ti AttrEt \*ESS CARDS. RALPH. L. MACLAY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW:-L:PittiloTiala V - mien building, Harrisburg. Strict attention puid to all lexal buslneas. Military Mime collected. raylo-416ra,e0d -.r: A• 3 01;141#1.1T0 4 - , A.Toron,KE - y . I.4A_Wy trAS removed his OfEtoe from Third to Wal- Li_ nut street, neat to the Prison. All business In. trusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. ap4 "TONE - S HOUSE, Uorner of Market street and Market Sq'Uwe, HAIM:MEG PENNA.. VMS; H. MANIN, Proprietor noLdtt STATE CAPITAL 110TE't,, CORNER OF THIRD AND WALNUT STREFM, SiFtHELG, PMNNtA.. THE undersigned having purchased this well known house has enlarged and thoroughly renovated. it. The rooms have been re-painted and papered, and the .euttre estalil.ment. elegantly re-furnished. Being plea santly and. ibly located, and provided With every:curt regjence, it offers to the public all the comforts and titan ess of a first class hotel. Trusty and obliging, servants always In attendance. A bar well stocked. with. choir, liquors is attached to the establishment. ' de26-dly W. G. THOMPSON, Proprietor. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL nAn*Aw7RGI,IP4. D, H. /10.1%.iiISON, Proprietor 111 H LS well known Rotelie now in a canal -1 non to accommodate the traveling public,. affording the most ample conveniences alike for the transient guest. and the permanent boarder. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has' been entirely rent, ted throughout, and now has accommodations equal in extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Its location is the beet in the State 3apttal, being is easy access to all the railroad depote,iand . la Close proximity W ail the public OffiCeS and hushaess In eighties of the city it has now all the conveniences Of 1 1P112.41' tYLASS HOTPL. and the Proprietor Li deteigkillet: tr , spare ce!ther: peli3o, time or labor to eta:l:e Lltc (;13Lfort of the gdests. The patronage of the traveling pubilS respectittlly alto]. MUSWWAL. =I FUND FORTES, tIiMAJ - 4FAIB, 31;11T PAL IC, VIOLIXs, Fix i4B, BANJO 4 STRING'S, DRILti. j .S.,. FIFES. dud ail kinds of b 11: I OAL MRReIIaANGISE, PYCTUK pitmigs, ; LOOkING GLASSES, PliGTO:i I:APR CARDS add . ..5.1.411M5, AM iitta- TYPE GEMS, ENGP-A IXGS, PICITIGES;A:C., Remember the place, SILAS WARD, No. Third treat, the largest Music, Store this side of the great cities. Jau2B-dtf M ws ELODEON 8 AtiD OAI3.IINET 1-;•;. r FLRST AND TEM UN - LY GOLU (ever won by _instruments of ,this elssq Ass been awaraM „ , MASON Et lIA.MLIN'S INSTRuNEINTE. A full assortment of tbeae Instruments always on bat." IV. 1010 CHE'S, Sale Agent„ 03 ldarkei street. je4 2tawlyl NEW GUUDS--J UgT OPENED 1 BERGNER•'S Book and Stationery .Store. Embracing every new and improved style of „ POCKET BOOKS, MAGIC CURRENCY RQLOEBS, UAW? 13K11wriOOKAT BOOKS, BUCgSELLN PURSES, VORTALUNNAIES, ate *t prima to salt all clrcurortaccca. POCK .ET CUTLERY, Consisting of a fine mom:sent of Westentiohnis Saps Pocket Knives. GOLII9 Pk:INS, From Newton's celebrated manufactory. Retry Pell with a guarantor. PORT FOLIOS - WRIT*, GOMA OSI,WOOD DESKS, 7Q. : ,...:.;.'„,;;;;*; : me,. : .FAFETERiE, etc aid tr. a Ora! Together with every . Book and Stationery;,`: 4 " myl2J , 9A N 41 , ...,11 AGENT OF the Oht- ower ae, respectfully in forma the public that this ld Daily Transportation Line, (the only Wallower Line now in existence in this elty,) is In succesalial, operation, and prepared. to carry height as low as any other individual lilac bet*eenPhlia delphia, Harrisburg, Sunhury,'Lewisburg, illiarasport, Jersey Shore, Lock Haven and all other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Williamsport r and Minim Railroads. iiANP.S.L A. hit7ENCH, Agent. Harrisburg, Penn's, tipoths deal thy ,Warohoase of 11e2ara. l' - eacodz, .it Hinchniao, Nos. 808 awl 810 Market street, above OW Piallade!plan, by • 4 o'clookir. 11., will arrive at Harris burg. ready for delivery, nest morning. lap:ld.rdoiyl Eff Eli ALBRECHT, RIENES & SCHMIDT'S EXCELSIOR PIANOS. SOL& AGENCY AT W. liITOCIIE,B, it 3 Market street, Harrisburg. FOR REASONS perfectly 'satisfactory to J: MYSELF I have taken OA agency of the above most excellent Pianos. The pubis Is invited to come and ex aminelor themselves.... A few Sehomacker k Go's Pianos on hand yet' will be distil low. mar2s-tf . VH.OTOGR APB. ALBUMS Photograph 44bums. Photograph Albutps. Photograph Afbovas. . . . . s . - Photograph Album HE largest and' 'cheapest variety of . P T ER TOGRAPRALBUM 4 thii4Cit.i dre boustantly k at [nutti.2l BER4I4ERIS4KRA P BOOKSTORE. VINE FAMILY FLOILIL-,SEISLVA FRAZER have made arrangements with one of the beat mills in the country to supply the families of Rar4s burg with choice FLOUR every barrel warranted, spit tjorivered to any part of tlamfty free of chilli% - 4HISLER & FRAZER. Dealers in Fine Family hOroceries, opposite the Court House. aula DAILY' BETWEEN' PIEELADELPIi Look Haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Hon ey, Uniontown, Watsontown, Milton, Lewisburg, Northumberland, lon buy, Treverloa, Georgetown; Lylienstowdaillersbur. • Halifax, Dauphin, AND 11ARRISB ILLIELGf. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally handed, the drayage will be at the lowest rules. The Conductor goes through with each train to Wend to the safe delivery of all goods Intrusted to the line. Goods delivered, at the dO.i. pot of WILLIAM E. BURK, 812 Market.: greet, Philadelphia, by 6 o'clock P. N., will b^ delivered ist Rex riaburg the next morning. irrelght Allmya? tie 1,41 VP Oats* Lime. • JOE MONTGOMERY & CO., priaadelpliia and Wading Depot, Fodt of Market street, Harrisburg 00t214f CANNED EXIIITS - QF EVERY DEsURIP. WON. SAUCES otillAbiofilebratedmanafacturem. -JASMINES, OLIVE OIL 9 every description. — , Also, BROW ., cTialjT, FINE,TRA: teOFFEE, STAAB sod SYRUP of all unities midi - 4 , 144 0 41d the best selected stook outside of Philadelphia. All t oo& guaranteed as represented. Partplan attention pant to all orders from a distance. gouda Carefully packed and delivered to all parts of the arty free or charge. ' 81431.. ER & FRAZER. mr6 2 n 6, """*. to VP, nook. Tr • Sa rises LfliUux .41etack.I. • " IMPORTANT DTVLERI3.—The andereipted onere at toholaat)to the trade, a choice lot of the betd li qd.ors ever he• -• ogh tO Harrisburg, Fressk,lfroodist„ Holland Gent di . fwas bow* WiniVelok et arnitignS Ciant i tua g a ra2 ;Ire 'AU liquors warranted, represented., o n* end Others will SAO'S -Wrath' advasfsie, 09 and isopkothe assortineot - O 4114!) store, on vektn Piccont 41ha • >i . 4' , I' . qllO4l*M-YriaP - Stairway. , .7; WIPIrEBIL =az %winces. .; • OPENING OF Tag 43,44N0H 'l'Q ERIE FOUR. INR.I.OIS -To- Aim mom n -0 , A _L. T. , ...x. .31 , . . . AND W AII..INGT ON 31 ' T X. Connections made vittt trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittabmg and 3110-Weat. • . FOUR TRAINS DAILY; to a*d from the North and West Branch Elnaquehimna,FennsylvaLda and Erie, Elmira, and all of Northern New. York. ON and after MONDAY, NOV. 7th,l 1864, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, vis : SOUTHWARD,' MAIL TRAIN leaves flniabury daily (except Sundityb : . .... ...... .10.40 s. r. leaves . burg . 1.30 p. M. " arrives at Baltimore 6.40 r. at EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) . • • 11. - .41 P. 6. leaves Hanisbuig (except ,• Monday) .4* ) 1, arrives Baltimor edaily (except MondaY) 7,9 0 K. kAHRISIIIIEG ACOOMMODATION leaves Mr bum 745 A. m. SIIIDDIEY ACCOMMODATION JeaTCS Sun bury daily (except Sun day) at 7.30 i. m PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS ; TRAIN leaves.. Sunbury daily, (except Sunday%) at ,3.00 NORTHWARD , . MAIL TRAIN leaves Salthdere daily (except x- • Sunday) •• " 8:20 A. ar. • " leaves. Harrisbeag. .. . . IAS P. v. • • • . *arrives at Sunbury 4.25 a.. v. EXPRESS TRAlMleaves Baltimore da11yvi;.......86.20 P. M. • , anives at Harrisburg:;:ii., , .: 4.50 v. leaves Harrisburg daily ' 1 cept llonday) .... I. 2.20 a• x arrives at Sunburr.... 6.12 A. v. ERIE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily .(except Sa urdaysiat......: 7.30 Y. at. :eavesHarrisburg ,- daily • t (except Sundays) at ' 12.30 A. Sc. arrives ate Sunbury .at.... • 3.25 A. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaver:Bal. timareAttily (ex ce pt. Sun day) 3:00 t. Y. .• arrives at Harrisburg' ' SCrIiBURY ACCOMIODATION,/eaves- Harris- • burs daily forroptStuaday) . . . 410 .n. . The Erie Express and .iffilindelphilvExpreas . are - tiir ugh trains to and .troni Erie and all intenneoiate po ts. Stall aud x press trans run through tooliamira„ ror rurttiertnionmation apply at thel Office, In Pennsyl vania Railroad Depot: ' 1. It .Dr BARRY, Harrisburg ; Oct. 30, 1884.-dtt Gen. Su Lebanon Valley Brawl! PHILADELPHIA &.READING . R. R. pip •• WI 11 , 1111 , ",-• _ I . - A - JEr 71.1111WAMEF ° Winter arrangement of Passsenger Trainx from Harrisburg,, NOVEMBER, 7, 18644 •• THREE DAILY TRAINS FOR, NEW YORK. •- - No I EXPRESS at a:00 A tit; Ali at N. York ai.lO:OO,A No 3 FAST, ai sr, - 2:451e No 1 MAIL at r N, " " 9: 20iu nt The above connect closely with Similar tram® oMthe Pennsylvania Railroad from Pittsburg and the Wosti• - FOR PHILADELPHIA AND TOTTRVILLE: . The 3.00 Asr Express connects at Reading with 'the Rc-d ng Accommodation Tmin,,arrlving at Philadelphia at 0:25 n. Nitia 3 and 7 connect lielteadiag, for Potts ville, Tamaqua, Allentown, Phlllitte„:oll;:kc,.artiving at tho Lttter point at 1:20 ari 7:05 P.t j aind., ,Pottsville at 12:35 noon and 7:45 P M.. Number 6 Mail at 7:25.a. it, stopping at all -points, loud making same connections at Reading as number 3. = Ntinitier Aothintnottation, at 4:40 stopping at atel:tettitk3, arriving at' Reading at 7:10 r RfrieWiLYG TRAMS LEAFS AB FOLLOWS: • ' New Yolk—Namber '2 fAt.T at 9:01 Au; number 4 EXPRE6S at and number 6 BUIL at 12:00 Philadelphia-LS:00 A nfand 3:30 Potts ti 50'w it and 2:35 P Reading—Number 4 EXPRESS 12;00. ; Linn ter 10 ACCOMMODATION 7:25 A M . ; mber 8 MAIL 10:45 AX • number 2 FAST 1;38.1'ra.• number 6 MAIL Market street • • . 'Passenger for Lebanon Valid: itailtoad Way ,§tationt wi I take trains 11111116 pr 6,9, 9, and ;o, as.the other tritins atop only at Lebarion and principal otatiops Baggage checked through. Ngr tiokets or other In formation apply to J. J. CLYDE, no 4 . ,General Agent, Etarrithurg. 1864. Philadelphia and Erie Rail Road. ITIHIS Great Line traverses the Northern 1 and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the City of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD ppm - PA NY, and is operated lay them' Its entire length was opened feu passenger and freight business October IT, VW. ' • • • : •TIRE OF PASSENGER TRAINS - AT EARRISSI7.RG: Leave Eastward. Mail Train Elmira Express Train.. Willlliamsport Accommodation Leave Westward Mail Train Elmira Express Train ' 2;30 Williamsport Accommodation • - 1:45 P Piesenger, care run: thibugh on Mail trains without change both- ways betweeh .Philadelphia add Brio, and• Baltimore and Erie. • - • Elegant sleeping cars on Elmira Express trains both ways between' Wiiliamsport and Ifaltithore. For information respecting passenger beaks:air .appiy at the corner 30th and Market streets, Pntladelphia. 1. And for Freight business . ef the. Company's agents:. S. B Kingston, Jr., corner 30th and Barker ktreol.,> Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds. Erie. z ' J. M. Drill, Agent N CR R, Baltimore, H. A. HUSTON; , k ; : . GeneralPreigAgent, - Philatras H. W. GWINNER, General Ticket Agent, Phslacpa: JOS, I) PoTTS, oc2odly . General Manager, Williatieife.. cumBERLAont VALLEY FRAN .14: IA!, I • • is,_ - A - • --11:-.,%114.71111&Tii-ANIMM' RAILROADS. C . RANGE OF H01111 1 %.'.._ bn and after. Mon 'day' October at, 1884 8 Jlsz.A - r trains will run daily, as follows, (Sundays el Dte,a.:),,,, • FOR CHAMBERAYBITRO Aar , 1141212111.8Cflte: , A: ic: : '4 l .. ot; Leave Ragereatown ... 7.00 - .1, " Greencastle 7. 5 7 9 b (Arrive at 8.17 4. 0 Ohambersburg, ( • --- ( leave at- 8.20 12.01 , Leave Shippenantrg ..-....... 9.00 1.2. F., " Nerwville.... .... 9.82 2.00 .. ...... • 0 Mr .. . 10. 46 Mechanicsburg 7co 1 10-421," . i . .18 Arrive at Harrisburg ` '7 MI AaAO POE O.l7l4MBERBBalior AND ITAGE/iSTo :TSTARDS i...ii. P. S. P. M. LOON C Harrisburg ~. .8,05 1.40 . 435 " Mechantostrarg....... ... ......... '. 8.47 2.'20‘ . 1,0 " Carlisle - • .., ' 27 2.58. ' .15 " Newv ille ' . ...... 0.02..10. &84 --4- 4 . Shippeueburg . 10.38 4.(4 • otambersbarg, 1 _rti:Nrei: at ' , ' i1.. 1 00 0, 35_..:, ~ /move ikt.. .... ~ ......11. . 4. 45 1,3 1 1 Ve GI: 0161141 _ e __L . ' itrziee el nagerstowu ..... ... - ..c.. - .4.....1:..12.861:1804 , • . -;4ll•6•64ftletou - ulaeusioune , ...lu. ~. HarrmsOu 'train , r or ,to ..itilltr e Wow: rOilL.'aiiitiOelistal.44ooift...*l4 til , ,fa Pel, li Weesi. - A: . , tu ,ur.s.,A.l*. , Rh, . i aiz PPM 'R.qtretroe. Chath. ± 4B 4t-. u`'.; 'WISH t Ti tio r 4ND 2 11/ACKERt x packstai, jut rodi & ,aMan,na,forre at t fifaSaß ' ' - - ' L hkaiikitit.44 r ! WAY TULLIS FOR LOCAL- TRAVEL. RAI:LV4 4 :bi 3 • Pennsirvanlit R floa4i . _ - s • WINTER THEM . , FIVE TRIOS' 'Z'ALLY . .4.NV Fit( PHELADEDELVIIILAND Plrrrißuß( eff IST; AFT lIORDAY, 00tobart134486 , _ trrtHE Piitswitn yl TAI4O4:',A Railroad Comp Vora - jail : 4 l ou aysive at Philadolplifspagttlifairg fOINWS• THROUGH EXPRRSS TRAIL Jaime' daily at 2.46 A. x. and afitanti atAVHet•P'lalladelp( i ighl 6.65 a. x, , FAST LLNE loaves HarriSbufg'dally (except Monday) at 8.00 a. K., and arrittcentWeht Philadelphia at 12.40 r. a. Possongeni take breldribst!iff Harrisbtrg... •• }TAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (okcqn at 1.30 P. X., and arriveraVWsst Philadolptia at 5.25 r. PITTSBURG AND RRIS ) RXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily (except,Sandays) at 11.06 it a., and airives at We t Philadelphia it. 4.20 ' • 'HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION • TRAIN, leaves liar iisbnrg lexcept Sundays) 'atA.oo-P. Ix. and arrivte at West Philadelphia at 9,30 P. n This train km no canniztionfremi the West, COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION leaves rial7:s - dilly '(extept Sundays) nt'7.1: .. K., and atriyos at Lancaster at 9.16 A. K., connecting' (,except on Mondays) with the Fast Line east.' PITTSBURG AND ERIE EXPRESS Icavcs Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 12.35 A. u. , Altoona aa A. m.., take breakinst, and'aerive at Pittsburg , at 12 40 P. :a. • BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves HtirriStang daily (eacept,Monday) M.25' M. ; Altoona, 8.1.5" r ' 'A. at.l take 'breakfast, and arrtvea Id:Pittsburg at • , THROUGH EXPRESS leaves Harri4borg daily at 3.25 Anodes at S 15 ~ take brinikfhSt and affirm at Pittatitt>g'~st 'L.4O r. w "Mr=E' `Utica illifftiatidirFdriracenrSend'ays) 04.00 P,: bk• i_bAlApoess at , 9 4.0A.K,, tapeitepper, and arrives ai Pittsburg at 2.00 A. ' - RAIT A TTAnkI leaves Harrisburg daily ,(except Sundays). at' at tt cr. ; Altoona dt x. 55 P. Y.;-takettipper, and ar rives at Pittsburg at 1.30 P. Y. MOUNVJOT - ACCOII:6IOTATION 'n'es tleaves 'Lancaster at 11 20 0. tr.', 'connecting therovith the Mail west; Icaves' Mount Toy at 11.51.,A. and arrives .2.lziianiablarg at 1.00 p. nit . 0.N0w.. NOTICE. THE HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN from Pittsburg, whirl krriv6s at Harrisburg at 6 EO p. sn ;, stops there prisseiigera fur-East of Harrisburg layover until 11.65 Y. ra. -, . ' SAMUEL D. YOUNG, ,Supt. Middle Div. Penn'aß.-.E. Harrisburgy.24llB64.-dtf ; EOUS.i When WAIL: Wonders Cease THE GREAT AIEMEDYI OF THE WORLD DR. IicBRIDE'S K. 1140 etE i PAIN ,Wl l a , 01lre any. 401 1 . e 143 x. paiit. in from,. done to,sixty. minister 1. ' Ittacts like magic upon- the absorbant:.•and • glandtdar nystemicreduct g swel-ingsatid regula log• the secretions . .and excretions. : It is of a diffusive, penetrAting nature ; exerts its influence fmm the periphery to the coutre of the nervous orpaiiim, thence- by- reflex action it; power is felt throughout the en; ire,gulon .resterlog tNcirca lacing duds and checisMg asseamiiltinid4c,ibieotreugth• THE KING .QF V41.40, 1 4i ! tJoMatter what. the Pain,,4 1 4 1 ,14.Nt...the •mtriimite and you -1a Ilinnd instant reticit-ti It:Pun:4E4.mA*, aurt.external -;. 441E 7 .K1NG PAIN Cures almost ill acilaneousiy koadactre, Illarachtt, Neu.' ralgia, Deafness, Sore Throat, Colds, Bronchial , ditections; Asthma, Dyspesia, Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Bloody Film, •liiver Complaint, Kidney Disease, Diseases of thdßlaritter and Genital. Organs, crating, 'Cholla and all:apasrttOld paths, Fevei'and Ague, Burns, Bruised, Cots, SPiainit end , wounds of every descriptlon, - .ltipiovesitself the mastery,. as the testimony of thonaithdit prove itdmerltortbusvitorth. , Sold, wholesale and retail, by •. Sl-.A.KlJNKEL„ , tituggists, Sole Agents, • -. 118 3lkrket street,. Harrisburg. • : SPLD=S'REAp ' The following fetter fthm: a soldler e reference to the efficacy and powerful reslor.atLVe quantities of DR. Mc- LIRLDE'S RING OF PAIR; apeek,s for itself : NEWT/Lai; VI:WEAL/01D COUNTY, Sept. 14, 1864. ,5, 1 . . ,Messrs. S. A. KeilzkeZ (C. ilarrisburg, Grays would inform you that I received the bottles of Mcßride's Great Pain Killer, and 'each:lied please find five dollars more, tor which send me five bottles addition al to-ffior Irow. leave for camp to-morrow. Let me know whether you can supply me with it ip the army. I am in Coftiiiany H, 202e1 regiment P. V. I have been in very ball healtu for upwards of four years, and two or the one-dollsiebottjes" have cured me completely, and have made me feel like a man.. Besides; I have cured a num ber of,my comrades of vartous,cliseases incident to-camp-- life, add carfrecommend it to 'be tho'besf medicine the soldier can provide for himself.. Yours respeCtfidly, " • JOS. E. WHITE. stgr All orders from• a distance promptly attended to by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO. A HOME' CERTIFICATE. The following certificate isfrom a well-known citizen of Harrisburg 1864. To rwx Primo It gives me great pleasure to recdm mendto the public the medicirte' - prepared by DLL J..T J. IdoBRIDE, which he calls. the "XING OFF PAIN." I Was induced to use it as an external remedy for a bruise, which, it relieved immediately, did subsequently cured entirely. Its success induced me to use it internally for Diarrhma, with which I was afflicted in a chronic form for 'nearly - fflghteeit months, and to Such an extent that iny kidneys were seriously deranged. The medicine has cured' rite, and certainly that is saying a great deffliti Its favor; whep I reflect how many other remedies I tried N'Ki,thoilt`ixperi encing anything but temporary relief. For . My part, I shall always keep a supply ofit,in pay hope,. believing as I do that itis a most' lavaluatYlefailaity DANIEL-,E. WILT. . . The unexampled sale of this medieine&orets ale be the moat wonderful discovery of the age'in the - 11:45 PM :56 .e. at 1130 r rt • . The undersigned are the sole agents for the State,'and will supply it whole Sale and retail. SrA. WINKEL & 8R0.; . -Drpggists, • . sopls] ll B Market street, Harrisblit 4 . : Ms. S. A. Komuu. . _ 13:35 • nt Sir :--1. takOleasure In stating that your "DIARRHOIA MIXTURE" 'exceeds anythi4, : of" the kind that I ever imagined. I was very much treatad with diarrhma, and could and nothing to help me in the least, n4til I top yoni. 'MIXTURE." , . I give you this cortilicate.,bopteg that, if you see proileir to use it„ It may he' thambins of-extending a knowledge of the matchlea value of your medicine. • Very respectfully yours, :'+`H. B. JEFFRIES , Fallen Timber, Cambria Co., ,Any, 77, 1864.—iimgo-dlf _IAEA do PERDTE6 WOMESTER SAUCES the most popular and the purest ever offered to the public, just received and for Bata by SEISLEB, & FRAZER, reirl fffrieritmorsto Wm. Mott" jr gr. Co. PUBLIC Nollo.i.s hereby given, that in pursuance of6the act of assembly of Pennsylvania,. passed the tirst dp.x,of June, 1839, thestoeltholders of the. Franklin Bank, of Washington, Penna., will apply to the next session of the Legislature for a renewal of Its cher ter, with an increase of its capital from $160,000 i4+ 820(000, . qq)t.l . REED, Presidaut Waster:Gni; PA, Julie 24,.1a64. je.27! PHOTO,ORS4 3 !-US„. LARGE 11.ssoAt*Etrt - 34f kiiiitogia_phi of LIL Generals and fancy pictures for sale GIEiRAP,..at• $1 per dozen, at SCH3I7IIII'B 2,00/1.: STORE, I ray2O Hairisiturg, Pa S010;1 4 111M NEWI, . . • . • DIVER PHI NEAS'; PATENT • • ; . ' .1: . . rOreldb litSehefferhs.Bookittordi 'llarxisburg, Pa; se2f TO.TSE : LADIES. YOUR attention lajnalled to the apleudiii aasorLmpAt of Esigra- 4 1Vote Paper . , Envelopes, and fine Stationery ICY SCEiEFFLR'S Bookoioro, sept.. 36 21Sop SecOnct. street, 13..rrisnurg, Penn.. QM:ARS, "S t i TE4-S' .careE E. all and Hee at " " 3 P SMSTBIII.& PItiZER to Sttecessors to NI% Dg9is, Ir. . je 7 . . . _.;;,Deatiap ta...Fine • 1 . • %poems. on thti - oOrkier of LA Broad gm , Ota. Enquiro of WV: BP' IforADDFA4. anar44tf • '• window - ; spLE„lop ivatant of * 23idv3 and • RH * T si f :is, • Aegglipursißoix t ika y sopfietur tlinxth i. :11)1a6lii, - . — w a 'mfg., pASF, (4, jtraper — Tr. t A I „iar -' ',. ,L vilith. idilefrfr i tl-- - } o„ , ..seary ivs-B.kii4".. d . 00 no T4l4 .,otratiist r u.466.,, t i ~.. ..,,7..... IMMI=Ma AA' Sji**ll, D.:. :1, -:;.,:._'i, WESTWARD ilixtmiairth, Aug. 30, 1.864, •;:pg;'..'.',,.4014x.c0x . . LOCK': HOSPITAL O trifit discovered the most certain, speedy mud euTectual remedies is the world for , • OF . tOATIDErioz. . . RR rEI? DI SIX TO rw,tiArklniffsa - • gO ( rEßOalt l l OR X9X1.013S ORCIPS., * ' •,' • • A GitavtfreitTiarg.o,) 1 4 0- . effiarge,- One to. Two bay - Weakness of the Back greallinkiir the Kidneys and Bladder %Voluntary Discharges, Impotency, General Do bility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, - Palpitation or the Heart, ,Timidity Trembling; Dimness of Sight co; Giddin - eins, fewer of the Read, Throat, Nose or Skin., Affection."'" of the' Liver Lunge, Stomach or Bowels—those terrible disorders arising Dom the Solitary Habits of Youth—those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipation; rendering marriage, Pm., Impossible. • YO ONG • MTN • •• " '" • Especially, who. hive become the victims of Solitary Vice, thaa-dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps boars untimely grave, thousands of Mains Men of the west exalted talents and brilliant intellect, •who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thun ders' of eloquence or waked to ectosy the living lyre, may call with to l confidence. - • MA.RRUGE. • Married persona, or Younp, Men contemplating marrisge.„ being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, defoF-, Battles, speedilr cured.' ' Reaeho.plapeslimself under M i e aro ef - Dr.". may re ligloultrdotifide tit Ills hdnor Di diftloina7n; sad pont dently, rely .upon-hie skill as a .PhysicianC - ...ORGANIO WEAKYEGN : , ..minediately-cured., and. full vigor restored. distTesainCtlffection—Which,renders life miserable and Marriage lathe penalty paid by the vic tims of improper, Ardfing persona are too apt tO'nommit eaaesses fro :hot being aware of the dreadint consequences that may. , „ ensue. Moat; • Who that'.under stands the subject will p.tteed ,to deny that the power. of procreation is lost aeoner . those falling Into inaprdper habits than by the prudeit. 'Resides - being deprived the pleasures of healthy offaxiiiig; the most serious and de struetived symptiehe ,to • bee body and., mind arise, The systeM becomes deranged, the physical. and melte, functions wbahetie4,, lees of 'procreative power, ner dyVepeilt;pelPitatton of the heart, indigenton; eartatitational debility, existing of the frame, cough, con. „gumption, decay sad Pirida So. 7, Souls FRILXII2O - 6 Smug,, . . • tett hind ilde goine • irtrin Baltimore street, a doom Prom the corner. Fail not to observe name mid number. Letters must.be paid and contain a Wuxi). The •Doetoes Diplomas hang in hta office, DR. JOHNSON, , 'Member of tlisa,Royal College of, Surgeons, London, - nate from one of the most. eminent colleges in flie .11Unita. States, and the grwier pert of whose life has' been spent In the hospitals of •London, Paris, Philadelphia and. 1340- where, has effected soaps :of the. most astonishing sures that were over known many troubled with ringing in head and oars when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at suddetrianuadvbashfilbseas, with frequent blushing, attendelsornetimes with derangement of mind worn cured imotectlyitely.. - .piIti'F„,.P,92,Ti.OULA.R NOTICE. are some of the sad and melancholy affects lira. *Med by daily habits of yoOth, Pis weakness of the back and 'limbs, pains in the head, dimness of sight, 'less of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, •slyapapsia, nor vows irritability , symptoms of constmition., , ifIaTALLT.—The fearful emits on tha t mind arc mach to be dreaded—lois of memory' confasion of Ideals, ele• primeion of spirits, evil forebbdings, aversion to sociaty, self distrust, levet of solitude, timidity, As., are some or the evils produqati. , YOUNG MY Who have 'Wl:red •ttiemselves by a certala practice in dulged in when '411130, a',llabit frequently learned him evil companions, or' at • echool; the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage =possible, and destroys both trihici and body, ehottlt;u sill y.,m mediately. - Wham c. t hat a yotuig mad, the hope of his comity,. khoilltritug of his.parents,ahOidd be' snatched from *ll ispusts and enklyments of life, by:the: consequence of deviating front Abe .3* of oaptige and indulging, is certain secret tell 4: '4lich ,iarsoas ins, before content , Reilili abet a zoned mild tad bodyrarb thb Most neceseary requisites to promoteconeuddal happiness.; Indeed, with out these, the Journey tough life becomes a weary pd. grimage t'ibe•prespecirliodily darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadiared with despair and filled with the ratladeholy reflection that the happiness of another be. omitted , blightedqiiitr heir own. `I),IS OF IMPRITD . ENCE: „-- - - - irchen the mtmaided imd imprudent votary Op/bum flubs he_has imbibed the seeds of ttii* painful climate; top often happens that an illtimed Genie of &mei Or the dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who from education and l'espdthhility, can alone befriend him. Me falls into the handy of ignorant and designing pretend era who, incapable of curing flkh his pecuniary mai stan M stance, keen him triltiug , racuith after month, or us long all the smallest fee can be Obtatual, and in despair leave blur' with ruined heath kkolilkover bisgalling clissppointmepl,. er, by the rise of the deadly "po3son, Mercury, , sten- the constitutional syMptomsof thisterrible diaaaseorachiti arm Lions of tho Head,: Noie, Skin, eta., progressing with frightful rapidity 1.111 death puts s period to bls dreadful sufferings. by sending him to that andiscovlipe country frowcwhence no traveler returns INIXABSEMEETI' O THE PREB. The many thousands cured at DI'S institution year tift.4 year, and the eumeronz important surgical eperati* performed by Dr. ..f.ehnson, witnessed by the reportertof the 8w CUpyr,, aid many otherpapers, notices of which have appeared again - and again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of character and responlet. bitty, le a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. .81 ; KFADI1Y 13 . 13.13.E.D. , CMges n'o, 7 Soinkle'vidertet -toast ip2eAly Gray's Patent Molded Collars WM) not simply JUL paeans ut ptiptlr cal Ha Ilia Mut of a collar, bat a/040/4M and 4hapesliefit as peek having a peFfect aurverYres fries _amiss or brests,.. which is cp• taine4 by our patented pleases, whichtihisseassr another ddiFiikt9 B POSSegg , 4 bY no vaer 4 12 1 1. 1 -4 1 0- ; groolorade cilampt in the Tum-down style, the mums op Imes xs PLATROTIN aKOOTE d.11:117111 NRONIPERMILREI, colter; for ewe, neatneskSast. durability, unikstalled Thoy aro made_ in—Turn-down Aglaia alma from 12 to 17, and. pi Garrotte%from 13 to 1T Moho*, and 'packed M neat ,b 1140.: Waal of 100 each; aleo, In miller ones of 10 each--11to _latter a ireay handy package for travelnn, ary and navy &Meer& , • *EVERY COLLAR 14 etaraped “.,Gray's -Patent M.... Adel-1 Collmy.'" Sold by all retail dealers in Ken's Furnishing Coed& The trade svplined by VAN DEUSEN, WERNER; & 621. CHESTNUT rinladelphla. * jel-eQd m SEL.LING OUT LOW ! . OUR ''TOCK OF' LIQUOR'S WE intend to disco . .14 of Li quore andesffer oureaci-AVOlrery Intel advancr from coat ptice i WeLinvei pardon-fa all our Liquors be fore the Last rise and have a large stock on hundStir- ekret or four years, which are guaranteed cannot be pirciiiieed now at any price fromrtlettmportern Our stock -confetti of , `'• Vi r it i . `XSlE/E8 of allgradea; . AfirWe have .parta. oG tbrue 'barrels pure RYA 'cot colon* and 10 duseeee atoolle prc o 4 83 Yeart ( AC'," WINYAD.ri 4.11.-CadiS;lklingitire and diportid. '111•14. I 7 have uart , cf.olococask 111ERIE66ILT• BRAND t to whiett we invitathe particular attention of taatiliell tot medicinal Mime& The Brandy caanpt Imbri to-azy; +-from idtpottaroi I wo than $ l5 Per FOWL saint for-Sitrrar *kg lon. SOOTO: _ ALES,— APAIRAGIPLIONES, . ,••We Uni t e ihe.lili s OsoficliM*4 l KeePthtspad Liquor I(wwhawts genett4,rwliwit land to will, without re. 'e . e, ' itl our Ltgnore, and 94 11 bee good oPPulliti silty roe bargain, D. & GO. .~. 641:04S CO., WIIOLESALE 'AND. RETAIL ,OKUG G LS T S , NO. 19 MARKET STREET, lit .4. 0 011.138178 bi, t'4 IMRE DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE. =PERS ANII CONSUMAS. Where daily adding - to our samtment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and Would respectinlly can your attention to the lamest and tent. Selected stook. In this city, of DRUGS, opmicALs AND SAINTS, VvlMi,f*nd Glue* Dye-Btalre, Glass Lau 11.24 aztiloVo Colon and Tall% fritid.autilcobot EMI LAM, 19pbrat uterine WI. Bottles, Vials and_Lamp Globes, tuella Soap, Eponym nut Cori; , . Witi4 4,general nrtety at PERFIIAtERY AND TOILET ARTIOLEB, geteoted from the o , ret, mAnufacinrara and Perfumer! Sf lit.Tope and .Uds Being 'rail , large dealers It PIIXTO, WRITE LAW, 1, LINTY 10 OIL, VAILIVIOICES, WINDOW grass, 11177.8r8 Axvrarg parrsEms IN AL L' . .,THEIR 74RIBTLE8, COLORS AND BRONZES Wn re.apctirally invite a call, leelmg *Meat that we ale vamts. of sit on terms to their sai4ifie- E BETH ! TEETH ! JQNIB'. 41) ifratriTS, PORCIEL4.III I TEEM, ItiITIELVT 49FD1P121121 . .116 - MILS lIXEITORA TIVZS, Of all lads, direct from the Proprletors B,4roranut. AND CON MATED LYE. Whi . ifelate.AgeteUsiur Eispontilet, which we WI at tele ime U efai be gri:Whesee the Mos . 71L1 ER MEDICAL PL EX4RACT:I 00AL OIL I °MIXON 014 Being la* purchase's Su shale Ms, we eau offer li dilemmas to alone buyers. Coal Oil Lampe of the most improved patterns very ohnsp All kinds of [Amps etaatsect ie burn Coal DM • - • • FAJIMEatti AIIDGRAZIERK. rune of you who tare not given our HOBS K AND CAT TUAYlDlnidgfedn trial know trot their aeperiorny, end the • odva:ittage they are In keeptr.g Horses luzd Cattle healtly and In a good condition. Thousands can 'edify to the s prtait they have derive fro* the use of our Cattle Powders, by the Ind/used ONO, ty mid !panty of taillc, besides , . Improving the (wool health led oppearanos of their cattle. Or : torig experience In the Milan eves us the advan tags of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our er =sealants in the Mee am Each that wa can, in a vary thort time ; .farnisit anytittog oppectolning to ow badness, PA the:4oo:4r teram .patronage bestowed on our house, Weltope btieS:stteation to bestows awed selatkin of • - - 1 •• • - -.-; - Prill DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a con thineunie of the favor of a discriminating public. ; . • MOTH SACHET POWIMII, iftEPTIMING'umer rizzrzyrzzira PHIS POVIDET-6 compound of valuable .1' a MOTs rticles for the despuction of ineasai--dhlertbited wog or , dusted oviii"Puri, Woolens laillßikk laul, pickled anity fithtint!imer, leroonauy 'prevent moth. t • pekog, also adello dir.o l 2 e.perfume It will Ink' ELF`ulluirk . lintagesint odom • toonacmmot brimmed }quince. ,ititeksiiid not Mot is --ESlLLlcHoe ljegl4loloo7;9o9dtalgaitiro.ll,lfirket,str,i M~FADI)EN'SMARBLE I/ A Itt) dm= DV WALNUT AND FIIITH MUM; Harrisburg, Pa. Tunderaig* ned having opened a Xazh e Yazd in this city, beg leave to inform their ketia and the public in general, that they are prepared to ft, nish MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION WOE as Monuments, Tombs, Mantle, And Home l'i'ork in Marble and Brown t43:IF„ Give use aill endure will guarantee eanainclton. M'FADDEN k ci f N. G.—Lettering neatly none In Englnin or cement maiGSwily Ali ASSORTMENT OF OVER 100 S 1. ?s raze Ground Spicer, &a., &a., &a., &a , COLDER, PAINT AND O 7 ALL SIND& MISCELLANEOUS. Head Stones, OH POCKET BOOKS, PURSF.. ASD o la a' DI 0 N IN A. FOR LADIES AND tiENTL:p;AI::-, A 2 • KELLER* Drag and Fancy Goods ac, Ayo. 91 Market street. The beet Marotta TRAVELING' SATLR ELS, And a general variety of FANCY GOOLR, Presents, now on band at KIiLLER'S Drug, Scot; marlo-tr No. 91 Slark.ct P.H 2 OTOGRAPH ALlii. - 3i :- ANOTHER LARGE ASSOKiWi'i Photograph : Alb 1111.: • IPOUND in FINE MDEOCCO—paIe: :: ; : _LP gilt and mounted with tico homy 4TAIMIS WITE 80 Pictures for 40 tt . 6. . ............ .. - together with vrtions other Ftylea oi prices, which will be scidche4p. Soldier,s you canooL buy a piatti-2r, cheaper album anywhere. Cal land see at tnarl2.-dtf , iiarrts¢rg. r& BIOGRAPHY rou ncys TRE FARMER BUS, and hUNI Lecetce TEE PIONEER BOY, szd how be taxaus€ Pr:Adult, ti THE FERRY BOY, ttnd the Finuteier, THE Pr:INTER BOY, or !Inv Ben. Frank n ca;az tus mark, THE FARMER GOY, and how tx , ant GeneraL In press. A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THZ REaELLION, Fort Sumter to Roanoke; eleg:unly Al . ROOK STOR]. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. No Sil3NI Walnut Street, South Side, East et Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNT OF ASSETS . INCOPRORATED 'CHARTER PERPETUAL Marine, Fire and Inland TranaportatiaL IL. suranee. ARTHUR G.. COFFIN. rres.cart CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. • WILLIAM BITEI - I_LElk, Central Agent for Peancy-tvartia: Mee Walnut St, near Second, ligrainburg, my9l-9m JUST RECEIVED, THIS MORNING, A. FRESH wvoicr, MICRENER OELE.W.R.ATEir SUGAR CURED HAMS AND 33 8131SLER k FRILZEIVB my3l. THE NEW BOOKS. QTUMBLING BLOCKS, by Gail Hart NJ Wan. Price SI 5 HAUNTED BF-ARTS, by the etitbor ur the Lula* , lighter. $2 et: DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT, by air-:. E IS. BARBARA'S HESTORY . , e. tose:,t.). a.a.telta. Edwards THE SMALL HOUSE OF ALIAAG'I'W4, ...y $1 2.1 STORK, by: a Marva:, aollior of ••Rereria. OCIli Bachelor." . SMILE'S JOURNAL of the Ihsuoiery of the Kara; ci the Nile. $3 THE WOMAN IN BLACX, b 3 - lA:au Gray." ftL, NOTES OF HOSPITAL Lliß, Nov. , cit 1.0 sugar. }Y STORMS OF THE SEA, An. 1105'.:; from Coupe:, mitings. • $1 Ou STORIES OF THE WOOD, for boys; tram Cooper writings. fi 0 XIL All new biiOYa received lie &K.% es - in:Wished at BERGNER'S BOOR STOILII; 61 Idarket.stree 11/14IVALLED CHAFALERITISITUE_. aL131:1 does not allect the varnish: het rest;” the original lustre. It does not discolor. It trill rage - . with very little labor, every finished surfazu, either m e:. or wood. All manufacturers and dealers in fulni should use it for cleaning furniture that has been eta'. bag, covered with dust. A tonch-and rub here end l=< - will make it bright and fresh. For sale by S. A. IC'QIc.REL Ind-dtf • 11S Liarketntreet, Harrizburi_ LIQUID R.8110.1.ET. LIQUID RENNET yields with milk :Le meet luscious of all deserts for the table; the lip: est and most grateful diet Mr. invalids and (troika Milk contains every element of the bodily smiting:cc: when coagulated with rennet it is always tight and caEy digestion, and supports the system with the /east potero-t excitement. When still greater autruive power maestro , " cream =danger may be added. cesspool:du, convert a quart ef rank Into a firm curd. Prepared and E:. ; wholesale and retail by S. A. KUP.LEhI, eilb-ft llb Market street MINTOCK'S PECTORAL SYRUP. Taw LIN VALI/ABM:6II.IIUP, which is ex; tiFsly vegetable I its, compositioe, has bees .1.. ployed with wonderful auceenri for many inerain the Li,: of diseases for the AIR FA AGES and Ll.T.s.:Git. Idr form of the disease, emelt ea • C'OUGH. of THROAT,SPITTING OF BLOOD,DIFFAULT BREATIiiN , HOABSIENDB, UM OF VOICE and ItEale I"E`Cazi (tie will be attended with Ote happieetseaulie. It is or the bast and safest medicines for ail forime OlifINA and LONSECAUTION. /Vo intifie* mew er i' 1 • 106 " , gon V*" in aft gh , OPe il , t4s. 4 ll l sPz: PRIDE .8/.00 .E.E1114411,1...: Toy 811; Thi PEOTUitAlatutv nisefal to Boot 1: , 3 cough, allay Tickling •in the Throat, to rola' Hearatines, Catarrh, Sore. Tl4ol‘, .frc. They mow'' , Coltafoot, Horehound, - Ipeimatanba, Benefit root drill' , (the most reliable expectorants Itnown,) are the chief live oonatitnenta; eo Mended with Gum Arabic anti Ster-' that each tottano contains a mild and very pleenam dot=. MiliLitliCtilred,..sd2lY by S. A. KUNKEL c. BRO., .•--- ."''.."("VORII. 118 11818r.8 gtrefq. _ . VISITING; WEDDING, • -DiVITICTION Ann AT 1101INMARDS.—By a speak(' arraAger. e: ' with oleo or the beet vorttni the .cottairTiViiird 2 11 7 41 1 PGritill 'wan led in .:441 tigkont ,surje inaltratable with' the tateat - caSialls'ittitk, 611 POP pluaoty, U; lower tileee thin are&r.M.edily the s tseoL VlCtiew York. or SOS Hwk* and prirs —94Rak.7411.k0P-VartW" istrlios of kliolaid6elivteleb rate a il Epp j o t nomyktittgewattoostrria,m„
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers