1 3 LIKINVIS CA LIDS. RALINHC L. iII.A.CLALY 7 . ATTORNEY -AT-LAW —Patriot and Uhivii imam% garrieburg- Fatal:awn pakt to WI balite& 11311tar7 blenfifbcille 4 o. - m ' • em4od Thomas C. filacflowelti Attorne y-at-LawF OFFICE IN TEORD ST., BELOW PINE. HARRISBURG, PA, ALL manner of Military Claims promptly attended to, and dolma collected against the General or State Governments, either in Oongrew, the Court of Clalma at Washington city, or at Harrisburg, without u.n aecemary.delay and on moderate terms. ap2A-d6m A. C. SMITH, ATTORNEY - AT • 14A 1 W 3 , ifAB removed his Moe from Aird W nut street, neat to the Prison. All bus!ness ;n -truste(t to him will receive prompt aact careful attention. • NEW GROCERY A.ND PROVISION STOW:. BOYER & KOERPER, W /10LESJI.LE AN'D' RETAir., DEALERS ~,,, GROCERIES., QUCCIIN and Glass Ware ) AND ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PROD - CUE, /El AVR;nst opened a large and well selected stock of goods at their stand, N 0.3 Market Square. arrisburg, Pa., to which they iusite the atteulieu of the sahibs generally. nold-dip • JONES HOUSE, Owner ofliarliet street an Msrkst 5341NAr., HAERISISIURG PENNA. ORAS. I. 114.A_INM, Proprietor. ISTA r ri4.l' CAPITAL Li. [Avon vi taat.D AND WALNUT STRUT*. kiAItRISBURG, PEICIVA. Wmadersigkied having purohased own house has c.o.ii.r7nd andthoroughlyrenovoird The rooms have bet re-or.i - atod and papci od, soars gitaltkrsort eine.ntzy • 13 , Aug siattly and eligibly located, aid peovided with every cox veaterme, it offers to the public all the mral9r... arid ries of ft &et class hotel. 'frosty 'and. nei liwaya In istaixdatico. A bar well stoSksii with iclucre to Ottil:ched tollac eattblishrceni, W. G. THG7ifIT`Tc. THE UNITED STATES HOTII HARRISE UR *, PA, I), /I. Prrvi-eictol r well known Hotel ire In a condi• Lion to accommodate the traveling public, affording the-nost ample cancenieuces une for the trans feat guez.t end the poneanOnt boarder,. TIM UNITED STATES SO EL bus been ted throughout, at.d coo h= acecron,,clatior, extent, comfort told I...xary to any hotel netween Ye',i des phis end.Pittsbnrg. I°,e location 41 the best in the State Capital, being in access to all the railroad depots, and is close proximity to all the public offices and bu.T.e.rul to amities of the city It ha= non all theeo - avetidencen ar, . A PlllB2 4;LASS 110TRit, end the Proprietor. is determined to spire oeithet ca penes, time oriiihor to ensure the comfort of the gueEla The pationageOf the tnitelliig public is respectfully 4 ;011 , . MUSICAL. PIANO FORT a t MELDIEEONS,. NIMBI riIUSIC, VIOLINS, fLU'rES, GUITARS, BANJOS, sTawas, DRUMS 'FIFES, and all kinds of MUSI CAL ItEitcaANDisE, PICTURE FRAMES, LOOKING' GLASSES, PHOTOGRAPH CARDS and ALBUMS, AM CRI TYPE GEMS, ENGRAVINGS, PICTURES, &C., &C. Remember the place ' SILAS WARD, No. 12 Tbird treat, the largest Music Store this Mile of the great eitiea. Jim2S-dtf i IifELODEONS AND CIAEINET 01 - 4.(*A1.4,:- TIeirENTY4,4IX FIRST PEENTIIMIS. TWELVE , SILVER ILEIDAL:73, Ot ILI' GOLD MEDAL (ovev'volo by instruments tr. , B efie.si PMbl 4 l 2l . MASON & na.m.auctikENSTlluausETS. A full osoortment of thOlici: hantrinienin all* on hand St • W 2 ;PORE'S, Sblo Agent, jeh4Sawly) t' 44-Mirka strett. EISS NEW GOODS-JUST OPENED ! BE 1.( ER" . . Book and Stationery IStaae. Einbraetng every new end Improved Ft,j - le of POCKET BOOKS, *MHO CURRENCY HOLDERS, CALM SHIN POCKET SOUKS, • BUCKSKIN PCTRSi • PORTHONNAIRS, &c. 1.4 Woes to edit all elrecenztanoee POCKET tarrLony, lloatitlng of a floe &loom:eon of - Weetenholut'slS've Pocket Knivoa. GOLD PENS, trrem oelebratud me:florae:or!, vORT YOLl.% rna G OASES, ROSEWOOD DHSS . . liogether with every. attain usually found in a tirst Gook and Stationery establishment, ai myl2; BEA E GNWS, 61 liftket street. DANIEL. A, MUENCH AGENT 0"e Old Wallower Line,.re§peottulls in ,. forms the publfio that this Old Daily 'rrausperLstico. Ijne,(Lhe only Wallower Line now in existence in this alty,.) Is lneuccesSfhl. operation and prepared to carry freight tia low'ais any etherinitividual line between Phila. telphls, &Moberg, *unbar', Lewisburg, Williamsport. Jersey altdre.,:teedr Haven and ail other points on the N.xthern moitrai, - Philadelphia and Erie and sad R.n ifs Railroads. thaLnil MUESLI!, Oder'sburg, (*was e,ent to tr.e Wrcrohouno of Iter--ea. Pee.e.c,',",• Blackman, Nos. 668 and 810 Markel Street, Plkiladainbia,liy F. o'clock, e. M., will 'arrive a! Berrie burg. ready ror delivery, neat morning. kanBo-rdrayl PIAiN ALBRECHT, MEIER & SCHMIDn • EXCELSIOR PIANOS. • SOLE AGENCY AT W. ENOCHE,S, .• 93 Market street, Harrisburg. FOR REASONS perfectly satißfaetory to MYSELF I have taken the agency of the above most excellent Pianos. Thepublic is invited i to come and ex mute for themselves. A dsol few Schoemaker 3; ,Co , s?inuos on hand, y.et.erA will be l ' - • tn t • PII.OTOGRAPIR AtireA:lB- Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums. Photograph Am ami ... Photograph Alb 11111 TlUrged and cheapest variety of PIR O R GRAPH ALBUMS is the city aro constantly key &s i ma m] ' CHEAP BOOKSTORE. VINE, , FAMILY FLOUIL—SiiibLER r:IIAtER bare made arrangements with one of the best mina M the country to anpply the famines of Harris berg with oholee FLOUR Every barrel werntnted, end delivered lo any part of the city free of charge. siusLEltik FRAZER. Deakins to Fine Family Geoceritse, oppoeito the-Coual Hewes • ent3 §PIORD OYSTER: .—Extra rule Baltaavre Orton, Jua•[eteived at 18 ' • BOYER & Kosurs TUST RECEIVED-44 gallons pure currant win* , frc Lancaster county farmer; the ficest made &tootle wine in this city. Price $3 00 per gui;4ll. For sate • REIRLER se, FRAZKR, leg • Rtammairk to Wm. Dock. ir» h 09. IPIOED OYSTElia—Extra Fine Baltimore I Ora" tipiood, and Tor IWO by the galloa, Quart and , p A in 'l.ll ! l ' quAul"4'. gurcageoir:Ct E D:ck F ,r 4 nLb. • ~ . • Alligf HAINBC-raLtivatLAAT * .Piv or;Hame,and-Dried,Beaf, 04 119721 t fti,ROM,BIMti iMM 11= Mai Piortttern 'C it OPENING Or THE MANOR TO ERIE FOUR TBAIIrB AI ;% • To I= =MK BA L T IMO R. E WASIIIPiGTOri CITY. Connections made with tralinronronwlvaniaßttliroad, ..tb and from Pittsburg and the FOUR TRAINS UMW to and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna, Penallvarda - and Erie, Elmira, and all of Northern New Yolk. • . riN and. after MONDAY, 110 V. 7th,7, 1861, - w the Paseenger Trains of the Northern Contra lialiwhy will arrive at aAd depart from Harriabarg and Baltimore as foUotre, SOUTHWAttD. KARL TRAM leaves Banbury daily (except Sunday) 10.40 A. Y. leaves Harrisburg • 1,30 e arrives at Baltimore L. 45 r. =PRIM TRAIN leaves Banbury daily (except Sunday) 11.45 F. Y. " leans Harrisburg (except Monday) 9.40 arm. " arrives at Baltimore daily (except Monday) 7.09 HASHISZTIRG ACCOMMODATION leaves Rex burg 14". x. ST.INBITP.T ACOSMMODAI'ION leaves San bury daily (except Sun . BO a. fir PHILADELPHIA EXPRES2 ' f TBAIN leaves • Sunbury daily, (except Sundays,) at 9.05 P. • NORTH WARD. Lin, TRAIN 'loaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) 9.20 a. x. loaves Rarrisliarg 1.45 P. rt. IS snivels at Sunbu.e7 4.21 P. it. IiIXPEIS2.B 'MAIN leaves Baltimore daily 9.30 P. K. 114 arrives at Harr..aburg ..... L6o£, d is leaves Harrisburg daily (ex- ' cept Monday) 2.70 aritresitSuabe.ry 6.12 a. x. BELE EXPRESS TE AIN leaves Baltimore daily . (except Ea ardays) at...... 7.30 P. K. leavee Ilarnablqg " daily ;except SttndayE) at 12.35 Y.. arrivea at Sunbury at, 3.2.6 r 3ARRIBBDBAI ACCOMMODATION leaves Bal- itiaora daily (except Suit . arives at Hariistmg. . •--.7.50 P. M. 9CN.BL - q-L7 ..3.PCOM,ThIODATIOIs: leaves tturta, bug (exceptGunday) at. 410 P. It. r!. The lirte Expri!ss and Philadelphia Exprets ere through' trains to and trona 'Erie and aLI interineoiate points. Mail: and Express [Alai run - through to Elmira rdr rurtovt li/fora:intim apply as the Office, In Petansyl, crania Depot. J. N. DoBARRY, Harrisburg, Oct. 30, 1864. -dt.t Gun. Ste:, PHILADELPHIA & READING R. R. • 7,, • 711,, Winter arrangement of Passenger Traini from Ilurrieburg, NOVEMBER 7, 1861. • TFIREE DAILY TRAINS FOR NEW YORK. Nn 1 EXPRESS at P:00 a at, Art. at N. Foil: at 10:00 No 8 FAST., at 8:15 A at, '" 2:48 e No 7 MALL at 1:45 P X, " " The above connect closely will, sitnilar trans on .the Pennsylvania Ha Iroad from Fitt-burg end ttat The 3.00 A et Exeress connect.] at Beading with the Re d ng Accommodation Train, arriving at Philadelphia at 9:56 Aa. Nu's :3 and 7 con pec] at Reading : for Putts• villa, Tamaqua, Allentown, Philadelphia, &c., arriving at the latter point at 1:20 and 7;05 r at, and at, Pottavtlie at 12:35 noon and 7:45 r Number 5 Mall at 7:25 a Is, stopping at all and mat tug same nuaneetiuns at Spading as number 3. Ncunuer 9, Harrisburg Auromnamlallon, tt 4:40 r stopping at all ponds, arriclog at Reading at 7:10 r New Ymk—Number 2 Fder at 6:0. m; number 4 EXPRE. , B at, 7:00 P It and uunib.•r 6 JAIL at. 12:00 al. t-hitadelphla-8: 00 J. at and:3: SO P M. PtlllBVille.Z.7Blso a 11 and 2:35 r Reading—Nnmber 4 EXPIiES.I. 12:00 midnight; /AlM ber 1 0 ACCOMMODATION 7:35 E; number 8 MAIL t0:45 si laUalbel: 2 FAST 1;38 r number 6 MAIL e • . PasrenigerS for Lebanon Valley Railroad Way 'Stations wt.' take mains number 6 2 .9, 6 and 10, as the other trains stop only at Lenanou and principal atatioos Bagsage checked through. . leor tickets or other In formation-apply to J.J. CLYDE, no 4 'General Agent, Etarri-bury. 1864. 1864. , . , ,LL ,L. L..., .....„.• ri;:1 0 ., " ~ ._ ~. ..._, ~,.. , . • 1. -xs.. A - -AI ;AA "A!- -112. ^ :AllA _ "A", Ohiladelphia • a.na Erie Rail Road. rrIIIS Great Line traverses tho Northern . and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, or Lake Fyne.lilies been lea.ed by tbe•PitariSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM PANY, and is operated Cy them - Its entire length was op ned for passenger and freight buEinestOelobee 17, Vie& • . : • TIME OF P.MENGER TRAINS AT ILARRISSURG.....: Leave Eastward. . Mail Train 11:45 Plw Elmira Express Train 2:50 4.2 t Wi.llitiamsport Accommodation 1::.0.t. is Leave Westward. Map Train . F.imim Exprea TrOn..•. . . .... Wllluimsport Accommodation.. • Passenger cars ruu through on Hail trains, without change both wars between Philadelphia and Erie, and Bat snore and Erie. • Elegantsleeping care on Elmira Exnrees trains both ways between Williamsport and BAtimere. For inlorma , ion rerpev tug passenger tr Etinent apply at the corner 20th and Market streets, Poitodelphta. And for Freight bit:lncas of the Company a agentnt S. B Kingston, corner 12th and Market arcs's, J. W. Reynolds Erie. J. Al. Drill, Agent, NCR R, Baltimore. . • K. A. RrSTON. General Freight Agent, PM:l44l'a. B. W. GWISNMa, !sorrel ticket Agott, Phaad'a. JOS. D P orTi3, 0c2061.3 , Goland Manager, Traliqtruiport. MBE L AIN 1) VAL Wel* • . CfIANGE OF HOURS.-0.13 and afts: Man. day,', October 34.1864, Pomander trains. will rim daily, as follows, (Soudan excepted...) • FRIA 0114.1BBRABURG AND HARIStkiIIUAG: LuaiT .}.Lipsorea.Lown. ... .. Greeracri.stle O 1 Arrive at ttambtralm_ri it Leave 04 Lone 311(pp/mob:az !' Z4eisvEle . t - LtarliAe 6 flit 10.10 2.46 MechardesDarg 00 10 42 S./6 6rrive It liarrisGurg T6O U. 16 3.46 FOR CRAMDZRaRDWO AND ff4GEI.B2OWN: r.BL Leave Harriebarg . 8.05 P. K. P. EL 1.40 4la lieChnZliCanilg 8.47 2.10 4.10 " Oarllele 9.27 2.53 5.19 " Nearville 10.02 3.24 " 1§011 , 00 00 : 4 1 . _ 4.94 caambersbiir i , ILO9 110 . Lady° a.. ........ . IL 10 4.45 Leave Oectemile 1.L65 5.98 drrlveat NageretoFo.,... 5 ........—....../2.39 K a k ing crobquoveueesiois at itarresbarg with train-^ . torPhiladelnistiaNing Plltakaug ; and with !mil:t:A:li • eta Wei 4. • • s.'llaylatl4rdaurdO. LET n 4 rame N. &apt mi l ' A; , •; I :11, •.ACW- ANVONLAOKEtiti:. tie ♦ idl else tidier; *l4 did lir" :Jill° .1•41 - - Pt • ti 1/1/42.1R% l ul l , good Bette 4' I. • , 11 .4j411- RAUARSMI).B.t VIANTE:R TialliG TAAM. Lebanina Valley Branch FOR MIL DELPRIA AND I OTTRVILLI:. =I = EEI R A. N K 1.41 It :AIL ROA 06. RAILROADS. Penn,syivanla Rail Raltil WINTER triCKEIRABLAI - ,-, FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO. AND YR 4 PHILADEDMPHIA AND PITTSBII.E.( f, H.ONDAT; October 31, L,6 4 04, - Passenger Trains of the Pnti!at-lylVaiilo oad Company will depart from Har , rlqhlivg. arrive at Philadelphia and P.ttabnrg a 3 follpv, , ,R EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS' TRAIN leaves Harrisburg ;tally at 2.45 A. it., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.55 A, a. FAST LINE leaVeS Harrisburglally (except Monday) at 8.00 A. a., and.airives at Weal Philadelphia at 12.40 a. Passengers take breakfast at Harzisbu g. . MAIL TRAIN leave& Rarriseurg daily (except Stivancg) at 1.3 1 1 p. m.. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.25 Cu PITTSBURG AND I , RIE EXPRENd leaves Harriabn% daffy' (extept Surgnit s) at 11.55 P. st., and as rive; at Wut Philadelphia at 4. 3 2 e HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Ear. Tithing daily (except Sandayit) at 4.10 r. it., and arrives West PhilladelntiMi. at' 9.30. P. at. This &kin ha; no conitvlionfrom the West . CoLUM/sLa. AOUCHINODATION TRAIN, leavesHartle berg dal 'y (except Sundays) at 7. A. M. and arrives at Lancaster at 9.15 A. Si, concocting (except en Mondays) with Alic Fast Linscaat. W.ESTWARD. ..Prrissuno.AND ERIE EICPRBSS leaven Harrisburg daily (incept Sundays, at 1235 A: a., Altoona u 59 A. x., take breakfast, and tit rivet at rashers at 12 40 i. is. SALTIMoHni EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.25 a. it.; Altoona, 8.15 A- a., fife breakfast, und arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 r. m. THROUGHEXPRBSS ,(eaves Harrisburg daily at 8.25 A. le, A t'S itoonia 15 s.„ m take b reakfast nod arrivot at Pitiabueg at 240 ' 1'. it• - gist tillilc latiVaa Ilarritimrg daily (except Sundays) at 4so p. ; Anomie at O i lo P,M., lake supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 2 QU. a. ar.. ISAIL.TRALN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Suntlipt) at L4O P. it.; Altoona at 7.55. P. a., take supper, and ar. rives at Pittsburgat 1.80 r.'s: MOUNT JO ACCA' iIdIitUDATI.O.)T was tleaver Lanc a ster at ti 20 A.'a. , concealing thirewuh the Mairweatj (-aces Mount Joy a. 11.51 A. M , and arrfres Laril , harg 1.00 r. 24 . . . THE IEIARRIBBIIO ACCOMMODATION iIiALN Lena Pittsburg, which arrives 'lst Baniabura at 8 BO r. M., itopa tkcre passeDgexa tor ZOE 'orMarilsburg lay ov4i - uncu 1L4.4 r, as. SAMUEL, YOUNG, _ Midgs pits; .frecvlt.l Harrisburg, tior,.lT, 1964.-thl MISi4II,LAN JULIUS itosErttrui,g, "9 PractiCal and. Scientific OPTICIAN, No.' 20 NORTH SECONn STREET, NEAR WALNUT, Particular attention is caUed to the celebrated concave. convex Crystal :Spectacles., which are . warranted to strengthen and preserve the eyes of. the wearer, and to last from 10 to 12 yearsAvithout•change. List of prices sent free to any direction. Concave and convex lenses, set in steel frames, $2. Concave and convex crystal lenses, sot In best steel francs, $3. Concave and convex crystal lenses, sot in silver frames, $5. Concave and convex crystal lenscs,sot in pietism frame/3, $5. Concave and convex crystal lenses, set in gold frames, $l5 to $25. In ordering spectacles state how long glasses are used. Any pair of glasses purchased, either here or sent to or dee, can be exchanged if not suited to the oyo. Always on baud a !aige assortment of acromatic crcecopes, Telescopes, Opera and Field Glasses, Thermotu ele/rs, Barometers, Compasses, Drawing lustrumema, and. Stersosoopes, with the latest views. • • - ita-Send stamp for a catalogue containing prima, dot • aul-d&wtf . . _ MR. 8. A. KUNST:EL :-.• Sir:—l take pleasure in staling that your 'fDIARRIICEit ILLIZTURE" exceeds anything of tho kind that I over 'lmagined. I was very much troubled With dlarrhata, and could find nothing to help me in the least, until I took your -.3IIXTURE.” I give you this certificate, hoping that, if you soe proper to use it, it may be the means of extending a knowledge of the matchless value of your medicine , . Very respectfully - yours, H. B. JEFFRIES. Fktlieu Timber Cambrin Ca Aug. 27, 1864 --fauilo-dtf LEA& PERINE'S WOEVESTER SAUCES, the mor.t popular'andthetaireet ever offered to the public, just received and for sale by SHISLER & FRAZER rpbI Ntsociesiarbrp in COm. rkwk, jr k Co. D LIBLIO NOTICE is hereby given, that in purspanco of the act of Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed the lltat day of Jun; 1839, thestockholders of the Franklin Bank; of Washington;-Penna., will apply to _the - neat session Of.the Legislature for a renewal of Its char tot, with anThicoase of its capital from $150,000 to.. $200,000. . 0. M. REED, President WAsarmyrow, PA., June 24, 1264. Je27 • • P.III.OTOGILAPIIS. A LARGE assortment of Photographs of 1 - 3 6 . Generals and rimy pictures for sale oval% at $1 tisk dozen, at SCHIFFER'S BOOR STORE, tuy2o Harrisburg, Pa S OMETEING NEW! MYER PHINEAS P PATENT AIR TIGHT K STAND .F.roalo atScheffer's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa, ee2: 12.33 a at 2:30 e x I:4b B. TO THE /.4AD,IES -- (TOUR attention is ealledto the splendid assortment of Rem 11 7 4 Paper, Envelopes, awl fine Stationery at SCRUFF-11'S Booksiore, :aept2.6 21 South Second Street, H resburg, Penn. • UUARS, SYRUPS, TEA'S; o. L) all grades and price; at SHISLEft SUCCQMOTS Dank- Jr. Jeri' Dealers I u rifle FamflyGrocerlea . 4OTS for sale on the corner of Third. and .4 Broad streets. Knquire of W. 0. ifeFADDEN. .r.ar4-.141 • Window Shades and:llLinda A SPLENDID aosertntextt, of Linen slrides £l. and Paper Blinds,. at . . SCHEFFkAt'S -Bookstore, 5....,p26 21 South Secaeld street, Harrisberz, Penna. Wall Paper! 'Will Paper!! ,t Late and splendid stock of NYEll'appr EX. •of all styles and prices, for sale colie est HEFFEtt'S BAkstore, Idep26 1 South-Second street, liarrisbere,Penea. TRANSPARENT SLATES! ALARGE ASSORTMENT OF TRA-NSPA RENT sLATES, of all slize3,ard prices, for. sale at ectieffer's Bookstore, South &cond. Ott,ilt,liarrtibutg, Ponca. • • • oat . IL 7.04 2.4 b 7.8.7 3:S RAT 4.3 C. 8.30 1261 0.00 1.28 9.92 2.00 iee pISSECTED ALPLIA.BET • for Baia at Schettera Bookstore, - 21 South Sec^nd_ Beet, tlarnaburg, fa • octl QbIUILED B,IILAIDA.-- FINE 3.IIIOItED SALMON, just, received at SaISLER & FRAZER, tumooatirorta to Wm. flock. Jr, & CO.), NXTO. 1 and 2 Maelierel, just re• ceived tbta morning, and for sale low at SI:EISLER k FRAZER'S, successors to W. Dook, Jr., & Co 1 ~RESH ORACIEBBA.—Bosten Wine Bin mita, BOSUII3 61llk Bisonta, Boston Butter Bis- Gait; BOMB. °YAM CraCkerS t Boston Pte•aio Cracker; rivet= Fritter Crekers, Jest received at ittft _ BoYER & gllghPafil Eft' FOR CICILDREN, (74.... may, or suvrAPIE. tm e tr with aargtowauf gam: 6 = Al a ,' x• '0 #o,duliore, 1-1/ITuri,==v4tsalldwia...l.__ Li ! 151.114Akx4rxi.„ listAlk BIWA AX OIFE B-6 ire& 41 8— Aka. Ivo* ai . 6141.11=101111. SPECUL NOTICE 121=EZU DIEDICAL. Dit. :3 - 011N - SON,' _ •,. BA_LTIDI4II,E LOOK HOSPITAL, HHASdiscovered the most . certain , speedy Aso strews/1 rcroodier In the world for DIAWF..S; OF IMIBUDENOR. st.t TWRI,IraI Jamt. agoeußy OR nook rrs DRald 4 Curs :tio Marge, frrp4;4 (ig Dqsn Wealmoss of the Bata, Affections or the Kidneys end Madder, Involuntary Disdnarges, Impotency, .Goiteral Ho-. Norvoussient, Dyspepins, Languor, Low Spirits, Coriftision of Ideas, Pulpitation of the Heart, Timidity Trembiings, Di 131115.311 of Sight or Giddiness, Dismso of the Head, Throat, Nose or Slcinnllbetions of the Liver Lungs, Stonier/ or Bowels—aim terrible disorders arising frora the Solitary Habits of 'Youth—those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their violins than the song of Syrens to the Ilariners of Ulysft.s. , blighting their most brilliant.hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, imporstiblu. • YOUNG ATRN Espeeiniti , , -. who taro become the victiniz . of 'Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which atimudly sweep; to an untimely grave thousands of Young. Men. of .the meet exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced 'listening Senates with the Sinn• dors of eloquence or waked to-ectusy the living lyre, may call with Ad/ confidence. MARRIAGE. liarriod persona, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, defer- Sm., speedily cured.- He who places himself under the care of Dr. .1. may re ligiously confide in nia honor as a' gentleman, and cone decay rely upon his skill as a Physician. • ORGANIC WEAKNESS mmedirdely cured, and fun vigor restored. This distressing affection—which readers Die miserable and marriage impossible--is tho penaky paid by the vic tims of improper indulgence. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under alarm the subject win pretend to deny that the power of procreation is teat sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent.. Bender being deprived the pleasures of healthy Ofkprtng, the most serious and de structive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical wad mental functions weakened. Icm of procreative power, nervons irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, (ionstitutienal debility, a wasting of the frame, cough, am ru.raptAL, ;:lec>v sad 4estb.. 2e:o. Asetltltrz Snibrt, Left hand aide goag from Baltimore Meet, a few doom from the cornerr Tot. to obeerve name and 'timber. Letters mast be paid and enntain a atezap. Tito nodes'. Diplomas hang in his office. EMI ./4311NSON, Member of the /loyal College of 4argeons, London, grad uate from one of the most eminent colleges in the United Stites, and the greater part of whose Life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, hen effected some of the most astonishing cures that were (Ter' known ; many troubled with ringing In the head .and ewe wheat Wow, great nersottattesu, being alartned.at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushlisg, attended sometimes with derangement of mind wore cirred.inamediately. TAK.E PARTICULAR NOTICE. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro. dared by early habits of youth, via : weakness of the back and limbs, pains to the head, dimness of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, ner vous irritability, symptoms of consumption, &c. ILIKNTA.LLT.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be (headed—lose of memory confusion of Ideas, de erekSlOD. of spirit; evil forebodings, aversion to society, self distrust, love of solitude, timidity; Am., are some of arils produtri Who Lave injured themselves by a certain practice In lutged when alone, a habit frequently learned from ink; companions, or at school, the effects of which ere nightly felt, even when asleep, and .if not cured renders marriage 1.3 possible, and ci,:stroys both skid rind , itioalCa.iply, m mediately. Whale t hat a young man, the hopeof hiseoentry, the darlihg of his parents, should be snatched hem ell proskJets and enloymenta of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging M a certain secret habit. p , ..asoen before content. plating MARRIAGE, Belles !that /I•BOXlpiti Mkid and !laxly are the moat necessary requizitee to promoteconnubial happiness. indeed, with cut these, the journey through life becomes a weary pd. grimcgo ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy rellectien that the happiness of another ha. comes blighted with our own. • DISEASE OF FAITRUDENOE, When the misguided and linprudiant votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of Mita painful disease, too often happen that an illtimed souse or shame or the dread of discovery deters till from applying to those who from education and respeoteblflty, can alone befriend him. Be falls into the hands of ignorant and designing pretend era, who, incapable of curing, filch his pecuniary sub stance, keep him trifling month after month, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair leave him with ruined health to sigh over hisgalihm ditappointmenk or, by ins use of the deadly poison, Mercury, hasten the constitutional symptom softhiserrible di..mo,such as Wee none of the Head, ! hioat, Noes Skin, eta, programing with frightful rapidity till death puts a, period to hie dreadful sufferings by sending him to that undiscoverod coletiy from whence no trave:er mama mortsTarENT OP TEE EMS. The many thousands cared at Ms Inattution year seller fear, and- the numerous important surgical opera tions performed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the report era of the Stet, Cline'', and many other papers, notices of which hove appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing qt, a. gentleman of character and r asponsi- Nifty, l a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. SERI D as V, EEDila 43Q Imo Offic:s T ftal..tat ivractakrlek—lif;rhug. Ap2B-dly grays Patent Molded Collars Jeia um amply AU 111130011 01 0400 unL [tam it &collar, but are Molded and Bhaped to jet Ike neck, having a perfect curve fres Nat who or breaks, which is ob tained by our patented process, which alto monies another aduantage possessed by no other eollar,---vta apace far Oxe Creieat In the Turn-down style, the mum or mace ps EMMY= sworn Ann ma /lost PIIORKaa, making this collar, for este, neatness, and durability, unequalled, m a y are made in VainAlOwn style in sines frotr,l3 to 11, and in Garrotte front 13 to 11 inches, and pacKed In neat bkis bones or 100 each; ciao, in mailer otwe of 10 cacti—the latter a very' 11Faltit , pa...lage for hamlets, array and navy alteers - EVERY COLLAkt 1E rtninpe Gray's Patent 3361eleit Sold by all (lava in Nen'e Vbraishbagneeds The tiade Eupplled by VAN DNUSEN, 31. lei-coddla OkilZiltit.lT SL . Philadelphia. G "0111' SELLIN Lo `% _ • OUR STOCK OF LIQUORS I xrE intend to discontinue the sale of Li quors and offer our stock at a very small advancr from co d price. We have purchased all our Liquors he .fore the last rise and have a large sock on band for three or fear years, which are guaranteed cannot be Manned now at any price from the importers. Our stock consists of .I 1 fis sa~s of all grades. • si r w e have parts of three barrels pure RYE, not colored, and 10 degrees above proof, 2 years aid. WINES of all Grades, Domestic . and ,Imported, BI A.NDIEiS. We have part of 3i cask RINNIS3IMY BRANDY, to which we invite the particular, attention of Amines lb/ medicinal purposes. • • The Brandy cannot ba homist to-day, from Importers, less than $l5 per Kam We will unlit for $l2 per gm ; ion. fiIiZIOTICE AND ENGUEISII crltitlpms ei C Ws Cavite the ava go ! 'en:hams generally 53 we intend to rts• sawn our Liquorg,and this will be e h - good oppersa. , =MN 124141111.- YOUNG MIN . 611.088 •& CO, D. W. GROSS. At -€0.9 Imv DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 .I.IABILET STREET, it441R131111845, PA UGGITSTR, P ELYSIUM .blB, STORS. KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS. We are daily WAS% W our assortment of goods all each articles as are d , -raae, and would reapectfay call your atteutton to , the largest and here selected — stock In Me city, of • DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND PAINTS, OM, Veraisbee find Glues, Uie-lattela e Glass ax,i artieVa Galan ma ToGia, 11%taing Pig and Aioacti, Sperm and rive SettMg Lamp Gloi.e4, wattle Soap, Spcnige4 and tkarke, ATM, • dicL, 40., 401., BSe , Wash s general variety of PERFUMF:RY AND •ron,vT ARTICLES, aeleetcd from Mt beet manufacturers snd s'erMinert 0! garope and. thin Country Being vory large dealers la rAnvri, WRITE 'LW*, UNBIND OIL, VARXZBHEB, VTATDOW GZAM, ARTIST'S AR2 1 782'11 BRUSHES IN :A 14,G want v.uctsrms. crzwits AND BROINXIFB reaver.c.fully matte a cal 4 *sang coonfuleat that we Can , 'MOW lb* wino Mal: gm terms to their sztleic- Twern ! TEETH ! io.y.tsi..l- &Aro .Ir - flux's POROBLIIN TEETH elnorr NEDrautriz, AND trf eif Mots, direct from the Proprietors 5 14.11:0411tiat A.s:to (NYWOENTRATED LYE', totoilota Agouti for Saponifier, vrOloll Ire eon as Sow • 3 Et earl kl4l pnrohemed in the eitilea ?Yr .1 VTR MEDlatt FLUID ItXTRAGTI COAL OIL I 08.11130 N OIL t Being hags puma:mama In these CAIN, can offer tn duestneatfite cline buyers, Coal Oil Lamps of the wort improved patterns, very 611,3m.5. Ali kinds of Lamps abutted. to burn east OIL r.k.gI9:SES AND GIiA2,I7LAS Ictroae kn' you who Wive not givenour BOWE 2iDCAT TEM POWDERS a ado! know oot their Now - Wray, and Um) advantage they we In keeping Heroes and Cattle healthy and is a gcod conaktiou. tThermands can testify to the profit they have derived from the an of our Cattle Powders, by the Ind:Need man- ty and quality or milk, besides improvimg the general Width and appearance of their rattle Ottr long =potence In the balm= eves as the adraga- Use ors *mon& knowledge or the trade, and our ar rangemeais in the eliiee are ince, that we eon, in a very al: . lOrt thin; tu.rolett anything appertalislng to ow balsam, on' the bestof terms. Thankful' for the liberal patronage bestowed on our be u we hope by strict attention to business, a careful &Action or PURE DAVOS tit fair prim!, and the dealre to please all, to merit a eon ttritmooe of the flavor of a diserlininattng public. }plo-dly BIOTA I§A. CI-IMT POWDER, FOR . . fMiItING AND PRETTNTING MOTH PIJJWDB compound of valucblo a7Ciutall the the destruction of insects-di:iri blged among or ducted Over prim, Woolene, (I= y o ha, toiclued array ror sommer, eff portent moth. - • BeincodimideUglatful, illirosable pogrom it will im Prallat. 4 'clothia dio, with a Wn ai andplesrant odor. o'frooldlo cannot boibrjored by ito ace. Prep Bred and bold M ILIALLZR'S Dr tkiirdi - !dog Goods Inore , , No. D 1 Km* street. . ~. - ie MAX OILS.-40 boxes fine table I T t ilts was. best auportatke fDal a r jr_laie;eaatagee aria lerr - iagli4ll4l y r 4 1 Z• .7 7 41 . 10:1110 .. 41 -311 =001 jrilak i ; k r litleVila GUM& al WWI I.ar lz BIWA DDEPOS V ARV " =KIR Of WALNDT AND 11111111 8TDELTSI, Harrisburg, Fa. MBE Tmderaigned having opened a friftrue j_ Yard hi tide city, beg leave to inform their frig and the nubile in general, that they are prepared to fur nish MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MN AB Monnmentf, • Tombs, Bead Stones, Mantlea. And Ranee Work in Marble and Brown 6terii Give nes (mkt anctwe will guarantee tatirfaction. IPFADDKNi & ()Co. N. B.—Lettering neatly none in English or German time/441y AN ASSORTKENT OF OVER 100 ST Y POLL'X'3IO - NN.6.1.1E FOR LADIES AND CIFIZTLF4TEII. KELLER'S Drag and Fancy Glacoda N. 91 Market street. Morotu• TRAVELING ra'AT,.ti And s general variety o r FANCY 'GOODS, sultabie tor Presents, now on hand at Kv.t.vgitli Drug store, marlo.4f No. 91 Market street .11. 3 1101Vi.i ALBUMS. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT Photograph A.lbara6. BOITICD In ME MOROCCO—panelleA, gAlt and mounted with two heavy gilt claapa ALBUMS 80 Pictures for - ea tt-J 40 .. 8 64 . . ge 4 oo together with rrriotta other styles of binding, Bizet ace. Weft, Width will be sold cheap, Sobiler,s you taunt buy a pek.:,al, 6.c.re durule cue cheaper album anywhere Oal land see at Bockstom marEt-dtf Harrisburg, Pa. Pere Ground Spices, TIERSdILMi LOY, sod how he hocania Cominwad sr-fr—Chter, 11 2o TRE PIONEER _WY, sad how he bee - tame Preslaaat, p. TEE FERRY BOY, and Om Fiusx,ver, THE PRINTER SOY, or loov: Erai Frasaidul toei.te his mark, $1 90 TRE FARM BOY, awl how he beam.) eannen ant Genera/ In prima. A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION, from Fort Sumter to Roanoke- elt-gantly illuetrated. $t At " BEIviSER'N BOOK STOW:. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, $o 332 Walnut Street, South Side, Extet of Third Street, Philadelphia. AMOUNT OF DICOPEOPATTO 1794 CAPITJJ. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Marino, Eire and Inland Transportation tn- •wanze, PAINT AND Central Agent fur Pennsylvania. Office Walnut St., near Neeend, liarrisbarg, Pa my2l-9m OP ,ALL LIIVDII JUST U.ECEIVED, Tsas moßytmi, A F.RE.SII aiVOICE KICHENER & CO.'S CELEBRATED SUGAR CURED - IMAMS A.P4I D AT SHISLER, & IRAZER'6, my3l • H4IX BigffOlLiTlPSB QTtri[BLING BLOCKS, by Gail Ham -1...7 lam Pece $1 6 HAUNTED RE6WIS, by the author LW Lamp lighter. $:: OG SEVIKR SIORIEB, ey Rex 4i "Reveries of a Bachelor.” $1 613 .9PEKE'S JOCRNAL of the Discovery of the sources of the Nile. $3 60 THE WOMAN Ll SLICE, by allot a "Man in Gray." $1 NOTES OrHOSTITAL loc. 61 ts Aug. n 00 X. STORIES OF THE BSA, for boys; from Cooper's vrritatgs ta STORMS OF rittc WOOD, :c. V.,yre, Couer'4 wriaogs. S 1 00 111. All new boots received as soon as publishett at BSRONKR'S BOOK 61 Market street. UN.KIVALLED CIILF:LLER FURNITURE POLL.SII does not affect the rerolan, ran restores the original lustre. It does not discolor. It will restore, with very little labor every finished surlaze, tither metal. or wood. All manufacturers anti deers in furniture Should use it for cleaning runtime that his been stand ing, covered with dust. A touch and rub hero and, there will make it bright and fresh. For sake by S. A. KUNK.KL & US Market street, lierriSburg. LIQUID RENNET yields with milk the Meet luscious o all deserts for the table; the light est and moat grateful diet for invalids and children. Milk contains every element of the bodily constitution• when coagulated with rennet it is always ligld and easy of digestion, and supporta the system with the least postal:de excitement. When still greater nutritive power isdastrod cream and sugar may be added. A teaspoonful convert a quart of milk into a dm curd. Yrepared and sold. wholesale and retail by S. A. KUNKEL, 0115-11 /18 Market street. artunociiih PEatara SIRUP. MEMIN VALUABLE SYIWP, which is en. lively vegetable to Its composition, baa been em ployed with wonderful mom for many yet:rein thqoure of diseaaes for the AIR PnoBAGES and LITN. CS. For any dorm of the disease, auch se COUGH, TICKLING of the THROAT SPITTING OF BLOOD, DIFFICULT BREATHINti, HOARSDIESS, LOA> OF VOICE and HECTIC FEVERS. itb use will be attended with the happiest results. It le - One of the best and safeat 'nepenthe for all forma of HEW: CHRIS and cONSUMPTIML No laudanum or prepare don of (Visa kt as,/ shape inais stiqui% PRIM Si.ul) PM, BOTTLII For sale at BEBONKEVS Cheap Book Store. FrUM PECTORALS are useful to soothe a cough, allay Tickling in the Threat, to relieve eameneas, Catarrh, Sore Throat, &e. They contain Coltefoot, Roreboned, Ipecamanba, Senega and Sonia, ((the most reliable expectorants •known,) are the chief an tiveconstitnents, ao blended with Gum Arabic and Sugar, that each lozenge contains a mild and very pleasant dove. Manufactured solely by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., larr27 Anotbeearles, 118 Market street. Harrisburg. G. WEDDING, lINTVITATION r AT HOYE CARDS—By a special arrar.gement 'with ene of the heat aura:era in the country, cards at any deactiption WiD bieeuted in t h e htehein7/ 0 of ast, coeformabk) . with the lateet tuba" snd “PlAvac , prosaptly, at lower pricea than are *kited hYtho_ ece Be* Terk nerhiladelphia. For maples salt prices eall it • RBBBRCBPS BooLaTolit. • Aw 'wow Eflcateper's aelatagild. amas: Wit ricesived thiv e & s ia ' - kffli II awl,* te W. $llO4Th MLSCELLANIMus. POCKET BOOKS, PURSES BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. EMEE2 ..BkITHUiI ri. GOI- - .F.RG, Pr ldcni. O.II.ILRLES PLATT, Secretary. WILLLAIVI BUEHLER, I.'HE NEW itiOOK.S. DARKEESS A.ND DAYLIGHT, ay M, utokreez. $1 Oa TY. BABBARAM HISTORY, a uovei, by Amelia Edwards. GO cents TEM EOULLL ROUSE OF rd.:INC:ION, tp Trollope. $1 2.5 ittCdtt L14IJI1) ILENNET. 11,656,663 64 *690,C 4 K1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers