COUNTY, I 'Sept. 14, 1864. Messrs. S. A. Kunkel 4E Bro.; druggists, Harrisburg; Pa.: Hauva :—I would biro= you that I received the bottles of Mcßride's Great Pain Killer, and enclosed please find five dollars more, for which send me five bottles addition al to-morrow. I leave for camp - to-morrow. Let me know whether you can supply me with it ip the army , . I am in Company H, 202 d teeghment P. V. I have beeu very bad health for upwards of four years, and two of the ode-dollar bottles have cufed me completely, Mid have made me feel like a man. Besides, I haveeured u num ber of my comrades of various diseases incident to camp life, and can recommend it to be the best medicine the soldier can provide for hiniself. " ' Yours respectfully, JOS. E. WHITE. * Allieders froma distance promptly attended to by S. A. RUIMEL & BRO. A HOME CERTIFICATE. The.following certificate isfrom a well4mowu citizen of Harrisburg : HARRISBURG, Aug. 30, 1364. .7 To THE PUBLIC :—lt gives me great pleasure to recom mend to the public the medicine prepared by DR. J. J. MoBRIDE, which he callsthe'.' KINSOP PAIN." I was induced to use it as an external remedy fora bruiso,vhich it relieved Immediately, and subsequently cured entirely. Its success induced me to use it internally for Diarrhcea, with which I was Mllicted in a chronic form for nearly eighteen months, and to such an extent that my kidneys were seriously deraitged. The medicine has cured me, and certainly that is saying a great deal in its favor, when I reflect how many other remedies I tried without ekperi encing anything but temporary relief. Fdr my part, I shall always keep a supply of it in my house, believing as I do that it is a most invaluable family medicine. DANIEL E. WILT. The unexampled sale of this medicine proves it to be the most wonderful discovery of the age in the medical art. The undersigned are the sole agents for the State, and will supply it wholesale and retail. • . .9. A. KUNKEL it BRO., Druggists, sepls] 118 Market street, Harrisburg. SOMETHING NEW MYER PHINEAS' PATENT AIR TIGHT INK S'rAND. For sate at Schefrer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. seg MR. S. A. Ktra.-A-wr. Sir :—I take pleasure instating that your "DIARRH(EA MIXTURE" exceeds anything of the kind that I Ewer imagined. I was very Much trottDied with diarrhoea, and could find nothing tnhelp his in the Want; until I took your "MIXTURE I give you this certificate, hopiug,that, if you see proper to use it, it may be the funaliS of extending a knowledge of the nnitchless value of your medicine. Very respectful," your% H. B. JEFFRIES. -• ' Fallen Timber ; Cambria Co., Ang. 1864.—fati30-dtf PHOT.OfirRAPIiS. LA EE assortment- of Photographs of Lat. 'Reiterate stud fancy . pictures for sale °twat., at;-$l, aierloseu, fIORW 4 176 t'B BOC!waToRA E m m Reirrimburk, tb).',di... 1:1 SPECIAL NOTICE MEDICAL. DR. J OHNSOIN BALT I in ORE LOCK HOSPITAL , - ETAS discovered the most certain, speedy Ai. and effectual remedies in the world for DISEASES OF E!iII'E'CTDENCE. RELIES IN SIX TO TWELVE HOOPS. NU MERCURY-OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. A Uwe Warranted, or No Marge, in from (M to Two Days. Weakness Of the Back, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, General De bility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart' Timidity Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the Liver Lungs, Stomach or Bowels--those terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth—those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &c., impossible. YOUNG MEN Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vico, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with ttte than. dere of eloquence or waked to petasy the living lyre, may Oil with ftril confidence. MARRIAGE. - - Harried persons, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware el physical weakness, organic debility, defor mities, speedily cured. fle who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may re Ilgionsly counde In his boner as a gentleman, raid con& deafly rely upon his skill as a Physician. OKGANIO WEAKNESS - - - mmediately cured, and full vigor restored. This distressing affection—which readers life miserable and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the vie time of improper indulgence. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not beingaware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent. Besides being deprived the pleocurte of healthy ollkpring, the bloat serious and de structive symptoms to both body and mind . arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weakened, toss of procreative power, nervous dYtTePacc!, palpitation of the heart, Indigestion, constitutional debility, a wasting of the (Caine. rough, sow somptien, decay and death. Orstox No. 7, Polito ntoomoic STRXIM, Lett hand aide going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain &stamp. 'file Doctor's Diploma's hang in his office. DR. JOHNSON, • Member of the Royal c ollogo of Surgeons, London, grad uate from one of the most eminent colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Perla, Philadelphia and else• where, has effected soma of the most astonishing cures that were ever known.; many troubled with ringing in the head and oars when asleep, great nervousness, being alapned at sudden sounds, bashfulneta, with frequent blushing, attended sotnotimee with derangement of mind were cured immedia'thiy. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. These are some of the, sad and melancholy effixts pro duced by early habits of youth, viz : weakness of the back and limbs, pains in the head dimness of sight, loss of muscular Dower, palpitation o 1 the heart, dyspepsia, ner vous irritsliility symptoms of consumption, &o. ISHNTALLY.—Vne fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—loss of memory, confusion of ideas, de prealon of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to society, self distrust, love of Eolittide,. timidity, its, ere some of the evils produced. YOUNG DAN Who have kujured themselves by a certain practice in dulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from ovil companions, or at school, the effects of which are aightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage awes stble and destroys both mind and body, sbouldapplyi immediately. Whata nt, t hat a young man, the hopeof his coentry, the darling of his parents, should be snatched front all prosp . ..cts and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a i+rtain seent habit. Hach persons atIIST, berore contem plating MARRIAGE, Renee, 7 that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promotecomaubialhappinems. indeed, with out th7se,lhe journey through life becomes a weary pil grimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind become shadowed. with despair and. 'Died with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another M aumee blighted with our own. • DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE • When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds, be has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, too often happens that an illtimed sense of shame or the dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who from education and respectability, can alone befriend him.. Re falls into the hands of ignorant and designing pretend, ors, who, incapable of curing, filch his pecuniary sub stance, keep him trilling month after month, or as long as the smallest lee can be obtained, and 'in despair leave hint with ruined health to sigh over hisgallingdisappointmenki or, by the use of the deadly poison, Mercury, hasten thd constitutional symptom so f this terrible disease,such as affect i Lions of the Head, ! tweak Nose, Skin, etc., progressing with frightful rapidity till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to that undiscovered country from wheese no traveler returns. INDORSEWNT OF TILE PiEl3l5 Tho many thousands cured at this institution year after year, and the numerous Important surgical operations performed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the reporters of the Sun, Clipper, and many otherpapors, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of character and ravens! bully, Is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted, SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED times :40. 7 ;4. , i119 Dero.ll,,lisk tAKr...44 ap2d-dly Gray's Patent Molded Collars, Are not simply at pieces of paper cut in the form of a collar, but are Molded and Shaped fold. the neek having a perfect curve free front angles or breaks, which 113 ob tained by our patented precool% which also secures another advantage possessed by no eater oollar,+-412: Space /tor the Cravat in the Tent-down style, the mama 07 wawa is PYRTIOTLT SMOOTH dttn yam wzowrsoalas, mating this+ collar, for ease, neatness, and durability, unequalled. They are made In Turn-down style in sizes from 12 to IT, and In Garrotte from 13 to 1T Inches, and packed in neat blue boxes of 100 each; also, In smaller once of 10 each—:the latter a very handy package for travelers, army and navy officers. iga-EVERY COLlalt Is stamped " Gray's Patent Molded Collar." Sold by all retail dealers in Men's Furnishing Goods, The trade supplied by • VAN DEUSEN, BOEHMMI, & CO., jeleeddin 627 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia., SE.LLING OUT LOW! OUR STOCK OF LIQUORS WEintend to dis Continue the sale .of Li. quors and offer our stock at a very small advance from cost price. We have purchased all our Liquors be fore the last rise and have a large stock on hand for three or four yearii, which are guaranteed cannot be purchased now at any price from the importers. - Our stock consists of WEr. ISHIE S of all grades. .sgi-We have parts of 'three barrels pure RYE, not colored, and 10 degrees above proof, 23,1 years old. WADS of all Grades, Domestic and Imported. 1311.:A.NDIES. We have part of •3y cask lIKNNESSEY BRANDY; to which we Write the particular attention of families for medicinal purposes Tho Brandy Cannot be bought to-dtiy, from importers, lessaban $l5 poi gallon. We will sell it for $l2 per gal lon. • SCOTOEVAND-BrNfiLIISH-ALES, OHAMPAGNEINTNE% ' .CLARETS &O • • • Ws invite the ittaPeetion of Hotel Keepers and "Liquor Merchants generally, as we intend to wall, without re serve, all our Liquors, and this will be a good opportr = laity for bargains. 4111 MUER II PAUIIIIII. D. W. OROS . S CO. • W. GROSS ek CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET, L 7 ARRISBORN, PA DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE. KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS. Wd are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles ak are desirable, and would respecttnlly call your attention to the 'largest and best selected stock in this oily, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS,AND PAINTS, Oils, Varnishes mut Glues, Dye-Stuffs, Glues and Putty, Artist's Colors and TG4318, diming Fluid and Alcohol, Lord, sperm suit Pine 0111, • Holden, Vials and Lamp 06)1w311, Wane Soap, btpunges and tlorke, &a, &a, 4 . 0 , With a gotteral variety of PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES; Selected from the owl. manufaOurere and Perfumers Europe Ind thlt could:7. Being very large dealers In P41N113, WHITE 1.1161 D, LINSMID OIL, TAJLVISILES, WINDO' GLABS, ARTIBP3 1R2'181", 41. BII2.6WHES dN ALL,THEIE VARIETIES, - COLORS 41W BRONZIB We reepeotrully Invite a call, feeling 'conitdent that we Can eupply the motto of all on tame to their setiefae- TEETH! TEETH!! JONES' AND -WHITE'S PONVELAIN TREE PATENT MEDICINEB, it Mt direot Prom tho Propribtort SA k'ONIYIER AND EXINCRNTRATED LYE. Wh.Aeside Agents rer Saponider, whit]] we Toil tie Low. at tt Will be purobouted lu the oittee FILAFFE'S MEDICAL FLUID FITRACTS. COAL OILI CARBON 011,! Being large purehaaere In theme 011 e , we eau offer la duoemente to clone imyere. Coal Oil Lampe or the wont improved pktterus, vdri dump Sit kiwis of Lanipo chimed to burn Cu,. Oil. . FARMERS AND GRAZIERS Those of you who havO not glvou our NORSE AND OAT TLE POWDERS a kW know not their eniveriority, and the idVantage they ate ht kee'phig Home and Wile tto.lthy and In it good condition Thousuide can testify to the profit they have derived from the use or our Cattle Powders, by the ludreased gun ty and qi*lty of milk, besides Improving the genenl health and appearance of the, cattla Orkr long experience in the business gives us the advan tage of a thopugh knowledge of the. trade, and our it nuigernents In the of are such that we can, in very short time tarnish anything appertaining to our. imam; On the boot of Um= Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to baldness, a careful selection of PURE DRUQB at fair Wens and the &sire to Verso all, to merit a eon linnanoe.of the favor of a discriminating public. mpledly MOTH PO %% PERFUJLTIVO LINEN AlliD PEIWINTINO. MOTH 91BILS POWDER,-4 compound of valuable 1 articles for the Aegaracu th en of sects--dbitributal among or dueled over Irnrs, Woolens, Carpets, Clothing, ha, packed away for summer, will effectual prevent moth. Being also %delightful, Malleable perfume it Win an pregnate clothing, ace., with a hating andpleasant odor. The Lunn fabric cannot be injured by its use. Prepared and sold at KELLPAT'S Drai and Nancy floods Store, No. 91 Market street. ap2B, INE MB OILS. , — . 49 , _b0x . " fine table 2 14 0 1 the a r i 10r , Mkwho and mY6 - - imOOMMOrtito:W. QikitED is Dens Dried Bee; Poet reatrld icie flun k jai BCIOOOIW6III to W. Dock. Jr.. dTao . u 1 Q$ ADM a g euxiii i pi ula tattNii oyim 1 . 91 1 . FA 1)D111N 7 S Al ARIA LE VA RI) • CORIUM OF WALNUT AND riPTILSTRXETs, Harrisburg, Pa. /IRE unden;igneil 4.1.1„ fed a Nlarbl t Yar , t thitS e!ty, beg fetkVe b, hiforn. their frieedt and the public :u general, the: they are prepared to fur. nish MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EMI AB Monuments, ombs, Head Stones, Mantles, And House Work in Marble and Brown Stou t , Giro uss call andwe w W guarantee satisreetten. WFILDLIF.N a cu. N. B.—Lettering neatly none In ttngilub or Gomm mak2o-411y AN ASSORTMENT OF OVER too sTYLE K OF POCKET BOOKS, PURSES AND rt, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT ii.EIALEWS Drug and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Market street. The best Morocco TRAVELING SATt.II EI,N, And a general variety of FANCY GOODS, mud& eresenki, now on hand at KELLER'S Drug Store, amrlo-tr No. 91 Market PROTOGRA ?It A Littim:. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENI OF Photograph A_lbaink,. BOUND in FINE MOROCCiO—palielleti, gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt ciuepa ALBUM WITH 60 Pictures for st; gn 40 " " to 60 ti " 4 I}J together with vrrioue other styles of bindmg, sires and prima, which will be eoldcheap. Soblier,e you cannot buy a prettier, more thimble atiii cheaper album auy where. Cal land see at HOB F.F76.14'14 Bookstore, marlY.-dtf Illitniaburg, PUN Ground TRE leAltilEtt BOY, ulpi how baborame CommEthd er-tc-Chief, TLIE NON it:El buY, and bow to. :meows P, etidEbt. THE - FERRY iIOY, and the Financier, PIUNTER BOY, or how Ben. Franklin made his mark, $1 I:5 THE FARMER 110 Y, and how be became Lienh-n ant General In press. A YOUTH'S. HISTORY OF THE REBELLION, [rum Fort Sumter to Roanoke • elegantly illustrated. $ 2 At BERGHER'S BOOK STORE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA , Ito 3432 Walnut Street, South Side, East of Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNT ON ASSETS INCOPRORATED 1794, CAPITAL CHARTER PERPETUAL Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation In COLORS, PAINT AND . Central ligentfor Pennsylvania. Office Walnut R., near Second, Harrisbnrg r , Pu my2l-Sim Dle ALL KINDS. JUST RECEIVED, HAIR RESZYJBATIVISS ST UIIPLING BLOCKS, by. Gail Ham ilton. Price $1 5 HAUNTED HEART, by the author of the Lamp lighter. $2 00 SEVEN STORIES, by Ik Marvel, author of "Roverte6 of II Bubolor." $1 60 BPEKE'S JOURNAL of the , Dierovery of the Boman of the Nile. - 13 6,) THE WOMAN 1N MACE, by author of "Man in, 115 d STOItIES OF SKA, for Loya; froth Cooperd writlugs. $1 u' STORIES (W THE WOOD, for boys; from Cooper's writings. gl 00 UN RIVALLED CIIAYALER F NI'IU RI POLISH dots not affect the varnish, but restore, the original lustre. It does not discolor. It will restore. with very little labor every finished surface, t fiber cueta or wood. All manufacturers and dealers in lurintor.. should use It fur cleaning furniture that has been slat,: lag, covered with dust. A touch and rub here and Uteri will make it bright and fresh. For sale by S. A. KUNKEL & BM, 118 Market street, Harrisburg. .li:tun) RENNET yields with milk the meat luscious of all deserts for the table; the light est and most grateful diet for invalids and children. Milk contains every element-of the bodily constitutions; when coagulated with rennet it is always light and easy el digestion, and supports the system with the least possible excitement When still greater nutritive power isdesirod cream and sugar may be added. A teaspoonful convert a quart of milk into a Sum. Curd. Prepared and sold. Wholesale said retailty S. A. KUNKEL, ejls-ft 418 Market street. DPCIIINTOCI'S PECTORAL SYRUP. frill% INVALUABLE kiYILUP, which is en. tiroly vegetable in its composition has been ea ployed with wonderful success for many years in the curt of dibeasei for the AER. Ex.:SASES alait . l.ZNGs; For any 101111 of the disesee, such. as COUGH, TICHUNGof thr THROAT SPITTING Oh BLOOD,DIFFICULT BREATHING, ROARSENFW, akS OF VOICE and HlLiffloFEVEkts, use will be intended with the happiest results. it is our of the Imp t and safest triedic Ines fur all forms of SRO - CHITIS and CON - SUMMON: 150 laudanum. or prepora hip* of opium in drip Asp in tkis syrup. I'l WE $l.OO PER BOTTLE. For sale at kFILONER'S Cheap Book Store. , (233111. PECTORALS are - useful to soothe a l/1 . cough; allay Tickling in the Throat to relieve Hoarseneen, Catarrh, Bore • Throat, ha They • contain 001t4004, Horehound, Ipecacnanka, Smogs and &VA (the most repttne expectorants known,) are the• chief Co tivancinatitaents, ao blended with Gum Arabic antiSerar, that each lozenge contains a mild and very pleasant nem gap,. orocAorodoololY by.. aA . KUNKEL & BRO., . 81 / 27 Alrulocigies.. - 118 Market greet, Harrisburg. • • WENING-. -WEDDING, INVITATION AT HOMB CARDS.—By a special antingenanit with one of-the bestsiorts in the country, nlrdll of any description wain — Mooted in the ashen Style. of art, conforms/4e 'wick the latest fashion, and supplied pronsptlY, : at lower prices than are charged by the statue ms in New York or Philadelphia. For samples and Fief call at BEREINEWS BOORMSt. Assail -41U A NEW invoice of Miobener's oelebrsted. 81111111,11li vetelved this mirein eV; 41 iallEtarat W, Pi" , 0,1, MISC ELLA'S }Ai ti BI( GRAPH Y I'OR BUS :s BUSIIIIOO ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. CHARLES rtattr, Secretary. WILLIAM BUEHLER, TRIS MORNING, A FRESH INVOICE OE MaRENER CELEBRATED SUGAR CURIO) lIA.D'IS AND .133EllEV, SHISLER & FRAZER'S. myBl THE NEW BOOKS. DARKNESS AND DAILIORT, by Bra. liolmca $1 60 IY. BARBARA'S El [STORY, a novel, by Amelia Edwards. 80 cents THE SHALL HOUSE OF ALLHiGTON, by Trollope. $1 .:*.6 vi" NOTES OF LIFE, Nov.'6l to Aug. 'BB, $1 OC X. XII. All mqv books roebiced us soon as published at ICERGNE4'S BOOR SToßig, bl. IdArket stroel 314-dtt LIQUID RENNET. SI;6SdAS3 MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers