BUSINESS CA it DS. RALPH - MACLAT A tI`TORNEICAT-ItA.W.—Pairiof blaiktitsg,starisburg. Strict attontict; F:zi.l 1;3 s^ legal business Military raylo-dana-ood A. C. SIOUTII, - AT - J'AS removed his °toe from !Third to WO. nut etreet, naxt to the Piloort;. All bubiness in trusted to him wiU receive prompt and careful unentlon. JONES. HOUSE, Corner of Market street and Market Sque;-c. UARRISBURG PENNA. CHAS. 11. MANN, . Proprietor. • STATE CAPITAL ROTE E. O CORNER OF THIRD AND WALNUT STRMTEI, PENN'A. frrundersigned having purchased this well iOwe house has enlarged and thoroaghlyrenovatecl 11. The rooms have been re-patnted and papered, and the entire astalttment elegantly re-furnished . Being plea santly and eligibly located, and provAdcd with every con veMence, it offers to the public all the comforts and luxu ries of a first class hoteL Trusty and obliging servants always in attendance. A bar well stocked with eholce liquors Is attached to the establishment. de26-dly W. O. THOMPSON. Proprietor. THE UNITED STATES. HOTEL, HARRISBURG, PA. D, H. -11UTVIIIS0N, Proprietor Tears wall known Hotel is novt in a condi tion to accommodate the traveling public, affording most ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the permanent boarder. THE IJNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely refit ted throughout, and now has accommodations equal in extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Its locution is the best in 'the State Wgital, being in easy acmes to all the railroad depots, and la Close proximity to all tho public offices and business lo• oalittes of the city. It hue now all the conveniences of 1' / S2' t; .1 .3 3 HOTEL, and the Proprietor is detcrolintA to spare ndthii es pease, time or labor to ensuic the cowfott of the gdeele. The patronage of the traveling punhe is tespectfulbri soli cited. MUSICAL. BIM o FORTES, MELODEONS. SHEET VIOLINS, FLUTES, GUITARS, litiN•J(*, STRINGS, DRUMS, FIFES and all kiuds of aCI:L CAL MERCHANDISE, PICTURE I.It.AMES, LOW:LNG GLASSES, PHOTor;RAPH CARDS and ALIiUMS, AMER% J- T SrPE, GEMS, ENGRA SINGS, PIGTUREE-, .a.C. Remember the place, SILAS WARD, No. Id Third treat, the !sagest Music Store this side of the great cities. jahi2B-dtf MELODEONS AND CAI3INET ORGAn', WENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWPLYE SILVER MEDALS, ASD me' ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever woo by Insqui.mats of th!i class) has been awarded to MASON & RA.MLIN'S INS'PIi,IIMMNTS. A full assortment of Cooke tostruments always on bend W. KNOCITIES, Sole Agent, 03 Market street, je4-2tawly] NEW GOODS-JUST OPENED! BERGNER 7 .s Book and Stationery Store Emnraelng every new and improved zLy;o or POCKET 1005(S, MAGIC CURRENCY HOLDERS, CALF SKIN POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES, FORTMONNAIES, to st prices to suit all circumstances. r 0 (.; GUTIACKYI Consisting of a floe aasortnictrt Wectonholco'a Sop° Pockct Knivea grOLE PENS, From Newton's colebratod manufactory, Ern P:11 with a gwxrantre. FORT FOLIOS WRITING CASEV, BOSE - WOOD DESKS, PAYETERIELS, 30 Together with every article penally found hi a flrat Book and Stationery establishment, at myl2) BERGNER'S, 51 Market street DANIEL A. NIIIENtIi AGENT (IF the Old Walleliver Life, respectfully in k,/ forma the public that this Old Dully 'frnnsportation Line, (the only Wallower Line now hi existenc , ) in this oity,) to In successful operation and prepared to carry freight as low as alit ether individual Sitio between Phila delphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg , Williamsport, Jersey Shore, Lock Haven and all other point en Northern Central, Philadelphip, and Eric and Wil:innrxport and Elmira Railroads. DA Nllrt, A. MUTNOEL, Agent. • • FlarriAburg, ronn'a Hoods seat to the Warehouse at Messrs. Peacock, Zkii Hlnchman, Nus. 808 and 810 Market a treet, above. Bth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, P. Bt., will arrive at Earria: berg. ready for delivery, next morning, f ep3o-rdmyl • kLBRECIIT, RIEKES & SCIIIIIIIIT'S EXCELSIOR PIANOS. SOLE AGENCY AT W. ENOCH:ES, 93 Market street, Harrisburg. "WOE REASONS perfectly satisfactory to 3iTsr.L.F I have taken the agency of the above most excellent Pianos. Thepublio is invited to come and ex •mice for themselves. A few Schomacker & Co'S Pianos on hand yet will be daol low. . martls-tf VHOTOGRAPEL ALBUMS. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. Photograph Album MBE largest and cheapest variety of PH( TOGRAPH ALBUMS in the city aro constantly kel at [marl2] BERGNER'S CHEAT BOOKSTORE. VINE FAKELY FLOUIL-SHISLER FRAZER have made arrangements with one of the best mills in the country to supply the families of Harris burg with choice FLOUR. Every barrel warranted, and 'delivered to any part of the city free of charge. ' SEMLER & FRAZER, Nekton In Fine Family Groceries, opposite the Court Houle. • aim PEIPHER'S DAILY LINE BETWEEN PXLILABELPMA, Lock Raven, Jersey Shore, Wffiiamsport, Ran ey, Uniontown, Watsontown, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Troverl4,:Ceorgetnn, LykenstoWn,lllll. ersburg, Dauphin, AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, drayage will be at the lowest ratea. The Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of all goods intrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the de- RIU:WILLUIS E. BURK, 812 Market street, phis, by b o'clock r. x. , will be delivered lit Ear risburg the next morning. grrelght Always as Low s. by Any tither , Lino. JOB. MONTGOAMRY & CO., Philadelphia and Reading Depot s 0ct2.1.-tf Foot of Market street, Harrisburg. CANNED FRUITS OF EVERY DESCRI.e- MN. SAUCES of all the celebrated maoufacturern. SARDINES, OLIVE OILS, every description. Also, BROWN STOUT, FIRE TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR and SYRUP of al grades and prices, and. Vie best selected stock outside of i'diladelphia. • All goods guaranteed as represented. • Particular attention paid to all orders from a distance. RoOdll carefully packed and delivered to all parts of the city free ofcharge. SBISLER & FRAZER, mv6 successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co, NEW LIQUOR STORE. - - ThEPORTANT TO LANDLORDS AND 1 'OTKIRS.—The undersigned offers at wholeralx, to .he trade, a choice lot, of the beat liquors ever brought to darriabnii, 'Y'r•eraga Brandin, Holland Giaa,..seatch, andßillion, Wheat and Old Rya Whi:kg; l'oriegn and. Winer, such as Champizane, Claret Catawba, dk. liquors warranted, as represented. -Landlords Ind others will find it to their adyentago to call and ex amine the annulment at the store, on —Sooo2. Second street, two doors below Cheatunt. sMiklan e'rtb-Pritt• Ittrt .• • .._ r'AMXT.AIII.7.,k WINTER :71.11%fil T.FLBLE. OPENING OF Tur... BRANCH FOUR, TBAINB DAILY TO ANA NOM BALTIMORE NV ASH IN (TT 0 C TY. Connections made with trains on Pon usylvanla Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. FOUR TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch Stuignehanna,Pcnnsylvania and Erie, Elmira, and all of Northern New York. ON and after MONDAY, NOV. 7th,3 1864, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Harrisburg Pact Baltimore as follows, via: SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury cteilY (except Sunday) 10.40 A. M. leaves .Harrisburg.. ........ L'.3o arrives at Baltimore 5.95 P. Dr IiC.XP.R.M9 TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) , 11.46 r. " ietIVCEI Harrisburg (except Monday) 2.60 a. x. arrives at Baltimore daily (except Monday) . 7.00 A. K. HARRISBURG AOOOMMODATION leaves Her burg 7.45 A. x. SUNBURY ACOOMMODATION loaves Sun bury daily (except Sun day) at 7.30 A. X PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN .leavea Sunbury daily, (except Sundays,) at. ' 9.05 e. X NORTHWAR . D. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except SunditY) 9.20 a. mr. " leaves Harrisburg 1.45 ! r. r. arrives at Sunbury EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily, 5.30 . 16. N. arrives at Harrisburg...--.. 1.60 A, X, loaves Harrisburg daily (ex cept Monday) 2.30 A. X. 44 arrives at Sunbury 5.12 A, N. ERIE EXPRESS ISAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Saturdays) at...... 7.30 ft, as. leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 10.35 A. Sr. 66 • arrives at Sunbury at 3.25 HAP.RLSBURO ACCOMMODATION leaves Bal timore' daily (except Sun day).. 8.00 P. x. arrives at Harrisburg 7 50 P. n. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Barris . burg daily (except Sunday) 410 a.. m. The Erie Express and Philadelphia Express nre through trains to and from Erie and all intermediate points. Mail and Express trains run through to Elmira. For further information apply at the Mice, in Pennsyl vania Railroad Depot. .J. N. DuRAR.RY, Harrisburg, Oct. SO, 13114.-dtf ' • Gen. Supt.: Lebanon Valley Branch OF • PHILADELPHIA ',SI, - BEADING H. R • A'. r- t 7 717..jik-,-A2-^, Winter arrangement of Passsenger Trains from Harrisburg, NOVEMBE,B, 7, 1861. THREE DAILY TRAINS FOR NEW YORK. No 1 EXPRESS at 3:00 A to, Arr. at N. York at 10:0D d ar No 3 FAST, at 8:15 A M, 2:45 1' :it No 7 MAIL at 1:45 1 , 11, 0:20 v The above connect closely with similar trains on the remigylvatila Railroad from Pittsburg and the Wosi. FOR PHILADELPHIA . AICD LOTTSVILLE The .3:00 A :it Express connects at Reading with the Reading AccoramOdation Train, arriving at Philadelphia at 0:25 A at. No'a7 and 7 connect at Reading for Peas- Mlle, Tamaqua, Allentown, Philadelphia, Au., arriving at the latter point at 1:20 and 7:05 p ci, and at Pottsville at 12:75 neon and 7:40 r . I= - Number 5 Mail at. 7:25 Ant, Mopping at all points, and making SaMl3 connections at Reading as !lumbar 43. • Number 9, Harrisburg Accommodation, at 4:40 a 31, stopping at all points, arriving at Reading at 7:10 a. =I New York—Number 2 FAST at 9:00 A AT; ntiO3.llo 4 EXPRESS at 7:00 P m, and number 6 MAII, ut 12:00 - p Philadelphia-8:00 A ni and 3:30 r ar, ' Pottsvillo--8:50 e :a and 2::3b - r X Reading—Number4 EXPRESS 12:00 midnight; num ber 10 ACCOMMODATION 7:85 A 411; number 5 MAIL 10:45 Am; number-2 FAST 1:38 1.11; tmrabor 6 MAIL 6:05 t•M. - - - Passengers fur Lobantntr-Valley. Ruitread 'Way Stations will take treble ntunber 6, 6,6; and 10, -Mille other trains stop only - at Lebanon and principal stations. Baggage checked through, t.'or tickcts 'or other'in formation apply to J. J. CLYDE, no 4 General Agent, liarrisburg, 1864. 11; T Philadelphia and Erie Rail THIS Great Line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to tlic city Of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Er:VULVA:illAmnoAn Gora ro.7., and is operated by them. Its entire length 'was opened for passenger and freight business October 17, 1864. ' 7IIIE OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG: Leave Eastward. ;flail Train • Vimira Express Train Wrilliianasport Accommodation Leavo Westward. Mail Train Elmira Express Train........ Williamsport Accommodation Passenger cars run through on Mail trains Nvitbout change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimpre and Erie. Elegant sleeping ears on Elmira Express trains both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore. For information respecting passenger business apply at the corner 30th and Market streets, l'niladclphia. And for Freight business or the Company's agents: 8. B. Kingston, Jr.,. corner 30th and tfarket t.trects, Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. J. K. Drill, Agent N OR R, Baltimore. H. A. HUSTON, General Freight Agent, Phi/aa'a. H. W. (WINNER, General VOW Agent, PM tit • JOS. I) POTTS, oe2Odly General Manager, Williamsport. CUMBERLAND VA LEY AND I' . NKI4I N , Lrr 1 - ; 7 . A1 n : RAIL ROADS. (IEIA_NGE OF ROUES.-0 and after A t ionr k) day, October 31, 1884, Passenger tralris will rup daily, es follows, (Sundays excepted:) FOR CIUMBEIMBETRi4 .AND ZIABEISBURG:i. . , A. Loavo Hagerestown - " 7.00 - 2.45 " Greenoutle , 7. 37' 325 i / Arrive at • • 8.17 4.20 Obambersharg, --...... TAMVO at. 8.30 12.55 Leave Shippenserdrg ... 0.00 'l2B' " Newville ... , • 9.32 .2.00 " Carlisle 630 10.10 2,40 " Mechanicsburg Top 1042 3.16 Arrive at Harrisburg... • ' • 730 : 3:45. . , PPR ORAMBERS'OURQ APri) ErAGBEZTO'ir.N: USTARDS, A, X. P. II P. u. ;', Leave Harrisburg 8.06 1.40 4 1.5; " lifechanicsiou - g . H 42 2.20 4.50' 11 Carlisle 0.27 /55 5.16 ' Newville ch‘ani‘ 1311LiersPbuPers7brArgrIve at 10.02 /24 - 10.33 4.04 ILOO 4- SO Leave at ........ ......11.10 4.415 Leave Greecastle .11.55 5:55 , Arrive at Hagerstown 1/35 6.15 ' vie Making close connections at Harrisburg with Grirint for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg ; and with trains for ail points West. _ *The Train leaving - Hanlabory at 4,15, n. Mop, K olb as faros Carllale. N. LOLL, .. R. Office, Chambereborg, Oct. 31, 1884-17 • ISH! FISH! NOS. 1 AND 2 MAOK pa,... all alga packages, load received and for 2,44. . at siusiam & FRAZIR'S. RAILROADS. TO ERIE 1864. Road. RAILROADS. P..-Alusylvania Rail • 17 , • - WlVrteri TU!IJ TABIAM, FIVE TitAINE3 D.MLY TO AND loltoAl PECCADEDELPIIIA AND PITTSBUR; i. HONIYAT, October 31, 1861, TAIL l'assenier Trains of the Pumisylvania Railroad Company will dopart from Harrrisierg, snd arrive at Philadelphia and Pittsburg as follows; EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg dally at 2.46 A. x., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.65 A. X. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) al 8.00 A. at., arid arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.40 r. Y. Passengers take breakfast at Harrisburg. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 1.30 P. lit and arrives at Wsst Philadelphia at 5.35 P. M PITTSBURG AND ERIE EMPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 11.55 P. x., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 4.20 A. ra. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Har risburg daily (except Sundays) at 4.00 P. at., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.30 P. M. Thu train. hes no conmelion from the West. COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Harris burg daily (except Sundays) at 7. A. x., and arrives at Lancaster at 0.15 A. x , connecting (except on Mondays) with the Fast Line east. WESTWARD PITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 12.35 A. at, Altoona 6.59 A. m., take breakfast, and aerive at Pittsburg at 12.40 e. M. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.25 A. M. • Altoona, 8.15 A. st., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 P. at. THROUGH EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.25 A. sr., Altoona at 8.15 A. Sr., take breakfak and arrives at Pittsburg at 2.40 P. m FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 4.00 P. m. ; • Altoona at 9.10 P. m., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 2.00 A. x. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 1.40 P. M.' ' ltoona at 7.55 v. x., take supper, and ar rives at Pittsburgu at 1.30 P. M. MOM' JOY ACCOMMODATION was tleavea Lancaster at 11.20 A.. x., connecting there with the Mail west; leaves Mount Joy a. 11.61 A. nt, and arrives at Harrisburg at 1.00 r. m THE BARBIERI:IRO ACCOMMODATION TRAIN from Pittsburg, which arrives at Harrisburg at 660 P. 11 stops there, passengers fur Nest of Harrisburg lay over until 11.65 P. H. • .•• . . SAIDIEL D. YOUNG, ,gtipi. Mid dle Din. Penn'a A. .11arrisburg, Oct. 27, 1864.-dtt Mist When vtill 'Wonders Cease THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE WORLD ! DR. McBRIDE'S XING OF PAIN WILL cure any ache or pain in from one to sixty minutes It acts like magic upon the absorhant and glandular systems, reducing swellings and regulating the secretions and excretions. It is of a diffusive, penetrating nature, exerts its influence from the periphery to the centre of the nervous organism, thence by reflex action its power is felt throughout the entire system, restoring the circu lating fluids and checking disease with invincible strength. THE KING OF PAIN IS INFALLIBLE! No matter what the pain apply the medicine and you will find instant relief. It is an internal and exteirnal cure. . . THE KING OF PAIN Cares almost iostantancoualy, Headache, Earache, Neu ralgia, Deafness, Sore Throat, Colds, Bronchial Anections, Asthma, Dyspesia, Diarrhoea, Dysontely or Bloody Flux, Liver Complaint, Kidney Disease, Diseases or the Bladder and Genital Organs, Cramp, Cliolic and all spasmodic pains, Fever and Ague, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains and wounds of every description. It proves itself the mastery, as the testimony of thousandsprove itsmoritorious worth. Sold, wholesale acid by S; A. KUNKEL, druggists, Sole Agents, 118 Market, street, Harrisburg. SOLDIERS READ The following letter from a soldier, in reference to the efficacy and powcrfbl restorative qualitities of 88. Me-- BRIDE'S KING OP PAIN, speaks for Itself : NIMVILLIC, CCMIWRLAND COUNTY, Sept. 14, 1884. j Messrs. S. d . iCunket di Bro., druggists, Harriaburg, Pa . : Gazers :—I would inform you that I receivedthe bottles of Mcßride's Groat Pain Killer, and enclosed please find live dollars more, for which send. me five bottles addition al to-morrow. I leave for camp to-morrow. Let roc know whether you can supply me with it in the army. I em in Company H, 202 d Regiment P. V. I have been in very bad health for upwards of four years, and two of the one-doljar bottles have cured me completely, and have made me feel like a matt. Besides, I have cured a num ber of my comrades of 'Various diseases incident to camp lite, and can recommend it to ho the best medicine the soldier can provide for himself. Yours respectfully, JOS. E. WHITE, ,4 All orders from n. distance promptly attended to by S. A. KUNKLI is BItO. A HOME CERTIFICATE Tuc following certificate 18 from a wcfi-knewin citizen of Harrisburg HARRISBURG, Aug..3o; . A 864. To rut rustic :—lt gives me great pleasure to recoM mend to the public the medicine prepared by DR. J. J. MaBRIDE, which he calls the "JUNG OF PAIN," I was induced to use it as en external remedy fora bruise, which it relieved immediately, and subsequently cured entirely. Its success induced me to use it Internally for Diarrhma, with which I was afflicted in a chronic form for nearly eighteen months, and to such an extent that my kidneys were seriously deranged. The medicine has cured me, and certainly thatis saying a great deal in its favor, when I reflect how many other remedies I tried Without experi encing anything but temporary relief. For my part, I shall always keep a supply of it in my house,.believing as I do flint it is a most invaluable family medicine. DANIEL E. WILT, The imesampled sale of this medicine proves it to be the most wonderful discovery of the age in the 'medical art. The undersigned aro the sole agents for the State, and will supply it wholesale and retail. S. A. KUNKEL 8; BRO., Druggists, sepls] 11S Market street, Harrisburg. 11:45 P 2:50 A m 1180 12:35 A It 2:30 A M 1 :45 r • KR. S. A. Komar. : Sir :—I take pleasure instating that your "DIARRE(EA 3IIXTURE" exceeds anything of the kind that I ever imagined. I was very much troubled with diarrhoea, and could find nothing to help me in the least, until I Welt your "MIXTURE." I give you this certificate, hoping that, if you see propec to tiny it, it may be the means of cAonding a knowledip of the matchlei value of your medicine: I . Very respectfully yours, IL. B. JEFFRIES. I ' Fallen Timber, Cambria Co., Aug. 27, 18841.—feuMtutI . . TEA "TRINE'S WORCESTER SAUCES, LA the most popular and the purest ever offered to the public, Just received and for sale by SHISLER & febl laucoessore to Win. Dock. M. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of the act of Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed the first day of June, 1839, thestockholdera of the Franklin Bank, of Washington, Penna., will apply to the uoxt session of the Legislature for a renewal of ita chai ter, with an Increase of its capital .fltst $150,000 to $200,000. C. IL REED, President • Wasursicirow, PA., June 24, 1884. • 1e27 • PHOTOGRAPHS. ' ALARGE assortment of Photographs of Generals and fancy pictures for sale MAP, at $1 per dozen, at . SCHEFOR'S BOOKSTORE, • - my2o Harrisburg Pa SOMETHING NEW t MYEE rHINEAS' PATENT TIGHT ' INKSTAND. For ealealSolieffer's!ookstare, Harrisburg, Pa. se2i. TO THE LADIES. ODIC attention is called to the splendid assortment of bra Note Paper, Envelopes, and fine 'Strati emery SCEIEFFER'S Bookstore, septa; 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Penn._ Window Shades, 'and Blinds. A SPLENDID assortment of Linen ahinles . . . AI. *ld Paper Blinds, at . . , , SCHEFFEIVS Bookstore, sep26 SE South Second street, HrOisburg, Penua. i Wail Paper Wall Paper!! A splendid stock : of Wall Pappi t- la of r a g e ailci atyles and prices, for saleViittip'st SCREFFER'S Bookstore, • seobil SCAntl &Mad street, Harrisburg, Pews. , QUGAILS, SYEZPS, TEAS, COFFEE, et 17 all grades endlrkilep,:at SEIII3IgR & nuizift; p7l . SrteCeisorsto:W. Dock, Jr.;-1; Co,-7 ielT Dealers ia,Nte,FeralM , Orpeertesci o'llB for sale on Stye« Verner of Third and JUBroad etroetu Itaquire tiIIoYADDEN Mart.dif SPECIAL NOTICE. MEDICAL. DR. JOHNSON, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL, fIAS discovered the most certain, speedy and effectnel remedies In the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE RXIAEX IN SIX TO TWELVE HOURS. NO MERCURY OR N9XIOUS DRUGS. Cure Warranted, or No Charge, in from One to Two Days Weakness of the Back, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Impotency General De, bility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor , Low Spirits, Confusion of Mesa, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, AfrOCUOIII3 of the Liver Longa, Stomach or Bowels—those terrible •disordera arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth—those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the sontorSyrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipatioaa, rendering marriage, Arc.; franca:able. YOUNG MEN Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vico, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted tale= and brilliant intellect, who might Otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thun ders of eloquencn or waked to ectasy.the living lyre, may call with full confidence. PIULBRIA4E, Married persona, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physieal weakness, organic debility, defor mities, Sm., speedily cured. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may re ligioncly confide in his honor as a gentleman, and coma dently rely upon hie skill as a Physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS mmedlateiy tared, and full vigor restored. ' This distressing affection—which renders life miserable and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the vic tims of improper indulgence. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those failing into improper habits than by the prudent. Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and de structivo symptoms to both body and mind arise, The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weakened, less' of procreative power, nerisets irritability, tlyspepeaa, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, constitutional debility, wasting of the frame, cough, con sumption, decay and death, OrTICIA . NO. 7, &UTZ FUDIRICH Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a Tow doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number% Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his office. • DR. JOHNSON, Member of the ltoyal College of Surgeons, London, grad uate from one of the most eminent colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of tendon, Paris, Philadelphia' and else where, has effected some of the mest. Astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing latha head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden • sounds, bashfulness, with •frequent blushing, attendedsometimes with derangement of mind were cured immediately. TAKE PAIETICUIddi. NOTICE. These arc some of the mid and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits of youth, viz : weakness of the back and limbs, pains in the head dimness of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, ner vous irritability symptoms, of consumption, &o. Iffsarrem.y.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—loss of memory, confusion of ideas, de pression of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to society, self distrust, love of solitude, timidity, ke., are some of Ito evils produced. YOUNG MEN Who have injure. themselves by a certain practice in dulged in when alone, habit frequently learned from evlttompardons, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, own when aiilettp, and if not cured renders marriage inposaiblo, and doetroys both mind and body, sboultlanniyi rnmediately. Whale that a young man, the hopo of hlsr,ountry, tho darling of his parenta, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. finch I.,,nima 11761, before conlem• plating. ' . ttIARRIAGE, Renee tibit a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites. to ,promote connubial happiness. Indeed , with out these; ilui - ,iotirney through life becomes a weary pii griinagn ; fheiirrispeet hourly darkens to the "OCW ; the mind becomesehadowed with despair and lißed with the melancholy red . :it:tie° that the happiness of .another be. comes blighted with our own,. DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided and imprudent votary 9f pleasure finds be has ted.bibed the • seeds eif this painful disease, too often happnns that an illtimed sense of shame or the dread of discovery deters him from applying to those whoa from education and respectability, can alone befriend hiin. He fans into the hands of ignorant and designing pretend en, who, incitnable of owing, filch his pecuniary sub stance, keep him trifling month after month, or as long as the smallest fan can be obtained, and 'in despair leave him with ruined health to sigh over hisgalling disappointment, or, by the use of the deadly poison, Mercury, hasten the constant ional sy mptoni sof thisterribie disease,stich affec Lions of the read,' hroat, Nose, Skin, etc., progressing with frightful .rapidity, till 'death puts a period to his dreadful surerings_ by sending him to that undiscovered from whence no traveler ratma. rNDoakilari , lNT OF TELE EMS. Tho many thousands cured at this Institution year after year, and the numerous important surgical eperationa performed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the reporters of the Maaielipper, and many otherpapera, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides, his standing as a gentleman of character and responsi bility, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED. Office IV.). '; Iffolatla Frellwrissk SR•reet. ap26-dly I Grays Patent Molded Collars U'Aro ndL sintgfi nal pieces of paper cut in the form of a collar, but are Molded and Angst/ to - fit as neck, having a perfect curve free from angles or breaks, which Is ob tained by our patented process, which also secures another nati/o PlX . itqc o 4 1,20 no other eolker,—vis : Spam fro the in the, Tnrn-down style, the INEIDI 'ON WIIICAit PlEiliOrLY 73111001ECAJO) say 71110 M ruommor, making this collar, for ease, neatness, and durability, unequalled They are made in Turn-down style In sizes from 12 to 17, and in Garrotte from 18 to 17 Inches, and packed in neat blue boxes of 100 each; also, in smaller ones of 10 oach—the Miter a very handy package for travelers, army and eaVY offi:cera -xi:Jr-EVERY COLLAR - 13 stamped • ,* Gray , * Patent Molded Collar." Sold by all retail d6o.lers !n Menlo Fornlghing Goodi The undo supplied by . VAN DEUSE.4, BOEHISER, & CO., jet-eodeau 13:37 CHESTNUT ,St., Philadelphia. 8102.11.4L1NG OUT 1.0 OTJR STOCK. OF Linuoit's inteud to discontinue the sale of Li. quors dnd offer our stock at a very small advancr from cost price. We have parchased all our Liquors be fore the last rise and have a large stock on band for three or four years, which are guaranteed cannot be purchased Low at any price from the importers Our , took consists of NV II iS lE S of all grades. ,gale have parts of three barrels pure RYE, not colored, and 10 degrees above proof; 23!,' years old. WINES of all Grades, Domestic and Imported. BRANDIES. We have part of 3e' cask HMINERREY BRANDY, to which we invite the particular attention of families for medicinal purposes. -The Brandy oinixibt be bought to-day, from Importers, less than 515 per gallon. We will sell it for $l2 per gal lon. SCOTCH AND ENCIALES, AGNEW - In_ s ciLßFas,:ito.. We invite the inspection of Hotel Keepers and-44g00r Merchants generally, as we intend to sell, Without re-, serve, all our Liquors, and this will be a good opportu nity for eargataa ion tizatuut 41111141113. D. W. GROSS & CO. b. "VV. GRAWS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET, it.48411.5.aua0, PA DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE. RREPERS AND CONSUMERS We'are daily adding to our assortment of goods all cacti articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your attention to the largest and best selected stock In this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND PAINTS, 0111, Vandittei sad Glues, Dye-Stuffs,lass said ratty, Artist's Colors and Tools, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, *mai and Pine One, Motile.; Limp Globe*, Oatlle Bow, Sponges and Cork; &a, &a., &a., &C., ,te , With a general variety of PRIIIMILERT AND TOILET ARTICLES, aoleoVid from the oest manufacturers and Perfr.mers of Europa mid thld country Being very Large dealers In PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, UAW= OIL, rdIiNIBLULS, WINDOW BLABS, ARTIST'S 4112732.8 BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS END BRONZES We respootrany Invite a call, feeling conlideat that we Oral sv4 ty tla whole of NI ou taruie to their satiefe.s. ' - ,rEETti! TEETH ! ! JONES' .4ND warms PORORIaLIET TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES!, AND O liti nds, direst from the proprietors HAPONIFIXEC AND CONCZNTRATED LYE IcaglaAgeuta for Safoniner, which wa WI az t 9. ,r be It asu be putebbieti In the mtien !WA rrivs MEDICAL FLUID EXTR4G.TB 00AL OIL! OAJABON OIL I /Wink large purohuters Se these Oils,we can offer in daemons to close buyers. Coal OH Lamps of the moat Improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of Lamps obangod to burn Coal Oit. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS Those of you who hive not giveneur HORSE AND CAT TLE POWDERS a trial know not their emperlority, and the advantage they are In keeping Itonsee and Cattle healthy and in a good condition, Thome:adz can testify to the profit they have derived from the nee of our Cattle Powders, by the tudreased mem ty and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and appearance of their eattla Oi long experience In the business gives us the Oran • of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our a: rangementa In the °nice are such that we can, In a very shoit time, furnish anktbing apperbilaing to our business, on Me boat of term!. Thankfal for the liberal patronage bestowed on our boned, we hope by strict attention to busbies; a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a con tinuance of the favor of a discriminating public apl6-dly MOTH. SA.CBUET POWDER, NOB PERFUMING LINEN AND PREVENTING 10Th PaPOWDER—a compound of vathablo w for the dart:notion of ineecte-414wihnted among or dusted overran, Woolens, Carpets, _ (nothing, An, packed away for summer, effectual l y prevent moth. Being also a delightful, diihntable perfume It will im pregnate clothing, &c., with a tasUng andpleasant odor. ~ The Hum fabric (=mot be injured by lie nee. .., g . Prepared mu sold at ' . . E I CTIJCWB - ' Dn.g and Fancy Goode Store, No. 01 Market street. . ap2B ( . . . . . VIM TABLE aLGS. —4O tab e olle of the best Importations MY Wile; Wholesale and retail, by PlRMlllgtt & tritAzEß, mys successors to W. Dock. 3n, & .Co Q4SOBEDELTP.—A °holm lot of4liohe to_ oar's Dried Beer, Jtii4 received at SRIELER & F &memo= to W. Dock. rink) Ql7/%2/1011 RIO MD TaitilJtlia ' ' Ate* rsirig Duni a =minx BLISUELLAN.EOUS. M'FA DDEWS MARBLE yu z - CORNER OS WALNUT AND FIFTH =Rau, Harrisbrag, Ps. TliE"rardluitikeiBl.B°lgnitl'ebeaght ablealitvcriget;corPineeforipremredpLarabeediMl If 111:;. Disb and the public general, MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOh sum. es Momunents, Tombs, Read &tug, Mantles, Arid House Work in Marble and Brow - n Give us a call and we will guarantee satisfaction. MTADDEN er N. B.—Lettering Beatty none In English or Germ , mar2P-dly AN ASSORTMENT OF OVER 100 STYLE. oa POCKET BOOKS, PURSE:, AND 11. 3 ' 0 Yea r ie 310NNA.11 , . FOR LADIES AND GENTLE:IIIEI., Ar KELIGEWS Drug ,end Fanoy Goods SAoto, No. Al .12inled street. The beet Morocco TRAVELING EAT,II. And a general variety of FANCY GOODS. Presents, now on band at RELLF-R'S Drag marlCtlf No. 91 2 F' PHOTOGRAPH A Lilti ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTWIN o I Photograph ...4.1.14n.:b., OUND in FINE MOROCCO--pax.,..,,: , Al gilt and mounted with LWS heavy gilt elup: ALBUMS 80 Pictures for 40 c, 50 together with vrrious other atylee ci boula.g, prices, which will be sold cheep. Soldier,s you cannot buy a prettier, mere dclabl- Cheaper album tutywhert-. Cal land see at st..m gl'Pe;rl'S marl2-cltf Pure Ground Spioeo, THE FARMER. 110 Y, uvil how he !To-mac Coma,not! er-in-Ctuef, THE PIONEER BOY, and how becalL'ePro:a.2l,i, THE FERRY BOY, and the Financier THE PRINTKR BOY, or how his mark, THE FARMER BOY, tied how ha bccamu nut General. In pre=s. A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THE E LIAO iron. Tort Sumter to Roanoke; e!egently At INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH ANIERi:, No 5132 Walnut Street. South Side, sail of Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNk' OF .A&SETS DiCORRORAIED "i 724, CAPITAL CELLETER Marine, Fire and Inland Tranapcalatic,ll COLORS, PAINT AND AllThrjr: G. COFFIN, ?reline , :. MAMAS PLATT, Secretary. WILLIAM Central . Agent fur penmyiya.i, Office Walnut St., war Second, lay2l-9m OF ALL ZINDS. JUST RECEIVED, HALIE agsratufl FEB, STUMBLING BLOCKS, by Gail Bali, uton. Price $1 6 HAIINTED HEARTS, by toe author of the Lamp lighter. $2 04 SEVEN STOP Its t.: of a Bachelor," SPFKW'S JOURNAL of the•Dw.*%ery ci 2. - e rA,urca the Nile. I'4'; f>i, TIES womAN ns: BLACK, by lathor of "Mau su Gray." gl NOTES OF HIX..-1 3 . ITAL LIFE, Nov. '6l to Aug. 'CO, $l. X. STORIES OF THE SEA, for k•oya ; from Coopor'l Writings , . 3..1 STORIES OF THE WOOD, for boys; from COopel' , .. writings. $1 114 IT&RIVALLED CITA FA.T.ZI.IFURNITtIii; POLISH does not afiect th. carnisb, but reau rg. the original lustre. It does not discoior. It will Testa; r, with very little labor, every finished surface, either n tii Or wood. All manufacturers and dealers in Banjul: , should use it for cleaning furniture that has been SMC big, covered with dna. A touch and rub tiers and tb will make it bright and fresh. For sale by S. A. KUNKEIi.B: BRO., Ju44ltf 118 Market street, Eurrisbure LIQUID RENNET yields 'with milk the most luscious at all deserts for tho table; the ligh, eat and most grateful diet for invalids and children. Milk contains every element of the bodily constatuuea; when coagulated with rennet it is always light and easy °- digestion, and supports the system with the least poee- - bW excitement, When still greater nutritivepower isdesirea cream and anger may be added. A teaspoonful convert Quart of milk into a Sara card. Prepared and sold. wholesale anti retail by S. A. KUNKEL, ejls-ft 1111 Market street. DPULINTOCK'S PECTORAL SIRUP, -rrllllB INVALUABLE ;;L• j„, tirely vegetable in its cortmiKoSitiutt has beeti ployed with wonderful success for many 3%olLrEita the car, of diseases for the AIR PASSAGES and LUNGS. For Oi form of the disease such as COUGH, TICKLING of THROAT SPITTING BLOOD, DIFFICULT BIUSGIScu, BOARSEiBM, LOSS OF VOICE and :HECTIC FE V.IBS, xiSe will be attended with the happiest results. It is ed., of tho best and safest medicines for all forme of Bite: UMW and CONSUMPTION. Do laudanum or preparo lion of Option in any shape inthis syrup. BERM $l.OO PER BOTTLE. Far sale at BERGNER'S Cheap Bock Store. CIUM PEOTORA_LS are useful to soothe 1, AJI cough, allay Tickling in the Throat, to relive Hoarsens, Catarrh, Sore Throat, .kn. They eentau Coltsfoot, Horehound, Ipecacuanha, Sonega and &POI. (the most reliable expectorants known,) are the chief tx 'five constituents, so blended with Gum Arabic and Sugur that each lozenge contains a mild and very pleasant don Manufactured solely by S. A. KUNKEL a BRO., japal A tm iba ca riea ,llB Market Arse.. Horripbuni. VariNG. VirEDDMG, lhrmlrATlO .on AT ROME CARDS.—By a special anangemobt with one of the beat maven in tho cocstry, cards 01 any desetiption WIR ilrM=ited in the bizsest style art, conformable with the latest fashion, gaPP l '.. c: promptly, at, lower prices than are eisuyel ty. tn.:owns:i sm in New York orThiladelphia. For samples and prsT , call at 8E1102.1311'El ROOK STORE. nielAbdlJ A NEW iIXVOiOO of Itiohouor's celebrateo lismal just reatived this 13:1 TRAUB, Mortiowas taw, pookr, Jr„ it WI BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS DMZ! THIS MORNING, FRESE. INVOICT. MIWIENER lz CO.'S C2LEeRATEU SUGAR CURED JELA.1411._ . 4 AIN 613ISLLY .: FRnZEli't3 my3l THE .N.EW DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT, by lirs. BARBARA'S RETORT, a micei, by Amelia Edwards 80 cents TELE %MAI L EOCSE of ALLIitiTON, by Trollop $/ XIL All new hooks received as scum us published at BERGNI:P26 8008 STORE, • 51 Market Met; fiEIVICET. V 1 ,i 5,66 , ~~da~.s "Itaretteit $l. 60
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers