Paik riegiap4 NOTICE TO ADVERTISEILS.—AII adver sentents. Business Notices Marriages, Oesettre. Be. , to secturis inse rtion in the riBLEORAPII. nniaftitiVarlabty be acconm• partied with the CASH.: Advertisements ordered in the regular tl ivaing Edition are inserted in the Morn ing ii:dition without extra charge. LIARRISBTRG, PA NONIIitrEVENING, NOVEMBER 21, 1864., I' OWN AND COUNTRY Market Days at the New Market Hou se Tuesday morning, from 5 to 10. Friday morning, from 5 to 10. Saturday afternoon and evening, from 3 to 8 novl6•dlm ATTENTION INVINCIBLEB I-A meeting of the Republican Invincibles will be held at their hall on Wednesday evening, at 7i o'clock, for the purpose`of electing-permanent officers. It is desirable that every member be present. BY °EDER. 3t I=l ATTENT/ON, ODD FELLOWS !-A convention of the Odd Fellows of the city will be held in the Hall of No. 68, Exchange Building, Wal nut street, this evening, to transact some im portant business. Every Odd Fellow is in vited to be present. Comm—The November term of court com menced today. The usual business of re ceiving returns of constables, justices,.etc., was attended to. 12=3= HOMMESS. —lt is said that twelve hundred women and children, of Chambersburg, are yet without homes—dependent upon the char ity of friends. Cannot something be done relieve them ? THERE will be a sale of horses, mares, etc. , at the Government corral at Hummelstown; to morrow (Tbesday) at ten o'clock. The stock is , the property of the United States, and has been condemned as unfit for service. TR/NRSGIVING BILL.--The Young Men's Literary Association will give their first an nual ball in Brant's Hall, on Wednesday even ing, (Thanksgiving eve.) Arrangements have been made to render the ball worthy of the, occasion, and a fine time is anticipated. THE 0/ L FEVER.--11 is astonishing how wide-spre ad is the oil infection. Not only are men of means to be found Operathig in oil stock, but young men commencing business, and clerks upon small salaries, invest ing." Go where you will, the subject of "ileP. seems to be the one of paramount importance. A MEMBER OF THE ALLESIAN FENCIDLES KILL ED.—We learn that during an engagement on Thursday last, a shell from the enemy entered a bomb-proof of Capt. Detwiler's company, in Fort Sedgwick (Front of Petersburg,) and ex ploded, killing Mr. Wm, Chapman. Deceased was from New Cumberland. No others were injured. Ix Cambria, Sommet, and the adjoining counties of Pennsylvania, a good ,quality of tar is manufactured from the knots of the pitch pine. The manufacture of this substitute 4or North Carolina tar is carried on extenaiirely and has already, it is stated, considerably de preciated the price of the latter article. The tar thus produced, answers • nearly all the re quisites as a substitute fdr the Original article. THEATRE!—The citizens of Harrisburg will be gratified to learn that Mr. Sam Hemple has been engaged for six nights more, and will appear at the Theatre every evening this week. To-night will be presented, for the first time in this city, the thrilling two-act drama of THE MOR.DER AT THE ROADSIDE INN, with the celebrated four room scene. There is an excellent cast in this piece, all the mem bers of the Star Combination Coinpany par ticipating. The entertainment will conclude with the burletta, of MR. AND MRS. 'PETER Warn. A number of new plays will be pro+ , duced this week, and Mr. Hemple will sus tain the leading characters, supported by Rouse's whole company. • Tax PRESIDENT PETROLEUM COMPANY% There is one feature connected with the above company that is well worthy of tie at tention of those who are about to invest in property of this kind. We allude to the im mense extent of oil-boring territory owned by the company, when compared with that owned by other companies. A reference to the ad vertiSement in our columns, will show that this company owns eight thousand four hun dred acres of laud, furnishing an oil-boring territory of over ten and one-half miles in extent—fronting on the Allegheny river, and on Hemlock, Porcupine and Mcßea creeks. The immense advantage of investing in a company of this kind is at once apparent. There is space for a vast number of wells. Should all of them succeed, the value of the investment could hardly be calculated, while if hilt a moderate proportion of them . shoUld do so, it would pay sufficiently to satisfy the utmost desires of any reasonable man: • J. W. Simonton, 'Esq., the agent of ;the company at this place, states that this feature of the case is—as we think deservedly—attracting icon siderable attention. ACCIDENT ON THE LEBANON VAI2 I I"EY RAIL solD.—On Saturday night twit) -triene.4-a 'coal and a freight—collided, somewhere in the ricinity'of,Reading. We' are intormed, 4;4' a numbei of cars were smashed, but no person was killed. Three Harrisburgers were - teriensly 'wounded, among whom were Albert Cade:* and Jeremiah Burch. It is reportied that all three. had limbs broken. We have been unable to learn any further particulars at the time of this writing. Laras.--We have since learned that. the accident was caused by the coal' train htf4ing behind time, and as it was 'shifting to a siding the freight and stock train e'' ."dashing along at the rate of mile an hour, and ran into its rear. , The . night was very dark, and it is said no light was cIisPIPY O4 in the rear of the coal train. Wo : are bi formed that Oadow was very seriously wound ed, one of his limbs being broken at the thigh, and his head bruised. Bora bad both lags broken. A car belenging to 3.14,, Cottrell, of Chestnut street, was_ aterneashed, as were several belonging to other persons. A num.: her of ears containing live stock were wrecked,: and their contents ;badly damaged.'We are inforMed that several were destroyed by fire, but cannot vouch for the truth of the rumor. It is exceedingly difficult to obtain a reliable ccousittof a railroad accident, andliva are corn- Polled to publish .the factrii as we hear them. The leading" times of to-day gives the fol lowing notice of . the accident, It says, that tarty cars were destroyed : On Saturday evening; while the freight train on the Lebanon Valley. Branch 'was shifting cars at Heidelberg Station, one mile above Wernersville, the down freight, drawn by the Vicksburg, ran into it, destroying 40,1cM, wounding three men, one severely , and intro-.+ mg up a large number of cattle. We have no Mar'd 19110, if any body;' was to blame. Two IitINDRED condemned cavalry horses will be sold at Lancaster, on Friday next, 25th instant. =2:=l Arrnwrrox is invited to the advertisement of A. A. Barker, (of Ebensburg,) who offers for sale a large lot of fine flooring and weather boarding. . . WE learn that collections will be taken up in the various churches, on Thanksgiving day, for the benefit of the Christian Commis sion. ICis hOpett thAti the Contributions will be liberal. The iliadies' Christian Ocnntiii sion of this city will take charge of the funds. A. DRAFT has taken place for those sub-dis tricts which failed to filf their quotas under the 500,000 call, after promises had been made to furnish the requisite number of men. Be low we give the list of names drawn from the wheel. Those of Dauphin and Juniata have been ordered to report to-day (Monday) and those of Northumberland, Union and Snyder will report on Friday next, 25th inst. : • DATIPHIIi COIINTY. conewago Township—Wm B Miller, John Naylor, Benj Brubaker, Jacob Flowers, A M Gantt; Wm Bowman. West Hanover—John Bolton, Wm Ziders. Londonderry—John E Nissly, Daniel Teght meyer, Andrew Miller, Michael Dawhower, Isaac B Vance, Jacob, Daub, Henry .S Jacob S Springer. Gratz Borough—Simon B Bliner, William Gilbert. Middletown, S W—Henry Braman], John Merritz. SuNtiehanita Towitsh:ip--Isw L Niasly,John HP Brightbill, Henry .Fifer, Abraham J Henry, John Fackler, Thomas F Campbell, John Har per, George Olwine. JUNIATA COUNTY Fayette Township—M C Bratton, Elias Lo nalcer, E A Margritz, Samuel Frillcroat. • Tuscarora Township—Daniel Thatcher, John Bowman, Isaac Newton Ritker,' Frederick' An:- drews, David Showers, Abraham Reed, Jo seph Hill, James Wibeyr • NOBTHUMBELAND COUNTY. Cameron Township—Elias Perk, John Derk. Coal and Shambkin Townships—Joseph Long stine, James Seibert, John Engelby, Joseph Kaseman, Thomas Gillespie, Jacob Shock. Jackson Township—Levi Batdorf, John Gra ham. Lower Mahonoy Township—Peter Borrell, Josiah Bonell, Henry Bown,. George 'Shafer, Henry Bingaman, William Spotts, Ephraim Witmer, Emanuel Heckert, Peter Wert, Isaac Devilbiss, Levi. Resler, George Lore, Wilbee Walt, Christian Means, Elias Pisser, Lyman Pisser, Peter Sulback, George Brocius, Isaac Spotts, John Long. • Northumberland Borough—Eli Crosser, J. H. Gaskins, John Ruck, Joseph Dodge. Shmnoicin.Tozonship—Ephraim Brobst, John Swank, Aaron Saber, Jacob Draker, A. S. Mil ler, Jacob Keller, Jonathan Dunkelberger, Jared Haupt. SNYDER COUNTY Beaver Township—Abraham Wagner, Daniel Piss, George Dress, Jackson Monbeck, Daniel H. Moyer, William Bilger, Franklin Zerby, Joel Klingler. West Beaver Townslzip.—Qeorge Stuck, Wm. K. Unangst, 8; 'Uhl, Joseph W. Frees. , , , •;. Centre Toonphip—Daniel Koons, Jackson Dorman. Franklin Township—John Belts, Samuel D. Walter, Henry Feltz, John Stahinecker. Middleburg Borough—Peter M. Hacken bug, Charles Merrill, Philip Straub, Jonas 'Renninger, Penns Township—Marion Freed, Jeremiah Bowen, Henry W. Kremer, Henry Crouse. UNION COUNTY Brady Totonship—Charles Ruff, Franklin Young. Hamilton Borough.--George Charles, Wm. E. Moyer. IA • New Berlin Township--John Rockenbach, Jacob Gross. Union Township--John IlicGafagan, August Nichols, John fr..Rohland, Remy Trutt. BUSINESS ITEMS. FASHION, BEAUTY AND DURABILITY. —While we could not advocate a blind adherence to fashion, we also deprecate a studied intention Of oddity in dress. Beauty, we fancy, consists in the selection of colors that harmonize with the complexion and blend with the style of the wearer. Durability is a principle in the school of economy, that is a faithful study in in these times of high prices. All these ad vantages in ,dress goods can be obtained at.the cheap dry goods store of C. L. Bowman, No. 1, corner of Front and Market streets, Harris burg, Pa. , , , . ==l LIGHT, Monu tIGLET.—These were the last words of Goethe; but wonderful indeed have been the inventions to create artificial light Since the death of the great German'Poet. The oil lamp and the tallow candle have van ished, and the brilliant and beautiful gas fiamolias taken their place. Again we 'have the calcium light, whose power is equal to 200 solar lamps. Wonderful indeed are the in ventions of mankind. Every day.brings sothe thing new. The latest of all is the new arrival of dry goods at R. Lowenstein's, Walnut street, next to Fourth. He will sell you cali cos at 25 and: 20 cents; beautiful muslin at 30 cents; ladies' stockings 35 cents; nubias $1 00; plaid dress goods 60 cents, with a large assort - Mont of hoseries, gloves, woolen goods of all. descriptions, cloth coats and circulurs of his own make, and everything in the dry goods line at 25 per cent. cheaper than any other store in town; which we are able to do on account of our cheaper rent and smaller expenses. no2l-3t • • Furs: JIIST received, 500 muffs, 1,000 capes, , and &great variety of other furs, all of the latest styles, which :will •be sold at extremely low• - prices, for a short time, at M. MAYER'S bonnet and cloak. store, Market street,' between _Front street and River alley. DIRS. X. DULLER I s prepared to do all widths of French Flut: ing and Gotrering, at No. 5i Market street, opposite, Herr's Hotel. • • ' no3.3vr • LATEar Artarvar...--The undersigned takes the pleasure to inforni`the ladies of this city, and vicinity, that shehaiii itifeived this day a; larg_e quantity- of CLOAKS' end CDACU rallgi3lli42ol9o froPl SA to .$25._ This stock comprisesthe very latest styles and best qualities, all of which have been purchased si i nca the decline in gold, and are offered at lower ratts'ilign they can be sold by any other establishment in the .city. . MAYER, litoger'&oldo N0.:13 Market street - 1 ' The 'Largest Aistirtliteitt for the Ladies. dIRS. M. I&h:YEB, , No. 13 Market street, (.loge's old stend,) has , Nit received an im ,4mense stock of Linen and Cotton Embrpid- Yered and Plain UNDER-GARMENTS for the Ladies; alrai, Fancy Head-Drses, Hair Nets,- Handkerchiefs, Corsets in large qUantitieSt 'Feathers, Ribbons, Flowers, Fancy and Black Fancy Buttons, Gloves of all Wilde; besides a.genend nasty. of goat found Ina ladies' furnishing stop. -• This assortment' is the largest the citi,..und will be sold at ex tremely low rates. The ladies Will tlnd it to, }heir advantageld cau-at SAS. - KAM'S: I `, iloyl2-tf Tics cheapest and most select :,,Ahlonable ladies' bonnets, hats, cloaks and circr. tie to be found at Mrs. M. Mayer's, No. 1:3 Aal - ket street, between River allay aad Front street, (Boger's old stand.) ortl7-tf DR. ilifflumm's King of. Pain shou:d be kept ih every family. Will cure Headache, Tooth ache, Earache in three minutes. Diarrhceo, Bloody Flux, pain inthe Back and Side, Infiam mation of the Kidneys and Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart. Sole agent for the State, S. A. KUNKEL & BBC., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. All orders from a distance promptly attended to. a ept2o-tf FEVER AND Aotrz can be cured. Do • not think because you have tried everything you could read or hear of, that you cannot get anything to cure you, for you have not taken the pure vegetable that is curing every one that takes. it. It does not stop your shaking for a week or two, but it is a perfect cure. A trial of this will convince you and your neigh bors. It can be had only at No. 27, South Pine street, by Mrs. L. Ball. ootl7-tf SPECIAL NOTICES. MATRIMONIAL ! —Ladies and Gentlemen, if you wish to marry, address the undersigned, who will send you, without money - 'and without price, valuable.information that will enable you to marry happy and speedily, Irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. This Information will cost you nothing, and if you wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly confidential. The desired information sent by return mail, and no questions asked. Address ' SARAH B. LAMBERT, Groenpoint, King's .county, N. Y ocißilltw2m Reneerm Fen can as 0;n:011—Dr. Lockrowl having become eminently successful In curing this ter nble malady, invites all similarly afflicted to call or send for circulars of references and testimonials of numerous cases cured of from one to twentyttbur years' standing He devotes his attention especially to diseases of the Cer ebro-Spinal Axis, or Nervous System, and solicits an in vestigation of his claim to public confidence. He may be consulted at his private residence, No. 141 West 42d street, daily, from 1.0 A. Y. until 4 e. Sc,, except Saturday and Sunday, ' Address all letters to DR V. B. LOOKROW,New York. flare of P. 0. Box 5118. ocSdArvam lianitvart's Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat eases, &e., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A. Bannvart & Co., Harrisburg, Pa., to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggists everywhere. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergynlen: . ELintasntrao,..Feb. Bth, 1864. C.A. BANNverm-Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges, and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and, in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. B. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. I:4 l ''' I agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bannvarea Troches. W. O. OATTELL, Late Pastor of O. S. Presbyterian Oliuroh. ILLlunsauaG, Jan., 1864 i To C. A. Ruorvairr---Dear Sir: In the habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expec lorant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior 16 any Lozenges that I have ever used, In removing !speedily that huskiness'of the voice arising ,from its too frequent use, and impairing the effectiveness of the delivery of public addres ses. Yours, !to., JNO. WALKER JACKSON, Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. BANNvear—Dear Sir : Having used your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried, and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice, arising !from public speaking or singing. Yours, &a., G. G: RARESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. Dismal= ATTORNEYS OrrzoE, Pleauisptrao, Feb, 29, 1864. I To C. A. Berinviam—Dear Sir: I have found :your Troches to be invaluable in relieving !hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. , They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great benefit to all public speakers. A. J. HERR. Kromer's (uphads) Hair Dye 50 CENTS A BOX. Boxes larger than Dyes. that sell for $l. NATURAL, DURABLE, BEAUTIFUL. WAIMANTED to please. This article' has been thoroughly tested by Da. OHUATON of New York, and Professors Booth and Garrett of Philadelphia, who pronounce it free from all poisonous ingredients, and the material com posing it will not injure the most delicate hair; . Sold by Druggists and 'Fancy Goods dealers everywhere. . • . 1301E,Piopiiettii, • • Cfoll,9llplifilit.St.iP)4idqp,44, P. A • • • , =4. • - r • :1'2' 1 4 1.1 4 ' ' ,.?" . • •-• e!to- the tempting cup. Dr. Zame's antidote fol. strong drink is a certain cure for drunkenness. It creates a dislike for strong drink,- and can be admin'stered withoht the krioivledge of the patient.- Descriptive circulars. sent 'to any address. For sale by all respectable druggists -in in the United. States and Carutdas. Price $1 per box, or packages of six boxes for $5., JNO. J. KROMER, Wholesale Agent, • • 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1)r. hand's Specific. .• The oldest and most reliable medicine for • ;the cure of Speirmatorhoea, Seminal Weakness, Loss of Power &c. This medicine has stood the test of over thirty, years, and has always proved a success. Dr. ILiND'A SPECIFIC is exhibited in the form of pills, made up entirely of substances that haye it speeific effect upon the generative organs.; host persons associate the idea of operations upon the bowels from taking any kind of pills. The SPECIFIC of Dr. Band is not intended as an eixteunting medicine. Its medicinal virtues are expended entirely upon the impaired' regenerative organs. The pills ;are not unpleasant to the taste, and many persons masticate them with impunity before swallowing them ; which plan we would, al.. waYs•reoCsnmend, as affording the speedierit way to get the effect of the remedy: • ..rice $1 per box, or six boxes for $6. Sold by druggists everywhere: • jgo). Kffo3l:Ell, Wholesale Agent, 40$ Chestnut St, Philadelphia, Pa, stugls-dly PURE VIICON,TAILLIE 41 . 1 HE 1/100 healthy persons feel more or less weak this extreme worm weather, and lime their ap petite. They need a good 'strong Teme—kine that will strengthen the nervosa system and. Womack', , This they pia" get at 50 pante - per bottle, at 'Kra L. Ball?a,.No. 27 2 •;..nth etre Ilardsberg. Orden from a distant* *niaT 4l 7 to- angl ' Furs and Cloaks, Furs and Cloaks. iargs assortment from New York auction. 100 Muth at 54 00, $4 50, $5 00 an udpwards. eqllirrel Stuffs at all prices. Sable Malt and Cellars, large lot. Deal Fitch Molts and Capes chiap. We have nOw a stock of Faris which cannot be excelled in assortment and price. Cloaks wo.have a large assortment. . Cloaks at $lO, $ll, $l2 and all priep,S. Beautiful plain Poplins from auction. Plain brown, grey, purple Poplins. All kinds of Dress Coeds at all pries% Splendid assortment of Calicos. New York Mills, Wamsutta Bleached ltduslias. Yellow, red, white and Opera Flannels. Woolen and Cotton Stockings for everybody. Stockings for ladies; gentlemen andel:111'11.0n, Black. Bombazine, Black Alepaca. Black Paramatta, Black Persian sots. Black Silks, Black Silks, Black Silks. Black Silks at all prices. 100 Balmoral Skirts at $4. 00, $4 50, $5 00. All in want of Dry Goods, are invited to our large stock, no9S. LEWY, . - GOVEUNMENT SALES. SALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES. QCARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, FIRST DIVISION, WASHINGTON CITY, - -November 15, 1864. Will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, at Giesboro, D. D. on FRIDAY, November 18, 1864, ONE HUNDRED . AND FIFTY CAVALRY HORSES. _ On FRIDAY; November 25, 1864, • • ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY• CAVALRY HORSES, These horses have been condemned as Unlit for the Cavalry service of Army. For road'and farming purposes, many good bargains may be had. Horses sold singly. Sete to commence at 10 A. M.— Terms cash In United States currency. _ . . JAMES A. Colonel In charge First Division Quartermaster Gen eral's Office. nol7-tno2B H ORSES! HORSES! HORSES! QUAIITSAMASTBIL GIINKRAL'S OFFION, FIIIST Drumm WASEINOION; Nev. 10, 1864. HORSES, suitable for Cavalry and Artillery service, will be purchased at Gleeboro Depot, in open Market, till DECEMBER I, 1864. Horses willbe delivered to Caplaih L Lowry Moore, A. Q. H., and be subjected to the usual Government in spection before being accepted. Price of Cavalry Horses, $175 each. Price of Artillery Horses, $lBO each. Payment will be made for six (6) and more. JAMES A. EKIN. Colonel In Charge First Division, nolffino3o x, Quartermaster General's Office. Sale of Condemned Government Property. ASSISTANT QUARMBLASTER'S OFIXOR, 11. S. A. 1. HARRISBURG, PENNA., November 12,1814.• ILL be sold, at Public Sale, at Govern ment. Corral, near Hummelatown, (on line of Leba. non Valley Railroad,) on Tuesday, November 22d, 1864, at 10 o'clock, A, X - One mule, ' Seventy -seven homs. Twenty-nine mares. • The property has been condemned as unfit for Govern ment service, but for private use good bargains are to be had. Horses are sold singly. Sale, to continue until all are sold. E. C. REICHENBACH, Terms; Cash in Government funds. nevl44B Capt and A. Q. M. UARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OF- Ms, FIRST DIVISION, WASHIVTON CITT, Novell!. ber 8, 1864. Will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, the time and places named below, viz : YORK, PENIPA THURSDAY, Nov. 17, 1864. LANCASTER PENN'A, FRIDAY, Nov. 24, 1884 EASTON, PENN'A, THURSDAY, December 1, 1864. Two hundred Cavalry Horses at each place. • Thesehorses have been condemned at unfit for the cav alry service of the army. For road and farming purposes many, good bargains may be had. . . Horses sold singly. Sales to commence at 10 o'clock •. JR, Terms cash, in United States currency. JAMES A. EH IN, Colonel In charge nest Division, Q. N. G. 0, noll-tn0.30 NEW ADVERTISEM_ENTS. THE LONG LOOKED FOR HAS COME! "IitES.I.TII AND HifTiNEL3 TO THE SONS AND' DAUGHTiRS 'OP t" DR. COLLINS' SYRUP OF ROOTS BARKS AND HERBS, F OR the cure of Coughs, Colds;Sore Throat, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all stmilar com plaints. The object of thls.htedlcine is to soothe and ease the cough ; to dlesolVe the congealed phlegm that adheres and sticks to the throat, which excites hacking, hawking, and coughing ; to relieve the 'irritation In the throat, which is produced by , catching eold on' the slightest ex posure. It expectorates the diseased matter that has ac cumulated in the Lungs which retards and oppresses the respiratory or breathing organs, heals and nourishes the lungs and bronchial tubes. This medicine gives tone to the stomach, It purifies and 'circulates the blood, which causes oppression of the chest and difficulty in breathing. , Gaud News for Mothers and Children.—Here is the sufferer's balm ; keep it in your family, sickness comes as thief in the night; and your child is suffocated by the awful disease, Croup, or similar complaints. Here a prevezaative--it-is nature's friend. • These Medicines are prepared and sold by • SAMUEL COLLINS, Indian Medicine Man, near the corner of Third street and Strawberry alley. • Also, for sale at the Drag Store of • J. M. BOMGARDNER, Corner of Fourth and Market streets, Harrisburg, All orders should be addressed to DR. S. COLLINS, Harrisburg. These Medicines aro purely Vegetable. nol7 IMPORTANT TO LUMBERMEN. HAPING} finished cutting the Oak timber . upon a tract of land owned by Geo. F. Biller, Esq., situated in White Deer township, Union county, Pa., we now offer at public sale on TUESDAY, NOV. 22, 186 f, npon the premises, one portable Steam Engine and double Saw Mill, complete. Also, an extra Circular Saw, Slab Gutter, and most approved carriage, sufficient to cut lum ber 60 feet in length, together with Geo. Page's Mead Blocks, all the traps, such as Cant Hooks, Dogs, Cars, Iron Track, Horse, Swedges, Wrenches, and Setts, in Atort A Saw Mill complete. This machinery half been fully tested by us, and has worked to our entire satisiactioi; and we think its work would recommend it to all. . . We also offer, at the.same time and place, one sett of Blacksmith's two-horse power Derricks, capable of hoisting 3 tons each ; one Rand Crane, lifts about 2.;,1 tons ; one draft ; lot of ox yokes arid 'chains ; three pair of superldr timber wheels ; railroad track and switch ; Irons, &c. Tern* modo known on day of sale: nol6 2 dlw* . JAS C. 11cCLURg & CO. READ THE NEWS l READ THE NEWS ! WILLIAM M. GRAY, LATE Clerk in the employ of Shisler Frazer, has opened a new Grocery Store under the name of Wm. M. Gray & Co., No. 15, Market square, (lately occupied by Gus Lachman,) opposite the Harris burg bank. We are now ready to supply the citikertl3 of Harrisburg. with a new stock of fresh groceries, consisting of pickles': plain and mixed, preserves, jellies, canned fruits, dried fruits, hominy, shaker corn, beans, rice, and a complete assortment of queensware, glass, cedar and willow ware.- ' We Invite the public to call and examine our stock, and extend to us a share pf their patronage. All orders promptly attended to. noledtf Harrisburg Gas Works. lIARRISBIIRo, Nov. 12, 1854. ON AND after the first day of December this company will be under the necessity or Increas ing the price or Gas to $3 50 . per 1,000 cubic feet. There .are many reasons which compel this company to make the increase; and •in order to inform the public of the cause which comp'els them to do so, we beg leave to men tion the following facts, viz: Coal the article most extensively used for the manufac ture of Gas, was formerly purchased for $3 85 per ton now the same article costs $945. Lima another item, was formerly.purchtised at 9 cents per.bushel; now we pay 20 Retorts and other castings extensively used were fix mealy purchased at 2X cents per pound; now we pay 6 cents. Pipe of every description has inCrettaed in price more than one hi - attired per cent. ; Fire brick, meters, rosin, &c., have advanced more than two hundred per cent. ' • : Labor and. everything connected with the manufacture of "Gas has increased more than 0110 hundred per cent., and the company is therefore reluctantly compelled to add 50 cents to the price of Gas per 1000 cubic feet, on and after the above mentioned day. In addition to the above enormous increase of materials and labor, the company pays a tax of SD enters on every 1,000 feet of Gas menu. floured, to the Dintad gtates Government, in addition to the usual license. The Lust Leglabgare baa also laid atax of slimly PER csar.Madditionto the lanes heretoforepaid on capital stock titn4 aksideu4s. .12icseincreasedZigapop,s, aloue amount to more thin one half of the increakager woo feet. AVM. DOOR, President. Gino; BERGNER, Secretary . novl44llw NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PETROLEUM COMPANY, PREMIDENT, Vensingo Comity, Penn'a Organized under the Laws. of Penk,a OFFICERS . . Presi.lent—AHOßY EDWARD Esq., New York, Treasurer—L. H..SIDLPSON, ESQ., New York. : Arscrefary-.—J. EDWIN CONANT, Esq., New York. Counsel—Msusus PLAIT,. GERARD & BUCHI,EY New York,, DIRECIORS : AMORY EBNVARDS; Esq„ New York. EBEN B. CROCKER, Esq„ of Crocker & Warren, New York. FLEEGIIER WESTRAY, Esq., - of Westray, Gibbs Sz Hard castle, New York. J. M. CLAPP,.Esq., Pr6sident, VenEu3go county, Penn. L. H. SIIIPSOH, Esq., of L H. Simpson & Co., New York. JOHN H. CLAPP, Esq., General Resident Superinten dent. ITS LANDS FORM ITS Capital Stock, . $5,000,000 In Shares of $25 Each, par value---Sub scription Price, S 5, per Share. Being in full payment for a*s - share. No briber cal or amazement to be made 20,000 Shares, or $lOO,OOO Reserve • for Working Capital. PARTIES SUBSCRIRING IN THIS COMPANY WILL RECEIVE AN EQUAL AMOUNT OF STOCK IN TWO OTHER COMPANIES ADJOINING, WITH OUT FURTHER CHARGE. THE LANDS OF THESE 'COMPANIES are located on the Alleghenny River, and on Hemlock, Porcupine and McCrea Creeks, and contains 8,400 acres, MARINO AN OIL BORING TERRITORY OF OVER TEN AND HALF MILES IN EXTENT. The wells on: 104 Opining property, known as the "Celebrated fieldricks" wells, and "Pithole Creek" wells, are famous for their immense supply of oil. The wells on this property are being sunk with great vigor, and promiSe large supplies of oil. To the capitalists and to parties of limited means un surpassed inducements are offered, Persons investing in this Company get stock and the above BONUS for each $1 invested, ithout further call or aseessmtent. Subscription books, maps; and all other information can be obtained at the office of 3. W. ,SIMONTON, 'Attorney-at-Law. SUBSCRIPTION AGENT AT ttARRISBURG, PA . No subscription taken for less than OYE rre-sonso L/RS. Inquiries by mall promptly answered. nol7-dtf TOYS, TOYS, TOYS, FOR THE HOLIDAYB. A large and dna assortment, consisting of • China tea sets, &c, Wooden tea sets, China baskets, . . Crying dolls, Vases, ; Boxes of game, Tin trumpets, ..Paint boxes, Horn; • Tool cheats, Moving boys, Dressed doll; ,Wooly sheep; Doll heads' Watches, Guns' and swards, Stable; • Furniture, Menageries, • ' Animals bn wheel; Grace hoops, ' Kitchen utensils, Wind-mills, • - Infantry, iDrummers, • Cavalry, • Harlequins, Magic %uterus, . Poultry yards, Sheep fold; .Box toyt Noah ark, „ : Also, a large and fine assortment oe sugar toys, -French and common candles. ' Also, always on hand such as foreign and domestic fruit in season, all kinds of nuts, dried fruits, cakes and crack. era, teas, spices and coilbe, Jellies and canned fruits, rale ens, currants, citron; prunes,' Arc.; wholesale and retail at the store -of • JOHN WISE, nolo Third and Walnut. PUBLIC SALE. WILL . 'lie sold at the Court House s ; Hattie-7 biiig,'on Friday, December 2, 18E4, between the . hours of ten and four, the following real estate: All that certain undivided half part of lot or,piece of land; situated on the coiner of Sixth and Walnut streets, in the citrof Harrisburg, county of Dauphin, State, _ of Pennsylvania, adjoining lands of Daniel Wiltaud James Main; thereon erected a three-story brickhoted building and brick back building. . •, Also, at the same time and place, all that certain undi Vided half part of lot or tract of land, innate in Swatira township, Dauphin county, ,containing seven acres and twenty-one perches, adjoining lands of Daniel. Shecely Joshua Rider and David Harris; thereon erected one Chambers , Patent : Brick. Machine, one forty horse power steam engine and boiler, with two 18-inch dues, in coin pieta running order, together with necessary fixtures, en gine 'house and shedding complete, for carrying on the brick-making business. • AlBo, one small tenant house. • Christian Eberly, the surviving partner of the late Mi chat Burke, will.sell his interest-In the above properties at such terms as to snit purchases. - • • • Terma—Ten per cent. when' :the fe.operty is struck off, ten per cent. on confirmation 'bf sak; the balance to be paid as follows: One-third -when possession is given (which will be on the first of April, 1865,) the balance in two annual payments, secured by bond 'and -mortgage, With Interest from confirmation of hale. • JOBN BRADY Guardian of Martina and Regina Burke. . • JOSEPHINE BURKE, • • • G . G. BURKE, MARY BURKE, n012.-dts Administratrix of Michael Burke, dec'd. A CHOICE FARM AT Public Sale. On Thursday, Nov. _ 24, 1864, 111.11 E Subscriber will, sell at Public Sale, on gip premises, a tract of Land ebnirtining ONE HUN. Hug/NACRES, sifnatedinllastpenneboro' township, Cum twrlaWit county, Pa., 8 mileeviest Of tHarrisburg, bounded by lands of John Bowman,G. W. Oriswell,Samuel Bowman and others, on which are erected a large LOG AND.PLAS IJEREDHOOSE,a BRICK BANK BARN , TENANTROUSE, WAGON SHED, Wood House, Spring House, a Well of ex cellent water at the door, a large Orchard of Choice Frith. There 18,1 never failing Spring between the house and The laud is in a high state of cultivation. This is one of the choice farms in the lower end of Cumberland Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, M. Terms made : known bySpi9l , l DitkISBACIL White Mil, Nov.' 7,1864412-W* GOOD NEWS. WALNUT STREET IN A GREAT BLAZE. TAKE this method of informing My I numerous friends and the public in general, that I have opened my new Clothing" Store, corner of -Walnut and Sixth streets, where I am willing to sell fifty percent. cheaper than auy other store in the city. Coats worth $3O, for $2O; Pants worth $9, for $6, and vests worth $5, for $3, and everything in proportion. ,All goods leaving my establishment I will warrant, for they are all made under my care, and with every modern improvement, and the latest style. Don't fail to' come and convince yourself of the truth. nolo-Im* R. BERNARD. WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC BALE, at the Court House, in the city of Harrtabu& on the 2d of December, 18C4 a very desirable lot of ground sit uated on the corner of Second street and Liberty alley, In said City; thereon erected a small frame dwelling house. Said lot is bounded by Second street, Liberty alley and Church alley. Terms will be made known on day of sale. novl4-dts PIERQE, MAILER. REESE.—Rxime New YOE: V Cheese, Pine C Apple, English Dairy and Sap Sago Cheese, just re ceived this morning at SUMER & FRAZER'S. . • uIIOK BASKETS. —Shialer & Frs. suceeseorsto W. Doak, Jr., & 00., have oa band , 85 doken tick baskets. Price P5O per dose. Jae neVorop 'Meek); iut vt..) 14111111A11 OTIS) ROTWR soirgazenx.- . . Seri and FRTE — NEW MACK- MEL; just received, at, 018 BOTER I; ROWER. P') mo 300 BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S HALL NINETY-THIRD NIGHT OP THE PRESENT SEASON Ronao's Star Combination Company, Ronaes Star Cotabination Company, Rouses Star Combination Company, Re-ehgagemeut for Six Nights more of SAM HEMPLE I • THIS MONDAY. EVENING, NOVEMBER 21, 1864, Will be presented for tho first time in Harrisburg, the eel ebrated DIIIM3, in two Acts, tilled with thrilling ef fects and startling denourueuts, called the Murder at Roadside Inn To conclude with, for the first time this season, the Musical Burletta, called RR. AND MRS, PETER WRITE! Nanoa—On and after this evening, the curtain will rise at half.past 7 o'clock. iprForfurther particulars see programme. aug9-dtf CANTERBURY HALL, WALNUT ST., BETWEEN 2d and 3d Sts PROPRIETORS BUSINESS AGENT STAGE MANAGER. Open EVERY EVENING, with a first-class company of Male and Female artists, Each performer a Star. GREAT RUGGERS OF SAM WELSER The greatest American Clown, Comic Vocalist and Panto- mimist Continued success of the CANTERBURY MINSTREL°. First night of the Great Comic Act, OLD FELLOW, OR DAR'S DE MONEY First Night of the STICK OF THE STEEPLE. First Night of the Great The Whole to Conchfde Wil FLAKE IN A FIX. Re-engagement of JOE MILLER, the Celebrated Ethio pian Comedian. ilAdmiesion 25 cents. 'Seats in Private Boxes 50 cents. Doors open at 7 olclock. To commence at 7% o'clock. novl4 SANFORD'S HALL AND THEATRE OPEN every night with a first class corn pally of male and female artists. The performance consists of NEGRO MINSTRELSY, SONGS AND DANCES, FARCES, GYMNASTIC EXERCISES, ACROBATIC FEATS, AND PANTbMIMES. This is the only legitimate Concert-Hall now open in the City. Performance every Saturday Afternoon, commencing at 2 o'clock, HARRY WELLS & 00., Proprietor= BELLY Penman, Business Agent. Nan WRAY, Stage Manger. novl4tf Great Attraction ! NO. 13 AREA. D! MRS. M. MA.YER, NO. 13 MARKET STREET, Has just opened her new FALL STOCK of 41 ,1 6 BONNETS, LADIES' AND MISSES' HATS, • FEATHERS AND FLOWERS. Also, THE LATEST STYLES CLOAKS AND CIRCULARS And a tine assortment of WOOLEN 800D9, NTIBI AS, do. Al i L MOMS OF TRIMMINGS Constantly on hand, besides everything usually fount In the largest furniahlng•4*ablishments In the country. sep2o J. R. BOYD. CABINET FURNITURE. HAVING COMPLETED OUR NEW AND COMMODIOUS WARE-ROOMS, We offer to the public the largest and REST ASSORTMENT OF FURNITURE To be found outside of Philadelphia, at VERY MODE RATE PRICES. ,JAMES R. BOYD & SON. no4d3ml New Ware - -rooms, 29 South Second at. CALIFORNIA BRANDY AND WINES FOR MEDICAL USE. . WE DESIREto call especial attention to the PORT WINE as being superior to any of the kind in market for invalids. %ELLER'S Drug and Franey Goodg'Store, No. 91 Market street. 0m,28 Valuable Property at Private Sale. THE Valuable Property, corner of Front and Walnutstreeta, late the estate or Henry Stew art, deceased, is offered at private sale, For further par ticulars inquire of William J. Stees, on the premises. JAMES STEWART, HENRY STEWART, Executors. no3dtt GRAPES AFINE Lox or CATAWBA ISABELLA GRAPES are for sale at wise , s 'ftuit and. confeo. tionery store, Third street, near Walnut. Mr. Wise will keep a supply on hand during the season. sep27-tf WBEEF and MESS PORK —A choice urt l3 iole of Hess Beef and Pork at . WEIMER & FRAZER ova fonoceosors to WmDock. jr., 00.1 Prayer Books, Hymn Books, of all denominations, in different Styles and at different prices, at SO:MME.'S Bookstore, sopt 26 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Penns • TILSSEOTED ALPHABET BLOCKS, for sale at Saheffer's Bookstore, it South Secamt street, Harrisburg, Pa. octl ECONOMY MESS SHAD. —We received a fresh lot this morning, at sepls PROBSE do BLACKWELL'S 2,NGLINW' VV PIONLics, a rare *Miele for table 11813, Just received and for sale by SUTLER & FRAMI, - feta (auceeasors to Wtn. Dock. in. & Co.) EXTRA WHITE WHEAT FLOUR.—Se looted White Wheat Faintly Flour, just receive and for sale at • SHELISLEIt di FRAZER, jyg Summon! to W. Do Jr„ &Co .13ASKETS, BASKETS, i, iin i..4 : great variety.. s g reat at FRAZER, - je27 • successors to W. Deck. 4... k co DRIED FRUIT of all kinds at WM HOLM & KORRPER. SATCHELS! SATOTTUSI A LARGE and splendid assortment 'of,' Satchels, together with over . 100 styles of Pocket: Boot% Wallets, Szo., at all prices for sla Satteffersi , ' Iklokstore, Harrise , Pa. nob , ' 'ICrAVANA ORANGES.-Firigt Valianst ,JUL sages juet received. at Slillatkß u• 18 successors to rm.-Doc-I; • mot I URE SWEET CIDER received to-day at TIMER Ie RERPNWS. OYSTER & KEENE JOE MILLER Jig FL A ET COMB a TRIO P. K. BOYD. BOYER & KEEPER'S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers