VIE TELEGRA.M • 18 I.:tilifiA6ll.ED ; NOEIthVG ALYD • EVE2I . IIM sY.GEonGg..t.,Ekv-linp;*;; °MOE THIRD ST., WAIiN VT. Bli, - i 01? BUBSCHIPTity SINGLE tiIMSCRiPTI9N, rilacarArd aerred subscriberx tri the ,sty at . l.7„t; .nentn per week. Yearly subseribora will be ..bargtt In 00 in advance. ' 'abbe Fere= who neglectto syia adttuce will be cliarg64. $7 00. IVEEitiLI TG.tfl.ll3l2ft. lIS 'f - ra.thatint Is also pub weekly, and le furtnalne.l saber ibers et the ailiowa4 , 40* -11 =al" rk,elll9 C 01.1.2 47 flue?. .7opite to coo Per:. - fen c:?1,21s to ot,o Post yin!, .11) . .L4 D T S P:C PS lA. A Cure Warranted. D . y.spepsice has the ibtiortring Symptoiy ist. A constant pain or uneasiness at the pit of the stomach. ' • 2d. Flattdence and Kcidity. sol. Costiveness and Loss of Appmiitc . 4th. (+loom and Depression of Spirits. oth. Diarrhoea, with griping. 6th. Pain in ag. parts of the System. ith. Consumptive Symptoms and Palpita tion of the Heart. SUL Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. 9th. Nervous Affection, and want of Sleep at night. 10th. - Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Lose of sight. 12th. Headache and Staggering in walking,. with great weakness. . Out , of the thousands of cases of Dyspepsia that have used Dr. Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has failed of a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every ease, no matter if of twenty years' standing. Sold by all druggists everywhere, and A t Dt. Wishart's ofe."ce, No. 10. N. Second. street, Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations Klacon wal4tious free of charge. Send. for Price $1 per box. Sent by maiLli.e.74,. charge, on receipt at money. . DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA.' 1, ELM...I;MM DILANSUA, of Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Del. ' do certify that, for one year and a half I suffereffevery-. thing but .death from that awful disease cal led Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with weakness and-nervous debility; I could not digest my food; if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of food, it would return lust as I swallowed it •," became so costive in my bowels that I would not have: ft: passage in !ess than from four and often eight days; un- Ler this immense suffering, my mind seemed entirely to give way. 1. had a dreadful horror and evil forebodings. I thought everybody hated me, 'and I hated everybody; feouldliqt boar my husband nor my own children, evity thing appeared to be horror-stricken -tome; I had no ambition to do anything;: I lost all my love of family and home; I would nimble and wander from place to place, but could not be contented; I telt that I was doomed to hell, and that there was no heaven for me, and was often tempted to commit suicide, so near was my whole nervous system *- *eyed, and also my mind from that awful complaint, Dyspepsia, that my friends thought best to have me placed in Dr Kirkbride'e" hospital, West Philadelphia; I remained. there nine weeks, and thought I was a little better, but in a few days hay dreadful ootn plaint was raging as bad as ever. Hearing Of the wonderful cures perfotmed by Dr. Wis hart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills and his treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr. Wiahrzt and 'stated My case to him. He said he had no doubt he could'oure me. So in three days after I called and placed myself under the Doctor's treatment, and in two weeks I began to digest my food; and felt thfit'ray disuse was fast giving 'way, and I continued to`recover for about three months, and at the present time I enjoy perfect health of body and mind, and I most sincereiy . retiain my thanks to a merciful God and Dr. Wis 7 hart, and to his great American •Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved.= from an Insane Asylum and premature g-raie. Ail persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write, as I am willing to do all the good I can for suffering hu manity. ELIZABETH BRANSON,. Brandywine, DEL, formerly of Old Chester; Delaware county, Pa. WIEIEWIT'II . O.giCe; ,tie. th North Second street, Philadelphia. DYSPEPSiA!.. I}YSPEP6IA! Wattawr-1. nave been a constant aullbrer *lda Dyspepsia for the lasi eighteen years, during which time l'eaunot--aay I ever enjoyed a perfectly well day. There 'were trilltill - Wheri the siyinpunna • were moreaggrairrited than at others, and then it, seemed it would ha ;a great ce der to die: I had at sill times an unpleasant' feeling in my head, but latterly my Sufferings so much' increased that I became almost Matti for business of any kind; my mjnd WAS continually haled with gloomy thoughts and! fore bodings, and its I attempted to change• their current by reading, at once a sensation of.icymuldness connection with a dead weight, as it ware, rested upon my brain,• also, a feeling or sickness would occur at the stomach, and great pain to my eyes, accompanied with which was the continual fear of losing my reason. I also, ekperienced great lassitude, debility and :nervousness,. ,which made it difficult to walk by day s'ir sleep at . ' night. I became averse to society, and disposed , '.,ouly to, seclusion, and having tried the akin of a numbr Of, einhient ish various schools, dually came to the chmehision that, hot this disease at my prevent age (#5 yeat•s.) there was no cure inexistence. But,' through the interference of Divine Providence, to whom I nevoutly offer my srlanks, 1 et last Murals sovereign remedy In your Bysshe:psis. Pills and Tat Cordial, which seem to have effoctnally rein° cea al , most the last trace of my long. Fist , or animate' and bad feelings, and is their place health, .pleasere .aad content.; meat are my everyday comontlema.- 5 . . J.4.11.E.4 gibiD.BAS, We. 413 North Second street,.lliiriidelpii*,,T Formerly of WoOdtimy, N.:3 Dr' Inshart's Chloe No. 10 North Seroxid street, P 0 ..- . A POSITIVE CURE FOB 1)17614E.P51A. HUH WHAT viat. gum; E BALC"OK ELM. • No. 1028 OLIVE STREXT, i Philadelphia, January 22; 'sus. . f tit wisits.RT,-sir:—ft is with much pleasure that I' tan'now able'toinforro you that, by the use of your great American Dyspepsia Pills, I have been entirely cured of that most ctistrmahgcompkiet, Dyspepsia. I had been grieviously afiliCtod.for theAgst. tweuty•eight yearEogid for ten years of that time .fi'it‘4 not been' free :from from. its path one week' at a Mine. ° I have had it in its worst form and have dragged ou a most miserable existence-"-in pain day and night. Every kindlof. food that I ett filled me. with wind and pain it ,wartettrelamot how, fight, or how. small the quantity , A conlintfeelbokiiiiiig:!was mire to follow. I had no appetite for tiztylliktis -of:Tecate what ever and my diatrere was so grtiat for SoVerrleiorths be bum i hearll or your Pills, that t travel:iffy eviiheiii. for death. I had taken everything that I hadlitemird of for; Dyspepsia, without me:vitas° any benefit; but on yintr: Pills being recommended to nos by one whif. bad been cured by them, I concluded to give them a triO, although I. had us faith in them. To toy astonishment; 'found ' myself getting better betly.re4 , had taken one.fourth of a box, and after taking:NO:A box, I am a well nuns, and can eat anything I lag; and enjoy a hearty meal three Wiles a day, without inconvenience from anything I eat or drink. if you think proper, you are at liberty to make this public and refer to me. I will cheerfully give elf de• alrable information to any one who may call on me Yours, respectfully, JOHN H. BABCOCK. For sale at Dr. Wiknart-e Medical Depot, No. IQ North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. Prtoo One Dollar per box, Bent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of price. DYSPEPSIA! DTST.I2B.I. . , 1, Samuel D. Havan t havit•lteen a great sufferer wAtt ir chr on ic Dyepemda and Of me Kannco, three yeam employed three or roar of the meat :Odd' nestphyeletansotehltadelpfila, also Burlingtonpginty,, N. They did-all for me they weld, but atlib,..lo:•pais Poke. I was. constantly anal- vdtli t avvlbl 13,4 treas,_ and with constant belchilmof wlcd ray magae wgireIVArVIHIIII7O taco cording, et ,:marem wuntil cracked ht lat f trws, tuditltatr,:dreadfay semi ca l l I oau, mor • tbr 'death to relieve me of a m~, Intbrinca hid Coat all hope of ever being well _l. Made It a subjedt.orp . rayer tha s i t he would direct sone4lipecian Ormealetne vilie INN rj.ieu told iollol UOftstisiu al - .. . . ...._ . - .. - -.......... ---r------ -.77 --"• • " . ' r : ''' . -- ' 7l. :' . ' • STIAI p 1 IN IIkGAY. ~, -•--.., , - . - " '! 7 'Us' ' ; :•• . i : . • .... , I, : -.-- ; • ` ,..i., • ... .1.:.- a."... .: .. i . • o. -, 1 Oaf . erence: • . , ~, I. •, , •-, !:..-. - ... - ~,:.,. ........ -• _ .. . . c. ,i . - - -,-,.---- .... 7: . q •'';'' ' " ' -- " ' ' ..,.....,...... ' , _ . ,.Z' / -;-... ...,. - ,4 „. , - Tarr, g, v., -, son • Rua waltz. ,____ , ~.., ~ i k if .:. ~-, .., 4 , 1 , IU : 7 ..—... - .17.: ~ ,, , ,r? ,0- 4 , 1 _-_-...,._ , 6 e . One day $ - 80 one day.. • ~„%::, , .' r- ,i -,-. • . .... . IF- -.. • l' ' ° 1 -,.? ; ~ Thise T" dli da Ys ys •••• •• • • v 4 -.1, § res. . . ..... 1 .1 , , Me.4z. - --.. / - - ' .:„/ .' ~• . er..- ._T- F:. t• , .--' ...1 " ''' ...' ;A • - '. • , J ,- - ,i, : . rhiceile:u"' • .:11 -1 rXr.- One week. 1 . ' ~, ,_,j,' ~,.. 2,. . , 11 ' , ; . -- L''En._?_ ',,, '' . 1 '' _ -, , ,,-,t , , i!:"." . ‘.‘ , i - - 1 -4:,...! :• I Two months. - 4.40. 1..Tw0 met 'IIC , LI'P':' • Three months . 6 641 . - --- a_ • . ...„ , . 01 60 4 00 10 00 BY GEORGE'-' BE'RGNER: argi3ioA.L. Dr. Wisher% in the Philadelphia Latowl...of' e' greet cure made upon Mr. John Babcock, of 1028 011ide street, Phila delphia, by the great American Dyspi3pribt-lPillir. I went to the. Doctor's 011bse,and placed myeolf' under b treat ment, and told liinalf belittled to acid SINN ft *mild bathe last effort I wentd..Mairev . It has been six weeks since I commenced the use of bls medicine, and I am now a well man, free from all pain' and distress, and can eat three hearty meals a day with comfort, and feel,perfectly Well. Dr. Wisher; I want you to publish my case, as I want every.poor dyspeptic suffering as I was, tocall on me, and I will tell them of the great pure I have received from. your invaluable medicine. BAMUELD. RAVEN. Corner Venango and Lambert streets near Richmond street, formerly from Wrightstotra; Malin/Oen cdunty, "The above arf a few among tim gormands which this great remedYpte saved from an untimely grave. We have thousands of letters fromphyalcians and gistsdrug who have Prelorlbed and sold the Tar Cordial, saying that they have never used or sold a, medical. which gave such universal satisfaction. =I Prepared only bY'the DR. L.Q. CicWiSifAET. , , No. 10 North Second. etreet t .Pltilitdolphig, !Mid by Druggists everywhere ' BgulylB..goti-ditxr SOLE AGENCY 1.011;.: i ngS , 'Ora T AM happy to offer to the_ pliblio a :large Euidi splendid asaortinentef =• ' ; ' • Cr0.1.4D PENS, manufactured - by T;EROY W. FAH:4O7II - 14D. tens are well finished, and eafttfaetlre. • • PLF.ABB TRY VIER. BOARFFSRI 4 . BOOK BTOIL% Beekuni etre"; 'epporite preGbyteria!l Church, Harriabad Pa. maga , NEW PHILADELPHIA C LO A K STORE; IS D. FP. OBOSS' ITBN - BLOCK, liarket Street,' Harrisburg - . . DIFFERENT STYLES 07 FABDIONABIX CLOAKS AND CIROU TA A.BS, AND AKE. SPRING 'SHAWLS. upon on the lot_of AprlL [mar2l-4115, Almanacs ! Almanacs ! BASEL English and crerman .Lancastpr ' . Almanacs, for the year "' ' .r 1 6 5 • .• For siO; by the gross, Doze; or single, at Scheffer'S Bookstore, M. South Second street, Harrisburg Pa. se29 MO 0 •Di rtie. r ' . . NEW EATING AND DRINIUNG SALOCiN Walnut street, between Thir4 OtriPourfti. . ...,' 1 Wines, Beer and the boat quality Of liquors opnalitutly on h.o.d. A share of the public patronage Is 'reeilcutrutly solicited. (ould6ml JOHN noN.Kkg , , . Very Conveirient.„ • • • JACOB 1. - 91 A ICES pleasure to iatorm:his friends end Customers. and the public In 'general, that he has opened a wholesale ana retail Variety, Norma and ,rew. dry Store, No .106% Market street, above &by & HsinWa Building, Harrisburg, Pa. It would occupy a great amount of space to ' enumerate the articles composing my stock. The purchaser will find; tarough my experience of thirteen years in the business; that 1 can sell goods equal to the jobbers in the Eastern cities. sept2o-dem* TREES TREES ! ! TER RS !1 ! THE UNDPOISIGNED will . commence planting Slitiaeand Ornamental Trees, Vines, and such Trait trees aS are Ilt to plant In the Fall.'.: - S:--,Persons who were furnished .wlthntr,:es , ,last ElPtlng, that wet e, warranted, to grow, can hastethe , same replaced that nitsst:d. . [ocl;l] • XIS& VERT I'INE, INDKEDI T ° inwfine And :eztexusive stook' of Photo.: ; graph Albutna and Photograph Card Pictures, we . 111.1,VC added a BEAUTIFUL OTELOPE for the reopptiOn oreard &Oxen They must he seen and Will be. admired • jar Photographeni supped :at the very,lowerit Whole sale price; and. their Gard printed upon theinfor§k, thoueand, wholesale and retail:at" 'thity24 SCHILTHIEW,S BOK; TORk„ • QUEENS and GLIISSWARE,tti:,iii43II. ' lected assortment, just recelye4; 0tpe : 441, - st:yles . jylß QAP SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Apple, Nut k..7 meg and New York Mate Cheese; just reoßlved ot A NENV SUPPLY of /RASH - 133104E1 lost received this morning; st. • SHLSLIOR• &FEUER Q &ammo= to W. Doak,jr.-,',litl*, c •• . • • • . • ..... NitiBV AIit(TIKEREHL, ERBINGMIDI34ti ..qat fuw4l • •ROVICRA . KOMRPriI . , IMEENCH .CHALK AND PENCILS, J Suitable for Banks, Offices, &c., • ' : At Schaffer's Bookstoie, Harrisburg Pa. afela LIN GLLSR , - . 13Y1R 4 RvAtSa r- TEA.4.IIBt 5e .124 deivredf Vibe CheiftSof EAtifitArOkfut Tffif , - i 2 ' ( summer's to Wm. Akezi;:-.1-r. A i'i j- P .--z 'ECO AL UB E E H BVIL ET D II II4r 4 ' ,gokt gCHEFllleE'smak o ar-, :21 South Secouct`striist„ 'ispurg, NEW BO c! :K S.-- Pier,,lilotu)BlL .laJn , s OF 8H01114.: .rnat TEMBltlfyi at. rael.Bl,,BP7F, Y Bl } ' 4. ll4 X ) P nitY. . . rIMER viaTE•2l4%-:;IV85 5 -.• ear • ‘..). can be. boi3gbild , thki z biikierormWsl4^4Tr iv7R - ' ' sort)? AL r 0 fra -• TIRESITDYSTEIIB_ 7 .:-: -• 11 . ...-:" , !':. vial 1 ,..' i A: in CU, jut mowed cuidfor PLAY 11 k , ---r .tni Ir.•••-‘-' ', (- '. i t , wwwxii u. 1..., omprimg noiuw,;(*4-9.7r..w. in ir--0 mixed rid," filitm* !Aptly; alieviftThis --; -....... Mu. wholosatif suidretatlty MUSLIM 111714,, i % w",,ml MG outtoosori to W. Dotp .jr, o , ‘ 3 =I fl,; 11" TH E tir N` . l'o N—N OW,A -N D OA -E. VER o" --Webster: =EWE SEMLER & FRAZER, auccwors to W Dock, Jr., & Co HARRISBuita,. : Pi.; WEDNEgbAY EVENING, NOVEMBER' 16, 1864. 1,•: EVENING EDITION. . Ffolll. Abe. ~2.o,l4Efiegjakent• - .• Cow A.T .:14ANABILLSIJ1714CTION, ..i • • . Friday Evening,. 1ity . . , 11;: . 1864.; .-4. . E. TELEGULPH— . Dicer Sir .' ' All was life and ''aninietionthie ntornin k; , in osto.p. • ,: A sharp, tutting wind ; prevaile d •,all ' , night, i and your correspondent, together With a - party of twen ty-five, or thirty othOrs tlttat lodged-in the stock inde,,,or guard-fictinte; hart night,' (Mot for-in tclulgingin spits4)obtArie; as the Gentians have it,t. but • becartseor /vein:: fortunate 'enough to be placed - bnoalit4Ol 4 the night, -in Our regu lar turn ,) thong:hi4l:L*sl44 of a soldier isnot as pleasant as it Might begat times, brit ifiti from being7 4 ftlin•ellfioilitfi'llogr as some woftld have it, ; sitlin'agfiVegfite I 'Obliged "to- lie :dean flog,. fashiorii•-iocel• initi4iatly; if :?trei "-feel ,' inclined to rntipr A w* G ii i ty, - 7.14in0,,,u. t::- ::::, , r - , -;• ;, • -, I -: ,) , Thia2o 4 2d ''...etigkrient; 'quartered 'quite. near lik.i•AirOfiglit 14iltbt them a herd of fine , Cattle, '4s:aptured in' 6tte ectitheir: foraging eipeditiOns, and they . 'Slakthter a'supplY for their daily rtse every -mOrningiet *-- Amin:4lloi animals i observ- • ;ed several fine. • sp . eciinerislbt -. l)urhem stook, and rshotot?not wonsiet . it . th 4 Y - ware dO•vPit frent"Pertnntyli atilt -Ok!Oaryland, on the 'Obea- Sion of sonie•Of theicaidi - lle..trOlinias "iii*le into these Stet ani e Within ,tft, 4 - iiast::two' , years., It afford . the - inthi*O ‘ ire'ai'xitiriNl-0 11 P..0 1 FIftL ' Sa ' • -the boys drop totem with: aitaalelkilkiii. I n ever .thebittelier '-iinilies to c0nin,, 6 4.91Y.,..,, ‘4 0_,, ~„ I** tione: Some' of the i3harpshOOn:ll - '-"?• " e thing up- "brown, "and as the finer' penetraWnilliqktur Of the beaSt he,die-ct el e ;never knows*:" "iitat"Struck him!'_ - 114, t r2, re :Hiesttn, tif ,, ethe, , ; bitii.dttoorthnis*y : deri f l r '' s '' melt, ea itati*OfEitheitori,near Harritifiqui s / ga've the*Otiiiitits . tei , ':.'sfrapping" biglaWigt , from • the''tiiipitift c,`iiitabf his ritle. , tge.ise 1 creek shot, arid noVka...,' . , : !•. 1 ;- • Geti.'-Slongh• Aud i . - ' 'fly :Came . donn..,fistin; Alintandrie,:'thistri*lng*,, in' a special car at- ; • intehed-to the e trairi.'TlleY were the, guests, • e of - sorne"tte the distinguished military chief*. • tahis here, I Preattnie;litit I could not leant' tithe whereiVoitts',#t i ffieiriqttartere. When the train left, 'A 6.t* re.' 'if:, for Alexandria; out . exoellent regimmita ship of AfigfiStit's -. , ,Esq.,;, serons4etjhe : * Itifiti e n§fitgred - '*Visitt -' Their execution ef , • the "Idocking-Birdnwas delightfuL In fact,- the leader of the band deserves great credit • fief 'his pains!-in instructing . the innsidians under hem. If tiloy are fortunate enough to return to their „„homekst - well, and •heaftry - '-es they'nowaleeppear to be, our city may feel justly proud of their Musical abili.ties. When . , ; GeW Sloti o ,bh's faintly ldft Mailinisas for A10*,. : andrite; tkelfrii vial intense ' Clie . e ling by the 801= ; diets surrounding tht - railroad. .Tili,oriv:i4;*.genexal - Mourt Martial in 'session. - .hero at Att.. nasats:at . thiwrititg,.Oonvenet-1 hly ; • Order of.-, Major - Gen - . John P. Slongli."Phe. - ;following gentlemen and officers comp - . he court: • ;., - -,.,•,. .. .!i •• •f i•i' : President—Lt. Col.J,'Wesly Awl. . Captain Benj. F.-Aishenfeltar, 201st rdef, J. QuilloY Pfeiffer, 2024 " ' i A. Wilson Decker, 202 d " ' . David Gochamtur,2o2d " Ist Lieut., JaMes A. Lucas, 202 d " .6 Jacob H.. Brown,2o2d Judge Advocate7paptci.y‘TeshngtonFet nn, '2olst regiment: ',; ~ .• , l There are a Uttinber of eases, before the court, but the sOntencee of the parties ar-' reigned and conCidted, have not yet Lbi sEya promulgated. ,•!, . ~.., , , This afternoon-, at 3 ecioalc, - * r4RO,4m-t , .wfustriarchedbutof camp on the liattielie/4 I. a lilac:asses, , and ' sttl3.jected to a thproughrt 44- mental drill, under Col. AwlT,'efficient and excellent military- Maneuvering, Bystarill were numerous, andthe soldiers were seen : ;c , the old forts, styled Beatiregard, Lee anct--_ (fiddlesticks to the rebel newel!) watchh our movements. "At' the coneltision of Bret Parade, the, till:owing order was prorunlgato'cl, by our gentleinanly and efficient . Adjutant,: Geo,'W. ifeisinger, Esq. r ' ' SPECIA.I., ORDERS, /I ~,.. „ . „, No. $ B7, L . ... s -7!. , ' wiz DERiarrautavr, • - • Amio'resT GerisseesOmos,' Wasetiorox, lioierabet.7 . , 1864:.- 19 lb. Satisfiletory evidence halving beetitilet in this'office that the I'9/Lowing iianaestenlisfe men of the 201st regiment;i'sinnsylvania , vol-f unteers, have furnished 'acceptable =bati-. lutes, they will be, discharged .the service.Of the United States, upon the- receipt of "this order, at the place where they - maY be serving: . ParVATEEIe 1 . T W'Peeples, 4o E, Jno F reedenstine,CoE, C C Rump, " John Hinter, Isaac Reese,.. 66 Samoa IL Gray, Wm Car' •.. " Win. D Smith; CO Matt)v X L ' 1§(446? EilWfiliam Weber, " [ , our Semi NE ersole, "'-;• , r.kes:ij T Free, William S Keen, " 'W..ea .0 Wn Het,, , Jacob it lifillbri , -' " 01(es thirki n , Joh,u W Gray, '" I fenry Manger, ' 6 ; John C,llictffraan, " -John Gridy,Vo H Jonathan...Collura, " - Vred'lrStiYder, . " ! - John Evans,- " CiOlEtter, 1 " John H Leaman, " Edward Adam, " , .Hiram : ]fiellerman, " Martin Graffins, "), :Richard Ferguson, "‘ , -Virm' ODuntan, "!,` ' • Frank Darby, , ):.I‘lo 'Oliver Miller, - . .`, Isaac Moyer, .-.. '"-in ; ' • - By order of the Sedristary Of War. E., D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjtitant Generr . j . ' • '' ' • . I., ! ; l24l6 i t =7, w . ill atiL D. b T e oWil obs S e E rv Nilj, ed t A t S h El a t i A't a d rituxi . % t on. ot, the gentlemen in the above lists held, 'ln t instances, •commissioned Offtes,mnf c , 8a" lia , l of them were noni-coMmisisjoneiV'..A" - ''' --- netiessarily. reduced : to WO" , rr• -.t 0 4 11 e): 'Vere for.the simpliSrOsnir thid e ta, _AL I A. 'of privates, be fdre&agairs, 'and ilißpzr; , _-__elr . Pcr Aloes Must accompliihed if , the dise" "-`"b e rrt a n te Act be their positions. Hen the ranks. We are ~,--, 'AO , Barged r den still,held tl. Leis reduction to but the Permsylvir iiorry to . pant with thei,n, not find on the fi", . 1312/lalik( 'ad 'company eaA where, MOO to ' ' ,120063. of I tlarrisburg, or else: on joining tb All, *eve& Mons these men left, their e ll er- I ..ekrej4lineset. r .who areas useful on and, there is'4,-,.„AuMvx _ machine shops, fie.,, and just 'forei''sruil is rk theY Psrs,p..q4 a wise. whose: , , conae in`.l9l:ealling . t,ltint, A cOsßlgy eta., yam , ;labor had giv an them satisfaction. for yie 4 /110 s ubetitnt l ling others. Itis , perfeetlk. : - ' : All tile. Ming 14 , 1- u'AVlNiket h° P , ....ztliarmgrek -- . d . ,„li, gl our, esteemed friend,:L . ' -- A Dar by, pr eftheiZtAter-, id *ter lAiiiii4mefitTYrie* prove ..Olcuil*f an honbiable Inaii -- 1404 let 4,344 reliable lgi -eitfirr 1. ;respect., :andbleaviik: rtrae.y f friends, benisto w : 'jab hies success in 3 1 W ; , future uniketakinu lit'' ' ' ' ' " - ' '" ''. fr' Th is afternoon , a squad of 10 men m company iit, Bth Illinois cavalry, atatiol/ed here,'strolled' out of camp on a foraging ex ,pedition, and were attacked about a mile and a half from "camp, by a force of 25 men under the rebel Captain Kinsloe, of Moseby's Chin que-pin whackers. They were attacked in the rear by surprise r land had no way of escape, whatevor,: . TTircoafe.the men were shot dead instantly; and ttrthird . Man was found with mud and!. leavei , :plastered over his mouth, with life' .noulYi.extifict.. Two of the men killed were new - rectal& andleined the r -- ment at. BeetinfOwnwiltt.: ( only a few d s before. Their; names are: privates Bulb rt Erstterly,'Ohasi Mullarkey and Henry Bar dick, of .-Winnebago county; ELL They be, longed toingmpany 11, and were all unmarried men. Another brother of Idullarkey is at- taehed to'llA r eame company, and takes the sad affair much to heart. . .. -- • . , :i"? . They aretiiow lying in .etunp, lit -the woods south of, us, rolled up in .their blondest% and will be forwarded to-morrow at 11 o'clock, A. M., in charge Of, tome of their late comrades, for= interment in the National CeMitiOry, at Washington. Three catheirdrorses_fellinto the - hands of the rebel thieves. :The hews were wounded ii4othp t it A. , . ,-, P. , .terty 'iattacked. *landed pt i re one : 411. ~--„,• ~, , w filorse.:. The :retif,,then ea, d- . . ; ,br -fhe' "lihnoisiims, l --WaMed '"Uli ley" H.. s, and placed the wounded rob on Hope's horse, in order to guard "Charley,'" while;tlte other chinque-piners charged down the idad ' after' the six 'remaining 'Union soldiers. Hope made his escape under fire itf Akew,onlided. Ael? I.W. hiPt.lhOrite , escaping ; back to camp unharmed. Each of the men killed had a bundle of hay s lung , across their lioirsit.i) and of course wereil'unprepared ,to show any resistance. When tha escaped party faiupued t to i namp and related the affair, a squadion of tivb coinpanies'Were immediately detached to look after the thieves, but without ,cipecess. Another. squad of six men, belong is '4; to Company t .T.;, , Bth Illinois, (among them a deb srter—qpite ayoung man, belonging to the rebel' arinT,) : :w9v , oqt of camp; daring the.Wl," . to , fo n:yet, 13 aloo, tit are now ,miseing: nd itripposgilicto.4 ei fti tallenjilto . the hands; of 'llinalotarStAit4lfv ' gq a - 41 Tk a , Thgtar a t ka (Pies fion is i n somins :ta of , col. gatable,ond • has e alyea t e4ii t iaanert;:j‘rthe Mansell4 fixtee their ogattiiatiort; and g1eY:449414 911- PIe , IWOB the, sa ddear. t a ff a i t :th a t, boa yet: betel- them. :Thdy ! sayri.ivoe unto Idos. ll Y, aa „ d s ." :l ,, ~ aii2 'the whole Unto of pirates .. hat 4°PW, ham, 'the we ever come across them. . We talae!7to more pt.:setter - N.?" '''''" Tha aldelhik! of thbrPlain might ; 9 ' B w, 6 _ l - ask for mercy;-in :the: days of the famisL'ls,a° 3l ; , as those infidels,ask for quarter at th ha ndsL, of. these bravalllinoisitins, if they over , catch !them !—take: my; word for that.. One 0..7 , In t) , men;wasabirt through the back—the other"! in tkierback of iturriiead; and the third throrthlt the Anil and bbilst. . . •At Alio .xeci twee of litany comrades of those I unfortti s nate ;hien, your correspondent::: perhataba.parmitted to say a word;rwth ir behalf. They were men beloved by their co -' panions s .fralak, sociable, brave and comae: eo 7, respbeted hymn their fellow soldiers;..,Autd.. unloOltect dor affair has cast sadness and glop in: and sorrpScover :.the whole camp. ;May, the ha l o: .i thst,:doeth; all things zmell," , be ,with their,hiftenda and relatives in, the fir West, said comfort andistniblin.themi iii thislgreat trial, wherahe sad sews is imparted;to them.t.ra'r,e-' well; brave otanrades. Peticreto your remains, In,the roll-cal! , at the great day we shall.ineet once more—never again oft earth! 1.. amquider; .obligationw, to Sergeant. F. H. : Ottrapbell, of tl'ae Bth:Jili no* for the abOve I authentic. and rahable-ancount. . • : -: , Before I conclude thialengthy epistle, I silli ' inform_your readers of-a circumstance that .occumlotitifre elt OP late. eleetion;Nrotlay, of note. polufirly .1), of Col. Gallop's reg invent of 14eR t yl,"Artillery, are mostly (iergia. tui. , --- ,awinginß- under the'.Linco/n flag in or_ le of the M& jal atre,e,l# at Washington, :when t. hey eitnie Out here, fh.ey ' 4 4 htirrah '-edlrtattly l 'or I,tolellen 1" ONa counting.the result of .th e vote of Company 1), the other day, it stood thus : .. For the:TitneplaOeitoni.........., ~ . 10 IllajontYor ..Lco . .... ..............14.6 Cause of these Men changing their - voperi— the Chicago platform t So r fmn tol,d.iby hn• offrcetill high cit;anding in the peglinept,,i, , ~ 4, 2; ,.„ c i loso, i ,;'4li9 . boys are dfoirjointg,ithe ,P . F .p9 - 14 , ,,:g54.mycm).-o,up 4 4 4 - 42.4esideade, eft . - r*Go, in i '.. corporal,orryoti; FM, get no '44 0 1 . ;So, - foiri the preaent, enough, but irfore.4non. •• n , . . A. IL. B.' t • ...4.:;,14 SAS JIINVT/Ols,', A's 4,864. Nit.piXtber /1, . , ~ 6 i 2 ` ' y'31.,,,,..,' here, b u t, eveet to lie We ,are , still -,lT`t'e. a., .or se. -,23,1it whither "11,13(.kailqiig, :14 ' 4 1 47,11i- o n tugs the /. 401 *Cht/i4'Pq.P n o .w' ri t 1,,704 laioyv,tqr.lsr, I.l Yike- • •lit°°n , ) 7: 1 townsmaalt,.v.m49lll2s teen'ir Aira a iii:•': 91u o - oted to 44111 0 4 va° ;Shrive?, Big- , y,iF..0,,,13;i11, p 01 i„ 44 , ox. Se rrated by out..:fFit.ePu? A. 11. B. • • geent. 1 MED I.‘,Nr3,;:ifor?‘. Ste!ek.lllarik,ts. YOIt/y NOW. 16, Stocks lowcr; Chicago and. • lock Island 0721; Cumbergia:Preferrdd 514.illiinois Obittral 1284- Mi chigan Smith ern 734-; 'iliac guarantied , 1415; New YOrk • Central:l26; iteading . l3o; Hud.scin river 1. ; Canton Co: 13 , 14 f Erie 101 i. t :Gold .opened at 2134, but declined to 238 i; 'Coupons, 1881, 110; Five-twenties 103; Ten-rorties 96; One year Cqrtificates 96. GOOD manners • are a part al good morals; and it is as much your duty :As your interest to practice in both. EvErt:r. rote has its except ions ; then this nde itself, ,haS i jts exceptims=rthatt is, there are rules Niith o 4,oo4kti c rOi Txa science...4l4 nutkid tough many me to forget v,altdd,be more welcorqs to them than theirickeiir of Mnemonic& A stiEBEEt ,of publiia .clocks in Glasgow, 1 Scotland, arcs, now controlled ;by electricity #0 , ,,,t49 otafrscatO4 . , Of. .Gleusgoi ir VltiVerSity. 1 ;I , ; Um surest way.of gaining me n's re5p , ...44 is Aimprbfer your own approbation to theix4. arATrzsirou can reallrbe as little Preachod Wr:iitigged into a young person iv's ability. , 1 • Tuer Man is rich Wood in fri ends who can„ IPae tWo oF Ape end rwttio be, 1 )ardirupt. : 2'.lo2lthioillitut Afforis.,Aer Tit toii Ng hame not owlreep,aliv. tiktA IA; OA* lill e 47 41 :5'. , '.. TEE Italian fleet is to be redo audio &atingle i ditaiCiAliOUTOadlitiion6pleta ed,frieltem. s:, i f1 , ...1_ if • a . .1 ,• 4 1 , ;- : k ti or, 41 ciri otountels'is to ply betelenl.-elo ' rade and thelifitsoniffiVer. -:- 71 i I jurf 1 .,..1••• Trot girls are uniformly attracted tovitellimg militery men. ••.• , „•: - .q..h . el • 1 LI ~t PRIV/KJ' • '= R(li • • , z ,F,„.. t r.3‘12 lo no 73idT *.L q. - - Wasegosow, Nov. 15, General Raviliugs, Colonel : I:N.4- and- Gekt-• eisl Burnside arriVep. at .Willii•o,trovk ; pis _taw 4 1 terday.'. - :' . '•• ",,', . : .--,- .:,,,,,,. " Ids: Abdicle; 4 , heavY ,ax -. - ,r - x;:c aid 'Abraham Belluf,N - ,` . 179f,1i Pa.;:i le:d and' wereburied - "ester N.,,,. , :. . . . „.I. ~ i A. man'ilOnttl P'eferWI34• I NVIUI arxestetciar-th.e P 'e'Rlne*egt. of 11.04 a' #l4O *IA carp, s br seq, 4 - 1 J{ t Nsr!ig tttWlng , % 9 39 - s tioP s' TV.rieli . wiitOlied: 91,4 . 41 1 ,.0 2 ,x,..t4;: ii 4 p tyoil t ,e Aet'ectiveS;' - „,, ,.. ,- ',..;,: The , otc-Iteuben Fenionlßite* et of NiinirYe'rk, will be in IVrah i likogfonAl y, having hetsi summoned as' a Witness Tapi• e defence in the elite of Colonel North, now n trial. befinvisthaMilitery . Commission. ' Last niglitMagentienien about the .Capitol gave a caltetiorz httimamancordtion of the re sult of tharecent eledtionoilAtennteber of in vited guests were present,. A nunaneß4primiltientehstrgymen drew in vitations ta gave in tP•o_,,.araigA44teSdaY• The Sortintoqvito - vAoysympriaon. *as an49,10 4 .he,ii. ( 0 P ilißiik"l l ß ditiPOTlplity was eitended.r o ry(i A t k e . 9 ul);ti f y„ • Sheridan's cave*: has been reinforced by a hirge addition,lerit" to hii.n.'fisini'ttanp Stacie. 1 awn.. ,Tii* men had been ',dismounted *id had biien waiting circiers for some time.. Part Of them made'a ve7 . ",finft :sticarance on the AVenue this inorning.., - „Camp., Stoneman, at Giesboro' Point, is to , be reinoved. _Genera Glirable ,and staff went to Fells Chinich`this morning, to .seloct,..a,aeiv greand 'for a dismounted cavalry camp.,, : , Several Seedy looking rebel seitera were brought la this morning. ' Theiifittie nothing 'new* to tell concerning affairs in Dixie i ' L WASHINGTON, Nov, 15.4-iGenettil , tasible has taken' Command of all the , troopai -in ' the vicinity of Falls Chturthv General-Gamble- was formerly Colonist af•thaStb Illinois' cav alry. His commission dates from yesterday. By an order i;gtsund a fea: i ( NO at•ep since from the Waf,pepaXtiiMilt, 1 4a4m. tlnif ,9 atap Stoneman is to be entirely 4aidoned. Mho reason assigned is thecitpinme, - wfdpii the, de , partment thinks unnecessary._ „flietti. Col.! S. LC. M. Young, of the'4th Pennaytiania Cavalry, will close up the bnsiness _concerns of the camp, which will occupy hire about ~three • weeks. , • • • ~• • The subject of the seizure Of Ale Florid in .the harbor of Bahia has not yet- been. pre-' seated to, the 'tinted States Government 'by that of Brasil.. After careful inquiry it 4i, secartained there`e is nothing whatever to sustain the repeated rumors and assertions of cabinet changes. 1 The indications are directly contrary. This &'•atement, however, .exelades Secretary Pea- B olden. who,. it-is kiiiikvii, Mecca . accepted the position of head of the - '' .. Syr Stio oeugressional recess. • Reports-continue to prevail Olaf :Hon. Rob; - ext J. Walker will be hits- successor. Central and South Anterlea. WAD AND BUXOM; OF WAE-TEE TONNAGE TAX SUSPENDED IN THE POETS OF PANAMA -EX CITEMENT ME TSB PASSAGN OF UNITED STATE* TROOPS ACROSS TILE ISTHMUS,, , . NEW Yana . , Ncv. 14. The steamer. Oc.ean Queen, from Aspinwall on the sth inst., has arrived, Aonvoyed,by the United States steamer. Grand. Gulf, She:Wipgs $277,000 in specie. • . , 0 „... The Government of Chili had acknowledged Spain aruiPern as belligerents, and had, pro 7 claimed coal to be contraband of.war, and not to be supplied to either. Of thosetiattons' Yes seley Reports were current at Valparaiso of an outbreak of theirs:Bans on the south frontier, land tluit'they bad.attacked Angel. A new ministry has been formed in Peru.. The Spanish .7Peruvian question is un changed since t i tre , last maiL The South Amer,ican Congress„to meet at 1:411118, has not YohliCeit formally iffangurated. An English Protestant place of worship had bet. - 11 opened at C,allao. -.. v, ; T..he question ,of, the annexation of Central A me op,a, to the Mexican Empire is being dis onsseo aciongst politicianss'of a kind likely to favo.r it: There is no probability that any thing-of the lcindwill be , _carried out, every Goverment *, Pentral Amexlon being op posed to such a movenaeiit.: Rumors are prevalent to the iffe`ct that' Cluatemala and San Salvador are likely to make a hostile-move ment against Hondmrasr and also of an inva sion of Efondurasty ea; ?resident Barrios; but thestrepirts seem to bo without faandation. The tonnage tax has - been suspended in all the free - iports of Panama. The- PfiWicte of Uldted States= troops across the!Jsifunus of Panama had caused. muelmeimitemei4 ,but it had subsided. The United. ,States sloop-of warNarrefonsett had sailed` froin Panama, for Ohio, en route for PhiladelpbhW ' 'Rear Ad " mind 'Peals= has. taken , command of 'the , United,Stat vs squadron in tip Pacific.. Trial of the St,. .Alhatis Raiders HoliTsztu,, Nov. 14. The ease for the•proseention against the St. 'Albans raiders closed ,yesterday, when it was decided to tak•A3 the voluntary, statements of the prisoners. Young made It statement; and saill'ho as a commissioned °ever in the Confederate ser vice. The expedition was not' projected in Canada, and the object of it was to retaliate for the acts committed by . Grant,, Sheridan and others,.in accordance mith civilized war fare. Young then handed in big commission from. Mr. Seddon, Secretary of War of the Confederate:States, and said he had lo•com municatewith his government at lb.chmond •to obtainimßoTtent testimony and could not 'be' readyfor% full defence ;or thirty days. 'The other prisoners arc making. statements • • • .:;•• • Reported Assassination of Ddajok General Canby. Louis, Nov. 11. Information has been.:received here that Major General Canby, whilst ascending White River, Arkansas, , on the 7th inst., on the gun, boat Cricket, was,sh9t_,l)y a guerrilla from the shore, and that the General • Tss severely if not fatally wounded id the groin, the bullet passing through his body. WA% Nap ,1,3. 1 -e:Otn4 0f.i11.4 0 :1511 1 35torAlvho attended GenO.Csali4V,Usa#l794l betre—trom Pilemphia, and - raporbithat nis voila - is very Serious and hie:=feCirvery doubtful. General Canby was on tlildeek of Ui &boil when he was shot, • Vie hbilt . ' s *n tildietitately `turnea tooki'ana itilt oksb hdloat to fAiitilimia wa in all opood for Vilpi, its a Square. 'WS mewls / $ 9 ' 1 'up5......... inek . ...... 2", ,etc; ::. - , ontiu3 ........ 9 Cto ft() 40itaup—rvas.11 ou: Sti niontba Six mouths Ono year ler this your CE, Administration "ciotkiep, , 2 Marrigir Notices • - it' ' Atutilars Notices tam.-&11 Notices ; melt kthertioii ://-„Eisminess notices inserted la thaTocai CoEussYs, or before Marriages and Deaths, Siggr Oman rim LMM for each lireeition. . . 33rii The rebel attack inkAtla!ita, made on Mon day, the fith inst., was dgpeted principally upon the 28th and PllthPennsylvania regi ments., The boys Sib'ocl • nialifulft ,to their work 4 They reeeivedthe. , enemy.4 wittaively sallies, each as qaert, coMP • tile .4YCitlikn men after our - returns ! ' . They kept pp } too, a brisk fire until the rebel; retreated: • .;• The attack was. a- bold dite, and degtly made =scoot* of the newsßaptir :n -mgrs of the evacontion of Atlanta. 4, still holds that stronghold.ecurelyv.,.. cry ifelM. few citizens are remaining there, anta nooga is filled with thousands of refugeeS: As the train was going from Chattanooga Nashville, on Saturday afternoon, thecar. con -tail:Ling the Pennsylvania electioiOtemi2.- stoners and agents ran off the trakk"eictlic Whiteside trestle work. The ear was partial ly broken up and was left toppling op the edge of the trestle. work, a hun.O.ed few:ol4o7e the stream. The escape was aria, 0 4 1 Y.t1T PeX.A9ns were . NNW - W.Sst — rtti624W 3 Nov. A telegnita reeeivefl - itit; othist , Dureau, fren, near Petersburg, repots-liveryfiurtg as quiet. It also says: Capt. W-.11..:21'C ' lure a gallant soldier, has been mustered in as a Colonel of the 2d Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, and that the appointment meets with favifirltfriiMboth rank and file. They . regimetit , htaillourteen hundred men preent for duly. about nine hundred in hospital, and over five hundred prisoners. They - Nrere 'en moose ` fe t e Father Abraham, and disappointed the Ctipperheads who thought thar-oWmg tO 'pairclifferetices between the State dovernment and - 41e War Office, their votes would be recorded-tor "Lit tle Mac." The regiment is in excellent condi tion, and longs for an opportnninty to test its mettle under the new regbie. Decline in-Gold. Nzw Yank:, Nov. 16, Noon. Gold has been declining all, nicunin,g,,ai.ii is now quoted at 238 i. ie Ml..—Gold now 44. *;= narkets by Telegraph,. From AtlantaV Lotrzavtras, Nov. 14. From Petersintiw. n33:uimosim,. Nov. .15 - The rain to-day has increased the dullness whidh hail marked the course at the market for some days past. The export deinand for flour is limited and only a few small lots sold at slo®lo 50 for superfine, sll®ll 25 for extra and $12®13 for extra family and fancy. Rye &ex and corn meal advanced'-and firm; the former at $9 25, latter $7 50. ' Wheat is in steady request at s2' 6052 65 for red and '52 85 for white, Small sales of Bye at $1 70 ®1 '72. Corn, scarce and in dennind ilt, $1 80, but moat holders ask more. Oa'ts command 900. In groceries brit little doirig;-aniiill sales of Cuba sugar at 21022 c,• arid Rio Coffee at 46G,47. provisionivbtit movement; sales of ,Mess porlf 7 sikSetriSs'Lbeeflanas su 2613 1 • Sides at 21k ankt sOldtbileisiat-20 t -Lard advanced arid 200 , 111iiiP.asieMidWefi old and new sold at 23.t®214. - Petri:4olin Steady at 14®45 for crude; 67®,69, refiifekl' in bond; 85(490 for free. 300(bblti Ofii&Whisder,• l :sold at $1 78. . • • Hsu' Torrailidtr:Aro. Cotton firm at 42. Flmirdull faidlSdlow er; sales at $ll 00®1115 for Ohio:: Wheat dull and 2®3c lower. Corn declining ;' , liales of 15,000 bushels at $1 82 iti , Store,'•arfccAl 811 delivered. Beef active. Polk Alt4lir;al $4O .621.• for new. Lard dull at 0.1®21.` :Whisky 'dull. ", Tax horse of therla&Gen. Wells is dow at Boston, under treatment for his woundn. Un flinchingly he bore hierider through tlutiever est fighting in Virginia; from the - fit - St-Bull Run battle until , Gen.-Melts wil4 , traiiijiferrcd to the Shenanhoali through twelve• battl4 , in llie - itillte"nandoah since April. At Cede& t3teek, tifttivinct two wounds, the horse still binre s -his%rave rider tliitiLhe fell pierced by the fatalifiallet. W:`W. WADE, of the Atioalreag- fat* Works, Maahhester, has perfected _a .bnyriCh-h:tading rifle which throws'fourteen bullets without re loading. The piece diikleight pounds. An Irishman yho T hadbeezt aakedrtolurnish proof of his marriaLre toot pfkbitliatf.wl ex hibited a scar on his ' bead. :liitegeAtartid he, "is my, marriage cartifwate. OattiAlqnds's mark.' . Waal a map gem 641 would not be' Otisti cal," he might as . wall add, "ifJ eomid help it." IF you think thikt3rotwopportutiitietiaxe not good enough, youliacibetter improire=thetn. IT matters not how trifling the speciality. it a man knows something that . ,noWsly else knows, the world will respeet p Atim. r HAT philosophena have „advised- about never opening' our months 'unless we have something ur say, is inipiliftieable nonsense. Am. our natural actions are done 'without thought, and we can make breathing a di'XL-. /Katy by thinking about it. EVITTS are constantly taking blid§, and politicians are constantly deslionk l ß''doing the same thing. . :LUBIN'S HAIR ,DRESSIW FLORILINE 3 , FOR• BEAuninivb AO' .10 - 4Nexp - AAIV 7 BTRENGTHENIKR ,Az a. S PURELY A VEGEDMB:I 3 4,94WoII, Idistilledfrom herbs and fragrant thistea t' fa south of France, conceded to be' the meat'de Sly per fumed and desirable Hair preparation evei offered` 'to rt., American public. It will restore lost hair. It will pre vent hair from falling out. Is will restore gray and faded hair to its original color. Its contirmed , .use will materially thicken the hair. Bald places will gradually cover themselves, and in a abort time the hair will goy... dark, soft, glossy and luamant. .Friceglper bOx, by • =WINKEL& LISO. .• •ApbtArecaliesalaniarg - VEW FISH: —New No: 1 likekerel IA in barrels, hail barrels and ikitt,s, and by the iseund. at rang% ..811/BLER 4. - FRAZER MNXIILIA FAXILY' FLOUit ;COI JUA MEAL always'cin hand, of tho best ti4aliti'4if BOYER go KOMPER . '‘"YIV 'TWA IVIES'S BEfAD Riad , TINE • - t. 0 , . c. , n ErdrlL, jort matted; at Wig' Rtilv - K1:', , .. - I It, . . . . giCQNORLY -1 ''':- arlilit:Afiri - • ived ei Reek fet tfgemotiting, at As ' ;: .. . 80 - ll,tc SIIIPER'S WCriES - MiiisX4l.--iati& Frs m, lolf.tjok, .;_ _,. k. Co., have ost boo 85 ooze; taidanSalkOtiK7 27l /Oe SA igtzinctozen. Je9 CllllEit:Alltsiiiit 7 air WirthVele, just we as 07/81 RAMS i ZOIERPER, L i Cher " ' t gun IFE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers