N II aitp(L7i:tifflalphi- NOTICE TO A. 13 VITRT ISRILS.—A.II ver i,ello.t.llt N. 13uHincss Notices, idarrin u;es, flent,hs. Ace., to secure. insertion in - the 'IPEUEGRAPH, must in - variably he aec 0111- par. led with the CASH. isivertisements 0rde1 . ..1 in tile regular 1 , 2.1. - r 7d it g Edition Are in t,e sled in the of rn ta.4 'Edition without e ehiLege. HARRISBURG, PA FRIUAS' EVENING. NOVE.III3EI 18, 1864. TOWN AND Co T Market Days at the Ness - Market Tuesday morning, from 5 to 10. Friday morning, from 5 to 10. Saturday afternoon and from 3 to 8. The few remaining stalls will be rented on Friday morning next, November 18. novlG•dim Coimr.—The November term of Dauphin county court will commence on Monday of next week. THE Bank of Chambersburg is to become a National Bank. We notice that a majority of the banks in the State are about to go into business under the National banking law. A. SPECIAL MEETING of the Paxton Fire Com pany 'will be held at their Hall (Koenig's) to morrow evening, (Saturday,) at 7 o'clock. Every member of the company is earnestly requested to attend, as business of vital inter est to the company will be brought before this meeting. By order of the President. ktzurasn AGED CITIZEN GONE.—The funeral of George Wenrick. Sr.. one of our aged citi zens, took place this afternoon, and was at tended by many of the friends and acquaint ances of the deceased. A few weeks ago Mr. W. met with an accident by which he was se verely injured, and which probably hastened his departure. AFFLICTED FAMlLY.—Ephraim and Lydia Ann Earner, of Germany township, Adams county, lost five children by death, between the 28th of October and the sth of November. Their ages ranged from three to fourteen years. The disease was diptheria, which seems to prevail to a fearful extent through out Adams county. THEATER.—Two sterling comedies, THE HUSBAND TO ORDER, and THE MAID WITH THE MaxING P.m., compose the bill for this even ing's entertainment. Sam Hemple, the fa mous comedian, will appear in both pieces, supported by Meeker, Fisher, Crossen, Miss Fanny Denham, Miss Nellie Sprague, etc. These are both ,new pieces, and form an at tractive programme. A Nsw BRASS BAND. —We learn, with plea sure, that a brass band has been organized in our city, the membership being composed of a number of our best citizens. The want of such a band in our midst has o: various oc casions put our citizens to considerable in convenience. When it was necessary to have good music it had to be brought from a dis tance, and at great expense. Now that an or, ganization has been effected here, we trust that the new band will be liberally patronized, and its permanency secured. A. social soiree will be givenfor the benefit of the " New Harrisburg Brass Band," on Monday evening next, at the hall of the Ein tracht Singing Association, in Koenig's build ing, Chestnut street. The price of tickets has been fixed at fifty cents. An interesting time is anticipated, and it is hoped that there will be a full attendance of our music-loving citizens. SALE or CAPTURED STOLE.—The Government sale of captured stock, which commenced in this city on Tuesday, closed yesterday, the entire lot—about six hundred head—having been disposed of. The animals were very thin, and did not present an attractive ap pearance, and the inclement state of the wea ther on Tuesday and yesterday caused them to look even worse than at any other time; consequently they did not sell at as high a figure on those days as on Wednesday. There was an excellent sale on the last named day. On the whole, the Government realized good prices. The total sum received from the sale amounted to between $lO,OOO and $ll,OOO. Great credit is due Mr. Parkhurst, the Gov ernment agent, for his untiring efforts to effect a good sale. He succeeded beyond all ex pectation, and has proven himself to be the "right man in the right place." PRESIDENT PETROLEUM COMPANY.—The fol lowing extract from a letter written by C. M. Morse, Esq., of Oil city, gives some interest ing statements in relation to the character and value of the lands owned by the above company, whose advertisement will be found in another column : 'From personal examination, I am more than ever convinced of the immense value of the President Lands, commonly known as the Hemlock Creek property. There is about eight thousand four hundred acres, including three Islands, (in the Allegheny river,) with nearly three miles of river front, and over seven miles of creek valley, suitable for bore ing for oil. There are now two wells being bored on'the lower end of the river territory, by the Heydrick Brothers, on this property, adjoining the celebrated Heydrick well, which has already produced over thirty thousand barrels of oil, and Mr. Heydrick told me yes terday that he has struck a large vein of oil on the President property. I have spent ranch time in examining these lands, and have not the least doubt but large' quantities of oil will be the result of proper develop ments." L 0. OF 0. FF. OF THE STATE OF PENNEY:INA NIA.—The annual session of the Grand Lodge was held on Tuesday morning at 0 o'clock, at the Hall, in Philadelphia. IL W. Grand Master, Wm. H. Trinnick, occupied the chair. The semi-annual reports of the R W. Grand Master and the R. W. Deputy Grand Master were read, and it was shown that the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows is now in a most flourishing condition in Pennsylvania. A lengthy report of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the United States was read by Grand Representative J. Alexander Simp son, which showed that the Order is increas ing in strength and usefulness throughout the United States. Numerous amendments to the Constitutions of the Grand 'ma subordi nate Lodges were introduced and laid over to the session in May next, for action. The sub ject of the institution of an Orphan's Home for a refuge for the destitute children of de ceased Odd Fellows was introduced and laid over to the May session, for action. The following nominations were then made for Grand Lodge officers, to serve during the next term: R. W. G. M,--John M. Crosland, No. 53. R. W. D. G. M.7—George Fling;No. 10. R. W. G. W.—Richard Watson, No. 193; Samuel Poster, No. 190; Samuel F. Gwinner, No. 696. R. W. G. a—William Curtis, No. 28. I%—M. R. Muckle, No. 46. G. R. to G. L. of U. S.—J. Alexander Shop son, George Bertram. The Grand Lodge was closed in due form 94 6 0 ' 4 04 p, ra„ and adjourned sine die, THE Wzaxann.—We are haying an abund ance of rain, by way of a change. The snow has disappeared, and mud—mud—mud —meets Toil at every turn. TWENTY notorious counterfeiters of Govern ment currency, two of whom are women, ar rived in Washington, on Thursday, from the west, in charge of an officer, and were com mitted to the Old Capitol Prison. These per sons are said to be the leaders of gangs who have made Ohio, Indiana, lowa and Missouri the principal fields of their operations. With these counterfeiters were seized presses, plates, and a large quantity of material used i 4 the manufacture of these base issues; • and it is thought that by these captures the nefa rious business in the States named has been pretty completely destroyed. Tneanco DOWN POSTERS. Some steps should be taken to prevent the boys of the city from tearing down bills and posters after the man ner they now practice. Bills, which have cost the party getting them out from five to ten dollars a hundred, are hardly dry before some mischievous ragamuffin comes along, and having nothing better to do, proceeds to tear them down, yet we never hear of one of the offenders being arrested. The police should keep an eye on this business, and do some thing to prevent the malicious destruction of posters now so common. There is a law against the tearing down or mutilation of bills of this character, and it ought to be enforced. ELOPEMENT .IN HIGH LIFE. —The Lancaster Express says that a young lady of that city left home a few days ago, under circumstances which leave no doubt but that she eloped. When her family, arose on the morning of her departure, they found a note on a table, bid ding "good-bye" to "father and mother," and signed by their daughter's name. On exam ination it was found that the young lady's clothing had also disappeared. Since then no clue to her whereabouts, or the course:she took, has been obtained by her anxious pa rents. She is of a highly respectable family, and nothing in her conduct before this event has left room to conjecture her motives in taking this step. I=l USELESS YOUNG LeofF.s.—A cotemporary thus seriously speaks of that very large class of useless young ladies who glory in being above useful employment: "The number of idle, useless girls in all our large cities, seems to be steadily increasing. They lounge or sleep through their mornings, parade the streets during the afternoon, and assemble in frivolous companies of their own and the other sex to pass away their evenings. What a store of unhappiness for themselves and others are they laying up for the coming time, when real duties and high responsibili ties shall be thoughtlessly assumed. They are skilled in no domestic duties—nay, they despise them; they have no habit of industry nor taste for the useful. What will they be as wives and mothers ? Alas for the husbands and children, alas for themselves ! Who can wonder if domestic unhappiness and domestic ruin follows ?" A DONATION PANSY IN CONTEMPLATION.—WO heard, casually, this morning, that the mem bers of the Locust Street M. E. Church, had resolved to give the Rev. J. Walker Jackson the highly deserved compliment of a donation visit, Tuesday evening being fixed for the affair. The idea which suggested this visit, is the fact that Rev. Jackson's salary has never been increased to keep pace with the expenses of living in these times. While the members of Rev. Jackson's church do not feel as if they could permanently increase the salary of their pastor, they are also unwilling that he should be compelled to meet the stringency of the money market, without the pecuniary aid at their hands which he has so fairly earned by his zeal and his influence as a man and a pastor. —We feel an interest in this contemplated donation visit, which we are certain is shared by the great majority of the people of Harris. burg, because Rev. Jackson has entitled him self to the affections and the confidence of others besides those of his immediate congre gation. Hence, we candidly recommend that all who can appreciate a good man, an honest Christian and a patriot, join in the donation to Rev. Jackson. Let him feel that he is ap preciated. Let him see that his labors have resulted not only in making friends for his country, but in eliciting friendship for him self. There is not a man or woman in Har risburg but can fittingly and appropriately make a liberal donation to Rev. Jackson, and feel that it is but a reciprocity for services rendered as a Christian preacher and a fearless patriot. Mem-A-Pow. —There never was a time when Mani-a-potu wks so prevalent among drinkers as now. Whether this is owing to the quality of the liquor, or the quantities in which it is consumed, is not stated, but certain it is that more cases of this terrible malady have been developed within the last three months than during the previous year. The greatly in creased price of liquors, under the new Inter nal Revenue law, forbids the idea that there is more of it drank than before, so that it can only be through the adulteration of the liquors now in use, that this increased tendency to mani-a-potu on the part of intemperate men can be accounted for. The commonest kind of whisky brings more per gallon by the barrel now, than the purest old rye sold for before the war, and as ten cents per drink is the ruling price at most of our bars, there mulct be adulteration to afford dealers in the article anything like the large profits which they are reported to make. This admitted, and the increase of mane-a-patu is easily accounted for. A strong, healthy man might go on for a long time drinking pure liquor, and yet re tain his reason, but let him try it with the villainous compounds now sold under the name of liquor, and he will soon find the "man with the poker" after him hard and fast. Those, then, who have been in the habit of indulging too freely, had better pause in their career ere it is too late. Adulterated liquor, such as is now dealt out in most of our bars, is but little better than poison, and the man is wisest who shuns its use altogether. BUSINESS ITEMS. Fars! JUST received, 500 muffs, 1,000 capes, and a great variety of other furs, all of the latest styles, which will be sold at extremely low prices, for a short time, at M. MAYER'S bonnet and cloak store, Market street, between Front street and River alley. MRS. X. MILLER Pprepared to do all widths of Frenelinnt ing and GOffering, at No. 54 Market street, opposite Heir's Hotel. no3-3w Lamm. Annivia..—The undersigned takes the pleasure to inform the ladies of this city and vicinity, that she has received this day a large quantity of CLOAKS and CIRCU LARS, ranging . in price from $6 to $25. This stock comprises the very latest styles and best qualities, all of which have been purchased since 'the decline in gold, and are offered at lower rates than they can be sold by any other establishment in the city. NHS. M. MAYER, Boger's Old Stand, No, 13 Market street. Sept26-tf ALEXANDER RAMSES, ESQ , SENATOR FROM MINNESOTA.—The curtain that shuts out an incident which occurred tweuty-five j L 9.13 since, in our old Court House, at Harrisburg, was lifted this morning, in our memory, by observing our old townsman, Alexander Ram sey, Esq., who is making a flying visit to our city. The event to which we refer was his nomination for Congress by the workingmen belonging to the old Whig party, (notwith standing a protest, written on Sunday, by a prominent legal gentleman, a member of the convention.) The Senator's consistent political course and untiring zeal in advocating the workingmen's interest, will go far in account ing for his great success and the enviable posi tion he now occupies. Success to self-made men, which reminds us of the extraordinary exertion that is being made to procure and sell dry goods cheap at C. L. Bowman's, No. 1, corner of Front and Market streets. TEE cheapest and most select fashionable ladies' bonnets, hats, cloaks and circulars are to be found at Mrs. M. Mayer's, No. 13 Mar ket street, between River alley and Front street, (Boger's old stand.) octri-tf 1==:1 FEVER AND AMIE can be cured. Do not think because you have tried everything you could read or hear of, that you cannot get anything to cure you, for you have not taken the pure vegetable that is curing every one that takes it. It does not stop your shaking for a week or two, but it is a perfect cure. A trial of this will convince you and your neigh bors. It can be had only at No. 27, South Pine street, by Mrs. L. Ball. octl7-if Uu M'Bromk's King of Pain should be kept in every family. Will cure Headache, Tooth ache, Earache in three minutes. Diarrhceo, Bloody Flux, pain in the Back and Side, Inflam mation of the Kidneys and Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart. Sole agent for the State, S. A. KUNKEL ct BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. All orders from a distance promptly attended to. sept2o-tf The .Largest Assortment for the Ladies. MRS. M. MAYER, No. 13 Market street, (Boger's old stand,) has just received an im mense stock of Linen and Cotton Embroid ered and Plain UNDER-GARMENTS for the Ladies; also Fancy Head-Dresses, Hair Nets, Handkerchiefs, Corsets in large quantities, Feathers, Ribbons, Flowers, Fancy and Black Velvets, Fancy Buttons, Gloves of all kinds, besides a general variety of goods found in a ladies' furnishing store. This assortment is the largest in the city, and will be sold at ex tremely low rates. The ladies will find it to their advantage to call at MRS. 'MAYER'S. novl2-tf SPECIAL NOTICES. PURE VEGETABLE TONIC METE most healthy persons feel more or less X weak this extreme warm weather, and lose their ap petite. They need a good strong Tonte,—::Ono that win strengthen the nervous system and sibmaelt. This they can get at 50 cents per bottle, at Mrs. L. Ball's, No. 27, South Pine street, Harrisburg. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. augl MATRIMONIAL ! —Ladies and Gentlemen, if you wish to marry, address the undersigned, who will send you, without money and without price, valuable information that will enable you to marry happy and speedily, irrespective of age, wealth' or beauty. This information will cost you nothing, and if you wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly confidential. The desired information sent by return mail, and no questions asked, Address SARAH B. LAMBERT, Oreenpoint, King's county, N. Y octBd&w2m Furs and Cloaks, Furs and Cloaks. A large assortmell from New York auction. 100 Muffs at $4 00, $4 50, $6 00 an udpwards. Squirrel Mullis at all prices. Real Sable MuSk and Collars, large lot. Real Fitch Muffs and Capes cheap. We have now a stock of Furs which cannot be excelled in assortment and price. Cloaks we have a large assortment. Cloaks at $lO, $ll, $l2 and all prices. Beautiful plain Poplins from auction. Plain brown, grey, purple Poplins. All kinds of Dress Goods at all prices. Splendid assortment of Calicos. New York Mills, Wamsutta Bleached Minibus. Yellow, red, white and Opera Flannels. Woolen and Cotton Stockings for everybody. Stockings for ladles, gentlemen andchildren. Black Bombazine, Black Alepaca. Black Paramatta,'Black Persian cloth. Black Silks, Black Silks, Black Silks. Black Silks at all prices. 100 Balmoral Slim at $4 00, $4 50, $5 00. All in want of Dry Goods, are invited to our large stock. nog S. LIXWY Aar Enherrio Frrs ass as Conant I—Dr. Lockrow having become eminently successful in caring this ter able malady, invites all similarly afflicted to call or send for circulars of references and testimonials of numerous cases cured of from one to twenty-four years , standing. Be devotes his attention especially to diwbims of the Cer eine-Spinal Axis, or Nervous System, and solicits an in vestigation of his claim to public confidence. He may be consulted at his private residence, No. 141 West 42d street, daily, from 10.. sc until 4r. eicept Saturday and Sunday. Address all letters to " DR. V B. LOOKROW, New York. Care of P. 0. Box 1116. oc9d&wilin Bannvart 9 s Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A. Bannvart & Co., Harrisburg, Pa., to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggists everywhere. ' Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: _ _ _ HARBERIPTRO, Feb. Sth, 1864; C.A. Buolv.orr—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial .Troches, Wistar's Lozenges, and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and, in comaparisen with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bannvart's Troches. W. C. CATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. ITARnisnuan, Jan., 1864. To C. A. Beinivssr—Dear Sir: In the habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expec torant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever_used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing the effectiveness of the delivery of public addres ses. Yours, &c., JNO. WALKER JACKSON, Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. BANlsrvezr—Dear : Having used your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried, and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice, arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, &c., G. G. HAREBTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. Drumm Arroarrzr's OFFICE, Hainunntrno, Feb, 29, 1864. j To C. A. atzurvenr —Dear Sir: I have found your Troches to be invaluable in relieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great benefit to all public speakers, A. J• IiZER Kromer's (Upham s) Hair Dye 50 CENTS A BOX. larger than Dyes that sell for $l. NATURAL, DURABT•E, BEAUTIFUL. WART:ANTED to please. This article has been thoroughly tested by Da Canaorr of New York, and Professors Booth and Garrett of Philadelphia, who pronounce it free from all poisonous ingredients, and the material com posing it will not injure the most delicate hair. Sold by Druggists and Fancy t 1 ods dealers everywhere. JNO. J. KRONER, Sole Proprietor, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pe. Drunkenness Cured The inebriate may now bid defiance to the tempting cup. Dr. Zane's antidote for strong drink is a certain cure for drunkenness. It creates 13: dislike for strong drink, and can be administered without the knowledge of the patient. Descriptive circulars sent to any address. For sale by all respectable druggists in the United States and Canadas. Price $1 per box, or packages of six boxes for $5. JNO. J. KROMER, Wholesale Agent, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. Rand's Specific. The oldest and most reliable medicine for the cure of Spermatorhcea, Szminal Weakness, Loss of Power &c. This medicine has stood the test of over thirty years, and has always proved a success. Dr. RAND'S SPECIFIC) is exhibited in the form of pills, made up entirely of substances that have a specific effect upon the generative organs. Most persons associate the idea of operations upon the bowels from taking any kind of pills. The SPECIFIC of Dr. Rand is not intended as an evacuating medicine. Its medicinal virtues are expended entirely upon the impaired regenerative organs. The pills are not unpleasant to the taste, and many persons masticate them with impunity before swallowing them ; which plan we would al ways recommend, as affording the speediest way to get the effect of the remedy. Price $1 per box, or six boxes for $5. Sold by druggists everywhere. JNO. J. KRONER, Wholesale Agent, 403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. aug2s-dly lar A l'itysaiLocao.u., Paw or sf4r-runat—Containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine plates and engravings of the Anatomy of. the Human Organs in a state of health and disease, with a treatise on early errors, its deplorable consequences upon the mind and body, with the author's plan of treatment—the only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by fhe report of cases treated A truthful adviser to the married, and those contemplating marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical condi tion. :lent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents In stamps or postal currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author may be consulted upon any of the diseases upon which his book treats, either personally or by mail, and medicines Bent to any part of the world. ocBd&3m w COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP. This celebrated Toilet Soap, In seen universal de mand, Is made from the choicest materials, la mild and emollient in its nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in its action upon the skin. Ins sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers, jan2D•diwly Military Business attended To Bounty, Pension, Back Pay, Subsistence and Military and War Claims; ggnorally, made out and collected. Per sons residing at a distance can have their business trans acted by mail, by addressing SUSENESNYDER, Attorney-nt-Law. Third areal, Harrirtbarg. Pa To Consumptives. Consumptive sufferers will receive a valuable prescrip tion for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat and Lung affections, (free of cherge,) by selding their address to Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings county. New York. fsepl9-dkvrem NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TOYS, TOYS, TOYS, FOR THE HOLIDAY B. A large and tins assortment, consisting of 0 China tea sets, &c , Wooden tea seta, China baskets, Crying dolls, Vases, Boxes of game, Tin trumpet; Paint boxes, Horns, Tool chests Moving boys, Dressed doll; Wooly sheep, Doll heads' Watches, Guns and swords, Stables, Furniture, Menageries, Animals on wheels, Grace hoops, . Kitchen utensils, , Wind-mills, infantry, Drummers, Cavalry, Harlequin; Railway, Magic lanterns, Poultry yards, Sheep folds, Ten-pins, Box toys, Noah ark, &c., &c., &c., &e. Also, a large and fine assortment of sugar toys, French and common caiidies. Also, always on hand such as foreign and domestic fruit in season, all kinds of nuts, dried fruits, cakes and crack ers, teas, spices and coffee, jellies and canned fruit; rats• ens, currants, citrons, prunes, .be, wholesale and retail at the store of JOHN WISE, nol.o Third and Walnut. PUBLIC SALE. WILL be sold at the Court House, Harris. burg, on Friday, December 2, 1864, between the hours of ten and four, the following real estate: All that certain undivided half part of lot or piece of land, situated on the comer of Sixth and Walnut streets, in the city of Harrisburg, county of Dauphin, State of Pennsylvania, adjoining lands of Daniel Wilt and James Main; thereon erected a three-story brick hotel building and brick back but Iding. Also, at the same time and place, all that certain until vided half part of lot or tract of land, situate in Swatara township, Dauphin county, containing seven acres and twenty-one perches, adjoining lands of Daniel Sheesly Joshua Elder and David Harris; thereon erected ono Chambers' Patent Brick Machine, one forty horse power steam engine and boiler, with two 18-inch flues, in com plete running order together with necessary fixtures, en gine house and shedding complete, for carrying on the brick-making business. Also, one mall tenant hones. Christian Eberly, the surviving partner of the late Dii chat Burke, will sell Isle interest in the above properties at such terms as to suit purchases. Terms—Ten per cent. when the property is struck oft; ten per cent. on confirmation of kale, the balance to be paid as follows: One-third when possession is given (which will be on the first of April, 18650 the balance in two annual payments, secured by bond and mortgage, with interest from confirmation of sale. JOILN BRADY, - Guardian of Martina and Regina Burke. JOSEIPRECE BURKE, G. G. BURKE, MARY BURKE, ool2•dte Administratrix of Michael Burke, dec'd. A CHOICE FARM AT Public Sale. On Thursday, Nov. 24, 1864, THE Subscriber will sell at Public Sale, on the premises, a tract of Land containing ONE HUN DRED ACRES, situated in Eastpennsboro' township, Cum berland county, Pa., 3 miles west of Harrisburg, bounded by lands of John Bowman,G. W. criswell,Samuel Bowman and others, on which are erected a large LOG AND PLAS. TERM:, HOUSE, a BRICK. BANK BARN, TENANT HOUSE, WAGON SHED, Wood House, Spring House, a Well of ex cellent water at the door, a large Orchard of Choice Fruit. There is a never failing Spring between the house and barn. The land is in a high state of cultivation. This is one of the choice farms in the lower end of Cumberland Valley. Sale to commence at 2 o'eock, r. as. TOrmsi made known by SIMON DRESSiicH. White Anil, Nov. 7, 1861.d2w* GOOD NEWS. WALNUT STREET IN A GREAT BLAZE. ITAKE this method of informing my numerous friends and the public in general, that I hate opened my new Clothing Store, corner of , Walnut and Sixth streets, where I am willing to sell fifty per cent. cheaper than any other store in the city, Coats worth $3O, for $2O. Pants worth $9, for $6, and vests worth $5, for $3, and everything in proportion. All goods leaving.my establishment I will warrant, for they are all made under my care, and with every modern improvement, and, the latest style. Don't fail to come and:convince yourself of the truth. nODY/En't It. BERNHARD. CHEESE.Prime New Yotk Cheese, Pine apple, English Dairy and Sap Sago Cheese, Just re ceived this morning at SEISLER & FRAZER'S, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Renovo and Emporium TOWN LOTS FOR SA - 1_,30 riIHE PHILADELPHIA AND gRLE LAND COMPANY, chartered by an act of ftie Legislature of Pennsylvania, o ff ers for sale choice lots for dwellings and business pu rposes in the above new towns on the line of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. RENOVO has been selected as the site for the exten sive shops for building , and repairing the rolling stock of tub Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, of which the Penna. Railroad Company are now lessees. It is 92 miles west of Sunbury, and 196 miles east of Erie. The town Is beau tifully situated on the margin of the west branch of the Susquehanna river, in the county of Clinton, and is mu rounded by romantic and attractive scenery. The Rail rOad Company are erecting an immense Locomotive Rpund House, Repair Shops for Cars and Engines, Car Building shop , Iron and Brass Furnaces, and Dwellings for the Superintendent and other officers. A splendid Hotel, with which are connected arrangementsifor feeding passengers on the most extensive scale, has been com menced. All these buildings are of the most permanent and. substantial character, of brick and iron, and are in accordance with the immense business anticipated on the completion of this great Railroad, so long anxiously looked for, and now an accomplished fact—the last rail connecting the Susquehanna river with Lake Erie having been laid on Saturday, July 2d, 1864. A Company has been chartered by the Legislature for supplying the town with gas and water, and the water works are nearly completed. Churches will be erected immediately. The situation of RENOVO is entirely healthy, and as the dimensions of the town are limited by nature, the valve of the lots must appreciate greatly in th,p course of a few years. EMPORIUM will certainly be the most important com mercial point between Lock Haven and Warren, a dis tance of 158 miles. It is near the eentre of the railroad, 41 miles west of Renovo ; 139 miles from Sunbury and. 149 miles from Erie. It is near the Junction of the Drift wood Branch of the Sinnemahoniog, with West Creek, Portage Creek and North Creek, the Valleys of which streams mate it the most accessible point on the Phila delphia and Erie railroad to a very extensive district of country. The moment the projected railroad connecting it with the city of Rochester, N. Y., shall be completed, few interior towns in the State will surpass it in business capabilities. An excellentgradid road now connects it with Coudersport, the seat of Justice of Potter county. It is also connected with Smethport, the 'mat of Justice of McKean county. Emporium is the County Seat of Cam eron county; it has a handsome Court House, and the Land Company have just completed a large and commo dious Hotel, which will immediately be opened to the public. The Railroad Company are about to erect a hand some and permanent Passsenger Station at a central point near the Hotel and Court House. The place is healthy, and excellent water Is abundant. It is in the midst of one of the finest White Pine regions in Pennsylvania. As a manufacturing town it has great advantages; coal, lumber, stone, bark for tanneries are abundant, and iis railroad communications with the great lakes and all points of importance in the seaboard are unsurpassed. This place was selected thirty years ago as a point of im portance, and a town laid gut with the prophetic name of EMPORIUM, but the difficulty of access has prevented its development so entirely that it is mainly known for the excellence of hunting and trout fishing in the vicinity. The completion of the Philadelphia and Erie railroad must soon make it a place of great importance as a distri buting point for goods of all kinds, and it offers great advantages fur persons of moderate capital who desire to identify themselves with the early history of a thriv ing town. Lithographic Maps of bath towns are now ready, and DEL GIDEON J. IALL, General Superintendent, will furnish all necessary information on the premiere, or by letter. He slay be addressed to the care of H. P. RUTTER, Secretary and Treasurer, Philadelphia and Erie Land Com pany, No. 205,q Walnut street Philadelphia, or at Renovo, Clinton county, Pennsylvania. . W. G. MOORHEAD, Pres't, • Phila. and Erie Land Co. H. P. Rurrsa, Secretary and Treasurer. oct2l•d3m HUBBEL'S Golden Bitters. 4 PURELY VEGETABLE TONIC lIMGORATING eND EITRENCITHMING Fortifies the system against the evil Weeds of unwole some water. Will cure dyspepsia. Will clue weakness. Will cure general debility. 6. • Will cure heartburn. Will cure headache. Will cure liver complaint. Will excite and create a healthy appetite. Will invigorate the organs of digestion, and moderately increase the temperature of the body and the force of the circulation, acting in fact as a general corroborant of the system, containing no poisonous drugs, and Is The BEST TONIC BITTERS in tho WORLD. A fair trial Is earnestly whetted. GEO. C. HUBBEL'& l'aonerrokus, HUDSON, N. Y. Gentral Depet American CO. i..greut Building, 55 HUDSON ST., - NE YORK. Jar For rate by Druggists, Grocers, &c. D. W. GROSS & CO. Harrisburg, Wholesale Agent, and for sale by J. M. LUTZ, C. K. KELLER, GEO. WLN'TERS and B. A. KUNKEL. oetl4-45cw BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. THE BEST CHANCE to get Cheap Homes NOW OFFERED IN THE CITY.—The subscriber offers for sale 72 Building Lots, situate in the Sixth Ward, between Reilly and Colder streets, fronting on Susque hanna, Two-and-a half and Second streets. Most of them have valuable pear and apple trees on them, bearing the choicest fruits, selected by Col. John Roberts thirty years ago, the fruit of which will pay for the ground In a short time. There is also on a portion of the ground a sand bank, above the grade of the streets, containing sand of the best quality, which will more than pay for the ground. The location is such that no drainage is re quired ; the cellars will always be perfectly dry. These lots will be sold below the current price ground is now bringing in this city, and in fact so low as to afford an opportunity for any person to secure a home. NOW READY FOR RALE AT FROM $125 TO $225 A LOT. A plan of the ground can be seen at the office of the subscriber. No. 24, North SECOND street._ HABRISBORG, September 29, 1864 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS PLEASE TARE NOTICE. TIEUNDERSIGNED respectfully informs public that he has located himself at Hummels. town, Dauphin county, Pa., wherehe has the best buil. Ries for burning lime of the first quality of stone, of the best quality for mason and plaster works, and is prepared to furnish, in any quantities, lime or lime stone, at the Lebanon Valley railroad depot. builders, dealers and contractors supplied with lime or stone at the shortest notice. Having ample an:Rings and trestle work from the quarries and kilns to the depot, he is always prepared to fill orders, shipping either by rail road or by Union canal. Address D. S EARLY, 0c22-d2rn* Hummelstown, Dauphin. bounty, Pa. SHIRT MANUFACTORY GENTLEMEN would do well to call at the subscribers place or business and be measured for perfect fitting SHIRTS. We also keep on hand a large assortment of ready-made shirts, very cheap. Walnut street, opposite the Exchange. K. RITNER, oc3l-Im* Neutral Sulphite of Lime, FOR PRESERVING CIDER. WE ARE selling the very best article of the kind, prepared according to directions of E. M. Hereford, Professor of Chemistry, Howard Univer sity. It is perfectly reliable and free from impurities. Directions accompany each package. SELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Mar ket street, Harrisburg. 0c26 MILLINERY AND VARIETY GOODS. DIRS. J. HIBBS, No. 8 Market Square, Next Door to Eaters Confectiottrey lIAB just received a new and carefully se lected supply of Millinery Goods, such as Straw and Felt Hata, Bonnets, Velvets, Feathers, Flowers, Rib bons, Ruches, &c., all of which are of the latest style. Also, a variety of Zephyr Hoods, rabies, Gloves, Stock ings, Collars, Laces, Sic., with a full assortment of Dress Trimmings and Dram Patterns, which she will sell at prima that cannot be competed with. . Dress and Cloak making will be promptly attended to under her own direct supervision. oct3-d3m. If" U. CiO.l3lN, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE IN THIRD STREET, dEOVIC MABiu T. ihr Bounties, Pensions and Back Pay collected at legal rates. [sepadant* HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEWS AUGUSTUS LOCHMAN has removed his Dry Goode store to No. 12 Market Square, next ditor to Henry Felix's, Harrisburg, Pa. nobilm TOWN LOTS FOR SALE, ON BRIGGS STREET. Inquire of JOHN B. BRIGGS, Esq., oc2sdtf or BENJ. L FOSTER GRAPES! GRAPES! SEMLER, & FRAZER, have AA received 100 boxes tine ISABFLT A GRAPES, 6 ponds in a bev i for $l,OO per box. Please call and examine oct2B POCKET BOOKS,. Wallets and Purses for gale rktaa at sortEmats Bookstore. DRIED PEACHES, APP/eO, Blackberries, Currants, Cherries, &c. at & FRAzgrA nol uccossors to W. Doelar., & Co. frOY BOOKS, Toy; Books in endless ye .ll„ irksyrst SCIIKITKR'S 1199k4t4r4t BRANT'S HALL, BRANT'S HALL. NINETY-THIRD NIGHT OF THE PRESENT SFAqON RCHSeS Star Combination Company, Rouse's Star Combination Company, Rouse's Star Combination Company, Last Night but one of th 3 present engagement, and nTENF. El I IV A iii HEMPLE! TRH FRIDAY EVENLNG. NOVEMBER 18, LH& For the first time in Harrisburg, the most succesaful comedy of modern times, by John Madison Morton, Esq., called the HUSBAND TO ORDER To conclude with drat time in this city, the Musical Conti delta of the MAID WITH THE CUING PAIL' Nomos—On and after this evening, the curtain Witt rid at half-past 7 o'clock. j)::v - For farther particulars see programme. aug9-dtf CANTERBURY HALL, WALNUT ST., BETWEEN 2d and 3d Sta PROPRIETORS BUSINESS AGENT STAGE MANAGER, Open EVERY EVENING, with a first-class company of Male and Female artists, Each performer a Star. SAM TVELSER The greatest American Clown, Comic Vocalist and Panto. Continual success of thi! CANTERBURY ML&STRELS. THE APPLE ORCHARD First Night of the Q CIARRELSOME SERVANTS. COMIC QUARTETTE. The whole to conclude with S. D Rlce , a great burlesque Opera of OH I HUSH, OR THE RIVAL BOOT BLACKS. SPRCIAL Norma.—On next Saturday Afternoon. No vember 19th, a Grand Family Matinee. Admission 25 cents. Seats in Private Boxes 50 cents. Doors open at 7 &sleek . To commence at 736 o'clock , novl4 SANFORD'S HALL AND THEATRE OPEN every night with a first class com pany of male and female artists, The performance consists of NEGRO MINSTRELSY, SONGS AND DANCES, FARCES, GYMNASTIC EXERCISES, ACROBATIC FEATS, AND PANTOMIMES. This to the only legitimate Concert Hall now open intim' City. Performance every Saturday Afternoon, commencing at 2 o'clock. HARRY WELLS & CO., Proprietor_ BELLE PORTER, PoiOILTES Agent NED WRAY , Stage Manager. MRS. M. MA.YER, NO. 13 MARKET STREET, lies just opened her new FALL STOCK of 4 , BONNETS, LADIES' AND MISSES' HATS, CLOAKS AND OIRGIirLARS Al i L HINDS OF TRIMMINGS Constantly en hand, besides everything usually Wend in the larget furnishing c-..1-iblietuents in the COWLIIT-y -6e.;-p:-;(A') DAVID MHMMA. [tf 1 J. R, BOYD. P, K. BOYD. CABINET FURNITURE. HAVING COMPLETED OUR NEW AND COMMODIOUS WARE-ROOMS. We offer to the public the largest and BEST ASSORTMENT OF FURNITURE To be found outside of Philadelphia, at VERY MODE RATE PRICER JAMES R. BOYD Ai SON. no4d3ml New Ware-rooms, 29 South Second st. CALIFORNIA BRANDY AND W INES FOR /MEDICAL, USE,. WE DESIRE to call especial attention to . the PORT WINE as being superior to any of the kind M market for invalids. HELLER'S Drug and Fancy GoodeStore t No. 91 Market street. oct2B Valuable Property at Private Sale. TlEValuable Property, corner of Front Walnut streets, late the estate of Henry Stew art, deceased, is offered at private sale. For further par ticulars inquire of William J. Stees, on the premtsea JAMES STEWART, HENRY STEWART, Executors. no3dtl LOOK HERE! LOOK HERE Campaign Badges. CAMPAIGN BADGES, of all styles, for sale wholesale and retail at Scheffer's Bookstore, Harris burg, Pa. Country dealers are respectfully invited to call and, an amine prices and styles. oaf A FINE LoT OF CATAWBA AND ISABRTN,k Ala. GRAPES are for sale at Wise's fruit and confec tionery store, Third street, near Walnut. Mr. Wise will keep a supply on hand during the season. sep2T-tf MESS BEEF and MESS PORK. —A choice article of Mess Beef and Pork at SIESLKR & FRAZER ap9 o lutz espe t e to WmDock, Jr,. & Co.) BIBLES, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, of ex denominations, in different styles and at different prices, at SCHEFFER'S Bookstore, Sept 26 21 South Second street, Harrisburg, Penns UNION BADGES AND PINS, OF BOTH PARTIES, For sale, wholesale and retail, at , DISSECTED ALPHABET Broca% for sale at Scheffer's Bookstore, 21 South Secoud street, Harrisburg, Pa. cal VXTRA WHITE WHEAT FLOUR.—fie 1: 4 11 leeted White Wheat Family Stour jut remit , : and for ante at SHISLNR. MAZZA 1343 Successors to W.. . r .. & BASKETS, .BASKETS, s: b E : Ei Lkg;t- veul4 ift27 Summon to W . TIRIED MEW of all kinds at AO PM SOlria gOliagailk AMUSEMENTS. OYSTER & KEENE JOE MILLER 4 JIM FLAKE. GREAT SUCCESS OP mimist First isight of the Great Comic Act, First Night of the Great Attraction! NO. 13 AHEAD!! FEATHERS AND FLOWERS. Also, I'HE LATEST STYLES And a fine assortment of WOOLEN H 00144, NTIBIAS, (tc GRAPES. SORKEFER'S BOOKSTORE, Rarnsborg, Pa mvl4tf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers