FIE T.FiLEGRAPH m prnmivarrri AILLOAVING A.M. , II:MaNO, sf GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE THIRD ST., .117.0 wia,ffrr. II 9•31;.:05 o. E - J.TBSOitIiTION •:=Dior..E .-!EESCRIPTICiN, I ,A T. TLLEUWR is served to euts=ibers L 2 Va. it% cent; per Week. l'esrly subeeril3ere tetill be t• 0 00 In advance. Those persons who keVect to ic to ante will be charged $T STKEZLY TELEGRALnit. I ~..s,:ktt a it! CMCI pnblieb •Neekly,9-kti ttilte2t, at the fetic.v. - :n4 2ash rates , 7 ; va, Waelay == EIMMI MEDICAL 'DYSPEPSIA: A. cure 'Warranted. I)7:peps/a has the followiag Symptoms: IF:. A constant pain or uneasiness at the it of the stomach. Flatulence and Acidity. 3,1. Ccstiveness and Loss of Appetite. A, Gloom and Depression of Spirits. ;Oa. Diarrhoea, with griping. :1:. Pain in all parts of the System. a, Consumptive Symptoms and Palpita- Da of the Heart. Bth, Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. ?th. Nervous Affection, and want of Sleep night. loth. Lose of Appetite and Vomiting. 11th, Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Lose of sight. nth. Headache and Staggering in walking, great weakness.. Out of the thousands of cases of Dyspepsia . ;.P.t, have used Dr. Wishart'e Great American ayapepsia Pills, not one of them has failed DI a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every ..,se, no matter if of twenty years' standing. sold by all druggists everywhere, and at Dr. Tmllart's office, No. 10 N. Second street, Pa. All arantinations and con ,:titations free of charge. Send for a circa a, Price $1 per boy, Sent by mail, free of I , nge, on receipt of money. S PEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DISPEPSIA. 1, ELIZLBETE BamisoN, of Brandywine, formerly of Old Chester, Del., do certify :ash, for one year and a half I suffered every erg but death from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated Fitt eakness and nervous debility; I could ant digest my food; if I ate even a cracker or :he , smallest amount of food, it would return yet as I swallowed it; I became so costive in my bowels that I would not have a passage in ~ s s than from four and often eight days; un er this immense suffering, my mind seemed :-It'i.redy to give way. I had a dreadful horror .td evil forebodings. I thought everybody me, and I hated everybody; I could not her ray husband. nor my own children, every thing appeared to be horror-stricken to me; I Lad no ambition to do anything; I lost all ey fore of family and home; I would ramble -.lid wander from place to place, but could not. :.E‘ contented; I felt that I was doomed to 6ell, and that there sees no heaven for me, end was often tempted to commit suicide, e , near was my whole nervous system de etmyed, and also my mind from that awful Dyspepsie, that my friends thought `sit to have me placed in Dr. Kirkbride's West Philadelphia; I remained "sere nine weeks, and thought I was a little -ter, but in a few days my dreadful corn was raging as bad as ever. nearing of wonderful cures performed by Dr. Wis .,z,r, Great American Dyspepsia Pills and treatment for Dyspepsia, ray. husband Liled on Dr. Wishart and stated my case to He said he had no doubt he could cure as. So in three clays alter I called and placed myself under the Doctor's treatment, and in me weeks I began to digest my food, and felt het my disease was fast giving way, and I continued to recover for about three months, And at the present time I enjoy perfect health of body and mind, andl most sincerely return my thanks to a merciful God and Dr. Wia hart, and to his great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an Insane Asylum and premature grave. .l 1 persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at Liberty to call on me or write, as I am willing do all the good I can for suffering hu manity. ELIZABETH BRANSON, Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, L)elaware county, Pa. Da. `Nissan's Office, No. 10 North Seeand itteet, Philadelphia. DYSPEPRIAI DISPUSD. ! Wriaider-1. have been a °mutant sintlerer with , :esepsia for the last eighteen years, daring which time einuot say I ever enjoyed a perfectly well day. There tie limes when the symptoms were more aggravated .an at others, and then It seemed it would be a great re ,efte i.e. I had at all times an unpleasant feeling in my Lead, but latterly my sufferings so much Increased that became almost tuallt for business of any kind; my mind se continually Riled with gloomy thoughts and fore roalage, and IS I attempted to change Weir current by r esit at once a sensation of icy coldness in connection the dead weight, as it were, rested upon my brain; Z:), a Meting of sickness would occur at the stomach, and ,:sat pain to my eyes, accompanied with which was the 'eatinual fear of losing my reason. I also exporieaced treat lassitude, debility and nervousness, which made it iticult to walk by day or sleep at night. I became ererse to society, and disposed only to seclusion, and awing tried the Skill of a number of eminent physici“es various schools, lastly came to the conclusion that, for disease at my present age (15 years) there teas no cure existence. But, through the interference of Divine : , n.,7ldence, to Whom I devoutly - offer my thanks, I at last .mind a sovereign remedy in your Dyspepsia i'ills and - .a: Cordial, which seem to have effectually removed at neat the last trace of my long list of ailtrieL,ls anti bad :slings, and la their place health, - pleasure and centout- Seat are my everyday companions. hitiLES bf. SAUNDERS, No, 453 North Second street, Philadelphia, Formerly of Woodbury, N. J. Ifigiart'S Whoa No. 10 North Second street, POaITIVE CUREiroi DISPEPSIA RIAU WHAT ME. JOIIN E. FLARrOCE ears. No. 10.29 OLIVE b•l'Marr, Philadelphia, January 112 d, f is with much pleasure that I cow able to inform you that, by the use of your great klftlean Dyspepsia Pills, I have been entirely cured of %t must distreesing compilaint, Dyspepsia. 1 had been ~%:rietnily afflicted ti,r the last twenty-eight years, arid tea years of that time }Alive not been free from its .alb one week at a time. I have had it In Di worst form cave dragged on a most miserable existence—in pain -laY anti night. Every kind of food that I ate tilled me nh wind and pain, It mattered not bow light, or how -ilea the quantity . A continued belching was sure to I had no appetite for awe kinds of meats what -rtr and my distrers was so area for several months be ..ire 1 heard of your Pills, that I frequently wished for 'oath. I had taken everything that I hat heard of for Dyspepsia, without receiving tiny benefit; but on ,your Nis being recommended to me by one who had been cured by them, I concluded to give them a trial, although I had no faith Ia them. To myastonishment, I found Layself getting better before I had taken one-fourth of a ua and after taking half a box, lam a well man, ma/ it eat dnytkirep I wtuh, and enjoy a hearty meal thr-,o mom a day, without Inconvenience from anything I eat 'Jr slimly If you think proper, you are at liberty to maim '4153 public and refer to me. I will cheerfully give all de. Stable Information to any one who May call as me Yours, respect/1111Y, JOHN EL -BABCOUE. For sale at Dr. Wishartm Medical Depot, No. I 0 North .'-mend street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price One Dollar pc Beat by mail, free of charge, on rdcelpt of price. DYSPEPSL&! DYSPEPSIA: I Samuel D. Haven, have been a great sufferer with Carotin Dyspepsia and Inflammation of the Kidneys for three Yew I employed three or four of the mesteml nun plaTas of Philadelphia, also of Burlington county, ti • Y did for me they could, but all to no pus. Pose I constantly tilled with awful pain and els. ;tees, and with constant belching of wind and sour acid. asatLL 'Y toutPla was covered .with a while coating LL oi r 'a c la sore 1 cracked to large fe rrety and Irls de Obi- 1 'aliaes wished for death to relieve me of goartogs, Iko. had lona hope Of ever being - melt indado It a Subject °( prayer io (bpd that tis ttlreot 'me to ammo Amon or modkdair Mot TM 1414 Wad au iitreitionsit - " -. -' - • . . .• , ...„, .. /fo r 4 • ' 7 : ' r ] , • _ . ~, ... _ . .. - - 7:-...„ , I, „ --,,,.. . ....r, ';`..., ' :%‘ A; - ' i & 4 %‘.4,t,:-• —•' ...,- -' _ " " I • 0. 4. , . . .. xi •,,.1,.,.(itiiiz....,41,4r___....._ ~ ~.,, - - ,,, ,,,`:•4 3 .."1 '{li ;! . 3" 4 , ''-","-- 7. s. ' - ' : 7'4' :.• - ' • " .. "` 4 •••••••-•=---2 . :. -4 , 4 _ , 1 t_:, --:, - ..1 - -' ~. f - - . 7.: :-.. ---, _. -:,, .': • •••••-,-,nkf',..,--' ')4) - - . . 1 .. - . • , , . i • '''' :.. '.':, '.l. : 3 ! .., . ' . ".•-' ~ • , " P ' - t. , , ' '') C.- / - . /7...: : , :f-•:' , . 7 4 ... 4 -,,,,-.---5.1 -1), ~,,..._, _., c ., s C-- - , -..,.....• , • 3 / • • •. . f - -/' 77. 7- ?", " —'' , jr " il S•• ' ' • ' ~ ' ---- t ...• 7 1 ' ' ••'-..'. 1 / 4 411111 - - - . . .. .. . tl . 4 5 BY GEORGE BERGNER. LEE] MEDICAL. Dr, Walter's In the Philadelphia Ledge', of a great cure made upon Mr. John Balsamic., of 1028 Olive street, Phlia delphia, by the great .fterlean Dyspepsia Pills. I went to the Doctor's Office: mad placed myself under h treat ment; and told him if he failed to cure me, it would beam last effort I would make. It has been six weeks since I commenced the use of his medicine, and I am now a well man, freo from all pain and distress, and can eat three , hearty meals a day with comfort, and feel perfectly well. Dr, Wiehart, I want you to publish my case, as I want every poor dyspeptic suffering as I was, to call on me, and I will tell them of the great cure I have received from your invaluable medicine. SAKCIEL D. HAVEN. Corner Venango and Lambert streets near Richmond street, formerly from Wrightstown , Burlington county, J. The above are a few among the thousands which Vala great remedy has saved from an untimely grave. We have thousands of letters from physicians and lirog. gigs who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial, Saying that they have never used or sold a medical WhiCU, gave such universal satisfaction. Prepared only by the proprietor, DR. L Q. C WISHART, No. 10 North Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Drn,y.eista everywhere BioiylB-rod-d&w NIEW OPIaNINC FOR Fall and Winter Trade! BALMORALS AND SCARFS! Funs! 3E• T 3 iS I I'. The Largest mid best selected stock in this , slty at the New Cloak Store, rN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOW, UARRISBURG, PA. IMM HABRIBBURG ) October 12, 18e.4. s Ameeting of the Stockholders of tkis Bank wil , be held at the banking house on Monday, the 14th day of November next, at to o'clock A- M., for the purpose of taking into consideration, and deciding on the question whether or not the said bank shall become an tieciation forcarrying on the business of Banking under the Laws of the United Staten, and or exercising the powers conferred by the Act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, entitled "An act mottling the Batik& of thin C. mmonwealtn to become oneociatione for the purp.4e of banking under the laws of the United States," approved the 2.41 day of August, 1864. By order of the Board of Dintntora J. W. WEIR, Cashier. ootr2-td S T OLE AGENCY FOB, THIS CITY AM happy to offnr to the public it. largo A splendid assortment ot SUPERIOR GOLD PEN'S, tuastMattured by LEROY W. FAITWHILD. These Pens are well finished, elastic, and will give en tire estiefaction. FIXASE TRY THEM. SCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE, Second street, opposite Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg Pc. ap23 NEW PHILADELPHIA C L 0 A K T 0 it IND. W. GROSS' NW Di f OCE, Market Street ) Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES 01 IWHIONLIMI CLOAKS AND OIR C ARS, • AND FINE SPRING SHAWLS. Wut upon on the let of April. (mar2l-dly Almanacs ! Almanacs ! 33 A. E. English and German Lancaster Almanacs, for the year 186 5 . For sale, by the gross, Dozen, or single, at Schaffer% Bookstore, 21, tenth Second street, Harrisburg, l'a. se2ll 3D ONNE . EG E W EATING AND DRINKING SALOON. Walnut street, between Third and Fourth. Wines, Beer end the best quality of liquors constantly on. hand. A share of the public patronage Is respectfully solicited. [oelicitim) JOHN DONNER Very Convenient. JACOB TAUsIG, MAKES pleasure to inform his friends and customers, and the public in general, that he has opened a whole ede ann retail Var:ely, ltrolton and Jew elry Store, lob 34 market street, aborc Bhp dE Sunkers Building, tfarristairg, Pa. It would occupy a great amount of space to enumerate the articles composing my stock. The purchaser will Ind,. through my experience of thirteen years in the business, that lean sell goods equal to the jobbers in the Eastern. cities eept2ll-dems TREES! TREES!! TREES! ! ! T" 'DERSIGNED will commence planting Shade and Ornamental Trees, Vines, and such Fruit trees as are fit to plant in the Fail P. S.—Persons who were famished with trees last Spring that were warranted to grow, can have the sante replaced that missed. (ocl3] MISS. VERY FINF., INDEEDI mo our fine and extensive stook of Photo graph Albums and Photograph Card Pictures, we have added a BEAUTIFUL ENVELOPE for the reception of card pictures. They must be seen and will be admired 4th-Photographers supplied . at the very loweet whole Bale price, and their card printed upon themfor gl thousand, wholesale and retail. at maw 14 SCRUFFER'S BOOK TOM, QUEENS and GLASSWARE. a well se , lected assortment, just received, of the latest styles jylS ROVER & iCOERPER, SAP SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Apple, Nut meg awl New York State Cheese, just received et 333:18.0' & FRAZIER, roy3 zuccessors to W Dock, Jr., & ALPHABET BLOCKS r / AND HOUSE BUILDING BLOCKS, FOB sale at ' SOHEPPIER'S BOOKSTORE, octl 21 South Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa. IgEW BOOK - THE SHOULDER .L' STRAPS 4311 DAYS OY SHODDY .rnat received u WSJ SCHEFFEWS BOOKWORM' OLDER VINE G AR—Pure Cider Vinegar %./ can be bought by the barrel or HMO quantity. at iflB ItOirgß k KOWA/Mg. Fl=4 44lEl'B me d mewed .an '5O widgi-Joewcaasa miw ,. T ia r4 laud SIVISSPOPIaraiI° 4110issalit tut iisC *a -I W6 - - DIAZ .1111.1 • "THE UNION-NOW AND FOREVER." CILOAKS 9 , Cireulars, CLOAKS t BEWOHE AND MOURN7NG SH AWLS J. MISS UARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 15, 1864 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS When will Wonders Cease THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE WORLD.! DR. McBRLDE'S KING OF PAIN WILL cure any ache or pain in from one to sixty minutes It acts like magic upon the absorbent kr_d glandular systems, reducing swellings and regulating the secretions and excretions. It is of a diffusive, penetrating nature, exerts its influence from the periphery to the centre of the nervous organism, thence by reflex action its power is felt throughout the engin system, restoring the circu-. Wing fluids and checking disease with invincible strength. THE KING OF PAIN IS INFALLIBLE! No Matter what the pain. apply the medicine and you will God instant relict, It Is an internal and external sure. THE RING OF PAIN Cures almost instantaneously, Headache, Earache, Neu ralgia, Deafness, Sore Throat, Colds, Bronchial Affections, Asthma, Dyspesia, Diarrhcea, Dysentery or Bloody Flux, Liver Complaint, Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Bladder and Genital Organs, Crianp, Cholic and all spasmodic pains, Fever and Ague, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains and wounds of every description. It proves itself the mastery, as the testimony of thousendsprove its meritorious worth. Sold, wholesale and retail, by S.. A. KUNKEL, druggists, Sole Agents, 118 Narket street, garrisburg. SOLDIERS READ! The following letter from a soldier, in reference to the cp nfficacy and powerful restorative sditities of DR- Mc- BRIBE'S KING OF FAIN, speaks for itself : Narturiur, Ccaninatzaan Sept. 14, 1864. ) Messrs: S. A. Kunkel & Bro.; druggiskffarriskurp, Pa.: Gloms :—I would inform you that I received the bottles of Mcßride's Great Pain Killer, and enclosed please find five dollars ronre for which send me five bottles addition al to-morrow. I leave for camp • to-morrow. Let me know whether you can supply me with it in the army. I am in !Company la, 207.41 negintent P. V. I have been in very-bad health for upwards of four yeses, and two of the one-dollar bathes have cored me completely, and have made me feel like a man. Besides, I have cured a num ber of my comrades of various diseases incident to camp life, and can recommend it to be the beat medicine the soldier can provide for himself. Yours respectfully, ./i33. E. WRITE. lye All orders from a distance promptly attended to by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO. : • A HOME CERTIFICATE. The followic.g certificate in from a well-known citizen of Harrisburg • Hakinsacitc, Aug. L'O, 1864. To sws Poetic :—lt. gives me great pleasure to recom• mond ,to the public the medicine prepared by DR. J. J. hieBRIDE, which he calls die "KING OF FAIN." I was induc4d to use it as au external remedy for a bruise, which it relieved Immediately, and subsequently cured entirely. Its success induced tee to use it internally for Diarrhoea, urth which I was afflicted In a chronic form for nearly eighteen months, and to such an extent that my kidneys were seriously deranged. The medicine has cured me. and certainly that is saying a great deal halts favor, when I reflect how many other remedies- I tried- without experi encing auythins but temporary relief. For my part, I shall always keep a supply of it in my house, believing as I do that it is a most invaluable faniily medicine Tao unmampled isdo of tine medicine proves it to be the meet wonderful discovery of the ago in the medical art. The ueders4,rned are the Bole agents for the State., and 69pply it whag . tEssaleagl. rtr t :t i; o,uggiEts, hovls:i 118 Market etreel ? Harrieburg. IPLIERIS DAILY LINE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA. hock Haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Nun, ey, Uniontown, Watsontown, Milton, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Treverton, Georgetown. Lykenstown, Millersburg, Halifax,Dauphin, AND 11.AitRISB The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, the drayage will be at the lowestratet The Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of all goods intruateci to the tine Goods delivered at the de pot of WILLIAM E. DIME, gig Market street, Philadelphia, by o'clock P, IL, will be delivered in Rat riabirg the nest morning. Irtatight Always sta Low ate by Any Other ILdne. 308. DIONTGOMMBY a co., Mb&lphla and Readirig Depot, Foot of Market street, Harrisburg, oct2l-tS riANNED F E IIIIITS OF EVERY DESO4.IF k/ • TON sAucics of all the celebrata4 manufacturer% . OLWE OLW i . , . MUSTARDS, o ertea7 description. MSc. BROWN STOUT, FINE TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR and SIRUP of all grades and prices, and the best selected stock. outside of Philadelphia. All goods guaranteed as represented. Particular attention paid to all orders from a distance. Goods carefully packed and delivered to all parts of the silty ,free of charge, SRLSLER .t FRAZER, ".111.96 successors to W. Dock. Jr_ & NEW LIQUOR STORE riPORTANT TO LANDLORDS AND cryillaS,—The underggned offers It whok,sals, to the trade, a. choice lot of the but Liquors ever brought to Hannshurg, viz: French Brandies, Holland Gins, Scotch, frisk Bourbon, Wheat and Oht Bye Whisky; Forte 4 n and 0077egiC: WWI, such as Champagne, Caret, Catenefea, All liquors warranted, as represented. Landlords and others will find it to their advantage to call and ex amine the assortment at the store, on South Socond street, two doors below Chestnut. xi:Tr-demo 403RGE WarrE,B,S - VINE EOMANO BRFRRY, imported 1948. Warranted the Finest Sherry Wine in tth ittrr ?•,1*•onOe rt. nag= MAZER, r to Wee. Bra*. fT k Q® . ) /VIESS SHAD and FINE - NEW MACK EREL, just received, at Iylll - BOYER & KOERPER. \TEW FLSEI."--New No. 1 and 2 Mackerel 121 in barrels, ball' barrels andkltta, and by the pound, s at rang6l %LEW& FRAZER. EITRA FAMILY FLOITR. and CORN MgAkalwaya on hand, of the beat quality, at BOYER & ,KOKRPER. Q ALMON. —Fine salt Salmon, at C 1 nage. SRIRLER & FRAZICR. CABIPAIGN TORCHES, Manufactured and for sale by J. HALL ROHRMAN, scS2B-6t SOS Cherry street, Philadelphia. IXTIN DOW SASH FOR SIJ.JE. —l6B lights, V!` oxl4. well semoned. Inquire of G. Ft BENDER, ae29-St* At kiiealer's Liquor store, Market at. A NEW SUPPLY of FRESH SMOKE./ -Dm DAMS, iust received this morning, at MISLED & FRAZER. Soctessors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co NEW MAOKEBEHL, ERRING AND SAL LI .11 freiv4l ROVVIR /fr ZOUITIMVR WRENCH OTTALK AND PENCILS, Suitable for Banks, Offices, Ato. At Scheirer's Bookstore, Harrisburg: Pa. aetß I'NGLISH BREAKFAST TEA.--,Ruit, re- Au Calved, Woe chest of English Breakfast Tea, at SHISLER & FRAZER'S. !.(Stmoompre to Wm. Dock. Jr.l AFRESH supply of Miehener's Oelehrated Sugar Cared 'llama and ritiedlieer, nnitfil BIITRB a KiNERPIat IGICONOMY MESS SHAD.—We received a .12a fresh iet, this morning, at Haas. • • 240Y1p. Lk EWER'S Ir7CCIESTEIN& Fra -mo, sropeas W. orsto trook,L *.tict.., haom on hand lit Omen hickory hats Ptah SO 60 pa. doom 1 41 • PEKIMIL-43hoiee OMArt th,,/ notoit im us "AMERICAN REMEDIES," lINOWF sitEILMBOLDIS" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ ETELMBOLD ETTRACI2' 841R34PARILLA, MELMBOLD IMPROVED ROME WASH. FIELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" FLUID, EXTRACT BUCHIJ 3 PEE lair* SPECIFIC EMMY XOB m3BOBB YllOl BLADDER, ILIDNEYS, GRAVEL rrMedicine increases the power • of IX etios, and excites the. ABSORBENTS into healthy action, by which the WATERY or CALCNROUS deposi tions, and all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are re duced, as well as pain and inflatunation. and is good for MEN, WOMEN or CHILDREN. . : REMOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Ar',Stag from Eacoosses, Rabita of Dlusipatlon., Early la alseration or Abuse, ATFFZU)=> WITE TILE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS. Indisposition to Exertion, Dryness of the Skin, Lioss of Memory, Loss of Power, Week Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, Horror of Disease, Trembling, Dimness of Vision, Wakefulnees, Universal Lassitude of the Pain in the Back Muscular System, Flushing of the Body, Hot Hands, Eruptions on the Face. Pallid Countonace, If Thwo symptoms, if allowed to go on, which tins ;mall cino invariably romovee, soon fellow DINIEL Wt1:1" IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EINGEPTIC FITS, In ono of whioli the patient may orplro, Who tan Eity that they are not frequently follOwtA ^bllt these "direful ditioxv36," INSANrri AND CONSUMPTION Many are aware of the cause or their mattering; but none will oonfeea The records or the insane asylums and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, boar ample wit• near. to the truth of the assertion. THE CONSTITUTION, ONCE AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medkine to strengthen and Invigorate the system, Which Helmbold , s Extract Buohn invariably does. A trial will convince the moat skeptical. MMXS--FEDIELLEI3---FEBTATAMS OL OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR COMM. In many elections peculiar to [melee the Extract Be' chu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Ch/creels or Retention, Irregularity, Paistitlness, or sappreEelon. or the customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schlrrous state of the' Uterus, Leueorrhea or Whitea, Sterility, and for all com- plaints Incident to the sea, whether arising Coo m Incliacrel Boni HORS of Dissipation or in the NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT Take no Balsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant Med Mine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Meets—ea Cures Secret Diseases in all their stages; at little expense; little or no anneals' diet; no inconvenience and no expo aura It causes frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and Wm mation, eo frequent in this class of diseases, and expelling Polsonous„ Diseased, and Wornout Matter. Thousands upon thousands who have been the victims of quacks, and who have paid heat" , fees to be ua &Short time, have found they were,deceived, and thin the "Poison" has by the use of "powerful istnng.ents,?' been dried up in the system, to break oat in an aggravated form, and perhaps after marriage, Use HE. BOLD'S EXTRACT RUCHE' for all Affections and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, fronawhatever cause originating, and no matter of how king standing. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of a Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU is the Greet Diuretic, and it is certain to have the desired elect. In all Diseases for which it IS recom mended. Blood--Blood—iSlood. Helmbold's Highly Concentra ted Compound FLUID EXTRACT SARSA.PARILLASIPHI US: This is an at Motion agile Blood, and attacks the Sexual Organs, In rings of the Nose, Ears, Throat, Wind pipe and other blentm Surfaces, making its appearance in the form of Ulcers. Helmbold's Extract Sarsaparilla pu iiiies the Blood, aud removes all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, giving to thie Complexions Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepared expresslyer r this class of complaints, Its Blood-PurifyingProperties are preserved to a greater extent than any Other preparation of Sarsaparila. An excellent bunion for diseases of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an injectiosi in diseasee .of the Urinary Organs, arising from habit's of dissipation, used in connection with the Extracts Buchn and Sarsaparilla, in such diseases as recommended. Evidence of the most responsible end re liable character will accompany the medicines, CERTIFI. CATES OF Ml= from eight to twenty years standing, with names known to Science and Fame. For lifecliW Properties of Botha, see Dispensary of the United States. See Professor DENVER'S valuable works on the Practice of Myrna See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. PHYSICS, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. EPHRAIM IIoDOWELL, a celebrated Physician and mem ber of the Royal College of Surgeons, and published in the Transactions of the King's 'and Queen's Journal. See Medico-Chirurgical Review, published by BENI. TRAVERS, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. The most of the late standard worts on Medicine. Extract of Bnchu, $1 00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5 00. Extract or Sareaparilla, $1 00 per bottle, or Six for $5 00. Ira. proved Rose Wash, 50 cents per bottle, or six for $2 so or half a dozen oath for $l2 00, .which will be sutlicient to cure the most obstinate cases, if directions art.; adhered to. Delivered to any address, securely packed from ob servation. Describe symptoms in all communications. Cures guaranteed. Advice gratis AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared WON me 114 Aldermen of the city of Philadelphia, B. T. Relmbold, who, being duly eworn, doth my, hes preparations contain no narcotic, no mer ..catry, or other ilkillliCaLS drop. and ate rrei g iaMe : SWOIII and embenibed beibre Sad Mid' of No-: Mosher, MIL mA_Dai wx ' . P..HIBBARD • Alderman, Ninth strass‘sh. Pace, Ph MOW letters far bifurcation T Chemist. so r MP* I Qlik are* 110101 _ Obcdaltt.. Philadel• 08.1inft MEDICAL. 'THE GREAT 11E'LMBOLD EXTRACT "B 001117," COMPOUND AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. FO] WEA,KNESSES PLATING MARRLIGE MOLINE OR ORANGE OP LIFE. HELKBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCEM, HELIIBOLD'S BOSE WASH.. —Webster. PRICE THREE CE.ITS. EVENING EDITION. A LETTER FROM SEA. The following . , letter, written by a gentle man who participated in the capture of the pirate Plorida, will be read with interest, inas much as the ,writer—knoNsur as "Tom W. Brown, comic Vocalist,"--was recently a flar risburger : U. S. STEAMER "WLowszT-T," At Sea, Oet. 1.1, 1864. r Eorree. TELLEGRAPIL-As I. believe I am the only person from the city of Harrisburg on this steamer, t think it but just that I should let my friends and others know something about the affair with the rebel steamer Florida. The Florida hove in sight on -the night of the 4th of October, at 9P. M. She steamed into the harbor, and anchored about two miles outside of us. We sent a boat to her, and our Acting Ensign, Barclay, hailed the steamer, and she answered she was the United States steamer "Florida," and in return . Mr. Barclay answered he was an _officer from Her British Majesty's steamer Curlew, (English,) and put back to the ship immediately. We made every preparation to follow after her if She - steamed out. We had steam ready in twenty minutes. We lay and watched her all night. The next morning at daylight she hoisted her Sag—secesh —which is always cus tomary when a vessel comes into port at night. The Brazilians hoisted theirs, but as we do not recognize her we did not hoist ours till 8 o'clock, the usual time, and we hoisted one she could sea. At sr. is., ou the sth inst., she steamed up close under the land, and commenced taking coal and water, and giving her men liberty. On the night of the sth they sang secesh songs, and we sang. Union ones, and then done the same again on the night of 6th. Our Consul, Mr. Wilson, tried to have her ordered out. They ordered her out in 48 hours, and when 30 were up they extended the time to five days, and as nothing was defi nite they were trying to have their vessel con demned and sold, and a mock sale would un doubtedly have taken place if she had remain ed in port. On the sth Mr. Wilson took a challenge to her from Capt. Collins, but they would not accept it. Our boys wore crazy for a fight. On the night of the 6th the officers held a council with the Captain. Mr. Wilson was present, and after a debate of two hours the Captain consented-to run her down and sink her. We had all hands to quartera. Captain Collins mustered us all on the , berth deck, read a prayer, forgave all former misdemean ors, told us hat we were going to do, and not One MAIL' alaowed cowardice., 'We got up steam to about 20ths, and lay quiet, 'each and every man at his station. At 5 o'clock, with steam at 30ths to the square inch, and a splen did vacuum, the order' was given to "slip," Qat go the anchor,) which was not heard. Four bells Irma atmak, for tho , maittea_to atart at fill speed. At the same time away we went, eveiy . thing open, under a full head of steam, dragging our anchor; but that soon parted, and. we struck the Florida on the starboard quarter, carrying away her mizzen-mast and main-yard. the rebel officer hallooed, "Port our telm!" and "back her! back her!" but he soon found out what was the difficulty.' They surrendered—the First Lieutenant, Porter, bringing the Captain's sword, pistol cap, etc. and gave them up. The Captain —Morris'- it is believed swam ashore, , as — his bed was found all mussed, and his clothes lying on a chair in his cabin. Many of her men swam ashore, and some were ashore on liberty. As we passed the Brazillians they piped all hands to quarters, and as we were putting a hawser to her to tow her out, the three forts, a sloop of war, and a man-of-war steamer, (Brazillian,) fired upon ns, but we got clear, and were at sea by daylight. The sloop and steamer gave chase, but why they did not follow I think you know vary well. We. could see the coast was lined with small craft. We put all her hands (prisoners,) in double irons, but the officers were paroled, with the privilege of the decks during the day, having signed an agreement to be honor able, but a strict watch was kept on them coro3tantly, and every one of our officers armed. T'he Florida has eight guns, all rifled, two piVot and sir broadside. I will not give you any description of the vessel, as you will have it all by the Philadelphia and New York papers. We had three wounded—your humble ser vant, (Engineer's Yeoraan,) in the neck the ball passing beneath my chin, coming out at the back of the neck. Your very obedient servant. i CH A correspondent of the London Morning Post says that the Davenport "manifestation" of tying and untying is an old trick among the Indians of the northwest coast of America. He was traveling in Oregon in 1894, and met a certain Thomas McKay, who had been in the Hudson Bay Company's service. This Mc- Kay told the following story of an adventure of his some, years before : "There was a camp of of Kisqually Indians near °tut, and amongst them was a famous medicine man or conjurer, as you would call him. That chap could tell everything that was going to happen for a hundred years to come, I believe ; so Mr. Ogden determined to consult. him. Well, we all went to his lodge, which was made the same as the Sioux made theirs, with poles covered over with Buffalo skins. His as well as others, was round, in the shape of a sugar-loaf, about twelve feet across, and about twelve feet high, and at the top of it he had got a parcel of bells hung. There was nothing in the lodge when wo went in only himself squatted in the middle of, and a bundle of buffalo robes lying against the wall of the lodge. These we afterwards lifted up, and were quite sure that no one was hid under them. Mr. Ogden told him that we had come to consult him as a great medicine man about something that we wanted to know. He was almost naked, having nothing on but a buffalo robe over his shoulders and a cloth about his loins. "Liter Dir. Ogden had spoken he went Um' a lot of mano3llV6rB and antics, which he called 'making medicine;' and then, although it was a perfect calm, not a breath of wind moving, the lodge commenced rocking violently from side to side, at times lying almost prostrate, as if it was blown down by a gale of wind, and thou rising up and going down on the other side, and all this tints the bells were clashing an__4olangiz a. aigibrillog a terrible row; then of en giving became perfectly still, and hi tohtne togo outside and selfwhat• was on' top of the lodge. When we went Ant= side we looked immediatelyfor tie* the lodge, het there was net a soul, and no one; Gould have been bid; fir i 4 was.on quite 11bAre STRAI PRINTING OFfICL ArriTIMIIING aATKB—DAILY TZLEGUPII. The following are the intee for adVertillntin the Thin dawn. Those having eAteastlidng to do will And it con venient /Or referenee: SFEr• - Foar Ilnee or less onnatituto =and 1 6V:Fr 004 lint; of more than Mar, conetnate a equare. PDX .k aim 80.t.z.b.1 ion on lquas • One day 1 10 One dap' 4 "20- Two days .. 60 Two days__ ~.. ' .. 100. Three ..... ..... 75 Three ' 'l. 25 One wee&days 1 25 One wedek . aye ... ...... 225 Qom month... Tw6Moutba. 'nulife mouths One month Two months Three montba..... a 00 4 50 5 60 5“ 111013418 Six DlOlitilß.... 8 00 One year lar3 Ogle j,43fC AdmiaLstration Nota hfsaiiitgeNotices Auditor's Notices- 160 lium: Notices, each insertion so mar - Buelinim notices inserted in the Load Colwyn, or before Marriages and Deaths, &WIT QOM rea Liss for each inertias. piece of prairie and not a bush near it. We looked' on the top of the lodge, as he had told us, and there was a white crow, which certainly had not been there when went into it. "So we returned to him and told him what we had seen; then he said, 'Now tie me up as close 'es you can, so that I cannot get away, and take your own ropes; for we thought it was a bit of humbug, and were going to use his old ropes, co we got our good lassoes and larrets (horse hair ropes) and took his Buffalo robe off him, and tied him up. First we tied his he.uds behind his back—he was squatted on his hams and heels—and we tied his legs together, and his hands to his legs; then we tied a rope round his body and bound him all up in a heap as it were, and knotted the ropes at every turn, so that one would think it would take a man at least half an hour to cast him adrift. Well, then somebody proposed that we should tie him in the'net; this was a seine net that we had at the camp; so we rolled him up in it, knotted the ends together, and also secured them again with rope. He then asked us to put his knife near him; this we did, laying it down about a yard from him, as he was lying looking like a ball of net. He told us to go out of the lodge, and not look in again until we heard the bell ring. "When we got out we looked on the top of the lodge for the white crow, and had hardly noticed that it was gone before we heard the bell. ' We rushed in, and there was the Old beggar seated in the middle of the lodge as we had seen him at first, with his buffalo robe on, and looldng as if nothing had happened to him, and on his shoulder was the white crow. He then .told us to go out again, and this time we were out perhaps five minutes—hut when we went into the lodge again there he was tied up looking just the same ball of net as we had left him the first time . Bllt, the white crow was not to be seen. He told us then to untie him, which we did, and a prteioits long timeit took us to . do it, for ho was so firmly tied and knot ted up. After ho was free he sat for a short time, apparently to recover his strength. and then began making medicine again.; where upon, as before, the lodge waved, the bells rang, the white crow came in and flew in rapid flight, circling round the old man's head, and then all became still again, and perched itself upon his shoulder. Then he said, "Now you may ask -me what you want to know; so Mr. Ogden said, 'We wish to know when Mr. ld'Tavish and his party will be here.' The answer was, 'On the third day from this, at half an hour before sunset, you will see him and • his party coming down the hill.' The next question was, 'Where is he now ?' The answer, 'They are encamped upon a certain creek,' naming IL He was then asked, 'What has delayed them so long?' and ho answered that-they had been detained in the mountains fermi daysby snow. Well, sir, on the third day front that, just about half an hour before enu set, sure enough there we saw the party coining down the hill, and when they got into came they told us that three days before they haa been camped upon the creek that was named by the —a eu.4 thear.bad been de tay-ed in the mountains four days by snow." Important to Persons Sending Packages to the Army. Tos, Noir. 14. A large number of packages intended for the army arrive at the Washington post office with their wrappers destroyed, or the address so mutilated that they cannot be forwarded, and are therefore necessarily sent to the dead letter office. It is officially suggested that persons send ing such packages should write en a card the full address and fasten it securely to the con tent of the package inside the wrapper, and this will secure prompt delivery. The Rebels Beginning . to Trent- 1:221 FOBTEESS MONROE, Nov. .13 The Richmond papers of Friday, Nov. 11th, urge upon their readers the necessity of being prepared for startling news from General Sherman, and it appears evident, from the tone of their editorials of the same date, that they are already in possession of intelligence from this source, which they are withholding from the public. Explosion and Loss of Life. WASHINGTON, Nov. 14. Information received to-day states that the "Tuligh" attached to the Potomac flotilla, ex ploded her boiler, on Friday, down the river, and caused a frightful sacrifice of life. Of the sixty-five persons on board, only ten can as yet be accounted for. Arrest of the Lieutenant Goo= ernor of Kentucky. INCINNATL, Nov. 13. Lieut. Goy. Jacobs, of Kentucky, left for Washington to-night, In charge of United States officers, as a political prisoner. Honor to Lieutenant Cushing. STB.cusr, N. Y., Nov. 12. Lieutenant Cushing, the hero of the Alber merle affair, ivas serenaded at the Syracuse House this evening. A large nrimber of citi zens joined in paying him a complimentary visit. Markets by Telegraph. PEaLA3)MPECIA, Nov. 14 There is very little doing in any depart. meat. Cotton held 3o higher. Clover seed is wanted at $l2 50. Flax seed at $3 40. Petroleum quiet. We quote crude at 43( 44d: refined in bond at 67668 e, and free at 85@ 88c. There is but little demand for flour and only 1,200 bbls sold at $lO 00®10 50 for su perfine, $ll 00®11 25 for extra, and same figures for northwestern extra family, and $l2 50®13 00 for Penn's extra family and family. In rye flour anti corn meal, nothing doing. The receipts of wheat are liberal, but the deniand has fallen off sales of 3,000 bus at 62 60 for red, and $2 80 for choice. Ken tuckyrye scarce, and commands $1 70®1 72. Corn comes forward slowly, and yellow com mands 61 80. There is a good demand for oats ; 3,000 bushels sold at 90c. No change in groceries or provisions. Whisky limited; request sales 200 bbls Ohio at $1 7701 78, and a drudge at $1 75. Stocks firm. Coffee firm et 45i®4.6 for Eio. Now York Stock Market. Stooks lower; Chicago and Rock Island 103 i; Cumberland preferred 62; Illinois Central 1301; Michigan southern 764; ditto guarani. teed 46; York Central 127; Radius 1.40; INdon, river,l234;Canton - Co. 35; Ittisibuirk. 6111; Brie 1031; Gold 20 ; ale WlrgO te . cater 961; Treasury's 11.4;l'ive-twenties 11 .* ;' Registered Wit Colima 6'a /0841. .. 600 . 9 136 .. 11 GO 1100 26w MUM NEW Yawl; Nov. It. ESE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers