liE TELEGRAPH. XS ELW-1" 811Xls 1101.ila/VG V.M.0.114, ErY GEORGE BERGNER. 0177 CE THIRD 8.7:, NEAR WALNUT. M 8 01? KUBSCEIPTION :1): , 1( 7.; l'.4l1:11.1'14 To, gnu Arts IS Served lu sulnscribers In in, city .1 eeeto per week, Yearlysubseribers will he id Ue lu advance. Those persons who negleottu is uLt s u re wllt Le charged 00, WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. l'nt MILAN ig 11130 published weekly, and fa fur'nlaluml duhacribera at tha rollowlng cash race • Siugir eoples, week1y......,. il3re. , ;ogles to one Post Office Teo cod;os to ouo Poet Office.. mED - ut ;Ala DV SPE PS lA. A Cure iVarrra 2►t:4:4i /)yspep.sqa hus the folt,aoilbj :sy)it'pt,ilas A eouatant pain or un - eaainess at the pit of the stomach. 'IA Flatulence and Acidity. Ou6theness and Loss of Appetite. 4th. Olouni and Depression of Spirits sth. Dial:Du:ea, with oriping. ftli.Pain in all parts the System. 7th, Consumptive hlymptonaa and Palpita tion of the Heart. sth. Cough, with Phlegtu in the 'Throat. I.lth, Nervous Affection, and want of Sleep at eight. liith. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. Deadache and Staggering in walking, with great weakness. out of the thousands of cases of Dyspepsia that have used Dr. Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia- Pills, not one of these has failed of a perfect em's. We warrant &cure in every ease, no matter if of twenty years standing. Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at Dr. ffishart's office, No. ft) N. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations and con sultations free of charge. Send for a circu lar. Price *1 per box. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt• of money. D Y SPE PSIA , DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA. 1, ELIZABETH BRANSON, of Brandy wi lie, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Del., do certify that, for one year and a hall antlered every thing but death from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. 3ly whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility; I could not digest my food; if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of food, it would return just as I swallowed it; I became so costive in my bowels that I would not have a passage in less than from four and often eight days; un der this immense suffering, my mind seemed entirely to give way. I had a dreadful horror and evil forebodings. I thought everybody h u , ted me, and I hated everybody; I could not bear my husband nor my own children, every thing a ,nneared to be horror-stricken to me; I h a d 1 1 0 a. mbition to do anything; I lost all my love of fa 2mly and home; I would ramble and wander froit place to place, but could not be contented; T i Nt that I was doomed to hell, and that there Wa4 no heaven for me, to :l. to commit suicide, and was often temp 80 near was my whole L 'ervoHB system mde stroyed, and also my mind from that awful complaint, Dyspepsia, that my !riends thought best to have me placed in Dr. Kir/bride's hospital, West Philadelphia; I remained there nine weeks, and thought I was' a little better, but iu a few days my dreadfu: com plaint was raging as bad as ever. Hearin:pi the wonderful cures performed by Dr. Wi.3- harts Great American Dyspepsia Pills and his treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband, called on Dr. Wishart and stated my case to him. He said he had no doubt he could cure me. So in three days after I called and placed myself under the Doctor's treatment, and in two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my disease was fast giving way, and I continued to recover for aboutillthree months, and at the present time 1 enjoy perfect health of body and mind, and I most sincerely return my thanks to a merciful God and Dr. Wis hart, and to his great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an Insane Asylum and premature grave. All persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write, es I am willing to do all the good 1 can for suffering hu manity. ELIZABETH BRANSON, Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Delaware county, Pa. Da. Wunnurr's Office, No. lb North Second street, Philadelphia. DYSPEPSIA I DYSPEPSIA I De. WIxIIAKT-1 have been a constant suiterer with Dyspepsia for the last eighteen years, during which tinio I cannot say Fever enjoyed a perfectly well day. There were times when the symptoms were more aggravated than at others, and then it seemed it would be a great re lief to die. . I had at all times uu unpleasant feeling in my bead, but latterly my sufferings so much increased unit I beeaulo almost unfit for business id . ' any kind; my mind was continually lilted with ..gloouly thoughts and Dire boding; and if 1 attempted to change their current reading, at once a sensation of icy midi:teas in connection well a dead weight, as it were, rested upon bay brain; also, a feeling of sickness would occur at the stomach, and .v reat pain to my eye; accompanied with which was the continual fear of losing my reason. I also experienced great lassitude, debility and nelvousuesa, %stitch made it Malitult to Walk by flay or sleep at night. I became averse to society, and disposed only to Set:lll9hal, and baring tried the skill of a number of eminent physicuns of various schools, tiffany came to the couchtsiou that, for 1015 disease at my present age (46 years) there was no cure In existence. Nut, through the interfereuce of Diviue Providence, LO whom I devoutly oiler thauks, 1 at last found a sovereign remedy in your Dyspepsia Pills and Tar Cordial, which seem to have effectually removed al most the last trace of my long list of ailments uud bail feelings, nod Is their place health, pleasure and content ment are my everyday companions. JAMES If. SAUNDERS, No, 453 North Second street, Philadelphia, Formerly of Woodbury, N. J. Dr Wishart's Office No. 10 North Second street, Phila delphia. A PPSITIVE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA: AMU WHAT XL JOSS ?L . /J.42000E SAW No. 1028 Otays Smarr, Philadelphia, January 22d, 18113, Yrs. Witeseasair:—lt is with much pleasure that 1 Mt now able, tole:Mem you that, by the use of your groat iunerican Dyspepsia Phis, I have been entirely cured of that most diskrarelng CatripAint, Dyspepsia. I had been grievionsly.attlicted for the :lest twenty-eight years, and for ten years of that time have not been free from its path one week at a time. I have loud it in its worst form and have dragged on a most miserable existence—in pain day and night. Every kind of food that I ate tilled me with wind and pain, it mattered not how light, or how small the quantity . A continuedbelching was sure to follow. I had no appetite for any kinds of meats what ,zwer and my distrers was so great for several months La bia? 1 heard of your Pills, that I frequently wished for death, I bad taken everything that I bad heard of for Dyspepsia, without receiving any benefit; but on your Pills being rmornmended to me by ono who had been cured by them, I concluded to give them a trial, although I bad no faith in them To my astonishment, / found myself getting better before I had taken one-fourth of a box, and after taking half a box, I am a well man, and. can eat anything / wish, and enjoy a hearty meal three limes a day, without inconvenience from anything I eat or drink. If you think proper, you are at liberty to make this public and refer to me. I will cheerfully give all de alrable information to any one who may call on me Yours, respectfully, JOHN BABCOCE. Per sale at Dr. Wisher' s Medical Depot, No. 10 North geeond street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price One Dollar per box. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of price. DYSPEPSIA DYSPEPSLe. ! •Y, UnmetD. Haven, have been a great sufferer with pyapepsia and Inflammation of the Kidneys for three yews. • I employed three or four of the most emi bout phynkians of Philadelphia, also of Burlington county. N. J. They ind all for mo they could, but all to no pur pose. I was Apustantly filled with awful pain and WS tress, and wiehostatant belching of wind and sour acid. MI tongue was cowed with a white' coaling of mucus until it crucacit An large and was dreadfully sore! Ohl I ofttinaes wished for th to relieve me of my sufferings, for I had lost all hope of my being well again. I made it a subject of prayer to God that ha would direct toe to some phyeicouo or inedielne tent sub.' me se& I was lola to WI an adaantaataal al l i ,4 ) ,.. : , ' - 15'-'''''':::::--i.::::-::-.1 . I," N: , , \ '; c /i, ; _ ; . . ' .•:-.. % \ ''t . N.L IC', *,-:,,, , - - f- -- (" 6 " 411 P" . • , . ... + 1 , , 1 1 ( , . .-- ~ , 3 ~....... A $2 00 5 00 15 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. [EE OICA 1., Dr. Wishar's lu the Philadelphia Ledger, of a great cure made upon Mr. John Babcock - , of 1028 Olive street, Phila delphia, by the great American Dyspepsia Pills. I wont to the Doctor's; Otlke. and placed myself under b trust. meet, and told him if he felled to cure me, it would bethe net effort I would make. It has been six weeks since 1 cuumienced the use of his medicine, and I am now a well man, free from all pain and distress, and can eat three hearty meals a day with comfort, and feel perfectly well. Dr. Wishart, want you' o publish my case, as I want every poor dyspeptic suffering as I was, tocall on me, and I will iell them of the great cure I have received from your invaluable medicine. SAMUEL D. HAV EN. Corner Venango and lambert streets . near Itiehtuoud street, formerly Dom Wright - Stowe, Burlington county, N J. The above are a' few among the thousands which this greid remedy has saved from an untimely grave. We have thousands of letters from physicians and drug gists who bails prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial, saying. that thoy-haV& never used or sold a medical which gave stied universal satisfaction. Props) &I only by the proprietor, HR. L. Q. U - WIBLIART, No. 10 North Seeonii street, Philidelphia, Pa. Rohl by Ornegiste everywhere BntlylB-eedAtrw SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY T AM happy to oiler to the public a • large 1. and splendid assortment of SUPERIOR GOLD YENS , manufactured LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. Thom Pons are well finished, elastle, and will give. en. the. satisfaction. 2. ; - PLEARS,TRYMIEU. SOREFFER'SIIQOK STORE, Second street, opposite Presbyterian Church, Rarrisbnig Pa. api/S NEW PIUL&I)BOALV A_ S. C IL. 0 IN D. W. GROSS' NNW DLOOX; Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DlkirkkENT STYLES • . of 111114/ONkBLI • . Eli/OAKS AND . OIEOUL Aftd, AND EINE SEEING SHAWLS. - NOW Open on the let or AOrll. tenant -dly Almanacs! elmanacs ! • SA.V.III , ' English and German Lancaster Almanacs / for the year IS6 5 . For. sale, by the gross, Dozen, or single, at &Setter's Bookstore, 21 South Second street, litirrianurg, Pa. se2o DONN UR'S NEW EATING AND DRINKING SALOON Walnut street, betzoeeh rhird and Fourth. Moe; Beer and the be Apiallly of liquors constantly on hand.. A share of the.publie patronage is respectfully aolleited., focad6ru) JOHN DONNER Very Convenient. JACOB TAUSIG, - - - rtIA.KES pleasnie to inform his friends' and Customers, arta the public in general, that he has opened a wholesale lava retail,Variety, ,Notion and dew. elry Store, No .105,i.‘ Market street, above Eby dr Kunisl's Harrisburg, • It would occupy a great, amount of space to enumerate the articles composing my stock, The purchase+ will find, through my experience of thirteen years in the business, that 1 can sell goods equal to the jobbers in the Eastern cities sept2B-dam* TREES ; TREES ! ! TREES! ! I lIN.ISnRSIGNED will commence planting Shade and Ornamental Trees, Vines, and such Fruit trees as are tato plant In the Fait MISEL P; S.—Persons who were furnished with trees Anse timing that were warranted to grow, can have the' mine replaced that ahased. r 1ta:133 MISEII.- vicat rill) our lino awl extensive stook of Photo. grail Albums and Photograph Card ProtOrem, we Have added a BEAUTIFUL ENVELOPE for the reception of card pictures.. They must be semi and will be admired WPtiotographere supplied at the very lowest whole ettledwice, and their earn printed upon them for $1 thedsand, wholesale and retail, at- ular4l ' SCHEFFER'S BOOK. Tuft& QUEENS and GLASSWARE,. a well ae , tented assortment, just received, of the lateat atylee iY IB BOYER & ICOERPER. QAP SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Apple, Nut -10 mos and New York State Cheese, just received at SHII3LER • FRAZER, myt successors to W Mot, dr., & Co. A HEW SUPPLY. of FRESH SMOKEI Z 3.. HAAS, lust received this morning, at SHISLRit az. Successors to W. Dook, Jr., & Co ATEW 111A01C.ERE • "ELL, .gIiIIING,ANP SAL PI k ir rS' , nn al ROVER S,OII,IIIPER FRENCH WALK AND PENCILS; Suitable for Banks, Ottices, &C., • At Schetrer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. st 29 14 NGLISII BREVIYAST TEA.—Just re celvtui, a flue cheat of English Breakfast Tea, at HEISLER St .FRATEB'S, (Successors to Wm. Pock. Jr.s ALPHABET'ELOCKS ! A .ND HOUSE BUILDING BLOCKS; FOB ~11: sale at scHEPFERis BOOKSTORs i uctl 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. ('CIDER VINEGAR—Pure Cider Vinegar ‘..) ems be bought by the barrel or small quantity, at iylB BOYER & KOEIRPER• VIRESH oySTPER -a: can, just receivedand fbr sale by • SHISL - ER tt FRAZER, sept2B (successor to W. Doek kg° .1 50 DOZEN JARS ENGLISH PICKLES comprising_ Picalilly, Chow Chow, OftulitloTor Mixed riokles, Gerkinai Walnut' and Onions. .Forl wbalesule.and retail by SEMLER AnrRAZICR L msb irns p ma. to W. ek. k V ALENTIA RAISINS, a new invoice, at uol aim= & FRAZER'S tRIJIT JABS, of the latest Patent (Grit. iiree Test Patent,) Just received and for sale low at HOUR k KOKRPIR N 0 N=N W A N-0R V EFt "-TT,yebster. O It URG, PA., SATUR DAY EVENING, .. NOVEMBER , 26, 1864 FEARRI: MEDICAL. CHEAO.KEE 'CURE • . THE GREAT INDIAN hIEDICIN E COMPOUNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS, AND LEAVES. do caziaiiimg cure for Sperniatorraaa, &mina/ Weak neis,'Nocturtial A`missions, smut all diseases cawed by setf pollation; tuck as hose of Memory, Maven& Lassitude, Pains in Vie Bane, Diomede of Vision, Premature Old Ape, Wec&Nerves, Difficulty Qf BreatAind, Trembling, Wakeful ness,4ruptione on the pace, Pale cooulitnance, Insanity, ConsuMptivri, and alt the Direful comp/pints cooed tip de• parctripfrom the path of nature. ,$ -This medicine is a simple vegetable extract, sad one on which all can rely, as It has been used In our practice for many yearsouid with thoeminda .bas not railmi in a single Instance. Its curative powers have been Bilificleut to guln victory over the most stubborn case. ligg-To these who have trilled with • their constitution, tiatit they think tberinselves beyond the reach of medical aid, we would Bay, Despair not / the Dasuomm Doss will restore you to health ana vigor, and after all quack doe tore have failed I '. Price, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and for warded by Express to all parts of the - world. Pamphlet sent by mail f,Fee of postage by Dn. IV. R. MERWIN. & CR., Sole Proprietors, nols.deod-4m No. 63 Liberty street, New York. G LAD NEWS for ate UNFORTUNATE. THE LONG SOUGHT FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST. Cures in from one to three days: ' . CHEROKEE REMEDY AND CHEROKEE INJECTION, Compounded from Roots, Barks and Leaves. C,INOKREE REMBDY, the great Indian Diuretic, cares all diseases of the urinary organs such as Inconti ounce of the (Trine, Inflammation at the Dkulder, hglarn mation of the Kidneys, Stone in the Madder Stricture, Grated, Watt, flonnorhea, and is expel:4lllv recommended in those ayes of Fluor Altrus (or Whites in females) where all the astitauseaus medicines have Ailed. ,air It is prepared 'ink highly concentrated form, the dose only being from ono to two teaspoonfuls three times per AV. Ifir It is diuretic eau alterative in its action; purifying andi cleansing the blood, causing it to Sow in all of its original purity and vigor; thus removing from the system all Pernicious causes which have induced disease. . _ CHEROKEE INJECTION is intendedaa malty or assiet intjto the CHEROKEE REMEDY and ahohlti be used In conjunction with that medicine in all cases of .Gonorrhea, Gieht, Fluor 41bus or Wham. IM effects ,are healing, ;soothing and dimukent removlng all ecahlihg, heat, chordee and pain, nateed of theiNtraing and almoet eadluable pain that is experienced with nearly all the camp quack /meadow 44- By the use of the. CIIEROKEE REMEDY and CHEROKEE INJECTION—the two Medicinesat the same inns—all improper discharges are removed, and thewealt• ened organs are speedily restored to full vigor and nrehgth. . . .. . ipa,..Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, or throe bottles ror $5. *-Price CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $6. . - Sant by Express to ally address on, receipt of price. THE CHEROKEE REMEDY,.OKEROKSE INJECTION AND CHEROKEE CURE, are sold by all enterprising Druggists in the civilized - Wilfte7Heide - Unprincipled 'dealers, however, try—newelbwortbleti cetrifieellail in the pia& of these ; those which they can purchase at a cheap price, and make more money by selling, than they can on these medicines. As you value your 'hetiith, aye, the health of your'future oitkpring, do. not be-.deceived by inch unprincipled druggists, ask tbr these medicin s and take no others. If the druggists will hot buy theist for you, inclose the money in a letter, and we will send them to yeti by exprtss, securely sealed and packed from observation. .Lisdies or gentlemen can addresn us' in . perfect confi dence, stating fully and plainly thinediseesse and - symp toms, as we treat all diseases of a chiouic nature in male or female. Patients rded.ntd because in their inability to - vita' tis; we have treated 'patient§ suetess fullt in all portions of the civilized globe, by tierrespond- Once. . , „ . . Patients addressing us will please state plainly all the symptoms of their complaints, 4uili write 'PeStotifee, CflUnty, State, and naWe of writer, 'plain', and inelego postage stamp for reply. We send our 32-page tamphlet free to any adkcss.— Addrccs ail letters toihe vitpdttetk , •: I . att. W. It. MERWISI & CO,, nolf; deed.din No; 63 Liberty street, New York. NEW AD V kittILSIOMEN TS. TEAM WEEIiLY TO LIVELIPOOL, touch- Lug at QUEENSTOWN, (toms. HARBOR,) The "isa.- lcuoksit steamers of the Liverpool, New York aim Rata delp'hia Steamship Company, (Mama Liao), earl.) lug the U. S. Mails, are intended to sail as folloWs CITY or EaLT/MORS Saturday, November 19. CITY O 1 LOISPON • • " " ETNA . . " December 3 and.eiery succeeding Saturday, at noon, from ?Mr 44, North Sliver. . • RATES OF PASSAGE: Papal* in Golder fra, Equivalent 04.0urrency. Plltta UAIII6I, $BO 00 oTEEBAGa, , 660 00 do to London, 86 001 to to London, tt 00 dO to Paris, • 95 00' 'do to Parts, 40 1)0 d 0 to Hamburg,. •90 00 1 .do to Hamourg, 37 CO Passengers also forwarded to Haire, Br men, Hotter :dim, Antwerp, am., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, $75, $B5, $lO5. Steerage $OO. 'those whwwish to send for their friends can buy tickets here at these rates. For, further information apply at the Company's Offices. JOHN G. GALE, Agent, roil 16, Broadway, N. F. Diaries ! JJialies 'OR 143'05 A. LARGE aesortirientot Diaries and Daily Journals for the year 1805, fur sale at, Setielrers pogrora, gitutah Secoild street, Harrisbuig, Pa - F iATENT.otar§.! And 01111 Holders, For sale at ScheeOr's Booketore. Harrisburg, Pa. seSi RAGS I RAGS ! ! RAGS! !! FIVE cents per lb. cash paid for good wiled gaga, SONINFES'S Bookstore, sept 26 21 South Secohd street. Harrisburg, Nom I) IJTTE4," BIJTWER.—Fresh `..; oll butler from Snyder' county received every week. ALSO eggs el (awe) 110TICR-it IME.RPF.R. soldlarsr Portfolios. A LARGE tialortment at • BERGHEIM oater'Booxaroaa, Koht at Wholesale or retail at low prime. VIESS SHAD.—rine Maas Shad pt tha gas- AN-a- snit in bar INZA kijM,Au!t reCelvediE 8°454 " 4, FRAZER, jet . auccessorf to W. Do*, Jr. & to ELRAPRS! GRAPES! SHISLER, & FRAZER., have Met ineaWril 100 boies One ISABELLA GRAPES, 6 poude in a be; for $l,OO per box. Please call and examine. . POOKEI •OOKS, Wallets, and L'urses for sale cheap at ISCAEFFEWS Bookstore ICKLES 1 PICKLES! I —By the Barrel, P Balfßarrel, Jar or Dozen, at SHISLER & FRAZER'S, nolj (Successors to Wm. Dock. Jr., .Ir. Co.) D RIED PEACHES, Apples, Blackberries, DCurrants, Cherries, Acc., at ' • •SRISLER & FRAZER'S, uol ucceissors to W. Docir Jr., & Co. SALT SALMON. ~4t. new tuvolce of tine salt salmon, just receiyed and for sale by. SHISLER a FREER,. sept 26 • (enccesaor to W . Dock & Co.) AFRABII &apply- of MithenetaVeiebratiul Sugar Cured mid. Dried Beer, as nollsl Boinca & kosms. - it i rKEENER'S excelsior hams, of Mill Bea jut_ gou ts virtu& ,pust efoo=aatlo . :; v elle 1 84 1 )04 ! dealt 0100ripelloro to Wm. Thank, - - . MOM - AT° 'KETSUP, by the gallon, Tait or pln,t at SRISLER & FRAZER'S. FRESH LEMONS, just received and for sale by (soil SUMBA di FRAZER. • NEW ADVERtISEMENTS. 033:3",. OFF/CE OF THE yiNAWARE MUTUAL ) SASE* INBERANCE CO , Philadelphia, November 9, 1864. ) FOLLOWING STATEMENT of the A alfalfa of the Company is published in conformity with 'a provision of its Charter : PUMICES RECEIVED FROM NOVEMBER Ist, 1863, TO OCTOBER 31st, 1864. On garinc and inland Rinks... $429,047 90 On Fire Risks 131,657 18 $ 564705 bs • eiliums on Policies not mark etl ntfNovemaer lst, 1883... FERIOUMS MARKED OFT AZ EARNED FROM NOVEMBER 1,1863, TO OCTOBER 31, 1864. On hiarine and Inland Risks... $418,264 73 Ott Fare risks Integest during same period— Satraps, &c, $ 812,344 14 LOSSES, EXPENSES, aC., DURING THE YELP. A 9 OOVE Marine and Inland Navigation i frees. .$214,29182 Firell.osEeS 49,689 82 Retuin Premiums' 29,204 93 Re-i surances 42,649 28 AllelkY•Ctiargos.. - .. • , • 19,064. 93 Advgrtising„Rtintnig Lkc 3,689 13 *rocas-13. S. Tax on Cemitni, Policy stamps, Ite., &c 11,389 27 Expinsea, Salaries; Haut „ ate— 14,089 00 *Minis exnlusireof the arneent reserved for TAUS on Derdieuds.and matt. ASSMTS OP THE COMPANY November 1, 1864. sloo'oo6 United States Five Por Cent Loan, 1871 5100,000 00 /11000 United . , States Six For Cent Loan, 18814,.; . 118,215 00 75;000 UnitEd States Six Per Cent Loan, 75,662 60 100:000 State of Pennsylvania Five Per Cent Loan 51;000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent i Loan • 123,050 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent Loan 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mort. gages Six Per Cent Bonds 22,000 00 50;000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mort gage Six Per Cent Bonds 53,250 00 I+oo 300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest guaranteed by the City of Phila. delphia 0;500 to Shares Stock Pennsylvania Rail { road Company 5;000 100 Shares Stock North Pcnnsylva-. ma Railroad Company 50;COO United States Treasury 'Certificates • of Indebtedness . .48,420 00, 3001X1 Mutest' Tenneesno Five Par /4,40.... , Loan 1.2,000 00 128;700 Loans on Bond and Rertgage,amply secured....... 128,700 00. Cost $842,1.00 50. Market Value, $957,827,7 38;000 00 $86E4,250 Par Real Estate Bllls Receiveble. fur. Insurance • mader:..,.....; Balanceh due at Agen.cies.—Premi r urns onlharlne 'Policies, Accrued Interest and other debts due the I 'Company . • Scrip and Stock of sundry loEu.- ‘ name and other Compardes, 283 00. • Estimated valUe..... 2,220 00 I ••i Cash on.deposit with United States Government, subject to ten days call $100,600 00 Cash In Banks 63,164 93 Gaph.ta Drawer • 637' 60 • _ _ _ F'art.iptiptiik November 9, 1864. Me Shutt Pr PiKeCtors„ have thishay ; declared a sash dividend of ten per cent. on the capital stock, and six per kent. InteresVen the Scrip of the Company, payable on and after the Ist December proximo, free of National end State Taxes. ~ . I hey have else d'iislared a Serif; diYidend of forty per aenti on the earned, premiums tor 'the year ending Octo ber $l, 1884, certifloates for which. Wilt be issued to the parties entitled to the same, on and after the Ist Discern oar proximo, free.of National and State Taxes They have ordered; also, that the Scrip, certificates of profits of the Cocalinny, for the year 18E0, be tedeemaif to chsh, at the office of the Company, on and after. lift Becerpbs, r proximo, all Interest thereon to : cease- on that dap certificate of profits !salted under $25. By the Act of Incorporation, "no' certifleate shall issue tiniest Wain:led within two years after the declaration of the illy idend whereof it is evidence.,) DIRECTORS. Samuel E Stokes, J F•Peniaton,. Renrybloan, • William G Boulton, Edviard.Darlington, Jonea Brooke, . Jacob. I! Jonea, Jamea Eflit'Farland, Jcalith P Eyre, Spencer M'llvaine, • ;lobo J 3 Semple, Vitaburg, 4 Illterger, , Thomas Cs Hand; Jono 0 Davis, • Edmund A Solider,. Ihenpliilus Paulding, John R Penrose, James Traquair, Henry C Dallett, Jr., ,Tam,es.o Hand,. Wail= 0 'Ludwig, , Joseph 1{ Seal, - George:o Leiper, . High Craig, , • 'Robert Burin'', , THOMAS O. 'HOW presidrSa. !k!`" JOHN C DAVIS, Vice Presidea. HNRy Lyi.lifiag,„•Seerelary. n012,c1aw36 NEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS! I . • . - TN 'SCHOOL AND OUT, or the Conquest of Hickaid Grant. 'rem Soiners, or the Soldier Hog. • Watch and Wait, or Hie Young Fugitives . Learning how to Talk, Read and Speak, by F6wier & Was. •Enocil Arden, New Poem,. by Tc 0 1 19 .8 0 , 14 • • For sale at aCIAEFFER'S BOOKSTORE; beta Harrisburg, Pa. OCIALBEL CODFISH, of the ode 9 WV tinted St. George breed, Just, receive oltalfor esteby- SHISLES & FRAZEE, rot , —rs to Wm. Dock. Jr. DOCKET BOOKS, RUCKSICEsT PURSES PORTEMONWAngit, and 'a general variety of LEA ta" GOOM ; tuit,reeelved at BERGNER'S BOOR WORN , ; , • Honey. A SMALL but, superior lot of HONEY, just, .111 i. received, at SHISLEB & FRAZEE'S. auglS -- • - , . AP SAGO 4 CHEESE-4-A small but fresli Sla :of choice SAP SAGO CHEESE, just received this morning, at SHISLES k FRAZEE'S. _ _ S' UMON.—Fine salt Salmon, at • Rugs RHISLER ,if MAZER. EN CASES SPICED OYSTERS, jtaft, re mivet at AFITSIZR & FRAZER, MO SUCI3O2BOIItO W. OWL Jr., & Co . ) IL , ! LL kinds, of hauling with wagons or carts ni. will be promptly dona by calling on „ . , .. JACOB BRENNER, ';3 ,21 -- :-„coinpr - m*Rdrkthi draft! sod Meadow Lrini: PEPPER SAUCE,. anew : invoice, jnet re= calved at fool) o aj.,FR k FRAZER'S. DRIkEELLARIS.-Flity firkins fine kettle 1; 2 reudered,voo,,kr sale by the firkin or pound, just od'aived at (jy}ll] . BOYER & KOERPER. i~IS'H 1 and W Blanket& IA In barrels, half barrels and kitta, slid by the tiainad, at , fat 101) SHISLER & FILL E 2 IORESII PINE APPLES, hermetically seated, Jest received at SIIISLER L , FRAZER'S. EVENING EDITION. Thanksgiving Presentation. THE UNION INVINCIBLES AND TEE limy. J. WALKER JACKSON:—Among the pleasing in cidents we have to notice, in connection with Thanksgiving Day, is one growing out of a Visit of a Committee of the Union Invincibles to the parsonage occupied by the Rev. John Walker Jackson. A.t a meeting of the bran eibles, it was resolved that a donation should be made in honor of the service rendered by Rev. Jackson during the late political cam paign, as well as to recognize the many virtues of the man and the pastor- Accui'd ingly,at 4 o'clock on Tuesday, a committee, pollinating of Messrs. E. J. Jones, John Say foi d; Win. H. H. Seig, Wien Forney, Harry Hemperly, Solomon Gotte, Thomas NichOls, John Cline, E. G. Herr and Josephus Mere dith.; 'appeared at the parsonage, and after having been received in the parlor thereof, and personally introduced to Rev. Jackson, Mr. Heinperly, on behalf of the Invincibles, thus spoke: Ste: I. have been selected by the Unin Invincibles of Harrisburg, as the organ to ex.- presh their regard for you as a pastor and a patriot, and as the agent also to present to you a still more .substautial evidence of their ap preciation of you as au American citizen, in the donation which I now hold in my hand. You are aware, sir, that the Union In vincibles is a political association organized by the young men of Harrisburg to do what they could, for the country, by assisting in the election of true men to administer the affairs of Government. 234,472 42 797,177 50 120,656 75 -- $ 596,621 43 70,522 438 $ 384,081 28 M 5 As members of this organisation, we have had many opportunities to witness the dis interestedness of your services, and behold the absolute fearlessness with which you took part in the mighty struggle to save the country. Wherever freedom needed a defender, you were there to champion its cause; wherever right needed an advocate, you were present to plead in its behalf. And as you connected freedom and the right with your religion, you gave to the political . contest which haS just closed so gloriously, a dignity and a moral tone which I hope will not be lost on all the future operations of political parties in this country. It is the remembrance of these facts which has endeared you to the Union Invincibles of Harrisburg, and it is to prove that we recognize in you the lofty, high mind cd pastor, willing to serve his country, and not the mere politician, ready at the command of party to support men without regard to raealares, that we are here this afternoon.:. It is to such men as you that we must look for the elevation of politics, the politics which embrace alike the glory, the greatness and the safety of the country. , And hereafter, too, the American Pulpit will be looked to as one of the proper mediums through which the American people will be able to Learn, not what is merely tine . and just. in .'politics ; but what is abselutely right and; .proper for the preservation of the country. • To defeat such an influence, demagogues may rave, as they have ravel—to intimidate such men as yourself, desperate politicians May defame and asperse' you as they have already done, but the result, as already proven, will be victory for dehovah'and the right. It is unnecessary for irie,. sir, to indulge in any further personal remarks. You have cer tainly earned oar esteem and respect by your 'Cluistiim 'character, and now you deserve our honor and gratitude by the patriotic course youadopted and pursued during the late strug gle at the ballot-box. . I feel that yell will never regret a single word you spoke in advocacy of the re-election of M. Lincoln, because ;yours eloquence as leisted in securing to yourself, your children and to us a home and country. You will now please accept this purse, with • the hope that its contents will prove as great a blessing to you as the thought of being con tributors to it gives to us. . Rev. Jackson, after hiving recovered from the surprise created by this meeting, spoke briefly as follows: scarcely know how to reply to the very flattering remarks accompanied by this testi monial that you have addressed to Me. In pursuing the course I have seen proper to do in' these very exciting times, I have been actuated by entirely conscientious motives. I made no calculation at the outset, in refer ence to either the approval or the disapproval of man-L-1 believed simply that I was right— and that I ranst pursue the path in which I Have walked''if would secure the favor of pod. I hope hereafter that the occasion will never occur' to inmel me .to' a similar course; that each and every, party in this country . Will be so manifestly. .gnided by . the love of right and of liberty, that a lover of his race may be comparatively indifferent as to which of them shall grasp the reins of power. I shall continue to oppose wrong, to censure disloyalty, to teach love of 'country. And the way for all parties in this land to avoid the censure of the pulpit—of:a free and intel -lectual pulpit—is to be right, to come in con flict with no moral principles, to be thorough ly loyal to the principles of #eedom, arid to love the country. 93,6 5 90 55,840 00 122,520, - 37 15,300 00 o i loo oo '3,000 00 118,330, 42 24,793 24 $158,02.40 $1,2p;084 02 I am .glad that you have approved of my condUct, because I really like to be approved, .when I may secure the approval without any sacrifice of conscientious convictions. I can only pray that the blessing of Heaven may rest upon you, and upon your families. "To silence envious tongues, be just and fear not: Let all the ends you aim at'be your country's, your God's and truth's." —TAMA altogether, this incident was the most pleasing of any that has yet come within our knowledge as having occurred on Thanks giving Day. The purse presented, was in the shape of a tobacco pouch,' well filled with greenbacks. EVEDIE6I6 S AT HOME.—The long nights are at hand. How do you spend your evenings? Because you must close your 'shop and put off your money4naking till to morrow, do you count the evening as Worthless ? Or, is it fit only . for silly chit chat,' dissipation, and the darning of old socks? Husband your evening hours. The night is a profitable season Of mental cultore, Social happiness and rest Books, Conversation, music—these fit well the night. Happy now are q`eY wlro liave homes. A bed to sleep in, and if tablet6%at at, do not constitute a homer Any old bachelor, with a salary, can purchase so much of the world's comfo#. But the magnetic fireside circle; the smiles of a mother' or wife; the talk of the sensible old folks; the songs of sweet-voiced sisters; the affectionate good-night of children, (who should be put PRICE , THREE CENTS SISAII PllllolNcr Offi to 414vmstnswa .ILITES—DALLY TIMEGItAPE The; following are the rates for advertising in the Tats- GRAPH Those having advertising to do will and It con venient for reference: MZEii W Four lines or lan Eight lines, or more than fo FOR A HALF SQOARR. One day.. -• ...... •• .$ 30 Two days -..--.,.„ Throe days ...... .... 75 One creek ' 1 26 One month . 3 00 Two months. 4 60 Three months 6 50 Six months .. 8 00 One year .. . .... .....1.6 003 Administration Notices ' Marriage Notices FOR ORE SQUAWS. One day 80 'Two daya.'.. 100 . Three days 1 25. One week.... 246 ' One month 6 00 Two months 9 00 Three months 11 . 00 Six motaha • 16 09 One year 26 00 16' Audit Or's Notices 1 60 Funeral Notices, each illßelike 60 al*. Business notices inserted in the Local Column, or before Marriages and Deaths, Emir Owns Pan Liralbr each insertion. early to bed;) the wholesome occupation of heart and mind in social and intellectual en joy went; or some one to read the "TETZGALPH" aicud, while the girls sew, and grandmother mends stockings, and Billy straps his skates; these are the tinpurchasable comforts of home and the winter night. 33t) EelegrapQ. SHERMANI =CM RePorted Cipture of Maeoxi: A Great Panic in Bebe'dont! Appeals to the Rebel Leaders. === The People Called to Arms! THE REBELS TO DESTROY PROPERTY. Macon and Milledgeville Reported Burned. Narrow Estape of the Georgia Legislature Roads and Bridges to be De. stroyd. Negroes and Live Stock to be Removed. Railroads and Telegraph Lines Cut by Union Forces. NEWS FROM SAVANNAH. I=l WASHIGTON, Nov. 25. The Government to-day received the fol- • lowing dispatches : CITY POINT, Va., Nov. 24--130 A. K.—No thing new or important had occurred-We morning,.except the arrival of deserters, who, report the occupation of Macon by General Sherman. Few Mcemoz, Nov. 24.-The steamers lantic and Blackstonuarrived. here to-day with about 1,225 exchanged,, prisoners. They lost tan on the voyagefroniSavannah, whichplace they left at noon' on the 22d instant: ' The Baltic was , loading when the Atlatitic left The exchange was going on. well. Capt.. Gray says that just before he left there it was reported- that Macon and . MMedgevftle Wee" burned. The Legislature was in. sessioa at Milledgeville, but was dissolved-in haste and _ the members had sCattered. The foll Owing I take from the Savafinaik Republican of th 21st, the only paper I could. see: SAVANNAEI Nov. 21st. —To the People of Gear: Oa. --Comas, N0v..18, via SELKA, Nov. 18---- Arcinse! for the defence of your native soil; Rally round your patriot Governor and gal lant soldiers .Obstruct and destroy all the roads in Sherman's front, flank and rear End his army and you will soon starve their' in your midst. Confident and resolute, trust in an over ruing Providence, and success will crown your efforts. I • hasten t oin you in defence of your homes and filaides. (Signed) T: BEAUREOARD. RICHMOND, Nov. 19.-2 o the People .of Geor gia : We have had a special conference with President Davis and the Secretary of War, and are, able to assure you that they hay e done and are still doing all that can be done to meet the emergency that presses upon you. Let every man fly to arms !—Remove your negroes, horses, cattle and provisions- away from Sherman's army; burn what you cannot carry; burn all the bridges• and block up the roads in his route; assail the invaders in front, flank and rear, by night and day; let them have no rest. (Signed) JULIAN HARTILLDGE. And others. .111.tcox, Nov. 19.—The military authorities are active and vigilant, and every man is' under arms. Confidence is being restored. The enemy are, belived to be at our right, die. taut about thirty miles. The city will be de fended- to' tbe last. • • SAVANNAH, Nov, 21.—A private dispaich, received in this city this morning.from says the enemy crossed the Oomulgee river in, force yesterday, at Planter's Factory, eight. miles east of Indiari Spring. They are re-:' ported to be from 30,000 to 40,000 Strong: " This would seem to strengthen the belief that: Augusta is their, object— .l, The Central Railroad near GriswoldVille,.' was cut at 2 r. Ar., on the 20th, and the tele.: graph was destroyed— Communication be. tween Savannah and-Macon is destroyed, and the wires have been cut between Gordon and Capture, of ROO. Teasels with V aluabW'Cargoes. Wi,SHINGTOE, Nov. 25 Admiral Porter ecimmunieates to the Navy department the arrival, at Fortress Monroe, of the U, S. steamer Jasco. Soe captured in the Gulf stream the schooner Sybil, of Nassau, with a cargo of thirty bales . of cotton. aPr • Acting Behr Admiral Stribling commanding the East Gulf Squadron, communicates, from, Rey West, the following captures: Schooner Lucy, under English colors, on the 17th inst.; by the schooner Sea Bird, tender to We steamer Hendrick. Hudson, and a nameless, schooner on the 241 h ult., by the U. S. steamer Nita. Both had assorted cargoes and were neai the shore trying to run the•blockade. Also the schooner Badger, under rebel colors, from St. Marks, Florida, on the 6th inst., by, the steamer Adele. She was loaded with cotton. - From Lout)illie. ..... Louxurzaz, Nov. U. The .7 - 6 . lArnal reiterates its statement that Hood's - army eddupies Waynesboro, • blow winch point he threatens both Ntishirßle Paducah. That portion of our art* con fronting him is concentrated at Pulaski. Pa ducah is being placed in a state of defence. /SE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers